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Re-engineering the human race, as in forced transhumanism is occurring behind the scenes in our lives,  in that each selected  victim is being individually wirelessly linked to a computer network via implants which are imbedded throughout their brain and body to the extent that that computer system monitors all of their bodily functions on a continual basis every minute for the rest of their lives.  Said computer system uses data analysis of the electrical activity sourced from the brain stem of the victim to decipher what the victim has said and done, even down to what the victim has eaten and how long they have slept on any given day. This is a worldwide enslavement system being perpetrated on humanity in the sense that anybody who does not obey the commands given to them by human voices which are transmitted to them from inside their heads can then be punished by a large variety of means.  In conjunction with this type of remote neural monitoring, the home of the selected victim is also analysed for food usage as well as electricity, water and heating oil usage, among many other usages.  There will be limits placed on food, electricity, heating oil and water usage in the future. If you are considered a slave, the colour and brand of the clothes you wear may be decided by unknown slave masters behind the scenes of your life in the future. I have been wirelessly linked to this system which is sometimes known as Remote Neural Monitoring for more than fifteen years.  Extensive Remote Neural Manipulation is being used against me.   Please block signals to my home if you know how. Propulsions of magnetic energy may damage the nano implants in our bodies in order to set us free. Brain entrainment is also being used to render all people who are not yet initiated into the system into a state of unconcern. Said brain entrainment is coming from telephone towers which are being placed near schools and churches as well as police stations. We must remove our children from state run schools.  Their best interests are not being served. They are being misinformed.

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If you do not destroy the nano technology which you have inhaled and ingested and which is now imbedded throughout your brain and body it will be used to enslave you  through both entraining your brain into a state of apathy during a worldwide enslavement process and  through wirelessly linking your brain and body to a network of computers where you would then be enslaved through cyber command,  which uses internal voice commands followed by partial paralysis if you refuse to obey.  Destroy the internal nano through strong pulses of magnetic energy.

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Walk on the evil side

Sorry about the explicit content. Parental advisory.

They feel they are entitled to my life. End this now you hear the told me. They don't want me to write. Now!! They say. Walk now they say. Now say now first they say.

Wash your vagina pull it, wash you back, wash your butt. Get the soap. Move your feet. The male perp loves to mock my body. Wipe your vagina 3 times pull. He interested in seeing a black woman naked. He cheers when he sees a naked part of me. He burns my breasts. Masterbate in your bed he says. Don't you want me anymore he says. She has a big belly. He mocks my body. Humiliation is nothing to him. He jokes about my arms. She's fathe says. Mind controling me every day and blaming me for everything. Stopping me from writing and cleaning my house. Telling people I have a dirty house. Calling me dirty. Puttinf bad smell in my house. These gangstalkers have no shame. I burn insence to get rid of their smell. Sometimes I just sit or lay in the in the bad smell I can't get up. Because of the anemea  and psychoses I can't think. Desperation is what they are looking for.They want me down and out. I want to hurt them. They are murderers. I want them in jail. When will they end up in jail. I'm dealing with children here. 20 something is nor old. They talk foolish.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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It is now imminently possible to wirelessly  link a human being to a computer via an unwanted implant.   It is also imminently possibly to wirelessly link a human being to the same computer via millions of unwanted implants, placed all over their brain and body by a process whereby  the victim  unknowingly ingests millions of nano implants  which go on to lodge in all areas inside the human body.  When the victim has finally been wirelessly linked  by a million different nano implants to a quantum computer, said quantum computer then co-ordinated all of the muscles of the victim to act in tandem with each other.  Programmers then program the quantum computer to bio-robotize said human being and it can program the now bio-robotized human being to commit acts of evil on behalf of the programmers.  This is how the world will be run in the future if we do not succeed in now disassembling and outlawing all microwave transmitters and all wireless and wifi enabling capabilities.

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If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation.  You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better.   This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.

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If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation.  You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better.   This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.

