Olga par ses soufrances, perseguições, danos morais e materiais, harcèlements qu'elle a subis à causa do crime psychotronique organisé.

OLGA KAMENCHUK (KAMINSK)  tell us about the criminal purpose - ARIZONA
Olga talks about her sufferings, persecutions, moral and material damages, harassments that she has suffered for psychotronic organized crime

OLGA KAMENCHUK (KAMINSK) nous parle de la finalité criminelle - ARIZONA
Olga parle de ses souffrances, persécutions, dommages moraux et matériels, harcèlements qu'elle a subis pour le crime organisé psychotronique

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Apesar do descrédito dos ataques sofridos por milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo, eles são reais para as vítimas e suas famílias.
Alguns cidadãos estão inconscientes e percebem, apesar de suas mudanças e movimentos faciais, que são TIs.
Essa conexão psico-crônica / psíquica pode ser estabelecida de duas maneiras:
- vítima corpo a corpo a peça humana na qual eles produzem efeitos físicos da tortura, cujas dores refletem nas vítimas;
- ondas cerebrais e controle neurocerebral apreendidos em CPDs de monitoramento ininterrupto com mudanças de equipe e em que todo o conteúdo da vítima é arquivado e se torna produtos comercializáveis, gerando renda para a manutenção do sistema de tortura e crime organizado.
Este vídeo é de uma vítima em tempo real.
Naly de Araújo Leite
canais para mais informações:

https: // ...


Apesar do descrédito aos ataques sofridos por milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo, são reais para vítimas e seus familiares.
Alguns cidadãos são inconscientes, e percebem, apesar das mudanças e movimentos faciais das TIs.
Essa ligação psicotronica / psíquica pode ser usada de duas formas:
- vítima corporal ou corporal pode ter peças humanas produzidas efeitos físicos de torturas, aquelas dores refletidas nas dores;
- como ondas cerebrais e controle neurocerebral apreendidas em CPDs de monitoramento interrompidos com trocas de equipes e nos quais todos os conteúdos de vítimas ficam arquivados e se tornam produtos comercializáveis ​​que trazem ganhos para a manutenção do sistema de torturas e crime organizado.
Esse vídeo é de uma vítima em tempo real.
Naly de Araújo Leite
canais para maiores informações:


Несмотря на дискредитацию нападений, которым подвергаются тысячи людей во всем мире, они реальны для жертв и их семей.
Некоторые граждане находятся без сознания и осознают, несмотря на изменения и движения лица ТИ.
Эту психотронную / психическую связь можно использовать двумя способами:
- телесные или телесные жертвы могут иметь физические последствия пыток от воздействия человеческих частей, эти боли отражаются на боли;
- такие как мозговые волны и нейроцеребральный контроль, используемые при мониторинге CPD, прерванных изменениями в команде и в которых весь контент жертвы архивируется и становится товарной продукцией, приносящей выгоды для поддержания системы пыток и организованной преступности.
Это видео жертвы в реальном времени.
Нали де Араужо Лейте
каналы для получения дополнительной информации:


Malgré le discrédit des attaques subies par des milliers de personnes dans le monde, elles sont réelles pour les victimes et leurs familles.
Certains citoyens sont inconscients et se rendent compte, malgré les changements et les mouvements faciaux des TI.
Cette connexion psychotronique / psychique peut être utilisée de deux manières:
- un caporal ou une victime corporelle peut faire produire aux parties humaines des effets physiques des tortures, ces douleurs se reflétant dans les douleurs;
- tels que les ondes cérébrales et le contrôle neurocérébral saisis dans le suivi des DPC interrompus par des changements d'équipe et dans lesquels tout le contenu des victimes est archivé et devient des produits commercialisables qui apportent des gains pour le maintien du système de torture et de criminalité organisée.
Cette vidéo représente une victime en temps réel.
Naly de Araújo Leite
canaux pour plus d'informations:


A pesar del descrédito de los ataques sufridos por miles de personas en todo el mundo, son reales para las víctimas y sus familias.
Algunos ciudadanos están inconscientes y se dan cuenta, a pesar de los cambios y los movimientos faciales de los TI.
Esta conexión psicotrónica / psíquica se puede usar de dos maneras:
- Las víctimas corporales o corporales pueden hacer que las partes humanas produzcan efectos físicos de torturas, esos dolores reflejados en los dolores
- como las ondas cerebrales y el control neurocerebral incautados en el monitoreo de CPDs interrumpidos por cambios de equipo y en los que todo el contenido de las víctimas se archiva y se convierte en productos comercializables que aportan ganancias para el mantenimiento del sistema de tortura y crimen organizado.
Este video es de una víctima en tiempo real.
Naly de Araújo Leite
canales para más información:
2 - BRASIL TI ...





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DEPOIMENTO E PEDIDO DE SILVIA GUZMAN: Deus lhes abençoe meu nome é Silvia Guzman estou pedindo o apoio de toda a imprensa para denunciar os abusos que eh sido vítima desde 2016 sou uma mexicana de 42 anos de tuxpan nayarit que vivo desde o ano de 1991 em estados Unidos em novo Califórnia sou sobrevivente de racismo discriminação e corrupção por parte do Departamento de polícia de perris Califórnia estou sobrevivendo terrorismo doméstico (descrito no 18 US PENAL CODE 2331 (5) a) B) c) Violência de gênero assalto físico e sexual to em 2016 o dono da casa onde morava por não pagar um processo legal para despejar eu pago aos insigentes para que me tirassem segundo as palavras de um dos mais de 50 pessoas Envolvidas nos crimeans contra mim contra ente julho e dezembro de 2016 fui assaltada fisicamente 4 vezes e assaltada sexualmente 5 vezes a primeira vez que me violaram me drogaram e me gravaram e mandaram o vídeo para os meus filhos de 22 E 20 anos e porque minha filha apagou o vídeo e não conseguimos mostrá-lo asa polícia não fez nem um único relatório apesar de todas as chamadas para 911 e de que minha filha disse a dois oficiais em diferentes ocasiões pelo contrário me Colocaram um cargo de drogas e me trancaram em uma clínica de saúde mental e tentaram me medicar mas eu recusei a tomar a medicina desde que nunca abia foi diagnosticada com alguma doença mental tenho documentos vídeos gravações de voz e transcrições certificadas por um licenciado perito certificado Que provam o que digo tenho os nomes e apeidos da maioria dos meus agressores mas as autoridades difamaram o meu caráter e me desacreditaram para que ninguém me ajude por isso já fiz uma denúncia perante a corte interamericana de direitos humana e o consulado de general mexico em Los Angeles Califórnia também me a tratado muito mal o consul do Departamento de proteçao se a comportado muito déspota e indiferente da ultima vez que fui neste passado dia 16 de Janeiro, 2020 asta me sinto segurança ao querer gravar o seu comportamento por favor me ajudem. Silvia Guzman 11 h · Dios les bendiga mi nombre es Silvia Guzman estoy pidiendo el apoyo de toda la prensa para denunciar Los abusos que eh sido victima desde el 2016 soy una mexicana de 42 años de tuxpan nayarit que vivo desde el año 1991 en estados unidos en nuevo California soy sobreviviente de racismo discriminacion y corrupcion por parte de el departamento de policia de perris California estoy sobreviviendo terrorismo domestico (descrito en el 18 us penal code 2331 (5) a) b) c) violencia de género asalto físico y sexual to en el 2016 el dueño de la casa donde vivía por no pagar un proceso legal para desalojarme le pago a los insigentes para que me sacaran segun Las palabras de uno de los mas de 50 personas involucradas en Los crimeans en mi contra ente julio y diciembre del 2016 fui asaltada físicamente 4 veces y asaltada sexualmente 5 veces la primera vez que me violaron me drogaron y me grabaron y le mandaron el vídeo a mis hijos de 22 y 20 años y porque mi hija borró el vídeo y no pudimos mostrarlo ala policía no hizo ni un solo reporte a pesar de todas las llamadas al 911 y de que mi hija le dijo a dos oficiales en diferentes ocasiones al contrario me pusieron un cargo de drogas y me encerraron en una Clinica de salud mental y trataron de medicarme pero yo me negué a tomar la medicina puesto que nunca abia sido diagnosticada con alguna enfermedad mental tengo documentos vídeos grabaciones de voz y transcripciones certificadas por un licenciado perito certificado que prueban lo que digo tengo los nombres y apeidos de la mayoría de mis agresores pero las autoridades difamaron mi carácter y me desacreditaron para que nadie me ayude por eso ya hice una denuncia ante la Corte InterAmericana de Derechos Humana y el consulado de general mexico en Los Angeles California tambien me a tratado muy mal el consul del departamento de proteccion se a portado muy despota e indiferente la ultima vez que fui este pasado 16 de enero,2020 asta me echo seguridad al querer grabar su comportamiento por favor ayudenme.

God bless you my name is Silvia Guzman I am asking for the support of all the press to denounce the abuses that have been the victim since 2016 I am a 42 year old Mexican from Tuxpan nayarit who I live since 1991 in the United States in New California I am a survivor of racism discrimination and corruption by the California perris police department i am surviving domestic terrorism (described in 18 US PENAL CODE 2331 (5) a) B) c)
Gender violence physical and sexual assault in 2016 the owner of the house where he lived for not paying a lawsuit to evict I paid the insigent to get me out according to the words of one of the more than 50 people involved in the crimeans against me between july and December 2016 I was physically assaulted 4 times and sexually assaulted 5 times the first time they raped me, drugged me and recorded me and sent the video to my 22 AND 20 year olds and because my daughter deleted the video and we were unable to show it The police did not make a single report despite all the 911 calls and my daughter told two officers on different occasions instead they put me in a drug job and locked me up in a mental health clinic and tried to medicate me but I refused to take medicine since I was never diagnosed with any mental illness I have video documents, voice recordings and transcripts certified by a licensee of the certified expert That prove what I say I have the names and sins of the majority of my aggressors but the authorities defamed my character and discredited me so that no one helps me so I have already made a complaint before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the Consulate of general mexico in los angeles california also treated me very badly the consul of the Department of protection if he behaved very despot and indifferent the last time i went this last day 16 of January, 2020 asta I feel security when wanting to record his behavior please help me.

Silvia Guzman
11 hrs ·
The blessings are in the name of Silvia Guzman I am asking for the support of the entire press to report the abuses that have been the victim since 2016, I am a Mexican woman with 42 years of tuxpan nayarit that I have lived since the year 1991 in the United States in California as a survivor of racism, discrimination and corruption on the part of the perris police department California is surviving domestic terrorism (described in 18 us criminal code 2331 (5) a) b) c)
gender violence physical and sexual assault in 2016 the house where I lived for not paying a legal proceeding to evict me I paid the insignificant to get me out according to the words of one but 50 people involved in the crimes in my against julio and diciembre del 2016 I was physically assaulted 4 times and sexually assaulted 5 times the first time he raped me and drugged me and grabbed the video for my 22 and 20 year olds because my video was taken and we couldn’t show him the police on the ground in a single report, despite all the calls to 911 and that my boss told the officers on different occasions that he put me in charge of drugs and closed me down at a mental health clinic and I try to take medication but I refuse to take any medicine that has never been diagnosed with any mental illness I have documents videos voice recordings and transcriptions certified by a licensee certified expert who teaches what I say I have names and appendages of the majority of my aggressors but the authorities defame my character and discredit me so that I will not help me for this and that I report it to the InterAmerican Court of Human Rights and the consulate of general mexico en los angeles california also treated me very badly at the consulate of the protection department if the port very despicable and indifferent the last time i went this past 16th of march, 2020 asta me echo seguridad al want to grab your behavior please help.



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V2k victim since 4-5 months

Hello everyone,

I am a 19 year old german voice-to-skull victim since may this year. I figured out that the mind control started about a 1.5 years ago.

At that time a feeling in my nose started which felt like something is pressing from the inside plus it was running all the time. I thought it was some kind of nose disorder but after getting information I now think it is an effect caused by the infection of the V2 nerve

I got my information over the months from various sources (, multiple blogs and homepages, videos and pdf documents) and I also found out that they are able to do this since at least 2001 (

My guess would be that it is some kind of nanotech infection but I still think about wether they do this with single persons or entire populations. And there is also the big question wether we talk about use or abuse of this technology. The book by electric angel offered a lot of information, especially when it comes to the V2k, which electric angel tells us does not mean "voice to skull" but is an acronym for the parasitic infection of the V2-nerve with k which is a technical short for coupling coefficient

You have to spread that information about the V2k acronym, it is very accurate and important!

Now there are limits for guessing what the technology might be but I specialized on analyzing the crap they talk all the day and I can tell you it is nothing but Hypnosis! They use a technique called "classical conditioning , it is very important for you to look that up and study it!

They use this ->

Maybe they also use NLP - Neurolinguistic Programming where we come to my next guess that we are all confronted with coldblooded/pedophile/sociopathic/cocaine-snuffing satanists.

Well, NLP is just some specialized form of hypnosis and there we got its (german) mascot called Vakog:

VAKOG.pngNow let's compare it with this picture of Baphomet:

baphomet.gifSatan is also referred to as "the one-eyed".

Now don't get me wrong I'm not a strict christian, but it is very much likely that these people are devil worshippers.

