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Tell yourself: Everything will work out. Things will get better. You are important. You are worthy of great things. You are lovable. The time is now. This too, shall pass. You can be who you really are. The best is yet to come."
All of our brains have become laced with millions of metallic particulates, some of which we have inhaled and ingested and some of which we may have received through vaccinations. These dust sized metallic particulates have transformed our brains into transceivers, capable of receiving and transmitting information.
Every thought, feeling and muscle movement which we generate have their own unique brain activity pattern which can be decoded and deciphered by a computer program by wireless remote means to the extent that we no longer have any mental or physical privacy whatsoever.
If you attend for an job interview and if your interviewer happens to be in possession of a high fidelity brain decoding device he or she would know what you were thinking and feeling before you were interviewed. Your interviewer may also be in possession of a far more detailed personality profile of you than you would be comfortable about because it could involve intimate details of your life.
The intelligence services are now in a position to know how many times you inhale and exhale each and every day if they so wish. The human race have been implanted with neural lace without our expressed permission and many within the intelligence services are using this information as well as their advanced technology to widely abuse the human race for reasons of eventual technological enslavement if they are not stopped.
If I constantly criticize the catholic church I have been informed via voice to skull direct wireless communication that it means certain death for me. I plan to continually criticize the Vatican and all organised religions from now on because death is preferable to being continually and wirelessly remotely psychologically tortured while being slowly physically bio-robotized by unknown individuals who use frequency modulation to take more and more control over the muscles of my body.
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
Please see two photos below to see what " they" are doing!
Toronto Police , The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors, gathering around and in my workplace, even driving aircrafts and drones to attack me...will not stop their ongoing torture, harassment, threats, terror and attempted murder although UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court,former Attorney General of Canada, Ontario Ombudsman...they all speak out and stand up for me.
What happened and what are happening to me ? Here are our email letters between UN and me:
All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder, I am not alone and I need your help.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
Please forward this to International Bar Association by fax and
, thanks.
I hope and pray that everyone has a much better year.
I greatly appreciate every member in peacepink, supporting each other, hand in hand together.
And I pray for an end to these crimes and for peace in all the world.
I am not a TI anymore. You can get out too.
Silicea 30C is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. If you do not have implant chips in your body then the perps can't harras you. Please read the following excerpt about it:
Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:
"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.
It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."
If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information.
You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it.
I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore.
Predictive programming is sometimes used in Hollywood movies in order to prepare humanity for something that the owners of said Hollywood movies know is going to occur in future years. The Zombie Apocalypse is something that will be made to manifest in the future because of current scientific capabilities which are described in patent number US6965816 as follows:-
The human bodies of a large selection of human beings can now be physically remote controlled through control and manipulation of the electrical signals which are generated in the motor cortex of those human beings. Because the majority of human beings have been forced to ingest dust sized metallic particles through processed food and by other means, this has effectively turned us into moving antennas, allowing unknown neuro operatives to read the electrical signals which we generate inside our brains and central nervous systems from a distance by wireless means and then to measure the strength of the electrical current and to decipher what direction it is flowing and at what speed it is flowing through our bodies. They then use a frequency modulator to remodulate this information and send it back by wireless means to the brain of that human being which forces the muscles of that human being to move or fall against his or her will. Individuals have even been remote controlled to drive their vehicles into large groups of people because criminal neuro operatives have been able to wirelessly remote control their arms and legs without their knowledge or consent.
Many targeted individuals of non-consensual wireless experimentation are reporting that some of their muscles are being forced to move against their wills by wireless external means. They are also reporting that their muscles are being programmed for future whole body takeover which is also known as bio-robotization or cyborgization. If nothing is done to stop this ongoing process which involves hundreds of thousands of non-consensual victims of wireless physical remote control, a standing army of wirelessly remote controllable human beings will be available to the unknown neuro operatives and their employers for use in any and every way possible for future warfare. If said victims can be remote controlled while they are alive it is also conceivable that they could also be remote controlled after they are dead provided that a nearby power supply is avialable to wirelessly control their muscle movements. This power supply could effectively be taken from nearby 5G installations.
Why would a cabal of would-be world controllers bother to go to so much trouble to enable dead corpses to walk around quiet and peaceful suburban neighbourhoods. Said cabal of would-be world controllers need to instill intense fear in the populace in order to engender a mind set where they would accept enslavement in return for safety and protection from so-called Zombies. Many other frightening scenarios are also being prepared for the human race in order to subdue them sufficiently to manipulate them to accept slave status such as the wireless transmission of voices and of frightening moving images directly into the brains of most of the human race by a similar means to the bio-robotization process.
There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. You must resist enslavement no matter what because there are seven billion of us and there are only a few thousand of the would-be enslavers who currently reside at the top of the world wide hierarchical based chain of command. Please canvas to have 5G blocked in your area. For further government enabled predictive programming regarding a future Zombie apocalypse please click on the following link
Repetition is one of the corner stones of mind control. If you constantly pray to a religious idol you will never reach a point of rational analysis of what you are doing.
All religious idols are fictional characters with no basis in reality. When you pray to them you are praying to a non-existent fictional character and you are wasting your time.
My grandmother used to pray constantly because she was inculcated into the false belief that she would go to hell when she died if she did not pray constantly. She has been inculcated in a psychological torture procedure to the extent that she could not enjoy her life without praying constantly.
My grandmother would not spend much time with me when I was a child because she falsely believed that it was more important to spend all her spare time praying to a non-existent fictional character.
I believe that what most people call God is in fact the intelligent energy of creation. The intelligent energy of creation created each human eye with one hundred million living cells so it is very intelligent. The intelligent energy of creation does not ever need to have its ego stroked by human beings . In fact, it would feel like cringing if people constantly praised it and worshiped it. It does not have low self esteem. Do not worship it. Spend time giving attention to your loved ones instead of worshipping the intelligent energy of creation which doesnt have an ego and doesnt have low self esteem so it stands to reason that it does not need to be praised.
If you praise and worship the intelligent energy of creating constantly it means that you are afraid of it. It is not possible to fear and love the same being at the same time because fear and love are at different ends of a continuum. Therefore if you fear the intelligent energy of creation enough to feel the need to praise and worship it daily then you do not love it.
Much praying takes place during rituals and during sacrements. All religious sacrements are simply acts of mesmerism. Nothing of a super-natural nature ever takes place during a religious sacrement. Praying helps to enthrall and mesmerise the congregation into believing that something of supernatural nature is taking place which is most definitely not the case. There is nothing whatsoever inside a tabernacle except fresh air, but we are mermerised by constant repitition into falsely believing that it is a recepticle of sacredness.
