I cannot afford to get it right now, but it was what has been in my mind lately as well that I need to make my own frequency to block them.
It says it is guaranteed to work or you money back.
I cannot afford to get it right now, but it was what has been in my mind lately as well that I need to make my own frequency to block them.
It says it is guaranteed to work or you money back.
If we, human beings, were socially engineering ourselves and our planet all over again, but with the knowledge we now have we would not allow refined sugar, alcohol or cigarettes, to ever be placed on the market. We would not allow false psychiatry which is a pseudo science to exist in any basis whatsoever. We would not allow the drug industry to deliberately blend its drugs with harmful substances in order to poison some and dumb down others for the true purposes of eventual world wide enslavement of the human race.
We would ban public forced schooling where our children are being taught unquestioning obedience to false authority and where they are not being taught to think logically in any area. They are being forced to believe scientism which is a false belief in what some dishonest scientists say rather than in what is empirical evidence. Instead we would home educate our children. Children are being forced to think like schools of fish rather that enabled to draw their own individual logical conclusions.
We would never allow unreasonable man-made law to come into use in our world. We would use natural laws which are constructed upon natural reason which is fixed and immutable. We would use judges selected at random from our communities who would have no political affiliations and who would only be allowed to make a judgement once or twice in their lifetime.
What else would we do differently if we were organising our planet from the beginning?
It has been found that all seven billion human beings who currently inhabit the earth could easily live and both feed and shelter themselves in the Island of Ireland which covers a relatively small area of 32,000 square miles.
Currently the capability exists to manufacture glass which is strong enough to support enormous weights. This type of extra strong glass in combination with a metal girder structure can be used to build a one hundred story green house in order to p...roduce extra food. As well as that, industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource. It can generate sixty thousand different products including bio-degradeable plastic. It has disappeared from the market place because the powers that be do not wish it to be there. They wish to deliberately engineer a state of scarcity as a psychological operation to further their enslavement agenda which is currently well on its way.
We have been informed that there is a shortage of ores on earth. However, whenever there is a volcanic eruption, new and extremely valuable ores are distributed in a widespread manner in the area surrounding the volcanic eruption. Primary water is available to everyone and it can be obtained by boring underfoot. Primary water is uncontaminated.
Technology is in widespread existence which has not ever been released to the public such as remote neural monitoring and manipulation technology, which is currently being used to create human neural slaves which nobody ever hears about because if they attempted to inform anybody their whole body would be shut down instantly.
Free energy devices are everywhere but they are banned from the market place. We are being fed an alternative lifestyle of deliberately engineered shortage. We were born into a world of abundance. Beware of the current powers that be. They wish to enslave you in any and every way, by new and deranged man-made laws, through a pseudo-scientific psychiatric dictatorship, and a scientific dictatorship based on scientism rather than true science and by deliberately engineered debt and through electronic mind control of the masses to name a few.
They feed you misinformation via think tanks and social engineers to the extent that they have fooled humanity into believing that the earth is a globe when in fact railways which go on for a thousand miles or more have absolutely no built in curvature. Space travel has never occurred. It is impossible.
Please urgently disable, disassemble, ban and outlaw microwave technology and related paraphernalia in order to give your children a chance to live happy lives.
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I currently hear voices coming from inside my head. The general public must now confront the fact that technology has existed that can transmit voices inside the heads of random members of the public by wireless capabilities for many decades and the science is easily explainable.
The general public must also confront the fact that they have been in denial about this because to acknowledge the truth would lead to a public crisis like no other.
I have been lead to believe that the following method is the one that is being used to wirelessly transmit the voices which I hear coming from inside my head. We all have ingested neural dust in our food and water. This neural dust has lodged inside our brains and bodies, some of which has coagulated into larger units over time. These larger units of neural dust which I will call nodes are being used to draw energy into a computer network from my brain circuits in order to provide information to the neuro operatives about the condition of the nodes. If said nodes are sufficiently large enough they can then be used to create an electronic circuit board inside the human brain. Each coagulated neural dust node can be connected to another coagulated neural dust node by way of streaming digital signals from one node to another node through the computer network that they have been wirelessly linked to. This electronic circuit board can then be used by the criminal neuro operatives to upload voices, images, short videos, odours, sensations and tastes into the brain and mind of the targeted individual. Furthermore, this electronic circuit board inside my brain is now being used on an almost daily basis to move the muscles of my face and neck against my will and without my permission.
