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Hola, mi nombre es Sugey, soy una colombiana TI, me han despertado a las 4 de la mañana de hoy el operador y sus voces, aparte de su séquito de colaboradores, antes de ayer, 21 de marzo de 2019, estuve hablando con una persona que vive en el pueblo que yo vivo, Girón, Santander, la señora me habló sobre su sobrina, ella, casada, con tres hijos, estuvo siendo asediada por un hombre quien le decía que lo tenía que querer y dejar a su familia, la familia no sabe cómo pero ella era asediada hasta que un día se encerró en un cuarto e intentó cortarse el cuello y las muñecas, los familiares encontraron la puerta cerrada y un charco de sangre, después de la hospitalización le preguntaron por qué había hecho esto, ella contesta que no sabe, los familiares creen que fue a través de brujería, pero ahora se que fue a través de RNM (Monitoreo Neuronal Remoto) realizando GANGSTALLKING sobre ella, desafortunadamente no he podido hablar con la mujer para saber detalles, ella conoce la cara del tipo, parece que se llama CARLOS y aparentemente esto pasó hace tres años. Debo saber qué tenemos en común ella y yo, para que él le hiciera eso a ella y ahora intente hacerlo conmigo, 

Analizando la situación, ella no era persona pública, pero podría ser una persona muy parecida a mí en la forma de ser. Debo hablar con ella.

También está el hecho de conectar la persona del barrio que se sentaba al lado de mi cuarto con los muchachos de estas cuadras a hacerme seguimiento, no sé si era LUIS ANTONIO BUENAHORA MEZA o era otra persona, ahora bien, esta persona conocía la situación, sabía que me podía leer el pensamiento a través de su equipo.  

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Macronique (Macroscrew)

Macron (sorry, I cannot say mister to that sad individual who puts his fellow citizens eye out) calls on the army against the yellow vests he accuses of causing trouble, disorders that he himself caused and which had already been programmed before his election, for example, the 2016 interview of Jacques Attali on France24 which says at 0:42: "..., there will be a yellow revolution and it will be very brutal. »

And as another example, the cover of the Rothschilds magazine of 2017, The Economist, presented in 2016 (see the card "THE HERMIT" on the cover).

Macron, when you were elected to 66.06%, my first thought was "It's the Macronique! The « nique », the screw on the macro scale. But I was far from suspecting that it was going to go so fast.In less than two years you have succeeded in hurting the French morally and physically, and in spreading disorder and chaos in the country.You insulted France and the French: "There is no French culture", "A station is a place where we meet successful people and people who are nothing. »,« And I will not yield anything, neither to idlers, neither to the cinics, nor to the extremes, ... »,« The French hate the reforms, ... »,« I will not give in to the sad reflex of the French jealousy because this jealousy paralyzes the country. ".You have put 20 people’s eye out, torn off the hands of 5 others.Dirty job that is your mandate and mission, Macron, sad CRIF’s doll.

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Remote Neural Monitoring is a mind and body invasive security system which has been developed to deal with terrorism.  It involves implanting a suspected terrorist with brain and body implants and then wirelessly connecting those implants to a supercomputer.  This implantation occurs without the suspected terrorist knowing that they have been implanted.   From that time on all of the electrical activity being generated within the body and brain of the suspected terrorist is transmitted by a two way link to a supercomputer which is operated by criminal neuro operatives.    The data collected from the suspected terrorists body is data analysed and collated into various categories.   The neuro operatives can tell from reading this collated data what the suspected terrorist said and did each and every day and night.   The suspected terrorist no longer has any mental privacy whatsoever.    The two way link from the supercomputer and other computer networks allows unknown criminal neuro operatives to send their voices by wireless means to the brain of the suspected terrorist.    These aforementioned  unknown criminal neuro operatives also use the two way wireless link to send moving images, odours, forced muscle movement signals, false emotions and feelings, sensations and even pain signals to the brain and body of the suspected terrorist.    These unknown criminal neuro operatives can cause the victim to suffer from sleep deprivation.   They also send false digital signals into the spine of the body of the victim in order to cause neurological damage.  They can even cause total paralysis if they persist in sending false signals to the spine of the victim over a long period of time.   This Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation system may also be a method of electronically mind controlling large portions of each population so that they are unable to react appropriately to the extreme level of danger that the human race is now in from this and other technology.  

