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I would invite friends at Peacepink to read about my religious persecution due to racist reasons in United Kingdom. I have made a discussion here. Please continue to follow the discussion as it evolves into future.
I am a legal UK resident but Pakistani citizen who is being persecuted by UK secret services on orders of CIA due to my religious and national origin coupled with my talent and ability to succeed in financial markets. I have faced brutal, inhuman persecution by CIA spread over past thirteen years. I have been physically abused, forcefully drugged and put on mind altering and mind control drugs over past thirteen years in several countries. I have been "forcefully kidnapped and beaten" several times by state agencies bribed by CIA to intimidate me and stop my research work in Pakistan. Despite all adversity, I continued my research work in the field of financial derivative securities and made a successful financial software firm. I am known in mathematical finance community for my research. I would want to mention that I have faced very serious hardship and continued subjugation and persecution by CIA and I could have been extremely successful if I had not faced this persecution. You may not be willing to believe but I make the serious claim that they spent more than a hundred million dollars on my persecution. I would challenge you to verify this if you have sources in UK secret services. This persecution is spread over America, Japan, Hong Kong, UK and Pakistan.
In UK this activity spread over different cities in UK so it is a national human rights abuse issue not confined to any single city. I am giving details of persecution and why this is happening. It would be truly abhorring for you to read that such an activity could ever take place in UK. I have been made a guinea pig for mind control experiments because of my religious and national affiliations and one of the major reasons is that CIA literally retards Muslims when they know their own American citizens will not be able to compete with the CIA's target victim in financial markets.
I was a student in USA where I studied electrical engineering at Northwestern University and economics and mathematical finance at New York University. I was very ambitious, worked very hard and really wanted to excel in life. But my crime was that I wanted to serve my country, Pakistan, and was always super-excited about serving my country and wanted it to be the most prosperous country in the world.
One of my anti-Muslim professors at NYU told CIA about me and CIA circles did not like my zeal about my country and they were desperate to stop me. Since I was a very law-abiding citizen, they could never have done anything against me openly and according to law. So they started using neuro-electromagnetic weapons against me. They gave me drugs in my food systematically to alter my brain. I am a victim of neuro-electromagnetic weapons for a very long time now.
Despite being on Voice to Skull, I continued to work and tried to excel. It is a story of human determination and hard work. I am known in mathematical finance community for my research. My SSRN author page is where you can look at some of my research papers. Several of my research papers are not in public domain.
After several long years of persecution in different countries, I came to UK to set up my financial software firm in London. But in UK, I am again being targeted by neuro-electromagnetic weapons and major problem is that UK secret services are actively cooperating with CIA in my persecution. This is a very serious human rights issue. UK secret Services use special chemicals that go into food of everybody but are totally inert and harmless to people unless ionized by electromagnetic waves. The body of victims of neuro-electromagnetic weapons is kept charged by electromagnetic waves and these chemicals are used to alter the victim's brain. Again these chemicals are mixed in food of everybody to target some specific individuals. This may be hard for gullible people to believe but this is sheer science and utmost effort is made to keep this science secret from public so that nobody ever believes such activities. This makes victims who speak target of ridicule by gullible public. Especially the food stores on Cromwell Street , Earl's Court, Gloucester Street, High Street Kensington, North End road and West Kensington in London are hugely involved in this activity of my persecution though other stores are also a part of it to a lesser extent. This is also happening in areas close to circle line and district line. If you investigate food places in those areas especially or in some other areas of London, you will know the truth for sure. Any honest inquiry can easily bring out the truth. In fact you do not even need an inquiry, if you know some people well who work at food places in these or other adjoining areas in London, simply ask them and they would let you know that drugs are mixed in food of everybody. This is called mercilessly cornering an individual. Victim will have to eat somewhere. Large food chains like Tesco, Sainsbury, M&S Food, and Cooperative Food stores in above mentioned and adjoining areas are also doing it and any "insider" will, for sure, tell you the truth. Even if you do not help to protect me, it will be good for you to know that agencies in your nation are involved in such mean, inhuman and hideous activities to corner, target and alter the brains of some specific individuals. If you work at a food place in London and secret services have approached you to drug the food, I am openly telling you that I am the target. This is happening at a huge scale.
