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Diary June 7, 2010

Nat'l Public Radio this morning included SRI I'ntl on their broadcast. commenting on sleep studies just completed and saying they'd tested 2,000 children. What they neglected to mention in their presentation is SRI's black budget study on sleep deprivation and how it applies to the performance of soldiers on the battlefield. No mention of Human Subjects like me who have been kept awake for days - weeks - months on end. The radio broadcast neglected to show the dark criminal side of Stanford Research Institute International that is ever so present in my life. SRI - #! intelligence contractor linked to the Pentagon that looms insidiously over this country's civilian population.

Perhaps Stanford Research Institute was mentioned on today's broadcast because they are getting some negative publicity.

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I Noticed people in new england trying to make it look like my wife Jennifer is a Hooker or something after they tryed to rape her with there equiupment so they can get away with it all im John N A.K.A Anubis. this has been going on for years these people are scum. they do stuff to people then try to get them to say it was me when tere doing it all Dennis Smith. Of North Situate R.I. is a rapist and a few of his friends never wanted to get cought for what he did they. did something years ago now ther doing anything they can to get out of it and some of them may have been chipped. they also have friends that may be chipped they wanted to act like i was involved in there crime i was not like i am involved with them. i offered to kill them all maybe it's one of his old friends or just a lot of scum doing this to her but Dennis Smith was one that did something to her years ago. it's eather him and his friends or someone they knew that was involved in this. alot of these people are scum. they prey upon people not many stand up to them someone wanted to setup my wife and myself. I Know they had friends nd there are others on here i got implanted by a cop illegaly out of a police station forceably they try to do stuff to people and make it look like there a hooker to hhide what they did some of these guys may not know dennis but im sure some do have some involvment with him or his friends.

i still want to find the cop but these scum are no good and there famileys should find out what they did.
they need to make someone look like a hooker after they do something to the person.

i have witnessed them change voices i know htey used my voice the cop showed me alot the first time my chip was turned on. e claimed he had a voice synthasizer connected to a computer and a ham radio

so no my wife is no hooker and new england is full of scum. maybe Dennis smiths familey should be called and his friends
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£838 psychiatric hits for hire follow the money trail

I amposing a question so this is speculation but with some real teeth to it.I've always wondered about the presumed MEDUSA attack waged on me andhow military non-lethal weapons were used on me as well as being askedto join the mob or take a bullet in the head. We know some TIs areconscripted to be perps. When choosing the bullet I was then drugged for30 hrs that they made look like 4 hours. I will never know what theydid to me unless evidence was left behind like a chip or something.
I'm thinking of how my attack coincided with my divorce. I was alsothinking of how my x-wife ended up with a guy who is a fireman and he isstill married but his wife is institutionalized. I have heard of this
before in a few cases where kids I knew had mothers who had lost it andtheir fathers had
girlfriends that they lived with. Now knowingabsolutely for sure that this can be a setup and that doctors, lawenforcement with military weapons are involved I have to wonder if thesepeople can have there wives children or even parents involuntarilycommitted.
There are a lot of reasons like ending a marriage andmaking it look like they are the victim of an unfortunate situation.Kids will still love you and be supportive and loving, excepting yoursituation with the girl friend as unfortunate and necessity under thecircumstances.
In my case my x-wife was divorcing me while I wasout of work with carpaltunnel syndrome. She was awarded only $256 a month in childsupport. one child stayed with me and one went with her and the thirdwas put with her mother because of her young age.
By attacking mewith what appears to be MEDUSA with the same attack mode as LRAD I haveno
doubt I was
attacked. Being involuntarily committed I havebeen told would have allowed a life insurance payment should I havesuccumbed to the attempted forced suicide attack where they pretended toattack my daughter while she called to me and while they repeated for meto hang myself and to jump out the window. A call in the morningexposed the psychological attack for what it was. The attack seemed tobe caused by V2K, voice cloning and possibly silent MEDUSA as an intensefor of physical torture. Wet towels around my head lessened the latterto the point where I survived and got out but I was stillpsychologically and physically hurting, badly. I was forced onto SSDIdisability. My x-wife's child support went from $256 a month to around$800. She would have gotten this even if I had succumbed to the forcedsuicide attack and would have received a bonus life insurance payout if Ihad died.
There was a
writing about a fund set up in the UK
recently for victims of tooth implants but authorities claimed to haveno records of who received them (like the Justice department letters) soagents were slow killing these victims and acting as secondaryrecipients of this money while illiminating the evidence according tothe post. Whether this is true or not it made me think.
Therewas a lot of money to be made by what was done to me. Also other than mymental health records exposing that I was hospitalized by police andthat my home was searched for bomb making materials to expose lawenforcements involvement, there was also information on how my son waspressured to not stay with me because of my false mental diagnosis. Itmade me very proud to see that in spite of pressuring him he refused toleave me. If he had, my X-wife's child support would have increased andI'm sure she would have gotten possession of the home that I had builtand that I had because
I had gotten a restraining order on her forstabbing me. Our equity was only thirty five thousand at the time butbecause I had built a large beautiful home I would have almost $300,000in eqity in just 10 years.
I'm hearing that at lot of TIs havehad their
estates stolen by lawyers. In the same breath if grand daddies his estate will be passed out according to his will or the laws.If a child is committed and given a false diagnosis then in many casesthe parents will collect social security benefits or life insurance ifthey were to die.
There is a money trail. My x-wife even huggedme before the breakup saying she didn't want to see me go down likethis. I think she knew all along I was being taken out. Now she is with aguy who's wife had also been committed. The two of them if in similarsituations who keep their secrets well together. Maybe putting on theMEDUSA attack mode was an accident and I wasn't supposed to know of thisall out attack which had been silent and had been meant to be covertuntil I began catching on despite their efforts.
The night I wasbeing committed I heard, "This is how we do hits today". This was hours
before the forced suicide attack.
This government is so corruptthat this
is definitely possible. If this has a weapons testingcomponent maybe there is a $50,000 fee to put someone on the list or itis a reward for a favor done.
How else do we explain lawenforcement ignoring us, doctors involvement as well as using the mentalhealth system to incarcerate, torture and kill. My medical insurancewas also billed for $20,0000.00 form the 12 day stay. More people havedied in mental institutions than all the wars put together. These aresome evil bastards.
I have also noticed a number of TIs have beenin the military, military intelligence, NSA and FBI. Some TIs are whistle blowers as well.This could also be for revenge. Time for this practice to

Peter Rosenholm

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Im Looking For Information On Where to Go And Want To Get Help I Have Been Asking For Years I Have People That Have Tryed To Set Me Up. claiming They were Me Lieing To People Trying To Do Things Through A Chip To Others. They Tryed To Rape My Wife And Stuff With There Technologie And Things To This Effect Claiming There ANUBIS. There Not Me And They Have Been Setting This Up For Years. I Have a Chip Implant And Have Had It Since about 2005 I Have Been Looking For Help To Have It Removed And My Wifes Chip Also. They Send Me To Mental Hospitals And Stuff And To That Effect And Also My Wife I Wish To Seek Asylem To Anothr Country For My Wife And Myself. Im Haveing Trouble Getting It. There Have Always Been Others On Here Harassing Me For Years Claiming There Me. Harrassing Me And My Wife There All Afraid Of Being Caught. They Claim To Be Anyone You Know They Can Claim To Be To Hide There Identity. they Have Threatend Me And My Wife There Involved In Rape And Murder And The Government Dose Know But Will Not Help. the United States Can Not Police There Own Country They Have No Justice With There Chips. So Please Pass The Word I have Been Chipped For 5 or 6 Years And People Claim To Be Me and Have Attacked Others Useing My Name And My Wifes Name Also Jennifer. I first Learned About The Chips And I Wanted to Stop It All They Never Did. they Refused To Be On The News And Expose The Technologie To The World They Refused. I have Some Kind Of Organism Like A Worm With Tails Please Message Me If You Have Any Idea What It Is. My Wife also Has One. The Swine Flu Was To Change The Chips But Also Make It So The Organism Is No Longer Able To Be Gotten. The Organism Could Not Take in The Human Body the Swine Flu Shot Was Spose To Do This I Was One Of The People That Was Involved In This I Gave Them The Idea To Do It To Destroy The Chips And Organism Looks Like 3 years Later The Government Lied People Still Have Chips and There Still Doing Stuff. My Wife Jennifer Has No Involvment except For Being A Victim. I Have Called The United Nations Also And Others To Try To Stop This So Before You Hear ANUBIS or his Wife Attacked You Renember The Ones Who Used My Name And Lied. Anything I Did Do Is Because They Attacked My Wife For Years. It Started In New England. I Have Ni Reason To Lie If You Ask Me A Question I Want My Chip And My Wife's Removed and They Refused To Do So That's My Involvment.

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£836a remote feed back responses to V2K

£836a remote feed back responses to V2K

The problemis that I mention passive and active millimeter wavesurveillance. I'm not sure everybody understands the difference. Theyare twodifferent things passive emanates from our bodies so youare not going to detect incoming energies. At the same time I'm sure itis limited in range and capabilities to active millimeter wave.One other problem is where millimeter wave is. It is so close toinfra red. That is a component of what Jimmy is saying about Infraredbeing used on your group. If you look at the link I put upthat mentions millimeter wave it says at the bottom.

Lie Detection using Infrared
Scientists have developed aninstantlie detector technique which picks up mini hot flushes around the eyesand could lead to truth tests becoming standard at airport check-ins,thejournal Nature reported today.

Infrared again is emitted fromthe body or can be projected. I would have to guess the, "mini hotflushes", are do to increased blood flow", while at the sametimemillimeter wave is detecting breathing and heart rates. Another articlealso pointed out that millimeter wave can detect the suddenperspiration in connection with lie detection. Thisarticle also measured the sweatglands themselves and found that theywere in the shape of a cork screw and went on to say that just by thesize and turns it was easy to determine the frequency the thiscoil...this sensor of ours, our sweat glands would pick up. they foundthat these coils would pick up millimeter wave frequencies. what acoincidence don't you think?
In another debate with a TI theywere telling me that millimeter wave is also in the range of the activedenial weapon so how couldit be used to surveillance us when it would surely burnus. It was then that another TI from the group pointed out the over lapas I had found the same thing while trying to understand thisconfusion.
So do a google search for the words ......millimeterwave wave length MHz
......and cache this search to highlite thesewords.
Then consider when the ADS weapon was announced on CNN Icalled the military base they mentioned and asked to speak with someoneconcerning the ADS weapon on CNN. So they gave me over to a microwavescientist developing the weapon. I told him about my attacks and theV2K. He told me a lot of work is being done in the millimeter to 1.5millimeter range and to look up the attack on our embassy in Moscow toget started.
Then there are so many other factor like powerdensity, wave form, pulsed and modulated waves. Simultaneous waves sentinverted to each other to cancel them until they impactsomething like LRAD does. For me much of this is coming together. Don'tkeep telling me to dismiss microwave andmillimeter wave weapons and technology when everything points to thisarea of energies and frequencies.
Eleanor and I have been having adebate about .... GWEN towers being involved in (RNM) remote neuralmonitoring in a debate over Implants. It so happens that medicalmonitoring runs at about 100 to 210/216 MHz.
.........and imergencycommunication like
....216 — 225MHzLow-power health care, law enforcement tracking,maritime communications,radar,amateur radio (222-225 MHz)......
This frequency around 200 MHz that also penetratesflesh(water) while microwaves don't.
Roman,Times""> Where they don'tpenetrate flesh/water........ water is heated as in a microwave ovenand where these frequencies so easily pass through walls and otherobjects. So the medical monitoring band is 100 MHZ to 210/2i6 MHz and GWEN towers run at about 225 MHz andup to where ever. This is to close of a gap to ignore with ....216 — 225 MHzLow-power health care, law enforcement tracking,maritime communications,radar,amateur radio (222-225 MHz)......between the ranges it is time to puton our,"Mr wizard hats", and figure this out. flesh penetration,thru-wall Infrared and microwave communications That are all to closein frequency in some applications to ignore. I don't have all theanswers so help me figure this out fellow TIs.
There is feedback and we are monitored.

Ground Wave Emergency Network - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The UHF antenna operated at 20 watts, between 225 and 400 megahertz (MHz).The GWEN transmitter sites include: A 299-foot broadcastantenna tower ... Cached- Similar



GWEN was part of the Strategic Modernization Program designed to upgrade the nation's strategic communication system, therebystrengthening the value of nuclear theory"">deterrence.The GWEN communication system, established inthe late 1980s, was designed to transmit critical messages (i.e. Emergency Action Messages (EAMs)) to United States nuclearforces. EMP, over a large area, can produce asudden surge"">power surgethat would overload unprotected electronicequipment and render it inoperable. In addition, EMP would interfere with transmissionsthat use the ionosphere for propagation. GWEN would use aground-hugging wave for propagation, being unaffected by the EMP.[

TheInstitute for Telecommunication Sciences (ITS)

83-139,Daniel H. Cronin and Leslie A. Berry, The Effect of Bandwidthand .... 81-85, F. Matos, Spectrum Resource Assessment in the216-225 MHz Band, Sep. ... Cached- Similar

216 — 225MHzLow-power health care, law enforcement tracking,maritime communications,radar,amateur radio (222-225 MHz)......

NationMaster- Encyclopedia: Remote Neural Monitoring

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
by TS Data - Relatedarticles
Sep 15, 2008 ... Remote Neural Monitoringis a form of functionalneuroimaging, claimed ... a techniqueusing the transmission of 100 and 210 MHz signals to ...

Peter Rosenholm
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£836 remote feed back responses to V2K

£836 remote feed back responses to V2K

Let me give myanalysis as to what types of remote feed back may be received by thosesending TIs V2K so we might get a better sense as to why we hear it inthe first place. First they do need
input to judge the V2K isworking especially when thru-wall
or microwave hearing. One methodis passive or active millimeter wave
surveillance technology. Theycan read our breathing and heartrates
with this type of technology alone with whether or notwe sweat.

go down to airport saftey

On the Historychannel's, "That's Incredible", woody Norris admitted to making a remotelie detector prototype for the government.

