I am a targeted individual of non-consensual research, electronic harassment and psychological torture via voice to skull. The perpetrators of this crime against me expect me to be clean to the point of being almost sterile throughout each entire day and night. I take a daily shower and I put on a complete fresh outfit of clothing each day and wash the clothes that I had been wearing previous to taking the shower. However, that is not satisfactory enough for the criminal perpetrators who monitor, harass and psychologically torture me. They send pulsating energy under my arms and around my nether regions which I can feel quite strongly and they do this in order to check if I am clean enough to meet their standards. I reiterate that they expect me to be almost sterile. If I am less than sterile they taunt me and criticize me and harass me because of it. No human being can be spotlessly clean twenty four hours per day. It is impossible to live up to such an expectation. I know that there exists a field of psychological study about inducing guilt in human beings because they are never entirely clean and they can never be because we are made of dirt and the planet which we live on is also made of dirt. I know that the criminal perpetrators harass me about this matter because they have nothing else to criticize me about because I am not addicted to any substance and I am not in financial debt and I get on well with everyone I know. They get paid to goad me and they find it difficult to find reasons to goad me so this is what they are doing a lot. Further to that, they or any other criminal can now take images of the keys in your pocket by sending energy into your pocket and they energy can be used to take precise measurements of your keys in order to have copies of said keys made. Therefore, put barrel bolts in your outer doors for protection while you are sleeping at night.

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Dr Robert Duncan is a scientists and has worked in the development of psychotronic weapons for many years. Further to that he has written two books about the current capabilities of psychotronic weapons which are called "Project Soul Catcher" and "How to Tame a Demon. Dr. Robert Duncan has worked for government agencies like CIA, DARPA, Department of Defense (DoD) on a technology which is called Voice of God (VoG). Voice of God means that the military and intelligence services can put voices into an individuals head and then control these individuals. The individuals that are being targeted are known as Targeted Individuals (TI’s).
I am such a targeted individual and I hear constant voices coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission. Here is an example of some of what I heard coming from inside my head in the past few days as follows:-
"Central Fugal systems are in evidence here. This is not excellent. Anyone can tell that we have been inisde this womans body and brain."
"Doctor her."
"Why are you eating that now."
"Every limb in her body will be broken." "Why did you say that" "Because she has been rejected and we can't make any money out of her."
"Thats a live one." "You are playing it rough with this lady." "Thats Gretta Fahey. She is live. She is electrified."
"Her body will be pulled out of a river some day."
"We will have to get money into this lady."
"Can we bio-robotize a corpse. " "Yes."
"What annual percentage of her income does she spend on charity."
"What the f is she eating bacon for this hour of the night."
"Is there a man in her life." "No." " She will get more than she bargained for."
"How about you lose some weight."
"The view from the scene of the crime."
"Initiate a bowel and bladder problem right now." (They wish to place restrictions on anyone who is claiming disability allowance for Irritable Bowel Syndrome which I am claiming and I have been claiming for many years.)
We all have smart dust inside us which allows military and private contractors to conduct medical experiments on us and it also allows them to speak to us, to hurt us and to enslave, torture and genocide us from unknown remote locations without us ever knowing who they are. However, there is an easy solution. In order to clear the smart dust from your brain and body so that you can then no longer be tortured by remote means you aught to drink ozonated water because ozone is the greatest detoxifying agent known to man. It deactivates every known negative compound that exists in the world. You will find one hundred reasons to use ozone at the following website I am currently drinking several glasses of ozonated water daily and I hope that in this way I will be able to deactivate the smart dust inside my brain and body and thereby stop the wireless torture which I endure constantly.

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We have reached a point in human history when we can no longer tell the difference between a human being and a robot which has been entirely manufactured from synthetic material because the capability exists and is in common use where by both the physical workings of robots and the software of robots can be wirelessly and invisibly interfaced to a human being who is remotely located from the robot and who can operate the robot as easily as he or she can govern their own brain and body.
If the robot is being viewed through a digital media screen and if their faces have face make up applied to them and if they have eye glasses over their eyes absolutely nobody could then tell the difference between the real human being and a robot. Therefore high profile men and women can now be murdered and then replaced by a robot for the benefit of public performances in order to fool the general public into following their dictates.
What should the general public do in order to stop those in positions of responsibility in the world from fooling the aforementioned general public by this and many other technological means? Please leave a comment.
This trickery may have already been attempted by using a robot made in the image of Prince Charles who is also known as the Prince of Wales because there exists youtube vidoes purporting to be him which look unlike him.
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Electronic wireless external physical control of human beings and farm animals from implants in their bodies and brains is under development throughout Ireland. Many non-consenting and extremely unwilling Republic of Ireland victims as well as overseas victims of this procedure are being used for product development. If a victim becomes fully in agreement with this procedure it means that they have become fully externally wirelessly physically remote controlled to say whatever the team of individuals who are remote controlling them are programming them to say on an ongoing basis.
I am a non-consenting victim of wireless electronic remote experimentation from what I believe are implants in my brain and body and I have been so for more than sixteen years. My face and neck can now be wirelessly externally physically controlled. My vocal cords can also be wirelessly externally physically controlled at a moments notice. For further information about my long term experiences of being a non-consenting victim of wirelessly enabled experimentation please read my website which is called
All government staff are now under wireless mental constraint whether they know it or now due to mass wireless post hypnotic suggestions which come to them via transmitters.
We must immediately disassemble and ban microwave transmitters. Please share this information because you and your loved ones may already have implants inside your bodies and brains from nano implantation via food and water supply or implants could have been introduced into your body via surgery or through being secretly imbedded in vaccination needles unknown to general practitioners.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland

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A worldwide invisible technological takeover of most of humanity is occurring behind the scenes in your lives. Many human beings are already non-consensually connected to a two way computerized control system where they are being told what to do by unknown operatives. If they refuse to obey the voice commands which they receive via a process known as voice to skull bio-communication, this can lead to them suffering in some way at a later date.
Because energy weapons are being used to enable this process, the victims can not yet prove to their colleagues that they are being governed by this process known as Remote Neural Monitoring. It is not known how many individuals have already been captured by this control system but it is suspected that NASA staff were among the first to have been captured, to the extent that we now believe that the existence of satellites was their first hoax and this was then followed by the moon landing hoax among many other hoaxes.
We will now need to make major changes in our lifestyles in order to protect ourselves from neural control which is also known as Remote Neural Monitoring. We may need to dispense with the use of electricity in our homes because electricity is the first essential ingredient in this human control system. We may need to power our homes using gas cookers and solid fuel stoves. If you can think of any way in which we can combat this technological control of human beings please reply.
For further information on this secret and invisible takeover of human beings please watch the following short youtube video called 



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The European Human Brain Project has built infrastructure which allows researchers from all across Europe to research the brains of their fellow Europeans in real time while those being researched are allowed to go about their everyday lives? I am an unwilling victim of brain and spinal cord research and I have been thus for more than sixteen years. Since early 2003 I have been wirelessly connected from technology inside my brain and body to a network of computers which allows me to be continually monitored and manipulated and communicated with by a team of unknown neuro staff.
Many years ago I became wirelessly linked by a two way stream of energy to the computer network of these unknown neuro scientists. At the beginning, even though the neuro staff could communicate with me on a consistent basis they were unable to manipulate my brain and body to any significant degree. However, now after more than sixteen years of consistent research on both my brain and body as well as my mind patterns they can move my facial and neck muscles against my will. When I move my own facial muscles of my own accord the exact sequence of events that are occurring in my brain and body are tabulated by the neuro staff. The neuro staff then at a later time can repeat the exact sequence of events in order to move said facial muscles against my will whenever they wish. If they continue to work on my brain and body in this manner they will eventually be able to turn me into a biological robot where I would have no free will whatsoever to the extent that they could eventually remote control me like a robot. Further to this, by using a similar method these unknown neuro staff can now make what are commonly known as technologically induced vocalizations occur, which means they can now induce me to say words and whole sentences which do not originate in my own brain. I have no way of stopping them from inducing me to vocalize words and sentences at inopportune moments which do not originate in my brain. Many other unwilling victims of brain and body research are reporting the exact same experiences as these. For further information please read my website which I alone own and control and which is called My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland.

