“Twenty years ago, Paul and Percival Goodman estimated that just five percent of the work then being done would satisfy our minimal needs for food, clothing, and shelter. Most work serves the unproductive purposes of commerce or social control.”
From “The Abolition of Work” by Bob Black.
If you work in the area of social control such as the police, military, psychiatry, social work, intelligence services, prison services, the legal system and many other government departments you are helping to slowly and incrementally enslave the human race and thereby you are also helping to enslave yourself and your children. Approximately ten new regulations are coming onstream on a weekly basis. It is now similar to living in an open prison.
If you work in the area of technological development or in the area of microwave transmitter installations you are helping to technologically enslave the human race by wireless means. Many individuals throughout the world are being wirelessly tethered to computer networks via microchips where their thoughts are being monitored on a constant basis.

If you work in the area of weapons development, weapons manufacturing, weapons distribution you are helping to enslave the human race and thereby you are also helping to enslave yourself and your children. The American military dropped 26,171 bombs in overseas countries in 2016 alone. It would take a great deal of work in order to rebuilt the damaged cities and towns caused by such mindless destruction. “Wars cause a number of people to manufacture high explosives and a number of other people to explode them just to keep alive the notion that a great deal of severe manual work must be the lot of the average man and woman.”
If you work in the main stream media you are paid to knowingly and deliberately lie to humanity so that they become confused and disempowered to the extent that they are easier to slowly and incrementally enslave. The main stream media have not informed the general public of the wireless tethering of their fellow men and women, most of who have committed no crime.

If you work in the public school system, you are making children aware of keeping to time constraints and you are structuring their time so that they will never become fully aware of the fact that they have absolute freedom under moral law. You are also inculcating children into the cult of statism and the belief in a central authority. You are training them to live in a future where they are expected to obey their equals. You are training them to stand and sit at the sound of a bell. The purpose of public education is to mislead and confuse and indoctrinate.

If you work in the area of alcohol, cigarette or refined sugar manufacturing and distribution you are helping to destroy the health of the human race.

If you work in the area of organised religions you are helping to lock the minds of humanity in a mental cage. Most of Christianity is an invented technique of mind control so that the serfs would not rebel because they believed that there was a religious basis for their servitude. The Romans informed the serfs that they would be rewarded for their work in the afterlife. The story of Jesus has numerous parallels with many other ancient Gods, e.g. Horus, Attis, Kirshna, Dionysys, and Mithra to name a few. They were all born on 25th Dec. by a virgin birth. They all had twelve disciples and performed miracles. They were all eventually crucified, died for three days, and were then resurrected. Religions train us to disrespect our own reasoning power and logic.
Government administrators are currently homogenizing their work throughout the world so that the whole world becomes standardized to the extent that one human being at the top of a false heirarchy could issue one order which would make a new law come into effect instantly throughout the whole world which would effect the lives of seven billion unique human beings.
A computer operating system was created from pure mathematics which could not be hacked into. The kernel of that operating system was deliberately corrupted my Microsoft in order to create unnecessary work for anti-virus software companies thereby making vast amounts of money for Microsoft and pointless work for millions of their staff. Monsanto also corrupted the kernel of a seed in order to create seedless plants so that farmers would be obliged to purchase their seeds from there on from Monsanto, thereby making vast amounts of money for Monsanto and pointless work for millions of farmers. In the very same way the self proclaimed elite corrupted our languages in order to stop our words from retrieving information from our subconscious minds in an effective way. By corrupting our languages a rift was created by our conscious and subconscious minds thereby corrupting the human operating system which is the human mind. The self proclaimed elite then claimed the vessel under salvage by a law called cannon law. You can remove the corruption from your operating system by refusing to co-operate with whatever organised religion or new age belief system you belong to. Maintaining New Age belief systems and all organised religions is a form of pointless and harmful work. New age belief systems were for the most part developed by the self proclaimed elite in order to catch anyone who happened to be falling away from organised religions. You aught to stay away from all belief systems and become an individual thinker, thereby freeing the kernel of your mind. You aught to also stay away from all smart engineered technology because it can make you believe in beliefs without your conscious awareness of the fact that you have lost your mind. When you no longer belong to any belief system whatsoever your thinking becomes free and accurate. I obtained most of the information in this point from Mark Christopher at the following link
Workers at the bottom levels of a heirarchy have their work compartmentalized to such an extent that they do not have a true perspective of where their unquestioning order following is leading to, which could possibly be total enslavement of the human race.

Combined with all of the above, unelected beurocrats in Brussels are helping to slowly and incrementally enslave us by both calling for and documenting more and more unnecessary laws on a weekly basis.

According to the Austrialian, Max Igan, people with more human potential than business potential can not function within the corporate work place. Caring people with real humanity can not operate in harmony with a brutally competitive and aggressive work environment, which is out of alignment with all that is real and good. If you display human qualities, for example, a strong social and loving conscience, you wont get a job. If you display ruthless, sociopathic qualities, where you are willing to be cruel to your fellow man for the sake of profit for your corporation, then you will be offered a top job. If everybody was self-sufficient, and nobody had paid occupations, most people would work anyway for the good of humanity, free of charge. It is unnecessary for a person to work in a salaried occupation in order to make themselves useful to the world.
According to Jordan Peterson, Professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, approximately forty five percent of people have occupations that make the world a better place and approximately fifty five percent of people do work that is damaging to the planet and its people.

In some sales positions, dishonesty is expected and required. In fact, most institutions of power throughout the world are based on a system of organised dishonesty. Recently employees have been questioning the ethical value of the work they are being asked to perform for large corporations. They are sometimes being told that the moral aspect of the work that is being carried out in the workplace is solely in the domain of the corporate leaders, and the workers must not concern themselves about it. By this methodology workers are being manipulated to carry out acts of extreme evil on a daily basis. It is my belief that objective right and wrong is scientifically proven to exist. Moral relativism was created by agents of evil in order to manipulate humanity to follow the dictates of extreme evil.
We must strongly distrust a worldwide initiative who manipulates the human race into unknowingly building a technological enslavement structure for themselves slowly and incremently over many generations. We must strongly distrust a worldwide initiative who manipulates humanity into unknowingly performing acts of extreme evil and doing extreme harm to each other and to future generations. We must strongly distrust a worldwide initiative who makes us adhere to a system not of our own making which is not in the best interests of the public at large. We must strongly distrust a worldwide initiative who makes human beings work billions of unnecessary hours all because they wish to keep us occupied so that we will not question their nefarious activities which are only and ever in their own interests. We know who these evil characters are at this stage. We can easily take back our power by the simple act of asking the police to disassemble and destroy all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia combined with 5G millimetre wave transmitters. We must request that our political representatives cancel all obligations to register births, marriages and deaths. We must refuse to be obedient to our own equals. We must act now.
The following quotation supports my understanding that there is nothing moral about tedious work done for no apparent reason other than utilising unnecessary labour hours. For further information which supports my claim see the link below the following quotation.
“It’s immoral to ask people to work when there’s no work that needs to be done. It’s immoral to create unnecessary labor so people have “something to do”.

If you are working to enslave the human race you are doing so on behalf of the dark luciferian control matrix who have deliberately set you up to enslave yourself.
It is only necessary for human beings to work one day per week in order to create and maintain abundance on earth. Work is not a virtue of itself. The pursuit of happiness should be the main aim of our existence on this earth.
The brain to brain interfacing induced voices which I hear constantly coming from inside my head informed me that the long term plan of the deep state control matrix was to install all of the people in each area, separately, is one setting, on a regular basis, similar to a church, or mosque, so that strong mind control, administered by directed energy weapons, via signals intelligence, would be administered to them. This particular type of mind control can not be administered in an open setting. Entraining the brains of individuals into a state of religious fervour while they are in church is a relatively simple matter in the twenty first century. The currently planned new organised religion would comprise of a large variety of belief systems. It is planned to be non denominational.

The deep state control matrix decided they would manipulate miscreants and doubters into attending this Unitarian church on the grounds that they would get a lighter sentence or some other social benefit. While these undecided group where in attendance, they would experience extremely unusual and ecstatic states of mind, which would be covertly administered to them by behind the scenes signals intelligence operatives. This would induce the doubters and the miscreants to continue their church attendance for further inculcation, on a bi-weekly basis for the rest of their lives. I hope this explains the recent phenomenon all over America of people falling down in church, in a state of ecstacy. This is somewhat staged for now.

