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The perps who have been  generating  the V2K  inner voices inside my head  for the past fifteen years have decided to quit their post due to unforeseen circumstances.  However, when they gave a public notice to quit they were denied permission to do so.  This policy is symbolic of the fact that the perps as well as the targeted individuals are now considered slaves by the would-be enslavers of the human race.  The only way around this onerous situation is to have all telephone masts as well as microwave transmitters urgently abolished so as to deny said  would-be enslavers both   the wireless and microwave capabilities they need in order to continue scientificially experimenting on us, targeted individuals by wireless means.  Hundreds of thousands of wirelessly  tortured individuals throughout the world would immediately be set free to enjoy a new lease of life.   Act urgently.

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If fifth generation wireless technology combined with in-home smart meters ever become fully operational we would then all be linked by wireless means from nano technology which is already inside us to a computer network.  We would then lose all mental privacy forever.  We would no longer have regular schooling or university education.  We would no longer have use for newspapers or main stream media.  We would no longer have use for general practitioners, the law courts, regular police or military.   We would never enjoy mental privacy again.   Further to this, if you have a smart metre forceably installed in your home it can be used to wirelessly burn down your home by remote control.  Frequency technology can be used to make you fall asleep inside your home, and then your home could be burned down while you are sleeping inside.

A large selection of individuals have already been wirelessly linked by remote means to a network of computers which are monitored on a twenty four hour basis by surveillance staff, who are employed by unknown human beings.  These surveillance staff get reimbursed by providing them with all the need to live.  However, they do not and can not use money.  This makes them enslaved to the evil system they work for , for ever.  They did not know what they were getting involved in when they signed up to this mode of living.  They can no longer speak publicly about their ordeal because they would be dishomed  and threatened with dismemberment.  Even though they live in large gathering of one hundred and eighty or more they can not and would never leave their building where they both work and live because evil abounds in the outer world.  Individuals who have placed tracking devices inside them would shoot them dead if they ever decided to leave.  There are no bolts on their doors.  They can leave whenever they wish but they will meet certain death.

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My new paper back and eBook Invisible Stalker

Hello Friends,
I am writing to see if your organization, website will list my book on your publications section. 
I am computer scientist / psychologist turned author since my targeting became too great to work in technical positions I once held. My new book INVISIBLE STALKER is written to appeal to both targeted individuals and non targeted alike. 
The advantage of this books is that it allows for targeted individuals to read another's extreme story and it has references and best practices for survival. 
The real advantage of this book is that it is being sold as science fiction and conspiracy.  This will appeal more to the non-targeted causal readers who are interested in conspiracy theory science fiction stories. Once the book has you hooked on the narrative (especially the eBook) the supporting links to YouTube exposing the technology as real will have the causal non-targeted reader question if this is real thereby raising awareness of our circumstance. 
My paper back is well written, and has reference words of reader consideration and study.  My eBook is more comprehensive as  actual information that support my narrative. 
This being said I would like to have my book listed on your site. Please inform me on the best way to do this. You can be forwarded to the Amazon page for the two versions of my book at  Once at the site you can preview the eBook and sample the paperback online for free. 
Best Regards,
Dave Huber
Arcadia, California USA
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Spiritual life and mental / physical control

Are we sinners as generally accused to be by our torturers through voices to the skull?

Their purpose is to push us to remorse and make us believe that we are unworthy to approach our God, who is good, loving, and delighted in Mercy as He says in His word, even when our sins depend on our weaknesses.  

Should we let our torturers manipulate us until we deny our faith and lose our connection to God or lose our souls?

Satan and the New World Order always work and play cunningly to push targeted people into this embarrassing issue of considering themselves unworthy of approaching God and fleeing Him if they do not remain connected to Him and to His Spirit, Who always guides us. Jesus promised that he would not leave us orphans. Targeted persons should stand firm on the path of trust in God, who promised to remain with us every day until the end of time.

Why the choice of this subject? Based on my daily targeted experience, I think it is essential to talk about this reality. This highly spiritual fight affects the majority of the targeted individuals. It would help to unveil this trick of Satan, to lose our souls, reminding him of our identity as children of God, Winner in the Blood of the Lamb, given winning our great victory over mind control and gangstalking.

