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Die Schweiz mit den unsichtbaren Mauern sowie Stacheldraht...Adolfa Widmer-Schlumpf....Die Schweiz ein Paradies für Fremdenhasser....DIE "UNO" muss das Nest der nazzios stoppen und
überwachen. Die schweiz mit den unsichtbaren

In der Schweiz werden alleAsylsuchenden immer öfter als kriminell abgestempelt, ob er einer ist
oder nicht, oft entscheidet das Gesicht. Die Deutschen werden in der
Schweiz (rein)gelassen, ohne wenn und aber, weil sie halt haben, das
gleiche Milchgesicht. Sie indentifizieren sich mit seiners

...Kein Wunder das Adolfa Widmer-Schlumpf IhreFerien im NORDEN Europas bucht....

Die Schweiz = Terrorstaat

...einekünstlich hergestellte Menschen abzuschrecken und
zu verwirren. Das Volk wird verarscht und gezwungen Neuroleptikas zu
schluken. Nebenwirkungen. Angstsörungen, SChock, Panikattacken, Mord
durch unsichtbaren WAffen.

Schauen SIe ab der 12 Min.

"688dcVfKnrnZObHf3Xndpyni70g", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

AufGrund meiner Erfahrungswerte, kann ich bestätigen, dass
die Schweiz physische und psychische Folterungen vornehmen, in den
eigenen Wohnungsräumungen und irgendwo. Man hat mir aller Menschenrechte
entzogen, deshalb verurteile ich die Schweiz als neues Holocaust -
"Alpenschwitz". Die Schweiz wird ohne Ufsichtsbehörde der UNO zu einem
neuem NS Regime. Die Schlumpf ist auf Grund geisteskranken rechtextremen
Auffassung nicht urteilsfähig. Ich Empfehle eine sofortige Entlassung
und eine Gehirnwäsche vorzunehmen, den es stinkt von der rechten Gehrin
Seite aus.......

Wussten Sie, dass Neuroleptikas zu denchemischen nonlethalweapons gehören. Der Staat würde am liebsten allen
"Neuroleptikas" verschreiben und mit uns "mind control" praktizieren.
Sie können ohne das wir wollen und ohne das wir es merken uns als
"Versuchkaninchen" oder "Frankenstein" mittels Schallwellen,
Mikrowellen, Ultrawellen, Infrawellen für Forschungszwecke benutzen.

"688dcg2FLtlx0v4rjkPDoQ-g1yQ", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

"688dc7bMK0b9AMO2K92rO6ke2RA", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'> href="">"688dcd9hN1pm1Rl0gI2RbBH7CrQ", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

VorstationBasel-Auschwitz, endstation Alpen"schwitz", au au
07.Juni um 19:25 · Gefällt mirGefällt mir nicht mehr ·

dasakustische Schallgerät ist in Basel zu einem Volkssport geworden.
Hetzjagt gegen Ausländer ! SOS SOS SOS.....

Die Schweiz versuchtein Skandal zu vertuschen !

*Vorbemerkung: In diesem Text wird viel zitiert,vor allem aus folgendem Grund: In Deutschland und der Schweiz kennen
manche Sicherheitsorgane Mikrowellen-Waffen und -Verbrechen (angeblich)
nicht, obgleich diese Waffen in diesem Land nachweisbar bereits
entwickelt und verkauft werden. Sie halten Opfer solcher Waffen sowie
Wissenschaftler, die dar... Mehr anzeigenüber berichten - trotz aller
Fakten und Beweise - für Spinner oder Geisteskranke. Es dürfte jenen
Behörden jedoch etwas schwerer fallen, die zitierten international
anerkannten Experten und Redakteure angesehener Zeitschriften ebenfalls
für verrückt zu erklären. Alle wesentlichen Aussagen erfolgen in
deutscher Sprache, die entsprechenden Belege werden häufig in der
internationalen Fachsprache Englisch zitiert.

"688dcmYQekkNDfGrztHA-nRH40w", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

DieSchweiz versucht ein Skandal zu vertuschen !

Schon 1990 hattenExperten des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes vor Directed Energy Weapons
gewarnt, die gegen Menschen eingesetzt werden: "Versuche haben gezeigt,
dass starke Mikrowellenpulse als Waffe gebraucht werden k... Mehr
anzeigenönnen, um den Gegner kampfunfähig zu machen oder sogar zu
töten... Durch die Verwendung speziell angep...aßter Sendersysteme
können (leistungsfähige) Generatoren prinzipiell so hohe Energiemengen
übertragen, dass damit Mahlzeiten auf eine Distanz von mehreren hundert
Metern gekocht werden könnten. Es ist jedoch wichtig festzuhalten, dass
auch mit relativ geringen Energiemengen die tödlichen oder
wehrlosmachenden Effekte dieser Waffen zu erwarten sind. Sender, die
speziell arrangiert werden [u.a. Intelligente Sendersysteme, R.M.],
ermöglichen es, die Strahlungsenergie auch auf sehr kleine Bereiche des
menschlichen Körpers zu konzentrieren, zum Beispiel den Hirnstamm, wo
bereits geringe Energiemengen tödlich sein können... Obwohl
Forschungsarbeiten meist streng geheim gehalten werden und entsprechende
Veröffentlichungen nur selten erscheinen, wurde bereits demonstriert,
dass schon sehr geringe elektromagnetische Strahlung die Funktion
lebender Zellen merklich zu verändern scheint. Forschungsarbeiten haben
auch krankmachende Effekte enthüllt - ähnlich der Wirkung hochgiftiger
Substanzen -, die sogar durch sehr geringe elektromagnetische Strahlung
entstehen, besonders, wenn die elektromagnetischen Wellen in
verschiedenen Frequenzen gepulst sind... Elektromagnetische Wellen, die
ähnlich normalen Gehirnwellen moduliert sind, scheinen die
Gehirnfunktionen gefährlich beeinflussen zu können...Solche gegen
Personen gerichtete Waffen, die auf biophysikalischen Prinzipien
basieren, können ähnliche Wirkungen hervorrufen wie Nervengas, aber sie
würden keine beweisbaren Sekundärschäden oder andauernde Spuren
hinterlassen" (Doswald-Beck & Cauderay 1990, S. 573-574 [7],
deutsche Übersetzung R.M.)

