mind (312)


There is a private army at work inside Ireland and back in the spring of 2003 they  connected me to their computerized control system against my will and without my permission .   They speak to me via microwave direct communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or synthetic telepathy or microwave hearing or by a number of other names.  One of their operatives is stationed inside Aras an Uachtarain.   

I dont know anything about this private army but I believe that they are composed of individuals who have compromised themselves in some way so that they allowed themselves to be weakened to the point of takeover, for example,  some of them are drug addicts, some of them are possibly murderers and some are heavily in financial debt.  The globalists own and run many private prisons which cruelty is widespread and because of this ownership and power which that ownership gives them  they can easily enlist as many prisoners as they wish for their private army.  

 I believe that the private army are being paid by the globalists who are composed of Federal Reserve Private Bankers, Corporate Owners, United Nations officials and World Health Organisation officials as well as  Sabbatean Frankist Satanists, Luciferians , a selection of Vatican officials and some but not all of the European monarchy. 

 The inner core of the globalists are unknown to the public because they remain in the background at all times.   The inner core of the globalists do not subject themselves to chemtrail spraying of the skies over their heads.   They are not connected to the would-be  worldwide computerized control system.   They never show their faces.   If their plan for worldwide takeover fails their front men and front women will possibly be imprisoned without ever mentioning them because they could be wirelessly tortured from a remote location if they named them.     This hidden inner core of globalists belong to a break away society which has broken away from the rest of the human race for thousands of years.  They have hoarded knowledge for multi generations because knowledge is power.  They have given us misinformation and disinformation.   They have created organised religions because organised religions destroy critical thinking in their followers.  They have created the church/ state paradigm in order to exert hidden control over almost all nations. 

The anonymous inner core of the globalists wish to wirelessly enslave their fellow men and women under an ionized sky.  If we succeed in stopping all chemtrailing of the skies over our heads and if we succeed in having all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and banned we will free ourselves from both their wireless mind control and their wireless body control.  

I know of no scientific way of proving that I am wirelessly connected to the computerized control system of a hidden private army who are at work inside the Republic of Ireland .   The government of the Republic of Ireland may be able to provide technology which would enable myself and others who have become wirelessly connected to the computerized control system of the secret private army of the globalists to prove that this is the case.  I hope they agree to do so because we can free our country from the grip of worldwide wireless enslavement and mind control manipulation if they succeed in helping us prove this.  To the Official Irish Government.  Please help us to scientifically prove without any doubt that I and other Irish residents are wireless slaves.

Yours Sincerely,

Gretta Fahey,  Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland. 

My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ;

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Now that some individuals have accepted the covid-19 hoaxed pandemic as being a real pandemic the pilgrim society slave masters can and will kill many more individuals by wireless remote means and then they will claim that that the dead have died from covid-19.
Please wake up to what is really occurring which is a war of attrition by the pilgrim society super rich against the rest of the world. The pilgrim society are eugenicists who wish to depopulate the world because they believe that we are taking their share of the resources of this world. They also believe that we are no longer needed because they have nearly fully automated all of their own private factories with robots and other methods of automation.
Expect more lock downs and deaths in the future or else help to expose what is really occurring. You will find it difficult to expose this because many individuals are under electronic mind control and they only believe information that they are programmed to believe. If all microwave transmitters and HAARP phased arrays and some other infrastructure which enabled electronic mind control were disassembled and banned the men and women of the world would be able to think more clearly again and we would regain our freedom within a short space of time. We aught to consider disassembling and banning them.
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Conductive metal particulates, nanobot sensors, microprocessors, polymers, barium, strontium and other dust sized materials are being sprayed from the skies on top of us. We inhale and ingest them. They go into our blood stream and into our brain. This allows others to use transcranial analysis and stimulation of the neural pathways to co-ordinate thinking patterns in vast numbers of men and women and to block thought pathways to thoughts which are undesireable to the new world order leaders whose ultimate wish seems to be to neurally enslave each and every man, woman and child in the world who is not part of their own cabal. Hacking our brains and bodies is easy for them because of the conductive metal rich atmosphere that they continually create by chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads in what is sometimes being called geo-engineering. My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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Silicea 30 ch experiences

I have been taking silicea 30 ch since January of this year. So far I had episodes of simple mindedness. I would have times when I would become simple. Luckily I formulated a plan to never open the door for anyone and keep a low profile during these episodes. I have an implant in my brain, it was implanted deep when I was about three or four. It's been in there for quite a while. So far it seems like I'm making progress. The implant feels like it's working it's way out. I believe it will be out soon. Something to note for other T.I's. If you have an implant in your brain, there will be a reaction as it comes out. Recently I've been having less episodes. The perps will confuse me and make me believe that the implant has come out. This happens all the time. I might be wrong but I think the implant is working it's way out. If you have one in your brain and are thinking about taking silicea, have a plan for what to do when these episodes happen. It's scary but I feel it's worth it to try something.

