Computer (36)

During brain to brain interface, the facial expressions of the encoder over ride those of the decoder. If the encoder laughs or frowns the decoders face is automatically forced to laugh or frown against their will. All of their facial expressions become externally controlled against their will.
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I am being wirelessly and invisibly and slowly enslaved from an unknown remote location by unknown criminals who use nano technology which has permeated my brain and body to conduct wireless experiments on me to the extent that they may one day be able to immobilize me if I refuse to obey them.
These criminals speak to me by wireless means using a brain to brain interface system or other bio-communication systems. They have informed me that their brains have been programmed in a way that is similar to computer programming to the extent that they can not break their programming and they must carry out their work on me despite serious misgivings.
Who programmed them to commit the aforementioned illegal acts? Who ordered the aforementioned programming to be carried out? Who paid for the aforementioned programming as it was being carried out? Whoever ordered, paid for or programmed them to commit the aforementioned illegal acts should be placed under arrest immediately.
I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland and my youtube channel is called gretta fahey.

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According to world renowned neuro scientist and directed energy weapons expert Dr Robert Duncan, there is a sixty year gap in knowledge of advanced technology between the public sector and top secret laboratories. This ongoing situation allows those who have access to these hidden technologies to appear God like because of their abilities to use neurological cloning and behaviour science manipulation methods.
Information was released to the public at the 'American Chemical Society Fall 2000 event which informs us that a polymer called the 'PEDOT' polymer is being manufactured which allows human brains to be linked to computers. Applying a layer of 'PEDOT' to other materials makes them conductive.
This information has been presented to the public sector as new. However, black budget military scientists have successfully integrated the brains of non-consenting human beings to computer control systems dozens of years ago and whenever the victims of this technology reported the matter to their local police or general medical practitioner they were always falsely accused of being mentally ill. Most of the general public now have bio-synthetic materials inside our brains and bodies which we either inhaled, ingested or had vaccinated into us. Many people, including senior politicians have been placed under wirelessly administered mind control as well as wirelessly administered physical nervous system control without their knowledge and consent. If you are placed under wireless control, voice commands, images and pain signals can be sent directly to your brain and body from unknown remote locations either by human operatives or pre-programmed algorithms. Sovereign countries are now being overthrown from the inside by their own politicians who are under external electronic mind control as well as external body control. Our only recourse to taking back our sovereignty is by disassembling and banning all wireless enabling technologies as well as all phased arrays and other related technologies throughout our countries while we still can.
The war to gain control of our minds and bodies by wireless remote means is being fought against us by the United Nations who work through the World Health Organisation and by many other means. U.N. Agenda 21 is the action plan they are using to enslave us. Under the U.N. Agenda 21 action plan we would no longer be allowed to own our homes, our vehicles or even our clothing. Those of us who would be allowed to live would be forced to move into smart cities where we would be under full spectrum surveillance and control by our slave masters who are believed to be mostly dark Luciferians.
Some of the above information was obtained at the following links:-
Some of the above information was obatined from a Book called 'Project Soul Catcher' by Dr Robert Duncan.

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Dark occultists and others are wirelessly tethering each of us, one at a time to a computerized control system by imbedding us with bi-directional brain computer interfaces without our knowledge and consent.   The human brain has been studied and mind control has now been perfected to the extent that many in Governments, the Police and Psychiatry are unable to comprehend the fact that all of those who have been wirelessly tethered by bi-directional brain computer interfaces to a human control system are telling the truth.  Both the police and psychiatrists are not able to over ride the mind control that they are under.   Both groups would prefer to believe that we who are complaining of being wirelessly tethered by bi-directional brain computer interfaces to a computerized control and enslavement system are mentally ill rather than accept the truth that we have become enslaved by these brain computer interface devices which have been imbedded inside us without our consent.   If you wake up now and accept that we are all in grave danger from wireless enslavement and then have all HAARP phased arrays, microwave transmitters and millimetre wave transmitters disassembled and banned then you will save your fellow men, women and children from being wirelessly enslaved.  If you don't wake up and accept this fact then future generations will never ever be able to free themselves from this enslavement system because once we are all locked inside it there is no way out because babies would become implanted with brain computer interfaces on the day that they are born.

We know that you dark occultists are not part of this hierarchy of control.   You own vast tracts of land in Madagascar and Madagascar is the only country in the whole world that is not being sprayed with nano material from the skies.   Do you have a super computer in Madagascar which can transmit pain signals to every man, woman and child in the world at the same time.   Is that part of your new world order central control plan for us. If fifth generation millimetre waves are installed anywhere in the world, because they are capable of carrying pain signals that capability to send pain signals by wireless means would become a reality and the perpetrators would then be able to force each and every one of us to sign over all of our property to them leaving us impoverished and without a place to live.  We would then be forced to move into smart cities where we would never be allowed to own anything again.  We would be implanted with pre-programmable microchips which would immobilize us if we attempted to cross the city boundaries in order to gain access to the countryside which would be out of bounds for the rest of our lives.  Both the aforementioned pre-programmable microchips and smart cities  already in existence in some parts of the world waiting to be inhabited by human slaves who have already been imbedded with the aforementioned brain computer interfaces and who are already wirelessly tethered to the human control and enslavement system.

