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Walking Around in a Virtual Body while your physical body lies dormont has already been achieved and is in widespread use.
I am currently reading a book called 'Digital Genesis' by Christopher Barnatt where he writes that over three hundred thousand people are able to receive audio directly inside their heads due to implants. He further writes about Brain Computer Interface Virtual Reality Systems which would stimulate every human sense via direct digital input to the brain and could deliver totally 'real' immersive virtual reality experiences.. He further writes that future brain computer interface virtual reality systems may in parallel enable us to control totally realistic virtual bodies and this would require our minds to be partially disconnected from our real bodies and I understand that he means that we would be able to project all of our senses out from the virtual body over a Brain Computer Interface wireless link in such a way that living inside the virtual body would be similar to living inside our real bodies.
I am a subject of non-consensual neural research for many years. My brain and body have become saturated with technology. I know that this ability to walk around in a virtual body has already been achieved and it is in widespread use. I know that for two reasons. First of all I have seen first hand individuals walking around in my own bedroom at night on several occasions and those individuals were partially see-through. Secondly, a high profile targeted individual from the United States has spoken about this capability many times on his youtube channel and has explained this capability in great detail. His youtube channel is called Targeted Individual. (I will fill in his name later.)
I am very frightened that my own body will be used in such a manner some day soon because my central nervous system is being prepared so that it can be controlled externally by wireless means and it is also being bio-robotized. When that project of bio-robotizing my body is complete and it is now nearly complete then somebody else could conceivably take over my body for a short space of time and walk and talk and act through it just for long enough to commit a violent crime or any type of evil act. Many other targeted individuals are also experiencing wirelessly enabled external control of some of their muscles.
Science and technology has become so advanced in the past few decades that many people have been fooled into believing that something supernatural is taken place because they continue to experience extreme experiences which they can not explain. I do not believe in the supernatural and all experiences no matter how extreme can easily be explained by secret advances in science and technology.
If you should experience whole body takeover at any time in the future whoever takes over your body could then force a signature out of you where you sign over your estate in the presence of witnesses while appearing to be in an emotionally stable and cheerful manner. Likewise a senior politician while undergoing whole body take over could be made to sign over some of the resources of a country to agents of the dark occult.
Because I am a long term subject of non-consensual neural research, and because my brain has become illegally embedded with technology , many nights just before I am about to drift off to sleep when my brain goes into Alpha wave stage I am then sometimes forced by the criminals and their agents into a virtual reality hold. A brain computer interface wireless link is used to non-consensually project my senses and feelings into many different frightening virtual reality settings which I find difficult to break myself out of. Is it possible to lock someone inside a virtual reality setting for a short time where they would be forced to see flames and would also be forced to feel as if they were being burned. I strongly believe that that scenario is now possible because if the criminal neuro operatives forced the non-consensual neural experimentation subject's eyes shut by wireless means and also paralysed the subject from head to toe by means of central nervous system control as described in some detail in patent number us 6965816 the subject would then not be able to pull themselves out of that virtual reality setting until they were released from it by their neural controllers who manage and control their lives by wireless means and from an unknown remote location as is occurring in my own case. We aught to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities as a matter of extreme urgency in order to stop them from becoming a common capability. We aught to also disassemble and ban the two hundred or so installations of HAARP phased arrays from various locations around the world which were not erected for the benefit of humanity.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.