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If you breast feed your baby and align with nature and natural law then four generations later your descendents will not have developed crooked teeth or crooked bones, and they wont have become psychopathic or homosexual and they wont have developed irritable bowel syndrome and your female descendants will not ever menstruate. We have been falsely let to assume that having crooked teeth and needing to wear braces is natural when it is not. We have been falsely let to believe that outward manifestations of menstruation is natural but in fact the lining of the uterus is naturally absorbed back into the body in women who have not degenerated. We are not being told the full truth about how far we have degenerated over the past few hundred years or more. For further information please read a book called "Pottingers Cats" by Francis M Pottenger which is widely available at online book stores

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"Regiment these people so that they are obedient to us". I heard those words coming from inside my head because I have been non-consensually implanted with two way voice technology. The military and the intelligence services have been non-consensually implanting their fellow human beings with many and varied types of technology over the past few decades for the purposes of controlling them. This fact is still not widely known for reasons of national security which is in reality national suicide. Further to that I heard another unknown person speaking to me through the same medium who informed me that the speaker who wishes us all to be regimented into a state of complete obedience to this criminal syndicate is called Andrew Partagenet. I don't know anybody called Andrew Partagenet and I dislike posting names on my posts but in order to raise awareness of the slow and insidious enslavement policies of the dark new world order criminal syndicate I am beginning to post the names that I am being given by these inner voices. We must disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities urgently in order to stop this in-home wireless harassment and torture that many are currently experiencing because of advanced wireless torture capabilities.

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Some human beings are having their biological processes directly affected by the unethical imprinting of unnecessary digital signals into their auras. Even though we dont know what method is being used against us, many human beings throughout most of the world are now reporting that they are experiencing their own body energy fields being forced to move against their wills thereby forcing their own muscles to move also against their wills. One possible method being considered may be that surveillance operatives can now imprint said unnecessary digital signals into human auras by the use oof a spectrometer which may be capable of being used to see inside the home of the individual being unethically interfered with. It may even be necessary for the targeted individual to be using a digital media screen because there may be reverse energy field cameras being built into digital media screens so as to enable the unethical operatives to see the human aura of their target.

I myself am one of those individuals who is now experiending forced muscle movement of my facial and body muscles against my will and without my permission. For further information please see my website which I alone own and control and which is called My name is Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.

Demonic possession does not exist. It has been hoaxed over many decades and perhaps even more than a century in order to provide a cover story for unethical human energy field interference which is ongoing on a large scale throughout most of the world now.

An optical spectrometer (spectrophotometer, spectrograph or spectroscope) is an instrument used to measure properties of light over a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, typically used in spectroscopic analysis to identify materials.

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     We have all inhaled and ingested neural dust which has coagulated into larger units inside our brains,  which in turn leads the way for neuro operatives to create a circuit board inside the brain of a selection of targeted individuals.  This creation which is now being known as a brain circuit board allows unknown criminal neuro operatives to upload and download digital signals into your brain at their will.  They can create holograms in front of your eyes.  They can force you to hear and see and taste and smell and feel things that are not there at all except as an illusion to you.  

After many years of working on your brain circuit board by wireless means with a large staff of neuro operatives these criminals  can eventually force you to move your muscles against your will and without your consent.  They can also force you to speak, and then to say things that you would not be normally willing to say and that you have never said before that time.

These criminals can now paralyse you if you refuse to be an obedient slave.  They can close your mouth by remote wireless means and refuse to open it again forever if they wish.  You could never override their digital signals.

Please have microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia banned and outlawed urgently if you wish your children to live in freedom.  This matter is urgent.

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It has been claimed in high places that plans are taking place to sub-divide the people of Ireland into two classes, a middle class for the wealthy elite and a lower class for everybody else.
Most people would be initially classified as middle class in order to get the people of Ireland to agree to the proposal. However, it has been further proposed that at a much later date a small group of wealthy people will be further classified as the elite and the remainder, which is most of the Irish people, will be further re-classified as lower class. It is proposed that the lower class will have less rights than the elite. This is where we are currently heading because of the use of directed energy weapons being used on a selection  people behind the scenes in our lives, without the knowledge or consent of most of the Irish population.
If we should erroneously agree to the heirarchical division of society, which runs contrary to every value system of the Irish people, this would more than likely result in discrimination in all areas of life, in such areas as political, economic, social and cultural rights.
As each human being has hundreds of different facets to their characters, there can be no objective way to classify a human being. An accident of birth can not be grounds for conferring a high status on a human being.
We are all equals in this planet of equals. We are all made from the same genetic material. We are all of infinite value, therefore human beings should never be classified into groups. Most people believe that we are all immortal beings who are here to have an earthly experience. The hidden establishment are currently initiating this human classification system in order to polarise groups of people against each other, so as to divide and conquer.
"We are not our positions in society, our occupations, our culture, our beliefs, our financial status, our social status, our matrimonial status, our sexuality, our clothes, or how we speak. Take away all of these and we are still ourselves underneath. All of these are superficial identities, like masks. All of these superficial identities are transitory. We are consciousness, having a human experience." By anonymous.
Some human beings attempt to convince their fellow human beings that they have a higher status than the rest of the human race.  They achieve this by using mind control tactics over their fellow human beings.  They also send messages of their supposed superior status by acting superior at all times.  They  enhance the message  by displays of superiority in the public arena by the skilled use of oratory.   They also employ uniforms, titles, credentials , possessions and opulent surroundings to further enhance the lie that they are superior to others in some way.  They sometimes pay attendents to attend to their every need and to bow to them when they are in the public arena.  They have their staff organise large gatherings of fawning fans whenever they wish to push the notion of their supposed superiority further. 
We are all equal.  We came into this world empty handed and we will leave this world empty handed approximately eight decades later.    We must value equality in the world above all else.  Unquestioningly following the orders of our equals leads to acts of extreme evil because when we do so we refuse to take responsibility for our own actions by refusing to assess whether the order given is moral before we carry it out.

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The basic knowledge of how Remote Neural Monitoring works which is provided within this post is from the online resource work of Bryan Tew who I do not know and who is a former United States department of defence contractor.

Remote Controlled Human Beings are currently being created all over the world by wireless means. These human beings are fully aware that they are slowly and incrementally being turned into bio-robots and they can not do anything to stop the bio-robotization process. They are frightened beyond words. After they become fully bio-robotized they may be used to kill other human beings. Please read here below how this human bio-robotization work is being achieved by slow and incremental means.