The United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany and France are among some of the countries that use Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation on their own people.   The definition of suspected terrorist has now expanded to include almost everyone in the world.   The dark new world order evil cabal now wishes to wirelessly tether all  of the human race except themselves to this Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation extremely invasive control system.   It is a system of full spectrum dominance of the human being.  It is a method of enslaveing the whole human race and making them become grovelingly obedient to the dark new world order evil cabal. 

I have been a non-consensual and extremely unwilling  subject of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation for approximately sixteen years.  I have experienced all aspects of it.  I have studied the matter for sixteen years.   I have written about my experiences in debth on my website which is called and on my facebook page which is called  

The reason I believe that I have been placed on Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation approximately sixteen years ago is because I applied for disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and I also complained to the disability assessment doctor that I had been treated inappropriately for irritable bowel syndrome in the past my many general practitioners and specialists and I had also been denied disability allowance for it.   I became a targeted individual of both Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation soon after my complaint.  

I hear the voices of the neuro operatives and their agents coming from inside my head on a continual basis.  I often post what the voices are saying to me and about me online so that others may know what it is like to experience constant voice hearing.   Herebelow is an example of what some of these neuro operatives have been reproducing inside my head in recent days.--

"You don't get to make any decisions any more, not even the smallest kind."

"When the client has no sleep she is far more prone to suicide attempts"   followed by another inner voice which replied to the first inner voice as follows  "We have no policy on the matter,   Get on with your work."

"We have an old bitch writing down what we say.  She posts it online then the following day."

"Slowing down our economy deliberately in order to eventually attempt to take over the whole economic system in Ireland."

"I can see from my computer screen that you evacuate your bowels regularly."

"Extreme anomalies in her bowel.  She hasn't a system of cogency at all."

"Get an imprint of her energy field while she is writing her signature.  Then control her to sign her signature when she is in a state of distraction.   Then take her for every penny she has.  It has been done to targeted individuals all over the world."

" We will wreck her gut.  We will wreck it."

"We don't wish to be seen while inspecting the goods."

"It is my job to monitor the activities of the client on a constant basis."

"There is somebody assessing the system.   They will locate us easily due to the signals coming out of our location."

"There is mutiny in the ranks."

"Did she drop her drawers for anyone recently."

"Predicated on the fact that this woman is involved in something nefarious."

"No.  She is not involved in anything nefarious."

"We don't care if they are Christian or not.   We have to take a broad spectrum."

"What the heck have we done to deserve being discussed in ways that are unbecoming."

"A lynch mob will come and kill her."

"We are fitting her up."

"We haven't been minding our affairs. There are agents of ours in cahoots with events that are not in our favour."

"There is an amusing situation going on here.  We have to tally a woman's bowel outages."   This was responded to by another internal voice which was heard to say by me "Who is paying you to tally bowel outages".  A further internal voice was also  heard to say by me "I am."     A still further internal voice was then heard to say by me "What is your name."   A further internal voice was then heard to say by me   "My name is Anison Anderson".  A further internal voice was then heard to say by me "Is it happening when in public".   A still further internal voice was then heard to say by me "We only tally bowel outages when she is in her own private ground".  

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Essay Example: Elections in USA


Elections - this is one of the most important topics. Moreover, it does not matter what kind of country. Citizens of all countries want to live well and in peace, I am sure of it.

I work in writing service, I write essays and other papers on various topics. Today I would like, with your help, to deal with the topic of elections and at the same time show how to write college paper examples, because it will be useful to many people.

Essay Topic:

The problem of the identification of the true motives of the American people attending elections.

Essay Questions:

What are the real reason American citizens attend elections? How does attending elections influence the country’s world politics? How has it been historically proved that the appearance of the third party causes political splits?

