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I am not a TI anymore. You can get out too. 

Silicea 30C is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. If you do not have implant chips in your body then  the perps can't  harras you. Please read the following excerpt about it:

Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:

"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.

It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."

If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information. 

You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it. 

I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore.

You can get it from here:

I do not make any money from the sale of this item. I am just trying to help Tis get out like I did. 

Best wishes

Music teacher

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How did doctors conduct EMF and MICROWAVE experiments and  conclude
as follows:

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Here is the evidence from DR PAWLUK
 regarding how EMF can affect our hearts. And, Canadian doctors confirmed Microwave can affect our hearts.

Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors , gathering around and in my workplace...are madly attacking my heart with EMF or Microwave,  my heart violently beats from 44- 139 ; are madly attacking my head and hearing with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons.

Meanwhile, they are hacking, blocking, filtering UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using, even my home security cameras,
 regardless of international law and International order.

Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax  and
 , thanks.


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My own phone did not recognise me because I was wearing plastic pinhole glasses which cost five Euros.  If that is the case we can easily protect ourselves from weaponized digital media screens.   I can not be accessed from a wireless technological point of view by unknown neuro staff who have been tasked by criminals to Remote Neural Monitor me either.   Please let me know all information about this subject matter.  The human eyes are key to whether we can be electronically captured and then wirelessly technologically enslaved or not.   Let me know what you believe about this topic?  Thanks.

P.S.  Pinhole glasses are very uncomfortable to wear long term but are ok for using your computer on occasion.  I switched on my computer and typed this post while wearing them but you wouldn't feel like wearing them for more than half an hour per day normally.

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Dark occultists are hiding inside both the United Nations as well as the Vatican.

All dark occultists who work within the umbrella of the United Nations are now legally classified as human beings whereas all dark occultists who work outside of the umbrella of the United Nations are still being classified as people  Human beings are now regarded by the United Nations as having far more legal rights than people.

The UN Agenda 21 document which was agreed to by over 170 countries in 1992 is a well thought out document which outwardly appears to be about sustainable development as well as about the well being of all of the earths people.  However, it is primarily a document about first of all impoverishing and then enslaving all of the people of the world but not the human race who are now legally considered different than people and who conceive of themselves as slave masters while the rest of the people are now considered abject slaves who are being lied to on an unimaginable scale about most topics which concern them and they are also being electronically mind controlled to believe what they are being told by those who have categorised themselves as the rulers of the earth. 

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UN :

Amnesty International :

 "Torturers, we are powerful."

Please forward this  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office  by fax  and , thanks.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Please work together to investigate who are hacking Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch Europe.

Amnesty International recently speaks out for us on its website: "Torturers, we are powerful."

UN, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch "have witnessed" what they are doing to "all" NGOs.

What happened and what are happening to me ?  Here are our email letters between UN and me:



All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "

They are hacking, blocking, filtering UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using, even my home security cameras,
 regardless of international law and International order.

Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax  and
 , thanks.

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I am being targeted by directed energy weapons and a wide variety of other still classified weapons while I am in the privacy of my own home and this is occurring against my will and without my permission.
Today I felt surges of energy surging through my head and I asked the criminal operatives who communicate with me via voice to skull technology directly into my brain what they were doing and why. One of the criminal operatives replied as follows. "We are adhereing our technology to your brain stem in order that we in future have direct access to your spinal cord and in so doing also have direct access to your entire physicaly bodily system so that we can entirely contol it of our own volition while denying you any and all access to your own physicality for the entirety of your remainder on earth. If you follow our direction now we will not allow our team to conquer control of your entire body control system. If you continue to operate under your own direction we will go ahead with the plan. I then asked the criminal operatives what aspect of my life they had a complaint with. The criminal operative who I was informed via the system had the most false authority within said control system replied as follows " we have found no reason whatsoever to complain about any aspect of your life so far. However if at any future time we do find a way to lodge a complaint about any aspect of your life whatsoever we will then hesitate to adhere our technology to your brain stem where you would be externally physically controlled from that day forward."