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We all are purported to have both inhaled and ingested nano material which when amalgamated with other materials which are in the food and water supply turn into materials which are able to perform the same purpose as electrodes. These materials which are similar to electrodes penetrate the blood brain barrier because certain types of electromagnetic radiation render the blood brain barrier more permeable. Criminals and others then connect the nano materials which are inside our brains and central nervous systems to computer networks and they then go on to connect a selection of both men andwomen by a brain computer interface which is also known as a neural-control interface to their human control system.
Brain computer interfaces allow for bi-directional flow. It provides a direct communication pathway between a nano enhanced brain and an external device. The criminals who have connected both my brain and body to their many and varied brain computer interface devices communicate with me on an almost constant basis throughout each day. They attempt to control my life in many and varied ways. They can tell whenever I move a muscle anywhere in my body because whenever I do so by body generates a pattern of electromagnetic frequencies which can be translated into which muscle I moved. This all occurs at an extremely high speed. They have a virtual image of me on their screens and by translating all of the electromagnetic frequencies which are generated inside my brain and body as they occur in real time they then can see every movement that I make, every word that I speak, every thought that I think and every feeling that I feel. They do all of the above against my will and without my permission and if they wished they could do it to you to without your permission and even without you being entirely aware of what they were doing to you and what they knew about you.
Because the brain computer interface which attaches me to a large criminal network which includes some British police officers is bi-directional these criminals transmit voice commands directly into my brain. They send moving images into my brain as well as pain or electric shock. They transmit modulated electromagnetic frequencies into my central nervous system which makes a selection of my muscles move against my will to the extent that I have become partially bio-robotized at this stage. They can now over-ride some of my muscle control, both my external muscles and the soft muscles which control some of my alimentary canal. Because the brain computer interface which attaches me to this criminal network is bi-directional these criminals and others steal bio-data from both my brain and body.
I believe that senior government staff are already wirelessly connected by brain-computer interfaces to large criminal networks and I believe that these large criminal networks transmit information subliminally to them on a constant basis and that these government staff are unaware that they are being subliminally influenced. I believe that both the police and psychiatrists believe that anybody who confesses to being wirelessly tethered by a brain computer interface to a large criminal network is regarded as mentally ill. Many of us including myself attempted to inform both the Gardai and psychiatrists that we were being wirelessly spoken to by criminals whose voices we were hearing coming from inside our own heads and moreover that these criminals were attempting to move and control the muscles of our bodies but they refused to believe me and did not accept a statement from me and instead mandated that I be interviewed by a psychiatrist. Because access to government assistance is closed to all of us who report this matter my only option is to write about my experiences each day on my blog.
Please wear at least three pieces of shungite jewellery as it has very strong protectional properties from electromagnetic radiation. Please wear rolls of neodymium magnets which are set up in rows in ways that each magnet repels the next one beside it and they are all bound together with duct tape. Keep several of these rolls of magnets in your person in order to protect yourself. (See a youtube video called HerbsPlusBeadWorks for further information about how to make these rolls of repelling magnets.)
Take very small amounts of the supplement boron three times per day in order to destroy the nano material inside your brain and body. Keep your digital devices inside faraday bags when not in use. Switch off the electricity at the mains to your bedroom each night. Wear eyeshades over your eyes with peices of shungite inserted into them when sleeping. Please raise awareness of the fact the criminal networks wish to enslave myself and many others by the brain computer interface which connects us to them. This is a silent war. If you wish to remain free raise awareness of what is occurring every day while you still are able to do so.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of ireland.

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Our bodies and brains are saturated with metallic particulates. Small light magnets will now stick to our heads. Our cereal will sometimes move across the cereal bowl if we place a magnet near it.
If you place metallic particulates in a microwave oven they burn brightly. If the microwave transmitters are turned up to full power we too will burn brightly.
Who is responsible for placing metallic particulates in our food in order that we would then ingest them and thereby saturate our brains and bodies with said metallic particulates? How do we get ourselves out of this dangerous situation? We must disassemble and ban microwave transmitters immediately. We must ban all metallic particulates from food, water and air. If our governments refuse to disassemble and ban said microwave transmitters we must all erect jamming devices inside our homes which when active would jam all transmissions of electromagnetic energy which would be directed at our homes.
These metallic particulates which are now inside our brains and bodies are being used my neuro operatives to monitor, measure and manipulate the electrical signals as they travel from our brains through our central nervous system down to our extremeties. They use frequency modulators to modify these electrical signals and then send them back into our bodies where they can now force a selection of our muscles to move against our wills. We can now be forced to punch our own faces with our own fists against our wills, and this can all be triggered by wireless means by unknown neuro operatives while they work from an unknown remote location. We can now be sent voice commands, pain, electric shocks, moving images and immobilization if we dare to disobey the dark Luciferians at the top of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command if we dare to disobey their evil commands. We must return to the use of common law rather than civil law which is a tool of said dark luciferians. Do not register your children at birth because you are in effect signing them over to enslavement to said dark luciferians. Do not allow yourselves or your children to be innoculated or to have your or their teeth filled with mercury amalgam fillings. Human beings have no impact on the temperature of this earth. Distrust everything that they promote including the climate change hoax.

