Of (396)

Freedom of Speech

Eight hundred evil-doers, mostly composed of dark luciferians and satanists have decided to inform the rest of the seven billion members of the human race that we are no longer entitled to freedom of speech even though we have enjoyed freedom of speech for five hundred million years or more. We the seven billion members of the human race will continue to practice freedom of speech for the next five hundred million years in spite of these deluded megalomaniac dark occultists who have lost touch with reality and have begun to play God. They think they are gods on this earth now that some scientists have given them directed energy weapons to play with and showed them what buttons to press in order to transmit pain signals and voices to us by wireless means. They can now transmit pain signals wirelessly to us because both our brains and bodies are imbedded with nano-bots because of all the chemtrail spraying our skies. We aught to urgently disempower them and render their weapons impotent simply by dismantling all mobile phone towers and stopping all chemtrail spraying of our skies.

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Soleilmavis' Published Books

1.    English book Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp,” written by Soleilmavis Liu.

(ISBN: 9781304588296; Pages: 206; Dimensions (inches): 5.83 wide x 8.26 tall.)


Recent years, the words “mind control abuse and torture” and “target individual” appears frequently online. Thousands of people in groups or individually cries attention to the abuses and tortures with electromagnetic mind control technologies through internet and all other channels. The scale of the ongoing crimes is large, and hidden. This book is helping the public understand voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. It provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies. Readers of the book have come to learn of these technologies and the crimes, which - if not exposed and publicized – in the future humanity would no longer know the meaning of physical inviolability and privacy.

2.      English book “The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42, written by Soleilmavis Liu.

(ISBN: 9781304745354; Pages: 488; Dimensions (inches)5.83 wide x 8.26 tall.)


The Bible prophesies the Queen of the South will rise at the judgment, but did not give her name or any other detail about her. Nowadays, many people believe that Queen of Sheba in 1King 10:1-13 is the Queen of the South referenced in Matthew 12:42.Among the significant questions surrounding the Queen of the South, her role in the judgment and the Queen of Sheba:

Where are the ends of the earth?

How will the Queen of the South come from the ends of the earth?

Who was Queen of Sheba in 1King10:1-13?

Who were Queen of Sheba’s ancestors?

Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) records many ancient groups of people in Neolithic China. The five biggest were: Zhuan Xu, Di Jun, Huang Di, Yan Di and Shao Hao. These were not only the names of groups, but also the names of individuals, who were regarded by many groups as common male ancestors. These groups first lived in the Pamirs Plateau, soon gathered in the west of the Qinghai Lake and learned from each other advanced sciences and technologies, later spread out to other places of China and built their unique ancient cultures during the Neolithic Age. Modern archaeological discoveries have revealed the authenticity of Shanhaijing’s records.

Starting from studying Neolithic Chinese people recorded in Shanhaijing and seeking the links between Neolithic Chinese People and Queen of Sheba’s ancestors, Soleilmavis Liu takes you along to seek the answers, using a large number of historical and archaeological facts, through conclusive arguments, scientific and systematic analysis and rigorous study and demonstration of each chapter.

In conclusion, after the Peleg’s time, Sheba(1) and his offspring, ancestors of Queen of Sheba, had moved from the Middle East to the Ends of the Earth, including the Easternmost place in China, the Westernmost place in the Americas, the Northernmost place near the Arctic Circle and the Southernmost place in Australia, enabling Queen of Sheba(1) and the Queen of the South to fulfill Matthew 12:42, “came from the Ends of the Earth.”


Here is the 7-minute Video which introduces the book.




3.    English book, Volume One and Two of The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmers Eyes from 1900 to 2000.

(Volume One: ISBN: 9781365818967; Pages: 398; Dimensions (inches) 5.83 wide x 8.26 tall.)

(Volume Two: ISBN: 9781365819070; Pages: 380; Dimensions (inches) 5.83 wide x 8.26 tall.)

This book is the true record of one hundred years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from the 1900 to 2000, including the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Anti-Japanese War (1938-1945), China’s War of Liberation (1945-1949), the development of China after liberation (1950-1957), the Great Leap Forward Movement (1958-1959), the Three-year Disaster (1960-1962), the Socialist Education Movement (1964-1965), the Great Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), and the reform and opening up of China (1978-2000).

