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The human energy field provides a protective shield around the body.   When we are frightened or upset it shrinks and therefore it becomes less protective.   Non-consensual neuro research subjects are almost constantly insulted or frightened by unknown neuro operatives who speak to them by wireless direct communication which has come to be known as voice to skull or v2k.    The reasons are complex but one of the main reasons for doing so may be to shrink the human energy field in order to allow other  neuro operatives to infiltrate the human energy field of the non-consensual neuro research subject more easily.    

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A cartel of individuals have been projecting frequencies containing information into human brains within the frequency band of human brain activity and senior politicians and others who unknowingly receive the information contained in the projected frequencies believe that information is their own private thoughts and private opinions. Senior politicians who receive their thoughts and opinions from a central preprogrammed data base go on to enact laws based on that information. Said senior politicians have signed documents which have initiated the erection of enslavement technologies throughout the world based on that information which is coming to them from the central proporgrammed data base. Psychiatrists, police officers and others are being controlled by the same method which is leading to our slow enslavement.
Because the brains and bodies of our senior politicians have become wirelessly linked to said central data base of mostly misinformation from metallic particulates inside their brains and bodies which is sometimes called neural dust, we must urgently act to locate and to switch off those super computers. Those super computers can also be used to take over and control the physical body of a human being through control of their central nervous system as described in patent number US6965816.
We are now receiving frequencies from the central data base which is making us all wish to wear nothing but black, white and grey clothing, decorate the interior of our homes in many shades of black, white and grey and purchase vehicles in mostly black, white and grey. Many high profile women such as Caroline Kennedy Schlosburg and Deborah Taveres are mostly wearing black, white and grey. Many clothing stores contain black, white and grey clothing for the most part. Two thousand years ago the Romans only allowed their slaves to wear one uniform colour while the slavemasters wore multicolour clothing. The current would-be slavemasters of the human race appear to wish to return to this mode of dress which would identify the status of an individual by the colour clothing they wore. All of this is occurring gradually and incrementally. When purchasing clothes in future please purchase and wear multicolour garments if you can still source them.

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There are now in existence hundreds of patents where the human body and brain can be both manipulated, influenced and controlled wirelessly and remotely by directed energy weapons and mind control/neuro weapons. This is now occurring to both senior politicians, the police, members of the military, news editors and psychiatrists among others. Classified militarty weapons are now being used to degrade different parts of their brains and to accentuate other parts, which reduces them to cyborg-slave status. Moreover, the super computers of the United States department of defence have the ability to directly access to the brains and bodies of many senior politicians throughout the world and to externally mind control them without their knowledge or consent.
We need our senior politicians and others to wear protective helmets at all times and to find other ways to protect themselves from these military weapons, some of which are still classified. Have senior politicians throughout the world been doing anything to protect their brains and bodies from body and mind invasive technology? If so, what have they being doing in this regard?.
We are all now susceptible to wireless external control of both our physical bodies and our thoughts and emotions by the use of a scientific system known as EEG heterodyning. Human brains and bodies have become saturated with heavy metals and various types of nano particulates to the extent that we have become electrically conductive. Our brains have become antennas which when encoded are being used to pick up sound, voices, images, visions, pain, electric shock, externally generated thoughts and emotions and forced muscle movement among other unwanted effects.
The words hetero (meaning opposite) and dyne (meaning powerful as in the word dynasty) when used in the scientific phrase EEG heterodyning effectively means to mix powerful opposite brain signals of somebody else in to the brain of the externally physically and emotionally controlled victim. When the brain waves of another entirely separate human being are heterodyned into the motor cortex of the externally physically controlled victim that victims body can then be taken over and forced to move and speak and act against their own wills. Such victims are regularly being remote controlled to carry out terrorist activities throughout the world.

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I used to be a TI for 6 years but I got out by using a homeopathic remedy called Silicea 30C. It brings the implants to the shrface of the skin. Please read my page for further information.

As the hundreds and hundreds of implants were coming out of my body, it was evident that certain chip implants do different things. I had 5 implants in my body that caused the voices in my head and once they were out the voices stopped. Because the voices stopped, they couldn't gang stalk me at all any more. 

