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Posted on September 14, 2019 by gretta fahey 
I am a non-consensual targeted individual of wirelessly enabled electronic control and I receive voice commands and wirelessly delivered pain via a live link between me and the criminal brain weapons experts. Because the live link is bi-directional the criminal brain weapons experts can read the electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and body and by this means and others they can know what I am doing and saying throughout each day. I have no privacy whatsoever and this situation is meant for you if the microwave transmitters are not taken down and banned now.
I sometimes publish some of what the wirelessly delivered voices of the criminal operatives of this human control system say to me and here is some of what they have been saying to me and about me to each other in the past few days as follows:-
“What will we do with her when she is ours?”
“We can’t have you sending out information like this.”
“Is there anyone in Dublin to put a stop to this woman’s nonsense.”
“Keep a civil tongue in your head.”
“I’m out. I am letting go of my investment in this woman.”
“We haven’t anything on her but I could make up something pretty quick.”
“What evidence have you against this individual.” “None whatsoever. She never committed a crime in her life.” You better manufacture some evidence then.”
“Recently we’ve had a lot of activity in this area and we’re very keen to get a system in place.”
“There is pressure on the side of her jaws at the moment. ” “Do we care.” “No”.
“She drinks.” “She doesn’t drink alcohol.” “I didn’t say she drinks alcohol.”
“I own you and everything about you.”
“Put a muzzle on her.”
“We wish to bring people who have irritable bowel syndrome under government control.”
“Ask Dunnes Stores to cease selling yellow and white garments as well as red and white garments because it is confusing my system of knowing the status of the human being which I see on my screen.”
“Open the bowel is not the case.” This was said while I was sitting on the toilet in the privacy of my own home where I was entirely alone and the outer doors were locked.
“They saw me moving the body.” ( The last sentence “they saw me moving the body” was said by one of the criminal brain weapon experts in relation to the fact that the individuals who forced me to become brain to brain interfaced with them against my will and without my permission through illegal implants and electrodes and other particulates inside my head and body can move the trunk of my body up and down by wireless external means when I am lying in my bed alone at night. These same individuals have illegally placed implants in my eyes which show up as fluorescent green when I shine an ultra violet light into my eyes so I can prove that they are there. They informed me that other operatives who work from a different location than the aforementioned group of operatives and whose job it is to monitor all of what I see and hear on a continual basis would have seen my body moving up and down in my bed against my will because on this particular occasion I happened to look down at my body while it was occurring. They further informed me that the second group of operatives have a duty to report any anomalies to head office and they would have reported that my body was being moved against my will. For some reason the first group of operatives are afraid that the second group of operatives who are responsible for monitoring all my audio and visual input will report that they have been moving the trunk of my body vigorously by wireless external means via control of my central nervous system and this has happened on many occasions down through the last number of years.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland.

My website which I alone own and control is called

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

I don't want to fight although " Human Rights can not be compromised ".  However,  what they are madly doing is forcing me to file complaints against them . I have no options.

Here are our email letters  between UN Human Rights Office and me.




What happened, what are happening?

UN Human Rights ,  International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, and International Criminal Court have everything I provided.

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-going torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this below  to International Bar Association by fax , thanks.

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Please forward this below  to International Bar Association by fax , thanks.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

I don't want to fight although " Human Rights can not be compromised ".  However,  what they are madly doing is forcing me to file complaints against them . I have no options.

Here are our email letters  between UN Human Rights Office and me.




What happened, what are happening?

UN Human Rights ,  International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, and International Criminal Court have everything I provided.

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-going torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


