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Todays date is 2nd July, 2020.
I heard the voice to skull voices coming from inside my own head say the following in the past twenty four hours as follows:-
"This is the Fahey woman. Her whole body is saturated with some substance which allows us to align her with our computer program for permanent control."

My name is Gretta Fahey.  I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.  I am not being believed by the Gardaí or other Irish government staff when I officially inform them that I am being wirelessly electronically harassed and I am experiencing a large variety of other experiences which are being caused by remote controlled weapons.

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Technology which has been illegally implanted inside my head is being used to transmit messages to me by criminals who wirelessly manage some parts of my life from an unknown remote location . I am considered to be someone who is under wireless cybernetic control. I am unprotected and defenceless against it. Cybernetics is a science which has been in development since at least the 1940s and the word cybernetics means the fusion of man and machine. Those who label victims of cybernetic warfare as mentally unwell is a crime against humanity because when you do so you are helping to cover up a method that might be used in future to enslave your own children. Those who continue to wrongly label victims of cybernetic warfare is mentally unwell will some day in the near future receive long prison sentences. Beware of that.
The information transmissions of the criminals generate pain and forced muscle movement in various parts of my body and they also contain messages which are threatening, demeaning, nagging and very very frightening. Here are some of the messages which have recently been transmitted by wireless means to the technology which is embedded inside my head some of which are the voices of the criminals speaking among each other about me and some of which are the voices of the criminal speaking directly to me as follows:-
"If she doesnt believe in an organised religion she will feel incredible amounts of pain."
" Does she put out for men?. "No."
"If we took the system down we would have no money so we are continuing to do it for money."
"Why do we take on individuals with clear consciences. They are very difficult to manipulate."
"I understand I have free reign to take control of her money." "That is not the case yet."
Back in the late 1940, American scientists who were being sponsored by the Josiah Masy Jnr Foundation drew up a list of similaraties between the behaviours of sentient beings and the behaviour of machines which let them to believe that the human nervous system is really just an automaton which is subject to linear mathematical modelling.
Because of the science of cybernetics our central nervous systems can now be modelled mathematically, can be ordered and can be wirelessly remote controlled similar to a machine to act in ways which are against our wills thereby turning a selection of us into human cyborgs which is also known as bio-robots.
Also because of the science of cybernetics our brain can now be modelled mathematically and it can be ordered and it can be wirelessly programmed similar to a computer.
Many men, women and children throughout the world are now being wirelessly fused with machines and we are all being left unprotected and defenseless against all torture which we receive wirelessly be this method. Many have already committed suicide. We all appeal to governments to supply us with non-linear junction detectors or other technology which would enable us to prove that this is occurring but members of governments are often themselves unknowingly under wireless mind control and so far our pleas have been resisted on the false belief that anyone who states they are being sent voice commands and other digital signals into their brain or body is mentally unwill.
Central nervous system control of a human being is described in scientific detail in United States Patent Number US6965816.