Individuals who have already been wirelessly tethered to this computerized control system via illegally  imbedded brain computer interfaces can not inform the police about their experiences because as the law stands as soon as they say even a few short words to the police they have then handed over all their legal rights to the police to such an extent that the police can then mandate that they see a police psychiatrist where they can then be detained inside a psychiatric hospital for the rest of their lives if the heavily mind controlled psychiatrists should see fit.  I myself visited the police to complain about my wireless harassment and torture  but they did not hear me out.  They talked over me before I was finished speaking and they then mandated that I see a police psychiatrist.   This same scenario is occurring to all targeted individuals of remote harassment and torture whenever they attempt to raise awareness of the grave danger we are all in from many different types of wireless directed energy weapons.

Dark occultists,  If you succeed in your mission to enslave your fellow men, women and children of the world your evil work will live on for millions of years after you yourself are dead.  This planet would become a slave planet for all eternity with no hope for the slaves of ever escaping their fate.  Each individual would be controlled via their central nervous system from the day they were born to the day they died that this would continue for millions if not billions of generations.  This capability is outlined under patent number US6965816 which is the Richard C. Walker internet of things patent.

Please disassemble and ban all HAARP phased arrays and both microwave and millimetre wave transmitters now.

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The following linked youtube video which is called "A SOLUTION THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW" has been posted online by Dana Ashlie from California and it informs us that there is a computer simulation of the world being created now and there are virtual versions of each of us placed inside that computer simulation. It also states that nanobots which are inside our brains and bodies are being used to collect all kinds of biological data from us and that HAARP phased arrays are providing the carrier waves which transmit data from our bodies to the virtual versions of us inside the real world computer simulation. We are also being informed that the connections between our real selves and our virtual selves which are inside the computer simulation are bi-directional.
I am a non-consenting targeted individual of wirelessly enabled extreme research for many years and because of my extreme experiences I believe that what is being told to us in the aforementioned video is true in many respects and I also believe that this real world computer simulation of the men, women and children of the world is ultimately an illegal virtual human enslavement system and it should be abolished immediately. When will the HAARP phased arrays which are being erected and activated throughout the world be disassembled and banned in order to stop this aforementioned illegal enslavement system. When will the microwave transmitters which I believe are being used both to mind control the people of the world as well as to dampen down the intellectual capabilities of most of the people of the world in order to eventually enslave them or genocide them disassembled and banned. My third question is as follows :- Is the ingestion of a quarter teaspoon of boron in the form of borax in a glass of water three times per day the best way of inhibiting the replication capabilities of the nano filiments which are inside us. Here below is the link to the aforementioned video by Dana Ashlie.

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Brain computer interfacing is being illegally used to acquire brain signals from unaware human subjects and to then transfer them to an external device where translation algorithms are then used to translate the acquired brain signals into most if not all of what the unaware human is doing, saying, thinking and feeling.
Because brain computer interface technology is bi-directional subliminal information is then being sent to the unaware human subject to bio-digitally program him or her without their knowledge or consent. The human subject or subjects can be programmed to hate a member of their own family or their own community or even a senior politician and this is being done by the use of engineered artificial intelligent algorithms.
The frequencies which are eminating from your smart phone are being used to entrain your brain so please keep your smart devices in faraday bags when they are not in use.
There are many methods of stealing your brain signals and one of these involves placing a device inside one of your ears while you are unaware that it is occuring in order to collect your brain signals using the science of EEG.
Brain computer interfacing is being used to send voice commands, images, pain, electric shock, artificial feelings and forced muscle movement to men and women who are known as targeted individuals. This is all being covered up by false psychiatry or deliberately created hoaxes such as the demonic possession hoax or the hoax of an extra-terresterial presence. Bio-robotizing a real human being is also being planned so that the all of the free will of a human being can be taken away completely and they would never be able to move a single muscle again while all of their muscle movements would be controlled externally by wireless means. The individuals behind brain computer interface crime are extremely cruel. Some of the staff who work for them may be being externally controlled themselves.

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The dark new world order cabal have been placing unnecessary chemicals, biologicals and nano technology into our food and water supply since the nineteen sixties. They have been placing them in our vaccines since the nineteen seventies and they have been spraying them from the skies on top of us since the nineteen nineties.
Some of what they have been spraying on us are as follows -: Aluminium, barium, cadmium, lithium, mercury, strontium, titanium dioxide, dessicated blood cells, mold spores, nano processors, micro sensors, Mems and Gems.
The dark new world order cabal then turn frequencies on us in order to make the metals which are inside us electrically more conductive. We are constantly generating electromagnetic frequencies every time we think a thought, feel a feeling, say a word, or move a muscle and all of those electromagnetic frequencies can be read using an EEG measuring device and those electromagnetic frequencies can then be differenciated into whether they are related to thinking, moving, feeling, speaking, eating or sleeping or many other activities. The electromagnetic frequencies are then translated by a computer program at the speed of light into everything you are doing, saying, thinking and feeling.
Using an EEG measuring device the pattern of electrical signals being generated by each muscle movement can be measured. The point of origin, the speed and the direction of each electrical signal can be deciphered and that electrical signal can be paired with the muscle of the body of the human subject that the electrical signal stimulated to move. The pattern of electrical signals which were used to move the human muscle can then be recalibrated and sent back into the human brain in order to force that muscle to move against the will and without the permission of said human subject. Many non-consensual subjects of directed energy weapon research have reported that their muscles often move against their wills. Some have reported being forced to walk against their wills or even to hit themselves with their own fists against their wills. Patent number US6965816 which is the Richard C. Walker, internet of things patent describes in fine detail how to control a human being by their central nervous system. This is an enslavement system and we need to urgently enact laws making it illegal because if somebody became enslaved by this system they would no longer be able to generate words informing the world that they had become enslaved because their vocal cords and mouths would be under external control for the remainder of their lives. External electrical control through their central nervous system may already be the case for some non-consensual human beings and if that is the case we will never hear it from them.
A brain-computer interface (BCI) provides an alternative communication channel between the human brain and a computer by using pattern recognition methods to convert brain waves into control signals. However all brain-computer interfaces are bi-directional which means that external control signals can be converted back into brain waves which can be made to over ride the brain waves of the human subject in order to force them to act against their wills. We may need to ban the use of brain-computer interfaces throughout the world because they may be the most dangerous weapon that ever existed. They are already in the wrong hands. Many individuals throughout the western world are now reporting forced muscle movement of their own arms, legs, eyes, facial muscles and all other muscles. They are also burdened with finding ways to prove to the rest of the human race that their own muscles are being externall controlled. If you can help them to find ways to prove this please write to me at the following email address:-

