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Both church and state bodies are all organised into heirarchies. The top level positions of these heirarchies can easily be captured by members of secret societies, who then promote more members of that self-same secret society up the ranks. The top level individuals in these heirarchies can also be subliminally or overtly influenced by advanced weaponry to act in ways that are not beneficial to them or to their fellow country men... and women.

The workers at the bottom levels of said heirarchy have their work compartmentalized to such an extent that they do not have a true perspective of where their unquestioning order following is leading to, which could possibly be total enslavement of the human race.

A system of anarchy is a linear based self regulating system, a system of rules without rulers where all human beings are aligned equally.

Anarchy is the only system that aligns with moral order. Nobody can ever be enslaved under a system of anarchy.

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I believe politicians throughout the western world are being attacked and compromised in a myriad of ways by dark occultists who will stop at nothing in order to gain control of the whole human race.   Politicians who dare to challenge the creeping fascism of the deep state suddenly meet with an accident or sudden death.  We must support our political leaders by first of all listing the many and varied ways in which they can be undermined and then we must find a way of helping them by writing about issues that they appear unable to discuss at this point in time, one of which is Remote Neural Monitoring.

Remote Neural Monitoring involves placing illegal implants inside the bodies and brains of all individuals through chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads with nano particulates which we inhale and ingest.  These nano particulates then become encased inside our bodies and brains and can be used in combination with remote neural monitoring to virtually enslave us by wireless remote means and from a distance.   All people in western society now are embedded with nano particulates throughout their brains and bodies but only a small selection of people are having their implants activated, a process which can be carried out  from thousands of miles away.


When a human being has their internal nano implants activated  all of the electrical signals coming from their bodies and brains are then analysed wirelessly  by a supercomputer so that everything is known about that individual from that time forward.   The supercomputer tracks them everywhere they go.  It  keeps a record of their breathing rate, their blood pressure,  how long they sleep and what they say among hundreds of other details.    If a politician has been activated for the purposes of remote neural monitoring they  they could not secretly  inform  any member of the public about the extreme dangers of remote neural monitoring without  it being known by agents  the deep state who would then act against them in unknown ways.

There is no defence against remote influencing capabilities if you choose to surround yourself with digital technology, especially high definition televisions, wireless modems and smart engineered technology.  Remote Influencing capabilities are being used to subliminally    influence much of society to believe only what their government  and main stream media tells them and to disbelieve online sources of information.

We can almost instantly re-empower ourselves by outlawing all microwave transmitters, 5G millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia.  The existence of satellites and space based weapons are easily proveable hoaxes along with a vast number of other hoaxes.   All worldwide data is currently being transmitted via undersea fibre optic cables which then carry digital signals to microwave transmitters.   Please research and raise awareness of Remote Neural Monitoring.


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Re-engineering the human race, as in forced transhumanism is occurring behind the scenes in our lives,  in that each selected  victim is being individually wirelessly linked to a computer network via implants which are imbedded throughout their brain and body to the extent that that computer system monitors all of their bodily functions on a continual basis every minute for the rest of their lives.  Said computer system uses data analysis of the electrical activity sourced from the brain stem of the victim to decipher what the victim has said and done, even down to what the victim has eaten and how long they have slept on any given day. This is a worldwide enslavement system being perpetrated on humanity in the sense that anybody who does not obey the commands given to them by human voices which are transmitted to them from inside their heads can then be punished by a large variety of means.  In conjunction with this type of remote neural monitoring, the home of the selected victim is also analysed for food usage as well as electricity, water and heating oil usage, among many other usages.  There will be limits placed on food, electricity, heating oil and water usage in the future. If you are considered a slave, the colour and brand of the clothes you wear may be decided by unknown slave masters behind the scenes of your life in the future. I have been wirelessly linked to this system which is sometimes known as Remote Neural Monitoring for more than fifteen years.  Extensive Remote Neural Manipulation is being used against me.   Please block signals to my home if you know how. Propulsions of magnetic energy may damage the nano implants in our bodies in order to set us free. Brain entrainment is also being used to render all people who are not yet initiated into the system into a state of unconcern. Said brain entrainment is coming from telephone towers which are being placed near schools and churches as well as police stations. We must remove our children from state run schools.  Their best interests are not being served. They are being misinformed.