I was raised to be a Christian, just like at least a billion other people. However, as soon as I gained access to the internet, I was shocked to find contradictory information, which led me to question everything I had ever been taught about the Vatican. I am publishing this information with all due respect, because I once belonged to Christianity as many people still are. I have many questions and theories and grave doubts about the Vatican which I have listed below. I am sending this information out to several members of the clergy, as well as publishing it on my website
This is mostly not my own work. It is information I researched online from many websites.
According to well known American researcher and film producer Joseph Atwill, Jesus never existed and Rome never fell. He further claimed that the Roman armies did not disappear, they merely transitioned into what is now known as the Vatican. The Romans realised that it costs money and time to keep standing armies on patrol throughout their dominion. It is much easier to mind control people to be obedient and subservient through the mind control mechanism of an organised religion. The Romans then went on to create what we now know as Christianity. The college of cardinals are really the Roman Senate. The well known researcher and lecturer Santos Bonacci claimed that the Vatican owned at least five hundred war ships around five hundred years ago. They are known to still retain a standing army. They are the wealthiest corporation on the planet and they employ almost everybody on the planet indirectly. They have extremely evil intent.
The Vatican and its popes, may have set a trap for Christians and for the whole human race. Over many hundreds of years, the Vatican clergy have set up a system of ownership of all property, all humans, and souls that exist on this earth through the Papal Bulls and Cestui Que Vie Trusts.
All of the theologies and all of the philosophies and all of the religions on this planet are all one, based on hermetic science, which was founded in Egypt between fifty thousand and sixty five thousand years ago.
Most of Christianity is an invented technique of mind control so that the serfs would not rebel because they believed that there was a religious basis for their servitude. The Romans informed the serfs that they would be rewarded for their work in the afterlife.
The story of Jesus has numerous parallels with many other ancient Gods, e.g. Horus, Attis, Kirshna, Dionysys, and Mithra to name a few. They were all born on 25th Dec. by a virgin birth. They all had twelve disciples and performed miracles. They were all eventually crucified, died for three days, and were then resurrected. The reason most of the ancient religions have the same general mythological structure, is because they, as well as Christianity, are all based on astrotheology. The virgin Mary is based on the star constellation Virgo. The Jesus crucification sequence is based on the sun moving south in the sky for six months. By December 22nd, the sun is at its lowest point in the sky, in the vicinity of the Southern Cross star constellation. This is where we get the symbology of the crucifiction . Three days later, on December 25th, the sun moves one degree north, giving us the resurrection. For more information see And for further information see a book called “THE WORLDS SIXTEEN CRUCIFIED SAVIORS” by Kersey Graves. We are told that the Vatican library has millions of books and archived documents, therefore, it is safe to assume that the Vatican clergy already know of the numerous duplications between the story of Jesus and numerous other ancient saviours. Yet they never mention this fact to their followers. They have lied to us by omission.
A sacrament is something that is regarded as possessing a sacred character or some mysterious significance by people who have been inculcated into most organised religions. People who have later managed to deprogram themselves from false belief systems go on to realise that sacraments are just a form of mesmerism. When in church, people are held spellbound by a display of incense and candle light, opulent surroundings and required solemnity, accompanied by extravagent costumes and elaborate posturing combined with the power of suggestion. After the act of mesmerism is over, nothing has changed other than the willingness of the individuals involved to believe that something has changed. This is a form of strong mind control which allows interested parties within the Vatican to wield dangerous control over the masses. Just because a lie is accepted by the masses, it still does not make it true. Human beings have lived on this planet for at least six hundred thousand years according to well known historian of ancient history on youtube called Michael Tsarion, How is it that we are asked to believe that religions sacraments were only created two thousand years ago? How did people manage to live their lives successfully without a form of mesmerism called religious sacraments for more than six hundred thousand years before Christianity made its appearance?. A similar act of mesmerism is used to make us believe that a pope is actually being ordained when in fact nothing happens during the ordination other than the mesmerising of the people in attendance. Papal power does not exist in reality. It is made to exist within the minds of the catholic faithful.
The true purpose of prayer is endless repetition so as to keep the individual who is doing the praying in an endless state of heavy programming so that they can never reach a true understanding of what is actually happening to their minds. In order to achieve true indoctrination we are taught to pray at a very young age before we are old enough to critically analyse what we are repeating. Organised religions are in the hands of very dangerous individuals who are not acting in the best interest of the human race.
Church hierarchies are created on the false idea of a hierarchy of moral superiority. Priests are universally considered morally superior than lay people and the pope is falsely considered morally superior to all of us. If they were not wearing their priestly garb we would be unable to think them morally superior. Heirarchies of superiority should be abolished throughout the land.
Religious people become reprogrammed each time they go to Church on Sundays. The Vatican inculcates us when we are very young children, so that we will be too young to critically analyse what we are being taught. We are tricked and guilted into believing in religions. It is my personal opinion that interests within the Vatican are inherently Satanic, and they have tricked Christians into enacting a Satanic ritual, every Sunday, in order to give energy to the dark side. Why else are Christians encouraged to eat what is purported to be human flesh, and drink what is purported to be human blood. We are not allowed to question this.
Saint Thomas Moore tortured people for daring to own a bible in English. In the year 2000, Pope John Paul II declared Saint Thomas Moore to be the patron saint of statesmen and politicians.
Religion is a political tool which was created from spiritual beliefs.

How can my sins be forgiven by the torture of another person. This is called scape goating. All morality depends on the concept of personal responsibility and does not depend on the concept of passing on responsibility for our sins on to another being who is eventually tortured for them..
The Catholic church is the biggest financial power and property owner in existence, possessing more material wealth than any bank or corporation anywhere on the planet. The pope is one of the richest men on earth, while one fifth of the worlds poor is starving to death. Nine million children die every year of hunger before they reach the age of five.
The Vatican appears to be a protection racket, in the sense that we are led to believe that by paying the clergy we are guaranteed to be taken care of in the after life.
There are Satanic principles in the Christian mass. Christians must question why they are encouraged to celebrate the re-enactment of brutal human torture on a weekly basis. During the celebration of this brutal human torture, the blood of the victim is symbolically drank by the priest, and the flesh of the victim is eaten in what might be considered a symbolic gesture of cannibalism. The only reason to celebrate an act of extreme human torture repeatedly is to imprint the human psyche with fear and repitition. The God of the bible is purported to have sent his son to earth to be sacrificed on a cross. A loving God would not ask anybody to be sacrificed to death. The creator God would love us unconditionally no matter how badly we behave. This act of celebrating brutal human torture is worshipping the opposite of God. This ritual feels more like Satan worship. I believe the Christian mass is a Satanic ritual, which the Satanists use to empower themselves. I am claiming that Satanists set up the Vatican in order to use used black arts for the purposes of making Christians believe the opposite of what is true. Repetition and fear are both powerful mind control methods.

We are all equals in a planet of equals. We are all made from the same genetic material. The pope has the same genetic material as the rest of us, so why does he believe his opinions are infallable. Why did the pope not intervent to persuade the military to stop the second world war or the Korean war or any war what so ever.
Last year Pope Francis encouraged the people of the world to continue using corporal punishment on their children, which means he is encouraging parents to hit their children . This is systematic abuse. This damages the confidence of a child and it also causes the breakdown of relationships between parents and children, sometimes permanently. Who decided that punishment is an appropriate response to anyone who has done something wrong. If somebody does something wrong, they need extra attention, kindness, love and information, and the natural law way would be to ask them to pay restitution, and not to lock them in a human cage called a prison. Obedience is not a behaviour that should be encouraged in children, or indeed anyone. Obedience is a refusal to use our own free will, in favour of blindly and unquestioningly going along with the will of somebody other than yourself, whose true agenda you have no way of knowing. Obedience is denial of your own responsibility to judge whether something is right or wrong before carrying it out. Co-operation and not obedience is what we should aspire to obtain from children in our care. If a child is slapped very hard if they don’t immediately obey the parent, the child will be taught to never ever think for themselves, but to react immediately to orders. The child could eventually, at a much older age, end up carrying our acts of extreme evil, because of their extreme fear of confronting order givers.

The Christian church should be repremanded for falsely claiming that children will go to hell when they die, if they dont obey the dictates of their religion. The Christian church is implying that the creater of humanity does not believe in unconditional love. There is no proof for the existence of a hell. Creating a false place called hell is a form of psychological torture, deliberately perpetuated on young children before they have the ability to critically analyse that they hear. This ensures that the church will be able to live off an income from those children when they become adults, and for the rest of their lives.
According to the well known historian of ancient history called Michael Tsarion, homo-sapiens have been living on this planet for at least six hundred thousand years. The Vatican are asking us to believe that the Christian God only decided to intervene in the lives of humanity two thousand years ago, by enacting a human sacrifice in primitive Palestine. The news of this human sacrifice has not spread to a large part of the world yet.
We can not love somebody while simultaneously fearing them. Yet Christians are asked to love and fear God at the same time. Christianity makes it compulsory to love a God we have never met.
Religions trap people. They do not liberate them.

The Vatican failed to warn the faithful about the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons and a type of direct voice communication capability which is commonly called voice to skull technology, and which has been in common use for up to seventy years, but has been kept hidden from the masses. Pope Frances has been attending think tanks which are also attended by the self proclaimed elite.
It is being claimed that advances in technology are fifty years ahead of what ordinary people are being told about. These advances in technology are being hidden from us because a differential in knowledge is there to create a differential in power. I personally believe that the religions apparation at knock, Co. Mayo, in 1879 was achieved by either a cinema projector or a magic lantern which may have been used to project images of religious figures on to the gable wall of Knock church. Religious apparations only ever appear to uneducated and gullible peasant people, living in remote areas. Religious apparations have never appeared to wealthy members of the educated class. These people would not accept something to be true without thorough investigation.
The Vatican Library has not been catagorised and made available online. Organised religions control the masses by denying access to knowledge.
Many people, of late, are claiming to see apparitions of both religious entities and demons. This phenomenon can easily be explained from a scientific standpoint. When smart meters are installed in any area, these meters send and receive beams of energy to and from all the other smart meters in the area, and also to and from all nearby electrical appliances. These beams of energy then create a smart grid which can be used to create holograms, both inside and outside buildings and also across the sky. In combination with this, wireless voice to skull military communication technology can be used to transmit voices into peoples heads, from a distance. There is a planetary wide media blackout pertaining to this technology because it is classified by military intelligence.