This might bewhy when
our surveillance attacks go overt they are threatening andintimidating.
Responses to this type of overt V2K would show up bythese three
physical responses.
Millimeter wave surveillance
must be pretty accurate to read such minute movement on the surfaceof
the body. I know lasers pointed at a window can feel theslightest
vibrations and decipher sound and speech
from outsidethe room like a hearing
devise. So if we respond that is anotherform of feed
Another form would be subvocal nonverbalspeech
recognition. Electrodes under the lower jaw can do this

broadcasting implant in that location orin a nerve bundle to that area
could be a way to broad cast ourunspoken thoughts. I've asked myself if
millemeter wave has theaccuracy to read these nerve impulses that are
supposed to causeminute muscle movement.
The last way would be
to read our EEGremotly or (RNM) remote neural monitoring
that David Larson attempted to prove with.


Criminaland Scientific Misconduct Involving
Neural Prosthesis Research Funded by the
NIH/NINDS/NPPand The Alfred
E. Mann Foundation
David A. Larson

.........and lastly others at one time were
hearing my V"K whether it was on accident or
on purpose I don'tknow.

Peter Rosenholm
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£832 Get 1/2 the people to subjugate the other 1/2 on and on

Listen to this, after reading post £831 it appears that the powerbrokers are pitting man against man to subjugate each other until we areall controlled, our population decreased, living on the bear minimum,working to a brake neck pace so we die early and allow maximumprofits.....For Who?
It seems The US has subjugatedthe world to where most of these people live in poverty with nofreedoms or rights. Now it seems with the world under control we whohave lived a rich and free life are seeing the beginning of dividingus so one segment of the population is crushed as our jobs leave toslave laborers in Asia.Law enforcement and government workers see themselves on top but the arenext as the video in post £831 shows.
Us TIs are thebeginning of the control of humans through automation. We walk around I believe as sensors. We are neurally monitored or live withRemote Neural Monitoring of our brains. What we see is seen and what wethink subvocally is also known and we can be communicatedwith artificial telepathy or V2K. we also receive subconscsious instructionsand if we were completely controlled they would be by both consciousand subconscious Instructions by V2K. I see both happening to TIs. Weare being made into sensors and parts of a control system. You can callall this speculation but I don't need a documented demonstration tounderstand the ways in which I'm being screwed with and the possiblereasons for doing this. at the same time keeping this from the publicand the world. I am likely off on some aspects but the purpose is to seethe big picture.
This is like the automated manufacturing I'veseen.Sensors monitor the production of a product with as little or no humanparticipation. So what happens whenwe are not needed anymore. We would then just be competing for limitedresources, sucking up the controllers air, water and raw materials.Polluting their earth and oceans.
Police, the FBI and medicalprofessionals ignore us and aren't seeing the whole picture of what ishappening and that their jobs will also be automated as shown in thepost £831 video by Blackwell and Brigs Corp. These people who areignoring us now will be us soon enough. 1/2 the population on top at themoment subjugates the other half at a rate of 3 percen at atime. A small rate so the population deals with it gradually anddoesn't see their own demise coming. Three percent, just like the CIAdetermined as the percentage of the population that can be killedwithout overly upsetting the rest of the population because it isn'ttheir problem.
The government has been corrupted and they arebeing controlled eitherthrough payoffs or by surveillance digging up illegal orimmoralactivities. They are controlled. Law enforcement is doing the dirtdigging with surveillance and yet we see Blackwell and Briggs in aposition to take over the work of law enforcement as this orchestratedfinancial collapse forces cities, towns, states and the entire countryto look for cheaper costs through out sourcing. Private companies don'thave retirement that alone would make them more competative. Those subjugatingus TIs will soon find themselves being replaced and subjugatedwith the desire for non-human automation the ultimate goal.
Ifwe cared for the welfare of others they couldn't divide and conquer.They couldn't eliminate the three percent. Our birth rate is atabout 1.3 births for the US, Europe,china and Japan. Our numbers arealready decreasing. Maybe that is necessary and a humane way to stabilizeour population but we should have a say. The forced suicide andcancerthrough directed energy weapons and harmful drugging to death of theelderly and infirm is inhumane. Biologicaldestruction of people and our food sources isalso inhumane. All these methods are cruel, illegal and covert withmany being slow kills covertly done.
The 1.3 birth rate isinhumane also because it is a result of couples struggling so hard thathaving a family is becoming increasingly difficult. This also is leavinga disaster coming because there won't be enough young people to supportthe aging population. The housing crash followed by the stock marketcrash has also lessened and depleted the retirement of the agingpopulation. Just maybe all by design.
The people keeping us fromexposing the truth about our attacks and not allowing the medicalinstruments to reveal the effects and instruments of mind control aredestroying the truth and their own future heirs because they feel theyare on top momentarily they are not thinking long term.. If they and lawenforcement as well as the military don't wake up to this truth we areallscrewed.
As we speak we may all be being infected with microparticles if you read my post £68 a military writing on how to controlpopulations and armies. This could be being done through chemtrails oradditives in our food. Drugs would be a ways to target only certainindividuals or groups.

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£831 Secret corp. videos Outsourcing our Jobs and Freedoms

Thanks for putting these videos up Julianne.

The USSR overthrough the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" to replace it with adictatorship by the Communist party members. It seems in our country,our public servants are becoming the elite during thisintermediate phase of Automated control. Ruling over us with an ironfist. At the same time their numbers are dropping. The economy iscrashing andincreasingly honest government jobs are being eliminated and outsourced to private companies. In the end the remaining governmentemployees will be only those in control. Only a very few will be left inthe end.
I just saw a corporate video from a UK company sayingadvanced technology like I-phones are being wasted and treated like toysby the public. This company was showing how the "Blackwell Briggs Corp"can use this technology to track the public, use facial recognition toIdentify people. They then show text appearing with everything on thisguy and a vector from each camera as it follows him and to the next one.In the end they show how there private security then apprehends thetargeted individual. They are promoting the corporate take over of lawenforcement with the latest of technology. Soon those attacking us withOS and EH will be pushed into the pit with us. Most of it like thecompany showed will beautomated and in the hands of private contractors like Blackwater nowcalled Xe. Doesn't "Xe" symbolically look like "X" out the enemy(I guessthat would be us).
They are out sourcing our jobs and ourrights and freedoms. The woman who leaked these videos has now gonemissing. You have to watch these both TIs and non-TIs alike.
Thosewho have watched our jobs outsourced and thinkthey are on top should look at the next phase here in the videos. In aNew York Times article the CIA was upset because Intelligence was beingoutsourced to private companies. When one or two corporations runeverything and we all work for minimum wage that is a dictatorship whereeveryone is controlled by wages and they will own the company store.
Freedom is diversity where no one groups our alliance of groupscontrols everything.

CFG spokeswoman Ann Marie Calhoun missing aftercontroversial video leak

Peter Rosenholm
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£830 Let us remember our fallen today to Charles August Schlund III

To Charles August Schlund III and all the named and unnamed of ourfallen TIs. If you know a fallen TI name them and if you can saysomething about them or put up a link to their website. They are fallensoldiers in this psychotronic war. RIP Chuck

Charles AugustSchlund. III
8520 N 54TH DR, 85302 GLENDALE
Charles August Schlund,III Glendale, AZ


WhoIs Charles Schlund -- And Why Does He Matter?
(10/19/05 16:23:48)
Manypeople have questions about Charles Schlund,
they wonder if he issane, whether his lawsuits are legitimate, etc. I am posting excerptsfrom his affidavit to an earlier lawsuit -- this lawsuit was appealed tothe U.S. Supreme Courtin May 2001. A *frivolous* lawsuit would NEVER have gone that far. Hereis the first installment:.............................


Memorial Day
Thegravestones at ArlingtonNational Cemetery are graced by U.S. flags on Memorial Dayweekend.
Type National
Date Last Monday in May
ObservancesRemembrance of American war dead

Memorial Day is a United States federal holidayobserved on the last Monday of May (May 31 in 2010). Formerly known as Decoration Day, itcommemorates U.S. soldiers who died while in the military service.[1]First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War (it is celebrated nearthe day of reunification after the
Civil War), it was expanded afterWorld War I.............................
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Seit. dem 11. SEptember besteht International eine riesen Anfrage betreff (nicht)TödlicheWaffen. Es handelt sich dabei um hochfrequent WAffen. (Nicht tödlich) Waffe ist sehr untertrieben. Die Dosis macht das Gift. Die Behörden haben die Möglichkeit mit diesen unsichtbaren WAffen, Menschen komplett in den Wahnsinn oder in den Tod zu treiben. Sie haben die Möglichkeit Ihnen Stimmen direkt in Ihr Kopf zu Strahlen, so dass sie denken, sie wären an einer Psychose erkrankt. Die stimmen können in menschlicher From oder in teuflischer From sein. Es können aber such undetuliche Stimmen sein. Sie hören sie von jeder Himmelsrichtungen. Es handelt sich um das sogenannte LRAD System. Diese Waffen werden an unschuldige, sowie mögliche Terroristen verwendet. Zu Forschungszwecke werden auch unschuldige beschallt, einfach so, bei Ihnen zu Hause, bei der Arbeit, draussen von überall und dies über Jahre hinweg bis Sie beim Psychiater landen und Sie sich mit irgendwelche Neuroleptikas vollpumpen lassen oder Sie aus den Land abhauen. Wie Sie am einfachen feststellen können, ob SIe ein Opfer von akustischen Schallwellen sind; Gehen Sie ausser Land, soweit wie möglich. Sollten SIE keine Symphtome, wie Stimmen ect. haben, dann sind die ein OPFER von (nicht)tödlichenwaffen. Die BEhörden werden alles abstreiten und werden Sie durch den Psychiater mit NEUROLEPTIKAS vollgepumpen wollen. Tun SIe dies ja nicht. Erzhählen SIe es allen, dass Sie ein Opfer sind. Haben SIe keine Aengste sich zu offenbaren. Gehen Sie zu den Medien. Kämpfen Sie für Ihre Rechte. Ich bin ein Opfer, dass in einem Zeitraum vom 8 Jahren mit unterbrüchen beschallt werde. Die Zukunft mit solchen "nonlethal weapons sieht düster aus.....ES KANN JEDEN TREFFEN....

P.S. Lassen Sie sich nicht in den Wahnsinn treiben, leben Sie Ihr leben weiter un kämpfen Sie, um diese Stimmen zu umgehen, hören Sie Musik, lassen Sie sich krank schreiben und verlassen Sie das Land. Keine Macht den Behörden...

...Bei erhöhten Schallwellen kann es zu Herzrythmusstörungen, Panikattacken, Schlaganfälle, Hörschäden, starke Ermüdikeit bis zur totalen Isolierung kommen. Klartext, Sie wollen Sie fertig machen, die Behörden!!!

...Bei erhöhten Schallwellen kann es zu Herzrythmusstörungen, Panikattacken, Schlaganfälle, Hörschäden, starke Ermüdikeit bis zur totalen Isolierung kommen. Klartext, Sie wollen Sie fertig machen, die Behörden!!!
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Another good article

I didn't know if everyone has had a chance to view another good article:

Cries From the Past: Torture's Ugly Echoes

Sunday 23 May 2010

by: H.P. Albarelli Jr. and Jeffrey Kaye, t r u t h o u t | Report

(Illustration: Lance Page / t r u t h o u t)

In a superb op-ed, written by Leonard S. Rubenstein and Stephen N. Xenakis, published recently in the New York Times (Doctors Without Morals, March 1, 2010, p. A23), the issue of holding
physicians and psychologists accountable for their ethical breaches
in participating in the conduct of torture is expertly raised,
along with a well-needed call for investigations into such
violations and violators. Rubenstein and Xenakis wrote: "[Despite
overwhelming evidence] no agency - not the Pentagon, the CIA, state
licensing boards or professional medical societies - has initiated
any action to investigate, much less discipline, these individuals.
They have ignored the gross and appalling violations by medical
personnel. This is an unconscionable disservice to the thousands of
ethical doctors and psychologists in the country's service. It is
not too late to begin investigations. They should start now."

Rubenstein and Xenakis are absolutely correct in their callfor action now, as they are in their accounting of what has gone on
historically the past ten years with torture at Guantanamo and
elsewhere. However, their op-ed says nothing about the decades
preceding the terrible events of 9-11. An examination of these
well-hidden, past torture activities might serve well in shedding
light on the causes for reluctance and inaction in holding
torturers and their professional cohorts responsible.


Contemporary torture's earliest, deepestand most influential roots are found in the CIA's Artichoke
Project. Indeed, it is Project Artichoke that encapsulates the
CIA's real traveling road show of horrors and atrocities, not
MK/ULTRA which, although responsible for its own acts of mindless
cruelty, pales in comparison.

That MK/ULTRA received, andcontinues to receive, the lion's share of the media's attention and
public outrage over CIA mind control programs was a deliberately
planned outcome on the part of the Agency. This outcome was the
central objective of a never before revealed covert operation
launched in 1975 and informally code-named Dormouse.

Dormouse,operated out of the CIA's Security Research branch, had its genesis
in the 1975 Rockefeller Commission report and in the subsequent
Congressional hearings into CIA illegal activities chaired by
Senators Frank Church and Teddy Kennedy. Following the initial
revelation of Frank Olson's alleged "suicide" by the
Rockefeller Commission, a number of high-level meetings occurred
between President Gerald Ford's White House and CIA General Counsel
Lawrence Houston.

Houston, who had served the Agency as itsdoyen general counsel for over 25 years, secretly huddled on at
least two occasions in June 1975 with Ford's chief of staff, Donald
Rumsfeld, and his chief assistant, Richard Cheney. Houston
impressed upon both men that any prolonged and intense media
scrutiny of Project Artichoke would lead to opening a Pandora's box
of legal, institutional, international and public relations
problems that could destroy the CIA.

Houstonexplained that the Agency's MK/ULTRA program was far less
problematic for the CIA because it had been a research-based
program that initiated 153 contracts to colleges, universities and
research institutions nationwide. These contractors, all stalwart
and prestigious institutions like Harvard, Columbia, and Tulane
Universities, could serve as viable buffers to any harsh outside

Houston stressed that deliberate exposure of theMK/ULTRA program by essentially offering it to the press would
serve to placate the brewing feeding frenzy over so-called mind
control projects, and would divert any investigative attempts into
the multi-faceted Artichoke Project.

Houston additionallyexplained to Rumsfeld and Cheney that, along with the release of
MK/ULTRA details to the media, the names of a few former CIA
employees, such as Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, would also be released to
the press. Incredibly, when the subject of possible federal
prosecutions of CIA officials for capital crimes and felonies, such
as murder and drug trafficking, came up in their discussion,
Houston informed Rumsfeld and Cheney that there was little cause
for concern.

