Computer (36)

I am a non-consensual  victim of an unknown crime syndicate who use formerly classified voice to skull direct human communication to  to  speak to me by wireless means and from a remote location  against my will and without my permission.   I have been brain to computer linked for more than fifteen years.  These criminals are able to decode much of the electrical activity generated by my brain and body throughout each day via a two way stream of electromagnetic energy which is wirelessly linked to embedded material inside  my brain and body.   I sometimes write down what these individuals who reproduce their voices inside my head say to me and post it online in many and varied social media sites and on my own website which is called ; Here is some of what these voices which I hear coming from inside my head have been saying to me over the past few days.

"Sidney house corporation has asked why is this woman being allowed to send secret information around the world".

"It is highly inappropriate to throw out that many carrots".

"How dare you write down what we say.  It was never in the bargain. Certain people are extremely distraught."

"I have become an accomplice in this so I may as well destroy the woman".

"If we fail to get her married off we will instead deem her to have borderline paranoid schizophrenia."

"They will kill us or they will kill her if that goes out".

"She is neither elegant nor astute."

"She is not one of us.  Why the heck didnt we know that before we came here?    This was replied to by another unknown voice as follows  "We did know it because none of them are with us.  They are all non-consensual.  It server us better to pretend we believe that they have consented to being neuro research subjects.  

"The Antifada are here at the lookout post.  The lair of the neuro research group is underground in London.  It can be accessed through a chamber inside the house of Lords."

"How many chances does this woman need.  Speak to me or else".

"There is no income stream coming from this woman.  This was responded to by another unknown voice as follows  "An income stream will be now set up to come from this womans estate.   Further to that I heard the following information also coming from inside my head   "This is against all known laws of the circuit courts".   The response I heard then was as follows  "Signalling each other is not the way forward.  I have killed your information source".    While this was being said I got a strong feeling that the individual who I was brain to brain linked at that exact time had been killed because I can feel their emotions and I felt something very strange and unexplanable coming from the brain to brain link into my own head.

"We will decommission the system if this much information is out there".

"This pig of a woman has no right to exist".

"We will have to abandon ship.  We are in danger".  

I had been kept awake at night because of hearing constant voice to skull direct human communication voices coming from inside my head.  I had complained about this during the day via the voice to skull direct human communication system.  I had been unable to carry out my own business due to extreme tiredness.  They then informed me that they had deprived the night staff who had been keeping me awake of work for four weeks as a punishment.  However, other night staff had then later on  begun to keep me awake.  I complained to these individuals that they were keeping me awake by their continual talking during the night.  I then heard the following voices coming from inside my head while speaking to each other "Do you want a four week vacation?.  This was followed by "Yes."   This was followed by "Well keep her awake then."  This was followed by still another inner voice which said "You are going to have to leave this employ.  You are turning against the welfare of this woman."

"If this woman had had a hysterectomy we would have had her by now.  We would have got to the bowel and scared it a bit in order to cause her problems in the future".  

"You have gone out of your way to make me cross".

"Keep your head above the radar and I will slowly inform you that we will kill you".  

"We can pretty much do what we like here.  We have no consideration for you.  Obviously we care enough to keep you alive.  It would be counter productive otherwise."

I would like to strongly advice other recepients of voice to skull unwanted voices to reply to the voices in the following manner as a matter of course.  "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head entirely without my permission while saying the following   (then you repeat whatever you heard them say).  This may lead to exposure in the future for the following reason,   A permanent electronic record of anybody who uses wirelessly enabled  technology  in order to speak to unknown targeted individuals remotely and without their permission might be kept for security reasons.  If and when the courts obtain those electronic records the perpetrators will not be able to claim that they did not know that they were projecting their voices inside the heads on non-consensual and extremely unwilling human beings if you inform them each time they speak to you that you are hearing their voices coming from inside your head and it is non-consensual.  .

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A Voice to Skull voice which I heard coming from inside my head in the past twenty minutes was heard by me to say the following  " I command you " .    I replied " What are you going around commanding your own equals for like a plonker"?    The reason he attempted to command me was because I was refusing to remove my computer from  the room I am currently in and extraneous information is coming through from my computer into my brain and body to the extent that the neuro operatives can not work on inputting unwanted digital signals into my brain and body.    I am refusing to remove my computer from the room that I am in on the grounds that I have nothing to lose because these neuro operatives have intimated that they are going to destroy my personhood by remote means regardless of what I do or say.   They implied that there are dark times ahead for my country if I will not co operate.  However, they often imply that there are dark times ahead for my country no matter what anyone does or says, so I will not co operate with them no matter what they command me to do.