The creation of a false belief in the existence of hell has served to spread so much fear in some individuals that they become easy to manipulate by charletons who wish to mentally enslave them and to relieve them of some of their money and power. If order to keep these victims in a state of fear they must be reprogrammed on a weekly basis and that is possibly why the faithful are urged to attend church once per week where reprogramming is administered in the form of repeditive praying.
The rest of this post is material which I submitted last year and I am resubmitting it here because it is relevant to why people pray.
The technologically induced voices which I hear constantly coming from inside my head informed me that the long term plan of the deep state control matrix was to install all of the people in each area, separately, is one setting, on a regular basis, similar to a church, or mosque, so that strong mind control, administered by directed energy weapons, via signals intelligence, would be administered to them. This particular type of mind control can not be administered in an open setting. Entraining the brains of individuals into a state of religious fervour while they are in church is a relatively simple matter in the twenty first century. The currently planned new organised religion would comprise of a large variety of belief systems. It is planned to be non denominational.
The deep state control matrix decided they would manipulate miscreants and doubters into attending this Unitarian church on the grounds that they would get a lighter sentence or some other social benefit. While these undecided group where in attendance, they would experience extremely unusual and ecstatic states of mind, which would be covertly administered to them by behind the scenes signals intelligence operatives. This would induce the doubters and the miscreants to continue their church attendance for further inculcation, on a bi-weekly basis for the rest of their lives. I hope this explains the recent phenomenon all over America of people falling down in church, in a state of ecstacy. This is somewhat staged for now.
I was raised to be a Christian, just like at least a billion other people. However, as soon as I gained access to the internet, I was shocked to find contradictory information, which led me to question everything I had ever been taught about the Vatican. I am publishing this information with all due respect, because I once belonged to Christianity as many people still are. I have many questions and theories and grave doubts about the Vatican which I have listed below. I am sending this information out to several members of the clergy, as well as publishing it on my website
This is mostly not my own work. It is information I researched online from many websites.
According to well known American researcher and film producer Joseph Atwill, Jesus never existed and Rome never fell. He further claimed that the Roman armies did not disappear, they merely transitioned into what is now known as the Vatican. The Romans realised that it costs money and time to keep standing armies on patrol throughout their dominion. It is much easier to mind control people to be obedient and subservient through the mind control mechanism of an organised religion. The Romans then went on to create what we now know as Christianity. The college of cardinals are really the Roman Senate. The well known researcher and lecturer Santos Bonacci claimed that the Vatican owned at least five hundred war ships around five hundred years ago. They are known to still retain a standing army. They are the wealthiest corporation on the planet and they employ almost everybody on the planet indirectly. They have extremely evil intent.
The Vatican and its popes, may have set a trap for Christians and for the whole human race. Over many hundreds of years, the Vatican clergy have set up a system of ownership of all property, all humans, and souls that exist on this earth through the Papal Bulls and Cestui Que Vie Trusts.
All of the theologies and all of the philosophies and all of the religions on this planet are all one, based on hermetic science, which was founded in Egypt between fifty thousand and sixty five thousand years ago.
Most of Christianity is an invented technique of mind control so that the serfs would not rebel because they believed that there was a religious basis for their servitude. The Romans informed the serfs that they would be rewarded for their work in the afterlife.
The story of Jesus has numerous parallels with many other ancient Gods, e.g. Horus, Attis, Kirshna, Dionysys, and Mithra to name a few. They were all born on 25th Dec. by a virgin birth. They all had twelve disciples and performed miracles. They were all eventually crucified, died for three days, and were then resurrected. The reason most of the ancient religions have the same general mythological structure, is because they, as well as Christianity, are all based on astrotheology. The virgin Mary is based on the star constellation Virgo. The Jesus crucification sequence is based on the sun moving south in the sky for six months. By December 22nd, the sun is at its lowest point in the sky, in the vicinity of the Southern Cross star constellation. This is where we get the symbology of the crucifiction . Three days later, on December 25th, the sun moves one degree north, giving us the resurrection. For more information see And for further information see a book called “THE WORLDS SIXTEEN CRUCIFIED SAVIORS” by Kersey Graves. We are told that the Vatican library has millions of books and archived documents, therefore, it is safe to assume that the Vatican clergy already know of the numerous duplications between the story of Jesus and numerous other ancient saviours. Yet they never mention this fact to their followers. They have lied to us by omission.
A sacrament is something that is regarded as possessing a sacred character or some mysterious significance by people who have been inculcated into most organised religions. People who have later managed to deprogram themselves from false belief systems go on to realise that sacraments are just a form of mesmerism. When in church, people are held spellbound by a display of incense and candle light, opulent surroundings and required solemnity, accompanied by extravagent costumes and elaborate posturing combined with the power of suggestion. After the act of mesmerism is over, nothing has changed other than the willingness of the individuals involved to believe that something has changed. This is a form of strong mind control which allows interested parties within the Vatican to wield dangerous control over the masses. Just because a lie is accepted by the masses, it still does not make it true. Human beings have lived on this planet for at least six hundred thousand years according to well known historian of ancient history on youtube called Michael Tsarion, How is it that we are asked to believe that religions sacraments were only created two thousand years ago? How did people manage to live their lives successfully without a form of mesmerism called religious sacraments for more than six hundred thousand years before Christianity made its appearance?. A similar act of mesmerism is used to make us believe that a pope is actually being ordained when in fact nothing happens during the ordination other than the mesmerising of the people in attendance. Papal power does not exist in reality. It is made to exist within the minds of the catholic faithful.
The true purpose of prayer is endless repetition so as to keep the individual who is doing the praying in an endless state of heavy programming so that they can never reach a true understanding of what is actually happening to their minds. In order to achieve true indoctrination we are taught to pray at a very young age before we are old enough to critically analyse what we are repeating. Organised religions are in the hands of very dangerous individuals who are not acting in the best interest of the human race.
Church hierarchies are created on the false idea of a hierarchy of moral superiority. Priests are universally considered morally superior than lay people and the pope is falsely considered morally superior to all of us. If they were not wearing their priestly garb we would be unable to think them morally superior. Heirarchies of superiority should be abolished throughout the land.
Religious people become reprogrammed each time they go to Church on Sundays. The Vatican inculcates us when we are very young children, so that we will be too young to critically analyse what we are being taught. We are tricked and guilted into believing in religions. It is my personal opinion that interests within the Vatican are inherently Satanic, and they have tricked Christians into enacting a Satanic ritual, every Sunday, in order to give energy to the dark side. Why else are Christians encouraged to eat what is purported to be human flesh, and drink what is purported to be human blood. We are not allowed to question this.
Saint Thomas Moore tortured people for daring to own a bible in English. In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II declared Saint Thomas Moore to be the patron saint of statesmen and politicians.
