Posted by Music Teacher on February 15, 2020 at 4:28pm
I managed to get the implants out of my body which stopped the voices using a powerful homeopathic remedy called Silicea 30C by Boiron sold at ABC Homeopathy website. It only costs 10 dollars plus postage. I took the remedy 3 pillules once a week for the past 3 years. After about 18 months enough implants had come to the surface of my skin and the V2K stopped. That was the greatest day of my life! Be warned that once the implants started coming out the perps became very aggressive towards me but now I am free of them and their torment. It's a natural remedy but it works. If you want to end this nightmare. This is the answer. Please note that you cannot use this remedy if you have a heart pace maker. It is possible to get out. I did and you can too. It is not hard but it takes perseverance. I would also recommend getting some rare earth magnets for shielding. They are only a few dollars on eBay from China.
You can email me if you need more information
Posted by Gretta Fahey on February 15, 2020 at 4:56am
If you are a Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operative and you happen to be one of the operatives who remote neural monitor me while I am quietly going about my private life inside my own family home and if you should choose to submit a negative report about me I am now at a stage where I can be immobilized to the extent that I would not be able to move a muscle in the forefront of my body. My hands and legs could also be rendered immobile at some time in the future. Be careful before deciding to join the ranks of the Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operatives because you will eventually be required to torture the good people who you monitor. This Remote Neural Monitoring System is being set up with most of the men, women and children of the world in mind. It is an as yet invisible enslavement system for most of the worlds people. If you are in a position to prove that this is happening in secret please report the matter to the police immediately. Thank you. Gretta Fahey.
Posted by Gretta Fahey on February 14, 2020 at 10:22pm
Major police forces throughout most of the world are now supporting an criminal network because members of said criminal network gather data in an illegal manner from random men and women and this illegally acquired data is sometimes being used by random members of nearly all police forces in the course of their work as evidence which is being used to frame innocent men and women. The aforementioned data is being illegally obtained from the aforementioned random men and women by illegally implanting them with implants which allow members of said criminal network to obtain data directly from their brains and central nervous systems. The criminal network use the capabilities which have been explained in Patent Number US 6965816 and in a number of other US patents in order to carry out their criminal activities. Why are most of the police forces of the world undertaking to use this illegally obtained data as part of their evidence gathering protocols because by doing so they have now been categorized as having criminal intent which in itself is deemed by any justice system to be a criminal offence.
Posted by Gretta Fahey on February 14, 2020 at 7:15am
WIRELESS EXTERNAL CONTROL OF THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM OF NON-CONSENTING PEOPLE IS NOW IMMINENTLY POSSIBLE AND MANY INDIVIDUALS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD ARE BEING NON-CONSENSUALLY BIO-ROBOTIZED AND I AM ONE. The Richard C. Walker patent number US6965816 describes the ability to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle or the central nervous system of a human being. I Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland an a non-consensual victim of neuro experimentation where over many years more and more of my central nervous system is being externally, wirelessly controlled by unknown operatives who speak to me by wireless means as they work of my central nervous system. Here below is a short synopsis of some of what these individuals who transmit their voices to me via military technology and which I hear coming from inside my head have informed me of in the past few weeks. "It is not a binary system. It is a digital system andit has taken over several aspects of the womans body and brain." "If she continues to expose this system we will hurt her." "The roads will be privately owned some time in the future and then no one will be allowed to use them without the permission of the slave masters." "My name is Anastasia Lochlin." "We dont hear anything from the staff that are monitoring her and we dont know why." "We are attempting to preprogram your jaws to obey our commands as well as to over ride your superior commands." "By relinguishing all rights to your home and family and then by coming with us is now the only way you would be given any freedom. Otherwise you would not be able to move a muscle by the time we are finished encoding your central nervous system." "Can we feel the toes?" "Not yet." "I can feel all of your facial muscles." "When this process of totally submerging you in our consciousness is completed we will then be able to walk and talk through you." "This information is not available to anyone else as yet because it is black budget military technology and we have been warned not to speak about it" "Overt control of this woman Gretta Fahey has now become feasable." The voice to skull military technology enabled voices once informed me via voice to skull that they informed their neuro operatives that I am a systems design rather than a real living non-consensual and extremely unwilling human being so that the neuro operatives would continue their work of encoding me for bio-robotization. They have already taken partial control of my facial, neck, eye and several other muscles. The voice to skull inner voices once gave me the following name and address as follows:- Eamon Clohessy, 14 Willow Lane, Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. They then told me that he is the Director of Public Information Systems for the Republic of Ireland as part of the criminal syndicate which they are all involved in. The voice to skull inner voices have also given me the following names during the past few months or years as follows:- Emma Byron - dealer. Maurice Chambers - passed away. He was murdered. He was once head of the secret police in the Republic of Ireland. Keith Summerville - one of the neuro staff. Peter Hoagland - with the C.I.A. and directly involved with my electronic harassment and non-consensual neuro evaluation. Jack Henderson, Allan Lucas, Max Stafford. Other names I have heard the voice to skull inner voices mention often over the past number of years are Jessica, Martha, Madeline and John Henry who was a previous neuro staff member and who was claimed by them to have been murdered.
I have informed the Gardai in my home town of Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland of my ongoing experiences of wireless remote controlled psychological torture. They refused to accept a statement from me on the grounds that I was mentally ill. They did not allow me to finish telling them of my ongoing experiences and instead they brought me to see a police psychiatrist Dr John O Toole for mandatory psychiatric evaluation. I was cool and composed when I first went in to the Garda Station in Claremorris to make that statement. I was then remotely made to feel far too warm by wireless remote means in order that I would be discredited in front of the Gardai who I spoke to on that day. I believed that I would be wrongly evaluated as mentally ill if I continued to pursue the topic with the police psychiatrist Dr John O Toole so I sidelined the conversation in order to protect myself from wrongly being incarcerated inside a psychiatric hospital and forceably made to ingest toxic substances which are so harmful that ingesting them is akin to being tortured from the inside out to the extent that I would prefer to be dead that to ever have to go through the experience of spending time inside a psychiatric hospital ever again. I know sixteen other targeted individuals from the Republic of Ireland whose private contact details I have obtained and who are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes, some of them are being wirelessly physically burned and at least one other is experiencing external wireless control of his central nervous system where his arms and legs are being forceably moved against his will.
Posted by Gretta Fahey on February 13, 2020 at 9:37pm
I have come to the conclusion that church and state almost never act in the interests of the people that they purport to serve.
The government schooling system has been destroying the self esteem of children from two hundred years by constantly judging them negatively, demanding that they submit to the false authority of the schooling system, teaching them to think like a school of fish as in a hive mind rather than teaching them to think logically and independently as well as inculcating them into the cult of stateism so that they don't ever again think outside the box marked state control.
The health care system has neglected to inform us all of the wonderful cure all benefits of dry fasting. Whenever we water fast our digestive systems do not ever get a rest because whenever you drink water the digestive system must wake up again in order to digest the particulates in the water. Further to that bacteria and microbes love wet terrains and are less likely to be killed off during a water fast. Any shortage of water is as devastating as fire for them. Approximately one billion muslims dry fast during day light hours each day for the month of Ramadan, and hence they have superior health to many other religious groups.
.Legal marriages engender suspicion between couples because neither individual knows if their spouse is with them because they wish to be with them or because they have become legally bound to them. Have a public wedding preceded by a public announcement of your intentions to be loyal and faithful to each other alone for life. Whatever services both church and state provide for us can be provided by ourselves much more effectively and preferably.
The story of Jesus has numerous parallels with many other ancient Gods, e.g. Horus, Attis, Kirshna, Dionysys, and Mithra to name a few. They were all born on 25th Dec. by a virgin birth. They all had twelve disciples and performed miracles. They were all eventually crucified, died for three days, and were then resurrected. The reason most of the ancient religions have the same general mythological structure, is because they, as well as Christianity, are all based on astrotheology. The virgin Mary is based on the star constellation Virgo. The Jesus crucification sequence is based on the sun moving south in the sky for six months. By December 22nd, the sun is at its lowest point in the sky, in the vicinity of the Southern Cross star constellation. This is where we get the symbology of the crucifiction . Three days later, on December 25th, the sun moves one degree north, giving us the resurrection. For more information see And for further information see a book called “THE WORLDS SIXTEEN CRUCIFIED SAVIORS” by Kersey Graves. We are told that the Vatican library has millions of books and archived documents, therefore, it is safe to assume that the Vatican clergy already know of the numerous duplications between the story of Jesus and numerous other ancient saviours. Yet they never mention this fact to their followers. They have lied to us by omission.
Organised religions have been set up to monopolize power and profit.
The military are now being required to wear helmets which have technology incorporated into them which would disable their ability to think clearly to the extent that they might be persuaded to turn on their own people if they were ever persuaded to wear said helmets.
The Vatican have their own private army of intelligence agents who exist to control the human race and they have the technology to achieve this. Over many hundreds of years, the Vatican clergy have set up a system of ownership of all property, all humans, and souls that exist on this earth through the Papal Bulls and Cestui Que Vie Trusts. The Vatican network of bishops and priests could easily have warned their followers of the current capability of wireless remote control of the central nervous systems of most of the men, women and children of this world. Many men and women are already wirelessly tethered to a centralized computer control system from their brains and central nervous systems. The police refuse to accept statements from them on the erroneous grounds that they must be mentally ill. Why have the Vatican not warned their followers of this scientific widespread capability? Certain individuals inside the Vatican hierarchy must be extreme evil doers. Do not financially support your priest any longer if he refuses to break away from the Vatican.
Posted by Music Teacher on February 13, 2020 at 7:17pm
I am not a TI anymore. You can get out too.
Silicea 30C is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. If you do not have implant chips in your body then the perps can't harras you. Please read the following excerpt about it:
Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:
"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.
It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."
If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information.
You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it.
I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore.
Imagine a mountain visible from your home. The pre-global climate change variety – its perpetually snowcapped peak shrouded many days behind a wreath of cloud & mist while unobscured days reveal the craggy magnificence of its time & weather sculpted face. Majestic, powerful, compelling in ways that can never be fully spoken, only felt in the sensitive depth of self. Awe inspiring home to eagle, mountain lion, bear and deer. Singular abode to unique medicinal herbs, bark, leaves & roots; hill families nestled like self-reliant nature in here & there pockets; formidable hermits solitary as sooth-sayers; lost tales of ancient deities whose prowess millennia ago faded into now forgotten myth as well as mysteries of forest, cave, wild flower patch, fresh water stream and a thousand unexplained exotic sounds to evoke adventuresome yearning in childhood minds.
As night drapes its shadowy cloak swiftly down the rugged terrain, enticing day colors melt into a monochromatic giant, looming heavy with menace against the cold backlight of distant stars and phasic moon.
Now, imagine such mountain as the visible symbol of your life’s negative karma and u, labeled a pariah, must carry its weigh while climbing it day and night for as long as you live. This is one metaphor i use to describe what it’s been like for me to live as a Targeted Individual for the past 15 years – the subject of 24/7, 365¼ monitoring by a “crew (gang)” of government authorized (homeland insecurity?) Thought Police (TPoe) using microwave based, remote access, electronic telepathy technologies (this basically means mind-reading and talking directly into a subject’s brain without anyone else being able to hear it, although the TPoe do hella’ more than that once they’re on/in u. This is often referred to by an older term, “Voice-to-Skull”, or V2K) to invade my brain; read my thoughts, memories, dreams, etc.; project their voices into my head anytime they desire; manipulate my emotions both directly and indirectly and work unceasingly to disrupt, degrade and dismember my life using tools such as gas-lighting; mobbing; street theater; threat; conspiracy; identity theft; household break-ins (only when i’m out – since i’m an apartment dweller, i’ve dubbed these entrances “ “pass-key B & Es”, as they always involve entering by purloined key) to either burglarize or give the impression of having done so; continual undermining through the spread of constant lies about me (mostly, i think, too me, as well as spreading to others the truth about how i created this hell-of-a-karma; but i am sure that they will lie to others about me whenever it is convenient for their anti-me plans); tricks; deceptions and contracted con games to beat me along with every effort they can collectively come up with to make my life unlivable and utterly am always responding to the malicious, cruel, costly, evil intentioned and potentially dangerous influences they inject with such impunity into my life.
