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Brain-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence technologies for research and / or implementation of which represent entirely new aspects of the problem in the issue of radiation protection, health, safety, privacy, confidentiality and informed consent.
Brain-Computer Interaction in electronic form, working alternately with the influence of a person or a group of people’s opinions, feelings, thoughts, reaction patterns, and memory and behavior.
Research and technological development is done in / moved to countries where legislation, control and public scrutiny is minimal or nonexistent.
An implant. It is an independent processor linked to the neurocomputer built to house an AI. The AI program has access to the sensory data and information in the neurocomputer, and can “read” surface thoughts of the owner (of course, access controls can be set if needed, both in the implant and the AI). Having (or several) as advisor/secretary/partner is becoming more and more common, although most people rely on an external AI system and a wireless neural connection.
An implant of the limbic system, enabling the owners to control their moods. Normally it just sets an allowed range and a bias (e.g. towards cheerfulness or calm), but it can also induce stronger emotional states. The implant is somewhat dangerous due to the risk of addiction to extreme positive states; most users at least tend to improve their mood. Originally it was developed on Nova for treatment of certain emotional disorders, especially the rare but devastating OIAIS (Ocean Induced AutoImmune Syndrome, an autoimmune illness induced by certain poisons causing severe mood swings due to damage of the limbic system). Later more widespread use developed. There are also moodcasters, systems sending signals to the implants of people who have allowed access.
.The capability to enhance the brain with extra memory capacity that will be the edge advantage for generations.
Wideband Link
The implants used by Unity to achieve group consciousness. Unlike an ordinary neurointerface it connects to most of the cerebral cortex and has a much higher bandwidth. It can send and receive signals not just of primary sensory and motor information but also higher order associations and thoughts. Since each human has an individual “mental language” sophisticated translation systems and much training is required before digital telepathy is possible. Wideband links are also used by the Net Transcendence and Next Step Foundation in their experiments with expanding the human mind. One of the most controversial and interesting applications is to let software rewrite parts of the cortex; this could be the ultimate psychodesign, even if it is currently extremely crude.
Medial forebrain pacemaker
An implant in the motivation and pleasure centres that is controlled by the owner’s neurocomputer. It is illegal on Nova and very addictive: users quickly become hooked on anything that activates it. It can be used together with behaviour therapy to change habits and personality, a kind of bionic psychodesign: the user links the implant to some reward evaluator (such as a monitoring AI) that rewards certain actions. The result is a strong increase in rewarded actions, which can be used to produce extreme ambition or tenacity. Unfortunately the temptations and dangers of use are huge.
The capability to enhance the brain with extra memory capacity that will be the edge advantage
Some of the applications for this chips will be to enhance brain power.
Autonomous control
Enables the owner to control many aspects of the autonomous nervous system such as hunger, sleep or pain. Turning off these functions are of course dangerous, but sometimes useful. It can also act as a super-alarm clock (guaranteed to wake you up) or “homeostatic tuner” to optimise the hormone balance of the body.
- Educate yourself further by visiting our information-packed Mind Control Information Center.
- Learn more about the intriguing history and development of controversial mind control programs in this excellent two-page summary. Footnotes and links to reliable sources are provided for verification purposes.
- For reliable, verifiable information from major media articles on the little-known, yet critical topic of nonlethal weapons, click here and here.
- Read powerful, reliable major media articles on electronic harassment and government mind control programs at this link.
- Inform your media and political representatives of this critical information. Contact those close to you at this link. Urge them to bring this information to light and encourage public dialog on this important civil rights issue.
- Spread this news to your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key news websites using the “Share This” icon on this page, so that we can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can make a difference.
Survival System
An anti-trauma network of implants, intended to maximise the chances of survival when the body is damaged. Small shunts can cut of blood loss and release protecting chemicals, as well as act as a pacemaker for the heart and lungs. If everything else is lost, the implant can douse the brain in neuroprotectants and lower body temperature to slow down damage so that an emergency cryonic suspension can be done.
Medical monitors
Likely the most common implants on Nova. Small sensors implanted in the body provides information on the health state which can be used to detect and diagnose illnesses at an early stage. Simple systems just give some chemical information, body data and a rough picture of activity in different organ systems. More advanced monitors are finely spread, detecting minute local changes and comparing the body’s reactions against medical models.
How long shall attempt to sacrifice their families and work have to fight for their human rights in the frenzy of abuse that is now underway on software developed for mapping the brain.
This development is a threat to democracy and much more.
Read more on “Science” technology are available. We can no longer deny that the development goes against the “Mind control” Systems.
Magnus Olsson SWEDEN. Mail:
Read E.U -commisioner Professor Rafael Capuros presentation.
