I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to unknown neuro operatives who speak to me whenever they wish, and this is happening totally against my will. In the past ten minutes, I heard the voice of a female neuro operative coming from inside my head who said the following to one of her colleagues "A single lady, living alone in the West of Ireland, she is out of the house most of the time. Why haven't we done something to discourage her from living in her house?"
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The laws of the land are being violated in mass in a lawless attempt to impose worldwide totalitarian dictatorship. Agents within the military, the police and the intelligence agents are violating their oaths of office in order to assist in imposing thiw worldwide totalitarian dictatorship.
Judeo masonic illuminati satanists, who currently control the major nations are planning to exert full spectrum dominance over humanity by waging unconventional electronic, psychotronic, cyber warfare against civilian populations.
This warfare deploys special operations forces and psychological operations of all military branches, all intelligence agencies, police, private security contractors, first responders, and civilian citizens on patrol.
In combination with total surveillance, big data, the worldwide information grid, artificial intelligence, super computers, directed energy weapons, remote neural weapons, and the worldwide neural network hive mind, no touch torture, psychological operations and man-machine integration, this system identifies, tracks, targets and eliminates innocent individuals who are secretly and extra-judicially classified as threats, adversaries, enemies and terrorists, etc.
By 2030 the self-proclaimed elite planners expect the artificial intelligence warfare system to be fully automated and to combine the above elements with 5G, the internet of things, smart cities, smart devices, and the internet, which is the one world brain.
The freedom fighters for humanity have truth as well as all laws on our side.
Professor Eric Karlstrom on the youtube video which is linked here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z43X1vYWEUM
At ten minutes and seven seconds into the above linked youtube video a banner heading appears on the screen which says the following "Mind Reading Technology being used to Monitor Chinese Workers Emotions". While I was reading that heading a voice of a neuro operatives who I am now wirelessly linked to informed me that mind reading technology is now being used to monitor the emotions of all of the most senior Gardaí in the Republic of Ireland including the Chief Superintendent. I have been non-consensually subjected to both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation for a number of years and I am in constant contact with unknown neuro staff who transmit their voices inside my head by wireless means.
I am a non-consensual subject of both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. I am bound by a two way wireless transmission link from embedded implants which are inside my brain and body to what I believe are a network of computers as well as a supercomputer. These computers are being operated by unknown neuro operatives who speak inside my head via the two way wireless transmission link. All of the electrical activity being generated by both my brain and body is uploaded to the supercomputer and the network of computers in a fully automated process. Further to that, the unknown neuro operatives have the ability to upload sounds, a variety of voices, moving images, tastes, smells, bodily sensations and pain signals to my brain and body.
In the past few minutes I heard a voice speaking to me and that voice was coming from inside my head. That voice was heard by me to say the following ” Send her the most extreme pain signals that you can muster up in order to get her to commit suicide immediately”.
I did not receive those aforementioned pain signals and I am doing fine.
According to a former police whistleblower being interviewed by Brian Gerrish for the UK Column online channel, masonry has a big stronghold in the British police and when an officer becomes a detective it then intensifies. This former police officer also states that the Hillsborough enquiry was deliberately frustrated by the free masons. To listen to this information please click on the following linked youtube video.
You must abandon any and all secrecy clauses as a matter of urgency in order to free the human race from imminent technological enslavement. Secrecy allows evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish.
Neuro operatives reproduce their voices inside my head by wireless means on a constant basis, every waking moment. I am being monitored on an around the clock basis via remote neural monitoring. Here is an example of some of what those neuro operatives have said to me in the past few days.
"Our people do their best to procure street drugs in order to make them available for the masses of humanity. If the masses are not addicted to something we find them difficult to control."
"We obtain information from targeted individuals in order to ascertain if they would make suitable merchandise".
"Behavioural psychologists order celebrities to be murdered in order to ascertain if the minds of people who are in a state of shock are easier to access for the purposes of electronic mind control".
" We (meaning the neuro operatives themselves) have the capability to inject energy into the human energy field in order to induce temporary paralysis, but only in individuals who have previously been prepared for this, meaning targeted individuals only.