I’ve come to realize that these folks have a hidden agenda which has nothing to do with me, except that i & the information they mined from my memories about negative past deeds (of course i was totally unaware that this was happening at the time – you can’t feel it when your mine is being invaded, read and information pirated from your memories) has provided them with a marvelous tool of misdirection (a key tool in all magic) & keeps folks from paying much attention to whatever ELSE they might be up to. However, the demands of the situation on my life have forced me to pay close attention in every way possible, and just as they freely distribute whatsoever they choose about me (even publishing me – the thoughts from my brain and continual images of my person – audio & video through hidden cameras in lights and plugs where i live & a police style CAD video surveillance camera which photographs through walls & is set up on my floor of this building, in the apartment of one of their many “local crew recruits” or “assets” here in Louisville, Ky – they being from San-Francisco, California where their parent organization (along with several other active crews) is located.
I’ve decided it’s necessary that i share them from my perspective in a more systematic way than i have in the past. Call this particular group of would-be soul killers “Mother’s Crew,” after the crew boss, a middle-aged negro woman known as “Mother.” For better or worse, i am NOT a mind reader so my observations are largely educated conjecture, derived from 15 years of continual experience with them, their remarkable technology and ruthless, inhuman tactics. My “evidence” is, in most cases, largely circumstantial; drawn from close attention to and reflection based analysis upon the experiences they have subjected me to, problems and difficulties they have, and continue to, create in my life, and the near biblical deluge of TALK that i have suffered (and continue to suffer) from them in my head over the years – almost all of which has been false, designed to intimidate, disinform, isolate, confuse, cheat, manipulate, humiliate, denigrate and emotionally cripple my psyche so that this demonic “Mother” might seize control of my mind and possession of my very soul.
Because of my acknowledgement of this karma, i attempt to accept, face & embrace all of this in search of its core truth & in hopes of discovering an essential goodness toward balance pointing out an ultimate path of redemption, even if only realizable in a future existence. Thus far i have found only an evil, cruel and corrosively hate filled darkness, masquerading as “goodness” while engorging itself upon the bewitched souls of the all-too-easily techno-blinded & seduced, voluntary neo-slaves drowning in the 21st century nightmarish dream of a “new world ordered” American stream.
Posted by Robin Yan on February 11, 2020 at 11:45pm
They are evil without bottom line; they are brutal without considering consequences. And, regardless of anything...
UN UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council International Bar Association International Criminal Court Canadian Government
This is ”our” situation; this is “our” dilemma;this is “our” bottom line which cannot be touched. But, they crossed it regardless of anything.
No matter how UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court, Former Attorney General of Canada, Former Ontario Ombudsman...are stongly responding to them ; and are standing up and speaking out for me, " they " will not stop their on going evil and brutality because they deeply know what they are doing to me.
So, they are madly attacking my head, my heart my hearing, my body with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, such as, Rays Gun, Radio Frequency Jammers, Microwave Weapons, EMF my home and in my work place, which were reviewed by UN and Canadian Security Intelligence Service as weapons of mass destruction.
My heart beats violently 44 -139. And even, they are remotely controlling my heart monitor. If they don't do that, why are they remotely controlling my heart monitor? Those witnesses were so scared when they saw what were happening to my heart rate and monitor. You all must see the photos regarding my heart rate and how they are remotely controlling my heart monitor because I provided them to you.
They attack my hearing with Radio Frequency Jammers and Microwave Weapons in my home and in my workplace. They attack my head in my home to wake me up at any time...So, I can't work and sleep normally every day.
And, McDonald's Philippine cashier poisoned me when she poured coffee for me. Amnesty International and Amnesty International Canada responded to what they did to me.
And, they drive aircrafts and drones to harass me and attack me. You all must see the video and photos I posted and provided.
They are evil without bottom line; they are brutal without considering consequences. And, again regardless of anything, they are hacking UN, International Human Rights Community ( particularly, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch Europe), International Criminal Court, and everything I am using, even my home security cameras.
What else? Here are our email letters between UN and me:
What else? 14 years ago, all Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated : " You have nowhere to go if you want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder, I am not alone and I need your help.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
Please forward this to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office by fax , thanks.
Posted by Gretta Fahey on February 11, 2020 at 10:29pm
DRY FASTING AS A POSSIBLE CURE FOR IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME AND OTHER HEALTH PROBLEMS. I suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and I have tried many and varied healing modalities over the years. During the months of March and April 2012, for a total of twenty three days I fasted on absolutely nothing but distilled water. I was sure that it would cure my irritable bowel syndrome but it made no difference. However, I did succeed in detoxifying the cells of my body at that time and a number of red spots disappeared from my face which had been there for a number of years and I also cured a chronic bladder problem because of that fast. I carried out quite alot of medical research before I went on the twenty three day water fast. I also carried out several shorter water fasts before I embarked on the long twenty three day water fast. I had already fasted for periods of five days, ten days and eleven days previous to the long water fast. Some of the books which recommend water fasting and which I had read before embarking on any of my water fasts are as follows:- "Rational Fasting" by Professor Arnold Ehret, "Fasting for Renewal of Life" by Herbert M. Shelton, "Mucusless Diet Healing System" by Professor Arnold Ehret, "The Miracle of Fasting" by Patricia and Paul C Bragg and "Life from Light" by Michael Werner and Thomas Stockli. The first three books which I have listed here are very old books. In fact, the book "Rational Fasting" was first published as early as 1926 and has been republished many times since. I personally believe that both the book publishing industry and the medical industrial complex have now been infiltrated by some individuals who do not have the best interests of the general public at heart and because of that the information to be found in some modern health books are believed to be not as reliable as the information which is to be found in these old books. I have recently discovered dry fasting which is also called true fasting or absolute fasting. I had not heard anything about it until recently. I learned that dry fasting purifies the human bio-field. I have read a book called "The Dry Fasting Miracle" by Luke Coutinho and I have listened to some online information about dry fasting. In this book the author Luke Coutinho gives the following information and I quote "Pathological bacteria and microbes love wet terrain. A wet environmnet is ideal for the proliferation of pathological bacteria, viruses and worms and any water shortage is as devastating as fire for them." During Ramadan, Muslims dry fast during daylight hours for a full month each year with absolutely no adverse effects. They do not water fast. They appear very healthy as a group because in general they do not suffer from obesity or they do not normally wear eye glasses. I am now dry fasting for sixteen hours each day and I eat and drink liquids during the remaining eight hours. I find it very easy to do and I plan to continue this practice indefinitely.
Posted by Gretta Fahey on February 11, 2020 at 12:00am
I have been informed via direct communication military technology that if I don't show up at Unislim I will be deprived of fifty points from my social credit score system. Many individuals wrongly believe that the worldwide social credit score system is only being used in China at the moment but that is not the case for a selection of individuals who are being subjected to non-consensual wirelessly enabled neuro experimentation of whom I am one.
A social credit score system is in widespread use across parts of China at this time. Chinese people are automatically awarded points for paying their taxes on time, for working, for keeping themselves trim, for paying money to charity, for doing some voluntary work and for a wide variety of other reasons. They are deducted points for challenging government dictates, for littering, for forgetting to return library books, for being rude to government staff, for being overweight and for a wide variety of other similar reasons. Millions of Chinese citizens have already been blacklisted for losing too many points from their social credit score system to the extent that many of them are no longer allowed to use public transport or allowed to use public buildings. The worldwide social credit score system has already become active in two or three cities within the United States and Canada.
Who is responsible for setting up this social credit score system in parts of the world and why are they being allowed to set up what is an enslavement system for the people of this world?
I am a targeted individual of non-consensual wireless experimentation for seventeen years. Up to a million people throughout all parts of the world are wirelessly connected to a non-consensual monitoring, manipulation and control system similar to the one I am non-consensually attached to. The reason that it is not being stopped is primarily because the flicker rate of smart phones is being used to send subliminal messages of apathy into the minds of those who use them. Government staff are all under similar mind control because they are officially required to use smart phones during working hours.
Any Irish politicians who claim the 750 Euro mobile phone allowance every eighteen months are under serious mind control if said mobile phone is a smart engineered phone and those politicians should not be allowed into public office.
Posted by Gretta Fahey on February 9, 2020 at 11:03pm
Dry fasting burns out the toxins from the cells of our bodies using the electricity of the human body to do so. Dry fasting purifies the human bio-field. If you are ill you should dry fast for sixteen hours each day from four pm until eight am the following morning. Drink pure water and eat plain unprocessed food for the remaining eight hours. You will cure whatever illness you suffer from.
Muslims fast from both food and liquid during daylight hours during the month of Ramadan. They are allowed to eat after dark each night but must return to dry fasting again after sunrise. They do not experience any negative health effects from dry fasting for many hours each day. In fact the opposite is true in the sense that they enjoy excellent health during all of the time that they dry fast.
Because dry fasting purifies the human energy field dry fasting might possibly be helpful to the many targeted individuals throughout the world who are being targeted by remotely controlled directed energy weapons and who are having their bio-fields both read and manipulated from afar by unknown operatives in highly classified black budget projects which are being run by individuals who are believed to be agents of the individuals who sit at the top of a worldwide false hierarchical based chain of command which is now being set up without the informed consent of the rest of the men and women of the world.
There are many books and online videos currently available about the value of dry fasting. It is a cure for all diseases.
