I am non-consensually and unwillingly connected by a two way wireless system to a control and command centre where the operatives continually monitor an supervise me as well as issuing me voice commands on a regular basis. In the past five minutes I heard the voice of one of the supervisors say the following to me and to an unknown listening audience "There is a large staff here at the Peace Centre in Sheffield, United Kingdom, who monitor and supervise the Irish targeted individual known as Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo on a continual basis. They never leave her unsupervised.
I am non-consensually and unwillingly connected by a two way wireless system to a control and command centre where the operatives continually monitor an supervise me as well as issuing me voice commands on a regular basis. In the past five minutes I heard the voice of one of the supervisors say the following to me and to an unknown listening audience "There is a large staff here at the Peace Centre in Sheffield, United Kingdom, who monitor and supervise the Irish targeted individual known as Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo on a continual basis. They never leave her unsupervised.
The European Human Brain project and the United States Brain Initiative claim that they are at the initial stages of understanding how to human brain works. However, I and hundreds of thousands of other non-consensual victims of neuro-scientific research are fully aware that advances in brain science are far ahead of what the general public are being informed about and that such knowledge is being secretly used against the human race on a massive scale throughout the world in order to further control and enslave humanity. Because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power, those in possession of scientific knowledge relating to how to manipulate the human brain from a distance are secretly using it to manipulate and hurt many human beings by wireless means. These evil neuro operatives and neuro agents are believed to be a multi- national criminal cabal that operate black projects in all countries throughout the world and they are all working together to take over the world using these advanced technologies. It is believed that they also control the main stream media.
Particulates of neural dust are being sent into human brains by chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. Ultrasound powers the neural dust and activates the system for full monitoring of a random selection of human beings. This system allows ordinary people going about their lives to be interrogated by unknown neuro operatives who do their work by wireless means and from a distance. This random selection of human beings suddenly begin to hear the voices of their interrogaters coming from inside their heads. I have been and still am a victim of this non-consensual neuro scientific research for many years and my brain and body are wirelessly linked to the computer system of the unknown criminal neuro operatives. They use energy weapons to see inside my brain and body which aids in their scientific research. They can and do read my inner thoughts and reply to them in real time. They have built a three dimensional image of my body so that they can monitor my movements throughout my home all day, every day. All of the electrical energy which is generated by my brain and body on a constant basis is uploaded to their computer network for elaborate data analysis and still further analysis later which is then carried out by another team of scientists who I am informed work at Fort Meade, Maryland, U.S.A. I was born in and have lived in Ireland, Europe for the whole of my life since 1960. Not alone can the teams of unknown neuro operatives who wirelessly interrogate me force me to listen to their voices on a constant basis, they also send me moving images, odours, mild pain signals, electric shocks, feelings, sensations and forced muscle movement. Whenever I am brain to brain linked with one of these neuro operatives, if they laugh I am forced against my will to laugh also. If they speak during the brain to brain link I am forced to speak whatever they say, and this happens entirely against my will and without my permssion. This is commonly known as forced speech among targeted individuals, but because the uninitiated human race can not conceptualize such advanced technology they generally do not believe us when we tell them of our experiences. Naivete has no place in the lives of individuals living in this century of unparalleled advances in science and technology.
I write a blog most days which I post online in which I detail a small amount of what the neuro opertives say to me whenever they reproduce their voices inside my head, which is almost constantly. Some of what they say to me is very insulting and frightening. I post it online so that others who might experience a similar fate at some time in the future would be better prepared for the shock. Here below is a small sample of what these unknown voices have said to me and about me to their colleagues in the past day or two. They sometimes tend to contradict each other because there are many and varied staff working on this black budget neuro research, who all have different points of view, and who all speak to me via the invisible neurolink which connects us. I do not receive payment for this writing and I do not wish to receive payment for it. My only wish is to help expose large scale corruption throughout the world.
"You have become a nuicance due to your online blogs and that is why I am going to calm the situation down by allowing you to write whatever you like but then ring fencing it within a certain radius of control. Now, write whatever you like about us and our work. We dont like you."