This work, with the spirit of unvarnished realism and true-life style, illustrates the actual life and inner mind of an ordinary man in rural areas, and through his eyes to see the significant changes of China during the past one hundred years. This book restores the true-life stories of the ordinary rural man with a fair view, which might be a little different from the propaganda of the media and government in those days.

Please go to the following links to buy Soleimavis' books.




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U.S. Government (EMR/V2K) Human Rights Violations - Technological Coercive Arm of the State
My first, fourth, fifth and fourteenth constitutional amendment rights are being violated including physical injury, duress (threats), control and manipulation of my mind and body (actions, words, thoughts, dreams) by the U.S. Department of Justice (The Coercive Arm of the State) illegally using Electromagnetic Radiation and Voice to Skull (EMR/V2K) technology. The U.S. Department of Justice nonconsensually violating my rights using EMR/V2K (silent audio microwave) mind control/reading technology is in violation of Title 18, United States Code Section 241 Conspiracy Against Rights, Title 22, United States Code Section 6771 Prohibition of Biological and Chemical Weapons - Non-consensual Human Experimentation and 19 of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). The violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are Articles: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30. This technology is very powerful, malicious, and is constant in its physical and mental harassment of me. I have followed legal procedure (complained) at the federal, state and local government levels and have been lied to about EMR/V2K civil rights violations and told that I was mentally ill. Some of the harassment, physical injuries and ailments include - loss of many teeth (13 with other teeth being loosened resulting in future loss of teeth), severe headaches, nausea, eyesight damage (not able to read the second row of letters on the eye vision test without glasses - very blurry vision - 20/70 and will likely worsen).  Arthritis, sprains, painful cramping of calf muscles, cervicalgia – resulting from EMR/V2K injury and reoccurring physical harassment. Constant stress, anxiety and nervousness as well as ongoing very annoying, insulting (racist, lewd, etc) and sometimes threatening images (EMR) and thoughts (V2K) programmed into my brain (ad nauseum) - not video and audio hallucinations. The image (EMR) and thought (V2K) programming is at times accompanied by increased and decreased anxiety and nervousness. The harassment is continuous - 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days of the year! Month after month! Year after year! I was very unjustly misdiagnosed by an M.D. - psychologically. Human rights violations, lying, censorship, suppression, retaliation and intimidation are some of the crimes that the U.S. government, big businesses and mass media including the motion picture and music industries are complicit in while using and having access to satellite EMR/V2K mind control - neuroweaponry/surveillance technology. These institutions are also complicit in fraud and unjust enrichment (legal terms) while not being held accountable "to rule of law or the people".  I need a lawyer for an injunction against the U.S. Department of Justice that lied in violation of Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1001 Fraud and False statements June 14, 2011 about constitutional rights violations. What are the law professors teaching in law school about EMR/V2K technology, constitutional rights and ethics? The question should also be asked of the medical, psychiatry and dental schools. The agency and personel under the authority of the U.S. Department of Justice violating my human rights illegally using EMR/V2K technology is criminal, totalitarian and fascist and should be criminally prosecuted!

First Amendment to the United States Constitution

Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. 241 Conspiracy Against Rights

Title 22 U.S.C. Sec. 6771 Prohibition of Biological and Chemical Weapons

-Non Consensual Human Experimentation

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


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Our lives in a nutshell . . . The FBI is going to help? Bull.


Domestic terrorists and watch-listed individuals: Creating the false narrative

Out of control elements of FBI use misinformation to target Americans with certain beliefs

Who is watch-listed?

If you have done something in the past like reporting a state or federal agency for corruption or negligence, if you were arrested for something minor, offended a highly-placed individual or a person with political affiliations, you too can be placed on a watch-list. Subsequently, your normal and legal activities will intentionally be misinterpreted or falsely portrayed in order to prove that you demonstrate a predisposition for criminal behavior. Then the level of surveillance and harassment is increased depending on your “value,” and “potential threat level.”

Who else can be placed on a watch-list?