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Executive Summary of the Executive Summary
“Government” wasn’t designed to protect life, liberty and property. It is a system, a technique used by intergenerational organized crime to rob and control society. The only reason anyone believes it is legitimate, desirable, or necessary is because they have been indoctrinated into the belief system from birth through mandatory government schools, control of private school curriculum through accreditation, scouting, military/police “training” and a propaganda system of six monopoly media companies running hundreds of subsidiaries to give the illusion of choice and diversity of opinion. Google/Facebook/Twitter/Reddit/ Meet-Up/Disqus further control perception on the DARPA Internet by creating a “propaganda matrix” that the system is legitimate while hiding and concealing the news outlets, websites, documentaries, and videos that are exposing the criminality of the system. The Good News You aren’t an “American” or a “Russian” or an “Israeli” just because you were born in one geographical area or another. You are a free and sentient human being who doesn’t owe your income or allegiance to any organized crime system using classicial, textbook unethically manipulative cult-indoctrination techniques on an unsuspecting public. Everything the “government” does could be provided by the free market and real charity or likely shouldn’t be done at all. Voluntaryism I.E. real freedom, has been the biggest secret that has been kept from society because it is the only political system that is fair for all. No one gets the “ring of power”.. No one gets to use violence or extortion on anyone else… Not even “government”. After you free your own mind from what was force fed you in your youth then free just 5 other people and then we

Techniques for controlling populations have been developed and honed by monarchies, despots, tyrants, and “democratic governments” for centuries. The U.S. government today does not remotely resemble or respect the ideals of the original republic, which the government school system still celebrates and pretends exists. It now parallels the same system that was used to control the tax slaves/ actual slaves in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and East Germany. In addition to sharing mechanisms of control and indoctrination, these governments are all illegitimate because it is impossible to delegate rights you don’t have personally to “representatives.” For example, If you don’t have the moral right to coerce money from your neighbor and redistribute it to others, then you can’t delegate that “right” to a “representative” — even if the majority agrees. Voting can’t change morality, and just because the mob wants to lynch black folks or rob Peter to pay Paul, it doesn’t mean those actions are legitimate by ‘virtue’ of the majority outnumbering its victims. Unfortunately, using violence to control society is organized crime, and the control system known as “government” has always been used to fleece the population. Those in power have tended to use the same techniques through history. They control educational institutions to perpetuate propaganda and indoctrinate the pseudo-religion of Statism into children. Statism is the propagandized belief in the necessity, desirability, and legitimacy of government. It is a mind control technique and pseudo-religion because there is no such thing as “government.” Introduction
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You can’t go to Washington D.C./ “Mecca” and touch “government!” You can touch buildings and people, but “government” is just an idea. It is a “supernatural entity” that promises to make the world a better place: to feed the poor, to protect the weak, and to provide for your retirement. It can even raise wages and lower prices at the same time! Is there nothing the State can’t do? Pursuant to government power, free children are brought up in mandatory schools believing that because they were born on this side or that side of an imaginary line (a border), they are “American” or “Canadian,” for example, and — by virtue of where they were born — now owe half their income in overt/covert taxes and inflation to organized crime using well-recognized “cult indoctrination” techniques and propaganda on them. Some cult members are so mind-controlled they even shave their heads and murder whomever the cult leaders tell them to or lock peaceful people in for-profit
prisons for victimless crimes. The idea that Americans are “free” when they are forced to pay as much as half their income in overt taxes, covert taxes, and inflation while putting up with the government’s myriad rules, regulations, monopolies and licensing schemes borders on ludicrous. “Americans” are victims of a multitrillion dollar con-game through which they have been indoctrinated and secretly propagandized into an artificial belief system that teaches them to be “tax-payers” and some to be “orderfollowers” to kill and enforce on their fellow tax slaves. It is a system based on lies, brainwashing, propaganda, and the immoral, poisonous idea that some people can be “delegated” the “authority” to rule others. The acceptance of the legitimacy of “authority” is the acceptance that you are a slave and must obey a master. The difference between a free man and a slave is that slaves can’t say: No.
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Real Freedom! - The alternative that is often paid lip service but rarely offered in government schools: It amounts to no masters, no slaves! One of the biggest secrets kept from public (government) school children is that the world is a self-organizing system that produces spontaneous order and that all the “services” provided by government — from protection to roads to charity — can be better provided by voluntary interaction, the free market, and real charity. Freedom doesn’t guarantee utopia, but it is the most moral alternative that unleashes the creativity and capital creation mechanisms of the market. Voluntaryism/anarchism are social movements that reject the artificially indoctrinated belief system of Statism in favor of true freedom and voluntary interactions between free people. It is the most moral of all the political systems in that it recognizes natural law and honors the NonAggression Principle (NAP), which posits that no individual or group of
individuals has the right to initiate violence and coercion against other human beings who are not aggressing against them — in other words, live and let live, unless someone is threatening your life or property. All other political philosophies (socialism, communism, monarchy, democracy, constitutional republicanism, etc.) allow a ruling class to engage in violence and coercion against the majority. Though these systems may even allow elections where the winning party is allowed to rob everyone in society to enact its stated political goals, elections amount to ritualistic theater (especially when they only represent a minority of the eligible voters and the winner was outnumbered by citizens who didn’t vote at all). In addition to the travesty that occurs when majority rule tramples the rights of the minority, elections are also easily rigged and controlled by moneyed interests to offer the illusion of control to the tax slaves who are ignorant/willfully ignorant of the ‘big con’.
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Nazi Germany US Government Current Soviet Union/Russia East Germany1933-1945 1776-Present 1922-1991 1949-1990Flag: Artificial Indoctrinated Holy Symbol - Flags evolved from war banners that war parties carried in battle. Symbolically, they are the same as the “colors” of crips, bloods, and other gangs. Today flags are used by organized crime governments to indoctrinate populations into the local flavor of Statism as a pseudo-religious artificial holy symbol. In the U.S., children are forced to pledge their allegiance with their hands over their hearts starting in kindergarten in mandatory schools. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, military academies, and police/military training further reinforce this artificial reverence with artificial solemn rituals: how the holy flag should be folded, carried, saluted, buried, and ultimately revered. Organized crime’s media system reinforces this religiosity by product-placing the flag into hundreds of movies and television shows that becomes painfully obvious in this short video showing 469 “product placements” in just 12 Michael Bay movies. Hollywood propagandists frequently use a technique called “Anchoring” where they create a moment of high positive emotion (Matt Damon escaping Mars in the Martian) and then “Anchor” that exhilaration to the flag by immediately cutting to people on earth waving American flags
The above are some excerpts from a free ebook available online called "Understanding our Slavery" by Etienne de la Boetie.