My name is Gretta Fahey, from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.
My website is www.targetedindividualsireland.net. My facebook page is www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98.
gretta2011@hotmail.com My landline home phone number is 0949360901
I believe that there is pain beyond believable capable of being transmitted from the supercomputers of the neuro operatives into our bodies, because our brains and bodies have become imbedded with nano technology through inhalation and ingestion of these dust particles. Many of us have already been wirelessly tethered to supercomputers via two way streams of energy where we now could be virtually enslaved. The broadband capability does not exist to tether the rest of humanity to this virtual enslavement methodology until fifth generation transmitters have been erected throughout our countries. Do not allow fifth generation wireless technology to be erected within your country or within any country. You will then save yourself and your children from permanent wireless enslavement. Please have microwave transmitters banned in order to free targeted individuals from virtual enslavement. Many politicians are under permanent electronic mind control. The existence of satellites are strongly believed to be a hoax along with many other hoaxes that have been generated by NASA wirelessly tethered slaves.
I should tell you. Frying the implants with a powerful magnet could be dangerous. It's the responsible thing to tell you. I was excited before, I'm sorry. If you are a T.I and you fry these implants the perps won't want to let you go. You will need to have a backup plan. Leaving everything behind and getting a fresh start, or staying and fighting. If you are worth it to them they will try to implant you again, watch what you eat. You will probably be killed if they can't target you anymore. Running might be your only option. Decide for yourselves. If you run you will have to go off the radar, leave no clues behind. It is up to you. Frying the implants is risky.
Como dije y pensé en momentos pasados, poco a poco se hirían develando todas las cosas, hoy recordé que cuando estuve en la finca de uno de mis tíos, los colaboradores comenzaron a buscar mi frecuencia a pie, y la podía hallar desde la parte baja de la montaña, una vez el operador me dijo que estaba a una distancia de un kilómetro así que puedo entender que ellos llegaron a aproximadamente una distancia de la finca. Hoy el que decía ser el bueno, resultó ser también malo, los dos grupos que me atacan estaban sentados en la calle muy cerca el uno del otro. Ahora se que ya compraron un carro a costa de usar mi cabeza. Es aterrador saber que los dos grupos que supuestamente se enfrentaban porque uno me atacaba y el otro me defendía, resultaron siendo sólo dos grupos jugando un juego. Los dos se conocen, saben quiénes son, andan cerca y se comunican cerca de mí. En conclusión, los dos en realidad buscan mi muerte. Ahora, atando cabos, creo que soy la antena en Girón, que la central está en el sur, posiblemente en Santa Cruz, entre calles 16 a 19.
Ya me di cuenta que ellos viajan a donde yo esté, porque necesitan la antena, que soy yo, Sugey. ahora se que me han seguido, ahora se que yo soy la que tiene la fuerza y la perseverancia para hacer las cosas.
Quieren desaparecerme a como de lugar, hoy uno de los luises escuchaba de una mujer que había borrado a Sugey.
Me han amenazado con tomar a mis sobrinas y a mis amigos como antenas si yo no obedezco lo que ellos quieren, ya les dije que me mataran que no les voy a pagar nada por mi vida. La ideas de hacerme mal son frecuencias que utilizan para ponerme mal.
Any human being in existence can be non-consensually wirelessly attached to a super computer from implants which are believed to be already inside all of our brains and spinal cords. That super computer then reads and stores all of the electrical activity which the individuals brain and body generate throughout each and every day of their life from that day forward. . Some of the data about the individual which comes to be stored on the super computer data banks can automatically be analysed by computerized algorithms. The remainder of the data is researched by teams of analysts who further categorise it into specific categories based on computer monitoring of the normal everyday routine of the targeted individual.
The super computer categorises every word the targeted individual says and further categorises this data into specific categories so that it can be researched at a later date by neuro specialists who exist primarily to catch good will individuals out in some small way so that said neuro specialists can exert further control over the lives of the targeted individual by legal means if necessary.
The super computer can also now map out the electrical signals from the visual cortex of the brain of a targeted individual. Once these electrical signals are decoded they then project the visual images of what the targeted individual sees, and what the targeted individual imagines and remembers and dreams on to a computer screen for further analysis.
