If you accept the proposed covid-19 vaccine you will then be surveilled from inside your brain and body. I know this to be true because I have been on an internal body and brain surveillance program for many years and it is an ongoing experience which is worse than death. If you accept the covid-19 vaccine you will receive tiny sensors, devices and machines measured in nanometers and they will eventually spread throughout your body enabling others to send and receive information to and from your brain and body against your will and without your permission. We can possibly stop this by disassembling all wireless enabling capabilities and having them banned as soon as possible. My website is called targetedindividualsireland.net . For further information on this agenda please read the blogs of Makia Freeman of the freedomarticles.com
A breakaway society who have spent centuries planning world takeover have deliberately created a hoax that the earth is a spinning ball. The breakaway society use constant repetition of this by including the word globe in newspaper headings every day in order to endorse that enormous lie. They wish us to believe that all will be wirelessly tethered to the computerized enslavement system that millions of us have already become wirelessly tethered to. It is being arranged that areas throughout the world will be left without any aerial supervision which is easy to arrange in a flat fixed earth.
Government staff and others throughout the world are being bio-digitally programmed by their own smart phones and by the smart phones of those around them to believe whatever the breakaway society program them to believe. For the most part I have stayed away from all crowded areas such as concerts, football stadiums, churches, factories and any other place where hundreds of people gather with smart phones in their pockets. The power of hundreds of smart phones in your environment can program those at the gathering to an extreme extent and they would then be willing to unquestioningly believe the smart phone programming and they would then heavily resist listening to or reading any opinion that contradicts their programming. They will talk over you if you attempt to reveal the truth of what is occurring. They are unwilling to admit that they have been programmed. What should we all do about this in order to make them stop using their smart phones and in order that they may return to correct thinking.
Throughout Ireland and most of the rest of the world there are widespread complaints from lawyers that they are obliged to uphold unjustifiable laws which are coming through from policy makers across the board. Normal human behaviour is now being deemed criminal activity.
The more laws that are enacted the more crimes are available which can possibly be broken. This in turn leads to more police arrests which in turn leads to employing more police officers and strengthening of the powers of the current establishment. Hence, the more nonsensical laws which are being enacted the stronger the police force needs to be in order to investigate transgressions of those nonsensical laws.
This forthcoming police state is going to be policed through wirelessly surveilling innocent people while they are going about their lives inside their own homes and elsewhere. Do you wish to be surveilled while you are inside your own home such as is occurring to me and others like me? Why is this allowed to continue to this day despite almost everybody throughout the Republic of Ireland having been informed about this ongoing situation of in-home surveillance and electronic harassment combined with no-touch torture techniques as per my own website which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.
I wrote this earlier today in the third person because I was unduly influenced by the voice to skull direct communication personnel while I was writing it. They always attempt to interfere whenever I am writing. Most of the time they are unhelpful and distracting while I am attempting to write my blogs but on occasions I have received helpful tips from them which I have included in what I write. However, I do not trust these unknown neuro personnel and I never would. They are my enemies.
The dark new world order evil cabal are seeking absolute control over the human race via wireless brain-weapon technology and many other means. In order the achieve their aims they have been wirelessly experimenting on a large selection of non-consenting human beings throughout most parts of the world. These human beings are commonly known as targeted individuals and I have been one for sixteen years.
I am wirelessly linked from my brain and body via a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a computer network. All of the electrical signals generated by my brain and body are uploaded on a constant basis to the computers of the neuro operatives where is is data analysed and collated for later use. The unknown neuro operatives can read my inner dialogue and reply to it in real time. The neuro operatives send me voice signals, moving images, mild pain signals, bodily sensations, emotions, feelings and odours through the neuro link which has permanently attached me to their computer network for the past sixteen years. These neuro operatives have built a three dimensional image of my body by targeting me with energy in order to see where the energy met resistance and by doing so were enabled to build this three dimensional body image. Because of this I now have no physical privacy and no mental privacy whatsoever. I keep an almost daily online blog detailing some of what the neuro operatives say to me. I hear their voices coming from inside my head. Here is some of what they have said to me in the past few days, just to give you an example of some of what I experience :-
“We don’t send pain signals at the moment but we hurt financially. It is standard procedure.” ( I disagree with that statement because they sometimes send me mild pain signals).