The location of the 5 implants that caused the voices was in the hollow of the right cheek. It makes sense because it is close to the ear. It is possible to get them out without surgery. Get some Magnoplasm Splintex and plaster it in the hollow of the right cheek every night before bed. Magnoplasm is a drawing ointment for getting foreign objects out from under the skin such as splinters and glass, and in this case the implant chips. The implants for the V2K were not really that far under the skin. The cheek skin is quite thin so it's relatively easy to get them out with drawing ointment.

The implants that cause the voices look like a tiny cochlear implant. I knew they caused the voices because after they came out one by one over a period of 18 months, the voices in my head would stop for about 15 minutes and the computer would reload again. On the fifth occasion the voices stopped and they did not start again. That was last year. 

The other implant that is quite easy to get out with Magnoplasm is on the back of the left  hand between the thumb and second finger - the RFID chip. The webbing part of the hand that is quite fatty. This is the implant that directs the helicopters to you to cause the harrassments. It is really worth getting that one out. The perps were very angry obviously when that came out. Plaster the Magnoplasm or drawing ointment over the skin between the thumb and second finger on the left hand every night before bed. 

You must be persistent and do it every day. 

To purchase Magnoplasm Paste or Splintex Splinter Removal Gel online please visit

For further information and directions for use visit

Combine this with the homeopathic remedy Silicea 30C which slowly brings the implants to the surface. See my other blogs for information on how to use it. Silicea 30C is much quicker than Magnoplasm and will bring out the implants when you don't know where they are. 

Best of luck

Music teacher

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It is possible to switch off a harrassment temporarily. The perps are using their mobile phones to cause the harrassments to your body. If you point your mobile phone toward them and hold it for 20 or 30 seconds it switches off that harrassment. Which direction is it coming from? Turn slowly in a circle pointing your mobile phone away from you horizontally toward the horizon. You will feel a change in the magnetic field when you reach  it and  it will switch off the harrassment. 

Also try holding  your arm above your head just  pointing your mobile phone towards the ceiling. This switches off all the harrassments at once temporarily (but not the voices). 

I am not able to explain the science to you why this works, but it does. 

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Merry Christmas! Please don't forward right now.

Update what one professor of  University of  California, San Diego disclosed recently : " ... Even, they can remotely do these." 

Please forward this  to International Bar Association by fax  and
 , thanks.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Here are conclusions from World Health Organization regarding EMF  ( Microwave, Radio Frequency  and ELF. )




Recently ,  one professor of University of  California, San Diego stated: If you are secretly forced to take one medicine called " sensitizer ", they can start their torture, terror and murder by Microwave, Radio Frequency , EMF
...because you are now very sensitive to  Microwave, Radio Frequency. Even, they can remotely do these."  ( This paragraph is being filtered.)

What happened and what are happening to me ?  Please see our email letters between UN and me:



All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "

Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association by fax  and
 , thanks.

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by Gretta Fahey

1. Whoever sits at the top of the hierarchy can be secretly controlled by an enemy.
2. Psychopaths always rise to the top because they are prepared to kill anybody that stands in their way of attaining money, power, status and control.
3. Individuals who now sit at the top of the current worldwide hierarchical based chain of command have access to all power to the extent that many of them have been abusing their power in a myriad of ways such as the following example:- They have been recently using their power to keep money flowing into their own coffers and they deny the rest of us the natural right to the use of that money when we wish to use it. Therefore they have wrongfully given themselves more rights than they have given to the rest of us.
4. In a hierarchical based control system such as the American Presidency, one man at the top of the hierarchical based control system is suddenly deemed to know everything about everything, and is suddenly deemed to be a fount of all wisdom, a situation which is unreal.

5. All hierarchies are artificial evil systems which are kept in place by covert violence.
6. In order for hierarchies to work we need to invent a false concept called authority. Authority is the concept of a diseased mind. It does not exist under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law on the earth.
7. When an individual belongs to a hierarchical based control system, they tend not to use their own conscience in order to ascertain if their actions are objectively right or wrong. Instead they tend to unquestioningly obey whatever orders they are given which come from whoever is at the top of the hierarchical based chain of command. Because of this refusal to use their own conscience, and because of the error of placing their trust in leaders that they don't know and have never met and don't know much about, they can be persuaded to go to war and kill other good living human beings for no reason other they the individuals who are to be killed live on a different part of the world.