Many human beings throughout most of the world are now wirelessly tied to super-computers via nano technology which has been imbedded inside their brains and bodies, which they have both inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. The Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer monitors and manipulates all electrical activity in their brains on a constant basis throughout each day. It uses physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the brain and central nervous system of the victim of gradual bio-robotization in order to then build a cognotive model of that brain.

We all have nano technology inside our bodies and brains which we have inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. Particulates of this nano technology inside the body of the human being who has been selected for bio-robotization are wirelessly linked by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a large network of computers combined with a super computer. This process has come to be known as Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation. The nano technology speaks to and decodes the neuro transmitters of the human brain in a process called transcranial brain stimulation enabling the mind of the targeted individual to be read and replied to in real time . A team of data analysts download and catalogue all of the data from the brain and body of the targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring.

Another completely separate team of hidden operatives who are known as gang stalkers do everything in their power to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual will not be believed. They use slander campaigns and false psychiatry to discredit these victims of gradual bio-robotization. In some situations these gang stalkers create a hostile environment everywhere the victim goes in order to isolate the victim so that there is no external interference which might dampen down the desired neuro programming.

A third team of individuals who are in essence neuro operatives are sometimes known as the hive mind team. They can introduce sound, voices, aromas, sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions into the brain of the targeted individual or on some occasions targeted group. The victim becomes a walking digital receiver. The hive mind team attempt to restrict the victim at will using remotely induced trauma and pain. They use bio-communication to project their voices inside the brain of the victim. They eventually are able to manipulate the visual cortex of the victim to introduce images into the victims field of vision. They introduce signals into the audio cortex of the victim to introduce sounds and voices. They manipulate the sensory cortex of the victim to introduce sensations or pain. They manipulate the motor cortex of the victim in order to cause movement to the muscles of the victim anywhere throughout the victims face or body. By modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy they can target any area of the human anatomy.

Over many years of laborious work, the neuro operatives who work by wireless means and from a remote location connect every sub group of muscles inside the body of the targeted individual who is destined for human bio-robotization from nano particulates which have been inhaled into the subjects body to a network of computers and a super computer. Each of these sub group of muscles is individually linked to the super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy until the day comes when all of the sub groups of muscles throughout the body of the victim is eventually linked to the super-computer. The super-computer co-ordinates all sub groups of muscles within the body of the victim to work in tandem with each other. The victim can then be wirelessly remote controlled by sadistic criminals to place one of their hands on a hot stove totally against their will or even to kill another human being against their will. The continuous two way streams of low frequency electromagnetic energy which link the victim to the super-computer is so strong that it can enable the victim to fight off ten strong men if necessary. The victim does not even need to be alive to achieve this. The victims body is totally remote controlled by a neuro operative or neuro operatives who may even be working by wireless means from thousands of miles away. The slow and incremental process of human bio-robotization is being co-ordinated as an act of war against the human race. It is part of an ongoing war of attrition that is being waged against us for dozens of years.

This process of human bio-robotization has already been achieved. I believe the following linked youtube video which is called MADNESS IN THE FAST LANE, SWEDISH SISTERS FULL VERSION is an example of two human beings who have been bio-robotized. There is no other explanation for their extreme strength and unusual capabilities even after one of them was seriously injured by a truck.

When the neuro operatives plan to take over the body of a human being they inform the human being in advance of the take over. When the psychopaths who currently run this planet have some plan for the human race they always inform the human race in advance through predictive programming in movies. Movies have been full of information about this human bio-robotization process for many decades.

Human beings who believe that they are being slowly and incrementally bio-robotized can easily be saved from whole body takeover simply by receiving a strong pulse of magnetic energy to their bodies which will destroy the nano technology inside them and set them free from their fate. However, they need electronically mind controlled government officials such as the police and psychiatrists to believe them, because magnetic pulse technology is beyond the reach of most targeted individuals. Police stations are being located directly under telephone towers in order to facilitate the electronic mind control process. We aught to ban microwave transmitters from all countries throughout the world immediately.


The dark occultists wish their fellow human beings to believe that they have more technological expertise than they currently have. This a basic military takeover tactic.

To that end they have falsely informed the human race through the grapevine that self-replicating nano technology when combined with a fungus type material will grow and self replicate inside targeted individuals , thereby allowing a selection of targeted individuals to be slowly and incrementally be consumed by an internal brain and body computer network. This internal computer network would then be used to wirelessly remote control us to either self-sabotage or to commit acts of extreme evil. However, sources close to myself have informed me that paid neuro staff are currently being used to laboriously link each sub group of human muscles of a large selection of targeted individuals to a network of computers by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy until such a time as the selected targeted individual has no further control over their own muscles unless they agree to be a neuro slave, and then go on to enslave others in a similar process. In that way, the number of neuro slaves throughout the world increases exponentially. The worldwide human community must immediately provide devices to the general public which can then be used to propel strong forces of magnetic energy at targeted individuals of neuro research in order to damage the nano technology inside their brains and bodies so that they can then be free from the cruel potential bio-robotization fate that now awaits them.



1. The would-be wireless enslavers blame a non-existent sentient artificial intelligence machine which they have supposedly lost control of for the current attempt at wirelessly enslaving the human race via nano technology which they have unknowingly inhaled and ingested.

2. They sometimes attempt to blame non-existent extra-terresterials for the wireless enslavement attempt. They have created elaborate psychological operations over the last number of decades in an attempt to create a belief in extra-terresterials, especially among the younger generation. These psychological operations used military intelligence, neuro weapons, staged film sets, hollywood makeup artestry and lies via their privately owned and controlled main stream media to pull this situation off. They have largely failed because we have online truth resources that they have failed to centralize and therefore were largely unable to control.

3. They have on occasion attempted to blame the supernatural for human possession by what is advanced military technology inside the human brain and body, which is being guided by wireless means from remote locations by organised assistants who were duped into signing blood contracts which they are unable to escape from.

4. They may also attempt to convince believers in a flat earth that tribes may have come in from outside the perimeter of the flat earth, which is believed to be the antarctic ice wall, in order to enslave us by technological means by wirelessly tethering us to computer networks via nano technology which is imbedded inside our brains and bodies. However, if the earth is indeed flat and if the perimeter walls are composed of the antarctic ice wall, the sun does not shine beyone a certain point. The further outside the antartic ice wall one would travel the colder and darker it would become to the extent that on life could possibly exist past a certain point. Nature would provide a natural barrier if we do live on a flat earth. However, nobody is allowed to visit the antarctic. Antarctic package tours that have been advertised appear to be bogus. When boats have sailed too close to the antarctic they have been blown out of the water.

The would-be enslavers of the human race attempt to render us passive in our attempts to disempower them by giving us messages which are especially designed to render us passive. They employ agents to generate false beliefs in online social media pages that it is now too late for humanity to save themselves from enslavement as everything is already in place to set the enslavement scenario in motion. They manipulate us from a young age to leave everything to so-called authority figures. They sometimes manipulate us to belive in saviours in many guises from supernatural saviours to extra-terresterial saviours, among others. They engrain in the minds of the masses that anybody who complains of hearing internal voices or who complain of electronic harassment or organised gang stalking is mentally ill. There are now private armies of privately paid gang stalkers in almost every country throughout the world who gang stalk and electronically harass anybody who does not fit in with the world wide control plan which is being drip fed to us from rigid heirarchical based chain of command which is due to become more rigid unless we disempower it.