The cover stories that are being most commonly used to cover up advances in neuro science are the cover story that the subject who is experiencing strange phenomena is mentally unwell or is having supernatural experiences. Neither is true.
The nodes of neural dust which have coagulated inside my brain and body over many years are not in my favour. They are being used to slowly enslave me. I could find myself in a situation at some time in the future where criminal neuro operatives could close my mouth or eyes against my will and refuse to allow me to open them again unless I do their bidding. I could also be paralysed by wireless means and from a remote location in the future if I do not find a way to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body. Some fellow targeted individuals of remote neural manipulation have suggested I drink ozonated water or Epsom salts in order to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body. I am currently drinking both of these drinks. I have not noticed any change in the level of invasion into my mind and body by these remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation staff. Please urgently disassemble and ban microwave transmitters if you wish that you and your children to live in freedom from wireless tethering to computer networks. Otherwise neural enslavement of many individuals is now imminent.
We have all inhaled and ingested neural dust which has coagulated into larger units inside our brains, which in turn leads the way for neuro operatives to create a circuit board inside the brain of a selection of targeted individuals. This creation which is now being known as a brain circuit board allows unknown criminal neuro operatives to upload and download digital signals into your brain at their will. They can create holograms in front of your eyes. They can force you to hear and see and taste and smell and feel things that are not there at all except as an illusion to you.
After many years of working on your brain circuit board by wireless means with a large staff of neuro operatives these criminals can eventually force you to move your muscles against your will and without your consent. They can also force you to speak, and then to say things that you would not be normally willing to say and that you have never said before that time.
These criminals can now paralyse you if you refuse to be an obedient slave. They can close your mouth by remote wireless means and refuse to open it again forever if they wish. You could never override their digital signals.
Please have microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia banned and outlawed urgently if you wish your children to live in freedom. This matter is urgent.
If you donate your sperm or eggs to a sperm or egg bank, they can hypothetically be used to create children in secre, some of whom could be raised in a setting far away from the rest of the human race where they could be hypothetically schooled into believing in a false set of beliefs with a totally distorted understanding of reality.
They could in essence be used for scientific experiments where their DNA could be spliced with the DNA of a lower animal. Dark Luciferians are capable of this feat.
Naivety is not an attractive characteristic in an adult human being in the 21st century.
Please ban and outlaw sperm and egg banks and all related scientific enquiries including neuro science as a matter of great urgency.
10.03.18 Going on my 15th year of continuous mind invasion, around-the-clock, non-stop, multi-level attack by the monsters from Frisco who, as representative of my hellish karma, continue to plague, sabotage and exploit every second of my life. Most recently 3 male criminal affiliates of the group arrived from S.F., identified (v2k) as "Father," "Abdul" and "Black" (all characters who were secondary parts of this back when in lived in S.F.s Tenderloin neighborhood, but who hadn't turned up here in Louisville) showed up to reinforce "Mother's" crew & it seems as if this "Father" character may have assumed leadership of their persecution of me in an attempt to "break" my sanity. Their latest attacks have been to completely destroy (wirelessly) my smart phone, breaking into my apartment while i was out and stealing my prescription medications and interdicting a refurbished laptop that i had ordered from e-bay, de-boxing the device, altering it (probably using scripts) in some way so that the minute i plugged it in and began to work (NOT connected to the internet or any other LAN), they were able to take control of the device, rendering it utterly useless to me. I cannot say how this will all turn out, but i will attempt to post here the depredations of these people as i the situation evolves. Until...
I became a victim of attack in January 2008 after starting a Government Job. Although I fled the job, the men came to my home tortured me, raped me and left me for dead. They also put something like a syringe up my nose and then the 24/7 mental abuse would start and never stop.
I did not report what they had done because I was threatened they would come back and murder and rape my daughter if I said a word.
We lost everything, we went homeless. We finally fled California with only a few clothes to North Carolina. Here, I finally collapsed and my minor daughter began working to take care of us and try and keep me alive.
I finally went to the hospital unable to feel I could live any longer and told them what was going on. I was put in the mental ward and almost I felt not going to be released. This helped only in that I could meds that while they would cause me great health problems for a long time I could just be a zombie but at least block them out. Finally, my body would not tolerate any of the medications no matter how many times they changed them.