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Elon Musk and others are attempting to convince the rest of us that it will benefit us to have our brains and spines wirelessly linked to computer networks in the very near future.  For that reason governments throughout the world have been convinced that it is in our best interest to have fifth generation wireless technology installed throughout all countries of the world.    The world wide industrialists have already employed agents to link individuals throughout every country in the world to said computer network in order to initiate the control system.  These brain to computer linked human beings have come to be known as targeted individuals.   I am one of these targeted individuals.
This drive to link all human brains and bodies to a super-computer network, where all of the electrical activity in our brains and bodies is retrieved, analysed and stored is not in our interests.  Many individuals in the targeted individual community have committed suicide.   Some of the others have already formulated a suicide plan if their enslavement advances to the point of head to toe paralysis which is one of the capabilities of brain to computer link.  Most people throughout most of the world appear to be under strong brain entrainment, to the extent that they are not as outraged as they should be at the prospect of their impending enslavement.  These brain entrainment signals are being signalled from your local phone tower.  If the plan to enslave most of humanity throughout brain to computer link comes to pass you would no longer be allowed to own your own home or vehicle.  You would be immobilised by wireless means if you refused to obey the slave-masters who I believe are dark occultists.  These dark occultists convey their wishes to the intelligence services and others who, owing to brain entrainment obediently carry these orders out.
Cover stories that are being used to cover the vast capabilities of neuro weapons and brain to computer interface capabilities are the near death experience hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the channelling hoax, the extra-terrestrial hoax and a wide variety of other hoaxes.  Please do not believe in any of these hoaxes.  In order to pull off universal human enslavement via brain to computer interface links, confusion is being deliberately spread throughout the world at this time.
  Please ask your political representative to deactivate the plan to render the brains and bodies of the human race wireless live, which is in essence a human wireless enslavement plan.  It is now believed that most of the enslavement technology  is ground based.  It is now believed that the existence of satellites has been hoaxed and that what has been mistaken for satellites are in essence simply stationary drones.   The enemy always exaggerates their strengths.   To that extent many lies have been told over the years.  Exercise discernment in what you are being told.   For my own experience of having my brain linked to a computer network over the past fifteen years please read my website which is called
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Targeted individuals of wirelessly enabled Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation have had implants placed inside their brains and bodies in order to enable neuro operatives to take readings of various bodily functions as well as brain functions. By the act of placing said implants inside the victims brain and body said targeted individuals have now become wirelessly linked to a super-computer network combined with a myriad of other personal computers placed close to th...e victims brain and body as well as thousands of miles away. Private computer readouts pertaining to my own brain and body can now be accessed anywhere there is wireless capability across the world. Criminal neuro operatives can also speak to me whenever they wish via the implants which have been illegally placed inside my head. I have no possible way of blocking their unwanted voices out, no matter when they speak to me.

I now believe that many if not most human beings throughout the world may have illegal implants placed inside their heads and bodies without knowing about it. They also may be wirelessly linked by a two way energy connection to a super-computer where their thoughts are being monitored in real time and these thoughts are being analysed and stored on a cloud storage facility somewhere in the world to the extent that these human beings have been categorised to some extent so that they can be dealt with more thoroughly at some time in the future. We can instantly stop this evil neuro technology in its tracks by disabling and outlawing all wirelessly enabling technology throughout the world urgently. Please bring this matter to the attention of the public now.

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This is largely the work of Bryan Tew which has been summarised by Gretta Fahey.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to image, measure and transmit brain and neural activity.

Many human beings throughout most of the world are now wirelessly tied to a super-computer via nano technology which has been imbedded inside their brains and bodies. The Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer monitors and manipulates all electrical activity in their brains on a constant basis throughout each day. It uses physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the brain and central nervous system of the targeted individual in order to then build a cognotive model of that brain.

A computer multiplexer routes the brain signals to a tower or mobile platform. The tower or mobile platform then relays the signals to a digital receiver.

The cerebral cortex is remotely tied to a supercomputer which monitors and manipulates all of the electromagentic activity of the human brain.