8. No individual will agree to remain at the bottom of a heirarchy unless they are put under either trauma based mind control or else electronic mind control or both. Before electronic mind control became main-stream trauma based mind control was used in the church and state controlled school system through corporal punishment and through various forms of brainwashing which was administered by largely unknowing staff who had themselves become brainwashed on an earlier occasion. After school students are successfully inculcated into the heirarchical based control system very few of them will ever raise their heads above the radar again. They will be unquestioninglfy obedient to the hierarchical based system for the remainder of their lives.

9. Human hierarchies are pyramid shaped and they are rigid. They are rigid because the individuals inside them have no human freedom. The individuals at the bottom layers of the hierarchy are denied freedom of expression in many areas. They can not act without the permission of the individuals on the next layer up. They are not allowed access to truth because if they did have access to it they would be able to usurp the leadership at the top of the hierarchy. Those at the top of the hierarchy hoard knowledge through classifying advances in technology because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power. The individuals at the very top of the hierarchy are frightened that their power would be usurped by those lower down the hierarchy so in order to stop that ever occurring they disempower those under them in the hierarchy by many means including bring about debt slavery through unfair banking laws, and also having anybody who questions their activities incarcerated in psychiatric hospitals thereby bypassing all laws which would otherwise protect those individuals from false incarceration. The individuals at the bottom of the false hierarchy eventually become passive because they become used to being told what to do. They lose all of their creativity and some even become depressed through lack of free will.
While human hierarchies are rigid, anarchies are fluid. The word anarchy means without rulers. An means without and archon means ruler. An anarchies is a linear based self regulating systems, a system of rules without rulers. Each human being within an anarchy enjoys one hundred percent free will and one hundred percent responsibility for taking care of themselves. In anarchies, human beings are at their most creative and responsible and vibrant. Under moral law, anarchies are the only way we are permitted to run our lives because it is only under systems of anarchy that we have the free will to exercise our conscience before we perform and act.
Hierarchies do not remain at the same level of rigidity over many years and decades. The tend to become more rigid as the years progress because those at and near the top of the hierarchy become more corrupt and more megalomaniac as they years go by. They develop a slave master mind set and they deny freedom of expression to those at the bottom because they do not wish anybody to challenge their leadership. The sooner we return to a linear based self-regulating system the better for the whole human race. Human beings are self-regulating by nature. They do not need to belong to hierarchies which only ever benefit those at the very top.
Some individuals are mind controlled to believe that the ones who sit at the top of the heirarchy are entitled to be there for many false reasons, some of which I have listed herebelow -
As each human being has hundreds of different facets to their characters, there can be no objective way to classify a human being. An accident of birth can not be grounds for conferring a high status on a human being.
"We are not our positions in society, our occupations, our culture, our beliefs, our financial status, our social status, our matrimonial status, our sexuality, our clothes, or how we speak. Take away all of these and we are still ourselves underneath. All of these are superficial identities, like masks. All of these superficial identities are transitory. We are consciousness, having a human experience.
Some human beings attempt to convince their fellow human beings that they have a higher status than the rest of the human race. They achieve this by using mind control tactics over their fellow human beings. They also send messages of their supposed superior status by acting superior at all times. They enhance the message by displays of superiority in the public arena by the skilled use of oratory. They also employ uniforms, titles, credentials , possessions and opulent surroundings to further enhance the lie that they are superior to others in some way. They sometimes pay attendents to attend to their every need and to bow to them when they are in the public arena. They have their staff organise large gatherings of fawning fans whenever they wish to push the notion of their supposed superiority further.
We are all equal. We came into this world empty handed and we will leave this world empty handed approximately eight decades later. We must value equality in the world above all else. Unquestioningly following the orders of our equals leads to acts of extreme evil because when we do so we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions by refusing to assess whether the order given is moral before we carry it out.