“Medical surveillance and psychiatric surveillance are purported to come on stream in the future.”
“We are planning at some time in the future to time all targeted individuals while you are having your showers and cleaning your clothes, so that we can curtail the amount of hot water you are allowed to use on a daily basis. My name is Keith Arganine and I am a London based Directed Energy Weapons specialist.”
“She is a bit of a cow.”
“It is not a system that we would care to continue using in this world.”
“Fifty dollars per week is all she should be granted to live.” (I live in Ireland, Europe and some of the voices I hear come from London and others come from the United States. Some of the United States neuro staff wrongly assume that I am an American citizen and they use American terms when the refer to me. This has been occurring continually for sixteen years.
“Kid gloves until now, but of course we are going to kick it up a bit.”
“Are we planning to wirelessly enslave Gretta Fahey.” ” Why else do you think we are doing all this. Of course we are planning to wirelessly enslave her.”
“Agnosticism exists only if I say it exists and I don’t have a category for it so it does not exist.”
“Don’t register your child at birth and then you don’t need to ever worry about forced vaccinations. No one will ever bother your child throughout his life if he is not registered at birth.” (I am not expecting a child as I am too old. This was just general advice given to me by the unknown neuro operatives.)
“This is a system which allows us to look inside people’s bodies and see what is in there.”
“Stop smothering your bread with stodge.”
“Has she a licence to write this”
Church and state now appear to be promoting the interests of the new world order control and enslavement system at every opportunity. Why are they doing this? Are they under electronic mind control? If so, is the electronic mind control coming from their smart engineered technology? Have their minds been sabotaged when they were attending college or when they were attending government controlled police training centres or government controlled teacher training centres or government controlled medical schools?
There may be another explanation. Government staff were all given smart phones approximately a dozen years ago. They were obliged to keep these smart phones in their possession at all times during working hours. These smart phones had the in built capability to remotely monitor all of the conversations of these government staff. Black budget Intelligence agents who worked from a remote location were given the capability to visually monitor these government staff by switching on the built in camera of their smart phones by wireless means and from a remote location whenever they wished. Whenever the black budget intelligence agents got incremenating information about any government staff member, they would then black main these government staff to work on behalf of the New World Order cabal to aid and abet in the enslavement of the human race.
Further to this, it is a well known fact that most people can not protect their brains from electronic mind control signals if they are placed in a location where those signals are penetrating. Yet, their has never been a public discussion of how to protect ourselves from electronic mind control. Why not?
A certain sub section of the population have been selected for human bio-robotization. This is imminently possible and vast amounts of information is available on the subject. When a human being has become bio-robotized they could then be made to carry out acts against their will and moral judgement because their muscles could be tied down if they refused to obey every command of their slave master. If a human being was fully enslaved in this way they would then be promoted to a position of power within church and state in order to help further the agenda of the new world order cabal. We aught to investigate human bio-robotization as a matter of urgency. All of these reasons for government sanctions against humans who act against the wishes of the so called new world order cabal must be now investigated. I myself am being slowly bio-robotized over the past fifteen years. Despite sending up to five hundred letters about the matter to government and main stream media nobody has come to my assistance. If your child informs you in the future that he or she is experiencing forced muscle movement they would not be helped either. We have no future security while this situation continues. Who is responsible?
There are secret which are also known as shadow governments being generated throughout the world which are generally not known about by members of elected governments. They are far reaching and are being run by dark occultists who do not have our best interests at heart.
