Technologies (6)

Any human being in existence can be non-consensually wirelessly attached  to a super computer from implants which are believed to be already inside all of  our  brains and spinal cords.   That  super computer then reads and stores all of the electrical activity which the individuals   brain and body generate throughout each and every day of their life from that day forward. .  Some of the data about the individual which comes to be stored on the super computer data banks  can automatically be analysed by computerized algorithms.  The remainder of the data  is researched by teams of analysts who further categorise it into specific categories based on computer monitoring of the  normal everyday routine of the targeted individual.   

The super computer categorises every word the targeted individual says and further categorises this data  into specific categories so that it can be researched at a later date by neuro specialists who exist primarily to catch good will  individuals out in some small way so that said neuro specialists  can exert further control over the lives of the targeted individual by legal means if necessary.

The super computer can also now map out the electrical signals from the visual cortex of the brain of a targeted individual.  Once these electrical signals are decoded they then project the visual images of what the targeted individual sees, and what the targeted individual imagines and remembers and dreams on to a computer screen for further analysis.

By having access to an individuals brain waves by way of  this two way super computer enabled monitoring system neuro operatives  can send covert signals to the brain and body of the targeted individual.  This  capability enables neuro operatives to project their voices as well as moving images and pain signals to the targeted individual.   This capability also enables neuro operatives to force the targeted individual to move their own muscles against their own free will.   This capability effectively enables unknown neuro operatives to paralyse a targeted individual from head to toe if they refuse to obey an order given via bio-communication by  any neuro operative.  The targeted individual then become a prisoner inside their own body and is not allowed to move a single muscle unless they do exactly as they are told to do.   

I, Gretta Fahey of Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland am a targeted individual of this cruel system which has come to be known as remote neural manipulation.   I have not got to the stage where I can be paralysed from head to toe as yet.  I can still move my muscles of my own free will.  However, I do not know how long I have got before the neuro operatives obtain the knowledge to biologically enslave me inside my own body.   I believe that some of the neuro operatives who have been communicating with me over many years during this non-consensual black budget research which I am undergoing are themselves compromised in some way in the sense that a large portion of them appear to be helping me to get the information out beyond the ring fence that surrounds whatever information I post online.

My website is called ; My facebook page is called


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The people of most countries throughout the world have been inhaling and ingesting smart dust over the past decade or more without their knowledge or consent. This dust sized technology has now dispersed widely throughout the their bodies and brains.  This smart technology  can be tuned into wirelessly and controlled remotely via a myriad of digital technologies in their homes and wider environment and it can be used to control them from the inside out. People can now be made to hear voices, see visions, and feel sensations throughout their bodies. They can be given orders that they would hear coming from inside their heads. If they refuse to obey these orders they could be made to feel pain or in some instances they could be paralysed by remote control and from a distance. All human behaviour is being studied on a forensic level and computerized algorithms are being set up to automatically award points for behaviour which falls in line with the thinking of the  new would-be controllers, and to  deduct points for behaviour which is out of line with their thinking. Everything that every human being does, thinks and says every minute of every day could be used to award or deduct points to or from  their personal credit score. This control system is now being controlled by teams of neuro operatives who themselves are already controlled for the most part by algorithms.   Many people throughout the world have already been placed on this control system. They have come to be known as targeted individuals.

We are now at the eleventh hour. If you wish to live in freedom in the future you must organise to have all wireless enabling capabilities disassembled and banned. We are at a pivotal point in human history. If you act now you will help to ensure that millions of future generations of human beings live in freedom on this world. All government systems have been captured and corrupted and government staff have been placed under electronic mind control due to the fact that they have been mandated to use smart engineered technology in their work places. Banking systems and all intelligence services throughout the world have been fused into one bank and one intelligence service and they are headquartered in Switzerland. The intelligence service staff are under Nazi type control.

All of the worlds money supply is slowly and incrementally being taken from the human race through extra and unfair taxes and through people unknowingly being placed under electronic mind control when they are making their wills to give their money to bogus charities, so that these too can be used by the dark new world order cartel for nefarious purposes of control and eventual enslavement of the whole human race. All centres of power have been corrupted to the extent that all power now comes from a secret hierarchical based chain of command that few are knowledgeable about.