Alert! I have suffered difficulties due to persecution on my social channels. Today, I verified serious errors in the transcriptions of my speeches in videos and in Portuguese, which is my native language. The shock was great when I went to read the entire transcript to translate it into English, there were many excerpts that were totally distorted and that could compromise. Notice to everyone who forbids subtitles in their videos, and when making videos, do in monor time and write the transcript or its text in the video presentation, enunciated, space for the title, "show more". WATCH OUT! The democratic order does not allow CENSORSHIP, so the organized crime system has used different technical strategies that are imperceptible to most TI victims who, during publications, are often on violent attacks to be dismissed. Naly de Araújo Leite
Alerta! Tenho sofrido dificuldades por perseguições em meus canais sociais. Hoje, verifiquei gravíssimos erros nas transcrições das minhas falas em vídeos e em Português que é minha língua nativa. O susto foi grande quando fui ler toda a transcrição para traduzir para inglês, haviam muitos trechos totalmente distorcidos e que poderiam comprometer. Aviso a todos que proíbam legendas em seus vídeos, e ao fazer vídeos,façam em menor tempo e escrevam a transcrição ou seu texto na apresentação do vídeo, enunciado, espaço destinado ao título, "mostrar mais". CUIDADO! A ordem democrática não permite CENSURA,portanto o sistema do crime organizado tem usado estratégias técnicas diversas imperceptíveis a maioria das vítimas TIs que,muitas vezes,durante publicações estão sobre violentos ataques para serem destituídos de atenção. Naly de Araújo Leite
Alerte! J'ai rencontré des difficultés en raison de la persécution sur mes canaux sociaux. Aujourd'hui, j'ai vérifié de graves erreurs dans les transcriptions de mes discours en vidéos et en portugais, qui est ma langue maternelle. Le choc fut grand quand je suis allé lire la transcription entière pour la traduire en anglais, il y avait beaucoup d'extraits qui étaient totalement déformés et qui pouvaient compromettre. Avis à tous ceux qui interdisent les sous-titres dans leurs vidéos, et lors de la réalisation de vidéos, faites-le en temps réel et écrivez la transcription ou son texte dans la présentation vidéo, énoncée, espace pour le titre, "afficher plus". ATTENTION! L'ordre démocratique ne permet pas la CENSURE, de sorte que le système du crime organisé a utilisé différentes stratégies techniques qui sont imperceptibles pour la plupart des victimes de TI qui, lors des publications, sont souvent victimes d'attaques violentes, doivent être rejetées. Naly de Araújo Leite
Предупреждение! Я столкнулся с трудностями из-за преследований в социальных сетях. Сегодня я подтвердил серьезные ошибки в транскрипции своих выступлений в видео и на португальском языке, который является моим родным языком. Шок был велик, когда я пошел читать всю стенограмму, чтобы перевести ее на английский, было много отрывков, которые были полностью искажены и могли пойти на компромисс. Обратите внимание на всех, кто запрещает субтитры в своих видео, и при создании видео, сделайте это в монорреальное время и запишите транскрипт или его текст в видеопрезентации, выделите место для заголовка, «показать больше». ВНИМАНИЕ! Демократический порядок не допускает цензуру, поэтому система организованной преступности использовала различные технические стратегии, которые незаметны для большинства жертв ТИ, которые во время публикаций часто совершают насильственные нападения, чтобы их отклонить. Нали де Араужо Лейте
00:01 good night everyone i am naly good evening 00:05 to the ALEIVIMAPOIA group supports VICTIMS TIs 00:09 from Brazil and I'm here today to 00:12 talk to you a little bit 00:13 people asking why everything is 00:16 very dispersed and we can't 00:18 forget that we are activists and 00:22 we are victims at the same time, then all 00:25 and any psychological and psychic condition 00:29 he comes from a criminal system 00:34 control and if that 00:38 control is not done in the melee 00:41 you stay inside your house or in 00:43 your school in any ambient space 00:45 you are being monitored
00:47 we will also redo our speech in 00:51 issue of monitoring the organism 00:55 for example, human intestine, when is it 00:58 your gut is working as it is 01:00 that your gut is functioning until the 01:02 control when you should eliminate 01:05 gases or not because such a control 01:09 rides because we are mice of 01:11 laboratory 01:12 it is very easy for a person, authority, to leave the 01:16 action at the time of a political meeting 01:18 public for example if you have with the 01:22 monitored organism and the 01:25 external control, control can generate shame in 01:28 full meeting if the system causes you to release gases
01:38 all of this occurs and can occur 01:42 now is not in line with your 01:45 command the brain neuro this is what i 01:47 I think it's important for everyone to understand us 01:51 we are, we are and stay not where we 01:55 we are and we want to be 01:57 we are taken out to Data Processing Center says that 02:01 DPD - processing center 02:05 Dice 02:05 we are 02:07 on cameras and computer screens 02:10 that's where we're all 02:14 procedures nerve reactions conduction 02:17 synapses stimulus are there that's what 02:21 I want to make it very clear you doubt it or 02:25 no i'm not worrying about the 02:28 who believes because the height of 2:30 hypocrisy you go into an office 02:32 doctor and the doctor look at you with a face 02:35 crap for NOT saying anything else
02:39 doctors, professionals claim to know nothing and have never heard of this technology 02:42 and if there is technology 02:45 and the person graduates from the College and goes to the field he has to 02:48 update 02:50 I am saying that they are naughty, many professionals and are 02:52 within the usufruct of guinea pig rats 02:56 that is us all professionals in all areas have an obligation 03:01 professional and ethical search 03:04 knowledge because it is inexcusable 03:09 you enter inside an office 03:12 doctor and happen 03:15 certain facts and serious because 03:20 they do what they can do with 03:22 you inside the office you cannot 03:24 get out of there and go to the police station 03:27 because otherwise half a dozen with the face of 3:30 shit looking at you will say you 03:33 you are crazy
03:34 I asked all Senators so much 03:38 I asked the Federal Deputies and 03:41 state political entities that descend 03:45 to the target citizen at the police station service in accordance with the issue 03:49 and also in health, emergency room emergency room 03:52 service is not better but a 03:57 professional and ethical service 4:00 am Tis victims when attack came but 4:05 happens what happened 04:08 made a law is 04:11 even on the cover of a profile of one of mine 04:13 channels with Marta Suplicy where it would 04:17 necessary by establishing special field 04:19 to be filled in with the following information 04:21 if you are a person with capacity 04:23 mental or not this field has always existed this 04:27 parameter if it existed and that change must have another meaning 4:30 to the detriment of some disability that the 04:33 person who is there denouncing the fact or 04:36 reporting who committed 04:38 if you have a disability 04:42 Police Report has no space for specifying ITs as requested by political authorities 04:44 type. frame for mental disability other for disability 04:46 a small box for each item does not 04:49 disability and now we have this 04:52 special attention between quotation marks 04:55 with a mental disability has arrived 4:57 at the police station told a story like IT and psychotronic crimes 05:00 conclude that it's history with is not true 05:03 real story, but fanciful and the whistleblower TIs may be marked in the police report as having "mental problems" 05:07 usually does not take the trouble to 05:09 ask so and this is 05:11 happening today it's been 10 years that we 05:13 is publishing is fighting it wasn't 05:15 hour more what is happening that the 05:17 investigative work is the police 05:20 judicial authority of the judiciary is not 05:22 victim is our case, Police demand 05:25 we have to prove 05:27 we have to present the names we 05:29 we have to report each company, but if we do, 05:32 how long will we last? 05:33 if you start doing that I’ve never seen 05:39 so much contradiction in terms of comparing 05:42 the legislature in black on white and what is 05:44 practiced in Brazil 05:47 we are not the ones who have to put the 05:51 face on display and point the indicator at 05:55 who are the criminals is a crime 05:57 organized against ITs that are 06:02 victims and who 06:07 that is part of this organized crime is the
seller is what creates is what builds is 06:16 the businessman is the doctor is the psychologist 06:21 the psychiatrist is an engineer is a group 06:26 organized crime people are a group 06:28 able and taking what the doctor earns at the post 06:32 public health is nothing, it can win
06:35 much more if he is one of 06:38 participants one of the informants one of the 06:41 instruments used by crime 06:43 organized
06:44 this has to be clear i'm not talking 06:46 medical or health problems 06:48 public is specifically, but I don't 06:52 can i lie 06:53 they are part they are if I hadn't 06:56 feeling in the skin 06:59 I might doubt people, but when
07:02 people are feeling in the skin there is no way 07:04 doubt and have no doubts 07:07 I'm telling the truth 07:11 my mother told me to leave the house 07:14 90's 07:15 my mother told me to leave the course 07:18 right in the 80s I stamped my foot
07:02 people are feeling in the skin there is no way 07:04 doubt and have no doubts 07:07 I'm telling the truth 07:11 my mother told me to leave the house 07:14 90's 07:15 my mother told me to leave the course 07:18 right in the 80s I stamped my foot 07:22 I got a scholarship and had to work with the assistant 07:24 Social and I worked four hours at 07:26 University not to leave the course 07:28 I was extremely tortured 07:31 electronic classroom and humiliated 07:34 even when I went into the bathroom
07:35 make physiological needs 07:39 when my mom asked to leave 07:41 home because I said I wanted to have one 07:43 son to "I raise as a mother", but that already 07:46 I had heard threats for the crime 07:48 organized psychotronic, through these terms 7:50 of synthetic telepathy by daughter of 07:52 businessman that my father would not have 7:55 descendants
07:56 I already had a daughter 07:59 that they raised as a daughter I couldn't 08:01 take from them for it will have offspring 08:04 and he had no grandson and I said the 08:07 my father's first grandson who will have only me 08:10 four years to get pregnant, but I got pregnant as an independent producer 08:12 I had a son with independent production and I kept my promise, my life goal and I responded to organized crime 08:15 so I’m fighting I don’t let
08:20 take my freedom I paid a price 08:21 I am still paying dearly, but I have a wonderful and dear son 08:24 a son that God gave me exactly as 08:25 I wanted, this Organized Crime power doesn't have this 08:28 power is from God 08:33 I suffered a lot ... when I left the cesarean 08:36 during cesarean section ... I almost died at the time of 08:37 anesthesia 08:38 I didn’t touch anything I felt 08:42 occupation by my head I think 08:44 that the time in my head and I launched 08:45 the space 08:47 the anesthesiologist went through with me I 08:50 I had to communicate with him, blinking my eyes as he requested 08:52 one blink was yes and two blinks was 08:56 no I just thought God that 9 am if I gave me this son 09:03 for my life help me 09:06 strong and handsome boy was born 09:09 they left me 8 hours without seeing the boy 09:11 I had no father and mother with me in my family 09:14 it was alone 09:15 I was asked to leave the house if I wanted to have a child 09:18 so I left the house as my mother asked me to.