Sie fragen sich, was das alles mit derSchweiz zu tun hat, ich und die Schlumpf kennen die brutale Wahrheit
!!! Die NS Zeit besteht noch heute, nur in einer ganz modernen Art.
Unsichtbar und sehr diskret.

Man kann heute nicht mehrunterscheiden, ob ein unerw... Mehr anzeigenünschter MENSCH, egal in
welchem Land, jedoch mit Sicherheit auch in der (schweiz), gelll
schlumpf, einer krankeitsbedingten Psychose oder einer simulierten,
durch die Behörden, mittels akustischen Schallmaschinen erzeugten
Psychose erkrankt sind oder gar in den Selbstmord getrieben wurden. Oft
tragen diese Menschen kein Stern tetowiert, noch schlimmer, SIE werden
mundtot gemacht und als geisteskrank und psychotisch abgestempelt. Eine
Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mensch und Maschine = Kantonspolizei -
Kriminalpolizei - Bundesbehörden = alles unter einem Dach = Staatsterror

Diekünstliche Polizeipsychose ab der 12 Min. des folgenden Links

"688dcOUMFpwHLprbrX1oe64CHSQ", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

WisstIhr, der Staat hat alle technische sowie chemische Mittel um ein Mord
zu vertuschen. Staat - Forscher - Mediziner - Totenschein, dies gilt
auch für die Schweiz besonders für die SCHWITZ. Der Staat umgeht alle 10
Gebote, man könnte meinen, diese Gebote wurden nur für das Volk
geschaffen !!!

Der Staat nimmt sich das "Recht", über Menschen zuurteilen, sie zu verurteilen und schlussendlich zu ermorden. Wer denkt,
dies geschieht nicht in der Schweiz, der hat ziemlich verschlafen,
liebe Frau Graf, wachen SIE doch bitte endlich auf ( nonlethalweapon =
Staatsterror). Es gibt immer das erste Mal.......Ihre Ombudsmänner
führen Sie um die Nase oder ins Bett ??? Oeffnen SIe endlich die Augen..

Vorallemmit den Basler mache ich gerade Psychoterror durch, ein richtiges
Volkssport mit den Schallwellen. Hinterlistiges psychische und
physischer Terror. Am 1 August 2009 wurde ich so stark beschallt, das
ich an Herzrythmusstörungen gelitten habe. Die Kantonspolizei Basel mit
Ihren Foltermethoden, draussen und zuHause. Das ist kein Witz !!!!

Einrichtiges Stalking Verein diese Basler.....Passt gut auf Ausländer und
Asylsuchende......Die behandeln uns wie Wildschweine auf der Jagd nur
das es Menschen sind und dies 365 Tage im Jahr stattfindet. Es ist zu
einem Hobby geworden, wo das Opfer sich nur über die Medien wehren kann,
dass Wildschwein leider nicht.
10. Juni um 21:05 · GefälltmirGefällt mir nicht mehr ·

Umca. 01h30 wird man zu Hause aufgeweckt durch die Schallwellen, bis in
den frühen Morgenstunden, dies Tag für Tag.....

"Hau doch ab voder Schwitz" heisst die kaputte perverse akustische Software der Basler

Wie das möglich ist, sehen Sie den folgendenLink ab der 12 Min. Diese Schallwellen durchdringen Wände wie Butter...

"688dcTWrd-79zJaIKiv3YD-GaEQ", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

Essind dringend Messgeräte nötig sowie eine neutrale
Untersuchungsbehörde, die Genfer Konvention sowie die Uno einzuschalten.
Amnesty ich bitte Euch dies zu tun für mich....Gempenstr. 10, 4053
Basel ...SOS SOS SOS

Das ist kein Scherz ! SOS SOS SOS ......

ichglaube es nicht, bei Uno in Genf spricht keine Mensch

"688dc-OkUwPMB5FbqxuWD5p0EEg", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

Dieschweizer haben es von dem Amis und den deutschen gelernt

dihlmunition, rheinmetal, eads, oerlikon bührle, medusa usw..., alles
Hersteller von Strahlen Waffen für Polizei und Militär.......STOP NON

Die Strahlen Waffen sind zwar unsichtbar aberirgendwann, kommen diese sadistische Folter Methoden alle ans Licht, man
kann nicht alle f... Mehr anzeigenür Geisteskrank, psychotisch oder
Dumm verkaufen MS Schlumpf !!! Sie könnten bald Ihren teuren Stuhl im
Bund verlieren Frau Schlumpf und wer hat diesen super teuern Stuhl sowie
die Strahlenwaffen finanziert, WIR Ausländer mit Steuern. Denken sie ja
nicht, dass ich noch einen Rappen an Steuern zahlen werden, für dass
ich mich wehrlos Bestrahlen lasse MS Schlumpf !!!!! Irgend wann kommt
alles ans Licht. Es gibt keine Verjährung für Staatsterror !

Ichdenke Bush wäre der richtige Partner für Sie.

"688dckuFsWqctEQVoOZtr5eK1xg", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

Die"Folterstube" im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes und noch selbst finanziert
von uns Ausländer in der Schweiz.......

....nur weil sie sind,eine grosse Organisation, habe sie kein "recht" zu foltern und zu
belügen, die ganze Welt....

Wie viele Lügen "halten" sienoch........ bereit um zu umdrehen der reiner Wahrheit!!!!!!

(MS)Schlumpf, weshalb ziehst du deine Schlümpfe nicht von mir ab ! Macht
dir dieses perverse sadistische Spiel geil, siehst du mich (vielleicht),
so wie im Bigbrother Live ! Würde mich echt nicht wundern, mit Wireless
nicht unmöglich....

Kein Verfolgunswahn, nur eine Vermutung;)

....deine schlümpfe sind mächtig geil darauf, mich fertigzu machen, haben sie nichts besseres zu tun, als unschuldige zu Foltern.
hat diese Folterung den Steuerzahler bereits gekostet ???
Wahrsheinlich lohnt sich das, ein secondo Meili zu haben, wäre nicht so
gut für den Stuhl auf dem Ihr Artschlock sitzt !

Ich weiss, dassich für dich wertlos bin, doch für die schweizer Forschungsdatenbank,
habe ich mich tapfer gehalten und sehr gut gedient, etwas schadenersatz
und meine FREIHEIT hätte ich sicherlich verdient . Du bist ein echt
scheiss Vorbild für dein Sohn....mamamia.....