Religion is a political tool which was created from spiritual beliefs.
How can my sins be forgiven by the torture of another person. This is called scape goating. All morality depends on the concept of personal responsibility and does not depend on the concept of passing on responsibility for our sins on to another being who is eventually tortured for them..
The Catholic church is the biggest financial power and property owner in existence, possessing more material wealth than any bank or corporation anywhere on the planet. The pope is one of the richest men on earth, while one fifth of the worlds poor is starving to death. Nine million children die every year of hunger before they reach the age of five.
The Vatican appears to be a protection racket, in the sense that we are led to believe that by paying the clergy we are guaranteed to be taken care of in the after life.
There are Satanic principles in the Christian mass. Christians must question why they are encouraged to celebrate the re-enactment of brutal human torture on a weekly basis. During the celebration of this brutal human torture, the blood of the victim is symbolically drank by the priest, and the flesh of the victim is eaten in what might be considered a symbolic gesture of cannibalism. The only reason to celebrate an act of extreme human torture repeatedly is to imprint the human psyche with fear and repitition. The God of the bible is purported to have sent his son to earth to be sacrificed on a cross. A loving God would not ask anybody to be sacrificed to death. The creator God would love us unconditionally no matter how badly we behave. This act of celebrating brutal human torture is worshipping the opposite of God. This ritual feels more like Satan worship. I believe the Christian mass is a Satanic ritual, which the Satanists use to empower themselves. I am claiming that Satanists set up the Vatican in order to use used black arts for the purposes of making Christians believe the opposite of what is true. Repetition and fear are both powerful mind control methods.
We are all equals in a planet of equals. We are all made from the same genetic material. The pope has the same genetic material as the rest of us, so why does he believe his opinions are infallable. Why did the pope not intervent to persuade the military to stop the second world war or the Korean war or any war what so ever.
Last year Pope Francis encouraged the people of the world to continue using corporal punishment on their children, which means he is encouraging parents to hit their children . This is systematic abuse. This damages the confidence of a child and it also causes the breakdown of relationships between parents and children, sometimes permanently. Who decided that punishment is an appropriate response to anyone who has done something wrong. If somebody does something wrong, they need extra attention, kindness, love and information, and the natural law way would be to ask them to pay restitution, and not to lock them in a human cage called a prison. Obedience is not a behaviour that should be encouraged in children, or indeed anyone. Obedience is a refusal to use our own free will, in favour of blindly and unquestioningly going along with the will of somebody other than yourself, whose true agenda you have no way of knowing. Obedience is denial of your own responsibility to judge whether something is right or wrong before carrying it out. Co-operation and not obedience is what we should aspire to obtain from children in our care. If a child is slapped very hard if they don’t immediately obey the parent, the child will be taught to never ever think for themselves, but to react immediately to orders. The child could eventually, at a much older age, end up carrying our acts of extreme evil, because of their extreme fear of confronting order givers.
The Christian church should be repremanded for falsely claiming that children will go to hell when they die, if they dont obey the dictates of their religion. The Christian church is implying that the creater of humanity does not believe in unconditional love. There is no proof for the existence of a hell. Creating a false place called hell is a form of psychological torture, deliberately perpetuated on young children before they have the ability to critically analyse that they hear. This ensures that the church will be able to live off an income from those children when they become adults, and for the rest of their lives.
According to the well known historian of ancient history called Michael Tsarion, homo-sapiens have been living on this planet for at least six hundred thousand years. The Vatican are asking us to believe that the Christian God only decided to intervene in the lives of humanity two thousand years ago, by enacting a human sacrifice in primitive Palestine. The news of this human sacrifice has not spread to a large part of the world yet.
We can not love somebody while simultaneously fearing them. Yet Christians are asked to love and fear God at the same time. Christianity makes it compulsory to love a God we have never met.
Religions trap people. They do not liberate them.
The Vatican failed to warn the faithful about the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons and a type of direct voice communication capability which is commonly called voice to skull technology, and which has been in common use for up to seventy years, but has been kept hidden from the masses. Pope Frances has been attending think tanks which are also attended by the self proclaimed elite.
It is being claimed that advances in technology are fifty years ahead of what ordinary people are being told about. These advances in technology are being hidden from us because a differential in knowledge is there to create a differential in power. I personally believe that the religions apparation at knock, Co. Mayo, in 1879 was achieved by either a cinema projector or a magic lantern which may have been used to project images of religious figures on to the gable wall of Knock church. Religious apparations only ever appear to uneducated and gullible peasant people, living in remote areas. Religious apparations have never appeared to wealthy members of the educated class. These people would not accept something to be true without thorough investigation.
The Vatican Library has not been catagorised and made available online. Organised religions control the masses by denying access to knowledge.
Many people, of late, are claiming to see apparitions of both religious entities and demons. This phenomenon can easily be explained from a scientific standpoint. When smart meters are installed in any area, these meters send and receive beams of energy to and from all the other smart meters in the area, and also to and from all nearby electrical appliances. These beams of energy then create a smart grid which can be used to create holograms, both inside and outside buildings and also across the sky. In combination with this, wireless voice to skull military communication technology can be used to transmit voices into peoples heads, from a distance. There is a planetary wide media blackout pertaining to this technology because it is classified by military intelligence.
It is being claimed that pre-recorded brain waves can be artificially injected into the human brain, by the use of High Definition Television and other means. This method can be used to artificially input new ideas into the brains of the clergy, or indeed, anybody. There is no conscious defence possible against this Silent Sound Spread Spectrum. This was achievable in 1974. For further information on Silent Sound Spread Spectrum see Other mediums which are being used to subliminally influence people are digital radios, smart phones, cinema screens, and all smart technologies. It is being claimed that if members of the clergy continue to watch smart television or use any type of smart technology, they will soon be incapable of independent thought. If any type of smart technology is installed in churches, the congregation may not be able to think critically for much longer.
It is being claimed that Christianity was invented by a group of Roman Caesars called the Flavians. They borrowed religious concepts from many different ancient religions. The character of Jesus was a composite of many leaders of the time. It is entirely a fictional character. We need to encourage society to escape from the grip of religion, pseudoscience and superstition. Otherwise, another generation of children will grow up in a mental cage of confusion, without the ability to think logically. They will sacrafice their time, energy, talents and money for a lie. Organised religion is a ball and chain against our progress.
I believe papal authority does not exist in reality because the ordination of any pope or bishop is only an act of mesmerism to make good people believe that something supernatural has happened, when nothing supernatural has happened. This being the case, the pope has no power over anybody only himself. Nobody empowered the current pope francis to encourage people to hit their children. Children have the right to live without violence. The pope is encouraging violence towards children. I , on the other hand, wish to encourage patience and understanding and gentleness towards children.