Your secret government may already have set up a permanent record of your whole life by using computer programs which are known as algorithms which collect all discernable data that can by found about you based on your school and college reports, your work records, taxes paid, academic credentials, church donations, medical card records, government grants received, online activities, credit card records, loans, telephone contact numbers and many other details. Combined with this, if you are already a subject of remote neural monitoring either known to you or unknown to you where implants buried inside your brain and body are wirelessly interlinked by a two way steam of energy to a computer network, then other data is being collected from you also and it is being blended into your permanent record. When you are being remote neural monitored all of the electrical activity generated by your brain and body is collected and stored in data banks and it is then translated into some of the following categories such as number of hours slept in any given day, number of steps taken in any given day, amount of bathroom visits in any given day, amount, times and duration of sexual activity in any given day, blood pressure in any given day, and a myriad of other deeply personal facts about you. These any many other details are all being collected by algorithms and placed in your permanent record.
Algorithms are also being programmed to ensure that every aspect of your life runs smoothly if you fall in line with the enslavement agenda of the dark occultists. If you refuse to fall in line with the dictates of the dark occultists algorithms can been preprogrammed to ensure that your credit card refuses to work at inappropriate times or that your car breaks down constantly or that your computer broadband becomes so slow as to be unworkable.
When your brain and body are wirelessly intertwined with a computer network from bio implants which you may have obtained surreptitiously you can be made to have either positive or negative virtual reality experiences without the need to wear a virtual reality headset. All of your senses can be taken over simultaneously and digital signals can be sent to you by outside forced where you then can be made to have unwanted experiences which you might then mistake for supernatural events.
Food, air, water, clothing, building materials, medicine, electronics and many other items have already been weaponised. History has been rewritten. Human beings have lived on planet earth for at least five hundred million years according to archaeologists. However, organised religions which are owned and controlled by dark occultists would not stand up to scruteny if placed in such a time frame so therefore a false reality has been created for us by social engineers which reduces the time frame which we are directed to focus on for the most part.
Many human beings are being in-home electronically harassed to the point of torture by means of the remote neural monitoring system and are are being wrongly categorised as being mentally unwell whenever complaints are made. Other individuals have been electronically mind controlled into a state of absolute trust in their enslavers . Still others are being electronically mind controlled to make wills leaving all of their property to state controlled charities. The would-be enslavers wish to own and control everything on this planet and leave the rest of us with absolutely nothing to the extent that we would not be allowed to even own our own clothing. There is one easy solution. All aspects of this enslavement system depends of wireless interconnectivity. Please consider disabling wireless capabilities urgently. The existence of satellites are an evident hoax and drones can easily be shot down if necessary. Take action now.
I am a targeted individual and I have been thus for more than fifteen years. Voice to Skull military communication operatives have been able to place their own voices inside my head for all of that time. These operatives have turned against the all pervasive technological control system which I and many others are wirelessly linked to against our wills and without our permission. Said voice to skull military communication operatives have recently given me the following information. I am currently living in Ireland and therefore I could not have any knowledge of school shootings other than what I hear on the media.
Innocent individuals are currently being pre-programmed by wirelessly enabled energy weapons to commit acts of extreme evil against their wills and without their permission. Said pre-programmed formalized activities can only be activated in a location where all of the location dimensions have been previously input into a computer program well in advance of said pre-programmed activities. The neuro weapons operatives who wirelessly pre-program the targeted subject well in advanced of the criminal act have as yet no guidance system with which to totally control said targeted subject while said targeted subject is carrying out the said pre-programmed formalized activity such as a pre-arranged school shooting. The pre-programmed formalized activity is a hit and miss affair. Success is brought about by having bystanders on the ready to carry out the actual school shootings, which are usually followed shortly by the shooting dead of said targeted subject in order to cover up the school shooting crime.
The voice to skull military communication went on to inform me the following
"When we have succeeded in convincing the human race of the fact that they are secure in their surroundings we will then announce to the world that they are now under slave management. If you wish to live in freedom, urgently dismantle all wireless capabilities as well as microwave capabilities."
