human (197)

I am non-consensually linked by a connection from my brain and central nervous system to a computer control system which is being operated by extremely cruel evil doers who hurt me both physically and mentally on a constant basis. They force me to listen to their voices which I hear coming from inside my head by a brain to brain link process or something similar. I sometimes post online some of what they say to me. I sometimes link what they say to the exact time and date they said it and by doing so they might be held accountable at a later time. The times which are linked to the words which were heard by me are linked to Grenwich mean time which is London time which is the time we use in the Republic of Ireland where I live. Here is some of what they have been saying to me during the past few days as follows:-
“We have to bury it.” (by it they meant my website which is called This was said at 8.26am on Sunday 27th Oct. 2019.
“I’ll knock her off her comfort zone very fast.” This was said at 8.33 pm on Sunday 27th Oct. 2019.
“They don’t appear to be unaware of her but she has a penchant for being bitchy.”
“Let me know when you get her tied down and then I’ll talk to her.” ” Everything I have ever done has been for the good of this system. Am I going to be allowed to fail?” “No. She will be held back.” This was said at 3 minutes past 3pm on 28th October, 2019.
“You can thank your lucky stars that you are still out there.” This was said at 3.57pm on 28th October, 2019.
“You putrid bitch.” This was said at 8.20pm on 28th October, 2019
“It will be on her permanent record after she dies.” “What?” “Her website” “No. It won’t.” “What about her youtube videos?” “They most certainly will not. We decide what goes into her permanent record.” (All of that was said at 5.o6 am on29th October, 2019.)
“The police have asked us to immobilize you so that you will be paralysed from head to toe, Gretta.” “That essentially means that we would have the ability to paralyse you from head to toe at random times and that this would be carried out by unknown individuals who would then torture you at will as they always do. The individuals who requested that we organise to generate the ability to paralyse you at will are the British police and not the Irish police.” (This was said at approximately 5.25am on 29th October, 2019.
I also heard some of the criminals say the following:-
“If you ever cross my path I will kick you. ”
“They are giving me a package deal here. I don’t have to reveal my identity.”
“If we are not making arrangements for Gretta Fahey to see a psychiatrist we have to control her by some other means. We have to activate. ”
“All of the bio-robotization team are on time clocks. They get hurt if they don’t complete their actions.”
The voices which I hear coming from inside my head by technological means have informed me that the microwave transmitters which are currently attached to telephone towers can be trained horizontally rather than pointing out as they are at the moment and that this can be achieved by wireless remote means and that they are a danger to the individuals who live under them.
I heard the voices mention the name Eamon Clohessey on many occasions as pertaining to the island of Ireland. I don’t know him or anything about him other than that and I don’t wish to get him into trouble if he is innocent of all crimes.
“She has a legal right to be offended but she has an obligation to answer any questions I put to her.”
“This woman is indulging in unsequestered purchasing without our approval.” (I made a few small purchases by using cash rather than a cash card so the purchases could not be listed and categorised by the neuro operatives who have illegally placed me on remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation.)
“We are not pushing her to suicide at the moment but pushing her to suicide would be better than this.”
“We know who you are and we know where you live.”
“I am going to antagonize Gretta Fahey until such a time as I can gain access to her home in a police convoy.”
I was cycling my bicycle along a road near my home in a country area when I found a large metal object which had fallen on to the road from a passing vehicle. I got off my bicycle and I moved the object into the ditch so that it would not cause an accident. I was admonished for moving the obstacle by one of the voices which I hear coming from inside my head and that unknown voice was heard by me to say the following:-
“People wont be on the road in future. Many of them would be locked inside smart cities and we would own the roads, primarily for our own uses but some would grant permission to be chauffeured around. Self-driven cars wont come into being now. All bandwidth would be used for the purposes of microwave mind control and millimetre wave body control. Several individuals who would then control the world’s population strictly, without any knowledge of us and our technology becoming evident at all.”
I asked the unknown neuro operatives whose voices I hear coming from inside my head who was the wealthiest politician in Great Britain and Ireland and they answer I received back was Adrian Soames.
I heard one of the voices of the unknown neuro operatives tell a colleague that I had finally been bio-robotized. The colleague was then heard by me to say the following “Bring her in so and I will control the situation. The pharmacist will determine if she is taking her medicine. She will be sent to a psychiatric hospital.”
I continue to hear those voices possibly by brain to brain link. These unknown individuals whose voices I hear coming from inside my head speak about me among each other and they manipulate their words in ways that the listener will misunderstand the meaning of what they say. Extremely versatile information modules can be presented in any light and here are some examples “She aught to take a bath now and again” is sometimes said because I shower daily but I do not own a bath and I have no access to one and the listener is wrongly led to believe that I am in need of a wash. Another example of word manipulation is as follows “She drinks a lot.” The listener is wrongly led to believe that I drink alcohol but that is not true because I drink only ever water or tea. A third example of word manipulation which is being used against me by the neuro operatives when speaking about me to each other and to unknown outsiders is as follows “She is cleaning up.” This is sometimes said when I am cleaning my home and it allows the listener to wrongly believe that I am making a lot of money when in fact I live off my disability allowance alone and I do not earn or receive any money besides whatsoever.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo. Republic of Ireland. My website is called