The worldwide would-be controllers are attempting to create a top down chain of command throughout the world. We aught to instead organise ourselves into a linear based self-regulating system, a system of rules without rulers, a system of self-government where we take back all power which we have erroneously given away to members of the self-proclaimed elite. If we returned this world to a system of anarchy right now the first undertaking we would have to achieve is to take down all technological systems which enable electronic control of both the minds and bodies of human beings and refuse to register births, marriages and deaths. We must urgently practice non-compliance to man made laws but we must comply with natural law in all areas. Natural law is a euphemism for moral law. In order to find out more about natural law you must study the occult. The word occult means hidden.

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A social credit score system has been set up in China and is now being set up in various cities throughout the United States and Canada which will award or deduct points based on individual behaviour. If you are a few pounds over weight, if you disagree with the policies of the super-rich unelected predatory globalists or if you refuse to allow your child to be injected with toxic vaccines which contain nano technology you will have points deducted off your social credit score to the extent that you would then not be entitled to use public transport or use a public library. If fact if you continue to disagree with the human enslavement policies of the super-rich globalist bankers and corporate owners you will then be entirely blacklisted to such an extent that your bank account will be deteted and if any of your friends and relatives should telephone you using a digital device after you become black listed then they too will have points deducted from their social credit score. Millions of Chinese individuals have been blacklisted since the social credit score system was first set up in China because they dared to publicly disagree with the implementation of the social credit score system and because they dared to disagree with other policies of the unelected globalists.
The globlaists have created a situation where smart dust, nano bots and metallic particulates are inside the bodies of most of the human race by vaccinations and by a number of other means. We can prove that this is the case because small light neodymium magnets can not be made to stick to our faces. Many of us have non-consensually been given eye implants at a time when we were unaware that it was occurring to the extent that whenever we shine an ultraviolet light into our eyes they are seen as fluorescent green. Because of the smart dust and other unnatural materials which are in the bodies of many of the human race now our limbs can be made to move against our wills in a number of individuals and research is being done to immobilize us by wireless remote means if we dare to disobey any policies of the globalists.
Because of independent researchers on the internet who are not affiliated with universities or governments we now know without any doubt that the earth is flat and fixed, and not the rotating ball that we were led to believe it was. Please read the book "Two Hundred Proofs Earth is Not A Spinning Ball" by Eric Dubay. It is now also believed by the majority of the human race that the existence of satellites is a hoax along with a wide variety of other hoaxes. It was created in order to make us erroneously believe that there is nothing we can do to stop our technological enslavement. Stationary drones are being widely mistaken for satellites. Stationary drones can be shot down from earth. Undersea fibre optic cables can be severed whereever they reach the shore line. We must disassemble and ban the infrastructure which allows the globalists to technologically enslave us. The police and others must protect themselves from frequency weapons but not by the use of helmets because helmets could very well be a trojan horse solution.

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.I managed to get the implants out of my body using a powerful homeopathic remedy called Silicea 30C by Boiron sold at ABC Homeopathy website. It only costs 10 dollars plus postage. I took the remedy 3 pillules once a week for the past 3 years. After about 18 months enough implants had come to the surface of my skin and the V2K stopped. That was the greatest day of my life! Be warned that once the implants started coming out the perps became very aggressive towards me but now I am free of them and their torment. It's a natural remedy but it works. If you want to end this nightmare. This is the answer. Please note that you cannot use this remedy if you have a heart pace maker.   It is possible to get out. I did and you can too.  It is not hard but it takes perseverance. I would also recommend getting some rare earth magnets for shielding. They are only a few dollars on eBay from China.

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A bio-chip implant can be programmed when  it is inside you to stop you exiting your own city boundary.  If you attempted to step outside the city limits you would be made to feel extreme pain or immobilization.   Demonistrate against 5G while you still are able to do so.