Space based technology does not exist. It has been hoaxed. What were once believed to be satellites were in fact stationary drones which are in near earth and can easily be shot down by the people who control them. All other microwave generating technology is ground based and can easily be disassembled and eventually banned outright be the control system if it so wishes. Gun control is about taking guns from the people and giving it to agents of the dark new world order cabal so that ordinary people would then be unable to defend themselves against a fascist dictatorship. In such a dictatorship money would no longer be in use. All farm land would be owned and controlled by the world control system and nobody would be allowed to eat unless they were totally obedient to the fascist control system. If you refused to fall in line with this system and your own personal credit score dropped below a certain point, you could be selected for capture or death by computerized algorithms without any human intervention whatsoever.

The brains of most of humanity have been entrained into a state of passive indifference by the use of frequency signals which are being transmitted from cell phone towers aka mobile phone masts. Most people are unable to comprehend the extreme danger that they and their families are now facing.
The dark new world order cabal wish to allow the human populace to remain asleep so that if the current world wide financial control system fails as it is being allowed to do, they will assume that it failed because of the normal vagaries of the now non-existent market. All prices are currently under the control of said computerized algorithms.
The whole worldwide control system is destined to fail by the Autumn of this year if we fail to take back our power according to sources close to me.

Please organise immediately to have gun control abolished by refusing to hand over your guns to the current military regime. 

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See Complete Description~ 
A call to action! #TargetedIndividuals of Organized #GangStalking and MILITARY GRADE, Satellite #NoTouchTorture!

The more petitions ALL OF THESE INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES RECEIVE (information and torture and abuse case summaries they receive) the better. Listed here are 4 separate calls to action to get our stories distributed worldwide. PLEASE PARTICIPATE, THERE IS POWER IN NUMBERS. Initially I was sending pleas, and petitions for redress, myself, to several United Nations Human Rights branches. I was made aware of Johns International Pleas and  Petitions, and without hesitation, support and joined this cause! Locally within the States my persistence to our leaders resulted in what I consider a monumental accomplishment, concerning the written response I received from Congressman Rick Nolan, acknowledging my concerns, AS VALID! TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS! 

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EU Panel: Human robotization, Nano implant technologies, Mind control slavery, Neurological weapons torture, – The "Transhumanist Agenda"


EU Panel: Human robotization, Nano implant technologies, Mind control slavery, Neurological weapons torture, Gang stalking – The "Transhumanist Agenda"

Panel: Magnus Olsson, Dr. Henning Witte, and Melanie Vritschan from the European Coalition Against Covert Harassment with Alfred Lambremont Webre

Using detailed research, the EUCACH.ORG panelists describe Transhumanist Agenda that is now using advanced scalar technologies, super quantum computers, a quantum cloud, a super grid of over 1000 grids that is connected to HAARP for global coordinated mind control of a growing population of human robots that are created via these technologies for a global control and enslavement agenda. EUCACH.ORG Panel

In a 2-hour wide-ranging Panel with Alfred Lambremont Webre on the Transhumanist Agenda, Magnus Olsson, Dr. Henning Witte, and Melanie Vritschan, three experts from the European Coalition Against Covert Harassment, revealed recent technological advances in human robotization and nano implant technologies, and an acceleration of what Melanie Vritschan characterized as a “global enslavement program”.


Shift from electromagnetic to scalar waves

These technologies have now shifted from electromagnetic wave to scalar waves and use super quantum computers in the quantum cloud to control “pipes” a reference to the brains of humans that have been taken over via DNA, via implants that can be breathed can breach the blood-brain barrier and then controlled via scalar waved on a super-grid. Over 1000 grids worldwide are now connected into a mind control super grid that is connected to HAARP as a master planetary mind control machine, according to EUCACH.ORG.

Six million brain-entrained humans in the European Union alone

Several years ago, one conservative estimate of the number of individuals whose brains had been entrained into the super grid was set at 6 million persons in the European Union alone, and now is estimated to be greater. EUCACH.ORG performs free RF radio frequency readings for citizens to ascertain if these individuals are being targeted with scalar nano technology control weapons. In a recent public RF testing in London, UK, 40% of the participating public tested positive for emitting RF frequencies, and indication that they were being subjected to non-consensual scalar mind control. In one public testing, 100% of public participants tested positive. One targeted individual testing positive for RF frequencies was a five-year old child, indicating that children are at risk of human robotization in the Transhumanist Agenda.


Homeopathic gold is effective protection

Technologies that were thought effective against electromagnetic (EMF) mind control frequency weapons are not effective against these new scalar wave technologies. EUCACH.ORG research has found that homeopathic gold is effective in protecting a targeted individual against the scalar wave intrusions of the super-grid.