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There are now at least half a million targeted individuals in the world. Targeted individuals are individuals who have been wirelessly connected to a network of computers from remote data analysis material which is both on their skin and inside their bodies.
Many targeted individuals including myself are long term and non-consenting victims of wirelessly conducted remote analysis and remote manipulation of our brains and bodies. We were neither asked for our permission or informed about being wirelessly connected to this remote wireless systems analysis system before we became connected to it. We were also not informed or asked for our permission before we began to be wirelessly physically manipulated via the aforementioned wireless remote system. We only found out about it after it was up and running inside our brains and bodies. We found out that we were now connected to a computerized control system complete with systems analysis capabilities by unknown voices which we heard coming from inside our heads because they are being transmitted to the hearing centres of our brains by wireless electronic means.
Because I am wirelessly connected to a network of computers or a supercomputer from particulates which are inside our brains and bodies most if not all of the electrical activity which by brain and body generates each moment is wirelessly transmitted to the aforementioned computer system where it can be data analysed and partially translated into everything I think, say and do throughout my life. I have been lead to believe by the voices which I hear coming from inside my head that I have no mental or physical privacy.
Criminals who are unknown to me can know every thought I think and every word I say and every movement I make. They can know how many times I inhale and exhale each and every day. They can know how many times I sit on the toilet each and every day. They can data analyse my clothing to check if it is clean. They can data analyse my home in order to check if it is clean. They can data analyse my stomach to check if I have recently eaten a meal and also to check what I have eaten and if I have ingested the correct medication in the case of any medication being prescribed to me. They can data analyse the contents of my large bowel which they do because of the fact that on one single occasion I complained in private to a disability allowance assessment medical doctor in Claremorris town in the West of Ireland that I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome and that I was erroneously denied a request for disability allownace by a another doctor on a previous occasion.
The aforementioned criminals who speak to me on a continual basis via direct inner communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or synthetic telepathy have informed me that I was placed under wireless control simply because of what I said in private to the aforementioned disability allowance assessment medical doctor in Claremorris on that one single occasion in the distant past.
Further to that, because of the particulates which are inside my brain and body I have been Remote Neural Manipulated over many years as well as being Remote Neural Monitored. Unwanted and damaging information has been wirelessly sent to my brain and central nervous system over many years in order that the aforementioned criminals can gain external wireless control over my muscles and my central nervous system in order that they can some day fully bio-robotize me for the purposes of eventually being able to remote control me like a robot. They now have gained the ability to remote control my facial and neck muscles and they also have the ability to move my left knee by remote wireless means and they move all of the aforementioned muscles whenever they wish against my will and without my permission. They can also partially immobilize me by remote wireless means anytime they wish. They use an unexplained method to force my mouth and jaws to move in alignment with their words sometimes when they speak to me to the extent that they can effectively speak through me using a combination of my own voice and the voice of the criminal operative. One more than one occasion what sounded like a mans voice was generated to come from my mouth as if I was the one who was doing the speaking even though I was being spoken through by a member of the aforementioned unknown criminal neuro operative team. The science behind the aforementioned capability of gaining remote control of a human being is scientifically explained under patent number US 6965816.
No targeted individual can inform the Gardai of their experiences of being wirelessly electronically harassed and psychologically tortured by this technology because the Gardai themselves have not yet been informed that this technology even exists so said Gardai consistently refuse to believe us or to accept statements off us when ever we report this.
I am friends with many other targeted individuals of this technology throughout the Republic of Ireland where I live and where I have lived all of my life. We are worried that if fifth generation wireless technology is allowed to be erected throughout the Republic of Ireland then the band width necessary to wirelessly enslave all of the people of Ireland will be available to the criminal intelligence services and others who carry out these crimes against me and my fellow Irish targeted individuals many of whose names and addresses I have in my possession.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called

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Verbally manipulating a human being to commit suicide due to verbally informing them that they are shortly about to be tortured is now in use as a form of murder in Ireland.