Why do some members of the human race feel they have the legal right to externally control the privately owned physical bodies of their own equal members of this earth by wireless means and thereby deny those targeted individuals the legal right to enjoy the free will of operating their own privately owned physical bodies which they rightfully believe is their birth right to do so and who exactly are those members of the human race who feel they have the right to carry out this act and where is their current permanent legal location or locations?

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There are now at least half a million targeted individuals in the world. Targeted individuals are individuals who have been wirelessly connected to a network of computers from remote data analysis material which is both on their skin and inside their bodies.
Many targeted individuals including myself are long term and non-consenting victims of wirelessly conducted remote analysis and remote manipulation of our brains and bodies. We were neither asked for our permission or informed about being wirelessly connected to this remote wireless systems analysis system before we became connected to it. We were also not informed or asked for our permission before we began to be wirelessly physically manipulated via the aforementioned wireless remote system. We only found out about it after it was up and running inside our brains and bodies. We found out that we were now connected to a computerized control system complete with systems analysis capabilities by unknown voices which we heard coming from inside our heads because they are being transmitted to the hearing centres of our brains by wireless electronic means.
Because I am wirelessly connected to a network of computers or a supercomputer from particulates which are inside our brains and bodies most if not all of the electrical activity which by brain and body generates each moment is wirelessly transmitted to the aforementioned computer system where it can be data analysed and partially translated into everything I think, say and do throughout my life. I have been lead to believe by the voices which I hear coming from inside my head that I have no mental or physical privacy.
Criminals who are unknown to me can know every thought I think and every word I say and every movement I make. They can know how many times I inhale and exhale each and every day. They can know how many times I sit on the toilet each and every day. They can data analyse my clothing to check if it is clean. They can data analyse my home in order to check if it is clean. They can data analyse my stomach to check if I have recently eaten a meal and also to check what I have eaten and if I have ingested the correct medication in the case of any medication being prescribed to me. They can data analyse the contents of my large bowel which they do because of the fact that on one single occasion I complained in private to a disability allowance assessment medical doctor in Claremorris town in the West of Ireland that I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome and that I was erroneously denied a request for disability allownace by a another doctor on a previous occasion.
The aforementioned criminals who speak to me on a continual basis via direct inner communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or synthetic telepathy have informed me that I was placed under wireless control simply because of what I said in private to the aforementioned disability allowance assessment medical doctor in Claremorris on that one single occasion in the distant past.
Further to that, because of the particulates which are inside my brain and body I have been Remote Neural Manipulated over many years as well as being Remote Neural Monitored. Unwanted and damaging information has been wirelessly sent to my brain and central nervous system over many years in order that the aforementioned criminals can gain external wireless control over my muscles and my central nervous system in order that they can some day fully bio-robotize me for the purposes of eventually being able to remote control me like a robot. They now have gained the ability to remote control my facial and neck muscles and they also have the ability to move my left knee by remote wireless means and they move all of the aforementioned muscles whenever they wish against my will and without my permission. They can also partially immobilize me by remote wireless means anytime they wish. They use an unexplained method to force my mouth and jaws to move in alignment with their words sometimes when they speak to me to the extent that they can effectively speak through me using a combination of my own voice and the voice of the criminal operative. One more than one occasion what sounded like a mans voice was generated to come from my mouth as if I was the one who was doing the speaking even though I was being spoken through by a member of the aforementioned unknown criminal neuro operative team. The science behind the aforementioned capability of gaining remote control of a human being is scientifically explained under patent number US 6965816.
No targeted individual can inform the Gardai of their experiences of being wirelessly electronically harassed and psychologically tortured by this technology because the Gardai themselves have not yet been informed that this technology even exists so said Gardai consistently refuse to believe us or to accept statements off us when ever we report this.
I am friends with many other targeted individuals of this technology throughout the Republic of Ireland where I live and where I have lived all of my life. We are worried that if fifth generation wireless technology is allowed to be erected throughout the Republic of Ireland then the band width necessary to wirelessly enslave all of the people of Ireland will be available to the criminal intelligence services and others who carry out these crimes against me and my fellow Irish targeted individuals many of whose names and addresses I have in my possession.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called