By having access to an individuals brain waves by way of this two way super computer enabled monitoring system neuro operatives can send covert signals to the brain and body of the targeted individual. This capability enables neuro operatives to project their voices as well as moving images and pain signals to the targeted individual. This capability also enables neuro operatives to force the targeted individual to move their own muscles against their own free will. This capability effectively enables unknown neuro operatives to paralyse a targeted individual from head to toe if they refuse to obey an order given via bio-communication by any neuro operative. The targeted individual then become a prisoner inside their own body and is not allowed to move a single muscle unless they do exactly as they are told to do.
I, Gretta Fahey of Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland am a targeted individual of this cruel system which has come to be known as remote neural manipulation. I have not got to the stage where I can be paralysed from head to toe as yet. I can still move my muscles of my own free will. However, I do not know how long I have got before the neuro operatives obtain the knowledge to biologically enslave me inside my own body. I believe that some of the neuro operatives who have been communicating with me over many years during this non-consensual black budget research which I am undergoing are themselves compromised in some way in the sense that a large portion of them appear to be helping me to get the information out beyond the ring fence that surrounds whatever information I post online.
My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ; My facebook page is called www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98
Son las 11.00 p.m. en Colombia, me acabo de tomar la pastilla para el dolor de cabeza y aun tengo una idea de sueño, el controlador dijo cosas a mi inconsciente, según él, me había rezado, diciéndome que no habían resquemores, yo se que me dijo que me matara.
Se que me dejaron marcada para que atente en contra de mi vida, pero como lo sé me protejo, es agotador, ellos se alegran, es agotador este ritmo todo el día, pero se que voy a lograr mis objetivos de vida.
He aprendido que a través del acoso electrónico o electronic harassment puede un barrio completo entrar a tu cerebro, una ciudad a tu subconsciente, dejar porquerías en tu subconsciente, te sientes tan vulnerada que a veces se tira la toalla como decimos los colombianos, ahora siento tristeza, pero no se si soy yo, y entonces te dan ganas de llorar, y tampoco sabes si es tuya la emoción y el sentimiento, entonces piensas si estás viva o estás muerta, y te da rabia que te digan cosas, ya me paralizaron, que te digan que te tienes que morir, más duele si no debes nada, duele saber que tienes sueños de verdad, que aun hay un mundo que te espera,
así que dejo estas palabras hoy, no se si mañana amanezca, el buen señor sabe que me he portado bien, que procurado hacer las cosas al derecho, que he tratado de ayudar a los demás, que espero dejar algo bien hecho, se que estoy en paz con Dios y que mis errores no dependieron de mí, que hubo algo oscuro que ahora se que es gangstalking, acoso electrónico.
Termino de escribir mis líneas a las 11.42 p.m.
Hoy ha sido un día sangriento, ellos contaron que las escenas que las personas ven son grabadas con tiempo, porque no se puede improvisar, el pensamiento es tan rápido que no da tiempo para ello y si ellos desean cambiar una escena de un pensamiento mío les tocaría en milisegundos, ahora bien hoy le tocó el turno a mi jefe, en un momento vi que lo atacaba con un arma, esto es inaúdito y doloroso porque siempre los ataques más fuertes tienen que ver con las personas que son atentas conmigo y me atienden bien y piensan bien en mí, una voz me dice que esa es la estrategia, así que hubo un uso desmedido de la imagen de mi profesor FR, él ya lo sabe, donde constantemente lo lanzaba a la basura, o siempre lo relacionaba con cosas sucias, no sé qué querían decir, mi nuevo jefe es muy atento y un señor, ya las personas se harán una imagen errónea de mí, eso duele mucho, porque me doy cuenta que es un juego y es uno solo el que asigna un rol en un juego de rol, que él es el que no tiene que pedir permiso para hacer lo que hace, cada grupo tiene un nombre, uno se hizo llamar muy chistosamente "chúpameestepenco" otro "luis", otros los "percebes", "culopicho", es por ello que supe que no era nada serio porque en una empresa los nombres de los grupos son más serios, puedo afirmar que hay un grupo de dos biólogos, ¿por qué lo concluyo? o me leyeron mis conocimientos o definitivamente maneja la parte botánica como lo hago yo, soy una mujer, mi nombre es Sugey, nunca me lo he cambiado, nunca he tenido relación con el "luis" de la red, no tengo idea quién es, se que está el tipo demandado que está en la red y sabe qué pasa conmigo pero él no es el directo responsable, en mi vida sólo ha estado Luis Alejandro, quien estuvo conmigo por 13 años, Luis Felipe que es mi hermano, Luis mi nuevo jefe, los demás hombres llamados Luis son personas que conozco de ocasión. En este momento se están presentando problemas de drogas y de comportamiento, hay matoneo en los colegios de Girón, y esta red ha mentido porque en realidad no se preocupa por la niñez ni la juventud, mucho menos los problemas de las personas, a ellos sólo les preocupa ganar su juego y dañar toda mi vida, mi reputación.