41 Kommentare genauso alt wie ich, wenn es nach dir bezw dem Staat ginge, sollte ich
bereits vor 18 Jahre unter den Toten liegen, wir wissen Beide, von was
wir reden, auch wenn du damals nicht das kommando in deiner Hand

Scheissees sind 43 Kommentare, aber sehr sehr ernstzunehmende ....Böse Böse
hinterlistige Schlü au au''erland !!!!

Fazit...Diemeisten Menschen lernen die schokoladen Seite bezw. die Oberfl... Mehr
anzeigenächligkeit des Lebens in der Schweiz kennen, dies ist auch
normal so, doch es gibt Menschen, die erleben die hässliche Seite des
Lebens kennen, weil sie mit den Staat und ihre kaltblütige gestabo
selbstsüchtige Karriere geile gesetzeslose Bestien, ohne eine Chance
sich zu verteidigen, konfrontiert werden. Passt auf Eure ausländische
Kinder auf, dass sind die leichten Opfer, den sie können sich nicht
wehren, den Familien erzählen sie (staat) die abgründigste Lügen...

Werdenkt, dass es keine Todesstrafe gibt in der Schweiz, der lebt in
seiner Oberflächligkeit, wie die meisten Menschen auf der Schweiz !!!!

..."haudoch ab" oder "gang go schaffe", nur weil ich kurz vor der IV stehe.
Die gönnen uns die IV nicht, nur weil wir AUSLANDER sind. Sie sollen
doch mal die Schlumpf beschallen, (LRAD, V2K, ADS, MEDUSA and Voice

"688dccv9lDzIurN1nzumLC-dYng", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

Dasist ein SKANDAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Das ist sadistische physischesowie phsycho StaatsTerror !!

es war wieder einmal punkt muss ich die ganzen morgen wach sein und mir die
scheisse anhören

Dies ist ein riesen Skadal, während derKrankheit noch zusätzlich psychisch und physisch gefoltert zu werden ist
unter aller Menschenwürde......

Seit 8 Jahren in unregelmässigenZeit abständen bis Heute wurde ich beschallt, wie viele Opfer vor mir
und wieviele Opfer nach mir wird es geben, bis Amnesty endlich was

Die akustische Schallwaffen werden eigentlichfür Anti - Terror verwendet. Offenbar gibt es keine Terroirsten in der
Schweiz, sodass sie anderwertig Anwendung haben, gell (S)MS schlumpf !!!
Perverse, sadistischen, psycho Folter Spiele gegen Ausländer...Ich
denke nicht, dass Ihr Sohn einmal in so eine SChweinerei gerät!!!

DieSchweiz verkauft nicht nur feine Schokolade, die verkaufen das Volk
auch für super blöd, in dem sie alle 10 Gebote brechen und uns ins Ohr
flüstern "Hau doch ab" oder "gang go schaffe". mit der akustischen
Schallwaffe..., das lieblings Spielzeug der schweizer
Behörden......Schauen Sie ab der 12. Min.

"688dcnMQnbhg3-QNrfot1axMDRQ", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

Jenach stärke der Lautstärke kann es zu schwere Verwirrtheit ,Paraonia
oder gar zu Panikattacken, Selbstmord, Schock bis zum Herzversagen
kommen. Der perfekte Mord durch unsichtbare WAffen.

Ich verrateIhne Dinge, von der anderen Seite der Schweiz, nicht nur die

Die Polizeipsychose mit sensationellen Effektenwie aus Hollywood Filmen, gemacht von den Hippies für Polizei und

"688dc5Oyv5HYcreJNIk2w_-1YYg", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

Wennnur 1 Mensch das liest und sich gedanken macht über deren Inhalt und
fest daran glaubt, ist der erste Schritt getan für die Gerechtigkeit und
des Menschen Würde zu wahren......

Ich fordere Amnesty auf,sämtliche durch die Behörden eingekauften "nonlethalweapon" bezw.
akustischen Schallgeräte und deren Anwendung an Menschen in der Schweiz
aufzudecken und an die Uno sowie Strassbourg weiter zu leiten.
Greenpeace hat es schon lange verstanden, nur "Amnesty Schweiz" braucht
ein bisschen lange.

Greenpeace hat es schon lange verstanden.
"688dc5hM5GnjhJdmW5Rt1S8GJ2Q", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

Amnestyhat es völlig verschlafen und sich von den Ombudsmännchen verarschen

"hau ab du arebeitlose" ....Die gönnen mir die IVnicht.....Natürlich hau ich ab, genau wie von EUCH geplant, nur mit den
Hosen voller Geld, dies war nicht von EUCH geplant, ihr hinterlistige
Blauärsche.......Schlumpf du hast kein Respekt gegenüber kranke
Menschen......und was ist mit den Asylsuchende, alles kriminelle oder
Primaten oder was , alles Ausagen von deinen SVP Freunden?????

P.S.Ich bin weder ein linker noch ein rechter "nur" ein Justizopfer ....

jaja..ichweiss was die Blaustrümpfe jetzt für Ausreden bereit halten; Ich sei
Geisteskrank, ich habe jedoch noch nie ein Geist gesehen; Ich sei ein
Spinner, ich habe noch nie ein Mann gesehen der Spinnen kann, ausser

Es ist ganz einfach herauszufinden ob SIE an einerPsychose oder einer k... Mehr anzeigenünstlich erzeugten Polizeipsychose
leiden. Gehen Sie kurz ins Ausland, wenn SIE nichts mehr hören, dann
erleben SIE ein blaues Wunder, sie werden vom Staat verarscht, aus
irgendwelchen Gründen und werden dan zu Neuroleptikas - Zombis. " Wir
sind die Roboter"

Schauen SIe ab der 12 Minute....DieseSchallkanone gibt es in verchieden Arten und Formen, mit
unterschiedlicher Software aus der Unterhaltungselektronik bestückt, wie
aus den besten Hollywood Filmen. Effekte aus dem jenseits usw

"688dc-4WRTjT-dfNiEGRRDmMBYw", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

Mit der Kraft desSchalls ........

"688dcqE6TEqiMDpPNfNx3-2jNGA", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

WalterMadliger (Switzerland) Experte

Mindcontrol-Experimente anZivilisten / Electromagnetic weapons and human rights

"688dcADfdTOzeKP-FLGz2dWV2sg", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

GermanTranslation by Walter Madliger of Switzerland

"688dcwwrJwzK7UMcuvhgoK4Cahw", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

Esbetrifft unsere bestrahlte Vorfahren, Gegenwärtige und
Nachfahren.....Psychoterror durch den Staat....