And look at Ray kurzweils video:
Mind Rape,,,
Again this article is based on my personal experiences and observations. And electronic harassment/electronic torture can be considered the tools to enter the mind of a secret services target. They are used to drive the target out-of-his-mind, insane, resulting in suicide, collapse into a psychiatric patient, criminal behaviour, i.e. they are used to mentally or physically murder the target. Mind control is a crime, maybe the most terrible imaginable crime. Mind control can also be used to make a person hate his government, the royal family, to create enemies (and call them terrorists), please read below.
General introduction to mind reading, mind control, mind rape
Mind control is a controversial subject most importantly because more desinformation has been released about mind control than with any other subject. Mind control is very real however and was performed by our national secret services yesterday and is performed by our national secret services today!
Mind control is about the controlling the mind and can have a lot of appearances. You might be controlled by subjective propaganda in your favorite news paper, or on your favorite television channel. But you may be brainwashed by certain drugs or voices beamed into your head because some people do not like you. A lot has been written on this subject. I quote parts of some books, reports, documents below, for more information just google the internet.
From THE RAPE OF THE MIND by Joost A. M. Meerloo:
The rape of the mind and stealthy mental coercion are among the oldest crimes of mankind. They probably began back in pre historic days when man first discovered that he could exploit human qualities of empathy and understanding in order to exert power over his fellow men. The word “rape” is derived from the Latin word _rapere_, to snatch, but also is related to the words to rave and raven. It means to overwhelm and to enrapture, to invade, to usurp, to pillage and to steal.
The modern words “brainwashing,” “thought control,” and “menticide” serve to provide a clearer conception of the actual methods by which man’s integrity can be violated. When a concept is given its right name, it can be more easily recognized and it is with this recognition that the opportunity for systematic correction begins.
From Terms Other Than Mind Control:
One problem with the term “mind control” is the “kook” association.This association/stereotype is reinforced in some of the popular culture — as well as by certain victims (or provocateurs) who sound “crazy.” [There are cointelpro-style provocateurs who want to keep the real victims discredited, if possible, because they work as a damage control unit for the victimizers.]
Many other people encountering the term “mind control” are just citizens who are purposely kept ignorant of the known and documented history of mind control — as well as the state of the technology right now.
From Hearing Voices from the blog Artificial Telepathy
The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul.
When used as a “nonlethal” weapons system it becomes an ideal means for neutralizing or discrediting a political opponent. Peace protestors, inconvenient journalists and the leaders of vocal opposition groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon.
Artificial telepathy also offers an ideal means for complete invasion of privacy. If all thoughts can be read, then Passwords, PIN numbers, and personal secrets simply cannot be protected. One cannot be alone in the bathroom or shower. Embarrassing private moments cannot be hidden: they are subject to all manner of hurtful comments and remarks. Evidence can be collected for blackmail with tremendous ease: all the wrongs or moral lapses of one’s past are up for review.
From Operation Mind Control (exerpts from) by Walter H. Bowart
The CIA succeeded in developing a whole range of psycho-weapons to expand its already ominous psychological warfare arsenal. With these capabilities, it was now possible to wage a new kind of war—a war which would take place invisibly, upon the battlefield of the human mind,,,
Mind control is the most terrible imaginable crime because it is committed not against the body, but against the mind and the soul. Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo expresses the attitude of the majority of psychologists in calling it ‘mind rape,’ and warns that it poses a great ‘danger of destruction of the spirit’ which can be ‘compared to the threat of total physical destruction .
Personal introduction to mind reading, mind control, mind rape
As most of the articles in my blog, this one also is based on my personal experience and observations. Shortly after the attacks on me started in 2000 I told a friend that they wanted to enter my head, my mind. I did not know about mind control, mind reading, electronic harassment at that time. But that is how it felt then, and I think it was a good summary of what was being done.
I managed to keep the bastards out, but it took me about three years to adjust my way of thinking. I did this by learning of the evil cowards that make up our national secret services, of their beyond imagination crimes. I could not believe things like this were done and police looking the other way. I also learned about beyond imagination mental and physical pain inflicted on me, about fear. But now I know who they are and what they are.
Only after accepting these facts I was able to develop what I call a new part of me. This new part allows me to switch on-the-fly between normal life and the life a person should not have to live. So, you can say I am not mind controlled or mind altered but that I developed a new extra piece of mind optimized to deal with the psychopaths of our secret services.
You may want to read about gang stalking (organized stalking) and electronic harassment first. Next read about mind reading and mind control below so you will know when you, a family member, a friend, etc. is being attacked/hit.
Note that I do NOT suggest that people around a secret services target all are mind controlled. They may as well (for whatever reason) be cooperating with these sick and murder a person mentally or physically. Not in a moment of rage but systematically, like turning pages in a book, we are talking about premeditated murder here. The mind of the target is forced into such a a state that he/she will do everything to get rid of this mental and/or physical torture. Gang stalking and electronic harassment are used to rape the mind of a target over and over again until the target collapses mentally or physically.. Note that a target may be murdered by other traditional methods as well like constructed car accidents, poisoning, drugging, induced diseases, directed energy weapons (heart), etc. See also:
By experience I know high tech equipment exists to monitor human body muscle movement, brain.