The word anarchist is short for anti-heirarchicalist.  Anarchy is a linear based self-regulating system of rules without rulers. It is the system of organization which I favour. I hope to see it happen some day.

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I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling neuro weapons test subject and I reside in the Republic of Ireland. I am wirelessly tethered to a network of computers from an implant combined with nano sensors which are inside both my brain and body. The technologically induced voices of neuro research operatives which are constantly being transmitted into the centre of my head by wireless means have informed me that they wish me to move into a purpose built unit complete ...with under-floor cables so that these cables would allow a supply of electricity to circulate around my head and body at all times in order to better analyse me for the purposes of scientific data analysis. I have a right of residence in my family home until I die so these unknown criminal neuro operatives are unable to have me forceably moved into a more appropriate scientifically suitable environment. These inner voices went on to say that a human being is far more likely to become a targeted individual if you live in an environment surrounded with a multitude of electrical activity on a constant basis.

Wireless enslavement of the human race is imminent if you do not wake up. The would-be enslavers have already wirelessly tethered hundreds of thousands of non-consensual and totally unwilling human beings across the world by means of secretly imbedding them with implanted microchips and programmable nano technology combined with a network of bio-sensors. Wireless signals are then sent to and from this network of computers to the neuro slaves. These wirelessly tethered humans constantly hear commands which are being transmitted inside their heads. They may also receive pain signals in the future if they refuse to obey these commands.

Some senior politicians throughour Ireland and the wider world may possibly be wirelessly tethered to a network of computers similar to myself. This can be the only logical explanation as to why the Irish government is allowing the installation of 5G millimeter wave technology throughout the Republic of Ireland. 5G millimtere wave technology is enabled to carry pain signals to human bodies which have imbedded implants combined with nano particulates inside them.  This would be achievable by wireless  technological means.   By means of further manipulation of the human being by directed energy weapons wireless control of the muscles of a human being by outside means can also be achieved and maintained on a temporary basis, long enough to force a targeted individual to commit suicide totally against their will. 

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I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling neuro weapons test subject and I reside in the Republic of Ireland. I am wirelessly tethered to a network of computers from an implant combined with nano sensors which are inside both my brain and body. The technologically induced voices of neuro research operatives which are constantly being transmitted into the centre of my head by wireless means have informed me that they wish me to move into a purpose built unit complete ...with under-floor cables so that these cables would allow a supply of electricity to circulate around my head and body at all times in order to better analyse me for the purposes of scientific data analysis. I have a right of residence in my family home until I die so these unknown criminal neuro operatives are unable to have me forceably moved into a more appropriate scientifically suitable environment. These inner voices went on to say that a human being is far more likely to become a targeted individual if you live in an environment surrounded with a multitude of electrical activity on a constant basis.

Wireless enslavement of the human race is imminent if you do not wake up. The would-be enslavers have already wirelessly tethered hundreds of thousands of non-consensual and totally unwilling human beings across the world by means of secretly imbedding them with implanted microchips and programmable nano technology combined with a network of bio-sensors. Wireless signals are then sent to and from this network of computers to the neuro slaves. These wirelessly tethered humans constantly hear commands which are being transmitted inside their heads. They may also receive pain signals in the future if they refuse to obey these commands.

Some senior politicians throughour Ireland and the wider world may possibly be wirelessly tethered to a network of computers similar to myself. This can be the only logical explanation as to why the Irish government is allowing the installation of 5G millimeter wave technology throughout the Republic of Ireland. 5G millimtere wave technology is enabled to carry pain signals to human bodies.

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I am non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly tethered via a microchip implant to a network of computers as well as a supercomputer.  The implanting occurred without my knowledge or permission at a time when I was unconscious of it happening.  This microchip implant in combination with a variety of other bio-medical implants is being used to read my sub-vocal thoughts in real time. When my sub-vocal thoughts are read by unknown neuro staff they then reply to them in real time using other implants which may be imbedded in my ear canals.  Still other implants can be used to send pain signals if I refuse to obey these commands.

You may already be imbedded with a series of implants because implantable technology is in widespread use throughout main stream medicine largely without the knowledge or consent of the patient and also without the knowledge of the implanter. These tiny implants are being built into medical devices and some may even be imbedded into disposable needles.

As my wireless tethering is invisible to the naked eye but not to microchip cameras I have not yet been able to prove this wireless tethering to the police or psychiatry so they may erroneously believe me to be mentally ill. However, I have lived alone for many years without assistance and without any drugs so therefore I could not possibly be mentally ill.  Other individuals claiming similar wireless tethering are widespread through Ireland and the wider world. They are automatically deemed to be mentally ill without any appraisal of the evidence.   Some people in positions of authority are actively denying that this slow and incremental enslavement of the human race is occurring at all either because they are heavily mind controlled by a variety of technological devices or because they have become actively involved in the implanting process or because they have become wirelessly tethered themselves and can no longer help or because they have legally compromised themselves and  therefore can not admit the truth.   

There is an easy solution but one which most people are not willing to implement because their own brains and bodies have not been wirelessly tethered yet. The solution is simply to have all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia banned outright. Without microwave transmitters no electronic mind control can exist and no wireless tethering of real live human beings can exist either. The existence of satellites is an easily provable hoax. All worldwide date is being transmitted via undersea fibre optic cables. Please raise awareness of this urgent issue before you yourself become wirelessly tethered by both your brain and spinal cord.

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Experiments with human sacrifice !


MIND TECH established to counter the ethical anarchy existing nanotechnologies invasion of the human brain (brain – computer integration), and hush-hush thinking around experiments with human sacrifice:

This is intrusive, unethical, therefore, must we seek for a debate and political intervention: to engage in mind control. Scientists find continuously new, increasingly sophisticated methods to remotely execute imaging methodology for communicating with the brain. Computer technology will lead to artificial copies of our human brain. Of course there is also a good side: The data could affect mental illness and much more.

Therefore, throughout this borderland, and gray, lawless zones reflected and put under public control.

Human neural network is melting more and more together with digital technology.

No one knows what these new technologies will result. 
Why there is in Sweden ethical debates and laws on the subject? 
Well, for research in Sweden, europe is currently alone possesses the knowledge of distance communication with the brain.

An ethical debate and subsequent laws would lead to a moratorium on further research.Currently, research is allowed unimpeded run.

In cooperation with the media seem to MIND TECH for an open debate on the subject.

Magnus Olsson

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Hitler would have loved The Singularity

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Hitler would have loved The Singularity: Mind-blowing benefits of merging human brains and computers

UPDATED: 11:24 GMT, 6 February 2012

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Of all the tall tales in the science-fiction TV series Star Trek, what impressed me most when I was a  little boy was the Vulcan mind meld.

Laying his hands on the head of a human (or, in one of the films, a humpback whale), Mr Spock could, for a moment, dissolve the distance between two living things.

Each experienced everything the other felt, thought, knew and saw.

Now it seems scientists are about to make the Vulcan mind meld a reality – and go far beyond it.

Ten years ago, the US National Science Foundation predicted ‘network-enhanced telepathy’ – sending thoughts over the internet – would be practical by the 2020s.