It is being claimed that pre-recorded brain waves can be artificially injected into the human brain, by the use of High Definition Television and other means. This method can be used to artificially input new ideas into the brains of the clergy, or indeed, anybody. There is no conscious defence possible against this Silent Sound Spread Spectrum. This was achievable in 1974. For further information on Silent Sound Spread Spectrum see Other mediums which are being used to subliminally influence people are digital radios, smart phones, cinema screens, and all smart technologies. It is being claimed that if members of the clergy continue to watch smart television or use any type of smart technology, they will soon be incapable of independent thought. If any type of smart technology is installed in churches, the congregation may not be able to think critically for much longer.
It is being claimed that Christianity was invented by a group of Roman Caesars called the Flavians. They borrowed religious concepts from many different ancient religions. The character of Jesus was a composite of many leaders of the time. It is entirely a fictional character. We need to encourage society to escape from the grip of religion, pseudoscience and superstition. Otherwise, another generation of children will grow up in a mental cage of confusion, without the ability to think logically. They will sacrafice their time, energy, talents and money for a lie. Organised religion is a ball and chain against our progress.
I believe papal authority does not exist in reality because the ordination of any pope or bishop is only an act of mesmerism to make good people believe that something supernatural has happened, when nothing supernatural has happened. This being the case, the pope has no power over anybody only himself. Nobody empowered the current pope francis to encourage people to hit their children. Children have the right to live without violence. The pope is encouraging violence towards children. I , on the other hand, wish to encourage patience and understanding and gentleness towards children.
“How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us.” Pope Leo X.
I am now an agnostic. When I was a catholic I was terrified of death. On one occasion I began to imagine I was about to die within minutes because I was feeling ill. I began to imagine that I could possibly be burning in an eternal fire within one minute if I died right then. I had lived a reasonably good life but catholics are made to believe they can never be good enough. I was lying in my bed and I believed that if I died at that moment my reality could change instantly from being in a warm comfortable bed to being in a burning fire of hell. Many catholics have reported that they too are terrified of death. Now that I am an agnostic and all of the catholic inculcation has disappeared from my mind I know of no such fear. I have serene feelings about death. The Christian church practices a form of psychological torture in order to keep their followers from ever leaving this cult.
Mind Expanding Drugs In the past, people conducting spiritual practices used entheogenic substances, also known as mind expanding drugs in order to commune with higher consciousness, so that they could wake up to a higher reality. Mind expanding entheogenic plants are plants such as cannabis and mescaline. They are not in any way associated with hard drugs such as heroin or cocaine. Organised religions have substituted these mind expanding plant based drugs with an inert piece of unleavened bread. These organised religions seek to put a blockade on our spiritual evolvement.
Over many years, the Vatican and its popes have set up a system of ownership of all property, all humans, and souls that exist on this earth through the Papal Bulls and Cestui Que Vie Trusts. In 1302, Pope Boniface VIII created a trust called Unum Sanctum, which declared that the Vatican owned the earth and all the souls in it. The Unum Sanctum trust has recently been rebutted by a woman from the U.S.A., called Cindy Kay Currier. The Vatican later went on to create other trusts which I have listed herebelow. These trusts make people the slaves of the Vatican, even if they are not Roman Catholic, and they are used to claim that the Vatican owns our souls.
1455 Testimentary Trust.
1481 Regis Crown Trust.
1531 Convocation Trust.
The Romanus Pontifex Trust was used to create the crown corporation.

The Crown Corporation, which is another name for church and state, has enticed humans into slavery, via deception.
When anyone uses the legal name on their birth certificate as identification, they are committing an illegal act, and they are considered a criminal. All legal names are owned and copyrighted by the crown corporation. The birth certificate name is considered to be a slave name. A fictional person is created by the government, in the form of the birth certificate. That fictional person is not alive and has no rights. It is a corporate entity, that must function according to corporate parameters and corporate rules.
In the legal world, we are all considered slaves of the crown corporation, and our bodies are presumed property of the crown corporation, which is another name for church and state.
Without legal name fraud at the front line lever, the whole system of control is destroyed. I found some of this information at the following web sites
Religion is manipulation and control of the masses by suppression of free thought. Religion is a device which is used to modify the behaviour of the general public, which allows the public to be manipulated and controlled.
Religion undermines the intelligence and rationality of humanity, and by doing so it harms society at its core.
Religion corrupts our sense of reality and encourages us to believe untestable claims.
Religion encourages us to contemplate the nature of reality through analysing folk tales, which they call sacred texts.
Religion undermines respect for evidence, in favour of blind faith.
Religion propogates beliefs by cultural conditioning instead of unbiased scientific inspection.
Religions protect themselves at the expense of human rights.
Religion implies that doing things for God is more important than doing things for your fellow man.
Religion does not teach you how to think in a logical way. It just tells you what to think.
Religions divide people into mutually distrustful and antagonistic groups of people. These people believe they are doing Gods will by fighting against other religious groups.
Organised religions generate a subservient mind set in their followers. The followers of organised religions become accustomed to handing over their free will and their duty to decide whether something is objectively right or wrong before they carry it out to a fellow human being who they have been led to believe is superior to them. The followers are persuaded to do this because said fellow human being is dressed in an elaborate costume and has an impressive title and adopts an air of authority and they surround themselves by a large group of inculcated people when they carry out their duties. No dissent is allowed. Later when the followers become used to their subservient mind set they can more easily be manipulated to accept complete and total enslavement at a much later date.

Religions put religious purity in the afterlife ahead of genuine moral concern for other in this life.
Religion reduces human responsibility to the effect that God controls everything, and therefore there is no point in taking any responsibility to try to change anything.
Religion supports blind submission to authority and handing over of our own duty to utilise our free will.
Terrible crimes can be justified in the name of religion.
Religious myths serve as the soil in which other myths can flourish.
Religions pretend to know things they can not know.
Religions invented supernatural commands that are unrelated to compassion or justice or fairness.
People do good things because they are good, not because they are religious.
Religions deny individual power. They tell us power comes from somewhere else. They shrink a persons concept of their own power.
Religion is mental slavery. People who belong to an organised religion are locked in a mental cage. They are unable to think logically and rationally. Religions train us to disrespect our own reasoning power and logic.
Religion blocks further cognative development in a human being, because when they decide they believe something without question, they then stop looking any further.
You must not link blind faith with morality. Moral values are founded on human empathy and scientific understanding.
We have a right to freedom from religion in public places.
If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people.
Theology obfuscates. Science illuminates.
Organised religions obstruct people from obtaining accurate information. In the past, books and newspapers with information that conflicted with catholicism were banned by the Vatican.
Religions wish us to believe that moral ideas are their property. However, we get our morality from human empathy, which we are born with. We can easily generate our own moral structures from secular moral philosophy and rational discussion. Religions would have us believe that we were all immoral before their religion came in to being.
Bible verses dont carry any weight because man wrote the bible. However, the bible is a useful source of information in a variety of areas.
The mind state called “reverence” is an ideal state to allow somebody to be mind controlled. When you are in the mind state known as “reverent” you are unable to take a balanced view of what you believe. You are not able to think rationally or logically. Do not ever allow yourself to be induced into a state of “reverence”.

I believe faith is not a virtue. Science and reason lead to more reliable knowledge than faith. Reason is the way to truth. There are ten thousand different religions in use today and all of them conflict with each other. The bible supports slavery, bigotry, sexism, and other human rights abuses. I believe the bible is not the word of God. Organized religions don’t own morals. Humanity had a moral system for six hundred thousand years before Christianity was put in place.
“All churches appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolise power and profit.” Thomas Paine.
If Jesus and Mary actually existed, as Middle Eastern Jews they would have dark skin.

Inculcation into a religion is the opposite to critical and logical thinking. It has been found that people who live within totalitarian regimes are obliged to ask permission of Father government and Mother religion before they are allowed to take action within their own lives. This forces these people to adopt a child-like mind set.
Religions create in us a child-like mindset that somebody is going to come and save us. They indoctrinate us to believe that we must never solve our own problems, but always look to a so called ” authority” figure to solve them for us. The indoctrination methods they use are achieved through the use of government and religion. Belief in government is the binding of the left brain hemisphere. Belief in any type of organized religion is the binding of the right brain hemisphere. Government and religion were created by the multigenerational self-proclaimed elite families to convince humanity to stand down from their responsibility to take real world action to create positive change on this planet. These false belief systems were deliberately created to keep most of humanity in a state of inaction, and to put a ceiling on our true spiritual and intellectual evolvement.
If a man, while wearing casual clothing, gives us an order, we are always advised to question the order. However, if that same man wears the elaborate garments and crucifixes of the Christian church while giving us an order, a large majority of people are dumbfounded if we dare to question the order.
We are morally obliged to govern ourselves. When we live our lives according to the dictates of an organized religion, we are blindly following orders without questioning them. We are abdicating our moral responsibility to judge whether something is right or wrong, before behaving in a certain way. Blind obedience to authority, and blindly following orders without questioning them is the true pathway to evil. When we are weak minded, we take pride in our blind obedience to authority, no matter what the order giver asks us to do. Blindly following orders should never be seen as a virtue. One has a moral responsibility to judge whether something is right or wrong, before carrying out an order, especially if it is an order given by the Vatican.
“Waiting for a saviour to come and save us is an abdication of personal responsibility.” Mark Passio
“Religions have been put forward as mind control techniques to prevent people from taking action and to propagate passivity so that we will accept our enslavement.” Mark Passio.