I had to come off of them and live again in 24/7 constant terrorism. Finally, I did as one doctor told me when we were alone and contacted the FBI online. But then I had a new group. This has went on now for several days but at least they seem to now at least letting me live a little bit in peace.
I want to know if any of you are Christians or Spiritual people??? I am what is known as a Caulbearer (www.caulbearer.org) and I know about many things that God has shown me since the age of 3. I believe this is the One Mind of the Beast and that they Beast is actually made up primarily of 4 countries. The USA, UK, Germany, and the 4th I am not sure of.
Their sole purpose has been to murder me and I have fought many in Astral Travel form. They murdered my Son and I know once I am dead they will come after my daughter. They have murdered everyone that was close to me.
There is a great conspiracy theory about bloodlines and this is what has fueled this. Do yourself a favor which I was so reluctant to do and get a DNA test from Myheritage.com when they go on sale which is often. It confirmed to me, that the bloodlines which I did not even know I was carrying and they stated to me, was in fact true.
Please let me know.
We have all been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past few decades , which has lodged in our brains, spinal cords and throughout our bodies. This neural dust is being sprayed on us by chemtrail spraying of the sky. Neural dust particles then coagulate in the bodies of all individuals into smart neural dust. Said individual strands of smart neural dust are then individally linked by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a computer network. Each piece of smart dust goes into the creating of a circuit board inside a selection of human beings of whom I am one. I currently have a circuit board of smart dust inside my brain and body. The muscles of my face and neck are being moved on a daily basis against my will and without my permission. Voices, short videos, images and sensations as well as pain signals are being uploaded into my brain and body at the will of unknown neuro operatives who work by wireless means from a remote location to bio-robotize me and thereby to virtually enslave me. If you have any ideas as to how I may save myself from the fate of being bio-robotized please help me. All ideas are gratefully appreciated.
It is my profound knowledge that there are multiples of individuals throughout mostly Britian who are helping each other to tie down the synapses of my body bit by bit. To that end their work is co-ordinated by a group of individuals who are known throughout the world as the self-proclaimed elite, in order to organise these disparate individuals to work in tandem with each other on a daily basis so that they may eventually tie down all of the synapses in my body so that they would be able to then paralyse me from head to toe some day or else to some day bio-robotize me.
A large portion of these disparate individuals who work alone throughout Britian have no way of knowing what they are doing or who they are doing it to. They have been informed that they are attempting to achieve something of great importance for the human race. Instead they are indirectly helping to enslave themselves because if human bio-robotization becomes widespread the bio-robots will be forced to go on to enslave others.
I along with most other human beings in the western world have inhaled and ingested neural dust. I have been informed that some neural dust particulates have coagulated inside my brain at this stage to the extent that they have become a miniature very basic smart phone so that I am permanently online whether I use digital media or not. I have no way of proving this.
After more than fifteen years of being targeted with directed energy weapons and both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation the muscles of my face and neck can be moved by wireless means by individuals who remain unknown to me and who work from a remote location. Said individuals move the muscles of my face and neck at their own will. It is only a matter of time until I am completely bio-robotized unless I can stop it from happening and there may be ways of stopping it from happening either by drinking ozonated water which might help to dislodge the neural dust inside my body or by the use of a home-made emp pulse gun whereby I would shoot myself with strong pulses of magnetic energy, thereby dislodging the neural dust inside my body and set myself free from this wireless tethering to computer networks which I am currently enduring. I would appreciate any and all advice on how to make a magnetic pulse gun.
These unknown criminals can now disengage small groups of my muscles on a temporary basis from time to time causing me to walk with a pronounced limp for a short space of time. The pronounced limp reappears and disappears at disparate intervals.
The abuses of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation capabilities is the real reason why we have no European Parliament of any consequences. Most people are in the know about remote neural manipulation and they are afraid to speak out.
I have recently been drinking ozonated water and the capability of the neuro operatives to maintain contact with the technology inside my body appears to be diminishing by the minute. However, the voice to skull communication stays strong. I have been listening to the neuro operatives speak to each other and they are complaining that they can no longer maintain contact with the synapses in my brain or body while I drink the ozonated water. I also feel strange occurrances or bursts of energy now and again as if the system inside me is breaking down.
Please organise for all unwilling targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation to know about this and to drink ozonated water themselves. Ozone generators cost between 100 and 150 Euros or Dollars online. I will update this information when I get further feedback from the voice to skull connection and from my own remote neural manipulation experiences. Tim Rifat has often spoken on www.rense.com about the fact that ozone will destroy neural dust inside the bodies of human beings.