Man and machine: Computers could soon be hardwired into the human brain and unlock amazing power.

And thanks to neuroscientists at the University of California, we seem to be on schedule.

Last September, they asked volunteers to watch Hollywood film trailers and then reconstructed the clips by scanning their subjects’ brain activity.

‘We’re opening a window into the movies in our minds,’ Professor Jack Gallant announced.

Last week, the scientists boldly went further still. They charted the electrical activity in the brains of volunteers who were listening to human speech and then they fed the results into computers which translated the signals back into language.

The technique remains crude, and has so far made out only five distinct words, but humanity has crossed a threshold.

We can now read people’s minds. On Star Trek, the Vulcan mind meld had medical benefits, curing a nasty imaginary infection called Pa’nar syndrome.

Science fact soon?: The Vulcan mind meld


Science fact: Harnessing the power of the mind was a favourite of science fiction, including Star Trek’s Vulcan mind meld

But the new breakthroughs promise to deliver much greater – and real – benefits.

No longer need strokes and neurodegenerative diseases rob people of speech because we can turn their brainwaves directly into words.

But this is only the beginning. Neuroscientists are going to make the mind meld look like child’s play. Mankind is merging with its machines.

The process began centuries ago with simple devices such as eyeglasses and ear trumpets that could dramatically improve human lives.

Then came better machines, such as hearing aids; and then machines that could save lives, including pacemakers and dialysis machines.

By the second decade of the 21st Century, we have become used to organs grown in laboratories, genetic surgery and designer babies.

By 2020 we may be able to put even cleverer nanocomputers into our brains to speed up  synaptic links, give ourselves perfect memory and perhaps cure dementia.

But inserting technology into human brains is not the only thing going on. Some scientists also want to insert human brains into technology.

Since the Sixties, computer chips have been doubling their speed and halving their cost every 18 months or so.

If the trend continues, the inventor and predictor Ray Kurzweil has pointed out that by 2029 we will have computers powerful enough to run programs  reproducing the 10,000 trillion electrical signals that flash around your skull every second. 

They will also have enough memory to store the ten trillion recollections that make you  who you are.

Adolf Hitler


Dangerous technology: The huge potential unlocked by the technology raises frightening prospects if it were to be used by evil dictators like Adolf Hitler

And they will also be powerful enough to scan, neuron by neuron, every contour and wrinkle of your brain.

What this means is that if the trends of the past 50 years continue, in 17 years’ time we will be able to upload an electronic replica of your mind on to a machine.

There will be two  of you – one a flesh-and-blood animal, the other inside a computer’s circuits.

And if the trends hold fast beyond that, Kurzweil adds, by 2045 we will have a computer that is powerful enough to host every one of the eight billion minds on Earth.

Carbon and  silicon-based intelligence will merge to form a single global consciousness.

Kurzweil calls this ‘The Singularity’, a moment when ‘the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep . . . that technology appears to be expanding at infinite speed’. 

At that point, we will have  left the Vulcan mind meld far behind. But even this may not be the end of the story.

Much of the research behind last week’s breakthrough in brain science was funded not by universities but by DARPA, the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency.

It was DARPA that brought us the internet (then called the Arpanet) in the Seventies, and DARPA’s Brain Interface Project was a pioneer in molecular computing.

More recently, DARPA’s Silent Talk programme has been exploring mind-reading technology with devices that can pick up the electrical signals inside soldiers’ brains and send them over the internet. 

With these implants, entire armies will be able to talk without radios. Orders will leap instantly into soldiers’ heads and commanders’ wishes will become the wishes of their men. Hitler would have loved it.

Thing of the past: Advances in technology could revolutionise the way armies communicate 
Thing of the past: Advances in technology could revolutionise the way armies communicate
U.S. Special Forces soldier 

Cyborg-soldier: The defence industry could soon try implanting computer technology into the brain of soldiers

Some of the clearest thinking about the new technologies has been done in the world’s departments of defence, and the conclusions the soldiers draw are alarming.

For example, US Army Colonel Thomas Adams thinks that military technology is already moving beyond what he calls ‘human space’, as robotic weapons become ‘too fast, too small, too numerous, and . . . create an environment too complex for humans to direct’.

Technology, Col Adams suspects, is ‘rapidly taking us to a place where we may not want to go, but probably are unable to avoid’.

As goes war, so,  perhaps, goes everything else. The merging of mankind and its machines that Kurzweil predicts for the mid-21st Century may, in fact, turn out just to be a lay-by on the way to a very different destination.

Later in the century, what we condescendingly call ‘artificial’ intelligence might replace us humans just as thoroughly as we humans once replaced all our evolutionary ancestors. 

All this will come to pass . . .  unless, of course, it doesn’t. Maybe the trends Kurzweil and Col Adams identify will slow down, or even stall altogether.

And maybe the critics who mockingly call the Singularity ‘the Rapture for Nerds’ will be proved right. 

But on the other hand, maybe the Nobel Prize-winning chemist Richard Smalley is closer to the truth when he points out: ‘When a scientist says something is possible, they’re probably underestimating how long it will take.

But if they say it’s impossible, they’re probably wrong.’

The University of California’s neuroscientists have taken us one more step towards a final frontier far beyond anything dreamed of in Star Trek.

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Project Bluebeam & Diffuse Artificial Thought

“The advancement of techniques propel us toward the third step in the Blue Beam Project that goes along with the telepathic and electronically augmented two-way communication (nano brain implant) where ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach each person from within his or her own mind, convincing each of them that their own reality is speaking to them from the very depths of their own soul. Such rays from satellites are fed from the memories of computers that have stored massive data about humans on earth, and their languages. The rays will then interlace with their natural thinking to form what we call diffuse artificial thought.”

So how could that be possible you ask? Easy. Enter Project Joshua Blue, currently under development by our favourite business machines company, IBM. Joshua Blue is a program with the stated goal of “Evolving an Emotional Mind in a Simulated Environment”, “to enhance artificial intelligence by evolving such capacities as common sense reasoning, natural language understanding, and emotional intelligence, acquired in the same manner as humans acquire them, through learning situated in a rich environment.”

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A new research scandal and the fatal consequences for the wider community.

Online-connected brains and neural networks.


bluered.gif (1041 bytes)



It must be forced that FET and ICT research opportunities to the development of the new computer brain language allowing computers to learn, and to read human thoughts by using injectable brain – machine – interface.

The about same brain-machine interface has carried out research to cure Parkinson’s disease and Alzimers, depression can also be used as a cranial prosthesis for accessing the brain’s memory. With a language software, and can copy the human brain,mind, thoughts and read them.

Professor Goran Hermerén ethical aspects of ICT implants (EUROPEAN commission) in March 2005

The new computer language and the brain brain-machine interface-nano-electronics, and “Europe’s, USAs new information of technology” provides the research opportunity for reading and long-term imageing of the brain’s complexity system of neurons. A method that provides high-resolution copies of the brains cognitive behavior and human perception.

Tomorrow’s high-speed computers and related research has evolved into a sophisticated computer system with mind reading on living people.

How can a serious criminal organization and ICT-FET research on the brain, with fatal consequence be stopped? Not announced research methods, criminality can not be of  any acceptance in society’s legal system.