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If you are working in the privately organised and secretive gang-stalking and electronic harassment co-operative you are setting up an enslavement system for the children of the Irish nation.  You are helping to enslave the children of the Irish nation by legal means as well as by means of wireless tethering of all future children of Ireland to computer networks via illegal implants, where all of their words and actions would be constantly monitored and evaluated for further discipline. Said discipline would then be administered wirelessly by way of a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy in the form of pain signals and remotely administered tasering. We must urgently disable all microwave radiation transmitters and telephone towers in order to disable wireless capabilities so that this fast growing situation can be stopped. Many unacknowledged Irish men and women are already wirelessly tethered to this enslavement system despite denial by Irish state attorneys who aught to know better.   This Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system is a back door to slavery.

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There's a rat in the kitchen

oh my head. My family members are not who they say they are. They are supporting the gangstalkers. The gangstalkers have taking over their minds.They listen to the app of the gangstalkers. Nobody calls me and talks about it. They don' t worry about me, why is that. They are interested in the gangstalkers word. He uses my dreams against me. I've met a man on a datingsite we 've been talking to off and on for more than 3 months now. They say he's in love with your sister. Leave him give him to your her. My other sister daid the same. They lie when I ask them what they said. My date said Nice and he said nice distraction. Not again I said. My sister is after my date she called his name and said something to my cousin. I can't recover it got ugly inside my head. I started having these dreams about them them having sex. The gangstalkers are using this. Your sister is with him they say. My sister wouldn' t hesitate to steal from me. I seeing stuff him and her together. If I am in love and I am " mean" she would go after the man I love. I loved him so much. Every single day they use it.The bullied me so much I cried. The gangstalkers are bullying and bullying me. I Hope their heart gets broken like mine did. Mind fucking. They mind fuck me. I was aneamic and weak when this happenend. I just talked to him and he said nice to my skirt and the gangstalkers laughed. We' re friends now. My love is fading away. They keep on mind fucking me about the situation.  They infiltrate. They hate my life.

My sisters really don't love me. They talk behind my back about gangstalking. Nobody has the decency to talk to me about it. In a sick way they enjoy it. It is sick. Who lets her own sister be raped and keep silent. That is the only way she"ll find love . That is what I believe they think. They are not interested in my well being. Their life is Ok. I'm kind hearted but because of caracter asasination nobody believes me. The alter ever thing. How can you listen to their junk. Will they ever break free. The gangstalkers messed my head up. I know things. I know things before it happens. My dreams use to come true. The gangstalkers still say it's true what you've dreamt. They love negitivity. They hate peace. They use a little bit of thruth to make me believe them. Aeroplanes harass me. Dogs harass me. People harass me. I can' t clean my house, without they bully me. I hope they end up in a pigsty. Pick this up pick that up. They are jealouse of me. I need someone to talk to. 

Your sister this is this your is that they say. They bully me with every thing I go through. When I am angry they put everything on their app.  People will know. We did it they can say. We bullied her good,  we're happy. They listen to the result. It's for happiness this app. Have a go hurt her they say.  I' ve seen a movie about something like this.  You' re in a cirle and the bullies keep kicking you.  Yhey killed her in the end. Nobody will understand this how this have happend.  Sofiticate people joyning in. Using all kind of dirty excuse to hurt me. 

Well Bye bye for now, 

Angeline Klas

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The basic knowledge of how Remote Neural Monitoring works which is provided within this post is from the online resource work of Bryan Tew who I do not know and who is a former United States department of defence contractor.

Remote Controlled Human Beings are currently being created all over the world by wireless means. These human beings are fully aware that they are slowly and incrementally being turned into bio-robots and they can not do anything to stop the bio-robotization process. They are frightened beyond words. After they become fully bio-robotized they may be used to kill other human beings. Please read here below how this human bio-robotization work is being achieved by slow and incremental means.

Many human beings throughout most of the world are now wirelessly tied to super-computers via nano technology which has been imbedded inside their brains and bodies, which they have both inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. The Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer monitors and manipulates all electrical activity in their brains on a constant basis throughout each day. It uses physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the brain and central nervous system of the victim of gradual bio-robotization in order to then build a cognotive model of that brain.

We all have nano technology inside our bodies and brains which we have inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. Particulates of this nano technology inside the body of the human being who has been selected for bio-robotization are wirelessly linked by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a large network of computers combined with a super computer. This process has come to be known as Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation. The nano technology speaks to and decodes the neuro transmitters of the human brain in a process called transcranial brain stimulation enabling the mind of the targeted individual to be read and replied to in real time . A team of data analysts download and catalogue all of the data from the brain and body of the targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring.