In my case, the church is involved in my harassment, so even homilies and sermons are occasions for gaslighting. There have been cases where the priest hesitated to give me communion; his hands trembled when it was my turn to receive communion because of rumors that state I am a living dead, a fallen soul, inhabited by Satan. However, through persecution, I remained firm in my trust in God. I relied on His Spirit, Who always confirmed that I am a child of God, in my right, and that I must remain in peace.

I crossed the valley of the shadow of death, but as Psalm 23 says, The Lord always guides and reassures us. In the beginning, I did not know that I was a victim of gangstalking; I was rejected (I still am) by my family, my friends, and my whole nation, so I was alone. If the church, whose vocation is to represent Christ on earth, is also involved in this harassment at 200%, imagine how I felt. I even had identity problems at some point; I asked myself, but who am I? I was also accused of being a climate curse because the manipulation of my body impacts the climate.

However, throughout these difficulties, the Lord, by His Spirit, helped me to keep my trust and firmness in Him, giving me the strength to look only at Him and to receive communion without crumbling under stress. For example, I have experienced being gaslighted during sermons: Do you see how far the New World Order can take its aggressiveness and strategy of losing our souls?

So, I always remember the voices to the skull who treat me to be impure, who tell me that my soul is lost, who excite my genital parts, reminding me that I am the lover of many men, who manipulate my body, who constantly remind me that I am far from God and unworthy to approach Him, I always remind them that I do not recognize myself in their rough montage, because the manipulation that they exert on my body does not come from me but from them. Consequently, I stand firm, reminding them of the superiority of Christ, who overcame the world.

The Bible says it's not what comes from outside that defiles us but what comes out of our hearts. Thus, I do not recognize myself in their barbarism.

At the beginning of my harassment, I often confessed by explaining the issue to the priests, voices to my skull that drove me to anger and sin. I finally realized that the priest always brought me back to self-control and the Mercy of God. Therefore, I decided to work on managing remorse by acknowledging my sinful state and remembering that I must always aspire to holiness and be better.

I, therefore, urge all those who are targeted not to allow themselves to be distracted by Satan's trick of making them believe that their souls are destined for hell and that they are continually unworthy of God because of the demonic control exercised on their minds and body but remain steadfast in trust in Jesus Christ, Who taught us in His word that He overcame the world and redeemed us at the price of His Blood, trust in His Holy Spirit Who never give up and Who always speaks to our heart.

I invite you to post your comments and experiences to strengthen each other and to stop the liar, Satan, and his conspiracy aiming to use all means to lose souls.



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My Perps infiltrated this site.

Sometimes the supporters of my perps enter this site. They make fake profiles to hurt me. They also want to start their hate campaign on this site. They want to take all my support away. So watch out. This site is full of Perps. They want me out.

These low life's.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas.

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Everybody watch out Denise Leveques she is the EX wife of a friend of mine. She friends with my perps. She want to hurt me. She is a lair don't believe anything she's got to say. She's not a ti. She's a hater. She supports Perps. She's on a hate campaign. I heard she was arrested for dealing drugs. I RECOGNISE her picture.

Fake profile everybody!!!! Watch out.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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Hola socios:
Acabo de enviar el correo electrónico a, que corresponde a "La sociedad de la costa oeste para todas las víctimas de acoso organizado y acoso electrónico" (Canadá) en el que se plantea una posible queja internacional sobre este tema, por qué piden documentos relevantes, especialmente la negación de ayuda:

Buenas tardes:
no sé exactamente qué se considera "DENEGACIÓN DE AYUDA".
He presentado tres quejas ante un tribunal. Un informe informativo antes de un ayuntamiento. También tengo "informes" de psiquiatras que, tan pronto como escuchan "acoso de pandillas" o "acoso electromagnético y tortura" -como si se saltaran la automática- lo llaman un trastorno delirante, aunque todo lo demás se considera absolutamente normal.

No tengo una carta que me diga que me niegue la ayuda. Ellos simplemente no responden. No sé si esta falta de respuesta puede ser una negación de ayuda. Porque si requiere una respuesta en la que lo digan claramente, podría ser menos menos que imposible obtenerlo

La página que menciono es de interés para las víctimas de la

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The official story is that there are hundreds of thousands of people within the intelligence services who have been entrusted with advanced technologies and who now have become rogue. They use directed energy weapons to torture individuals inside their own homes by wireless means and from remote locations. They ultimately control psychiatry, the police , main stream medicine and the corporate media via their wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons. They have manipulated the main stream media to focus only on irrelevant and diversive topics.