Explained the Agency's General Counsel, sinceearly 1954, following the death of Army biochemist Frank Olson, a
secret agreement between the CIA and the U.S. Department of Justice
had been put in place whereby the violation of "criminal
statutes" by CIA personnel would not result in Department of
Justice prosecutions, if "highly classified and complex covert
operations" were threatened with exposure. The agreement had
been struck between Houston and Deputy Attorney General William P.
Rogers in February 1954, not long after Frank Olson's death, and
still remained solidly in place.

Lastly, and worth notinghere, was a brief adjunct discussion between Houston, Rumsfeld, and
Cheney regarding related concerns about records on former Nazi
scientists who had been secretly imported into the United States in
the early Fifties by the State Department and Army, as part of
Project Paperclip. These German scientists performed
highly-classified research at the Army's Fort Detrick and Edgewood
Arsenal, Maryland, some of which involved field operations in

Without doubt, as the extant record clearlyreveals, the CIA's Dormouse Operation, as expressed by Houston, was
remarkably effective. Information released on the Agency's MK/ULTRA
program more than sated the media's curiosity for mind control
details, and even a few random Artichoke Program citations in a
couple released documents failed to draw any concerted examination
by anyone in the press. For example: documents revealing that Dr.
Frank Olson had been part of the CIA's ongoing "Artichoke
Conference" were near completely overlooked. Within a few
short months, Artichoke was widely believed by the media and public
to be but a small, innocuous project that had been replaced by the
MK/ULTRA behemoth. Still today, numerous publications state that
Artichoke was absorbed and replaced by MK/ULTRA, when actually
Artichoke operated independently for nearly 17 years beyond the
dawn of MK/ULTRA.

What Was Project Artichoke?

TheCIA initiated Project Artichoke in August 1951 at the direction of
CIA director Walter Bedell Smith and the Agency's Scientific
Intelligence Director, Dr. H. Marshall Chadwell. The code name
"Artichoke" was selected with sardonic humor from the
street appendage given to New York City gangster Ciro Terranova,
who was referred to as "the Artichoke King."

Followinga brief period of bureaucratic infighting over which CIA department
would have jurisdiction over Artichoke, it was decided that the
project would be overseen by the Agency's Security Research Staff,
headed by Paul F. Gaynor, a former Army Brigadier General, who had
extensive experience in wartime interrogations.

Gaynor wasnotorious among CIA officials for having his staff maintain a
systematic file on every homosexual, and suspected homosexual,
among the ranks of Federal employees, as well as those who worked
and served on Washington's Capitol Hill. Gaynor's secret listing
eventually grew to include the names of employees and elected
officials at State government levels, and the siblings and
relatives of those on Capitol Hill.

In early January 1953,State Department employee John C. Montgomery, who handled
considerable classified material, hanged himself in his Georgetown
townhouse after learning of his addition to Gaynor's list. In 1954,
U.S. Senator Lester C. Hunt (D-WY) killed himself in his senate
office after he was threatened by Republicans, using information
provided by Gaynor's staff, to publicly expose his son's
homosexuality. By the early 1960s, according to one former Agency
employee, "It was pretty much routine to consult Gaynor's 'fag
file' when conducting background or clearance checks on

Gaynor's veiled and moredespicable activities also extended to racist matters, a fixation
he seemed to share with many of the CIA's early leaders, as well as
with some of the Pentagon's early ranking officials. According to
one former CIA official, Gaynor was once informally cautioned by
Allen Dulles concerning his overt support of former Congressman
Hamilton Fish III, a strident Nazi sympathizer, and for
associating, along with fellow CIA official Morse Allen, with John
B. Trevor Jr., an ardent racist, anti-Semite, pro-Nazi, who called
for amnesty for Nazi war criminals. Before the CIA was formed,
Gaynor was also associated with Trevor's father, John B. Trevor
Sr., a Harvard-educated attorney who worked with Army intelligence
and who once strongly advocated arming a group of citizens with
6,000 rifles and machine guns to put down an anticipated Jewish
uprising in Manhattan that only took shape in Trevor's twisted

In 1997, former CIA Technical Services chief, Dr.Sidney Gottlieb, who had been born into a Jewish family, said,
"Throughout the 1950s, and for some time beyond, the Agency
was less than a welcoming place for Jews and racial minorities.
Those who were actually ever hired or involved in operations
learned rather quickly to keep their heads down when certain
matters were discussed or rallied round."

Here itshould be emphasized that inevitably lurking within, near, and
around all of the CIA's early mind-control experiments was a strong
element of racism that generally manifested itself through the
Agency's principle objective of establishing control over the
perceived "weaker" and "less intelligent"
segments of society. That the CIA's initial mind control activities
show a close kinship with many prominent characters within the
racist and anti-immigration eugenics movement is no coincidence.
Thus comprised was the central leadership of the CIA's Project

Here it is important to note thatthe Artichoke Project originated from the CIA's short-lived Project
Bluebird, which operated for about two years, 1949 through summer
1951, and concentrated its efforts on former American POWs returned
from the Korean War. These servicemen were placed in several Army
hospitals, including Valley Forge Hospital, Pennsylvania and the
Walter Reed facility in Washington, D.C. There the former
POWs were subjected to various behavioral modification programs,
including the use of experimental drugs, special interrogation
methods, all for what the CIA deemed "offensive objectives."
Joining the CIA in Project Bluebird was the Army, Navy, and Air
Force (the FBI declined to participate in the project).

Readsone April 1951 Bluebird Project report: "The Navy's research
efforts in regards to Bluebird objectives had actually begun in
1947 at Bethesda Naval Hospital. There, according to the Navy's
Bluebird designees, J.H. Alberti and Lt. Cmdr. Hardenburg,
extensive experiments had been conducted using both drugs and
medical aids (polygraph machines, surgical means, hypnotism).
Besides Bethesda hospital, the Office of Naval Research conducted a
project in partnership with the University of Indiana which in
essence [was] a search for valid indications of deception other
than the mechanical indicators now being used."

CIAinterest in exotic and abusive methods of detecting deception
continues to the present day. In July 2003, the CIA, the Rand
Corporation and the American Psychological Association conducted a
series of workshops on detecting deception. One of these workshops
considered the use of truth drugs ("pharmacological agents are
known to affect apparent truth-telling behavior") and the use
of sensory overloads. The workshop asked its classified
participants, "How might we overload the system or overwhelm
the senses and see how it affects deceptive behaviors?"

Perhaps one of the best examples of this was the treatment of "enemy combatant" Jose Padilla, who by the time he entered a U.S. courtroom had suffered tremendously, and
irreversibly, from the abuses of deliberately induced sensory and
systems overload.

In early summer of 1951, just weeksbefore Bluebird was renamed Artichoke, officials within the CIA's
Security Office - working in tandem with cleared scientists from
Camp Detrick's Special Operations Division, who in turn worked
closely with a select group of scientists from a number of other
Army installations, including Edgewood Arsenal - began a series of
ultra-secret experiments with LSD, mescaline, peyote, and a
synthesized substance, sometimes nicknamed "Smasher,"
which combined an "LSD-like drug with pharmaceutical
amphetamines and other enhancers."

This substance wasused in a number of highly classified field experiments, at least
four of which were conducted outside the United States. While
details of these experiments are sketchy, former Fort Detrick
biochemists report, "None of the field experiments produced
the type of results desired," and as a result, "ranking
Army Chemical Corps officials elected to focus LSD and other drug
experiments on more narrowly defined groups, as well as
individuals." Chief among the field experiments that failed in
the "desired results" category were the horrifying events
that took place in Pont St. Esprit, France in 1951. There in a
small, peaceful village one early summer morning nearly 700 people
went stark raving mad with 4 people killing themselves. (This
incident is detailed in my book, "A TERRIBLE MISTAKE: The
Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments
This experimental focus remained in place when Project Artichoke
was initiated.

At its inception,the Artichoke Project needed a steady supply of experimental
subjects. Wrote CIA Security Research chief Paul Gaynor in a never
before revealed February 1953 memo: "It is imperative that we
move forward more aggressively on identifying and securing a
reliable, ready group, or groups, of human research subjects for
ongoing Artichoke experimentation. There can be no delays in this
extremely important work."

Other CIA reports revealthat the CIA's Security Research Staff was not sitting idly by
while awaiting the securing of ready groups of human subjects.
Teams of Agency officials and contract physicians were traveling
frequently to locations in Europe where, in the isolation of CIA
safe houses, enhanced interrogations and behavior modification
experiments were being conducted on various defectors,
double-agents, and kidnapped foreign agents.

Reads aNovember 1956 Artichoke report that could have easily been written
today at Guantanamo, Cuba: "The team physician administered a
suppository containing a small amount of heroin to the subject so
as to increase subject's pain threshold." The physician
referred to in this report, a well-known Washington, D.C.
psychologist, made over 90 Artichoke-related trips abroad.

InSeptember 1953, Artichoke Project director Morse Allen, a former
Naval intelligence officer and State Department employee,
hand-carried a two-page memorandum to Paul Gaynor. The memo bears
the subject: "Artichoke Research Program." It reads in
part: "[T]here are some four thousand (4,000) American
military men who are serving court martial sentences in the federal
prisons at the present time. These men are scattered through the
federal institutions according to their age - some being at
reformatories, others at prisons. It is administratively possible
that the sentences of these men can be reduced by direction of the
Adjutant General's office. Therefore, if these men should be wanted
for work on a dangerous research project, it might be possible to
motivate their interest by promising that recommendations would be
made to the Adjutant General's office to have their sentences
appropriately reduced if they co-operated in the experimentation.
Also many offenses of military men were committed in circumstances
which might tend to lessen the feeling of guilt on the part of the
individual and such cases might reveal interesting

Allen next suggested that federal prisons"that have hospital setups with doctors on the permanent
staff" be used for experiments. Wrote Allen, "Such things
as the size of the institution and current population would have to
be considered but it is a fact that the federal prisons are not
overcrowded as is the case with many state prisons, thus it would
be much easier to obtain working space in a federal institution."
Artichoke teams secretly working in the prisons could be passed off
as "coming from nearby universities or research institutions,"
explained Allen. About a week later, Allen amended his September
memo to include "federal hospitals and institutions under the
control of the [U.S.] Public Health Service."

WroteAllen, "There are a large number of USPHS-controlled
facilities that can be used for experiments, these in addition to
the facilities recommended in the earlier memorandum bearing the
same subject."

Gaynor promptly approved Allen'srecommendations, ordering their immediate implementation. Within a
few weeks, progress reports concerning the conduct of experiments
at three federal prisons, as well as a reformatory in Bordentown,
New Jersey, were submitted to Gaynor. Experiments were also
conducted at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington, D.C., a
Veterans Administration hospital in Detroit, Michigan, and at the
Federal Narcotics Farm in Lexington, Kentucky. Experiments at the
Narcotics Farm, somewhat romanticized in some current publications,
were specifically targeted at African-American inmates, who were
considered by the program's director to be inferior to white
inmates at the facility.

When the newly created U.S.Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) was created just
weeks later with Nelson A. Rockefeller as Under-Secretary, the CIA
found it remarkably easy to gain HEW's approval for use of Federal
medical facilities as fronts for covert drug and interrogation
experiments using unwitting human subjects. Inevitably, nearly all
those unwitting experimental subjects chosen for HEW-sponsored
projects were African-Americans and persons from immigrant groups
and what one Agency document referred to as the "lower

A central Artichokeobjective, according to one CIA document, centered on: "The
problem exists of ascertaining whether effective and practical
techniques exist, or could be developed, which could be utilized
to render an individual subservient to an imposed will or control,
thereby posing a potential threat to National Security
[Italics added]

The same document explained that the Agencyalso wanted to put the same techniques to their own effective uses
in the field offensively. Reads the document: "We need to
also explore the 'subtle' means of making an individual say or do
things he would normally not consider through the use of covertly
administered drugs, 'Black Psychiatry'*, hypnosis, and brain
damaging processes. Dr. Chadwell feels these processes may be tried
but they are 'elaborate, impractical and unnecessary
added. Dr. Chadwell was H. Marshall Chadwell, the CIA's director of
Scientific Intelligence.]

A subsequentApril 1954 Artichoke Conference meeting, attended by Frank Olson's
Fort Detrick superior, Col. Vincent Ruwet, explored the real
nitty-gritty of Artichoke experimentation. Noted a CIA report on
the meeting, "It was also recognized [by conference
participants] that if Morse Allen and his group could produce
bodies and if certain very rough, primitive, and ultimate tests
could be carried out then a more accurate prediction could be made
in connection with the ultimate goal of the group which is the
running of selected foreign nationals back into Europe for specific
work for this Agency

CIA Security Research chiefPaul Gaynor, attending the same Artichoke Conference meeting,
reminded the gathered Agency and Fort Detrick officials, "All
individuals can be broken under mental and physical assaults and by
such techniques as denying sleep, exhaustion, persuasion,
starvation, pain, humiliation, and sickness

AddedGaynor, "The capacity to endure assaults of all kinds varies
in individuals. We need to teach the Artichoke techniques to
medical officers in the field... we also need to combine these
techniques with the work carried on at Edgewood Arsenal and at Camp
Dietrich [sic] ...and the special use of ergots, as well as
Lysergic Acid. Experiments with new ideas, for example the
hypo-spray instrument (owned by the E.R. Squibb Company) using
criminals and the criminally insane, have been very

An italicized and revealing note at theend of the Artichoke meeting report reads: "Morse Allen
and Paul Gaynor emphasized the fact that this type of work must not
be overwhelmed and overburdened in a maze of statistics, technical
reports and learned academic experimentation since previous
experiences along these lines clearly indicate that when this
appears the end results are almost always negative
Reportedly, much of these very same statements and thinking are
contained in a number of the training manuals used today by CIA and
Army interrogators.

Project Artichoke OperationalOverseas

Beginning in January 1954, following aseries of experimental field assignments, the CIA began to
systematically dispatch special assignment Artichoke Teams from the
U.S. to locations throughout Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia, and the
Philippines. Team assignments were given by special "EYES
ONLY" cables with each assigned a tracking number. By 1961 the
numbers had reached as high as 257 specific assignments. Nearly all
of these assignments would fall under today's definition of
"enhanced interrogations."

Through a number ofProject Artichoke documents, obtained through the Freedom of
Information Act, we are able to obtain glimpses into those
activities and techniques employed by the dispatched teams, which
appear to have been at least a dozen in number.