Another completely separate team of hidden operatives who are known as gang stalkers do everything in their power to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual will not be believed. They use slander campaigns and false psychiatry to discredit these victims of gradual bio-robotization. In some situations these gang stalkers create a hostile environment everywhere the victim goes in order to isolate the victim so that there is no external interference which might dampen down the desired neuro programming.

A third team of individuals who are in essence neuro operatives are sometimes known as the hive mind team. They can introduce sound, voices, aromas, sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions into the brain of the targeted individual or on some occasions targeted group. The victim becomes a walking digital receiver. The hive mind team attempt to restrict the victim at will using remotely induced trauma and pain. They use bio-communication to project their voices inside the brain of the victim. They eventually are able to manipulate the visual cortex of the victim to introduce images into the victims field of vision. They introduce signals into the audio cortex of the victim to introduce sounds and voices. They manipulate the sensory cortex of the victim to introduce sensations or pain. They manipulate the motor cortex of the victim in order to cause movement to the muscles of the victim anywhere throughout the victims face or body. By modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy they can target any area of the human anatomy.

Over many years of laborious work, the neuro operatives who work by wireless means and from a remote location connect every sub group of muscles inside the body of the targeted individual who is destined for human bio-robotization from nano particulates which have been inhaled into the subjects body to a network of computers and a super computer. Each of these sub group of muscles is individually linked to the super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy until the day comes when all of the sub groups of muscles throughout the body of the victim is eventually linked to the super-computer. The super-computer co-ordinates all sub groups of muscles within the body of the victim to work in tandem with each other. The victim can then be wirelessly remote controlled by sadistic criminals to place one of their hands on a hot stove totally against their will or even to kill another human being against their will. The continuous two way streams of low frequency electromagnetic energy which link the victim to the super-computer is so strong that it can enable the victim to fight off ten strong men if necessary. The victim does not even need to be alive to achieve this. The victims body is totally remote controlled by a neuro operative or neuro operatives who may even be working by wireless means from thousands of miles away. The slow and incremental process of human bio-robotization is being co-ordinated as an act of war against the human race. It is part of an ongoing war of attrition that is being waged against us for dozens of years.

This process of human bio-robotization has already been achieved. I believe the following linked youtube video which is called MADNESS IN THE FAST LANE, SWEDISH SISTERS FULL VERSION is an example of two human beings who have been bio-robotized. There is no other explanation for their extreme strength and unusual capabilities even after one of them was seriously injured by a truck.

When the neuro operatives plan to take over the body of a human being they inform the human being in advance of the take over. When the psychopaths who currently run this planet have some plan for the human race they always inform the human race in advance through predictive programming in movies. Movies have been full of information about this human bio-robotization process for many decades.

Human beings who believe that they are being slowly and incrementally bio-robotized can easily be saved from whole body takeover simply by receiving a strong pulse of magnetic energy to their bodies which will destroy the nano technology inside them and set them free from their fate. However, they need electronically mind controlled government officials such as the police and psychiatrists to believe them, because magnetic pulse technology is beyond the reach of most targeted individuals. Police stations are being located directly under telephone towers in order to facilitate the electronic mind control process. We aught to ban microwave transmitters from all countries throughout the world immediately.


The dark occultists wish their fellow human beings to believe that they have more technological expertise than they currently have. This a basic military takeover tactic.

To that end they have falsely informed the human race through the grapevine that self-replicating nano technology when combined with a fungus type material will grow and self replicate inside targeted individuals , thereby allowing a selection of targeted individuals to be slowly and incrementally be consumed by an internal brain and body computer network. This internal computer network would then be used to wirelessly remote control us to either self-sabotage or to commit acts of extreme evil. However, sources close to myself have informed me that paid neuro staff are currently being used to laboriously link each sub group of human muscles of a large selection of targeted individuals to a network of computers by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy until such a time as the selected targeted individual has no further control over their own muscles unless they agree to be a neuro slave, and then go on to enslave others in a similar process. In that way, the number of neuro slaves throughout the world increases exponentially. The worldwide human community must immediately provide devices to the general public which can then be used to propel strong forces of magnetic energy at targeted individuals of neuro research in order to damage the nano technology inside their brains and bodies so that they can then be free from the cruel potential bio-robotization fate that now awaits them.