If a criminal neuro operative is able to obtain a sample of your DNA and a copy of your unique brain signature and is also able to implant you with a biochip, all of these things in conjunction with neural dust which you may have been inhaling and ingesting and may already be in your brain, spinal cord and body can then be used to link you to a remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation network and you can never escape from it again unless you receive a strong pulse of magnetic energy which is capable of destroying all of the internal settings of the neural dust.
We have all been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past few decades , which has lodged in our brains, spinal cords and throughout our bodies. This neural dust is being sprayed on us by chemtrail spraying of the sky. Neural dust particles in the bodies of a random selection of individuals are being individally linked by a two way stream of electromagnetic energy to a computer network.
Over many years a human being can have their brain, spinal cord and sub groups of their muscles intertwined with a computer network so that computer operators can move sections of their muscles totally against their wills and without their permission.
Energy weapons in combination with Neural dust particules in the brain in combination with biochips are being used to transmit voices, visions, and sensations into the brains of targeted individuals. Many of these individuals are forced to have virtual reality experiences without the need to wear a virtual reality headset. Energy weapons can be used to transmit imperceptable voices into the brains of human beings. These imperceptible voices are being used to subliminally influence largely unaware members of the public to vote a certain way in elections or to cut their own children out of their wills and instead leave their money to questionable works of charity. These new technologies can also be used to remotely influence couples to divorce each other. Energy weapons can be used to burn down your home by remote wireless means. They can also be used to cause organ failure in any human being also by wireless remote means.
This neural dust can be used to entrain a human being to feel any emotion.
We must urgently disable, disassemble and ban microwave transmitters now as well as all related paraphernalia, so as to disable wireless weapons throughout the planet. We aught to purchase a non-smart mobile phone which is devoid of a screen which is being marketed for blind people. Search online under the phrase "screenless phone". We use this non-smart screenless mobile phone every day to try and detect digital signals. It is imperative that each street in each and every town purchase their own community owned electromagnetic spectrum analyser. Do not register it to any occultist controlled government because if you do that the dark occultists could claim ownership of it and confiscate it. Use the electromagnetic spectrum analyser to detect what transmitter the digital signals are coming from. Disable, disassemble, destroy, ban and outlaw said digital transmitter and receiver.
It is obvious that government officials are being electronically mind controlled through no fault of their own. Individuals are being tortured inside their own homes to the point of force suicide by the use of advanced technology for many decades and government officials have done nothing to help them because they appear unable to comprehend advances in science and technology which enable this situation to be taking place in their own environment. We must now take back the power that was taken from us at our birth by the dark occultists who have been controlling information, weapons and wars for thousands of years.
Drinking ozonated water is an easy cure for Alzheimers Disease. An ozone generator costs approximately 100 Euros online. Please check the following link http://www.vitalitymagazine.com/article/ozone-therapy …. Easy cures are being hidden from us by occultists who control medicine.
The general public remain unconcerned by our true accounts of being wirelessly linked to networks of computers via neural dust which is inside our brains and spinal cords because the reality of the general public bears no resemblance to our reality. The reason the reality of the general public bears no resemblance to the reality of targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and manipulation is because the worldwide social engineering platform, formerly known as Tavistock and now known as MK Ultra has created a false reality construct for the general public over many decades and even centuries simply by manipulating the school curriculum, organised religion structures and the main stream media.
The social engineering control matrix gives us our initial platform of beliefs which is our world view. From this platform of beliefs they are then able to control who we think we are and what we think we can do and what is possible and not possible. They deliberately attempt to condense our realities into smaller and smaller realities. If your only sources of information are those three outlets you are now living in a false reality construct which bears no resemblance to what is really happening behind the scenes throughout most of the world.
Virtual reality headsets are no longer necessary. If you have imbedded nano particulates inside your brain and body which many believe are being sprayed from the sky you can experience an unexpected virtual reality experience where signals which generate sound, vision, smells and sensations are injected into your brain. You can be made to hear voices, see videos, and feel sensations which can be pleasant or unpleasant. Your own muscles can be made to move against your will. For added effect, focused ultrasound can be used to move the furniture in your room and break your ornaments. The intelligence services, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. For many centuries they have been using magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past . The mental health act is also being used to cover up these wirelessly enabled abuses.