A February6, 1954 team report, delivered to CIA headquarters by "Diplomatic
Courier," provides partial insight into one seemingly unique
Artichoke field assignment in Europe. The report states: "These
two subjects [foreign agents] are disposal problems, one because of
his lack of ability to carry out a mission and the other because he
cannot get along with the chief agent of the project. Both have
extensive information concerning (other) assets and thus are
security risks wherever they are disposed of. Anything that can be
done in the Artichoke field to lessen the security risk will be
helpful since the men must be disposed of even at maximum security
risk. The urgency of consideration of this case is due to the fact
that one of the men is already somewhat stir crazy and has tried to
escape twice."

Another field report reads: "Subjectwas given a sedative suppository to increase his resistance to
pain, this in order to intensify his ordeal midway through the
planned session." Another reads in part: "This A
[Artichoke] session involved four subjects all of whom present
serious disposal problems after results are produced."

Domestic Artichoke Operations

InFebruary 1954, with over 65 Artichoke Team visits to sites in
Europe and the Far East having already occurred, Paul Gaynor
decided to open a new Artichoke Project front. This front would be
located within America's borders despite the fact that many people
in the nation's capital believed that the CIA's founding charter
forbade the organization from conducting domestic operations.
In numerous ways, this new front gave initial shape and direction
for the CIA's still-to-come "rendition" activities that
we witness today.

Gaynor outlined this in a memo sent to theAgency's Technical Services Division, explaining that Artichoke
officials were about to embark on creating "a mechanism within
the United States which will be a ways and means of contacting
alien citizens in the United States" whereby they could be
"branded as alien threats and removed from the United States
as 'undesirable aliens.'" The objective of establishing this
mechanism was to facilitate "legal entree" for the
contacted aliens so that they might, following careful "screening
and testing," conduct covert missions in targeted foreign

Gaynor's memo continued, stating the besttechnique for "contacting these people" was through the
use of "sympathetic fake left-wing organizations"
secretly established by the CIA. Remarkably, the memo went on
stating the best process established by Artichoke officials for
identifying those aliens to use involved "selection,
screening, indoctrination and ultimately hypnosis." However,
states the memo, "the sixty-four dollar question is can
individuals be commanded under hypnosis to do things they would not
otherwise do because of morals, training, ethics, etc."

Earlier, in March 1952, Security Research officials alongwith CIA Scientific Intelligence Branch researchers had made a
concerted decision to pursue hypnotism toward the principle
objective that, "Two hundred trained [CIA] operators, trained
in the United States, could develop [and command] a unique,
dangerous army of hypnotically controlled agents" who would
carry out any instructions they were given without reservations.
Several years later, CIA officials would describe the abilities of
this "unique, dangerous army" as "mildly

Artichoke Evolvesinto Assassination Project

Perhaps it wasinevitable that Project Artichoke would eventually develop an
"executive action" or assassination component. The CIA
had been seriously contemplating such a capacity since its
founding. In 1952, one Artichoke official wrote: "Let's get
into the technology of assassination, figure most effective ways to
kill - like Empress Agrippina - do you want your people to be able
to get out of the room? Do you want it traced?"

Otherhard evidence of the CIA's leanings toward assassination as a
feature of policy and operations is yet another memorandum by the
Agency's Security Office and Artichoke official Morse Allen. Wrote
Allen about Martin Luther King in 1965: "It is [redacted]'s
belief that somehow or other Martin Luther King must be removed
from the leadership of the Negro movement, and his removal must
come from within and not from without. [Redacted] feels that
somehow in the Negro movement, at the top, there must be a Negro
leader who is 'clean' who could step into the vacuum and chaos if
Martin Luther King were exposed or assassinated."

RewritingHistory and Creating Disinformation

In recent yearsthere has been a concerted effort on the part of some groups and
writers to deliberately disown and downplay the horrors of Project
Artichoke. Perhaps the finest recent example of this is an article
written by Charles S. Viar of the Washington, D.C.-based Center for
Intelligence Studies, a private group. Viar's article entitled
PANDORA'S BOX: MKULTRA and the Weaponization of the Human
is posted on the center's web site.

Viar, whoclaims to have been a student of James Jesus Angleton in 1986 and
1987, and an expert on intelligence affairs, erroneously claims in
his article that the Artichoke Project and its techniques had been
"developed and successfully refined by the Soviets, Nazi, and
Western intelligence services between 1920 and 1973."
This rewriting of history appears as nothing short of an amazing
effort to distort the truth; as is well established by the CIA's
own records, the term Artichoke was never applied to any program or
techniques prior to 1952, when the Agency first employed the
project codename.

Viar also appears to buy into and promotethe cover story invented by Cheney and Rumsfeld in 1975 that
Project Artichoke was, in 1953, replaced by MK/ULTRA. Additionally,
he buys into the "unwitting" dosing of Frank Olson as
"part of an MKULTRA experiment," this despite that Olson
was a member of the CIA's Artichoke Conference and never worked
with MK/ULTRA projects. Viar then remarkably writes, "There is
no evidence that either the CIA or the US military operationalized
Artichoke," a statement that is shattered to pieces by the
numerous Artichoke operational reports and records filed by both
the CIA and army from 1954 through to at least 1970. If this is not
enough, Viar then states that it was "the Soviets" who
"shared Artichoke with their Arab allies," and then
equates Project Artichoke to "suicide bombers" and "Al
Qaeda." Lastly, Viar also writes that the CIA's delving into
parapsychology matters is near completely overlooked by historians,
despite the ample writings and exposure of the Agency's MK/ULTRA
subprojects, which extensively dealt with ESP and other
parapsychology matters.

Project ArtichokeToday

With today's media reports concerning the CIAand Department of Defense black sites cropping up all over the
world map, and with horrifying reports concerning alleged
"suicides" at US-operated compounds holding "enemy
combatants" that make Frank Olson's suicide-turned-murder case
look like a stroll through atrocity park, readers should be ever
mindful that the roots of the CIA's secret mind control and
enhanced interrogation programs are firmly planted in the soil of
Project Artichoke.

Over the past months, new secret blacksites prisons have been discovered at Guantanamo Naval Base and at
Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan. The Guantanamo site has been
linked to the deaths of three prisoners in 2006, while Bagram
secret prison, said to be run by the Defense Intelligence Agency,
has been the subject of investigations by the New York Times,
Washington Post, and BBC, exposing widespread use of beatings,
isolation, sleep deprivation, and other techniques derived from
Appendix M of the 2006 Army Field Manual. This portion of the
manual outlines abusive forms of interrogation reserved only for
captives that supposedly don't warrant prisoner-of-war status.

Interest in the use of drugs and mind control techniques inmilitary research and operations persists to the present day. A
November 2006 instruction from the Secretary of the Navy (3900.39D)
informs that the Undersecretary for the Navy would heretofore be
the "Approval Authority for research involving: (a) Severe or
unusual intrusions, either physical or psychological, on human
subjects (such as consciousness-altering drugs or mind-control

A public presentation of the newpolicy at the Defense Department Training Day in Washington, D.C.
on November 14, 2006, only 16 days after the new policy was
released, deleted the parenthetical remarks on drugs and "mind
control," but left intact the instruction two paragraphs later
that the Undersecretary also be responsible for research of,
"Potentially or inherently controversial topics (such as those
likely to attract significant media coverage or that might invite
challenge by interest groups.)"

Like a modern dayMinistry of Truth, U.S. government agencies and their partners are
busy trying to erase the evidence of their crimes, whether from
sixty years ago, or six. Most recently, the American Psychological
Association (APA) has changed the web pages that describe their
2003 workshop conducted with the CIA and the Rand Corporation on
deception. One webpage has dropped the link to another page that
described the workshops investigation of sensory overload and truth
drugs. The descriptive page on workshops has been scrubbed
entirely, and is only available through the use of web archives
sites. Worth noting is that throughout the 1950s and 1960s the APA
worked quite closely with both the CIA and Army on mind control
projects, many of which completely crossed ethical lines, as well
as the APA's Code of Ethics, into areas described by many observers
as sheer madness.

Attempts to prevent judicial reviewof the rendition and torture programs are moreover an official
position of President Obama's administration. On May 12, the
administration filed a brief to the Supreme Court about whether to
hear an appeal from Maher Arar in his lawsuit against former
Attorney General Ashcroft and other Bush administration figures.
Arar was kidnapped from New York's JFK Airport and rendered
secretly to Syria, where he was tortured for almost a year. His
suit was dismissed by a federal circuit appeals court. Now,
President Obama's Acting Solicitor General, Neal Katyal, has
pronounced the administration's position that further deliberations
on Mr. Arar's suit are "unwarranted." The former
Solicitor General, Elena Kagan, who was involved in U.S.
decision-making on the case, is now a nominee for the Supreme

Finally, the release last year of the CIA's 2004Inspector General report on the "enhanced interrogation"
program revealed an operation that with its use of doctors as
control agents, its reliance on methods of psychological and
physiological torture, and the experimental nature of the program,
led Physicians for Human Rights to release a white paper that
concluded that "possible human experimentation" was
taking place, and emphasized the urgent need for a thorough

*According to one former CIA official: "'Black Psychiatry' refers to psychiatric methods used by trained and licensed physicians on subjects. These methods may not be in the
best interest of the subject's mental well-being and health."
The same official remarked, "There was no shortage of or
problems recruiting psychologists in the 1950s and 1960s who would
willfully, and sometimes enthusiastically, practice 'Black
Psychiatry.'" The various methods of 'Black Psychiatry' were
provided in a training setting in the 1950s through to at least the
1970s at the CIA's Butler Health Center facility in Rhode Island,
where many physicians, including Dr. Robert Hyde, worked for the
Agency. The Butler Center also served as the CIA's central site for
exposing its own officials and agents to the effects of LSD and
other drugs.

** Recent reports concerning the CIA and Armyhave both organizations experimenting on a selected basis with a
new mind altering drug whose effects are described as "incredibly
mind altering yet at the same time allowing subjects to adhere to a
sufficient sense of sanity thus allowing better opportunity for
truth inducing techniques..." The drug, described by one
former intelligence official as "ETX," is said to last
for "about 48-hours."

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H.P. Albarelli Jr. is the author of "A TERRIBLE MISTAKE: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments." He has written numerous newspaper
and magazine articles on biological warfare and intelligence
affairs. He can be contacted through his Web site:

Jeffrey Kaye, a psychologist living in Northern California, writes regularly on torture and other subjects for Firedoglake. He also maintains a personal blog, Invictus.
His email address is sfpsych at gmail dot com


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In Community mental health

Sun, 05/23/2010 - 16:09 — Anonymous (not verified)

In Community mental health clinics, I'm sure we could give the benefit of the doubt to some Psychiatrics who used/use drugs simply with the notion that they are "keeping society at
large safer," If the drugged die sooner, have a stroke, organ
damage or other debilitating disfigurements - well, that's the
price of "freedom".

Is there any doubt we have

Sun, 05/23/2010 - 17:23 — Anonymous (not verified)

Is there any doubt we have an out-of-control system here? We the sheeple, however labeled in the emotion-ridden harangues ARE being led by lunatics. What is jaw-droppingly astounding is that
knowing this makes no difference. Welcome once again to
Buchenwald. The motto on the money should read "arbeit machts
frei," and not "in God we trust." Don't know if my
German is correct, but you get the point. Maybe the thieves who
stole the sign had this in mind.

Well, this was a good read a

Sun, 05/23/2010 - 17:50 — republicanblack (not verified)

Well, this was a good read a bit long, but what's up with Kagan's skirt suits. I mean any woman of significant power especially lawyers that were in the Clinton administration all had
the pant suits, Ms. Clinton being the pant suit king. Anyways I
don't know what that means, but I actually found a story on that
check it out

What is needed is a coherent

Sun, 05/23/2010 - 20:19 — Jennifer Van Bergen (not verified)

What is needed is a coherent and complete telling of the story of Project Artichoke, perhaps through the eyes of one person (whether a perpetrator or victim), which may be impossible.

The problem with telling the story through documentation is that (as scholars) you need to stay very close to the documents, to the very words written, leaving the conclusions either unspoken
or merely suggested. Some people can't follow.

And how can the real human horror be known? What is it like to be given a heroin or sedative suppository and then be subjected to painful procedures while the pain-killer wears off?

What is it like to have your mind broken and to know that even if you could describe it, nobody will believe you?

Where are the people who were subjected to these "sessions"?

"Well" (to quote Reagan),

Sun, 05/23/2010 - 20:50 — Vic Anderson (not verified)

"Well" (to quote Reagan), the monsters that subject them to TORTURE, EVEN NOW (especially the Doctors "Mengele") should be either in prison or their graves!

Damn good Article! Brings

Sun, 05/23/2010 - 21:00 — Hempwinch (not verified)

Damn good Article! Brings full circle the CIA's role in recruiting and training/reprogramming of individuals to do the dirty work of terror. How many Al Qaeda agents have been
rendered/retrained at Guantanamo? Are the ones that died the ones
who resisted and were disposed of?

In answer to Jennifer's good

Sun, 05/23/2010 - 21:21 — Susan Pease Banitt, LCSW (not verified)

In answer to Jennifer's good question: where are the survivors. They are : 1) dead, 2) labeled paranoid schizophrenics, 3) in therapists' offices trying to get well against all odds and very
sophisticated mc techniques, 4) still in use by the government.
That should cover it.

Let's also not forget Projects Monarch and Bluebird, at least as important as Artichoke.

There is lots of good info available on the internet but not Wiki as CIA deletes all good info/intel on mc and gov't programs abuse.

Let us hope that some day we

Sun, 05/23/2010 - 22:44 — Anonymous (not verified)

Let us hope that some day we will succeed in restoring the check and balance of powers so ingeniously crafted into our constitution so no mad man ever comes to power who would declare
And let's hope we will have representatives of people who realize
that the oath they take to protect the CONSTITUTION is a sacred
bond which should never be broken, even if it means risking house,
wife and life (Goethe's words)! Politics is not perks and money
making business. It is a sacred duty that only the noblest among
is is worthy to get into, not the scumbags among us.

Now I know how the CIA was

Sun, 05/23/2010 - 23:25 — Anonymous (not verified)

Now I know how the CIA was able to get those "mentally unstable" men to assassinate John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy.

my father, who was a doctor

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 03:21 — Anonymous (not verified)

my father, who was a doctor in n.y.c. had a mafia boss for a patient who used to boast to him how rogers was in his pay....