Die Schweizerhaben es von den Deutschen und Amerikaner gelernt...

"688dcew90jrhmch8JuPP8gqXPXg", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

P.S.Kemal Kocak ist eingekaufter Schweizer ! Einer von der ganzen schlimmen

Einer dieser Staats -Verbrechernennt sich Kemal Kocak aus Basel, er unterhält Kontakte zu
Staatsbehörden und weiss über die Bestrahlungen bescheid. (SIE)
versuchten mich vor einiger Zeit mit akustischen Schallwellen unter
Druck zusetzen und für den Staat anzuwerben. Da ich eine solche Folter
ablehne, bin ich nicht drauf eingegangen. Ich werde mir weitere SChritte

Die Tricks der Polizei; Zuerst mittels Schallwellen zuverwirren, paranoia zu stimmen, sich an die Verwandten und Familien
ranmachen, rufmord zu begehen in der Nachbarschaft, ein Maulwurf
einzusetzen und systematisch abfertigen. Die fast perfekte Taktik und
das Krankheitsbild einer "künstliche" Psychose. Das Opfer wird in den
ruin getrieben und er wird (mundtot) gemacht und zu Neuroleptikas
praktisch gezwungen.

Die Kosten für Krankenkasse nicht zuvergessen, der selbsbehalt, das Leben ruiniert, unsichtbare Narben, der
physische und psychische langsame Foltertot ????

Ich habe fastnichts mehr zu verlieren Frau Schlumpf, sie haben mir fast alles schon
genommen. Wollen Sie mir noch die IV nehmen oder das Leben ??? Weshalb
sind Sie nicht auf meine Beschwerde eingegangen. Geht es um die Tanja
Koller, wir wissen bescheid Frau SChlumpf !

Liebe Frau Graf, siesollten sich weiterbilden. Herr Walter Madliger kann sie über
"nonlethalweapons" sicherlich aufklären und nicht die Basler
Ombudsmänner, schliesslich geht es um gefährliche "geheime" unsichtbare

"688dc91kdw8vV571_Duf84Gl-7Q", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

Ichbin kein Meili, auch kein Wichtigtuer, auch kein Psychopat, ich bin die
Wahrheit bezw. ein Opfer von vielen in der kleinen verlogenen Schweiz

Die Basler Arsch"leckerlis" sind einem Skandal Fadennahe....

Sielassen mich tags über schlafen und nachts halten sie mich wach, reine
taktik, man kan mich besser kontrollieren. Die dümmste Polzei der

..normales durchschlafen nicht möglich, um ca 01h30werde ich geweckt.....

...sehr offensichtlich, da sie die lizenzzum beschallen haben, hinterlistige angsthasen, die sich hinter ihrer
flüsterei verstecken......sehen sie ab der 12 Min.

"688dcPmpnCWpZIfLzQCdWKHEIpg", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

...Dieneusten rassistischen schall grüessli der Basler"arschleckerlis" ; "der
macht gar nüt das sau pack"......"haut doch ab"......

P.S. Haudoch du ab , hahaha
vor 8 Stunden · Gefällt mirGefällt mir nicht mehr·

wisst ihr, die erwarten, dass ich ihnen in den arschrutsche....
vor 8 Stunden · Gefällt mirGefällt mir nicht mehr ·

...undohne IV Geld abhaue......
vor 2 Stunden · Gefällt mirGefällt mirnicht mehr ·

Heute waren sie besonders unfreundlich unsereWellenreiter(innen)....Sie wollen mir angst einjagen, iin den Wahnsinn
treiben, gar in den Selbstmord ???? Dieses verdammte sau Pack.....sie
können sich nicht mehr beherrschen, die au'schwitz'erlis......Ich werde
ihnen in den Arsch treten......

Wie das möglich ist, mit derakustischen Schallkanone, ab der 12. Min.......

"688dctjeUuLpOWOHP8NuuP0-X5w", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'> anzeigen

Heute waren sie besonders unfreundlich unsereWellenreiter(innen)....Sie wollen mir angst einjagen,in den Wahnsinn
treiben, gar in den Selbstmord ???? Dieses verdammte sau Pack.....sie
können sich nicht mehr beherrschen, die au'schwitz'erlis......Ich werde
ihnen in den Arsch treten......

Wie das möglich ist, mit derakustischen Schallkanone, ab der 12. Min.......

"688dcENblisr-TDgSPabpUxy0lw", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'> anzeigen

"688dc1zTHKQtCbhxz-g0pg2fZ5A", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

"688dcTJ4XOBY2WnAzDWPMHzgSBA", event);' rel="nofollow" target="_blank"'>

SOSSOS SOS............
Read more…
Das passiert in der Schweiz....Bitte Einsteigen, Station
Basel-Auschwitz, Endstation Richtung Freiheit......Durch
"non"lethalweapons" sogenannte "nichttödlichewaffen", ist es durch die
Behörden möglich, Menschen in den eigenen Wohnungen, nicht mehr
Konzentrationslager, mittels Schallwellen auf jeder Art und Weise
psych...isch zu Foltern. Das LRAD eignet sich bestens dafür... ES KANN
JEDEN TREFFEN, es braucht keinen Grund. Zur falschen Zeit am falschen
ORT und schon ist es passiert !!!!! Wenden sie sich an das obere

Solche Folterungen passieren in der ganzen Welt. Meist sind es
rechtsradikale Polizisten....Es kann auch den Juden passieren !!! Das
ist eine ernstzunehmende Warnung. Wir bin der Beweis dafür !!!!!!

Die Folgen; phsychische und physische Abfertigung, Schock, Panikattacken, Burnouts,
Herzrythmusstörungen, Herzversagen, Sensibilisierung des vegetativen
Herzkreislauf bis zum Tod ! Die Folterungen können je nach Alter des
Opfers bis zu jahrelang anhalten!! Die Dosis dieser (Non)lethalenweapons
machen das GIFT ! Der langsame unsichtbare perfekte MORD !

Sehen Sie ab der 12 Min die akustische Schallkanone, die ueberall
Anwendung hat. Sie können auf einmal Stimmen( LRAD ) hören (Jahrelang ), von zu Hause aus oder irgendwo und
denken Sie hätten ein Psychose und werden dan mit Neuroleptikas
Read more…

Rape laws in the State of New York
While I realize that not all ofmy readersare from New York, I wanted to share what I learned last night because I
think it is something that we need to worry about on the anti-human
trafficking front.