09:19 I left the noble sector of Goiânia and went to live 09:21 on the periphery where people all died 09:23 days, this is how Psychotronic Organized Crime does with the lives of ITs 09:28 he is the one who launches us, is he who throws is 09:32 unknown knowledge hands 09:34 to include the family against us 09:38 then they isolate us weakens us 09:42 makes it impossible for us to stay 09:44 vulnerable and at the mercy of what they want
09:46 to do we cease to exist 09:48 my goal my purpose I achieved 09:51 I stamped my foot and faced 09:52 all these years, but that was 09:55 extremely significant my life 9:57 so right want to leave 10:00 am this message to you ... is we are victims 10:03 crimes and psychotronics ... you don't know exactly what it means, 10:05 you can write the word PSYCHOTRONIA on your google 10:07 yes I am nightly from spending nights and nights researching, I fight for the future of my children 10:12 and I publish it because I already have more than 50 10:15 years, but my children I want that one day 10:20 be parents 10:21 I want them to have descendants 10:24 rebuke that damned prophecy thrown at me and my father by the mouth 10:27 of this snake daughter of a businessman 10:29 over there, strong and powerful entrepreneur, one of 10:33 organized crime heads 10:35 so i want you know the following no 10:37 is melee coping is not 10:41 rebellion is to invade the radio and
10:43 television none of this solves 10:45 we are already on the website 10:46 television even without our consent 10:48 you don't know, but we are inside the car radios, and when the car stops 10:50 on your doorstep, people inside it tune their brainwaves into 10:53 radio I've tried to figure out how it happens 10:55 ps victims' thoughts are possible to hear 10:58 inside the radio and nobody offers or lends to be a witness to the ITs 11:02 no one says he will accompany TIs to the Police Depegacia as a witness 11:04 it's true .... nobody 11:07 everyone is afraid .... think .... who is that 11:09 want to spend what we spend what 11:11 people declare that it is true 11:14 right so this is it is in strength in faith 11:16 I want to ask you not to give up that
11:19 don't give up i'm not telling the 11:21 my life for you with the intention of "starting disputes of lived suffering" 11:23 there has already been a disagreement in the group for that reason 11:25 people wanted to dispute "who had suffered the most in life within this psychotronic system"
11:32 I'm giving my testimony on my 11:34 communication channel 11:37 exercising freedom of expression that 11:39 I can still use this I don't know 11:41 even when they block everything 11:43 the channel publishes 11:44 they control my computer and 11:46 externally my television any 11:49 electronics people are through the network 11:51 electrical wiring is through the network certain controls 11:55 you observe I did a test I already suffered for 11:58 damn it
11:59 every time I move from place to place 12:01 another two-week-old folks come in Aneel's company to control electricity costs 12:05 and comes the electricity supplier 12:06 and move the pole that has the wiring that comes and goes 12:09 from my home 12:10 already tried to convince myself that it could be 12:12 paranoia, but the facts did not let convincing happen 12:15 another thing you know has several videos from the city of Ipameri in the state of Goiás 12:18 are denunciative videos that indicate how much I was stolen in relation to energy consumption 12:20 shamelessly 12:22 I went hungry in this municipality with my family 12:24 I went hungry I didn't even have anything to eat 12:27 at home 12:28 they stealing electricity from me until the 12:31 day they cut it and I let it cut 12:34 still invaded my house, jumping over my wall and uprooted 12:37 my watch without my consent and 12:39 without my authorization
12:47 my neighbor had everything 12:49 appliances 4 people living in the house, machine 12:54 six pack freezer refrigerator is computer 12:58 it's all inside everything and then I 13:05 arrived at the end of the month she paid 50 13:07 real energy I had nothing and just 13:10 give birth from 18h 13:14 nothing at home nothing I didn't even have one 13:16 blender 13:18 it was just television and a shower 13:21 for me the 116 reais 13:25 has no condition what they abuse 13:28 we know i think is the energy 13:31 established in that communication will 13:33 also of electric power so we 13:36 we are paying on the energy bill 13:38 built-in electric 13:40 we are paying what it is is the 13:44 invasion monitoring that they commit to 13:47 our privacy inside our home 13:49 their interference in our 13:51 electronics, our television in the 13:53 shower even in energy power 13:57 electrical you know very well that it is possible .... 13:59 exercise external control in 14:01 shower here at my house 14:03 if I have the dimension and direction 14:06 of this electric current 14:08 you know that the psychotronic system can act on it 14:11 about electric power direction and power
14:17 nothing is impossible if the system wants to blow a 14:20 shower in a person's head the system can 14:23 example what they did with sergio rangel from Irajá in Rio de Janeiro, I talked about him 14:25 in the council of sorocaba
14:27 the size of the wound that opened in the butt hit him, he was shot inside the bathroom 14:33 at parents' house 14:35 everyone ran to 14:37 help and blisters were formed as a burn people look is the 14:42 next we're ashamed in the face 14:45 all of us 14:46 who is not ashamed in the face is the 14:48 system is society for accepting this 14:52 kind of affront and we have to have a lot of care that they are 14:53 rubbing a lot of people's heads
14:56 are putting to hear us 14:58 people who are known to us 14:59 church people we attend in the past or present 15:02 I have warned about this issue 15:04 organized crime believes that when we recognize people by the voices we hear 15:06 system believes that we will go backwards 15:09 and change your mind when complaints 15:11 organized crime is trying to leave the field without 15:14 punishment of the judiciary over the criminal organization and are under 15:16 legal and legal advice 15:18 militant lawyers do not let yourself be overwhelmed 15:22 do not be discouraged, and more always write what happens 15:25 because you will not be able to report everything 15:28 it was done with you over the years, 15:32 the memory of many people is already going 15:33 this memory-taking system exists 15:37 was used in the 1940s in orphanages
15:48 the children who were 15:49 set aside to be abused and returned 15:51 they went through medication treatments, brainwashing and hypnosis 15:52 in quotes psychiatric psychological treatment 15:55 to be used again because every child 15:58 was taken by a big man of politics and society 16:02 and there was a bonus for the director of the orphanage 16:07 already have everything 16:09 this published with link with translation that 16:12 it's not even a national site that is not always all public 16:15 so that's what they're doing like these 16:17 ITs may lose memory if 16:20 you do not write down day by day and certain 16:23 facts until the time I always talked 16:25 keep your computer on 16:27 sit there and let it on the windows put the day on 16:29 start of the day 16:31 if you spend the whole night suffering some 16:33 type of attack abuse that is normal for victims and 16:36 common, occurs every day, so I say normal 16:37 you will write it down 16:40 I believe that anyone can understand in this way how psychotronic tortures occur
16:54 If you... we will get rid of this 16:57 system I am arrested and you are arrested 17:18 what I want is the 17:20 next i want to get out of that system 17:22 I want compensation and I go further 17:26 I have no more plans to continue 17:27 changing this country 17:28 I know that in every country in the world 17:30 we know my video I already know 17:33 a lot of people outside understood that they are 17:36 victims and anywhere we go 17:38 live we will find 17:40 with victims 17:41 so I want it before I leave the 17:43 Brazil stop being a victim 17:45 victim of a marginal criminal system 17:47 growing that is like 17:50 eduardo bolsonaro spoke is not right no 17:53 is on the left but there in between and 17:55 who controls the brazil system 17:58 but in this group there are people from brazil 18:00 people in Brazil who are in Brazil 18:02 because you have a company because in a network 18:04 stores because it has heir business but 18:08 who wanted to be out there 18:11 and cannot and disagrees with 18:13 everything that exists since i can't leave 18:15 i will change everything that is 18:17 happening here in Brazil why not 18:19 those who have money think they can do everything and 18:22 the more money you earn but still 18:24 what about the campaign that sew refers to women's right to say NO to a man's harassment and attacks 18:27 doesn't happen 6:30 pm because they practice violence against women ITs 18:34 and nobody says NO 18:37 enough 18:39 That does not exist 18:41 that's what they say 18:49 how much women are suffering this 18:51 electronic there soon the crime 18:56 organized will turn into that sentence 18:59 did with one did with all goes more to 19:01 reality that will be the day that good 19:04 connect infinites understood and when a 19:09 woman raped on skin skin on flesh 19:12 the meat all good to hear the screams and not 7:15 pm I felt the pain that is what knows it what 19:17 it also happens with our 19:18 today there will be tested one 19:22 truth really did with all because 19:26 they have this power 19:29 right and there is no politician in Brazil 19:31 that is not afraid and not commanded 19:35 how did everything get out of my head 19:37 of those who are using the accessory 19:40 the collar on the ankle 19:43 do you think it's really happened 19:45 that way they attended in 19:48 spoke and gave themselves up to their whistleblowers 19:52 organized crime provided ways to get everything out of their minds 19:54 the psychotic system does that 19:57 so their fear is great and they don't assume
20:05 politicians thought it best to surrender 20:06 voluntarily arranged the 20:09 whistleblowers because it is a formality 20:10 legal legal and everybody 20:14 was arrested for corruption and for stealing Brazil 8:15 pm think if they will want to stay with 20:18 the body at the disposal of rape and 20:21 abuses of every amount in the hands of people 20:24 and suffering everything that we 20:26 declares every day that he is suffering would be 20:29 the fear the fear 20:32 then they cannot with system and if the 20:36 people give up now there will be no child 20:38 that doesn't go to the pedophile's table 20:41 the studies that are happening is that 20:44 are watching on television is going to be 20:46 little guy because every time the 20:47 rapist catches a child i think he 20:50 is the instrument is the rapist 20:53 because that is the truth 8:56 PM is he an instrument or is he the 8:58 pm rapist 8:59 pm so you think about it when we 21:02 have a son who even a grandson wants to know that 21:05 this youth there I wonder what 21:08 and when I see a girl he calls 21:10 imperative is 3 or 4 years old I 21:12 I look at the girl, we already know the 21:14 symptom I think people until I die of 21:17 pity when I see an autistic because 21:20 I published how many years ago the 21:23 autistic 21:24 they will be elevated they will be 21:27 published everything will revolve around 21:29 autistic 9:30 pm considered as dolls so 21:33 beautiful has autistic has autistic child 21:35 which is beautiful and this is publication 21:40 praise and analysis 21:42 so is the autistic are extremely 21:46 attractive or attractive to pedophiles and 21:49 when he screams when he reacts when 21:51 he does something is not 21:53 happening to him is because he is autistic, but in fact it is happening is because he is suffering psychotic attacks
21:55 autistic has crisis 21:56 the excuse now is if he has a crisis 9:59 pm think about what this system can do with 22:02 the autistic child and without raising 22:05 no suspicion 22:06 so it's for everyone it's not just for me it's for 22:11 all for the children I have 22:12 grandchildren I want to have for the children 22:15 that I see my children 22:17 if when i look my heart hurts i 22:20 I feel helpless 22:22 no use that they don't me 22:24 let them get nowhere then 22:26 something has to be done and through 22:29 of these activism and try to see if 22:31 we have a journalist who really does 22:34 citizenship and be a professional 22:35 ethical that the doors open to us 22:38 are talking about it don't need 22:40 no one believe nor applaud nor 22:41 agree but let us talk lets 22:44 we warn the people it's a hug 22:47 you will end up here otherwise it will not work 22:49 to publish the video
Colleagues and activists. I have been a victim of psychotronic crimes since 1987. I have been working on denunciative publications and activism for years and I apologize if there are flaws in the transcriptions I make for a better understanding of the testimonies. I live with two children and we move from cities, states, but there is no point in getting rid of the harassments that are practiced, persecutions, synthetic telepathy, rapes, persecutions, unemployment and disadvantages with attempts at incapacitation. I have been fighting and I must advance to all who are in this system, the modus operating changes and are doing work around the victim in attempts to conform society as if torture were "therapeutic means" in mental recovery. This is a big lie, the people who are victims of this system are not crazy, but they are mentally weakened so that they are destitute of their own free will. They are making it appear that this system is a "recovery, social rehabilitation system", as if the victims were ex-inmates or all were drug addicts and drug users, another lie. They are "creating", inventing arguments to justify legally, socially and morally the rapes committed with the victims, so that society accepts, endorses and still wants to enter the system by paying for the usufruct exercised. Psychotronical organized crime is working so that all violent practices committed in the last 33 years are accepted as "recovering the individual for society", family and friends. Society and political and legal authorities, as well as society are massively dormant and hypnotized. Here, Brazil, victims and activists struggle with publications, and requests for interviews that NEVER happen. The media do not attend our requests, to hear and open debates in relation to the cause, and in a democratic order of law. Democracy is not compatible with the violation of the Human Rights denounced and under the omission of the authorities. I became a human rights activist after becoming a conscious victim of such monitoring and of psychological and sexual violence. I continue to fight and may God bless us all! Naly de Araújo Leite