“How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us.” Pope Leo X.
I am now an agnostic. When I was a catholic I was terrified of death. On one occasion I began to imagine I was about to die within minutes because I was feeling ill. I began to imagine that I could possibly be burning in an eternal fire within one minute if I died right then. I had lived a reasonably good life but catholics are made to believe they can never be good enough. I was lying in my bed and I believed that if I died at that moment my reality could change instantly from being in a warm comfortable bed to being in a burning fire of hell. Many catholics have reported that they too are terrified of death. Now that I am an agnostic and all of the catholic inculcation has disappeared from my mind I know of no such fear. I have serene feelings about death. The Christian church practices a form of psychological torture in order to keep their followers from ever leaving this cult.
Mind Expanding Drugs In the past, people conducting spiritual practices used entheogenic substances, also known as mind expanding drugs in order to commune with higher consciousness, so that they could wake up to a higher reality. Mind expanding entheogenic plants are plants such as cannabis and mescaline. They are not in any way associated with hard drugs such as heroin or cocaine. Organised religions have substituted these mind expanding plant based drugs with an inert piece of unleavened bread. These organised religions seek to put a blockade on our spiritual evolvement.
Over many years, the Vatican and its popes have set up a system of ownership of all property, all humans, and souls that exist on this earth through the Papal Bulls and Cestui Que Vie Trusts. In 1302, Pope Boniface VIII created a trust called Unum Sanctum, which declared that the Vatican owned the earth and all the souls in it. The Unum Sanctum trust has recently been rebutted by a woman from the U.S.A., called Cindy Kay Currier. The Vatican later went on to create other trusts which I have listed herebelow. These trusts make people the slaves of the Vatican, even if they are not Roman Catholic, and they are used to claim that the Vatican owns our souls.
1455 Testimentary Trust.
1481 Regis Crown Trust.
1531 Convocation Trust.
The Romanus Pontifex Trust was used to create the crown corporation.
The Crown Corporation, which is another name for church and state, has enticed humans into slavery, via deception.
When anyone uses the legal name on their birth certificate as identification, they are committing an illegal act, and they are considered a criminal. All legal names are owned and copyrighted by the crown corporation. The birth certificate name is considered to be a slave name. A fictional person is created by the government, in the form of the birth certificate. That fictional person is not alive and has no rights. It is a corporate entity, that must function according to corporate parameters and corporate rules.
In the legal world, we are all considered slaves of the crown corporation, and our bodies are presumed property of the crown corporation, which is another name for church and state.
Without legal name fraud at the front line lever, the whole system of control is destroyed. I found some of this information at the following web sites
Religion is manipulation and control of the masses by suppression of free thought. Religion is a device which is used to modify the behaviour of the general public, which allows the public to be manipulated and controlled.
Religion undermines the intelligence and rationality of humanity, and by doing so it harms society at its core.
Religion corrupts our sense of reality and encourages us to believe untestable claims.
Religion encourages us to contemplate the nature of reality through analysing folk tales, which they call sacred texts.
Religion undermines respect for evidence, in favour of blind faith.
Religion propogates beliefs by cultural conditioning instead of unbiased scientific inspection.
Religions protect themselves at the expense of human rights.
Religion implies that doing things for God is more important than doing things for your fellow man.
Religion does not teach you how to think in a logical way. It just tells you what to think.
Religions divide people into mutually distrustful and antagonistic groups of people. These people believe they are doing Gods will by fighting against other religious groups.
Organised religions generate a subservient mind set in their followers. The followers of organised religions become accustomed to handing over their free will and their duty to decide whether something is objectively right or wrong before they carry it out to a fellow human being who they have been led to believe is superior to them. The followers are persuaded to do this because said fellow human being is dressed in an elaborate costume and has an impressive title and adopts an air of authority and they surround themselves by a large group of inculcated people when they carry out their duties. No dissent is allowed. Later when the followers become used to their subservient mind set they can more easily be manipulated to accept complete and total enslavement at a much later date.
Religions put religious purity in the afterlife ahead of genuine moral concern for other in this life.
Religion reduces human responsibility to the effect that God controls everything, and therefore there is no point in taking any responsibility to try to change anything.
Religion supports blind submission to authority and handing over of our own duty to utilise our free will.
Terrible crimes can be justified in the name of religion.
Religious myths serve as the soil in which other myths can flourish.
Religions pretend to know things they can not know.
Religions invented supernatural commands that are unrelated to compassion or justice or fairness.
People do good things because they are good, not because they are religious.
Religions deny individual power. They tell us power comes from somewhere else. They shrink a persons concept of their own power.
Religion is mental slavery. People who belong to an organised religion are locked in a mental cage. They are unable to think logically and rationally. Religions train us to disrespect our own reasoning power and logic.
Religion blocks further cognative development in a human being, because when they decide they believe something without question, they then stop looking any further.
You must not link blind faith with morality. Moral values are founded on human empathy and scientific understanding.
We have a right to freedom from religion in public places.
If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people.
Theology obfuscates. Science illuminates.
Organised religions obstruct people from obtaining accurate information. In the past, books and newspapers with information that conflicted with catholicism were banned by the Vatican.
Religions wish us to believe that moral ideas are their property. However, we get our morality from human empathy, which we are born with. We can easily generate our own moral structures from secular moral philosophy and rational discussion. Religions would have us believe that we were all immoral before their religion came in to being.
Bible verses dont carry any weight because man wrote the bible. However, the bible is a useful source of information in a variety of areas.
The mind state called “reverence” is an ideal state to allow somebody to be mind controlled. When you are in the mind state known as “reverent” you are unable to take a balanced view of what you believe. You are not able to think rationally or logically. Do not ever allow yourself to be induced into a state of “reverence”.
I believe faith is not a virtue. Science and reason lead to more reliable knowledge than faith. Reason is the way to truth. There are ten thousand different religions in use today and all of them conflict with each other. The bible supports slavery, bigotry, sexism, and other human rights abuses. I believe the bible is not the word of God. Organized religions don’t own morals. Humanity had a moral system for six hundred thousand years before Christianity was put in place.
“All churches appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolise power and profit.” Thomas Paine.
If Jesus and Mary actually existed, as Middle Eastern Jews they would have dark skin.
Inculcation into a religion is the opposite to critical and logical thinking. It has been found that people who live within totalitarian regimes are obliged to ask permission of Father government and Mother religion before they are allowed to take action within their own lives. This forces these people to adopt a child-like mind set.