"We are psychologically torturing you because we are paid well to do so, and we are also passing on information to you to give to the public so that we will not be psychologically tortured ourselves some day by the self-same system which we are using on, you due to possible expansion of the system throughout the world in the future. Also, we are under a level of unforseen control ourselves."
"What happened to the dishes. Why aren't they washed.?"
I heard one of the neuro agents saying the following via the neuro link "We have to deal." I asked what that phrase meant, precisely. The neuro agent replied using the neurolink and I heard his voice coming from inside my head while saying the following "We have to take this system up a notch with regard to investigating you." I then asked "Have you any reason to investigate me". The reply I received back was as follows "No. We have no reason to investigate you."
"The inner bearings of Gretta Fahey have been destroyed by too much information and now they can't be deciphered properly."
"My staff are charged with larceny. They have stolen information that I put out and they have made it their own. "
I heard the following being said to a member of the neuro staff by another member of staff "You will get your hands off for speaking to me like that."
"Digestive information is what I am looking for."
"I will smather you into a million pieces."
"Why aren't you disciplined like the others."
"She is like a vulture." (I disagree with this assessment of me by an unknown neuro staff member because I dont eat meat, fish, chicken or eggs. I am nothing like a vulture.
"What is this information coming through from her clothing? We can't get our normal residues at all." I believe the reason this was said by the neuro operatives is because I do not wash my clothes in laundry detergent because it has been blended with particulates which can be used to assess how clean the clothes somebody is wearing are by an operative while they stand near the wearer and using a device to read the clothes. I always wash my clothes in dishwashing detergent which I have heard does not contain such particulates. I wash my clothes daily but I like to do everything I can to deter the neuro operatives from collecting private data from my person.
Last night the neuro operatives were conducting experiements in my right lung and they inadvertantly caused me to feel extreme pain in my lung. They said the following "sub collar job failed, very painful for the lady."
I have found through experimentation over many years some ways to deter the neuro operatives from obtaining information from my brain and body. One successful way is to hold an analogue radio close to my brain or body while setting it to medium wave and while constantly moving the dial back and over from station to station. Even if ther is nothing available only white noise this is enough to completely stop them in their attempts to gain the information they wish to analyse from my brain and body.
I am a non-consensual human research subject of brain wave science which is currently classified for reasons which come under the heading of national security but what is in fact national suicide. Similar non-consensual brain and body research is currently happening to a number of other people throughout Ireland, many of whom I personally know. All of this non-consensual human research is being carried out wirelessly from implants in our bodies and brains which are connected by two way streams of low frequency electromagnetic energy to computer networks which are controlled by neuro operatives. These neuro operatives are unknown to us but they are able to conduct conversations with us through the two way streams of energy, some of which are connected to the hearing centres of our brains. We are being forced to listen to their voices coming from inside our heads every waking moment against our wills and without our permission. Strong radio frequency signals come from my ears and from the back of my head at random times throughout each day, when ever I check from them. Some other targeted individuals are also reporting this fact.
Last night, while I was in my home alone I heard myself saying the following phrase "wheelbarrow load" while I was thinking of something else entirely which was totally unrelated to that phrase. It was as if two parts of my brain were entirely disconnected from each other. I spoke about this to the neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head via a brain link. The neuro operatives replied as follows "Your brain has not been compartmentalized. It has been subdivided into sections in accordance with instructions from our superiors. I mention this incidence in case it is helpful to other non-consensual targeted individuals of brain link and neuro weapon research of which there appear to be hundreds of thousands if not millions of us throughout the world.
Non-consensual targeted individuals of brain wave science research have no recourse to the law. We have all made representations to the police. I myself have made two unsuccessful representations to the Irish Gardai, which is what the police in Ireland are called. Both representations ended in instructions to attend for psychiatric evaluation. This is the normal course of events whenever non-consensual neuro weapon research subjects complain to the police that a crime is being committed against them.