Neuro-electromagnetic weapons are weapons used to control, alter or damage the brains using electromagnetic waves, microwaves or ULF waves. The target is given food with chemicals that go into his brain. Some chemicals alter the brain systematically and some other ionize the brain. Different neurons in the brain are mapped for their functions using fast computers. Then the same neurons are stimulated to do the specific job by sending magnetic signals to the brain through electromagnetic waves and start controlling or altering the brain of the victim. American CIA does it very frequently because they have the best technology to deal with it and nobody sees electromagnetic waves passing through air so they always get away with it.
In addition to persecution by neuro-electromagnetic weapons, devices are fitted on my computer that transmit data and alter my programs actively to hinder my research and development work. I disabled Bluetooth and wifi on motherboard of my laptop but still was able to see network activity and several suspicious programs running on my computer. Later I noticed that there were more than six hidden users on my laptop that had access to my laptop and had exclusive access to some files and I was unable to delete those DLLs and drivers that transmit data to other devices. I bought that laptop only a week ago and nobody else had used it in my presence. I have been facing persecution for a long time but not being able to run my programs gave me serious problems as that is what I do to earn money.
Again I have never committed a crime and in my wildest dreams, do not want to commit any crime or harm to anyone. Why does the law not get me ? Simply because I am a very good human being. My only crime is that I love my country Pakistan and want it to be the best country in the world and CIA circles want to subjugate our countries forever. CIA people think they are gods and and they can play with anyone so raise your voice against them, please.
Since you are an ardent supporter of human rights, I thought I should ask you for help. As Quran says," saving one innocent life is saving all humanity" I would request you to take some action to protect me. I am innocent and am being persecuted by CIA only because I could excel to any limit and would serve my country which many people in CIA circles do not like.
I would also be reporting to European Human rights Abuse Tribunal about my persecution. I would request you to come forward and investigate this incident of human rights violations by so called champions of human rights. Here are extremely brief and cursory details of my persecution.
At the start of 1998, when I was a student at New York University, my persecution with neuro-electromagnetic weapons started. When I became the target, my mind was changed drastically. I would lose the meanings of words. I would sit in the library for several hours without grasping a single idea. I was stimulated to do things other than my studies. But I continued to work hard and started to do my financial research again. But CIA started to manipulate me more and more and some of my professors started to discourage and create problems for my research. I was again given drugs in my food several times to stop me from working and be able to use neuro- electromagnetic weapons on me and alter my brain and my research work was disrupted again. Several times I would become very sick after having food but I had no idea what was happening to me and who was doing it. I contacted officials of my university (NYU) but they all stubbornly refused to help me. I want you to understand that it was a very painful time and I have just written very briefly about it.
When times became really tough and I realized that I was facing government persecution and CIA was manipulating me and altering my brain, I decided to leave America and go to Pakistan. When I reached Pakistan, I suffered from the same cruelty of CIA dictating other third world nations what to do by generously bribing top officials. About ten people came to my home and gave me several injections and tied my hands and legs. I lost consciousness for one night. I did not know what was happening and could not even open my eyes. I had extremely severe shivering for two days and did not know what was happening. My family was manipulated and took me to a doctor of their choice in Pakistan Army and I was kept in house arrest with four soldiers of Pakistan Army, on CIA's orders, stopping me from leaving the house and I was locked in my room every night. This continued for six months. After six months, I got drug induced jaundice because of over-drugging. I could not sleep for more than two months because of severe itching of jaundice. I had blood marks all over my body because I could not resist itching. As I mentioned, I was repeatedly beaten by state agencies to intimidate me. State agencies, on instigation of CIA, repeatedly asked food places to drug my food for neuro-electromagnetic weapons to be effective. I have been forcefully kidnapped, beaten and drugged several times by state agencies in Pakistan generously bribed by CIA to intimidate me and stop my research work in Pakistan.