By  Magnus Olsson

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brain globe

Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain


Thoughts, Memory And Behavior To Be Transferred From One

Brain To Another Brain

Brain mind uploading


Look and read moore :

In a scene right out of a George Orwell novel, a team of scientists working in the fields of “neural engineering” and “Biomimetic MicroElectronic Systems” have successfully created a chip that controls the brain and can be used as a storage device for long-term memories. In studies the scientists have been able to record, download and transfer memories into other hosts with the same chip implanted. The advancement in technology brings the world one step closer to a global police state and the reality of absolute mind control.

brain eye neuron nano

More terrifying is the potential for implementation of what was only a science fiction fantasy – the “Thought Police” – where the government reads people’s memories and thoughts and then rehabilitate them through torture before they ever even commit a crime based on a statistical computer analysis showing people with certain types of thoughts are likely to commit a certain type of crime in the future.

We already pre-emptively invade nations and torture alleged terrorist suspects with absolutely no due process of law, so the idea of pre-emptively torturing a terrorist suspect before hand to prevent them from committing an act of terrorism in the future really isn’t that far fetched of an idea.

Perhaps a less sensational example, than those I just depicted out of own of Orwell’s famous dystopian novels would be using the technology as it is depicted the modern day Matrix movies, in which computer programs are uploaded into people’s brains allowing them to instantly learn how to perform a wide variety of tasks.

That is exactly the example that Smart Planet uses in their write-up on the USC press release.

-Synthetic Telepathy-


The experience of synthetic telepathy “Artificial Telepathy” is really not that extraordinary. It’s as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head.

Indeed, most of the technology involved is identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The “receiver” is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It’s a human brain.


Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no “firewall” and therefore cannot shut the voice out. The receiver can hear the sender’s verbal thoughts. The sender, in turn, can hear all of the target’s thoughts, exactly as if the target’s verbal thoughts had been spoken or broadcast. For this reason, the experience could be called “hearing voices” but is more properly described as synthetic telepathy “artificial telepathy”.

Now, if synthetic telepathy "artificial telepathy" were entirely voluntary, like a conversation between friends sitting across the world, it might be kind of fantastic. One could talk back and forth with one’s friend, exchanging verbal thoughts exactly as if speaking on the phone, but without ever using one’s voice or mouth. It’s a completely silent, subvocal form of speech. Between lovers, this would be beautiful.

The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul.

When used as a “nonlethal” weapons system it becomes an ideal means for neutralizing or discrediting a political opponent. Peace protestors, inconvenient journalists and the leaders of vocal opposition groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon…

mind control

Microcircuits The Interface between Neurons and Global Brain Function

Civilian, military and multidisciplinary brain experiments for developing synthetic (artificial) telepathy.

What is the pay off, for governments, to get the wiring diagram (blueprint) of the human brain?

What risks are scientists and governments prepared to take to “win” the ultimate race and challenge of mankind?

What consequences will this breakthrough/paradigm in science have for human integrity, identity, and autonomy?

How many human lives/families/children is the government prepared to sacrifice to compete in this emerging technology?

Sweden, europe, a so called democratic nation, is not capable of

  • maintaining human right conventions
  • avoid people being exposed to illegal research with brain-computer-interface avoid people being exposed to mind control experiments with brain-computer-interfaces
  • avoid many years of physical and psychological violence (torture) exercised through brain-computer-interface
  • avoid that patients are injected with bioelectronics implants, without informed consent, when visiting Swedish, european hospitals.

The government solves the problems with illegal research by using their institutions/gatekeepers to cover up for all horrible mistakes and research.

The institution of Psychiatry health care system, and their manual for mental disorder (DSM), acts as guards for the ever-increasing number of people who have their lives exterminated by illegal research with multimedia-brain techniques and never-ending-learning-systems.

The government itself says that they have no insight of abusing the research area brain-computer-interface for remote illegal data collecting from the human brain. The government doesn’t react to information about this topic, and written letters are not answered despite several reminders.

The future and emerging technology, to achieve a computer-brain, is far from being completed. Even if the research pace is extremely high and scientists develop faster than “Moores Law”, it still remains about 20 years before all necessary research on humans is done.

The perception of being a human will, when the brain's neural code is copied to a computer, changed. Computer-brain interface and the new network technology will make the perception of self consciousness transparent. Man's thoughts are no longer private.

mind control

The expertise must be enforced to admit that it is the same people who are responsible for both diagnosing mentally illness and implanting brain implants into people’s heads. And that they, by doing so, exterminate human lab rats for life-long copying procedures.

We, the people and the public media, have the right to be informed about the names of the scientists involved in this grotesque and illegal research instead of having more people killed.

Experimenting with brain implants to extract information about the brain has been going on in Sweden, europe, USA  for more than half a century.

Please help all victims to reveal facts in this topic before more victims are dying due to this illegal research area.

QuWave Defender   Model QWX1

Protection for Targeted Individuals

from Electronic Harassment,

Psychotronic, and Psychic Attacks

Since more than 60 years TI's (targeted individuals) have tried to escape the Mind Control torture. Now TI's have tested the Defender from the American company QuWave with positive results. The Defender works with scalar waves. That is crucial evidence that the Mind Control torturers are also working with scalar waves. Officially scalar waves are denied by ignorant physicists but in secret they are used, for example in the HAARP facility.

new special function products

In a Video Interview, Laywer Henning Witte finds QuWave Defender is First Device that Helps TI's

A successful businessman visits the nearest hospital after an anxiety attack. He is sedated and wakes up as a different person. His life is starting to change. The voice coming from nowhere can tell him what time it is: the correct time.

The mental and psychological torture and control starts to take place. On one hand, they are telling him awful things, like “You are never going to wake up” when going to bed every evening or “We are dissapointed that you woke up” every time he was waking up in the morning.

Look at this  video

Mind Control TI Magnus Olsson Sweden from Henning Witte on Vimeo.

Magnus Olsson is a rescent victim of modern Mind Control technology in Sweden.

Typical Augmented Case Study

A brain augmented person would have revolutionary advantages over the existing humans. Perfect memory retentive capacity, the ability to store memory in another body if the current one retires and the ability to process the physical world in cybernetic conception are among some of the innovative features that could be implemented by the use of implants. Typical example of a memory augmented person would be a being who wakes up in the morning, has all his appointments and schedules flashed right before his eyes (via visual implants if need be), would download all the news or information directly into his augmented memory and everything he needs to know or remember would be flashed before his eyes in a matter of seconds. Ofcourse, his organic brain would be unharmed, as the organic brain is the receiver of all the augmented output the person perceives. Visual Augmentation yields even more possibilities, the ability to know the likes and dislikes about a person (similar to a facebook profile, only digital) in real time, the ability to download the information of, say a tourist building, in a flash, ability to see clearly in the dark with inbuilt night sensors and many others. Physical augmentation would allow a person to directly link himself with the cybernetic interface (ranging from anything like an advanced public directory or a super computer) and seek and process the information in real time. The world would change as we know it, with the boundaries between the cyber world and physical world being blurred.

Complete Introduction in Establishing Augmentation & Communication Process Through Artificial Nano Implant Digital Circuit Interface


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“Brain-Chip” Implant in the brain of Magnus Olsson. 

Mind Control TI Magnus Olsson Sweden from Henning Witte on Vimeo.