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1 Even though most if not all of us believe that the covid-19 pandemic is a huge hoax we continue to wear face masks when we go out shopping because we would be fined heavily if we refused to do so.
2. Many individuals throughout the world have been arrested for questioning the ongoing covid-19 narrative throughout the world or for attempting to organise protest groups in order to high light the fact that all populations throughout the world are being lied to by their main stream medias.
3. The main stream media is at least ninety five percent owned and controlled by those who are perpetrating the covid-19 hoax on the world to the extent that those presenters who are employed by the main stream media promote the covid-19 hoaxed pandemic throughout each day without ever contradicting false news item which they receive from the worldwide central source of all main stream media news about it.
4. In some if not all countries throughout the world hospitals and medical personnel receive financial incentives for continuing to falsely diagnose individuals with covid-19. These financial incentives come either indirectly or directly from those who wish to continue to push the covid-19 hoax.
5. The covid-19 testing methods are severely flawed. Covid-19 has never been identified by using gold standard testing methods. All are dying from pre-existing conditions and their deaths are being certified as from covid-19 because of orders from the World Health Organisation.
6. Many of us who already have been non-consensually embedded with nano technology and microwave technology can now be murdered by wireless means from unknown remote locations by unknown murderers with absolutely no repercussions for those who carry out the murders. By this means and others the number of deaths in any country can be increased and then wrongly attributed to being from the covid-19 hoaxed pandemic.

7. The few who continue to believe in the covid-19 hoax are in a state of denial to such an extreme degree that they are clinging with all of their might to the false reality construct that has been created for them by the social controllers of the world for many decades via the main stream media and the schooling system, and if that false reality construct is taken away from them they would descend into severe depression before being able to adjust to real and truthful reality.

8. For the past number of decades, microwave mind control is being used on both the police and military in an attempt to subvert the course of justice throughout the world so that those who have created and promoted the covid-19 hoaxed pandemic can eventually take over and control the whole world through a wirelessly enabled remote enslavement of human beings plan which is directly related to pushing the covid-19 hoax so that those who are planned to be enslaved would accept the proposed covid-19 vaccine which is primarily about wirelessly enslaving those who accept it. (For further information on this please read the following document which is enclosed herebelow and which was recorded accurately from a video presentation by vaccine expert Dr Carrie Madej.)
HUMAN 2.0 A WAKE UP CALL TO THE WORLD. a Video presentation By Dr Carrie Madej
Transhumanism means melding humans with Artificial Intelligence.
The proposed covid-19 vaccine contains three parts as follows:-
1. The Vaccine itself
2. The Luciferese enzyme
3. The Hydrogel.

1. The Vaccine itself could be used to genetically modify human beings in the following way:-
Derek Rossi of the vaccine company called Moderna proved that he could genetically modify a stem cell by using modified RNA. The vaccine itself is either modified DNA or else modified RNA. The manufacturs of the vaccine plan to use a micro needle platform which was developed by MIT to help administer the vaccine. You would be able to administer the vaccine yourself as follows:- You would receive a type of bandaid in the mail. That bandaid would contain tiny needles called spiculas. When you applied the bandaid the spiculas would puncture your cell membrane and then the synthetic piece of either DNA or RNA which is a code for part of the virus would go into your cell nucleus. Your body would then start reading it and transcribing it. Your body would then know how to make antibodies for that virus and your body would know how to fight it effectively.
The vaccine manufacturers are using a process to achieve this called TRANSFECTION. TRANSFECTION is the process that is used to make genetically modified organisms. The vaccine manufacturers have stated that the TRANSFECTION process used in the vaccine will not alter our DNA which is our genome but the speaker on this online video who is well known vaccine expert Dr Carrie Madej does not believe them. If you accept the covid-19 vaccine as it is you are taking a chance that the synthetic piece of either DNA or RNA code could become a permanent part of your genome and would then replicate when your genome replicates. Further to that this synthetic piece of either DNA code or else RNA code can be scientifically patented and under current laws patents have owners. If this either DNA or else RNA code became a permanent part of our genomes would the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation or Moderna or the United States Department of Defence then own part of our genome?

2. The Luciferase Enzyme.
The Luciferase Enzyme which is the second part of the proposed covid-19 vaccine has a bio-lumenescence quality which means that it can produce light and if the area of your body where the vaccine has been administered is scanned by a smart device said smart device would be able to read a unique digital pattern or code which would give you the recepient of the vaccine a unique identy code or barcode and because of this you would become similar to a product.

3. The Hydrogel.
Hydrogel is an invention from DARPA. It is nanotechnology. It is mocroscopic robots which has the ability to connect up to artificial intelligence and can be made to assemble, disassemble as well as to reassemble. Another human being who is unknown to you can now gather information from your body and brain by using a nano reading device. They can use their nano reading device either once or else on a continual basis for the duration of your entire life . You would then have no privacy, freedom or autonomy ever again because once you receive your vaccination, as well as reading and storing private data taken from your brain and body they could also transmit unwanted data to your brain and body against your will and without your knowledge or permission.

The author of the above Dr. Carrie Madej, DO is a Internal Medicine Specialist in McDonough, GA, U.S.A. and has over 19 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Kansas City Univ Of Medicine Bioscience College Of Osteopathic Medicine medical school in 2001. She is affiliated with Southern Regional Medical Center.