I found the pictures in the

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 03:39 — H8dogma (not verified)

I found the pictures in the book "The Imperial Cruise" apropos to the torture issue. They showed Filipinos being waterboarded with rifle barrels stuck in their mouths, In some
cases, breaking teeth out.

So, this torture thing goes back to the old "Rough Rider" era.

I think hardly the day will

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 07:01 — kendustin7 (not verified)

I think hardly the day will come when people won't work under the pressure of other useless persons powers and hardly there will be few person who will be ready to protect their constitution
without thinking about their family.

Movie news

I appreciate the above

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 07:26 — Anonymous (not verified)

I appreciate the above comment that answers the question: where are the survivors. However, I wish that until we do find documents supporting the existence of a Project Monarch, people would
refrain from using the term. It's unclear whether or not it is

Another answer to where are the survivors is that we are right here. We've been trying to get the media and public's attention for going on 25 years now. Some even testified before congress in
1995. Those were three who were tortured and conditioned beginning
in childhood. Since it's difficult enough for people to imagine
this kind of work being done on adults, there is a massive wall of
denial ready for any victim who was taken as a child. Many choose
to remain private after they've gone through a lengthy healing

I have to say that, as an activist in this area, the norm is to be marginalized, even in a compartmentalized way by friends who cannot bear to think of the torture committed in their name, in
their own communities. The irony of course is that's exactly what
the perpetrators of these crimes predicted would happen with
disclosure attempts.

The pain of knowing, for ordinary citizens, I think, is what has kept these activities secret, more than any other force.

The worst I've read yet on a

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 08:24 — Anonymous (not verified)

The worst I've read yet on a topic I had to research two years ago. I can guarantee you that these revelations are new. I need say no more.

This Viar fellow sounds like

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 13:24 — Anonymous (not verified)

This Viar fellow sounds like a shill for CIA--- Great article---- incredible new facts. Everyone needs to know these accounts. We are all victims. Read Albarelli's book for victim

I researched the CIA's

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 13:33 — H.P. Albarelli Jr. (not verified)

I researched the CIA's programs for over 17 years.
As far as I could see and find, there is/was no Monarch
project. Indeed, I was told by the fellow who first wrote about it that it was a
fabricated project on his part and that
he has regretted thecreation for years. It is not necessary to make MKULTRA and
Artichoke any worse than they were. They were absolutely horrible
programs and the attempts to
embellish them with made-upprojects is not helpful or needed. In fact, it readily serves the
Agency's disinformation objectives to scatter this fabricated
disinfo dust over the real story. Ms. Van Bergen is correct:
victim accounts are helpful and needed. These are forthcoming in
additional articles that will be posted on Truthout. As expected,
victims are quite afraid and apprehensive about coming forward.
The victim identified as Sally Hartman in my book is the best
evidenced account I have seen. The harm done to this woman by the
CIA is hard to fathom. Perhaps we will post that section form the
book somewhere on the net so that more people can see and read it.

William Blum was right to

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 21:43 — Old Uncle Dave (not verified)

William Blum was right to say:

"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine."


Read more…
£825 Implant removed from victim/lower gum/mental foramen nerves

Seeing the picture of the implant at Dr. Fubini's site and seeing thatit was taken from the lower gum line I tried to find what nerve bundlemay have been acted upon to detect subvocal speech recognition and thisis what I found.
I've read where the implants are located innerve bundles. I found this nerve bundle in the lower gums(mentalforamen). It is associated with the lip and chin. Possibly analternative to placing an electrode to the voice box as shown on thehistory channels show, "That's Incredible", for subvocal thought readingdetection. A link below showing subvocal actually shows the electrodesunder the lower jaw as well.
Like decoding the nerve impulsessent to the voice box that can deciffer our unspoken thoughts in ourhead(with the aid of an electrode and a computer), it could be that thenerve bundle to the lower lip
also receives this
information.that could be the reason that this implant was found in the lower gumline.
Other implants have come from the ear where the nervebundle
that when inflamed causes
Bell's palsy can be found. This nerve bundlegoes to the face. I had a bout of Bell's Palsy and have wondered ifbeing a TI had anything to do with it.

PeterRosenholm the position of the mental foramen (it lookslike a teardrop). The mental foramen is also visible in the chin areaon the diagram to the right. The mental nerve extends through theforamen and gives feeling to the lip and chin.

Dr.Fubini posted them



Subvocal electrodes very close to chin and lower jaw inthis photo.

Diagramof the Bell's palsey nerve.
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Conference Call Thursday 9PM Eastern Time

Dear Comrades,

I will be hosting my own talkshoe program on Thursday, May 27th at 9:00 PM Eastern Time. It will be an introduction to a work meeting we plan to develop through the conference call. Other highlights of the call will be recorded interviews and music interludes. 724-444-7444 id 83319 then 1#

Chris J. Brunson
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£813 Purpose of these forums???

£813 Purpose of these forums???

Can I get all TIs to actually discuss the likeley hood that what Ihave written below is the truth of our situation?

If we are actually discussing this now then I would suggest insteadof trying to convince law enforcement and government as our protector weconfront that it is our own government doing this to us and it may belegal surveillance using non and less-than lethal weapons.
To back this up it has been police in my case doing the stalking andharassment. I have had two calls with the NIJ (National Institute ofJustice that tests and approves non-lethal weapons) on how non-lethalweapons are being used to kill and torture people one call being aconference call by them to me. Law enforcement has a private courtcalled the FISC under the FISA act. The accused aren't represented andall it takes is accusation by law enforcement to put someone under anabusive surveillance program. Law enforcement also uses criminalinformants to work for them in exchange for reduced and eliminated jailtime. This explains the perps as well as neighborhood watch groups.Infra guard set up by the FBI explains work place mobbing under theguise of intelligence gathering in the work place.
I have also tried to expose a staged road block failed attack byanother TI abused by police who claimed I was filing complaints againstthis towing garage and have criminally fabricated police complaintswritten by police in my name. Police showed up after this failed attemptand falsely arrested me. This also fell apart once the owner of thegarage and I talked and they told me what police had been accusing meof.
They later moved a surveillance team into the second floorapartment I rented. the goal is to pull a hoover black mail and dig upany dirt on me but there was none so the full out OS and EH began eventhough the covert attacks went back many years earlier.
By my continuing to attempt to prove the false arrest andharassment by police I got attacked by what now seems to be MEDUSAcomplete with V2K abilities and with the same exact loud attack mode asLRAD both weapons being developed by the Navy. With the naval warcollege in my same congressional district. This lead to be beinghospitalized and involuntarily committed where I was subject to anattempted forced suicide attack having to here my daughter calling forhelp(voice cloning) while my attacker played theater that they hadkidnapped her and were harming her while telling me to jump out thewindow and to hang myself to save her. All while enduring directedenergy weapons assault with weapons of which Medusa in silent modeseemed to be the main weapon attacking my nervous system.
Later investigation into my mental records exposed police had hadme hospitalized while they searched my home for bomb making materials.This record is in photos in this group.
This is the abuse of the FISA laws which have been the beginningand justification for warrantless wire taping, abusive Justicedepartment letters and the patriot act. The goal is liability protectionfor government and law enforcement corruption. This is why TI aremainly decent people. They couldn't dig up dirt on us so they needed anabusive surveillance program with all the most advanced weapons andequipment to combat the foreign spies this law was originally meant togo after.
Eleanor's cartoons can be good examples of what is happening to TIsbut without ever acknowledging it is law enforcement, CIA, FBI,military Intelligence, criminal informants and civilian intelligencegathering. All are members of the fusion center run by the JTTF(jointerrorism task force) pre 911 and later by (HLS) Home Land Securityafter 911.
The cartoons also have a charracter, "Peter", the perp. She doesn'tlike to be disagreed with. ;-)
If we are going to speak openly and honestly this is what Ibelieve to be taking place. this also explains why of the hundreds ifnot thousands of TIs who try to file complaints with authorities thebest they can expect is to be falsely arrested, locked in a mentalhospital or given deadly and incapacitating psychotic drugs.
this is our reality and the state of our nation. It also explainswhy moving across the country or even abroad does nothing to end ourattacks. Eleanor will never put this on her web site, nor the case ofcell phone stalking with a conviction called the Sheri Peak case. Shewill not state that these are military and law enforcement weapons even.Look at the description and goals of this group and ask why she ignoresthese facts. The 5 or 10 percent of the information that would put thisall together and explain that even an honest cop or FBI agent can'tcomment or interfere with an on going FISA investigation.
Of course this falls under national security and anyone working forthe government wouldn't be able to respond about, "National SecuritySecrets", including directed energy weapons, or the abusive,"Surveillance Investigations", legally ordered in the FISA court(FISC). A court where the accused can't face their accuser nor can theydefend against accusations against them nor can they defend againstthese covert directed energy weapons. This is what we should bediscussing.

Peter Rosenholm
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£802 Aluminum encrusted on windows facing the perps home

Couldthis be evidence of directed energy weapons attacks?

Idiscovered something strange
which may be evidence of directed
energy targeting. There was a substance on the window
that could
not be cleaned off but only scraped and with great difficulty, that
appearsto be aluminum.Yesterday when trying to clean the windows facing
the home across the street where perps attacked me from. At fist the
windowslooked just very dirty on the fist floor where my son sleeps.
Thisis also the floor I had been in when attacked with directed energy
from across the street on Hartford Ave in East Providence RI.

I was theonly one sleeping on the floor when attacked but my son was
sleeping in the lower
level. I don't recall the
windows facingthe south
looking like they are
and I do like to clean thenusually in the fall. These energy weapons
attacks took place fromabout 1999 to about 2002. I was hit with what
now appears to beMEDUSA from the opposite side of the house that was
vehicle mountedso as to rule this attack out. I later slept up stairs
to try andremove myself from the attacks I had suffered through on the
Another odd thing is that it was the upper window
ofthe set that was the most dirty and this window is 3 feet below where
I sleep now.
At first I tried cleaning the outside of the
windowwith a Windex type product to no avail. then I got an industrial
degreasercalled Acetone that we used to clean in my machine shop to no
avail.In the end I noticed where a branch or vine may have rubbed the
windowin the past that left a streak of cleaner glass to see through. I
then got a one sided razor blade and with great difficulty scraped a
smallarea clean.
When I wiped it it looked like the same dull gray colorof aluminum
that I would see when cleaning up after machiningaluminum to make molds
in my machine shop.
I am going tohave to get this tested to
ever be sure but the question is can thedirected energy weapons pointed
at me deposit the aluminum from thescreen on the widow atom by atom. I
have 16 other windows of thistype and have never experienced this
before. Only these windows havebeen effected. there is even an
identical set above these thatdon't have this problem. This is strange?
normally aluminum would beanodized to create a layer of aluminum oxide as
protection. these arealso made by Anderson windows a pretty large and
successful company.
Is this evidence of energy weapons taking and
depositing aluminumfrom the screen onto the
glass? This process would require,"sublimation", or the
altering of a solid directly to a gas(plasma)and the, "deposition",

or the frost caused by the gas(plasma)condensing back into a
solid. This may have taken years and thequestion is could directed
energy weapons
be responsible?

I wonder if any other TIs have noticed this aluminum coating on windows?

Peter Rosenholm
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Tratándose de que tenga un microchip instalado, que me imagino que así es, debido a que no puedo creer en un arma de control
mental dirigida que opere sin la coherencia emisor-receptor, que influya SOLO EN MI 24hr/7dias. O Los hay?. Me es dificil concebir la idea de que los haya, pero aun tambien me es dificil concebir la idea de que en algun momento me instalaron un implante. He hecho memoria y que me acuerde solo he pasado por una cirujia en mi dedo corazon y algunos cad, para que haya dado a alguien la posibilidad de insertarme un implante, espero tener un implante, creo que es preferible quizas asi solo eliminandolo me liberaria. Al ver que De los servicios que ofrece el departamento de imaginologia con lo cual se pude detectar un microchip, por acá no se ha tomado niunguno, se habla muy poco de asistir a la salud para detectar el implante o será porque es posible ser victima de armas de control mental sin implantes? Cuál sería a su
entender la mejor forma de detectarlo sospechando que se encuentra en mi cabeza
o debajo de la piel en mi mano derecha.?

Estos son los examenes que por la cual espero poder pedir asistencia

Exámenes Radiológicos y Fluoroscópicos
Tomografía Computarizada de 64 cortes
Resonancia Magnética
Medicina Nuclear.
Radiología Intervencionista

Mi gran pregunta:

¿Es posible ser victima de armas de control mental sin tener implantes?

I can be a victim of mind control weapons without implant?

Arturo Garces.

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This was posted by Geral Sosbee on January 6, 2009 at 11:45 a.m. in Untitled Category.
I am shedding light on it again for all to see. Please help get the word out.
View Discussions

This is a discussion on SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and PSYCHO-ELECTRONIC WEAPON TORTURES by 100,000 FBI and NSA SECRET SPIES within the Netware forums, part of the Other Organized

Stalking category;




on hundreds of thousands of innocent American ciizens. - Unix Linux Forums

10-01-2007, 07:00 PM

[SOSBEE'S NOTE: See the symptoms that I have documented at: ]

Email this to all your friends and peers and spread the knowledge so all americans
educate themselves about the latest horrifying and disgusting secret technologies
being used by FBI and NSA on hundreds of thousands of innocent american
It would be great if somebody BLOGS this post and spreadthe word on internet
for the benefit of all freedom lovingAmericans.

Majority of these INNOCENT AMERICAN CITIZENS don'teven know they are TORTURE
VICTIMS and are being used as GUINEAPIGS by these FBI and NSA PERVERTS,

The Pentagon and the U.S. intelligence agenciescalled the N.S.A. [ National
Security Agency ], C.S.S. [ CentralSecurity Service ], D.I.A. [ Defence
Intelligence Agency ],D.A.R.P.A. [ Defense Advanced Reserch Projects
Agency ], C.I.A. [Central Intelligence Agency ], the D.H.S. [ Department of
HomelandSecurity ], and the F.B.I. [ Federal Bureau of Investigation
Cointelpro or Counter intelligence program unit has extremelytop secret
technology that can pick up the private thoughts givenby individuals in the
vibrations produced by the brains electricalimpulses, and that these
thoughts can be broadcast by means ofmicrowave tranceivers, infrasound and
ultrasound tranceivers,satellites, and any other form of technology which
useselectromagnetic transfer; i.e., television, radio, the internet, and
telephone. The pentagon calls this mind reading technologySYNTHETIC
TELEPATHY, although there is nothing paranormal about itat all. The N.S.A.
or National Security Agency is a part of theU.S. Department of Defense, and
a very secretive part at that. TheN.S.A. has a black budget, and is always
headed by a flag officerfrom one of the branches of the U.S. military. The
top secrettechnologies available to the U.S. military is usually thirty
yearsor maybe even more ahead of the technology which is available to
U.S. civilian economy. Who is to know among the general U.S.public what the
level of technological development is within thesecret laboratories of the
N.S.A. and D.A.R.P.A. [ DefenseAdvanced Research Projects Agency ]. The
headquarters of theNational Security Agency is located at Fort George Meade
in theU.S. state of Maryland.

