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If there are criminal law investigations into the current abuse of military grade voice to skull voice harassment technology in the future you must now sabotage the lives of each and every criminal who by the aid of wireless technology and military grade implants, forces their voice inside your head on a minute by minute basis each and every day of your life, while threatening to torture you at some time in the future.   Here is how you sabotage the lives of these criminals.

Whenever you hear human voices speaking to you coming from inside your head due to wirelessly enabled implants, reply as follows  "  Military grade implants have been placed inside my head without my permission at a time when I was unaware it was happening, allowing you to now place your voice inside my head against my will and without my permission.  Why are you committing this crime against me?

By replying in this way, the criminal who is wirelessly forcing their voice inside your head by the use of these military grade implants will not be able to deny that he or she did not know that they were speaking to you via implants inside your head against your will and without your permission during the court case.

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I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling neuro weapons test subject and I reside in the Republic of Ireland. I am wirelessly tethered to a network of computers from an implant combined with nano sensors which are inside both my brain and body. The technologically induced voices of neuro research operatives which are constantly being transmitted into the centre of my head by wireless means have informed me that they wish me to move into a purpose built unit complete ...with under-floor cables so that these cables would allow a supply of electricity to circulate around my head and body at all times in order to better analyse me for the purposes of scientific data analysis. I have a right of residence in my family home until I die so these unknown criminal neuro operatives are unable to have me forceably moved into a more appropriate scientifically suitable environment. These inner voices went on to say that a human being is far more likely to become a targeted individual if you live in an environment surrounded with a multitude of electrical activity on a constant basis.

Wireless enslavement of the human race is imminent if you do not wake up. The would-be enslavers have already wirelessly tethered hundreds of thousands of non-consensual and totally unwilling human beings across the world by means of secretly imbedding them with implanted microchips and programmable nano technology combined with a network of bio-sensors. Wireless signals are then sent to and from this network of computers to the neuro slaves. These wirelessly tethered humans constantly hear commands which are being transmitted inside their heads. They may also receive pain signals in the future if they refuse to obey these commands.

Some senior politicians throughour Ireland and the wider world may possibly be wirelessly tethered to a network of computers similar to myself. This can be the only logical explanation as to why the Irish government is allowing the installation of 5G millimeter wave technology throughout the Republic of Ireland. 5G millimtere wave technology is enabled to carry pain signals to human bodies which have imbedded implants combined with nano particulates inside them.  This would be achievable by wireless  technological means.   By means of further manipulation of the human being by directed energy weapons wireless control of the muscles of a human being by outside means can also be achieved and maintained on a temporary basis, long enough to force a targeted individual to commit suicide totally against their will. 

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Psychiatry is fraudulent.
A diseased brain has never generated intelligent voices in the whole history of the human race and no psychiatrist has ever cured an internal voice hearer in all of their careers.
Even since false psychiatry was created voice hearers have all been incarcerated inside psychiatric hospitals and have not been allowed out again until such a time as they are willing to admit to their psychiatrist that they no longer hear voices.

All intelligent voices... that individuals hear coming from inside their heads are being induced by advanced technology and they always have been thus. Technology has existed with the capability to transmit voices inside the heads of human beings since at least 1922 as per the following youtube link

Psychiatrists are currently largely unwilling to believe that they do not have the capability to make the internal voices of their patients stop. However, as long as the public at large continue to believe that psychiatrists have the capability to make internal voices stop most psychiatrists will continue to believe their erronious belief. They will continue to unknowingly administer poisonous substances to any member of the human race who admits to being the target of voice to skull electronically induced voices or who admits to being the non-consensual and unwilling target of brain to brain interface.

How long more will this evil situation be allowed to continue?

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I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling neuro weapons test subject and I reside in the Republic of Ireland. I am wirelessly tethered to a network of computers from an implant combined with nano sensors which are inside both my brain and body. The technologically induced voices of neuro research operatives which are constantly being transmitted into the centre of my head by wireless means have informed me that they wish me to move into a purpose built unit complete ...with under-floor cables so that these cables would allow a supply of electricity to circulate around my head and body at all times in order to better analyse me for the purposes of scientific data analysis. I have a right of residence in my family home until I die so these unknown criminal neuro operatives are unable to have me forceably moved into a more appropriate scientifically suitable environment. These inner voices went on to say that a human being is far more likely to become a targeted individual if you live in an environment surrounded with a multitude of electrical activity on a constant basis.

Wireless enslavement of the human race is imminent if you do not wake up. The would-be enslavers have already wirelessly tethered hundreds of thousands of non-consensual and totally unwilling human beings across the world by means of secretly imbedding them with implanted microchips and programmable nano technology combined with a network of bio-sensors. Wireless signals are then sent to and from this network of computers to the neuro slaves. These wirelessly tethered humans constantly hear commands which are being transmitted inside their heads. They may also receive pain signals in the future if they refuse to obey these commands.