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SATANISTS OWN AND CONTROL MOST OF THE WORLDS RESOURCES.Satanists have been ruling this world from behind the scenes for generations through covertly manipulating government institutions and organised religions. Recently, because of advances in technology said Satanists now have the ability to wirelessly enslave each and every one of us and already many of us have become wirelessly connected to their control system from implants which have been placed inside us through vaccinations and by other means.The aforementioned Satanists own and control the pharmaceutical industry, main stream medical training schools, police and military training schools, psychiatric training colleges, maratime admiralty law training colleges, social worker training colleges and most if not all other collages where government staff are initially being trained and credentialled.The aforementioned Satanists have created and now control organised religions. The character of Jesus Christ is a psychological operation which leads followers of the fictional Jesus Christ into falsely believing that they do not have to do anything about challenging and disempowering the Satanists. They are falsely led to believe that the saviour Jesus Christ or some other saviour such as a hoaxed extra-terresterial saviour will save them while they themselves remain passively helpless. Through this psychological operation they give themselves permission to do nothing while we and all future generations of human beings on this earth become enslaved forever to Satanists.Catholic priests are falsely being led to believe that their work is moral. However, they lock babies into their religion without the babies being allowed to wait until adult hood where they would then decide for themselves whether they wish to join the Catholic church or not. The priests deny these children the right to the logical thinking process because when one belongs to any organised religion one must never indulge in logical thinking and instead must employ faith. Faith based systems simply mean that you believe something for no other reason than you are told to believe it without any scientific backing whatsoever. The only individuals who benefit from the existence of organised religions in this world are satanists who control them. Moral law is sufficient unto itself to keep us all in line.Government staff are being trained and programmed to be human rights abusers so as to slowly enslave their fellow country men and women and in so doing thereby eventually enslaving themselves.Satanists have centralized us all under their control and they are now governing us by wireless remote means and by many other means. The only solution for the rest of the men and women of the world now is to decentralize all systems. However, that alone will not work for us unless we create a fire wall for our brains and central nervous systems which is the most urgently needed device that this world needs now.RESUBMISSION OF WHAT I POSTED ONLINE YESTERDAY CONCERNING DE-CENTRALIZATION OF CONTROL IN THIS WORLD.THE FOUR PILLARS OF A DECENTRALIZED SOCIETY BY Johann Gevers plus my own urgent questions.For millions of years we lived in small communities of between thirty and seventy people. With the advent of new agricultural practices society became more centralized. Top down centralized control and command of hundreds of thousands of people continued on for ten thousand years and it led to great abuse of people within those centralized societies.However, we now have the means to return to living and working in a decentralized society where we can live freely and peacefully without interference from third parties.There are four pillars of the new decentralized society.1. Decentralized Communication allows us to communicate ideas to each other without censorship and free from the interference of the centralized state and church. Decentralized communication is being achieved via the internet and cryptography, for example bit torrent. However, the presenter Johann Gevers has not heard that our thoughts are now being read by thought reading technology by wireless means and from an unknown remote location. It is now urgently necessary that cryptography be developed so that your thoughts can not be read by unknown others.2. Decentralized Law.Choice of law whether it be English law, French law or a law that one devises themselves and agrees to use.Choice of adjudicator.Choice of enforcer. (This legal system was used in pre-history.)Todays world is suffering from so many laws that it is impossible to get much done.3. Decentralized Production.Decentralized materials production for example first download a design from the internet and then print it out using a 3D printer without censorship and one can use your own privately owned decentralized energy such as solar powered energy to produce it. You can achieve all of this without any third party interference whatsoever.4. Decentralized Finance.Decentralized currency such as bitcoin which can not be censored. It can not be controlled by any government. A digital finance industry has emerged and it is building an ecosystem around bitcoin that will develop digital finance products and services.Decentralized contracting systems offer a complete universal transaction platform where one can complete financial or legal transactions on one single platform simply and easily. Decentralized currency combined with decentralized contracting gives power to ordinary people. A small number of people have pulled the levers of power but that will no longer be the case.The Technology of Trust.It is decentralized. There is no need to involve third parties. It is highly secure and private. It would enable instant worldwide payments and trade and it is easy to use and virtually free.If one lives in a remote area and they have a business idea within minutes they can incorporate a legal entity and be connected to a worldwide transaction platform which then allows the to safely and securely do business with anyone in the world. The presenter Johann Givens claims that the integrity of the transactions is guaranteed by the technology so that the poorest of people can generate their own wealth while working alone. All coercive monopolists must then become competing service providers.How can all of the above worldwide decentralization systems work at all in light of the fact that our thoughts can and are being read and in some cases interfered with by wireless remote means by criminals who work indirectly for black budget military intelligence throughout most if not all of the world. Is there any way that we can create a firewall for our brains and central nervous systems? Has such firewalls already been created? How can the ordinary men and women of the world access them?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oeiOeDq_NcHere is the link to the aforementioned presentation by Johann Gevers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oeiOeDq_Nc
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"Today, the ability to remotely transmit microwave voices inside a targets head is known inside the Pentagon as 'Synthetic Telepathy.' According to Dr Robert Becker synthetic telepathy has applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin. In the 1970s, the University of Maryland invented a thought reading machine. The machine allegedly uses microwaves to deliver spoken massages directly to the human brain as well as using radio waves to hypnotize people or change their thoughts. Neuro-effective signals can now cause many other nerve groups to become remotely actuated."
The above is a quote from "SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY AND THE EARLY MIND WARS" by Richard Alan Miller.