Let me give you an idea of the sensitivity of this through-wall monitoring equipment by the following examples:
- Detection of minimal breathing changes
If you hold your breath in bed a little bit longer than normal, a sound is made somewhere in your house. This is pretty amazing but it is only a fraction of what can be done. - Detection of closed eyes eye movement
Now you lay completely quiet in your bed, you relax and breath normally, your eyes are closed. With your eyes closed and relaxed turn your eyeballs without moving any other body part, without changing breathing, etc. At the same time you turn your eyeballs a sound is made, e.g. a bang on the wall, someone coughing outside. This is not a coincidence, every time you try this, a reaction follows.
Of course this reacting can be classified as horrible torture, violation of all human rights, and the ones applying this kind of torture are the sick and disturbed of the planet, garbage of society.
But it is equally important to recognize the existence of such equipment and what can be done with it. The human body (including its brain) is an electromagnetic transmitter and high tech equipment is available to pick up its signals. Technology has been developed and refined the last decades. Advances in computer technology make it possible to decode these signals from the human body when reading or controlling the body and mind.
Mind reading
Mind reading may be done covert, i.e. without the target knowing about it. Some years ago a Russian military officer said that they had done mind reading on President Boris Yeltsin and had prevented him to speak about a certain subject.
If they want to torture the target they let the target know that they are reading his mind. After the attacks started in 2000 and I was being watched 24/7, my thoughts were the only thing private. Then I got feedback about what I was thinking, a truely horrible experience, all privacy gone. After recovering from this discovery I did a lot of testing, what could they read, could they see what I saw, etc. It is not everything you think of they can read. It is in fact possible to send different information, wrong information to your mind readers.
Mind reading used to torture and murder is just another example of the horrible crimes committed by your national secret services.
Mind control
Because of the attacks on me I now have a lot of personal experience with mind control. Emails referring to things in your life, people walking by talking words relating to your life, people staring at you everywhere you go, phone calls when you want to leave, traffic jams to make you miss appointments, preventing you to sleep, pigeons flying over you screaming when you leave your house (even crashing into your windows or car), poisoning, coughing on tv to react, in fact an endless list of criminal activities. I am not influenced very easy by these kind of things but must add that probably every person can break if applied with methods that make you very tired, exhausted.
There have been three types of mind control based on electronic weapons I believe I have been subjected to:
- Hearing voices
They force voices or sounds into your head. When the attack on me started in 2000 and I was on the beach, voices of people I could see but could not have heard because of the distance, came to me crystal clear. An amazing experience. Much later, something alike was done when I was in the swimming pool, with my ears under water I could hear sounds as if above water. These effects may be easy to accomplish using infrasound (there is an mp3 player for swimmers. They just vibrate your bones, your skull). - Induced dreams
They make you dream about certain things you normally do not dream about. Not too long ago I woke up with an exceptional memory of a dream I had. I had induced dreams some years ago and maybe their common characteristic is the level of detail you can remember from these dreams. You do not have to dig to get the full story, it is there already. Induced dreams are very common for, electronic harassment victims. - Forcing a thought into your brain
There were occasions where a thought kept returning many times a day for a period of 1-2 weeks. But it was easy to force it away. When this happened I had to think about reports of mind control victims and thought that perhaps they were forcing some thoughts or patterns into me too.Though not 100%, I am 95% certain that it was induced like the induced dreams.
So here we have other methods used by our secret services to (illegally) control human beings. If you do not know about this technology and its capabilities than you will be confused, may be following the thought that was planted into your brain. Or you may start to believe that you are not normal thinking so much about a subject, may be a man, a woman, an event in your life. You may be forced thoughts into your brain and never knowing the difference from normal thinking. This way people can be controlled e.g. in their attitude against other people, e.g. a secret services target.
It is also possible this way to covertly set up someone to hate the royal family, to hate their government, some well-known person. I leave it to your imagination what you can do more when applied with other more conventional mind control methods like secret services agents saying certain things, creating events to influence. This certainly is a way to create enemies (and then call them terrorists) and I believe it is being done this way .
Children may be very easily controlled by beaming voices into their heads, especially small children as they have no reference to what is normal. This can be done to have the child react to an event in the life of gang stalking (organized stalking)/electronic harassment target. For example, a secret services target is thinking of person X and his sub-vocal speech is read, and then within 30 seconds the child says something about person X. If this is a pattern then the child can be assumed mind controlled and used to drive the secret services target out-of-his-mind. Another example might be to set up a child against one of the seperated partners, etc.
Mind rape
Mind reading and mind control sometimes is refered to as mind rape. The reason is that in general mind reading is not used to observe but instead to control a person in illegal ways or to inflict maximum damage (including death) to a person.