I went through extreme torture over the years. They altered my brain again and again using mind altering drugs. I could not work for several years but came back with sheer determination to succeed. It was more difficult than can be described. I am giving some examples of torture I went through. These are just physical symptoms of torture. However true damage to brain cannot be described easily in terms of any physical problems we suffer. It is far deeper than others are ready to believe. People get retarded when CIA uses neuro-electromagnetic weapons and damage to intelligence and brain's capabilities cannot be measured by any physical standard and that is one reason that they use it and get away with it. Some of the following things happened in Pakistan and other in UK.
Voice to Skull
I am on Voice to Skull torture for more than six years now.
Sleep deprivation
I would be kept awake for several weeks in a row using neuro-electromagnetic weapons. Once this torture lasted for more than a month.
pain in bones and skull
They charge the skull, ears, cheekbones and all areas surrounding the brain using EM waves. Sometimes my skull would be so charged that I would have intense and sheer pain in my forehead, skull, cheekbones and ears. I could not resist but shout from intense pain. I would prefer death to such torture. Sometimes in my apartment, I would put on aluminium shield to protect myself from neuro-electromagnetic weapons. I would be asked by Voice to skull to take off the shield. I would refuse but then they would use directed energy on my head and I would shout with sheer unbearable pain and I would have to take off the shield. It is hard to describe the intensity of pain in words. There would be large wounds on my forehead due to this torture and people literally asked me if I had an accident. I can give names of people who noticed that and asked if I had an accident in London.
After the torture started, I started to face the following one-sidedness problems due to mind control. This was never the case before the episode of mind control torture.
1. When I walk my one step is considerably larger than the other.
2. I see differently from both eyes. One eye has decent enough brilliance while the other sees only hazy images of the world around. I see things meaninglessly without registering any effect on my brain and without keeping anything I see in my memory.
3. When I raise my hands, one of my hands has a different feeling while the other hand is lifeless and has a different feeling. Sometimes when I talk half of my tongue resonates differently and the other half of my tongue resonates differently and One side of my head is always totally numb and feelingless.
Sometimes they would release gas in my apartment to charge my body because when we inhale gas, charge starts to get to the brain. The victim is charged by gas when they fail to drug the food of the victim. It would be almost impossible for me to breathe due to gas and I would just choke. My saliva would totally became dry. My mouth would start to taste of something bitter. I would spit with sheer effort after collecting saliva for several minutes, and my saliva would be dark yellow. Sometimes I would breathe with very serious difficulty due to gas in the air. To counter this, whenever this could be possible, I would sleep in open or next to window. This was extremely helpful.
blurred vision
They released several chemicals in my brain and it is unbelievable how colours in my eyes change. Sometimes there will be real but artificial brightness in colours and at other times there will be total dullness. Sometimes, it would be just blurred vision. At times I would have far-sightedness or near-sightedness. I see at least four different shades of same red or yellow colour at different times while seeing the same thing. Just changing perception of reality all the time. Many times, my vision is blurred for several weeks and I could just see vague images of things. For several long years I did not see colors in my eyes like I did all my life previously. This was because several neurotransmitters were taken out of my brain.
forced sexual arousal
There were times when I was forcefully sexually aroused. This is the greatest insult to any human being. I would have forced erection. I do not want to write much about it. But it is total human disgrace and was a quite frequent thing. Nazis wanted full control over me.
Tongue control
An example of extent of body control using neuro-electromagnetic weapons is something that occurred last year. They started to give me orders through voice to skull and when I refused to obey they told me that we would teach me a lesson. My tongue totally came out of my mouth and was held there for fifty minutes. My nostrils would tend to close and I would have serious difficulty breathing. It is ultimate insult for anyone to have been forced into a situation with total disgrace before others. Such things are hard for people to believe, but once our food is drugged and their desired chemicals go into the brain they can have any degree of control on our brain and movements. This is sheer science.