By: Media Group Sweden and MINDTECH, Magnus Olsson Stockhom SWEDEN …

( På Svenska under,,,)Magnus Olsson sweden

Magnus Olsson SWEDEN

For me, there was a day in life when everything changed. I went from a life as a citizen in a demo map indicative country into a world where violence and torture was the norm. It was not a journey across continents, but in life circumstances. It also included a science fiction drama that completely shattered my life. My name is Magnus Olsson, I am 38 years old, studied economics at the Cesar Ritz in Switzerland, American University of Paris and Harvard, Boston, USA, during the years 1988-1991. 1994 I started the company Jon Sandman who became a well known brand in the bedding industry. I managed with my life and had also met a wonderful woman whom I had two children with. They are now 13 to 16 years old. But all this harmony and success came to a sudden end. It happened five and a half years ago. After that, life has been about a constant struggle for survival. In order to cope with but also to be able to tell what has happened to me and get out of the nightmare.

The Follo wing Punkt Has Been posted on the World Wide Web as a Notice of Legal Purposes. I am-being framed by the illegal use of Remote Neural Monitoring.

  • Magnus Olsson, a Victim of Remote Neural Monitoring. Anything I Think May Not Be Used Against Me in a court of law or Any Other venue. The person or person performing the Remote Neural Monitoring are here by ordered to cease and desist operations said.Any person’s knowledge or variable Participating in said illegal activity must report to the proper Such Authorities.


It all started after I had been admitted to St. George (Capio) hospital. It was in spring 2005. I had been sedated and you must have deposited or injected one implanted in my head. I came in during a difficult exercise. It must have with defense research to do but I had never heard of this kind of technology before it happened, remote control of brain. Not had I not believed in it who claimed that such things occurred in Sweden.




magnus olsson sweden

From being an open successful person, I was transformed in my new life circumstances. There were many problems to overcome. The first was to cope with. Life was suddenly just as difficult as it had previously been a pleasant result of the days and weeks. Another problem was that no help was available. This was entirely in secret and was more like what the perpetrators of acts of madness trying to explain about his powerlessness of being repossessed. I was induced by sensory stimuli that could not be distinguished from the real. I assumed that most would consider me as a mentally disturbed if I tried to explain what has befallen me. It was an idea from the beginning. I had no information to relate to. At this time, I was knocked out. I was completely pacified and under their power. But there came a day when I started trying to do something even if it took over two years. First I went to the Royal Institute of Technology in Valhallavägen in Stockholm and spoke with several people. Asked if they knew who was involved in biological and remote computer connection with people. Then I got an address to the Alba-Nova. When I went there, I happened to come just when an international conference was in progress. Here I got the first facts that spoke of opportunities to establish communication with human biological systems. It was known as Biotech or Brain-Computer Interface. I realized that this was something the media. It is an amazing thing that the technology exists and that the project is ongoing.

Therefore, I contacted one of my acquaintances, Thabo Motsieola as a reporter and a renowned TV profile. I got to know him during my time with Jon Sandman Enterprises, which I had sold. He understood me and was interested in the subject. It was a great success. My mother and media  also came to mean a lot for me to get help to fight with this thing. But at first I could only say that there was something that had made my very difficult life change. It was something that had happened, I said, but could not explain more. She demanded to know, and when I told it. “When I was sedated at St. George’s Hospital in sweden, implanted  something inside my head. Then you use me in an experiment. I must fight to survive hurricanes. You know my thoughts, see what I see and feel. Everything. And you can communicate with me. Transferring different sounds and even speech directly into the brain. “It was in early 2005.

She and MIND TECH SWEDEN became not only my biggest support, but also my ally in proving what I am exposed to.

My mother Elisabeth Nystrom Barringer. She has personal experience of care, has worked with doctors and midwives have been for many years. Now she is active in this matter. Helps me, contacting people and is involved in everything.

Magnus Olsson

When I started searching the internet I became aware that there are people who share my situation. Implanted in hospitals or other places and used for experiments. It is about international organized crime research. Many of the stories from the victims was similar to my own case. The Internet contains research reports, opinion articles and documentary material.There is information from different parts of the world and the brutal mentality, to take advantage of people in life-destroying brain experiments seem to be the same in the country than the abuse occurs. Of all the impacts that many talked about was a lot of identical to my case. The usual torture is easier to explain as it is to burn, cut or physical torment. Anybody can associate with what it would be. There are probably not a difficult topic to address than this. Especially when you also will speak in their own cause. The whole subject of the great technology is largely unknown – and that some people would be exposed, it is most unlikely. It does not occur in our country! So it is. That says enough, most of these things. But there will be a resolution already in the letter.

magnus olsson sweden


Targeted :

Here are some examples of the methods they expose me to. Through interaction, you can bypass the sensory receptors and transmit messages / numbers directly into the brain. The same is with painful interfering signals and other sounds that you can often stay awake during the whole night. These applications are used daily for three years now. One can see through my eyes, hear my thoughts, manipulate my sleep and stay awake for long periods. Although increase or decrease heart rate, upload photos and scents into my brain as real as if I saw or smelled it in the natural environment. Of course you can hear what I hear, I am as a unit of the mainframe. You can change my behavior, including memory functions may be affected as well as emotions (having to be sexually aroused in inappropriate situations). For a long time has created a severe headache, nausea, blurred vision and problems with balance. Something that I never had before this started. In general, I am an example of that by inplantatet can create pain all over my body. Also, I collapsed and lost consciousness seven times within two months in spring 2008. On several of these occasions, I have come to the hospital by ambulance. My mom has been with me for five of those times and this is just one form of the consequences of what I am exposed to. It has no natural cause and you can never either to diagnose the cause.What I have mentioned here are the most common methods you use to torment me. All this is happening also in various stages day and night. In between, I try to sleep and rest so that I can survive. From my point of view, this is an equally crucial event that the establishment of concentration camps in Germany in the 1930s. Moreover, it seems a similar mentality that drives the perpetrators.

Proof of implants:



Fifty years after Skinner and Rogers warned of Science was a declaration by the European Ethics Group of the Swedish professor Goran Hermerén as chairman. The group advises the European Commission on ethical considerations of scientific issues. Their records of March 16, 2005 was also presented as a recommendation to the European Commission (Prof. Rafael Capurro) look at and what to do up there is exactly the same as I am exposed to. They speak in clear words about the danger of this technology and provides an understanding of all parts of it that I have mentioned. The following quotes come from the EU group is translated into Swedish by the network with Robert Naeslund, which we now work with. Ethical Council, which has a participant from each EU country has an official status within the EU. The Swedish professor Goran Hermerén is also Sweden’s first professor of medical ethics while he is also President ofthe EGE, The European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies. In their descriptions, it is called we term as electrodes, transmitters, and brain chips for ICT implants, which stands for information and communication technologies. Their full document is 30 pages on the Internet in English at the following Internet address for the EU ethics group:

magnus olsson brain chip

It asks the important question of a human being ceases to be human when his brain was implanted: a human being ceases to be human cases in some parts of her physical self, especially the brain, has been replaced or supplemented by ICT implants? In particular, as inplantaten can help to create the front-line people, who are always connected and can be conformed differently, to receive and emit signals for meetings, habits and movements. This naturally affects their dignity. In my case, it translates as connected persons not primarily manipulation but rather to break down and torture me. It is a form of torture. When this happens to people like me, educated, self-employed and any links to psychiatry and the legal system is of course an even clearer symptom of social disease. Then you can understand the degree of hardship mental patients and criminals have to live with. This is clearly just as degrading as to start locking up people in secret concentration camps. There were people just like now, completely lost the rights to his life and his body. EU group writes:One can also see this trend as a threat to human dignity and in particular to the human body’s integrity … Sure it is. Here, man has lost the last own, his body and brain. It also writes that hjärninplantaten used to control people. In some cases, already implanted microchips with opportunities for individual and social control. The confirms that this is a system that retrieves information from the brain. Brain-computer interaction or direct brain control is performed by communications technology which retrieves information from the brain and evaluates it. The worst threat, as in my case is clear and has also distanced the concentration camp opportunities affecting the central nervous system and man’s identity as a species. They show that ICT implants may affect the nervous system and in particular the brain and man’s identity as a species and individual autonomy … As already mentioned inplantaten can be used for both health and non-medical purposes.Both possibilities with implants should of course be subject to the informed condition