There are hive mind teams involved which aid and abet the process for the purposes of training, research and development. The hive mind teams manually inject information into the human brain when whenever they need to but up to twnety percent of all of the manipulation is now being done automatically by the supercomputer. The automated work of the supercomputer involves muscle manipulating via the motor cortex of the human being, as well as inducing sleep disturbances when necessary and the supercomputer can automatically decide to kill a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring.

The brain of the victim has been digitized by nano technology which they have both inhaled and ingested from illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. Nano technology is already in the brains of all 318 million Americans as well as all Europeans and further afield. Once ingested, the nano technology then migrates to the brain and adheres to the neuro transmitter of the brain. It begins to decode those neuro transmitters after it is activated. Your brain can be activated from thousands of miles away using a process called Directed Energy Flashing Photons. Even though everyone is infected with nano technology only a few million human beings have been activated throughout the world so far.

The hive mind teams force the targeted individual into a pattern of response and a pattern of speech. They try to develop and identify patterns of behaviour of the targeted individual which they then remotely measure and re-intigrate into the Remote Neural Monitoring data for the purposes of building a cognotive moel of the human brain. The hive mind teams deliberately generate anxiety and fear in order to generate emotional responses which can be measured and reintigrated back into the remote neural monitoring data.

The super-computer has copies of the bio-algorhythms of the will, intellect and emotions of any targeted individual that has become wirelessly tethered ot it. The will, intellect and emotions of these targeted individuals is used to further program the super-computer. Naturally the super-computer, being non-sentient can not actually feel the emotions. It can only simulate them through the tone of voice that it is programmed to use.

The hive mind team turn the brain of the victim into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communication system.

Remote Neural Monitoring locks on to the emotional state of the victim. If the victim uses pleasing music or a pleasant pass-time to dampen down the neural link to the hive mind team and to the super-computer trauma will then be used to re-entrain the brain of the victim back to the desired frequency of the Remote Neural Monitoring system.

Remote Neural Manipulation is the ability of the system to predict and influence your memories during thought composition in order to pitch you into some type of action or access sequence.

It is imperative that the hive mind team do everything in their power to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual will not be believed. They use slander campaigns and false psychiatry to discredit targeted individuals. In some situations the hive mind create a hostile environment everywhere the victim goes in order to isolate the victim so that there is no external interference which might dampen down the desired neuro programming.

The hive mind team can introduce sound, voices, aromas, sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions into the brain of the targeted individual or on some occasions targeted group. They are using a fabricated and falsefied stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves specifically to match the brain wave sequence of the victim. This bio-directional stream, known as the information and injection feedback loop which scientists call the neural link contains a hidden carrier frequency which is specificaly tuned to the unique one of a kind brain wave signature of the victim.

The hive mind team obtain the digital brain imprint of the victim which they remotely measure and then they upload it into a super-computer and they wirelessly tie the victim to that super-computer for life by way of the bio-directional stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves, turning the brain of the targeted individual into their very own visual, verbal and auditive communication system. The victim is then a walking digital receiver. They attempt to restrict the victim at will using remotely induced trauma and pain. They use bio-communication to project their voices inside the brain of the victim. They eventually are able to manipulate the visual cortex of the victim to introduce images into the victims field of vision. They introduce signals into the audio cortex of the victim to introduce sounds and voices. They manipulate the sensory cortex of the victim to introduce sensations or pain. They manipulate the motor cortex of the victim in order to cause movement to the muscles of the victim anywhere throughout the victims face or body. By modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy they can target any area of the human anatomy.

There is a perceived seventy or eighty year gap between the technology available in the market place and the technology available to the satanic and luciferian control system. They wish to determine what a society can maintain is true.

Further links to the work of Bryan Tew.




