To (583)


The world is currently being set up behind the scenes in a world wide pyramid shape where we receive orders from the a small group of men and women at the top of the pyramid and because we have standardized the functioning of the world wide pyramid in a rigid and ordered way what ever orders are sent from the top of the pyramid must be carried out in the same systematic way throughout most of the world.
We have wrongly been led to believe that Bill and Melinda Gates, Elon Musk, Nancy Pelosi, the Bushes, the Clintons, Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, Barack Obama and other well known figures are at the top of the worldwide pyramid. That may be the case but they are not the ones who run the world. The individuals who run the world do so from outside the pyramid. For the benefit of this article I am calling them the controllers. They control the technology which allows them to wirelessly mind control those at the top, middle and bottom of the pyramid. We are all being wirelessly mind controlled by those who operate the worldwide wireless mind control and wireless body control technology. The controllers have no public face. They are unknowns.
The controllers have set up Bill and Melinda Gates and the others who are currently at the top of the worldwide pyramid to take the heat when the anger of the masses increase to a level of widespread civil disobedience while the controllers themselves remain anonymous and inconspicuous while living in a quite part of the world. The controllers would then likely watch us on their screens if and when we arrested and imprisoned those at the top of the heirarchy without realizing that their actions stem from being heavily wirelessly mind controlled by the controllers themselves. The controllers would then watch us on their screens while we reorganised the world in a way that would be based on the wireless mind control messages which they would continue to send us. The controllers would then watch us on their screens while we settled back to living our lives believing that we had all of our enemies imprisoned and that we were once again living and working under our own free will.

The worldwide controllers have access to technology which is at least fifty years ahead of what you and I have access to.  They have superior health to us due to their hoarding of knowledge and technology.   They are aware of the fact that refined sugar is so poisonous that it is as bad for human health as cigarette smoking is.  They have knowledge of the optimum diet that supports human health.  They are disciplined, healthy, wealthy, and knowledgeable.  They take their work of worldwide takeover and enslavement of their fellow men very seriously.  They  ensure that we are manipulated to eat refined sugar, drink alcoholic beverages and watch depraved television programming  as a distraction while they set about dumbing us down, destroying our health and wirelessly both mind controlling and body controlling us while many of us are unaware of their very existence.   When you see a senior politician eating refined sugar or drinking an alcoholic beverage you then know for sure  that they could never be one of the controllers.  The controllers despise every form of undiscipline.

We have been deliberately led to falsely believe that the earth is a spinning ball. Mind control of the masses has now become so strong that those who are largely unaware of its existence and use against them will believe anything they are mind controlled to believe provided the lie is constantly repeated on an almost daily basis. Images of a spinning ball earth are projected onto our screens constantly throughout each day. The word ‘global’ is attached to most newspaper and television headlines. The controllers know their plan for worldwide domination will fail if we begin to research flat earth science and if we then realise that we have been lied to on an unimaginable scale for hundreds of years by an unknown breakaway secret society. Because the earth is flat and fixed it has been arranged that not all countires are under aerial surveillance. If the earth were a spinning ball nobody anywhere would be able to live their lives without being surveilled from the air. If you speak to civil engineers and airline pilots they will inform you that they do not take any curvature of the earth into consideration in the course of their work. You will discover that railway lines have been built which travel for a thousand miles or more while remaining level without any curvature whatsoever. However, electronic mind control has now become so strong that it takes alot of mental strength to over ride false teachings. We must disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities immediately.

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We have inhaled and ingested nano particulates which are wirelessly connected to supercomputers and we have become wirelessly enslaved. Our brains, central nervous systems and bodily functions can now be wirelessly controlled from a distance by unknown neural experts and mind programming experts and medical experts. Algorithms are being used to conduct most of the work of wirelessly enslaving us and mind controlling some of us, especially those work work directly for governments. Those whose wireless connections are more fully activated than others are more aware of what is occurring that those whose wireless connections are only being used for subliminal programming of their minds and because of this the fully activated targeted individuals have had more time to decipher what is occurring from a worldwide perspective. I am one such targeted individual and I understand that the spinning ball earth hoax is the most important hoax needed to finalize the enslavement plan. If we refuse to believe in the spinning ball earth hoax we can be free of this. The earth is flat and fixed and therefore some large areas or whole countries are not being sprayed with chemtrails and those same countries are not under aerial surveillance or so-called satellite surveillance. Those who live in those areas are the individuals who are not connected to the worldwide brain initiative and they are the ones who wish to eventually torture and genocide most of the rest of us . Please research flat earth science which is widely available online and please canvas your political representative to have all wireless enabling infrastructure disassembled and banned throughout the world now. Exactly when will the worldwide wireless infrastructure be disassembled and banned?

The following are some of the words of former Prime Minister of Canada Paul Hellyer, Bryan Koffron who is a former insider in the world of wireless enslavement of people and the late President John F Kennedy who knew about the wireless enslavement plan and was about to expose it before he was assassinated, as well as other speakers.
Most of the western world is being controlled by an unelected, unaccountable cabal. Its apex is the banking and financial cartel, the oil cartel, the CEOs of the most powerful transnational corportations, major intelligence agencies including the CIA , the FBI, the NSA and a major slice of the US military. Their collective power and influence is incalculable and it is their plan for the US and the rest of us that is so alarming .
Automated super-computer software programming will manipulate the emotions, the behaviours and the thoughts of everyone in the United States of America. It is horrifying and it is a crime against humanity. This is something that needs to be tackled by lawyers and civil rights advocates immediately.
It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
I know for a fact, having been an insider and actually been a part of this program and seen it operate on a day to day basis I am aware that there are now entire cities in America that are nothing more than a massive social engineering experiment.
For we are opposed around the world by a monolythic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence, on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on gorillas by night instead of armies by day,
What these people have done is turned this technology into a video game and that is exactly how they approach it. They approach it as though they are playing a cross between Syd Myers civilization on their computer and syms where they are controlling all of civilization and also controlling people on the individual level. The overall effect of this technology is one that could control the mood, the attitude, the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions and thus the motivations and then the actions of the target, all day, every day, twenty four hours a day, three hundred and sixty five days a year. It is a highly sophisticated technology . It is one that produces literal and total and complete mind control over the targeted individual and it is in the hands right now of people that are using it for nefarious purposes, extremely evil and destructive purposes against individuals like myself (Bryan Koffron). I am now a targeted of this technology because I have decided to speak out about it.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its decenters are silenced not praised. No expendature is questioned. No rumour is printed. No secret is revealed.
I was told not to reveal certain things or they would kick my ass, kill me and dump me in a lake. This is why before going public I reported all of this to the FBI four times. I reported all of this to local and state police. I was told by the FBI and by a police department that what you are describing is a federal program, we know exactly what it is and as a result there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. It is obvious that in this day and age an American citizen can not come forward to blow the whistle on a highly illegal and unconstitutional program that is being used to torture the American people each and every day. I am sorry but that is unacceptable. It is your job to protect the American people. It is your job to investigate high crimes and felonies that have been committed by the people who have been entrusted with the safe keeping of this country and constitution and the American people.
This social engineering program experiments on the homeless population and the general population of Seattle, utilizing what most people know as voice to skull technology. However, this technology is infinitely more advanced than most people know. It can be used to completely control the thoughts and emotions of the target and thus it can be used to completely control the targets actions. This program is illegal, unconstitutional and absolutely terrifying because this technology could be being used against tens to hundreds of millions of Americans every day. It can literally stop your own thoughts from happening and replace them with other thoughts by sending thoughts to your head and it is so sophisticated that you can not tell where these thoughts are coming from. There is no way to discern that they are coming from somewhere other than your own mind so you can imagine how bad this would be for people who dont even realize that this technology exists and they are having these thoughts which they think are spontaneous and that is exactly what it can be used for. It can be used to sway people in terms of their opinion to make them go along with a certain agenda. It can be used to turn groups of people or individuals against each other. When you consider that use of it and the fact that it is used for emotion and thought and behaviour modification we could be looking at potentially millions of people across the country that are under the influence of the technology today, right now.
Many of the homeless test subjects of this program start out as highly educated successful people. Their lives are systematically destroyed by this program using voice to skull technology, organised stalking, career sabotage, and an intense character assassination effort which isolates them from society, leaves them unemployed, and turns family and friends against them. It is a highly illegal program.