I will never again complain to the Gardai or a G.P. again about my horrific experiences of being a long term non-consensual brain science research subject because I can not risk being sent to a psychiatric hospital where I would be expected to ingest harmful substances posing as anti-psychotic medication and where I would be incarcerated and I would not be given a release date. These substances posing as medication are extremely poisonous. When I have taken them in the past, I experienced constant extreme tremors all over my body. I also experienced a strong and constant urge to pace constantly with no ability to relax. I also experienced very dulled thinking as if I could not connect fully with my own brain. Along with that I experienced extreme tiredness and lack of motivation and I was unable to go for long walks which I previously used to do. Substances posing as anti-psychotic medication are in fact punishments. The American military have admitted that they were planning to weaponize medicine by blending together medicines with the most extreme side effects and forcing people who do not fall in line with their growing dictatorship to take them under the guise of being mentally ill.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head against my will and without my permission have informed me that they have been instructed to find a way to cover me which they explained means to find a way to control me, either by framing me for an illegal event or for a false psychotic event. They claim that they will not do this as they are doing their best to work in an ethical way while under extreme legal constraints themselves. Some of them are doing their best to behave in an ethical way but I would never agree that all of them are ethical because some of them have been extremely cruel to me over the years with constant death threats and insults which I hear coming from inside my own head up to dozens of times per day on some occasions.
If you have a large number of digital devices in your home I would advise you to keep them inside closed metal boxes when they are not in use. These digital devices send signals to each other thereby creating an electrical grid which can be used to create holograms inside your home which you may wrongly assume to be demons or extra-terresterials if you believe in the supernatural, which I personally dont. The demonic possession hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the moving statue hoax, the existence of space based weapons hoax are all falsehoods which you would realise if you were a long term brain wave science test subject and knew how things are being made to occur scientifically.
Certain people who have senior positions in Governments throughout the world are colluding with criminals by refusing to warn the general public about the extreme threat of worldwide enslavement from wireless directed energy weapons. They are doing so for many reasons but the foremost reason is the fact that they feel unable to disclose to the public that senior judiciary can be wirelessly interfered with by remote control while they are making a court judgement. If that fact alone was disclosed to the public all government systems would collapse overnight. We are being slowly and incrementally enslaved by wireless means. There is an easy solution. We aught to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities in our countries immediately such as microwave transmitters, millimeter wave transmitters and all modern street lighting which can and is being used to entrain the brains of people who live in urban areas into a false sense of happy apathy and indifference to a brutul enslavement plan that is about to come to fruition if nothing is done. Please act now. The existence of satellites are a laughable hoax. The enemy always exaggerates their powers. It is a well known tactic of war.
The United States government is now openly targeting a selected number of citizens of the United States as well as overseas individuals for wirelessly enabled unlimited remote neural monitoring and human experimentation. These selected targeted citizens are known to the United States police as non-investigative subjects or silent hits. I have been and still am such a targeted individual and I reside in Ireland. Voice to skull bio-communication is being used to force me to constantly listen to the voices of the operatives who run the Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation system. Recently I have begun to write down and post online a small selection of what these operatives say to me by means of reproducing their voices inside my head against my will and without my permission. Here below is a small selection of what these neuro operatives have been communicating to me by wireless means over the past two days.
"Watch this space. We will tie her up in knots so that she wont be able to move a muscle."
"There is somebody here who writes what we say." The response of a different operative was as follows "We have had those people before. We just kill them off."
"This is directly affecting the whole system because now we all know what happens when we speak to her."
"You will wind up as meat on my table. My people will kill this woman and clean her out and prepare her as a dish to be served in front of me."
I myself said to the neuro operatives whose voices I hear coming from inside my head the following "Why are you hurting both my knees?" The response I heard back was as follows "I am conducting experiments on you". I then asked the following question "Are you conducting experiments on me for money? The response I heard back was as follows "Yes".
"It is not a nice thing to do to her but we are getting the system into focus in the world".
"Too many people in the know. We can't go ahead."
"Puffed up information coming through again."
"Which do you use with Gretta Fahey, the carrot or the stick?"