If a criminal neuro operative is able to obtain a sample of your DNA and a copy of your unique brain signature and is also able to implant you with a biochip, all of these things in conjunction with neural dust which you may have been inhaling and ingesting and may already be in your brain, spinal cord and body can then be used to link you to a remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation network and you can never escape from it again unless you receive a strong pulse of magnetic energy which is capable of destroying all of the internal settings of the neural dust.
We have all been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past few decades , which has lodged in our brains, spinal cords and throughout our bodies. This neural dust is being sprayed on us by chemtrail spraying of the sky. Neural dust particles in the bodies of a random selection of individuals are being individally linked by a two way stream of electromagnetic energy to a computer network.
Over many years a human being can have their brain, spinal cord and sub groups of their muscles intertwined with a computer network so that computer operators can move sections of their muscles totally against their wills and without their permission.
Energy weapons in combination with Neural dust particules in the brain in combination with biochips are being used to transmit voices, visions, and sensations into the brains of targeted individuals. Many of these individuals are forced to have virtual reality experiences without the need to wear a virtual reality headset. Energy weapons can be used to transmit imperceptable voices into the brains of human beings. These imperceptible voices are being used to subliminally influence largely unaware members of the public to vote a certain way in elections or to cut their own children out of their wills and instead leave their money to questionable works of charity. These new technologies can also be used to remotely influence couples to divorce each other. Energy weapons can be used to burn down your home by remote wireless means. They can also be used to cause organ failure in any human being also by wireless remote means.
This neural dust can be used to entrain a human being to feel any emotion.
We must urgently disable, disassemble and ban microwave transmitters now so as to disable wireless capabilities throughout the planet.
Dear Madam / Sir,
My name is Lylda Rachel TETY. I am Ivorian, and I live in Ivory Coast.
I am a victim of torture, exploitation, and economic crime, the situation in which the energy-directed weapons, electromagnetic waves, and advanced technology classified as top secret are used so difficult to prove.
This assault remains unofficial while the device deployed involves significant investments: satellite and GPS monitoring, constant overflights of aircraft, military cargo ships, helicopters ... for a climate manipulation activity, renewable energy production? Or maybe nuclear energy? Through my torture.
Wherever I go, I am followed by my neighbors, by strangers, by people I meet in the street, in the offices of the government, and the church. I am traced and located by phones or other means by my torturers, who activate overflights and receive payment. What I stated comes from my information, my observations, surprise conversations, and verbal harassment, as all refuse to give me any information about what happened. They use a kind of lottery game with an adapted protocol based on their goal. This protocol consists of humiliating me and stalking me in different brutal, unjust, and cruel ways, violating my rights, and sabotaging my daily life. Because they are informed I am listened to and monitored by satellite and GPS, these persons know they are heard as well and tend to behave according to the protocol of this gangstalking game, cruelly and dangerously at all costs.
This situation provokes and feeds a context of widespread corruption; nobody wants to be sincere; all avoid me and contact me by phone only to win according to the protocol of their game and, at specific times, hours of overflights.
One of the consequences of these circumstances is what occurred in Ivory Coast on October 14th and December 14th, 2017, two accidents of a cargo plane with four dead, of which drivers of Moldavian nationality and French wounded. Then, a private flight and a Helicopter with wounded passengers, including the pilot, and commercial premises were damaged. There have been others, another one on July 11, 2018, with the death of a French soldier.
I have attached a file on the evolution of clouds in a given period, aircraft overflights above my house, and the presence of satellites.
I have several other videos and photos, but that's all I have as proof. All my complaints have been rejected, and no lawyer wants to help me. I am even ruined, and I live with less than a euro/day very often or nothing sometimes.
The organizers of this dark business are private, the state or the government, the church, and my family, operating informally; any person or organization that I intend to address or meet is immediately contacted and corrupted by overflights of planes, by various advantages.
I sent the letter last year to the ANAC, the National Civil Aviation Agency, at the weather management office; I also reported it to the control tower, whose manager told me that he only reported to the state.
Consequently, nobody investigated when the circumstances went from bad to worse. There are even MI24 used often in addition to the usual overflights. This scenario is repeated from move to move; I am like the sheep of a sacrifice that allows all the actors to enrich themselves; it is a national and even international mafia that uses methods similar to a ritual where the targeted victim is used as a beast of burden and kept in a state of slavery for the benefit of their dishonest gain. My torture is physical, electromagnetic, moral, environmental, spiritual.... I live in total destitution, humiliation, sabotage, false rumors, and violation of my private life (they make my life a reality TV that everyone can follow via the Internet or WhatsApp network? My most basic rights are being violated, and my family is highly involved.