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When human beings are confused and afraid they become easy to control and manipulate. For that reason many hoaxes have been created to instill fear and confusion in the human race down through the centuries. Dark occultists who wish to gain control over the human race have also fabricated hoaxes in order to provice cover stories to cover the existence of advance secret technology and to engender passivity in the masses, and to make they themselves appear to have more power and capability than they actually have.

These hoaxes were created by dark occultists by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills.

A selection of the hoaxes which have been created are as follows:-

The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.

All world-wide information currently comes from undersea fibre optic cables. We can easily solve the attempt at wirelessly enslaveing many members of the human race who have been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to a super computer from illegally implanted microchips which have become encased inside their bodies and brains. We can do this simply by disabling and banning all microwave transmitters, 5G millimeter wave transmitters and long range wifi transmitters. We need to do this as a matter of urgency.

Please see the following link


" No matter how big the lie, repeat it often enough and the masses will regard it as the truth". Adolf Hitler.

There is a secret Breakaway civilization of people who wish to take over control of the earth and enslave the rest of us. They own the worldwide media and they dumb us down by lying to us about science, history, organised religion, archaeology, and many other subjects. Serious scientists who disagree with the so called establishment have no way of getting the word out to the public that they disagree with officialdum, as the mainstream media is heavily controlled. This secret shadow government have been pursuing their objective of worldwide control for hundreds of years, and have infiltrated all worldwide institutions. However, humanity is now waking up to the realization that our enemys have taken control of western governments and banks and is pursuing an agenda which is not in our best interest. We are fed a false reality and we live in a mental cage. There is a Space Travel Conspiracy. The purpose of NASA is to fake the concept of space travel to further America's militaristic dominance of space.The purpose of NASA's creation from the very start was to put ICBMs and other weapons into space (or at least appear to). The motto "Scientific exploration of new frontiers for all mankind" was nothing more than a front.

The mission of Nasa is to bury true science and truth itself. It has nearly succeeded in its mission. However, most people are at last beginning to wake up to the fact that we are being lied to on an unimaginable scale.

The following is a quote from president Lyndon Johnson:

"Control of space means control of the world. From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth's weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change temperate climates to frigid. There is something more important than the ultimate weapon. And that's the ultimate position. The position of total control over the Earth that lies somewhere in outer space." —President Lyndon Johnson, Statement on Status of Nation's Defense and Race for Space, January 7, 1958

One month later, Lyndon Johnson and the Senate Special Committee on Space and Astronautics drafted a resolution to change the name of the US Army's Ballistic Missile Arsenal to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA. NASA's early rocket research is well documented to have been a complete failure, plagued by one disaster after another. At some point, perhaps after the Apollo 1 disaster, it was decided to fake the space program outright and use rockets which only needed to fly into the air until they disappeared from sight. NASA went from nearly every launch being a failure to a near flawless track record, able to land man on the moon multiple times without error, and with only two public spectacles of failure in 45 years. The earth is portrayed as round in NASA media. At the time of NASA's creation the general population already believed that the earth was round, based on the handed down teachings from Galleleo and Copernicus.

All bodies in the universe go around a centre of mass, which never moves. The fixed centre of mass has been proven to be the earth, by many different experiments performed in the 19th century.

In the Michaelson/Morley experiment in Cleveland in 1881 and again in 1887, scientists attempted to measure the motion of the earth, moving round the sun. To the astonishment of every scientist on the planet, they proved that the earth was stationary. However, scientists could not bring themselves to admit that the catholic church was right all along with regards to geocentrism, because the Copernicun revolution had elevated science to the top of the heirarchy of knowledge, above theology. So Einstein came up with an excuse as to why their experiment was wrong. He claimed that time was shrinking, and that was why it appeared the earth was not moving. The theory of relativity has been disproved by the Michaelson Morley experiment.

In order for the Big Bang Theory to hold true, everything in space has to be homogenous. Everything had to look the same. However, a probe called the WMAP was launched in 2001. The discovery was made that, in fact, everything is space was not homogenous. In the cosmic microwave background, scientists found, to their astonishment, that there were universe wide plains between the warmer and colder sections, aligned with one another. These defined an axis which directly aligned with the ecliptic and equinox of earth. This is in fact a universe wide arrow pointing at earth. This means that the theory of relativity does not exist. The Big Bang never happened.