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Posted on September 14, 2019 by gretta fahey
A human control and enslavement system is being set up throughout the world which would render you paralysed from head to toe if you failed to obey the slave masters. We are believed to have inhaled and ingested nano particulates which can penetrate the blood brain barrier and which adhere to the neuro transmitters of our brains and also to our central nervous system. These nano particulates in combination with implants and also in combination with samples of our DNA may be needed to complete the process of physical control of the body of a human being. This human body control system is being developed behind the scenes throughout the world. Many individuals have become non-consensual victims of experimentation where their own limbs are being moved against their wills and where their vocal cords are being controlled against their wills on occasions. Ramola Dharmaraj who is a renowned online journalist from Boston, United States has interviewed many individuals who have publicly confessed to being partially under electronic wireless physical control. Her interviews can be found at her youtube channel which is called Ramola D Reports and also at her website which is called
We do not as yet know who the slave masters are but a group of individuals who have a youtube channel called American Intelligence Media believe that all roads lead to London, England and to the crown corporation. We do not know yet who are the slave masters and who are the slaves among the British Privy Council and among the Pilgrim Society but that is where their research is leading. The American Intelligence Media believe that the Pilgrim Society is the head and body of the slave system with lots of other feeder groups coming from across the world.
I myself am under wireless electronic control from my central nervous system where a selection of my facial and neck muscles as well as my eye muscles and vocal cords are being remote controlled against my will on a random basis. I no longer involve agents of the government in my affairs because when I informed them about this situation in the past they refused to believe me and they wrongly accused me of being mentally unwell. I believe them to be under strong remote influencing due to the presence of advanced technology in their environment which they have no real understanding of and which they need to disassemble and ban right now. Subliminal messaging comes through such technology. Who is responsible for deciding what subliminal messages are sent through this remote subliminal messaging system and where is said subliminal messaging central control system located in Ireland and where is it located in the United Kingdom ?. Where is said subliminal messaging central control system located in the United States and who runs it there?
The slave masters are currently beyond the reach of governments because they work through the banking system and through giant corporations. They have no conscience and they are willing to torture and kill millions of their fellow human beings whenever they wish. Some of their staff may be under central nervous system wireless external control and may be partially immobilized if they are not subservient to the slave masters. Others of their staff may be under a form a post hypnotic control. Because of this unique situation we have no way of knowing who among them are the slave masters and who among them are the enslaved so therefore we can not know exactly who among them are intent on wirelessly enslaving us via gaining wireless control of our central nervous systems. We must disempower them now by disassembling and banning microwave transmitters, smart street lighting and CCTV cameras which have also been fitted with smart technology. We must pull back from the brink of enslavement now. Don’t allow your children to be vaccinated and don’t register your children at birth. You are legally enslaving them when you register their births according to man made law which is now totally out of harmony with moral law. Act now while you can or else your children will be rigidly enslaved and you could also be rigidly enslaved

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Posted on September 12, 2019 by gretta fahey
The so called world management team have deliberately sabotaged world systems for the purposes of worldwide genocide. They have deliberately blended pharmaceutical medicines as well as vaccines and some public water supplies with toxic substances in order to destroy the health of their fellow human beings. They have deliberately created policies which are turning many of their fellow human beings into debt slaves by giving themselves an unfair monetary advantage over their fellow human beings because this so called world management team own and control the federal reserve banking system where they create fiat money out of nothing and they then charge enormous interest on that money in order to impoverish the borrower of said money. This so called world management team are attempting to gain total wireless electronic control over the physical bodies of both human beings and farm animals by using neuro science and technology to gain access to the brains and bodies of a selection of non-consensual human being and attempting to wirelessly immobilize any of their fellow human beings who refuse to be obedient and subservient to them and to their staff. This system of having wireless control over the physical bodies of their fellow human beings is called transhumanism. This so called world management team are responsible for sending subliminal post hypnotic suggestions to politicians and government staff throughout the world via the smart phones and other smart technology of said politicians and government staff and via microwave transmitters in order to manipulate all politicians to unknowingly act against their own best interests and against the best interests of their own constituents. The so called world management team have plans to depopulate the nations of the world because they view their fellow human beings as being in competition with themselves for the resources of the world. In order to give their fellow human beings the illusion of scarcity, this so called world management team have banned industrial hemp from the market place even though industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and it is capable of generating sixty thousand different products from animal food to soft furnishings to oil and they have also banned free energy generation devices from the market place for the same reason. Some members of the so called world management team may outwardly appear to be active members of the so called management team but they may in fact by either physically or mentally wirelessly enslaved so we must not harm any of them but we must disempower them now from having positions in world management. How do we go about it?

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Cowards , bully the weak and fear the strong.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Cowards , bully the weak and fear the strong.