Those words are taken from the first nine minutes of the following linked youtube video which is approximately thirty one minutes long. I will type the rest at another time and post it online for those who dont have youtube.

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We have been wirelessly connected from neural dust inside our brains to supercomputers and we have been analysed according to our weaknesses. If you have a weakness such as a guilt signature or an addiction your slave masters already knows about it and they are busy concocting ways to manipulate you by using your weakness against you. If you think I am being premature I am not. Approximately three million of us have been activated so that we can hear the voices of our slave masters directly coming from embedded technology inside our heads.  The rest of you are being subliminally influenced for now.
The current covid-19 virus hoax was created in order to take down all economic activity throughout the world so as to facilitate insider trading.    It was created in order to shut down small businesses so as to redistrubute corporate power and wealth to the super rich slave masters themselves.  It was created to shut down our economies in order to then introduce four or five world companies who would manage the supply chain of absolutely everything that we purchase.  If we then challenged their false authority we would be blacklisted and denied all access to food and other necessities.  It is thought that this would enslave many of us into a state of absolute obedience.   Billions of Euros were spent on fake scientific research in order to engineer the covid-19 virus hoax according to Professor Eric Karlstrom  who is  being interviewed at the  link provided  here
What is really occurring to make people ill is as follows:-
5g or fifth generation millimeter wave radiation is so poisonous that it poisons the cells of the human body to the extent that they being made to secrete a virus in an effort to detoxify themselves.    The virus is inert material.  It can not travel and it is not contagious.  5G radiation also interferes with our ability to absorb oxygen into our blood.    People collapsed on the streets in Wuhan, China when 5G was switched on.  This caused the slave masters to create the virus hoax  which was then immediately  marketed by the privately owned main stream media throughout most of the world as a real event.  According to Dr Andrew Kaufman M.D., the covid-19 test has never been purified and visualized and the gold standard test has not been achieved.  Dr Andrew Kaufman M.D. is linked here.
 What may be killing senior citizens in some instances is the fact that they may be being given a separate extra strong vaccination which is being reserved only for them.
Because of rigid and unethical standards of care in medicine the physician must treat the patient in a mandated way and he or she has no free will to follow their own conscience.   
5G is not a telecommunication system.  It is a bio-weapon which is to be used to electronically enslave the men, women and children of the world by a small cabal of super-rich individuals. 
It has now become apparent that the Gates community owned by the industrialists Bill and Melinda Gates as well as the World Health Organisation and the United States Centre for Disease Control are all fronts for criminal activity.  
Please support U.S. President Donald Trump who is working against the slave masters.  However, he is surrounded by traitors who work for the liberal banking financiers.  He does not bring his own team to the White House.  He is attempting to disassemble the liberal banking financiers and he is being demonised by the mostly privately owned main stream media.
Please provide the police in this country with technology which would enable them to identify digital signals  when such signals  are being received and transmitted to and from the brains and bodies of your fellow country men and women who complain that they are being wirelessly harassed and tortured both outside and inside their own homes as they attempt to go about their lives quietly and peacefully. This act alone of providing the police with the aforementioned technology would finally provide absolute proof that targeted individuals of remote electronic wireless control are telling the truth to the police whenever they inform them of their plight.
I have not sent this email to all of the members of Mayo County Council.  Please make it available to all of them if that is possible.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, F12 Y560,
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901
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Neural interfaces are bi-directional. If you wear a neural interface device in order to control gaming or other technology hackers can then hack into your neural interface device and use it to monitor, influnece and modify your own neural activity without you being consciously aware of it. They can use your neural interface device to externally control your thoughts, feelings and even your own body movements. They can also use your neural interface device to place subliminal or audible messages inside your own head.

I am a long term non-consensual subject of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. I am being brain to brain interfaced with unknown neuro operatives against my will and without my permission. The brain activity of the neuro operative that I am brain to brain interfaced with and who is known as the encoder is recorded and then transmitted in real time to my brain and my brain then decodes the pattern of information that the encoder has generated. The encoders brain activity over rides my own brain activity to the extent that whatever words the encoder speaks come out of my mouth against my will and without my permission. This is known as forced speech. I spoke using a mans voice on a number of occasions even though I am female.

My website is called and I have been writing about my experiences of being a non-consensual human experimentation subject for many years.

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Software inside your smart phone or a variety of other digital media devices can be externally programmed from a remote location to transmit frequencies which would change your mood from suspicious to apathetic, or to gullable or even to naïve, and this can all occur without you having any conscious awareness of it ever occurring. We are now being slowly enslaved and our Irish politicians and both senior Gardaí and senior civil servants continue to use smart phones which is very worrying for the rest of the Irish race.
The senior politicians of the Republic of Ireland have signed over some of the resources of our country, the Republic of Ireland in the past to foreign prospectors. Were said senior Irish politicians using smart phones or other digital media devices during the time when they signed the relevant documents which entitled foreign interests to own and control resources which previously belonged to the Irish people and if they were using digital media devices when signing any and all legal documents in the past were they aware that externally programmed frequencies could have been transmitted from their digital media devices at that time to negatively affect their ability to think clearly?
Can we ban all digital media devices from all government work places and if so when can it be done?