1. The would-be wireless enslavers blame a non-existent sentient artificial intelligence machine which they have supposedly lost control of for the current attempt at wirelessly enslaving the human race via nano technology which they have unknowingly inhaled and ingested.

2. They sometimes attempt to blame non-existent extra-terresterials for the wireless enslavement attempt. They have created elaborate psychological operations over the last number of decades in an attempt to create a belief in extra-terresterials, especially among the younger generation. These psychological operations used military intelligence, neuro weapons, staged film sets, hollywood makeup artestry and lies via their privately owned and controlled main stream media to pull this situation off. They have largely failed because we have online truth resources that they have failed to centralize and therefore were largely unable to control.

3. They have on occasion attempted to blame the supernatural for human possession by what is advanced military technology inside the human brain and body, which is being guided by wireless means from remote locations by organised assistants who were duped into signing blood contracts which they are unable to escape from.

4. They may also attempt to convince believers in a flat earth that tribes may have come in from outside the perimeter of the flat earth, which is believed to be the antarctic ice wall, in order to enslave us by technological means by wirelessly tethering us to computer networks via nano technology which is imbedded inside our brains and bodies. However, if the earth is indeed flat and if the perimeter walls are composed of the antarctic ice wall, the sun does not shine beyone a certain point. The further outside the antartic ice wall one would travel the colder and darker it would become to the extent that on life could possibly exist past a certain point. Nature would provide a natural barrier if we do live on a flat earth. However, nobody is allowed to visit the antarctic. Antarctic package tours that have been advertised appear to be bogus. When boats have sailed too close to the antarctic they have been blown out of the water.

The would-be enslavers of the human race attempt to render us passive in our attempts to disempower them by giving us messages which are especially designed to render us passive. They employ agents to generate false beliefs in online social media pages that it is now too late for humanity to save themselves from enslavement as everything is already in place to set the enslavement scenario in motion. They manipulate us from a young age to leave everything to so-called authority figures. They sometimes manipulate us to belive in saviours in many guises from supernatural saviours to extra-terresterial saviours, among others. They engrain in the minds of the masses that anybody who complains of hearing internal voices or who complain of electronic harassment or organised gang stalking is mentally ill. There are now private armies of privately paid gang stalkers in almost every country throughout the world who gang stalk and electronically harass anybody who does not fit in with the world wide control plan which is being drip fed to us from rigid heirarchical based chain of command which is due to become more rigid unless we disempower it.

The word anarchist is short for anti-heirarchicalist.  Anarchy is a linear based self-regulating system of rules without rulers. It is the system of organization which I favour. I hope to see it happen some day.

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The science within this post is from the work of Bryan Tew who I do not know and who is a former United States department of defence contractor.

Remote Controlled Human Beings are currently being created all over the world by wireless means.  These human beings are fully aware that they are slowly and incrementally being turned into bio-robots and they can not do anything to stop the bio-robotization process.  They are frightened beyond words.  After they become fully bio-robotized they may be used to kill other human beings.  Please read here below how this human bio-robotization work is being achieved.

Many human beings throughout most of the world are now wirelessly tied to super-computers via nano technology which has been imbedded inside their brains and bodies, which they have both inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads.    The Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer monitors and manipulates all electrical activity in their brains on a constant basis throughout each day. It uses physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the brain and central nervous system of the victim of gradual bio-robotization in order to then build a cognotive model of that brain.

We all have nano technology inside our bodies and brains which we have inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads.  Particulates of this nano technology inside the body of the human being who has been selected for bio-robotization   are  wirelessly linked by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a large network of computers combined with a super computer. This process has come to be known as Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation.  The nano technology speaks to and decodes the neuro transmitters of the human brain in a process called transcranial brain stimulation enabling the mind of the targeted individual to be read and replied to in real time .  A team of data analysts download and catalogue all of the data from the brain and body of the targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring.