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Today they did something to my eyes or brain or optic nerve which made some of the letters and words I was reading disapppear as I read. I was at the self-service checkout at a supermarket, and when I looked at the list of items I had checked, letters were missing from the words. This kept happening as I read each word. When I walked back along the mall I read a lot of signs and posters, and I found they could not do it with uneven letters or very small letters, but with medium size clear words they could e.g. Par instead of Park. Also they made some small words disappear. At the station I was reading on my phone and that was normal (don`t know why). But then when I looked away to my right, I saw waves of silvery light going past my eye upwards, continuously. I tried reading again but the waves distracted me. I tried blocking them with my hand over my closed eye but I could still see some lights. After a few minutes more the waves stopped and I could read again. They have not done it again today.

They have messed about with my eyes for years, blurring my eyesight in my left eye slightly. They have made flashes of light come out of my eyes at times. I had them scanned some years ago, and there are some retinal detachments. But my eyesight is not bad overall.

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A simple, minimally invasive procedure inserts nanobots (blood cell-sized devices) into the bodies of often unaware and non-consenting human beings. These microscopic machines are self-guided towards the neurons in their brain responsible for visual, auditory and other senses.
Whenever some evil neuro scientist or neuro operative wishes to force the non-consenting human being to experience a virtual reality hell they can remotely have the nanobots move into place suppressing all of the inputs coming from the real senses and replacing them with signals corresponding to the virtual environment. In that way the non-consenting human being can be forced to experience a virtual reality hell. I have been forced to experience virtual realities against my will over many years of being a non-consenting victim of wireless remote controlled research.
This technology which is now inside our brains and bodies can be used to force our muscles to be moved against our wills by wireless external means. Some individuals have experienced whole body take over where they have been forced to walk or talk against their wills. I myself have experienced external wireless takeover of my facial and neck muscles as well as external takeover of my vocal cords where some unknown neuro operative was enabled to speak through my mouth against my will and without my permission.
Police and psychiatrists can no longer stay in a state of denial about this capability because we have at least two easy proofs that this is happening to us. We shine an inexpensive ultra violet light into our eyes and our pupils manifest as fluorescent green. We place small neodynium magnets against our faces and they stick to our faces because of the various technologies inside our faces. If non-linear junction detectors were made available to us we would be able to ascertain where the signals which cause us such extreme distress were coming from. There are at least five hundred thousand of us, non-consensual victims of wireless neurological experimentation throughout the world, and some claim the figure is alot higher. This can be made to happen to a small child or a baby. When will our government take action to have it stopped.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901

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Our bodies and brains are saturated with metallic particulates to such an extent that because of this small light magnets will now stick to our heads. Our cereal will sometimes float across the cereal bowl if we place a magnet near it because it sometimes contains metallic particulates.
If you place metallic particulates in a microwave oven they will burn brightly. If the microwave transmitters are turned up to full power we too will burn brightly because of the metallic particulates which are now inside our bodies and brains.
Who is responsible for placing metallic particulates in our food in order that we would then ingest them and thereby saturate our brains and bodies with said metallic particulates? How do we get ourselves out of this dangerous situation? We must disassemble and ban microwave transmitters immediately. We must ban all metallic particulates from food, water and air. If our governments refuse to disassemble and ban said microwave transmitters we must all erect jamming devices inside our homes which when active would jam all transmissions of electromagnetic energy which would be directed at our homes.
These metallic particulates which are now inside our brains and bodies are being used by neuro operatives to monitor, measure and manipulate electrical signals as they travel from our brains through our central nervous system down to our extremities. The neuro operatives use frequency modulators to modify these electrical signals and then send them back into our bodies where they can now force a selection of our muscles to move against our wills. We can now be forced to punch our own faces with our own fists against our wills, and this can all be triggered by wireless means by unknown neuro operatives while they work from an unknown remote location. We can now be sent voice commands, pain, electric shocks, moving images and immobilization if we dare to disobey the dark Luciferians who reside at the top of the world wide hierarchical based chain of command.
We must return to the use of common law rather than civil law which is a tool of the dark Luciferians. Do not register your children at birth because you are in effect signing them over to enslavement to the dark Luciferians. Do not allow yourselves or your children to be vaccinated or to have your or their teeth filled with mercury amalgam fillings. Human beings have almost no impact on the temperature of this earth. Distrust everything they say to promote the climate change hoax.
Our bodies are now full of metallic particulates to the extent that we can be zapped with painful electricity jolts when we are lying alone in bed at night. The metallic particulates inside our bodies and brains allow criminal neuro scientists and others to monitor, measure and manipulate the electrical signals which travel through our brains and central nervous systems to the extent that these criminal neuro scientists can now bio-robotize human beings and remote control them to walk and talk against their own wills as if they were robots.
Our brain wave tracings show distinctive patterns all of which have been grouped together and translated into individual words and feelings and they have been compiled into a computerized dictionary which can be translated at the speed of light into what you are thinking , feeling, doing and saying . By this method anyone’s thoughts can be read and anyone’s activities can be monitored from a remote location by unknown neuro operatives. You no longer can expect to have any mental privacy. Your smart phone is uploading your thoughts and transmitting them for storage and profiling. If you apply for a job or a passport or a morgage in the future your profile which has been compiled from your own private thoughts and words will be assessed before you will be given that job, passport or mortgage.