Pain and wounds in the ear
I put compressed cotton in my ears to not let EM waves go through my ears into the brain. It really helps in my situation. When I remove cotton my eye sight deteriorates dramatically and one side of my head becomes more numb. They charge cotton to make passage for EM waves. Due to very high charge my ears start to suffer from serious pain and sometimes there would be wounds on my ear and blood would literally seep through my ears due to high charge. When they charge cotton with EM waves I literally hear a pulsating sound in my ears.
Gas in Air conditioners:
Several times there was gas in Air Conditioners in my house. Whenever I would go into air conditioned rooms, my voice would change. Once there was so much gas that I started to feel extremely uneasy. I just rushed out of my room, went out of my house and started to drive my car. But I had inhaled enough gas. After a bit of driving, I was extremely dizzy. I stopped driving and parked my car to one side of the road. After a bit I lost almost all consciousness. What was more disturbing that I really could not see anything at all. Light just went out of my eyes. I just struggled and there were some drinks on the other seat of my car and I drank one and I was much better and started to see again. After a bit I had some more food and was better. But painful thing was that such things started to happen every week. It would be impossible to believe but neuro-electromagnetic weapons are extremely potent and people who do not experience them just do not know such facts.
I have written very briefly. Living under NEM control is extremely painful and everyday is a torture. I really had to struggle to find the decent success and again it is a story of human determination and sheer desire to excel.
I was innocent and I had no remote connection to any anti-American activity. I was tortured, I was humiliated, I was retarded and I was failed because I was a Muslim who wanted to succeed in life and serve his country. They were aware of my talent and abilities and it was unacceptable to CIA Nazis who knew I was proud of my being a Muslim and avowed total allegiance to my country, Pakistan. Everyone loves their country and religion and wants to serve them, and as long as they respect other nations and religions, this has to be appreciated by people of other nations so I hope you do not consider it a crime to be punished by brutal persecution.
The reality is more horrendous than most of the people think and are ready to believe in but if victims of persecution do not speak, there will be more and more state persecutions like it.
Nurse Suspended After Statements About Mind Control, Conspiracy
Monday 31st January, 2011 Source: KIRO 7
The license of Bellevue-area nurse was suspended by the state nursing commission and the state Department of Health after she made statements about mind-control and the CIA that called her mental stability into question.The DOH said the nurse filed complaints against two medical doctors.
Officials said based on the content of the complaints, the nursing commission opened an investigation into her mental state and ability to safely practice nursing.The DOH said the nurse showed extremely erratic behavior when she was interviewed by agency investigators.
She claimed that electro-mechanical pulses were controlling her mind, the Department of Health was an intelligence agency under the control of the CIA, and she was being targeted as a national security threat, a DOH news release said. Officia...
Timothy White"
Please add Case of MC victim activist John Turner 07/2009 shooter identified in double murder, all news reports have been removed from internet..
Psychological Devices, Black Magic Witch Doctors Contributed To Fedor Emelianenko's Recent Loss
The legendary Fedor Emelianenko has done many things throughout his storied career as a Mixed Martial Artist. But the one thing he’s never done is make excuses for his mistakes. “The Last Emperor” was more than willing to own up to his faults following losses to both Fabricio Werdum and Antonio Silva, but apparently, that logic doesn’t apply to members of his camp. In a bizarre new interview, one of Fedor’s team accused Antonio Silva’s camp of using “psychological technologies”, and in hilarious fashion, Silva’s camp recently responded.
Certainly sounds weird, doesn’t it? But here’s a snippet of an interview one of Fedor’s trainers recently had over at, with English translations courtesy of MMA Mania: “…Certain technologies might have been used – certainly, not the ones that would be visible to an open eye. Most likely, they were psychological technologies that influenced both fighters from the distance of the crowd. For this reason Fedor simply wasn’t himself during fight.”