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The dark new world order cabal have been placing unnecessary chemicals, biologicals and nano technology into our food and water supply since the nineteen sixties. They have been placing them in our vaccines since the nineteen seventies and they have been spraying them from the skies on top of us since the nineteen nineties.
Some of what they have been spraying on us are as follows -: Aluminium, barium, cadmium, lithium, mercury, strontium, titanium dioxide, dessicated blood cells, mold spores, nano processors, micro sensors, Mems and Gems.
The dark new world order cabal then turn frequencies on us in order to make the metals which are inside us electrically more conductive. We are constantly generating electromagnetic frequencies every time we think a thought, feel a feeling, say a word, or move a muscle and all of those electromagnetic frequencies can be read using an EEG measuring device and those electromagnetic frequencies can then be differenciated into whether they are related to thinking, moving, feeling, speaking, eating or sleeping or many other activities. The electromagnetic frequencies are then translated by a computer program at the speed of light into everything you are doing, saying, thinking and feeling.
Using an EEG measuring device the pattern of electrical signals being generated by each muscle movement can be measured. The point of origin, the speed and the direction of each electrical signal can be deciphered and that electrical signal can be paired with the muscle of the body of the human subject that the electrical signal stimulated to move. The pattern of electrical signals which were used to move the human muscle can then be recalibrated and sent back into the human brain in order to force that muscle to move against the will and without the permission of said human subject. Many non-consensual subjects of directed energy weapon research have reported that their muscles often move against their wills. Some have reported being forced to walk against their wills or even to hit themselves with their own fists against their wills. Patent number US6965816 which is the Richard C. Walker, internet of things patent describes in fine detail how to control a human being by their central nervous system. This is an enslavement system and we need to urgently enact laws making it illegal because if somebody became enslaved by this system they would no longer be able to generate words informing the world that they had become enslaved because their vocal cords and mouths would be under external control for the remainder of their lives. External electrical control through their central nervous system may already be the case for some non-consensual human beings and if that is the case we will never hear it from them.
A brain-computer interface (BCI) provides an alternative communication channel between the human brain and a computer by using pattern recognition methods to convert brain waves into control signals. However all brain-computer interfaces are bi-directional which means that external control signals can be converted back into brain waves which can be made to over ride the brain waves of the human subject in order to force them to act against their wills. We may need to ban the use of brain-computer interfaces throughout the world because they may be the most dangerous weapon that ever existed. They are already in the wrong hands. Many individuals throughout the western world are now reporting forced muscle movement of their own arms, legs, eyes, facial muscles and all other muscles. They are also burdened with finding ways to prove to the rest of the human race that their own muscles are being externall controlled. If you can help them to find ways to prove this please write to me at the following email address:-

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Shungite is a black carbon based stone found in Northern Russia  in a location near Finland. It provides protection against the effects of electromagnetic radiation. There are several books written about the unique properties of shungite.

If you wear  thin layers of elite shungite measuring at least one tenth of an inch in thickness inserted into  eye masks while sleeping you will   protect yourself from interference from directed energy weapons which can come from many sources.  Information concerning your brain and body functions can be accessed through your eyes by those in the know who use classified weaponry to do so.  This is a  heavily classified technique which is now in covert and widespread use.  If you purchase two flat shungite pendents these would be imminently suitable for insertion into your eye masks which are also known as eye shades.  Wear them throughout the night while you are sleeping. 

 Wearing pendents or ear rings made from shungite also provides protection. It takes three shungite nuggets of any size to create a coherent field, meaning the field of each nugget unites with the other two energy fields to produce a whole new field of greater 'cohesion'. Therefore it is advisable to wear three pieces of shungite jewellery  during each day in order to protect yourself from electromagnetic.

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We all are purported to have both inhaled and ingested nano material which when amalgamated with other materials which are in the food and water supply turn into materials which are able to perform the same purpose as electrodes. These materials which are similar to electrodes penetrate the blood brain barrier because certain types of electromagnetic radiation render the blood brain barrier more permeable. Criminals and others then connect the nano materials which are inside our brains and central nervous systems to computer networks and they then go on to connect a selection of both men andwomen by a brain computer interface which is also known as a neural-control interface to their human control system.
Brain computer interfaces allow for bi-directional flow. It provides a direct communication pathway between a nano enhanced brain and an external device. The criminals who have connected both my brain and body to their many and varied brain computer interface devices communicate with me on an almost constant basis throughout each day. They attempt to control my life in many and varied ways. They can tell whenever I move a muscle anywhere in my body because whenever I do so by body generates a pattern of electromagnetic frequencies which can be translated into which muscle I moved. This all occurs at an extremely high speed. They have a virtual image of me on their screens and by translating all of the electromagnetic frequencies which are generated inside my brain and body as they occur in real time they then can see every movement that I make, every word that I speak, every thought that I think and every feeling that I feel. They do all of the above against my will and without my permission and if they wished they could do it to you to without your permission and even without you being entirely aware of what they were doing to you and what they knew about you.
Because the brain computer interface which attaches me to a large criminal network which includes some British police officers is bi-directional these criminals transmit voice commands directly into my brain. They send moving images into my brain as well as pain or electric shock. They transmit modulated electromagnetic frequencies into my central nervous system which makes a selection of my muscles move against my will to the extent that I have become partially bio-robotized at this stage. They can now over-ride some of my muscle control, both my external muscles and the soft muscles which control some of my alimentary canal. Because the brain computer interface which attaches me to this criminal network is bi-directional these criminals and others steal bio-data from both my brain and body.
I believe that senior government staff are already wirelessly connected by brain-computer interfaces to large criminal networks and I believe that these large criminal networks transmit information subliminally to them on a constant basis and that these government staff are unaware that they are being subliminally influenced. I believe that both the police and psychiatrists believe that anybody who confesses to being wirelessly tethered by a brain computer interface to a large criminal network is regarded as mentally ill. Many of us including myself attempted to inform both the Gardai and psychiatrists that we were being wirelessly spoken to by criminals whose voices we were hearing coming from inside our own heads and moreover that these criminals were attempting to move and control the muscles of our bodies but they refused to believe me and did not accept a statement from me and instead mandated that I be interviewed by a psychiatrist. Because access to government assistance is closed to all of us who report this matter my only option is to write about my experiences each day on my blog.
Please wear at least three pieces of shungite jewellery as it has very strong protectional properties from electromagnetic radiation. Please wear rolls of neodymium magnets which are set up in rows in ways that each magnet repels the next one beside it and they are all bound together with duct tape. Keep several of these rolls of magnets in your person in order to protect yourself. (See a youtube video called HerbsPlusBeadWorks for further information about how to make these rolls of repelling magnets.)
Take very small amounts of the supplement boron three times per day in order to destroy the nano material inside your brain and body. Keep your digital devices inside faraday bags when not in use. Switch off the electricity at the mains to your bedroom each night. Wear eyeshades over your eyes with peices of shungite inserted into them when sleeping. Please raise awareness of the fact the criminal networks wish to enslave myself and many others by the brain computer interface which connects us to them. This is a silent war. If you wish to remain free raise awareness of what is occurring every day while you still are able to do so.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of ireland.