Secrecy allows evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish and that is the reason why I am revealing that the Republic of Ireland where I was born and where I have lived all of my life and where I hope to live until I die has in essence become a slave colony for some of its own men and women, including myself.
The passage of time has allowed advances in technology, most of which are still classified. Even though they are classified many of them are being used outside of government knowledge against a selection of Irish individuals. I and other Irish individuals have been implanted with technology which wirelessly links us to computerized control and enslavement systems. We have not found a way to prove that we are partial wirelessly controlled slaves but the Irish government could easily provide absolute proof that we are wirelessly controlled slaves if they had the will to do so. The Irish people must act on their own without government interference and they must do what ever is needed to prove without a shadow of a doubt that some Irish citizens have become wirelessly remote controlled slaves . We have asked the Irish government for help already but nothing was done to help us in this regard.
I personally believe that the reason some Irish politicians are hesitant in providing us the Irish people with technology which would allow us to prove that we have become wirelessly controlled slaves is because in doing so they would also be proving that judges and juries can now be wirelessly controlled, which would then cause the law courts to collapse over night. Further to that, no law court decision which has been made in the past several decades could be considered viable.
Here below I outline some of my experiences of being a wirelessly controlled slave as follows:
Voices are being transmitted by wireless means into what I believe is technology implanted or embedded in my inner ear on a continual basis. The voices appear to be of real men and women who appear to be able to monitor me on a virtual basis through monitoring a virtual image of my on their own computer screens or by some other means due to the fact that I have technology implanted or embedded throughout my person.
The unknown groups who transmit their voices into my head occasionally tell me what I should eat, what I sould be allowed to purchase and what I should think about . They have in the past cancelled orders for goods which I have placed online because they did not wish me to have them. They sometimes physically hurt me by wireless remote means. They sometimes force a selection of my muscles to move against my will by wirelessly enabled external control of my central nervous system, a capability which is described in United States Scientific Patent Number US6965816. When I am brain to brain interfaced with these unknown neuro staff which appears to be most if not all of the time they can then force a selection of my muscles to move against my will and without my permission.

One can now use technology to tune in all types of special effects to the human brain provided the human concerned has inhaled and ingested nano technology which eventually comes embedded in that brain as is described in United States scientific patent number US6965816. You can now have distrubing pictures as well as moving images forced into the mental imaging centre of your brain at a moments notice. Because these mental images are not generated in the same way as you generate your own mental images you will know that they are not being generated by your own mind and that they are being artificially transmitted into your mind by wireless remote means.
I do not know who my slave masters are. I have the contact details of more than a dozen other individuals who live in the Republic of Ireland and who are experiencing the same or similar experiences of being under wireless external control as I am. What we are experiencing is known as being Remote Neural Monitored as well as being Remote Neural Manipulated. Professor James Geordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, United States is one of the official spokesmen for the United States government on the subject of Weaponizing Brain Science. He validates the existence of the aforementioned capabilities in nearly all of his online presentations. Here is a link to his latest online presentation which is called Weaponizing Brain Science.