Thesis Statement:

Americans vote because they want their country to have a decent leader, a man that will do everything possible to promote their country position in the world’s politics in the first place.

Introduction: Every election is always different from another, but there is a thing that is the same for every election – it is the reason American people vote. Americans vote because they want their country to have a decent leader, a man that will do everything possible to promote theirs country position in the world’s politics in the first place. They cannot stay out of that, because every vote counts and they know it. There is also another reason American people vote, it especially concerns those, who are not good at observing what is going on in the Senate now. Such people usually vote by tradition without really getting into the essence of the deal.

It is more than just knowing the political party candidate when it comes to participating in the elections. Even in America, where the two party system exists it is still a problem to make people know whom they are voting for. This system has been used in the United States for a long time. Its roots lead to the very moment of the first ratification of the Constitution. At that moment two political parties were defined - the Federalist Party and the Anti-Federalist Party. Soon it became a tradition and it happened because this system was pretty good in use. It was easier for people to have only two options. So since 1895 the Republican and the Democratic parties became the major dominants in American politics. This system gives the opportunity to choose from only two candidates for President of the United States. This actually shows that this system in not probably the best when it comes to elections, but it is traditionally fixed. What it really does – it simplifies the process of voting. You either vote for the Republicans who are conservative, or for Democrats who are liberal. It has been historically proved that the appearance of the third party causes political splits like it happened when Theodore Roosevelt decided to form the Progressive party in 1912 but most of the time due to the in difference of the voters to them the other parties get no support. Talking about elections it is very important to point out the Electoral College.

Conclusion: The reason of its foundation was the difference in electing the president by popular vote and by Congress. Such things caused and still cause a lot of troubles during the elections. The Electoral College was called as a compromise between these two. Its structure is obviously well built. It consists of 538 electors. Each one goes for each of the 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 Senators plus three for the District of Columbia. The number of electors is equal to of House members to which it is entitled. The electors are originally chosen by the political parties. During the elections each state gives the Governor prepares seven original Certificates of Ascertainment. A Certificate of Ascertainment is a list of these electors for the candidate that got the majority of the votes. Then the copies are sent to House of Congress. It is necessary to have 270 electoral votes to elect the President or Vice President. And the electors are not obligated to vote the same way as the majority of their state did. So the Electoral College runs in order to make the elections more objective.

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Remote Neural Monitoring  which is now in use throughout most of the world is wrongly purported to be a security system to help in dealing with terrorism.  Remote Neural Monitoring works remotely by monitoring and controlling the brains of non-consensual human beings while said  human beings are going about their everyday lives, not harming anyone.  Most individuals who are being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring have never committed a crime in their lives but they may have complained about this oppressive control system or they may have complained about an unelected official or they may be subjected to this for any number of other reasons. 

The Remote Neural Monitoring process allows supercomputers to be used to send signals through an implanted persons nervous system in order to influence that person in many different ways.   I am being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation and I wish to testify to the fact that it is an extremely invasive and extremely stressful control system to the extent that anyone who is being subjected to it would prefer to be dead.  I have read that many prisoners in the United States prison system are currently being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring and they are suffering to such an extreme degree because of this that many of them are choosing to starve themselves to death rather than go on suffering.

Remote Neural Monitoring investigates electrical activity in humans from a distance.  All electrical activity being generated by my brain and body on a continual basis is data analysed and collated by a supercomputer.   The neuro staff who operate the supercomputer speak to me via brain to brain link or by some other means.   I am constantly engaged with their voices, which I hear coming from inside my head via a two way link .  I am forced to listen to them against my will and without my permission.  They frequently threaten my life and insult me.   They send digital signals to my body to make it act against my will such as forcing my facial muscles to move against my will occasionally.   As well as transmitting their voices inside my head they also send me moving images, odours, bodily sensations and occasional pain.    They have informed me that they gain more and more power over my body as the years of non-consensual experimentation go by.  I believe Remote Neural Monitoring is also being used to mind control whole populations because some people appear to be totally indifferent to the growing threat of bodily enslavement which can be achieved via Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation.  