Activists, LGBT supporters, out-of-the-box thinkers, military veterans, retired law enforcement personnel with IED disposal experience, Black Lives Matter participants, PETA and Greenpeace members, investigative journalists, academics, conservatives, Tea Party members, Rand Paul supporters, Oath Keepers, “Sovereign Citizens,” whistle-blowers, Pro-Lifers, Americans who are married to foreign-born individuals, Americans who have a bank account or property in a foreign country, firearm owners, and NRA members are all “potential domestic threats.”
This is not a finite list; individuals belonging to other “terrorist” groups not listed above may also be included. As time progresses, the list is getting longer and encompasses even more diverse actors.
Accused individuals are never availed of due process. They were watch-listed extra-judicially, via a federal, closed-door decision making process referred to as a “Star Chamber.” Most “domestic terrorists” have not committed any crimes, or certainly any crimes worthy of their being targeted at the expense of tax-payers.
Most of those on watch-lists had no idea that since they were firearm owners, military veterans, retired law enforcement personnel with IED disposal training, or university students who once protested the poor treatment of Shamu the killer whale at Sea World, that they had participated in activities, or had occupations, which would result in them getting flagged as terrorists, along with Osama bin Laden.
Most people are unaware that they have been placed on a watch-list, which should not be confused with a “No-Fly” list. A “No-Fly” list is simply one of many watch-lists, which are in part categorized by threat-level.
And it needs to be noted that when the FBI or DHS watch-lists you (no legal hearing or proof needed of course) as a terrorist, they do not mention to the different law enforcement agencies or Data Fusion Centers, that all you did was raise a sign saying “Free Shamu.” Literally anyone can become suspect.
You see, when someone is red-flagged and watch-listed, those blurry lines work to the advantage of the aggressors (which in many cases are the FBI) who are ignoring the constitutional process, in order to target, harass, incarcerate, or extra-judicially eliminate innocent Americans.
So think twice before you raise a sign for Shamu the killer whale, protest for the rights of unborn babies, or join the NRA.
If you belong to one (or several) of the groups above, then you, like me are considered a “potential national security threat.” Now you can kiss your constitutional rights good-bye, as well as the basic rights provided to human beings as designated by the Nuremberg Code, which the United States is a signatory to.
What follows is part of my personal story of being watch-listed by the FBI and targeted in foreign countries. This is a summary of what happened to me – with a few details changed in order to maintain my anonymity.


So the FBI has their eye on you because you fall in several of the aforementioned categories. Maybe you are (1) a military veteran or whistle-blower, (2) you married a Christian girl from Mozambique, which has a Muslim population, (3) you opened a bank account in Mozambique, (4) you traveled throughout Africa, and (5) you studied some Islamic-related topics as part of a Middle Eastern Studies Program for your university degree – which these days implies that you are a potential Muslim convert.