Coincidental waves such as those from cell phones and radio stations penetrate our bodies. Our bio-systems such as our heart beat intermodulates these signals. These co-incidental waves can then be retrieved from around the human body and the information therein can be used to read your heartbeat, your body temperature, your brain waves etc, and can be used to decipher what you are thinking.
Each human being generates alot of data so high speed computers are needed to target even one individual for real time thought and human body data analysis and for human body manipulation and modification. GPS signals need to be synchronised in order to achieve constant contact with the targeted subject. Cell phone towers are essential for GPS signal synchronisation. Brain damage or death can be caused on purpose in order to declare war on the human race.
This system leaves almost no connection to the culprits. It shorts the justice system and it goes around the constitution. The justice system does not understand advances in technology. For further information please check out the following link to a youtube video where the electronics engineer Dave Case is being interviewed by award winning online journalist Ramola D.
World government controlled, wirelessly enabled, non-consensual human experimentation is now widespread throughout Ireland and the wider world. This military technology is forcing human voices inside the heads of many unwilling and non-consensual human experimentation victims who are being kept in a continual state of extreme duress because of this technology. I am one of these aforementioned non-consensual human experimentation subjects.
The technologically induced voices which I constantly hear coming from inside my head recently informed me that human subjects who are vegetarian or vegan or much more lucrative than human subjects who are meat eaters because a much broader range of experimentation can be carried out on them. To that end there is a plan in place to sabotage the meat industry in the future. The plan would be to place human muscle meat among pig muscle meat because meat quality controllers can not tell the difference between human muscle meat and pig muscle meat. They are very similar. However, meat inspectors can tell the difference between these meats. I hope the government places extra meat inspectors in pig factories in order so that this plot may never be allowed to play out. I heard this information from technologically induced voices which I hear coming from inside my head.
If the meat industry was destroyed we would be far less self-sufficient with regard to our food supply and then a take-over of the world food supply would be much easier for the would-be enslavers of the human race to achieve. We must continue to support the meat industry.
The would-be enslavers of the human race are dark luciferians, Satanists and Zionists some of who own and control world banks. These bankers can generate money out of fresh air. They could over time generate enough money to purchase most if not all of the land across the whole planet. They would then control the food supply which they could adulterate with poisons or dumbing down agents in order to enslave the rest of the human race. Therefore we aught to consider governing ourselves under a system of Anarchy, which is a linear based-self regulating system, a system of rules without rulers, where we would all be allowed to own personal property such as our homes, our vehicles, our boats, our vegetable gardens, our green houses, etc. However, we should ban the private ownership of private property such as roads, railway lines, ships, fleets of busses, lakes, seas, farm land, forestry, public buildings, such as libraries and hotels. The whole human race would legally and morally own everything that was not personal property. We must initiate such a system urgently.
The American military are currently surveilling Ireland and the Irish people by using a unique methodology which is called Remote Neural Monitoring. They illegally implant technology inside the heads of some if not all of the Irish people by chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads with nano technology combined with nano fungus and a variety of other substances, which we later inhale and ingest through our food and water supply. They also illegally implant some of us with wirelessly enabled bio-medical sensors where they can take readings of our bodily functions by remote control over vast distances across land and sea by the use of undersea fibre optic cables. We are rendered unaware of the actual implantation while it is occurring. They also illegally implant a selection of Irish individuals with microchips. When said microchip eventually becomes encased inside the neurons they can conduct a myriad of wirelessly enabled experiments on us. They can make wirelessly enabled verbal contact with anybody they wish by projecting their voices inside our heads. They further use either micro or nano implants inside our jaws, tongue and throat area in order to detect our sub-vocalizations which allows them to read our thoughts. From then on we are wirelessly tethered to a network of computers where unknown voices of military/intelligence personnel question us about all aspects of our lives on a constant basis throughout each and every day.