I often write down what the unknown Remote Neural Monitoring control staff say to me by speaking to me by wireless means.  Here below is some of what they said to me  and about me to their colleagues in the past twenty four hours  -

"She has managed to upset everyone here".

"I am seriously unnerved by your preoccupation with writing down what we say to you and about you."

"Go to mass more often".    I answered that I am not a Christian.   The internal voice then replied as follows   "Going to mass is now compulsory."    I then asked the following question    "How are you going to force people to go to mass?"    The internal voice once again replied as follows    Once they go to mass one time they will wish to go back again and again because there will be mind control there to uplift their spirits".

"These people need a firm hand".

"Is there any way we can stop her from writing".

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"Of late there are reports of a new and dreadful invention of weapons of violence that are called Bio-electromagnetic weapons.   According to the description by the institute of science and technology, these weapons operate at the speed of light, can kill, torture, and enslave without making physical appearance.  It further added that voices and visions, daydreams and nightmares are the most astonishing manifestations of this weapon system.  It is also capable of crippling the human subject by limiting his/her normal range of movement, causing acute pain, the equivalent of major organ failure or even death, and interferes with normal functions of human senses.  It can cause difficulty with breathing and induce seizures besides damage to the tissues and organs."                                                                              From an article by Jason Koebler.


I am connected to a bio-electromagnetic weapon  system for many years and I have experienced the voices and the visions mentioned in the above excerpt.   I am constantly engaged with the  wirelessly enabled voices of who I believe are the staff who run the control system and I often write down what they say to me and post it online in order that others will know what to expect if they ever become connected to this human control and enslavement system which is now more commonly known as Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.   I do not get paid for any of my online posts and I never have.  I post online on a daily basis of my own free will.    Here below is an example of some of what  these voices which I hear coming from inside my head have said to me and about me in the past twenty four hours  -  

"There is no way she had done anything wrong.  If she had she would not be this smug and self-satisfied."

"Get us a different technologist.  These technologists are not co-operating."

"We are not hear to waste time boys.  We are here to fish for information."

"Organ donation is mandatory.  Organ donation is obligatory".

"What happened here.   There was a major break in transmission."

"This woman will go to a trial  like no other".

"Leave her comatose.   At least it will shut her up."

"Where is Gretta now."     "She is lying on her bed."    " Is there anything we can do to torment her."

"What time did she eat her dinner at".

"We don't recognise her.  We will not answer her questions."

"Why are they shaking her body up and down."

"Why don't you get her when she is  out and about.  When does she go out?   Where does she go?  We can send our own people."

"We don't allow them any outage of their emotions at all.  We make them believe it was all their own fault."

"I banged up my car.  I need to get it fixed."

"Do you know this woman.  She is listening to me.  Give me a look at her message box."

"There is some scumbag writing down what I say."

"Don't laugh in my company ever again.  There is somebody here who thinks there is something funny happening and I don't think there is something funny happening."   (That was not said about me.  That was an example of two of the neuro operatives fighting among themselves and I was forced to her their words coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission)

"Lock her down somehow."

"The modulation is extremely high.  Please lower it."

"What the fuck is going on.  We cant hear a thing."

"There is a problem with this woman.  I cant stop her from writing down what I say."                   

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Hello everybody,

Today is not a good day.

I cleaned my house.

I didn't go to work.

Nobody cares that I'm alone, I'm crying.

Music helps.

Sleeping helps.

Nobody cares.

They lie, the Perps.

They are Cockey,  arrogant.

Shouting through my house with different voices. With 

The crazy voice, the arrogant voice, the sad voice, the dominant voice.  Like Social Media is the King. 

I'm touching my face like they mind control me. I'M still under.

I didn't touch my face like that. 

They like the drama they caused  in my life.

Whenever I leave it's drama. Everywhere drama.

They blow up everything. I'm the VICTEM here.

Take me to court I said.

I know the Perps won't.

They torture me with men leaving me. Catastrophe, disaster.

Panic, cry. You're doomed. Life is simple love is simple, easy.