In reality these supposed rogue individuals are being heavily co-ordinated by the use of smart engineered technology. They can not act without all of their actions being documented and controlled. They ultimately work for a secret cabal who are attempting to use the intelligence services to enslave the human race. This cabal of would be enslavers use disinformation and misinformation tactics to cover up their attempt at slowly and incrementally enslaving us by a wide variety of different tactics. However, their main enslavement tactic is to wirelessly link many unwilling human beings via neural implants to computer networks where all of the electric activity generated by our brains and bodies can be monitored and analysed on a minute by minute basis for the rest of our lives.

"It's now common knowledge that a global surveillance network has been put in place by the intelligence agencies that allows them to illegally intercept all electronic communications. What is not common knowledge, however, is that this global surveillance network can pick up bioelectric signals as well -- not just signals from electronic voice and data communications. It can pick up the electrical signals in our brains and other biological systems, and with relative ease, calibrate their systems to decode and translate those signals. Furthermore, with electromagnetic weapons, that have been in place for decades, it's easy to to manipulate these biological signals within humans to communicate with them, condition them, or torture them -- all covertly, and under the protection of classified and compartmentalized programs. Anyone is a potential target, some are aware of it, some are not. Regardless, this highly classified technology is being abused on a widespread basis to spy on the thoughts of Americans, to torture them into submission, to sabotage their lives in order to marginalize and discredit them, or to manipulate them for the benefit of the perpetrators. It is a highly illegal, unethical and unconstitutional program, that operates under the tightest forms of secrecy. Unfortunately, because of the power of this technology, and its stealth nature, the criminal perpetrators -- within the deep state and power elite -- get more powerful everyday by subjugating more and more people."

The above information can be found at


The surveillance system currently being used by all intelligence agencies was created from knowledge gleaned from Nazi scientists who were secreted into Western military research agencies under ‘Operation Paperclip’ after WWII .

A parallel system was instigated in the Soviet Union also using knowledge from captured Nazi scientists .

The system uses ground based phased radar arrays and satellite technology which can accurately target an individual .

The system uses heterodyned energy beams across multiple frequencies .

The system is based on Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) which can be used to read the state of individual neurons in the brain .

The system is global in reach .

The system has been in use for decades and is constantly being scaled upwards in size .

The system itself is controlled largely by super computer powered A.I.

The system is used primarily for political and financial control .

Social engineering and eugenics are a longer term goal .

The system uses directed EM energy to torture , murder & mind control targets .

The wider system is under the control of the U.S. D.o.D and the C.I.A. and is franchised out via the Five Eyes countries to other N.A.T.O countries .

From "The Matrix Deciphered" by Dr Robert Duncan.

There are hundreds of credible whistleblowers and thousands of patents to support the existence and abuse of individuals by directed energy weapons while these individuals attempt to go about their lives.

If this worldwide control system bears no resemblance to your current reality it is because the worldwide social engineering platform known as Tavistock has created a false reality construct for you over many decades simply by manipulating the school curriculum, organised religion structures and the main stream media. The social engineering control matrix gives us our initial platform of beliefs which is our world view. From this platform of beliefs they are then able to control who we think we are and what we think we can do and what is possible and not possible. They deliberately attempt to condense our realities into smaller and smaller realities. If your only sources of information are those three outlets you are now living in a false reality construct which bears no resemblance to what is really happening behind the scenes throughout most of the world.

Virtual reality headsets are no longer necessary. If you have imbedded nano particulates inside your brain and body which many believe are being sprayed from the sky you can experience an unexpected virtual reality experience where signals which generate sound, vision, smells and sensations are injected into your brain. You can be made to hear voices, see videos, and feel sensations which can be pleasant or unpleasant. Your own muscles can be made to move against your will. For added effect, focused ultrasound can be used to move the furniture in your room and break your ornaments. The intelligence services, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. For many centuries they have been using magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past This is the real explanation for near death experience, poltergeist experiences, demonic possession experiences, extra-terrestrial experiences, moving statues and a wide variety of other experiences that have been used to cover up the existence and abuse of wireless neuro weapons and a wide variety of other advances in technology. The mental health act is also being used to cover up these wirelessly enabled abuses.