Professor Geordano informs us while speaking on this video that drones and other aerial vehicles can be used to deliver pay loads of neurological viruses, neurological microbes as well as neurological toxins to targeted individuals or targeted groups. He also informs us that nano technology can be used to provide scaffolds that then allow the auto assembly of molecules inside a biological system. When Professor Giordiano refers to a biological system it is understood that he means a human being or any other sentient being.
If fifth generation wireless technology becomes fully activated in the Republic of Ireland then the bandwidth will be available to criminal neuro scientists and their assistants to wirelessly enslave every man, woman and child in Ireland and this can all be achieved from an unknown remote location.
With regard to a different matter which is am including in this letter because I wish to warn the Irish people about the possibility of it occurring here , it is being claimed in the below linked video that psychological operations are currently being used by unknown individuals in order to create situations where the general public begin to lose trust in their own state police forces because some of the super rich wish to privatize the police forces of the world under their own personal control. It is also being claimed that they wish to privatize all prisons under their own private control. SERCO is a United States company which is believed to control the healthcare system in the United States. SERCO is also believed to own and control privately run prisons throughout the world. It is being claimed in the same video which I have linked here below that the World Economic Forum kill innovations before they can get off the ground. The below linked video has been placed online by the United States online journalist of note Ramola Dharmaraj and she is interviewing a whistleblower called Thomas of Alpha Omega Energy who is described as an energy entrepreneur.
If you decide to deny that wirelessly enabled remote controlled torture technology exists and is in use and that electronic mind control programming technology exists and is in use and that voice to skull remote transmissions of external voices being placed inside the heads of random individuals exists and is now in frequent use then you are committing an act of extreme evil against your fellow country men and women as well as against all future generations of this world. You have no right to deny that these capabilities exist and if you decide to acknowledge all of their existence to the police then you will be finally exposing the truth to the world. We can regain harmony and peace of mind in this world as soon as we realign with the truth.

My name is Gretta Fahey and I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.

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            Posted by: FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA                      

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Voice of God weapons are in widespread use through out the Republic of Ireland but the general public are not being officially informed that they are in use.    According to the scientist called Dr Robert Duncan who specializes in weapons development and who has written and published two books on the subject called "How to Tame a Demon" and "Project Soul Catcher" there are four different methods of inducing voices inside the head of a human being and they are collectively known as voice of God weapons.    The aforementioned weapons have been used to transmit voices inside my head on an ongoing basis for more than seventeen years entirely against my will and without my permission and I have been psychologically tortured by those who use them against me.  Today, Thursday 16th July 2020 at ten minutes past five pm, Grenwich Mean Time which is Irish time,  I heard a voice coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission.  The individual who transmitted that voice inside my head identified himself as a Garda ( a police officer is known as a Garda in the Republic of Ireland where I live).   I then asked him why he was impersonating a Garda and he informed me that he was not impersonating one and that he actually was one.   I asked him who ordered him to transmit his voice directly inside my head against my will and without my permission and he answered that nobody did.  He did it himself of his own accord.  

Because I have enclosed herewith the precise time and date as well as the time zone that I heard this particular voice it is possible for the neuro staff to identify this man and to ascertain if indeed he is a Garda or is he merely impersonating one.    Nobody alive  has the right to transmit their voice inside the head of another individual against their will and without their permission and nobody has the right to order another to do it either.   Why doesn't the Irish government release information to the Irish public about the widespread existence as well as widespread abuse of all four methods of transmitting voices inside the heads of unwilling members of the public.

Those who are being targeted by any of the known four methods of so called voice of God weapons have given up attempting to inform the police or psychiatry about their extreme torture because whenever they attempt to do so they are being illegally detailed inside psychiatric hospitals by both police and psychiatric staff who are presumably under mass mind control programming.  They are also being illegally forced to ingest anti-psychotic medications under the false presumption of being mentally unwell.  Both the worlds police and psychiatrists are under such severe mind control  programming at this point in time that they are aiding and abetting in the worldwide enslavement process that is currently underway.


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The United Nations was founded in 1945 and it is owned, controlled and run by Dark Luciferians and Satanists which are sometimes known as the illuminati or as dark occultists. They have been manipulating world events for approximately twh hundred thousand years and it was them who originally set up the paradigm of state controlled governments and organised religions throughout the world thousands of years ago, which we all now live under. The same dark luciferians and satanists own, control and run The World Bank, The International Monitory Fund, Unicef, The World Health Organisation, NATO, UNHCR, the International Criminal Court and the European Parliament. They also own and control the CIA and the BND which is the German foreign secret intelligence agency. The United Nations now wish to privatize police forces throughout the world as well as the worlds military and prisons throughout the world under their own private ownership and control.