Religions create in us a child-like mindset that somebody is going to come and save us. They indoctrinate us to believe that we must never solve our own problems, but always look to a so called ” authority” figure to solve them for us. The indoctrination methods they use are achieved through the use of government and religion. Belief in government is the binding of the left brain hemisphere. Belief in any type of organized religion is the binding of the right brain hemisphere. Government and religion were created by the multigenerational self-proclaimed elite families to convince humanity to stand down from their responsibility to take real world action to create positive change on this planet. These false belief systems were deliberately created to keep most of humanity in a state of inaction, and to put a ceiling on our true spiritual and intellectual evolvement.
If a man, while wearing casual clothing, gives us an order, we are always advised to question the order. However, if that same man wears the elaborate garments and crucifixes of the Christian church while giving us an order, a large majority of people are dumbfounded if we dare to question the order.
We are morally obliged to govern ourselves. When we live our lives according to the dictates of an organized religion, we are blindly following orders without questioning them. We are abdicating our moral responsibility to judge whether something is right or wrong, before behaving in a certain way. Blind obedience to authority, and blindly following orders without questioning them is the true pathway to evil. When we are weak minded, we take pride in our blind obedience to authority, no matter what the order giver asks us to do. Blindly following orders should never be seen as a virtue. One has a moral responsibility to judge whether something is right or wrong, before carrying out an order, especially if it is an order given by the Vatican.
“Waiting for a saviour to come and save us is an abdication of personal responsibility.” Mark Passio
“Religions have been put forward as mind control techniques to prevent people from taking action and to propagate passivity so that we will accept our enslavement.” Mark Passio.
In the past, when invaders wished to take over a country, it was easier to achieve domination by indoctrinating the local inhabitants of that country into belonging to a fake organised religion, rather than invading the country with a large army and getting the locals to surrender. When the local citizens were sufficiently inculcated into this false religion, they would willingly and unquestioningly submit to the invaders. The invading group could easily obtain power, status, money and control of the minds of the locals, without ever shedding a drop of blood. They no longer needed an expensive standing army, when they could rule their subjects by mind controlling them through a religion.
All new recruits to the catholic church are still infants when they are first inculcated. The catholic church seldom gets any new recruits after a person has reached an age when they can effectively analyse what organised religions are all about and what the catholic church is all about. These children are not given any lessons on the dark history of the Vatican.
An agnostic is somebody who believes nobody can know what happens after we die. I once heard somebody explain why they became an agnostic. They used an analogy of oranges in an unopened box. That person compared someone who believes in a God even though there is a lack of proof as similar to someone who believes there are oranges in the unopened box. He compares someone who believes there is definitely no God even though there is a lack of proof similar to someone who believes there are no oranges in the unopened box. An Agnostic, who declares he or she does not know whether there is a God or not, and does not claim to know what happens after we die as similar to someone who does not know if there are oranges in the unopened box. That is why I abdicated from the Roman catholic church in Ireland and I became an agnostic. I believe love towards other human beings and all sentient creatures is what oils the wheels of humanity, and that is what I practice in my own life.
Why must we assume there is only one God and he is male. Perhaps there might be both a male and a female God. There could also be a linear based control structure in the heavenly realm. Heirarchical based control structures are totalitarian in nature. Who decided to have only one God. If there is a control structure in the heavenly realms, it can only remain a mystery to humanity. Anybody who claims they know what is unknowable is being dishonest with us.
I am questioning the reason that forces within the Catholic church have not warned humanity about the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons, considering the fact that the Pope attends some of the annual think tank meetings.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information which I mostly researched online. This type of information is available all over the internet. I am sorry if I have upset you by outlining my views in this way. My only intention is to logically explore the aims of the Vatican, because I no longer trust them. Are they blindsiding the Irish clergy and the Irish people. I am no longer loyal to the Vatican. I am now of the belief that nobody knows what happens after we die, and it is ok to live in a mystery. I believe in moral order. I believe the way forward for humanity is to set up a moral structure based on moral philosophy and rational discussion. Even though I don’t belong to an organised religion and I never will again, I love all people but I hate all power institutions. They have been secretly infiltrated by evil people and used against us.
A linear based control structure, also called Anarchy, is in harmony with the laws of creation, because all human beings have total free will, which is a cherished birth right, in order to rule their lives. In such a linear based control structure, all human beings are also totally responsible for all of their own decisions and the outcome of their decisions.
In a pyramid based control structure, such as government and organised religions, human beings refuse to take responsibility for their most cherished gift of free will. They hand over their free will to the people at the top of the pyramid based control structure. They throw their gift of free will back at their creator. The creator then creates a situation where they become enslaved. A pyramid based control structure is out of harmony with the laws of creation. Humanity must always organise themselves by systems of Anarchy and Agnosticism, rather than the current pyramid based control structures called church and state.
If the pope and the college of cardinals gathered together to decide policy for their corporation, which is called “The church of Rome,” while they were wearing jeans and jumpers, we would be very wary of their business practices. Elaborate uniforms and medals should be eliminated from the face of the earth. They intimidate us and they distract us from what is real and true.
The city state called the Vatican is a privately run country within another country. Washington D.C. is a privately run country within another country. The City of London is a privately run country within another country. These three small privately run countries are the three controlling arms of the planet. Because they are three private countries that operate as one unit, the rest of humanity are unable to render them harmless. We must render these three countries, operating as one, null and void. We must penetrate and arrest the people who run these three countries as one unit. We must decimate their buildings as they are symbolic of many centuries of public oppression and torture. We must arrest their leaders, because they have failed to warn us that either they themselves or the intelligence services are planning to enslave us one at a time by brain linking us via wifi to an artificial intelligence human control and guidance system. Finally, we must then organise ourselves in a linear based control structure in small groups from now on. Never ever organise in large groups. Disunify the planet at every opportunity.
God does not bestow spiritual authority on the pope. The pope has no supernatural authority. He is interested in making people believe that he has supernatural authority. That is all that the people who stand behind him need us to believe in order to control our minds and bestow status and power on them.
It is being claimed that the individuals who created all of the book religions did so for the purposes of eventual over-all control of humanity, a situation which they hoped would materialise multi-generations after these same individuals passed away in order to have power and control bestowed on their own lineage to the end of time.
Organised religions have a monopoly of power over the minds of humanity which has never been useful to the human race. There are laws governing human behaviour, which have been proven to exist by scientific means. There are sometimes known as Natural Law. I have found valuable information on the subject of Natural Law on a website called We aught to instruct all children to live by a strong moral code found in Natural Law. It teaches that whatever one sends out to the wider world will come back to them in time. We aught to instruct them to send out kindness, love, tolerance, honesty, generosity, abundance and true knowledge to the world, and then they will receive it back at a much later date.
