In (524)


If you donate your sperm or eggs to a sperm or egg bank, they can hypothetically be used to create children in secre, some of whom could be raised in a setting far away from the rest of the human race where they could be hypothetically schooled into believing in  a false set of beliefs with  a totally distorted understanding of reality.

They could in essence be used for scientific experiments where their DNA could be spliced with the DNA of a lower animal.    Dark Luciferians are capable of this feat. 

Naivety is not an attractive characteristic in an adult human being in the 21st century.

  Please ban and outlaw sperm and egg banks and all related scientific enquiries  including neuro science as a matter of great urgency.

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The voices which I constantly hear coming from inside my head asked me just now if I have any long term goals.  I replied that I have no long term goals and that there can be no joy in my life while I am wirelessly tethered to a network of computers and I long for death because there could never be joy in my life again while I remain wirelessly tethered in this manner.
If ever fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters become operational the capability would then exist to wirelessly tether everybody  to computer networks from neural smart dust which has now become imbedded in their brains and spines to the extent that they would then be technologically enslaved like I am now.
Imagine a world where nobody has any long term goals and every body longs for death as soon as possible and everybody refuses to work and refuses to co-operate with the dictates of the world wide dictatorship in the hope that death comes sooner to them if they don't work.  That is where we will be next year if we fail to disassemble and ban microwave and millimetre wave transmitters now.   Act urgently to have them banned.
Please watch the following youtube video link by Sister Keri Burnor.

Sister Keri Burnor’s story reveals the globalist agendas of human trafficking and genocide for all mankind by way of being tethered to AI systems, experiments, torture, etc., wherein the ultimate objective is to network the biological systems of man with a system of artificial intelligence, reducing humanity to a totally controllable status. This is being accomplished through many different programs, operations, and applications that attack mankind’s environment: the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use, and the information systems we are exposed to.

  I myself believe that state legislators along with the police and psychiatrists have an abundance of neural smart dust lodged in their brains and spines and muscles to the extent that their brains can be preprogrammed to believe that voice hearers are mentally unwell even though that is not true.
That is one of the reasons that I no longer inform the police or psychiatry of my plight. Another reason that I no longer inform them that I am wirelessly tethered to a computer network and I can not break free is because if I even say one sentence to the police I immediately lose all of my legal rights and by speaking to them I am handing them all of my legal power. I believe that the Gardai are being wirelessly remotely influenced because their work places are situated close to telephone masts which contain microwave transmitters and these microwave transmitters transmit messages to the communication devices that the gardai carry on their person and then their communication devices re-transmit these messages directly to their brains. It is difficult for the gardai to over ride this remote influencing technology. There is no way of over riding it . It is deemed to be very powerful. Psychiatrists are under a similar remote influencing system. They appear to be unable to confront the fact that twenty first century scientific and technological advances are being used against the general population and instead accuse any and all of being mentally unwell when they complain of wirelessly enabled electronic harassment which has become widespread in Ireland and throughout the world.

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Many  human beings have secretly been wirelessly tethered to a computer network by both their brains and spinal cords in the last ten years.  This has come about through spraying the environment with copious amounts of nano technology which we later inhale and ingest and which then lodges inside us.  This nano technology links us by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves to computer technology which is being both monitored and manipulated by a selection of  personnel  within some government departments, at a high level,  namely the secret police, and  the military..   These criminal military and intelligence  personnel are now able to remotely monitor and measure all of the electromagnetic activity in both the brains and bodies of all human beings and all other living things on a continuous basis throughout each day.     These high level personnel  fuse their data  with personnel  in similar positions throughout the world.  The offices where worldwide data is fused  are sometimes known as fusion centres.

All high lever criminal personnel who have access to mass remote human and animal  manipulation technology can now   kill anybody they wish on a whim, provided that person uses a digital media screen on a regular basis and provided these high level criminals have obtained a record of the targeted individuals unique brain signature.  They can also force sounds, visions, voices, pain signals, as well as  neuro manipulation inside the heads and bodies of any targeted individual.   Whole groups of individuals can also be manipulated on a whim by these criminal neuro weapon operatives, simply by changing the vibrational frequency which is used in technology near each targeted individual.  This technology includes smart street lighting which has the capability of transmitting various vibrational frequencies to a whole town to render half of the towns people sleepy while the other half could be rendered aggressive or agitated, depending on the vibrational frequency being transmitted from all of the televisions, smart phones, advanced computers and street lighting in that part of the town.