Pido disculpas a todas aquellas personas que han visto escenas escalofriantes donde yo aparentemente aparezco yo, pido disculpas a mi profe FR y a mi profe Luis la verdad nunca he sido yo, algunas las veo, otras me pasan la idea pero es otra persona quien la ejecuta, afortunadamente estas imágenes no corresponden a la realidad porque nunca han sucedido y nunca sucederán, hacen parte del juego espeluznante en el que me han metido, porque parece que se encontraron mi frecuencia, porque antes ya habían jugado conmigo, con mi cerebro.
Mañana será un nuevo día, que Dios nos acompañe, bendiciones para todos
Hola amanecí con el alma en la superficie, ahora volverme a valores cuesta mucho, es como si hubiera cometido el peor de los pecados, ahora se que están haciendo una competencia, para ver quién me crea una geringonza como llaman ellos, es decir quien me acerca más a mis emociones, dijo un hombre "Es el que le mueva más las vísceras", otro tipo entró a hablar y dijo que debido a lo que sucedía iban a cerrar la red, yo dije que era lo mejor, así que el tipo me dijo que eso significaba que tenía que acabar con mi vida, yo le dije que era otro calígula y el me dijo "En una red terrorista, mamita si, no se le haga extraño", en medio de la comunicación conmigo estaba contestando otro mensaje con otra mujer, así que con ello confirmo que me están usando como servidor ara muchas cosas, entre ellas hacer llamadas, esto también puede querer decir que como no se esperaba, aquí no hay manos del gobierno nacional ni ejército ni policía, aquí son bandas delincuenciales que me utilizan como servidor, las llamadas pueden ser desde la cárcel.
Otros delincuentes son un par de biólogos, que entran a la red a fastidiar, como ya había explicado, son cuatro grupos, todos entran al mismo tiempo, pero a mí me muestran de a uno a la vez, pero todos están todo el día, me hablan y hacen su show, hay un luis que es como escuché, quien no necesita pedir permiso, en este momento está haciéndome leer frases, él está conectado todo el día, lo que dice es que está conectado conmigo,
The neuro operatives who electronically harass and psychologically torture me by the use of wireless weapons are becoming dispirited recently for many of the following reasons but mostly because of the first reason.
I hear the voices of these neuro operatives coming from inside my head due to the fact that their are using voice to skull classified bio-communication technology to non-consensually communicate with me . I repeat almost everything they say to me in a loud voice using the following phrase each time they say something to me " WHY AM I HEARING YOUR VOICE COMING FROM INSIDE MY HEAD, WITHOUT MY PERMISSION, WHILE SAYING THE FOLLOWING" ……...and then I repeat exactly what they just said.
I do this many times throughout each evening and night while I am lying in bed. Everything I say is then distributed widely among the student body who are helping to analyse my bodily functions which they are able to do because I have become implanted with bio-sensors and other technology throughout my body and brain. This is all being achieved by wireless means and without my permission or consent. I do not know these people or their location. They have been wirelessly experimenting on me for sixteen years and they have bio-communicated with me on a non-consensual basis throughout that sixteen years, often hundreds of times each day.
Other reasons why they are becoming dispirited are because I live in the countryside in a family owned stone farm cottage so I am not easy to access.