Some senior politicians throughour Ireland and the wider world may possibly be wirelessly tethered to a network of computers similar to myself. This can be the only logical explanation as to why the Irish government is allowing the installation of 5G millimeter wave technology throughout the Republic of Ireland. 5G millimtere wave technology is enabled to carry pain signals to human bodies.

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Government staff are being mandated into using smart engineered technology which may be used to entrain their brains into a state of incredulity when ever their constituents report that they are being in-home monitored and psychologically and physically tortured by the use of directed energy weapons.

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The human body can now be weaponized.  We can be unknowingly made to ingest and inhale programmable nano particulates.  When these nano particulates are in our blood stream they can be pushed into the cells of a targeted individuals by wireless means.  This process is being carried out by unknown neuro science operatives working from an unknown location on specifically selected targeted individuals.   When the nano particulates are inside the cells of the human body they can be made to work in co-ordination with each other by wireless means and in this way a real live human being can be remote controlled to commit acts or speak in ways that are totally against the will and moral judgement of that human being.

It is being claimed that drinking ozonated water would destroy the capability of the nano particulates to communicate with each other and with wirelessly operated directed energy weapons.  Does anybody know if this is true?

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18th April, 2018.

To Whom it Concerns,

A selection of Irish human beings are being non-consensually experimented on by wireless electronic means, by the use of neuro weapons, while they are inside their own homes. This wireless experimentation which involves both psychological and physical torture is being conducted by criminal abusers within the intelligence services or within private security companies The Irish public have a moral right to being warned that similar experimentation could happen to them or their children at some time in the future. All intelligence agencies are now fused on a worldwide basis and are not actually under the control of any single government. We can easily stop this wireless electronic torture and voice to skull harassment by simple methods which I outline herein.

The Irish government have not warned the Irish public of this serious situation because they can not ostensibly prove the existence or abuse of these directed energy weapons because of their invisible characteristic and because I believe that some governmnet officials may be wirelessly enslaved or seriously compromised by neuro weaponry themselves. Many good will and very knowledgeable Irish people have come forward online telling their stories of being electronically attacked by wireless means on a constant basis while they go about their everyday lives. If this situation is allowed to continue it will lead to the technological enslavement of the people of Ireland and the wider world. I have researched the bigger picture of what I believe is happening behind the scenes in Ireland and the wider world and what has ultimately led to this frightening situation.

The Luciferian control matrix has been ongoing for at least six thousand years. It funnells us into various belief systems so that we can be managed. It has created most of the organised religions and alternative belief systems on earth. It created the hippy movement, the new age movement and the freemasons among others.

All organised religions which the Luciferian control matrix have created in order to manage us follow the same basic pattern overlay. If a belief system has a structure our egos will let it in. Our egos wish to conform. The story of Jesus has numerous parallels with many other ancient Gods, e.g. Horus, Attis, Kirshna, Dionysys, and Mithra to name a few. They were all born on 25th Dec. by a virgin birth. They all had twelve disciples and performed miracles. They were all eventually crucified, died for three days, and were then resurrected.

The Luciferian control matrix not only controls organised religions and alternative movements. It also controls main stream schools and colleges. This Luciferian control matrix gives us our initial platform of beliefs which is our world view. From this platform of beliefs they are then able to control who we think we are and what we think we can do and what is possible and not possible. They deliberately attempt to condense our realities into smaller and smaller realities. In some cases, our realities are so small that we are unable to realise the enormity of the Luciferian control matrix and how long it has lasted and how meticulous they are at putting it together.

Our egos are not interested in truth. They are interested in consistency. They are interested in having a world view that they can depend on. Our egos attempt to defend our false world view. The motiviation for our unwillingness to wake up to a new reality of behind the scenes technological enslavement is not about truth. The motivation is about self-justification. This is why it is so difficult for targeted individuals to wake the rest of the human race up to the current technological holocaust that is happening behind the scenes of our lives. I took this information from the work of organisational psychologist, the late Dr Paul Marko and can be found at the following link

At least part of the Luciferian control matrix is composed of artificial intelligence. The Luciferian control matrix wishes to control us by making us both unhealthy, misinformed and egotistical. A differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power.

There is currently no known defence against Silent Sound Mind Control and it was available since 1974 and it is more than likely being used against human beings at a high level. The following explains clearly how silent sound mind control may be being conducted on our senior politicians and indeed most of the human race. A steady tone is combined with the voice of a hypnotist, and then both sounds are put through a frequency modulator. The steady tone of microwave pulses that comes through at the other end is converted by the human brain back to an inaudible voice.

Naievty is not an attractive quality in an adult, especially a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are taking all situations at face value with regard to explaining the symptomology of their patients and thus they are dragging the people of their country into technological enslavement because of their inability to comprehend what is really happening behind the scenes.