Parties behind Transhumanist Agenda

When asked for individuals and institutions operationally involved in this new mind control super grid and Transhumanist Agenda, Dr. Henning Witte indicated that his was his personal opinion that the Agenda is controlled, and is implemented by military-intelligence agencies in a pyramidal organization. At the top of the Pyramid is the Mossad, which serves as the military-intelligence arm of the Rothschild bloodline banking interests. Next on the mind control implementation pyramid are U.K. agencies such as MI6 and, closely connected to the British Crown and City of London bloodline banking families. At a third tier are the Russian and U.S. military-intelligence agencies (KGB, CIA, NSA,NAVAL,US Air Force). A lower level of the pyramid includes the Swedish and German military-Intelligence agencies. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a leader in research on the scalar and nano-technologies for robotization and neurological torture of humans, including so-called “Smart Dust” or Morgellons, as well as the FOI, the Swedish counter-part of DARPA, and the Nobel Prize recipient Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden, according to EUCACH.ORG. When asked if he believed the Wallenberg Foundation may also be involved in funding mind control research, Henning Witte responded that he agreed it was plausible. ExopoliticsTV has reported that the Wallenberg Foundation may be funding the Tromso Norway HAARP facility which is responsible both for the Norway Spiral of Nov. 1, 2009 at the time of Barack Obama’s Nobel Prize speech, and for the March 13, 2011 Fukushima HAARP nuclear false flag event.[1]

Can the Transhumanist Agenda be stopped? Magnus Olsson of EUCACH.OTG estimates that the Transhumanist Agenda can be slowed and stopped, with significant progress on protecting targeted individuals happening in the coming decade. One focus of activity is alerting public awareness through media, including a series of interviews that will be aired on Russia Today (RT) and other mainstream outlets. Another focus is legislative, with activity at the European Parliament, although the group concedes that a global ban is necessary.


1. European Coalition Against Covert Harassment

2. Mind Control

3. Brain Computer

4. The Research Laboratory


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Magnus Olsson: Nano-Brain-Implant Technologies and Artificial Intelligence

Nano World

Magnus Olsson is blowing our mind away in the speech he held in Stockholm, Sweden, in September 2012. Seven years ago, Magnus became a victim of non-consensual experimentation after having visited a hospital. He was sedated and when he woke up; he couldn't recognize himself. His personality had changed.
On his own homepage ( he explains some years ago:
"For me, there was a day in life when everything changed. I went from a life as a citizen in a demo map indicative country into a world where violence and torture was the norm. It was not a journey across continents, but in life circumstances. It also included a science fiction drama that completely shattered my life. My name is Magnus Olsson; I am 38 years old, studied economics at the Cesar Ritz in Switzerland, American University of Paris and Harvard, Boston, USA, during the years 1988-1991. 1994 I started the company Jon Sandman who became a well-known brand in the bedding industry.

I managed with my life and had also met a wonderful woman whom I had two children with. They are now 13 to 16 years old. But all this harmony and success came to a sudden end. It happened five and a half years ago. After that, life has been about a constant struggle for survival. In order to cope with but also to be able to tell what has happened to me and get out of the nightmare."


Magnus Olsson used to be a very successful businessman. Not only is Magnus highly educated, but he also had a very successful career: as an entrepreneur, stockbroker and businessman.

A visit in the hospital was all it was necessary to gradually take everything away; almost overnight.

Magnus begins his speech telling the audience "Welcome to the Future" and it's a very good way to start what he's going to say next. He also chooses to quote Gerald McGuire and Ellen McGee that several times published scientific papers requiring some type of regulation of implantable devices. Even though they're been developed since the 1940s-1960s, and even though they're such a huge area of research right now, as we speak, if you ever mention them in health care, the staff will claim that they don't even exist. No physical examination is usually made, and there is no explanation to why victims are in so much pain in very specific areas of their bodies.


Magnus Olsson also took part in the scanning process conducted by and he had the strongest emissions ever encountered among victims, around he's whole head. When asked what he thought about his emissions, he stated:

"I hope that we can use these measurements to prove our cases" and sadly he also mentioned how terrible it was. He also stated right after the scanning process that actually experiencing the scanning for RF-emissions and getting so strong emissions over his whole head, also made him extremely sad. Imagine having someone do that to you; to your children; to a loved one.