Recently, the manager of Antonio “Bigfoot” Silva responded to these bizarre claims over at “The Underground”, the popular message board/forum of Mixed Martial Alex Davis had this to say regarding the accusation: “Jeez!! I got cought! I will have to come out with the truth now! I hired a Macumbeiro ( Brazilian wicth dr) and we killed a black chicken on the cross roads. After this,over a few beers, I showed the witch Dr Fedors fights, and he was worried that a chicken wouldnt be anough, so we went out and killed a black goat , just to make sure! Very potent stuff! Realy messed Fedors brain waves up! We wanted to try that other military stuff Voronov is talking about,but its expensive technology and we were broke! The chicken and the goat came out way cheaper. Witch Dr is a friend, did it for a few beers and an autograph!”
Obviously, the humor of this situation is not lost on Antonio Silva’s camp.
And to be quite honest, that’s really the only way you can react to this kind of accusation.
I mean, what else are we supposed to believe? That Team Silva had some sort of hypno-ray that influenced Fedor from a distance? Some sort of mind-control device that affected how Fedor fought? It’s stuff right out of a science fiction novel, and it’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad. No, wait, it’s still pretty hilarious.
This just comes off as total “sour grapes” on the part of Fedor Emelianenko’s camp. Not only is it a very weak excuse, it’s also a pretty bizarre one and I just can’t see anyone taking this notion seriously. I certainly don’t. As one of the biggest Fedor fans you’ll ever meet, even I can admit that Antonio Silva bested Fedor. I’m not looking for excuses to try and diminish what is definitely the biggest accomplish of Silva’s MMA career. I give credit where credit is due, and if Emelianenko’s camp can’t extend that simple common courtesy, that certainly says a lot more about them than it does Fedor Emelianenko.
And what about you, fans and friends? What’s your reaction to this accusation and the response from Silva’s manager?
General ordering probe into report of mind tricks
By PAULINE JELINEK and LOLITA C. BALDOR, Associated Press – Thu Feb 24, 1:01 pm ET
WASHINGTON – The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan is ordering an investigation into charges that an army unit trained in psychological operations was improperly told to manipulate American senators to get more money and troops for the war.
A senator allegedly targeted said Thursday that he's confident there will be a review of the facts, but played down the idea that he was manipulated.
The staff of Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, head of the effort to train Afghan security forces, ordered the information operations unit to compile profiles, voting records and other information on visiting lawmakers to leverage in a campaign to get more assistance, said a story Thursday on Rolling Stone's website. It says the campaign also improperly targeted the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen, and others.
Caldwell's office denied that the command used information operations cell to influence distinguished visitors. But a press statement from Kabul said that the commander of forces in Afghanistan, Gen. David Petraeus would order a probe "based on the information" in the article.
But the episode underscores how murky the dividing line can be between information operations and public affairs officers — one the Pentagon has wrestled with in recent years as it struggled to win the hearts and minds of populations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Pentagon spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said Thursday that the probe will look at the actions taken by Caldwell and his staff and determine whether they were inappropriate or illegal.That distinction, he said, depends on the circumstances.
"It just depends on what it is they are doing. It's the actions not just the assignment," said Lapan. "It all depends on how the information is used. There is no blanket prohibition against having that information provided."
As an example, he said an information operations officer could be asked to look up someone's biography online. He added that Petraeus will announce who the investigating officer will be, but said it does not necessarily have to be someone of the same or higher rank than Caldwell.
The military cell devoted to what is known as "information operations" believed their mission on arriving in Afghanistan in November 2009 was to assess the effects of U.S. propaganda on the Taliban and local Afghan population, Rolling Stone said, quoting Lt. Col. Michael Holmes, whom it identified as the leader of the five-man team.
Holmes said they resisted the order to compile information on congressional delegations that were visiting there and think of what information "to plant inside their heads." He said they were subjected to retaliation for resisting.
"My job in psy-ops is to play with people's heads, to get the enemy to behave the way we want them to behave," Holmes is quoted as saying. "When you ask me to try to use these skills on senators and congressman, you're crossing a line."