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Most government officials including the police, psychiatrists, the military, and many senior politicians are being controlled by artificial intelligence maintained mind control but there is worse to come. Here is the basic scientific explanation of how this is being achieved :-
Each government staff member is now wirelessly tethered from technology inside their person to a central computerized human control system. Each and every time that government staff member thinks a thought they generate a unique pattern of electromagnetic frequency activity which is then automatically transmitted by wireless means to a computerized control centre where it is automatically translated into the thought that was generated. When that government staff member generates an unapproved thought, that thought when automatically transmitted by wireless means to the central control system and then translated is immediately deleted from the subjects mind by the system of pre-programmed algorithms. This system is now known as Artificial Intelligence Maintained Mind Control.
Targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro experimentation are also wirelessly tethered from technology inside their persons to a central computerized human control system. Each and every time they move a muscle that unique muscle movement generates a unique pattern of electromagnetic frequency activity which is then automatically transmitted by wireless means to a similar computerized control centre where it is automatically translated into whatever muscle was moved. Programs are now being written which will automatically deny the targeted individual the ability to move a single muscle in their body if ever they attempt to carry out an unapproved act. That act could be as simple as eating a forbidden food such as animal flesh if the slave masters who are creating this system should decide that eating meat is inappropriate for all men and women other than themselves. This system is known as Artificial Intelligence Maintained Human Body Control.
The hoax of Artificial Intelligence becoming sentient is simply a hoax. There is a simple method in use which can make a robot appear to be autonomous and that is when the computer which governs the robot is brain to brain linked with a real live independently thinking man or woman. Artificial Intelligence on its own is simply vast numbers of pre-programmed algorithms generating pre-programmed actions. The enemy always exaggerates their capabilities and that is why the hoax that artificial intelligence could become sentient was generated many years ago.
We aught to immediately disassemble and ban all wireless enabling infrastrusture across the world as fast as possible before we become forever rigidly enslaved. You can not depend on your local government because most if not all of them are under rigid mind control so you aught to act of your own initiative. If you do not act there may be nobody to act on your behalf so you now have one hundred percent responsibility for your own future freedom.

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If you accept the proposed covid-19 vaccine, technology will be inserted into you which will be wirelessly connected to a central computerized control system and your life will then be placed under partial external wireless control. A brain decoder will be used to read your thoughts and memories. If you complain, the police automatically send you down the road to psychiatry leaving the matter unresolved.
Under this system which I have been already connected to , those who work at the state of the art control centre speak to me by wireless means and I hear their voices coming from inside my own head. They appear to know what I am doing at all times due to their ability to decode my brain waves. I record some of what they say as follows:-
"If she has irritable bowel syndrome she must answer to me as to how much food she eats."
"Why are we here." " Because we plan to bio-robotize her in order to make something occur."
"The American solution to someone who is not mind controlled is to make them pass away."
"Bathroom break Please."
"We contain the posts and letters of targeted individuals to stop information getting to the public."
"Do you need to wash yourself."
"I wish to pursue this lady further. She is fair game."
"We are turning her into a mannequin."
"Gretta is at the end of the line. We have got her in a bind."
"She took a dump."
"Why dont you just block her information from going out."
"F*** you Gretta. Do what you are told."
"There is something funny about her because she is not sexually active."
"You should be pulled out of your house and rocked to death."
"If you ever cross my path again i'll have your fingers off."
There are secret armies of criminals going around the country and they damage ornaments in cemetaries and they open farm gates and release animals into roads among other acts of vandalism. They are paid to carry out these acts of vandalism in order to generate fear in society so as to create a complaint general public who will not question the dictates of the United Nations and World Health Organisation.
Government ministers and journalists for the most part are under technologically induced mind control. Pat Kenny who is a leading current affairs presenter in the Republic of Ireland is still promoting the covid-19 hoaxed pandemic even after it has been proven beyond any doubt that it is hoaxed. He is an intelligent man and would not have this mind-set of unquestioning belief in a hoax unless he was under technologically induced mind control. It has been noted that some government ministers have a complete change of attitute shortly after they are elected to the office of government minister. Not a word is spoken among the main stream media about technologically induced mind control even though there are hundreds of book available for purchase on that very subject. How do we deprogram our government ministers and senior journalists from their technologically induced mind control status.
Under U.N. Agenda 21 the United Nations wish to obtain worldwide financial control as well as the control of all land use and property rights throughout the world. They do not care about the health of this planet or the health of its men and women but they are using both of these reasons to initiate a rigid control system over us all. One can not break this planet. It is self sustaining. They have created a pseudo science in order to attempt to make us believe otherwise. A group of international lawyers are currently planning on taking the World Health Organisation to court in order to prove that the covid-19 pandemic is nothing but a hoax which is based on false science. According to one of those international lawers, Mr Reiner Fuellmich, those responsible for the corona scandal must be criminally prosecuted for civil damages. The PCR test which is being used to identify covid-19 is incapable of diagnosing any disease and does not mean an infection is present even if tested positive. However, the judge presiding over such a court case could easily be placed under technologically induced mind control. We must find a way to protect that judge and those international lawyers from technologically induced mind control throughout the coming months and years. For further information on that upcoming covid-19 hoaxed pandemic legal action please read the information to be found at the following online youtube link which is called "Crimes Against Humanity".
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called www. targetedindividualsireland.net.