From Operation Mind Control (exerpts from) by Walter H. Bowart:
Mind control is the most terrible imaginable crime because it is committed not against the body, but against the mind and the soul. Dr. Joost A. M. Meerloo expresses the attitude of the majority of psychologists in calling it ‘mind rape,’ and warns that it poses a great ‘danger of destruction of the spirit’ which can be ‘compared to the threat of total physical destruction . . .
To stop mind rape we have to stop our national secret services
The human mind has no firewall like a computer meaning that we human beings are extremely vunerable to mind reading and mind control. The computer revolution empowered enormous progress in decoding brain and body transmissions, as well as in generating transmissions that can influence brain and body. Technology and equipment have been annexated by (Western) governments and are further developed and used by military and national secret services. We are at a point in history where the scale, reach, capabilities of these devices has become such that measures must be taken to prevent misuse because that is exactly what is happening right now.
Although attacking the mind of a person is a very serious crime under current law, it is good to implement new laws specifically addressing the attack of the mind. Also methods and equipment must be developed that can be used to detect and disturb e.g. cheap detecting devices that can be used by police and citizens also to be used in a court of law, and devices to jam or scramble our own important brain frequencies (preventing scanning of the brain), etc.
Secret services are NOT good, in fact nothing is good about them. They have become depots of psychopaths, murderers, child abusers. It is against the law to perform mind reading, mind control, mind rape, on a person, it is a violation of human rights.
Still they do it because the culture has become that everything can be done what cannot be proven (and if someone tries to prove it, he or she is simply eliminated). This is not normal, it is a crime, it is sick.
We cannot rely on secret services changing by themselves, why should they. They don’t want investigations, they don’t want to go to jail. We have to disassemble them ourselves, break them apart. Jail them for the people they have murdered, for the lives of children they have destroyed.
- THE RAPE OF THE MIND by Joost A. M. Meerloo
- Terms Other Than Mind Control
- Hearing Voices from the blog Artificial Telepathy
- Operation Mind Control (exerpts from) by Walter H. Bowart
- The FEDS Use Of Demonization Tactics Is Key To Destroying A TI’s Relationships by James F. Marino
- Project MKULTRA on Wikipedia
- Declassified MK-Ultra Project Documents
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(19) – Mind reading: the ultimate torture method
- Secret service: fear for the truth to be revealed!(9) – use of electronic weapons (including mind invasive technology) to suggest psychiatric problems, schizophrenia
To all politicians of the world
The only way to save the world is to stop your national secret services. Breaking laws and violating human rights in horrible ways has become a way of life. They are responsible for most problems in your neighborhood, in your city, in your country, in the world. Make them responsible for what they are doing. Let them account for in detail, force them to open up their organizations for thorough investigations. Stop their funding if they do not co-operate. Replace directors and staff immediately by normal people for starters.
By: Peter Mooring. Se also :
Magnus Olsson // SWEDEN
5 Replies
Sony currently owns a patent (U.S. Patent 6,729,337) for an "ultrasound array" that supposedly stimulates your brain waves in order to simulate sensory experiences. It would apparently work by activating a set of "ultrasonic transducers" which would interfere with the user's brain waves, thus causing them to experience smells, tastes, and even touch without any external stimuli.
".......Many of the most profound effects of sound are attributed to infrasound in the region of 7Hz. This corresponds with the median alpha-rhythm frequencies of the brain.It is also commonly alleged that this is the resonant frequency of the body’s organs and hence organ rupture and death can occur at high intensity exposures"
Embedded in the radio signals was a subliminal system that was capable of implanting negative emotions—fear, anxiety, despair—into the minds of the listeners. Not just telling them how to feel, but making them feel it (SSSS) (US Patent U.S. Patent #5,159,703.)
(1)Military Intelligence Scientist / Microwave and Stealth Warfare
Jenny Crwys Williams interviews Barrie Trower,Retired British Military Intelligence Scientist in Microwave and Stealth Warfare.
Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain: insider speaks out
Transcribed by reader
The impact of this radiation on health and brain functioning
Barrie Trower is giving a public presentation this evening at 7pm at Fourways High School, Kingfisher Drive, Fourways.
This is a unique opportunity to hear more about what is really known about the dangers of cellphone and other wireless technology, the health damage it is causing, and the legal battles around the world that are being fought to address this issue.
This is open to all members of the public to attend.
Guest: Barry Trower
Position: consultant to governments and other authorities around the world on the health risks of microwave exposure
Click on this link :
Mon, 19 Apr 2010 11:31 EDT
702 Talk Radio
Primedia House
2nd Floor,5 Gwen Lane, (Corner Gwen Lane & Fredman Drive), Sandown
PO Box 5572, Rivonia, 2128 South Africa
(2) Court Case in Michigan, USA
By Greg Gamache
Us Dictrict Court,
Western District of Michigan, Southern division,
Address: Us district court 315 w. allegan, Lansing, Michigan, 48933
More lawsuits by mind control victims
(3) Raise Your Voice: Meet your representatives in DC Jan. 27th (Thursday)
Dear mind control victims and supporters,
There will be a meeting with senators and representatives in Washington DC on 27th Jan 2011.