So I wanted to ask you all some questions about your experiences with this particular problem of being mind raped day after day:

1. Did it start all of sudden? Was it that you woke up and there they were discussing like it was the most regular thing on earth? Voices that you never heard before?

2. Do they use words or simple phrases often and always with the same accent? Words and phrases that you didn't use to say?

3. Do you see flashing lights when you close your eyes, hear a steady frequence noise, hear clicks in your head or notice radical changes in mind activity or elselike?

4. Did you notice difficulties in visual imagination, loss of eyesight, blury vision, loss of focus?

5. Do they keep on radically talking their hypnosis bullshit no matter what you think?

6. Did you notice memory loss or especially short-term memory loss?

7. Did you find countermeasures/methods/tactics/devices/body movements which help?

I will continue this post and tell you some experience how to use psychological warfare to beat them at their own perverted game. Never forget that you still have your imagination which is more powerful than bullshit talks, you can use to harass them with their own strategy.

Good luck and keep it up everyone!

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这种摧残很可怕。我发现敌人有目的要摧残我的记忆力、智商、思想、意识、梦,还想方设法让我得癌症、垂体瘤,并且最终希望在我得重病的时候,秘密暗杀我。我感到敌人每天快速地变换,使用不同的波,摧残我的大脑的不同部位和生命。我买了防电磁波辐射的帽子,打听厂家的产品,都不起作用,这些波很难防。自从2010年春天,我开始感到自己处在“卫星监狱”("satellite prison")里,我知道,除我以外,我周围很多人被敌人秘密地控制过大脑的思想和意识,但没有人能意识到,这些人全部认为是自己的思想,可有些人事后意识到思想是错误的,比如:家人、朋友之间产生过仇视、对立、看不起人、没有同情心的思想,但后来,这些人不希望再有这种思想,他们意识到这种思想是错误的。


我被摧残了很多年,通过我的受害经历、知识和其他受害者的博客,我认为,人的大脑可以听到微波传来的声音;许多脑袋里有"microwave voice to skull"的病人,在被摧残以后,可以知道敌人使用卫星武器打仗的思想,里面有杀人的思想。很多受害者在网上写的不幸经历是真的。





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One of my senior high school classmates, who worked and lived in Europe, suddenly came back to my city from Europe and contacted me through another classmate.

He invited some of my classmates and me for a lunch. Out of courtesy, I attended the lunch. He talked briefly about his life. As one of the top students in our middle school, he went to one of the top university. He got marriage and had a girl after graduated from the University. Few years ago, he divorced with his wife, and went to work in Europe until now.


He talked to me that he had kept thinking about me for the past years. He claimed that he had been keeping having strange dreams of me at night, and could not help felt falling in love with me, despite never seeing me again for the past 24 years.


I had never heard any news about this classmate since we had graduated from the middle school; I had already totally forgotten this classmate for years, until one night, torturers suddenly injected dreams to my brain; he appeared in the “injected dreams”. Later, he appeared again for several times in ‘injected dreams”, some of those dreams were even sexual dreams.


Next week, he went back to Europe. One day, I suddenly received a call from him; he said that he just woke up from a strange dream, and he dreamed of me again. It was only 2 am in his place.


I did not discuss with him about these technologies and not ask whether he had suffered other symptoms. However, I strongly suspected that he was a victim of remote electromagnetic Mind Control technologies. Those strange dreams were highly likely injected dreams. Some people must have been altering his “thoughts” with Mind Control technologies.


From his case, I could truly sure that perpetrators could control totally victims’ whole life with their Mind Control technologies.


Mind control technologies are weapons which use drugs, electronic microchip implants, nanotechnologies, microwaves and /or electromagnetic waves to subvert an individual's sense of control over their own thinking, behavior, emotions or decision making by attacking the brain and nervous system.

I have collected many reported articles which introduce 'mind control technologies'. The listing of these articles will not mislead readers; it is a short cut for readers to learn what mind control technologies are.

Soleilmavis Liu, Author of the book: “Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, is helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Her book provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies.


Stories about Soleilmavis Liu 

The Fact and evidence of abuses and tortures of mind control technologies:

I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong

( )


Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures


Judyth Piazza interviews Soleilmavis Liu About Mind Control Technologies  


I wish to file my lawsuits to against government who covered such horrible mind control weapons (and Directed Energy Weapons) abuses and tortures. 


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Will victims win a lawsuit?

Will victims win a lawsuit?

Victims suffered a long period of extremely cruel of mind control weapon abuse and torture, brains being raped, spirits/souls and bodies ravaged. Many victims had make great efforts, but there was still no victim actually win a lawsuit.

Many victims are losing hope, or becoming numb, or getting depressed, or simply not seeing the hope of winning a lawsuit.


I use “the art of war” (Sun Tzu) to analysis whether victims will win a lawsuit.

Just for fun.


(First of all, victims should know that God strongly condemns such fascist atrocities. God will help victims to win a lawsuit. )



The art of war”, (1) Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law?
(2) Which of the two generals has most ability?

(3) With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth?
(4) On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced?

(5) Which army is stronger?
(6) On which side are officers and men more highly trained?

(7) In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment?
By means of these seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat.


Victims want to win a lawsuit, currently have the following advantages:

(1) Victims are imbued with the Moral law 100%. Victims are standing on the right way; They require justice.

(Perpetrators raped victims’ brain and mind; tortured victims; harassed victims with voice directly to skull technologies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They not only violated of the laws of God, but also violated the laws of humanity)


(2) Victims have capacity 100%; (Victims united together all over the world. and through the network, exposing mind control weapons abuses and tortures).


(3)God directed victims how to do 50%. But Government and social communities still covered such horrible persecutions. (Currently the world's 60%-70% of people believe that the earth has entered the Judgment Days, in accordance with the bible -- Proverbs, mind control abuses and tortures (waylay souls) is the most sinful persecution that God condemns)


(4) Victims’advantages in this world (50%/2),

After victims' efforts, there are a lot of websites about mind control weapons abuses and tortures. Mind control weapons have also been reported on Media. But the Government and the Social communities still covered such fascist atrocities. Some people even called victims mental illness, This let more people refused to believe that such atrocities happen every day.


(5) There are laws of God which condemn mind control abuses and tortures. There are laws of Humanity which condemn mind control abuses and tortures too. 100%


(6) God will reward those who adhere to the laws of God; God will punish those who violate the laws of God. 70% (But some people don't God).


(7)Victims don’t have a big group and victims are not well trained soldiers. 20% (Victims had done a lot of work, but victims are a small groups)

(3 + 50% + 25% + 70% + 20%)/7 = 66% victims have 66% advantages in winning the lawsuit)


Disadvantages that victims have:

(1) Victims are not accessible. (Government and social communities have been covering mind control weapon abuses and tortures.

(2) Victims are not well trained soldiers; Victims are small groups.

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Tratándose de que tenga un microchip instalado, que me imagino que así es, debido a que no puedo creer en un arma de control
mental dirigida que opere sin la coherencia emisor-receptor, que influya SOLO EN MI 24hr/7dias. O Los hay?. Me es dificil concebir la idea de que los haya, pero aun tambien me es dificil concebir la idea de que en algun momento me instalaron un implante. He hecho memoria y que me acuerde solo he pasado por una cirujia en mi dedo corazon y algunos cad, para que haya dado a alguien la posibilidad de insertarme un implante, espero tener un implante, creo que es preferible quizas asi solo eliminandolo me liberaria. Al ver que De los servicios que ofrece el departamento de imaginologia con lo cual se pude detectar un microchip, por acá no se ha tomado niunguno, se habla muy poco de asistir a la salud para detectar el implante o será porque es posible ser victima de armas de control mental sin implantes? Cuál sería a su
entender la mejor forma de detectarlo sospechando que se encuentra en mi cabeza
o debajo de la piel en mi mano derecha.?

Estos son los examenes que por la cual espero poder pedir asistencia

Exámenes Radiológicos y Fluoroscópicos
Tomografía Computarizada de 64 cortes
Resonancia Magnética
Medicina Nuclear.
Radiología Intervencionista

Mi gran pregunta:

¿Es posible ser victima de armas de control mental sin tener implantes?

I can be a victim of mind control weapons without implant?

Arturo Garces.

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The Walking Dead Men

They wait for you while you are away they will take you while you sleep, They know no love. the dead men no longer have feeling. They will take you with out words. they will make you feel ubserd. lonelyness is the way you will become. you will become. you will never know what love is if you give into the walking dead men.their woman are many all though they may not have a penny. they will leaveyou for dead. time and time again.their words are few. they may tell you they love you. never ever knowing they are really real. you will become a victim of the walking dead men.

she thought this was me it was someone with a some equipment. there rapist these people do this to woman and are scum.

This was written by my wife Jennifer.

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From Soleilmavis:
This is one more sad story of mind control victims. Everyday, we are experiencing the most terrible thing in the world which God has condemn such a crime. Mr. Darrim Daoud is a an organizer of Global protest in London on 14 Oct and 10 Dec 2009, more details of the Global protest:

There are a lot of similiar stories happened to victims all over the world, please see more :

From Derrick Robinson
What we are experiencing is truly getting to be a holocaust. Here's the newspaper article about the apparent suicide of Darrim Daoud. Some of us knew him in the community both in England and the US. He was the organizer of the London TI's who participated in the global protest in October. Here is the newspaper article about what happened. There's also this message at the bottom of the article:
"Did you know Mr Daoud? Leave your tributes below or call our newsdesk on 012923 597600".

From huggles
Pop over to a notary with a written a statement on your belief of what caused Darrim's death and get it stamped. You can fax and then post the document. Very easy and something that cannot be pursued by another on your behalf. Don't wait for others to do it and there is nothing stopping you.

Here is the address and numbers;

Coroner - R J Stone
Police Station,
Bolnore, Haywards Heath,
West Sussex, United Kingdom
Tel; 01444 445808 Fax: 01444 445857

Crawley man found dead next to railway line
Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 13:53
Comment on this story

A MAN'S body was spotted lying next to railway tracks by a train driver.

Darrim Daoud, 34, from Pound Hill, was spotted by the driver lying near the track lose to Pease Pottage, just after 2pm.

Emergency services were called but Mr Daoud was dead before they arrived.

A British Transport Police spokesman said: "Officers were called to attend the railway line at Balcombe Tunnel, near to Parish Lane, Pease Pottage, after receiving reports of a body near the line.

"The incident was reported to police at 2.04pm and was attended by our officers, Sussex Police and paramedics from the local ambulance service.

"Upon attendance officers discovered the body of a man, who appeared to have suffered injuries consistent with being struck by a train.

"The incident is being treated as non-suspicious and a file will be prepared for the coroner."

An inquest was opened and adjourned at Haywards Heath Coroner's Court on Monday.

Did you know Mr Daoud? Leave your tributes below or call our newsdesk on 012923 597600.

Tributes can be emailed to

More details of Mr. Darrim Daoud
Hi Everyone
I have some bad news about a UK TI. I am not sure if you remember a guy writing on the Forum called Winston Smith. Winston was actually called Darrim Daoud. John and I went to see him recently as he wanted to organise the UK Global Protest himself. What we saw was a lovely young man, who was an incredibly organised activist he had a wonderful personality, very down to earth and he did not have a paranoid or suspicious bone in his body. Darrim was in his early thirties of mixed race, English and Iranian, he was angry at being harassed but kept it in perspective, and of course asked the same questions as we do which is "why him?" so he was EH as well as organised stalked, he had what I had, no voices, and the locality of people decided to harass him as in car and property damage. All of course upsetting. This of course put him into the English psychiatric system.

He tried to tell his family what was happening and of course it was all denied and that he was imagining it.

On the 14th of October we had a successful protest and he was due to join us at Speakers Corner the following Sunday on the 18th. Apparently he was threatened by his perps on his journey back home. Now they must have frightened him as he did a no show and we were concerned for him. so inbetween we had a few
emails until we heard the following from another TI.

His facebook account started to have "obituary" comments left on it. So from the 16th of November it was clear that he had died. To confirm we rang around and eventually got his dad. He will not tell us how he died and we are waiting to hear from his friends who might tell us more.

I am gutted that he is dead. John is as well. A totally honest individual, who was determined to "expose" this stuff and he had some great ideas to to do this.
An activist already against the Aufghanistan and Iranian wars. So this might well have been why he was a target.

Anyway cannot tell you anymore until we do have more information, but John and I might be able to see his dad to give our understanding of what his son was going through.

I am dreading to hear what the perps might have done to him accounting for the reason as to why he died. When we met and emailed he seemed upbeat considering and was not at all suicidal. So what happened? Many of his facebook peers are asking the same thing.