According to this enclosed youtube video and many others, the Vatican created the slave trade, they orchestrated the war of independence, they orchestrated the Federal Reserve, they orchestrated world war one and world war two, and now they are in the process of attempting to orchestrate world war three.…

Governments and their staff are holding smart engineered technology close to their brains by the use of their smart phones. They appear to resist all requests to outlaw directed energy weapons. They are either mind controlled or wirelessly enslaved or both.

The police are required to send all targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro experimentation to see a psychiatrist. If a targeted individual voluntary gives any information whatsoever pertaining to their targeting to the police they are then legally seen to have handed over all of their legal power to the police, which means that they might be detained for psychiatric evaluation against their wills. Both the police and psychiatry are being used to marginalise and neutralise the targeted individual, who no longer has any further access to the law once they have been erroniously deemed to be mentally ill. Psychiatrists proffer poisonous substances to the targeted individuals. Psychiatrists may also be mind controlled or some may even be wirelessly enslaved.

Washington DC, The London Financial District, and the Vatican City are all states within states who work as one unit from behind the scenes. They are bound by no known laws and they own and control all of the legal power on earth.

Demonology was created as a means of wielding mental control over the masses. It was created by the use of rumour and innuendo followed by roll playing and many other forms of trickery including magic lanterns, video films, holograms and brain weapons. Currently, with the use of brain weapons, whole experience sets can be inserted into the human brain to make human beings experience a virtual reality that the uninformed experiencers can not tell apart from real experiences.

The hoax of demonic possession is being caused by non-consensual neuro weapon manipulation of many targeted individuals. It is now possible to bio-robotize and remote control a human being by wireless electronic means. It is also possible to force a human being to speak against their wills by wirelessly controlling the speech centres of their brains combined with controlling their facial muscles. It is now possible to make a selection of targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro weapons research appear to be demonically possessed because their muscles can now be controlled wirelessly and by electronic means so that they can be made to grimace and contort and swear completely against their wills. This is achievable by sending wireless electronic digital signals to and from nano technology which has unknowingly been ingested and inhaled by these same targeted individuals. After it is ingested by the targeted individual this nano technology is then further processed by wireless means in a laborous way over many years by neuro weapons engineers who often do not know that they are bio-robotizing and remote controlling real live human beings.

Combined with the above efforts to enslave us, trainee medical doctors and trainee psychiatrists are being deliberately given false information at medical school. The pharmaceutical industry has also been infiltrated and poisonous substances are being deliberately added to both pharmaceutical medicines and vaccinations. All systems in the world are being rigged against us by the Luciferian control matrix. Terrorism threats are being deliberately orchestrated by the dark occultist would-be enslavers.

It is a major tactic of criminal oligarchy psychological warfare to encourage us to expend our energy in futile unnecessary work, while they conserve their strength. We are kept so busy we have no time to figure out what traps are being set for us by the self-proclaimed elite. If all of the really intelligent and capable people in society are constantly working, they will have no time or energy to stage a counter insurgency against the would-be enslavers. While we are exhausted and confused, they are secretly attacking us with energy and purpose.

"Twenty years ago, Paul and Percival Goodman estimated that just five percent of the work then being done would satisfy our minimal needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Most work serves the unproductive purposes of data gathering or social control or war,." It also serves the best interests of the Luciferians, themselves.

The profound basis of the current work force as it stands today is to demoralise and distract the human race while their fellow humans, a group which I call the self-proclaimed elite, slowly and incrementally attempt to take over humanity by wireless technological means.

At least two thirds of all work which was deliberately created for the human race to carry out on this planet is both pointless and evil work. It was deliberately created to keep us distracted while the dark occultists were busy with their own agenda of attempted wireless enslavement of all of the other members of the human race. It has been established and verified that if we ever succeed in demolishing this Luciferian control matrix we would then only need to work one day per week to perform all the same tasks we currently perform by working constantly.

Most of humanity has been enslaved by the use of maratime admiralty law which is out of harmony with moral law. We must free ourselves by refusing to recognise the powers of church and state. We aught to organise ourselves under a system of common law.

We must ask the police to demolish all microwave transmittors. We must stop all 5G millimeter wave transmitters from being erected anywhere in the world urgently because millimeter waves have the capacity to carry pain signals and they are an intrinsic part of the worldwide enslavement agenda. As this neurowarfare program is ultimately being waged against the whole human race Ireland may be well advised to sever all five undersea fibre optic cables which carry signals to and from the nano implants inside the human bodies and brains of all Irish people . These fibre optic cables are essential for the enslavement of people resident in Ireland and if we sever them it will free the Irish people from further in-home wireless electronic torture programs, or at least it will contain the control system within Ireland where it can be easily neurtalised.

Mobile phone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:- Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.

There are no satellites. The existence of satellites was created by disinformation agents. The existence of satellites is a hoax. Firstly, there is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius. Secondly, air and space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. It is biologically impossible for space to even exist other than air. This would indiciate that satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they have, and to give us a sense of hopelessness.