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The electronic signals a targeted individual feels on and inside their bodies are being wirelessly transmitted by criminal neuro operatives to the nano particulates which are both on the skin surface of the targeted individuals and inside their bodies .
The nano particulates inside our bodies can be both seen and co-ordinated on the computer screens of the criminal neuro operatives and this process is being carried out by wireless enablement. These nano particulates can als...o be wirelessly programmed by the neuro operatives.
A group of nano particulates inside our bodies can be wirelessly communicated with by the neuro operatives to cause our muscles to make sudden movements. This capability can be used to cause an airline pilot to crash his plane. I am of the strong belief that nano particulates are not enough to cause a human being to become a target of neuro experimentation and electronic harassment and psychological and physical torture. The targeted individual needs to have several other illegal implants in order to make targeting possible. The perpetrators of this major crime against the human race believe that they have enough people illegally implanted to make the whole human race falsely believe that they can be wirelessly targeted by remote means just by the presence of nano technology alone. Luckily for the non-targeted people this may not be the case. I have been informed via my voice to skull wireless implants that the neuro weapons industry employees believe that there is a race against time to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters now before it becomes too late to do so.

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All targeted individuals who feel their muscles taking on a life of their own and even occasionally being remote controlled against their wills should research the area of nano assemblers and nano assemblage engineers. Unbeknownst to many of these engineers the nano technology which they are being asked to assemble is inside human bodies and these human bodies are being slowly and incrementally bio-robotized over many years and even decades. Please research this topic.
The nano assemblage engineers are working on computer networks which are attached to a super computer and which is also attached by remote means to the human being destined for bio-robotization and total remote control at some future time. I have been informed by my wirelessly enabled technologically induced inner voices that I am destined for such a fate.

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This invention we give away for free to someone who wants to build a AI assistant startup:

(Read the warning in the end of this post)

It should work to build a interface for telepathy/ silent communication with a AI assistant in a smartphone with a neurophone sensor:

My suggestion is to use the sensor for Touch ID for communication with the AI. When you touch the sensor you hear the assistant through your skin:

And a interface based on this information for speaking with the assistant: The Audeo is a sensor/device which detects activity in the larynx (aka. voice box) through EEG (Electroencephalography). The Audeo is unique in it's use of EEG in that it is detecting & analyzing signals outside the brain on their path to the larynx.1 The neurological signals/data are then encrypted and then transmitted to a computer to be processed using their software (which can be seen being used in Kimberly Beals' video).2 Once it is analyzed and processed the data can then be represented using a computer speech generator.


The Audeo is a great sensor/device to detect imagined speech. It has an infinite amount of uses, especially in our areas of study. Here are some videos that show what the Audeo can be used for:…/79/audeo-ambient-using-voice-input In a $6.3 million Army initiative to invent devices for telepathic communication, Gerwin Schalk, underwritten in a $2.2 million grant, found that it is possible to use ECoG signals to discriminate the vowels and consonants embedded in spoken and in imagined words.…/2008-08-scientists-synthetic-telepathy.…

The results shed light on the distinct mechanisms associated with production of vowels and consonants, and could provide the basis for brain-based communication using imagined speech.… Research into synthetic telepathy using subvocalization is taking place at the University of California, Irvine under lead scientist Mike D'Zmura. The first such communication took place in the 1960s using EEG to create Morse code using brain alpha waves.

Why do Magnus Olsson and Leo Angelsleva

give you this opportunity for free?

Because Facebook can use you and your data in research for free and I think someone else than Mark Zuckerberg should get this opportunity:

Neurotechnology, Elon Musk and the goal of human enhancement

Brain-computer interfaces could change the way people think, soldiers fight and Alzheimer’s is treated. But are we in control of the ethical ramifications?
Extending the human mind … Elon Musk.
Extending the human mind …

At the World Government Summit in Dubai in February, Tesla and SpaceX chief executive Elon Musk said that people would need to become cyborgs to be relevant in an artificial intelligence age. He said that a “merger of biological intelligence and machine intelligence” would be necessary to ensure we stay economically valuable.

Soon afterwards, the serial entrepreneur created Neuralink, with the intention of connecting computers directly to human brains. He wants to do this using “neural lace” technology – implanting tiny electrodes into the brain for direct computing capabilities.

Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) aren’t a new idea. Various forms of BCI are already available, from ones that sit on top of your head and measure brain signals to devices that are implanted into your brain tissue.

They are mainly one-directional, with the most common uses enabling motor control and communication tools for people with brain injuries. In March, a man who was paralysed from below the neck moved his hand using the power of concentration.

Cognitive enhancement

A researcher uses a brain-computer interface helmet at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble.
A researcher uses a brain-computer interface helmet at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Grenoble. Photograph: Jean-Pierre Clatot/AFP/Getty Images

But Musk’s plans go beyond this: he wants to use BCIs in a bi-directional capacity, so that plugging in could make us smarter, improve our memory, help with decision-making and eventually provide an extension of the human mind.