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A Voice to skull human speaker has informed me this morning that I will have my bowel forceably removed by theml because of a bowel malfunction which  I suffer from due to extreme stress which mainly comes from them and their direct interference into the workings of my brain and central nervous system and into all aspects of my personal life while I am in the privacy of my own privately own home and they inflict this extreme and constant stress on me by continually forcing me to listen to their voices which I non-consensually hear coming from inside my own head and by forceably moving my own muscles against my will which they are enabled to do not by use of the scientific capabilities which are outlined in patent number US 6965816.  My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland and my landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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Most of the militaries as well as some of the police forces of the world now use voice to skull technology on a continual day to day basis in their everyday work. Voice to skull is sometimes known as microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy and it is a method of communicating voices inside the heads of members of the military and police forces of the world to ensure that no member of the public has access to the messages transmitted and for other reasons including black project research. There are now numerous methods of direct communication including but not limited to direct brain to brain communication. Secret methods of direct communication has been in use under the guise of secrecy for more than seventy years.
Because secret methods of direct communication which I will call voice to skull for the purposes of this article are now so widespread they are being used on a non-consensual basis on many members of the general public as a form of electronic harassment and they are being used in combination with many other types of wireless electronic weapons as well as directed energy weapons.

Many government employees and others are under a form of electronic mind control, the basis of which is that they are being programmed to filter out all information which comes to them which does not comply with the new world order view of the world. This electronic mind control appears to eminate from microwave transmitters because it has been noticed by some that any government staff who work close to microwave transmitters strongly defend the new world order view of the world despite overwhelming contrary evidence being presented to them. Is the electronic mind control apparatus being programmed on a worldwide basis or is it being programmed on a separate basis inside each country and who is programming it and where are they located whenever they are physically programming it? It is not the work of artificial intelligence because a lump of metal can not make independent decisions so the notion of the existence of artificial intelligence is rejected by all logical thinking individuals . It is my belief that thousands of staff work behind the scenes to continually program what some erroneously believe is artificial intelligence. Thousands of other staff also work behind the scenes to program elaborately costumed robots so that the hoax of an extra terresterial presence can be presented to the public in order to dupe them.
If you become a non-consensual recepient of voice to skull direct communication which is likely to happen unless we shortly put a stop to the goals of the new world order cabal you will hear a variety of voice commands throughout the course of each and every day. You will be commanded to carry out household chores and your personal financial habits will be commented on and you could possibly be repremanded if you make personal financial spending choices which are not in keeping with the wishes of the new world order cabal. Everything you do throughout each day and night will be observed on a screen. This is possible to achieve because each and every time you move a muscle in your body you generate a unique pattern of electromagnetic frequencies which can then be automatically translated onto a screen on the other side of the world by wireless electronic means so that criminal neuro staff who are unknown to you can see a likeness of you on their screens moving around a likeness of your home. This program is now commonly known as being Remote Neural Monitored and whenever someone is placed on this or similar programs their eyes are automatically being implanted while they are in a state of unawareness while under frequency control so that the aforementioned criminal neuro staff can see what ever you see on their screens if they should wish to do so.
If babies become placed on voice to skull direct communication through direct implantation after hospital births they could then while growing up be misinformed about all aspects of life while they are being simultaneously programmed to become obedient slaves to the new world order cabal who lurk inside large organisations such as the United Nations as well as the Council for Foreign Relations and the International Banking and Private Corporate shareholder groups. These implanted children would then grow up under constant voice to skull direct communication with unknown neuro operatives whose own agenda remains unknown. Are the neuro operatives themselves who work as teams throughout Ireland and live lives completely undetectable to the Irish police enslaved or are they willing participants in the technological enslavement of their fellow men and women of the world? In order to continue living their lives in a state of total anonynimity they use frequency devices which mesmerize the minds of the most senior Gardai whenever they are approached by said Gardai. They also hire chauffeur driven vehicles on occasions in order to avoid detection. They never register their births, marriages and deaths. I know this because I am being both electronically harassed and psychologically tortured by them now and for the past number of years. Does any one know of any methodology to track down these criminal neuro staff and bring them to justice as soon as is humanly possible? If so let me know .

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Whenever we expose our biofields to two way digital communication devices, other individuals can hack into our biofields and over time render us immobile. They can also read our current thoughts and our passed memories which are through to become stored in our biofields. For further information of human biofields please read a book called "Human Energy Fields" by Colin A. Ross M.D.
The electromagnetic field of the human body which is sometimes known as the human bio field or the human energy field or the human aura exists and can be photographed by a human energy field camera. There is an excellent human biofield camera currently on the market called the Samsung Galaxy New Energy Camera. This particular biofield camera was invented by a British scientist called Dr Harry Oldfield but there are many other similar biofield cameras available for purchase by the general public both on and off the internet.
It is generally believed that all of our current thoughts as well as all of our passed memories are contained in our human biofield. When we are closely located to a personal computer or smart phone which is registered to our given name we can be readily identified by staff who work for the United States National Security Agency or a similar registered secret society. These staff first of all identify us by using a special technique known as human energy field imprint identification. They then monitor all of our activities while we are in front of our computer if they wish to do so. They wirelessly connect their own biofield to the biofield of the largely unaware digital device user so that they can adjust it in ways that make it remotely controllable to them so that they could eventually get remote control over the human bodies of the individual who they are targeting for remote control.
These biofield scientists who work for the, by now, criminal elite can achieve total control over the human biofield of one of their fellow men, women or children anywhere in the world and by that means then achieve total control over their physical body while accessing them through their two way digital communication device. The scientists who work for the aforementioned criminal elite do so against their wills and without their permission because they themselves are accessed by their own human biofield and can be murdered at the will of the aforementioned criminal elite. I am in continual contact with these scientists and their staff via direct human communication which has come to be known as voice to skull or microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy because I myself am now going through the process of being bio-robotized through exposure of my own biofield to my own two way digital communication devices. However, I will shortly no longer be exposing myself to any digital technologies whatsoever in order to protect myself from this biorobotization process which has also come to be known as human cyborgization or whole body takeover.
I have over time received this information from the voices which I hear coming from inside my head via voice to skull and I am not entirely sure if I should trust it because by using our computers to share true information we can fight against the criminal elite who control the intelligence services. The intelligence agencies are secret societies whose salaries are paid by the general public but the general public are not allowed to scrutenise their activities. Why is this? What is the role of the intelligence agencies? Are the intelligence agencies controlled by any other secret society such as the Freemasons? Why are their areas throughout the whole world that are out of bounds to the general public such as Area 51. Can people be legally murdered now? Can people be murdered or tortured inside Area 51 without any public scruteny whatsoever? Who allowed this situation to come about and why? When will all areas throughout the world which are out of bounds to public scruteny be again exposed to publics scruteny?
For further information about my experiences of being remotely electronically harassed and remotely psychologically tortured please read my website which I alone own and control and which is called My name is Gretta Fahey and I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.

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I am being targeted by directed energy weapons and a wide variety of other still classified weapons while I am in the privacy of my own home and this is occurring against my will and without my permission.
Today I felt surges of energy surging through my head and I asked the criminal operatives who communicate with me via voice to skull technology directly into my brain what they were doing and why. One of the criminal operatives replied as follows. "We are adhereing our technology to your brain stem in order that we in future have direct access to your spinal cord and in so doing also have direct access to your entire physicaly bodily system so that we can entirely contol it of our own volition while denying you any and all access to your own physicality for the entirety of your remainder on earth. If you follow our direction now we will not allow our team to conquer control of your entire body control system. If you continue to operate under your own direction we will go ahead with the plan. I then asked the criminal operatives what aspect of my life they had a complaint with. The criminal operative who I was informed via the system had the most false authority within said control system replied as follows " we have found no reason whatsoever to complain about any aspect of your life so far. However if at any future time we do find a way to lodge a complaint about any aspect of your life whatsoever we will then hesitate to adhere our technology to your brain stem where you would be externally physically controlled from that day forward."