New York State Criminal Procedure Law Section60.42 (otherwise known as New York's Rape Shield Law) covers the
protection of rape victims during trial and stipulates what types of
evidence are admissible and what types are not. According to subsection
2, any convictions of prostitution that the victim may have had in the
three years prior to a rape accusation are admissible during the trial
as a defense for the accused.

How does this hurt humantrafficking?

Simply put, if, for instance, a woman who wastrafficked and is being forced into sexual slavery had been caught and
too afraid to speak up about being trafficked due to the large amounts
of fear instilled by her trafficker and subsequently convicted of
prostitution, but is then one day finally able to come forward and put
in a rape charge, she will have trouble proving that she was raped
because of the stigma that goes with being charged with and convicted of

While I am not here to discuss or make a decisionon the moral dilemmas behind prostitution or whether prostitution should
be made legal, I am hear to make a difference in human trafficking.
Such exceptions to the Rape Shield Law in New York State are simply a
hindrance and punishment to those women who are able to escape their
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I Would like to get help for me and my wife we are chipped and arevictims i need info on reporting it and i need to get it found andremoved. we have been kept appart on the frequencies and people havelied to me and they tryed to rape my wife and make her think it wasmyself it was them. A Police officer chipped. I did get them fired theydeserved it then they set me up. people used my name and I didn't knowanything about chips they said they were the F.B.I and the Military andothers it started with the police department. Then I found out therewere Others on here and they started this rape shit so things happenedhere i am 6 years later.. my wife dose not understand the situation theylied to her and try to blame me for it all. I defended my wife theytold me I had had no wright to be with.
so i fought for my wife and myself she was realy the victim in John .nAnubis she dose not know what i had to do. my wife is jennifer and iwould like to report it and get help.

After the police I never belived these people the said there werefamileys chipped the cop lied so much i never belived them. when theysaid it and then they said they were going to rape my wife an i defendedher Jennifer is not at fault.

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I Would like to get help for me and my wife we are chipped and are
victims i need info on reporting it and i need to get it found and
removed. we have been kept appart on the frequencies and people have
lied to me and they tryed to rape my wife and make her think it was
myself it was them. A Police officer chipped. I did get them fired they
deserved it then they set me up. people used my name and I didn't know
anything about chips they said they were the F.B.I and the Military and
others it started with the police department. Then I found out there
were Others on here and they started this rape shit so things happened
here i am 6 years later.. my wife dose not understand the situation they
lied to her and try to blame me for it all. I defended my wife they
told me I had had no wright to be with.
so i fought for my wife and myself she was realy the victim in John .n
Anubis she dose not know what i had to do. my wife is jennifer and i
would like to report it and get help.

After the police I never belived these people the said there were
famileys chipped the cop lied so much i never belived them. when they
said it and then they said they were going to rape my wife an i defended
her Jennifer is not at fault.
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Free For Peace Pink No Charge

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Code For Linking This Page A Page With Others Chipped People I Finaly Found : 2010

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The Walking Dead Men

They wait for you while you are away they will take you while you sleep, They know no love. the dead men no longer have feeling. They will take you with out words. they will make you feel ubserd. lonelyness is the way you will become. you will become. you will never know what love is if you give into the walking dead men.their woman are many all though they may not have a penny. they will leaveyou for dead. time and time again.their words are few. they may tell you they love you. never ever knowing they are really real. you will become a victim of the walking dead men.

she thought this was me it was someone with a some equipment. there rapist these people do this to woman and are scum.

This was written by my wife Jennifer.

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Ok, People Tryed To Do Things To My Wife Last Night They Been Trying This For A While trying to make her do stuff some are Rapest and others are lowlifes they been trying this for years these people should be killed they started this years ago lieing to people trying to act like there me. they thought they were cool trying to make me and her look bad the Goverment of the united states thinks there funny thing is the mentality of America. You wonder why they leave the country and people want to kill them ? It's because of the way they are no one in other Countrys likes the Americans. People in america want to start a problem hide like cowards and bother my Wife. This look good dose it not people in Johnston and Pawtucket are Involved.

So this is america and there filthy ways people say go to america it will be great in other countrys if you do come here and are chipped you will probly just want to kill the americans. most of the americans will say right out. this country sucks. these poeple act like it's a great place to be. America is nothing but a predetermined image and a lie. the freedom in the united states is not real. Is it's a free country ? NO
only for those that are stupid enough to belive the lies.

These others in this web sight are proof enough. the government is currupt the people are no good and this is how they treat the people. harassment invasion of privacy and messing with others wives they have no buisness doing. i got Marryed so they thing there going to go rape my wife or use there equipment to ave her go have sex with someone and come home and tell me about it. these people deserve to die.

Maybe another country will take action against America one day. or the human rights people will wake up and do something about it. untill them these people with there chips will harass people and try to enslave others as they think they will.

what great chipped people. the kindest there are americans. now you know why they sipt on flags and burned them in other countrys. You should also.

The American flag is not fit to wipe my ass with.

If you have any diganty you should shun the american show them no tust. cast them out from your Forigen homes and send them back to whence they came.

head the warrning this and is not free and the government prays on it's own people..

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This is what out government dose to us My wife maybe yours and your children here is picture of what they detail found it and i want to see if there is anything thing other countrys can do about it.

This is America others say it's there neighbors and other people alot of it's your own government.

maybe we can get support here

Please Help The US Stop Our Government

this is what they been trying to d to my wife it's rape through mind controal they try to do it in the real world too and force people...