Those singled out in the campaign included Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., Jack Reed, D-R.I., Al Franken, D-Minn., and Carl Levin, D-Mich. Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., of the House Appropriations Committee; the Czech ambassador to Afghanistan; the German interior minister, and a host of influential think-tank analysts, the story said, without identifying the international figures by name.
Levin pointed out Thursday that he has long been in favor of building up Afghan forces.
"For years, I have strongly and repeatedly advocated for building up Afghan military capability because I believe only the Afghans can truly secure their nation's future," Levin said in a statement. "I have never needed any convincing on this point. Quite the opposite, my efforts have been aimed at convincing others of the need for larger, more capable Afghan security forces, and that we and NATO should send more trainers to Afghanistan, rather than more combat troops."
Associated Press writer Deb Riechmann contributed to this report from Kabul.
Ottawa finally aids brainwashing victims
It sounds like a science fiction plot or a horror movie: A front organization for the American CIA sets up shop in Canada to engage in mind control experiments. But it's no fiction, it's the discussion on the floor of the House of Commons and among lawyers for the Department of External Affairs. Canadians caught up in the research, including a member of Parliament's wife, may finally get some action from the government in their pursuit of answers and compensation.
Cold War history through dark comedic play
Hallucinations, mimicry, and uncontrolled body movement are all effects of taking lysergic acid diethylamide, more commonly known as LSD. Kyle Niemer and his fellow cast members spent a full day of rehearsal perfecting how to portray these issues for the historical comedy Operation Midnight Climax.
“There is a lot of hair touching in the play,” said Niemer, a University of Iowa senior and theater major.
Operation Midnight Climax will première at 8 p.m. today in the Theatre Building’s Theatre B as part of the Gallery Series. Performances will continue at 8 p.m. through Saturday and at 2 p.m. on Feb. 13. Admission is $5 free for UI students with valid IDs.
The play focuses on Operation Midnight Climax, one of a multitude of secret experiments done by the CIA during the Cold War to investigate brainwashing, mind control, and interrogation techniques. Operation Midnight Climax began in 1953, when the CIA hired prostitutes to seduce U.S. citizens into safe houses where they were unknowingly drugged with LSD, then interrogated and observed by the agents. The play showcases one night in a safe house.
Many of the cast members found it hard to believe that about 99 percent of the script is factual.
“The one thing that pulled me into the project was the script — it is so mind-boggling and just so unreal at times that the cast left the first reading thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, this is crazy,’ ” Niemer said.
Playwright and UI senior Matthew Benyo uses dark comedy in the script to present the truth about the government’s Cold War experiments in a zany yet realistic way.
The director of the play, UI senior Soren Olsen, said the show’s humor is essential because it allows the audience to learn the truth about the government in a light manner.
“The show points out a lot of the flaws of our country but allows us to laugh at them and to better accept them,” Olsen said. “We have to open these doors and show [the audience] this truth that lives among us and at the same time not scare them.”
Wall frames construct the set, which allows an open view for the audience to reflect the script’s exposure of the government’s secret.
“It’s kind of like a cross-section — you get to see behind the walls of the government that are normally guarded,” Benyo said.
Operation Midnight Climax is the most research-intensive play Benyo has written. The playwright and Cold War fanatic read 30 books on the subject before writing the script, and he incorporated many of the people from that era into the play. Some such people include beatniks Jack Kerouac, Alan Ginsberg, and Neal Cassady. Benyo even blended lines from Ginsberg and Kerouac’s poems, as well as quotes said by them, into the script.
Niemer said acting in the play made him more knowledgeable and curious about the Cold War era, and he hopes the play will inspire audiences to discover more as well.
“I hope people leave with a different view of reality and life and want to ask questions and learn more about what they have seen,” he said.
Electrical Stimulation of the Brain May Spark Insight
Executive Health February 02, 2011, 17:00 EST
Noninvasive procedure spurred study volunteers to come up with fresh ways to solve a problem
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 2 (HealthDay News) -- Electrical stimulation of the brain can bring a flash of insight that can help people solve new, difficult problems, research suggests.
