CHIP (34)

Looking for info on More Parasights i think i got a type of worm i may have more than one implant not sure could have 3 all togather. This was setup by a Pawtucket Cop in Rhode Island. I would like to tell my story lease read. read this alot of Swareing and anger over the years. i chose sweeden to post it in a safe place so the USA can not touch it and the sweedish secret police as there called may have read it already... I been contacting Goverments and Human rights people and need some input. im still looking for this cop and these people that started it you may hear me name Anubis and have a problem with that but i was lied to and was forced to protect my Wife Jennifer for year this cop and his scum friends set me up. with these people.

I need some info on who to contact about support groups and reporting stuff this page i made has most of the info on it ya i have some hostility issues with other people that art chipped and have been looking for some of them you may not like some of the words i have used but it has not pervoked them enough to walk up to me yet. these people are cowards. some of them talk alot and never shut up everything i say is turned into a lie by them and they think no one will ever find out i can name 3 basic locations of these people New England, New York and Florida. these are the first 3 regions they would most likely use my name or my voice. I learned the word ( T.I. ) Targed Indevidual not long ago. and never was able to talk to anyone other then this group of cowards. There all on a New England Frequencie.

This Cop I have been looking for is somewhere out there maybe he chipped more people maybe the ones I seek to find. There were a few cops and I go the police report on my web page with all the facts I was never convicted and i was chipped anyway. I never knew they just chipped people to be assholes. I was told it was Becouse of the Situation but i guess that was just an Excuse.
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Im still listening to scum telling my wife and others im doing one thing when i doing something else. there doing things to my wife and blameing me. if i repeat them on one frequencie they want to say im saying something on another frequencie. they try to lie to my wife about things useing her voice and others voices to lie to others. copying people voices acting like there her familey and mine trying to gain her trust and then fighting with people climing there every one i now. even if i found one of them to be someone i know i would want them dead. I do fight back and do not quit. When I first heard people they told me i didn't have the right to defend myself. so i did and still do defend my wife and myself these people are scum they need to be removed from the world most of them maybe all of them. they need a new law to give them a leathel injection. it would be the best thing they ever did for people that never wanted to have these implants. i also say people should find the places that make the organisms and destroy them.
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See the clear types are solid clears to touch others when logged into achip and tuned in they can sometime feel. Ghost Clears that areinvisable you can not see. Real Clears resemble real people to make theclears look real. shadow clears to make a clear that looks like a shadowon the wall to belnd in. fake clears to make it look like your anotherperson. then there is spawning like a camra in a place to use a chip tobe connected to to watch others. and the other spawned things. also theability to look through the eyes see there called still shots. see thedifferent chip type some allow this. they also tryed to use some stuffto make DEW weapons and stuff and are useing LRAD and other machineslike computers to turn on and off chips with radio and an antenna it'show they program some chips. see some people thought they could stealthis and see it there stupid i was working on alot of this and also morebut they thought they could steal from me so now you know that it is

see when it started people did not get hurt untill they wanted to steal stuff and make money on it
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I was on the phone with my wife someone just tryed to lie about her and tryed to say she was saying something and tryed makeing it look like she said something and she did't say it when i asked ans there on 2 frequncies with 2 radios or whatever lieing to people saying she wants to do stuff the dose not she said she never said it ans there all lieing about shit trying to act like she wants to be a hooker so they can get away with what they did. she is not even wanting to talk to them they keep claiming there her familey these people are lowlife scum. they should get there self handed to the human rights people im working on that. they are trying to do this to try to get out of that they already did to us.
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See they keep trying to get me to remove my web page i just witnessed someone logging into my computer with a RFID chip and trying to mess with the dvd burner. see chips people are assholes 99% of them and need to be remove from the public there logging the computer so now there a threat to national security so lets wait for them to break into a military system . lets not talk about the chip like they say and act like it's 2 people. yes it's how they do it the technologie is called clear. see it's a digital repentation of a human beaing it's spawned like a vdeo game. it's done through a chip this has been around for like 5 years. so people can apear before you and they also have called a ghost clear and a shadow clear to mimic a shadow this is how you do not see them. this is all a chip mod. look up modding like for a video game so these people do have chips or equipment. and they need one to do it if they do not have a chip or a peice of hardware it can not be done.