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£842 TIs as a false flag opperation

£842 TIs as a false flag opperation

It has been the same for all of usto more or less of an extent. I was even left alone for three years. Forme to stay silent would be like I was in a concentration camp and hadwitness some of the worst atrocities imaginable and was one day offeredto be set free.
It was like they were saying here, you can gowe are going to let you go free. That's right we are going to spare youanymore pain. Walking out of that concentration camp and never speakingabout it amounts to being complicit in the horrors taking place. Theymight as well have put an SSuniform on me. I might point out how the camps were put in othercountries to keep it from their population and get around local laws
Of course you still could never believe a word ofwhat is told to you and all we actually have for communication is coverttorture or relief of torture. Maybe
they want to teach us to besubservient, submissive and compliant. A no hands approach, Just coverttorture so the population doesn't catch on. At the same time they areexpanding the definition for psychiatric disorders while using V2K andsupportive covert weapons to augment the microwave hearing effect. Theyare doing the same at the pharmaceutical side developing drugs to alsomake people more compliant, weak and submissive. Are we making your lifesuck? Are you depressed then there must be something wrong with you. Insome cases these drugs(Chemtrails or food additives) can infect thebody with micro particles that will enhance directed energyweapons(DEW's) or remote neural monitoring(RNM). Implants have beenfound and the medical field seems to have been compromised ignoringthere oath, "To do no harm". This is an attack on the public at everylevel imaginable.
What is being done
covertly to us nowwill be done to everyone in the future. No one should have this level ofcontrol and power over another human being. We even ask our selves whatcould I have done to deserve this? The answer is that there is nothingany TI could have done to deserve this torture and attempts on ourlives. There is nothing we could have done to compare with what is beingdone to us. They are torturing and killing us. At the very least takingaway the ability to work and earn a living,
placing us ondisability, destroying personal relationships and destroying our liveswith a covert drawn out slow kill. They will even go as far as to attackthose around us and those we love, even our pets.
The goal isto make people afraid to protest a war or our governments actions. Warsthat all now seem to be instigated and started under false pretenses.Rally the people with falseflag operation. Like the Gulf of Tonkin incident. the false testimonyof weapons of massdestruction by one man that sent us into Iraq and possibly even knowing the Japanesewere coming to attack pearl harbor and did nothing so the carnage wouldinsight the Americanpeople to war. The latest airplane bomber had his father pleadingto stop his son who had been radicalized. He went to his government andeven the CIA but they let him go though with it. We would never haveheard a word about this if the plane had been destroyed instead of
his testicles being burned. North woods was another great idea by theCIA to cause bombings and attacks on American soil, killing civilians,police and military to gain the support for a war against Cuba. We came to thebrink of a nuclear warover Cuba and the bay ofPigs and Northwoods may have provoked these tensions.
Because we have not supported these wars and the subjugation of ourrights we are now the target. They are attacking us and then using our
disorientation and confusion in the beginning to say we are unbalancedand then either discrediting us or having us further attacked andhumiliated by involuntarily being committed in a mental hospital. Wherein my case the attacks continued and were the most brutal. while I wasincarcerated in a place where the doctors and attendants thought theywere helping me. such are the capabilities of covert attacks by directedenergy weapons and I had to pretend I wasn't under attack to bereleased. Our attacks are in a sense further false flag events. In theminds of our oppressors people WILL NOT interfere with the goals of thegovernment, or it's corrupt and illegal activities. If they can not digup evidence of criminal activity in the covert surveillance then thesurveillance will go overt, torturous and if necessary murderous. The FISA courts, laws,weapons and allow for this to be legally happening to us while we areunable to defender selves in court or
face the law enforcementmembers accusing us.
This will only become more abusive.Especially when our accuser is also our attacker. It always does whenthis much power is in the hands of those with power. Also all those thathave been killed by a forced suicide can no longer speak up unless wedo it for them and the suicide statistics support us.
V2Kwhether done overt to waking TIs of covert in our sleep or to oursubconscious needs to be exposed. This is the most secret weaponscomponent of this weapons system
supported by, millimeter wavesurveillance, voice cloning, and (RNM) remote neural monitoring, etc..this weapon and an end to secret courts meant to attack foreign spieswith a surveillance program that can kill.

Peter Rosenholm
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Free For Peace Pink No Charge

Code For Linking This Page A Page With Others Chipped People I Finaly Found : 2010

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Looking for info on More Parasights i think i got a type of worm i may have more than one implant not sure could have 3 all togather. This was setup by a Pawtucket Cop in Rhode Island. I would like to tell my story lease read. read this alot of Swareing and anger over the years. i chose sweeden to post it in a safe place so the USA can not touch it and the sweedish secret police as there called may have read it already... I been contacting Goverments and Human rights people and need some input. im still looking for this cop and these people that started it you may hear me name Anubis and have a problem with that but i was lied to and was forced to protect my Wife Jennifer for year this cop and his scum friends set me up. with these people.

I need some info on who to contact about support groups and reporting stuff this page i made has most of the info on it ya i have some hostility issues with other people that art chipped and have been looking for some of them you may not like some of the words i have used but it has not pervoked them enough to walk up to me yet. these people are cowards. some of them talk alot and never shut up everything i say is turned into a lie by them and they think no one will ever find out i can name 3 basic locations of these people New England, New York and Florida. these are the first 3 regions they would most likely use my name or my voice. I learned the word ( T.I. ) Targed Indevidual not long ago. and never was able to talk to anyone other then this group of cowards. There all on a New England Frequencie.

This Cop I have been looking for is somewhere out there maybe he chipped more people maybe the ones I seek to find. There were a few cops and I go the police report on my web page with all the facts I was never convicted and i was chipped anyway. I never knew they just chipped people to be assholes. I was told it was Becouse of the Situation but i guess that was just an Excuse.
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Dear Department of State,I currently sit on the medical committee of the human rights organization Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance. Our concern is about the growing number of people voicing complaints regarding organized stalking and victimization by weapons based upon the electromagnetic spectrum. Our group has over 600 members and is one of many that exist to counsel and provide information to victims that find themselves in harm’s way due to this phenomenon. I am one of several medical doctors that see this as possible experimentation being perpetrated on a non-consenting public. We know, historically, that the U.S. Government has used the public for experimentation in the past. Examples include prior radiation experimentation, the Tuskegee syphilis study and MKULTRA which have all been exposed through Freedom of Information. Currently, no legislation exists protecting the public from such experimentation. Senator John Glenn attempted to pass legislation requiring the military and intelligence agencies to procure informed consent for experimentation, but it failed.The phenomenon I am referring to is the combination of organized stalking and attack with directed energy weapons with the goal of behavioral modification. For your information, organized stalking is the term used to describe the stalking of a target by individuals unknown to the target for the purposes of harassment and psychological torment. Again, this is not unprecedented and was the technique used by the FBI in its COINTELPRO operations in the 1960s. A recent survey conducted by the Department of Justice on stalking in the U.S has shown an exponential rise in stalking complaints. In addition, the study also illustrated the futility of the victims to have their complaints investigated by local, state or federal law enforcement officials.Along with the stalking, victims are complaining of attack by directed energy weapons resulting in headache, heart palpitations, tinnitus, gastro-intestinal disorders and burning of the skin and eyes. The attacks are described as unmistakably coming from an external origin. Also, many victims are complaining of audio harassment similar to the effects described by the Army of the microwave hearing effect in their 1996 Addendum to the Bio-Effects of Non- Lethal Weapons. Many of the victims have had their lives further destroyed by wrongful diagnoses by the psychiatric community as delusional. It is my opinion that the number of people voicing these exact same complaints more than exceeds the percentage of the population suffering from delusional disorder, as published by the NIMH.In conclusion, the combination of stalking, attack with electromagnetic weapons and audio harassment is rapidly becoming a national crisis. More victims are coming forward from every state in the Union at an alarming rate. The complaints across the board are exactly the same and appear to be the result of a template or experimental protocol. Whether these complaints are the result of governmental experimentation or criminal access to the technology, the resulting abuse of the most basic of human rights is the same.We therefore feel that the United States needs to do much more to protect its citizens from outrageous human rights abuses that are occurring due to the lack of oversight of its military and intelligence agencies’ research programs.Many from all levels of society are suffering from these abuses and we as victims of this technology are seeking congressional hearings, legislation, and other protections to ensure our human and civil rights in this country.Sincerely,John Hall,
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June 8, 2010