Why do some members of the human race feel they have the legal right to externally control the privately owned physical bodies of their own equal members of this earth by wireless means and thereby deny those targeted individuals the legal right to enjoy the free will of operating their own privately owned physical bodies which they rightfully believe is their birth right to do so and who exactly are those members of the human race who feel they have the right to carry out this act and where is their current permanent legal location or locations?

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I am non-consensually linked by a connection from my brain and central nervous system to a computer control system which is being operated by extremely cruel evil doers who hurt me both physically and mentally on a constant basis. They force me to listen to their voices which I hear coming from inside my head by a brain to brain link process or something similar. I sometimes post online some of what they say to me. I sometimes link what they say to the exact time and date they said it and by doing so they might be held accountable at a later time. The times which are linked to the words which were heard by me are linked to Grenwich mean time which is London time which is the time we use in the Republic of Ireland where I live. Here is some of what they have been saying to me during the past few days as follows:-
“We have to bury it.” (by it they meant my website which is called This was said at 8.26am on Sunday 27th Oct. 2019.
“I’ll knock her off her comfort zone very fast.” This was said at 8.33 pm on Sunday 27th Oct. 2019.
“They don’t appear to be unaware of her but she has a penchant for being bitchy.”
“Let me know when you get her tied down and then I’ll talk to her.” ” Everything I have ever done has been for the good of this system. Am I going to be allowed to fail?” “No. She will be held back.” This was said at 3 minutes past 3pm on 28th October, 2019.
“You can thank your lucky stars that you are still out there.” This was said at 3.57pm on 28th October, 2019.
“You putrid bitch.” This was said at 8.20pm on 28th October, 2019
“It will be on her permanent record after she dies.” “What?” “Her website” “No. It won’t.” “What about her youtube videos?” “They most certainly will not. We decide what goes into her permanent record.” (All of that was said at 5.o6 am on29th October, 2019.)
“The police have asked us to immobilize you so that you will be paralysed from head to toe, Gretta.” “That essentially means that we would have the ability to paralyse you from head to toe at random times and that this would be carried out by unknown individuals who would then torture you at will as they always do. The individuals who requested that we organise to generate the ability to paralyse you at will are the British police and not the Irish police.” (This was said at approximately 5.25am on 29th October, 2019.
I also heard some of the criminals say the following:-
“If you ever cross my path I will kick you. ”
“They are giving me a package deal here. I don’t have to reveal my identity.”
“If we are not making arrangements for Gretta Fahey to see a psychiatrist we have to control her by some other means. We have to activate. ”
“All of the bio-robotization team are on time clocks. They get hurt if they don’t complete their actions.”
The voices which I hear coming from inside my head by technological means have informed me that the microwave transmitters which are currently attached to telephone towers can be trained horizontally rather than pointing out as they are at the moment and that this can be achieved by wireless remote means and that they are a danger to the individuals who live under them.
I heard the voices mention the name Eamon Clohessey on many occasions as pertaining to the island of Ireland. I don’t know him or anything about him other than that and I don’t wish to get him into trouble if he is innocent of all crimes.
“She has a legal right to be offended but she has an obligation to answer any questions I put to her.”
“This woman is indulging in unsequestered purchasing without our approval.” (I made a few small purchases by using cash rather than a cash card so the purchases could not be listed and categorised by the neuro operatives who have illegally placed me on remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation.)
“We are not pushing her to suicide at the moment but pushing her to suicide would be better than this.”
“We know who you are and we know where you live.”
“I am going to antagonize Gretta Fahey until such a time as I can gain access to her home in a police convoy.”
I was cycling my bicycle along a road near my home in a country area when I found a large metal object which had fallen on to the road from a passing vehicle. I got off my bicycle and I moved the object into the ditch so that it would not cause an accident. I was admonished for moving the obstacle by one of the voices which I hear coming from inside my head and that unknown voice was heard by me to say the following:-
“People wont be on the road in future. Many of them would be locked inside smart cities and we would own the roads, primarily for our own uses but some would grant permission to be chauffeured around. Self-driven cars wont come into being now. All bandwidth would be used for the purposes of microwave mind control and millimetre wave body control. Several individuals who would then control the world’s population strictly, without any knowledge of us and our technology becoming evident at all.”
I asked the unknown neuro operatives whose voices I hear coming from inside my head who was the wealthiest politician in Great Britain and Ireland and they answer I received back was Adrian Soames.
I heard one of the voices of the unknown neuro operatives tell a colleague that I had finally been bio-robotized. The colleague was then heard by me to say the following “Bring her in so and I will control the situation. The pharmacist will determine if she is taking her medicine. She will be sent to a psychiatric hospital.”
I continue to hear those voices possibly by brain to brain link. These unknown individuals whose voices I hear coming from inside my head speak about me among each other and they manipulate their words in ways that the listener will misunderstand the meaning of what they say. Extremely versatile information modules can be presented in any light and here are some examples “She aught to take a bath now and again” is sometimes said because I shower daily but I do not own a bath and I have no access to one and the listener is wrongly led to believe that I am in need of a wash. Another example of word manipulation is as follows “She drinks a lot.” The listener is wrongly led to believe that I drink alcohol but that is not true because I drink only ever water or tea. A third example of word manipulation which is being used against me by the neuro operatives when speaking about me to each other and to unknown outsiders is as follows “She is cleaning up.” This is sometimes said when I am cleaning my home and it allows the listener to wrongly believe that I am making a lot of money when in fact I live off my disability allowance alone and I do not earn or receive any money besides whatsoever.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo. Republic of Ireland. My website is called

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Verbally manipulating a human being to commit suicide due to verbally informing them that they are shortly about to be tortured is now in use as a form of murder in Ireland.