I have never broken any law in my life so they can gain no leverage on me.
I am not addicted to any substance. I do not even drink coffee or eat refined sugar.
They can not surreptitiously befriend me in order to gain access into my life because I do not make any new friends. I am friends with four other Irish targeted individuals who all have high online profiles so in that way I can know that they are genuine targeted individuals.
I have never and I never would at any time in the future accept money, gifts, bribes or favours from these unknown neuro operatives even though they have attempted to offer me bribes through the wirelessly enabled classified voice to skull bio-communication system on many occasions throughout the previous years since I have become non-consensually wirelessly tethered to their computer system. I personally believe that the reason they have asked me by wireless means if I would accept bribes is so that they would then have legal permission to continue with their wireless harassment and psychological torture of me. If you ever become targeted by wireless weapons you must never agree to meet up with these perpetrators and you must never allow them to do you any favours or to offer you any gifts or money.
Many targeted individuals who are being electronically harassed by a combination of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation no longer complain to the police, because the police refuse to believe us when we do complain. Instead of helping us they send us for unneeded psychiatric evaluation. Therefore we can no longer trust the police.
I plan to continue repeating the phrase "WHY AM I HEARING YOUR VOICE COMING FROM INSIDE MY HEAD WITHOUT MY PERMISSION WHILE YOU WERE SAYING THE FOLLOWING …….and then repeating what ever they have recently said , because it is really annoying them and at appears to be compromising them also because their extremely cruel methodologies are being revealed to some of their colleagues and to whoever purchases their findings. If you are hearing voice to skull bio-communication on a non-consensual basis please try this tactic of repeating everything they say back to them while using the phrase "WHY AM I HEARING YOUR VOICE COMING FROM INSIDE MY HEAD WITHOUT MY PERMISSION WHILE YOU WERE SAYING THE FOLLOWING."..……...
My name is Gretta Fahey. My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.. MY facebook page is called www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98
Article about enhancing "synaptic plasticity" i.e.speed of thought, using the vagus nerve, includes work of Dr Moran Cerf and DARPA.
Article and video by CBS on Dr Moran Cerf`s alternatives to neuralink.
"We will put your name on the board of directors".
The above sentence among others is often said to individuals who have previously been placed under negative neuro linguistic programming in order to boost their egos so that they would become extremely controlling in the way they treat their colleagues. This type of negative neuro linguistic programming is being carried out among the British police as well as medical students and presumably many other professions.
A top down based chain of command is being set up throughout the whole human race. In order to achieve this purpose negative neuro linguistic programming is being implemented across the board. First of all, both students and staff of many disciplines are being asked to answer detailed questionaires as well as doing psychometric tests in order to identify the most suitable personality types, i.e. the people with the biggest egos in order that they would then undergo neuro linguistic programming so that they would then become dictatorial and controlling.
For information on neuro linguistic programming in the United Kingdom please watch the following youtube video featuring Brian Gerrish https://www.bing.com/profile/history?FORM=EDGEHS&fsi=1
En un momento colocaron como si yo hiriera con arma blanca a una persona, esa persona es un matemático, y vi que nada le pasaba y que sólo se reía mientras, yo aparentemente lo atacaba. Esta y muchas cosas más son las que una TI ve todos los días, pero es sorprendente porque yo no tengo presente a este tipo, ni lo recordaba, ni se cómo se llama, sólo se que es de la Escuela de Matemáticas UIS, así que puedo concluir que él está haciendo gangstalking posiblemente desde la Universidad.