We have been inhaling and ingesting programmable biochips. It is my belief that in a selection of targeted individuals these programmable biochips are being forced into their muscles by a process known as forced induction each night while the targeted individual is sleeping. This is being carried out by criminal neuro operatives while using wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons, while working from an unknown remote location. When a sufficient quantity of programmable biochips have been imbedded in the muscles of the targeted individuals these programmable biochips are then co-ordinated to act in tandem with each other and are programmed to move the muscles of the targeted individual against their will. In order to fully activate this process the motor cortex of the targeted individual must be wirelessly injected with digital signals which also act in tandem with the programmable biochips. When all of the muscles of a human being can eventually be fully operated by criminals using wireless capabilities and while working from a remote location then that human being is known as a bio-robotized human being.

It is my belief that when enough good will human beings have unknowingly undergone the process of having their muscles imbedded with programmed biochips they would be used against their wills in a military psychological operation to frighten the rest of the human race into handing over their human rights to a group of behind the scenes criminals who wish to enslave the human race. The bio-robotized human beings could be used to commit crimes against their wills. The bio-robotized human beings could be used to strike fear in the rest of the human race shortly after they die in a psychological operation like never before. If you believe that you are being slowly and incrementally bio-robotized please ask your relatives to have your body cremated after you die so that your deceased body can not be used for nefarious purposes. We can stop this human enslavement process in its tracks by having all telephone towers and microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned urgently. All computer data travels by undersea fibre optic cables. The existence of satellites is believed to be a hoax .Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.

Under sea fibre optic cables are responsible for transmitting all internet and other data across the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple are all building and laying their own under sea fibre optic cables in order to transmit their own computer data across the world as per the enclosed video link.

Air and space can not co-exist side by side. The vacuum of space would suck the air from the atmosphere leaving us with no air to breathe. We can easily save ourselves from being permanently wirelessly tethered to a super-computer which is what happens to victims of Remote Neural Monitoring simply by outlawing all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and shooting down drones with technology which can be found at the following link.

"The drone has a capacity to employ focused frequencies. Drones or UAVs can convey explosives, chemicals and pornography to designated sights. drone-killing laser -- which is the focus of this article -- is ground based, housed in suitcase-sized boxes on the order of X-boxes, I gather, and draws its power from either the electrical grid or generators, where needed"…/welcome-world-drone-killing-laser-…/



These hoaxes were created by the self-proclaimed elite by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The intelligence services, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills. They have also used it in the past to create the moving statue hoax. These dark occultists use streams of energy to move furniture about when hoaxing poltergeist situations.

The satanic and luciferian would-be enslavers of the human race are ultimately afraid of online information because it lacks a central focus to control. Therefore they attempt to drown out the truth by flooding the internet with misinformation, hence another reason for the many and varied online hoaxes.




Microwave energy plus metallic particulates equals fire. Microwave transmitters combined with the metallic particulates from chemtrail geo-engineering which have become imbedded inside our muscles has given rogue intelligence agents the capability to spontaneously combust any and all of us at will. I believe we could all be burned to death during the night if a rogue intelligent agent raised the level of microwave energy which is now being emitted from telephone towers. Solution - Urgently ban telephone towers and all related paraphernalia.


Cell Towers, Gwen Towers, Doppler Radar, Haarp, and Smart Meters are a trojan horse network of genocide and death. A network of towers combined with nano technology could be used, like a tesla coil, to generate a fog of electromagnetic energy and burn a selection of individuals to death. This weaponised technology is already being tested in the upper atmosphere. Any type of falsefied super-natural cover story could be published later. Charles Frederick Wust

The police aught to use electromagnetic spectrum analysers in detection of abuse of directed energy weapons and they aught to begin to have the blood of the targeted individual analysed for bio-markers.

Links to youtube videos about Undersea fibre optic cables

Undersea Cables Power the Internet

Deep Sea Cables.

The Worlds Undersea Internet Cables

Undersea Fibre Optic Cables

Open Undersea Cable System

Submarine Cable Network

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Microwave energy plus metallic particulates equals fire. Microwave transmitters combined with the metallic particulates from chemtrail geo-engineering which have become imbedded inside our muscles has given rogue intelligence agents the capability to spontaneously combust any and all of us at will. I believe we could all be burned to death during the night if a rogue intelligent agent raised the level of microwave energy which is now being emitted from telephone towers. ... Said microwave transmitters have been set up to have far more capability than necessary. Why is this the case? Solution - Urgently ban telephone towers and all related paraphernalia.