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At approximately 47 minutes into the linked youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rn1NVut4qA which is called 'Discussing the Growing Pushback with John Waters , the aforementioned international journalist and author John Waters talks about the current Irish minister for Health Stephen Donnelly and his attitude to new regulations in Ireland which require us to maintain the number of people in our homes to no more than six at any one time. Stephen Donnelly wanted the Irish police force to be given new powers to enter our homes in order to count the number of people there and to prosecute us if they found more than six people in anyones home. Stephen Donnelly's party leader and others had to disuade him from giving the Irish police force such new powers because under the constitution of Ireland it is illegal for the Irish police force to enter the home of anyone without an arrest warrant and further to that a crime must have been committed and all relevant legal documents must be in place before the police are ever allowed to enter the private domain of an individual.
What I believe is occurring with Stephen Donnelly and other government ministers is they are being subjected to electronic mind control. According to Dr Robert Duncan in his latest book which is called Project Soul Catcher many people's brain signals are being stored and tracked in real time on supercomputers which are housed in the semi-secret command, control and communication underground basis in the United States. Phased Arrays are being used to beam messages and behaviour into the minds of a selection of individuals and in some cases entire populations. This occurs without the knowledge of the targeted population and there is no defence against it other than possibly by maintaining a good distance away from certain antennas or certain digital devices. Currently much research is being devoted to develop tools to filter thought pathways.
According to the speaker John Waters, in 2008, the aforementioned Irish Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly was a heroic idealist who wanted to take on the International Monitory Fund and to save Ireland from Troika which is the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund. John Waters went on to say that now whenever someone gets appointed to a Ministerial Office they shortly become utterly changed from the person they were and they abandon every single principle that they ever articulated up to that point and they then articulate the opposite of what they used to articulate. If they were anti-globalization up to that point they would then become pro-globalization. Stephen Donnelly became a quasi-fascist within hours of becoming Minister for Health. In order to protect the minds of our politicians and our police and military from wirelessly enabled thought control technology we must urgently have the infrastructure which enables thought control disassembled and banned. However, how do we go about this while we can no longer rely on the autonomy of the minds of our elected politicians long enough for them to take this urgent matter on board and deal with it?

Thought control is sometimes known as electronic mind control or cognitive control, 

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Satanists and dark Luciferians are promoting their own people to positions of power within both church and state organisations throughout the world in order to further their own agenda which is worldwide enslavement and genocide. It has now been adequately proven that the covid-19 pandemic was hoaxed by the use of pseudoscience and by mis-attributing other deaths to covid-19. The Satanists and dark Luciferians have been using mass electronic mind control programming to make the world population believe in that hoax and in a myriad of other hoaxes before that one.

The aforementioned Satanists as well as dark Luciferians are installing large towers in public areas throughout the world most of which are there to produce behavioural alternations in the civilian population via mass mind control. Most if not all windmills throughout the world have a dual purpose. They have not just been installed to produce wind energy. They can also be used to broadcast transmissions which both entrain the brains of people for miles around them and which also enable subconscious hypnosis of any and all of the surrounding population.

At this point in time Acoustic Psycho Correction technology exists which transmits audible messages into the human head via bone conduction which means that ear plugs will not restrict the messages. Acoustic Psycho Correction devices are now manufactured as hand held devices in some instances and can be used to mentally torture and torment any non-consenting individual or selection of non-consenting individuals by others who have access to such devices. The victims of the aforementioned audible message transmissions are then wrongly labelled as being mentally ill if they dare to complain of hearing voices coming from inside their heads. The reason that they are labelled as being mentally ill without further investigation as to the origin and contents of the aforementioned audible messages is because the police and psychiatrists are now under heavy mind control programming themselves and they resist all information which does not come to them from official sources. Sadly, official sources can no longer be trusted.

As we can not easily disassemble and ban all large towers which are being used to house technology which is itself then being used to manipulate our brains and bodies from remote locations we must instead develop firewalls for our homes which would block digital transmissions from coming into our homes and into our brains and central nervous systems. Is any work being done now anywhere throughout the world to develop such firewalls? Have they already been developed and if so are they affordable and when can where can they be purchased by members of the public?
My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.
I obtained the technological information inside the above post from the following online link