The FBI tells the government in Mozambique that you are on a watch-list in the United States as a “domestic terrorist” (i.e. – “terrorist”) and that you should be “heavily monitored,” which basically equates to being put under 24/7 surveillance and harassed by the security apparatus of the country you are visiting. And in many places, Americans are high-value targets without the extra attention. The FBI is well aware of this and uses this to their advantage.
The FBI will also create a false criminal background for you (the “terrorist”) in order to further alarm the foreign government. This in turn results in the security apparatus of the foreign government  increasing their level of monitoring and harassment of you, the extra-judiciously targeted “”potential domestic threat.”
With the help of local authorities, Americans in the employ of the U.S. federal government will also funnel your wife’s family and the police in the foreign country of your residence additional false information in order to stir up even more trouble.
Here are some of the narratives which I have seen deployed:
You are suspected of “kidnapping” or “human trafficking,” (even though you have never even been involved in anything even remotely like that).
When you were 21, fifteen to twenty years ago, you were arrested for the possession of a small amount of marijuana (a few joints). Guess what? You are now a known “drug trafficker” and “dealer.”
As a fifteen year-old, you were snagged shoplifting a small bag of Sweet Tarts by your mom at a local food store. Your pissed-off mother then marched you back into the store by your ear and made you return the stolen candy, after which you returned home to a hiding, grounding, and promises that both Satan and God had a special spot in hell reserved just for you.
Now as a thirty-five or forty year-old, the FBI, already knowing every detail of your background, has relayed to your wife’s family and foreign government, that you were the subject of “an armed robbery investigation” in your home town.
But they “fail” to mention that the situation occurred twenty years ago, your mother caught you, made you return the stolen bag of Sweet Tarts to the store, that there were no weapons involved (you left your florescent green squirt-gun at home that day), you were a stupid fifteen year old, and that the FBI and DHS knowingly got the story from a family member who has an axe to grind with you.
And by the way, if you are watch-listed, Homeland Security and the FBI will speak to anyone you had a legal dispute with, or anyone else who could possibly hold a grudge against you. Indeed, those are the type of people they seek out during the commencement phase of their sabotage campaign against individuals who they have labelled as “threats.” You sued your ex-business partner and won the case against him twenty years ago? Guess who they are going to speak to first…
As an added “bonus” these gangster-styled federal agents attempt to create turmoil in the “target’s” life, create tension, cause hardships, ruin relationships, destroy family ties, facilitate financial loss, etc. Their goal is to totally destroy the watch-listed individual.
Now let’s say you fly from Mozambique to Morocco, Italy, or the United Arab Emirates to visit a friend, start a business, or take a vacation. FBI employees already stationed in the country of your destination will be alerted to your impending arrival. They will then have you flagged in “Country B.” Let’s pretend that “Country B” is Italy.
They will inform the Italian government that you are a suspected “terrorist” in the United States, that you were born as a Christian, yet “showed interest in Islam” (but they will not mention that it was required as part of your curriculum), and that your wife’s family and the government of Mozambique are worried about your possible involvement in kidnapping, human trafficking, drug trafficking and armed robbery.
And that aspect of the story is true, since it was US federal government employees who created the false narrative and then began to disseminate it to every person you associated with in Country A. So of course the government in Mozambique and your wife’s family is now worried, and even begins the divorce process.
US government employees will also monitor and intercept all of your phone calls, VOIP, SMS, and e-mails within the foreign countries you frequent in order to “harvest” all of your contacts. There are classified and dedicated operations which address that, in every country in which Americans are present.
Now what the FBI will not reveal to “Country B” is that they fabricated all of the information, and that they were the ones who caused the uproar by lying to the government of “Country A.” Now in “Country B (Italy),” they might add something additional and extra-juicy to the recipe in order for the targeted American’s harassment to escalate. The idea is to create a snowball effect and to keep the snowball rolling and growing.
Now God-forbid, this individual who was falsely targeted in the U.S., who is now set up for false arrest and extra-judicial detention (proxy detention) in both “Country A” and “Country B” by the FBI, travels to a “Country C” or “Country D.” In each new locale, the stories get bigger, the list of alleged “crimes” grows longer, and the FBI “kicks the hornets’ nest” even harder.
And then what the FBI does is re-directs or re-loops the growing misinformation stream to all of the foreign governments of the countries the target travels to. And they keep on recycling the misinformation until the level of alarm of the security apparatus in each of these countries grows exponentially, all compliments of their lies and fairy-tales.
FBI agents will contact the government of “Country A” and let them know that “the subject is also under investigation in “Countries B, C,” and “D.” They will do that for all of the involved countries, and even help law enforcement in each of those countries to network with each other, in order to trigger the illegal arrest and illegal detention of the targeted American, should he ever venture to any of those countries again.
These agents will facilitate the false arrest of Americans who have never committed a crime. This is called proxy detention, and in a third world country it can be a death sentence, and the FBI knows it. That is the goal: eliminate the terrorist, the target while maintaining a high level of plausible deniability. And let me tell you – from experience – they put a lot of effort into trying to pull it off.


If the FBI employees based in the foreign countries which the “watch-listed terrorist” travels to are feeling especially cheery, they may set up the American for a crime, entrapment, or assault. Local harassment and theft are standard operating procedure.
They will create scenarios to provoke the “terrorist,” facilitate a loss of his/her funds, reputation, life, health, and freedom. And guess what. The misinformation has also been conveyed to the State Department, so if you do end up in trouble, and call the embassy, you are already red-flagged on their databases, and are on your own.