The eternally naive have not confronted the vast capabilities of twenty first century technological capabilities. There are so many metallic particulates in our air, water and soil because of many years of illegal spraying of the skies over our heads with illegal and immoral substances that the skies and water could be now made to catch fire if extra microwave energy was directed at a lake or at the sky. Fire in the sky could be used as a psychological operation in a future war. Knowledge is power. Disassemble and ban telephone towers combined with both microwave transmitters and millimeter wave transmitters as well as all related paraphernalia urgently.

It is believed by most that the existence of satellites is a hoax.  All data is being transmitted by undersea fibre optic cables.  What were originally believed by many to be satellites are in essence stationary drones which can and are being regularly shot down.

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Microwave energy plus metallic particulates equals fire.   Microwave transmitters combined with the metallic particulates from chemtrail geo-engineering which have become imbedded inside our muscles has given rogue intelligence agents the capability to spontaneously combust any and all of us at will.   I believe we could all be burned to death during the night if a rogue intelligent agent raised the  level of microwave energy which is now being emitted from telephone towers.    Solution  -  Urgently ban telephone towers and all related paraphernalia.

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Monkeys watching tv

Why are you like this! You are not normal. I feel sorry for these people you're hating. They attack me like this. Lies all lies. It's something I see on tv. Man I watch tv I am Harmless. They don't want me to watch tv. Every subject on tv is crazy. They lie about the subjects. My opinion hurts them. For them tv is politics. Opinion or not they still want to hang me. I cannot stop my emotions for them. They manipulate me.They are wrong. You're hurting people. I am nog hurting anyone. The people are super sensitive when it comes to me. They want to make a rule in hurting me. It's a rule. If you support the Perps you have to. 

The people go after the things I want. CauseI have no money no money to pay for it they bully me with it.

The male Perp is a jerk.

Electronically harassment and torture is not normal along with the help of the public.

I am a ti!

Well Bye bye for now.

Angelina Klas

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Naivety combined with gullability have no place in 21st century politics.  Get to grips with solving in-home wireless electronic harassment and torture now.

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Top this!

the Perps are feeling their selfs.  The command me in everything. The way I brush my teeth kills them. I am going to loose my teeth because of them. They are proud.  They make people sabotage me. I moved to Kerkrade they want the people to act in the same dirty way as in Almere. I HATE Almere. Nobody is clean of the people who hurt me. They don't want me out on the street. Isolation is the game. Now he's making a plan for another city to hate me. When I travel he wants to die. They want to turn me into a lier. They call me bitch, hore, slet. They hurt me and call me bitch. Their app about me is the best dirty trick they have. The girl perp is crazy. Her head doesn't work well. She talks like a crazy man she's lesbian. The male perp is becoming more gay he wants my clothes. They cheer when they find something new to torture me with. They think they are smart. He's the devil in disguise. They are always in a hurry. They will die fast fools. The face of evil is near. I have never looked inside their devil eyes.

How can this be. Possessed by the devil. They worship the devil. They memorize the bible to hurt me.  When I sing or whatever I do think they we are going to show her something. Top this they think. They are over the Top. Monkeys! They are so cold.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angelina Klas

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No eres tú quien está loco

Acabo de publicar en mi blog "Ils son fous ... No eres tú quien está loco. I de II)

Es una traducción de un escrito muy bien documentado de  Madame KVALTINOVA, una víctima de acoso organizado y tortura electromagnética. He añadido, además unos posters sobre el tema.

Me llamo Paz Rincón Toledano y soy dirigida individual española

STOP al Acoso Criminal Organizado y Electromagnético


Vagón de metro en Vancouver. Acoso Criminal Organizado y Electromagnético

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Humanity is being officially informed that the reason the skies over our heads are being sprayed with particulates is for the purposes of geo-engineering, which is understood to be for the further purpose of climate change adjustment.  Now we are being further officially informed that these particulates circulate in our food and water supply, leading to us inhaling and ingesting them. It is thought that these particulates then travel from our blood stream throughout our brains and bodies and they then form what is being called neural lace inside our brains.   The well known and popular industrialist Elon Musk has been highlighting the capabilities of neural lace throughout the online media in recent years.