PETER WELSH, Congressional Representative, 30 Main Street, Burlington, VT Hand Delv’d

PATRICK LEAHY, Vermont State Senator, 199 Main Street, Burlington, VT Certified Mail

BERNIE SANDERS, Vermont State Senator, One Church Street, Burlington, VT Hand delv’d


On March 9, 2010 I experienced what I believe was a frequency assault while standing at a computer station at the U of Vermont where I was documenting some of what has been occurring in my life since 2004. I was temporarily paralyzed and collapsed. The 2nd incident occurred on June 1, 2010 and was similar to the 1st attack. Both times paramedics were called.

Without evidence to the contrary, it was assumed to be heart related. I informed them that I was in excellent health with no known heart problem and no family history. For obvious reasons, I could not spell out for them the circumstances.

What Happened: As best as I am able to explain, it was as though all of my neurotransmitters became scrambled or entire electrical system gone haywire. It started with symptoms at the back of skull, almost at base of skull as though that portion of my brain was being manipulated somehow. Then it was as though the most dreadful wave of energy was proceeding down the back of my neck and washing over my forehead, face and down into torso and limbs;loss of motor coordination and equilibrium completely thrown off. I was fully alert and aware of each and every sensation although dizzy with mouth dehydrated and ears ringing with a metallic tingling sound. There was the sensation of a frequency (current) at (L) foot traveling up (L) leg. I experienced no cardiac symptoms.

For obvious reasons, I didn't mention that I was a victim of state-sponsored terrorism; i.e., gang stalking and EMR weapon technology torture and ritualistic abuse.

Each of you three elected officials to whom this correspondence is addressed are fully informed and aware of the (emr) military weapon technology patents and applications held by the Department of Defense > technology that is being used on innocent American civilians under the cover of “classified” or “top secret” to avoid leaks of what is really going on as well as experimental research and development at universities, corporations, industries and National Military Laboratories across the country... the same technology that is responsible for “targeting” me on the above-listed dates.

I have been threatened on numerous occasions over the past six months.

In addition, Representative Peter Welsh, Senator Bernie Sanders and Senator Patrick Leahy, I advised each of you approximately one year ago about what is happening with this horrific weapon technology and organized vigilante groups here in Burlington, VT. Harassing young girls and single women is sport for these criminals and as citizens you should be outraged that it is going on in your community. I have asked for your help. You have chosen not to help me but rather to ignore a very serious situation that threatens each and every U. S. citizen in the State of Vermont – just for starters.

There was a time when the middle class was pretty much excluded from this criminal activity and “ex p e r i m e n t a t i o n.” As you know, that is no longer the case.

Should the weapon being used on me be adjusted to “lethal,” I am certain that my family will be in touch with you asking for some answers.

Last July 7, 2009 another victim in Burlington by the name of Kay Barns was struck down by a lethal dose of the “Remote Heart Attack Weapon.” The autopsy documented “Heart Attack” when in fact she had a full-body seizure made to mimic heart attack.

I assure you, there will be questions asked relating to why you have kept silent about the technology.

Yours Very Truly,

Lynn C. Bahrenburg

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Monday, 07 June 2010 20:26
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Illegal Activity Would Violate Nuremberg Code and Could Open Door to Prosecution