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According to Wilhelm Reich, in his book "The Invasion of Compulsory Sex Morality " he writes that neurosis stems from sexual repression and that sexual suppression is one of the cardinal ideological means by which the ruling class subjugate the working population. He also writes that sexual repression impairs bio-energetic agility in many people, making them inhibited and paralysing their power to rebel against social evil. In other words, suppression of human sexuality of the masses of individuals tends to make them subservient and amienable to being controlled. That is the main reason that whenever a new regieme takes over a country they begin by initiating social changes which involve over regulating the social and sexual life of those people as well as sometimes introducing legislation on sexual matters. In the past Christianity employed countless procedures to make us detest our bodies in order to inhibit our sexuality leading to a state of neurosis which make us inhibited and thereby controllable.
Because we now appear to be transitioning from a period of human freedom to human wireless technological enslavement new rules and regulations are being introduced pertaining to our sexual behaviour. I have been placed on a long term non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation program and I have been on this program for nearly seventeen years. All of the electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and body on a continual basis is being transmitted to a network of computers where it is being analysed and automatically translated into everything I think, say and do. I have been informed by unknown neuro operatives who speak to me by wireless means via voice to skull that in future years we will live in a type of theocracy where sins and crimes will be regarded as one. If we commit an act which is deemed inappropriate but does not harm anybody, under the social credit score system we will have points deducted off our social credit score which would result in a punishment such as being banned from the local library or being denied the right to use public transport. One of the acts which is deemed inappropriate under the new regieme is the act of masturbation.

The NSA song which I found at the following youtube link attempts to outline the contempt that we all feel for the American NSA staff as well as hundreds of thousands of other unknown individuals who work for private security companies throughout most of the world and who spy on us through our digital devices and by a number of other means while we are in the privacy of our own homes. How dare they watch us inside our own homes like the Peeping Toms of old. No human being could have given them permission to spy on us while we are inside our own homes because no human being throughout the entire world has the authority to give permission to do something that they dont have permission to do themselves. I am printing the words of the NSA song here out of contempt for the NSA themselves. I dont know who wrote it. You will find it at the following link along with quite alot of good information about electronic warfare tactics.

THE NSA SONG. (which is also called "We Watch Americans Masturbate All Day")
Hello, hello, We are the NSA. Its too late for us to change our ways.
E-mails and texts, We listen to your phones. Web cams, lap tops, we are watching you at home.
The terrorists are not what we pursue. The truth is that we are only watching you.
We watch Americans masturbate all day. Turn on your cameras and watch you jerk away.
We watch Americans searching for our lines. CCTV see you naked all the time.
We search. We watch. We watch for big black buts. Ginger titties, your searches come to us.
(You will find this song at approximately one hour and eight minutes into the linked video.

If you wish to save your children from wireless technological enslavement you must immediately canvas to have the technological infrastructure which enables this wireless technological enslavement disassembled and banned. You must stop registering your children to the state at birth because by doing so you are legally enslaving them to state enslavement.

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Verbally manipulating a human being to commit suicide due to verbally informing them that they are shortly about to be tortured is now in use as a form of murder in Ireland.