Investigators in Australia found that volunteers who received electrical stimulation of the brain's anterior temporal lobes were three times more likely to be able to figure out a challenging, unfamiliar problem than participants in a control group.
Many people have difficulty achieving creative leaps needed to solve new problems because they tend to stick to strategies and insights that have been successful before, study authors Richard Chi and Allan Snyder, from the Center for the Mind at the University of Sydney, explained in a news release from the Public Library of Science.
The use of "transcranial direct current stimulation" temporarily increases or decreases the activity of populations of brain cells, the study authors said. This safe, noninvasive technique can be used to manipulate the competition between the left and right hemispheres of the brain by inhibiting and/or activating certain networks, they explained.
According to Chi and Snyder, the right anterior temporal lobe is associated with insight or finding new meaning, and the inhibition of activity in the left anterior temporal lobe can lead to thinking that is less likely to be influenced by preconceptions. However, the authors noted that more research is needed.
The study is published online Feb. 2 in the journal PLoS One
#1107 Video Bioethics Dr. Amy Gutmann interview with CNN
Thank You Walter for the link to this video. Peter
Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #
This Week: At this present time I’m seeking statements from the Targeted
Individual community. 1) When your crimes started 2) Who is responsible
3) What are they doing to you 4) The methods that they use 5) How are
you affected by it and 6) What are you doing to get help.
Once this statement has been submitted to me, the next stage is to interview you. The interview will translate to me putting together an AFFIDAVIT on your behalf. When the AFFIDAVIT is completed, it will be email to you. Then your job would be to get it NOTARIZED.
Once your AFFIDAVIT has been NOTARIZED, the next step is to 1) send me a copy via email and 2) mail it to the three PARTIES that is listed in your AFFIDAVIT.
The purpose of creating the AFFIDAVIT is to DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY. Once you DEVELOP LEGAL CREDIBILITY than NO ONE can say it isn’t happening. But it does not stop there. Once the AFFIDAVIT has been completed, we will be closer to forming a Coalition. By having a Coalition, we can represent each other through the completed AFFIDAVITS. For instance, we can reach out to your political representatives as a group, which together with the AFFIDAVIT makes your case legitimate.
Therefore, if you want to do something, this is where we must begin. Thank you for your attention in this manner.
Your participation will be gladly appreciated!
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These things we are trying to survive are a constant for me 24/7 I cannot work, some days i manage some days i feel retarded and proboly am. Jesus I have a whole life ahead of me and 2 kids who need me. We or should I say I have had my character assasinated, enough medical records that would indicate im a mental case, Im on social security and this all went down hill in eight years. Im angry so angry. The whole world is going to suffer eventually. It probobly is and has for so long if its reached the general public here in the good old USA. All iM SAYING IS STOP CHATTING, WE NEED ORGANIZATION, EMOTIONAL SUPPORT WHEN OUR MINDS TELL US WE ARE GOING TO DIE 24/7 AND WE FEEL THAT WAY WE HAVE TO SAVE EACH OTHERS LIVES AND SHIT WE ARE SPREAd ALL OUT OVER THIS COUNTRY AND THE WORLD. In my opinion this isnt about some lame DEW in the form of an object you can purchase or make and lay on someones desk. This shit followed me all over the country Its mass misery, I believe the HARP project is in full commission. The capability is for mass mind control as well as a few other enviromental horrors to say the least. The sick bastards who prey on us and watch us slowly die, just because its their shit job. THis is sicker than The Nazi camps. The kinds of sick things, illnesses, taunting, fears emotional manipulations, mental tortures perpetrated on us. Fuckers I want them to pay for it. I believe the police are involved based on my experiences and then the master scum takes over thats usually when the "stalking" stops cause your pretty much done in, financially fucked, no credibility, divorced, no kids, no friends then the physical sicknes sets in. You know its TYPICAL CIA/FBI
historically speaking of course destruction of people. Youd think people would be smarter by now like the people who were suppose to be the closest to you just might have had a little faith. Well at least there are some excellent books out there written by reputable,educated and passionate men and women in the sciences as well as compassionate for our destiny.They are bold brave investigative journalists as well who risk their lives in printing the truth.XOXO
I haven´t been sleeping almost for the hole week. Mostly beacuse of the torture with the noise which has been increased in frequency. And the rollercoaster with emotions that comes with it. (and of course their manipulations with yr mind, it´s not very normal to be tortured all night, and then the next morning you are quite ok and looking forward to the day...before it´s starts all over again. Normally a person would be severly depressed from such a torture...but they manipulate you to go from a wreck to normal in no time at all.) And the stomache thing, they blow my stomache up everytime I go to bed. (my guess is that it´s for having a good view on the inside organs..)