In the past, when invaders wished to take over a country, it was easier to achieve domination by indoctrinating the local inhabitants of that country into belonging to a fake organised religion, rather than invading the country with a large army and getting the locals to surrender. When the local citizens were sufficiently inculcated into this false religion, they would willingly and unquestioningly submit to the invaders. The invading group could easily obtain power, status, money and control of the minds of the locals, without ever shedding a drop of blood. They no longer needed an expensive standing army, when they could rule their subjects by mind controlling them through a religion.
1. Whoever sits at the top of the hierarchy can be secretly controlled by an enemy.
2. Psychopaths always rise to the top because they are prepared to kill anybody that stands in their way of attaining money, power, status and control.
3. In a hierarchical based control system such as the American Presidency, one man at the top of the hierarchical based control system is suddenly deemed to know everything about everything, and is suddenly deemed to be a fount of all wisdom, a situation which is unreal.
4. All hierarchies are artificial evil systems which are kept in place by covert violence.
5. In order for hierarchies to work we need to invent a false concept called authority. Authority is the concept of a diseased mind. It does not exist under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law on the earth.
6. When an individual belongs to a hierarchical based control system, they tend not to use their own conscience in order to ascertain if their actions are objectively right or wrong. Instead they tend to unquestioningly obey whatever orders they are given which come from whoever is at the top of the hierarchical based chain of command. Because of this refusal to use their own conscience, and because of the error of placing their trust in leaders that they don’t know and have never met and don’t know much about, they can be persuaded to go to war and kill other good living human beings for no reason other they the individuals who are to be killed live on a different part of the world.
7. No individual will agree to remain at the bottom of a heirarchy unless they are put under either trauma based mind control or else electronic mind control or both. Before electronic mind control became main-stream trauma based mind control was used in the church and state controlled school system through corporal punishment and through various forms of brainwashing which was administered by largely unknowing staff who had themselves become brainwashed on an earlier occasion. After school students are successfully inculcated into the heirarchical based control system very few of them will ever raise their heads above the radar again. They will be unquestioninglfy obedient to the hierarchical based system for the remainder of their lives.
8. Individuals who now sit at the top of the current worldwide hierarchical based chain of command have access to all power to the extent that many of them have been abusing their power in a myriad of ways such as the following example:- They have been recently using their power to keep money flowing into their own coffers and they deny the rest of us the natural right to the use of that money when we wish to use it. Therefore they have wrongfully given themselves more rights than they have given to the rest of us.
9. Human hierarchies are pyramid shaped and they are rigid. They are rigid because the individuals inside them have no human freedom. The individuals at the bottom layers of the hierarchy are denied freedom of expression in many areas. They can not act without the permission of the individuals on the next layer up. They are not allowed access to truth because if they did have access to it they would be able to usurp the leadership at the top of the hierarchy. Those at the top of the hierarchy hoard knowledge through classifying advances in technology because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power. The individuals at the very top of the hierarchy are frightened that their power would be usurped by those lower down the hierarchy so in order to stop that ever occurring they disempower those under them in the hierarchy by many means including bring about debt slavery through unfair banking laws, and also having anybody who questions their activities incarcerated in psychiatric hospitals thereby bypassing all laws which would otherwise protect those individuals from false incarceration. The individuals at the bottom of the false hierarchy eventually become passive because they become used to being told what to do. They lose all of their creativity and some even become depressed through lack of free will.
While human hierarchies are rigid, anarchies are fluid. The word anarchy means without rulers. An means without and archon means ruler. An anarchies is a linear based self regulating systems, a system of rules without rulers. Each human being within an anarchy enjoys one hundred percent free will and one hundred percent responsibility for taking care of themselves. In anarchies, human beings are at their most creative and responsible and vibrant. Under moral law, anarchies are the only way we are permitted to run our lives because it is only under systems of anarchy that we have the free will to exercise our conscience before we perform and act.
Hierarchies do not remain at the same level of rigidity over many years and decades. The tend to become more rigid as the years progress because those at and near the top of the hierarchy become more corrupt and more megalomaniac as they years go by. They develop a slave master mind set and they deny freedom of expression to those at the bottom because they do not wish anybody to challenge their leadership. The sooner we return to a linear based self-regulating system the better for the whole human race. Human beings are self-regulating by nature. They do not need to belong to hierarchies which only ever benefit those at the very top.
Some individuals are mind controlled to believe that the ones who sit at the top of the heirarchy are entitled to be there for many false reasons, some of which I have listed herebelow –
As each human being has hundreds of different facets to their characters, there can be no objective way to classify a human being. An accident of birth can not be grounds for conferring a high status on a human being.
“We are not our positions in society, our occupations, our culture, our beliefs, our financial status, our social status, our matrimonial status, our sexuality, our clothes, or how we speak. Take away all of these and we are still ourselves underneath. All of these are superficial identities, like masks. All of these superficial identities are transitory. We are consciousness, having a human experience.
Some human beings attempt to convince their fellow human beings that they have a higher status than the rest of the human race. They achieve this by using mind control tactics over their fellow human beings. They also send messages of their supposed superior status by acting superior at all times. They enhance the message by displays of superiority in the public arena by the skilled use of oratory. They also employ uniforms, titles, credentials , possessions and opulent surroundings to further enhance the lie that they are superior to others in some way. They sometimes pay attendents to attend to their every need and to bow to them when they are in the public arena. They have their staff organise large gatherings of fawning fans whenever they wish to push the notion of their supposed superiority further.
We are all equal. We came into this world empty handed and we will leave this world empty handed approximately eight decades later. We must value equality in the world above all else. Unquestioningly following the orders of our equals leads to acts of extreme evil because when we do so we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions by refusing to assess whether the order given is moral before we carry it out.
The worldwide would-be controllers are attempting to create a top down chain of command throughout the world. We aught to instead organise ourselves into a linear based self-regulating system, a system of rules without rulers, a system of self-government where we take back all power which we have erroneously given away to members of the self-proclaimed elite. If we returned this world to a system of anarchy right now the first undertaking we would have to achieve is to take down all technological systems which enable electronic control of both the minds and bodies of human beings and refuse to register births, marriages and deaths. We must urgently practice non-compliance to man made laws but we must comply with natural law in all areas. Natural law is a euphemism for moral law. In order to find out more about natural law you must study the occult. The word occult means hidden.


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I have come to the conclusion that church and state almost never act in the interests of the people that they purport to serve.  

The government schooling system has been destroying the self esteem of children from two hundred years by constantly judging them negatively,  demanding that they submit to the false authority of the schooling system,   teaching them to think like a school of fish as in a hive mind rather than teaching them to think logically and independently as well as inculcating them into the cult of stateism so that they don't ever again think outside the box marked state control.  

The health care system has neglected to inform us all of the wonderful cure all benefits of dry fasting.  Whenever we water fast our digestive systems do not ever get a rest because whenever you drink water the digestive system must wake up again in order to digest the particulates in the water.  Further to that bacteria and microbes love wet terrains and are less likely to be killed off during a water fast.  Any shortage of water is as devastating as fire for them.  Approximately one billion muslims dry fast during day light hours each day for the month of Ramadan, and hence they have superior health to many other religious groups.

.Legal marriages engender suspicion between couples because neither individual knows if their spouse is with them because they wish to be with them or because they have become legally bound to them. Have a public wedding preceded by a public announcement of your intentions to be loyal and faithful to each other alone for life. Whatever services both church and state provide for us can be provided by ourselves much more effectively and preferably.

The story of Jesus has numerous parallels with many other ancient Gods, e.g. Horus, Attis, Kirshna, Dionysys, and Mithra to name a few. They were all born on 25th Dec. by a virgin birth. They all had twelve disciples and performed miracles. They were all eventually crucified, died for three days, and were then resurrected. The reason most of the ancient religions have the same general mythological structure, is because they, as well as Christianity, are all based on astrotheology. The virgin Mary is based on the star constellation Virgo. The Jesus crucification sequence is based on the sun moving south in the sky for six months. By December 22nd, the sun is at its lowest point in the sky, in the vicinity of the Southern Cross star constellation. This is where we get the symbology of the crucifiction . Three days later, on December 25th, the sun moves one degree north, giving us the resurrection. For more information see And for further information see a book called “THE WORLDS SIXTEEN CRUCIFIED SAVIORS” by Kersey Graves. We are told that the Vatican library has millions of books and archived documents, therefore, it is safe to assume that the Vatican clergy already know of the numerous duplications between the story of Jesus and numerous other ancient saviours. Yet they never mention this fact to their followers. They have lied to us by omission.

Organised religions have been set up to monopolize power and profit.

The military are now being required to wear helmets which have technology incorporated into them which would disable their ability to think clearly to the extent that they might be persuaded to turn on their own people if they were ever persuaded to wear said helmets.