Foreign investigators come to my house  .No symptoms at all caused by EMF, RF , Microwave, Radio Frequency Jammers...Meters for measuring them are quite OK.

However, when they leave,  all symptoms resume again in my home and in my workplace. So, I can not sleep and work normally.

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-going torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


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Electronic wireless external physical control of human beings and farm animals from implants in their bodies and brains is under development throughout Ireland. Many non-consenting and extremely unwilling Republic of Ireland victims as well as overseas victims of this procedure are being used for product development. If a victim becomes fully in agreement with this procedure it means that they have become fully externally wirelessly physically remote controlled to say whatever the team of individuals who are remote controlling them are programming them to say on an ongoing basis.
I am a non-consenting victim of wireless electronic remote experimentation from what I believe are implants in my brain and body and I have been so for more than sixteen years. My face and neck can now be wirelessly externally physically controlled. My vocal cords can also be wirelessly externally physically controlled at a moments notice. For further information about my long term experiences of being a non-consenting victim of wirelessly enabled experimentation please read my website which is called
All government staff are now under wireless mental constraint whether they know it or now due to mass wireless post hypnotic suggestions which come to them via transmitters.
We must immediately disassemble and ban microwave transmitters. Please share this information because you and your loved ones may already have implants inside your bodies and brains from nano implantation via food and water supply or implants could have been introduced into your body via surgery or through being secretly imbedded in vaccination needles unknown to general practitioners.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland

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Posted on September 10, 2019 by gretta fahey
“Fully uniformed ” is a phrase which is being introduced into the business of transhumanizing a human being. When a real live and fully functioning human being is said to be “fully uniformed” it effectively means that they are then totally biorobotized and can be controlled or constrained by wireless electronics from a remote unknown location and by unknown operatives. This has happened to many individuals in the past and they have been used to carry out acts of evil. It is not known who was “fully uniformed” at the time when acts of extreme evil were carried out in the past few decades but it is strongly suspected that the use of “fully uniformed” human beings is derigueur at this time in history. Other words being used to describe the process of rendering a real live fully functioning human being to be “fully uniformed” are as follows, transhumanized, cyborgized, fully automated or biorobotized. When a human being has been fully transhumanized and when they then can be controlled by wireless electronics from an unknown remote location by unknown operatives, the way to solve this ongoing problem is to focus on how to disconnect electronic circuits inside the human body and brain by the use of circuit board knowledge”. Because “electronics” are being used to wirelessly remote control a human being, electronic circuits can be interfered with in order to stop the process. This is the only way that is known to stop this system from going viral at this point in time. This is very urgent. I have been told that this is the way to solve the problem of both constraining and remote controlling a human being by wireless electronic means. If you know how to stop this process please contact me. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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Posted on September 10, 2019 by gretta fahey
I am being subjected to non-consensual transhumanisation which is being forced on me by wireless means due to nano implantation and other types of implantation of my body and brain. Transhumanised individuals are also known as smart citizens. I am being forced to listen to the voices of the neuro staff which are being transmitted to me by wireless means on a continual basis. I often post some of what these neuro staff say to me on my website which is called Here is some of what the neuro staff have recently transmitted to me by direct wireless communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or microwave hearing, as follows:-
“The more despised this woman is the better I like it.”
“Nothing in her pocket only the basics.” ” She is not one of us so.” “Hasten her death then.”
“I am going writing you up as abusive to staff.”
“Spinal column should have been calcified by now.”
“Not alive yet (referring to my arms) and when they are alive we can create havoc.”
“Nothing requires us to wake her up at night. We just do it as part of our harassment protocol.”
“The main team reside in Britian and work out of a system of departmentalization. We almost never see the other main team members or clients or antagonists or controllers. The main team were trained for this work from infancy. They have no knowledge other than this.” (I presume that when they said the word “work” they meant the work of transhumanising a real live deeply unwilling and frightened human being).
“We can control the email of the subject. Her emails don’t have to get out if we dont wish them to get out.”
“Field a system that will generate evidence against her.”