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A brain computer interface which is sometimes called a neural control interface is a bi-directional communication pathway between a human brain and an external source. When using dry EEG electrodes combined with a Visual Evoked Potentials based brain computer interface high speeds of communication between the human subject and the external source can be achieved. A brain computer interface collects and interprets brain signals from a human subject and then translates them into everything that human being is thinking, saying, doing and feeling as well as giving direct feedback to that human subject often against the will and without the permission of said human subject.
Because they are bi-directional brain computer interfaces can either be used to repair or to destroy the sensory motor functions of a human being. A brain computer interface can be used to send voice commands to a non-consensual human subject complete with pain, electric shock or immobilization of they fail to comply with said voice commands. Brain computer interfaces are ultimately intented to be used by dark occultists to control and enslave the human race.
Brain computer interfaces are being used to send subliminal voices to unaware individuals who then interpret those subliminal voices as their own personal thoughts and opinions. This capability could be used to influencing voting at public election times if the relevant technological paraphernalia is placed close to a voting centre and this has been allowed to occur numerous times in the past. Brain computer interfaces can also be used to send subliminal voices to senior politicians who then interpret those subliminal voices as their own opinions in order to influence them to sell public assets to members of the dark occult who wish to eventually purchase all of the public assets throughout the world by slow and incremental means in order to ultimately enslave the human race by this and many other means.
The dry electrodes which are needed in order to invade the brain of a human being and then both read and control their thoughts and even their motor function can be placed both on or inside their brain. If said dry electrodes are sprayed from the skies over our heads during supposed geo-engineering activities some of them with land in our hair. Otherwise we will ingest and inhale them through the food, water and air supply where electromagnetic radiation is used to render our blood brain barrier more permeable allowing electrodes to go into our brains and to create a neural network in there.
There are currently many science and technology companies throughout many parts of the world working to find a way of controlling their fellow human beings by directly accessing their central nervous system and then by researching methods of immobilizing them if they refuse to obey the dictates of the worldwide central control system. The employees of said science and technology companies may work at their own eventual enslavement because of being mind controlled themselves through brain computer interfaces or through having become enslaved through student debt or through being controlled through their own central nervous systems or because during the course of their experimentation on the central nervous system they are being deliberately informed that they are working on a monkey rather than on a non-consensual and extremely unwilling live human being.
Emerging advances in neuro-science demand the enactment of neuro specific human rights laws in order to protect us from still classified capabilities which are now in use throughout most countries of the world . Please canvas your politicians about this matter today.