Today, there are microscopic computerchips based on nanotechnology which
can be inserted into a personby means of an injection, capsule, or tooth
filling, with orwithout the knowledge of a doctor or a pharmacist, and
thesecomputer chips can track the implanted person by radio or
These microscopic computer chips can also be madeinvisible to detection by
means of C.A.T. [ Computerized AxialTomography ], M.R.I. [ Magnetic
Resonance Imaging ], and P.E.T. [Positron Emission Tomography ] scans,
by some means ofelectromagnetic degaussing.

With the latest top secret, andrapid technological advancements available
to the U.S. militaryintelligence agencies, the need for microscopic
computer implantsin conducting synthetic telepathy against targeted
persons isobsolete by now. Rather, a system of subliminal,
wireless microwave remote control is used todayagainst targeted
individuals suffering from synthetic telepathyharassment. Synthetic
Telepathy is used for conducting torturetraining and/or experimentation
against people as red herring"good cop/bad cop" or tough love acting,
diversions,feints, decoys, and smokescreens, as smear campaigns by
association,as openly secret intimidation campaigns against targeted
dissidents,and as a means of espionage. Once it was believed
that claimsabout C.I.A. agents secretly dumping radioactive
material in theslums of U.S. cities during the 1950's as part
of a researchprogram were simply mass conspiracy theories, until the U.S.
federalgovernment in the 1990's publicly admitted that the allegation was

FBI and NSA agents who are part of a secret US societyare genetically
inclined sociopaths and psychopaths who work ashit men, torturers,
sexual abusers, stalkers, slanderers, andagent provocateurs involved
in murders and torture of hundreds ofthousands of innocent US citizens
for years and years. At the lastcount there are 50,000 NSA spies who
are businessmen, priests,community leaders and in all walks of life
who are SPYING andkeeping tabs on pretty much all americans.

The synthetictelepathy espionage trainees, sociopaths, sadomasochistic
torturers,slanderers, experimenters, and spies, in order to avoid
developingany sympathy for their targeted victims, deliberately avoid
actuallyfeeling the emotions of their victims by following the squiggly
or Electroencephalograph lines on computer monitor screens, aswell as the
silent words thought by their victims which alsoappear on the computer
monitor screens. Then again, who can feelall of the emotions and thoughts
which any given person hasundergone every second of their entire lifetime.
The emotions andsilent words of the victims of synthetic telepathy
operators canbe broadcast against their will to anyone the synthetic
telepathytorturers choose to broadcast to, and they also have the power
block or censor any emotions and words of their victims whichthey do not
want to be broadcast. The synthetic telepathy spiescan also place their own
criminal or antisocial, negative emotionsand words into their victims by
means of subliminal, subconscious,remote control microwave brainwashing
technology, and they canchange the voice behind their words so as to make
it appear thatit is the targeted victim and not themselves who are
communicatingby means of synthetic telepathy. They can also store emotions
andsilently thought words onto a supercomputer memory bank which they
rebroadcast at a later time. I believe that the synthetictelepathy
operators, although having high I.Q.'s, are predisposedtowards
sociopathic behaviour because of a genetic defect orcombination of genetic
defects, and that the only way they cansustain enthusiasm in their lives is
by engaging in an addictivepattern of sadomasochistic activities and fantasies.

If you donot believe that synthetic telepathy exists, then you should look
atthese following web sites which reveal that part of
psychological warfare and mind control which todayis declassified:

I urge the readers to print/save this columnas well as the following link
TORTURE of hundredsof thousands of innocent American citizens
(guinea pigs andvictims) is explained in detail with diagrams and

"Covert Operations of the U.S. NationalSecurity Agency" (link unknown)

Readers are advised toprint the document in the link above and study the
pictures andtechnology.

Important things from the above link for Americansto educate and protect
themselves and their loved ones from thesesecret, non-consensual and
illegal psychopathic experiments,attacks and tortures by these 100,000
FBI and NSA secret societypsychopaths and spies.

1) The NSA has records on all UScitizens. The NSA gathers information on
US citizens with over50,000 NSA agents and spies (HUMINT).
2) NSA personnel in thecommunity usually have cover identities such as
social workers,priests, church leaders, lawyers and business owners.
3) NSApersonnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of
individuals in the US by using the NSA's domestic intelligence
network and cover businesses.
4) This network (DOMINT) covers theentire US, involves tens of thousands of
NSA personnel, and tracksmillions of persons simultaneously .
5) NSA DOMINT has the abilityto assassinate US citizens covertly or run
covert psychologicalcontrol operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed
with illmental health.
6) At the present time the NSA has nanotechnologycomputers that are
15 years ahead of present computertechnology.
7) SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY and other psycho-electronicweapon chips can be
inserted into the victims bodies painlesslywithout their knowledge in
a matter of minutes by FBI and NSAspies.
8) NSA computer generated brain mapping can continuouslymonitor all of the
electrical activity in the braincontinuously.
9) For electronic surveillance purposes, electricalactivity in the speech
center of the brain can be translated intothe subject's verbal thoughts.
10) NSA operatives can use thiscovertly to debilitate subjects by
simulating auditoryhallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia.

11)Without any contact with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can
out electrical activity from the visual cortex of a subject'sbrain and
show images from the subject's brain on a video monitor.NSA operatives
see what the surveillance subject's eyes areseeing.

12) Visual memory can also be seen. RNM can sendimages direct to the visual
cortex, bypassing the eyes and opticnerves. NSA operatives can use this
surreptitiously to put imagesinto a surveillance subject's brain while they
are in REM sleepfor brain-programming purposes.

13) The NSA, Ft Meade has inplace a vast two-way wireless RNM system which
is used to tracksubjects and non-invasively monitor audio-visual information
intheir brains. This is all done with no physical contact with the
RNM is the ultimate method of surveillance and domesticintelligence.

14) Speech, 3D sound and subliminal audio can besent to the auditory cortex
of the subject's brain (bypassing theears), and images can be sent into the
visual cortex. RNM canalter a subject's perceptions, moods and motor
control. RNM canalter a subject's perceptions, moods and motor control.

15)The NSA's Signals Intelligence has the proprietary ability to
remotely and non-invasively information in the human brainby digitally
decoding the evoked potentials in the 30-50 Hz, 5milliwatt electromagnetic
emissions from the brain.

16)Remote monitoring/tracking of individuals in any location, inside
building, continuously, anywhere in the country. RNM canelectronically
identify individuals and track them anywhere in theUS.

17) Tens of thousands of persons in each area working asspotters and
neighbourhood/business place spies (sometimesunwittingly) following and
checking on subjects who have beenidentified for covert control by NSA personnel.


God only knows how many of the unsolvedmurders and diseases are actually
committed and spread by these100,000 FBI and NSA agents and spies.

18) Chemicals and Drugsinto Residential Buildings with Hidden NSA Installed
andMaintained Plastic Plumbing lines. The NSA has kits for running
into residential tap water and air ducts of subjects for thedelivery of
drugs (such as sleeping gas or brainwashing-aidingdrugs). This is an
outgrowth of CIA pharmapsychology(psychopharmacology).

19) Victims experience daily break-insin their homes by FBI and NSA secret
society spies. Victims ofthis endless torture has no way to prove the
break-ins andpoisoning of food since FBI and NSA spies have technology
that caneasily disable the video surveillance systems, phone lines
security alarm systems of the torture victims.

20) FBIand NSA spies threaten hundreds of thousands of these
torture victims in America with accidents, bio-terrorismattacks in the
form of measles, chicken pox, small pox and otherforms of viruses, life
threatening diseases AIDS, debilitatingdiseases cystic fibrosis,
alzheimers etc. FBI and NSA spies postthese threatening messages on
internet only the mind controlvictims can understand and knew those
threats were meant for thevictims. In some cases, unfortunately these
torture victims don'teven know they are torture victims.


Frequent break-ins and POISONING of FOOD
Frequentbreak-ins-and-enters at home and at work with clothing,
furniture,business papers, computer files sabotaged, modified or
Frequent break-ins and movement of items from theiroriginal places,
lights, tv and other electronic appliances turnedon or off
Controlled dreams
Forced waking visions some sync'edwith body motion
Microwave hearing
Artificial Tinnitus
Forced movement of Jaw and clackingof teeth
Forced precision manipulation of hands
Forced memoryblanking and induced erroneous actions
Induced changes to hearing- both apparent direction and volume and
sometimes evencontent
Sudden violent itching inside eyelids
Forcedmanipulation of airways, including externally controlled
Wildly racing heart without cause
Remotely inducedviolent no-rash itching often during delicate or
messy work
Forcednudging of arm during delicate or messy work causing spills or
Intense general pain or hot needles pushed deep into fleshsensations
Wild flailing some times followed by short periods of"rigor mortis"
Sudden over heating, all body pain, sleepprevention
Forced drop-in-your-tracks sleepinducement
Irresistible "go here, go there"commands
Microwave burns, electric shocks


Impotency caused by secret poisoning of the food byFBI and NSA secret spies.
Usually alone in his/hertorture
Constant mental rape, insults and humiliation
Has noprivacy even for his/her private thoughts
Cannot plan secretly,hold trade secrets or intellectual property
Is subject to viciousphysical and psychological attacks
Does not know how harassment ishappening or by whom
Does not know why harassment is happening
Maybe accused of mentall illness, called delusional
Cannot get away,no matter where he/she goes
Mind raped thought streams
Gossip, Rumors, Social and Job connectionsbroken
Microwave voices, clicks, pops, brain zapping, directharassment
Death and disease threats via internet messages fromundercover FBI and NSA

Mind control meansinfluencing the behaviour of an
individual. And to creating orremolding victims personality towards desired
state. The desiredmodel human for the elite of the world, or, "the
Illuminati"is: Easily steerable mass-human without personal
characteristics.A stupefied, dumbed down person. This secures the interests
of theelite of the world. So they can lead our lives through changing
the way they want.

Apparently growing out of earliergovernment mind control research programs
such as MKULTRA, andgovernment suppression-of-dissent programs such as
COINTELPRO,today's mind control is covert, finely crafted, around the
harassment perpetrated against citizens living in theirhomes and

Destruction of family and otherrelationships by way of lies, bribes, and
threats is a goal of thephase of today's mind control. The current day mind
controlprogram has been carefully engineered so that if the
complains, their own words will instantly cause them to belabeled as
mentally ill.

The mind/body symptoms of currentday mind control include: Excruciating
PAIN(!) Exceptionallyfrequent blanking of recent memories, and truncation
of newideas

- Impotency caused by secret poisoning of the food byFBI and NSA secret
- Very unnatural inability to sleep,as if large amounts of caffeine have
been consumed.
- Suddenforced awakening at precisely the same time in the middle of
night, continuing for at least months, and right on a clocktime such as 4
am, zero minutes, zero seconds
- Suddenclumsiness, which can result in spills, spoilage of precise work,
orinjury - Attacks of extreme fatigue, sometimes almost to the point
paralysis, when there is no reason for such attacks
-Frequent powerful itching without rash, and which may start as a
electric shock
- Artificial "bee stings",especially while trying to get to sleep
- Wildly racing heartwithout any cause
- Sudden overheating, without any cause
-Frequent flailing of arms and legs as you try to sleep
- Fakesounds such as alarm clock going off when it shouldn't,
ringing when there is no incoming call, knocking on thedoor but no one is
- Voices, either very insulting, ortelling you things that indicate you are
under surveillance
-Vibration of body parts when trying to sleep
- High pitched tonein ears, which may change when switching electronic
equipment onor off In some cases, statements by strangers indicating they
knowwhat you had for supper In some cases, statements by
indicating they can read your thoughts
- Artificialand powerful sexual stimulation
- Artificial and powerfulPREVENTION of sexual stimulation.

FBI and NSA spies postmessages anonymously on usenet to indicate
to the torture victimshow they made the victims impotent. Ignore the title
in the threadand read the subtle threatening text from FBI and NSA SPIES.

Onecan imagine how many of the hundreds of thousands of innocent
are made impotent by these disgusting, horrifying andsadistic FBI and

This is THE EXTERIOR ofmind control. The non-noticeable mind control is
more dangerousone. That is the manipulation of our thoughts and emotions
WITHOUTour notice of things.

We think we lead our lives. But we donot. We have to wake up to take notice
on the situation. And tryto change the course of history.

FBI and NSA SECRET SOCIETYimposes us the New world order using mind
control. And we can`tshield ourselves from it. Which makes us as
puppets onstrings.

"Electromagnetic Weapons and Mind Control":from CNN's Special Assignment,
about 1985, at
, by Chuck De
Caro, CNN Special Assignments,
and "List ofmind control symptoms, in "2005 update:
The convergence ofthe cold war history of mind control and
electromagnetic weaponswith new
post cold war government neuroscience reserch programs,"by Cheryl Welsh,
Director, Mind Justice, 2005, at

Also,there is an interesting article called "Brain wave technology
change lives: Imagine controlling a computer using only yourthoughts." This
technology already exists in the civilianeconomy as a means of playing
video games, for example. See thislink: The article was written by Robert
Bazell, correspondent for NBCNews, and was updated at 7:31p.m., December 6,
2004. Another website concerned with gaining information on the electrical
activityof brainwaves, and by means of wireless technology, can be found
the Sunday, 17 November, 2002, 00:41 GMT BBC NEWS World Editionarticle
called "Remote control brain sensor",at


"4 Elite Airborne commandos Return from aSpecial Operation in
Afghanistan and suddenly torture and murdertheir wives"

Friday, July 26, 2002 1:33 p.m. EDT FORTBRAGG, N.C. (Reuters) -
Four U.S. soldiers stationed at FortBragg, including three special
operations servicemen who returnedhome this year after tours of
duty in Afghanistan, allegedlykilled their wives recently, military
officials said on Friday. Intwo of the cases, the soldiers killed
themselves after shootingtheir spouses, officials said. In the
other two, the servicemenhave been arrested and are facing charges.
"There has been arecent series of instances where soldiers have
either committedmurder or murder-suicide against their wives," said
Maj. GaryKolb, a spokesman for the Army Special Operations Command.