Another completely separate team of hidden operatives who are known as gang stalkers    do everything in their power to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual will not be believed. They use slander campaigns and false psychiatry to discredit these victims of gradual bio-robotization. In some situations these gang stalkers create a hostile environment everywhere the victim goes in order to isolate the victim so that there is no external interference which might dampen down the desired neuro programming.

A third team of individuals who are in essence neuro operatives are sometimes known as the hive mind team. They can introduce sound, voices, aromas, sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions into the brain of the targeted individual or on some occasions targeted group. The victim becomes a walking digital receiver. The hive mind team attempt to restrict the victim at will using remotely induced trauma and pain. They use bio-communication to project their voices inside the brain of the victim. They eventually are able to manipulate the visual cortex of the victim to introduce images into the victims field of vision. They introduce signals into the audio cortex of the victim to introduce sounds and voices. They manipulate the sensory cortex of the victim to introduce sensations or pain. They manipulate the motor cortex of the victim in order to cause movement to the muscles of the victim anywhere throughout the victims face or body. By modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy they can target any area of the human anatomy.

Over many years of laborious work, the neuro operatives who work by wireless means and from a remote location connect every sub group of muscles inside the body of the targeted individual who is destined for human bio-robotization from nano particulates which have been inhaled into the subjects body to a network of computers and a super computer. Each of these sub group of muscles is individually linked to the super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy until the day comes when all of the sub groups of muscles throughout the body of the victim is eventually linked to the super-computer. The super-computer co-ordinates all sub groups of muscles within the body of the victim to work in tandem with each other.  The victim can then be wirelessly remote controlled by sadistic criminals to place one of their hands on a hot stove totally against their will or even to kill another human being against their will.  The continuous two way streams of low frequency electromagnetic energy which link the victim to the super-computer is so strong that it can enable the victim to fight off ten strong men if necessary.  The victim does not even need to be alive to achieve this. The victims body is totally remote controlled by a neuro operative or neuro operatives who may even be working by wireless means from thousands of miles away. The slow and incremental process of human bio-robotization is being co-ordinated as an act of war against the human race. It is part of an ongoing war of attrition that is being waged against us for dozens of years.

This process of human bio-robotization has already been achieved.  I believe the following linked youtube video which is called MADNESS IN THE FAST LANE, SWEDISH SISTERS FULL VERSION is an example of two human beings who have been bio-robotized. There is no other explanation for their extreme strength and unusual capabilities even after one of them was seriously injured by a truck.

When the neuro operatives plan to take over the body of a human being they inform the human being in advance of the take over.  When the psychopaths who currently run this planet have some plan for the human race they always inform the human race in advance through predictive programming in movies.  Movies have been full of information about this human bio-robotization process for many decades.

Human beings who believe that they are being slowly and incrementally bio-robotized can easily be saved from whole body takeover simply by receiving a strong pulse of magnetic energy to their bodies which will destroy the nano technology inside them and set them free from their fate. However, they need electronically mind controlled government officials such as the police and psychiatrists to believe them, because magnetic pulse technology is beyond the reach of most targeted individuals.  Police stations are being located directly under telephone towers in order to facilitate the electronic mind control process.  We aught to ban microwave transmitters from all countries throughout the world immediately.


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Agricultural Advice.

I am slowly and incrementally being primed for wirelessly enabled  technological enslavement and I have now been in this situation for more than fifteen years.  I am wirelessly tethered via internal technology to a network of computers which appear to be owned and run by criminal gangs.   I do not know and I have never met members of these criminal gangs  due to the fact that all of our conversations are conducted wirelessly via military grade implants (perhaps nano or bio technology)  which I believe are embedded in both my ear canals and also  throughout my brain and body.  I constantly hear these human voices coming from inside my head .   If we succeed in disabling and outlawing wirelessly enabling technology and other related technology through out the world we should have no further problems from technological enslavement of human beings.   Along with  attempting to neuro enslave us by wireless technological  means,  the four thousand ruthless psychopaths who now run all institutions and corporations on this earth are also attempting to enslave us by financial, legal, social control,  electronic mind control and food control means.    So,  as well as disabling and outlawing wirelessly enabling technology we aught to change our agriculture practices to suit the modern age.