"Put manners on that woman. She has destabilized the process."
"Try and destroy the system and see who will win." My response to that statement was as follows "We will easily win. There are seven billion of us. There are only a small number of you. The phone towers are the linchpin of your wireless weapons. We will disassemble and ban all phone towers and your weapons will then be powerless."
I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling wirelessly enabled neuro research subject which has also come to be known as being a subject of remote neural monitoring and I have been so for more than fifteen years.
Whenever I use my computer my energy imprint can be seen and investigated by the unknown criminal neuro operatives who remote neural monitor me by wireless means and from a remote location. In fact, they dont just see my energy imprint but they can also download stored details of how my energy imprint looked each time I used my computer ...at any time in the past. They can tell alot about me from monitoring me in this way such as a stored history of what I have been eating in the past twenty four hours as well as what I have been drinking and if I have taken any illegal or prescription drugs among a multitude of other minor details.
However, I recently began to use my computer on battery mode only and never on full power. I also recently began to switch off the electricity to my computer room whenever I went in there. There is an electricity switch board in the front hall of my home. I am not sure if this is the case in more modern homes.
The criminal neuro operatives who speak to me via implants which have been both unknowingly and non-consensually imbedded in my middle ears and who hear my reply by electronically translating the subvocalizations of my thoughts via implants which have been unknowingly and non-consensually imbedded in my mouth, jaws and throat areas have now informed me that they can no longer investigate my energy imprint while my computer is being used in battery mode and while the electricity supply is switched off to my computer room. Other bio-medical implants have also been unknowingly and non-consensually imbedded in various sites around my body at a time when I was unaware that this was occurring.
I have never committed a crime and I am not under criminal investigation. I am claiming disability allowance for the hidden disability of irritable bowel syndrome among other problems and I believe that the super-rich who wish to control everybody and everything on this planet are attempting to find a way to legally investigate individuals who are claiming disability allowance for uninvestigateable disabilities. My website which contains further details of my traumatic fifteen years experience of being remote neural monitored on a continual basis (except for approximately thirty minutes once or twice when I unexpectidely went for a walk on an undocumented track at a location where I was unable to be monitored because of undocumented terrain because there is no technology embedded in said ground) is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ; My facebook page is called www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98.
We have all been sprayed with nano particulates from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. We have all inhaled and ingested these nano particulates and they have now lodged throughout our brains and bodies. Combined with these nano particulates many people have been implanted with microchips which connect wirelessly to these nano implants. These nano implants and micro sensors have become encased inside all parts of our bodies and brains. Anybody can now wirelessly tether us to a computer network and enslave us by this means.
According to a book called "Project Lucid" published in 1996 by one of Americas foremost authorities on the dangers of technology, Texe Marrs, there are super-secret experiments by government and corporate laboratories in which unwilling human subjects are having computer chips and transmitting devices implanted into their brains, ears and elsewhere in their bodies. The primary reason for this systems use is control.
I myself am a fifteen year long non-consensual and extremely unwilling subject of neuro weapon research, which is being conducted on me by wireless means and by unknown neuro operatives who work from a remote location. These criminal neuro operatives can turn the neocortex of the victim into their very own visual, verbal, and auditive communication system simply by manipulating the audio cortex, the visual cortex, the motor cortex and the sensory cortex of the victim whenever they wish. What this means in my own case is that the muscles of my face can now be moved against my will. I can be made to grimace against my will. The neuro operatives can gain control of my mouth, jaws, lips and tongue and force words and whole sentences out of my mouth against my will. They can nod and shake my head vigorously by remote means. They have even moved my eyes rapidly back and forth against my will on one occasion.
Added to that, the criminal neuro operatives can force both sounds and voices inside my head any time of the day or night. They taunt me constantly and they frequently threaten to torture me at some time in the future. They also threaten to kill me on occasion. These criminals monitor everything I say and do. They attempt to forbid me from every having any conversations about any other members of the human race. When I am on the telephone I am only allowed to speak about myself or my own issues. However, I do not obey them. I treat them with distain.