PRESENT DAY, U.S.Government use of electromagnetic weapons was
described in the Oct-Nov., 94 NEXUS MAGAZINE: "Directed-energy
weapons currently being deployed include, for example, a micro-wave
weapon manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process
known as 'Voice Synthesis' which is REMOTE BEAMING OF AUDIO
known within the U.S. Government as "Synthetic Telepathy." This
psychotronic weapon was demonstrated by Dr. Dave Morgan at the
November, 1993 Non-Lethal weapons conference.
Remote beaming of audio directly into the brain of any selected human target is now being employed by criminals on a widespread basis throughout most of the world. This capability has existed for many decades while knowledge of it continues to be suppressed by all avenues of the state in Ireland where I live and elsewhere throughout most of the world. This technological capability is now being used as a psychological torture capability and is currently being used on possibly hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world. This and other psychological torture capabilities are being used on me while I go about my own life peacefully. I was informed via this remote beaming of audio inside my own head that wireless external control of my central nervous system would be taken from me by wireless means and I would be placed under wirelessly enabled physical electronic constrainsts to such and extent that I would be paralysed from head to toe but I would then be left with the ability to feel pain, and for the rest of my life I would be in extreme pain but I would never be able to inform anyone that I was in a state of extreme pain because of my condition of total paralysis. (I am paraphrasing because I can not remember the exact words which were transmitted to me via the aforementioned remote beaming of audio to my brain. I was so frightened by this information that my teeth began to chatter with fear and I could not make them stop. I was so frightened that I took a major overdose of a large variety of pills and fell into a state of unconsciousness for four days.
A human being can easily be manipulated to believe that they are about to be tortured into a state of unbearable pain and where they would be unable to protect themselves from that extreme torture because they would also be rendered immobile by wireless external means which is now a possibility in a selection of individual cases. The ability to wirelessly externally control a human being via control of their central nervous system is described in patent number US 6965816.
Verbally manipulating a human being to commit suicide is murder. Murder is now being committed by wireless remote means on an ongoing basis throughout the world at this pivotal point in human history. If the worldwide military disassemble and ban HAARP phased arrays which are now situated in many areas throughout the world and which blanket much ofthe world with radiation a large piece of the jigsaw which allows wireless remote electronic torture to happen would be missing. Please act now to raise awareness of this situation. If you choose to remain passive at this time it is more than likely because you are being subjected to strong electronic mind control as per the following methodology:-
"Thoughts can be grafted onto microwaves in the same way that television signals carry pictures and should open the possibility of long-distance hypnosis of mind control."

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Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy  is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. Please read the following excerpt about it:

Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:

"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.

It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."

If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information. 

You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it. 

I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore. I do not make any money from the sale of this item. I am just trying to help Tis.