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We all are purported to have both inhaled and ingested nano material which when amalgamated with other materials which are in the food and water supply turn into materials which are able to perform the same purpose as electrodes. These materials which are similar to electrodes penetrate the blood brain barrier because certain types of electromagnetic radiation render the blood brain barrier more permeable. Criminals and others then connect the nano materials which are inside our brains and central nervous systems to computer networks and they then go on to connect a selection of both men andwomen by a brain computer interface which is also known as a neural-control interface to their human control system.
Brain computer interfaces allow for bi-directional flow. It provides a direct communication pathway between a nano enhanced brain and an external device. The criminals who have connected both my brain and body to their many and varied brain computer interface devices communicate with me on an almost constant basis throughout each day. They attempt to control my life in many and varied ways. They can tell whenever I move a muscle anywhere in my body because whenever I do so by body generates a pattern of electromagnetic frequencies which can be translated into which muscle I moved. This all occurs at an extremely high speed. They have a virtual image of me on their screens and by translating all of the electromagnetic frequencies which are generated inside my brain and body as they occur in real time they then can see every movement that I make, every word that I speak, every thought that I think and every feeling that I feel. They do all of the above against my will and without my permission and if they wished they could do it to you to without your permission and even without you being entirely aware of what they were doing to you and what they knew about you.
Because the brain computer interface which attaches me to a large criminal network which includes some British police officers is bi-directional these criminals transmit voice commands directly into my brain. They send moving images into my brain as well as pain or electric shock. They transmit modulated electromagnetic frequencies into my central nervous system which makes a selection of my muscles move against my will to the extent that I have become partially bio-robotized at this stage. They can now over-ride some of my muscle control, both my external muscles and the soft muscles which control some of my alimentary canal. Because the brain computer interface which attaches me to this criminal network is bi-directional these criminals and others steal bio-data from both my brain and body.
I believe that senior government staff are already wirelessly connected by brain-computer interfaces to large criminal networks and I believe that these large criminal networks transmit information subliminally to them on a constant basis and that these government staff are unaware that they are being subliminally influenced. I believe that both the police and psychiatrists believe that anybody who confesses to being wirelessly tethered by a brain computer interface to a large criminal network is regarded as mentally ill. Many of us including myself attempted to inform both the Gardai and psychiatrists that we were being wirelessly spoken to by criminals whose voices we were hearing coming from inside our own heads and moreover that these criminals were attempting to move and control the muscles of our bodies but they refused to believe me and did not accept a statement from me and instead mandated that I be interviewed by a psychiatrist. Because access to government assistance is closed to all of us who report this matter my only option is to write about my experiences each day on my blog.
Please wear at least three pieces of shungite jewellery as it has very strong protectional properties from electromagnetic radiation. Please wear rolls of neodymium magnets which are set up in rows in ways that each magnet repels the next one beside it and they are all bound together with duct tape. Keep several of these rolls of magnets in your person in order to protect yourself. (See a youtube video called HerbsPlusBeadWorks for further information about how to make these rolls of repelling magnets.)
Take very small amounts of the supplement boron three times per day in order to destroy the nano material inside your brain and body. Keep your digital devices inside faraday bags when not in use. Switch off the electricity at the mains to your bedroom each night. Wear eyeshades over your eyes with peices of shungite inserted into them when sleeping. Please raise awareness of the fact the criminal networks wish to enslave myself and many others by the brain computer interface which connects us to them. This is a silent war. If you wish to remain free raise awareness of what is occurring every day while you still are able to do so.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of ireland.

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Posted on October 17, 2019 by gretta fahey
I and many other of my fellow human beings are being wirelessly electronically harassed and tortured while we are attempting to peacefully go about our everyday lives. We have been non-consensually wirelessly connected to the wireless internet of things which is also called the brain net by our brains and central nervous systems. Psychiatrists are unwittingly being used to censor all knowledge of this phenomenon because if we dare to complain we are immediately and wrongly deemed to be mentally unwell and we are then incarcerated inside psychiatric hospitals for a short time but long enough for us to lose our credibility. We are then forced to ingest poisonous substances which hinder our ability to communicate effectively because these poisons block access to parts of our own minds. This situation has come about because Sabbatean-Frankist Satanists are now in controlling positions at the top of the world hierarchical based chain of command.
I am wirelessly connected to a network of computers where hundreds of different operatives ask me questions and issue me voice commands by a live wireless bi-directional link. I have never met any of them and I don’t know who they are but their work appears to be compartmentalized to the extent that most of these operatives do not know what their colleagues do to me to the extent that while they monitor me via their remote neural monitoring capabilities they often draw wrong conclusions about me. This is mainly because they have admitted that they can not tell the difference between information which I generate with my own mind or information which has been wirelessly sent into my mind by their own colleagues who because of work compartmentalization are normally unknown to them. If some of their unknown colleagues download disturbing images into my mind, these individuals often have wrongly assumed that those disturbing pornographic type images were generated by my own mind. I am a woman of late middle age and I never watch pornography and I dislike it intensely and any pornographic images which manifests inside my mind have come by wireless means from unknown individuals who either send such an image directly to my mind or they have pre-programmed such an image to be generated by my mind every time I hear a trigger word. These unknown neuro operatives once send me a pornographic image of a religious icon in a sexual pose.
We must ban all brain to brain link capabilities because they are being used for torture. Because of the wireless internet-of-things capabilities I can now be placed on a type of virtual reality hold which I can not escape from where pain can be administered to me. Brain weapons are being used to enslave the human race. We must ban 5G and related paraphernalia urgently.
Occasionally I post online a small sample of what the unknown operatives say to me and about me to their colleagues so that if you should become wirelessly linked to the wireless internet of things in the future you will know what to expect. Here is some of what the voices of these unknown neuro operatives were heard by me to say recently :-
“She must be stopped from wearing trousers. She must wear skirts. It is the requirement.”
“They are going to do an analysis just when I am in the middle of my work. I cant stand it. Multi triangulations going on.”
“I want her locked away.”
“The scientists here believe that this woman Gretta Fahey doesn’t have anything to hide and that you have been inforcing this woman through extreme punishment.”
“How dare you speak to me like that. You are a subordinate and you will always remain so.” ( One neuro operative speaking to his own colleague.)
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number which I publish in order to prove my identity is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called