PRESENT DAY, U.S.Government use of electromagnetic weapons was
described in the Oct-Nov., 94 NEXUS MAGAZINE: "Directed-energy
weapons currently being deployed include, for example, a micro-wave
weapon manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process
known as 'Voice Synthesis' which is REMOTE BEAMING OF AUDIO
known within the U.S. Government as "Synthetic Telepathy." This
psychotronic weapon was demonstrated by Dr. Dave Morgan at the
November, 1993 Non-Lethal weapons conference.
Remote beaming of audio directly into the brain of any selected human target is now being employed by criminals on a widespread basis throughout most of the world. This capability has existed for many decades while knowledge of it continues to be suppressed by all avenues of the state in Ireland where I live and elsewhere throughout most of the world. This technological capability is now being used as a psychological torture capability and is currently being used on possibly hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world. This and other psychological torture capabilities are being used on me while I go about my own life peacefully. I was informed via this remote beaming of audio inside my own head that wireless external control of my central nervous system would be taken from me by wireless means and I would be placed under wirelessly enabled physical electronic constrainsts to such and extent that I would be paralysed from head to toe but I would then be left with the ability to feel pain, and for the rest of my life I would be in extreme pain but I would never be able to inform anyone that I was in a state of extreme pain because of my condition of total paralysis. (I am paraphrasing because I can not remember the exact words which were transmitted to me via the aforementioned remote beaming of audio to my brain. I was so frightened by this information that my teeth began to chatter with fear and I could not make them stop. I was so frightened that I took a major overdose of a large variety of pills and fell into a state of unconsciousness for four days.
A human being can easily be manipulated to believe that they are about to be tortured into a state of unbearable pain and where they would be unable to protect themselves from that extreme torture because they would also be rendered immobile by wireless external means which is now a possibility in a selection of individual cases. The ability to wirelessly externally control a human being via control of their central nervous system is described in patent number US 6965816.
Verbally manipulating a human being to commit suicide is murder. Murder is now being committed by wireless remote means on an ongoing basis throughout the world at this pivotal point in human history. If the worldwide military disassemble and ban HAARP phased arrays which are now situated in many areas throughout the world and which blanket much ofthe world with radiation a large piece of the jigsaw which allows wireless remote electronic torture to happen would be missing. Please act now to raise awareness of this situation. If you choose to remain passive at this time it is more than likely because you are being subjected to strong electronic mind control as per the following methodology:-
"Thoughts can be grafted onto microwaves in the same way that television signals carry pictures and should open the possibility of long-distance hypnosis of mind control."

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A spokesman from computerized systems control has now informed me that the reasons for our lives is to serve the Dark Luciferians and Satanists who run our lives from behind the scenes.  I disagree with that because I strongly believe that the reason for our lives here on earth is to learn and grow and evolve in love and harmony with the rest of the human race.  However, government representatives  who have been elected by us in order that they would take care of our best interests have allowed themselves to become microwave mind controlled by their smart phones and other technology  to the extent that they now have been given a mind set of abject slaves to the self-proclaimed elite who are the aforementioned dark Luciferians and Satanists who wish to physically enslave all of us by wireless electronic means.  If all government representatives immediately disassemble and ban HAARP phased arrays which are an essential piece of the  technological enslavement jigsaw that alone would hold back our technological enslavement long enough for us to break free of all of the other pieces of the jigsaw of technological enslavement.