The Vatican have their own private army of intelligence agents who exist to control the human race and they have the technology to achieve this.   Over many hundreds of years, the Vatican clergy have set up a system of ownership of all property, all humans, and souls that exist on this earth through the Papal Bulls and Cestui Que Vie Trusts.  The Vatican network of bishops and priests could easily have warned their followers of the current capability of wireless remote control of the central nervous systems of most of the men, women and children of this world.   Many men and women are already wirelessly tethered to a centralized computer control system from their brains and central nervous systems.  The police refuse to accept statements from them on the erroneous grounds that they must be mentally ill.  Why have the Vatican not warned their followers of this scientific widespread capability?   Certain individuals inside the Vatican hierarchy must be extreme evil doers.  Do not  financially support your priest any longer if he refuses to break away from the Vatican. 

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Natural Laws

THE INHERENT LAWS OF CREATION. Notes taken from the work of Mark Passio of
There are governing dynamics that determine the level of freedom enjoyed by any society.
Freedom and morality are directly proportional.
We are free to choose our behaviours but we are not free to escape the consequences of those behaviours. Our behaviours are governed by natural consequences which are built into the fabric of the laws of creation.
Moral actions are actions which are in harmony with natural law because they do not result in harm to other sentient beings.
Natural law is a force which is known to exist through its observeable effects but difficult or impossible to see with the eye.
Natural law is unversal, eternal and immutable.
The combined amount of truth and morality present in the lives of the people of any given society is directly proportional to the amount of freedom and order in that society and inversely proportional to the presence of chaos, tyranny and slavery in that society.
Our freedom is now decreasing which means that our morality has been on the wane for many decades.

A working knowledge of the occult is mandatory for every true Anarchist and this working knowledge of the occult is essential to bring about a true spiritual awakening on a mass scale.
Moral Relativism is the ideology that objective morality does not exist inherently to nature and that Right and Wrong are subjective constructs that human beings invent which are changeable according to time, location, circumstance or preference. A society that believes that there is no objective difference between right and wrong and that they may arbitrarily create or decide what right and wrong are for themselves is a society which can never harmonize with natural law. Since the governing dynamics of human freedom are predicated upon the combined morality of a society true freedom can never exist in a society that embraces moral relativeism.
Consciousness is not simply a result of electrical impulses in the brain. A belief in government is a religion.
Natural law behavioural consequences are in place for our maximum evolutionary progress. We understand natural law by how it generates an effect when we take action.
All men are created equal under natural law and they are endowed by their creator with unalienable rights. No man has special rights to violate other peoples rights.
Rigid scepticism, scientism, atheism, moral relativeism, social darwinism, eugenics and authoritarianism.
naivete, blind belief, religious extremism, solipsism, unworthiness, self-loathing, order follower, willing slave.
My own views based on my understanding of natural law.
Government does not prevent chaos. If the actions of any society are in harmony with natural law that and only that prevents chaos. Therefore governments, police and military and civil law are counterproductive, useless and worthless.
Some school systems by their deliberately slanted techniques are deliberately engineered to generate chronic right brain dominance in their students so that the students would then go on to be unquestioningly obedient and subservient order followers for the rest of their lives. Most Irish children in the 1960 and 1970, myself included, were schooled by the use of this technique. I was terrified of all authority figures for several decades after I received my schooling because chronic right brain dominance was instilled into me. I was deliberately molded to be an unquestioningly obedient order follower. I have now managed to unschool and deprogram myself from most of what I was taught back then.
The children of very wealthy parents are often deliberately schooled to be chronic left brain dominant in later life. They often are deliberately molded to be rigidly authoritarian. Left brain dominant people and right brain dominant people are being pitted against each other throughout the world by those who control the school systems of the world while they themselves take care to remain in the shadows while observing us closely in order to figure out ways to remove our freedoms little by little so that we dont notice them being removed unless we are awake and aware.
We must endeavour to educate children to have the correct balance between right brain and left brain activity so that they will always know that we are all equal to each other and all have equal rights and that authority is the concept of a diseased mind. We must endeavour to educate children in the belief that organised religions are not essential because a strong knowledge of natural law and its behavioural consequences is all that is required to live a moral life. Indeed, what is the point of organised religions when a knowledge of natural law and its behavioural consequences is sufficient in itself? There are twenty thousand organised religions in use in the world today and they all contradict each other and they all require the believer to believe in unsupported unscientific story lines . Organised religions were mainly installed throughout the world by a breakaway cabal in order to hinder our understanding of logic and instead  to cast us into a world of superstition.   It is my firm opinion that both church and state are two arms of the same worldwide control system and both of them are being used against most of the people of the world by a small cabal of the super-rich.

We aught to organise our localities by a system of anarchy which is a system of rules without rulers which is a linear based self-regulating system.  We are self-regulating by our very nature and the only time we make mistakes is when we follow the dictates of others who do not understand or care about our requirements.  Common law republics are also being run on natural law principles so they are aligned with moral law.  Civil law is now out of harmony with natural law and therefore many of its laws are now found to be unjust.  Do not support civil law.   Use common law to solve problems.    Please see an earlier post  of mine which is called 'Nine reasons why we should abandon hierarchies.'  which is widely available online.

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by Gretta Fahey

1. Whoever sits at the top of the hierarchy can be secretly controlled by an enemy.
2. Psychopaths always rise to the top because they are prepared to kill anybody that stands in their way of attaining money, power, status and control.
3. Individuals who now sit at the top of the current worldwide hierarchical based chain of command have access to all power to the extent that many of them have been abusing their power in a myriad of ways such as the following example:- They have been recently using their power to keep money flowing into their own coffers and they deny the rest of us the natural right to the use of that money when we wish to use it. Therefore they have wrongfully given themselves more rights than they have given to the rest of us.
4. In a hierarchical based control system such as the American Presidency, one man at the top of the hierarchical based control system is suddenly deemed to know everything about everything, and is suddenly deemed to be a fount of all wisdom, a situation which is unreal.

5. All hierarchies are artificial evil systems which are kept in place by covert violence.
6. In order for hierarchies to work we need to invent a false concept called authority. Authority is the concept of a diseased mind. It does not exist under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law on the earth.
7. When an individual belongs to a hierarchical based control system, they tend not to use their own conscience in order to ascertain if their actions are objectively right or wrong. Instead they tend to unquestioningly obey whatever orders they are given which come from whoever is at the top of the hierarchical based chain of command. Because of this refusal to use their own conscience, and because of the error of placing their trust in leaders that they don't know and have never met and don't know much about, they can be persuaded to go to war and kill other good living human beings for no reason other they the individuals who are to be killed live on a different part of the world.

8. No individual will agree to remain at the bottom of a heirarchy unless they are put under either trauma based mind control or else electronic mind control or both. Before electronic mind control became main-stream trauma based mind control was used in the church and state controlled school system through corporal punishment and through various forms of brainwashing which was administered by largely unknowing staff who had themselves become brainwashed on an earlier occasion. After school students are successfully inculcated into the heirarchical based control system very few of them will ever raise their heads above the radar again. They will be unquestioninglfy obedient to the hierarchical based system for the remainder of their lives.

9. Human hierarchies are pyramid shaped and they are rigid. They are rigid because the individuals inside them have no human freedom. The individuals at the bottom layers of the hierarchy are denied freedom of expression in many areas. They can not act without the permission of the individuals on the next layer up. They are not allowed access to truth because if they did have access to it they would be able to usurp the leadership at the top of the hierarchy. Those at the top of the hierarchy hoard knowledge through classifying advances in technology because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power. The individuals at the very top of the hierarchy are frightened that their power would be usurped by those lower down the hierarchy so in order to stop that ever occurring they disempower those under them in the hierarchy by many means including bring about debt slavery through unfair banking laws, and also having anybody who questions their activities incarcerated in psychiatric hospitals thereby bypassing all laws which would otherwise protect those individuals from false incarceration. The individuals at the bottom of the false hierarchy eventually become passive because they become used to being told what to do. They lose all of their creativity and some even become depressed through lack of free will.
While human hierarchies are rigid, anarchies are fluid. The word anarchy means without rulers. An means without and archon means ruler. An anarchies is a linear based self regulating systems, a system of rules without rulers. Each human being within an anarchy enjoys one hundred percent free will and one hundred percent responsibility for taking care of themselves. In anarchies, human beings are at their most creative and responsible and vibrant. Under moral law, anarchies are the only way we are permitted to run our lives because it is only under systems of anarchy that we have the free will to exercise our conscience before we perform and act.
Hierarchies do not remain at the same level of rigidity over many years and decades. The tend to become more rigid as the years progress because those at and near the top of the hierarchy become more corrupt and more megalomaniac as they years go by. They develop a slave master mind set and they deny freedom of expression to those at the bottom because they do not wish anybody to challenge their leadership. The sooner we return to a linear based self-regulating system the better for the whole human race. Human beings are self-regulating by nature. They do not need to belong to hierarchies which only ever benefit those at the very top.
Some individuals are mind controlled to believe that the ones who sit at the top of the heirarchy are entitled to be there for many false reasons, some of which I have listed herebelow -
As each human being has hundreds of different facets to their characters, there can be no objective way to classify a human being. An accident of birth can not be grounds for conferring a high status on a human being.
"We are not our positions in society, our occupations, our culture, our beliefs, our financial status, our social status, our matrimonial status, our sexuality, our clothes, or how we speak. Take away all of these and we are still ourselves underneath. All of these are superficial identities, like masks. All of these superficial identities are transitory. We are consciousness, having a human experience.
Some human beings attempt to convince their fellow human beings that they have a higher status than the rest of the human race. They achieve this by using mind control tactics over their fellow human beings. They also send messages of their supposed superior status by acting superior at all times. They enhance the message by displays of superiority in the public arena by the skilled use of oratory. They also employ uniforms, titles, credentials , possessions and opulent surroundings to further enhance the lie that they are superior to others in some way. They sometimes pay attendents to attend to their every need and to bow to them when they are in the public arena. They have their staff organise large gatherings of fawning fans whenever they wish to push the notion of their supposed superiority further.
We are all equal. We came into this world empty handed and we will leave this world empty handed approximately eight decades later. We must value equality in the world above all else. Unquestioningly following the orders of our equals leads to acts of extreme evil because when we do so we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions by refusing to assess whether the order given is moral before we carry it out.