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Posted on October 19, 2019 by gretta  fahey
I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to the wireless internet of things which is also known as the brain net. Unknown neuro operatives speak to me via a two way live link to the hearing centre of my brain. Occasionally, I take a note of a small sample of what they say to me and I post it online later. Here is a small sample of what they have been saying to me and about me to their own colleagues recently.
“Be careful of us Gretta Fahey. You are stepping too close to our comfort zone and we are not happy.”
“Does she drink alcohol.” “No, she never drinks alcohol.” “Shut her up.” “She has no interest in alcohol.” “Why doesn’t she develop a taste for something because I’d like to see her inebriated.”
“We need the system administrators to give us the go ahead to stop doing what we do to the body of Gretta Fahey, namely bio-robotizing her in order to eventually gain total external control over her limbs, and all other muscles of her living human body.”
“They are allowing this woman Gretta Fahey to have bladder leakages by their work activities.”
“Why are you torturing this woman for sixteen years.” “There is good money in it.”
“She is not washing herself well enough.” (I take a daily shower and I wash all of my clothes every day.)
“We need to have a system of digital analysis in Gretta’s bicycle.” “It would be illegal to place a digital system in Gretta’s bicycle without first asking her permission. Since we can not ask her permission because she would deny us permission we can not then have a digital analysis system placed on her bicycle and we therefore can not analyse her bodily and brain systems while she is riding her bicycle to town and back.” “It bodes badly against us if people start disposing of their digital analysis systems namely their smart engineered devices in order to break free of this digital enslavement system that we are currently setting up worldwide and especially inside the bodies and brains of a selection of human beings now considered smart individuals because they are now wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of thing.” (That neuro operative then explained to me after I asked several questions that while I am riding my bicycle or while I am out and about without having any digital device within five feet of me then no data can be collected from my brain or body during that time. When I return home and sit in front of my computer which is a digital analysis system, data can then begin to be collected from my brain and body again but data which was generated by my brain and body while I was away from all digital analysis systems can never be regained.)
One of the neuro staff what heard by me to say the following to one of their colleagues “You can do what you like as long as you deliver the goods at the end of the day.” The other colleague was heard by me to then ask the following question “What are the goods.?” The answer that was heard by me was as follows “Societal Justice”. I myself wish to respond as follows “I have always obeyed all man made laws and there is extreme injustice in society but it does not come from me. It comes down from the top of a worldwide false hierarchical chain of command in the form of deliberately engineered evil policies. By now, all of our societal institutions have been infiltrated in ways that cause as many problems as possible to manifest in order that they can then make more and more laws so that we are eventually enslaved by them. If problems happen in society it is generally because of deliberate bad policies being made manifest in society. My question is as follows : why would torturing me psychologically for sixteen and a half years be a way of delivering “societal justice” to the world? Why don’t the wireless torturers turn their attention to those at the top of the false hierarchical based chain of command because that is where all the problems of the world stem from? Perhaps because my psychological torturers are cowards and will only pick on a single woman living alone in the West of Ireland rather than two thousand Satanists who sit at the top of the worldwide false hierarchical based chain of command and who own banks, corporations and up to forty six percent of the wealth of the whole world. Bullies always attempt to pick on someone less powerful than themselves and run from the powerful.
I sometimes hear the voice to skull inner voices say the following about me “No one knows her”. I don’t know what they mean by this because whenever I write a letter to a politician or the media or anyone else I put my name, address, location code, website name, landline home phone number and email address on it. What else could they wish to know about me. I have a high profile in the sense that I sent out a lot of letters to government officials, university staff and the main stream media as well as the alternative media as well as pushing letters through letterboxes of the homes of my local towns. I have placed a lot of information about myself on my website.
I once heard the voice of an unknown neuro operative coming from inside my head non-consensually while he said the following “I don’t want these images coming up on my screen.” I wish to explain here what I think he meant by that as follows –
If a scientific experiment is being conducted and the experimentation subject is wearing a cap over their brain which has electrodes on it while looking at a picture of an orange the evoked potentials which are generated on the computer screen of the scientist are automatically translated into information which lets him know that the subject is looking at a picture of an orange. If the subject simply conjures up a mental image of an orange with their imagination and no picture of an orange is present the scientist will then be allowed to know that no picture of an orange is present and the subject is simply conjuring up an image of an orange with their imagination. However, it is possible that their is a second scientist in another room looking at the same evoked potentials but that second scientist is not allowed to know whether the image of an orange which is presented on his screen is conjured up by the imagination of the subject or whether the subject is actually looking at a picture of an orange.
I am a non-consensual subject of such research but instead of wearing a cap containing electrodes on my head, neural dust containing something similar to electrodes is inside my head, close to my scalp. When I look at an image of something in my own home, an unknown scientist can know what I am looking at by having the evoked potentials my brain generates automatically translated into what I am looking at. If I imagine something inside my head the same unknown scientists can know that I have simply imagined something but that thing which I have imagined is not in my home and I have not physically seen it.
Some of what I see in my everyday life is disgusting and when it is also seen on the screens of the unknown criminal neuro staff who monitor everything I see or do they also find it disgusting. That is why I have been asked by those unknown criminal neuro staff not to look into my own toilet bowl anymore, whenever I use the toilet.
If an images is generated by a non-consensual subject of remote neural monitoring, is it always possibly for the remote neural monitoring staff to be able to accurately decipher whether that image is one which is real and is in the subjects environment, or whether it is a distant memory of the subject, or whether it is being conjured up by the subjects imagination or whether it is deliberately being inserted by neuro imaging staff who are unknown to the remote neural monitoring staff and who work from a different location to the remote neural monitoring staff? Have neuro imaging staff ever inserted external images into the brain of a human subject in order that remote neural monitoring staff would then wrongly believe that the subject had prior knowledge of a deed that the aforementioned subject had no prior knowledge of whatsoever.?