We are told that the earth is spinning at one thousand miles per hour at the equator. Yet when we stand outside on a still day, not a single hair on our heads will move.

If two airplanes take off from the one airport, and travel in opposite directions around the world, if the earth is spinning, the plane travelling with the spin will have to travel a faster and longer distance than the plane going against the spin. However when the planes arrive back at the airport, both journeys take the exact same amount of time. Therefore, the earth is still.

People, using time lapse cameras, standing in different places all over the earth, and spinning at different speeds and different angles to the north star polaris, all produce the same type of unblurred image. Therefore the earth must be still.

The Hubble space telescope and all of the other space telescopes throughout the world have simulated realities built into them, using constructive solid geometry computer code, which constructs fake 3D worlds,.

Flight routes only work on a flat earth model. There are no direct flights in the Southern Hemisphere.

We are informed that Nasa has found galaxies which are 10 billon light years away from earth. One light year is one trillion miles. Ten billion light years is ten thousand million times a trillion. It is patently obviously nonsence, as there is no way to measure such a distance.

We are told that the sun is 1,300,000 times bigger than the earth. We are told that the sun is 109 times the curcumference of the earth. If that is the case, how come space is black, and how come we have shadows, when we walk around on a sunny day. If the earth is 150 million kilometers from the sun like we are expected to believe, how come the suns rays are slant and not straight down.

When the Atlantic ocean was surveyed in order to lay an atlantic telegraph cable, it was found to be flat for 1,665 miles, not curved. Perhaps the best example of flat earth proof is the Bedford Level Experiment. In short, this was an experiment preformed many times on a six-mile stretch of water that proved the surface of the water to be flat. It did not conform to the curvature of the earth that round earth proponents teach. Many other experiments demonstrating the lack of curvature in the earth may be found in ''Earth Not a Globe'', by Samuel Rowbotham.

An astronomer called Copernicus was heavy into the worship of the sun God. Because of that, he wished to elevate the status of the sun. He did the maths but it didnt work. Finally he came up with elipses, which solved alot of his mathematical problems, in his quest to make the sun the centre of the galaxy. Then the Church of England bought into his idea. They adopted it as the official church position. They then deleted their books of all other theories, including a geocentric universe. This belief stayed because scientists who taught this theory had been put on a pedestal, and they did not want to admit they were wrong and look foolish. The Elite wish to perpetuate this lie, because if they dont they will lose their power very quickly. (This point is attributed to a man whose email address is

The six months of day and night in the Arctic circle can not happen on a round earth.

The North star is at the top of the globe, yet it can be seen below the equator.

Egyptians were doing astronomy long before us, and the stars told them the earth is flat. They built pyramids which we can not do. Who do you think is more qualified to know how the earth is?

Antarctica has never been crossed. Why? Because it does not exist. People who have circumnaviagated the earth have all travelled from east to west or from west to east - never from north to south. Planes are not allow to fly directly from South Africa to New Zealand, across the Antarctic. They have to go thousands of miles out of their way. If you go snooping around the Antarctic ice wall, you will be blown out of the water.

The Earth is in the form of a disk with the North Pole in the center and Antarctica as a wall around the edge. In this model, circumnavigation is performed by moving in a great circle around the North Pole. The earth is surrounded on all sides by an ice wall that holds the oceans back. This ice wall is what explorers have named Antarctica. Beyond the ice wall is a topic of great interest to believers in a Flat Earth . To our knowledge, no one has been very far past the ice wall and returned to tell of their journey. What we do know is that it encircles the earth and serves to hold in our oceans and helps protect us from whatever lies beyond.

The image of the globe is fake and so are the moon landings. Humans can not pass through the Van Allen belt without wearing four feet thick lead space suits, due to the high temperature.

Two of the pillars of 20th century physics, general relativity and the standard model of particle physics rely on some core assumptions about the nature of space and time. Therefore, gravity and relativity cannot be used as the principle components of all physics and science.