Nano particulates are being sprayed on much of the current food supply.  These nano particulates can be detected in the  intestines of a selection of human beings by wireless means,  by the use of directed energy.   Unknown   Data analysts regularly analyse the food content of my intestines by wireless means and from a remote location.  This work is being paid for by someone or some unknown organization.  Said data analysts are located in central London.  I reside in Ireland, Europe.

If society is directed to abstain from eating certain foods due to false claims that that particular food is in short supply in the world or due to the fact that we are no longer legally entitled to kill animals because in future animals and humans could be given the same legal status, or for a number of other reasons, your intestines could  then be analysed by wireless means and even from a remote location to ascertain if you are abstaining from that particular food.   This practice is becoming common  among the data analysts who work in this secretive industry. 

  I personally believe that farm owners should consider growing rye or spelt in the future.   Unlike most other grains, both rye and spelt plants have not been hybridized and they do not cause health problems in humans.   Grains that have been hybridized over the past few centuries contain large amounts of starch which is very addictive to the extent that starch based hybridized plants were used to feed slaves in past centuries.  Due to the  strong addictive qualities of high starch based foods, slaves were able to be controlled by constant hunger pangs which were generated from the addictive qualities of said  starch, which is also the basis for other strongly addictive substances such as  alcohol and cocaine.

All meat is due to  be banned from use in the distant future.  Human flesh  would  be supplanted among animal meat in order to encourage humans to become vegetarians.   The ruling psychopaths wish to own and control the food supply on earth.   If that day ever arose , they would process all public foods thoroughly so that you would not be allowed to know the ingredients of the foods you were  eating.  They might  even blend the food with substances in order to dumb us down so that we would be unable to think our way out of enslavement.   We must now act in order to save the children of the human race from this evil fate which the ruling psychopaths have planned for us all.


Secrecy allows evil to flourish.  Full disclosure allows good to flourish.  Please raise awareness of this burgeoning enslavement situation on the understanding that knowledge is power. 

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Frequent illegal implanting of non-consensual and unwilling human beings with two-way transmitters in order to gather illegal data is now becoming the norm.  Said data is gathered both by wireless interrogation via  two way ear canal  transmitters as well as by bio-medical data gathering from sensors implanted inside the body and from micro sensors imbedded in  articles of clothing,  footwear, laundry detergent and shampoo.      Data analysts are now widely employed to monitor the ensuing computer readouts. 

The authorities will not discuss this illegal activity other than to order psychiatric evaluation for the many victims.  We should disable and ban all wireless enabling capabilities urgently because this is just the top of the iceberg as to current  wireless capabilities.

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My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. My landline home phone no is 0949360901. I am not and have been a subject of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with non-consensual neuro manipulation for more than fifteen years. I am being monitored from a remote location by a systems analyst at all times due to the fact that I am being wirelessly linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy from implants which were placed inside... my brain and body without my knowledge or consent to a network of super-computers as well as a wide range of personal computers. My personal brain and body readouts can be accessed by a wide and growing range of human beings from all parts of the world. To that end, said systems analysts who study the continuous flow of data that comes from my brain and body at all times are keeping me under extreme scrutiny. I am being monitored to such an extreme degree that I could not possibly have managed to get the level of data to public awareness which I have now done without the assistance of said data analysts. These data analysts are obliged by law to inform their own parents and all concerned that they work in insurance even though their work involves all aspects of both Remote Neural Monitoring and data analysis. Remote Neural Manipulation is being done from another location which is unknown to said data analysts who work primarily from a large office block in central London which is famous for blockading the press.

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Cross Grid References have been laid down in the ground of the surroundings, ,  meaning the  roads, pathways  and fields used by targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro weapons research throughout  Ireland and elsewhere throughout the world.  This Cross Grid Reference  work is being laid down to ensure that targeted individuals of this non-consensual neuro research will never be able to escape from the constant scrutiny which they are placed under when they first become wirelessly linked by  a two way stream of energy from illegally placed implants inside their brains and bodies to a network of both super-computers and personal computers throughout the world.  If you work in the Cross Grid Reference business you are creating an  electronic prison for yourself and your family aswell as for the whole human race for the foreseeable future.  Please block all progress to Cross Grid Referencing  in any way you see fit.