“Musk’s goals of cognitive enhancement relate to healthy or able-bodied subjects, because he is afraid of AI and that computers will ultimately become more intelligent than the humans who made the computers,” explains BCI expert Professor Pedram Mohseni of Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, who sold the rights to the name Neuralink to Musk.

He wants to directly tap into the brain, effectively bypassing mechanisms such as speaking or texting. Musk has the credibility to talk about these things

Pedram Mohseni

“He wants to directly tap into the brain to read out thoughts, effectively bypassing low-bandwidth mechanisms such as speaking or texting to convey the thoughts. This is pie-in-the-sky stuff, but Musk has the credibility to talk about these things,” he adds.

Musk is not alone in believing that “neurotechnology” could be the next big thing. Silicon Valley is abuzz with similar projects. Bryan Johnson, for example, has also been testing “neural lace”. He founded Kernel, a startup to enhance human intelligence by developing brain implants linking people’s thoughts to computers.

In 2015, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that people will one day be able to share “full sensory and emotional experiences” online – not just photos and videos. Facebook has been hiring neuroscientists for an undisclosed project at its secretive hardware division, Building 8.

However, it is unlikely this technology will be available anytime soon, and some of the more ambitious projects may be unrealistic, according to Mohseni.


A brain scan of a patient with Alzheimer’s.
A brain scan of a patient with Alzheimer’s. Photograph: BSIP/UIG via Getty Images

“In my opinion, we are at least 10 to 15 years away from the cognitive enhancement goals in healthy, able-bodied subjects. It certainly appears to be, from the more immediate goals of Neuralink, that the neurotechnology focus will continue to be on patients with various neurological injuries or diseases,” he says.

Mohseni says one of the best current examples of cognitive enhancement is the work of Professor Ted Berger, of the University of Southern California, who has been working on a memory prosthesis to replace the damaged parts of the hippocampus in patients who have lost their memory due to, for example, Alzheimer’s disease.

“In this case, a computer is to be implanted in the brain that acts similaly to the biological hippocampus from an input and output perspective,” he says. “Berger has results from both rodents and non-human primate models, as well as preliminary results in several human subjects.”

Mohseni adds: “The [US government’s] Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) currently has a programme that aims to do cognitive enhancement in their soldiers – ie enhance learning of a wide range of cognitive skills, through various mechanisms of peripheral nerve stimulation that facilitate and encourage neural plasticity in the brain. This would be another example of cognitive enhancement in able-bodied subjects, but it is quite pie-in-the-sky, which is exactly how DARPA operates.”

Understanding the brain

Heading for cognitive enhancement? … US soldiers in Bagram, Afghanistan.
Heading for cognitive enhancement? … US soldiers in Bagram, Afghanistan. Photograph: Aaron Favila/AP

In the UK, research is ongoing. Davide Valeriani, senior research officer at University of Essex’s BCI-NE Lab, is using an electroencephalogram (EEG)-based BCI to tap into the unconscious minds of people as they make decisions.

BCIs could be a fundamental tool for going beyond human limits, hence improving everyone’s life

Davide Valeriani

“Everyone who makes decisions wears the EEG cap, which is part of a BCI, a tool to help measure EEG activity ... it measures electrical activity to gather patterns associated with confident or non-confident decisions,” says Valeriani. “We train the BCI – the computer basically – by asking people to make decisions without knowing the answer and then tell the machine, ‘Look, in this case we know the decision made by the user is correct, so associate those patterns to confident decisions’ – as we know that confidence is related to probability of being correct. So during training the machine knows which answers were correct and which one were not. The user doesn’t know all the time.”

Valeriani adds: “I hope more resources will be put into supporting this very promising area of research. BCIs are not only an invaluable tool for people with disabilities, but they could be a fundamental tool for going beyond human limits, hence improving everyone’s life.”

He notes, however, that one of the biggest challenges with this technology is that first we need to better understand how the human brain works before deciding where and how to apply BCI. “This is why many agencies have been investing in basic neuroscience research – for example, the Brain initiative in the US and the Human Brain Project in the EU.”