Remote Manipulation weapons have been developed to mind control the minds of the general population into a state of happy apathy and into a state of  total and absolute trust in any information that comes through a government department.   Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the majority of civilians,  a selection of individuals have been selected for in-home psychological torture experimentation.  The majority of civilians refuse to believe their stories, and choose instead to believe that these targeted individuals  are mentally ill because their government tells them that this must be the case.

I myself am a targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation. On one occasion in the distant past a technologically induced voice of a woman coming from inside my cranium nagged and insulted me to a point where I reached a level of deep despair. When I asked why she was provoking me she informed me that she was being paid per insult so that a team of neuroscientists in the next room to where she worked could gauge and measure the reaction inside my brain every time she provoked me to react strongly to her insults. She further informed... me that she gets paid directly by cash so that she has no way of knowing who is paying her salary. Further to that conversation a voice who I believed to be a neuroscientist spoke to me from inside my head. He informed me that the neuroscientists and other technical experts were asked to accurately gauge the strength of my emotional feedback each time I was emotionally provoked by said technician. He informed me that the stronger each reading of my emotional reaction was the more unstable I was deemed to be. In such a case I would then be targeted and harassed even more until such a time as I learn to stabilise my emotions which means that I must eventually make my emotions totally quiet. This protocol is being enacted on all targeted individuals throughout the world in order to gain knowledge as to how to create a docile society in the far distant future. If we refuse to dismantled all mobile phone masts as previously discussed in the future artificial intelligence will be made to harass and taunt all children until such a time as they learn to dampen down their emotions and become mindless drones for the rest of their lives. In my case they were having no success whatsoever. We learn very valuable lessons from our ability to feel emotions.

In recent years, many young healthy celebrities have died suddenly in mysterious circumstances.  They normally die on a Saturday night so that their deaths can be announced on the Sunday morning newspapers.  Whenver this happens, neuro weapons research teams would be on duty to monitor the brains of the population in order to measure the emotional reaction of the population of each country concerned with the death.  It is in the interest of the would-be enslavers of the human race if we failed to exhibit any emotional reaction to shocking news.  In that way we would be much easier to control.

We aught to urgently ask our political representatives to outlaw all microwave transmitters, 5G millimetre wave transmitters, telephone towers and all related paraphernalia that is currently enabling this wireless mind control combined with wireless in-home physical torture before we are all permanently enslaved.  Please do so urgently.




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The Tin Foil Hat Club

The Tin Foil Hat Club

This web site is solely for the understanding and preparing of all who are targeted individuals of radio frequency mind control, also known as electronic gang stalking. Today we all face the great beast that has developed technologies that can make us think we are going crazy, possessed with demons and even become murderous to our own loved ones. Anyone who thinks they are immune to this technology may possibly be under psycho control or influence already. This is a problem for every man, woman, and child on the face of this planet. This technology is part of the coming beast system, which will and is being used to conform us through electronic torture means.

     The mark of the beast is only one avenue of deception in which Satan and his angels are carrying out their last days strategy to take as many as possible to the lake of fire with them. Do not allow yourself to be chipped, vaccinated and brainwashed into thinking it is safe and no harm will come of it!

As more information is made available it will be posted for your review.

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Wayne Morin Jr

This is a Christian Minister who is blowing the whistle on Gangstalking - Listen to his sermons and share with other KJV Bible believing Christians and send him a warm Thank You.

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The Anthrax Files: US Forces Conducted Multiple Secret Anthrax Experiments in South Korea

Column: Society
Region: Eastern Asia
Country: South Korea

The initial admission by the Department of Defense that one sample of  live anthrax was inadvertently sent to  Osan Air Base in South Korea has now been revealed  to be grossly inaccurate.

According to a recent report by a US/South Korea joint working group, a US military defense laboratory at Dugway Proving Grounds mailed anthrax to South Korea at least fifteen times prior to the previously acknowledged March, 2015 delivery. These other anthrax samples were delivered to Yongsan Garrison, in central South Korea, between 2009 and 2014.  In addition, a 1-milliliter sample of the Yersinia pestis bacterium (which can cause the bubonic plague) was sent along with the anthrax to Osan.

The United States has denied accusations that it lied in a May press release, which stated that: “The laboratory biological defense training, part of the Joint United States Forces Korea Portal and Integrated Threat Recognition Program at Osan Air Base, has been halted pending further review… This was the first time the training has been conducted.”