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“We have a few blissful years left until enforced telepathic reading.” Quote by Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks.
The Richard C Walker patent which has also come to be known as the wireless internet of things patent number US6965816 describes the ability of neuro scientists to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle or a human being.
Non-consensual human experimentation is secretly being carried out with a view to eventually technologically enslave most of the human race. My name is Gretta Fahey and I am a long term victim of such non-consensual wirelessly enabled remote experimentation and this process is sometimes known as cybernetic control or remote neural monitoring or a number of other technical names. I am under neural monitoring as well as physical observation because the neuro operatives can now see my human body in 3D. Knowledge of this and other processes are continually being suppressed through psychiatry. I hear the voices of the neuro experimentators coming from inside my head because they have been enabled to wirelessly send me voice commands and other digital signals by wireless means. I occasionally write down a small selection of what they say to me and to each other about me, and later I post it online so that others may know what to expect if they ever become wirelessly controlled by this process. Because I have not done this for the past few weeks my note taking has gotten mixed up and I am not sure which information I have already posted online earlier and which is new. However, here below is some of what I have heard from this unknown neuro operatives recently as follows:-
“She must be stopped from wearing trousers. She must wear skirts. It is a requirement.”
“Women don’t matter because they can always be controlled through sexual conquest.” (That was said to me in response to the fact that I informed the inner voice command operatives that I plan to take the matter to a natural law court at some time in the future.)
“Gretta Fahey has never adopted a sexual pose in all the times that we have observed her and therefore she should not be put on a sexual program such as is being planned for her behind the scenes.” This was then followed by another inner voice which was heard by me to say the following “If raping Gretta Fahey is what you need to do in order to obtain the needed sexual pose then do so.”
“Rectal exam using propulsion. We have a buck to earn.”
I asked the remote neural monitoring operatives whose voices I hear coming from inside my head the following question. “Why don’t you allow me privacy when I am sitting on the toilet.?” “It is a prerequisite that we analyse your waste” is the answer I then received back.
I felt eight fairly strong tremors and I then asked the remote neural monitoring operatives who and what caused me to get the tremors. I was then given the following information via one of the inner voices as follows “We caused them through misadventure. We were endeavouring to trial a new system which would have given us more control than ever before over your central nervous system in order to eventually make you our slave and then in so doing extrapolate our knowledge onto the whole human race in order to then further our enslavement plans for humanity.”
“No heating will be allowed in the shower room in future.”
“We will have to have her for another while because there is nobody else here for us to practice our black arts on.”
“If you don’t get our of bed I will hurt you.”
Make a quick decision to have this lady Gretta Fahey sent to a psychiatric hospital. We don’t want to see any more of this material come out to the public.”
“Have we any control over her tongue.?” “Some.” “Freeze her tongue.”
I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland in the same house that I was born in nearly sixty years ago. I am single and I live alone. I am in receipt of disability allowance for IBS and sometimes bladder problems. My website where I describe my experiences of being placed under cybernetic control and of having some of my muscles wirelessly externally controlled is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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Predictive programming is sometimes used in Hollywood movies in order to prepare humanity for something that the owners of said Hollywood movies know is going to occur in future years. The Zombie Apocalypse is something that will be made to manifest in the future because of current scientific capabilities which are described in patent number US6965816 as follows:-
The human bodies of a large selection of human beings can now be physically remote controlled through control and manipulation of the electrical signals which are generated in the motor cortex of those human beings. Because the majority of human beings have been forced to ingest dust sized metallic particles through processed food and by other means, this has effectively turned us into moving antennas, allowing unknown neuro operatives to read the electrical signals which we generate inside our brains and central nervous systems from a distance by wireless means and then to measure the strength of the electrical current and to decipher what direction it is flowing and at what speed it is flowing through our bodies. They then use a frequency modulator to remodulate this information and send it back by wireless means to the brain of that human being which forces the muscles of that human being to move or fall against his or her will. Individuals have even been remote controlled to drive their vehicles into large groups of people because criminal neuro operatives have been able to wirelessly remote control their arms and legs without their knowledge or consent.
Many targeted individuals of non-consensual wireless experimentation are reporting that some of their muscles are being forced to move against their wills by wireless external means. They are also reporting that their muscles are being programmed for future whole body takeover which is also known as bio-robotization or cyborgization. If nothing is done to stop this ongoing process which involves hundreds of thousands of non-consensual victims of wireless physical remote control, a standing army of wirelessly remote controllable human beings will be available to the unknown neuro operatives and their employers for use in any and every way possible for future warfare. If said victims can be remote controlled while they are alive it is also conceivable that they could also be remote controlled after they are dead provided that a nearby power supply is avialable to wirelessly control their muscle movements. This power supply could effectively be taken from nearby 5G installations.
Why would a cabal of would-be world controllers bother to go to so much trouble to enable dead corpses to walk around quiet and peaceful suburban neighbourhoods. Said cabal of would-be world controllers need to instill intense fear in the populace in order to engender a mind set where they would accept enslavement in return for safety and protection from so-called Zombies. Many other frightening scenarios are also being prepared for the human race in order to subdue them sufficiently to manipulate them to accept slave status such as the wireless transmission of voices and of frightening moving images directly into the brains of most of the human race by a similar means to the bio-robotization process.
There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. You must resist enslavement no matter what because there are seven billion of us and there are only a few thousand of the would-be enslavers who currently reside at the top of the world wide hierarchical based chain of command. Please canvas to have 5G blocked in your area. For further government enabled predictive programming regarding a future Zombie apocalypse please click on the following link

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Posted on October 17, 2019 by gretta fahey
I and many other of my fellow human beings are being wirelessly electronically harassed and tortured while we are attempting to peacefully go about our everyday lives. We have been non-consensually wirelessly connected to the wireless internet of things which is also called the brain net by our brains and central nervous systems. Psychiatrists are unwittingly being used to censor all knowledge of this phenomenon because if we dare to complain we are immediately and wrongly deemed to be mentally unwell and we are then incarcerated inside psychiatric hospitals for a short time but long enough for us to lose our credibility. We are then forced to ingest poisonous substances which hinder our ability to communicate effectively because these poisons block access to parts of our own minds. This situation has come about because Sabbatean-Frankist Satanists are now in controlling positions at the top of the world hierarchical based chain of command.
I am wirelessly connected to a network of computers where hundreds of different operatives ask me questions and issue me voice commands by a live wireless bi-directional link. I have never met any of them and I don’t know who they are but their work appears to be compartmentalized to the extent that most of these operatives do not know what their colleagues do to me to the extent that while they monitor me via their remote neural monitoring capabilities they often draw wrong conclusions about me. This is mainly because they have admitted that they can not tell the difference between information which I generate with my own mind or information which has been wirelessly sent into my mind by their own colleagues who because of work compartmentalization are normally unknown to them. If some of their unknown colleagues download disturbing images into my mind, these individuals often have wrongly assumed that those disturbing pornographic type images were generated by my own mind. I am a woman of late middle age and I never watch pornography and I dislike it intensely and any pornographic images which manifests inside my mind have come by wireless means from unknown individuals who either send such an image directly to my mind or they have pre-programmed such an image to be generated by my mind every time I hear a trigger word. These unknown neuro operatives once send me a pornographic image of a religious icon in a sexual pose.
We must ban all brain to brain link capabilities because they are being used for torture. Because of the wireless internet-of-things capabilities I can now be placed on a type of virtual reality hold which I can not escape from where pain can be administered to me. Brain weapons are being used to enslave the human race. We must ban 5G and related paraphernalia urgently.
Occasionally I post online a small sample of what the unknown operatives say to me and about me to their colleagues so that if you should become wirelessly linked to the wireless internet of things in the future you will know what to expect. Here is some of what the voices of these unknown neuro operatives were heard by me to say recently :-
“She must be stopped from wearing trousers. She must wear skirts. It is the requirement.”
“They are going to do an analysis just when I am in the middle of my work. I cant stand it. Multi triangulations going on.”
“I want her locked away.”
“The scientists here believe that this woman Gretta Fahey doesn’t have anything to hide and that you have been inforcing this woman through extreme punishment.”
“How dare you speak to me like that. You are a subordinate and you will always remain so.” ( One neuro operative speaking to his own colleague.)
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number which I publish in order to prove my identity is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called