Press release from Physicians for Human Rights
In the most comprehensive investigation to date of health professionals’involvement in the CIA’s “enhanced” interrogation program (EIP),Physicians For Human Rights has uncovered evidence that indicates theBush administration apparently conducted illegal and unethical humanexperimentation and research on detainees in CIA custody.
The apparent experimentation and research appear to have been performed to providelegal cover for torture, as well as to help justify and shape futureprocedures and policies governing the use of the “enhanced”interrogation techniques.
The PHR report, Experiments in Torture: Human Subject Research and Evidence of Experimentation in the ‘Enhanced’ Interrogation Program, is the first to provide evidence that CIA medical personnel engaged inthe crime of illegal experimentation after 9/11, in addition to thepreviously disclosed crime of torture.
This evidence indicating apparent research and experimentation on detainees opens thedoor to potential additional legal liability for the CIA and Bush-eraofficials. There is no publicly available evidence that the Departmentof Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel determined that the allegedexperimentation and research performed on detainees was lawful, as itdid with the “enhanced” techniques themselves.
“The CIA appears to have broken all accepted legal and ethical standards put inplace since the Second World War to protect prisoners from being thesubjects of experimentation,” said Frank Donaghue, PHR’s ChiefExecutive Officer. “Not only are these alleged acts gross violations ofhuman rights law, they are a grave affront to America’s core values.”
Physicians for Human Rights demands that President Obama direct the Attorney Generalto investigate these allegations, and if a crime is found to have beencommitted, prosecute those responsible. Additionally, Congress mustimmediately amend the War Crimes Act (WCA) to remove changes made tothe WCA in 2006 by the Bush Administration that allow a more permissivedefinition of the crime of illegal experimentation on detainees in UScustody.
The more lenient 2006 language of the WCA was made retroactive to all acts committed by US personnel since 1997.
“In their attempt to justify the war crime of torture, the CIA appears to havecommitted another alleged war crime – illegal experimentation onprisoners,” said Nathaniel A. Raymond, Director of PHR’s CampaignAgainst Torture and lead report author. “Justice Department lawyersappear to never have assessed the lawfulness of the alleged research ondetainees in CIA custody, despite how essential it appears to have beento their legal cover for torture.”
PHR’s report, Experiments in Torture, is relevant to present-day national security interrogations, as well as Bush-era detainee treatment policies.
As recently as February, 2010, President Obama’s then director of nationalintelligence, Admiral Dennis Blair, disclosed that the US hadestablished an elite interrogation unit that will conduct “scientificresearch” to improve the questioning of suspected terrorists. AdmiralBlair declined to provide important details about this effort.
“If health professionals participated in unethical human subject research andexperimentation they should be held to account,” stated Scott A. Allen,MD, a medical advisor to Physicians for Human Rights and lead medicalauthor of the report. “Any health professional who violates theirethical codes by employing their professional expertise to calibrateand study the infliction of harm disgraces the health profession andmakes a mockery of the practice of medicine.”
Several prominent individuals and organizations in addition to PHR will file acomplaint this week with the US Department of Health and HumanServices’ Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) and call for anOHRP investigation of the CIA’s Office of Medical Services.
The PHR report indicates that there is evidence that health professionals engaged inresearch on detainees that violates the Geneva Conventions, The CommonRule, the Nuremberg Code and other international and domesticprohibitions against illegal human subject research andexperimentation. Declassified government documents indicate that:
  • Research and medical experimentation on detainees was used to measure theeffects of large- volume waterboarding and adjust the procedureaccording to the results. After medical monitoring and advice, the CIAexperimentally added saline, in an attempt to prevent putting detaineesin a coma or killing them through over-ingestion of large amounts ofplain water. The report observes: “‘Waterboarding 2.0’ was the productof the CIA’s developing and field-testing an intentionally harmfulpractice, using systematic medical monitoring and the application ofsubsequent generalizable knowledge.”
  • Health professionals monitored sleep deprivation on more than a dozendetainees in 48-, 96- and 180-hour increments. This research wasapparently used to monitor and assess the effects of varying levels ofsleep deprivation to support legal definitions of torture and to planfuture sleep deprivation techniques.
  • Health professionals appear to have analyzed data, based on their observationsof 25 detainees who were subjected to individual and combinedapplications of “enhanced” interrogation techniques, to determinewhether one type of application over another would increase thesubject’s “susceptibility to severe pain.” The alleged research appearsto have been undertaken only to assess the legality of the “enhanced”interrogation tactics and to guide future application of the techniques.
Experiments in Torture: Human Subject Research and Experimentation in the ‘Enhanced’ Interrogation Programis the most in-depth expert review to date of the legal and medicalethics issues concerning health professionals’ involvement inresearching, designing and supervising the CIA’s “enhanced”interrogation program. The Experiments in Torturereport is the result of six months of investigation and the review ofthousands of pages of government documents. It has been peer-reviewedby outside experts in the medical, biomedical and research ethicsfields, legal experts, health professionals and experts in thetreatment of torture survivors.
The lead author for this report was Nathaniel Raymond, Director of the Campaign AgainstTorture, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) and the lead medical authorwas Scott Allen, MD, Co-Director of the Center for Prisoner Health andHuman Rights at Brown University and Medical Advisor to PHR. They werejoined in its writing by Vincent Iacopino, MD, PhD, PHR Senior MedicalAdvisor; Allen Keller, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, NYU Schoolof Medicine, Director, Bellevue/NYU Program for Survivors of Torture;Stephen Soldz, PhD, President-elect of Psychologists for SocialResponsibility and Director of the Center for Research, Evaluation andProgram Development at the Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis;Steven Reisner, PhD, PHR Advisor on Ethics and Psychology; and JohnBradshaw, JD, PHR Chief Policy Officer and Director of PHR’s WashingtonOffice.
The report was extensively peer reviewed by leading experts in related medical, legal,ethical and governmental fields addressed in the document.
This article originally appeared on the web site of Physicians for Human Rights.
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now there telling people to rape my wife and use a rubber and stuff these people should be shot. trying to act like she wants to do something and stuff trying to get her to say stuff thinking if they can use mind controal they can get out of the rape charges. to try to get her to do something and make it look like she did it on her own. years ago they tryed to make jennifer look like a Becky S. some woman that was chiped a scum trying to make it look like my wife did things years ago acting like no one could find out about t then doing stuff to people telling them it's myself John n and my wife jennifer then they tryed to use our names and voices. acting like we want people to do stuff to us and things to this effect these people are a waste of human life. there hopeing they can use a chip to get someone to do something rape them and act like they agreed to do it, if they use a chip it's still rape forced sex with mind controal. someone should kill these people. all of them should die maybe some TI's would like to investagate New Englans and Ney York also then spread the word. these people are no good and have used my name and my wifes name to do stuff to others. hopeing i will repeat what they say to others to make it look a sertin way so they can get away with it all. they try all sorts of stuff and some are married and i want there famileys to know what they did to others. it took them years to setup this stuff and do things now there afraid there going to be cought. in sure they feel secure and think they will never get busted. but every thing is revealed in the end. people always find out.

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Im still listening to scum telling my wife and others im doing one thing when i doing something else. there doing things to my wife and blameing me. if i repeat them on one frequencie they want to say im saying something on another frequencie. they try to lie to my wife about things useing her voice and others voices to lie to others. copying people voices acting like there her familey and mine trying to gain her trust and then fighting with people climing there every one i now. even if i found one of them to be someone i know i would want them dead. I do fight back and do not quit. When I first heard people they told me i didn't have the right to defend myself. so i did and still do defend my wife and myself these people are scum they need to be removed from the world most of them maybe all of them. they need a new law to give them a leathel injection. it would be the best thing they ever did for people that never wanted to have these implants. i also say people should find the places that make the organisms and destroy them.
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I was on the phone with my wife someone just tryed to lie about her and tryed to say she was saying something and tryed makeing it look like she said something and she did't say it when i asked ans there on 2 frequncies with 2 radios or whatever lieing to people saying she wants to do stuff the dose not she said she never said it ans there all lieing about shit trying to act like she wants to be a hooker so they can get away with what they did. she is not even wanting to talk to them they keep claiming there her familey these people are lowlife scum. they should get there self handed to the human rights people im working on that. they are trying to do this to try to get out of that they already did to us.
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