most of these chips are mind controal s it's done through computer programming and mind controal it's all the chips do. see they need to stay tuned into the people to make it work. it means they need to connect to you some how.
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There is another thing I would like to explain see the people are fighting but the law enforcement is also afraid to get cought they never remove my chip and my wife chip depending on there degree of involvment see they would never admit what they did now. i know some are people others are afraid for getting cought for drugs some are sex offenders and others the police and government are killing and threatning becouse they do not want people to know there Involved. it's a mixture of people me and my wife are 2 people. some are from other citys and came here and the gvernment dose not want me to talk to anyone they want o make up a story about it after they try to get me and the others that know killed.

alot are hearing first names and it's becouse they are cutting words out trying to make it like thy can choose what i say. so if there is proof the government and police involved they hope they get away with it all these frequencies are mixed recall me talking about Underhand ?

They got 1 frequencie to listen and stuff with a few guy on it. then another to listen then they use first names on the other to start trouble the government would like you to kill one another. every one wants to claim it's a program and i got a feeling that the government is doing it all the time and haveing something to launch the program they say it's 2 people if there are 2 people and 2,000 listening why are they all hearing a few voices becouse of the voice synthsizer and i figure the system that keeps me on it is in the pawtucket police department or close by this is why they do not shut the chips off becouse there afraid to get cought.

See i always hear them changeing my words all day long to day there word is your dead and there saying im saying this as i hear them in my head.

These guys got a words list keywords to use to piss people off. and they mix it with racial coments.
these guys try to get others in fights and double talk people.

They try to get people to respond then try to get them to talk to people. some of these guys try to make it look like someone has there wife or familey member. This is what and say to others while they are doing things themself. so we got mixed people on here. if they blaim one or 2 people they forgot to look at the others some use a technologie to hide themself.

what would the police let it go on for and the government there afraid to get cought.

see some people are talking to others and stuff then talking shit like someone knows it all then they do not. why would some stay on a frequencie for years and hear only a few people then know it all it's imposable to do.

now people are comeing forward with more evidanve and still some do not belive. me i have not done anything more then the police or the government.

they use the mental disorder bullshit to to away with shit replying to others it's all in your head.

yeasterday i heard someone was explaining chip types and the swine ful vaccine with the ready made chip in it this is a chip that works one way they say to listen only a NWO chip. i was told this was to monitor people so even if they got an old they can only listen with the new one and record data to track people.

see chips are no god i been wanting to gt mine and my wife jennifer's chip removed and the government refuses and the doctors and the people want it out but some will not let it happen

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There is another thing I would like to explain see the people are fighting but the law enforcement is also afraid to get cought they never remove my chip and my wife chip depending on there degree of involvment see they would never admit what they did now. i know some are people others are afraid for getting cought for drugs some are sex offenders and others the police and government are killing and threatning becouse they do not want people to know there Involved. it's a mixture of people me and my wife are 2 people. some are from other citys and came here and the gvernment dose not want me to talk to anyone they want o make up a story about it after they try to get me and the others that know killed.

alot are hearing first names and it's becouse they are cutting words out trying to make it like thy can choose what i say. so if there is proof the government and police involved they hope they get away with it all these frequencies are mixed recall me talking about Underhand ?

They got 1 frequencie to listen and stuff with a few guy on it. then another to listen then they use first names on the other to start trouble the government would like you to kill one another. every one wants to claim it's a program and i got a feeling that the government is doing it all the time and haveing something to launch the program they say it's 2 people if there are 2 people and 2,000 listening why are they all hearing a few voices becouse of the voice synthsizer and i figure the system that keeps me on it is in the pawtucket police department or close by this is why they do not shut the chips off becouse there afraid to get cought.

See i always hear them changeing my words all day long to day there word is your dead and there saying im saying this as i hear them in my head.

These guys got a words list keywords to use to piss people off. and they mix it with racial coments.
these guys try to get others in fights and double talk people.