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Wireless systems can power and communicate with tiny sensors inside the body.  For information about this and how it is being used and abused throughout the Republic of Ireland against human beings  please check out the following youtube video which is linked here 

This system is being used inside the Republic of Ireland to steal data from both the brains and bodies of human beings.  It is also being used inside the Republic of Ireland to non-consensually communicate with the brains and to manipulate and forceably move the muscles of a selection of good living and non-consenting human beings while these human beings are fully aware of what is being made to happen to them and who are very frightened by it.  Why is this allowed to occur?   Why do Irish psychiatrists who are fully aware of this capability refuse to believe Irish individuals when they inform the psychiatrists of Ireland that it is being made to happen to them while they are attempting to live their lives peacefully inside their own homes?

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Our bodies are now full of metallic particulates to the extent that we can be zapped with painful electricity jolts when we are lying alone in bed every night. The metallic particulates inside our bodies and brains allow criminal neuro scientists and others to monitor, measure and manipulate the electrical signals which travel through our brains and central nervous systems to the extent that they can now bio-robotize human beings and remote control them to walk and talk against their own wills as if they were robots.
Our brain wave tracings show distinctive patterns all of which have been groupted together and then translated into individual words and feelings and they have been compiled into a computerized dictionary which can be translated at the speed of light into what you are thinking , feeling, doing and saying . By this method anyone’s thoughts can be read and anyone’s activities can be monitored from a remote location by unknown neuro operatives. You no longer can expect to have any mental privacy. Your smart phone is uploading your thoughts and transmitting them for storage and profiling. If you apply for a job or a passport or a morgage in the future your profile which has been compiled from your own private thoughts and words will be assessed before you will be given that job, passport or morgage.
Your peripheral nervous system can be stimulated wirelessly from a remote location while you are alone in your bed at night in order to make you feel the sensation of what feels like hands touching you even though you are alone.
COMMON LAW serves the human race and is an avenue of justice. CIVIL LAW is a weapon used against the human race by the self proclaimed elite.
The state has conditioned people to use CIVIL LAW to automatically deny their own ability to judge and instead to defer to external authorities. Under COMMON LAW the people judge legal matters for themselves and they become the law. They take action in their own communities to govern themselves as their own judge, jury and police.
In order to set up a COMMON LAW SYSTEM in each country we must set up a PEOPLES ASSEMBLY which are citizen run legislative bodies which replace existing governments and are a direct challenge to existing governments. A Peoples Assembly must contain at least twelve people. The people then organise themselves into a peoples MILITIA and they will set up COMMON LAW COURTS in each community. A CONSTITUTION will govern the workings of the peoples assembly.
The peoples assembly, the militia and the common law courts will work together to reclaim the entire countrty for all of the people. Local republican banks and credit unions will then be set up by the peoples assembly and will will dispense with the current central banks which are privately owned and controlled by the self-proclaimed elite and which are being used as a weapon to control the rest of the human race through debt. Agents of the former regieme will be incorporated into the new common law republic.

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The human energy field provides a protective shield around the body.   When we are frightened or upset it shrinks and therefore it becomes less protective.   Non-consensual neuro research subjects are almost constantly insulted or frightened by unknown neuro operatives who speak to them by wireless direct communication which has come to be known as voice to skull or v2k.    The reasons are complex but one of the main reasons for doing so may be to shrink the human energy field in order to allow other  neuro operatives to infiltrate the human energy field of the non-consensual neuro research subject more easily.    