Everybody listen it's over between, everybody listen...don't want....

On and on they go. We have love. These young Perps are crazy.

These horney youngsters. They are horney all the time.

Afraid to be alone. We"ll end up like Angeline.

YOU have NOBODY. Why do you wanna have sex with someone you hate eh?

Being naked makes them happy, I wear a bathing suit when I shower or cloth.

They peep every second. These Perps are greedy and jealous. Shouting like there's a goal. Goal. You should hear what they say. 

People who have a relationship torture single people. Like we are a thread.


I'm always the one to hate. The only way I will do that is when I'm framed.

Who Framed Angeline, I will say.  It would be pure sexual abuse if it ever happens.  A man nasty men pervert, sick individual hu. Sexual abuse is an issue. Being used like an Sex Object by men who are married is wrong without  consent and fully knowing who's there. The Perps say they are married. I'm not to blame. Men lie. I hope they burn in Hell I don't care who that man is.  My eyes are bad, they're getting clearer. I hope it stays. I'm being abuse because of it.

Every thought I have they put on Social Media. People eat it.

Good food. Damn Them.

All because of love.

I'm still facing the fact that I men meet the wrong white men.

Like I'm not the kind you take home to mamma.

I'm special and pure. Honest. Gods love flows in me.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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An almost worldwide control system which is commonly known as Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation is being set up in secret by the dark new world order evil cabal without the expressed permission of most of the worlds population. It is mass mind controlling a large amount of people into a state of unquestioning obedience to said control system. I believe that I have not been influenced by said mind control because I don't use a smart phone, I don't own a television, and I don't live near a telephone tower. We should disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia as a matter of urgency.

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There is a cruel and all encompassing  wirelessly enabled human control system being set up behind the scenes in Ireland and throughout the wider world.   It is commonly known as Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation.   Many individuals throughout each country in Europe and the United States have already been non-consensually, wirelessly tethered to this Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation system.   We all have inhaled and ingested nano technology which is now in our blood stream.   In combination with the nano technology, a large number of individuals have also been non-consensually implanted with a variety of different types of implants.   They are then eternally wirelessly tethered by a two way system  to a super computer where all of the electrical activity being generated by their bodies and brains is being analysed and collated on a constant basis.  This data is then used to build an elaborate profile of each individual where they are further categorised into a personality type for still further analysis.  This is all being carried out in secret by a select few without the permission of the rest of the human race.

Most of the  individuals who have already been wirelessly and non-consensually connected to the super computer network are being forced to hear the voices of the Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation staff members, coming from inside their heads on a constant basis.    The Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation staff members also input a large variety of other data into the brain and body of the targeted individual.   They input sound, moving images, still images, odours, sensations, pain signals, feelings such as extreme fear for no apparent reason, false beliefs, programming to unquestioningly believe what the main-stream media say, and even forced muscle movement.  

I have been a targeted individual of this Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation system for approximately sixteen years.   I have never committed a crime in my life but I believe I came to the attention of the system police because I was claiming disability allowance and presumably they wished to know why.   I am non-consensually, wirelessly linked to the system and I am constantly engaged with the neuro operatives who force me to listen to them on a constant basis.   I have been keeping a blog of  some of what they say to me on a day to day basis and my other experiences of Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation.  My website is called and my facebook page is called ; Herebelow is a small sample of what the neuro operatives have informed me of in the past few hours -

"Can you stop this woman from revealing any more information about the system."

"Can you tell me why you don't receive mass on Sunday."

"I am not prepared to be spoken to by this woman at all."

"She ridicules us every time we speak to her."

One of the staff member asked the following question to somebody  "Are ye all under Remote Neural Monitoring in the British police force?"    The response I heard following that question was as follows   "No, only the senior staff."

"The Remote Neural Monitoring System is guiding us out of control"    ---  I was then informed that the word 'us' meant the British police.  

"These are highly dangerous prisoners.  They have to be harassed on a constant basis".    (I am not a prisoner and I have never been a prisoner and I don't know what was meant by the use of the word prisoner.)