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I DO NOT CONSENT to 5G covid-19 electronic flu genocide of 90% of the worlds population planned by major governments of the world and by the secret space programs of Antarctic, Moon, Mars, and Ceres.  The 5G electronic flu is a planned epidemic conducted in secret by the governments of the world to reduce the world population by 90% by 5G electronic flu and covid-19 vaccines that kill or sterilize the populations of the world.  I do not consent to genocide openly nor in secret,. 
I DO NOT CONSENT to the depopulation of the world with ALL the unnatural vaccines that have been used to kill and maim populations for the past 80 years,  I do not consent to covid-19 testing, tracking, and vaccinations of any kind as these are a gross violation of individual and human right of a sovereign people and individuals.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the wholesale poisoning of drinking water with the rat poison fluoride used worldwide to pacify and reduce brain function of the pineal gland to dumb down the world populations and make them susceptible to mind control from illegal subliminal ads flashed on television programming of broadcasters.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the wholesale destruction of livestock and food crops in the past nor in the future to create starvation of 1/4th of the world populations.  Animals with the flu symptoms recover in a few days time like humans and cooking easily deactivates ANY germs and pathogens in them regardless.  Animal and crop destruction in the past was used to harm small farmers and make the public think this is normal and permissible in the future for the planned starvation of humans with further destruction of food animals and crops.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the wholesale ownership of the media in corporate hands nor to the wholesale use of fake news by most ALL major television newscasters worldwide to deceive the public about world and national events.  Propaganda and fake news in the television media is fraud and a crime against humanity and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law against those who cooperate with this fraud to terrorize and mind control the public with fake news,
I DO NOT CONSENT to false flag operations by ANY government, military, or private agency to create wars, race riots, and a "New Normal" of activity to intentionally divide populations by race, ethnics, or gender to create wars, violence, riots, and divisions to make populations compliant to the loss of civil liberties,  False flags, fake news, and crisis actors that participate in these events to create them are performing a terrorist act and a crime against humanity.
I DO NOT CONSENT to secret space and satellite programs in or outside of our solar system especially those on the Earth, Moon, Mars, and Ceres.  Until full disclosure of these secret space programs to the public is given all humans must stop cooperating with their activity and productions that supports them.  Secrecy begets decisions such as the current depopulation of 90% of Earth's populations by our own world governments and will not be tolerated by a free people.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the hoarding of technology by individuals, corporations, and governments of the last 100 years by the elite that have sought to create their own break-away civilizations in space and on other worlds.  Free energy, anti-gravity, and medical advancements that heal all diseases and allow voluntary birth control by both male and females must be for all mankind and not just the elite and privileged few.
I DO NOT CONSENT to any secret oaths by government, military, and private organizations which have conspired against humanity,  All oaths kept or not shall forever be the decisions of the individual as a sovereign individual with the love and concern for their fellow man,
I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of many human clones, AI robots, cybernetic beings in society without full disclosure of their existence and education of their benefits and harms which might result from their widespread inclusion in our society,
I DO NOT CONSENT to the secrecy of humanities' past and of alien life contacts and important discoveries from other worlds whether hostile or friendly.,  Humanity must meet the future together with informed consent and debate on how to go forward and not allow leaders to work in secret.
I DO NOT CONSENT to the secrecy of time travel and past and future viewing technology.  Public understanding and use of these technologies will enable humanity to move forward and understand the past and future in ways that no other technology has done before.  The discovery of the nature of our reality is of prime importance and interest to all of humanity to learn better how to go forward in the future, -- J.E. Ante
All of my text articles may be shared, translated, EMAILED, copied and texted, and reprinted anywhere without permission., -- J.E. Ante.
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Whenever someone is shocked or frightened they are unable to think critically or rationally.
While they are in that state of shock or fear the required programming is inserted into their minds and they accept it without critically analysing it.
President John F Kennedy could have been murdered in a way that would make his murder look like an accident. However, he was murdered in a very public manner while television cameras were focused on him so as to deliberately traumatise the American people so that they could immediately be programmed with false information while they were still in a state of shock. The same scenario applies to 9/11.
At present we can be programmed by the use of traumatic imaging combined with traumatic story lines while watching the main stream media news on television. The news readers are all now required to read the news in a panic stricken voice so as to entrain the brains of the listeners into a state of panic. I deliberately avoid listening to all main stream media news because of this type of trickery. The fast picture change rate and the flicker rate on the television screen are other means which are currently being used to program the listener into believing the falsehoods which they hear on the television news. The aforementioned flicker rate can be used as a carrier to carry subliminal information into the human brain without the knowledge of the television viewer.
I no longer own a television and I have not owned one for many years.

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The Vatican are experts in psychology. It is essential to them that they are experts in psychology in order to keep their estimated two billion followers from ever thinking logically. If their followers ever began to think logically they would then have no followers and no more money flowing into their coffers. In order to render their followers into a state of unquestioning obedience and subservience they covertly use electronic mind control on school children. However, when I was a child before electronic mind control came into widespread use the Vatican used trauma based mind control on school children. We used to be beaten with canes if we could not answer a question when asked by the school teacher. School teachers were trained in catholic teacher training colleges to be absolutely authoritarian. The trauma based mind controlled school children then grew up with an extreme fear of false authority and were afraid to raise their head above the radar and were also afraid to question church and state. The Vatican through the Catholic church system also urged parents to raise their children by using the authoritarian parenting style. The Vatican manipulated parents to lie to their children about Santa Clause in order to break all trust between parent and child so that they child could never trust the parent again. This lie is profoundly devastating to the mental health of the child. Up until recently trauma based mind control tactics such as caning were still being used in African schools because the electronic mind control infrastructure which would allow for mind controlling the African children had still not been erected in Africa. Please distrust the Vatican. They are a corporation which is primarily a business concern.
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Mass electronic mind control which is coming through our own devices from antennae which are being positioned on tall buildings and high towers is producing behaviour alterations in the civilian population, and most especially employees of most if not all state controlled government institutions.
Government employees have been electronically mind controlled to enslave themselves and their fellow country men, women and children and they are busy doing that now.
Telecom employees are installing 5G against the wills of their own people. 5G will provide the band width to wirelessly enslave, torture and genocide any and all of us. I became a wireless slave in 2003 and even though I have reported the matter to all, nothing has been done to free me.
Electricity workers are installing smart meters against the wills of their own people so that each electrical device which we use can be monitored, controlled or banned from our use by wireless remote means. Smart meters would enable the slave masters to control the temperature and the time spent in our showers each day and they could also remote control how much heating we are allowed in our homes and what temperature our thermostats is set at. This could all be achieved by wireless means from an unknown remote control centre.
University scientists whose salaries are paid by the tax payers use their time to research and develop new technological means of controlling the public. By this means they would eventually enslave themselves.
The police and military use violence to intimidate and control their own people at the behest of Satanists and dark Luciferians who have infiltrated and captured the control of most police forces throughout the world. Police are now enforcing unconstutional laws. They enforced the hoaxed covid-19 lockdown and denied their own people the right to travel on the roads which are owned by the people themselves. The police carried out these activities at the behest of the World Health Organisation which is known to be owned and controlled by dark occultists.