Colegas y activistas. He sido víctima de crímenes psicotrónicos desde 1987. He estado trabajando en publicaciones denunciantes y activismo durante años y me disculpo si hay fallas en las transcripciones que hago para comprender mejor los testimonios. Vivo con dos niños y nos mudamos de ciudades, estados, pero no tiene sentido deshacerse de los hostigamientos que se practican, las persecuciones, la telepatía sintética, las violaciones, las persecuciones, el desempleo y las desventajas con los intentos de incapacitación. He estado luchando y debo avanzar hacia todos los que están en este sistema, el modo de funcionamiento cambia y está trabajando alrededor de la víctima en un intento por conformar a la sociedad como si la tortura fuera un "medio terapéutico" en la recuperación mental. Esto es una gran mentira, las personas que son víctimas de este sistema no están locas, pero están debilitadas mentalmente, de modo que carecen de su propio libre albedrío. Están haciendo parecer que este sistema es un "sistema de recuperación y rehabilitación social", como si las víctimas fueran ex reclusos o todos fueran drogadictos y consumidores de drogas, otra mentira. Están "creando", inventando argumentos para justificar legal, social y moralmente las violaciones cometidas con las víctimas, para que la sociedad acepte, respalde y aún quiera ingresar al sistema pagando el usufructo ejercido. El crimen organizado psicotrónico está funcionando para que todas las prácticas violentas cometidas en los últimos 33 años sean aceptadas como "recuperar al individuo para la sociedad", la familia y los amigos. La sociedad y las autoridades políticas y legales, así como la sociedad, están enormemente inactivas e hipnotizadas. Aquí, Brasil, las víctimas y los activistas luchan con las publicaciones y las solicitudes de entrevistas que NUNCA suceden. Los medios de comunicación no atienden nuestras solicitudes, para escuchar y abrir debates en relación con la causa, y en un orden democrático de la ley. La democracia no es compatible con la violación de los derechos humanos denunciada y bajo la omisión de las autoridades. Me convertí en un activista de derechos humanos después de ser una víctima consciente de ese monitoreo y de la violencia psicológica y sexual. ¡Sigo luchando y que Dios nos bendiga a todos! Naly de Araújo Leite
Collègues et militants. Je suis victime de délits psychotroniques depuis 1987. Je travaille depuis des années sur les publications dénonciatrices et l'activisme et je m'excuse s'il y a des défauts dans les transcriptions que je fais pour une meilleure compréhension des témoignages. Je vis avec deux enfants et nous quittons des villes, des États, mais il est inutile de se débarrasser des harcèlements qui sont pratiqués, des persécutions, de la télépathie synthétique, des viols, des persécutions, du chômage et des inconvénients des tentatives d'incapacité. Je me bats et je dois avancer à tous ceux qui sont dans ce système, le mode de fonctionnement change et travaille autour de la victime pour tenter de conformer la société comme si la torture était un «moyen thérapeutique» de rétablissement mental. C'est un gros mensonge, les gens qui sont victimes de ce système ne sont pas fous, mais ils sont affaiblis mentalement de sorte qu'ils sont privés de leur plein gré. Ils font croire que ce système est un "système de réadaptation, de réinsertion sociale", comme si les victimes étaient d'anciens détenus ou toutes des toxicomanes et des toxicomanes, un autre mensonge. Ils «créent», inventent des arguments pour justifier juridiquement, socialement et moralement les viols commis avec les victimes, afin que la société accepte, endosse et veuille encore entrer dans le système en payant l'usufruit exercé. Le crime organisé psychotronique fonctionne de manière à ce que toutes les pratiques violentes commises au cours des 33 dernières années soient acceptées comme "recouvrant l'individu pour la société", la famille et les amis. La société et les autorités politiques et juridiques, ainsi que la société sont massivement dormantes et hypnotisées. Ici, au Brésil, les victimes et les militants ont du mal avec les publications et les demandes d'interviews qui ne se produisent JAMAIS. Les moyens de communication n'assistent pas à nos demandes, d'entendre et d'ouvrir des débats relatifs à la cause, et dans un ordre de droit démocratique. La démocratie n'est pas compatible avec la violation des droits de l'homme dénoncée et sous l'omission des autorités. Je suis devenue militante des droits de l'homme après être devenue une victime consciente d'une telle surveillance et de violences psychologiques et sexuelles. Je continue de me battre et que Dieu nous bénisse tous! Naly de Araújo Leite
Коллеги и активисты. Я стал жертвой психотронных преступлений с 1987 года. Я работаю над доносящимися публикациями и активизмом в течение многих лет, и я извиняюсь, если есть ошибки в транскрипциях, которые я делаю для лучшего понимания свидетельств. Я живу с двумя детьми, и мы переезжаем из городов, штатов, но нет смысла избавляться от преследований, которые практикуются, преследований, синтетической телепатии, изнасилований, преследований, безработицы и недостатков с попытками вывести из строя. Я боролся, и я должен продвинуться ко всем, кто в этой системе, модус операционные изменения и делают работу вокруг жертвы в попытках приспособить общество, как будто пытки были "терапевтическим средством" в умственном восстановлении. Это большая ложь, люди, которые являются жертвами этой системы, не сумасшедшие, но они психически ослаблены, так что они лишены собственной воли. Они создают впечатление, что эта система является «системой восстановления, социальной реабилитации», как если бы жертвы были бывшими заключенными или все были наркоманами и наркоманами, это еще одна ложь. Они «создают», выдвигают аргументы, чтобы юридически, социально и морально оправдать изнасилования, совершенные с жертвами, с тем чтобы общество приняло, одобрило и все еще хотело войти в систему, заплатив за узуфрукт. Психотронная организованная преступность работает таким образом, что все насильственные действия, совершенные за последние 33 года, принимаются как «восстановление личности для общества», семьи и друзей. Общество и политические и юридические власти, а также общество в целом находятся в состоянии покоя и загипнотизированы. Здесь Бразилия, жертвы и активисты борются с публикациями, и запрашивают интервью, которые НИКОГДА не случаются. Средства связи не сопровождают наши запросы, заслушивают и открывают дебаты по поводу дела и в демократическом порядке. Демократия не совместима с нарушением прав человека, осуждаемым и под бездействием властей. Я стал правозащитником, став сознательной жертвой такого мониторинга и психологического и сексуального насилия. Я продолжаю бороться, и пусть Бог благословит нас всех! Нали де Араужо Лейте
Transcription 00:02 good evening 00:04 here you are dark tonight not 00:07 will appear my face will appear only 00:08 my speech that really is what is more 00:11 interesting in this question 00:14 so this is my facebook channel o 00:17 my name in the general law john milk 00:19 I am living in São Paulo and I know 00:24 that there are many people who follow me in 00:26 others that from time to time my channel 00:29 what I mean is in relation to 00:33 our struggles to our activisms is 00:36 both victims and stakeholders as 00:40 activists on the issue of the violation of 00:44 human rights 00:45 I want to say that the fight continues to 00:49 fight continues 00:51 peacefully in a humble way 00:53 persistently the struggle continues 00:56 there are people asking me about the 00:59 association which is the law claims supports has 01:02 people asking me about the 01:04 activists 01:04 the point is that we have already petitioned 01:07 visit international organizations of 01:10 human rights 01:11 there is a resistance to assuming the truth 01:15 about psychotropic weapons that exists 01:18 have existed since 1939 01:22 there is no secret I already published videos 01:24 including reporting the entire history is the 01:28 that I check is edda so very terrified 01:32 is the channeling the inter knows a lot 01:37 more than the cowardly damp omission the 01:42 nice term involves the question why is it 01:45 seriously what's left 01:47 what remains in relation to democracy to 01:51 freedom to individuality dignity 01:55 if I am if everyone accepts it as truth 01:58 our testimonials our reports 02:02 what's left I ask 02:05 it is horrible it is from fear 02:09 then everybody starts in the process of 02:12 denial and involves this process of 02:14 denial with the name Christianity of faith of 02:20 fight and let it go you’ve seen 02:24 that saying that pepper in the ass of 02:26 others is refreshment fits 02:28 perfectly on that issue 2:30 people is as follows today nobody wants 02:33 know tomorrow was a hundred and twenty-something 02:37 thousand the number of victims in brazil today and 02:41 yes in 2002 we are 2020 02:44 it's 176 thousand according to antonio the heliton 02:50 doni neli pereira who is the person of 02:54 group that is the victim who is the activist and 02:57 became even self-taught in physics in 03:02 patents on physics experiments for 03:06 check the possibility of inventing 03:08 a form of defense for victims because 03:13 there has to be defense 03:15 some defenses we develop 03:18 through the attacks that this ability 03:21 we all have and others have to be with 03:24 technology right I have to remember you 03:27 are reading antonio we have engineers 3:30 in the group 03:32 one of them is a military ex in the river of 03:35 january that is he signs as carlos 03:38 santos santos on facebook has the 03:41 carlos rodrigues i don't know if it is 03:43 engineer 03:44 we have writers which is the case of 03:47 nubian mara 03:48 we have great intellectuals like omar 03:51 Monica Miranda from São Paulo who is up 03:53 absent is present in communications 03:55 through but half absent in 03:58 participation 03:59 we have a veterinarian there 4:05 the case of sabrina bocão 04:07 we have state employees there 04:09 high grade how to say high rank 04:12 as is the case of the adriana faith 04:17 so then we have is people who 04:20 hold positions that have professions and that 04:24 system is an extreme risk why 04:27 we walk slowly 04:29 although many of us have the 04:31 life so broken without a job 04:34 rosangela lost her marriage relationship 04:36 her 04:38 fred who is a doctor of philosophy fred 04:41 granes utah in a situation of suffering 04:44 attacks that this results in injury 04:46 beautiful organism without stopping 04:49 he makes videos like that 04:52 it's obvious the person who has it for 04:55 first time will throw a loss 4:57 against him morally will doubt it and 05:01 that's a horn and hd damage from 05:04 philosophy that are already studying in 05:07 other countries in the world 05:09 so we have to take all this into account 05:12 counts then our pace really is 05:15 being slow pace because every time 05:17 we advance the result a little 05:19 this is a risk of sequel everybody 05:23 hurt to defer by rejection by 05:27 shelving of the request for 05:29 police inquiry for non-response by 05:33 national and international organizations 05:35 and another thing I must warn you that the 05:38 system in is like going through the years and the 05:42 age of victims 05:44 he suffers considered transformations in the 05:47 modus operandi 05:49 I am in this system since 87 are 33 05:52 years of suffering in the 90s 05:57 at the beginning of the year 2000 I was adding 06:01 we won so all testimonials 06:03 of the rosangela that she does in bioethics 06:06 rosangela tells in video she gets so