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Telephone towers and a large variety of other towers are being used to transmit different types of electromagnetic radiation throughout the earth and this electromagnetic radiation is severely damaging to the human race in the following ways:-
Unknown individuals have the knowledge and capability to project their sight and hearing onto a hologram of their choice and then project that hologram of themselves or of another human being or of an apparation into the homes of others while their own bodies remain in the broadcast building where they work. They use this method to both monitor and manipulate their victim which is usually an unwilling and non-consenting man or woman. Their plan is, over time, to gain the ability to totally immerse the electromagnetic field of the hologram which they are using and place it inside the electromagnetic field of the unwilling victim and by doing so they then take over and use the body of the unwilling victim in criminal ways such as using the body of the unwilling victim to commit murder or to commit suicide.
The unwilling victim has already unknowingly given the perpetrator the information they need to carry out this criminal act simply by sitting in front of a computer screen which they have registered using their own name or by keeping any smart engineered technology which is also registered under their own name close to their person. Whenever they sit near a digital communication device their personal human body electromagnetic field (which is sometimes called the human aura and which eminates at least five feet from our bodies in all directions) overlaps with the electromagnetic field of whatever digital communication device they are using or keeping close to their person. Our personal human body electromagnetic field eminates through our human skull and through our human eyes. The electromagnetic field which eminates through our eyes is far stronger than the one which eminates through our skulls because it is not being blocked by the bone structure of our skulls and it is known as the human eyebeam and it can be photographed by a specialized energy field camera, some of which may have been deliberately taken off the market in the past few years. Our human electromagnetic field which surrounds our bodies contains extreme details of all our past memories and all of our past actions and these past memories and past actions can now be uploaded to our computers or smart phones and then transmitted by wireless or other means to a centralized data base where they can automatically be translated by the unknown perpetrators into our past deeds as well as our past memories and as well as all of our current thoughts words, feelings and actions. This data is then translated into the type of aura which we hold and which can be wirelessly manipulated to be prepared to have and electromagnet field of a pre-prepared hologram emmersed into it at some unknown date in the future.
I am an unwilling participant of this process of unconcealed immersion but until now I did not know the full implications of what was happening to me and therefore I did not know how to stop it occurring. I now know that all digital communication devices will have to be banned throughout the world in order to stop our electromagnetic fields being invaded and in order to stop the process of whole body takeover or human bio-robotization or human cyborgization which are some of the names that this process is sometimes called. My facial muscles and neck muscles can already be moved entirely against my will and without my permission. Many targeted individuals throughout the world some of who are on my own facebook page are also reporting that they experienced their own fist punching themselves in their own face or their legs being made to walk against their wills or other similar phenomena.
A slightly different process which also uses the human electromagnetic field is being used to mind control the police and psychiatrists among others into resisting all information which comes to them from any source other than what comes to them from officialdum.
For the past few generations the human electromagnetic field has been deliberately banned as a field of study along with another similarly important field of study known as magnetobiology. Why was this allowed to occur?
I dont know how to protect myself from this occurrence but I do know that a stone found in Russia and avialable to purchase at a reasonable price online called Shungite has been found to be very helpful in protecting the human electromagnetic field from attack. There are many other helpful suggestions to be found online.

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I am a non-consensual and completely unwilling victim of remote cybernetic control. I have been non-consensually under this remote cybernetic control system for many years to the extent that I no longer have any physical privacy whatsoever because whenever I am now showering the unknown remote neural monitoring staff inform me that they can now see a complete 3D image of me including intimate areas of my female body and they can do all this by wireless remote means. Because this cybernetic control capability has been used against me this means that it can also be used on you and your loved ones at any time in the future totally against your will and without your permission. I am frightened because I know where this system might ultimately lead if not fought against and that is to total enslavement of the whole human race other than those who remain outside the false worldwide hierarchical based chain of command which is now taking shape in secret. I do not have the money to fight this system but I may not need money because I plan to ask natural law lawyers to fight this system for and on my behalf, free of charge, because by doing so they will be fighting for their own future rights and for the rights of the whole human race also. Man made law is not fixed and is not immutable and is not in harmony with moral law and therefore is not legal. My name is Gretta Fahey. My legal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website is called

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I am being slowly and non-consensually  bio-robotized.  Because of metallic particulates inside my body which I and most others  have inhaled and ingested the electrical activity inside my brain and my body is being monitored, measured and manipulated by wireless means.  A frequency modulator is then used to take measurements of  some of the activity patterns from my brain.  These brain activity patterns are then  remodulated  and  send  back to my brain by another carrier frequency in order to force a selection of my muscles to move against my will.  

   EEG heterodyning is a well known scientific process where  the brain wave signals of two human beings are mixed together and this  can then allow the brain waves of the first human being to totally override the brainwaves of the second human being who would more than likely be an unwilling victim of the process..  Using EEG heterodyning the first human being could then take wireless physical  control over the body of the second human being and force the second human being to commit a crime against their will.  I believe this is being allowed to  happen to a number of non-consenting human victims of neuro experimentation throughout the world and it is being claimed that it has already happened in the case of a forty one year old Canadian woman named Rohinie Besayser who claims that her physical  body was taken over and remote controlled to murder another woman who was unknown to her.  The story of the wireless external control of Rohinie Besayser can be found at the following link

Because of nano particulates which were installed inside the brains and bodies of most of the human race without their expressed permission through the air, water and food supply and possibly through vaccinations we are now vulnerable to being bio-robotized.  These nano particulates can be first of all co-ordinated with each other to act in synchronization with each other and then they can be further  programmed to move in alignment with how the human being that they are inside would normally move.  In that way said  human being can be wirelessly remote controlled up to and including three years after they have died according to some sources.   If the muscles of the corpse of the human being are preserved after death bio-robotization of a dead corpse is easily achieveable.  The American Centre for Disease control has issued a warning of a future Zombie Apocalypse and how we should behave during it.   You might wonder why  the dark occultists who run this world from behind the scenes wish to create a Zombie Apocalypse.   The reason is that people are far more manageable when they are in a state of extreme fear.   If said dark occultists wish to subdue the human race into a state where they are willing to accept enslavement they must first bring about a state of extreme fear in the human race.   They are also preparing many other ways to generate fear in the human race.  Because we have nano technology inside our brains we have been turned into living antennas and we have become transmitters of receivers of information.  We can be sent visions, images, voices, other sounds, pain, electric shocks, forced muscle movement, sensations of hands touching our skin using a process commonly known as HAPTIX technology and a wide variety of other frightening experiences.  However if you are forewarned of these capabilities you will not be scared of them and you will be capable of resisting all attempts at enslavement. 