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Posted on April 30, 2019 by gretta
I am a targeted individual of non-consensual research and this afore mentioned research is being conducted on me by unknown criminal operatives who work from a remote location and use advanced technology to monitor and survey my brain and body on a continual basis and they have been doing so for the past sixteen years. I have been disbelieved by both the local Gardaí, my general medical practitioner and many psychiatrists whenever I have informed them of these unusual and terrifying experiences. I no longer complain to them about my predicament because it would probably lead to me being detained in a psychiatric hospital where I would more than likely be mandated to ingest toxic substances for no reason whatsoever.
I am connected to the afore mentioned unknown criminal operatives by a two way energy link. They force me to listen to their voices on a continual basis. I hear their voices coming from inside my head against my will and wholly without my permission. Earlier today I heard one of the afore mentioned inner voices say the following “We were told you were a mock up of a human being rather than a real live human being.” Another inner voice was then heard by me to say the following “There are no mock ups of human beings. All who are being surveyed are real live human beings and none of them have given us permission to monitor and survey them at any time ever.”

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I am non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly tethered via a microchip implant to a network of computers as well as a supercomputer.  The implanting occurred without my knowledge or permission at a time when I was unconscious of it happening.  This microchip implant in combination with a variety of other bio-medical implants is being used to read my sub-vocal thoughts in real time. When my sub-vocal thoughts are read by unknown neuro staff they then reply to them in real time using other implants which may be imbedded in my ear canals.  Still other implants can be used to send pain signals if I refuse to obey these commands.

You may already be imbedded with a series of implants because implantable technology is in widespread use throughout main stream medicine largely without the knowledge or consent of the patient and also without the knowledge of the implanter. These tiny implants are being built into medical devices and some may even be imbedded into disposable needles.

As my wireless tethering is invisible to the naked eye but not to microchip cameras I have not yet been able to prove this wireless tethering to the police or psychiatry so they may erroneously believe me to be mentally ill. However, I have lived alone for many years without assistance and without any drugs so therefore I could not possibly be mentally ill.  Other individuals claiming similar wireless tethering are widespread through Ireland and the wider world. They are automatically deemed to be mentally ill without any appraisal of the evidence.   Some people in positions of authority are actively denying that this slow and incremental enslavement of the human race is occurring at all either because they are heavily mind controlled by a variety of technological devices or because they have become actively involved in the implanting process or because they have become wirelessly tethered themselves and can no longer help or because they have legally compromised themselves and  therefore can not admit the truth.   

There is an easy solution but one which most people are not willing to implement because their own brains and bodies have not been wirelessly tethered yet. The solution is simply to have all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia banned outright. Without microwave transmitters no electronic mind control can exist and no wireless tethering of real live human beings can exist either. The existence of satellites is an easily provable hoax. All worldwide date is being transmitted via undersea fibre optic cables. Please raise awareness of this urgent issue before you yourself become wirelessly tethered by both your brain and spinal cord.

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