Because we are now at a pivotal point in human history, this makes us ultimately responsible for what happens to future human beings. If this wireless enslavement system is allowed to become main stream, babies would be implanted with bio-sensors at birth. They would never know mental privacy and they would be unable to work their way out of neural enslavement for the entirety of their lives. It is our responsibility to act now so that we will be able to ensure the whole human race lives in freedom and harmony for many years. Politicians, the judiciary, the police, the main-stream media and psychiatrists are no longer free agents. They can be murdered or silently tortured by remote wireless electronic means. Democracy is now a facade. We must acknowledge this fact publicly before we can move forward with a new plan of action. The main stream media is privately owned and heavily controlled. Please ensure that your public representative is aware of your wish to have all wireless technology urgently dismantled from our country.

Yours Sincerely,



Gretta Fahey.

Landline Phone 0949360901. Mobile Phone 0870692278


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Military intelligence do not socialise outside their own station. They are not allowed to do so. Military intelligence staff are wirelessly tethered to a supercomputer at all times by digital signals being sent to and received by an implant deep within their skulls. Military intelligence staff are under remote neural monitoring at all times by artificial intelligence and as such
military intelligence staff can not reveal information concerning the slow inslavement of the ...human race to anybody outside their own station.

As part of their control operation military intelligence staff are obliged to obtain knowledge and information about certain individuals without the consent of said individuals. In order to achieve this, they similarly implant said individuals with modular implants for a limited period of time until such a time as they gain total and absolute control over these individuals by means of control of nano technology inside the body of said individuals. When that time arrives the individuals body is totally taken over by the military intelligence staff who may use said individual for military missions or worse.
The only way to stop this illegal and cruel activity in its tracks is by disassembling and destroying all microwave transmitters throughout the world and by ceasing all installation of millimeter wave transmitters.
Satellites are genuinely believed to be one of many elaborate hoaxes.

World wide takeover is being achieved by a deliberate misinformation campaign in order to dumb down humanity to the extent that they will ingest poisonous substances posing as medicines and also receive poisonous vaccinations and to the extent that they will believe any and all hoaxes which they hear and read about, including such elaborate hoax as the extraterresterial hoax, demonic possession hoax, moon landing hoax, space based weapons hoax, and many others.

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We are currently being conditioned to believe that there may be a chance that Cern could accidently be used to cause us to break through to another dimension, believed to be populated by demons
This simply means that the dark luciferian control matrix is preparing another of their many hoaxes.


If smart meters are ever installed all over the world it would create an electronic control grid where holograms of demons could be easily made to manifest. This would no doubt be achieved by independent surveillance teams who currently work in the background of our lives and who have been given psychotronic weapons which they are currently using to electronically harass and psychologically torture a selection of individuals with.

The new hoax would be created in the following way. It would be announced on the almost totally privately owned mian-stream media that Cern had accidently broken through to another dimension. This would be followed by world-wide displays of holograms of demons combined with false virtual reality experiences of demons. Combined with all of this it is now possible to make a selection of targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro weapons research appear to be demonically possessed because their muscles can now be controlled wirelessly and by electronic means so that they can be made to grimace and contort and swear completely against their wills.

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The electronic signals a targeted individual feels on and inside their bodies are being wirelessly transmitted by criminal neuro operatives to the nano particulates which are both on the skin surface of the targeted individuals and inside their bodies .
The nano particulates inside our bodies can be both seen and co-ordinated on the computer screens of the criminal neuro operatives and this process is being carried out by wireless enablement. These nano particulates can als...o be wirelessly programmed by the neuro operatives.
A group of nano particulates inside our bodies can be wirelessly communicated with by the neuro operatives to cause our muscles to make sudden movements. This capability can be used to cause an airline pilot to crash his plane. I am of the strong belief that nano particulates are not enough to cause a human being to become a target of neuro experimentation and electronic harassment and psychological and physical torture. The targeted individual needs to have several other illegal implants in order to make targeting possible. The perpetrators of this major crime against the human race believe that they have enough people illegally implanted to make the whole human race falsely believe that they can be wirelessly targeted by remote means just by the presence of nano technology alone. Luckily for the non-targeted people this may not be the case. I have been informed via my voice to skull wireless implants that the neuro weapons industry employees believe that there is a race against time to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters now before it becomes too late to do so.

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We can not expect justice from a court of law while wireless remote influencing technology is enabled or while the judiciary and the law are still carrying smart engineered technology on their persons. Because of this ongoing situation we are now living in a state of injustice. We must urgently have microwave transmitters disabled and we must have the use of all smart engineered technology banned immediately.

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My nether regions are being photographed by the use of energy imprint technology while I am alone in the privacy of my own home with the doors locked, and the images gained by this energy imprint technology are being transmitted all over the world under my own name totally against my will and totally without my permission. I am a non-consensual and totally unwilling targeted individual of neuro research and I have been so for more than fifteen years. I live in the west of I...reland. I am a good living, good will woman. Please do not treat me like this. I have not seen any such pictures but the technologically induced voices which are transmitted inside my head by the use of microwave hearing technology have informed me that this is the case.