If and when the American terrorist returns home intact (which really upsets them), the FBI will then feed the entire false narrative and bogus investigations (from Countries A to Z) to the Department of Homeland Security and also the Regional Data Fusion Centers.
While abroad, “Subject Q” was the “focus of terrorism investigations” in four countries. He/she was also suspected of/under investigation for: kidnapping, human trafficking, drug trafficking and armed robbery.
Now, all of this misinformation appears as “red flags” on the networks which connect federal, state, county, and city law enforcements – via the Regional Data Fusion Centers. The more flags an individual has attached to his name, the more value he or she has, and the greater possible “threat level” they represent. If an individual simply protested Shamu the killer whale at Sea World five years ago and works as a cashier in a restaurant, the federal government will certainly not spend as much time, money and effort targeting them.
If an individual has a high level of education, military background, familiarity with weapons, travels to dangerous locales, etc., then they very quickly become a “higher-level” target. Which means more resources are spent and more assets are assigned to neutralize or eliminate them as a threat.
Most law enforcement officers at the city and county level have no idea that the FBI created the entire false narrative for the targeted “terrorist.” Compartmentalization is utilized in order to keep fusion center employees, comprised of local, state and federal law enforcement officers; plus some civilians with security clearance, out of the loop, which operates on a need-to-know basis.
Additionally, the false criminal history created by the FBI (parallel construction) can then illegally be used as “legal” cause to set up sting operations to entrap the target. A sting operation can only (legally) be set up if an individual has shown a predisposition for committing a certain type of crime.
So now the entire false narrative created by the FBI, and then “re-collected” from foreign authorities, provides the basis (predisposition) for unconstitutional entrapment operations which outwardly appear to be legal sting operations.
Domestic law enforcement personnel, in addition to local, state and federal prosecutors (should the “target” ever be arrested) have no idea that the FBI created the bogus criminal history for the “terrorist,” which now portrays him or her of being suspected of criminal acts in foreign countries. In addition to causing grief for the “domestic threat” at home, they have turned the US citizen into an internationally-wanted target as a result of their parallel construction, lies and sophomoric fairy-tales.
Now the US citizen is put on additional “domestic tasking lists.” With the assistance of the FBI and Homeland Security, private security contractors, utilize civilian hirees to harass the domestic “extremist.”
The federal authorities will provide medical records, financial information and academic records to these non-governmental security contractors, as well as domestic law enforcement personnel. Much of this personal identifying information (PII), which is supposed to be protected by the Privacy Act, is also available on data fusion center networks, which are tied in to dozens of law enforcement databases, all the way up to the federal level.
While the aforementioned scenario spanned foreign countries, this type of situation can also happen domestically. “Country A” and “Country B” can just as easily be “City A” and “City B;” both within the United States.
Personnel working for the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security will create the false narratives, the fantastic stories and absurd fairy tales, “feed” them to different recipients, be they different law enforcement groups in cities in the United States, or to foreign governments, and then they help the false narrative to “snowball” and spin out of control. The bigger the snowball and more absurd the stories become, the better.
Federally-funded private security contractors and their thuggish, street-level hirees will harass the watch-listed individual with acts such as vandalism, theft, cyber-harassment, provocations in public locations, pet poisonings, and defamation of character with family, friends and co-workers.
While it is difficult to pin down who is involved in the cyber-harassment, the most likely culprits are the regional data fusion centers, the FBI’s Data Interception Technology Unit (DITU), and several privately-owned cyber-companies based here in the U.S. which produce and deploy “weaponized” software and technologies.
Additionally, the Department of Homeland Security, which is actually represented at both federal and county levels, dispatches personnel to inform the watch-listed individual’s familiars that that he or she “poses a grave threat to the community” and “should be monitored.”
Familiars include professors, faculty and students should the watch-listed individual go to school, co-workers, family members, friends and landlords. DHS personnel or private security contractor hirees will also go to the commercial locations the individual frequents: gyms, restaurants, stores, clubs, salons, and barber shops.
In some cases Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) or National Security Letters (NSLs) are flashed in order to “impress” upon the target’s familiars the “urgency” of the situation in regards to national security.
Homeland Security will also financially compensate neighbors, friends, landlords and co-workers for their “assistance” in monitoring domestic “terrorists.” It is a huge business, which is funded by the sleeping taxpayers.
In order to maximize trauma to the “target,” who in reality is a victim of outrageous government conduct, the governmentally-affiliated parties involved will also relay to all of the watch-listed individual’s contacts, that he or she is mentally unstable, delusional, involved in pedophilia, child pornography, bestiality, rape, sexual deviancy, is a homosexual, has a history of violence, or has committed a crime of moral turpitude.
This defamation of character is an integral aspect of their tactical operations, which is referred to as “Zersetzung” (social decomposition), and was developed by the former East German Stasi. The goal is to totally destroy the person’s reputation, relationships, family and income-stream. This is also known as “No-touch torture or Soft-kill.”
The specific narrative (i.e. – defamation of character) is based on the information recipients. If the target’s neighbor has children, then he or she is falsely labeled as a pedophile. If the target works at a bank, then he or she is falsely accused of having a history of theft, and all of the target’s co-workers will be informed. The false narrative which the FBI and DHS create is tailor-made and adjusted to each recipient based on the situation and context.
These Stasi-styled operations are geared to silently isolate and destroy individuals who have been “red-flagged” and “black-listed” for being potential “domestic extremists” or “domestic terrorists.” What has been described above is illegal, is a RICO statute violation, is in violation of the Nuremberg Code, is considered cruel and unusual punishment, and is representative of outrageous government conduct.
Unfortunately these tactics are common tools which are employed by certain groups within the federal government against innocent American citizens, and these activities – which amount to a counter-intelligence operation, are now much more commonplace than people assume.
In the 1970s, the Church Committee held hearings which publicized the FBI’s counter-intelligence program (COINTELPRO), which was supposed to have been terminated. Apparently, once again certain factions within the federal government have launched another classified program which is targeting innocent Americans.
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Best Strategies For A Disease-free Life