They try to get people to respond then try to get them to talk to people. some of these guys try to make it look like someone has there wife or familey member. This is what and say to others while they are doing things themself. so we got mixed people on here. if they blaim one or 2 people they forgot to look at the others some use a technologie to hide themself.

what would the police let it go on for and the government there afraid to get cought.

see some people are talking to others and stuff then talking shit like someone knows it all then they do not. why would some stay on a frequencie for years and hear only a few people then know it all it's imposable to do.

now people are comeing forward with more evidanve and still some do not belive. me i have not done anything more then the police or the government.

they use the mental disorder bullshit to to away with shit replying to others it's all in your head.

yeasterday i heard someone was explaining chip types and the swine ful vaccine with the ready made chip in it this is a chip that works one way they say to listen only a NWO chip. i was told this was to monitor people so even if they got an old they can only listen with the new one and record data to track people.

see chips are no god i been wanting to gt mine and my wife jennifer's chip removed and the government refuses and the doctors and the people want it out but some will not let it happen

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I Noticed people in new england trying to make it look like my wife Jennifer is a Hooker or something after they tryed to rape her with there equiupment so they can get away with it all im John N A.K.A Anubis. this has been going on for years these people are scum. they do stuff to people then try to get them to say it was me when tere doing it all Dennis Smith. Of North Situate R.I. is a rapist and a few of his friends never wanted to get cought for what he did they. did something years ago now ther doing anything they can to get out of it and some of them may have been chipped. they also have friends that may be chipped they wanted to act like i was involved in there crime i was not like i am involved with them. i offered to kill them all maybe it's one of his old friends or just a lot of scum doing this to her but Dennis Smith was one that did something to her years ago. it's eather him and his friends or someone they knew that was involved in this. alot of these people are scum. they prey upon people not many stand up to them someone wanted to setup my wife and myself. I Know they had friends nd there are others on here i got implanted by a cop illegaly out of a police station forceably they try to do stuff to people and make it look like there a hooker to hhide what they did some of these guys may not know dennis but im sure some do have some involvment with him or his friends.

i still want to find the cop but these scum are no good and there famileys should find out what they did.
they need to make someone look like a hooker after they do something to the person.

i have witnessed them change voices i know htey used my voice the cop showed me alot the first time my chip was turned on. e claimed he had a voice synthasizer connected to a computer and a ham radio

so no my wife is no hooker and new england is full of scum. maybe Dennis smiths familey should be called and his friends
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Ok Now we get into hacking. seems like everyone is talking about anubis right and jennifer here is how thy did it. there useing a Voice Masknig to change a voice like a Voice synthasizer and then using fake technologie. here is a way they been doing this the guys that claim to be Jennifer And Anubis there are many people on here i figured i would reveal it today. ok people used other voices and to lie about who they are see they set it up to be on 3 frequencies this is Underhand a older Mac Hack. see chips or Frequencie A, B, C. ok nchips use frequencies and stuff so if yo got someone here on frequencie A and there talking to frequencie B then you are on C. A talks to B talks C talks to so you hear A then you never see C becoue B relays the info to A. then they cut up words and stuff and try to connect to people then disconnect. people stay in tune with chis to make it look like there others so some people thought they were talking to there family and they lied to them they cut up names. useing fake names and saying they were people this technologie is dangerous some people used this to lie for years and hide themself then they try t act like there your familey.

this is illegal and could be how people ubducted children and girls. trying to make it look a certian way like there familey and try to get them picked up it's how they tryed to cut me off from talking to people for years and tryed to setup my wife and myself see they been useing a technologie to conect to people and hide there real voices and try t act like there a computer program.

this is why some of you think there are others you know and they are not they cut up words and use voices then they try to pretend your someone. this guy thought it was his familey doing stuff o him and it could have been another. people been useing this in the USA for a long time it's what the rapist do to pretend there someone else. see they want you to think they are someone they are not and change what you say.

they try to pretend there other people and i have not hears more then 20 voices in 5 or 6 years and there are so many storys about Anubis. there are places i have never been ans people that have never talked to me and this is how people say there others

see some people are rapist and stuff and drug smuglers this is one teqniuqe they used to try to get into position to compermise one. they lie and say there other people they been useing this for years to try to setup people.