The microwave hearing transmitted voices once informed me that a map can be made of my body shape by the following means:-
Neuro research staff send pulses of energy to the surface of my body. My skin registers these sensations. Signal processing software technology allows for the recorded data to be transmitted from my skin surface to the computers of the neuro staff for translation into the exact shape of my body. They can then use this information to see my naked body and to send said images around the world.

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I am non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly tethered via a microchip implant to a network of computers as well as a supercomputer.  The implanting occurred without my knowledge or permission at a time when I was unconscious of it happening.  This microchip implant in combination with a variety of other bio-medical implants is being used to read my sub-vocal thoughts in real time. When my sub-vocal thoughts are read by unknown neuro staff they then reply to them in real time using other implants which may be imbedded in my ear canals.  Still other implants can be used to send pain signals if I refuse to obey these commands.

You may already be imbedded with a series of implants because implantable technology is in widespread use throughout main stream medicine largely without the knowledge or consent of the patient and also without the knowledge of the implanter. These tiny implants are being built into medical devices and some may even be imbedded into disposable needles.

As my wireless tethering is invisible to the naked eye but not to microchip cameras I have not yet been able to prove this wireless tethering to the police or psychiatry so they may erroneously believe me to be mentally ill. However, I have lived alone for many years without assistance and without any drugs so therefore I could not possibly be mentally ill.  Other individuals claiming similar wireless tethering are widespread through Ireland and the wider world. They are automatically deemed to be mentally ill without any appraisal of the evidence.   Some people in positions of authority are actively denying that this slow and incremental enslavement of the human race is occurring at all either because they are heavily mind controlled by a variety of technological devices or because they have become actively involved in the implanting process or because they have become wirelessly tethered themselves and can no longer help or because they have legally compromised themselves and  therefore can not admit the truth.   

There is an easy solution but one which most people are not willing to implement because their own brains and bodies have not been wirelessly tethered yet. The solution is simply to have all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia banned outright. Without microwave transmitters no electronic mind control can exist and no wireless tethering of real live human beings can exist either. The existence of satellites is an easily provable hoax. All worldwide date is being transmitted via undersea fibre optic cables. Please raise awareness of this urgent issue before you yourself become wirelessly tethered by both your brain and spinal cord.

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I have been a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and voice harassent technology for more than fifteen years, where I have been wirelessly tethered to a network of computers against my will and totally without my permission. I have researched worldwide politics over those years in order to find out who is responsible for the psychological torture I am many other targeted individuals have endured and what their long term plans are. The following are my opinions:-

Church and state as well as the owners and controllers of the remote neural monitoring program are all one at the very top level of the world wide heirarchy of control. They have been planning and carrying out the slow and incremental enslavement of the human race by mental enslavement, financial enslavement, legal enslavement and now an attempt is being made at technological enslavement.

These would-be controllers are currently using the state run institutions against the rest of the human race in the sense that if anybody objects to their growing fascism of the state they are being electronically harassed and psychiatric reprisal is then being used to further disempower and discredit them.

I believe that these would-be enslavers of the human race plan to eventually try to disassemble and destroy the state and they plan to wirelessly tether each and every human being throughout the world other than themselves to a network of computers in order to totally and utterly enslave them in every way. Thankfully we have figured out their enslavement methodology in time and our governments will disassemble and destroy it shortly. If their evil enslavement plans came to fruition they would no longer need prisons other than virtual prisons. They would no longer need hospitals other than virtual hospitals. They would no longer need police other than virtual police. People would constantly hear voices coming from inside their heads ordering them about every moment of their lives and they would receive a pain signal if they refused to obey. Currently good human beings within the state structure are standing in their way and that is why they are trying their best to destroy all state structures as soon as they possibly can.

The would-be enslavers of the human race wish to retain the church as a mind control centre where slaves would be obliged to attend mass twice weekly where they would be further inculcated through repitition and electronic mind control. They would have their brains entrained into a state of religious fervour each time they came to church so that they would enjoy the experience. Organised religion is about control of the masses.

If we don't stop this evil technological enslavement in its tracks babies would all be inoculated with a wide range of micro sensors at the moment of birth.  They would be reared in large warehouse environments where they could be inculcated to believe that the satanic and luciferian slave masters were gods and they themselves were lowly slaves.  If we fail to stop this technological enslavement now,  humanity would be enslaved for all eternity.    Our actions now will affect the lives of human beings for millions of years into the future. We are at a pivotal point in human history.  We must ask our political representatives to have all microwave transmitters disassembled and destroyed urgently.

I personally am an anarchist. The state has become more and more fascist to the extent that I am afraid of it. Centralization of authority is about putting more and more power in fewer and fewer hands. We must focus on decentralization at every opportunity.