PRESENT DAY, U.S.Government use of electromagnetic weapons was
described in the Oct-Nov., 94 NEXUS MAGAZINE: "Directed-energy
weapons currently being deployed include, for example, a micro-wave
weapon manufactured by Lockheed-Sanders and used for a process
known as 'Voice Synthesis' which is REMOTE BEAMING OF AUDIO
known within the U.S. Government as "Synthetic Telepathy." This
psychotronic weapon was demonstrated by Dr. Dave Morgan at the
November, 1993 Non-Lethal weapons conference.
Remote beaming of audio directly into the brain of any selected human target is now being employed by criminals on a widespread basis throughout most of the world. This capability has existed for many decades while knowledge of it continues to be suppressed by all avenues of the state in Ireland where I live and elsewhere throughout most of the world. This technological capability is now being used as a psychological torture capability and is currently being used on possibly hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world. This and other psychological torture capabilities are being used on me while I go about my own life peacefully. I was informed via this remote beaming of audio inside my own head that wireless external control of my central nervous system would be taken from me by wireless means and I would be placed under wirelessly enabled physical electronic constrainsts to such and extent that I would be paralysed from head to toe but I would then be left with the ability to feel pain, and for the rest of my life I would be in extreme pain but I would never be able to inform anyone that I was in a state of extreme pain because of my condition of total paralysis. (I am paraphrasing because I can not remember the exact words which were transmitted to me via the aforementioned remote beaming of audio to my brain. I was so frightened by this information that my teeth began to chatter with fear and I could not make them stop. I was so frightened that I took a major overdose of a large variety of pills and fell into a state of unconsciousness for four days.
A human being can easily be manipulated to believe that they are about to be tortured into a state of unbearable pain and where they would be unable to protect themselves from that extreme torture because they would also be rendered immobile by wireless external means which is now a possibility in a selection of individual cases. The ability to wirelessly externally control a human being via control of their central nervous system is described in patent number US 6965816.
Verbally manipulating a human being to commit suicide is murder. Murder is now being committed by wireless remote means on an ongoing basis throughout the world at this pivotal point in human history. If the worldwide military disassemble and ban HAARP phased arrays which are now situated in many areas throughout the world and which blanket much ofthe world with radiation a large piece of the jigsaw which allows wireless remote electronic torture to happen would be missing. Please act now to raise awareness of this situation. If you choose to remain passive at this time it is more than likely because you are being subjected to strong electronic mind control as per the following methodology:-
"Thoughts can be grafted onto microwaves in the same way that television signals carry pictures and should open the possibility of long-distance hypnosis of mind control."

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All new recruits to the United States army are deemed to be hearing voices coming from inside their own heads because a voice transmitting technique is being used against them largely against their wills and without their permission. I am in receipt of this information because I myself am hearing voices coming from inside my own head via voice to skull communication which is sometimes also known as microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy which is a military capability and has been so for more than fifty years. Because it is still classified the psychiatry profession deem it necessary to instigate proceedings against us if we speak about this and other matters.

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Our bodies and brains are saturated with metallic particulates. Small light magnets will now stick to our heads. Our cereal will sometimes move across the cereal bowl if we place a magnet near it.
If you place metallic particulates in a microwave oven they burn brightly. If the microwave transmitters are turned up to full power we too will burn brightly.
Who is responsible for placing metallic particulates in our food in order that we would then ingest them and thereby saturate our brains and bodies with said metallic particulates? How do we get ourselves out of this dangerous situation? We must disassemble and ban microwave transmitters immediately. We must ban all metallic particulates from food, water and air. If our governments refuse to disassemble and ban said microwave transmitters we must all erect jamming devices inside our homes which when active would jam all transmissions of electromagnetic energy which would be directed at our homes.
These metallic particulates which are now inside our brains and bodies are being used my neuro operatives to monitor, measure and manipulate the electrical signals as they travel from our brains through our central nervous system down to our extremeties. They use frequency modulators to modify these electrical signals and then send them back into our bodies where they can now force a selection of our muscles to move against our wills. We can now be forced to punch our own faces with our own fists against our wills, and this can all be triggered by wireless means by unknown neuro operatives while they work from an unknown remote location. We can now be sent voice commands, pain, electric shocks, moving images and immobilization if we dare to disobey the dark Luciferians at the top of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command if we dare to disobey their evil commands. We must return to the use of common law rather than civil law which is a tool of said dark luciferians. Do not register your children at birth because you are in effect signing them over to enslavement to said dark luciferians. Do not allow yourselves or your children to be innoculated or to have your or their teeth filled with mercury amalgam fillings. Human beings have no impact on the temperature of this earth. Distrust everything that they promote including the climate change hoax.

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Posted on October 17, 2019 by gretta fahey
I and many other of my fellow human beings are being wirelessly electronically harassed and tortured while we are attempting to peacefully go about our everyday lives. We have been non-consensually wirelessly connected to the wireless internet of things which is also called the brain net by our brains and central nervous systems. Psychiatrists are unwittingly being used to censor all knowledge of this phenomenon because if we dare to complain we are immediately and wrongly deemed to be mentally unwell and we are then incarcerated inside psychiatric hospitals for a short time but long enough for us to lose our credibility. We are then forced to ingest poisonous substances which hinder our ability to communicate effectively because these poisons block access to parts of our own minds. This situation has come about because Sabbatean-Frankist Satanists are now in controlling positions at the top of the world hierarchical based chain of command.
I am wirelessly connected to a network of computers where hundreds of different operatives ask me questions and issue me voice commands by a live wireless bi-directional link. I have never met any of them and I don’t know who they are but their work appears to be compartmentalized to the extent that most of these operatives do not know what their colleagues do to me to the extent that while they monitor me via their remote neural monitoring capabilities they often draw wrong conclusions about me. This is mainly because they have admitted that they can not tell the difference between information which I generate with my own mind or information which has been wirelessly sent into my mind by their own colleagues who because of work compartmentalization are normally unknown to them. If some of their unknown colleagues download disturbing images into my mind, these individuals often have wrongly assumed that those disturbing pornographic type images were generated by my own mind. I am a woman of late middle age and I never watch pornography and I dislike it intensely and any pornographic images which manifests inside my mind have come by wireless means from unknown individuals who either send such an image directly to my mind or they have pre-programmed such an image to be generated by my mind every time I hear a trigger word. These unknown neuro operatives once send me a pornographic image of a religious icon in a sexual pose.
We must ban all brain to brain link capabilities because they are being used for torture. Because of the wireless internet-of-things capabilities I can now be placed on a type of virtual reality hold which I can not escape from where pain can be administered to me. Brain weapons are being used to enslave the human race. We must ban 5G and related paraphernalia urgently.
Occasionally I post online a small sample of what the unknown operatives say to me and about me to their colleagues so that if you should become wirelessly linked to the wireless internet of things in the future you will know what to expect. Here is some of what the voices of these unknown neuro operatives were heard by me to say recently :-
“She must be stopped from wearing trousers. She must wear skirts. It is the requirement.”
“They are going to do an analysis just when I am in the middle of my work. I cant stand it. Multi triangulations going on.”
“I want her locked away.”
“The scientists here believe that this woman Gretta Fahey doesn’t have anything to hide and that you have been inforcing this woman through extreme punishment.”
“How dare you speak to me like that. You are a subordinate and you will always remain so.” ( One neuro operative speaking to his own colleague.)
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number which I publish in order to prove my identity is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called