State controlled teachers are now indoctrinating the children into being uncritical thinkers who group think rather than think individual thoughts. The children are being trained to be unquestioningly obedient and to never ever think for themselves but to always ask the permission of a false authority figure such as their teacher if they wish to do anything whatsoever. Children are being taught to be docile and they are never allowed to express anger even when they are being treated unfairly. Teachers are participating in evil and they are actively harming children at the behest of the Satanists and dark luciferians who control the educational system throughout most if not all of the world.
Government politicians have been continually enacting more and more nonsensical laws under the guise of security which are eroding our human rights one at a time.
At this stage, dark occultists such as Satanists and Luciferians own and control most of the worlds financial resources as well as most other resources. They control many judges through various methods such as electronic mind control, electronic wirelessly enabled central nervous system control, blackmail, fear as well as through some judges already being members of their satanic or luciferian organisation.
Some readers might believe that I am exaggerating. I am being entirely truthful. I and many of my country men and women are being wirelessly harassed, tortured and curteilled and this situation has been ongoing by covert means for many decades but for seventeen years in my own case. Nobody does anything to help us free ourselves from this situation. We have reported the matter to the police who refuse to validate our statements on the grounds that wireless enslavement technology does not exist and therefore we must be mentally unwell and should attend for psychiatric evaluation. When under the care of psychiatry, psychiatrists mandate that we ingest substances that have been found to be poisonous and which have such extreme side effects that in some instances it is akin to being tortured from the inside out. Psychiatrists, whose salaries are being paid by the tax payers, are working to enslave their own people because they are now under electronic mind control to the point of stupidity. Their decisions are being backed up by the violence of that state which is another name for the police.
It is preferable for all wireless slaves to inform the public of their plight in an online forum. If you inform the police or a psychiatrist of your plight in private the secrecy which is allowed in such a situation would then allow evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland and my website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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The office of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has published the documents it has received from its latest Call for Inputs on its website. 

This shows that the UN Special Rapporteur's office is taking our community's complaints seriously, that our situation has merit and we therefore, look forward to more from his office in the days ahead.

The list can be viewed at: 


The Special Rapporteur on Torture appears to make oblique references to our cause.   Their report can be found at this link:   https://www.undocs.org/en/A/75/179

Soleimavis Liu presented the paper "Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency" at the E-Leader conference held by Fudan University (China) and Chinese American Scholars Association (USA) in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015.


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The dark new world order cabal attained ownership of a large amount of the worlds money and resources by using electronic mind control on those that they have been doing business with which effectively means that they have come by their finances and property by both illegal and immoral means and because of that situation we can take it off them again and distribute it among the rightful owners throughout the world. Who will volunteer to take them to a common law court and thereby rightfully gain back what they attained by illegal and immoral means?
By gaining control over what the dark new world order cabal now own and control we would also gain the right to disassemble and ban all HAARP phased arrays along with all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and all other paraphernalia which is now being used to gain wireless control of our central nervous systems under patent number US6965816. The aforementioned patent outlines the capability of unknown criminal neural control operatives to take over, control and manage a human being through their central nervous system as well as to take over, control and manage other systems such as vehicles and airplanes. In my opinion, the dark new world order cabal wish to be able to control their fellow men, women and children of the world in hundreds of different ways including immobilising any of us who dared to ever question their ever growing false authority. By using your smart phone you can be programmed to accept values such as cruelty and intolerance as well as unquestioning belief in all information which comes through certain predesignated channels regardless of whether that information is true or false.
By wirelessly gaining access to the central nervous system of a human being or a selection of human beings unknown neuro scientists as well as neuro operatives can extract electrical impulses from the brain and central nervous system of the targeted human being and have them automatically translated into what that human being is thinking, saying, doing, feeling as well as intimate details about their bodily functions. This can be done to the targeted human being while said targeted human being is fully aware that they are being subjected to constant monitoring of their neural systems and while said targeted human being is actively complaining to anyone who will listen that this is occurring to them continually without end.

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I am reading a book called "Artificial Intelligence, Dangers to Humanity" where the author Cyrus A. Parsa claims that smart phones can more easily program the mind of the user than any other digital media device because smart phones create a bio-digital flow-cycle with the human beings who owns them allowing information to move at rapid speeds to and from the person and the smart phone. I myself believe that people are being heavily programmed to resist all knowledge of the capabilities of modern scientific and technological capabilities to enslave them and I believe that they will sincerely regret it if they refuse to acknowledge this situation as well as to put the situation to rights now.