this is why it's hard to find people becouse radios are used with chips to turn them on and off and some have edited computers and chips with Mods

some chips also use hacks for illousions of seeing people it's a holutionation.

so they are alive and they need a antivirus to empty the chips

look up a Nurale chip 2020. this is a police correctional officers chip

and check out DNA Chips it's an injection. this is why they claim there are robots and dead there useing Mods.

i figured i would release this im a hacker and am trying to destroy the software. there are rapist useing names and this tequnique to hide themsef they try to use holutionatoins with a DNA chip
to connect to it and use a chip image to lie about who they are. i started to hack in 2005 and people stole software. all the chips are no good and they need to be destroyed. they need to be removed and DNA chis have a DNA chip Removal Kit your Governement should have one. they drug addicts and rapist do not want people to know about it and they need to be found show this to your government.

they also have a Coccine buy with a chip attached in the Coccien and there are also Verichips. there are also radioes connected to computers and and DEW weapons invoved chips are easy to hack but i can proove 50 or more people wanted to stay connected to me and my wife and lie all day and will not disconect. and lieing about how they are and have been useing this for years and do not want to get cought. look into the Verichip hack. they need to be banned.
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I Would like to get help for me and my wife we are chipped and arevictims i need info on reporting it and i need to get it found andremoved. we have been kept appart on the frequencies and people havelied to me and they tryed to rape my wife and make her think it wasmyself it was them. A Police officer chipped. I did get them fired theydeserved it then they set me up. people used my name and I didn't knowanything about chips they said they were the F.B.I and the Military andothers it started with the police department. Then I found out therewere Others on here and they started this rape shit so things happenedhere i am 6 years later.. my wife dose not understand the situation theylied to her and try to blame me for it all. I defended my wife theytold me I had had no wright to be with.
so i fought for my wife and myself she was realy the victim in John .nAnubis she dose not know what i had to do. my wife is jennifer and iwould like to report it and get help.

After the police I never belived these people the said there werefamileys chipped the cop lied so much i never belived them. when theysaid it and then they said they were going to rape my wife an i defendedher Jennifer is not at fault.

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I Would like to get help for me and my wife we are chipped and are
victims i need info on reporting it and i need to get it found and
removed. we have been kept appart on the frequencies and people have
lied to me and they tryed to rape my wife and make her think it was
myself it was them. A Police officer chipped. I did get them fired they
deserved it then they set me up. people used my name and I didn't know
anything about chips they said they were the F.B.I and the Military and
others it started with the police department. Then I found out there
were Others on here and they started this rape shit so things happened
here i am 6 years later.. my wife dose not understand the situation they
lied to her and try to blame me for it all. I defended my wife they
told me I had had no wright to be with.
so i fought for my wife and myself she was realy the victim in John .n
Anubis she dose not know what i had to do. my wife is jennifer and i
would like to report it and get help.

After the police I never belived these people the said there were
famileys chipped the cop lied so much i never belived them. when they
said it and then they said they were going to rape my wife an i defended
her Jennifer is not at fault.
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The Walking Dead Men

They wait for you while you are away they will take you while you sleep, They know no love. the dead men no longer have feeling. They will take you with out words. they will make you feel ubserd. lonelyness is the way you will become. you will become. you will never know what love is if you give into the walking dead men.their woman are many all though they may not have a penny. they will leaveyou for dead. time and time again.their words are few. they may tell you they love you. never ever knowing they are really real. you will become a victim of the walking dead men.

she thought this was me it was someone with a some equipment. there rapist these people do this to woman and are scum.

This was written by my wife Jennifer.

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This is what out government dose to us My wife maybe yours and your children here is picture of what they detail found it and i want to see if there is anything thing other countrys can do about it.

This is America others say it's there neighbors and other people alot of it's your own government.

maybe we can get support here

Please Help The US Stop Our Government

this is what they been trying to d to my wife it's rape through mind controal they try to do it in the real world too and force people...

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