When I once belonged to the roman catholic church I believed in the existence of hell which was form of low grade psychological torment for me. Eventually I managed to deprogram myself from a belief in hell. However, I then found a community of individuals who claimed in many widely published books that they had vivid near death experiences, and some of these near death experiences involved having visions of going to hell. It took me many years of researching into the capabilities of brain weapons research to finally realise that brain weapons researchers are capable of inserting all manner of false memories into the human brain. It is in the best interests of the individuals who own and run these brain weapons research programs to have all of us locked into a mental cage of false belief systems. We would be much easier to manipulate and slowly enslave if that were the case. I believe these would-be enslavers have also created false religious apparations in order to achieve the same objectives. I am much happier since I finally managed to finally deprogram myself from believing in any and all of these enslavement agenda psychological operations. It is a wonderful feeling to be non-religious and to be able to think freely.
Many countries throughout the western world operate under the illusion that there is a two party system. However, we now know that both parties are merely two arms of the same head. It is my firm belief that the same concept applies to the dark luciferians on one hand and the Vatican on the other hand. I know believe they are both arms of the same head and they have been so for many years. Please do not be deluded into believing that you are being given a choice between good and evil. Both sides have the exact same agenda of worldwide enslavement, and both are controlled by the same people from behind the scenes. Heirarchies are always based on taking away the free will of people, which is against the laws of creation. We are morally obliged to use our free will to decide if something is right or wrong. Heirarchical control structures do not allow us to use our free will therefore they stand against the laws of creation also known as Natural Law. We are morally obliged to organise our lives on the lines of a linear based control structure also known as Anarchy.
The bible tells the story of inner science and it gives instructions on how to reactivate all of the trillions of dormant brain cells in our brains. However, evil individuals within the Vatican and other organised religions deliberately confused this information. Basically, there is a sacred fluid called Christos that is produced in a part of the human brain known as the cerebrum. It is produced in the piemata portion of the cerebrum otherwise known as the holy claustrum or santa clause. This sacred fluid called Christos goes down into the mid brain where it hits both the pineal gland and the pituatory gland and it gets differentiated there. The pineal gland sends an electric portion of that fluid down the pingala. The pituatory gland sends a magnetic portion of that same fluid down the pingala. This fluid travels down through the neumo gastric nervous system to the sacrum and to the solar plexus which is otherwise known as Bethlehem. There is a seed born in Bethlehem which is the bread of life. If you raise that sacred fluid called Christos by living a good life and abstaining from alcohol and excessive food and excessive sex it will travel up again and touch the optic thalamus and also touch the pineal gland which lies right behind the optic thalamus. The Christos oil vibrates and then reactivates all of the trillions of dormant brain cells in our brains. You are given a new opportunity to reactivate all of your dormant rain cells every month if you failed over all of the previous months through lack of knowledge of this process. In ancient times religions were all about inner science and they all gave the same message of truth while using different languages. These ancient religions of inner science were known as Sufism, Gnostic Christianity, The Kaballa of Judiasm and many others. They were all deliberately corrupted probably because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power. Over many generations the knowledge was hidden. I obtained all of the information regarding reactivating human dormant brain cells from the work of the researcher and lecturer Santos Bonacci For further information of reactivating your dormant brain cells please see the work of Santos Bonacci at
The following story that I found online, clearly explains why love is the only way to interact with other human beings.
THE TWO ISLANDS ( I think the author of this story is Dr Thomas Campbell)
There once existed two islands, each containing 10,000 people.
On one island, called the love island, the people who lived there interacted with each other with love and co-operation. They were supportive and helpful and constructive, and they shared all of their discoveries.
On the second island, called the fear island, the people who lived there interacted with each other through fear. They hoarded possessions for themselves. They lived in a state of apprehension and dread and lack. They indulged in civil war against each other in order to own the most resources. In order to protect themselves they had to join little groups for mutual protection. One ruthless group became more and more powerful and began to own most of the resources. The rest of the people had to work for this group as miserable slaves. The ruthless slave owners had to constantly watch their backs. Nobody on the fear island could relax and be happy. In the fear island there was disorder, loss, social decline, inefficiency, which led to high entropy.
In the love island the people grew towards greater and greater evolution and happiness. Consciousness evolves by becoming love. Love is the optimal way in which people can interact. Love is the oil that greases the wheels of the human race.
“Treat everybody you meet every day as if they are the most important person in the world.”
Some people believe that if one were to promote information that would critically analyse organised religions, it could do incalculable damage to the structure of society, and no good could come of it. At this point in time, the structure of society is being used as a means to psychologically and sometimes physically torture good living people with the use of directed energy weapons, while these people are behind closed doors in their own homes, and not harming anybody. The structure of society is being used to keep the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons a secret from the masses. The structure of society needs to be destabilised to an extreme degree.
Even though I am an agnostic on a few occasions I attempted to talk, some would say pray, to what might be the intelligent energy which created us and our planet and I was answered by the internal voices, voices which come from inside my head. These voices are staff members of neuro scientific research centres. These neuro scientific research centres are owned and run by agents of the secret cabal who I believe mostly practice Satanism or dark Luciferianism as their religion of choice. If we ever allowed this neuro scientific research to take a hold within our world and inside our minds we would no longer be able to pray to anybody other than agents of Satan or Lucifer.
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.“
Noam Chomsky
“The Vatican is the religious center for the New World Order (NWO). Every church in the USA is directly or indirectly controlled by the Vatican, especially Roman Catholic Churches. All churches in the USA are incorporated and therefore they belong to the U.S. federal government. The idea that there is a separation of church and state is a big fat lie!
The Vatican also controls the Crown of England, the Crown Temple, and the court system in the USA. This is why when you go to court, there is always an agent that represents the Crown and a judge wearing a black robe. The black robe uniform is the symbol representing a Jesuit priest.
Nearly every church in the USA and the world has been infiltrated by the Jesuits and the Knights Templar, which is why churches have crosses on their walls and roofs. The cross is the main symbol of the Knights Templar and it has been used by certain secret societies long before the existence of Christianity. In other words, the cross is not really a symbol of Christianity. For strong evidence of these claims, download or view my third seminar and study the information in it.
These secret criminal organizations are the same organizations that the American people in the 1700s fought against to win their independence. The Vatican is in the middle of all this corruption, which is why all roads tend to lead to Rome, home of the Vatican. This criminal corporation is committing crime against humanity in the name of “religion.” ” By Pao L Chang.