The worldwide would-be controllers are attempting to create a top down chain of command throughout the world. We aught to instead organise ourselves into a linear based self-regulating system, a system of rules without rulers, a system of self-government where we take back all power which we have erroneously given away to members of the self-proclaimed elite. If we returned this world to a system of anarchy right now the first undertaking we would have to achieve is to take down all technological systems which enable electronic control of both the minds and bodies of human beings and refuse to register births, marriages and deaths. We must urgently practice non-compliance to man made laws but we must comply with natural law in all areas. Natural law is a euphemism for moral law. In order to find out more about natural law you must study the occult. The word occult means hidden.

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The majority of organized religions and all governments throughout the world are being run behind the scenes by multi-generational organized criminal gangs who use said organized religions, public schools, the main stream media, military and police training schools, and universities among other ways to inculcate students into the cults of church and state. The human race are now being deprogrammed by the truth which they find both by listening to internet radio or listening to truthful youtube videos or by reading recommended books which are based on the truth. The human race are also waking up to the fact that at least hundreds of thousands of their fellow human beings are continually being harassed and tortured by wirelessly enabled neuro weapons while they are inside their own homes and even though both church and state as well as the main stream media have been informed of this fact nobody has done anything to help the victims of said neuro weapons. This situationwill shortly cause the downfall of social order leading to worldwide wireless technological enslavement, torture and genocide. We could avert this by simply disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia. If you continue to refuse to believe in the existence and abuse of wirelessly enabled neuro weapons and their vast capabilities of being able to technologically enslave the whole human race other than the organised crime syndicate who are attempting to technologically enslave us you will shortly either become enslaved or extinct. The choice is yours to remain passive or to take action.

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“We can put minimal sized electrodes in a network within a brain, through only minimal intervention, in order to be able to read and write into the brain function in real time, remotely. ” This is a quote by Dr James Giordano which can be found at the youtube link here below.

I personally have been implanted with brain technology and now unknown strangers are able to read and write into my brain function in real time, remotely. For many decades the CIA and other intelligence agencies have been implanting unaware members of the public with a large variety of implants in order to wirelessly conduct a large variety of experiments on them at a later date. The normal mode of operations of the CIA is to break into the home of the selected targeted individual and render them unconscious using frequency tools before they implant them. The targeted individual has no memory of the implantation procedure when they wake up the following morning. However, at a later date they realize that they have become targeted with extreme technology when they begin to experience strange and unexplainable phenomena happening to them on a continual basis.

When a targeted individual becomes implanted with black budget, classified brain technology they are then wirelessly connected by a two way low frequency, electromagnetic stream of energy which then allows criminal neuro staff to read and write into their brain function. The targeted individual is effectively online on a continual basis for the remainder of their life. The criminal neuro staff can force the targeted individual to listen to them speak by wireless means, whenever they wish. The criminal neuro staff can send moving images by wireless means to the targeted individual which the targeted individual would then perceive as a mental image inside their head. These mental images which the targeted individual receives are often images as well as a large variety of other types of disgusting images. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly send electric shocks and pain signals and other bodily sensations to the targeted individual. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly write false information into the brain of the targeted individual in order to render the targeted individual unwell at any time, or even paralyse or kill the targeted individual if they so wish.
I have been a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled remote experimentation for sixteen years. I keep a frequent online blog where I outline some of what the criminal neuro operatives say to me when they reproduce their voices inside my head using their extremely advanced and classified wireless technology. Here below is a small sample of what they said to me in the past two days and my response to some of it :-
“You will do what I say because I am your better.”
My response to that statement is that all human beings are equal under natural law and all are of infinite value. Anybody who believes otherwise is living in a false reality construct where they believe they should grovel to some of their own equals and look down on others of their own equals.
“Tidy up your image.”
“I am bitterly opposed to this technology being used in Ireland.”
“We are not interested in propriety. We are only interested in enslaving the human race.”
“I will take the wheels off your bicycle when you are in town.”
“We are forced to detail the life of a woman who doesn't do anything.”
“She is informed, and we know she is informed, and now we are going ahead and paralysing her from head to toe.”
“Implore her to get a housemate or they will kick her out of that house.” My response to that statement is – I was born in the house that I now live in fifty nine years ago. It was built by my grandfather without any financial help from a bank. It is my family home and they do not have a right to kick me out ever.
“Don't be naughty.” My response to that statement is – When human beings become slaves the slave masters treat them as children in the sense that when African American men were enslaved they were called boys instead of men in order to belittle them. By telling me not to be naughty they are treating me like a child instead of an adult woman in order to psychologically bring me down to the level of a child.
“She better get up. They don't tolerate her being in bed during the day.”
“Go and get a life” My response to that statement is as follows – I have a life. You are the one who is interfering in my life, obviously because no one will listen to you in your own life. That is why you and your colleagues force me to listen to you on a continual basis, each and every day for the past sixteen years.
“I’ll lock you up if you don't shut up.”
“You’re a lightweight.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901. I do not accept payment for my online blogs which can be found throughout many social media sites, where I outline my experiences of being a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons for sixteen years. I have attempted to inform government staff of the fact that I am being targeted with directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology in the distant past but I have not been taken seriously by them. I made two serious attempts to take my own life when I first became a targeted individual and this can be verified by my local hospital. I now no longer trust church or state. I believe that church and state are the two arms of the enslavement system. I believe that church and state were set up thousands of years ago for the sole purpose of eventually enslaving the human race. I also believe that anybody who works for church and state are mostly unknowingly being used to further the enslavement agenda of the dark new world order self-proclaimed elite. I write my online blog in order to wake the public up to the extreme danger of technological enslavement they are in. I believe that they are under electronic mind control.
Our first task is to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia so that the general public can awake from their electronic mind control spell and begin to think more clearly. After that it is a simple matter to tear down all of the infrastructure which allows unknown neuro operatives to enslave me and hundreds of thousands of others by wireless means and from a remote location. If this is not done soon, this program could be fully automated and everyone other than the would-be enslavers could be hearing computerized voices coming from inside their heads issuing them orders and delivering pain signals to them if they did not obey immediately. Those who are awake and aware are now mostly of the belief that the existence of satellites is a hoax, and all of the technology which is being used to technologically enslave us is ground based or air based. Therefore we can easily reach all of the technology being used against us in order to disempower and destroy it

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Heirarchies are evil structures. If you belong to a heirarchy you are legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being, who also is legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being and so on, up the line, even though you can have no way of knowing the ultimate agenda of the order giver who resides at the top of the heirarchy.

When you belong to a heararchy such as church or state you abdicate your personal responsibility by unquestioningly and obedie...ntly following the orders of whoever is positioned further up the heirarchy than you. This can lead you to commit acts of extreme evill because you do not have a full perspective of what your action will untimately lead to. Obediently following orders without first assessing if the order is objectively right or wrong in out of alignment with moral order, therefore it stands to reason that all heirarchies are out of alignment with moral order. Therefore the twin heirarchical evils of church and state are also out of alignment with moral order.

Moral relativism does not exist. It is just a concept that was created by dark occultists in order to manipulate us to unthinkingly commit acts of extreme evil when we unquestioningly follow orders.

The only way that human beings should align themselves with moral law is through a system of Anarchy, which is sometimes called Anarchism. Anarchy is a system of rules without rulers. In a system of Anarchy, no human being looks up to another human being. No human being looks down on another human being. All human beings take total responsibility for all of their actions. All human beings have absolute freedom so long as they do not harm another human being in any way and so long as they are kind to all sentient beings.

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Being obedient is akin to committing an evil act in the sense that when you are being obedient  you are refusing to own your free will and you are refusing to assess whether the order you are unquestioningly following is right or wrong before you carry it out.
You were given free will as your birth right and you have thrown it away.
Children should be encouraged to be co-operative. An obedient child is a broken child. They can be manipulated to do almost anything without questioning whether it is moral or no...t.

Abdication of personal responsibility by unquestioningly and obediently following orders may generate harsh experiences for those order followers in the future. Obediently following orders without first assessing if the order is objectively right or wrong in out of alignment with the science of Natural Law.

Moral relativism does not exist. It is just a concept that was created by dark occultists in order to manipulate us to unthinkingly commit acts of extreme evil when unquestioningly following orders.

If you are an unquestioningly obedient order follower without a true perspective of where those orders are leading,  you are the true embodyment of evil. If you have an unquestioning sense of obligation to false authority you are the true embodyment of evil. Military initiation schools teach unquestioning obedience to false authority.   The military should be obliterated from the face of the earth. They are owned and controlled by evil human beings with a hidden agenda of evil towards the human race.