If the earth was curved, ships would sail downhill. The only reason we can be persuaded to believe the nonsense that Australians can somehow manage to walk on a surface that is upside down, yet appear to be upright, is because we have been led into a mental state of cognative dissidence. People are normally imprisoned in a mental health prison when they indulge in magical thinking. Yet we are expected to believe this fiction without question.

The paths that both the sun and the moon travel in the sky are straight. If the earth was a ball, the paths would be curved.

If the earth was a ball, you would not be able to see the moon's reflection in the sea, because it would be angled away from your perspective. Therefore the earth must be flat.

There is no adjusting for the earths curvature when laying telegraph poles, train tracks, roads, bridges, canals or cables. The river Nile is one thousand miles long, and drops less than one foot.

The sun in the sky always travels in a southern arc, never in a northern arc. This proves the earth is not tilting.

If the earth was round and spinning, all the shadows in the Northern Hemisphere would always point north. The Southern Hemisphere shadows would always point south. The shadows would always move in a straight line, never bending or arching across north to south or vice versa.

A ball earth can not cause a lunar eclipse. It can not be demonstrated. NASA demonstrates the lunar eclipse with a children's cartoon. They never show a live demonstration of a lunar eclipse. Witnesses in the Rocky mountains can see both the lunar eclipse and the sun at the same time.

In the Bible, every single reference to the sun states that it is the sun that is doing the moving. e.g Ecclesiastes 1:5, Psalm93 Verse 1B,

In 1871, an scientific experiment called Airys failure proved conclusively that the earth was stationery.

Pope Gregory set the gregorian calender, which is inaccurate. Fortunately, he could not change the moonlight.

The diameters of the sun and moon can be measured using a sextant. Find out how to do it on youtube. They are not the diameter we have been told they are.?

People say that they can see the International Space Station from their telescope. What they are actually seeing is a large solar powered, unmanned drone called the Pathfinder. The International Space Station is a NASA hoax, and the astronauts are merely actors.

If satellites really existed, all the satellite dishes on the roofs of our houses would be pointing straight up. In reality, they point to an angle of about 45 degrees, because they are receiving signals from ground based towers. Also, how can the dish pick up a signal from a satellite that is constantly on the move, orbiting the earth.

There are no photographs of a globe earth taken from space. If there were really satellites in space they would have taken thousands of photographs of a globe earth by now. All we ever have been shown is a computer generated composite of what a globe earth might look like if it really existed. We have been shown the same composite over and over again.

The people of India have produced a map of the flat earth which can explain the seasons, the eclipses, the equnoxes and the solstices accurately.

The ocean currents and the air circulation drifts start to make a lot more sense when you view them from the point of view of a flat earth.

Hundreds of astronomers have declared their belief in a flat earth on the world wide web. However, they have no way of making their beliefs go main stream, as the main-stream media is rigidly controlled by the " powers that think they are". When I was going to school the teacher demonstrated the existence of gravity by putting water in a bucket and swinging it over his head in a circular motion, very quickly. Of course, the water did not fall out of the bucket. However, he should have got a wet ball and twirled the ball quickly around and around. Then, we would have got to the truth that the water would not stay on the ball, therefore we do not live on a round earth.

A handful of elite individuals have enormous global influence over the media, education, politics, religion, medicine and pharmaceuticals. We are only being told what these powers want us to be told. It is very easy to control and enslave a misinformed, demoralised and chronically ill population. It is impossible to enslave a fully informed, vibrantly healthy, confident human race. We have been lied to on a large scale with regard to archaeology, organised religion, and history. Many science books have also been rewritten. The true purpose of public education is to destroy logic, and to indoctrinate the masses. Why would the 30 million Satanists who run the planet tell us the truth when it comes to astronomy?

Critical thinkers are called conspiracy theorists by people who are threatened by the truth. The shadow government use the overwhelming power of ridicule at every opportunity to portray us as stupid and to stop the truth getting out to the public. When the public finally realise they are being lied to about this issue, everything else about how reality is portrayed will begin to make sense.

"Some men say the earth is round and some men say it is flat. But if it is flat, could the Kings command make it round? And if it is round, could an act of parliament make it flat?" Sir Thomas Moore.

"Like it or not, everything is changing. The result will either be the most wonderful experience in the history of man, or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate. The future is in your hands. William Cooper 24/10/1989.