A computer operating system was created from pure mathematics which could not be hacked into. The kernel of that operating system was deliberately corrupted my Microsoft in order to create unnecessary work for anti-virus software companies thereby making vast amounts of money for Microsoft. Monsanto also corrupted the kernel of a seed in order to create seedless plants so that farmers would be obliged to purchase their seeds from there on from Monsanto, thereby making vast amounts of money for Monsanto. In the very same way the self proclaimed elite corrupted our languages in order to stop our words from retrieving information from our subconscious minds in an effective way. By corrupting our languages a rift was created by our conscious and subconscious minds thereby corrupting the human operating system which is the human mind. The self proclaimed elite then claimed the vessel under salvage by a law called cannon law. You can remove the corruption from your operating system by refusing to co-operate with whatever organised religion or new age belief system you belong to. New age belief systems were for the most part developed by the self proclaimed elite in order to catch anyone who happened to be falling away from organised religions. You aught to stay away from all belief systems and become an individual thinker, thereby freeing the kernel of your mind. You aught to also stay away from all smart engineered technology because it can make you believe in beliefs without your conscious awareness of the fact that you have lost your mind. When you no longer belong to any belief system whatsoever your thinking becomes free and accurate. I obtained most of this information from Mark Christopher at the following link
I obtained the following points about the Vatican and its activities from
High tech faux-demonic possession exorcism used as a method to gain followers
A world full of nescient catholics donate to an incredibly corrupt church
* The top leadership of the Vatican are fake Christians using the religion for greed, lust & power
Imposters of God taken to a new level with electronic telepathy impersonation
Inside the electronic telepathy network a Satanist is said to be the true head of the Vatican
One name I heard as an insider to the electronic telepathy cybernetic network is Joseph Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict XVI
Rare earth magnets provide good shielding to reduce the harrassments. You can get them cheaply on eBay from china.
I have been planning for a while to get three kittens. I had even picked out names from them, namely Nelson, Larry and Lulu. They would have been both indoor and outdoor cats with total freedom to travel where they wished. I live in a quite rural area and they would have come to no harm no matter where they wandered to. I have been watching youtube videos about keeping kittens for the past while and I was really looking forward to getting them.
However, I have decided now that it is dangerous in the current world of advances in technology to take care of kittens because of the fact that I am a targeted individual of EEG heterodyning and remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation. EEG heterodyning allows unknown neuro science criminals to wirelessly control our physical bodies from a distance and can be used to make us hurt small animals or even babies against our wills and without our permission. It is very easy for the non scientist to understand how this is achieved scientifically and I offer a full explaination here of how it is achieved here.
When ever we move a muscle in our arm an electrical signal is first generated inside the motor cortex of our brain and it travels through our central nervous system down to our arm. We now have metallic particulates and other materials saturated throughout our bodies and brains which were injected into us through vaccinations and which we ingested through our food and water. By these metallic particulates we have become human antennas and because of this we have become senders and receivers of electrical signals which can be read wirelessly and by other means by neuro operatives who work from unknown remote locations. These electrical signals which our bodies and brains generate are being translated at the speed of light into what muscles we are moving in the privacy of our own homes and what thoughts we are thinking in the privacy of our own heads. Because I myself am a long term non-consensual victim of neuro experimentation the electrical signals that my motor cortex is generating are being monitored, measured and manipulated every day as I attempt to live a normal peaceful life.
By reading and translating the electrical signals in orther parts of the human brain such as the visual cortex, the auditory cortex and the sensory cortex, unknown neuro science criminals can also access what the non-consensual human subject of neuro experimentation is seeing, hearing and feeling. The neuro science criminals can also access the thoughts, feelings and memories of the non-consensual human subject by reading the electromagnetic frequencies being generated in still other parts of the human brain.
A frequency modulator can be used to take frequencies from the motor cortex of the human brain of a victim of neuro experimentation and mix them with incoming frequencies from another separate human being in order to enabled that other human being to take over and control the muscles and vocal cords of the victim. The non-consensual experimentee victim could by this method be forced to hurt a kitten by squeezing it too tightly. Similarly the non-consensual experimentee victim could possibly be forced to hurt a baby if there was a baby in the environment of the victim. Similarly the non-consensual experimentee victim could be forced to drive a car or a truck into a crowd of people and even be made to falsely believe that he drove his truck into the crowd of people through his own carelessness. This has happened throughout the world on many occasions because the individuals who own and run the neuro weapons industry wish us to eventually abandon use of our own personal vehicles and agree to be driven around in self driven vehicles in future which would seriously curtail our freedom to travel where we wished and when we wished.
The repercussions of the use of Remote Neural Manipulation which is sometimes known as EEG heterodyning are extreme. Individuals who have become non-consensual victims of neuro scientific experimentation could be formed into an army where they would eventually be remote controlled to cause chaos throughout the world in the fullness of time. This neuro scientific experimentation on unwilling and non-consenting human beings must be brought to a stop immediately by every government throughout the world acting together. Please do it now. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number which I use to verify my identification is 0949360901.
Our perceptions of reality are being broadcast as a frequency. Those frequencies are then interacting with a cosmic version of wifi and we are picking out of the cosmic field of endless possibilities and probabilities that which synchronises with the frequencies which we are putting out. In that way our perceptions of reality eventually become manifested and experienced reality. The world that we are now perceiving is the one which our collective perceptions have created. It is a feedback loop.
You must begin to self-identify with "I am infinite. " You then interact with that cosmic wifi field of endless possibilities and probabilities in a much more expanded frequency of possibilities, so that the range of possibilities which you can then manifest as an experience vastly increases.
This world is simply a manifestation of collective human perception and that is why the control system constantly targets human perception. That is why it wants to control all information.
Change your self identity to " I am infinite " and you will manifest a different reality. That is the doorway to break out of this enslavement.
Here is the link to the youtube video called "David Icke on Alchemy Radio" where he states the above
I managed to get the implants out of my body which stopped the voices using a powerful homeopathic remedy called Silicea 30C by Boiron sold at ABC Homeopathy website. It only costs 10 dollars plus postage. I took the remedy 3 pillules once a week for the past 3 years. After about 18 months enough implants had come to the surface of my skin and the V2K stopped. That was the greatest day of my life! Be warned that once the implants started coming out the perps became very aggressive towards me but now I am free of them and their torment. It's a natural remedy but it works. If you want to end this nightmare. This is the answer. Please note that you cannot use this remedy if you have a heart pace maker. It is possible to get out. I did and you can too. It is not hard but it takes perseverance. I would also recommend getting some rare earth magnets for shielding. They are only a few dollars on eBay from China.