The church is very keen to push unquestioning obedience to its teachings. Religion is manipulation and control of the masses by suppression of free thought. Religion supports unquestioning submission to authority and handing over of our own duty to utilise our free will.

Heirarchies are evil structures. If you belong to a heirarchy you are legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being, who also is legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being and so on, up the line, even though you can have no way of knowing the ultimate agenda of the order giver who resides at the top of the hierarchy.

Obediently following orders without first assessing if the order is objectively right or wrong in out of alignment with moral order, therefore it stands to reason that all heirarchies are out of alignment with moral order. Therefore the twin hierarchical cults of church and state are also out of alignment with moral order.

The only way that human beings should align themselves with moral law is through a system of Anarchy, which is sometimes called Anarchism. Anarchy is a system of rules without rulers. In a system of Anarchy, no human being looks up to another human being. No human being looks down on another human being. All human beings take total responsibility for all of their actions. All human beings have absolute freedom so long as they do not harm another human being in any way and so long as they are kind to all sentient beings.

Authority is the concept of a diseased mind.  We are all equal.  We have all been made from the same genetic material.  We are all of infinite value.  Some people falsely imply that they have man-made authority over their fellow human beings.   They erroneously believe that a man-made law gives them  rights over their fellow human beings, but they are wrong in their assumptions.    Our rights are actions we take that don't harm another human being and actions we take that don't treat a sentient being in a cruel way .  We all have the same rights.  A government can not give us our rights.  Our rights can not be added to or subtracted from by another human being ever.  No legislation can ever change our rights.  Our rights are our birth rights. 

Teach your children to question everything that they are taught.

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Victims of Remote Neural Monitoring are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a bi-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves via illegal implants which have been introduced throughout their brains and bodies by chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads and by a variety of other means. Computer neuro personnel can then manipulate the visual cortex, audio cortex, motor cortex and sensory cortex of the victim in order to introduce sounds, visions, muscle movement and eventually pain signals into the victims brain and body.

Over thousands of years this world has been organised into twin heirarchies of church and state which are all controlled by the unelected deep state at the top level. If you belong to a heirarchy you are legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being, who also is legally obliged to follow the orders of a fellow human being and so on, up the line, even though you can have no way of knowing the ultimate agenda of the order giver who resides at the top of the heirarchy.

The deep state plan to place the whole human race other than themselves on a system of remote neural monitoring from birth where every human being would be allocated a universal biometrics identity card which would contain a permanent indellible record of their whole life.

If a universal heirarchical based chain of command combined with universal remote neural monitoring for the whole human race ever becomes a reality, any one member of the deep state at the very top of the heirarchy, if they so wished, could command a super-computer to introduce extreme pain signals into the brain and nervous system of each and every human being on the planet forcing them all to commit suicide immediately. The inner circle of the deep state would then have this whole planet to themselves.

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Church and State are being used as methods of social control to the detriment of the personal development of each individual on earth.   Adherents to any organised religion must adopt a child-like mind set of subservience and unquestioning obedience to that organised religion.  The situation is somewhat similar when applied to state control.  Observational practices of all organised religions require the adherent to resubmit to that child-like mind set of subservience and obedience on an almost continual basis.  Therefore we are never allowed to grow up and behave like a functional adult while church and state hold sway in this world.

When we are unquestioningly obedient to the twin hierarchical structures of church and state we can be manipulated to commit acts  of dishonesty to our fellow man and woman because we are not allowed to question whether any action  is objectively right or wrong before we carry it out.    In fact the act of belonging to any type of hierarchy expects both organised dishonesty and unquestioning obedience.   The only way to morally regulate our affairs on this planet is by use of a linear based self-regulating system, a system of rules without rulers, where nobody looks down on another and nobody  looks up to another.  In such a system everybody must take full responsibility for their own behaviour.  Nobody can blame another.  We need such a system urgently.

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If you happen to use electronic devices such as smart phones or wireless modems you are being mind controlled and you are having your brain entrained.  There is no defence against mind control.  You are being mind controlled to believe the following   " We love you Daddy government,   We love you Mammy Church,  We have a childlike mindset, We love our servitude,  If anybody criticizes Daddy government or Mammy church we will gang up on them and psychologically torture them by the use of directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology until they die in ruin."

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I have been a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and voice harassent technology for more than fifteen years, where I have been wirelessly tethered to a network of computers against my will and totally without my permission. I have researched worldwide politics over those years in order to find out who is responsible for the psychological torture I am many other targeted individuals have endured and what their long term plans are. The following are my opinions:-

Church and state as well as the owners and controllers of the remote neural monitoring program are all one at the very top level of the world wide heirarchy of control. They have been planning and carrying out the slow and incremental enslavement of the human race by mental enslavement, financial enslavement, legal enslavement and now an attempt is being made at technological enslavement.

These would-be controllers are currently using the state run institutions against the rest of the human race in the sense that if anybody objects to their growing fascism of the state they are being electronically harassed and psychiatric reprisal is then being used to further disempower and discredit them.

I believe that these would-be enslavers of the human race plan to eventually try to disassemble and destroy the state and they plan to wirelessly tether each and every human being throughout the world other than themselves to a network of computers in order to totally and utterly enslave them in every way. Thankfully we have figured out their enslavement methodology in time and our governments will disassemble and destroy it shortly. If their evil enslavement plans came to fruition they would no longer need prisons other than virtual prisons. They would no longer need hospitals other than virtual hospitals. They would no longer need police other than virtual police. People would constantly hear voices coming from inside their heads ordering them about every moment of their lives and they would receive a pain signal if they refused to obey. Currently good human beings within the state structure are standing in their way and that is why they are trying their best to destroy all state structures as soon as they possibly can.

The would-be enslavers of the human race wish to retain the church as a mind control centre where slaves would be obliged to attend mass twice weekly where they would be further inculcated through repitition and electronic mind control. They would have their brains entrained into a state of religious fervour each time they came to church so that they would enjoy the experience. Organised religion is about control of the masses.

If we don't stop this evil technological enslavement in its tracks babies would all be inoculated with a wide range of micro sensors at the moment of birth.  They would be reared in large warehouse environments where they could be inculcated to believe that the satanic and luciferian slave masters were gods and they themselves were lowly slaves.  If we fail to stop this technological enslavement now,  humanity would be enslaved for all eternity.    Our actions now will affect the lives of human beings for millions of years into the future. We are at a pivotal point in human history.  We must ask our political representatives to have all microwave transmitters disassembled and destroyed urgently.

I personally am an anarchist. The state has become more and more fascist to the extent that I am afraid of it. Centralization of authority is about putting more and more power in fewer and fewer hands. We must focus on decentralization at every opportunity.

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FBI, CIA, Internet Crime Protection Organizations

Please help me save my baby!

I have no way of communicating to the outside world anymore. I can no longer find the mobile phones I hid in my room so I could use it in emergencies like this. My laptops have been messed with. I am only allowed to use PCs that are compromised, browsers that are controlled. The network that I discussed in earlier entries control this town.

I can not find work in companies they DO NOT CONTROL. They have control over my online and mobile communication and they always block calls from companies not in their roster and allow me to establish contact in companies they OWN or are affiliated with. In  these companies, I am bullied to the point where they want me to freak out or give up. This last time, I documented everything knowing now how they operate. They duped me so they could ensure I would exhaust all my funds trusting our agreement and that's when they suddenly turned their back on it.  I documented everything. 

They were able to force me to go back to a place they have FULL CONTROL over, with my neighbors and family being controlled by them. 

They have actually said this technology is owned by the military and they have said they have family members in the FBI and CIA so I know this is a shot in the dark but I will do everything - as long as it's right - to ensure that whether I die or not for making a stand for the truth - I have done everything to ensure I fought for my baby's right to live a normal life.

They have already destroyed my life as people gawked and participated, will you let them destroy another child's future, too?

Please, I am praying, may God work through you. I need to do this, I no longer have the energy, they have managed to harm me physically. I am already weak physically. I need to do something for my baby before  they manage to finally silence me. 

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..Good info for an International Lawsuit since the US Supreme Ct. DISMISSED MY CASE TWICE AND MY MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATIO:...FROM THE International Court:

One of the great innovations of the Statute of the International Criminal Court and its Rules of Procedure and Evidence is the series of rights granted to victims.[92][93] For the first time in the history of international criminal justice, victims have the possibility under the Statute to present their views and observations before the Court.

Participation before the Court may occur at various stages of proceedings and may take different forms, although it will be up to the judges to give directions as to the timing and manner of participation.

Participation in the Court's proceedings will in most cases take place through a legal representative and will be conducted "in a manner which is not prejudicial or inconsistent with the rights of the accused and a fair and impartial trial".

The victim-based provisions within the Rome Statute provide victims with the opportunity to have their voices heard and to obtain, where appropriate, some form of reparation for their suffering. It is this balance between retributive and restorative justice that will enable the ICC, not only to bring criminals to justice but also to help the victims themselves obtain justice.