Whenever there is talk of enhancing humans, moral questions remain – particularly around where the human ends and the machine begins. “In my opinion, one way to overcome these ethical concerns is to let humans decide whether they want to use a BCI to augment their capabilities,” Valeriani says.

“Neuroethicists are working to give advice to policymakers about what should be regulated. I am quite confident that, in the future, we will be more open to the possibility of using BCIs if such systems provide a clear and tangible advantage to our lives.”

Facebook is building brain-computer interfaces

Facebook is improving the 360 video experience by predicting where you will look

[facebook url="" /]

The plan is to eventually build non-implanted devices that can ship at scale. And to tamp down on the inevitable fear this research will inspire, Facebook tells me “This isn’t about decoding random thoughts. This is about decoding the words you’ve already decided to share by sending them to the speech center of your brain.” Facebook likened it to how you take lots of photos but only share some of them. Even with its device, Facebook says you’ll be able to think freely but only turn some thoughts into text.


Meanwhile, Building 8 is working on a way for humans to hear through their skin. It’s been building prototypes of hardware and software that let your skin mimic the cochlea in your ear that translates sound into specific frequencies for your brain. This technology could let deaf people essentially “hear” by bypassing their ears.

A team of Facebook engineers was shown experimenting with hearing through skin using a system of actuators tuned to 16 frequency bands. A test subject was able to develop a vocabulary of nine words they could hear through their skin.

To underscore the gravity of Building 8s mind-reading technology, Dugan started her talk by saying she’s never seen something as powerful as the smartphone “that didn’t have unintended consequences.” She mentioned that we’d all be better off if we looked up from our phones every so often. But at the same time, she believes technology can foster empathy, education and global community.

Building 8’s Big Reveal

Facebook hired Dugan last year to lead its secretive new Building 8 research lab. She had previously run Google’s Advanced Technology And Products division, and was formerly a head of DARPA.

Facebook built a special Area 404 wing of its Menlo Park headquarters with tons of mechanical engineering equipment to help Dugan’s team quickly prototype new hardware. In December, it signed rapid collaboration deals with Stanford, Harvard, MIT and more to get academia’s assistance.

Yet until now, nobody really knew what Building 8 was…building. Business Insider had reported on Building 8’s job listings and that it might show off news at F8.

According to these job listings, Facebook is looking for a Brain-Computer Interface Engineer “who will be responsible for working on a 2-year B8 project focused on developing advanced BCI technologies.” Responsibilities include “Application of machine learning methods, including encoding and decoding models, to neuroimaging and electrophysiological data.” It’s also looking for a Neural Imaging Engineer who will be “focused on developing novel non-invasive neuroimaging technologies” who will “Design and evaluate novel neural imaging methods based on optical, RF, ultrasound, or other entirely non-invasive approaches.”

Elon Musk has been developing his own startup called Neuralink for creating brain interfaces.

Facebook Building 8 R&D division head Regina Dugan

Facebook has built hardware before to mixed success. It made an Android phone with HTC called the First to host its Facebook Home operating system. That flopped. Since then, Facebook proper has turned its attention away from consumer gadgetry and toward connectivity. It’s built the Terragraph Wi-Fi nodes, Project ARIES antenna, Aquila solar-powered drone and its own connectivity-beaming satellite from its internet access initiative — though that blew up on the launch pad when the SpaceX vehicle carrying it exploded.

Facebook has built and open sourced its Surround 360 camera. As for back-end infrastructure, it’s developed an open-rack network switch called Wedge, the Open Vault for storage, plus sensors for the Telecom Infra Project’s OpenCellular platform. And finally, through its acquisition of Oculus, Facebook has built wired and mobile virtual reality headsets.

Facebook’s Area 404 hardware lab contains tons of mechanical engineering and prototyping equipment

But as Facebook grows, it has the resources and talent to try new approaches in hardware. With over 1.8 billion users connected to just its main Facebook app, the company has a massive funnel of potential guinea pigs for its experiments.

Today’s announcements are naturally unsettling. Hearing about a tiny startup developing these advanced technologies might have conjured images of governments or coporate conglomerates one day reading our mind to detect thought crime, like in 1984. Facebook’s scale makes that future feel more plausible, no matter how much Zuckerberg and Dugan try to position the company as benevolent and compassionate. The more Facebook can do to institute safe-guards, independent monitoring, and transparency around how brain-interface technology is built and tested, the more receptive it might find the public.