If I know any more we will let you know of course. Darrim did a really good questionaire recently which was the best one so far.
Anyway - just thought I would let you know

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More report about Eric Griffin (robbery attempt)

Note from Soleilmavis: I am sorry to hear Eric's story. He has been a member of our peacepink group for a long time and has been working hard to expose remote mind control weapons abuses and tortures. Even I did not know why he did that, but I believe he is a victim of remote mind control weapons abuses and tortures. We have heard many sad stories of mind control victims, we wish the secret mind control weapons abuses and tortures will be stopped soon. The trial of Mr. Eric Griffin was on Wednesday, Further Eric Griffin's trail date is set for February 8th. 8:30am. Are any of the local targets going to appear in court on Wednesday to listen to what is being said? Related Documents (.pdf) •Download the affidavit of truth •Download the court order More stories of remote mind control victims: Was a foiled bank heist a cry for help? Bizarre acts are nothing new for main suspect in robbery attempt By Abigail Goldman (contact: Saturday, Nov. 28, 2009 | 2 a.m. COURTESY METRO POLICE Eric Griffin Related Documents (.pdf) •Download the affidavit of truth •Download the court order •Inventive Henderson robbery scheme falls flat (11-16-2009) It wasn’t a secret that Eric Griffin planned to enter a Wells Fargo Bank and demand access to the vault. One day before Griffin and four accomplices did just that — walked into a Henderson branch claiming a fake federal search warrant gave them authority to seize the vault’s contents — Griffin filed a document in federal court announcing his plan. He also filed a second document declaring his “special task force” had the right to bear arms, make arrests and, if need be, execute detractors “on the spot.” Griffin then signed the document and had it notarized. The following morning, Nov. 13, five men walked into the Wells Fargo on West Sunset Road and, after some chaos, walked out empty-handed into a wall of waiting police. Though Griffin, 39, is being detained, his four accomplices have been released — indicating authorities believe Griffin was the ringleader. Griffin isn’t like most would-be robbers. For starters, it appears he wanted not just money from the vault, but specific documents from a deposit box too. Second, Griffin believes a tracking device has been planted on his person by unknown parties — possibly the government — who are using this “directed energy weapon” to control and communicate with him. Only “out of respect for the law,” Griffin wrote in one of the documents, was he informing the court of his upcoming actions. Further, Griffin noted, he had evidence of the secret implant being used against him, “which is why licensed guards will be executing suspect and bring there (sic) death certificate to this court ... we will show this court that all suspect has been getting information illegally on plaintiff’s every move through devise (sic).” Nobody was executed during this month’s bank robbery. If anything, it was a doomed fiasco from the outset. The bank manager did not believe the federal search warrant Griffin allegedly presented was real, and refused to give the men access to the vault, according to the FBI’s Las Vegas field office. The bank manager was then reportedly handcuffed until he convinced Griffin and the others — four men from California — that he would call for permission. He called security instead. As it turns out, Griffin’s strange and unsuccessful bank robbery attempt was just the most recent in a string of strange and unsuccessful campaigns — the private war between Griffin and the people he believes are after him. The foiled robbery came in the midst of a lawsuit Griffin filed against MountainView Hospital, where he was held for a number of days in July by doctors who thought he was mentally ill and a threat to himself or others. That lawsuit, like the numerous others Griffin has personally filed over the years, is full of rambling documents, demands and talk of government testing, untraceable chemicals, torture, cover-ups, tracking equipment, covert surveillance and something he calls “voice-to-skull” technology. In his case against the hospital, Griffin filed subpoenas to the Justice Department for evidence of the tracking devices; to the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners for records, though it’s unclear which or why; and to U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo, for a “kidnap letter” Griffin claimed was placed into his account with a “fraudulent” check for $30,000 and an “investigating report” of unknown origin. It appears these documents are what Griffin was after, at least in part, when he and four others stormed the bank this month. How Griffin got anybody to join him during the attempted robbery remains unclear, though at least two of the five men — Jonathan Gray and Jonathan Miranda — signed Griffin’s notarized court filings. The notary who stamped Griffin’s paperwork didn’t return calls for comment. Griffin’s lawyer, a federal public defender, also isn’t commenting on the case. Court records do indicate, however, that Griffin’s competency is being questioned. Internet records, meanwhile, indicate Griffin’s mental state has been questionable for some time. On Nov. 9 Griffin posted a message to members of an online group dedicated to exposing secret mind control programs orchestrated by the government. In his message, Griffin announced he had rounded up a team of investigators who would provide a variety of services to fellow “T.I.’s” — short for “targeted individuals.” These services were to include implant detection, executions and victim intake. In the past three years Griffin has filed lawsuits against the FBI, George W. Bush, Metro and Henderson police, District Attorney David Roger and the White House Executive Office, among many others. The subject of the suits never changes: mind control, secret experiments, mental slavery. In June, Griffin sued U.S. District Court Judge Philip Pro for throwing out a case Griffin had filed against the Justice Department for allegedly interrogating him with mind control weapons. The case against Judge Pro was thrown out by another judge, who wrote that Griffin’s body of litigation is “fantastic, delusional and irrational.” Privately, sources familiar with Griffin’s past say he’s been on a Secret Service watch list for some time, most likely because of his regular threats against government officials and his talk of snap executions. The specter of being on anybody’s watch list — let alone that of the Secret Service — will likely send Griffin and fellow conspiracy theorists into a tailspin. The fact that police were waiting outside the bank when he emerged from the foiled robbery attempt has not gone unnoticed by the online community. It’s not a coincidence police were at the ready, they say — it’s evidence Griffin’s mind is being read. More reports on Eric Griffin:
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Thoughts on the NWO

We got realized that all of us practically are their hostages with their superweapon mind technology while the fact that thye have not attacked everyone except us TIs has shown the fact that they cannot simply just control the whole world as they wish.We have to fight back before it is too late.Every person in the world has to recognize what the real goal of the NWO is.They have been spies all these while who aim at sowing discord,and discrediting the TIs committee so as to control everyone better.We should just concentrate on dealing with the NWO above everything else.They are the one manipulating all of us,torturing us TIs days and nights without rest without anyone knowingly.It is all done behind the scene while they try to manipulate others to attack us in the name of good will,investigation frauds,experimentations and etc.We are all just part of their unwilling scarifices to achieve their agenda to control the whole world and ultimately destroy the whole world.To save the world,the mind control/DEW technology must be destroyed IN FRONT OF OUR OWN EYES as well as the mind controllers being prosecuted.
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Singapore Mind Control Victim