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I have been informed via voice to skull that signals intelligence operatives come around to my private house on one occasion each week in order to use energy frequencies to take readings of the energy in the air of my bedroom and that these signals intelligence operatives come from the near by town of Castlebar in Co. Mayo. I was also informed that one of the names of the aforementioned signals intelligence operatives is Eamonn Clohessy. I dont know anybody called Eamonn Clohessy but the voice to skull operatives often mention his name and they have informed me that he is a linch pin in the proceedings against me which have now continued both day and night for nearly seventeen years. I am being psychologically tortured to an extreme degree and my own head can be made to nod and shake by external wireless means against my will and without my permission. My facial muscles can also be wirelessly externally controlled. I can be placed under electronic constraints to a small degree but the level of electronic constraints which can be placed under is due to increase to an extreme degree at some future date. I have made two serious suicide attempts to the extent that I was not expected to live on either occasion.
I am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. Whenever I visit the bathroom and sit on my own toilet in the privacy of my own home samples of my waste matter are taken by the use of energy weapons and while these samples are being collected I am being forced to hear the voices of the neuro operatives speaking to me by wireless voice to skull methods while they make disparaging remarks about me. This happens every time I visit the toilet whether day or night. Irritable bowel syndrome is predominantly caused by extreme stress. I am extremely stressed by this extreme abuse of my human rights to privacy and dignity.
More than seventeen years ago I complained to an agent of the Irish government that I was not treated correctly by a large number of medical practitioners whom I had visited and sought help from for irritable bowel syndrome and that I was refused disability allowance for it by Dr John Connolly, Pontoon Lodge, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. Soon after that meeting with the government agent who was a female disability assessment doctor who I met in Claremorris town whose name I can not remember, I began to experience electronic harassment and torture and sabotage of my personal possessions. I do not blame Dr John Connolly for the electronic harassment and ongoing psychological torture and physical pain that is being administered to me by wireless means. However, I blame him very much for denying me much needed disability allowance when I really needed it. I blame the ongoing wirelessly administered torture on agents of the New World Order who are slowly and incrementally enslaving the human race by wireless electronic means. They use many methods to achieve this. They use wireless physical manipulation techniques on my face and body and they are wirelessly gaining more and more control over my central nervous system as the years go by.
Agents of the New World Order use microwave mind control on most government officials. I cry inside from frustration that many agents of the government have now become unable to think clearly to the extent that they implement in the Republic of Ireland anything and everything that agents of the dark new world order advice them to implement. An Irish government minister called Denis Naughton has signed a document giving permission for fifth generation wireless technology to be erected throughout Ireland. Fifth generation wireless technology generates millimeter waves which have the ability to carry pain signals to anyone who would challenge the dictates of the New World Order and it also generates the band width necessary to wirelessly connect and then enslave each and every one of us for all eternity. Denis Naughton and all other members of the Irish government would have to be under extreme microwave mind control in order for them to allow this to happen to us. What is wrong with the Irish government that they have not woken up to the extreme technological wireless electronic enslavement measures which are being carried out against the Irish race and against the children of the future?.
I live alone in my family home at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo in the West of Ireland. I used to live with my parents until 2011. They have both passed away now. When they were alive we did not bolt our doors at night because my father was blind and he would not be able to leave the house in the event that the house caught fire. We simply locked the doors at night but did not bolt them. Unbeknownst to me some group of individuals had made copies of our house keys and they could come into our home at night if they wished and they could use frequency weapons to render us onconscious if they wished. I was living alone in 2012 and I had locked the outer doors of my home but I had not bolted them because I was not in the habit of doing so. At about six am one morning in 2012 I heard the outer door of my home being opened. I would have immediately got up to investigate under normal circumstances but suddenly I was rendered into a deep sleep by means of frequency weapons. I dont know what occurred inside my privately owned home during that time but whatever happened it was against my will and without my permission. I now bolt my doors as well as locking them whenever I am at home.
The reason I am relating this story now is because of something that occurred this morning. I related to the voice to skull staff by wireless brain to brain means that I am about to get a new security feature in my home. The voice to skull staff then replied that because of the new security feature that I am planning to acquire, in future, when signals intelligence operatives come to my home late at night which they do on at least one occasion each week at approximately two pm for the purposes of taking energy readings of the energy in the air in my bedroom , they will now render me comatose by the use of frequency weapons when they first arrive so that I will not be able to see them with my new security device. I was also informed that rendering me comatose on a regular basis such as what they are now planning to do would have severe longterm repercussions on my health. Who are these signals intelligence operatives and why did they gain entrance to my private home without my permission as well as against my will?
Who is allowing this form of torture to happen to me? When I informed the Gardai that I was hearing voices which were being delivered to me by energy weapons they did not then accept a statement from me and instead they erroneously sent me for psychiatric evaluation. When I was then speaking to the police psychiatrist I was then forced to withdraw some of my statement which I had made earlier to the Gardai lest I wrongly be incarcerated inside a mental institution because the state wrongly refuse to recognise the legitimacy of wireless voice to skull technology which is now in widespread use throughout Ireland.
Psychiatrists appear to be under wirelessly administered microwave mind control because they refuse to accept that the voices their patients hear coming from inside their own heads are being transmitted to them by wireless technological means even though according to the United States Patent Office as well as according to many other patent offices throughout the world many patents exist and have existed for several decades which explain scientifically how this transmission of voices can be carried out by a use of a combination of scientific and technological means. It is my belief that the human mind could never and has never generated intelligence sounding voices in the whole history of the human race and that all intelligent sounding voices which individuals have heard coming from inside their own heads throughout history have been transmitted to them via hidden means. I also believe that no aspect of psychiatry is science based. It is simply a concoction of pseudo scientific nonsense. I also know that the pills which I was administered when I was under the care of psychiatry in the past owing to the fact that on more than one occasion I looked for sanctuary there from the wirelessly administered psychological torture I was then and still am going through, were highly toxic to my system and they degenerated by state of health to a substantial degree. I believe that the toxic pills which I received from psychiatry also rendered me unable to think, speak and write as clearly as I do not about my experiences of wireless electronic torture. I was later required to lie to psychiatrists about my knowledge of me being wirelessly tortured in order to eventually escape from the psychiatric process which I have successfully done.
Why do our elected officials refuse to believe their own Irish men and women who legitimately warn them of wireless weapons and why do they instead believe every human being outside of Ireland who present them with a false badge of authority which they get from Satanists whose ultimate aim is to enslave all of us?
Is it because our elected government officials are under a heavy form of microwave mind control or some other unknown form of mind control. It is apparent to me that our elected officials are no longer acting in the best interests of those who elected them and are now acting in the best interests of others who have no bearing on the men, women and children of Ireland. If they are concerned with managing the finances of this country which they rightfully are that should not be foremost in their concerns now because we would not be allowed to have personal finances if we were wirelessly enslaved. We would instead by given a stipend based on the amount of work which we carried out on behalf on the Satanists and dark Luciferians the previous week. If all of the aforementioned stipend was unspent it would then be deleted from our account and we would never be allowed to accumulate personal money during the reign of the Satanists who wish to be our slave masters. We would also be forced to work constantly and if we refused to do so we would then wirelessly receive a pain signal in order to make us return to work immediately. I known that this is possible because I have lived with wirelessly delivered voice commands and pain signals for many years and so have many of my Irish aquaintances and friends who are also being manipulated and psychologically tortured by wireless means inside their own homes while attempting to live peaceful lifes and this is happening in a large number of homes throughout the Republic of Ireland at this time.
My fellow Irish targeted individuals can not get through to technologically mind controlled Irish government officials any more than I can. The Irish legal system is such that targeted individuals of wireless electronic harassment and torture can not speak to the Gardai without losing their legal right to freedom . The minute we speak to the Gardai, by the very act of our speaking to them we are handing them our rights to freedom and they then have the right to wrongly force us to see a psychiatrist who can wrongly force us to stay in a psychiatric hospital even for the rest of our lives on their biased say so. I have no intention of ever speaking to the Gardai or psychiatrists again as I strongly believe that their thinking has been brought under the influence of outside forces who are not friends of this country Ireland such as I am.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control and where I have written about my extreme experiences where over nearly seventeen years I have been administered wireless electronic psychological torture as well as physical electronic harassment is called