The United Nations human rights council shields human rights abusers. According to United States President Donald Trump the United Nations is the biggest threat we face. He also stated the following to the American people "We will never surrender American sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable global bureaucracy.

In spite of what you will be told, we do not own our own central bank in the Republic of Ireland. It is owned and controlled by private individuals who are known to be dark occultists. The aforementioned dark occultists own and control the pharmaceutical industry. Many medicines are now being blended with slow acting poisons in order to make us chronically ill and dumbed down because the dark occultists would not be able to enslave a vibrantly healthy and intelligent human race. The dark occultists own and run many medical training centres and they have been deliberately misleading medical students as well as suppressing information about easy cures for illnesses for that same reason.
Through their ownership and control of organised religions the dark occultists push the false notion that an external saviour will come and save us so that we will do nothing ourselves in order to save ourselves. Organised religions generate money, power, status and control for the dark Luciferians and Satanists who set most of them up many thousands of years ago.
The dark occultists are attempting to set up a one world media coverage system but they have failed in their bid to do so because the world population have been exposing their activities online for the past few decades. However, they now own and control at least ninety five percent of the main stream media which no longer reports the type of new which offers us information about our safety and security from impending worldwide enslavement.
United States Patent Number 4877027B Microwave Hearing Via Broadcast. Date of Patent 31st October, 1989. Inventor Wayne B Brunken.D

This invention relates to a hearing system for human beings in which high frequency electromagnetic energy is projected through the air to the head of a human being and the electromagnetic energy is modulated to create signals that can be discerned by the human being regardless of the hearing ability of the person. Speech, feelings, emotions and other information can be broadcast into us.
All consciousness is due to electromagnetic patterns generated within our brain. Scientists imitate what the brain normally does and then apply it to the brains of non-consenting human beings by external means. Any artificial state can be artificially injected into the brain of any human being. The means for doing this already exists and it is fully operational on a worldwide basis.
Capitulation can be induced by using signals which are piggybacked and broadcast on radio, television and microwave communication to influence through suggestion, holograms, voice to skull and silent sound technology in order to manipulate the feelings and thoughts of the targeted population. Behaviour modification has been directed against the people of the world. They should be angry and outraged because they are being enslaved but instead they have become passive and apathetic. The enslavement method is outlined herebelow.

Professor James Giordano, official spokesman for the American military has recently released a new youtube presentation which is called Weaponizing Brain Science. I have interpreted his message to mean the following based on my own unique experiences of being illegally enslaved by this method as follows :-

The military and government are joining together to harness your neurological system so as to gain control over your thoughts, emotions and behaviour. There is no international oversight.
Nano technology is being sprayed from aerial vehicles and other sources which allows penetration into your body. Once the nano particulates enter your body they swarm together and they auto assemble which can cause blockage, take over of your body, immobilization of your body or which can be made to force your body to move against your will or which can be made to cause your death.
The more big data that is collected about you by for example from your smart phone, your computer or Siri or by a myriad of other means the more extensively your brain will be mapped for permanent take over by a combination of otherwise compromised neuro staff in combination with artificial intelligence which I believe is simply pre-programmed algorythms. The control and enslavement system will use this means to bring all people whose personal date they have collected into submission and under domination.
The more big data that is collected about you the more policy makers and/or the slave masters will be able to make decisions about you because they will then know your strengths and weaknesses and will be able to use pre-programmed algorythms to exploit your weaknesses. If the aforementioned policy makers and/or slave masters have a sample of your blood or a copy of your genetic readout or your genome they can use pre-programmed algorythms to create precision pathology which would effect you specificially in order to create destruction of your health and well being.
Others who have access to your personal data can corrupt your data by inserting or removing information about you in order to effect change in the way you are regarded medically, publicly, politically, legally and economically.
You will be physically yoked to this computerized control system for the rest of your life if we fail to disassemble and ban the wireless enabling capabilities which allow this to go ahead. Others in your social chain can be programmed to cease contact with you.