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A virus is a secretion from a human cell, it can never leave the body of the human being, it is not alive, it is not contageous so what is really occurring is as follows?
When our bodies become heavily poisoned we begin to secrete viruses from our cells as a way of getting rid of the poison from them. When ever 5G is switched on in any city the cells of the bodies of the people in that city become heavily poisoned due to the extra electromagnetic radiation in the environment and they begin secreting viruses from their bodily cells as a means to detoxify that poison.
Further to that, the medical staff of that city begin to vaccinate and swab the people of that city as part of their medical procedures. They may unknowingly inject viruses into the people of the city during the vaccination process because the individuals who now control the world wish to genocide ninety percent of us in order to free up the world for themselves and their own families.
The United Nations was set up originally by money from the Rothschild family who are known to be Satanists. The United Nations is being run by a satanic agenda. The people of the world are now taking orders from unelected beaurocrats within the United Nations with regards to how to behave during the hoaxed coronavirus economic shut down.
Democracy and human freedom have now been suspended indefinitely. We can not leave our homes without the permission of the satanic controlled United Nations. By following the dictates of the United Nations we are allowing our own financial independence to be destroyed. They have successfully set up a situation that all independently owned private businesses which compete with their corporate enterprises have to shut down while for the most part their own big chain stores are allowed to remain open and they themselves continue to trade without any restrictions.
This situation would eventually give the above mentioned Satanists along with their counterparts dark Luciferians the power to take over societies and to dominate us and to destroy our free life style. Many now believe that the restrictions from leaving our homes without their permission will never be lifted. We should refuse to comply with these restrictions any longer.
Further to this the mandatory vaccines which we are told are in the near future will contain micro chips which when inserted inside the human body will then wirelessly tether that human being to a centralized computer control network for the rest of their lives. I am already wirelessly tethered to this centralized computer control network by my central nervous system and because of this I am partially enslaved.
The real reason all governments now comply with the dictates of the satanic controlled United Nations is because bio-digital programming is being used on the minds of all government and other staff who persist in using smart phones. When a smart phone is used a bio-digital flow-cycle is then set up between the user/owner and the smart phone itself allowing a rapid flow of information to travel to and from the user/owner and the smart phone. Discontinue using your smart phone, remove the sim card from it and wrap the phone itself up in several layers of tin foil before leaving it in your home for future disposal. Your smart phone is weaponized against you.
My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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I own a computer and I have been using it alot over the past ten years and during that time I have been busy as an online activist. As a targeted individual of non-consensual human experimentation I am fully aware of the grave danger we are in from hidden and still classified technologies which are being used against a selection of individuals throughout the world who are being used without their prior awareness or consent in human experimentation and psychological torture programs.
Up until very recently I used what I believed is a non-smart mobile cellular phone which I did not carry on my person and rarely used. I now own a very modern version of what is commonly known as a smart phone. I did not wish own one at all but in order to continue with my online activities on one particular website I was required to align my account on that website with an app on a smart phone. That is the only reason I got one and I rarely ever use it. I never carry it with me.
I have noticed something significant which happens to me whenever I use my newly purchased iphone which is sometimes known as a smart phone. Immediately after using it for about fifteen minutes I notice that my thinking processes change significantly. I begin to fall into a state of mind where I begin to feel that the current situation in the world with regards to the slow takeover of all of the resources of this world and the slow enslavement of the human race by a small number of dark occultists under the U.N. Agenda 21 and U.N. Agenda 2030 protocol is somehow acceptable. That is most certainly not how I feel at any other time and that is why I continue with my online activism on an almost daily basis.
Government employees who are mandated to use such smart technology for their work activities are in my strong opinion being subjected to heavy mind control to the extent that they are not aware of the mind control being administered to them through their work mandated technologies. Senior politicians are also using these smart phones which distort their ability to think effectively so that they are no longer capable of looking after the best interests of the individuals who elected them to do so.
Please ban all mind control devices which are also known as smart phones from government offices now. Politicians will no longer be allowed to represent us if they persist in using mind control devices known as smart phones because by doing so they are rendered unable to think independently. Colonal John Alexander is quoted as saying that the first mind control weapons was developed as early as 1801. Military and intelligence research is always fifty years ahead of academic research to the extent that as yet academia has received no formal information as to how targeted individuals of secret military research are having their central nervous systems slowly taken over and controlled by external means. They have as yet done nothing to supply us with a means of protecting ourselves from external control by neuro weapons and other still classified advanced weapons.
If mind control devices are banned across the world will academia then attempt to help targeted individuals shield from and jam the signals which are being used against them?
For further information about the above topic please read the following excellent document "International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Technical Means" by Mojmir Babacek which can be found at www.globalresearch.ca.

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The corona virus hoaxed pandemic was created to distract and to misdirect the general public from what is really occurring which is that we have become embedded with dust sized technology which has allowed unknown others to wirelessly tether us to a computerized control, enslavement, torture and genocide system. We can now be wirelessly mind controlled, body controlled, tortured, enslaved and genocided while we go about our lives falsely believing that there is a virus pandemic in the world. There is a simple solution. Canvas your local political representative to have all wirelessly enabling infrastructure in your country taken down, rendered unoperable and banned immediately. Canvas your local politician to have all chemtrail spraying of the air stopped and to have all airline pilots who continue to spray us with said chemtrails without us ever have given them permission to do so arrested and imprisoned whenever they land at airports throughout each country. Canvas your local politician to have all drones and other airborne vehicles banned from use for the forseeable future. The existence of satellites is now largely believed to be a hoax but drones and airborne vehicles are being used against all of the men, women and children of the world on a constant basis.