nervous that she 06:11 wherever she is and she says that 06:14 is listening to what they are doing to her 06:16 so everything that the rosangela says to me twenty past six there is something new because I've been through 06:23 all this everything that another one comes and speaks 06:27 for me it doesn't offer anything new 06:30 because I unfortunately I went through 06:33 that 06:34 so what I'm going through now can 06:36 be the future of all victims 06:39 that's what I don't want even when 06:42 I started publishing ten years ago I 06:46 I did some comics and I put these 06:49 comics I drew how they 06:52 commit an electronic rape because I 06:55 did this to moralize the issue will 06:59 scandalize was not for the purpose of 07:02 alert because I I I if I feel I 07:07 know what's going on but if my 7:10 son my five-year-old daughter 07:13 come and say mom has something to me 07:16 hurting here in my butt 07:18 the mother who doesn't know she won't understand 07:22 what's going on and the child can 7:25 being abused used by who by 07:27 who became interested in the child because 7:30 has one for those who have a deviation from 07:32 sexual behavior that no pedophile 07:35 the system that keeps us stuck is the 07:38 system that accepts hiring 07:41 to locate a child who goes from 07:44 meeting the need of that pedophile 07:48 so what keeps systems going is that 7:50 we are so important that 07:52 issues of around us so 7:55 some 07:56 we are important people within 07:59 a process is capitalist we are 08:01 human guinea pigs 08:03 so what are they doing what 08:06 they are winning 08:08 revolves around what we're 08:10 suffering is at the expense of our psyche's 08:15 our psychological our organism does not 08:20 they are winning 08:22 obviously when I say like that no one 08:24 believe me so I'm launching 08:26 matters in different prism 08:29 I started to draw attention first 08:31 news I publish on my channel 08:33 they come from another country 08:35 so when it appeared there is it 08:38 happening in other countries is 08:41 strange way is the death of 23 people 08:44 at the same time in the same family 08:47 the incidence of children that has killed the 08:50 father and mother 08:52 the incidence of number of mothers who have 08:54 killed not only one son but both 08:58 children as I published today I call 09:01 attention and say it like this 09:04 Brazil 9:05 there is another country be it russia germany 09:10 so it is like this 09:12 globalization, you know, globalization 09:17 is spreading bad things too 09:21 it is spread I saw a teacher 09:24 of a university in the uni duni of 09:26 univesp on the television channel he spoke 09:29 something like that he made an affirmative 09:32 that I take with me and all my 09:35 written like that when it comes to the 09:36 context I launch globalization it does not 09:40 exist 09:41 globalization it is synonymous with the word 09:45 colonization 09:46 only it is a psychic colonization 09:50 technological that manages to slaughter 09:53 exterminate with and control the masses without 9:57 bloodshed without calling the 10:00 am media attention without drawing the attention of 10:02 press this organized crime this 10:05 group of business professionals from 10:09 all areas of intellectuals 10:12 they didn't expect us to come out 10:15 to dance 10:16 use publications the provisions we 10:19 we have sense 10:20 it was when they started to change the modus 10:23 operandi knows when to start changing the 10:28 types of torture 10:30 who can't sleep the week anymore 10:32 than two three hours went to sleep 10:34 more 10:35 but suffered other types of 10:36 tortuous experiments 10:40 look we have our life controlled 10:43 you are inside the bathroom in the dark 10:45 you are being monitored 10:48 you are inside your room are you 10:50 inside the college room of the focus I 10:53 I say this because I passed it or the 10:57 catholic university bathroom 10:59 goias 11:00 I had privacy and they screamed me 11:03 went into the bathroom they screamed 11:05 I entered the classroom they shouted I 11:07 I had no peace to do where I am 11:10 I raised a means a proof of right 11:13 civil I went to the middle of the room quarter past eleven I called the teacher by name and love 11:17 from god to person your attitude tone in 11:20 regarding what is happening 11:21 because I can't take it anymore 11:24 I have to do a test I didn't have 11:26 slept at all tonight because I 11:28 tried to study and then sleep then 11:31 I was trying to study until 4 hours 11:34 morning 7 am I had to be 11:37 inside the classroom taking exam I 11:39 I dragged myself to graduate from the 11:41 right 11:44 i could have left the course 11:46 right because really mine 11:48 situation of not supporting but I even wanted
: 51 the end because it would be the means of I got 11:54 my release my exit from that 11:57 asylum 11:58 in this concentration camp which is illegal 12:02 arbitrary and unfair and unfounded abuse 12:06 but unfounded the behavior of brazil 12:09 in light of our complaints, celebrate 75 12:13 years of camps liberation from the camps 12:17 of concentration being that we are in 12:19 concentration camp and psychic m 12:22 such this is the first video I will be 12:26 posting other videos later
00:00 good morning my friends and my friends 00:04 is again to record a video to give 00:08 some explanations on the issue of 00:11 torture right we are being some of 00:15 we are being held hostage is 00:18 that is the truth are being 00:20 held hostage 00:22 through that torture technology in the 00:25 remote port distance with shock 00:27 receiving an electric shock in the 00:30 heart and electric shock to the head 00:32 inside our rooms while 00:34 we sleep in this are new weapons there that 00:37 are in the hands of these big ones 00:41 financial total is mainly 00:43 technology patented by the US government 00:45 united technology that russia 00:48 also holds that it is the one and the media 00:53 international is silent before is is if 00:58 shut up about that weapon because even 01:00 there are about ten weapons being made of 01:04 veiled way and the media does not disclose the 01:08 media has no interest because 01:10 probably the media is controlled by 01:14 these same gentlemen who have these 01:16 weapons dates from the 70s which makes 01:19 some explanations today I just got 01:22 tortured at night grandson waking up now 01:25 but it was mild torture to receive three 01:28 lightweight structures in the last three nights 01:31 three light torture sessions with a 01:34 shock in the heart a shock in the head 01:36 which is the basic right for people to understand 01:39 how they keep us 01:41 debilitated are five years of torture 01:43 are five years being tortured from 2014 01:46 since July 2014 it will all be 01:48 tortured when he lived in glory in 01:50 2014 as a result of my 01:51 participation in the June demonstrations 01:53 2003 in defense of the quality of 01:55 public transportation 01:57 militant of the social movement in the temple 02:00 tray at my university 02:01 we conquered the banner of our 02:03 university 02:04 the public transport time of 02:07 secondary students 13 primary 02:09 also in macaé 02:10 and still in 2002 who remembers that macaé 02:13 in 2000 and 2001 02:15 my macaé friends know our 02:18 participation at the time was 13 years old 02:20 age because we lost the pass 02:22 free at that time I needed that 02:24 money right at that time we didn't 02:26 had money to buy the snack 02:28 our hardworking parents i'm a son 02:31 from a firefighter teacher then at 02:33 sometimes we didn't have the money to 02:34 buy a snack in the canteen so if 02:37 we pay for your ticket 02:38 we had no way to eat one 02:41 snack in the canteen a kit the condition for 02:43 this right then one of the many I was a 02:47 at home, we have to be 02:49 so we have a lot of money at school 02:52 public he has to spend 400 reais on 02:55 time a lot of money through two 02:57 he doesn't come back every day 03:00 even more that sometimes you need 03:01 doing a search needs to go out to 03:04 do something to do even in the city 03:09 huh 03:09 and we keep paying money with this 03:11 transportation monopoly, right? 03:14 so much money dominates the cities néné and 03:18 with overvalued shares on the 03:22 businesspeople probably with corruption 03:25 with city halls or city halls 03:26 are corrupted by these groups that 03:28 perpetuate there making a monopoly of 03:31 transportation without competition without 03:33 city hall has municipal company wants 03:36 say that for what hunting is this corruption 03:39 that does not touch the city halls of the 03:41 January 03:42 public transport the consortium members 03:45 bids 03:48 we know how long it was then I 03:52 fulfilled my democratic role aligns 03:55 with thousands of young people thousands of 03:56 students in addition to thousands of 03:59 students to meet 1 and agent resells 04:01 minimum harvest that was the free pass of 04:03 students conquered italy in 4:05 Brazil all 04:06 students now have neither the right nor 04:08 a house where we lost we won 04:10 back then that was it on a big tray 04:14 from the university so we can eat at 04:15 university I was not the backyard in 04:18 worse condition was also not that it was 04:19 in the best condition of my friends are 04:20 in worse conditions 04:22 so the fair fight than me 04:25 regret can torture they can 04:27 torture and and five more years I don't 04:28 I will regret never having fought for 4:30 food and could have fought alongside the 04:32 people who were there with me on that 04:33 occasion I understand I was there with 04:36 those people I was faithful those 04:38 people there understood this is how 04:40 life works if you are not faithful to 04:42 people who are with you so you are 04:45 an idiot understood why you won't 04:47 going out will only advance alone to do the 04:49 that alone in their arms doing nothing
can't torture can kill me can 04:55 do what you want 04:56 I fought for public transport 4:59 10-year-old children of the poor 05:03 at the age of eight macaé fought and 05:06 I won and fought for what I'm not 05:09 bandejão and I won from the people that this 05:12 food to feed the 05:14 universities have not won understood and 05:17 later in rio de janeiro 05:19 we strive to reduce the increase in 05:21 bus tickets in 2013 was above 05:23 of inflation 05:25 a bus ticket and taken along 05:27 with the government that later proved 05:29 corrupt right and then there are many people 05:33 voted against the cup I did not participate 05:35 the fight against the cup 05:36 I participated because I already knew if 05:38 imagine alive and discharge does not repress the 05:40 we were already killing people 05:42 firearm shooting and that is what the 05:44 pm militarized series right to do the 05:47 will of the state governor the 05:49 state governor was legal criminal 05:50 so all the men in the pm are 05:52 receiving order from criminals during 05:54 four-year governor stayed in power 05:57 so this is what democracy is you get 05:59 people take away their dignity with 06:01 spinelli torture themselves and put 06:04 follow orders 06:05 this is not democracy so I don't have 06:08 shame none of what i did 06:09 never committed any crime and never 06:11 I hurt no one ok 06:13 never committed any crime I don't think 06:14 no person the fascists 06:16 these fans are torturing us they 06:18 use catholic church techniques twenty past six technically will I know because 06:21 studying history of the doctor of philosophy 06:23 normal in ufrj trained sociologist no 06:26 influences both our permanence in 06:28 series b with 50 houses 06:30 I don't know about the inquisitorial tradition of 06:34 catholic church how it works 06:35 some aspect that I now know others 06:38 for example torture did not know 06:41 torture 06:41 now with this torture too so they 06:43 use techniques repress us 06:47 from a sexual point of view they say that 06:50 people have sexual behavior 06:52 inappropriate that we do things 06:53 wrong from a sexual point of view and and and 06:56 repress us based on that in 06:58 childhood is a complete absurd right 07:02 you mean a group of people who don't 07:04 cannot even obey the constitution 07:05 wanting to discuss the sex life of 07:08 others because to download the target to 7:10 to be able to maintain a low posture 07:13 self-esteem to maintain torture and 07:15 maintain electric shocks are applied 07:16 remotely at night while you are 07:19 inside your room Sunday your doors 07:21 closed lines all right he's 07:24 with you by wave wave is electromagnetic 07:27 right then they don't respect the house they 7:30 do not respect human dignity these 07:33 cars don't respect anything, right? 07:36 it's kgb 07:38 it is the people who control this 07:40 technique
2 - Transcription 00:00 day my friends just received more 00:02 a torture session is and it's 11 20 the 00:07 morning is such that he received one more 00:12 torture session they don't start to 00:14 culture during sleep at night and 00:17 go until morning 00:18 that night I received 1120 in the morning of 23 00:23 September 2019 00:26 the night also electric shock the 00:27 chocolate heart with the head because 00:30 I reported that I am being tortured 00:32 yesterday they want to torture the daughter of 00:34 whore want to torture and want us 00:35 is silent from those who torture 00:37 quiet edson and rapists who 00:40 want to eat our quiet understand 00:42 that no one ate what was not ok 00:44 right will eat my short warned the 00:46 society that I'm eating with the 00:47 others 00:48 mother and motherfucker so here 00:50 torturing people here shock 00:52 also giving an electric shock to the 00:54 electric shock heart in the head 00:55 Nazis who control that country 00:58 then publicizing state terrorism 01:00 promoting these weapons 01:02 fucked inside my house until 25 years old 01:05 who would have already tortured for that son of a 01:07 whore five years of free torture 01:10 I touch inside my house 01:12 I left the internet for this son of a bitch 01:14 stop torturing me out of 01:15 internet they torture you out of 01:18 internet too until you get back to 01:21 he can vulgarize this son with him 01:22 of bitch 01:23 are killing being murdered here in 01:25 Rio de Janeiro 01:26 the murdered press visits to areas 01:29 the soul of rich people to one of the 01:32 elite right so stealing our 01:34 money not stealing our country and beyond 01:37 they want to destroy the paintings yet 01:40 youth wants to discuss destroying 01:43 destroy the cadres of the social movement 01:47 but she is total in soccerex that all 01:49 day is like a son of a bitch so me 01:51 treating calcium worse than dog 01:53 in blacks it never ended location two 01:56 of them never ended are five years of 01:57 torture and speaking of Nazism 02:00 then the Jews are going to talk 02:03 fucking who is entering in a hurry 02:04 because it is me who is saying compose 02:06 this fucking am I want you to stop me 02:08 torture amy's father tortured home 