However this last night was different. It started as usual with the noise and that intense feeling of them beaming you more intense.
Then they did something they did in the beginning of my harassment. They falsely or truly stopped my heart. Still I could feel the heartbeats. There is this huge pressure, like someone is sitting on yr chest. And you get all worried in yr body and it´s impossible to relax. It feels like the bloodflow is not going down to the legs, and when I went up, my left arm actually hurted as from it could be from the heart.
(they told me during this "session" that "we are only gonna see what damages the heart will suffer,when it doesn´t get any supply...) However, as told I could feel my heartbeats, and they have actually done this so many times in the beginning, so I was not even worried in my mind this time, I thought, what a relief, getting a heartattack-and then it´s all over... What´s important although, is what I noticed before it all started. I felt an odd taste in my mouth, as draining down my throat, from behind the nose. And it started to itch on every part of my body. This is making me wonder if they use drug supply to the victim from any inside "neural prothesis" if having any?
If anybody here at PP had the same or similar experience, pls share it. //Annie
due to the severe torture by these perps and due to which i was not able to perform to the expectations of my employer, they fired me yesterday and i lost my job, my family was surviving because of this income, i really dont know what to do until i get another job, after i was fired, these perps became so happy and passed all filthy comments, i really still dont care, i will still trust in the lord, and he is my hope. they also cautioning me of me losing my account with peacepink shortly, so that i would be not able to write blogs any more. so lets see how long it goes, whatever may come i will still trust in the lord, i will remember all of you in my prayers, please remember me also in your prayers.
Thanks and Regards
Vincent George
Brain cells fused with computer chips
Tests with neurons could lead to better computers, brain treatments
![Image: Rat neuron](
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The line between living organisms and machines has just become a whole lot blurrier. European researchers have developed "neuro-chips" in which living brain cells and silicon circuits are coupled together.
The achievement could one day enable the creation of sophisticated neural prostheses to treat neurological disorders, or the development of organic computers that crunch numbers using living neurons.
To create the neuro-chip, researchers squeezed more than 16,000 electronic transistors and hundreds of capacitors onto a silicon chip just 1 millimeter square in size.
They used special proteins found in the brain to glue brain cells, called neurons, onto the chip. However, the proteins acted as more than just a simple adhesive.
"They also provided the link between ionic channels of the neurons and semiconductor material in a way that neural electrical signals could be passed to the silicon chip," said study team member Stefano Vassanelli from the University of Padua in Italy.
![Image: Snail neurons](
The proteins allowed the neuro-chip's electronic components and its living cells
to communicate with each other. Electrical signals from neurons were recorded using the chip's transistors, while the chip's capacitors were used to stimulate the neurons.
It could still be decades before the technology is advanced enough to treat neurological disorders or create living computers, the researchers say, but in the nearer term, the chips could provide an advanced method of screening drugs for the pharmaceutical industry.
"Pharmaceutical companies could use the chip to test the effect of drugs on neurons, to quickly discover promising avenues of research," Vassanelli said.
The researchers are now working on ways to avoid damaging the neurons during stimulation. The team is also exploring the possibility of using a neuron's genetic instructions to control the neuro-chip.
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