Please go here for updated torture account.Adapted from my blog:http://chip-implanted-mc-victim.blogspot.comMC Victim ProfileI am a chip-implanted mind-control victim(Singapore) who have been constantly harrassed since 2006 after the "accidental death" of my Industrial attachment in a government defence company,DSO National Laboratory,in which i was condemned to take "medicine" for the rest of my life for many kinds of diseases like AIDS,amnesia,schizoprenia,ADHD,PSTD,Pakinsan's disease,reading disability,learning disability,"blindness"(cannot see),whatever types of diseases or illness you can name of,I was being rumoured to have or "diagnosed of"(believe to have illegally forged self report).Realized that it was actually a conspiracy probably to use me as slaves in the name of religious purposes,charity organisations ,mental health institute,"experiments","personality changes","election","nation building","investigation","nation security","you are a God","common purposes conspiracy","psyops warfare experiments subjects",assasination attempt to cover up crimes and many many others committed by these evil liars/criminals.Only realized that i was chip-implanted and the perpetrators can actually remotely read my mind from a distance just a few months ago, when a perpetrator tries to "threathen me" for their purposes.They have psychologically abused me not only at home but public places as well.Public PlacesThese perpetrators have tried to torture me in many many ways even in public places.Perpetrators are everywhere on the streets,all stationed at almost every streets and corners in my country waiting for me.They would show me some kinds of weird hand signals like numbers 4,6,8,1,2,5,finger pointing up,pointing down.Constant verbal abuses by these perpetrators are very often.They normally come together with hundreds of people,including young children,adults,elderly,students and people from all walks of life and professions.They will take turns to follow me in wherever i go be it,shopping centres, buses or trains.They will come into the train that i board in hundreds.They will send me suicide,sublimal messages whenever they walk past me.I was seemed to be under the "monarch mind-control/MKULTRA project" which i had read somewhere.Home AbuseAt home,my "robot family members" will also often mumble some weird mouth and hand signals in front of me purposely in sychronization with "TV Talking","neighbours who try to produce loud thug noises directly above my room","deliberate car bangings near my neighbourhood which is full of carpark".Weird telephone rings picked up by my "family members" with common words "embedded in their conversations with the same words as mentioned above" are almost an everyday thing.I have experienced tons and tons of psychological abuse by "my family members" whereby they always give me all sorts of "stupid contradicting advices" which they themselves do not even know,showing "hot" and "cold" emotions in different time intervals.Sometimes they will force me to watch the "tv programs that actually talks to me" and then add in some "fully planned conversations" so as to manipulate me.Whenever , I try to contact similiar victims in the internet whereby it was secretly monitored by those "invisble perpetrators",the next moment they will call up a group of people including strangers to my house for their "verbal abuse session".There will be many attempts to force me to go and "pray to the god".There are also many attempts by my family to tamper with my things while i was asleep or while i was out.Frequent deliberate tampering of my computer and belongings are also not a rare phenonemon.TV media and newspapersI realized that the TV is actually "talking to my mind" in 2008 as mentioned earlier on after a death threat from a "staged perpetrator".The TV can instantly reply me in whatever my mind is thinking.When i try to capture the TV program with my Camcorder,it stops immediately.At that point of time, I can be100% sure that the TV is actually "talking to me".Sometimes the TV show even "tell me what i am wearing" as soon as i reach home.Deliberate Sirens,banging of car doors and people screamingLate at night, sometimes there will be people screaming with a very high-pitch sound which seem like a "woman voice" with verbal abuse or insulting message.In the past, ambulance or police sirens will come following a death threat,abuse that come from nearby passerbys.Invisible voices out of nowhereInvisible voices suspected that come from the v2k technology often comes in while i was working on my computer or when i try to sleep at night.They have tried to deprive me of sleeps for countless nights but lately do not know why i was being put into a "curfew of 12pm ligths off policy".Lately,I can even hear these "invisible voices" at public places and shopping centres.
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(1) Attack on a German Activist against Electronic Harassment In the following you can read the report of Swetlana who is a German-Russian TI and activist against electronic harassment. She has been banged together by an unknown man in the open street of the village where she is living in Germany. In the past there had already happened grave road accidents and shooting to real psychosis, poisoning and infecting victims by dangerous pathogens who had published the mindcontrol crime, but banging together in the open street is a new level of escalation which reminds to the rough gangs of SA and SS who smoothed the way to the dictatorship of the nazis by beating their political enemies during the twenties and early thirtiets. This is Swetlanas report to the police (English translation of the German original text): Attack in Stutensee-Büchig / Germany Report of bodily harm Yesterday on 9th of November 2008, around 22 o’clock, in Stutensee-Büchig, in Buchenring, an unknown man has attacked and bashed me several times in the face. I had gone to the mailbox to insert a letter. On the way back an unknown man approached to me; he had got off his car and come immediately standing in front of me. He told me that he searches the Stein-Street which does not exist in Stutensee-Büchig. When I responded to him that I do not know this street, he has bashed me in the face three times. The last and heaviest punch knocked me down and I was lying on the road beside the pavement for a moment then. Because I had not expected this bashes I could not defend myself against this attack. It was raining and when I stood up the man disappeared fast. He still shouted to me that if I do not stop we will meet again. Me lower lip is opened up, me right cheek and my head got contusions and I had heavy pains subsequently. On the cheek I have a swelling, blue – green spots and this part of my face is very swollen. The perpetrator was big and strong, but thin, about 1,85 m high, bold in the front of his head, had dark hairs and wore dark coat and trousers. He spoke with a Bavarian accent. Because of the shock and the punches I could not notice the licence number of his car. I suppose that he had waited for me, because he knew exactly, that I pass there at this time. But it must be asked why he could know this? I suppose that my activity in the association is the reason. The perpetrators are very disturbed and aggressive about my work. I add a medical certificate which attestes my injuries. I will publish this attack everywhere and the police will forward my report to the persecutor. Swetlana Schunin "Swetlana Schunin" Stutensee, 10th of November 2008 (2) PLEASE HELP SAVE GLENDA AND HER BABY Hi. Just yesterday, guys, because of the network, we were able to save one of our members in New York from the psych wards. (More about that later) Now we need to do the same in Florida (or something similar). If any of you are in or near the Jacksonville, Florida area, we have a mother who's trying to get her baby back at a hearing scheduled for this Wednesday, November 26 at 10 am. We just need a number of you there to support her story and perhaps share a bit of yours. Also, come prepared with letters and documentation to support your claims. I can provide documents and letters as needed. If you can help in any way, please contact: Glenda Phone: 760-419-3215 Email: Thanks, Derrick
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Rudy Wrote: NOV.17, 2008 14.58 BERND IS STILL KEPT IN THE FRENCH PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL. NO NEWS FROM THE FRENCH PREFECT. PLEASE START EMAILING THE FOLLOWING FRENCH NEWSPAPERS AND REVIEWS AND EXPLAIN THE SITUATION. A FEW FRENCH NEWSPAPERS AND REVIEWS,,, ,,,,,,, jmbretonnierATlavoixdunord,fr,,,,,, ________________________________________________________________________,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, pnoireauxATlyonne,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, GERMAN MEDIA Presseverteiler:, (Dr. Rolf ) G鰏,, (Bayerischer) (Hessischer), (Norddeutscher) (Radio) (Radio) (Saarl鋘discher) S黡 (Westdeutscher) (Frankfurter),, Soleilmavis wrote : (11 Nov 2008) Dear all, Below is a German Victim, Bernd, who is suffering from the forced psychiatric treatment. Please kindly take your valuable time to help him by writing something to his PSYCHIATRIST with some related information. Thank you and Best Regards Soleilmavis Rudy wrote: 10. November 2008 German victim, Bernd Meerkamp has been committed to the psychiatric unit of the French Hospital "EPSAN" in Alsace (141 Avenue de Strasbourg 67173 Brumath) Tel+ . Please quickly send the psychiatrist Madame Fabienne Dupain an email in solidarity with Bernd ( in French, German or English) and explain that Bernd is neither mentally nor psychologically disturbed. Bernd benefits by the German Hartz IV social security - with it he would be entitled to the service of a lawyer, according to the German law. The expenses will be paid for by the public authorities. Bernd said that he was in the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights to ask for help. As an answer he was told he should wait till next year, his case would be tackled only then. However, he remained seated and stated that he would wait there as long as noone takes the effort to offer assistance to him . He demanded a court-ordered medical examination of his head and body (possible implants) which they rejected, however. He called the house security to say that he would wait in the Court of Human Rights. He was told " wait, we'll send you somebody who will help you!" The police came, brutally handcuffed him and forced him into the police car by pulling his hair and giving him a nasty blow in the stomach. They drove him to the police station. There came a psychiatrist who asked him questions which he refused to answer. Nevertheless, he was committed on Monday, 27th October, 2008 to the psychiatric hospital. There he spoke to some psychiatrists. They wanted to know what he wanted at the Court of Human Rights or what he had declared there. He was first commited to a house where he felt comfortable.Then he was taken into another house. Haloperidol (5ml 3 times daily) was given to him intravenously - against his will. Also Langastol? (25ml) and Laptic? (10ml). He had to leave his two-wheeler with all his belongings on the 27th October, 2008 at the Court of Human Rights. The license plate is 277SZZ THE PSYCHIATRIST's CORRECT ADDRESS IS fabienne.dupin (AT) Liebe Mitopfer Deutsches Opfer, Bernd Meerkamp ist in die psychiatrische Abteilung in das Krankenhaus "EPSAN" 141 Avenue de Strasbourg 67173 Brumath Tel.+ in Elsass eingeliefert worden. Bitte schicken Sie der Psychiaterin Madame Fabienne Dupain schnell eine eMail der solidarität auf französisch, deutsch oder englisch und erklären Sie, dass Bernd weder geistlig noch psychisch gestört ist. Bernd ist Sozialhilfeempfänger (Hartz IV) - damit würde ihm nach deutschem Recht ein Rechtsanwalt zustehen (Kosten werden von der Allgemeinheit getragen). Bernd erzählte , dass er im Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme (Strasbourg) war, um Hilfe zu bitten . Als Anwort bekam er, er solle bis nächste Jahr warten, dann würde sein Fall bearbeitet werden ! Er blieb jedoch sitzen und er werde dort solange warten, bis jemand bereit wäre ihm zu helfen. Er forderte eine gerichtlich bestellte ärztliche Untersuchung von seinem Kopf und von seinem Körper (Implantate), welches sie aber ablehnten. Er rief die Security an, dass er im Haus warten würde; die sagten, "warten Sie, wir schicken Ihnen jemand, der Ihnen helfen wird ! Die Polizei kam , legte ihm brutal Handschellen an und zwang ihn mit körperlicher Gewalt (Haare ziehen und Boxhieb in den Magen) in den Wagen einzusteigen. Sie brachten ihn zu der Polizeidienststelle. Dort kam ein Psychiater und stellte ihm Fragen, die er nicht beantworten wollte. Trotzdem wurde er am Montag, den 27. Oktober 2008 in die Psychiatrie eingewiesen. Dort angekommen sprach er mit einigen Psychiatern. sie wollten wissen, was er beim Cour Européenne des Droits de l'Homme wollte bzw. was er dort abgeben wollte.Er wurde dort in der Psychiatrie am 1-2 Tag in einem Haus untergebracht, wo er sich wohl fühlte. Dann wurde er in ein anderes Haus gebracht. Ihm wurde dort Haloperidol (5ml 3xtägl) intravenös - gegen seinen Willen - verabreicht. Auch Langastol? (25ml) und Laptic? (10ml). Sein Zweirad (incl. Hab und Gut) musste er am 27. Oktober 2008 am "Droits de l`Homme" stehen lassen. Das Nummernschild ist 277SZZ. THE PSYCHIATRIST's CORRECT ADDRESS IS fabienne.dupin(AT) Jean Verstraeten wrote: I wrote the following letter to Dr. Fabienne Dupain, referring to the fact that Bernd Meerkamp has been forced into psychiatry. I am inviting her to examine the question of remote manipulation conscientiously. Please write to her as well. It is utterly important that psychiatrists know that people around the world don抰 doubt the existence of such manipulation. In fraternitate, Jean P.S. I don抰 send you the attachments, as normally you know these documents already. However, if you ask me, I send them to you personally. Madame le Docteur, Ayant appris que M. Bernd Meerkamp a 閠?hospitalis?chez vous, je me permets d抋ttirer votre attention sur le fait qu抜l existe r閑llement un ensemble de technologies ou d抋rmes visant ?torturer les corps et les esprits ?distance. Concernant ce sujet redoutable, je vous envoie en annexe : 1) un texte de pr閟entation de ;Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance ? 2) quelques adresses o?de plus amples informations peuvent 阾re obtenues, 3) un texte de la doctoresse finnoise Rauni Leena-Kilde, 3) une ?nbsp;D閏laration de citoyens pr閛ccup閟 ?sign閑 par env. 200 personnes ?travers le monde. Comme il s抋git de crimes contre l抙umanit?touchant aux droits fondamentaux de nous tous, j抏sp鑢e vivement que vous voudrez consciencieusement examiner la question. Je vous pr閟ente tous mes respects, Jean Verstraeten Vredestraat v65 B - 2540 HOVE Rudy wrote: November 20, 2008 11:17 p.m. Bernd Meerkamp has been released today After his transfer from the Brumath Clinic in France to Offenburg in Germany,on Monday 17th of November, Bernd has been released according to the Offenburg Clinic's statement. Bernd phoned to say he is allright and is extremely grateful for all the support he has received. Bernd Meerkamp wurde heute entlassen Nach der 躡erf黨rung am Montag, 17.11.2008 von der Klinik " Brumath" nach Offenburg (Deutschland) ist Bernd Meerkamp nun laut Aussage der Klinik in Offenburg entlassen worden. Bernd teilte telefonisch mit, dass es ihm gut geht und bedankt sich sehr f黵 die Unterst黷zung.