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All victims shall contact the following organization.


Link:  New York City Commission on Human Rights


"In the city of New York, with its great cosmopolitan population, there is no greater danger to the health, morals, safety and welfare of the city and its inhabitants than the existence of groups prejudiced against one another and antagonistic to each other because of their actual or perceived differences, including those based on race, color, creed, age, national origin, alienage or citizenship status, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, partnership status, caregiver status, sexual and reproductive health decisions, uniformed service, any lawful source of income, status as a victim of domestic violence or status as a victim of sex offenses or stalking, whether children are, may be or would be residing with a person or conviction or arrest record. The council hereby finds and declares that prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, and discrimination, bias-related violence or harassment and disorder occasioned thereby threaten the rights and proper privileges of its inhabitants and menace the institutions and foundation of a free democratic state. The council further finds and declares that gender-based harassment threatens the terms, conditions and privileges of employment. A city agency is hereby created with power to eliminate and prevent discrimination from playing any role in actions relating to employment, public accommodations, and housing and other real estate, and to take other actions against prejudice, intolerance, bigotry, discrimination, sexual harassment and bias-related violence or harassment as herein provided; and the commission established hereunder is hereby given general jurisdiction and power for such purposes."

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Posted on October 14, 2019 by gretta fahey
I have become wirelessly and non-consensually brain to brain interfaced with individuals who can decipher and sell personal details about me. I was illegally placed on a remote neural monitoring program via a two way wireless link where I have become linked to a computer control network and where unknown neuro operatives can now gain access to my brain and body against my will and without my permission. They receive and transmit data via the bi-directional link and said data includes electrical signals which can generate voices, visions, electric shocks, pain, forced muscle movement and a wide variety of other unwanted sensations. I am constantly wirelessly connected to the unknown staff who run the remote neural monitoring program and I hear them speak to me and about me on a constant basis. I regularly take note of some of what they say and post it online on my website. Here is some of what I heard the remote neural monitoring staff say to me and about me to each other recently :-
“We sell that data that we collect from the brain and body of Gretta Fahey. We can pay forty or fifty men and women from the data that we collect from Gretta Fahey alone.”
“Is there inappropriate material on her personal computer?” “No.” “Could we then install inappropriate material without her knowledge or consent.?”
“I have a problem with her. She is over weight.”
“We are bio-robotizing a woman who has done a lot to raise awareness of this technology, so what do we do to clip her wings.”
“She doesn’t masticate at all. Does she even brush her teeth anymore.” ( I don’t use fluoride toothpaste because I believe that fluoride is a dumbing down agent and it is toxic so I brush my teeth by putting spearment flavoured essential oil on my toothbrush.)
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901
My website is called My email address is

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A bio-chip implant can be programmed when  it is inside you to stop you exiting your own city boundary.  If you attempted to step outside the city limits you would be made to feel extreme pain or immobilization.   Demonistrate against 5G while you still are able to do so.

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Julian Assange, who is currently dying in Belmarsh prison has been quoted as saying the following words:-
“We have a few blissful years left until enforced telepathic readings”
Most of the human race are being unknowingly prepared to have their brains non-consensually connected to something that is being called the brain net, and which is also known as the cerebral internet or the internet of things within the next few years. This process is being achieved by using the capabilities outlined in Patent number US 6965816 which was filed on October 1st, 2002 by Agilent Technologies Engineer, Richard C Walker and said patent is titled PFN/TRAC system FAA.
I and numerous other human beings have already been non-consensually connected to the above mentioned internet of things by a bi-directional stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy and I personally believe that it is a fate worse that death.

This internet of things system allows my thoughts to be read as well as have them replied to in real time, among many other unwanted experiences.
I take notes whenever I experience the forced voice transmissions of the unknown staff who wirelessly monitor me from an unknown remote location, on a continual basis, both day and night while I attempt to go about my everyday life in my own home.
The following is what occurred in my life just now
I was relaxing and I felt the inside of my right foot being stung. I asked the unknown neuro staff who remote neural manipulate my body what they were doing to my foot. A member of the remote neural monitoring team replied as follows:-
“I am actuating your foot in order to enlarge your instep in order that you might stand more solidly if or when you are bio-robotized.”
Here below are a small sample of other utterances which I heard these unknown neuro operatives say to me via voice to skull transmissions as follows:-
“We sell information gleaned from the brain and body of Gretta Fahey in order to continue our endeavours.”
“Rapid deployment of some means of shutting this woman up is necessary now. ”
“This is building up into a horror show. It is looking like that from my point of view.”
“We can see her in technicolour whenever she is outside her home.”
As well as all of the other unwanted experiences I am being forced to experience I have now discovered that recently I am not being allowed to access parts of my own understanding owing to the fact that I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and I hear conversations coming from inside my head that I am not allowed to understand