Article 43(6) establishes a Victims and Witnesses Unit to provide "protective measures and security arrangements, counseling and other appropriate assistance for witnesses, victims who appear before the Court, and others who are at risk on account of testimony given by such witnesses."[94] Article 68 sets out procedures for the "Protection of the victims and witnesses and their participation in the proceedings."[95] The Court has also established an Office of Public Counsel for Victims, to provide support and assistance to victims and their legal representatives.[96] Article 79 of the Rome Statute establishes a Trust Fund to make financial reparations to victims and their families.[





1. Who manages the Trust Fund for Victims?

2. If victims are not required to show up in court, who gets the reparations for them?

3. How does this prevent scrupulous people from misrepresenting victims?

4. How does this prevent an "organized business" that allows a group of people to claim reparations for victims who can not show up in court NOT because they really can't  BUT because they do not even have an idea they can fight for their rights under ICC?

5. How does this prevent a group of people intentionally creating scenarios that would give the impression that victims are indeed traumatized (because they continually subject them to attacks, like Electronic Attacks for example), so they can claim reparations for them without the victims' knowledge?

6. Where can one see a list of victims who have already won reparations or have been awarded damages by ICC? 

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Scarf anchoring at the church yesterday

I have seen perps doing gaslighting and anchoring inside of the Catholic
building in Aarau, Switzerland. But I was not sure how far the people
attending Catholic church nor the people involve with the church engage
in gang stalking. In the street, I see people doing anchoring with logos
and such. Sometimes, I frequently see Franciscan and other sisters on
street and they often showed up in a specific intersection where I often
saw people visiting the church. But I can say that would be a
coincidence as not the same person showing up in the area to pass me in
random time. It only happened once in a while.

Yesterday, I haddinner with church people. We were 6 people seated at the table. First
another woman sat left side of me. But the woman in the below picture
came, another woman moved to another chair. I don't know why this
particular woman wanted to sit next to me. She sat next to me last time.
At that time, she asked me to get some potion from my dish. Today, she
came with a long scarf hanged on her left shoulder. She has problem with
her left hand and cannot use it during the meal. When I saw her scarf, I
thought as if it was mine. I have one scarf which I bought before I
travel to Egypt just in case I might be harassed for not covering my
head. I heard that was a possibility of harassment in Arabic countries. I
bought mine in Hungary, and that's a different type than what shops
sell in Egypt. I've never seen the similar type like I have.

So,she sat next to me. When the meal came, she again demanded to take some
potion of my food from my dish as soon as the cock brought it to the
table. I wanted to take a picture of the dish, but she could not resist
eating the potion and tried to take it with her own (used) folk. She was
eating her dish. I hurried to ask her to wait and helped her to put
some potion in her salad plate with my new folk which I did not use yet
for eating. People here in Egypt may have not concern table manners, and
they seem not to care about using same folk or taking some potion out
of another's folk by one's own folk. That she tried to do and I was
successfully just leave some food potion on her plate without her
putting her folk onto my plate nor my folk.

Here is the pictureof her scarf. When I tried to take the picture with others, she tried to
move to somewhere. I asked her to stay for a short period of time. Then
she left the group. I saw her taking off the scarf from her shoulder
and sat down for a while in another table. Then she completely gone. She
was the only one just left from the table. I don't know if that has
relation to her scarf or not. I wonder where in Cairo sells such scarf

And this is the scarf I bought from Hungary. Same color and very similar decoration with same color.

If the perps are encouraged to harass me as a suspicion of me as aMuslim, they could do more extreme harassment on Muslims as they are way
many here in Egypt. I was often asked about if I visited a mosque or
not and a taxi tried to drop me in front of a mosque claiming that was
where I asked. Muslims are encouraging TIs to get suspicion to be
Muslims. They seems crazier than Christians doing so. Either case, I
think anyone engage in the gang stalking are violating their religion.
But I like the idea Muslims and Christians encouraging TIs to be
Muslims, as that only denounces Islamic religion and its values. Let
police and police officers denounce Islams here in Egypt through the
help of FBI tactics.

By the way, I have seem people actingstrange in Pizza King in Talat Harib Mall. They were contacted with 2
young men stood outside and one of them asked to work in the kitchen to
cut pizza and walking around there. Later, the fat employee with glasses
and shirt got something in his trouser pocket by the man. I guess
police informants are working as gang stalkers in Egypt. No wonder the
activist was killed in an Internet Cafe in Alexandria in June this year.
I got more information on which store/restaurant help them for the
psyop and how they are working on it.
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GSS Conference Call on Psychotronic Weapons

GSS Conference Call on Psychotronic Weapons

GSS Conference Call on Psychotronic Weapons "EPISODE 50" was a big success! We had 37 participants.

In the beginning of the program, Bruno Marchesani spoke on the topic. He was very informative about the subject. Later, we received various comments from both phone and chat participants and a lot was learned about this subject.

Lastly, we played several audio feeds about the topic, which was posted in the chatroom.

Our next topic will be on SAFE HOUSE and it will take place after the new year.

We are currently looking for 2 or more moderators to host the Thursday's night call. It will be at 11PM EST once two hosts are found.

In the meantime, our first spiritual call will be on Sunday, December 12th 2010 at 8:00 PM EST. The code for this call will not change and a follow-up announcement will be made later in the week.

Thanks for your support!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams


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On October 14-15, 2010, there will be the America ’s Spiritual Revival conference call starting at 7:00 p.m. EST. The call-in number is 218-339-2500. Access Code is 1080656#.
October 10, 2010 was the start of the year-long God-sent America ’s Spiritual Revival (A.S.R).
A.S.R. will follow the principles of 2 Chronicles 7:14. In order for us to be successful, we must have the support and commitment of the church who want to bring more people to God and see a healing of the nation take place. This commitment will involve both prayer and action like Nehemiah did. We want to unite and empower the churches.
We want to revive, restore, and renew people's belief in the church and in God because many people are presently "lost". People can no longer distinguish the Christians from the non-Christians. There is lawlessness. There has been an increase in murders, teenage suicide rates, thefts and divorces to name just a few. There has been greed and corruption from politicians to religious leaders. Many people are asking themselves the question: Where is God? God is here and have answered your prayer about having a Spiritual Revival.
God revealed the acronym W.R.A.P.P.I.N.G. which stands for:
W stands for “Worship”
R stands for “Repent”
A stands for “Anoint”
P stands for “Praise and”
P stands for Pray”
I stands for “In the”
N stands for “Name of”
G stands for “God”
In other words we should enclose or cover ourselves through Worship, Repent, Anoint, Praise, and Pray In the Name of God.
PASTORS, MINISTERS, and RELIGIOUS LEADERS: We must be in one accord. We are requesting that all pastors, ministers, and religious leaders preach and teach on the subject of SIN for the month of November 2010. The sermons and teachings should include all types of sin including " The Sins of Omission”, “Sins of Commission”, and the “Seven Deadly Sins”. The church must get their house in order, for this Spiritual Revival to be successful. Many Christians are not totally committed to God. Each month will be a different topic for the year.
YOUR COMMITMENT TO PRAYING FOR 21 CONSECUTIVE DAYS: For the next 21 days we are requesting that you pray between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 am and/or between the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm each day in your designated time zone. Your prayer time can be done with family, friends, and co-workers either in person or via a conference call. The family that prays together stays together. In order for our prayers to be heard and answer by God, we must be in one accord. God will hear our prayers for hours and in addition, our prayers will become “exponential” because so many people are praying at the same time.
FAMILY MEMBER PRAYER WARRIORS: The devil has destroyed many families. Unlike many years ago, many families are living thousands of miles apart. We are asking that the prayer warriors set-up a designated time to pray time either in person or via a conference call. The family that prays together stays together. There are many free conference calls which are available online, which you can do this.
VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED FROM EACH STATE: We are looking for volunteers from all states to lead the prayer in their state (STATE PRAYER WARRIORS). In addition, we are looking for people to help coordinate visit hospitals, senior citizen homes, foster homes, juvenile detention centers, and other facilities in their state (STATE COORDINATORS). We are looking for YOUTH COORDINATORS from each state.
SPONSORSHIPS: We are looking for sponsors to provide 2 RVs, which we can travel around the country, as well as, office equipment (computers, printers, etc.). We are looking for someone to develop website and updating the site.
PARTNERSHIPS: We are looking to partner with churches, religious leaders, organizations, individuals, community leaders, Christian artists/musicians/singers, and Christian TV networks, in order to make this massive endeavor successful.
A.S.R. TEAM: We will be visiting each state for the next year. From November 7 - 13, 2010 The A.S.R. team will partner with churches in New Jersey to visit hospitals, senior citizen homes, foster homes, juvenile detention centers, and other facilities. PA will be November 14-20, 2010. DE will be November 21-27, 2010. We will have a full schedule of the states available by October 21, 2010.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? We invite everyone of all ages and for believers and non-believers. Everyone can do something. Pastor Miles McPherson wrote a book Do Something which talks about that issue.
IS THIS JUST FOR AMERICA ? No, we are asking for other nations/countries to join us in this event.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Get involved! You can post this on your website; send it to your friends, family members, religious leaders, pastors, ministries, and co-workers. It is the only way that change can occur.
If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns, please contact us. We look forward to hear from you.
For more information, please contact the A.S.R. office at 347- LOVE JESUS (568-3537).
God bless you,
Letitia Peters
A.S.R. Organizer
“ America ’s Spiritual Revival: Healing the Nation through W.R.A.P.P.I.N.G”

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