When we complain to psychiatrists we are considered to be mentally insane. Psychiatry is being used to cover the crimes of the American military and other militaries across the world who use this surveillance method on a wide variety of individuals throughout the world. Individuals who have not yet been wirelessly tethered in this manner are being heavily mind controlled by thought formations which are being wirelessly transmitted into the electricity spectrum from microwave transmitters and perhaps even long range wifi transmitters. They are also having their brains entrained into artificial states by smart engineered technology in their environment.
Human beings who live in rural environments where there are not as many wireless and long range wifi signals floating around in the spectrum which might place thought formations inside their heads can think more clearly than human beings who live in towns and cities where the electricity spectrum is crowded with thought formations.
The more digital technology that is in your direct environment the more uninvited thought formations that are placed inside your head.
All world-wide information currently comes from undersea fibre optic cables. We can easily solve the attempt at wirelessly enslaveing many members of the human race who have been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to a super computer from illegally implanted microchips which have become encased inside their bodies and brains. We can do this simply by disabling and banning all microwave transmitters, 5G millimeter wave transmitters and long range wifi transmitters. We need to do this as a matter of urgency. The existence of satellites is an easily proveable hoax and it is one of a wide and disparate variety of hoaxes which have been engineered over many decades and even centuries in order to mislead and confuse the human race by our fellow human beings who are dark luciferians, Satanists and Zionists.
Please see the following link https://www.facebook.com/VICELANDTV/videos/876461789208479/UzpfSTEwMDU3NTgxMDMwNzY3OTpWSzo4NzY0NjE3ODkyMDg0Nzk
There is something coming on stream in Ireland and throughout the wider world that nobody is being allowed to speak or write about.
It is called Remote Neural Monitoring.
Many individuals throughout Ireland are currently being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring which means they are effectively being wirelessly hooked up to some type of a network of computers, where wireless signals are being sent to and received from their brains, day and night, for years on end.
If th...ese individuals attempt to get the word out they are immediately deemed to be mentally unwell and they are then being placed under the control of unaware psychiatrists, who falsely attribute their unusual experiences to mental illness.
The deep state control matrix wish to slowly and gradually imbue our consciousness with the reality of the existence of Remote Neural Monitoring and its capability to technologically enslave us. They do not wish to have the existence of Remote Neural Monitoring rapidly disseminated at this stage because by doing so we, the whole human race would instantly have it stopped in its tracks by simply disassembling and destroying all microwave transimtters and 5G millimeter wave transmitters immediately. The existence of satellites is one of the many elaborate hoaxes that the deep state control matrix created in order to misinform and manipulate us into a mind state where they could attempt to technologically enslave us.
Some individuals within the deep state control matrix are attempting to persuade us through the online media that main land Europe is in harmony with the roll out of Remote Neural Monitoring for all, expect themselves. Most of Europe at not in the know. The human beings who are being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring are complaining that it is a mode of psychological torture and they are violently opposed to it. There are obscene levels of voice traffic travelling through the wireless signals to and from the brain of the non-consensual human subject of Remote Neural Monitoring. If 5G millimeter wave signals become main stream those millimeter waves will have the capability to carry pain signals to the human beings concerned which essentially means total human enslavement by wireless means.
How can the subject of Remote Neural Monitoring be introduced for discussion among main stream people of Ireland. ?
I am a subject of remote neural monitoring and voice to skull military communication technology.
On occasions, when I hear voice to skull internal voices, especially when I am in my own home I feel a strong urge to stare at an exact point in my home while I am speaking to those unknown voices. If I move to another room while I am speaking to these inner voices I sometimes feel a strong urge to come back into the first room and remain staring at the same point that I was ...previously staring at while I am answering the questions posed by these inner voices. I asked the microwave surveillance staff who speak to me using this inner voice technology why I have such a strong urge to stare at certain prescribed points whenever I spoke to them.
They replied that the wireless enabled technologically induced inner voices have recently informed me that my eye movement has now been perfected to the extent that when ever they motion their sensor to a certain point my eye movements will follow and if they motion their sensor to another new point my eye movements will then move to that other new point in tandem with their sensor. My eye movements can be partially controlled to move backwards and forwards in tandem with their sensor as many times as they wish. I can currently over ride their sensor movements anytime I wish by looking away.