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I am being slowly and non-consensually  bio-robotized.  Because of metallic particulates inside my body which I and most others  have inhaled and ingested the electrical activity inside my brain and my body is being monitored, measured and manipulated by wireless means.  A frequency modulator is then used to take measurements of  some of the activity patterns from my brain.  These brain activity patterns are then  remodulated  and  send  back to my brain by another carrier frequency in order to force a selection of my muscles to move against my will.  

   EEG heterodyning is a well known scientific process where  the brain wave signals of two human beings are mixed together and this  can then allow the brain waves of the first human being to totally override the brainwaves of the second human being who would more than likely be an unwilling victim of the process..  Using EEG heterodyning the first human being could then take wireless physical  control over the body of the second human being and force the second human being to commit a crime against their will.  I believe this is being allowed to  happen to a number of non-consenting human victims of neuro experimentation throughout the world and it is being claimed that it has already happened in the case of a forty one year old Canadian woman named Rohinie Besayser who claims that her physical  body was taken over and remote controlled to murder another woman who was unknown to her.  The story of the wireless external control of Rohinie Besayser can be found at the following link

Because of nano particulates which were installed inside the brains and bodies of most of the human race without their expressed permission through the air, water and food supply and possibly through vaccinations we are now vulnerable to being bio-robotized.  These nano particulates can be first of all co-ordinated with each other to act in synchronization with each other and then they can be further  programmed to move in alignment with how the human being that they are inside would normally move.  In that way said  human being can be wirelessly remote controlled up to and including three years after they have died according to some sources.   If the muscles of the corpse of the human being are preserved after death bio-robotization of a dead corpse is easily achieveable.  The American Centre for Disease control has issued a warning of a future Zombie Apocalypse and how we should behave during it.   You might wonder why  the dark occultists who run this world from behind the scenes wish to create a Zombie Apocalypse.   The reason is that people are far more manageable when they are in a state of extreme fear.   If said dark occultists wish to subdue the human race into a state where they are willing to accept enslavement they must first bring about a state of extreme fear in the human race.   They are also preparing many other ways to generate fear in the human race.  Because we have nano technology inside our brains we have been turned into living antennas and we have become transmitters of receivers of information.  We can be sent visions, images, voices, other sounds, pain, electric shocks, forced muscle movement, sensations of hands touching our skin using a process commonly known as HAPTIX technology and a wide variety of other frightening experiences.  However if you are forewarned of these capabilities you will not be scared of them and you will be capable of resisting all attempts at enslavement. 

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Posted on October 14, 2019 by gretta fahey
I have become wirelessly and non-consensually brain to brain interfaced with individuals who can decipher and sell personal details about me. I was illegally placed on a remote neural monitoring program via a two way wireless link where I have become linked to a computer control network and where unknown neuro operatives can now gain access to my brain and body against my will and without my permission. They receive and transmit data via the bi-directional link and said data includes electrical signals which can generate voices, visions, electric shocks, pain, forced muscle movement and a wide variety of other unwanted sensations. I am constantly wirelessly connected to the unknown staff who run the remote neural monitoring program and I hear them speak to me and about me on a constant basis. I regularly take note of some of what they say and post it online on my website. Here is some of what I heard the remote neural monitoring staff say to me and about me to each other recently :-
“We sell that data that we collect from the brain and body of Gretta Fahey. We can pay forty or fifty men and women from the data that we collect from Gretta Fahey alone.”
“Is there inappropriate material on her personal computer?” “No.” “Could we then install inappropriate material without her knowledge or consent.?”
“I have a problem with her. She is over weight.”
“We are bio-robotizing a woman who has done a lot to raise awareness of this technology, so what do we do to clip her wings.”
“She doesn’t masticate at all. Does she even brush her teeth anymore.” ( I don’t use fluoride toothpaste because I believe that fluoride is a dumbing down agent and it is toxic so I brush my teeth by putting spearment flavoured essential oil on my toothbrush.)
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901
My website is called My email address is

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WHY WAS MY COMPUTER  CONNECTED TO AN UNKNOWN NETWORK sometime  between 11.00 and 11.30 am on July 17, 2019. My name is Gretta Fahey. My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website is called

Name: Local Area Connection* 1
Description: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:a8
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::cc6b:ecc7:4543:45b8%4/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: Local Area Connection* 3
Description: Microsoft Wi-Fi Direct Virtual Adapter #2
Physical address (MAC): 1a:56:80:c7:9f:a7
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::9d56:af4e:63a:9ea2%3/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

Name: WiFi
Description: Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 7265
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:a7
Status: Operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
Link speed (Receive/Transmit): 144/144 (Mbps)
DHCP enabled: Yes
DHCP servers:
DHCP lease obtained: ‎Wednesday ‎17 ‎July ‎2019 10:52:21
DHCP lease expires: ‎Thursday ‎18 ‎July ‎2019 10:52:21
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::68ae:4e2e:bb5b:3404%9/64
Default gateway:
DNS servers:,
DNS domain name:
DNS connection suffix:
DNS search suffix list:
Network name: 3MobileWiFi-5B19
Network category: Public
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Connected to Internet / Connected to unknown network

Name: Bluetooth Network Connection
Description: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
Physical address (MAC): 18:56:80:c7:9f:ab
Status: Not operational
Maximum transmission unit: 1500
IPv4 address:
IPv6 address: fe80::c43b:ffda:3efc:ed94%7/64
DNS servers: fec0:0:0:ffff::1%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::2%1, fec0:0:0:ffff::3%1
Connectivity (IPv4/IPv6): Disconnected

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I am connected to a computer system by a two way stream of energy which allows the  operatives of said computer system to force me to listen to their voices whenever they wish and I hear their voices coming from inside my head.   Today I heard a voice of one of these afore mentioned   operatives say the following to another colleague  "We need some help.   There is nothing we can do here."   This was followed by another voice which was heard by me to say the following  "Do you have insurance."   Another voice replied as follows "Do you mean leverage on the lady in question?"    The answer I heard coming from inside my head was "No".  A voice then replied as follows "Just leave and we will come back and finish the job later."