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From John Finch, DEAR DR CROWE & DR SUDDABY I would like to draw your attention to some extreme and horrendous criminality being conducted by United States Government-related Agencies and the complicity and/or acquiescence of many other Governments and Security Agencies. There is massive ignorance and secrecy regarding this, and victims such as I are being subjected to uncontrolled and unacknowledged torture and mental and physical destruction. This has remained completely unreported and undiscussed publicly. I have been, and am being, psycho-physiologically butchered, relentlessly tortured, and made a lab-rat of. I am literally being neutralised by this electro-magnetic radiation, torture and butchery –and extensively publicly exhibited in the process. Please find a summary of my situation and plight below. There are MANY THOUSANDS all over the world, who are being subjected to similar torture and abuse – citizens, combatants and leaders (coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally). Some of our DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, 'mind control', and other mental and physical mutilations - OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY – indescribably terrible in themselves – coupled with the ORWELLIAN/STALINIST secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous. It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing a Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camp – specifically Dr Mengeles-type butchers WE URGENTLY NEED HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE AND SAFE HOUSES TO PROTECT OURSELVES FROM THESE DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY! sincerely John Finch, MY DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS TORTURE AND ABUSE CASE SUMMARY I sent a series of human rights activist emails to public authorities and forums beginning in 2003 up to 2006. I came to the attention of an extremist US security organisation in 2004 for this exercising of my democratic right to free speech and since then I've had my human rights, liberty and privacy COMPLETELY VIOLATED and ALL aspects and degrees of my human freedom, individuality and mental and physical integrity and health savagely attacked, tortured and deformed. I've been, and am being, psycho-physiologically butchered and literally neutralised by electro-magnetic radiation, extremely tortured and abused, set-up, made a lab-rat of, and my life turned into a horrendous nightmare/circus. THESE CRIMINALS HAVE THE ABILITY TO :- a. place a human subject under ceaseless surveillance, no matter where he/she is, from remote locations b. ceaselessly monitor a human brain from remote locations, including thought, reaction, motor command, auditory event and visual image reading c. ceaselessly input directly into a human brain from remote locations, including the ability to introduce voices, noises, other disturbances, images and "virtual-reality scenarios" into the brain, and the ability to override, control, and alter consciousness. d. directly interfere with, abuse, torture and hit bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures - and objects - from remote locations e. directly interfere with, alter, insert etc. data, files, communications and legal evidence from remote locations - even during transmission f. make live TV, and other screens and monitors, two-way - for surveillance, invasion of privacy etc. g. control the flow of information and orchestrate the media worldwide BY THESE MEANS I HAVE BEEN:- 1. Since 2004 my brain, body and physical space and privacy have been extremely traumatically violated, monitored and interfered with 24 hours a day 7 days a week - ceaselessly. I have been under this extremely traumatising Orwellian surveillance and interference - and then extremely brutally hard-core tortured and deformed since 2004 – and during all this time my psychological, mental, intellectual and physical states, actions, thoughts, imaginations and words have been exploited and exhibited. (2004-present) 2. subjected to sleep deprivation and "mind-*uck" torture - (2005-2006) 3. ceaselessly subjected to sensory and mental torture by being very aggressively and relentlessly psychologically attacked, denigrated, interrogated, undermined, mobbed and baited - directly into my violated and interfered with brain. This takes the form of a running attack with a personally codified system of comments and responses to my thoughts, activities, social and psychological state, and biorhythms - both straightforwardly and with many different disorienting, infuriating and distorting effects. This sensory and mental torture and attack directly into the brain has varied from extreme causing near-complete mental breakdown and desperation, to loud, intensive and continuous, to milder, and has included numerous mock-executions. It is all completely and totally unignorable and inescapable. The "circuits" are always open – my brain, body and physical space are ceaselessly brutally violated, monitored and interfered with - and forced into reaction and response - 24 hours a day 7 days a week (2004/2005-present) 4. repeatedly and relentlessly – every single day and night - subjected to electrical abuse and torture on the genitals. Electric currents are applied to my genitals at different intensities and positions, often continuously for extended periods of time. This ranges from mildly disturbing to extremely torturous. The cumulative affect is sickening and constant mental and physical tension and aggravation. This electrical abuse and torture on the genitals is applied at any time of the day or night. I am often woken up by the application of electric currents to my genitals - night after night after night. Other nights I am given erections, masturbated by a machine, and occasionally voided of semen (my sperm production has been stopped). I AM BEING USED, EXPERIMENTED UPON AND BUTCHERED LIKE A LAB RAT. My genitals have been liposuctioned, collagened, vasectomied, and my scrotum subjected to repeated reductions and enlargements. I have also been anally raped and interfered with numerous times. (2004/2005-present) 5. ceaselessly subjected to multiple nightly neurological experiments and interventions - night after night after night 2,3,4,5 or more times per night artificial "virtual-reality scenarios" are introduced into my brain and therein processed/experienced. I have been on this sleep and brain control regime and I haven't had a natural uncontrolled nights sleep since 2005. This has resulted in mentally and psycho-physiologically exhausting, degrading and deforming me. Very often my brain processing/experiencing these "virtual-reality scenarios" is transmitted and exhibited by these Mengeles butchers pretending to do "science".(2005-present) 6. relentlessly subjected to "deep" neurological interventions on my brain creating a lasting "lobotomised" effect – some similar to being sledge-hammered, stabbed, roasted, fan-forced microwaved, blow-torched etc. in the brain. My senses, sensibility and imagination have been totally degraded and wrecked. Repeatedly subjected to multiple other experiments and interventions on other areas of my brain. Huge - 1,000s of hours - amounts of electricity have been pumped through my body and brain by these nazi butchers. (2005-present) 7. My semen glands, abdomen, intestines, other internal organs are also being continuously, repeatedly and intensively heated and electrocuted ie. cooked/burnt-out. Also my heart, neck, and lower back – but not so often. My torso, face and buttocks have been liposuctioned 2 or 3 times. My nipples are often electrocuted. (2005-present) I believe all of this is an attempted "reengineering" or "rendering" of my brain and body, and it has very seriously degraded my senses, sensibility and mental, psychological and physical strength, range, quality and depth. My brain has been reduced in power, quality and function by at least 70%. All my 'raw materials', psycho-physiological powers, energy, amorphous, undeveloped and latent thoughts, memories, emotions, passions, and feelings degraded, burnt-out and/or destroyed. My chest has been sunken, my lungs collapsed, my heart and muscles atrophied, my circulation and metabolism slowed, my stomach expanded and deformed, my genitals mutilated and deformed, and my body-shape completely altered and deformed. As one would expect being a lab-rat in a concentration camp since 2004 it has caused these most profound mental and physical ill-effects and degradation, and profound organic impairments and deformities. 8. subjected to various other mental, physical and social tortures, degradations and dirty tricks. This includes being extensively publicly exhibited via internet and TV. All the time during this extremely traumatising Orwellian surveillance and interference, and brutal hard-core torture and mutilation my psychological, mental, intellectual and physical states, actions, thoughts, imaginations and words have been exploited and exhibited. The states, actions, thoughts, imaginations and words of my continuously and relentlessly extremely tortured and deformed brain/mind and body, and my degraded life have been directly transmitted and broadcast - the outbursts, outcries, anger etc.. Even my comments, thoughts, idiocies and messing around – to alleviate the oppression, aggravation, and boredom of my confinement and torture in this Mengeles/Cameron/Delgado torture and deforming concentration camp – have been exhibited and presented to many unaware people as if they are the products of my normal brain/mind/life. In reality this is "Gestapo Torture/Deformity/Murder TV" – and similar to the Gestapo it seems they enjoy the "sport" – and the degradation, anger and confusion it causes. Also the media has been flooded with dehumanising and ridiculous "psychological operations", parodies and caricatures of me, my family and life – as at the same time they are parasiting, torturing and organically destroying me, they are constructing a fiction about "me" and ceaselessly, idiotically, making what they pretend to be valid psychological and social observations about me. (2004-present) 9. My mother, sisters and other family members have been neurologically attacked/surgically mutilated, and both of my parents and other family members have been anally raped using these DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS – causing them profound mental and physical ill-effects and degradation, and profound organic impairment and disruption. (from 2005-present) 10. Since 2005 colleagues, acquaintances, friends or simply anyone I come into contact with on a day-to-day basis have been neurologically attacked/surgically mutilated, and/or anally raped using these DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS – causing them profound mental and physical ill-effects and degradation, and profound organic impairment and disruption. Literally over 500 people. (from 2005-present) 11. I have been constantly subjected to Organised Mobbing at the places I work, in public, and around my home. The perpetrators purposely set out to aggravate, impede and invade my physical and psychological spaces, there is occasional physical and verbal aggression. The perpetrators are mostly of Jewish extraction. (2004-2008 very often in 2008) Thus my human rights, liberty and privacy have been COMPLETELY VIOLATED and ALL aspects and degrees of my human freedom, individuality and mental and physical integrity and health profoundly assaulted, tortured and wrecked in this ongoing totalitarian nightmare/hell – as I AM BEING RELENTLESSLY, REMORSELESSLY, BRUTALLY, SAVAGELY and CEASELESSLY - since 2004 - subjected to the uninhibited and unchecked aggression, nastiness, ludicrousness, speciousness, and dishonesty of these nazi bully-boys' psycho- and sociopathic personalities, minds, actions and technologies. They do all this to me and yet these perverted psychopaths allow – even encourage – me to send emails all over the world publicising their sadistic crimes – "we're ass-wiping democracy", and "you're sweeping the floor for us", they continually taunt. There is massive ignorance and secrecy regarding these technologies and victims such as I are being subjected to uncontrolled and unacknowledged torture and mental and physical destruction. This has remained completely unreported and undiscussed publicly. Despite, since 2004, continually appealing for help to most Governments, Military/Security Agencies, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Religious Organisations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world I have received virtually no help, or even acknowledgement, from anyone at all!! It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their "infinite?" richness, degrees, aspects, qualities and diversity! Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes. Beware of the brain phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range of permissible thoughts, imaginations, feelings, moods, attitudes, and speech – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL monopolists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously. BEWARE OF THE PSEUDO-SCIENCE NAZIS, AND THE ENEMIES OF FREE AND OPEN INFORMATION AND DEBATE! It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing a Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camp – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers WE URGENTLY NEED HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE AND SAFE HOUSES TO PROTECT OURSELVES FROM THESE DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY! Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, TARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS Link to the US Congress, European Parliament & UK Parliament - Briefings On Secret Geophysical Weapons & 'Mind Control' Secret Geophysical Weapons (earthquake, floods, storms, fires) Crimes Against Humanity in Myanmar, China, Japan, Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Iran, Yemen, Turkey, Greece, USA, Central America and the Carribean, killing well over a million people and massive destruction. (please see the REFERENCES below) War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Torture using Directed Energy and Neurological Weapons to cause the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, surgical mutilations, 'mind control', and other mental and physical mutilations on many, many thousands of people worldwide – citizens, combatants and leaders (coup-de-etats and puppet governments, literally). (please see the REFERENCES below) Dirty Wars and Black Operations fomenting and prolonging conflicts and civil strife in Algeria, Sudan, Congo, Somalia, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Kenya, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Turkey, Russia, Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, China, Tibet, Cambodia, Thailand, Colombia, Bolivia causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity in Iraq and Afghanistan resulting in the deaths of well over a million people and the ongoing destruction of those countries, as the criminals pretend that the world's most powerful surveillance and military forces can't establish peace and stability there in 5 and 7 years respectively. Crimes Against Humanity using Directed Energy Weapons to cause electrical and mechanical crashes and disasters (cars, planes, trains, ships etc.), building and bridge collapses, and violations of the integrity of electronic data and systems killing thousands of people and causing much criminal malfeasance. (please see the REFERENCES below) Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by the Media Monopolies as almost all public discourse, and as much as 80% of 'international news', 'events' and 'history', has been degraded into produced and managed dramas/atrocities (i.e. wars, disasters, civil strife etc), and criminally presented as infotainment, endogenous socio-political changes, propaganda and/or pseudo-science. (please see the REFERENCES below) Active Criminal Complicity in all of the above crimes by other Governments, Agencies and International Organisations as there's no genuine information or analyses about any of these crimes – at all. Regarding these Crimes Against Humanity, War Crimes, Dirty Wars, Black Operations, And Secret Weapons there is a complete ORWELLIAN/STALINIST PUBLIC INFORMATION AND INQUIRY BLACKOUT. SECRET GEOPHYSICAL, DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS - POLITICAL/HISTORICAL & TECHNICAL INFORMATION US CONGRESS, EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT & UK PARLIAMENT - BRIEFINGS ON SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS & 'MIND CONTROL' CHINA CONSIDERS WAR AGAINST USA OVER EARTHQUAKE ATTACK RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER SERGEI LAVROV - "THE THREAT OF NEW WEAPONRY" GLOBAL RESEARCH.CA - WEATHER WARFARE "HAARP IS FULLY OPERATIONAL AND HAS THE ABILITY OF POTENTIALLY TRIGGERING FLOODS, DROUGHTS, HURRICANES AND EARTHQUAKES. FROM A MILITARY STANDPOINT, HAARP IS A WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION" CAMPAIGN FOR COOPERATION IN SPACE - HAARP IS A SPACE-BASED WEAPON OF MASS-DESTRUCTION FROM PRAVDA - SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS - "UNPREDICTABLE NATURAL DISASTERS AND MAN-CAUSED CATASTROPHES" SECRET GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS WAR/SPACE BUSINESS NEWS THE SHOCKING MENACE OF SATELLITE SURVEILLANCE by John Fleming JOHN ST. CLAIR AKWEI VS. NSA, FT. MEADE, MD, USA SYSTEMS OF SURVEILLANCE & REPRESSION by Judy Malloy Link to OVER 700 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES BAN ELECTRONIC WARFARE ON CIVILIANS PETITION - 370 + SIGNATURES AND MESSAGES OF VICTIMS & SUPPORTERS WEB: EMAIL:,, WANTTOKNOW. INFO/MINDCONTROL MIND CONTROL & SUBLIMINAL SUGGESTION - 100 USA PATENTS ON THE NEED FOR NEW CRITERIA OF DIAGNOSIS OF PSYCHOSIS IN THE LIGHT OF MIND INVASIVE TECHNOLOGY, CAROLE SMITH, JOURNAL OF PSYCHO-SOCIAL STUDIES , VOL 2(2) NO 3 2003 PROJECT CENSORED - HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOM OF THOUGHT VIOLATIONS BY US MILITARY/INTELLIGENCE ORGANIZATIONS. WEB: PROJECT CENSORED - NO HABEAS CORPUS FOR 'ANY PERSON' "THE NEW LAW APPEARS TO CREATE A PARALLEL 'STAR CHAMBER' SYSTEM FOR THE PROSECUTION, IMPRISONMENT, AND POSSIBLE EXECUTION OF ENEMIES OF THE STATE, WHETHER THOSE ENEMIES ARE FOREIGN OR DOMESTIC" PROJECT CENSORED - AN ELECTION WITHOUT MEANING "WILL HABEAS CORPUS AND POSSE COMITATUS BE RESTORED TO THE PEOPLE? WILL TORTURE STOP?...WILL THE US NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCIES STOP MASS SPYING ON OUR PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS? WILL THE NEO-CONSERVATIVE AGENDA OF TOTAL MILITARY DOMINATION OF THE WORLD BE REVERSED?" WEB: WALL STREET JOURNAL - NSA's DOMESTIC SPYING GROWS AUSTRALIA FIRST TO ADMIT "WE'RE PART OF GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM" - ECHELON OUTED BY THE HEAD OF AUSTRALIA'S DEFENCE SIGNALS DIRECTORATE (DSD), MARTIN BRADY. MONARCH THE NEW PHOENIX PROGRAM ,, THE EUROPEAN UNION...A TOTALITARIAN POLICE STATE IN THE MAKING….? BUSH/USA - WAR CRIMES & HITLER CONNECTIONS STATE-SPONSORED TERROR: BRITISH AND AMERICAN BLACK OPS IN IRAQ PROJECT CENSORED - THE PROPAGANDA MODEL & ACCELERATED MEDIA CONCENTRATION A HANDFUL OF MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS CONTROLS NEARLY EVERYTHING WE SEE AND HEAR ON THE SCREEN, OVER THE AIRWAVES AND IN PRINT. THE NEW MEDIA MONOPOLY - BEN BAGDIKIAN DESCRIBES THE CARTEL OF FIVE GIANT MEDIA CONGLOMERATES WHO NOW CONTROL THE MEDIA…. THEY MANUFACTURE POLITICS AND SOCIAL VALUES... A COUNTRY WITHOUT ALL THE SIGNIFICANT NEWS, POINTS OF VIEW, AND INFORMATION ITS CITIZENS NEED TO BE INFORMED IS RISKING THE LOSS OF DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS. ABOUT THE CAUSES OF THE 2ND WORLD WAR USA REPRESENTATIVE JIM GUEST'S (MO) LETTER "October 10, 2007 Dear Member of the Legislature and Friends: This letter is to ask for your help for the many constituents in our country who are being affected unjustly by electronic weapons torture and covert harassment groups. Serious privacy rights violations and physical injuries have been caused by the activities of these groups and their use of so-called non-lethal weapons on men, women, and even children. I am asking you to play a role in helping these victims and also stopping the massive movement in the use of Verichip and RFID technologies in tracking Americans. . . . . ." Sincerely, Representative Jim Guest EMAIL: , WEB: PLEASE CONTACT US FOR FURTHER INFORMATION:- Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, TARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST TORTURE AND ABUSE USING DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS VICTIMS' ORGANISATIONS & FURTHER INFORMATION FREEDOM FROM COVERT HARASSMENT AND SURVEILLANCE MR DERRICK ROBINSON WEB: EMAIL:,, THE ASSOCIATION AGAINST THE ABUSE OF PSYCHOPHYSICAL WEAPONS PRESIDENT SWETLANA SCHUNIN EMAIL:,, WEB: THE AMERICAN COGNITIVE LIBERTIES ASSOCIATION THE DIRECTOR WEB: EMAIL:,, THE FEDERATION AGAINST MIND CONTROL EUROPE MS MONIKA STOCES, MR DANNY BONTE WEB: EMAIL:,,,, MIND CONTROL - TECHNOLOGY, TECHNIQUES & POLITICS MR ALLEN BARKER Ph.D WEB: , SURVEILLANCE ISSUES MR PAUL BAIRD WEB: EMAIL:, SECRET ILLEGAL SURVEILLANCE AND ATTACKS MS LESLIE CRAWFORD WEB: EMAIL: MIND JUSTICE MS CHERYL WELSH WEB: EMAIL: INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON OFFENSIVE MICROWAVE WEAPONS MR HARLAN GIRARD WEB: EMAIL: THE OMINOUS PARALLELS WEB: http://www. theominousparallels.blogspot. com/ EMAIL: ,, EXOTIC WARFARE.COM WEB: EMAIL:, ORGANIZED CRIME WAVES MS ELIZABETH ADAMS EMAIL: US GOVERNMENT TORTURE & HEROES OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THEIR STAND AGAINST HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION WEB: EMAIL: FASCISM - "9-11" - MIND CONTROL MR JAMES MARINO WEB: EMAIL: INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT TO BAN THE MANIPULATION OF THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM BY TECHNICAL MEANS, MR MOMJIR BABACEK WEB:, EMAIL:,, FRANCE - INFORMATION DOSSIER WEB:, EMAIL: GERMANY – STOP MIND CONTROL WEB: EMAIL: GERMANY - VEREIN GEGEN DEN MISSBRAUCH PSYCHOPHYSISCHER WAFFEN WEB: ITALY - SSOCIAZIONE VITTIME ARMI ELETTRONICHE-MENTALI MR PAOLO DORIGO WEB: , EMAIL:,,,,, INDIA - NO MORE COVERT MIND CONTROL WEAPONS MR FEISAL SALIM A.S. WEB: EMAIL:, CHINA - PEACEPINK -粉红和平 MS SOLEILMAVIS WEB: (IN CHINESE) EMAIL:, JAPAN - STOP MIND CONTROL のサイトは、兵器技術や心理学等を悪用した、マインドコントロールの強制人体実験に反対します WEB: , , (in JAPANESE and ENGLISH) (in JAPANESE) JAPAN - WEB: RUSSIA - THE MOSCOW HOUSING ECOLOGY COMMITTEE MS ALLA PETUKHOVA WEB: EMAIL:,, RUSSIA - THE ST.PETERSBOURGH SOCIETY OF PERSONS SUBJECT TO REMOTE CONTROLLED BIOENERGETIC TERROR THE DIRECTORS WEB: EMAIL:,, BAN ELECTRONIC WARFARE ON CIVILIANS PETITION 370 + SIGNATURES AND MESSAGES OF VICTIMS & SUPPORTERS WEB: EMAIL:,, MIND CONTROL FORUM VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS 600 + VICTIMS' ACCOUNTS WEB: NAFF - ADVOCATING FOR VICTIMS OF MIND CONTROL, TORTURE, SLAVERY & RELATED TERROR MS KATHLEEN SULLIVAN WEB: EMAIL: CITIZENS AGAINST HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION MR RICHARD PERLMANN WEB: EMAIL:, THE CENTER FOR COGNITIVE LIBERTY & ETHICS (CCLE) MR RICHARD GLEN BOIRE, DR WRYE SENTENTIA WEB: EMAIL:, RULE OF LAW DEFENDERS MR MOE HOSNY WEB: EMAIL: MIKROWELLENTERROR.DE/ WEB: EMAIL:, EMF TORTURE CHAMBER MS T. JOSEPHINE WEB: EMAIL:, TECHNOLOGICAL TORTURE MS PAT STEWART WEB: EMAIL: US CITIZENS ARE SECRETLY BEING USED AS RESEARCH RATS WEB: EMAIL: THE DECLARATION OF ALARMED CITIZENS MR JEAN VERSTRAETEN EMAIL: MR WALDEMAR LOTZ - EMAIL:,, MR WALTER MADLIGER EMAIL:, MR DARIUS MOCKUS EMAIL:, MS DENISE S. POMPL EMAIL:,, A very, very partial LIST OF VICTIMS OF DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS link to OVER 700 DIRECTED ENERGY AND NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS, AND ORGANISED STALKING TORTURE AND ABUSE VICTIMS' CASE SUMMARIES - OR username – johnfinch password - TORTURECASES It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing a Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camp – specifically Dr Mengele-type butchers WE NEED SAFE HOUSES IMMEDIATELY TO PROTECT OURSELVES FROM THESE DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!!! THE AMERICAS 1.NAME: 3V3NG3LA 2.NAME: ELIZABETH ADAMS 3.NAME: AKU 4.NAME: al23 5.NAME: NEAL ALCHALABI (NEAL CHAMBERS) 6.NAME: ALETA 7.NAME: GARY ALGAR 8.NAME: ANGELA 9.NAME: RON ANGELL 10.NAME: ANN 11.NAME: ARIZONA - 6 VIGILANTE/ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT VICTIMS 12.NAME: ANNYCE ARNTZEN 13.NAME: RANDY ARRASMITH 14.NAME: SANA ASFOUR (Reham Dawood) 15.NAME: DEVORAH BAKER 16.NAME: LINDSAY G. BALDWIN 17.NAME: VERNON WAYNE BALL 18.NAME: KHMER BARANG 19.NAME: BRENDA BARAQUIL 20.NAME: ALLEN BARKER 21.NAME: KAY BARNES 22.NAME: ERIC BAZAN 23.NAME: DAVID ALAN BEACH 24.NAME: MATT BEAL 25.NAME: PAUL BEGGS 26.NAME: SHERRY BELL 27.NAME: MARILYN BERRY 28.NAME: STACEY BERRY 29.NAME: KATA BILLUPS 30.NAME: KAYLON BLACKBURN 31.NAME: JOHN BRASWELL 32.NAME: LAURIE BRODIE 33.NAME: EMILIO BRUGUEROS 34.NAME: BETH BUCHANAN 35.NAME: KEVIN BURNOR 36.NAME: ROBERT BUTLER 37.NAME: ROBERT O. BUTNER 38.NAME: CADEWCH 39.NAME: CARLO CALANDRA 40.NAME: KELLY CASLAR 41.NAME: MILAGROS CEDANO 42.NAME: RICHARD CENTENO 43.NAME: DIANA MARIE CHAPMAN 44.NAME: ROMY COCHRAN 45.NAME: GREGORY COUSINS 46.NAME: ACKSON COYET 47.NAME: LESLIE L. CRAWFORD 48.NAME: CHRIS – FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA 49.NAME: MARY CROOK 50.NAME: OPHNELL CUMBERBATCH 51.NAME: VALERIE CUTLER 52.NAME: D 53.NAME: N D 54.NAME: WANDA AND SARA DABLIN 55.NAME: DAVID 56.NAME: D DEERWOMAN 57.NAME: ANDY DE LORENZO 58.NAME: Raúl Luis DEL VALLE 59.NAME: ROBERT ALAN DESROSIERS 60.NAME: BETH DONAHUE 61.NAME: DR ROBERT DUNCAN 62.NAME: DONALD DUNLAP 63.NAME: BOB G DUNLAP 64.NAME: CINDY DYER 65.NAME: DICK EASTMAN 66.NAME: TARGET ELEPHANT 67.NAME: SAM EVANS 68.NAME: DOUGLAS EVERMAN 69.NAME: RAISA EYDELMAN 70.NAME: MARY FAIR 71.NAME: PAM FARNSWORTH 72.NAME: SCOTT FITZGERALD 73.NAME: DONALD FOSTER 74.NAME: KEVIN FOWLER 75.NAME: KATHLEENE SUSAN FRANCIS 76.NAME: BILL GALLAGHER 77.NAME: HERBERT GARTNER 78.NAME: GENA aka FREEDOM 79.NAME: EDGAR G GILLHAM 80.NAME: PAUL GOLDING-CLARK 81.NAME: FLORA GOLTSMAN 82.NAME: RAFAEL GONZALEZ 83.NAME: ERIC R GOODMAN 84.NAME: MARY GOODWIN 85.NAME: AARON GOODWIN 86.NAME: JAMES HENRY GRAF 87.NAME: ERIC GRIFFIN 88.NAME: SHERI GRUTZ 89.NAME: ERIC H 90.NAME: MARGARET HABIB 91.NAME: MIKAL HALEY 