I regularly post many small details of my experiences of being a non-consensual subject of remote neural monitoring at this site www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98 and sometimes at my website which is www.targetedindividualsireland.net, just in case any reader may offer a solution to my non-consensual remote neural monitoring. I have been informed that even if I post alot of details about my experiences online there will be no repercussions from criminals because they are afraid of this Satanic/Luciferian technological control system.
Mind control is now so strong that it can sometimes override our own attitudes.
The technology induced voices which I hear coming from inside my head have just informed me that whenever I am about to send out a letter to my local County Councillor the directed energy weapons operatives who generate my internal voices make it their business to discover who exactly I am sending the letter to. These unknown directed energy weapons operatives claim to know the unique energy s...ignatures of all of the County Councillors throughout the whole island of Ireland. The directed energy weapons operatives would then contact the unique energy signature of the recipient of the letter wirelessly by use of their advanced technology.
They claim that they can read the thoughts of the letter recipient in real time and they deliver the following message to said letter recipient before my letter arrives on their desk. "In the interest of peace and security please do not entertain any letter from this individual."
The unknown directed energy weapons operatives who are responsible for generating my inner voices have informed me that they now know all of the unique energy signatures of the British Senior League. Therefore they now can control their attitudes at will. This would not be as relevant as it is if we were to dismantle all telephone masts immediately.
The dark occultists, namely Satanists and Luciferians are setting up an extreme surveillance and control system on this planet whereby they wish to wirelessly tether us all to super-computers by implants in our brains and spinal cords. I am already wirelessly tethered to a super-computer and I have been so for fifteen years.
Why do the dark occultists wish to set up a planetary wide surveillance system when we already have a natural surveillance system which is built in to... the planet.
The natural surveillance system I am referring to is the creative, intelligent and interactive energy that surrounds us and imbues us. Whenever we inhale a breath this intelligence surveillance system comes inside our bodies and brains. It monitors all we think, do, say and eat. When we exhale it leaves our bodies, it travels around the planet and it may come back in the form of a tornado and blow the roof off your home if it feels that you need to learn a difficult lesson.
Dont underestimate Nature or Natural Law. Align with Natural Law. Some claim its existence is a proven science. I dont know if that is true but I do know that Nature can be very cruel.
I was reading a national newspaper about twenty years ago which claimed that in the future one third of the human race would monitor and surveill most of the rest of the human race with the aid of military surveillance technology on a round the clock basis..
This system has already been implemented wirelessly to a section of the human race. Whenever these individuals complain of this wireless surveillance and voice harassment they are being diagnosed as mentally ill.
Barto...n L. Ingraham and Gerald W Smith published an article back in 1972, in a United States government document called "Issues in Criminology", Volume 7, Number 2. The article is called " The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of Human Behavior, and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Control". The article states the following:- "The development of systems for telemetering information from sensors, implanted in or on the body will soon make possible the observation and control of human behaviour without actual physical contact. Through such telemetric devices, it will be possible to maintain twenty-four hour-a-day surveillance over the subject, and to intervene electronically or physically to influence and control selected behaviour".
This is what the NSA have developed and implemented, the Saudi's are now integrated into the global fusion centre. The important part is the HCI (Human Computer Interface) and occult, or that it is being revealed to the general public and hopefully causing discussion. They're playing with the devil.
Those of you that are going through this will know its an extreme hack on-yourself, and through your awareness and resistance of things it will keep you on your toes e.g. abusive voices, mind programming, torture, etc.
"FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM AND LIBERTY" http://www.freedomfightersforamerica.com
what they do not mention in the article is that this is a transceiver, so the implantee can receive messages from the operator, whom is receiving your thoughts and voice patterns.
Modern day telepathy? Scientists develop method for reconstructing thoughts
Written By Loren Grush Published February 01, 2012 FoxNews.com
While many people often wish they could hear what people around them are thinking, telepathic skills are often written off as science fiction. But one day, the ability to read people’s minds may not be a talent only reserved to psychics and X-Men.