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The majority of the human race lived their lives in a state of confusion before we got the internet. This was deliberately instigated by the dark occultists who manipulate us behind the scenes of our lives. They do this because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power and because a dumbed down and misinformed populace is easy to manipulate.

However, now that we have had the internet for a number of years and we have all been researching world events we have all eventually arrived at much the same conclusions. We now realize that many and varied hoaxes were introduced into our lives over many years in order to maintain that state of confusion in the human race. Advances in science and technology were used to engender many of these hoaxes.

We now know that the earth is not a ball, and that nobody ever travelled to the moon. We know that the concept of demons was created millennia ago in order to manipulate and control humanity. The hoax of demonic possession is really a cover story for brain weapon research. Moving statues are the result of nano technology combined with military experimentation on the gullability of the general public. All religious apparations and near death experiences can easily be explained away scientifically. Space alien sightings are the result of wireless muscle control of the faces of real human beings or many other military psychological operations. Brain weapons have the capability to upload whole experience sets on to the human brain, making humans believe that they had amazing experiences that they never actually had at all.

Satellites and space based weapons are hoaxed. Anything that we can not tangibly inspect ourselves are usually hoaxed by the dark luciferian control matrix who have been interfering in the lives of the rest of the human race for up to six thousand years.
Air and space can not co-exist side by side. Space would suck all air away from the surface of the earth. Many beside myself have pointed this fact out.
There is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius.
Satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they actually have.

Mobile phone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:-


Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.


Neuro science is deliberately being misrepresented as supernatural occurrences.

In order to solve the problem of wireless weapons all we need to do is to simply disassemble and destroy all microwave transmitters and 5G millimeter wave transmitters. All of the wireless technology being used to electronically torture us by wireless means is ground based. When the microwave transmitters are destroyed the organised criminal gangs who use these weapons against innocent human beings inside their own homes will then be rendered powerless because their weapons can no longer work without the aid of microwave radiation.

Police and psychiatry will no longer be afraid of these organised criminal gangs and they will no longer need to falsely accuse sane human beings of being mentally ill whenever these sane human beings report being targeted by energy weapons and military communication voice harassment technology which is sometimes known as voice to skull or microwave hearing.

The Luciferian control matrix has been ongoing for at least six thousand years. It funnells us into various belief systems so that we can be managed. It has created most of the organised religions and alternative belief systems on earth. It created the hippy movement, the new age movement and the freemasons among others.

All organised religions which the Luciferian control matrix have created in order to manage us follow the same basic pattern overlay. If a belief system has a structure our egos will let it in. Our egos wish to conform. The story of Jesus has numerous parallels with many other ancient Gods, e.g. Horus, Attis, Kirshna, Dionysys, and Mithra to name a few. They were all born on 25th Dec. by a virgin birth. They all had twelve disciples and performed miracles. They were all eventually crucified, died for three days, and were then resurrected.

The Luciferian control matrix not only controls organised religions and alternative movements. It also controls main stream schools and colleges. This Luciferian control matrix gives us our initial platform of beliefs which is our world view. From this platform of beliefs they are then able to control who we think we are and what we think we can do and what is possible and not possible. They deliberately attempt to condense our realities into smaller and smaller realities. In some cases, our realities are so small that we are unable to realise the enormity of the Luciferian control matrix and how long it has lasted and how meticulous they are at putting it together.

Our egos are not interested in truth. They are interested in consistency. They are interested in having a world view that they can depend on. Our egos attempt to defend our false world view. The motiviation for our unwillingness to wake up to a new reality of behind the scenes technological enslavement is not about truth. The motivation is about self-justification. This is why it is so difficult for targeted individuals to wake the rest of the human race up to the current technological holocaust that is happening behind the scenes of our lives. I took some of this information from the work of organisational psychologist, the late Dr Paul Marko and can be found at the following link

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The Luciferian control matrix has been ongoing for at least six thousand years. It funnells us into various belief systems so that we can be managed. It has created most of the organised religions and alternative belief systems on earth. It created the hippy movement, the new age movement and the freemasons among others.

All organised religions which the Luciferian control matrix have created in order to manage us follow the same basic pattern overlay. If a belief system has a structure our egos will let it in. Our egos wish to conform. The story of Jesus has numerous parallels with many other ancient Gods, e.g. Horus, Attis, Kirshna, Dionysys, and Mithra to name a few. They were all born on 25th Dec. by a virgin birth. They all had twelve disciples and performed miracles. They were all eventually crucified, died for three days, and were then resurrected.

The Luciferian control matrix not only controls organised religions and alternative movements. It also controls main stream schools and colleges. This Luciferian control matrix gives us our initial platform of beliefs which is our world view. From this platform of beliefs they are then able to control who we think we are and what we think we can do and what is possible and not possible. They deliberately attempt to condense our realities into smaller and smaller realities. In some cases, our realities are so small that we are unable to realise the enormity of the conspiracy and how long it has lasted and how meticulous they are in putting it together.