There is a video currently available on youtube which outlines two hundred reasons proving that the earth is flat. However, I had this research completed long before that video was available, and I have not included the other one hundred and seventy proofs here . Much serious science supporting a flat earth has been censored from the internet. These proof are some I had saved from an earlier time before this censorship.

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Mass electronic mind control via microwave transmitters is being used for the purposes of subliminal persuasion of selected individuals as well as of entire civilion populations to act against their own best interests .  We must disallow all man made laws that have been enacted since the advent of mass mind control many decades ago.   The outcomes of public elections are being arrived at by the use of secret mind control technology and secret mind control techniques.  Further to that, mind control is being used on unsuspecting members of the public before they make their wills in order to persuade them to leave all of their worldly  goods to privately controlled charities and organised religions. Much of the worlds money is now in privately owned hands. We must stem the flow of money and power into fewer and fewer privately owned hands mainly by disassembling and outlawing microwave transmitters which are being used for the twin purposes of electronic mind control and remote neural monitoring.

The new world order super-rich dark occultists wish to take everything we own and they wish to subjugate us.   Fight for the freedom of your country now while you still can.   Disable and outlaw  all microwave transmitters and related mind control and remote neural monitoring  paraphernalia urgently. 

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When human beings are confused and afraid they become easy to control and manipulate. For that reason many hoaxes have been created to instill fear and confusion in the human race down through the centuries. Dark occultists who wish to gain control over the human race have also fabricated hoaxes in order to provice cover stories to cover the existence of advance secret technology and to engender passivity in the masses, and to make they themselves appear to have more power and capability than they actually have.

These hoaxes were created by dark occultists by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills.

A selection of the hoaxes which have been created are as follows:-

The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.

All world-wide information currently comes from undersea fibre optic cables. We can easily solve the attempt at wirelessly enslaveing many members of the human race who have been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to a super computer from illegally implanted microchips which have become encased inside their bodies and brains. We can do this simply by disabling and banning all microwave transmitters, 5G millimeter wave transmitters and long range wifi transmitters. We need to do this as a matter of urgency.

Please see the following link

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If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation.  You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better.   This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.

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All organised religions and all state run institutions are heirarchical in shape. They rely on unquestioning obedience for their continuence. Unquestioning obedience is immoral. Under moral law we are required to question whether our actions are objectively right or wrong before we carry them out, therefore all heirarchies are immoral by their very nature.

Heirarchical structures require a small group of human beings at the top of each heirarchy to make decisions for the whole human race based on their own flawed knowledge. Under known moral law each human being is allowed to govern themselves and nobody else. The individuals at the top of both church and state heirarchies demand blind obedience to their commands therefore these church and state leaders are immoral human beings.

Unquestioning obedience to authority and unquestioningly following orders invariably leads to the order follower committing acts of extreme evil. That is why the world is on the edge of a twin heirarchical based state of technological enslavement. Many including myself have already been non-consensually wirelessly implanted where I have been wirelessly tethered to a network of computers for more than fifteen years, with no sign of escape. If we fail to destroy the evil twin heirarchies of church and state all of humanity will shortly be similarly wirelessly tethered by the same means.

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We can not expect justice from a court of law while wireless remote influencing technology is enabled or while the judiciary and the law are still carrying smart engineered technology on their persons. Because of this ongoing situation we are now living in a state of injustice. We must urgently have microwave transmitters disabled and we must have the use of all smart engineered technology banned immediately.

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I have been a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and voice harassent technology for more than fifteen years, where I have been wirelessly tethered to a network of computers against my will and totally without my permission. I have researched worldwide politics over those years in order to find out who is responsible for the psychological torture I am many other targeted individuals have endured and what their long term plans are. The following are my opinions:-

Church and state as well as the owners and controllers of the remote neural monitoring program are all one at the very top level of the world wide heirarchy of control. They have been planning and carrying out the slow and incremental enslavement of the human race by mental enslavement, financial enslavement, legal enslavement and now an attempt is being made at technological enslavement.

These would-be controllers are currently using the state run institutions against the rest of the human race in the sense that if anybody objects to their growing fascism of the state they are being electronically harassed and psychiatric reprisal is then being used to further disempower and discredit them.