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I live close to Claremorris town in the West of the Republic of Ireland. I am being targeted by directed energy weapons for neuro research. I have been connected to advanced computerized technology via an energy link. My computer screen is being controlled by remote means by unknown neuro workers. When I check my weather forecast on a website called, I find that my location is wrongly presumed to be in the Eastern side of the Republic of Ireland and the location I am presumed to be at changes from location to location frequently. I copied the relevant data from and I am now posting that copy here below.

Latest Rainfall Radar showing live precipitation and the last 90 minutes precipitation over Ireland, updated every 5 minutes. Precipitation can be rain, hail or snow. Accumulations can refer to rainfall only. Lightning strikes, when they occur, are displayed as a cross. Initially they are red but change to orange and then yellow after a period, then disappear.
Weather Maps
Rainfall Radar
Forecast Overview
Rainfall Forecast (7 day)
⦁ Present Location
⦁ Wicklow
⦁ Recent Locations
⦁ Howth
⦁ North Dock
⦁ Pembroke West
Wicklow - Forecast


My name is Gretta Fahey.  My place of residence is at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.  My Eircode is F12 Y560.   My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website which I alone own and control is called

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The European Human Brain project and the United States Brain Initiative claim that they are at the initial stages of understanding how to human brain works. However, I and hundreds of thousands of other non-consensual victims of neuro-scientific research are fully aware that advances in brain science are far ahead of what the general public are being informed about and that such knowledge is being secretly used against the human race on a massive scale throughout the world in order to further control and enslave humanity. Because a differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power, those in possession of scientific knowledge relating to how to manipulate the human brain from a distance are secretly using it to manipulate and hurt many human beings by wireless means. These evil neuro operatives and neuro agents are believed to be a multi- national criminal cabal that operate black projects in all countries throughout the world and they are all working together to take over the world using these advanced technologies. It is believed that they also control the main stream media.
Particulates of neural dust are being sent into human brains by chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. Ultrasound powers the neural dust and activates the system for full monitoring of a random selection of human beings. This system allows ordinary people going about their lives to be interrogated by unknown neuro operatives who do their work by wireless means and from a distance. This random selection of human beings suddenly begin to hear the voices of their interrogaters coming from inside their heads. I have been and still am a victim of this non-consensual neuro scientific research for many years and my brain and body are wirelessly linked to the computer system of the unknown criminal neuro operatives. They use energy weapons to see inside my brain and body which aids in their scientific research. They can and do read my inner thoughts and reply to them in real time. They have built a three dimensional image of my body so that they can monitor my movements throughout my home all day, every day. All of the electrical energy which is generated by my brain and body on a constant basis is uploaded to their computer network for elaborate data analysis and still further analysis later which is then carried out by another team of scientists who I am informed work at Fort Meade, Maryland, U.S.A. I was born in and have lived in Ireland, Europe for the whole of my life since 1960. Not alone can the teams of unknown neuro operatives who wirelessly interrogate me force me to listen to their voices on a constant basis, they also send me moving images, odours, mild pain signals, electric shocks, feelings, sensations and forced muscle movement. Whenever I am brain to brain linked with one of these neuro operatives, if they laugh I am forced against my will to laugh also. If they speak during the brain to brain link I am forced to speak whatever they say, and this happens entirely against my will and without my permssion. This is commonly known as forced speech among targeted individuals, but because the uninitiated human race can not conceptualize such advanced technology they generally do not believe us when we tell them of our experiences. Naivete has no place in the lives of individuals living in this century of unparalleled advances in science and technology.
I write a blog most days which I post online in which I detail a small amount of what the neuro opertives say to me whenever they reproduce their voices inside my head, which is almost constantly. Some of what they say to me is very insulting and frightening. I post it online so that others who might experience a similar fate at some time in the future would be better prepared for the shock. Here below is a small sample of what these unknown voices have said to me and about me to their colleagues in the past day or two. They sometimes tend to contradict each other because there are many and varied staff working on this black budget neuro research, who all have different points of view, and who all speak to me via the invisible neurolink which connects us.   I do not receive payment for this writing  and I do not wish to receive payment for it.  My only wish is to help expose large scale corruption throughout the world.  
"You have become a nuicance due to your online blogs and that is why I am going to calm the situation down by allowing you to write whatever you like but then ring fencing it within a certain radius of control. Now, write whatever you like about us and our work. We dont like you."
"We are psychologically torturing you because we are paid well to do so, and we are also passing on information to you to give to the public so that we will not be psychologically tortured ourselves some day by the self-same system which we are using on, you due to possible expansion of the system throughout the world in the future. Also, we are under a level of unforseen control ourselves."
"What happened to the dishes. Why aren't they washed.?"
I heard one of the neuro agents saying the following via the neuro link "We have to deal." I asked what that phrase meant, precisely. The neuro agent replied using the neurolink and I heard his voice coming from inside my head while saying the following "We have to take this system up a notch with regard to investigating you." I then asked "Have you any reason to investigate me". The reply I received back was as follows "No. We have no reason to investigate you."
"The inner bearings of Gretta Fahey have been destroyed by too much information and now they can't be deciphered properly."
"My staff are charged with larceny. They have stolen information that I put out and they have made it their own. "
I heard the following being said to a member of the neuro staff by another member of staff "You will get your hands off for speaking to me like that."
"Digestive information is what I am looking for."
"I will smather you into a million pieces."
"Why aren't you disciplined like the others."
"She is like a vulture." (I disagree with this assessment of me by an unknown neuro staff member because I dont eat meat, fish, chicken or eggs. I am nothing like a vulture.
"What is this information coming through from her clothing? We can't get our normal residues at all." I believe the reason this was said by the neuro operatives is because I do not wash my clothes in laundry detergent because it has been blended with particulates which can be used to assess how clean the clothes somebody is wearing are by an operative while they stand near the wearer and using a device to read the clothes. I always wash my clothes in dishwashing detergent which I have heard does not contain such particulates. I wash my clothes daily but I like to do everything I can to deter the neuro operatives from collecting private data from my person.
Last night the neuro operatives were conducting experiements in my right lung and they inadvertantly caused me to feel extreme pain in my lung. They said the following "sub collar job failed, very painful for the lady."
I have found through experimentation over many years some ways to deter the neuro operatives from obtaining information from my brain and body. One successful way is to hold an analogue radio close to my brain or body while setting it to medium wave and while constantly moving the dial back and over from station to station. Even if ther is nothing available only white noise this is enough to completely stop them in their attempts to gain the information they wish to analyse from my brain and body.