In an email reply to the Washington correspondent with Korean publication JoongAng Daily, Pentagon spokesman Bill Urban wrote:  “Following the inadvertent delivery of potentially live Bacillus anthracis, the 51st Fighter Wing at Osan Air Base correctly informed the public in the Osan area that the shipment supported the first Joint U.S. Forces Korea Portal and Integrated Threat Recognition program’s training at that location.”

JoongAng went on to report that  Urban suggested that the press release had been misunderstood and the intended meaning was  that “the first time”  training only referred to the first in Osan, not in all of South Korea.

It has recently come to light that the Pentagon FedExed live anthrax to all fifty states and to nine foreign countries. The Department of Defense has declared that errors in the process of inactivating the anthrax resulted in the inadvertence wherein live anthrax was FedExed to foreign and domestic laboratories. 

The joint working group has refused to discuss the amount of the anthrax samples used in Yongsan, citing “military secrets.” The working group’s conclusions are already under fire, with allegations being mounted that it relied too heavily on input from Washington.

Under current regulations, the US does not need to inform the South Korean government if it sends “inactive” germs. Since the recent crisis involving live anthrax being sent to South Korea and elsewhere, recommendations are being considered to change this practice to include advisories to foreign countries that biological materials are being shipped in, and for what purpose.

The US states that the anthrax sent to Osan was to be used to test protective gear. The US has consistently stated that North Korea maintains an offensive biological weapons program and is manufacturing weaponized anthrax and smallpox, among other agents, at a facility at Pyongyang.

In response, the North Korean government has offered to throw open the doors of the Pyongyang plant and has invited the Americans in to check the facility, which North Korea states is a pesticide manufacturing plant. As reported in The Guardian, a spokesman for the North Korean National Defence Commission said, “Come here right now, with all the 535 members of the House of Representatives and the Senate as well as the imbecile secretaries and deputy secretaries of the government who have made their voices hoarse screaming for new sanctions.”

A report from US Undersecretary of Defense Frank Kendall concerning the DoD review of the laboratory procedures which resulted in the purported failure to inactivate the anthrax has raised further questions. Kendall states that Dugway Proving Grounds has had “a relatively high incidence (20%) of post-inactivation viability tests that showed unsuccessful inactivation, but failed to address all the root causes of this high incidence.” (emphasis added)

 Kendall also makes a curious reference to an apparent intent behind the failure to inactivate anthrax at Dugway. He writes: “I agree with the Review  Committee that the combination of unique characteristics  at DPG, to include high volume production, low sampling size, intentionally impure products, and more immediate post-inactivation viability testing are possible contributing factors.” (emphasis added)  The report by Kendall does not elaborate on why “intentionally impure products” might be utilized or manufactured at DPG.

A former member of the military disagrees with the purported “inadvertence” of the live anthrax mailing. Speaking under terms of confidentiality, a source with former military connections had this to say about the US’s biological weapons program:  “…weaponizing bio & chem materials is in full swing at government research labs (Dugway & Tooele being one of the biggest – as I witnessed back in the late 1980’s). The obvious thing is that they could not have shipped out such quantities with the level of relevant ease if they were not in full swing.”

 According to Department of Defense spokesperson, Adrian J.T. Rankine-Galloway, Major, U.S. Marine Corps, “To date, there have been no joint working groups in addition to the Republic of Korea-United States Biological Defense Cooperation Joint Working Group.”

It would therefore appear that the other eight countries known to have received live anthrax from the US– Japan, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Italy, Germany, Norway and Switzerland –did not exhibit extensive concerns about the receipt of the active germ warfare agent.

And really, what’s the problem with a bio-bomb among friends, anyway?

Janet C. Phelan, investigative journalist and human rights defender that has traveled pretty extensively over the Asian region, an author of a tell-all book EXILE, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.

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See Complete Description~ 
A call to action! #TargetedIndividuals of Organized #GangStalking and MILITARY GRADE, Satellite #NoTouchTorture!

The more petitions ALL OF THESE INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES RECEIVE (information and torture and abuse case summaries they receive) the better. Listed here are 4 separate calls to action to get our stories distributed worldwide. PLEASE PARTICIPATE, THERE IS POWER IN NUMBERS. Initially I was sending pleas, and petitions for redress, myself, to several United Nations Human Rights branches. I was made aware of Johns International Pleas and  Petitions, and without hesitation, support and joined this cause! Locally within the States my persistence to our leaders resulted in what I consider a monumental accomplishment, concerning the written response I received from Congressman Rick Nolan, acknowledging my concerns, AS VALID! TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS! 

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