My name is Gretta Fahey.   My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland,

My website which I alone own and control is called

My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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Posted on September 8, 2019 by gretta fahey 
I am what is known as a targeted individual or a smart citizen. I am a non-consensual subject of wirelessly enabled brain and body experimentation and I have been so for many years. Information is being wirelessly sent to my motor cortex and my spinal cord in order so that those who are illegally and cruelly experimenting on me might gain external control of my facial and body movements. I appear to be continually brain to brain linked with a member of a team of neuro personnel and they appear to be gaining more and more control over me as the years go by. They can now gain external control of my vocal cords and force me to speak words which did not originate from my own brain. When the individual who I happen to be brain to brain linked with laughs I am then forced to laugh also. When the individual who I am brain to brain linked with is angry my own face grimaces in anger but what is even more difficult to understand is the fact that my own eyes blaze in anger also even though I myself would not be angry at that time. When the individual who I am brain to brain linked with is gleeful my whole face takes on an expression of glee but what is much more difficult to understand is the fact that my own eyes fill with glee even though this gleeful feeling in my face and eyes would not have come from me at the time. It is easy to understand external control being taken of my facial muscles by various scientific means but it is more difficult to understand how external control can be taken of my eyes to make them blaze in anger or to make them dance with glee neither of which has sprung from my own feelings. Has any other targeted individual of remote neural experimentation experienced such extreme experiences such as external control of their eyes. I would appreciate feedback because I am frightened of what is happening to me and I know of many others who are reporting similar experiences.
Over the years I have come to realise that demonic possession does not exist and never has. The only type of possession that exists is technological possession. All diagnoses of demonic possession are false and are being used to cover up the real truth that people can and are being technologically possessed by wireless means by neuro operatives who work from unknown remote locations. Based on my current experiences I have come to realise that any and all supernatural stories can easily be explained away by black budget science and technology.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my website is called

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A neuro slave is a human being who has been implanted with a micro chip in the base of their brain and they may also have an array of electrodes injected all around their skull.   The microchip and the electrodes becomes wirelessly linked to a supercomputer and this allows neuro staff to send and receive information to and from the brain and body of the neuro slave to the extent that they collect all of the electrical activity from the brain and body of the neuro slave on a continual basis.  As well as that they send information to the  spinal column of the victim until such a time as they  can paralyse the victim from head to toe if they victim refuses to obey voice commands which are sent to them from the neuro staff by direct wireless communication which is also known as voice to skull or microwave hearing.

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Canada Prime Minister  expressed  serious concerns about  Human Rights  again on YouTube

Here is my updated message to them all.


I can't remember exactly  how many times UN, International Human Rights Community and International Criminal Court advised me to file complaints against them. Can I ?

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

I can't remember exactly  how many times UN, International Human Rights Community and International Criminal Court advised me to file complaints against "them", Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors , gathering around and in my workplace , who are committing torture, harassment, threats, poisoning, terror, attempted murder.

Here it is from UN 5 years ago:

( You must know why I use neglog. )

Can I do that?  Please see these photos below regarding how they are hacking UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using, all VPNs, all social medias, including my cellphone.

1. Hacking UN

2. Hacking everything I am using




or they don't commit any alleged crimes, why are they doing this regardless of anything? Can we count how many  countries  there are  in our world which both hack UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and me, Canadian victim of torture, terror, attempted murder?

What happened, what are happening?

UN Human Rights ,  International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, and International Criminal Court have everything I provided.

From some reliable sources, I was astonished by  the reason why they are torturing me, murdering me. I requested Canadian government to investigate the disinformation they are sharing with Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government... Unfortunately, I didn't receive anything. But, what I am receiving are mad revenge and reprisals.

14 years ago, Canadian lawyer said to me: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-going torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this by fax, not only for myself,thanks.

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The event organizer, Shad Budge: 


We were unable to successfully host the Global Neuroethics Conference, which was scheduled to take place in early August.  All three speakers cancelled just weeks before the event, and we failed to find any replacements within the limited time frame. We never received any specific reasoning as to why the speakers had to cancel, despite our numerous requests. It was quite heartbreaking to say the least; as we put our hearts and souls into the production of the conference for six months. We know how many people were disappointed in the cancellation of this event, and we offer our sincerest apologies.  