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I am a non-consensual subject of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.  I am wirelessly linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a super computer which is controlled by unknown neuro operatives.  These neuro operatives force me to listen to their voices both day and night on a constant basis from imbedded implants inside my brain.  These neuro operatives also send signals into both my brain and body in order to gradually gain more and more  control over me.   They have informed me that whenever I am sleeping they can access parts of my brain which they can not access while I am awake.  They have also informed me that they have now gained so much information on my body and brain that they could now  kill me without anyone knowing about it simply by distorting the information which they send to my body and brain via said two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic radiation which binds me to their computer system.   They have also informed me that they may engineer me to fall over at inappropriate times and break a bone in order to physically get me into hospital where they would then have even more control over me during the night.

These unknown neuro operatives whose voices I hear coming from inside my head by wireless directed energy means have informed me that a significant number of the police throughout Ireland know about this Remote Neural Monitoring control system now, more than is comfortable for the neuro operatives and their controllers.   

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Further to my earlier post of today detailing my experience of being monitored and manipulated around the clock on a constant basis via the Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system of human control, I now wish to post some more of what the neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head by wireless implant means have been saying to me and about me.

"Systematically abuse her some more then until we break her entirely."

"She is way to heavy for our liking."

"I can't provoke her."

"When did she become such an excellent adversary?"

"None of them are excellent adversaries.  They are pathetic whinging bigots."

"Natasha Kneavsy went home with tears in her eyes."   (This was said in response to me calling her a soft torturer because she had wakened me up from some badly needed sleep.)

"Fahey heard the name of a staff member"

"It is all going to come out soon. We first have to see what can be said to sustain our side of the system".

P.S.  I have reason to believe that Natasha Kneavsy is the real name of one of the unknown neuro operative and I believe she works somewhere in the United Kingdom.  

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I am being subjected to a form of around the clock monitoring and surveillance which is also being prepared for you and everybody else on a worldwide scale other than the instigators of it.  It is known as Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.

  I am wirelessly and non-consensually linked to a network of computers by my brain and spine.  These computers are operated by unknown neuro operatives.  This link which connects me to the computer network is two way which enabled the neuro operatives to collect all the electrically  generated data from my body and brain on an ongoing basis as well as sending my brain and body sounds, voices, moving images, sensations, odours, pain signals and various types of emotions including  that of extreme fear.   The neuro operatives locked my unique brain signature  on to a frequency of fear for a whole year in the past. They had informed me in advance that they were going to punish me.   I am not normally fearful but I was kept in a state of extreme distress during that year.   I know another Irish individual who is also a subject of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation who is currently locked onto a frequency of aggression.  However, he manages to keep it under control.

  Further to that,  the neuro operatives and their agents wake me up by wireless means any time they wish during any night and they keep me awake for as long as they wish.   If I am kept awake for too long and for two many nights in a row it can bring on feelings of despair.

I post blogs on a daily basis telling of my experiences and telling of what the unknown neuro operatives say to me by way of a voice to skull bio-communication.   I hear their voices coming from inside my head on a constant basis.  Here are some of what these unknown neuro operatives have said to me and about me to their colleagues in the past twenty four hours.

"We now have a clear view of the whole topology of the human being." 

"Marriage is now compulsory."

"Is she pregnant.  She is overeating.  What are we going to do about that?"

"We are now leaving.  I will instil a virtue in her some other time in some other way."

"If you let a singleton off the hook you are in trouble".

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Many targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation have been experiencing a phenomenon known as electronic rape. They first became wirelessly linked by a two way connection to a network of computers which is both owned and operated by neuro operatives. These neuro operatives are generally unknown to the electronic rape victim. These neuro operatives can send signals through the two way wireless connection in order to make the victim feel sensations in specific areas of their body while the victim is most probably alone in the privacy of their own home. Said neuro operatives must also send information to the brain of the victim simultaneously in order to make the victim feel that they are being raped.
I am a non-consensual subject of Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation and I constantly hear the voices of the neuro operatives which come through the two way wireless link into implants inside my brain. I have been informed wirelessly via voice to skull bio-communication by colleagues of said neuro operatives that the neuro operatives who perform the electronic rape do not feel an emotional connection when they are electronically raping the victim. They further said that they do not even need to know what the subject is feeling or thinking while the electronic rape is taking place. They electronically rape the victims by wireless means in order to make them come to terms with the system of control so that the victim will not question the control system or them at any time in the future. They electronically rape as part of their job.
Many people throughout the world have yet to come to terms with the phenomenon known as wireless Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation. There is still time to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia in order to make electronic hostage taking come to an end.