Your peripheral nervous system can be stimulated wirelessly from a remote location while you are alone in your bed at night in order to make you feel the sensation of what feels like human hands touching you even though you are alone.
Whatever group controls the microwave transmitters in each respective country have been projecting frequencies containing information into the human brain within the frequency band of human brain activity, and the individual human beings who unknowingly receives the information contained in the projected frequencies then believes that information is their own thoughts and opinions. The police forces, psychiatrists and other government workers are being forced to receive information into their brains which are not their own thoughts and opinions but they wrongly believe them to be their own thoughts and opinions. Frequency modulators are being used to take frequencies from the human brain and mix them with other incoming frequencies so that the incoming frequencies over- ride the original brain frequencies and in this way you can affect the thoughts and emotions of a human being, thereby modifying their behaviour, even without their knowledge. A frequency modulator can be used to modify the behaviour of a law court judge and jury so as to manipulate them to find a defendent guilty or not guilty. It can be used on sports men and women to change the outcome of a football match. It can be used to change the outcome of an election. It can be used to change the outcome of a horse race or a greyhound race. It can be used on senior politicians to change their decisions. It is being used on psychiatrists to make them wrongly believe that individuals who are being remote neural manipulated are mentally insane. It can be used to turn followers of any organised religion into fanatics which I believe is currently allowed to occur.
COMMON LAW serves the human race and is an avenue of justice. CIVIL LAW is a weapon used against the human race by the self proclaimed elite.
The state has conditioned people to use CIVIL LAW to automatically deny their own ability to judge and instead to defer to external authorities. Under COMMON LAW the people judge legal matters for themselves and they become the law. They take action in their own communities to govern themselves as their own judge, jury and police.
In order to set up a COMMON LAW SYSTEM in each country we must set up a PEOPLES ASSEMBLY which are citizen run legislative bodies which replace existing governments and are a direct challenge to existing governments. A Peoples Assembly must contain at least twelve people. The people then organize themselves into a peoples MILITIA and they will set up COMMON LAW COURTS in each community. A CONSTITUTION will govern the workings of the people’s assembly.
The people’s assembly, the militia and the common law courts will work together to reclaim the entire country for all of the people. Local republican banks and credit unions will then be set up by the people’s assembly and will dispense with the current central banks which are privately owned and controlled by the self-proclaimed elite and which are being used as a weapon to control the rest of the human race through debt. Agents of the former regieme will be incorporated into the new common law republic.

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drink Pau d'arco tea

Try drinking Pau d'arco tea for health benefits and to reduce the experience of "sound transmissions". Drink as many cups as possible every day for say a couple of weeks (maximum cups per day, according to the instructions) and compare before and after.