The main goal of the conference was to give the Neuro-Specific Human Rights Bill a significant platform prior to the upcoming Canadian federal election in October. We are now lobbying directly to current Members of Parliament for sponsorship regarding the support of this bill. We will be donating funds to the campaigns of certain MPs in exchange for live meetings where we can provide them in-person presentations. These presentations will elaborate on how vital these human rights are, and the potential unintended consequences that could arise if we do not enact them into legislation. We strongly believe that we can find numerous MPs that would be willing to sponsor this bill, and use it as a part of their campaign platform for the upcoming federal election.  

We are still looking for help in perfecting the bill, and eliminating any potential loopholes that may surreptitiously allow the rights to be violated. The type of people we are looking for are: lawyers (who specialize in constitutional law), neuroscientists, neuroethicists, technology developers, and human rights advocates. After a large enough precedent has been set, we firmly believe that this bill will be enacted into the legislation of every country worldwide. We will not rest until we achieve this goal, and the cerebra of every man, woman, and child are protected. Please forward this message to anyone that you think would be interested in assisting with our efforts. 

Kind Regards,  

Shad Budge  
Neuroethicist and Human Rights Activist  
The Human Rights Global Coalition  

PLEASE sign our petition in support of the Neuro-Specific Human Rights Bill here:   

Watch our latest video describing the bill here:   

Visit our website here:   

Please help us enact the Neuro-Specific Human Rights Bill into legislation by sharing the links above on all social media platforms! 

The conference  was going on as scheduled on Saturday, August 3, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 

An impressive lineup of speakers was on the roster for the event: 

  • James Giordano, Ph.D., Georgetown University
  • Michael Hoffer, MD, University of Miami
  • James Canton, Ph.D., Global futurist, social scientist, author, and visionary business advisor.

Those that would like more information, may visit the event website at:

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I am wirelessly non-consensually linked to a human control and enslavement system where I am being judged as part of a social credit score system in the Republic of Ireland. I visited Tesco in Ballinrobe, County Mayo today and I purchased one item and I checked it out at the customer operated checkout myself. I was in the store less than five minutes. I did not interact with anyone while I was there. I have now been informed by wireless direct communication that I am no longer allowed to shop in any Tesco store whatsoever. Why is this?

My name is Gretta Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.  My website is called   My landline home phone number is 0949360901

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I can't remember exactly  how many times UN, International Human Rights Community and International Criminal Court advised me to file complaints against them. Can I ?

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

I can't remember exactly  how many times UN, International Human Rights Community and International Criminal Court advised me to file complaints against "them", Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors , gathering around and in my workplace , who are committing torture, harassment, threats, poisoning, terror, attempted murder.

Here it is from UN 5 years ago:

( You must know why I use neglog. )

Can I do that?  Please see these photos below regarding how they are hacking UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using, all VPNs, all social medias, including my cellphone.

1. Hacking UN

2. Hacking everything I am using




or If they don't commit any alleged crimes, why are they doing this regardless of anything? Can we count how many  countries  there are  in our world which both hack UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and me, Canadian victim of torture, terror, attempted murder? 

What happened, what are happening?

UN Human Rights ,  International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, and International Criminal Court have everything I provided.

From some reliable sources, I was astonished by  the reason why they are torturing me, murdering me. I requested Canadian government to investigate the disinformation they are sharing with Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government... Unfortunately, I didn't receive anything. But, what I am receiving are mad revenge and reprisals.

14 years ago, Canadian lawyer said to me: " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-going torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this by fax, not only for myself,thanks.

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After only about seventy days of little sleep,  a junk food diet,  untenable living quarters, as well as constant and demeaning criticism by boot camp supervisors it is then easy to bring an army recruit into a state of shock beyond his endurance threshold which causes him to retain any directives which are given to him.   In this way, it is possible to render thousands of boot camp attendees forever after  unquestioningly and mindlessly obedient to orders given by supervisors or army generals.  Army recruits are in this way reduced to a state of mind where they can be ordered and enslaved.   This process is now being used on university attendees.

Why are army boot camp recruits being inculcated by these and other inculcating methods in view of the fact that soldiers have always volunteered to fight in wars and have fought effectively in the past in spite of the fact that they have not always endured any inculcation methods whatsoever?.

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