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“I used wireless remote means to switch her water distiller on and off while it was empty to the extent that it could have caused a house fire and now she gets her drinking water from another source which is outside our control”. “You should have left it alone. I am no longer getting the necessary procurements that come in tap water. Owing to the distillation process I was still getting a fair amount of the procurements necessary to carry out my work in bio-robotizing a human being. Now, however, it is not as easy to have this process carried out. The patterns are osculating without the necessary procurements.”
“There is a vast quantity of light coming in through the eyelids, distorting the images I am trying to sustain inside the brain of Gretta Fahey who is the occupant of the human body I am attempting to contain inside a fusion of energy.”
“There is nothing here that would allow me to claim dominance over this woman.”
“This information guidance system has not been allowed to prosper in Ireland. Why is this?”
“A housing licence is a licence which allows you to live where you are living. A housing licence is something which is due to be brought in over the next few years. If you are not granted a housing licence you will be asked to vacate whatever property you live in regardless of whether you own and control it or not.”
“She has been monitored inside her own home for many years. They get paid not in cash but in higher end merchandise.” (I then heard the following response from another neuro operative as follows) “The merchandise I get is not higher end. I collect it in Athlone in my own time after receiving the necessary paperwork which is sent to my home by currier.”
“We will demote her to a place of sanctuary inside her own body and we will use the body then.”
“Is it bio-robotization or auto-robotization?”
“We are attributing some things to Gretta that she didn’t say at all.”
“How dare you suspend my work without providing me with a reason. If you do that again I will inflict extreme pain on you”. (That was said because of the fact that I had just switched off my computer suddenly)
“There is an ongoing investigation into IBS policies. It is unoperational owing to the volume of information Gretta has put out about the procedure which is extremely cruel and which amounts to sixteen years of psychological torture.”
“A destruction mechanism is what we have in mind. We don’t want this woman Gretta to be in the world.”
“I am miterforming and it is not going well.”
“We haven’t been able to establish a platform in order to program Gretta into our way of thinking.”
“While we have wireless reach of somebody we can compromise them.”
“You will not get this out because I will block it.”
“It is not in our interest to leave her asleep because we lose money.”
“You haven’t eaten a banana in a while. Why don’t you eat a banana now.”
“Place her in a laughing frenzy”.
“We were there, eves dropping on the conversation through implants in the woman.” (this was spoken by one of the inner voices to one of their colleagues)
“The more despised this woman is the better I like it.”
“Nothing in her pocket only the basics.” ” She is not one of us so.” “Hasten her death then.”
“I am going writing you up as abusive to staff.”
“Spinal column should have been calcified by now.”
“Not alive yet (referring to my arms) and when they are alive we can create havoc.”
“Nothing requires us to wake her up at night. We just do it as part of our harassment protocol.”
“The main team reside in Britian and work out of a system of departmentalization. We almost never see the other main team members or clients or antagonists or controllers. The main team were trained for this work from infancy. They have no knowledge other than this.” (I presume that when they said the word “work” they meant the work of transhumanising a real live deeply unwilling and frightened human being).
“We can control the email of the subject. Her emails don’t have to get out if we dont wish them to get out.”
“Field a system that will generate evidence against her.”
“What will we do with her when she is ours?”
“We can’t have you sending out information like this.”
“Is there anyone in Dublin to put a stop to this woman’s nonsense.”
“Keep a civil tongue in your head.”
“I’m out. I am letting go of my investment in this woman.”
“We haven’t anything on her but I could make up something pretty quick.”
“What evidence have you against this individual.” “None whatsoever. She never committed a crime in her life.” You better manufacture some evidence then.”
“Recently we’ve had a lot of activity in this area and we’re very keen to get a system in place.”
“There is pressure on the side of her jaws at the moment. ” “Do we care.” “No”.
“She drinks.” “She doesn’t drink alcohol.” “I didn’t say she drinks alcohol.”
“I own you and everything about you.”
“Put a muzzle on her.”
“We wish to bring people who have irritable bowel syndrome under government control.”
“Ask Dunnes Stores to cease selling yellow and white garments as well as red and white garments because it is confusing my system of knowing the status of the human being which I see on my screen.”
“Open the bowel is not the case.” This was said while I was sitting on the toilet in the privacy of my own home where I was entirely alone and the outer doors were locked.
“Showing your arse to the men.” (I was alone in my yard and I bent down in order to free out a water channel that had become blocked.)
“We will take you down with that action, you stupid cunt.” ( I was alone in my yard and I held my hand behind my back in order to stop the perpetrators from place swirling energy around my nether regions which they often do because they wish to establish if I have any bladder or bowel problems which I am claiming disability allowance for.)
“My staff need to get readings of bowel anomalies so that we can verify that you have irritable bowel syndrome.”
“Put a marker on this system.”
“She shouldn’t be living alone for one thing. Should she?”
“Put an end to her life. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Well done. We have now got a system in place where we can now monitor her from inside for the rest of her life.”
“The bowel system is not what we are interested in. We are interested in bio-robotizing the woman.”
“This woman is going to cop it and I’ll make sure she does.” ” She has criticized the system to an extreme degree and she won’t get away with it.” “I have nothing on her” “Find something.”
“She is entitled to peace of mind, the same as everybody else. You’re the culprit, not her.”
“You’ll be placed under a hold if you don’t watch yourself, you stupid woman.”
“Gretta. We are not going to have a problem with you in the future because you are not going to be able to deal at all.”
“Is there any way we can deal that would ruin this woman.”
“Whose house is she in today. ” “Her own. She has the right of residence to live there until she does but she does not actually own it.”
“Gretta. We haven’t shut down the study. We just claim to do so when other people are listening in order to impress them.”
“You are living an unsustainable lifestyle” “We will force you to accept our help.” (This was said to me because I don’t work and I claim disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome.)
“Is someone attempting to sabotage these programs? This program failed. Are we having a problem? We are endeavouring to report a criminal offence.”
“No we are not. We can validate that this woman never has committed a crime in her life.”
“Incinerate the bitch.”
“We will maintain her in a controlled demeanour throughout.”

“We can move her body against her will. We could make her create havoc in a workplace. She would have no control over it.” (Forced muscle movement can easily be achieved by wireless means by the use of a frequency modulator against anyone who has been implanted in a certain way.)
“We gave classified ourselves as slave masters and we have classified Gretta Fahey as a slave because she has been deemed to have no legal rights.”
” We will hurt you very badly if you eat food that we don’t sanction.”
“We are no longer in the installation process. We are in the information process. You will be obedient to my command.”
“These individuals are not allowed personalities. They are only allowed prototypes.”
“While we have wireless reach of somebody we can compromise them.”
“I hate these modern conveniences. Break a few of them.” (That was said in response to a remark I made that I had switched on the dishwasher and the tumble dryer.)
“Tell her she is not allowed to use her computer at certain hours.”
“She doesn’t need online access because she is not working full time.”
“I am not a moderator. I am a slave master and she will do what she is told.”
“Rope her.”
“We can afford to lose her. She hasn’t done anything for us.”
“If you don’t co-operate with me I’ll make you blind and deaf.”
“Where are you off to?. I’ll hurt you if you don’t answer me.”
“Enforced muscle movement in order to hybridize into the system in order to bio-robotize the human being.”
“I don’t care if she is non-consensual. If I ask her a question she will answer it. Otherwise, she will experience extreme pain.”
“Are the cameras off?” “There are no cameras.” “She is too heavy to lift” “She will electrocute herself so we wont be able to recover her body.”
“What is she doing now?” “She is cleaning her own kitchen.” ” That is my kitchen now.” “No. It isn’t. It is still her own kitchen because we haven’t got a foot hold into the Republic of Ireland at all and it is still a sovereign state.”
“We are controlling your country from inside through wirelessly enslaving some of your people.”
“Where is the fulcrum?” “We haven’t done it yet.”
” You think we are here for your benefit. No. We are here to take down your country and rule it.”
“We can turn you into a mannequin by remote means.”
“You just now gave Gretta Fahey a tremor. This is where she is fed the information from this technology here and if you stand too close to the technology and then shout the recipient of the information will get a tremor.”
“A political stance is now needed.”
“We have most of this woman under our control. Prioritise what you want because we can deliver anything.”
“Section this woman.” “Under what grounds will I section her?” “Consider your options” ” She is all but bio-robotized. We will utilize her for some endeavour.” ” If she is sectioned she will not be utilized.”
“The readout has been imprinted.”
“Gretta doesn’t like you.” “We know nothing like that at all. We like to create division.”
“We are now going to systematically destroy the woman.”
(With regard to a product I ordered off Amazon the following was heard by me) “She is not working. She shouldn’t have those lamps. I am going to block that order.”
“We plan to trap Gretta Fahey inside the force field of her human body and permanently enslave her while she is still conscious.”