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A spokesman from computerized systems control has now informed me that the reasons for our lives is to serve the Dark Luciferians and Satanists who run our lives from behind the scenes.  I disagree with that because I strongly believe that the reason for our lives here on earth is to learn and grow and evolve in love and harmony with the rest of the human race.  However, government representatives  who have been elected by us in order that they would take care of our best interests have allowed themselves to become microwave mind controlled by their smart phones and other technology  to the extent that they now have been given a mind set of abject slaves to the self-proclaimed elite who are the aforementioned dark Luciferians and Satanists who wish to physically enslave all of us by wireless electronic means.  If all government representatives immediately disassemble and ban HAARP phased arrays which are an essential piece of the  technological enslavement jigsaw that alone would hold back our technological enslavement long enough for us to break free of all of the other pieces of the jigsaw of technological enslavement.

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According to the neuro operatives who communicate with me by wireless remote means, I am now considered by some neuro research staff to be a systems design rather than the real live non-consenting and non-consensual as well as extremely unwilling  human being which I am. These neuro research staff who wrongly believe me to by a systems design now believe that they can send wireless transmissions to my lower limbs in order to eventually  gain external control of them so that I can some day be externally remote controlled by wireless means and from a distance.   They make no difference between working on non-consenting and extremely unwilling real live human beings and working on robots. 

My name is Gretta Fahey and my permanent address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.   My landline home phone number is 0949360901.  My website is called