I believe that when enough neural lace has become imbedded throughout our brains we can then be given virtually reality experiences without the need for virtual reality headsets. I further believe that this is the true explanation for the very recent phenomena of many individuals reporting a wide variety of never heard of before experiences such as  near death experiences, poltergeist experiences, demonic possession experiences, along with a wide variety of other experiences which are totally new to the human race. We as a human family need to discontinue our surveillance of the skies using SETI as there is no further need for this support platform.  There is no evidence of extra-terresterial life on earth and there never has been any evidence of it.  SETI scientists are abundantly aware of this.  We now know the real reason human beings have been experiencing what they erroneously once believed to be extra-terresterial encounters.  Please ask your representative to have SETI disassembled and banned as soon as possible. 

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Virtual reality headsets are no longer necessary.  If you have imbedded nano particulates inside your brain and body which many believe are being sprayed from the sky you can experience an unexpected virtual reality experience where signals which generate  sound, vision, smells and sensations are injected into your brain.  You can be made to hear voices, see videos, and feel sensations which can be pleasant or unpleasant.    Your own muscles can be made to move against your will.   For added effect, focused ultrasound can be used to move the furniture in your room and break your ornaments.   This is the only explanation for near death experience, poltergeist experiences, demonic possession experiences,  extra-terrestrial experiences and a wide variety of other experiences that have been used to cover up the existence and abuse of wireless neuro weapons and a wide variety of other advances in technology.  The mental health act is also being used to cover up these wirelessly enabled abuses.
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Many individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world are being illegally implanted both on their skin and inside their bodies by illegal spraying of the air with metallic chips in a process which is being called geo-engineering.  These targeted individuals are then being wirelessly linked to networks of computers from their brains and bodies via other illegal implants which are being induced to make contact with these metallic chips by wireless enabled technology.    I am one of these Irish targeted individuals.  I have informed the world of my experiences on my website which is called   ; All experimentations which are continually being conducted on Irish and other targeted individuals are being covered up by the mental health act.   All individuals throughout Ireland who are being illegally and immorally experimented on by wireless means via illegal implants are being dismissed as schizophrenic.  Censorship of their online blogs is currently in the works.   Electronic mind control is being encouraged to be used against all of the Irish people who are not already aware of the process of wireless enslavement of human beings which is a future possibility for them and their children.

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You're crazy I told the male Perp!

Imagine Being in Court with him saying  I love. 

He's caught.

I fantase a lot about that.

Suffer perps suffer.

It's not a joke what you're doing to us.

To a Bully everthing is a joke.

They laugh out loud. 

There is no remourse on Them.

They are greedy for everything I got.

They want to break in and steal my stuff when I'm dead.

My entire house (hold) is discussed on Social Media.

They want to buy your support.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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I am an unwilling  Irish targeted individual of wirelessly enabled remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation.  I am aware of at least a dozen other Irish individuals, some of who I personally know,  who are being subjected to wirelessly enabled remote neural monitoring as well as remote neural manipulation.   We do not know who our aggressors are.  We have never met anybody who claimed to be wirelessly targeting us on a constant basis for years at a time.    I believe that wirelessly enabled technology has been implanted in my brain and body which links me to a network of computers combined with a super-computer.     A system of reading my thoughts and replying to them in real time is being used against me.  Signals are being injected into my brain and body which can make me see images which I do not wish to see, as well as making me hear words and sounds that I do not wish to hear, as well as making me feel sensations which I do not wish to feel, while also making a selection of my facial and neck muscles move against my will.  I believe that the process of forced muscle movement is being enabled by  programmable bio-chips having been imbedded in my muscles through inhalation and ingestion as well as a variety of other means.  I am aware of several other human beings who are reporting forced muscle movement including experiencing their own hand hitting them against their will.   This phenomenon is real and is widely reported as being easily achievable by main stream neuro weapons experts.
Technology exists now that can force a targeted individual to enunciate words and whole sentences in a court of law that said  targeted individual has no wish to enunciate.  A  phenomenon called forced speech is being used to induce this process.   Forced speech may be induced in targeted individuals  by unknown operatives who  wirelessly manipulating the human motor cortex in combination with simultaneously wirelessly manipulating the human vocal cords in order to force that targeted individual to enunciate words and sentences that they do not wish to enunciate  while simultaneously claiming to agree with sentiments that they vehemently do not agree with.  The criminal neuro operatives who induce forced speech in an unwilling targeted individual work from an unknown location by the use of wireless means.
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