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Powers have been legally invested in some Irish individual to technically enslave any fellow human being by wireless means of that Irish individuals own will and authority.   No moral authority can ever place that type of false power into the hands of a human beings.  Where did this false power originate from?  Outlaw wireless enabling technology now.

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Powers have been legally invested in some Irish individual to technically enslave any fellow human being by wireless means of that Irish individuals own will and authority.   No moral authority can ever place that type of false power into the hands of a human beings.  Where did this false power originate from?  Outlaw wireless enabling technology now.

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Targeted individuals of wirelessly enabled Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation have had implants placed inside their brains and bodies in order to enable neuro operatives to take readings of various bodily functions as well as brain functions. By the act of placing said implants inside the victims brain and body said targeted individuals have now become wirelessly linked to a super-computer network combined with a myriad of other personal computers placed close to th...e victims brain and body as well as thousands of miles away. Private computer readouts pertaining to my own brain and body can now be accessed anywhere there is wireless capability across the world. Criminal neuro operatives can also speak to me whenever they wish via the implants which have been illegally placed inside my head. I have no possible way of blocking their unwanted voices out, no matter when they speak to me.

I now believe that many if not most human beings throughout the world may have illegal implants placed inside their heads and bodies without knowing about it. They also may be wirelessly linked by a two way energy connection to a super-computer where their thoughts are being monitored in real time and these thoughts are being analysed and stored on a cloud storage facility somewhere in the world to the extent that these human beings have been categorised to some extent so that they can be dealt with more thoroughly at some time in the future. We can instantly stop this evil neuro technology in its tracks by disabling and outlawing all wirelessly enabling technology throughout the world urgently. Please bring this matter to the attention of the public now.

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being tortured to death

 i have been a TI since 1970 when 12 years old then i was forced to have a lot of unnecessary operation leaving scars everywhere in my body 12 to 16 years every time i came out of anesthic i would be fine having been near death before thios kept happening then at 16 to 18 they make me faint pass out when i walked down the road amy best friend had exact same thing and only 40 years later did i find out she too is  a TI the only thing in my life they allowed was for me to get my MSc at 25 years i went tho 6 months of the most unbarable pain every day that not even morphine tabs  would ease the doctor had to come out and inject me i have since found out unless they allow it no medication of any type works on TIs even alcohol or heroin it only works if the AIs allow it By my laste 20s all the many friends i had turned againt me for no reason i became totally isolated ( this was not my friends fault they where AI mind hacked and controlled to do this ) all thro my laste 20s and 30s and to mid 40s was a life of misery but it 2004 my TI programme leaped up 400% and i was battered with mind and body tortures every day and 2016 it went nuts again to every second of the day last 20 months have been behond hell i am utterly tortured to death all waking moments I am allowed to get some sleep but i have been in thro years of sleep deprivation i started the Overdosed this year first oral OD 100s of sleeping and propanalon tabs they had no effecdt at all Then in march 2018 i injected 100 sleeping tables thinking  i could outwit the AI But when nothing happened i called a ambulance and after bloods where taken in emergancy room A&E the lethal drugs all showed up but the doctors told me they had no idea why i was not at least in a coma or dead and they where even more baffled why i had no organ damage at all whereas i should have had total organ failure this will tell you how medication has no effect on Tis unless they allow it i have heard other TIs say alcohol and even heroin have no effect at all unless they allow it i am being electrocuted and poisioned and migrenes and nausia and burning skin and cramps everywhere and wildly ajitated and mad crazed frantic mind hyperstimulated and so many more too many to list its been this way 20 months a every second battering i am lucky if i get 60 mins ease like now where i can function at all i sit on one spot on chair 99% of all days being battered with EMF DEW torture really what is the point going on im 61 now and every year gets worse and worse especially since 2004 the few Tis i found like me are all dead now to suicide I know why i was targetted my mum in 1970 went to prison for 10 days for not paying a fine becasue the bin men where not empting our bins she was priotesting It is know in 1970 most Uk Ti s where selected from prisions and mental hospitals or that is the children of these parents they killed my mum when she was 42 and my father 48 both suddenly dropped dead thro heart attact but on post mortom nothing could be found wrong with their hearts they killed both my parent s so i would be left alone i was a only child and would be totally isolated even as a teenager there  is no point going on to face worse and worse torture until my body callapses which could be years Im pray no other Tis end up like me i am now 61 so its been a long hard struggle thro hell  to get to now and its getting worse God bless all you TIs this is the worse holocust ever