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Posted on October 19, 2019 by gretta  fahey
I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to the wireless internet of things which is also known as the brain net. Unknown neuro operatives speak to me via a two way live link to the hearing centre of my brain. Occasionally, I take a note of a small sample of what they say to me and I post it online later. Here is a small sample of what they have been saying to me and about me to their own colleagues recently.
“Be careful of us Gretta Fahey. You are stepping too close to our comfort zone and we are not happy.”
“Does she drink alcohol.” “No, she never drinks alcohol.” “Shut her up.” “She has no interest in alcohol.” “Why doesn’t she develop a taste for something because I’d like to see her inebriated.”
“We need the system administrators to give us the go ahead to stop doing what we do to the body of Gretta Fahey, namely bio-robotizing her in order to eventually gain total external control over her limbs, and all other muscles of her living human body.”
“They are allowing this woman Gretta Fahey to have bladder leakages by their work activities.”
“Why are you torturing this woman for sixteen years.” “There is good money in it.”
“She is not washing herself well enough.” (I take a daily shower and I wash all of my clothes every day.)
“We need to have a system of digital analysis in Gretta’s bicycle.” “It would be illegal to place a digital system in Gretta’s bicycle without first asking her permission. Since we can not ask her permission because she would deny us permission we can not then have a digital analysis system placed on her bicycle and we therefore can not analyse her bodily and brain systems while she is riding her bicycle to town and back.” “It bodes badly against us if people start disposing of their digital analysis systems namely their smart engineered devices in order to break free of this digital enslavement system that we are currently setting up worldwide and especially inside the bodies and brains of a selection of human beings now considered smart individuals because they are now wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of thing.” (That neuro operative then explained to me after I asked several questions that while I am riding my bicycle or while I am out and about without having any digital device within five feet of me then no data can be collected from my brain or body during that time. When I return home and sit in front of my computer which is a digital analysis system, data can then begin to be collected from my brain and body again but data which was generated by my brain and body while I was away from all digital analysis systems can never be regained.)
One of the neuro staff what heard by me to say the following to one of their colleagues “You can do what you like as long as you deliver the goods at the end of the day.” The other colleague was heard by me to then ask the following question “What are the goods.?” The answer that was heard by me was as follows “Societal Justice”. I myself wish to respond as follows “I have always obeyed all man made laws and there is extreme injustice in society but it does not come from me. It comes down from the top of a worldwide false hierarchical chain of command in the form of deliberately engineered evil policies. By now, all of our societal institutions have been infiltrated in ways that cause as many problems as possible to manifest in order that they can then make more and more laws so that we are eventually enslaved by them. If problems happen in society it is generally because of deliberate bad policies being made manifest in society. My question is as follows : why would torturing me psychologically for sixteen and a half years be a way of delivering “societal justice” to the world? Why don’t the wireless torturers turn their attention to those at the top of the false hierarchical based chain of command because that is where all the problems of the world stem from? Perhaps because my psychological torturers are cowards and will only pick on a single woman living alone in the West of Ireland rather than two thousand Satanists who sit at the top of the worldwide false hierarchical based chain of command and who own banks, corporations and up to forty six percent of the wealth of the whole world. Bullies always attempt to pick on someone less powerful than themselves and run from the powerful.
I sometimes hear the voice to skull inner voices say the following about me “No one knows her”. I don’t know what they mean by this because whenever I write a letter to a politician or the media or anyone else I put my name, address, location code, website name, landline home phone number and email address on it. What else could they wish to know about me. I have a high profile in the sense that I sent out a lot of letters to government officials, university staff and the main stream media as well as the alternative media as well as pushing letters through letterboxes of the homes of my local towns. I have placed a lot of information about myself on my website.
I once heard the voice of an unknown neuro operative coming from inside my head non-consensually while he said the following “I don’t want these images coming up on my screen.” I wish to explain here what I think he meant by that as follows –
If a scientific experiment is being conducted and the experimentation subject is wearing a cap over their brain which has electrodes on it while looking at a picture of an orange the evoked potentials which are generated on the computer screen of the scientist are automatically translated into information which lets him know that the subject is looking at a picture of an orange. If the subject simply conjures up a mental image of an orange with their imagination and no picture of an orange is present the scientist will then be allowed to know that no picture of an orange is present and the subject is simply conjuring up an image of an orange with their imagination. However, it is possible that their is a second scientist in another room looking at the same evoked potentials but that second scientist is not allowed to know whether the image of an orange which is presented on his screen is conjured up by the imagination of the subject or whether the subject is actually looking at a picture of an orange.
I am a non-consensual subject of such research but instead of wearing a cap containing electrodes on my head, neural dust containing something similar to electrodes is inside my head, close to my scalp. When I look at an image of something in my own home, an unknown scientist can know what I am looking at by having the evoked potentials my brain generates automatically translated into what I am looking at. If I imagine something inside my head the same unknown scientists can know that I have simply imagined something but that thing which I have imagined is not in my home and I have not physically seen it.
Some of what I see in my everyday life is disgusting and when it is also seen on the screens of the unknown criminal neuro staff who monitor everything I see or do they also find it disgusting. That is why I have been asked by those unknown criminal neuro staff not to look into my own toilet bowl anymore, whenever I use the toilet.
If an images is generated by a non-consensual subject of remote neural monitoring, is it always possibly for the remote neural monitoring staff to be able to accurately decipher whether that image is one which is real and is in the subjects environment, or whether it is a distant memory of the subject, or whether it is being conjured up by the subjects imagination or whether it is deliberately being inserted by neuro imaging staff who are unknown to the remote neural monitoring staff and who work from a different location to the remote neural monitoring staff? Have neuro imaging staff ever inserted external images into the brain of a human subject in order that remote neural monitoring staff would then wrongly believe that the subject had prior knowledge of a deed that the aforementioned subject had no prior knowledge of whatsoever.?

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