It should be questioned about this technique, even with the informed consent should be used.From the following quotation, one can see that there is a threat not only to a few individuals, but against our entire society. In its evaluation EGE makes the general conclusion that non-medical applications of implants is a potential threat to human dignity and democratic society … The use of remote control to take control of people’s will must be absolutely forbidden. Those old dictatorships forced people to hold certain views, but here you can see that Sweden is one step further and implanted brain chip to control man’s will.

Another text from their document indicates that there are no studies on the health risks of what I face. It must be emphasized that there is no reliable research studies on the long-term aspects of health related to ICT implants in the human body … The unlimited freedom for some can be a danger to others’ health and safety … As in other areas, the freedom to use the implants in the cell, as the principle of freedom, can collide with potentially adverse social effects. We’ve seen it for that abuse, violence and abuse of people for increasing the authorities’ power over the individual has had disastrous consequences. It is good that the European Commission’s ethical council takes it up to do it the easier for everyone else to also realize it. Freedom principle that the mention is in this case, institutional violence and also the biggest lack of freedom any man or population can be affected by. How severe these implants can occur as a threat to human autonomy, particularly when they are implanted in our brains? … How seriously ICT implants create irreversible effects in the human body and psyche? You can take my case as a measure. I have completely lost my self-determination. I hope it does not create irreversible effects in my body and psyche, the EGE writes. But using the technology of an illegal criminal research, so-called life sciences, with devastating consequences for a democratic society, given that all are potential victims. Just one hospital visit. These implants can be implanted through the nose, set in the neck or injected into the bloodstream. How will people and society protect itself against this threat?

magnus olson sweden

Ethics group also asks the question to what extent this technology will be misused by the military. But no matter what career plans they are responsible, it is a horror story. See threats they paint up and understand that it has gone far on the road. I was a successful self-employed with good education, an orderly life, but despite that I was a victim, how far can inplantaten give an individual or a group, special opportunities which may become a threat to society? … How far is it acceptable to people checked with the applications of other individuals who exploit this potential? … To what extent will this technology be misused by the military?

colorfulbrain mind control

 What do journalists, MPs, party leaders on my case! Is it something that should continue? I’m an experiment victims who completely lost the right to my life! I must fight to survive but I am an adult and have support, can explain myself and that makes my situation hope after all. But even worse is it with children and the mentally ill as a professor Hermerén also suggests use of it here. ICT implants as through a network’s capacity can be misused in several ways for all varieties of social control and manipulation, such as for children and handicapped persons. Ethical Council also mentions, as I have said about their transfer of votes and other information that need not be perceived by the sensory receptors, but instead can is transmitted directly into the brain. It mentions it under the threat of military applications that need to be further examined. There will discuss: ‘Intrusive’ technology which bypasses normal sensory experiences. It’s the worst invasive you can experience. By disturbing the man of my brain. Creates a sounding cacophony of different tones and volumes that cuts into my head day and night. Moreover, adding to the number that can communicate with my thoughts but also has so much of other scary elements that it is not possible to describe what they claim.

But when this thing once and coming in under the media scrutiny, it must come out. We can see this power as part of their own insane idea, and with it follows all perversions. EU group suggests that it also spreads out racism among people. And there is of course through direct contact in people’s brains with the ability to manipulate perceptions.They write: EGE stresses the following possibilities should be banned: ICT implants used for the creation of cyber-racism … ICT implants used for changing the identity, memory, perception, cognition and perception of others … ICT implants in order to dominate others … Implants Monitoring of individuals also threatens human dignity. They can be used by government agencies, individuals and groups to increase their power over others. This topic must come to the knowledge, into the mass media. It must be addressed in parliament and every man must know it. The network we are part of the can indicate that the abuse lasted for 60 years without any uncovered. It must obviously be a big secret buried in the fact.

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He earned an M.A in economic geography, and a double B.S. in evolutionary biology and environmental science with high honors from UCLA. His master’s thesis examined how the Internet transforms communications and commerce.

You can follow Zack on Twitter at @neurorev

h+: You characterize the Neuro Revolution as the next revolution after the agricultural, industrial, and information revolutions. Others have characterized the Nanotechnology Revolution (for example, the ability to assemble goods at the molecular level) as such a paradigm-shattering period. Do you see a relationship between these two upcoming “revolutions?”

ZACK LYNCH: Nanotechnology is an enabling technology that will fundamentally drive progress in the neurotech sector. What makes this fundamentally unique, and why the neurotechnology revolution is so profoundly important, is that we are directing our informational and nano technologies at an entirely new domain of human progress: tools for the human mind.

We’ve spent human history — the past several thousand years as I said in the book — developing tools to improve our physical world. Now we are focused on developing tools that will take our wisdom, knowledge, and capital to develop tools that will improve our inner domain. Nanotechnology will be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of drugs, devices, diagnostics, and brain imaging technologies.

h+: You describe a number of emerging neurotechnologies in your book, fMRI being somewhat the granddaddy of the Neuro Revolution. Where should the smart investor be watching for the next fMRI? Imagine a 65-year-old programmer living in San Francisco competing with a 25-year-old in Mumbai. Neither one knows whether the other is using cognitive-enabling drugs.

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bci mind

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Conceptual BCI system with various kinds of Neurofeedbacks. In the development of a BCI we need to handle two learning systems: The machine should learn to discriminate between different complex patterns of brain activity as accurate as possible and the BCI users should learn via different neurofeedback configurations to modulate their EEG activity and self-regulate or control them.

Another promising extension of BCI is to incorporate various neurofeedbacks to train subjects to modulate EEG brain patterns and parameters such as ERPs, ERD, SMR, P300 or slow cortical potentials (SCPs) to meet a specific criterion or to learn self-regulations skills. The subject then changes their EEG patterns in response to some feedback. Such integration of neurofeedback in BCI (Fig. 4) is an emerging technology for rehabilitation, but we believe is also a new paradigm in neuroscience that might reveal previously unknown brain activities associated with behavior or self-regulated mental states. The possibility of automated context-awareness as a new interface goes far beyond the standard BCI with simple feedback control. We hope to develop the next level of BCI system using neurofeedbacks for some selective cognitive phenomena. To do so, we need to rely increasingly on findings from other disciplines, especially, neuroscience, information technology, biomedical engineering, machine learning, and clinical rehabilitation.


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