I believe that these would-be enslavers of the human race plan to eventually try to disassemble and destroy the state and they plan to wirelessly tether each and every human being throughout the world other than themselves to a network of computers in order to totally and utterly enslave them in every way. Thankfully we have figured out their enslavement methodology in time and our governments will disassemble and destroy it shortly. If their evil enslavement plans came to fruition they would no longer need prisons other than virtual prisons. They would no longer need hospitals other than virtual hospitals. They would no longer need police other than virtual police. People would constantly hear voices coming from inside their heads ordering them about every moment of their lives and they would receive a pain signal if they refused to obey. Currently good human beings within the state structure are standing in their way and that is why they are trying their best to destroy all state structures as soon as they possibly can.

The would-be enslavers of the human race wish to retain the church as a mind control centre where slaves would be obliged to attend mass twice weekly where they would be further inculcated through repitition and electronic mind control. They would have their brains entrained into a state of religious fervour each time they came to church so that they would enjoy the experience. Organised religion is about control of the masses.

If we don't stop this evil technological enslavement in its tracks babies would all be inoculated with a wide range of micro sensors at the moment of birth.  They would be reared in large warehouse environments where they could be inculcated to believe that the satanic and luciferian slave masters were gods and they themselves were lowly slaves.  If we fail to stop this technological enslavement now,  humanity would be enslaved for all eternity.    Our actions now will affect the lives of human beings for millions of years into the future. We are at a pivotal point in human history.  We must ask our political representatives to have all microwave transmitters disassembled and destroyed urgently.

I personally am an anarchist. The state has become more and more fascist to the extent that I am afraid of it. Centralization of authority is about putting more and more power in fewer and fewer hands. We must focus on decentralization at every opportunity.

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I am and have been a non-consensual and totally unwilling neuro weapons test subject for the past fifteen years. During that time I was frequently informed via voice to skull communication technology which I constantly hear coming from inside my head that if the criminal neuro weapons operatives ever succeeded in enslaving me by neuro technological means that they would force me to marry and they would then take over life and that my own family would not know that I had become a neuro slave because at that stage they implied that they would be able to control the speech centres of my brain.
For that reason I have written a list of what to look for in a neuro slave which is information which I obtained from the link herebelow.

The neuro slaves may be branded with tattoos using words such as cash.
The victims may show sudden changes of dress and behaviour.
They may suddenly have possessions that they usually can not afford.
They may have unusually long work hours.
They may have new relationships with individuals that are noticeably older.
The victims may have difficulty making eye contact.
They may have untreated cuts, bruises, burns, broken bones.
The victims may make frequent trips.
They may not be allowed to speak independently. Other people may insist on answering
questions for them.

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The majority of the human race lived their lives in a state of confusion before we got the internet. This was deliberately instigated by the dark occultists who manipulate us behind the scenes of our lives. They do this because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power and because a dumbed down and misinformed populace is easy to manipulate.

However, now that we have had the internet for a number of years and we have all been researching world events we have all eventually arrived at much the same conclusions. We now realize that many and varied hoaxes were introduced into our lives over many years in order to maintain that state of confusion in the human race. Advances in science and technology were used to engender many of these hoaxes.

We now know that the earth is not a ball, and that nobody ever travelled to the moon. We know that the concept of demons was created millennia ago in order to manipulate and control humanity. The hoax of demonic possession is really a cover story for brain weapon research. Moving statues are the result of nano technology combined with military experimentation on the gullability of the general public. All religious apparations and near death experiences can easily be explained away scientifically. Space alien sightings are the result of wireless muscle control of the faces of real human beings or many other military psychological operations. Brain weapons have the capability to upload whole experience sets on to the human brain, making humans believe that they had amazing experiences that they never actually had at all.

Satellites and space based weapons are hoaxed. Anything that we can not tangibly inspect ourselves are usually hoaxed by the dark luciferian control matrix who have been interfering in the lives of the rest of the human race for up to six thousand years.
Air and space can not co-exist side by side. Space would suck all air away from the surface of the earth. Many beside myself have pointed this fact out.
There is no material that can resist the heat of the thermosphere which is 2000 degrees celsius.
Satellites and space travel have all been hoaxed in order to steal tax dollars and in order to make a cabal of would-be enslavers appear to have more power than they actually have.