(Health Secrets) You don’t have to settle for disease. There are easy natural interventions that can prevent and heal the diseases that plague people in today’s Western world. Each of these interventions addresses one or more of the primary strategies for becoming disease-free. These strategies are

  • Reducing body inflammation
  • Supporting the immune system
  • Establishing a healthy lifestyle

Reducing body inflammation

Inflammation is a normal, healthy response to injury or infection, displayed as localized heat, redness, swelling, and pain. The inflammation process increases nourishment and immunity in the area where infection needs to be healed.

However inflammation does have destructive potential. In autoimmune diseases the immune system mistakenly targets the body’s own tissues. When whole body inflammation develops, it is a chronic, low-level inflammation. Research suggests chronic inflammation sets the foundation for such diseases as heart disease, cancer and neurodegenerative conditions.

Chronic inflammation is influenced by epigenetics and the habits of a sedentary lifestyle, stress, food choices, and exposure to environmental toxins. Many people in Western societies live life in a pro-inflammatory state resulting from the lifestyle choices they make.

Supporting the immune system

Research has identified several factors that suppress the immune system. Those who became most seriously ill with swine flu displayed a weakened immune system and shared a common characteristic — their body mass index was over 40, which is considered morbidly obese. Excess weight can cause hormonal imbalances and inflammation, impairing the immune system’s ability to fight infection and cancer.

Drinking water plays a role in whether or not you get sick. About 25 million Americans drink well water, which may contain more than the EPA

recommended safe levels of arsenic. Arsenic affects the immnune response and is linked to several different cancers, and the swine flu. Researchers at Dartmouth Medical School found that a group of mice that spent 5 weeks drinking arsenic-tainted water developed suppressed immune systems and many died from swine flu. Mice that didn’t drink tainted water got the flu but recovered completely.

According to the American Psychological Association, long-term stress weakens the immune system’s ability to respond. Philip Tierno, director of clinical microbiology and immunology at New York University and author of The Secret Life of Germs, tells us if you become stressed while you have the flu, your symptoms can get worse.

Tierno says the average adult picks up one to three colds each season that typically last 3 or 4 days. If you get more colds, your resistance is probably low and your immunity weakened. He recommends getting more sleep, regular exercise, and including lots of healthy veggies and other immune boosting foods in your diet.

About 70% of our immune system centers in the digestive system. The immune system starts in the mouth. This immune factor known as sIGa awaits germs or microbes that are not welcome in the body. When activated it contacts other immune mediators and attacks the invader or microbe.

Signs of a stressed and inflamed digestive track include stomach bloating, itchy skin, body rashes, mouth ulcers, and white-coated tongue. Inflammation results from many rounds of antibiotics, limited amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, smoking, and stress.