02:11 fuck motherfucker bench let me 02:13 in peace I am not your dog will me 02:18 I go after the criminal go to work go 02:21 work gang of thief you are 02:23 thief stealing the thousand class and the race 02:26 black the band working class bunch 02:29 of thief five years robbing me 02:31 wiping out my money me 02:33 torturing inside my house 02:35 you will pay you will pay for what 02:38 you are making a child's cloth 02:40 bitch you will pay scoundrels 02:42 is what you are I will not hurt 02:45 innocent so torturing me for five 02:47 years and wants me to do shit no 02:49 I will do all announced the ministry 02:51 audience she doesn't say anything 02:54 the un says nothing we are over 100 02:56 people denounce tortures that in Brazil 02:59 the association of class victims on 03:00 psychotropic and sociologists the philosopher 03:02 formed by 29 the phallus gymnasium 03:04 outside the educator 03:06 i'm not an idiot so jail the un 03:08 asks him to investigate torture no 03:11 will be running away with my club 03:13 grace in this fucking go home 03:15 motherfucker fucking every day wants 03:17 eat okur every day from these operators 03:20 electric shock in the hearts of others I 03:23 i can't spend living my life i 03:25 I can't spend a day every day I have 03:27 that I recover everything was going to have to eat 03:29 to regenerate the torture of this Nazis 03:31 stop myth of my claim is 03:34 this for emtu to last for all 03:36 Amazonians want to compute fire in 03:39 amazon want to make the fuck do 03:41 want to steal oil do stop 03:43 torture me ok 03:45 stop torturing me home 03:48 fuck has no respect five more years 03:51 of torture at first I tried to respect 03:53 are the scoundrels are the channels not worth 03:56 nothing to decrease when disclosing to whore 03:59 that gave birth I will divulge the world everything 04:01 that you are torturing us here 04:02 in Brazil to do this shit 04:04 government linked to the government we 04:07 know you are tied to the government because 04:09 because none 04:10 no one invested I have denounced the 04:12 prosecutors have inside will be a 04:14 year I have the complaint in the organization and 04:16 American human rights without is 04:19 on the commission between american rights 04:21 human cndh 04:24 I understand I don't know I searched 04:26 federal police I went to the headquarters of 04:28 interpol in lyon i already looked for the 4:30 lyon military police with love and in 04:33 france worries I went to the police of 04:36 Russia
when i lived in moscow 04:37 nobody investigates you don't investigate 04:40 because they don't want to investigate right and then 04:42 I will report you because you are 04:44 the Nazi scoundrels torturing me there 04:46 five years let me pass because the 04:48 supreme just because i'm smart and 04:50 let me get paid for fucking home 04:52 roll a silly thing do life 04:54 leave me alone thank you so much for 4:57 attention do not want to participate in the internet 4:59 to admit sweating to live my 05:01 life thank you very much
3 - Transcription 00:00 good morning my friends my friends is 00:04 small even for those who don't know me and 00:07 call me the big frederico that o 00:09 sociologist is a master and doctor in 00:12 philosophy I'm a poet is also being 00:16 victim of torture 00:17 only it is rio de janeiro brazil 00:20 victim of psychotropic torture torture 00:23 with more remote air technology coming 00:26 since the 70's and that started to be 00:29 used against me five years ago the 00:31 from 2014 more or less from 00:33 July 2014 one year after 00:35 June 2013 demonstrations 00:37 things I participated in the fight committee 00:38 against the increase in crossings in 00:39 transport quality education 00:41 public in the city of rio de janeiro as 00:43 we’re always doing it 00:45 always participated in the 00:46 popular claims 00:49 I never let myself go 00:51 talk to anyone with 00:53 any sector of society 00:55 today i am 31 years old and never 00:58 let no one go through my life without 01:00 give due attention without talking without 01:02 trying to understand the person tends to get 01:06 is recording here is recording everything 01:08 right 01:09 so it's really I don't accept this 01:12 torture 01:13 don't understand don't understand and if you 01:18 look at the torture process he's 01:20 completely incomprehensible
in addition to the very fact that a 01:24 torture if incomprehensible 01:26 I'm being tortured and kept under is 01:29 debilitated is five years 01:32 I never hurt anybody I never did 01:33 nothing bad to anyone so there's no 01:36 sense to be chasing a teacher 01:38 of philosophy in that way understood not 01:40 makes sense I will not accept 01:42 will take in ass fuck of motherfucker 01:45 this is the truth scoundrels are me 01:47 chasing for five years is is the weapon of 01:51 electric shock applied electric shock 01:53 in the heart electric shock applied in the 01:55 head 01:56 the remote the media does not speak because the media 01:58 is hostage to these weapons also in 02:01 institutions in general are 02:03 being pursued the idea of 2014 02:06 it's five years now we are in 2019 02:08 coming to July 2019 in a little while 02:11 people will arrive in April 2011 02:13 is and then we will complete five years of 02:17 torture 02:18 these people they already robbed me 02:21 money already kicked me out is projects 02:24 professionals in 2016 and went to france 02:26 from a doctorate in philosophy went to 02:28 france finishing his doctorate in 2:30 ufrj philosophy and he tortured me in 02:33 france until you have to flee france 02:36 why they almost killed tortured a 02:38 structural during the day also a 02:40 electric shock 02:41 yes why any reason no reason 02:44 treat people very well always 02:46 I treated it very well I was very happy 02:47 to be in france i liked people a lot 02:49 french people very polite people 02:51 wonderful and received me very well has 02:53 nothing against the French people has no 02:54 against these scoundrels this son of a bitch 02:56 who are torturing you people without 02:59 racist and isandrical sense without reason 03:03 because he they are the exam that 03:06 chase a man and are racist and 03:09 don't like black man it's true and it's 03:12 so then torturing me for just for 03:14 that's because the sound is smart i'm not 03:16 stupid person i'm not an idiot i know 03:19 recognize when there is someone else 03:20 stronger than I always knew how to recognize 03:22 when there is someone stronger than 03:23 I 03:24 throughout my life understood 03:27 these bitches and massacred torture 3:30 even when I'm quiet I don't want 03:33 leave facebook several times and this 03:35 motherfucker is chasing us 03:36 today it has an association of victims of 03:39 torture in Brazil 03:41 we are being slaughtered by these 03:43 scoundrels 03:43 that's the kind of people who are in power 03:45 is that kind of people who couldn't have 03:47 it here for this to say who is that 03:49 is in fucking power 03:50 in this motherfucker society are 03:53 scoundrels are scoundrel scoundrels don't have 03:56 scoundrel dialogue has to send taking 03:57 with this son of a bitch got it 4:00 am there is no dialogue because I teach 04:02 torture five years and I'm quiet I 4:05 leaving facebook I accepted this censorship 04:08 I accepted the end of political rights 04:09 and I accepted everything and even then these 04:13 scoundrels chase me m torture only 04:15 because i'm black just because i'm 04:17 black for no other reason and just for 04:20 this because i am a person 04:21 intelligent a consequent person am 04:23 a quiet person I look in the eyes 04:25 of the people who talk to me 04:26 anywhere everyone who went 04:29 for me this frog also following the 04:32 people understood and there's no way to understand the 04:36 what I can do is publicize the 04:38 gentlemen know about 04:40 scoundrels who have their hands on guns 04:43 in that country 04:44 row of uncontrollable scoundrels without 04:47 sense is is butchers understand why 04:51 are butchers who are torturing the 04:53 people for no reason without the least 04:55 sense 04:56 understood has no agreement 0 agreement with the 4:59 motherfuckers will take it up the ass 05:02 I want it to be a hill 05:03 i want they burned to death 05:05 because they've been torturing me for five years 05:08 understood to end my social life 05:11 ended my professional life 05:13 getting a doctorate is my 05:17 thesis did not have the quality that 05:18 should have stayed did a thesis on 05:19 richard corto and the dem opens school wings 05:21 from frankfurt in germany good i am 05:25 very good at what I do that's why I 05:27 always scholarship 05:28 so I became a doctor of philosophy 05:30 at the age of 29 05:31 understood why I'm good at what I do 05:33 always been good at what I do these channels 05:35 are chasing because i'm good at 05:36 what do I do they are saying simply 05:38 because they have quality I don't have 05:40 political positioning do what the 05:42 gentlemen please I already talked five years 05:44 behind 05:45 in another video go to the whore who gave birth 05:48 I'm talking now, now understand five
what the 05:52 gentlemen want to leave me alone for 05:54 please that's all i'm asking for 05:57 five years ago now I want it to be 05:58 a fucking blow you will take the 6:00 only of you and will fuck you want 06:03 you who do not want you are not 06:05 bitch who gave birth to a son of a bitch camera 06:07 that controls the power of that society and 06:09 that has kept me under torture for five years 06:12 and institutions that say nothing and 06:14 I already made a complaint in the public prosecutor 06:16 there the photo on facebook of my report 06:18 nothing happens i went to the police twenty past six lyon military when i lived in 06:22 france i went to the military police of 06:24 russia when i lived in moscow was 06:26 in moscow until december 06:27 I passed a contest first 06:30 in brazil contest with the consulate of 06:32 moscow in brazil i went to take a course 06:34 languages and would do a doctorate in 06:36 four years old these motherfuckers me 06:38 tortured in russia too 06:40 tortured me until the time asked the mother 06:42 take a plane to not die because I 06:45 it was decided that I would not leave there 06:47 understood everything is documented in my 06:49 facebook I'm here to spread more 06:51 once you know that 06:53 there are these remote areas and more than 06:55 let this know the psychology 06:58 of these scoundrels who are controlling the 07:00 weapons 07:01 the psychology of these gentlemen who are the 07:03 scoundrels who come to torture us 07:04 overnight inside our own 07:06 home and respect in people's room 07:08 they torture inside people's homes 07:11 tortures sleeping people 07:13 are cowards don't show up go 07:15 creating hatred in the person I'm here 07:17 is 31 years old i am a man in this 07:19 fuck and there's no problem 07:21 head has no problem no has no 07:23 god the doctor of philosophy is 31 years old 7:25 old black sony and i solve my 07:28 problems do not appear in front of me 7:30 because they are cowards that I already called to 07:32 come on don't show up use them 07:35 motherfucker gun hidden there 07:38 gave me a shock in the heart understood vain 07:40 take in the eye of course and motherfucker 07:42 because they create anger that a hate in 07:44 the heart of society for us to fix quarter to eight confusion with our equals with the 07:47 our friends I will not attack it is in 07:51 innocent I will not do anything I'm being 7:55 tortured already denounces the institutions 07:57 are silent 07:59 institutions are silent is there in 08:01 public ministry of the state of rio de 08:02 January my complaint I sought the 08:04 interpol has the focus of the interpol port 08:07 all institutions do you think that 08:09 they are fucked up they want it to 08:12 fuck black latino they want it to 08:14 Brazilian fuck this is the truth 08:16 understood do not pay attention are not even 08:19 then I looked for the Brazilian federal police 08:20 sent me to seek the prosecutor's office 08:22 look for the lion military police 08:23 look for the russian military police 08:25 they treated me like an idiot they treat me 08:28 like an idiot because they get ordered 08:30 from above this is how it works so I'm 08:32 passing information for you to be 08:34 aware that social problems are 08:36 fruit of such an insane mentality 08:39 butchers who keep attacking 08:41 people 08:42 after five years of torture and 08:44 stole money because I had to 08:45 paying for the ticket was in france 08:47 I had to pay for a ticket that 08:50 costly thousand euros equivalent to 4 thousand 08:54 at the time because I was dying and I 08:56 killed overnight on the 30th of 08:59 January 2017 will apply a session 09:01 absurd torture and on the 31st of 09:03 January I went to Rodolfo will have proposed 9:05 like who goes with a bus station between the 09:07 Lyon airport ask for the next 09:09 ticket to return to rio de janeiro 09:10 I paid my dying captain and 09:12 so they treated me in europe and 09:14 understood the same thing they did now in 09:17 2018 when I went to russia that 09:20 pronounce like 2018 I had to 09:22 abandon the project in December after 09:24 having paid for a year of accommodation 09:26 university that they don't accept 09:27 payments lose 10 thousand reais 09:30 moreover they ended my life 09:31 ended social media so 09:34 I already spent money on this son of a 09:35 bitch with torture end mine 09:37 social life I'm running away from health and see 09:39 that they do they come back to torture 09:41 more is the way they have to 09:43 justifying the previous day's torture is 09:45 torture you the next day this is what 09:47 they know how to do only know cause 09:50 know how to do anything else 09:51 are the sons of bitches so there are 09:53 dialogue with the scoundrel go to the bitch that