Who has decided that there is a Covid 19 pandemic without ever isolating a covid-19 virus.
Who has decided that we must stay inside our homes.
Who has decided that we must wear masks.
Who has decided that we must open up our private homes so that government staff can come and inspect them.
Who has decided that we can not use our own publicly owned roads to travel when and where we wish.
Human beings have lived on this planet for at least five hundred million years and nobody ever attempted to stop us from using roads and travelling at will before.
Who are you and what gives you the right to tell the whole world what they can and can not do. Why do you suppose you have any right to claim superiority over your own equal fellow men and women.
HIDDEN ELECTRONIC WARFARE IS BEING WAGED IN SECRET AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THE REPUBLIC OF IRELAND. Powerful neuro weapons are being deployed against us now. Neuro weapons are now capable of gaining wireless external control of our brains and central nervous systems in order to wirelessly externally control each of our lives individually and this can all be achieved by unknown individuals while they work from unknown remote locations and it can also be partially achieved by artificial intelligence. There is absolutely no national oversight in the Republic of Ireland that we know of.

"Today, the ability to remotely transmit microwave voices inside a targets head is known inside the Pentagon as 'Synthetic Telepathy.' According to Dr Robert Becker synthetic telepathy has applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with voices or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin. In the 1970s, the University of Maryland invented a thought reading machine. The machine allegedly uses microwaves to deliver spoken massages directly to the human brain as well as using radio waves to hypnotize people or change their thoughts. Neuro-effective signals can now cause many other nerve groups to become remotely actuated."
The above is a quote from "SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY AND THE EARLY MIND WARS" by Richard Alan Miller.