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I am non-consensually wirelessly connected to the internet of things which is also known as the brain net and this fate is meant for all of you except for about two thousand individuals who sit at the top of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command. Being wirelessly connected to the internet of things is a fate worse than death. Unknown very controlling individuals speak to me continually throughout each day and they send me voice commands as well as disparaging comments and death threats among other unwanted communications. They send information to my organs and limbs in order to gain more control over my physical body until such a time as they can completely immobilize and paralyse me if I don’t obey them. At this point of time after they have spent more than sixteen years wirelessly experimenting on me, they can ground me for several minutes whenever they feel like doing so, by sending information to some of my muscles which temporarily cause me pain.
I post online on my website some of what these inner voices say to me often. Here is some of what the aforementioned voices have said to me and to their work colleagues about me in the past few days:-
“Why isn’t she eating salad.” “Why aren’t you eating salad?” ( I had just finished eating almost a full punnit of grapes when they asked me that.)
“I want her to switch off her computer.”
“Inappropriate conduct in the workplace herself. ” This was followed shortly after by the following “I withdraw it.”
“Apprehend her.”
“Why is wifi not operational.” “Sorry, That was my fault.”
“I have a problem with her. She is overweight.”
“This is an innocuous system.” “No it isn’t. It is a system of destroying a human being and rendering them immobile so that they cant move a muscle unless we give them permission.”
“Sending all kinds of rubbish to the national press. We will have to stop her I’m afraid.”
“Get this woman off my screen.”
“Make a quick decision to have this lady sent to a psychiatric hospital. We don’t want to see any more of this material sent out to the public.”
“Take away your hand. I want to analyse your bowel.”
“We are not allowing Gretta Fahey to sleep adequately most nights and we are causing her extreme distress as well, both of which inhibit good digestion.”
“We need you to classify this woman as a deviant.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website is called My email address is

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Posted on September 10, 2019 by gretta fahey
I am being subjected to non-consensual transhumanisation which is being forced on me by wireless means due to nano implantation and other types of implantation of my body and brain. Transhumanised individuals are also known as smart citizens. I am being forced to listen to the voices of the neuro staff which are being transmitted to me by wireless means on a continual basis. I often post some of what these neuro staff say to me on my website which is called Here is some of what the neuro staff have recently transmitted to me by direct wireless communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or microwave hearing, as follows:-
“The more despised this woman is the better I like it.”
“Nothing in her pocket only the basics.” ” She is not one of us so.” “Hasten her death then.”
“I am going writing you up as abusive to staff.”
“Spinal column should have been calcified by now.”
“Not alive yet (referring to my arms) and when they are alive we can create havoc.”
“Nothing requires us to wake her up at night. We just do it as part of our harassment protocol.”
“The main team reside in Britian and work out of a system of departmentalization. We almost never see the other main team members or clients or antagonists or controllers. The main team were trained for this work from infancy. They have no knowledge other than this.” (I presume that when they said the word “work” they meant the work of transhumanising a real live deeply unwilling and frightened human being).
“We can control the email of the subject. Her emails don’t have to get out if we dont wish them to get out.”
“Field a system that will generate evidence against her.”

My name is Gretta Fahey.   My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland,

My website which I alone own and control is called

My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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Posted on September 8, 2019 by gretta fahey 
I am what is known as a targeted individual or a smart citizen. I am a non-consensual subject of wirelessly enabled brain and body experimentation and I have been so for many years. Information is being wirelessly sent to my motor cortex and my spinal cord in order so that those who are illegally and cruelly experimenting on me might gain external control of my facial and body movements. I appear to be continually brain to brain linked with a member of a team of neuro personnel and they appear to be gaining more and more control over me as the years go by. They can now gain external control of my vocal cords and force me to speak words which did not originate from my own brain. When the individual who I happen to be brain to brain linked with laughs I am then forced to laugh also. When the individual who I am brain to brain linked with is angry my own face grimaces in anger but what is even more difficult to understand is the fact that my own eyes blaze in anger also even though I myself would not be angry at that time. When the individual who I am brain to brain linked with is gleeful my whole face takes on an expression of glee but what is much more difficult to understand is the fact that my own eyes fill with glee even though this gleeful feeling in my face and eyes would not have come from me at the time. It is easy to understand external control being taken of my facial muscles by various scientific means but it is more difficult to understand how external control can be taken of my eyes to make them blaze in anger or to make them dance with glee neither of which has sprung from my own feelings. Has any other targeted individual of remote neural experimentation experienced such extreme experiences such as external control of their eyes. I would appreciate feedback because I am frightened of what is happening to me and I know of many others who are reporting similar experiences.
Over the years I have come to realise that demonic possession does not exist and never has. The only type of possession that exists is technological possession. All diagnoses of demonic possession are false and are being used to cover up the real truth that people can and are being technologically possessed by wireless means by neuro operatives who work from unknown remote locations. Based on my current experiences I have come to realise that any and all supernatural stories can easily be explained away by black budget science and technology.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my website is called

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