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Our bodies and brains are saturated with metallic particulates. Small light magnets will now stick to our heads. Our cereal will sometimes move across the cereal bowl if we place a magnet near it.
If you place metallic particulates in a microwave oven they burn brightly. If the microwave transmitters are turned up to full power we too will burn brightly.
Who is responsible for placing metallic particulates in our food in order that we would then ingest them and thereby saturate our brains and bodies with said metallic particulates? How do we get ourselves out of this dangerous situation? We must disassemble and ban microwave transmitters immediately. We must ban all metallic particulates from food, water and air. If our governments refuse to disassemble and ban said microwave transmitters we must all erect jamming devices inside our homes which when active would jam all transmissions of electromagnetic energy which would be directed at our homes.
These metallic particulates which are now inside our brains and bodies are being used my neuro operatives to monitor, measure and manipulate the electrical signals as they travel from our brains through our central nervous system down to our extremeties. They use frequency modulators to modify these electrical signals and then send them back into our bodies where they can now force a selection of our muscles to move against our wills. We can now be forced to punch our own faces with our own fists against our wills, and this can all be triggered by wireless means by unknown neuro operatives while they work from an unknown remote location. We can now be sent voice commands, pain, electric shocks, moving images and immobilization if we dare to disobey the dark Luciferians at the top of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command if we dare to disobey their evil commands. We must return to the use of common law rather than civil law which is a tool of said dark luciferians. Do not register your children at birth because you are in effect signing them over to enslavement to said dark luciferians. Do not allow yourselves or your children to be innoculated or to have your or their teeth filled with mercury amalgam fillings. Human beings have no impact on the temperature of this earth. Distrust everything that they promote including the climate change hoax.

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Our bodies are now full of metallic particulates to the extent that we can be zapped with painful electricity jolts when we are lying alone in bed every night. The metallic particulates inside our bodies and brains allow criminal neuro scientists and others to monitor, measure and manipulate the electrical signals which travel through our brains and central nervous systems to the extent that they can now bio-robotize human beings and remote control them to walk and talk against their own wills as if they were robots.
Our brain wave tracings show distinctive patterns all of which have been groupted together and then translated into individual words and feelings and they have been compiled into a computerized dictionary which can be translated at the speed of light into what you are thinking , feeling, doing and saying . By this method anyone’s thoughts can be read and anyone’s activities can be monitored from a remote location by unknown neuro operatives. You no longer can expect to have any mental privacy. Your smart phone is uploading your thoughts and transmitting them for storage and profiling. If you apply for a job or a passport or a morgage in the future your profile which has been compiled from your own private thoughts and words will be assessed before you will be given that job, passport or morgage.
Your peripheral nervous system can be stimulated wirelessly from a remote location while you are alone in your bed at night in order to make you feel the sensation of what feels like hands touching you even though you are alone.
COMMON LAW serves the human race and is an avenue of justice. CIVIL LAW is a weapon used against the human race by the self proclaimed elite.
The state has conditioned people to use CIVIL LAW to automatically deny their own ability to judge and instead to defer to external authorities. Under COMMON LAW the people judge legal matters for themselves and they become the law. They take action in their own communities to govern themselves as their own judge, jury and police.
In order to set up a COMMON LAW SYSTEM in each country we must set up a PEOPLES ASSEMBLY which are citizen run legislative bodies which replace existing governments and are a direct challenge to existing governments. A Peoples Assembly must contain at least twelve people. The people then organise themselves into a peoples MILITIA and they will set up COMMON LAW COURTS in each community. A CONSTITUTION will govern the workings of the peoples assembly.
The peoples assembly, the militia and the common law courts will work together to reclaim the entire countrty for all of the people. Local republican banks and credit unions will then be set up by the peoples assembly and will will dispense with the current central banks which are privately owned and controlled by the self-proclaimed elite and which are being used as a weapon to control the rest of the human race through debt. Agents of the former regieme will be incorporated into the new common law republic.

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Am I victim of torture, terror, attempted murder?  Please see this photo below.

Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing torture, terror and attempted murder,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association by fax  and
 , thanks.


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I am not a TI anymore. You can get out too. 

Silicea 30C is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. If you do not have implant chips in your body then  the perps can't  harras you. Please read the following excerpt about it:

Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:

"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.

It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."

If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information. 

You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it. 

I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore. 


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getting hit hard last couple of days

today is dec 16--started cleaning lungs out oct 10---spitting out a lot less of the black stuff(black after it dries,black to greenish when fresh)--still spitting it out-they still have the same power over me--------i think i am close to this ending for me(the buzzing,sharp pains,etc  2months-6months away for a total lung cleanse(i think)as for perps-easy peasy(weak fuckers)

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