Iwonder how many of the murders and suicides in America were
remotely manipulated, induced and orchestrated by theseFBI and NSA
secret mind control and mind manipulationexperiments.

STARGATEis one of the many names given to the Army's classified
clan ofremote viewers. This project was hidden deeply within the
governmentfor close to two decades. The work of Harold Puthoff Ph.D.,
at SRIinternational ...joined with the
work of others at the CognitiveScience Laboratory
... helped to supply the CIA with theframework
of what was then known as Project GRILLFRAME. By 1978America's
first remote viewers were at work. It is rumored thecold war was
responsible for the government's interest in remoteviewing
because Russia had spies not dissimilar to our remoteviewers.

Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.

(1995) Another bombshell from the fecundfurnace of Feral House Press.
Constantine, a political researcherin the mold of Mae Brussell, has
gathered together awell-documented survey. "Bombing minds rather than
bodies isthe warfare of the new millennium... Funded under the
euphemism ofNon-Lethal Technology, the Pentagon has developed the
ability totransmit voices, and inflict pain, madness, even death,
with thepush of a button. Hard to believe? Believe it! Official
sourceshave publicly admitted to the existence of such technology."
Topicscovered: Telemetric mind control, hearing voices, false memory
hoax,E. Howard Hunt's Death Squads, The GOP's Pink Triangle & the
CIA,Johnny Carson and the S&L crisis, and let's not forget
chapter on NutraSweet as crowd control.
221 pages,PB

The term "mind control" comesfrom former CIA director Allen Dulles.
In 1953, Dulles, speakingbefore a national meeting of Princeton
alumni, distinguished twofronts in the then-current "battle for men's
minds": a"first front" of mass indoctrination through censorship
propaganda, and a "second front" of individual"brainwashing" and
"brain changing." Before anaudience of fellow Ivy Leaguers, Dulles
skipped the usual pietiesabout democracy. The same year, Dulles
approved the CIA'snotorious MKULTRA project, and exempted it from
normal CIAfinancial controls.

A partial list of aggressive promotersof this new technology includes
Oak Ridge National Lab, SandiaNational Laboratories, Science
Applications InternationalCorporation, MITRE Corporation, Lawrence
Livermore National Lab,and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

In 1996, the US Air ForceScientific Advisory Board published a
14-volume study of futuredevelopments in weapons called New World
Vistas. Tucked away onpage 89 of an ancillary 15th volume are some
hair-raising insightsinto the future 'coupling' of man
and machine in a section dealingwith 'Biological Process
Control'. The author refers to an'explosion' of
knowledge in the field of neuroscience, adding,ominously:

One can envision the development ofelectromagnetic energy sources,
the output of which can be pulsed,shaped, and focused, that can
couple with the human body in afashion that will allow one to prevent
voluntary muscularmovements, control emotions (and thus actions),
produce sleep,transmit suggestions, interfere with both short-term
and long-termmemory, produce an experience set, and delete an

Translating the words 'experience set' frommilitary
jargon into plain English, this means, simply, that theyenvisage the
ability to erase your life's memories and substitutea new,
fictitious set.

By projecting such developments intothe future, the authors of New
Vistas are camouflaging present daycapabilities. A similar futuristic
scenario with many referencesto mind manipulation is described in The
Revolution in MilitaryAffairs and Conflict Short of War (US Army War
College, 1994).Authors Steven Metz and James Kievit declare:
"Behaviourmodification is a key component of peace
enforcement" and"The advantage of [using] directed energy
systems isdeniability." The authors ask: "Against whom is
suchdeniability aimed?" The direct answer is "the

Edward Tilton, President of Silent SoundsInc., says this about S-quad
in a letter dated 13 December,1996:

All schematics, however, have been classified by theUS Government and
we are not allowed to reveal the exact details.we make tapes
and CDs for the German Government, even the formerSoviet Union
countries! All with the permission of the US StateDepartment, of
course. The system was used throughout OperationDesert Storm
(Iraq) quite successfully.

By using thesecomputer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and
isolate thebrain's low-amplitude "emotion signature
clusters,"synthesize them and store them on another computer.
In otherwords, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave
patternsthat occur when a subject experiences a particular
scientists have been able to identify the concomitantbrainwave
pattern and can now duplicate it. "These clustersare then
placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and willsilently
trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion inanother human

Microwaves can also alter thepermeability of the body's
blood-brain barrier,14 which cansynergistically increase the effects
of drugs, as the military iswell aware. "Using relatively
low-level RFR, it may bepossible to sensitize large military groups
to extremely dispersedamounts of biological or chemical agents to
which the unirradiatedpopulation would be immune."15

Sound can betransmitted even easier through the use of implants -
cochlearimplants, implants that send electrical signals into the
fluid ofthe inner ear, or implants that transmit sound vibrations via
boneconduction, such as the cases of dental fillings picking up
audibleradio signals.

The stimoceiver, invented by Dr. JoseDelgado, consists of wires
running from strategic points in thebrain to a radio
receiver/transmitter located entirely under theskin. Through this
device, Delgado was able to stimulate rawemotions such as arousal,
anxiety, and aggression with the turn ofa knob.
Of course, secret research by the US Government intomicrowaves and
synthetic telepathy has moved on considerably sincethe end of the
Cold War ... secret microwave radiation can be usedto induce in
unsuspecting victims: "Headache, fatigue,perspiring, dizziness,
menstrual disorders, irritability,agitation, tension, drowsiness,
sleeplessness, depression,anxiety, forgetfulness, and the lack of

NavalResearch Lab Attempts To Meld Neurons And Chips: Studies May
ProduceArmy of 'Zombies.'

Future battles could be waged withgenetically engineered organisms,
such as rodents, whose minds arecontrolled by computer chips
engineered with living braincells.... The research, called
Hippo-campal Neuron Patterning,grows live neurons on computer chips.
"This technology thatalters neurons could potentially be used
on people to createzombie armies," Lawrence Korb, a senior
fellow at theBrookings Institution, said.

See also "NationalSecurity Agency"
"Central Security Service"in,
"Defense Intelligence Agency"in,
and "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency"in

Thefollowing links explain secret MKULTRA and COINTELPRO programs of
CIA and NSAagencies.

Postedvia a free Usenet account from

Seemy reports:
Andfor the fbi's
fbion laser


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Reply by FREEDOM
on May 3, 2010 at 8:56am

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Please carefully read the content ..