Magnus has researched all aspects of the supercomputer systems based on transmissions from implants in the human body. He elaborates on the Artificial Intelligence research done today and what it'll mean for humanity in the future. He understands that this technology can be used in good ways but unfortunately, if unregulated, it can lead to the real Orwellian "thought police" state.

world, brain

He explores the possibility of using different avatars or agents, to assist people in their daily life and the developments of virtual worlds where people can enter as a third type of reality, apart from awaken state and the dream state. He talks about the NSAs supercomputer called "Mr. Computer" that has the ability to make its own decisions and the development of the new quantum computer, which is supposed to "marry" the old-fashioned Mr. Computer.

As interesting and fascinated his speech is, it's easy to get lost in the new emerging world view that Magnus creates for a while. It's tempered by the experiences he has, the immense 24/7 torture, the lack of privacy, the lost freedom of the mind and the necessity to cope with something that no human being should have to cope with: the most grotesques aspects of life.

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A call to update mental health diagnosing!

A call to update mental health diagnosing: The DSM unreality!

In the continuing saga of reporting energy-based technologies used as weapons to harm certain targeted persons, the cross-over sharing of information between a variety of disciplines is needed more than ever before.

For example, the psychiatric manual to diagnose patients has undergone more changes and the DSM-5 will soon be published but may not be more accurate, but may be becoming more archaic, instead. Already, people complaining about torturous “voices” jamming their brains against their wills have been written off as being “psychotic” and schizophrenic. Let’s look at how these components are looked at from a psychiatrist’s point of view.

When a person is seen by a psychiatrist or psychologist who reports “hearing voices” that someone is putting into their minds somehow, this person is not taken seriously that this may truly be happening. The doctor may describe their patient as having “thought insertions” or “thought alienation”. Patients may believe that broadcasts from a radio or TV are being put into their heads in “thought broadcasting”. Ideas described as being stolen from the mind is labeled “thought depreivation” and these people are usually diagnosed as being schizophrenic, and often further catagorized as being of certain types, such as the paranoid type.

However, if there were a sharing of information among different disciplines such as psychology also learning about neurotechnology and specifically about frequency-wave technologies and how these effect the body, a whole new world of diagnostics of the human mind would emerge. A more accurate world based on more accurate reality, rather than one that potentially benefits criminal uses of technology.

A resistance to change, of anything that might challenge the towers of power in the mental health profession may contribute to the lack of transparency of some of the real causes of “symptoms” that may be mimicing the effects of horrific electromagnetic energies that are as heinous as any Nazi torture of the past.

It may simply be true that the world of mental health has not been given the exposure to wireless technologies that may be used to harm someone via remote control.

Having the ability and strength to go against the grain of the establishment can also be daunting. It is hard to be taken seriously when saying the exact same things their patients are saying and calling this “directed energy technology” can make a clinician look foolish. However in the face of such devastation of human lives this has to be done.

Of course there is a potential falsehood of reasoning for the need to protect electromagnetic energy weapons for the sake of national security“. National security seems to hold the highest hand on protecting secrets of the U.S. We spend billions of dollars on the “security” and secret departments of our nation since 9/11′s events that destroyed New York’s Twin Towers. Homeland Security has sprung out of “terrorism” developing “security” technologies that potentially can be used to harm society, instead. The military has held an ongoing special interest in mind-manipulating technologies.

Technology that utilizes human brain waves can potentially be of help to society. Neuroengineering is a field that learns how the brain functions and how to “rewire” the brain and at the same time fears of “remote neural monitoring” have sprung up in articles by citizen journalists like this one. Secrets of technology that can wipe out the human brain or body can alternatively wipe out certain groups of people or potentially hold our government hostage when allowed to propagate and go unscrutinized or unmonitored by officials.

A cross-over sharing of technology among public officials, independent journalists as well as the field of mental health would produce better public policy that works to aid society, not harm it. Investigating neurotechnologies as well as weapons utilizing the electromagnetic spectrum would certainly add a whole new dimension to the current health care debate.

In many people’s opinions, health care and public safety are lifesaving issues that should be investigated and reevaluated. Paying for health care when there is some potential that energy-based technologies can potentially harm the health of U.S. citizens seems self-defeating, and a waste of taxpayer time and money.

Petitions against using human beings as guinea pigs for electromagnetic experimentation and targeting like this one can be found when the public knows what to search for. Human rights activists have much to do in the face of all the people from around the world being ignored for providing citizen reports that they are being harmed through electromagnetic energy weapons.

The field of mental health is only a beginning in the need to get to the truth and to change the health of society, as well as to protect citizens.

—– More information can be found here.


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