I am used as a machine to manipulate the climate and instrumentalized to generate clouds of different types, according to the use that the sponsors want to make: the planes fly over 24/7, sometimes more than 25 per day, without considering the night time. They spread chemtrails and treat the clouds in sight of the manufacture of renewable energies. Nuclear? For the control of the weather and many other uses, I don't know. I realize that this is undoubtedly the compensation of carbon credits or the compensation of CO2 in the clouds generated and used to produce renewable energies to create resources: water and electricity ... (Ref Paris Agreements, climate finance, carbon credit ...)
My stalkers have even told me that there was a call for euro bonds to finance this activity.
Since then, I have been used as raw material on the Ivory Coast and worldwide. Despite the daily aerial, satellite, and GPS activity around me, there is no official acknowledgment. I am a weather manipulation machine, a business for the state, my family, neighbors, mobile phone companies, and churches..., a puppet used for national and international games, winning games to torture, humiliate, isolate through rumors, sabotage, and block my life for better exploitation.
I talk about it on my Facebook pages:
I am a victim of an economic crime, a crime against humanity, and a violation of my rights and my private life. I demand that this injustice stop and that they give me back my freedom, that justice be done to me, that the State of Côte d'Ivoire and all the actors involved make this activity official and report to me as a responsible and free individual, and that I will be compensated for all the damages caused.
This mafia is so powerful. I need your legal, media, and security assistance to escape this hell.
Dear All,
Below is the amended version with added small details of my call to humanity message, published on September 28, 2018, in very bad physical, moral, and security conditions. Targeted in all the local and International online employment marketplaces and others, I have even been accused or judged to have an IQ = 0. It's a part of my gangstalking lottery game protocol. And nobody intends to tell me why. Assertions like: you have lost your English: said one of my neighbors in my Master's class. In other words, MK Ultra or other technology controls and destroys the TI. However, the organizers make it a game with daily themes, which everyone accepts and is happy and proud to participate in.
Anyway, it doesn't matter! The persons who read a part of this message at least understood a minimum meaning that impacted them. It's the most essential aspect.
Nowadays, we consider ourselves as more intelligent than the Intelligence Itself. But what are the consequences for our humanity?
May the almighty God, the Creator, the Supreme Intelligence, who shows us humility, help us to improve in good and constructive ways.
Should we consider our entire life as a permanent competition?
I apologize for the inconvenience my previous message caused to English speakers or natives' comprehension. Thanks for your understanding!
Call to Humanism, Altruism, and Civism defined respectively as:
- Humanism: Philosophy that places man and human values above all other values.
- Altruism: By selflessness, one person selflessly devotes himself to others. The altruist is a devoted and charitable being who never expects anything in return for his goodness, helping others. Altruism is the opposite of selfishness.
- Civism: the devotion of the citizen to the public interest, moral quality to do good.
We should denounce evil and not participate in it for the interest of others and, therefore, the interest of all.
Gangstalking is a reality, and we are all victims. However, one of the most serious scourges of this era is the lack of Humanism, Altruism, and Civism, which is a cancer for humanity, our lives, our environment, and our daily realities.
In some countries, there are still people who demonstrate these three values.
The problem is that in the majority of cases, individuals close their hearts to any possibility of expressing their fundamental moral values, which are essential to the social balance of everyone, such as assistance to a person in Danger, which is the most basic of the ethical and social responsibility of every individual. This reality of lack, and I would say, disappearing at an uncontrollable speed, of these three values promotes and creates a big boulevard favorable to the spread of gangstalking and Satanism in our current society in which the evil grows by using hypocrisy and indifference as dangerous as murderous.
We can consider people who behave in this way as mentally controlled by the conspirators.
Yet, aren't we more controlled? We gang-stalked? Yet we remain sober, responsible for our most basic social and moral duty, solidarity, and the revelation of the truth for the benefit of all. Consequently, if a particular group still thinks about their ethical and social responsibility in our time, it's because nothing is lost; it's still possible.
Thus, given the seriousness of the malice and extreme egoism in which our world is immersed, one of the most urgent and essential steps to take is to raise awareness of our immediate environment, our families, our friends, our neighborhoods, our cities, our nations, the continents, the whole world, to the culture of Humanism, Altruism, and Civism. Together, we will get there.