in jail I want you 9:57 you go home the fucking south in mine 9:59 life has not appeared has no dialogue me 10:01 leave me alone leave me alone go to 10:04 fucking house 10:05 leave me alone no agreement i won't 10:08 make a deal with the channel 10:09 butchering for five years has no way 10:11 understand if you have a shred of reason 10:14 in their heads and they haven't lost everything 10:16 in these fucking drugs they keep taking 10:18 there with the population's money 10:20 you will understand understood no I will not 10:23 put a hand on the motherfucker's head 10:25 who's been fucking me for five years so 10:27 am I reporting again or where 10:30 have me torture myself or I will continue 10:32 denouncing I will not turn the jacket on 10:34 motherfucker got it I'm not going so 10:37 leave it alone because I have a life 10:39 whole to recover that you 10:40 destroyed then if you destroy one 10:42 whole life has a minimum of good 10:44 sense of leaving me alone I went out on 10:46 facebook I came back because you guys 10:47 they tortured me off facebook not 10:49 I don't even want to talk on the internet and you don't 10:51 torture quiet here these weapons already 10:53 understood then the population has to stay 10:55 knowing my position is this 10:57 leave me alone I don't want to talk 11:01 I have no political position 11:03 gentlemen took away my dignity 11:04 politics you stretched out in law 11:06 his 11:06 truth of speech for the right to 11:09 you fill to take all the right to 11:12 you pretend that society is one thing 11:14 and another for your right, gentlemen 11:16 just don't have the right is my body that 11:18 is saying understood got no right 11:20 of wine and torture again that's all 11:24 understood that's all I don't accept 11:26 so it's explained it's spoken and go to 11:29 bitch that gave a touch thank you very much
O link acima trás o momento exato de ataque psicotonico e estupro eletronico sofrido por Rosangela dos Santos Brandão, brasileira, ativista e vítima de torturas psicotronicas no Brasil. Rosangela fala e demonstra o que estão fazendo com ela no exato momento do vídeo. Estupros eletrônicos são ataques sofridos por homens, mulheres e crianças no Brasil sem qualquer possibilidade de defesa e sem que tenham providências do Sistema Jurídico que ignora a tecnologia psicotronica, monitoração por satélites em Centros de Processamentos de Dados realizados por crime organizado através de monitores e financiados por empresários. Ser humano quando aprisionado pelo crime organizado psicotronico se torna escravo de um sistema abusivo, alvo de ataques e experimentações psíquicas, emocionais, psicológicas e orgânicas. Importante deixar claro que durante as três décadas, desde 1987, concluímos que em ciclo evolutivo, o sistema psicotronico controla nosso funcionamento orgânico. Na foto de Rosangela você pode ver que ela está no Hospital após incontáveis ataques e indução ao suicídio, tenho publicado horas antes pelo FACEBOOK que estava sendo induzida ao suicídio. Apesar de ter enviado às autoridades da cidade de Salvador a comunicação e solicitação de socorro, nada foi feito por Rosangela que tentou suicídio ingerindo veneno. Graças a Deus e a família dela, foi socorrido a tempo e se recuperou, atuando em nossas lutas como vítima e ativista. O sofrimento das vítimas no Brasil é muito grande e em torno do sofrimento muita omissão e processos de negação. Naly de Araújo Leite - Brasil
El enlace de arriba trae el momento exacto del ataque psicotónico y la violación electrónica sufrida por Rosangela dos Santos Brandão, una brasileña, activista y víctima de tortura psicotrónica en Brasil. Rosangela habla y demuestra lo que están haciendo con ella en el momento exacto del video. Las violaciones electrónicas son ataques sufridos por hombres, mujeres y niños en Brasil sin ninguna posibilidad de defensa y sin tener disposiciones del Sistema Legal que ignoren la tecnología psicotrónica, el monitoreo por satélites en los Centros de Procesamiento de Datos realizados por el crimen organizado a través de monitores y financiados. por emprendedores. Cuando un ser humano es encarcelado por el crimen psicotrónico organizado, se convierte en esclavo de un sistema abusivo, blanco de ataques y experimentos psicológicos, emocionales, psicológicos y orgánicos. Es importante aclarar que durante las tres décadas, desde 1987, concluimos que en un ciclo evolutivo, el sistema psicotrónico controla nuestro funcionamiento orgánico. En la foto de Rosangela se puede ver que ella está en el Hospital después de innumerables ataques e inducción suicida. He publicado horas antes por FACEBOOK que me indujeron al suicidio. A pesar de enviar la comunicación y la solicitud de ayuda a las autoridades de la ciudad de Salvador, Rosangela no hizo nada al intentar suicidarse ingiriendo veneno. Gracias a Dios y su familia, fue rescatado a tiempo y recuperado, actuando en nuestras luchas como víctima y activista. El sufrimiento de las víctimas en Brasil es muy grande y en torno al sufrimiento hay muchos procesos de omisión y negación. Naly de Araújo Leite - Brasil
Le lien ci-dessus apporte le moment exact de l'attaque psychotonique et du viol électronique subis par Rosangela dos Santos Brandão, Brésilienne, militante et victime de torture psychotronique au Brésil. Rosangela parle et montre ce qu'ils font avec elle au moment exact de la vidéo. Les viols électroniques sont des attaques subies par des hommes, des femmes et des enfants au Brésil sans aucune possibilité de défense et sans avoir des dispositions du système juridique qui ignorent la technologie psychotronique, la surveillance par satellites dans les centres de traitement des données effectuée par le crime organisé à travers des moniteurs et financée. par des entrepreneurs. Lorsqu'un être humain est emprisonné par un crime psychotronique organisé, il devient l'esclave d'un système abusif, la cible d'attaques et d'expériences psychologiques, émotionnelles, psychologiques et organiques. Il est important de préciser que pendant les trois décennies, depuis 1987, nous avons conclu que dans un cycle évolutif, le système psychotronique contrôle notre fonctionnement organique. Sur la photo de Rosangela, vous pouvez voir qu'elle est à l'hôpital après d'innombrables attaques et induction de suicide, j'ai publié quelques heures auparavant par FACEBOOK que j'étais incité au suicide. Malgré l'envoi de la communication et la demande d'aide aux autorités de la ville de Salvador, rien n'a été fait par Rosangela qui a tenté de se suicider en ingérant du poison. Dieu merci et sa famille, il a été sauvé à temps et récupéré, agissant dans nos luttes en tant que victime et militante. La souffrance des victimes au Brésil est très grande et autour de la souffrance il y a beaucoup de processus d'omission et de déni. Naly de Araújo Leite - Brésil
Apesar do descrédito dos ataques sofridos por milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo, eles são reais para as vítimas e suas famílias. Alguns cidadãos estão inconscientes e percebem, apesar de suas mudanças e movimentos faciais, que são TIs. Essa conexão psico-crônica / psíquica pode ser estabelecida de duas maneiras: - vítima corpo a corpo a peça humana na qual eles produzem efeitos físicos da tortura, cujas dores refletem nas vítimas; - ondas cerebrais e controle neurocerebral apreendidos em CPDs de monitoramento ininterrupto com mudanças de equipe e em que todo o conteúdo da vítima é arquivado e se torna produtos comercializáveis, gerando renda para a manutenção do sistema de tortura e crime organizado. Este vídeo é de uma vítima em tempo real. Naly de Araújo Leite canais para mais informações: 1 - GRUPO FACEBOOK - ESTAMOS TIS - RESISTÊNCIA! https: // ... 2 - BRASIL TIS
Apesar do descrédito aos ataques sofridos por milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo, são reais para vítimas e seus familiares. Alguns cidadãos são inconscientes, e percebem, apesar das mudanças e movimentos faciais das TIs. Essa ligação psicotronica / psíquica pode ser usada de duas formas: - vítima corporal ou corporal pode ter peças humanas produzidas efeitos físicos de torturas, aquelas dores refletidas nas dores; - como ondas cerebrais e controle neurocerebral apreendidas em CPDs de monitoramento interrompidos com trocas de equipes e nos quais todos os conteúdos de vítimas ficam arquivados e se tornam produtos comercializáveis que trazem ganhos para a manutenção do sistema de torturas e crime organizado. Esse vídeo é de uma vítima em tempo real. Naly de Araújo Leite canais para maiores informações: 1 - GRUPO FACEBOOK - SOMOS TIS - RESISTÊNCIA! . SOMOS TIS - RESISTÊNCIA! 2 - BRASIL TIS
Несмотря на дискредитацию нападений, которым подвергаются тысячи людей во всем мире, они реальны для жертв и их семей. Некоторые граждане находятся без сознания и осознают, несмотря на изменения и движения лица ТИ. Эту психотронную / психическую связь можно использовать двумя способами: - телесные или телесные жертвы могут иметь физические последствия пыток от воздействия человеческих частей, эти боли отражаются на боли; - такие как мозговые волны и нейроцеребральный контроль, используемые при мониторинге CPD, прерванных изменениями в команде и в которых весь контент жертвы архивируется и становится товарной продукцией, приносящей выгоды для поддержания системы пыток и организованной преступности. Это видео жертвы в реальном времени. Нали де Араужо Лейте каналы для получения дополнительной информации: 1 - ГРУППА FACEBOOK - МЫ ТАМ - УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ! ,SOMOS TIS - RESISTÊNCIA! 2 - БРАСИЛ ТИС
Malgré le discrédit des attaques subies par des milliers de personnes dans le monde, elles sont réelles pour les victimes et leurs familles. Certains citoyens sont inconscients et se rendent compte, malgré les changements et les mouvements faciaux des TI. Cette connexion psychotronique / psychique peut être utilisée de deux manières: - un caporal ou une victime corporelle peut faire produire aux parties humaines des effets physiques des tortures, ces douleurs se reflétant dans les douleurs; - tels que les ondes cérébrales et le contrôle neurocérébral saisis dans le suivi des DPC interrompus par des changements d'équipe et dans lesquels tout le contenu des victimes est archivé et devient des produits commercialisables qui apportent des gains pour le maintien du système de torture et de criminalité organisée. Cette vidéo représente une victime en temps réel. Naly de Araújo Leite canaux pour plus d'informations: 1 - GROUPE FACEBOOK - NOUS SOMMES TIS - RÉSISTANCE! .SOMOS TIS - RESISTÊNCIA! 2 - BRASIL TIS
A pesar del descrédito de los ataques sufridos por miles de personas en todo el mundo, son reales para las víctimas y sus familias. Algunos ciudadanos están inconscientes y se dan cuenta, a pesar de los cambios y los movimientos faciales de los TI. Esta conexión psicotrónica / psíquica se puede usar de dos maneras: - Las víctimas corporales o corporales pueden hacer que las partes humanas produzcan efectos físicos de torturas, esos dolores reflejados en los dolores - como las ondas cerebrales y el control neurocerebral incautados en el monitoreo de CPDs interrumpidos por cambios de equipo y en los que todo el contenido de las víctimas se archiva y se convierte en productos comercializables que aportan ganancias para el mantenimiento del sistema de tortura y crimen organizado. Este video es de una víctima en tiempo real. Naly de Araújo Leite canales para más información: 1 - GRUPO FACEBOOK - SOMOS TIS - ¡RESISTENCIA! .SOMOS TIS - RESISTÊNCIA! 2 - BRASIL TI ...
Posted by Gretta Fahey on February 7, 2020 at 7:41pm
MY BRAIN AND CENTRAL NERVOUS SYTEM ARE BEING ELECTRICALLY STIMULATED BY REMOTE MEANS TO FORCE ME TO ACT AGAINST MY WILL AND I AM BEING DISBELIEVED BY SOCIETY. Unknown scientists have mapped out the relationship between different points in my brain and all kinds of activities such as moving my foot, opening and closing my mouth, moving my arm as well as speaking certain words and phrases against my will. These unknown scientists can now force me to physically perform a number of physical body functions against my will by remote means. They can drive me into a frenzy of laughter by electrically stimulating points in my brain from a remote location. They have managed to implant electrodes at the point in my brain where my thoughts originate as well as also implanting electrodes at the point in the brain of an unknown interrogator where his thoughts originate and they have wirelessly connected my brain to his brain on a permanent basis. Because remote controlled electronic brain stimulation is classified it is being used widely without taking public opinion into consideration. Hundreds of thousands of private good will and good living individuals are now publicly complaining of having their nervous system manipulated by remote technical means. They are being falsely classified as being mentally ill largely because psychiatists are being misled in medical colleges into believing that individuals who present while complaining of remote nervous system manipulation are mentally ill. J.F. Schapitz has been quoted as saying that the spoken word of a hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious part of the human brain without the person who is being exposed to this form of remote hypnosis having a chance to consciously control the information input . By this method senior management in large corporations can be made to act against the best interests of the people of the world. You aught to read an excellent document called "International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Technical Means" by Mojmir Babacek while it is still to be found widely available online because this technology could be used to enslave you or your loved ones in the future unless we succeed in jamming the signals which allow unknown scientists to treat us in this way.