A group of neuroscientists at the University of California, Berkeley, reported they may have come up with a scientific way to read people’s minds.
Led by post-doctoral researcher Brian Pasley, the scientists have developed a method for deciphering the electrical signals in a person’s brain as they listen to words or conversation. Upon figuring out these signals, they were then able to use them to recreate the imagined speech of the same person.
The secret to their method lies in the temporal lobe of the brain, which is used in auditory perception. When a person hears a word or phrase being spoken, the activity that occurs in the temporal lobe also occurs when the person imagines that same word or phrase.
“This is a fundamental principle of the brain,” Robert Knight, a senior author for the study and a neuroscientist at UC Berkley, told FoxNews.com. “The area that performs a cognitive or behavioral function is also activated when you imagine that function. For example, let’s say you raise your right arm. Then if you imagine raising your right arm, the same areas that were active when you move your arm are working when you imagine it.”
In order to gather their findings, the researchers asked epilepsy patients undergoing brain surgery if they’d like to participate in research while they were in the hospital. Before these patients had their surgeries, they had to come to the hospital, have up to 256 electrodes placed over the surface of their brain, and then wait for a seizure to occur so the doctors could pin point the location of the seizure.
Sometimes this process takes a couple hours, but sometimes it can take weeks. So Pasley and his team utilized 15 neurosurgical patients’ extra time in the hospital while they were connected to the electrodes, having them hear 5 – 10 conversations.
Pasley then developed a way to reconstruct words using data from a person’s brain activity. Or in other words-reconstructing the words that people were thinking.
“He developed mathematical ways to match the electrical recordings from the electrodes in the brain to the sound characteristics that the patient heard,” Knight said. “The algorithms he developed can now predict a word the patient’s never heard before.”
While the researchers have barely scratched the surface of this new technique, they hope they have set the gears in motion for engineers to develop better communication aides for those who have been severely disabled, either from stroke or other illnesses.
“If you had a device that was safely implantable and actually helped the patient, there’s no doubt it would be used,” Knight said. “It could be used for someone with a speech problem, such as a severe muscular control problem like ALS or Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Or maybe someone who has a damage in the part of the brain that controls speech output, but their input area is intact.”
More importantly, Knight said their research is important for simply understanding how the brain works.
“Think of the number of things you do in a day cognitively - word understanding or motor control or how you’re paying attention to something. We don’t really know a lot about how the brain works in supporting the things you’re doing right now,” Knight said. “If we can figure those things out, it will have huge implications for understanding normal cognition and it will have important implications for a whole host of psychiatric disorders.”
But in terms of becoming a mind reader, Knight said people won’t be eavesdropping on peoples’ inner monologues any time soon. Unless they plan on getting surgery.
“You can’t broadcast your thoughts unless there’s an electrode there,” Knight said. “So if you have a significant other, you can implant them and potentially hear what they’re thinking.”
“Of course it would require a neurosurgeon, so I don’t think that trend will sweep the nation,” Knight jokingly added.
Knight, Pasley and their colleagues published their findings Tuesday in the open-access journal PLos Biology.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/01/31/modern-day-telepathy-scientists-develop-method-for-reconstructing-thoughts/#ixzz1l961pGhd
"FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM AND LIBERTY" http://www.freedomfightersforamerica.com
Website 2: http://epic.org/privacy/fastproject/
Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) New sensor array used to conduct covert surveillance of individuals who are not suspected of any crime. The sensors secretly collects and record information concerning individuals, including video images, audio recordings, cardiovascular signals, pheromones, electrodermal activity and respiratory measurements. Under the program, DHS will collect and retain of a mix of “physicological and behavioral signals” from individuals as they engage in daily activities. FAST is funded by SET’s Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency and is managed by SET’s Human Factors Behavior Sciences Division. FAST is designed to allow the agency to capture biological and behavior information from subjects.