Wireless weapons are also being used against the police and military for the purposes of mind controlling them to the point where some of them eventually refuse to question the immoral orders of their army generals and military commanders. As soon as the infrastructure which enables wireless weapons to be unusable then they police and militaries of the world will no longer aquiese to their immoral hierarchical based chain of command whose orders originate from dark occultists. Those dark occultists see their fellow men and women as useless eaters who are using up all of the resources of this world which they wish to keep for themselves so they have openly informed us that they wish to lower the population of the world by ninety percent. Therefore if you wish to remain alive and free then you must canvas your politician today to have the wirelessly enabling infrastructure disassembled and banned from the face of the earth.

Sadly, most politicians are under wireless mind control themselves.   They have slowly and incrementally become absorbed into the universal mind set which is being created by computer programmers whose work is heavily compartmentalized to the extent that they do not understand where their work is ultimately leading.   We should mandate that public representatives as well as the police and military stay way from all  television or smart phone use and  live away from  any type of transmitter is they wish to continue to represent us. Many of them are already bio-digitally programmed to believe everything that comes to them from the universal mind programming which is being transmitted to smart phone users and others.  If you live in a state of happy apathy then your mind has already been absorbed by the worldwide mind control system. Please act now. You have a moral duty to do so for the sake of your own freedom and that of future generations of human beings. Please ignore all idiots who push the false notion that something of a supernatural nature is involved in our enslavement. The slave masters wish you to misdirect your anger towards non-existent enemies such as sentient artificial intelligence, extra-terresterial beings, supernatural beings and many other hoaxes so that you will not look at your real enemy who is your own fellow man. You are his equal and yet he wishes to make you his slave. Act now to raise awareness of this and to have it stopped.

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Smart phones create a bio-digital flow-cycle with the human beings who owns them allowing information to move at rapid speeds to and from the person and the smart phone. The flicker rate of the smart phones is also being used to transmit coded data through their eyes. Electronic mind control is also being transmitted wirelessly from microwave transmitters and many other sources. Those who have already had their minds bio-digitally programmed have been programmed to resist heavily all information which contradicts their programming. Therefore, the voices of reason among them remain unheard. If a topic which they have been programmed to resist is brought up for discussion they immediately either change the subject, scorn the speaker, inform the speaker that they will discuss it later or even walk away from the speaker. Because they have no idea that they have been programmed to resist all discussion on the topic of concern they also dont know how to go about attempting to override their programming to check if they are able to do so. We must urgently disassemble and ban microwave and millimeter wave transmitters and thereby we would then have to stop using smart phones. There are attempts to turn the whole world into a type of wifi hot spot by electrifying the atmosphere and if that is successful there will then be no point in banning microwave and millimeter wave transmitters after that time because mind control would then be ubiquitous, except for Madagascar which is where our slave masters would possibly live. There are online suggestions that Madagascar has never been sprayed with chemtrails and also that large tracts of land have been purchased in Madagascar by the super-rich new world order cabal. Many of us have already become wirelessly tethered to computerized control systems where we are already partially permanently enslaved. Many of the rest of us are so heavily bio-digitally programmed that they resist all information we give them on the topic of our enslavement. If all of us eventually become wirelessly permanently enslaved we will never be allowed to see the faces of our slave masters or ever be allowed to know who they are because all transmittions of data to and from them will be transmitted by bi-directional wireless means. The type of data that those of us who have already become wirelessly permanently enslaved receive are voice commands, visual information, pain, electric shocks, forced muscle movement, forced paralysis, and other bodily sensations which are wirelessly transmitted to us which feel like remote wirelessly enabled sexual violation. Government staff have been so heavily bio-digitally programmed at this late stage that they have been programmed to enslave their fellow human beings on behalf of the slave masters of this world. They have been programmed to enforce our enslavement rigidly using extreme discipline. They have been programmed to lock down each and every country in the world from an economic perspective so that the slave masters can take complete control of each and every business in the world and so that we can be denied the right to even leave our homes. There are easy cures for coronavirus and all who are awake and aware are fully aware that the imposed economic lock down is largely a hoax so that the slave masters can further empower themselves and disempower us. Many of us who are already wirelessly enslaved are now afraid of those in government who have been given the false authority to have us locked inside psychiatric hospitals if we dare to speak publicly about our wireless enslavement. We continue to do so even though we do so at great risk from this development. The Richard C Walker PNF TRAC Patent no US6965816 describes in detail the ability to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be a human being, an airplane, a car or a motor cycle. You as a human being will be called wetware and there will be control mechanisms, devices and chips put into your body at different places without your awareness and consent which can actually control your muscles even against your own will.

For further information about the bio-digital flow cycle between humans and smart phones please read a book called "Artificial Intelligence, Dangers to Humanity," by Cyrus A. Parsa.

My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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