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Brain to computer interface systems are now live in pockets of society throughout most of the world.  We are being systematically implanted with a wide variety of implants by agents of the C.I.A. and F.B.I.   The CIA is a rogue agency.   In my opinion, the CIA is responsible for most acts of terrorism throughout the world and they take their orders to carry out acts of terrorism from individual members of the Council on Foreign Relations.   In my opinion, the Council on Foreign Relations are actively working towards slowing down the world wide economy by any and every means possible.  They work for the greater evil of the human race.  The the people of the United States should immediately have laws implemented to defund the abolish the CIA combined with the rest of the intelligence services of the United States.

I have been non-consensually  targeted by directed energy weapons and bio-communication methods  for many years.   I hear the voices of agents of what is commonly being called Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation coming from inside my head on a constant basis.   I regularly post online some of what these internal voices say to me on many social media sites in order to inform the general public about what it is like to experience being subjected to a brain to computer interface system.   Here below is what some of what these unknown neuro operatives have said to me and about me in the past two days:-

"It is while she is in her bathroom that we obtain most of the information which is most pertinent to our research.  We analyse the contents of her bowel and bladder while she is in there."

"She will not be in her own home for much longer."

"She can get out of bed the same as everybody else."

"Why have you allowed this woman to languish for so long."   

"You don't understand the aim of the game.   The aim of the game is to terrify them."

"I will quell her some day. 

"We can take Gretta Fahey out of the country.  There is not one single person in this country who cares whether we take her or not.   Who would know?   She lives alone."

"Bring her to justice please.  This can not continue."   ( I don't know what that means as I have never broken a law in my life.)

I complained to the inner voices about the fact that they were continually waking me up to ask me questions during some nights and here is the conversation we had as follows:-

   I said as follows "If you wake me up too early or if you persistently wake me up during the night it is counter productive because I then need to go back to bed to rest later on during the day."    I heard the voice of one of the unknown neuro operatives coming from inside my head as follows -  "We have had this conversation before and it doesn't work for us to leave you asleep."

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Aerosolized dust particles have become embedded in our bodies and brains. These embedded particles are now being used to wirelessly connect non-consenting people to computer networks for the purpose of brain to brain interface and brain to computer interface. Both brain to brain interface and brain to computer interface control systems provide a certain level of limitation and constraint over the everyday behaviour of anybody who becomes wirelessly linked to the system. These brain to brain and brain to computer system have been developed and programmed in order to control and manage the behaviour of most of the human race. This control system enables real time monitoring of all of the electrical activity being generated by both the human brain and human body. You can have no secrets or mental privacy if and when you become connected to this control system. This virtual enslavement system enables both mind control and body control both of which are already happening throughout most of the world. Mind control is occurring on a large scale throughout the world. Body control is only being experienced by a small selection of individuals but it is being developed as a control and enslavement tool for eventual use in curbing the behaviour of most of the human race.

It appears that the individuals who enabled this cruel control system to be developed and administered throughout most of the world wish to remain outside the control system themselves. They wish to be slave masters of the human race. Because of being unknowingly mind controlled most people are totally unaware of this plan for remote neural monitoring for the masses of humanity. This is wireless warfare. If we wish to remain free from enslavement all we need to do is to demolish all telephone towers and related paraphernalia. It is widely believed that the existence of satellites has been hoaxed by NASA who appear to be under some kind of constraint.

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