92.NAME: DEB HALL AND SON 93.NAME: JIMMY HALLER 94.NAME: JENNIFER HANNA 95.NAME: JONATHAN C HANSEN 96.NAME: MOLLY R. HARDIN & DEE HARDIN 97.NAME: NAOMI HARRIS 98.NAME: RONALD HAUCKE 99.NAME: KATHLEEN T. HECKMAN 100.NAME: DORIS HICKS 101.NAME: LYNN HOLM 102.NAME: SUSAN HONAKER & FAMILY 103.NAME: MOSTAFA HOSNY 104.NAME: ROSARIO HOUSEHOLDER (MARA) 105.NAME: JULIE HOWELL 106.NAME: HUGGLES 107.NAME: JOHN HUGHES 108.NAME: MARLENA HUGHES 109.NAME: MARK IANNICELLI aka. Muhammad Iannicelli, aka MuhammadLi, 110.NAME: INTERIQ 111.NAME: "IQPRISONER" 112.NAME: JACK 113.NAME: PHILLIP JACKSON 114.NAME: RICHARD DEAN JACOB 115.NAME: JEANNIE 116.NAME: JENNIFER 117.NAME: JIM 118.NAME: JILLYJOHNSON 119.NAME: MARY JOHNSON 120.NAME: JON 121.NAME: GEORGE JONES 122.NAME: MARK JONES 123.NAME: STEVEN JONES 124.NAME: T. JOSEPHINE 125.NAME: JUNE 126.NAME: KEVIN JUNIOR 127.NAME: KATHI 128.NAME: THE KATS FAMILY 129.NAME: KEITH 130.NAME: TANYA KELLER 131.NAME: SHAFIQ KHAN 132.NAME: KIM 133.NAME: PATRICIA A. KINSELLA 134.NAME: NICHOLAS KIRKLAND 135.NAME: THOMAS J. KLUEGEL 136.NAME: LINDA KMIOTEK 137.NAME: TREVOR KOKOTYLO 138.NAME: KOMMY 139.NAME: VICTORIA KUPHALL 140.NAME: GALINA KURDINA 141.NAME: JOHN GREGORY LAMBROS 142.NAME: GARY N LANDRY 143.NAME: EDGAR R. LAVERDE 144.NAME: DONALD LEE aka the Shadowillowist, Geshe Roache Lee 145.NAME: MARCIA LEE 146.NAME: NADINE LEE 147.NAME: JANET LEIH 148.NAME: CASSANDRA LEWIS 149.NAME: JENNIFER LICHY 150.NAME: JOHN M LITO 151.NAME: VICTOR LIVINGSTON 152.NAME: STEPHEN LONG 153.NAME: RAMONA LOPEZ 154.NAME: RENE LOSADA 155.NAME: ROGER R. LOWE 156.NAME: C C M & FAMILY 157.NAME: BARRY MADISON 158.NAME: WAYNE MADSEN 159.NAME: CHRISTINE MAGIOTTO 160.NAME: SANDRA L MAIZLAND 161.NAME: WAYNE MANZO 162.NAME: BRUNO MARCHESANI 163.NAME: STEFANO MARESCOTTI 164.NAME: JAMES F. MARINO 165.NAME: JON MASON 166.NAME: MICHAEL A MATLOFF 167.NAME: A J MCKAY 168.NAME: FRED McKENNA 169.NAME: DARREN C MCMAHON 170.NAME: JOHN MECCA & DEBBIE LAMB 171.NAME: MICHELLE MELLEMA 172.NAME: LYNN MENDES 173.NAME: JESUS MENDOZA 174.NAME: BARRY MICHAEL 175.NAME: NANCY MILLER 176.NAME: MELODY MINEO 177.NAME: FERNANDO ARAKAKI MIRANDA 178.NAME: CINDY MITCHUM 179.NAME: AMIR MOHAMADI 180.NAME: M. ALEX MOLARO 181.NAME: RICHARD MONGEON 182.NAME: DAN MONTGOMERY 183.NAME: DANIEL L. MOORE 184.NAME: KATHERINE MOORE 185.NAME: DANIEL MORGAN AND FAMILY – LORNA, NICOLE, PATRICIA, CHRISTOPHER, DYLAN, AVERY 186.NAME: ANGELA MORGAN 187.NAME: CAROLYN MORIYAMA 188.NAME: JANICE MORTON 189.NAME: VICTOR N. MOTURI 190.NAME: MASSIE MUNRO 191.NAME: CHUCK MURPHY 192.NAME: DENISE MYLES AND BROTHER 193.NAME: T N 194.NAME: KAMRAN NAQVI 195.NAME: GLORIA NAYLOR 196.NAME: BRYAN NAZAM 197.NAME: CONNIE NEAL 198.NAME: KERRI NEAL 199.NAME: NEBRASKA - 6 YR TARGETED INDIVIDUAL 200.NAME: DEBBIE N., FAMILY & FRIENDS 201.NAME: RICHARD NOEN 202.NAME: MAUREEN NORMAN 203.NAME: TIMOTHY A. NORMAN 204.NAME: L O 205.NAME: CAROLYN PALIT 206.NAME: TERRY PARKER JR. /AKA ROBERTSON 207.NAME: PAMELA PARKER 208.NAME: DELLY PELC 209.NAME: ROBERTO PEREIRA 210.NAME: RICHARD PERLMAN 211.NAME: ARIEL FELICE PHILLIPS 212.NAME: DENISE S. POMPL 213.NAME: SARA YVETTE POTTER 214.NAME: POW 215.NAME: SKIZIT POWER 216.NAME: TOM PRACINOS 217.NAME: BYRON PRIOR & FAMILY 218.NAME: ANDREA PSORAS 219.NAME: MARY R 220.NAME: NORMAN R RABIN 221.NAME: KELLY RASMUSSEN 222.NAME: KELLY RAY 223.NAME: CHARLES REHN JNR IV 224.NAME: TIM RIFAT 225.NAME: ROBERT 226.NAME: HELEN ROEDRIG 227.NAME: R. S. ROGERS 228.NAME: MR AND MRS GARRY ROMANIK 229.NAME: PAUL ROSE 230.NAME: VICTORIA ROSE 231.NAME: PETER ROSENHOLM 232.NAME: JUSTICE RUIZ 233.NAME: PIERRE SAMSON 234.NAME: MELISSA SANDERSON 235.NAME: LUCIA SANTOS & FAMILY 236.NAME: JILL SAWYER 237.NAME: SARAH SCHAEFFER 238.NAME: STEFAN A. SCHOELLMANN 239.NAME: DELISA SCHOOLER 240.NAME: DOROTHY SCHULTZ 241.NAME: BEVERLY A. SCHWEITZER 242.NAME: BOB SDEWTELL 243.NAME: RYAN SHIELDS 244.NAME: DAVID SMITH 245.NAME: STEPHEN SMITH 246.NAME: MIRIAM SNYDER 247.NAME: DR CARLOS SOSA M.D. 248.NAME: GERAL SOSBEE 249.NAME: CARL SPERR 250.NAME: ARCHIE STAFFORD 251.NAME: STEPHEN 252.NAME: STEPHEN 253.NAME: PAT STEWART 254.NAME: DIRCK STORM 255.NAME: CHRIS STUDIO & GIRLFRIEND 256.NAME: KRISSI STULL 257.NAME: ANDRZEJ SUDA 258.NAME: LYNN SURGALLA 259.NAME: SUSPICIOUS DEATHS OF WRITERS AND JOURNALISTS WHO INVESTIGATED MINDCONTROL CRIMES/ MUERTES SOSPECHOSAS DE PERIODISTAS SOBRE CONTROL MENTAL 260.NAME: DOROTHY SZCZEPKOWSKI 261.NAME: B T 262.NAME: ADAM TAMBLE 263.NAME: GRIMS TAROEEL 264.NAME: LOLITA TAYLOR 265.NAME: TERESA TAYLOR 266.NAME: MICHAEL TERRY 267.NAME: MARSHALL THOMAS 268.NAME: BETH TIOXIN 269.NAME: TONY 270.NAME: CHRISTOPHER LAMONT TRICE 271.NAME: JOSHUA TRITT 272.NAME: LYN TROXEL 273.NAME: ANNA TSENTSIPER 274.NAME: TORRANCE TURNER 275.NAME: URI AKA DOCTOR NO. 276.NAME: DON VALENTINE 277.NAME: CHAD VANDERGRIFF 278.NAME: DR CASSANDRA VAN NOSTRAND 279.NAME: THÉRÈSE VERSAILLES 280.NAME: RENA VETTLESON 281.NAME: JAMES M. VIERLING JR. 282.NAME: BAY RIDGE VIETNAM 283.NAME: J L VITT 284.NAMES: MARY VIVIAN, MARLENE VIVIAN AND FLORENCE VIVIAN 285.NAME: PETER K.VOSOUGH 286.NAME: JAMES WALBERT & FAMILY 287.NAME: TIMOTHY WAITE 288.NAME: ROBERT WALKER 289.NAME: FELICIA WARD 290.NAME: MARK WATERHOUSE 291.NAME: STEW WEBB 292.NAME: DR ALFRED WEBRE 293.NAME: CLARE WEHRLE 294.NAME: DOMINIE WELCH 295.NAME: JOHN WELLS 296.NAME: TERRY WENTZELL 297.NAME: TIMOTHY WHITE 298.NAME: GLENDA WHITEMAN 299.NAME: STEVE WILSON 300.NAME: ROBERT WOOD 301.NAME: KAIS YACOUB 302.NAME: MARION YOUNG 303.NAME: GEORGE ZACHYSTAL 304.NAME: ANANDA ZAREN 305.NAME: CHRIS ZUCKER EUROPE 1.NAME: SHOMAN D. ADEH 2.NAME: GABRIELE ALTENDORF 3.NAME: HERBERT ALTENDORF 4.NAME: JÜRGEN ALTENDORF 5.NAME: BRIGITTE ALTHOF 6.NAME: ANATOLIJ 7.NAME: RUDY ANDRIA 8.NAME: DENNIS ARNOLD & YASMIN JEREMY 9.NAME: NAMAN ASGHAR & FAMILY 10.NAME: AZA 11.NAME: MOJMIR BABACEK 12.NAME: WALTRAUB BABL 13.NAME: STEPHEN BAKER 14.NAME: REZA BAYAT 15.NAME: JENNIFER BERKEMEIER 16.NAME: JEAN-PAUL BOLEA 17.NAME: ALFREDO NIETO CENTENO 18.NAME: "CHICKEN" 19.NAME: MICHAEL CHMELIK 20.NAME: JØRGEN CHRISTIANSEN 21.NAME: CARL CLARK 22.NAME: JOHN CLIFTOZ 23.NAME: ANDREW COLE 24.NAME: JEAN-NOEL CORDOLIANI 25.NAME: DAVID COULSON 26.NAME: KARLHEINZ CROISSANT 27.NAME: STAN CUMANS 28.NAME: DANIELA 29.NAME: DARRIM & FAMILY 30.NAME: MARIA PAULA ONOFRE DAS NEVES 31.NAME: PETRIT DEMO 32.NAME: BEN DEMPSEY 33.NAME: NANS DESMICHELS 34.NAME: KATHERINE DE SOUZA 35.NAME: R. DIECKMANN 36.NAME: FEJERVARY DOMINIK 37.NAME: OVIDIU DONCIU 38.NAME: PAOLO DORIGO 39.NAME: LINDA DREW 40.NAME: CAROL DUKE 41.NAME: MARTIN EMMEN 42.NAME: DEVON FOWLER 43.NAME: AB FRIS 44.NAME: ASTRID FUCHS 45.NAME: SIGRUN GEBHARDT 46.NAME: PRICOPI GELU 47.NAME: RUTH GILL 48.NAME: RAY GOEBEL 49.NAME: OXANA GRUNWALD & FAMILY 50.NAME: GUMIND 51.NAME: SIMON HAYES 52.NAME: JOHAN HELLER 53.NAME: PETER HELWIG 54.NAME: STEIN E HENRIKSEN 55.NAME: REGINALD HODGES 56.NAME: TON HOOGEBOOM AND GERARD HOOGEBOOM 57.NAME: AREND TER HORST 58.NAME: MERV HUGHES 59.NAME: INA 60.NAME: LINDA JANE INCE 61.NAME: MICHAEL IRVING 62.NAME: ITALY - OVER 60 VICTIMS 63.NAME: JULIAN JACKSON 64.NAME: DOSSIER JOSEPHINE 65.NAME: MAURICE KELLETT 66.NAME: DEREK KINMOND 67.NAME: BRIGITTE KLAUS 68.NAME: MATTHIAS KLEIN 69.NAME: JAN KREWINKEL 70.NAME: PETER KUTZA 71.NAME: AUDRIUS KVILIUNAS 72.NAME: SERGE LABRÈZE 73.NAME: GAGIU IULIAN LAURENTIU 74.NAME: HENRY LICHTERFELDT 75.NAME: LINDA 76.NAME: BARTLOMIEJ LISTWAN 77.NAME: TATJANA LOTZ 78.NAME: WALDEMAR LOTZ 79.NAME: FERNANDO SANTAMARIA LOZANO 80.NAME: A M 81.NAME: MARIUS M 82.NAME: WALTER MADLIGER 83.NAME: JARKKO MAKKONEN 84.NAME: RAMON MARTINEZ 85.NAME: CHRISTINE MARX 86.NAME: BRIGITTE MATTE 87.NAME: MATTERWAVE 88.NAME: DARIUS MOCKUS 89.NAME: Victor MONCHAMP 90.NAME: THIERRY MOUTON 91.NAME: JEAN MULLAN 92.NAME: C N 93.NAME: MAUREEN NORMAN 94.NAME: DEBBIE PARTRIDGE 95.NAME: LIDIA POPOVA 96.NAME: NADIE PRIEUR 97.NAME: DRAGINJA NATASHA PUSICH 98.NAME: CAROL RAE 99.NAME: WILLIAM RAE 100.NAME: RANDOLPH 101.NAME: REDMANN 102.NAME: KAREN RODDY 103.NAME: RONALD 104.NAME: KLAUS RUDOLF 105.NAME: JACQUELINE SALII 106.NAME: RUUT SALO 107.NAME: PAUL SAUNDERSON 108.NAME: PAOLA SBRONZERI 109.NAME: ROBERTO SCARUFFI 110.NAME: SWETLANA SCHUNIN AND FAMILY – DIMITRI, SERGEY, DMITRI 111.NAME: ANGELINA SCHWEYEN 112.NAME: RICHARD SLUITER 113.NAME: CAROL SMITH 114.NAME: JAVIER RUIZ SOBRINO 115.NAME: MONIKA SOKAL 116.NAME: WALDTRAUT SRERNITZKE 117.NAME: KIM STIRLING & FAMILY 118.NAME: MONIKA STOCES 119.NAME: REGINA STOLL 120.NAME: SUSPICIOUS DEATHS OF WRITERS AND JOURNALISTS WHO INVESTIGATED MINDCONTROL CRIMES/ MUERTES SOSPECHOSAS DE PERIODISTAS SOBRE CONTROL MENTAL 121.NAME: TI29187 122.NAME: MO TAHANI 123.NAME: FRANCIS TAILOKA 124.NAME: NATALIE TEULON 125.NAME: TARA TILLY (THOMAS RITA) 126.NAME: HELMUT TONDL 127.NAME: SAHAR TORKY 128.NAME: INGRID TREMEL 129.NAME: UN JEUNE INGENIEUR 130.NAME: EMILIA MARIA VAZ-MARCH 131.NAME: JEAN VERSTRAETEN 132.NAME: JACQUES VUILLOD 133.NAME: TRACIE WALKER 134.NAME: WATERFALL 135.NAME: RANDOLF WEINAND 136.NAME: MAIRE WOLF 137.NAME: CHRISTINA WYATT 138.NAME: ZENBEL 139.NAME: OVER 60 VICTIMS FROM ITALY CHINA & ASIA-PACIFIC 1.An Announcement to the Whole World by Chinese Victims 2.NAME: JOHN AIDMANN 3.NAME: ah2006-cwy 天涯无处寻 4.NAME: ALEX 5.NAME: ahzsp2612 6.NAME: BAIBING (aka 2010lf) 7.NAME: PAUL BAIRD 8.NAME: 白云 BAIYUN024 9.NAME: MR SHIJIE CAO 10.NAME: CHAH001 11.NAME: SHINE CHANG 12.NAME: CHINA – 62 VICTIMS 13.NAME: STEVE CROFT 14.NAME: RAJ D 15.NAME: HAI DANG 16.NAME: DAVIS 17.NAME: MARGARET DOWN 18.NAME: DEBORAH DUPRE 19.NAME: JOHN FINCH & FAMILY & NEIGHBOURS 20.NAME: JOSEPH GIBSON 21.NAME: MIYOKO GOTO 22.NAME: TAKAHIRO GOTO 23.NAME: LISA H 24.NAME: KYUNG-GUK HA 25.NAME: HARUKA 26.NAME: hongzx 27.NAME: ZHANG HUIMIN 28.NAME: imary660610 29.NAME: 来自 jiaodian902的自动回复 30.NAME: JUNG, IL SUN 31.NAME: jinyi691001 32.NAME: THOMAS KOH 33.NAME: TERUYUKI KURAHASHI 34.NAME: GEORGE KWONG 35.NAME: laofa99 36.NAME: LEE 37.NAME: JUDITH LESUE 38.NAME: LI GUAN-PING 39.NAME: WEI LI 40.NAME: lijing6898 41.NAME: lilylinxin 42.NAME: MIKEY LIU 43.NAME: XIN LIU 44.NAME: LUCIA 45.NAME: MR WENLONG MA ((IVAN) 46.NAME: BETH MACLEAN 47.NAME: LIZ MCCLELLAN 48.NAME: DAVID LUKE MENDHAM 49.NAME: MOKUREN 50.NAME: MOREEN PHILLIPS 51.NAME: Pp 52.NAME: pys624 53.NAME: XIN ZHONG QING 54.NAME: HAROLD B QUIBAN 55.NAME: RAYMOND 56.NAME: ANDREW ROBINSON 57.NAME: MISS RUQUAN-GUO 58.NAME: GARY D SIMMONS 59.NAME: XIN WANG SHEN鏉ヨ嚜鐨勮嚜鍔ㄥ洖澶 60.NAME: SOLEILMAVIS 61.NAME: ELIZABETH ANNE SUTHERTON 62.NAME: 鐜嬬嚂 tclwyy 63.NAME: 3crobot 64.NAME: 3V3NG3LA 65.NAME: TONY TU 66.NAME: WORARAT TUMMALUCKSAMEE 67.NAME: LIZA VELUZ 68.NAME: MISS XIAN-SUN (RINOA) 69.NAME: SHENGLIN YI 70.NAME: "KELLY" TANG ZHAO 71.NAME: INDIA, THE MIDDLE-EAST & AFRICA 1.NAME: F. A. 2.NAME: NADA ABBAS 3.NAME: ANNE 4.NAME: DEB CHAKRABORTY 5.NAME: RAJ D 6.NAME: AHMAD FANI 7.NAME: RAHUL S JOSHI 8.NAME: SIMRAN SINGH JUNEJA 9.NAME: SHAFIQ KHAN 10.NAME: SHIJU KRISHNA 11.NAME: SURESH S. KUMAR 12.NAME: TERUYUKI KURAHASHI 13.NAME: MAHESHKUMAR 14.NAME: OTILLIA 15.NAME: PARIKSHIT PATHAK 16.NAME: DR FEISAL SALIM RUSSIA & BELARUS 1.NAME: AGAFFONOV Pavel 2.NAME: ALBERT (девятин сергей) 3.NAME: ALEKSEYEV Igor Georgievich 4.NAME: ALEVTINA Pawlowna Gudzenko 5.NAME: BASHKOVSKIY Vladimir 6.NAME: BELARUS – over 14 CASES 7.NAME: BOLOTSKIY Sergey 8.NAME: BORODIENKO Vladimir 9.NAME: DANILOV Victor Yegorovich 10.NAME: DOMOJIROVA Tatyana Kondratyevna & Family 11.NAME: DRUZHININA Irina Vladimirovna & Family 12.NAME: EREMIN Andrey 13.NAME: ERMAKOV Vladimir Petrovich 14.NAME: FROLOV Sergey Timofejevich & Family 15.NAME: GALANIN Vitaly Ivanovich 16.NAME: JUNOSHEVA Valentine 17.NAME: KANDYBIN Edward Nikolayevich 18.NAME: KATSERIKOVA Galina Ivanovna & Family 19.NAME: KOCHETOVA Natalia Ivanovna 20.NAME: KONDRATOVA Svetlana Vasilyevna & Family 21.NAME: KOPYLOVA Liliy 22.NAME: KOSTROVA Liy 23.NAME: KOZLOV Valentin Alekseyevich & Family 24.NAME: LEVINA Anna Petrovna 25.NAME: PAVLOVSKY Grigoriy Fedorovich 26.NAME: PETUKHOV Vitaly 27.NAME: PETUKHOVA Alla Yakovlevna & Family 28.NAME: PRODIUS Gennady 29.NAME: PROHANOV Jury 30.NAME: PROHANOVA Margarita 31.NAME: REDKINA Swetlana 32.NAME: ROMANENKO Galina 33.NAME: ROZANCHUK Margarita Ivanovna & Family 34.NAME: RYBIN Pyotr Lukich , RYBINA Alexandra Filippovna & Family 35.NAME: SAMSONOV Nick 36.NAME: SEREBRYAKOVA Ljubov 37.NAME: SOSHINA NÁdÅjidÁ 38.NAME: DMITRY SUCHKOV 39.NAME: TORIN Sergei 40.NAME: TRETIAKOVA Tamara Vitalievna, son Mikhail & Family 41.NAME: VORONTSOV Vladimir Borisovich 42.NAME: VORONTSOVA Swetlana 43.NAME: ZYBINA Nadejida Pyotrovna It is our responsibility to record and alert the world to these horrendous crimes - and the extreme danger that these technologies, powers and tendencies pose to human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and the mental and physical freedom, individuality, integrity, health and growth of all people – in all their "infinite?" richness, degrees, aspects, qualities and diversity! Make no mistake these are the most horrendous totalitarian weapons and crimes imaginable and the people and organizations using them are mass-murdering conspirators pursuing totalitarian fundamentalist schemes. Beware of the brain phrenologists/determinists/reductionists, and those who seek to control and reduce the range of permissible thoughts, imagination, feelings, moods, attitudes, and speech – the would-be socio-economic, cultural AND PSYCHOLOGICAL/INTELLECTUAL monopolists, police and prosecutors who are already literally and physically actively at work amongst us!! Both monstrously and criminally, and also far more insidiously. BEWARE OF THE PSEUDO-SCIENCE NAZIS, AND THE ENEMIES OF FREE AND OPEN INFORMATION AND DEBATE! It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing a Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camp – specifically Dr Mengele. WE NEED SAFE HOUSES IMMEDIATELY TO PROTECT OURSELVES FROM THESE DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS PLEASE ASSIST US URGENTLY!!! PLEASE WITNESS AND RECORD AND OPPOSE ALL OF THE ABOVE CRIMES, AND ASSIST US URGENTLY!!
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28 Dec 2002 Mailteam works--victims work trends