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Criminal law courts throughout the world have become for the most part  staging centres for neuro slaves.   The human beings who appear before the law courts throughout the world have gone through a process called neuro development in the previous years, where they have become wirelessly  body controlled to the extent that all of the muscles that they would normally use to speak are being wirelessly controlled by puppet master neuro operatives  who are at that time in the vicinity of said criminal law court.   Said puppet master neuro operatives,  force the neuro slave to speak words that they are being wirelessly programmed to speak.   The words being spoken by said neuro slave in the criminal law court are words that have been rehearsed in previous years when the neuro slave was slowly and incrementally becoming a neuro slave through a process where their brain and muscles were being taken over by wireless means, by unknown criminal neuro operatives who work from a location which remains unknown to the would-be neuro slave who is seen to be a targeted individual of non-consensual neuro weapons research at that early stage of said criminal process. 

These targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro weapons research can not get the word out to the world of their serious plight while they still can operate their own muscles of their own free will because this criminal protocol is being backed by world authorities as being a legitimate way to catch criminals without due process.  I am a good will, good living human being and I have been caught up in this criminal process, where my muscles have and are being manipulated by behind the scenes so-called agents of law and order for more than fifteen years at considerable cost to the tax-payers.   My ability to control my own muscles is slowly and incrementally being wirelessly  taken over by neuro operatives who are unknown to me and who work on my brain and body from an unknown remote location.  My ability to control some of my own muscles can be partially disabled and re-enabled at a moments notice by wireless means in a way that others would notice that anything unusual was taken place.  I am being interrogated through a bio-communication process known as voice to skull by unknown neuro operatives who place their voices inside my head and constantly ask me questions about my whole live in general.

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Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation is a tool for wireless enslavement of human beings at the hands of dark occultists who run a secret network of human neural  enslaving centres in any country  that has widespread  wireless capability.   A human being is selected for wireless neural enslaving based on many and varied factors, possibly to do with the amount of technology they keep in their bedroom, combined with whether or not they switch off the electricity supply to their home each  night and whether or not  they bolt the doors of their home and their bedroom each night.  Most standard door locks can be overridden by universal door keys and the householders can be entrained by neuro weapons  to feel so tired that they would not be able to wake up and check for an intruder.

The selected targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation and perhaps eventual neural enslavement is implanted with a large number of implants which emit unusual electromagnetic radiation, to the extent that their neural enslavement can be proven at a later date if measured  under controlled conditions such as a faraday cage.   The selected  targeted individual is now wirelessly linked to a super computer for life, where they are then  made to hear human voices, see disturbing neural visions, feel pain, endure forced muscle movement, be made to limp at a moments notice, and even have a virtual reality experience involving all five of their senses.   If the neural enslavement team sees fit, the targeted individual of remote neural manipulation can be forced to commit suicide using many different methodologies.  The targeted individual  can be made to hear many different strands of continuous voices at the same time  on a constant basis.  They can be made to see  disturbing neural images on a constant basis of traumatic  torture or even sexual imagery involving religious icons to the extent that they become deeply emotionally traumatised.  They can be made to feel sexual sensations on an unceasing basis so that they are unable to live their lives in a reasonable manner.  Their muscles can be made to move against their wills to the extent that they can no longer drive a vehicle less they be made to drive it into a crowd of their fellow human beings totally against their will and moral judgement.

If you have young people in your family, please advise them to stay away from alcohol, because they are more vulnerable to remotely induced  sexual attacks from strangers using wirelessly enabled devices when these inexperienced young people  are not fully in control of their minds after a small amount of alcohol consumption.  The strangers who travel in groups could sexually compromise a young lady and video record the sexual act for future blackmail.  Please advise young people not to travel overseas because Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation technology is ubiquituous, and people are far more vulnerable when they are far from home.

Some evil individuals are promoting the use of Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation techniques within their own circles.  These evil individuals wish to slowly and incrementally enslave their fellow human beings by degrees.  In order to stop this process in its tracks we must urgently disassemble, destroy and outlaw all wireless enabling capabilities throughout the world.

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