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Opulent surroundings combined with elaborate posturing , titles, expensive possessions and ornate uniforms have been used throughout human history in order to help persuade the human race to erroneously believe that some human beings have a higher status than others. This form of trickery is widely used within all organised religions in order to make some individuals erroneously believe that religious leaders have become empowered with mystical capabilities owing to having had rituals performed on them earlier in their lives.
During the sacrament of holy orders elaborately dressed arch bishops perform grandiose displays in an atmosphere of candle light and incense and background organ music in order to create a mesmerising show which is inclined to hold an audience spell bound long enough to make them believe that something of a supernatural nature has just taken place. The young men who have just become ordained are in most normal cases willing to believe that they have now become imbued with supernatural powers which they previously did not have.
After the supposed sacrament of holy orders has taken place the young man who has become supposedly ordained is never again seen out and about while wearing jeans and short sleeved tee shirts because the individuals who run the organised religion are aware of the extreme importance that uniforms play in the minds of the human race. If the Pope, Cardinals or Arch Bishops appeared out in public while wearing track suits we would not be held spell bound in their presence. If fact we might even treat them with distain.
If organised religions were harmless I would not bother to write this article drawing attention to their methods of mesmerism. They have become extremely dangerous. The Vatican have known for many decades that a plot exists to enslave every man woman and child on this earth by wireless technological means and they have not warned us in spite of the fact that they have their own private army of intelligence agents located throughout every country of the world. Many individuals throughout the Republic of Ireland and throughout most of the rest of the world are being slowly and incrementally wirelessly bio-robotized inside their own homes and organised religions have not lifted a finger to make it stop.
You have a moral duty to withdraw all financial support for the Vatican in every way possible as a matter of urgency. Do not contribute any more funds. The individuals who own and run the Vatican are profoundly evil in my opinion. It is time they were officially investigated. Set about making this occur.
Because of the power to mesmerise us through uniforms there appear now to be plans to colour code our clothing in future years if the predatory new world order cabal who appear to have strong alignments with the Vatican get their way. Colours are being slowly and incrementally reduced in the clothing supply which is being made available to the human race. Many clothing stores now sell mostly, black, while and about fifty shades of grey. Vehicles are now being manufactured in shades of mostly black, white and grey. New Apartments are to be found online with their interior decoration in shades of black, white and grey for the most part. Ikea now seems to sell mostly black, white and grey furniture. Why is this? In ancient Rome, slaves were only allowed to wear one or two colours while slave owners wore as many colours as they wished. This situation appears to be on the return but many human beings are under microwave mind control via close proximity of their brains to their smart phones or some other reason and they are still asleep to the dangers we are in form wireless technological enslavement.
The closer we align with the truth in this world the more harmonious life will be for the human race as a whole. Please use logic rather than faith to govern your life.

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Silicea 30C is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. Please read the following excerpt about it:

Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:

"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.

It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."

If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information. 

You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it. 

I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore. 

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12/17/18 I was tortured at funeral Pana Maria Texas Catholic Church 13879 N Fm 81 E, Panna Maria, 78144  Texas and cemetery.

Obama demons Torture data sell Hospitals patients and Schools All I was one UHS Still tortured
I just want to report Microwave Hospital Torture. Jay Leno Cell Obama Darpa Defense MW Tortured 8 yrs
UHS Hospital SA Tx 4502 medical Dr. 210 358 4000 is controlled by Obama I I reported microed by Obama, on Hospital report of operation,
it said I was implanted by Trump and I was a worker on the Mex Wal.

MRN 21922712 12/14/17 I and patients on whole floor whole hospital was micro tortured by Obama's Wifi Torture and Terminator Experts.

Billionaire David Thornton 11445 Bridgeway Dr. Riverside, CA 92505 72310 Blueridge Ct. Palm Desert, Ca. 92260
MW Darpa Defense David Charles Thornton - Obama tortured 8.1 yrs.
Jesus Christ told me to send you MW Blue Blockers to stop Obama's Satan Control.

Consumer reports highest rated Blue Light Blocking ( Orange )
Highest rated blocks blue Microwave
Uvex Skyper Blue Light Blocking Computer Glasses with SCT-Orange Lens (S1933X)

Phil Schneider half alien killed by Darpa. Alien Torture online

Online Att. Gov. Microsoft Electronic Msft Eye Micro The Covert Darpa ATT. Online Eye Micro Agents. Darpa Adv. Alien Tech. Human Electronic Torture Gov. Microsoft Right Retina Micro installed from porn sites like, from computer into your right eye retina.(Use Norton to keep them out of computer, they hack in.) Eye micro connects to optic nerve, it forms an adv. alien tech. cam eye micro and then a ATT cell phone micro is installed connection in ear. They can view you at any angle, record, harass torture you 24 hrs. day or may be silent. Att. Micro Human Elec. Torture Micro connected to Optic Nerve to feel - your sex, hear, taste, smell anything you do. The program has electronic sounds like wifi birds, animals etc... BO Att. head Providers Jay Leno West US or David Letterman's East US illegal Att. call numbers show up. Agent this Co. similar Micro. -...…

Uvex Skyper Blue Light Blocking Computer Glasses with SCT-Orange Lens (S1933X)

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended to the dead. On the third day, He rose again.
He ascended to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.