A week ago Facebook was being criticized as nothing but a Snapchat copycat that had stopped innovating. Today’s demos seemed design to dismantle that argument and keep top engineering talent knocking on its door.

“Do you want to work for the company who pioneered putting augmented reality dog ears on teens, or the one that pioneered typing with telepathy?” You don’t have to say anything. For Facebook, thinking might be enough.


There is no established legal protection for the human subject when researchers use Brain Machine Interface (cybernetic technology) to reverse engineer the human brain.

The progressing neuroscience using brain-machine-interface will enable those in power to push the human mind wide open for inspection.

There is call for alarm. What kind of privacy safeguard is needed, computers can read your thoughts!

In recent decades areas of research involving nanotechnology, information technology, biotechnology and neuroscience have emerged, resulting in, products and services.

We are facing an era of synthetic telepathy, with brain-computer-interface and communication technology based on thoughts, not speech.

An appropriate albeit alarming question is: “Do you accept being enmeshed in a computer network and turned into a multimedia module”? authorities will be able to collect information directly from your brain, without your consent.

This kind of research in bioelectronics has been progressing for half a century.

Brain Machine Interface (Cybernetic technology) can be used to read our minds and to manipulate our sensory perception!

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brain implant

ICAACT Phase III Testing

ICAACT is an Independent evidence gathering Non Profit Human Rights Organization.

This report details the findings of the ICAACT phase III testing procedure. The ICAACT Phase III testing is about testing the human body for RF (Radio Frequency) emission, in a shielded environment. A Faraday cage was utilized to conduct the testing. The shielding spectrum of the environment was rated to be effective between 9KHz and 18GHz. The Faraday cage was certified in December of 2011 and was less than a year old when the tests were conducted. All tests were conducted inside the shielded environment also referred to as a Faraday cage.

magnus olsson

Magnus Olsson

Our intentions are to share our findings in hopes that it will lead to further investigations within the scientific, medical, and forensic communities around the world.

Video of the scanning of Mr. Magnus Olsson (Director of EUCACH) from Sweden.

Download the report in PDF format

Download the zip file containing documents referred to in the appendices

Context of the report

Human electronic implant technologies are not new, they have been in existence since the early 50's. The use of implant technology has in recent years also gained interest outside the medical and scientific community and has now become tools of interest in many newly emerging commercial fields. They can provide real-time data from real life scenarios, rather than from the restrictive and in many cases limiting artificial scenarios that can be recreated in laboratory and clinical settings. There is a boom in commercially driven neuroscience research like marketing and consumer behavior. The social sciences and especially the behavioral sciences are having a “Field day”. The ethical and legal implications that arise from these implant technologies, and their commercialization, are as yet unsolved, and need urgent attention. These implications pertain to tampering with the innermost sacred sanctum of a human being, the mind.

Link to original:

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CNN: Your Behavior Will Be Controlled by a Brain Chip

“Smart phone will be implanted”

Paul Joseph Watson October 9, 2012

A new CNN article predicts that within 25 years people will have embedded microchips within their brain that will allow their behavior to be controlled by a third party.

The story, entitled Smartphone of the future will be in your brain, offers a semi-satirical look at transhumanism and the idea of humans becoming part cyborg by having communications devices implanted in their body.

Predicting first the widespread popularity of wearable smartphones, already in production by Google, the article goes on to forecast how humans will communicate by the end of the century.

“Technology takes a huge leap in 25 years. Microchip can be installed directly in the user’s brain. Apple, along with a handful of companies, makes these chips. Thoughts connect instantly when people dial to “call” each other. But there’s one downside: “Advertisements” can occasionally control the user’s behavior because of an impossible-to-resolve glitch. If a user encounters this glitch — a 1 in a billion probability — every piece of data that his brain delivers is uploaded to companies’ servers so that they may “serve customers better.”

The tone of the CNN piece is somewhat sophomoric, but the notion that humans will eventually merge with machines as the realization of the technological singularity arrives is one shared by virtually all top futurists.

Indeed, people like inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil don’t think we’ll have to wait 25 years to see smartphones implanted in the brain. He sees this coming to pass within just 20 years.

In his 1999 book The Age of Spiritual Machines, Kurzweil successfully predicted the arrival of the iPad, Kindle, iTunes, You Tube and on demand services like Netflix.