Mobile phone towers are the linchpin that holds the wireless human enslavement protocol in place for the following reasons:-


Under sea fiber optic cables transmit 99% of all international data. There are now over 300 undersea fiber optic cables stretching 550,000 miles. Each cable is less than three inches thick and houses several optical fibres.


Neuro science is deliberately being misrepresented as supernatural occurrences.

In order to solve the problem of wireless weapons all we need to do is to simply disassemble and destroy all microwave transmitters and 5G millimeter wave transmitters. All of the wireless technology being used to electronically torture us by wireless means is ground based. When the microwave transmitters are destroyed the organised criminal gangs who use these weapons against innocent human beings inside their own homes will then be rendered powerless because their weapons can no longer work without the aid of microwave radiation.

Police and psychiatry will no longer be afraid of these organised criminal gangs and they will no longer need to falsely accuse sane human beings of being mentally ill whenever these sane human beings report being targeted by energy weapons and military communication voice harassment technology which is sometimes known as voice to skull or microwave hearing.

The Luciferian control matrix has been ongoing for at least six thousand years. It funnells us into various belief systems so that we can be managed. It has created most of the organised religions and alternative belief systems on earth. It created the hippy movement, the new age movement and the freemasons among others.

All organised religions which the Luciferian control matrix have created in order to manage us follow the same basic pattern overlay. If a belief system has a structure our egos will let it in. Our egos wish to conform. The story of Jesus has numerous parallels with many other ancient Gods, e.g. Horus, Attis, Kirshna, Dionysys, and Mithra to name a few. They were all born on 25th Dec. by a virgin birth. They all had twelve disciples and performed miracles. They were all eventually crucified, died for three days, and were then resurrected.

The Luciferian control matrix not only controls organised religions and alternative movements. It also controls main stream schools and colleges. This Luciferian control matrix gives us our initial platform of beliefs which is our world view. From this platform of beliefs they are then able to control who we think we are and what we think we can do and what is possible and not possible. They deliberately attempt to condense our realities into smaller and smaller realities. In some cases, our realities are so small that we are unable to realise the enormity of the Luciferian control matrix and how long it has lasted and how meticulous they are at putting it together.

Our egos are not interested in truth. They are interested in consistency. They are interested in having a world view that they can depend on. Our egos attempt to defend our false world view. The motiviation for our unwillingness to wake up to a new reality of behind the scenes technological enslavement is not about truth. The motivation is about self-justification. This is why it is so difficult for targeted individuals to wake the rest of the human race up to the current technological holocaust that is happening behind the scenes of our lives. I took some of this information from the work of organisational psychologist, the late Dr Paul Marko and can be found at the following link

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The judiciary, lawyers, the military and the police can have their bodies and minds manipulated by digital signals with the result that we are now living in a lawless world. The judiciary, lawyers, the military and the police are putting on a facade of business as usual when we all know that they can be heavily manipulated from behind the scenes both physically and mentally by these digital signals.
We will continue to live in a lawless world while telephone towers remain s...tanding. Telephone towers are the linch pin that holds the whole rigid control system in place.
We are fully aware that satellites are a hoax. All technology being used to transmit digital signals to our brains and bodies is ground based technology. The deep state have spent hundreds of years pushing lies on to their fellow human beings.
There is no point in using the services of the judiciary or the police until the telephone towers are dismantled.

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We will obtain human freedom for all of mankind by aligning ourselves with Natural Law.
We will obtain human freedom for all of mankind by living in harmony with our fellow human beings, with animals and the earth.
The intelligence services, the military and the police will not ever give us human freedom no matter what they say or do or how many weapons they possess.
We will only obtain human freedom for all of mankind by aligning ourselves with Natural Law.


The word "occult" means hidden. We have a duty to study the "occult" in order to understand Natural Law and how to live in alignment with it.
We must study ancient mystery traditions such as Shamanism, Qabala, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Thelema, Hermeticism, Gnosticism, and others.
When we attempt to look at these ancient mystery traditions we will be warned that they are evil because dark occultists do not wish us to be informed about the occult because it contains very powerful information which will protect us from all harm in ways the police and military never could.
Dark occultists currently are attempting to take over the running of our planet from behind the scenes. We need to know what they know in order to take back our power.
The intelligence services, the military and the police are both unnecessary and unwanted in our lives. All that is necessary for mankind to do is to align ourselves with Natural Law.