The criminal neuro operatives who have been part of my life every day for more than fifteen years have informed me that they can see whatever I see provided it is close. They are unable to see anything I see in the distance. They have turned my brain into their very own visual system. They have the capability to hear whatever I hear but they have not activated that capability because it would interfere with their thought analysis work. Combined with all of this they can also make me feel sensations on my skin whenever they wish. They can even make these sensations appear hand shaped as if a human hand was physically holding my wrist. This capability is called haptic technological capability. Their experimentation of me is not concerned with mind control. Their experimentation of me is about research and development of human body control methodologies. These criminal neuro operatives could potentially place somebody inside a virtual hell if they wished to do so.
Humanity is currently being sprayed with chemtrails which contain nano technology which human beings are inhaling and ingesting. By this means and others we have become seeded with nano technology which can be used to abuse us. We have no option but to disassemble and destroy the totally ground based wireless enslavement system which is composed of microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and other antenna and related paraphernalia. The future is not viable if we fail to do so. The existence of satellites and other space based weapons is an easily proveable hoax. Under sea fibre optic cables are currently being used to transmit all worldwide data.
I am not the only targeted individual of non-consensual neuro weapons research in Ireland or overseas. There are hundreds of thousands of us. We call ourselves targeted individuals. Our stories are being disregarded because many others are being heavily mind controlled to disbelieve us. Remote influencing technologies are being used against them without their knowledge to encourage them to only believe whatever their government or media informs them of. Targeted Individuals no longer can inform the police, their general medical practitioner or psychiatry of their predicament because they are not being believed. They end up locked in psychiatric hospitals where they are being forced to ingest brain damaging toxic substances which pose as anti-psychotic medication. When they are under the influence of these toxic substances they are no longer able to explain their predicament in a plausible manner because these toxic substances blur their thinking in all cases.
The super-rich who wish to enslave the human race by technological means wish to hide their growing control over us. To that end, the fact that they have secret means to control hundreds of thousands of their fellow human beings throughout the world has remained a secret until now. Their agents discredit anyone who attempts to inform the public of their experiences of being a non-consensual neuro weapons research subject. Every effort is made to place that whistleblower in a psychiatric hospital as soon as they attempt to tell of their experiences. Failing that, agents of the enslavement system make every attempt to place said whistleblower on a terrorist list.
The super-rich who wish to gain control over the human race have fabricated hoaxes in order to provide cover stories to cover the existence of this advance secret technology and to engender passivity in the masses, and to make they themselves appear to have more power and capability than they actually have.
These hoaxes were created by dark occultists by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means.
A selection of the hoaxes which have been created are as follows:-
The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax to name a few.
I am and have been a non-consensual and totally unwilling neuro weapons test subject for the past fifteen years. During that time I was frequently informed via voice to skull communication technology which I constantly hear coming from inside my head that if the criminal neuro weapons operatives ever succeeded in enslaving me by neuro technological means that they would force me to marry and they would then take over ...my life and that my own family would not know that I had become a neuro slave because at that stage they implied that they would be able to control the speech centres of my brain.
For that reason I have written a list of what to look for in a neuro slave which is information which I obtained from the link herebelow.
The neuro slaves may be branded with tattoos using words such as cash.
The victims may show sudden changes of dress and behaviour.
They may suddenly have possessions that they usually can not afford.
They may have unusually long work hours.
They may have new relationships with individuals that are noticeably older.
The victims may have difficulty making eye contact.
They may have untreated cuts, bruises, burns, broken bones.
The victims may make frequent trips.
They may not be allowed to speak independently. Other people may insist on answering
questions for them.
I am currently being subjected to remote neural monitoring. I legally own the intellectual property rights to my own thoughts and to the content of my memory bank and to all of the information currently coming from my brain and spinal cord. Likewise I own and control all of the intellectual property rights to all of the information currently being generated by my own body and to all of the information which was generated by my own body in the past. Anybody who deals in both the purchase and sale of the content of my intellectual property rights is a thief and will be dealt with by the law as a thief.