Gut flora is an important immune factor found in the digestive system. Gut flora helps digest food and maintains the digestive environmental system. There is more gut flora in the digestive system than cells in the body.

Inflammation of the intestinal track may create a leaky, permeable gut leading to malnutrition. Approximately 60 million Americans are experiencing intestinal inflammation resulting in a variety of digestive diseases. To improve the immune system and the integrity of the gut add live probiotics to the diet, and avoid stress, chemicals, processed foods, food additives, sugar, contraceptives, antibiotics, and pain pills.

Digestive inflammation and imbalances in intestinal bacteria are related to arthritis, diarrhea, B12 deficiency, chronic fatigue syndrome, cystic acne, breast cancer, eczema, food allergy or sensitivity, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis, heartburn, indigestion, constipation, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.

Gluten intolerance causes inflammation through out the body and manifests in migraines, anxiety attacks, brain fog and poor concentration. Research shows inflammation triggered by food sensitivities contributes to chronic fatigue syndrome, and fibromyalgia. When intestinal balance is restored, inflammation and symptoms may resolve.

A taxed liver can’t process toxins and fat efficiently, contributing to systemic inflammation and weight gain. Many foods help clean the liver by stimulating its natural ability to cleanse toxic waste from the body. To support liver function add these foods to the diet: spinach, steamed broccoli, hemp oil, wild caught salmon, tart cherries, walnuts, onions and garlic, pineapple, and fermented foods like kefir.

To counter chronic inflammation

  • Avoid refined, processed and manufactured food
  • Avoid snack and fast foods. They provide too much omega-6 fatty acids which are pro inflammatory
  • Increase intake of omega-3 fatty acids from oily ocean fish, walnuts, flax and hemp

To support the immune system

  • Drink enough water and other liquids to make your urine a pale yellow
  • Have your water tested. If it is high in arsenic, invest in a remediation system
  • Detoxify your liver and colon
  • Eat at least two servings of fruits, three servings of vegetables, and add probiotics such as kefir to your diet

Anti-inflammatory and cleansing foods

Garlic – activates liver enzymes that help flush out toxins. Garlic has high amounts of allicin and selenium, two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing.

Grapefruit – is high in vitamin C and antioxidants, and helps boost production of liver detoxification enzymes.

Beets and carrots – are high in flavonoids and beta-carotene which helps stimulate and improve liver function.

Green tea – contains antioxidants known as catechins, which assist liver function.

Leafy green vegetables – eaten raw, cooked or juiced. These are high in chlorophyll that removes environmental toxins from the blood stream and neutralizes heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides.

Avocados – are nutrient-dense and help produce glutathione (an endogenous antioxidant).

Apples – contain pectin which cleanses and releases toxins from the digestive tract.

Olive oil – and cold-pressed organic oils such as olive, hemp, and flaxseed provide a lipid base which bonds to harmful toxins for easy elimination.

Alternative grains – such as quinoa, millet and buckwheat (avoid wheat and other grains containing gluten).

Cruciferour vegetables – such as broccoli and cauliflower increase liver glucosinolates that help flush out carcinogens and other toxins, and may significantly lower risk of some cancers.

Lemons and limes – are high in vitamin C, and aid detoxification.

Walnuts – have high amounts of the amino acid arginine, which helps detoxify ammonia.

Cabbage – stimulates activation of liver detoxifying enzymes (kimchi, coleslaw, cabbage, sauerkraut).

Turmeric – this spice helps detoxification and flushes out dietary carcinogens.

Life Style Immunity Boosting Tips

  • Take up meditation
  • Practice Qigong (Chinese mind-body exercise)
  • Exercise at least five days a week
  • Get at least seven hours of sleep each night
  • Take a 5-10 minute walk shortly after each meal
  • Spend time in the sunshine without the use of sunscreen
  • Do no exceed two alcoholic drinks per day, and make at least one of them red wine
  • Use Astragalus, an herbal supplement that fight viruses
  • Use herbs and spices when cooking and with raw foods
  • Add shiitake, reishi and maitake mushrooms to your diet
  • Reduce consumption of sweets and foods made with white flour

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