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The dark occultists, namely Satanists and Luciferians are setting up an extreme surveillance and control system on this planet whereby they wish to wirelessly tether us all to super-computers by implants in our brains and spinal cords. I am already wirelessly tethered to a super-computer and I have been so for fifteen years.
Why do the dark occultists wish to set up a planetary wide surveillance system when we already have a natural surveillance system which is built in to... the planet.
The natural surveillance system I am referring to is the creative, intelligent and interactive energy that surrounds us and imbues us. Whenever we inhale a breath this intelligence surveillance system comes inside our bodies and brains. It monitors all we think, do, say and eat. When we exhale it leaves our bodies, it travels around the planet and it may come back in the form of a tornado and blow the roof off your home if it feels that you need to learn a difficult lesson.
Dont underestimate Nature or Natural Law. Align with Natural Law. Some claim its existence is a proven science. I dont know if that is true but I do know that Nature can be very cruel.

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The following information regarding how the state is being used to enslave the human race can be found at the following youtube link



Step 1. Re Define the Nature of a Contract with Private International Law.

Step 2. War of Independence.

Step 3. Create Bankruptcy Scenario.

Step 4. BAR member Infiltration.

Step 5. "Disappear" Article Thirteen in Amendment.

Step 6. Infiltrate Roman Cult BAR Members and Seize Control.

Step 7. Roman Cult BAR Members Convert Citizenship into the Opposite of what was intended.

Step 8. Roman Cult BAR Members Circulate Fake Money under Roman Law.

Step 9. Roman Cult BAR Members Create Unconstitutional Municipal Corporations.

Step 10. Roman Cult BAR Members Put Municipal Corporations into Bankruptcy.

Step 11. Through Bankruptcy Process Roman Cult Imposes Martial Law Rule.

Step 12. Roman Cult Seizes the Corporation Masquerading as a Government.

Step 13. Roman Cult Merges the Bankrupt Corporations.

Step 14. Convert all Court Cases into Commerical Transactions.

Step 15. Roman Cult Seizes Control of all Court Cases and Commerical Transactions.

Step 16. Roman Cult makes all US citizens into enemies of the state.

Step 17. Roman Cult BAAL Priests Deny Justice.



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I was reading a national newspaper about twenty years ago which claimed that in the future one third of the human race would monitor and surveill most of the rest of the human race with the aid of military surveillance technology on a round the clock basis..
This system has already been implemented wirelessly to a section of the human race. Whenever these individuals complain of this wireless surveillance and voice harassment they are being diagnosed as mentally ill.

Barto...n L. Ingraham and Gerald W Smith published an article back in 1972, in a United States government document called "Issues in Criminology", Volume 7, Number 2. The article is called " The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of Human Behavior, and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Control". The article states the following:- "The development of systems for telemetering information from sensors, implanted in or on the body will soon make possible the observation and control of human behaviour without actual physical contact. Through such telemetric devices, it will be possible to maintain twenty-four hour-a-day surveillance over the subject, and to intervene electronically or physically to influence and control selected behaviour".

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The Tin Foil Hat Club

The Tin Foil Hat Club

This web site is solely for the understanding and preparing of all who are targeted individuals of radio frequency mind control, also known as electronic gang stalking. Today we all face the great beast that has developed technologies that can make us think we are going crazy, possessed with demons and even become murderous to our own loved ones. Anyone who thinks they are immune to this technology may possibly be under psycho control or influence already. This is a problem for every man, woman, and child on the face of this planet. This technology is part of the coming beast system, which will and is being used to conform us through electronic torture means.

     The mark of the beast is only one avenue of deception in which Satan and his angels are carrying out their last days strategy to take as many as possible to the lake of fire with them. Do not allow yourself to be chipped, vaccinated and brainwashed into thinking it is safe and no harm will come of it!

As more information is made available it will be posted for your review.

9143192095?profile=originalIn Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr

This is a Christian Minister who is blowing the whistle on Gangstalking - Listen to his sermons and share with other KJV Bible believing Christians and send him a warm Thank You.

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