My case example appropriately illustrates what I have just stated. I am Ivorian, and my gangstalking case is working like a national game that employs electromagnetic, moral, and physical torture. My stalkers receive payment and diverse advantages. This lottery game uses a protocol adapted to my case and responds to my stalkers' goals. Imagine! The whole nation, the entire world, is involved. Yet, nobody dares to recognize it officially, and all play this hypocritical lottery game. They act informally, in the ''dark'' and all agree. You will not believe me, but it is a reality.
This example perfectly illustrates my case of gangstalking game.
I went to the town hall last year to establish an administrative document. The manager and his agents extended the period for drawing up the document to 2 months so that they could receive a payment according to the protocol of my harassment game. How does it work? Each time I arrived, it rained during my waiting time in the town hall and immediate areas. However, there was sunshine for about 1 kilometer or, in other cases, 10 meters. The protocol consists of creating a microclimate and shows what area can generate the rain. You can have more examples in my case summary. During this period of waiting time, I endure brutal and painful respiratory, physical, and other tortures, then one or two overflights, and finally, the rain. In other cases, there are only overflights without rain; it depends on their daily or the moment game's protocol.
Therefore, I invite us to raise awareness among the populations of our different countries, which may be a key to solving our common problem. Let's discuss it via various means of communication: social networks, flyers, and meetings. When considering the hell I endure in my country and what each of you suffers, I am afraid for our humanity, and I think our urgent action is necessary and required.
Respect others, respect their rights: a universal moral requirement:
"Act in such a way that you treat humanity, both in yourself and others, always at the same time as an end, and never simply as a means."
As a reasonable being, according to Kant, the human being is part of the "reign of ends." Every human being is of such value that he can't, strictly speaking, have a "price." You can't use a man as you use an object. Man is not part of the material world or the objects that compose it and that we can dispose of (without derogating from ethics, buy and sell objects).
This approach may seem trivial, but don't we say that the little things engender the great ones? Yes, let us incite our world to Humanism, Altruism, and Civism, essential values for the survival of our humanity in real Danger !!! Let's love each other.
Thank you.
I have been on a covert system of control for more than fifteen years. This covert system of control that I am under is commonly known as remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. My brain and spinal cord and my muscles are imbedded with neural dust and I have been wirelessly connected to a network of computers from said neural dust against my will and without my permission and without being informed by anyone whatsoever that this situation was about to occur. Because of this situation my thoughts can now be read in real time and unwanted voices of individuals who I perceive as criminals are being transmitted into the auditory centres of my brain on a continual basis, each and every day for more than fifteen years. As well as this, visions and holograms and sensations are occasionally transmitted into the centres of my brain that govern seeing images and feeling sensations, at random times.
Further to that, the neural dust which has become imbedded in my brain, spinal cord and muscles have been interlinked with a network of computers to the extent that criminal neuro operatives now move the muscles in my face and neck whenever they wish, which they do on a daily basis. I know of other targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation who are complaining of having the same experiences as I am. I know of one particular targeted individual who was forced to beat himself with his own fist repeatedly totally against his will. In order to cover up these scientific capabilities the cover stories of demonic possession and other false super-natural events have been used. Further to this, false psychiatric diagnoses have been ascribed to the experiencers.
Targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and extreme remote neural manipulation have complained of their plight to all types of government officials. Nobody took us seriously. They all assume that we are mentally ill? They offer nothing other than psychiatric evaluations and toxic substances posing as anti-psychotic medication. We sometimes feel that they have thrown us to the wolves to suffer extreme torture while they refuse to evaluate extreme advances in technology which all us to be remote neural manipulated to the extent that our own muscles can be wirelessly remote controlled by criminals working from a remote location. We realise that our fury may be misdirected. Government officials have dangerous bio-technology inside their own brains and bodies which is being used against them. They are unable to think clearly. I realise now that we should all unite as one force and direct our fury against the real enemy which is the self-proclaimed elite who own and control both the money supply and the weapon supply on this planet. They wish to divide and conquer us. We will unite and re-empower ourselves by disabling, disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia. We will also provide pulse guns in order to give ourselves strong pulses of magnetic energy in order to destroy the bio-technology which is inside our brains and bodies which will set us free from this wireless tethering which has us wirelessly enslaved to the whims of sadists and psychopaths.