Our egos are not interested in truth. They are interested in consistency. They are interested in having a world view that they can depend on. Our egos attempt to defend our false world view. The motiviation for our unwillingness to wake up to a new reality is not truth. The motivation is self-justification. This is why it is so difficult for targeted individuals to wake the rest of the human race up to the current technological holocaust that is happening behind the scenes of our lives. This is the work of Dr Paul Marko and can be found at the following link

At least part of the Luciferian control matrix is composed of artificial intelligence. The Luciferian control matrix wishes to control us by making us both unhealthy, uninformed and egotistical. We must stop them now by demolishing all microwave transmitters combined with millimeter wave transmitters, which are nothing more than human enslavement technology.


There is currently no known defence against Silent Sound Mind Control and it was available since 1974 and it is more than likely being used against human beings at a high level.

The following explains clearly how silent sound mind control may be being conducted on our senior politicians and indeed most of the human race. A steady tone is combined with the voice of a hypnotist, and then both sounds are put through a frequency modulator. The steady tone of microwave pulses that comes through at the other end is converted by the human brain back to an inaudible voice.

Naievty is not an attractive quality in an adult, especially a psychiatrist. Psychiatrists are taking all situations at face value with regard to explaining the symptomology of their patients and thus they are dragging the people of their country into technological enslavement because of their inability to comprehend what is really happening behind the scenes.

According to this enclosed youtube video link the satanic vatican created the slave trade, they orchestrated the war of independence, they orchestrated the Federal Reserve, they orchestrated world war one and world war two, and now they are in the process of attempting to orchestrate world war three.…

Governments and their staff are holding smart engineered technology close to their brains by the use of their smart phones. They appear to resist all requests to outlaw directed energy weapons. They are either mind controlled or technologically enslaved or both.

The police are required to send all targeted individuals to see a psychiatrist. If a targeted individual voluntary gives any information whatsoever pertaining to their targeting to the police they are then seen to have handed over all of their legal power to the police, which means that they might be detained for psychiatric evaluation against their wills.

Psychiatrists accuse anybody who claims to be targeted by directed energy weapons as insane. They proffer poisonous substances to the targeted individuals. They also apper to be either mind controlled or technologically enslaved.

The Vatican are not to be trusted. Wireless enslavement of the human race is part of their agenda.

Washington DC, The London Financial District, and the Vatican City are all states within states who work as one unit from behind the scenes. They are bound by no known laws and they own and control all of the legal power on earth.


 Demonology was created as a means of wielding mental control over the masses. It was created by the use of rumour and innuendo followed by roll playing and many other forms of trickery including magic lanterns, video films, holograms and brain weapons. Currently, with the use of brain weapons, whole experience sets can be inserted into the human brain to make human beings experience a virtual reality that the uninformed experiencers can not tell apart from real experiences. The hoax of demonic possession is being caused by non-consensual neuro weapon manipulation of many targeted individuals. It is now possible to bio-robotize a human being by wireless electronic means. It is also possible to force a human being to speak against their wills by wirelessly controlling the speech centres of their brains combined with their facial muscles. This is becoming commonplace.

Combined with the above efforts to enslave us, trainee medical doctors and trainee psychiatrists are being deliberately given false information at medical school. The pharmaceutical industry has also been infiltrated and poisonous substances are being deliberately added to both pharmaceutical medicines and vaccinations. All systems in the world are being rigged against us by the Luciferian control matrix. Terrorism threats are being deliberately orchestrated by the dark occultists would-be enslavers.

It is a major tactic of criminal oligarchy psychological warfare to encourage us to expend our energy in futile unnecessary work, while they conserve their strength. We are kept so busy we have no time to figure out what traps are being set for us by the self-proclaimed elite. If all of the really intelligent and capable people in society are constantly working, they will have no time or energy to stage a counter insurgency against the would-be enslavers. While we are exhausted and confused, they are secretly attacking us with energy and purpose.

"Twenty years ago, Paul and Percival Goodman estimated that just five percent of the work then being done would satisfy our minimal needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Most work serves the unproductive purposes of commerce or social control."

From "The Abolition of Work" by Bob Black.

The profound basis of the current work force as it stands today is to demoralise and distract the human race while their fellow humans, a group which I call the self-proclaimed elite, slowly and incrementally attempt to take over humanity by wireless means.

At least two thirds of all work which was deliberately created for the human race to carry out on this planet is both pointless and evil work. It was deliberately created to keep us distracted while the dark occultists were busy with their own agenda of attempted wireless enslavement of all of the other members of the human race.

The following quotation supports my understanding that there is nothing moral about tedious work done for no apparent reason other than utilising unnecessary labour hours. For further information which supports my claim see the link below the following quotation.