You can email me if you need more information
Wireless systems can power and communicate with tiny sensors inside the body. For information about this and how it is being used and abused throughout the Republic of Ireland against human beings please check out the following youtube video which is linked here
This system is being used inside the Republic of Ireland to steal data from both the brains and bodies of human beings. It is also being used inside the Republic of Ireland to non-consensually communicate with the brains and to manipulate and forceably move the muscles of a selection of good living and non-consenting human beings while these human beings are fully aware of what is being made to happen to them and who are very frightened by it. Why is this allowed to occur? Why do Irish psychiatrists who are fully aware of this capability refuse to believe Irish individuals when they inform the psychiatrists of Ireland that it is being made to happen to them while they are attempting to live their lives peacefully inside their own homes?
The human energy field provides a protective shield around the body. When we are frightened or upset it shrinks and therefore it becomes less protective. Non-consensual neuro research subjects are almost constantly insulted or frightened by unknown neuro operatives who speak to them by wireless direct communication which has come to be known as voice to skull or v2k. The reasons are complex but one of the main reasons for doing so may be to shrink the human energy field in order to allow other neuro operatives to infiltrate the human energy field of the non-consensual neuro research subject more easily.
A cartel of individuals have been projecting frequencies containing information into human brains within the frequency band of human brain activity and senior politicians and others who unknowingly receive the information contained in the projected frequencies believe that information is their own private thoughts and private opinions. Senior politicians who receive their thoughts and opinions from a central preprogrammed data base go on to enact laws based on that information. Said senior politicians have signed documents which have initiated the erection of enslavement technologies throughout the world based on that information which is coming to them from the central proporgrammed data base. Psychiatrists, police officers and others are being controlled by the same method which is leading to our slow enslavement.
Because the brains and bodies of our senior politicians have become wirelessly linked to said central data base of mostly misinformation from metallic particulates inside their brains and bodies which is sometimes called neural dust, we must urgently act to locate and to switch off those super computers. Those super computers can also be used to take over and control the physical body of a human being through control of their central nervous system as described in patent number US6965816.
We are now receiving frequencies from the central data base which is making us all wish to wear nothing but black, white and grey clothing, decorate the interior of our homes in many shades of black, white and grey and purchase vehicles in mostly black, white and grey. Many high profile women such as Caroline Kennedy Schlosburg and Deborah Taveres are mostly wearing black, white and grey. Many clothing stores contain black, white and grey clothing for the most part. Two thousand years ago the Romans only allowed their slaves to wear one uniform colour while the slavemasters wore multicolour clothing. The current would-be slavemasters of the human race appear to wish to return to this mode of dress which would identify the status of an individual by the colour clothing they wore. All of this is occurring gradually and incrementally. When purchasing clothes in future please purchase and wear multicolour garments if you can still source them.
Anybody who becomes implanted with a biochip can then be identified by a drone and killed.
There are now in existence hundreds of patents where the human body and brain can be both manipulated, influenced and controlled wirelessly and remotely by directed energy weapons and mind control/neuro weapons. This is now occurring to both senior politicians, the police, members of the military, news editors and psychiatrists among others. Classified militarty weapons are now being used to degrade different parts of their brains and to accentuate other parts, which reduces them to cyborg-slave status. Moreover, the super computers of the United States department of defence have the ability to directly access to the brains and bodies of many senior politicians throughout the world and to externally mind control them without their knowledge or consent.
We need our senior politicians and others to wear protective helmets at all times and to find other ways to protect themselves from these military weapons, some of which are still classified. Have senior politicians throughout the world been doing anything to protect their brains and bodies from body and mind invasive technology? If so, what have they being doing in this regard?.
We are all now susceptible to wireless external control of both our physical bodies and our thoughts and emotions by the use of a scientific system known as EEG heterodyning. Human brains and bodies have become saturated with heavy metals and various types of nano particulates to the extent that we have become electrically conductive. Our brains have become antennas which when encoded are being used to pick up sound, voices, images, visions, pain, electric shock, externally generated thoughts and emotions and forced muscle movement among other unwanted effects.
The words hetero (meaning opposite) and dyne (meaning powerful as in the word dynasty) when used in the scientific phrase EEG heterodyning effectively means to mix powerful opposite brain signals of somebody else in to the brain of the externally physically and emotionally controlled victim. When the brain waves of another entirely separate human being are heterodyned into the motor cortex of the externally physically controlled victim that victims body can then be taken over and forced to move and speak and act against their own wills. Such victims are regularly being remote controlled to carry out terrorist activities throughout the world.
I used to be a TI for 6 years but I got out by using a homeopathic remedy called Silicea 30C. It brings the implants to the shrface of the skin. Please read my page for further information.
As the hundreds and hundreds of implants were coming out of my body, it was evident that certain chip implants do different things. I had 5 implants in my body that caused the voices in my head and once they were out the voices stopped. Because the voices stopped, they couldn't gang stalk me at all any more.
The location of the 5 implants that caused the voices was in the hollow of the right cheek. It makes sense because it is close to the ear. It is possible to get them out without surgery. Get some Magnoplasm Splintex and plaster it in the hollow of the right cheek every night before bed. Magnoplasm is a drawing ointment for getting foreign objects out from under the skin such as splinters and glass, and in this case the implant chips. The implants for the V2K were not really that far under the skin. The cheek skin is quite thin so it's relatively easy to get them out with drawing ointment.
The implants that cause the voices look like a tiny cochlear implant. I knew they caused the voices because after they came out one by one over a period of 18 months, the voices in my head would stop for about 15 minutes and the computer would reload again. On the fifth occasion the voices stopped and they did not start again. That was last year.
The other implant that is quite easy to get out with Magnoplasm is on the back of the left hand between the thumb and second finger - the RFID chip. The webbing part of the hand that is quite fatty. This is the implant that directs the helicopters to you to cause the harrassments. It is really worth getting that one out. The perps were very angry obviously when that came out. Plaster the Magnoplasm or drawing ointment over the skin between the thumb and second finger on the left hand every night before bed.
You must be persistent and do it every day.
To purchase Magnoplasm Paste or Splintex Splinter Removal Gel online please visit
For further information and directions for use visit
Combine this with the homeopathic remedy Silicea 30C which slowly brings the implants to the surface. See my other blogs for information on how to use it. Silicea 30C is much quicker than Magnoplasm and will bring out the implants when you don't know where they are.
Best of luck
Music teacher
It is possible to switch off a harrassment temporarily. The perps are using their mobile phones to cause the harrassments to your body. If you point your mobile phone toward them and hold it for 20 or 30 seconds it switches off that harrassment. Which direction is it coming from? Turn slowly in a circle pointing your mobile phone away from you horizontally toward the horizon. You will feel a change in the magnetic field when you reach it and it will switch off the harrassment.
Also try holding your arm above your head just pointing your mobile phone towards the ceiling. This switches off all the harrassments at once temporarily (but not the voices).
I am not able to explain the science to you why this works, but it does.