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I am a non-consensual subject of an around the clock illegal wireless monitoring and manipulation system commonly known as remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation. I am wirelessly connected from imbedded implants in my brain and body to a super computer which is operated by criminal neuro operatives. They force me to listen to their voices throughout each day and into the night. I post what they say to me online on a regular basis so that others who are similarly connected will know some of what to expect. Here is a small sample of what these criminal neuro operatives have been saying to me over the past few days at different times of the day ...

"You are behaving yourself, I hope".

"Please excuse yourself whenever you leave the room in future".

"How many times a day do you eat food"?

"That is no way to talk to one of your systems advisors?.

"Place human bones in Gretta's garden. Then we could arrest her".

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Each individual man, woman and child would be wirelessly tethered from implants which are already deeply imbedded in their brains and spinal cords to super computers which would be run by pre-programmed computerized algorithms. All of the electrical activity generated by the brain and body of each individual would be uploaded on a constant basis to said super computers where it would be data analysed. All data collected would then be used to build a profile of each individual. That profile would appear along side the individuals face each and every time that individuals face was captured by a facial recognition system which is built into closed circuit television cameras. I know this to be the case because I have been wirelessly tethered to this system for many years. The system I refer to is known as Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation.

In combination with the afore mentioned system, wirelessly enabled microwave mind control is also being used to lull most of the population into a false sense of security and the main stream media is now privately owned and controlled.

In order to free ourselves from this full spectrum dominance system we must urgently disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities throughout our respective countries. The individuals who have engineered this full spectrum dominance system have lied to us about the existence of satellites and space based weapons. They themselves are outside the system and above the law.

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My brain and spine have been wirelessly and non-consensually linked to a computer network which is controlled by evil and cruel neuro operatives.   This wireless link is two way in the sense that  all of my brain and body functions are uploaded onto their computer screens and analysed by automatic data analysis so that they can know everything  that I think, do and say each and every day, and they can also upload their voices into my brain as well as other sounds, moving images, sensations, tastes, odours, pain signals, forced muscle movements as well as uploading false information into my body organs in order to make them malfunction or go into paralysis.

I keep a blog of what the unknown neuro operatives say to me on my website and social media sites and elsewhere.  Both in the past and today they have repeatedly asked me if I know a lady called Majella Mulqueen.   I have no memory of her.  However, when I went to the convent secondary school in Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland where I live there may have been a school girl in attendance by that name because there were approximately five hundred girls attending that school at any one time?  I left that school in 1977 and I have forgotten many of the students since then.  I don't understand why the neuro operatives continue to ask me if I know her?   Why is that?

My website is called

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When we are in a public place where there are closed circuit television cameras in operation,  facial recognition systems can then be employed to match the faces of people with their identity cards.  People in public places can be monitored and surveilled by surveillance teams  who live and work thousands of miles from where the closed circuit television cameras are doing the recording of said public places.  If you happen to be a targeted individual who has been selected for electronic harassment and psychological torture a unique code would then  appear beside your face.   Teams of paid gang-stalkers are then paid to befriend you in order to get to know you better so that they can destroy your life more effectively.  

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I, Gretta Fahey of Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Ireland will fight the instigators of the Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation system and I will bring them to full justice in a natural law court provided the presiding judge does not belong to a secret society and does not belong to a political party and is not being targeted by wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons and is not under any type of mind control which is currently ubiquitous throughout most of the world. Natural law is fixed and immutable. All man-made laws are illusiory.

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