控告理由原因: 台灣警方使用微型晶片嚴重侵犯人權(一)Reason against reason: Taiwan police use of mind control weapons and serious human rights violations.被控訴人:1:呂有文:當時法務部部長(1989/11/27~1993/02/27)註:這年代911從美國引進微型晶片開始正式在台爛用精神控制武器。2:當時台灣警政署長侯有宜。3:台南地檢署主任檢察官顏榮松等及當時台南縣刑事局偵四隊.刑事局偵九隊等人。Accused person:1: Lvyou Wen: minister at the Ministry of Justice Taiwan(1989/11/27 ~ 1993/02/27)Note: That's 911 starting from the U.S. introduction of a microchip with an official in Taiwan rotten mind control weapons.2: At that time Taiwan's National Police Administration, Hou Youyi3: Tainan County's chief prosecutor Yanrong Song etc, and then four teams Investigation Criminal Investigation Bureau, Tainan County. CIB investigation and nine teams of people.控訴人:張志吉(同是微型晶片受害者)~如有其他受害者願意加入請告知~Complainants: 張志吉RosiTa (victims of the same mind control weapons)證據(一):檢警等人當時對媒體記者所述。Evidence (1): prosecutors and police, who referred to reporters at the time."); --> 獵龍/張錫銘晶片上身 衛星定位掌握行蹤Hunting Long / Chang's chip upper body. Satellite positioning control movements.2005/07/14 20:53 Video社會中心/綜合報導 東森新聞台到底是什麼東西洩露了張錫銘的行蹤?警方透露,此次能掌握張錫銘的行蹤,是靠著美國在911 恐怖攻擊後開發出的高科技追蹤微型晶片,只要張錫銘將裝有這種晶片的物品買回,警方就可透過電波偵防車掌握惡龍行蹤。In the end is what leaked Chang's whereabouts? Police said Chang's whereabouts can grasp this, is by the 911 terrorist attacks in the United States to develop high-tech tracking microchip, as long as Chang's will be equipped with this chip for the items, police surveillance car can go through the airwaves dragon master track.高階警官指出,此款高科技晶片在國外可以直接以衛星遙測追縱,但此次國內追輯張錫銘,是以電信警察的電波偵防車代替衛星,雖然追蹤範圍精確度會有些微誤差,但加上情報資料的分析過濾,便足以掌握張錫銘的落腳處。High ranking police officer pointed out that this section can be directly in foreign high-tech chip to satellite telemetry tracking, but the country is looking at Chang's, based on the police radio telecommunications car instead of satellite surveillance, although the tracking range of accuracy that minor error, However, the analysis of intelligence information with filters, it is sufficient to master Chang behind the shelter.台南地檢署主任檢察官顏榮松表示,警方在張錫銘落網前20天,在張錫銘可能出沒的商店,把物品裝設此款高科技晶片,只要張錫銘買回去,衛星定位一追蹤,便能掌握惡龍行蹤。顏榮松也透露在監聽期間,還常聽到張錫銘抱怨贖款拿到比例太低,都被中間人拿走。Tainan chief prosecutor Yanrong Song said that the police's capture the first 20 days may come and go in the store at Chang's, the high-tech goods Cikuan chip installed, as long as Chang's to buy back a GPS tracking, can master the dragon whereabouts. Yanrong Song also revealed that the monitoring period, they are often heard complaining about Chang's ransom to get too low, have been taken away middleman.《惡龍張錫銘落網 — 特別報導》"Dragon's capture - Special Report"晶片追蹤 小黑無所遁形〔記者王俊忠、余雪蘭╱綜合報導〕檢警專案小組證實,幾個月來,策動小黑的外圍份子,將高科技晶片植入張錫銘日常用品,並追蹤其網路遊戲IP位址,截獲張錫銘貼身小弟林泰亨(綽號阿呆)與友人通話的視訊影像,直到3天前,循線發現阿呆在沙鹿民宅出入,進而研判惡龍在內可能性高,才發動攻堅。Chip track black scares〔Reporter WANG Jun-zhong, Yu Xuelan ╱ roundup〕 prosecutors and police confirmed that the ad hoc group, months, instigated black external elements, the high-tech chip implanted Chang's daily necessities, and track the IP addresses of its online games, intercepted Chang's close younger brother Lin Taiheng (nicknamed Dumb) and friends call the video image until three days ago, through the line found in Shalu houses out Dumb then dragon, including the possibility of high-judged before the launch crucial檢方︰通訊偵查不違法對於有人質疑使用晶片辦案違反人權,台南地檢署主任檢察官顏榮松、承辦檢察官蔡英俊表示,依據通訊偵查法規定,一般偵查無法突破案情時,可使用通訊偵查。註:用在無辜人民上是否違法?我.假縱火犯曲宗運.縱火犯陳培元.等還有更多晶片受害者。(如要受害者資料我有)The prosecution does not detect illegal communications ︰Some people question the use of chips for handling violations of human rights, Tainan chief prosecutor Yanrong Song, Cai Yingjun prosecutors said the contractor, based on detection of communications law, a general investigation can not break the case, you can use communication detection. Note: The innocent people, whether in law? Me. Fake arson songs were shipped. Arsonist Pei-Yuan. And so many more victims of the chip. (To the victims of information I have)另警方表示,張錫銘被逮後,檢警在現場找到1部桌上型電腦及1部筆記型手提電腦,張錫銘就是利用這2部電腦玩遊戲,目前檢警查扣後全部鎖存,將委請電腦專家解讀相關資訊,希望從中找到更多有訊息,盡早將張錫銘犯罪集團成員一網打盡。1年多來,專案小組追緝綽號小黑的張錫銘綁架集團發現,小黑身旁有眾多資助者與幕後指揮人士,幾個月之前,專案核心刑事局偵四隊決定嘗試運用高科技的小型晶片,做為追蹤小黑下落的利器。專案小組以「拉出」方式吸收小黑的外圍份子做為秘密證人,檢警再將這種小晶片委交秘密證人,由秘密證人趁機接近小黑時,將晶片放入小黑平日隨身攜帶的日常用品內。The other, police said, after Chang's caught, prosecutors and police at the scene to find a desktop and a notebook laptop computer, Chang's is to use two computers to play this game, now, after prosecutors and police seized all the latches, the Committee please computer experts interpret information, hoping to find more information as soon as possible to catch Chang's criminal syndicate.1 year ago, the ad hoc group looking at Chang's kidnapping group, nicknamed the find black, black side has many sponsors and people behind the scenes, a few months ago, the ad hoc investigation CIB core team decided to try the use of four small high-tech chip, as the black trace the whereabouts of the weapon.The ad hoc group to "pull" approach absorb external elements as black secret witnesses, prosecutors and police then entrusted to such a small chip secret witnesses, secret witnesses took the opportunity to close by the black, it will normally carry the chip into the black within the daily supplies.證據(二):Evidence (2):檢警坦言,在將晶片成功植入小黑的隨身用品後,專案小組以行動電話或衛星定位系統,對小黑身旁的晶片展開追蹤。也因小黑生性極為狡猾,他在某一定點都不會停留太久,如他待在山區期間,專案小組追查到他在山區多次變換停留位置。專案小組也查出張錫銘酷愛玩網路線上遊戲,檢警從網路遊戲角色的IP位置,查出張錫銘幾個落腳處,不過位置也不是很明確。截獲阿呆視訊電話。Prosecutors and police admitted that success in the chip implanted black portable products, the ad hoc group to mobile phone or satellite positioning systems, on the black side of the chip to start up.Also very cunning because black by nature, he will not stay too long of a fixed point, if he stayed in mountain areas, the ad hoc group to trace his location in the mountains, stay several transformations. Chang's group has also found love online play online games, online games role of prosecutors and police from the IP position, to identify some shelter at Chang's, but the location is not very clear.Dumb video calls intercepted.接(二)《惡龍張錫銘落網 — 特別報導》"Dragon's capture - Special Report"張錫銘檳榔不離口 帶槍嫖妓〔記者楊金城、謝銀仲、吳世聰、楊國棠╱綜合報導〕惡龍張錫銘在逃亡藏匿期間的生活習性,警方一點一滴追蹤拼湊,摸清他在山區和平地的藏匿習性,發現他愛抽都彭洋菸、嗜喝軒尼詩XO洋酒、嗜嚼檳榔,喝酒後多次帶槍前往嘉義縣水上鄉三線路、台南縣新營市廠前街的私娼寮嫖妓。友人代買檳榔解癮張錫銘的朋友都知道,張錫銘嚼食檳榔的癮頭很大,幾乎到了檳榔不離口的地步,即使逃亡也無法改掉。專案小組透露,曾將嘉義大小檳榔攤列為重要線索,指示嘉義警方清查轄區上千家檳榔攤一次購買大宗檳榔的人士。特別是嘉市民族路「震安宮」附近某家檳榔攤的檳榔,張錫銘很對味,張錫銘的友人常一次大宗購買上千元的檳榔供張錫銘食用,後因2人失聯,警方才放棄這一條線索。註:警方為何注意檳榔攤跟微型晶片有什麼關聯?該家檳榔攤所賣出的檳榔,到底有何魅力,讓張錫銘逃亡期間仍無法忘情,令人好奇。但是,因警方跟監過程,相當保密,連檳榔攤老闆都不知情,僅表示前來消費的顧客都是老面孔,對與張錫銘有關問題,一概不願回答。張錫銘的逃亡生活,日常飲食和住較簡陋,過得有些清苦,但也有嗜好,且想辦法不虧待自己。警方發現小黑如躲在平地,一定選擇有退路並有鐵門、車庫的透天厝,在山區則躲在有制高點和退路的工寮或搭帳篷,都以四輪傳動車、休旅車、廂型車代步移動。張錫銘躲藏山區時穿著深色長衣或迷彩裝,腳穿長筒登山釘鞋、護膝在山上行動,躲藏點常常是無水無電,靠黨羽帶上山的礦泉水、話梅止渴,吃白飯配肉類罐頭、海產乾料果腹。去年7月,小黑綁架和欣客運少東楊尚書躲在海拔2千公尺以上的達邦山區時,因米飯煮不熟,只好吃粥配薑。愛抽洋菸、喝洋酒張錫銘最愛抽都彭牌洋菸、喝XO洋酒、嗜吃檳榔,躲藏點如有電視,看電視蒐集警方動態,並以電腦上網撥打網路電話和收發E-MAIL,在山區則以收音機收聽時事和警方動態。Chang's chain-gun prostitutes betel〔Reporter Yang Jincheng, Xieyin Zhong, Wu Shicong, Yang Guotang〕 ╱ roundup dragon flight Chang's hiding in the living habits during the period, the police piece together bit by bit to track, find out he's hiding in the mountains, the peaceful habits, found his love for pumping Dupont foreign cigarettes, Hennessy XO addicted to drink wine, addicted to chewing betel nut, after drinking several gun Township, Chiayi County to three lines, Ying City, Tainan County factory Front Street's private Changliao prostitutes.Friends on behalf of the betel nut addiction solutionChang's friends all know that chewing betel nut addiction Chang's great, almost to the point where betel has stored, even if the flight can not get rid of. The group revealed that, the size of the betel nut stand Chiayi important clues as to instruct the police inventory of the Chiayi area, thousands of betel nut betel nut stand a person to buy bulk. In particular, Ka City National Road "Earthquake Safety Palace" home in a betel nut stand near the betel nut, Chang's is on the taste, often a staple at Chang's friends to buy a thousand dollars for Chang behind the betel nut consumption by 2 people lost contact after the police give up This is a clue.Note: The betel nut stand why the police pay attention to what is associated with a microchip?Shared by the family to sell betel nut, in the end what is the attraction, so that remains of his life during Chang's flight, it is curious. However, due to police and monitor the process, very confidential, even the bosses are unaware of betel nut stalls, only that old faces are coming to consumer customers, with Chang behind the issue, that any reluctance to answer.The flight Chang's life, diet and live a more simple, flies some hard, but there are hobbies, and find ways to not hard on myself.Police found black as hiding in the ground, must choose the escape route and a steel door, the garage houses and hiding in the mountains there is high ground and retreat of labor lodgings, or tent, all with four-wheel drive vehicles, sport utility vehicles , van travel movement.Chang's wearing a dark long mountain hide or camouflage clothing, be wearing long-barreled climbing spikes, knee operations in the mountains, hiding point of water is often no electricity, relying on henchmen to bring the mountain mineral water, plum thirst, eating rice with canned meat , seafood, dry material to feed their families.Last year in July, a small black passenger kidnapping and Yan Dong Yang Shang 2 1 000 meters above sea level to hide the Tapang mountains, the rice cooked by a stranger had porridge with ginger.Love pumping foreign cigarettes, drink winePeng Chang's favorite brand pumping all foreign tobacco, drink XO wine, addicted to betel nut, hiding spots, if TV, watch TV to collect the police dynamic, and computer network telephone calls and send and receive Internet E-MAIL, Zeyi radio to listen to current events in the mountains and the Police News.Note:●【阿呆那有視訊電話?】●1:就算有也只是單張單純拍照,也要當事人(阿呆)打電話傳訊照片才行。2:檢警監聽可操作當事人手機傳訊照片?Note:● 【Dumb that a video phone?】 ●1: Even if only a simple camera leaflets, but also subject (fools) phone messaging pictures Caixing.2: the party seized the police monitor operational mobile communications photos?此外,專案小組從張錫銘小弟林泰亨與友人以電子信箱及網路視訊電話聯絡時,掌握到阿呆的電腦IP位址,甚至截獲阿呆與友人通話時的清晰視訊影像,使專案小組士氣大振。最近1、2個星期,專案小組相繼發現張錫銘出現在台北、桃園、中壢與台中霧峰等地,行蹤飄忽不定,直到3天前,專案小組在沙鹿鎮中興路306號的民宅監控到阿呆出入該屋執行採買工作。專案小組大膽研判,阿呆最近都緊跟著小黑,是小黑的貼身小弟,既然阿呆連續幾天在該屋出入,小黑極可能在屋內,於是選定在13日上午部署重兵攻堅,一擊中的。In addition, the ad hoc group from Chang's younger brother Lin Taiheng and friends to e-mail and Internet video telephone contact, the grasp Dumb computer IP address, or even friends call intercepted Dumb and clear video images to make ad hoc group to revive flagging spirits .1,2 recent weeks, the ad hoc group have found that Chang's in Taipei, Taoyuan, Chungli and Wufeng and other places, erratic movements, until three days ago, the group in Shalu Town, No. 306 Zhongxing Road, houses to monitor Dumb buy out the implementation work of the house.Bold judged that the ad hoc group, Dumb recently followed black is black's personal little brother, as the fools in the house for days out, black is very likely in the house, was selected to deploy massive forces in the crucial 13 am, a hit in.顏榮松表示,去年大寮圍捕張錫銘時,就已使用晶片追蹤,而晶片電力時效只能維持30天,大寮圍捕張時,該晶片已使用30多天,超過期限而失效;而這一次,晶片追蹤張錫銘20多天後,時機成熟,即攻堅逮捕張錫銘。顏榮松說,附有晶片的商品果真被買回去給張錫銘使用,小黑隨身攜帶,所以行蹤從台北到霧峰,再到沙鹿都被掌控。Yanrong Song said Daliao rounded up last year, when Chang's, already use chips to track, and the chip power limitation can be maintained for 30 days, Daliao rounded up sheets, the chip has been used more than 30 days, over the period and failure; and this time, the chip Tracking more than 20 days after Chang's, the time is ripe, that is crucial Chang's arrest.Yanrong Song said, with the chip really is to buy back the goods to Chang's use of black portable, so tracks from Taipei to Wufeng, to Shalu were controlled.註:當時阿呆只負責購買便當.水.檳榔.酒等....放在哪裡?什麼是日常用品?Note: Dumb is only responsible for purchase of lunch time. Water. Betel nuts. Wine .... Where? What is the daily use?《惡龍張錫銘落網 — 特別報導》擒龍抗戰 高科技&傳統戰缺一不可記者王俊忠╱特稿"Dragon's capture - Special Report"Qin Long War high-tech & conventional warfare is dispensableFeature reporter Wang Junzhong ╱惡龍張錫銘出了山區在台中平地落網,攻堅行動成功,刑事局與中部警方記上大功一筆;但台南、高雄縣市警方這幾個月在南部山區持續進行大規模搜山與堅壁清野策略,迫使惡龍出山,做苦工的功勞,也不能被抹殺。台南地檢署主任檢察官顏榮松透露,這次獵龍運用逼虎下山的策略,也是逮人成功的要素,他們先大力掃蕩張熟悉的山區,把他趕出來,並持續搜山的假動作,讓張誤以為警方不知道他在那裡,而能聲東擊西。獵龍專案小組與小黑過招幾回後,深諳小黑擅於打叢林戰的優勢,警方絕對難敵,圍捕策略於是從山區搜捕改為將他趕出山區。逼龍出山 致勝關鍵檢警認為,這如同使一條在水中靈活運動的鱷魚到了陸地,行動變緩,獵捕機會相對提高。台南檢警則以鴨子划水之姿,與家住台南安平的小黑童姓同居人保持密切聯繫,不斷試圖祭出「親情牌」,喚醒小黑回頭,縱未積極奏功,也讓專案小組迂迴掌握到小黑的動態。幾個月來,南高縣市警方持續在東山等地山區進行大規模搜山行動,力求打草驚蛇,並搜捕、監控暗助小黑的相關人士據點,一個月前,專案小組還偶有接獲小黑返回山區的情資。但一個月來,專案小組就不曾接獲任何小黑回到南部山區的消息。南高縣市警方專案成員嚴密監控山區動態,正確掌握小黑遠離山區的情資,有助於刑事局專心在北、中部平地掌握到小黑的確切行蹤。負責全力追緝小黑的刑事局偵四隊,透過植入晶片追蹤、網路遊戲與電子信箱、網路視訊電話等IP位址的搜尋,掌握到小黑最近1、2週流竄到北、中部多地的可靠線索,確認小黑已從山區到平地,在十足信心把握下,檢警給他致命性的一擊,惡龍終於手到擒來。Dragon mountain in Taichung Chang's flat out caught in a critical operation is successful, the CIB and a central police recorded on the great merit; but Tainan, Kaohsiung County Police in the southern mountainous area the past few months the ongoing large-scale search strategy mountains and invading force dragon coming out, toil credit and can not be denied.Tainan chief prosecutor Yanrong Song said, the use of force dragon tiger hunting down strategy is also essential to the success arrest people, they first raids Zhang familiar mountain and drove him out, and continue to search the mountain feint, so that Zhang misconception that the police do not know where he is, but can be a diversion.The ad hoc group and the black dragon hunting blows several times, the familiar with black good at playing the advantage of jungle warfare, the absolute face of the police, rounding up policy was from the mountains to hunt him out of the mountain.Long out of the mountains force the key to successProsecutors and police believe that as to a flexible movement of the crocodile in the water to the land, action slows, the relative increase hunting opportunities.Tainan prosecutors and police Zeyi duck in the water of the position, and the little black boy who lives in Tainan Anping names of people living together in close contact, and constantly trying to apply "family card" wake-up black back, vertical and not actively Zougong, let the ad hoc group roundabout grasp the dynamic black.Months, continued high in the south county police and other places in the mountains of Higashiyama mountain massive search operation, sought to arouse his suspicions, and to search, monitor secretly helped the stakeholders black base, a month ago, the group also received occasional black intelligence back to the mountains.But the past month, the ad hoc group has not received any news of black mountains to the south.South County high mountain police closely monitored the dynamic ad hoc members, correctly grasp the black away from the mountains of intelligence to help focus the CIB in the North, the central plains to grasp the exact whereabouts of the black.Criminal Investigation Bureau is responsible for full investigation and hunt for black four teams, through the implanted chip tracking, online games and e-mail, Internet video phone IP address of the search, to the black last 1,2 weeks to master, fled to North the central and more reliable clues to confirm from the mountains to the plains black, in full confidence to grasp, the prosecutors and police to give him a fatal blow to the dragon finally Shoudaoqinlai.以及當時檢警對媒體所述有錄影錄音存證Note: and when the media referred to prosecutors and police have video recording as evidence.證據(三):我腦部電腦斷層掃描圖片.證明微型晶片是存在的.檔案照片.Evidence (3):My brain CT scan image. That mind control weapons exist.File photo.以上報導是台灣檢警愚弄人民呢?還是對著媒體睜眼說瞎話?Taiwan prosecutors and police reported more than fool the people? Or against the media bare-faced lie?結論:1:證實台灣檢警使用微型晶片.2:從台灣檢警言詞中得知確實向美國政府購買的.3:從美國911以開始釋出微型晶片.做為防恐怖份子活動之用.4:台灣當局開始濫用於社會角落.致人權嚴重侵犯.5:從我手中受害者資料得知有在香港或台灣被植入微型晶片的中國人及外國人士.6:台灣政府當局的法律我無法相信.我只好告知國際人權組織介入觀察.求公開、公正、自由審判。以維護人權尊嚴。7:假如美國漠視此事件.我不排除要公佈微型晶片.(精神控制武器)的破解方式.並要求美國奧巴馬總統政府給我政治避護等...Conclusion:1: Taiwan prosecutors and police confirmed that use of a microchip.2: From the words of prosecutors and police that Taiwan did to the U.S. government purchased.3: from U.S. 911 to begin the release of a microchip. As the anti-terrorist activities.4: The Taiwan authorities began to abuse in the community corner. Caused serious human rights violations.5: From the hands of the victims of the information that I have in Hong Kong or Taiwan were implanted with microchips to the Chinese people and foreign countries.Six: Taiwan government authorities, law I can not believe. I had to inform the international human rights organizations involved in observation. Demand an open, fair and free trial. To preserve human dignity.7: I do not rule out the possibility to publish a microchip.此武器註解:台灣政府稱為微型晶片.歐、澳同盟稱為精神控制武器.蘇聯、德國公約稱為非致命武器.This weapon Note: Taiwan's government called the micro-chip.Europe, Australia alliance as the mind control weapons.Soviet Union, Germany is called non-lethal weapons convention.台灣微型晶片受害者: 控告人張志吉(RosiTa)網址: chang01110@gmail.com手機: 886_0920330277in Taiwan 2010.04.25 14:25
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