Please prepare your documents and join this meeting.
Raise Your Voice: Meet your representatives in DC Jan. 27th (Thursday)
Since 2001, the USA PATRIOT Act has enabled our government to intrude on your privacy and violate your fundamental constitutional rights. And since then, the Bill of Rights Defense Committee has helped organize concerned Americans from all walks of life in the struggle for transparency and civil liberties.
That struggle continues in 2011, and we invite you to join us in Washington on Thursday, January 27.
Last year, BORDC supporters gathered in DC and met with members of Congress, encouraging them to stand up for civil liberties and the rule of law. With the PATRIOT Act up for reauthorization once again in February 2011, we’ll be back at the Capitol on January 27--and we hope you'll be there with us.
Join BORDC and our allies for a grassroots lobby day on Capitol Hill on January 27, 2011. Help us flood the halls of Congress and bring your concerns--about abuses of national security letters, surveillance of peaceful activist groups, virtual strip searches at the nation's airports, and more--to your senators and representative.
Will you join us on January 27?
The lobby day will include a morning briefing, meetings with your senators and representative, and an afternoon debrief.
Come to Washington and show your elected leaders just how important it is to you, their constituents, that they stand up for your constitutional rights. We’ll be in touch shortly to give you details on the day's events and help you schedule meetings with your members of Congress.
We look forward to seeing you in our nation's capital on January 27!
Shahid Buttar
Executive Director
P.S. If you can’t make it to DC, you can still support our efforts.
Bill of Rights Defense Committee
8 Bridge Street, Suite A, Northampton, MA 01060
Telephone: 413-582-0110 Fax: 413-582-0116
(4) Conference for titaul abuse and mind control at DoubleTree Hotel at Bradley International Airport
This is a conference for titaul abuse and mind have until 2nd Feb to apply to be a speaker
P. O Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA
The 2011 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference
On August 5 - 7, 2011, S.M.A.R.T. will be holding a conference at the DoubleTree Hotel at Bradley International Airport (between Hartford, CT and Springfield, MA). The purpose of the conference will be to help survivors of the above heal and to help stop future occurrences of the above. The conference will be for survivors, cosurvivors, helping professionals and others interested in this topic.
Speakers will have their registration fees waived. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to pay for any travel expenses or give honorariums of any kind.
Please read the following before filling out this form. Thanks.
Survivors should try to bring a professional support person or friend to the conference. Some of the topics discussed may be very triggering. This conference is educational and not intended as therapy or treatment. Conference sponsors, cosponsors, speakers, and organizers cannot assume responsibility for any reaction from attending our conference. Statements made and materials handed out by people at the conference and on tables are their own and don’t necessarily represent the policies or views of conference sponsors, cosponsors, speakers, organizers or attendees. Children are not permitted to attend the conference. Please do not attend the conference if you are currently a member of a secret organization, current perpetrator, or member of an unsympathetic organization. S.M.A.R.T. reserves the right at any time to deny admittance to any of the aforementioned persons or anyone. This is for the protection and safety of those in attendance. S.M.A.R.T. and its representatives also reserve the right to remove anyone from the conference at any time. Photographing, audio taping and videotaping without written permission from S.M.A.R.T. are prohibited.
Please note: speaker names (but not personal information) will be made public via the internet and promotional materials. Please let us know if you prefer to use an alias.
(5) Wiring the Brain Meeting on Apr 12th-15th 2011 in Ireland
The principal aim of this meeting is to bring together scientists from what have traditionally been separate disciplines, including developmental neurobiology, psychiatric and neurological genetics, molecular, cellular and systems neuroscience and cognitive science. The main theme is to explore how brain connectivity is established, what happens to circuit and network function when the underlying processes go wrong and how this can lead to psychiatric and neurological disease.
I suggest that victims shall contact with those scientists to expose secret mind control weapons abuses and tortures.
Gyorgy Buzsaki, Carla Shatz, Chris Walsh, Rosa Cossart, Ricardo Dolmetsch, Dan Geschwind, Michael Gill, Anirvan Ghosh, Melissa Hines, Josh Huang, Heidi Johansen-Berg, Mark Johnson, Maria Karayiorgou, Isabelle Mansuy, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg, Bita Moghaddam, Tomas Paus, Linda Richards, Guy Rouleau, Akira Sawa, Bradlay Schlaggar, Klaas Stephan, Pierre Vanderhaeghen
Kevin Mitchell, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Aiden Corvin, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Isabella Graef, Stanford University
Edward Hubbard, Vanderbilt University
Franck Polleux, University of North Carolina
(6) Rep Ron Paul (R-Texas) who may concern about mind control
The Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) who may concern about secret mind control abuses and tortures. Victims can prepare your documents and contact with Mr. Ron Paul.Stop the police state, repeal the PATRIOT Act (Rep. Ron Paul)By Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) - 01/04/11 12:03 PM ET
The year 2011 brings in a host of opportunities and challenges to America. Will we accelerate toward economic insolvency by continuing the policies that have created this crisis, or will a new Congress elected on the energy of the Tea Party movement find the courage to change course?