"It’s immoral to ask people to work when there’s no work that needs to be done. It’s immoral to create unnecessary labor so people have "something to do".…/why-work-as-we-know-it-may-be-immoral-…

Most of humanity has been enslaved by the use of maratime admiralty law. We must free ourselves by refusing to recognise the powers of church and state. We aught to organise organise ourselves under a system of common law.


We must urgently demolish all microwave transmittors.

We must stop all millimeter wave transmitters from being erected anywhere in the world urgently.

Mobile phone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:- Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.

There are no satellites. The existence of satellites was created by disinformation agents. The existence of satellites is a hoax. Firstly, there is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius. Secondly, air and space can not co-exist side by side. This feat has never been achieved in a laboratory setting. It is biologically impossible for space to even exist other than air. This would indiciate that satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they have. If we have mobile phone towers combined with all microwave and 5G millimetre wave transmitters destroyed within our countries the human race would have our freedom returned to us immediately.

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I am a subject of remote neural monitoring and voice to skull military communication technology.

On occasions, when I hear voice to skull internal voices, especially when I am in my own home I feel a strong urge to stare at an exact point in my home while I am speaking to those unknown voices. If I move to another room while I am speaking to these inner voices I sometimes feel a strong urge to come back into the first room and remain staring at the same point that I was ...previously staring at while I am answering the questions posed by these inner voices. I asked the microwave surveillance staff who speak to me using this inner voice technology why I have such a strong urge to stare at certain prescribed points whenever I spoke to them.
They replied that the wireless enabled technologically induced inner voices have recently informed me that my eye movement has now been perfected to the extent that when ever they motion their sensor to a certain point my eye movements will follow and if they motion their sensor to another new point my eye movements will then move to that other new point in tandem with their sensor.  My eye movements can be partially controlled to move backwards and forwards in tandem with their sensor as many times as they wish.  I can currently  over ride their sensor movements anytime I wish by looking away.

I regularly post many small details of my experiences of being a non-consensual subject of remote neural monitoring at this site and sometimes at my website which is, just in case any reader may offer a solution to my non-consensual remote neural monitoring. I have been informed that even if I post alot of details about my experiences online there will be no repercussions from criminals because they are afraid of this Satanic/Luciferian technological control system.

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A moment ago, a technologically induced, microwave hearing voice which I heard coming from inside my head informed me of the following "You will only have privileges while you are generating money for me." The internal voice then went on to inform me that I am a slave.

Microwave hearing which is the science of projecting human voices inside the heads of extremely unwilling and non-consensual human beings is now widespread throughout Ireland and the wider world. It was used in the first Iraq war and it was then known as "Voice of God Weapons". It can only manifest inside the heads of human beings who are first sprayed with nano technology from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. We inhale and ingest the nano technology which penetrates the blood brain barrier and we eventually become receivers and transmitters of sounds, visions and other sensations.

Since the advent of this technology some individuals have misinterpreted their experiences as supernatural and extra-terresterial. This is not the case. All supernatural and extra-terresterial experiences are simply advanced brain weapons combined with holograms and military psychological operations.

Privileges are the domain of slaves. My rights are my birth-rights. No legislation can ever change my rights. The law has nothing to do with my rights. My rights can not be added to or subtracted from by another human being ever. Some individuals falsely imply that they have man-made authority over other human beings. They are wrong. Our rights are actions we take that dont harm anyone. We all have the same rights by virtue of being human beings.

Microwave hearing and technological enslavement of human beings can only exist while microwave transmitters and 5G millimeter wave transmitters are in place throughout our countries. All technology being used to slowly and incrementally enslave the human race is ground based. The existence of satellites is a hoax. At least eighty percent of human beings are unknowingly working to enslave the human race. They are mostly lawyers, politicians, government administrators, telecom engineers, main-stream media, etc.

Please organize to have microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia dismantled urgently.

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Animals in nature are regularly being wirelessly tethered to computer networks and they are then being studied by scientists while they are freely behaving. When humans such as myself claim that we too are non-consensually wirelessly tethered we are being disbelieved.

If our claims are not accepted as true then the children of the future will also be wirelessly tethered slaves. We are attempting to raise awareness of our situation in order to have this process stopped so ...that the children of the future can live in freedom. We are having both sounds (in the form of voices) and sensations sent to our brains and bodies by wireless means from unknown locations.

We believe some of our politicians may be similarly compromised. This would not be possible without microwave transmitters. Please consider having them demolished and destroyed.

A wireless neural recording system with a precision motorized microdrive for freely behaving animals.

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Here is the reason why the Irish government must demolish all microwave transmitters urgently followed by severing all undersea fibre optic cables.

Nanochips and Smart Dust are the new technological means for the advancement of the human microchipping agenda. Due to their incredibly tiny size, both nanochips and Smart Dust have the capacity to infiltrate the human body, become lodged within, and begin to set up a synthetic network on the inside which can be remotely controlled from the outside.

For further information watch the following youtube video

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