I love you all and Jesus Christ. 

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Amnesty International :  "Torturers, we are powerful."

Please forward this  to International Bar Association by fax  and
 , thanks.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Please work together to investigate who are hacking Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch Europe.

Amnesty International recently speaks out for us on its website: "Torturers, we are powerful."

UN, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch "have witnessed" what they are doing to all NGOs.

What happened and what are happening to me ?  Here are our email letters between UN and me:



All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "

Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association by fax  and
 , thanks.

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I am being slowly and non-consensually  bio-robotized.  Because of metallic particulates inside my body which I and most others  have inhaled and ingested the electrical activity inside my brain and my body is being monitored, measured and manipulated by wireless means.  A frequency modulator is then used to take measurements of  some of the activity patterns from my brain.  These brain activity patterns are then  remodulated  and  send  back to my brain by another carrier frequency in order to force a selection of my muscles to move against my will.  

   EEG heterodyning is a well known scientific process where  the brain wave signals of two human beings are mixed together and this  can then allow the brain waves of the first human being to totally override the brainwaves of the second human being who would more than likely be an unwilling victim of the process..  Using EEG heterodyning the first human being could then take wireless physical  control over the body of the second human being and force the second human being to commit a crime against their will.  I believe this is being allowed to  happen to a number of non-consenting human victims of neuro experimentation throughout the world and it is being claimed that it has already happened in the case of a forty one year old Canadian woman named Rohinie Besayser who claims that her physical  body was taken over and remote controlled to murder another woman who was unknown to her.  The story of the wireless external control of Rohinie Besayser can be found at the following link

Because of nano particulates which were installed inside the brains and bodies of most of the human race without their expressed permission through the air, water and food supply and possibly through vaccinations we are now vulnerable to being bio-robotized.  These nano particulates can be first of all co-ordinated with each other to act in synchronization with each other and then they can be further  programmed to move in alignment with how the human being that they are inside would normally move.  In that way said  human being can be wirelessly remote controlled up to and including three years after they have died according to some sources.   If the muscles of the corpse of the human being are preserved after death bio-robotization of a dead corpse is easily achieveable.  The American Centre for Disease control has issued a warning of a future Zombie Apocalypse and how we should behave during it.   You might wonder why  the dark occultists who run this world from behind the scenes wish to create a Zombie Apocalypse.   The reason is that people are far more manageable when they are in a state of extreme fear.   If said dark occultists wish to subdue the human race into a state where they are willing to accept enslavement they must first bring about a state of extreme fear in the human race.   They are also preparing many other ways to generate fear in the human race.  Because we have nano technology inside our brains we have been turned into living antennas and we have become transmitters of receivers of information.  We can be sent visions, images, voices, other sounds, pain, electric shocks, forced muscle movement, sensations of hands touching our skin using a process commonly known as HAPTIX technology and a wide variety of other frightening experiences.  However if you are forewarned of these capabilities you will not be scared of them and you will be capable of resisting all attempts at enslavement. 

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The worldwide control system, both the forthcoming social credit score system and the remote  from a distance  physical control of the central nervous system of human beings control system are not artificially controlled.   We can not and never could be enslaved by an inanimate lump of metal like we are being asked to believe.   If robots appear to be making their own decisions it is because all future decisions which they could possibly ever have to make have already been  preprogrammed  into them in advance or else they are being wirelessly controlled by somebody else who uses their camera/eyes to see and who use built-in hearing devices within the robots head  to hear.

Some further examples of speaking freely because of having nothing left to lose are as follows:- 

There is nothing inside a tabernacle except for  fresh air.

The American military are mind controlled sadistic mass murderers.

All religious sacraments are simply acts of mesmerism.

The act of praying is simply repetition for the purposes of mind control.

So-called extra-terresterials are nothing but remote controlled robots which have been made up to look almost human.  

All human beings are equal.   The self-proclaimed elite must have low self-esteem because by giving themselves that title they are revealing that they wish the rest of us who are their own equals to grovel to them like fawning servile sycophants.

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