With the new Republican majority in the House I will have the opportunity as a subcommittee chairman to take a careful look at our domestic monetary policy. I’m excited by the prospect of real oversight of the Federal Reserve, but I also hope to focus on the important ways in which our foreign policy and monetary policy are related. Just last week the Financial Times reported that the limited oversight of the Federal Reserve allowed by the passage of a watered-down version of my Audit the Fed bill revealed that approximately 55 percent of the loans made available under the largest Federal Reserve bailout program – termed “auction facility” – went to foreign banks. This is just but one example of the real cost to Americans of maintaining its empire overseas and it cries out for more transparency and oversight. This is why it is key for us to understand that our foreign policy and current economic crisis go hand in hand. Some have promised to lead us back to fiscal responsibility while asserting that any reduction in our foreign and military spending is off the table. They would like us to believe that we should not only continue spending as much on the military as the rest of the world combined, but they actually call for an even more aggressive U.S. policy abroad. They believe we should continue to bomb Pakistan, Yemen, Afghanistan and elsewhere, that we must impose even more crippling sanctions on countries like Iran while moving steadily on to yet another Middle East war that is not in our interest. They represent the failed policies of the past and they would like to lead us down a dead-end street. We must resist the temptation of their neocon-inspired scaremongering.
There will be much work for us to do in the next year and in the next Congress. We need look no further than the grossly unconstitutional and immoral policies of the Transportation Security Administration, demanding that we either be irradiated or fondled to travel in our own country, to see that those who would deprive us of our civil liberties on the empty promise of full security will not be given up easily. We must continue standing up to them and we must not compromise.
We must not allow the out-of-control Department of Homeland Security to impose an East-German like police state in the U.S. where neighbors are encouraged by Big Brother or Big Sister to inform on their neighbors. We must not accept that government authorities should hector us via television screens as we go about our private lives like we are living in Orwell’s 1984.
I’m optimistic that the incoming members of Congress understand the importance of what they have been entrusted with by the American people. But I do hope that those who elected them will watch their actions and their votes in Congress carefully. An early indication will be the upcoming vote on re-authorization of the anti-American PATRIOT Act. Defeating once-and-for-all this police state legislation will be a great way to start 2011 and the 112th Congress.
We must move ahead with confidence. Our numbers are growing. Happy New Year.
Instead of giving me anxiety attacks almost everyday like the perpetrators were a while back, they are making me drowsy and tired with the damn yawning everyday. I can feel the slight pressure in my left temple and the pain in my head from the effects of this. I have no energy anymore like I used to and I am becoming more isolated in my home. The damn bastards are preventing me from being social. I can't even communicate with people outside my circle of my closet friends and relatives. It makes me look weird and like a quiet individual. I want to talk so bad to people, but stupidity comes out each time. Sometimes I can get some good sentences out and look smart, but then the dumb ass military messes with my mind and I become stupid again in speech. I want to exercise, I want to join MMA, I want to be a social person, I want to do things and not be isolated in my home or fearful of speaking to people, I want to be normal! I truthfully hope that these people will pay for their crimes that they are committing and will keep committing and suffer for it. They don't deserve to be free and out there for what they are doing. They deserve to be locked up and put in prison camps for the rest of their lives. I want them to know what it feels like to be tortured; they wouldn't like it one bit. I am being hateful, but damn it I hate this shit. What did I do to deserve this? What did you all do to deserve this? Everyday there's always a helicopter flying over my house and it annoys me. I thought I should throw that in as well. My own family doesn't believe that I am being tortured and attacked by this technology, but that I have a mental disease. Great, huh? Have a wonderful day.
Opening statement by Mr. Attorney General of Canada regarding dealing with one torture case is in here.
Huge Implant Computer Related Virus Hits Streets And Alot Of Drug Dealers Pimps And Assholes Involved Running Through Radios Cell Towers Computers And Electronics. You Were Warned For Years About This You SHould Have Listened And Leard The First Time. Masters Of The World Take Warning People Did This For 7 Deadly Sins First Gluttony * Greed * Sloth * Envy * Wrath * Pride * Lust. And There Is A Jigsaw In Place Like The Movie Have A Nice Death Or Learn To Deprogram It 8'} And There Is Digital It's For Rape Don't Forget One This Is Runs Over Triggers And Key Words What You Say Might Hurt You So Be Carful You Might Hurt Someone Else Like Someone You Know. Your Words And Thoughts May Hurt You Or Someone You Love. Whatch What You Say And What You Do. They Did Something TO My Wife So Now I Destow This Curse Upon You. They Put This In Her Chip To Hurt Her Now It's Your Turn. To Pay For What They Did I Trained The Best Hackers There Hard To Stop I Talked To You People Although They Would Not Stop So I Set Them Off And Turn Them Loose. No One Help My Wife Jennifer So Now You On Your Own They Tryed To Get Her To Blame Me And I Didn't Do It To Her I Knew What They Did Now It's Your Famileys Turn. I Hope You Fucking Famileys Suffer And You Fucking Kids Die And You To.