By 2019, Kurzweil forecasts that wearable smartphones will be all the rage and that by 2029, computers and cellphones will now be implanted in people’s eyes and ears, creating a “human underclass” that is viewed as backwards and unproductive because it refuses to acquiesce to the singularity.

Although the CNN piece doesn’t even foresee implantable brain chips until the end of the century, Kurzweil’s predictions are far beyond this. According to him, by 2099, the entire planet is run by artificially intelligent computer systems which are smarter than the entire human race combined – similar to the Skynet system fictionalized in the Terminator franchise.

Humans who have resisted altering themselves by becoming part-cyborg will be ostracized from society.

“Even among those human intelligences still using carbon-based neurons, there is ubiquitous use of neural implant technology, which provides enormous augmentation of human perceptual and cognitive abilities. Humans who do not utilize such implants are unable to meaningfully participate in dialogues with those who do,” writes Kurzweil.

Kurzweil’s forecasts are echoed by Sun Microsystems’ Bill Joy, who in a 2000 Wired Magazine article entitled Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us, predicted that technological advancements in robotics would render most humans obsolete.

As a result the elite, “may simply decide to exterminate the mass of humanity,” wrote Joy.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Read Nano Brain Implants:

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Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life

Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life


Project status:Completed


Administrative contactAddress
URL:Organization Type:


Objective: Guardian Angels (GA) are future zero-power, intelligent, autonomous systems-of-systems featuring sensing, computation, and communication beyond human aptitudes. GA will assist humans from their infancy to old age in complex life situations and environments. Zero-power reflects system-of-systems ability to scavenge energy in dynamic environments by disruptive harvesting techniques. The project prepares zero-power technologies based on future energy-efficient technologies, heterogeneous design, and disruptive energy scavengers.

Three zero-power generations of GAs are foreseen:

- Physical Guardian Angels are zero-power, on-body networks or implantable devices that monitor vital health signals and take appropriate actions to preserve human health. - Environmental Guardian Angels extend monitoring to dynamic environments, using disruptive scavengers, personalized data communication, and first “thinking” algorithms. They are personal assistants that protect their wearers from environment dangers. - Emotional Guardian Angels are intelligent personal companions with disruptive zero-power, manmachine interfaces deployed at large scale. They sense and communicate using non-verbal languages playing an important role in health, education, and security worldwide.

This project addresses the following scientific challenges for energy-efficient visionary Guardian Angel autonomous systems: (i) energy-efficient computing (down to E=10-100kT), (ii) and communication (approaching the limit of 1pJ/bit), (iii) low-power sensing, (iv) disruptive scavenging (bio-inspired, thermoelectric, etc, targeting energy densities of tens of mW/cm2), and (v) zero-power man-machine interfaces. A selection of emerging technologies based on energy efficiency is proposed. We will also develop design tools that integrate electrical, mechanical, optical, thermal, and chemical simulation tools over length and time scales currently achievable.


Mind Computers:

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See they keep trying to get me to remove my web page i just witnessed someone logging into my computer with a RFID chip and trying to mess with the dvd burner. see chips people are assholes 99% of them and need to be remove from the public there logging the computer so now there a threat to national security so lets wait for them to break into a military system . lets not talk about the chip like they say and act like it's 2 people. yes it's how they do it the technologie is called clear. see it's a digital repentation of a human beaing it's spawned like a vdeo game. it's done through a chip this has been around for like 5 years. so people can apear before you and they also have called a ghost clear and a shadow clear to mimic a shadow this is how you do not see them. this is all a chip mod. look up modding like for a video game so these people do have chips or equipment. and they need one to do it if they do not have a chip or a peice of hardware it can not be done.

most of these chips are mind controal s it's done through computer programming and mind controal it's all the chips do. see they need to stay tuned into the people to make it work. it means they need to connect to you some how.
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Operating System

Even with the best of "protective" programs, myoperating system is being hacked. But I have found a and offer more benefits and doesn't cost youanything. It runs under a Linux based environment and that means it ismore stable than MS windows.

The best thing of them all isthat you don't have to install the operating system. You can run itdirectly from the cd you create when you download the files.

I like this option very well, because the criminals can't delete files that compromises the integrity of the system.

I'm also looking at other alternatives to MS and will be posting here. Thanks for reading.
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