Hoy es un día de aquellos que soy yo y que mi arrojo y valentía me permite escribir estas palabras. De las cosas que puedo decir es que mi cerebro ya se encuentra seccionado como doble núcleo. Que en mi cerebro posiblemente existen cuatro grupos diferentes, cuatro personas diferentes. Existe la posibilidad de que un grupo se encuentre en la cárcel, sean delincuentes, otro grupo es el que presenta una mujer, es también de delincuentes, ese controlador es quien está haciendo fotos dónde yo esté con él, para luego presentarlas y según él, cunado yo muera, presentarlas como pruebas de que tuvimos relación y que parece a él le tocaría parte de lo mío, como no tengo nada, es posible que tenga bienes a mi nombre (eso me lo acaba de decir), es posible que tenga seguros a mi nombre, él espera hacerme declarar interdicta, así que los TI servimos para algo más que testaferratos. No se si pase en otra parte del mundo. Otro grupo es el que vende servicios sexuales, allí actúa como proxeneta, entran los pedófilos, me han sabido saber que pueden entrar personas a mirar supuestamente qué he hecho yo, él dice que es alguien que quiere vivir la experiencia de una mente deprabada y pervertida, existe un cuarto grupo que es el del hombre que a toda hora me está ofendiendo en mi psiquis, pero para el exterior, lo escuchan diciendo cosas bonitas a una mujer, a mí me llama "culo", de ahí en adelante todo lo que se puedan imaginar de denigrante, siempre con su voz sínica, con él siempre hay varias personas, que aparentemente son hombres, pueden ser muchas voces, con las que tiene conversaciones sobre mí, siempre es hablando de mí, Sugey, y cada vez que me hace una fechoría y me atropella de alguna manera, les dice "Si señores", me acaba de pedir que haga cosas en contra de mi familia, ese tipo es terrible.
Ahora bien, en España existen grupos de mujeres que se dedican al gangstalking, aquí en Colombia, puede suceder lo mismo, la que dice llamarse luis, puede ser una mujer, existen unas mujeres que siempre me atacan de forma horrible.
Hoy con el reloj a las 3.30 a.m., el que comanda todo en todos los espacios o el que los vende o alquila, puso a decir a una mujer o a una voz, que todo lo hacía por drones, lo cual es falso, todo lo ha hecho por ondas electromagnéticas, los drones no tendrían capacidad para alterarme emocionalmente y en comportamiento, además vería los drones, aquí en Colombia para usar los drones se debe tener un permiso, y no debe estar al cierta altura, creo que me lo acaban de decir,
We are all aware that a social credit score system has been set up in China and is due to become mandatory in 2020. Data is being collected by electronic means on every citizen in China. Computerized algorithms award or deduct points based on every piece of data which has been collected. These include amount of hours worked each week, the amount of taxes paid to date, credentials, financial debts, financial credits, motoring penalty points, grocery purchasing history, clothing purchasing history, legal involvement, history of raising children, as well as many other pieces of data. A profile is being built on each human being who uses a smart phone, based on everything they say while in the proximity of their smart phone, and also everything they do while in the proximity of their smart phone based on electronic signals which come from their bodies and are being read by said smart phone. The smart phone also collects data on wherever they travel to and how long they remain at each location.
If the amount of points awarded to a Chinese citizen is low they are penalized in many and varied ways. They could possibly be denied access to public transport or be denied access to public buildings such as libraries or art galleries. Their credit card could cease to work if they attempted to purchase luxury items and would only work if they attempted to purchase groceries or other basic needs.
In order to set up a social credit score system which works by computerized algorithms in Ireland, this social credit score system but be first set up manually. Individuals, including myself have been selected for around the clock monitoring so that all of our words and actions can be studied in great detail in preparation for setting up a social credit score system at any time in the future. We are also being monitored in order to conduct many and varied types of research on us. I feel that I have already been partially if not fully incorporated into a manually run social credit score system already. My debit card ceases to work at inopportune moments. The individuals who speak to me via classified wireless voice to skull bio-communication methods have informed me that they deliberately wirelessly disabled my debit card so that it would not work because I have not answered them respectfully. Many other negative occurrences in my life have also been instigated by these same individuals. A social credit score system is an enslavement system. We must stop it ever being set up in Ireland. In order to stop we need to disable the technological infrastructure that supports it.
A social credit score system could possible be installed in Ireland above the heads of our senior politicians because a remote neural monitoring system combined with a remote neural manipulation system has already been instigated throughout the whole island of Ireland and our senior politicians claim to know nothing about it. Has the Irish nation lost its sovereignty?
For information about my unique experiences of being a targeted individual of directed energy weapons in Ireland, Europe please read my website which is called www. targetedindividualsireland.net.