I've been away from the computer since my last posting and have more to say about sleep deprivation - sonic and acoustic torture and heating my body to a wet sweat every night but am feeling too tired at the moment. I just came across the following informative website on psychotronic warfare - which Stanford Research Institute is engaged in on my behalf, plus more.
The Computer: The Dream Machine, Monday, January 3, 2011
Plus Ultra Technologies / 30 Steps
> Psychotronic Warfare –
> Stargate's Remote Viewing
– and, much more
- John C. Baker, Kevin M. O'Connell, and Ray A. Williamson, eds.
Commercial Observation Satellites At the Leading Edge of Global
Transparency, RAND Monographs/Reports MR1229, 2001 document gives an overview of global access to observation satellites
and addresses the issues of "global transparency" that this has created, including
potentially beneficial information, such as civilian access to information about nuclear
buildup. The framing of "open skies" issues in the context of the rights of photographers
and first amendment rights is important because advocates of privacy rights
should be aware that these issues are also important.However, this report gives scant coverage to privacy rights, nor does it adequately address
how private citizens could be protected from stalking and harassment by users of satellite
data who spy on their lives and movements.The assumption of many of the contributors to this report -- that the use
of observation satellites is, for better or worse, here to stay -- should be
re-examined in terms of the importance to human beings of privacy and of
the kind of world we want to live in the future. - William J.Broad, "Commercial Use of Spy Satellites to Begin;
Private Ventures Hope for Profits", The New York Times, February 10, 1997 -- - Roger Guillemette, "Trio of NRO Spy Satellites to be Launched During
Next Two Months", September 6, 2001 -- - Links to Satellite and Space Imaging Sites -- - Oliver Morton, "Private Spy - The world's spy satellites are
going commercial and the national security control freaks are freaking out.
Watch for the next big First Amendment battle over who can see what.
And if you look up, smile.", Wired Magazine, 5:8, August, 1997 -- - Dana Priest, "New Stealth Spy Satellite Debated on Hill",
Washington Post, December 11, 2004 -- (on website) - Kenneth Silber, "Analysts Expect Spy Satellite Number to Increase",, 13 September, 1999. - Robert Windrem, "Spy satellites enter new dimension, Computerized
3-D simulations add perspective to surveillance", MSNBC News, August 8, 1998 --
Dear all:
This is our guide, our argument. Please take time to read it. And pls pass it around. Thanks.
BTW, more and more experts, scientists and lawyers, newsmen have stood up for this serious issue. I don't name them right now. Be more patient and more rational.
If you feel like reading this, then go ahead. Some areas are repetitive, but this is what I go through when my "anxiety" attacks happen. This is what the perpetrators do to me some days. Do you experience this stuff? Let me know.
This is what I go through with my “Anxiety” attacks
So far so good it's all in the hood, so far so good it's all in the hood, what was that noise? Where did theycome from...look out! So far so good it's all in the hood. That'scool. That was a close one, that was a even closer one. Look out! Sofar so good it's all in the hood. What was that noise? Where did theycome from! That's cool. That was a close one, that was even a closerone. That's cool. So far so good it's all in the hood. Like, like,like a high school cowboy...dun dun. Like like like like a highschool cowboy, dun dun. Like like like like a high school cowboy dundun. Like like like like a high school cowboy, dun dun. Like likelike like a High school cowboy, dun dun.
(Then I said shut the fuck up to these other thoughts and this is what happened after wards). Distortedthoughts and then the word, Asshole is said. Ha, ha, ha, ha ha, talesfrom the crypt. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha tales from the crypt.
(You shut the fuck up is what I said to these thoughts and this is what happened). Distorted thoughts. No,you shut the fuck up is said back to me in my mind.
I have the anxious feeling going on as I type this. Like like like like a high school cowboy, dun dun.Pressure in my skull is happening. You're an idiot James (this issaid towards me in my mind). More pressure. Even more fire power.Dun, dun, duuuunnn. Idiot is said towards me in my mind. You're suchan idiot James stupid mother fucker. Fucking pussy. Racing heartstarts and I still have pressure in my skull. Fucking...Fag...loser.Pussy ass bit...Suck a...distorted thoughts. That was a closer one,that was even a closer one. Look out! Pressure increases. Jolt(twitch) on my upper right arm. I have a hard time breathing becauseof the severe pressure in my skull. Jolt (twitch) on my right eye. Ifeel a bit shakey. So far so good it's all in the hood. What was thatnoise? Where did they come from! Look out! And the...naaaaaaaaaaathe.So far so good it's all in the hood. What was that noise? Where didthey come from! Look out! Distorted thoughts. Fucking...come far sogood it's all in the hood.