28 Dec 2008 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) I have recently started a project in Norway devoted to research of new advanced technologies. The influence it will have on our society and the future of the human race. (Information and Research into Progressing Technologies) My main project is, what I have called: Direct Human Brain - Artificial Intelligence - Interface Technologies. My goal is to collaborate with people and also organizing a group in Norway (international members), both professionals and non professionals to Inform the public in general, organizations and governments of mind and brain related technologies. A specific law directed towards electromagnetic experiments on humans needs to be established. - Project leader, Gina Rydland (Freelance journalist) (2) Judy from Australia Because I sent a video away, showing electronic weapons being used in my home and back yard, the police have referred mental health to my place. They are trying to get me on medication and probably put away. (3) Congressman Gonzalez To Help Pass A Bill To Investigate And Ban V2K Weapons. TEXAS CONGRESSMAN CHARLES GONZALEZ IS FULFILLING A REQUEST BY A TI TO INVESTIGATE AND WORK ON PASSING A LAW BANNING EM WEAPONS IN TEXAS. The TI, Elizabeth Navarro from San Antonio, along with the help of others, has accomplished motivating Congressman Gonzalez to consider passing a law against EM and other "non-lethal" weaponry. Congressman Gonzalez, and his aide, have requested that you send your evidence of all weapons being used against yourself and others to: Fax No. 210-472-4009. If you don't have hard evidence to send, call 210-472-6195. In both the fax or a phone call, give your name, stating you are a victim, for so many years, and identify the state you're living in. All TIs will be considered a witness to these crimes, no matter what state you reside in. If you have a website, simply include the link, along with your identification. DO NOT overwhelm his fax or phone system with anything but hard evidence; i.e., NO alien conspiracy theories or hostile anti-government rhetoric. As many of you know, this has turned off other people in key government positions, who were initially willing to sit down and listen to us, and then refused to cooperate when accusations and comments got out of control. It's also relevant to point out who you think might be doing this, ie, rogue ex-CIA operatives, domestic terrorist discrete about this point. Remember, Congressman Gonzalez works for the government and he is going out on a limb with this. NOTE BY WEB AUTHOR: However, we must ask the government officials to take into consideration any devices that we may develop to disrupt Voice To Skull Signal, or any device that we come up with to stop PERPS from manipulating us. PERPS are law breakers, they have no regards for the law. They will still operate their satellites. We must push government to launch an investigation to determine where the Plasma Waves are coming from? Refer to picture below. (4) Eric wrote: IN SUPPORT OF HELPING MR GRIFFIN call them our send them a email in support of investigating these crimes to the max -----Inline Attachment Follows----- Dear ERIC GRIFFIN, Thank you for your Request received on 12/24/2008 concerning Claims>Filing a Claim. It has been assigned ID# efm 08-9056. You will receive a response to your Request within seven days. If you should have any further questions please feel free to contact us again and refer to the identification number above. Sincerely, City of Henderson (5) Some articles I) Singapore research team first place in Brain-Computer Interface contest Clinical tests evaluate technology in ADHD, stroke and paralysis The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) research team at Singapore's Infocomm Research (I2R) has won first place in the worldwide BCI Competition IV, 2008, in all three electroencephalogram (EEG) based non-invasive BCI categories. The results were announced on Dec. 12 at the international Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) conference in Vancouver, Canada. The Singapore scientists designed the non-invasive BCI technology to provide a direct communication channel between the human brain and the computer, so that physically handicapped individuals, such as "locked-in" patients who have lost effective communication and interactive abilities, would be able to communicate and interact with their environment through thoughts, rather than relying on normal, neuromuscular pathways. II) Pentagon to Implant Chips in Soldiers' Bodies by Terrence O'Brien, posted Jul 31st 2007 at 12:16PM We knew it was only a matter of time before the government started trying to track us by implanting computer chips in our bodies. And where do you start highly suspicious, Big Brother-esque projects like this? The Pentagon and our Armed forces, of course. Scarily enough, we're not talking about some conspiracy theory, or some black ops experiment -- this is for real, and the Pentagon has already awarded the first contract. It's a $1.6 million contract, to be exact, and it's with Clemson University's Center for Bioelectronics, Biosensors and Biochips (C3B). The mandate? To develop the chip that the armed forces hope will save lives by giving them instant access to, and constant tracking of, soldiers' vital medical signs and data on the battlefield. The chips are also considered to have potential for tracking astronauts' vitals during missions. III) Dreams may no longer be secret with Japan computer screen Japanese student demonstrates walking in a virtual world, on a flat screen monitor, with the character controled by his brain waves, in Yokohama, in 2007. A Japanese research team has advanced even further by creating a technology that could eventually display on a computer screen what people have on their minds, such as dreams. IV) Visual Areas Of Brain Respond More To Valuable Objects, Brain-imaging Shows ScienceDaily (Dec. 26, 2008) — Dollar signs for eyes – cartoonists have been drawing them for years, and the artists, while whimsical, may have been onto something. According to new research from UC San Diego, areas of the brain responsible for vision respond more strongly to objects of value. V) Alter dreams this is a good site to see to explain dreams and how they work.With the weapons systems always stimulating the Hippocampus function the weapons being R.F. in nature it to can send images and alter real memories to be something they are not.With the function of the hippocampus being changed to bend wave with electromagnetic wave construction all brain waves can be altered causing different dreams states or scaping the dreams for the lucid affect When the perps are interrogating T.I's a good reading of the EEG is being done. As in the wikipedia article.Augmented brain waves the result to the exposure of the weapons systems Brain waves and how they can be changed when introduced to electromagnetics, microwaves. First the wave of our brains and to understand them and how they work. Then the weapon and how it can augemate or change these brain waves to effect behaviour and readings of the EEG involved.This is what the EEG is used for but with the weapon the operator can send electromagnetic waves to bend or to alter these readings of the EEG recieving the information from your brain.In order for this computer to read your brain a wave must be sent to your skull and passes through your skull to a reviever with the EEG integrated with it.With the abilty to bend or change brain waves by the frequency application of the operator of the device,the readings are wrong or augemented to their advantage due to this fact of the weapons operator read here to see the change in us from these weapons The P300 is designed to see intentions and recongnition cortex region it effects the hippocampul area of the brain altering it completely.With say pictures of things that are indicative to a crime scene.The images are shown to a suspect and then the brain wave are measured with the cortexes made active through exterior stmuli to the area with the device pointed at us.With this device pointed at us they can achieve an EEG reading to determine our thoughts or so they say?So would be the way the can alter our waves for this reading and effect our health even cancer With the images shown to the victim no matter how bad the images are the operator is trying to see the recall area of our brains the hippocampul area and other memory cortex areas of the brain become active due to the exposure of the images and the device in this case the P300 seems to be the favorite if the FBI and other agencies.the p3000 is named after a brain wave that is related to memory recall and recongnition.Now how can they judge the p300 wave when it can be altered to look different to the computer and the recieveing EEG device VI) Building a Space Age Stethoscope - Biological Monitoring Challenge Biosensors are instruments that take biological and physiological measurements. They can be implanted internally, worn externally, or mounted throughout a spacecraft. They monitor a wide range of data encompassing the health and well-being of the crew and research subjects, experimental parameters, and the status of the living environment. The data signals generated by the sensors are gathered, processed and stored. The use of wireless biotelemetry is desirable when monitoring living organisms so that subjects can go about their business while data is being collected.
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Please Help Andy De Lorenzo (Ottawa,Canada)!! Soleilmavis Wrote: Dear All, One more of our dear targeted individual of directed energy weapons, Andy De Lorenzo is suffering from the forced Psychiatric treatment. Please kindly help him by writing to his Psychiatrists with related information. With all your effort, we can save our victims. Andy Wrote: Dear Soleilmavis, I have been a targeted individual of directed energy weapons for about one year now. This started after I went on disability from my job. When I told one Doctor about these crimes, he did not believe me and thought I was paranoid and delusional. The inusrance company sent me to a Psychiatrist for an independent assessment. The Psychiatrist did not allow me to speak freely about what is going on. He also refused to see many of the pictures and reports I had brought with me. The Insurance company told me that the appointment should take about two hours, but the Psychiatrist was finished in 40 minutes? I would appreciate if TIs could call, fax or write their stories to the following Doctors: Dr David Crowe (Pyschologist) 405-2249 Carling Avenue Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2B 7E9 (phone 613-564-7028, Fax 613-596-3250) the Psychiatrist that did the independent assessment: Dr Ken SuddabY, MD, FRCPC 17 York Street, Suite 403 Ottawa, Ontario Canada KIN 9J6 Phone (613) 230-1916 Fax: (613) 822-5182 or you could send them to me at (copy yourselves and send it with a read receipt as proof since I have not received all my emails in the past) I should of mentioned that I will be forced to take medication that is not required and will really make me sick. If I don't take the medication, the Insurance Company may end the disabilty payments Thank you, Andy De Lorenzo Rajh Wrote: There are some doctors who know about Direct Electronic Weapon. I think you should consult them. There is Dr.Rauni Kilde , formerly the Chief Medical Officer for Lapland ( Finland ) , who know about this subject--- she write article " Microship implants, mindcontrol , and Cybernetics" . Now she has strill worked in that office . I think her office is near you . I think she can give you a good suggesttion . There is some useful artical for Spychologist : On the need for new Critiria of Diagnosis of psychosis in yje Light of Mind invasive Technology By Carole Smith you can download from I will pray for you. may God encourage and strenghten you.
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