What was...I guess, I guess this is the beginning of the end. Congratulations, you won! So far so good it'sall in the hood. What was that noise? Where did they come from. Lookout! No you're wrong there Jam...So far so good it's all in the hood.What was that noise, where did they come from. Damn it, Jaaaammmeees!That was a closer one, that was even a closer one. Look out!
Your dumb James was said about 4 times while I was typing this part. That was a closer one...distortedthoughts. That's cool. That was a close one, that was even a closerone. Look out!
So, how's your day is said 3 times while I type this part. Pressure is still present in my skull.Forever, trust me. We're on the high way to hell. Twitch on my rightshoulder blade. Where on the, where on, where on, where on, where on,where on, where on, where on, where on, where on, blah blah blah blahblah! What the fuck. That was a close one! That was a closer one!Look out! So far so good, it's all in the hood. Peace out douche bag.Idiot. Fucking faggot. That's not what I said douche bag!
And then I ended the rest of what was being said in my mind on 11/18/2010. So now you know what happenswith my anxiety attacks and what I am going through every time itstarts.
I usually record what's happening to me on my computer. Actually, I have been doing this for quite some time.
The role of the hippocampus in associative memory is the establishment of long-term, declarative memories. For example, memories for facts, names, and life experiences. Damage to the hippocampus leads to loss of ability to convert short-term memory to new long-term memories.
Clinical applications of a biomimetic implant which replaces damaged brain function might be Stroke [preferential damage to CA1 neurons], Brain Trauma [preferential damage to hippocampal hilar neurons], Epilepsy [preferential damage to CA3 pyramidal cells], and Alzheimer�s Disease [preferential damage throughout the hippocampus].
Replacing a Component of the Hippocampal Neural Circuit with a Biomimetic VLSI Device
A candidate device is a TMSC 0.18 micron CMOS (MOSIS) microchip.
Its circuitry includes A/D and D/A controllers, signal processing of input waveforms for population spike waveform identification and amplitude measurement.
Its footprint allows expansion to 100 CA3 models if required, i.e., replacement of 100 hippocampal circuits.
Cortical Neural Prosthetics at USC’s Biomimetic MicroElectronic Systems
“Link the brain to the external world by computer processing the recorded neural signal to extract the subject�s command to control an external device.” — Andrew B. Schwartz 2004
The newly developed systems at BMES will allow bi-directional communication with tissue and by doing so enable implantable/portable microelectronic devices to treat presently incurable human diseases such as blindness, paralysis, and memory loss.
These systems use cortical signals as inputs to a brain–machine interface. The elements of these systems are (1) Recording Units (microelectrode arrays) comprised of microwires, silicon micromachined microprobes, and tissue reactions, (2) Decoding Units (extraction algorithms), and (3) Actuators (prosthetic effectors) comprised of computers, robotic arms or stimulators.
Go to the USC BMES Site »
They’re complete con-men and frauds whose main objective is to screw people out of their intellectual property. The rest are sex offenders, phycos, and weak men who need other men to hold their hand through life by creating some false sense of purpose.
If they wanted a real purpose they’d do their best to protect the citizens of this nation against the very real dangers these weapons pose to this country and the American way of life; you know… Life, liberty, free speech, ones right to defend themselves.
Much thanks to the brave soul(s) that has posted this website. Having been a victim of mind control for most of my life I realize the dire need to expose this diabolical atrocity being carried out on a global scale. I dont think it is an exhagerration to label it a silent holocaust. To all my fellow victims I encourage you to learn how to meditate so as to give your mind a better connection with the superconciousness/universal mind. I know that sounds simple, abstract and vague,but I sincerely beleive therein lies the solution in part for liberation of your mind. Also try to network with those who also r victims or r knowledgeable about what is going on. In the long run hopefully good will triumph over evil. Until then we must all persevere.
yes, really frightening stuff. I can’t believe no trails at least since they say it’s the same drug. A radio transmitter really makes it a LOT different. I don’t want a Radio transmitter in my body. It seems that we are to be watched, tracked and made sure that we do what someone else says we must. There was a hearing this Spring in the Senate on Aging discussing just how great this all would be!! They are trying to have broadband over the electric wires, pills that track, a medical ‘force’ that makes sure you take your medications etc. This is just one of the first times I saw it mainstream. We really do have to stop this!
… Being a professor of War Studies, I found, during my military research, the mind-control technique applied to the war prisoners. It is an electromagnetic mind-control technique which can take full control of the person’s body and mind permanently. It uses modulated microwave to produce audible voices in the person’s head. It is in the form of subliminal hypnotic command and the victim can be hypnotically programmed for years without knowing.
Thoughts are implanted in the victim’s mind without letting him know. In microwave hearing, nobody can hear the voices except the targeted individual. The sound reverberates in the target’s ear monotonously. In a solitary cell the high pitched sound gets amplified. Slowly it stirs the unconscious layer of the mind and deeply affects the nerves. …