Secrecy allows evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish and that is the reason why I am revealing that the Republic of Ireland where I was born and where I have lived all of my life and where I hope to live until I die has in essence become a slave colony for some of its own men and women, including myself.
The passage of time has allowed advances in technology, most of which are still classified. Even though they are classified many of them are being used outside of government knowledge against a selection of Irish individuals. I and other Irish individuals have been implanted with technology which wirelessly links us to computerized control and enslavement systems. We have not found a way to prove that we are partial wirelessly controlled slaves but the Irish government could easily provide absolute proof that we are wirelessly controlled slaves if they had the will to do so. The Irish people must act on their own without government interference and they must do what ever is needed to prove without a shadow of a doubt that some Irish citizens have become wirelessly remote controlled slaves . We have asked the Irish government for help already but nothing was done to help us in this regard.
I personally believe that the reason some Irish politicians are hesitant in providing us the Irish people with technology which would allow us to prove that we have become wirelessly controlled slaves is because in doing so they would also be proving that judges and juries can now be wirelessly controlled, which would then cause the current law court system to collapse over night. Further to that, no law court decision which has been made in the past several decades could or would be considered viable.
Here below I outline some of my experiences of being a wirelessly controlled slave as follows:
Voices are being transmitted by wireless means into what I believe is technology implanted or embedded in my inner ear on a continual basis. The voices appear to be of real men and women who appear to be able to monitor me on a virtual basis through monitoring a virtual image of me on their own computer screens or by some other means due to the fact that I believe that there is now technology implanted or embedded throughout my person.
The unknown groups who transmit their voices into my head occasionally tell me what I should eat, what I should be allowed to purchase and what I should think about . They have in the past cancelled orders for goods which I have placed online because they did not wish me to have them. They sometimes physically hurt me by wireless remote means. They often wake me up during the night by wireless remote means. They sometimes force a selection of my muscles to move against my will by wirelessly enabled external control of my central nervous system, a capability which is described in United States Scientific Patent Number US6965816. When I am brain to brain interfaced with these unknown neuro staff which appears to be most if not all of the time they can then force a selection of my muscles to move against my will and without my permission.
If I had smart engineered technology in my home they would then be able to both monitor and control my usage of each smart device by wireless external means and they have informed me that I would only be allowed to have a two minute daily shower and that the temperature of the shower water would be at their discretion. They have also informed me that they would control the usage of my heating system by wireless external control in the future if or when smart engineered technology which can be externally controlled is ever installed in my home. This external wireless control of all aspects of our lives is meant for all of us. The individuals who are attempting to enslave us by wireless means while they work from an unknown remote location are believed to be some if not all of the super-rich who themselves may also be under external wireless control in a similar manner.
One can now use technology to tune in all types of special effects to the human brain provided the human concerned has inhaled and ingested nano technology which eventually comes embedded in that brain as is described in United States scientific patent number US6965816. You can now have distrubing pictures as well as moving images forced into the mental imaging centre of your brain at a moments notice. Because these mental images are not generated in the same way as you generate your own mental images you will know that they are not being generated by your own mind and that they are being artificially transmitted into your mind by wireless remote means.
I do not know who my slave masters are. I have the contact details of more than a dozen other individuals who live in the Republic of Ireland and who are experiencing the same or similar experiences of being under wireless external control as I am. What we are experiencing is known as being Remote Neural Monitored as well as being Remote Neural Manipulated. Professor James Geordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, United States is one of the official spokesmen for the United States government on the subject of Weaponizing Brain Science. He validates the existence of the aforementioned capabilities in nearly all of his online presentations. Here is a link to his latest online presentation which is called Weaponizing Brain Science.
Professor Geordano informs us while speaking on this video that drones and other aerial vehicles can be used to deliver pay loads of neurological viruses, neurological microbes as well as neurological toxins to targeted individuals or targeted groups. He also informs us that nano technology can be used to provide scaffolds that then allow the auto assembly of molecules inside a biological system. When Professor Giordiano refers to a biological system it is understood that he means a human being or any other sentient being.
If fifth generation wireless technology becomes fully activated in the Republic of Ireland then the bandwidth will be available to criminal neuro scientists and their assistants to wirelessly enslave every man, woman and child in Ireland and this can all be achieved from an unknown remote location.
If you decide to deny that wirelessly enabled remote controlled torture technology exists and is in use and that electronic mind control programming technology exists and is in use and that voice to skull remote transmissions of external voices being placed inside the heads of random individuals exists and is now in frequent use then you are committing an act of extreme evil against your fellow country men and women as well as against all future generations of this world. You have no right to deny that these capabilities exist and if you decide to acknowledge all of their existence to the police then you will be finally exposing the truth to the world. We can regain harmony and peace of mind in this world as soon as we realign with the truth.
I and all of the other targeted individual partially wirelessly externally controlled slaves throughout the Republic of Ireland have attempted to report the matter to the Gardai, to our general practitioners and to psychiatrists but because the aforementioned Gardai, general practitioners and psychiatrists are under permanent electronic mind control programming we have not been believed and instead we are being wrongly presumed to be mentally unwell. If this situation persists you will all soon be wirelessly enslaved in a similar manner to how we are enslaved now.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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Dr Robert Duncan is a scientists and has worked in the development of psychotronic weapons for many years. Further to that he has written two books about the current capabilities of psychotronic weapons which are called "Project Soul Catcher" and "How to Tame a Demon. Dr. Robert Duncan has worked for government agencies like CIA, DARPA, Department of Defense (DoD) on a technology which is called Voice of God (VoG). Voice of God means that the military and intelligence services can put voices into an individuals head and then control these individuals. The individuals that are being targeted are known as Targeted Individuals (TI’s).
I am such a targeted individual and I hear constant voices coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission. Here is an example of some of what I heard coming from inside my head in the past few days as follows:-
"Central Fugal systems are in evidence here. This is not excellent. Anyone can tell that we have been inisde this womans body and brain."
"Doctor her."
"Why are you eating that now."
"Every limb in her body will be broken." "Why did you say that" "Because she has been rejected and we can't make any money out of her."
"Thats a live one." "You are playing it rough with this lady." "Thats Gretta Fahey. She is live. She is electrified."
"Her body will be pulled out of a river some day."
"We will have to get money into this lady."
"Can we bio-robotize a corpse. " "Yes."
"What annual percentage of her income does she spend on charity."
"What the f is she eating bacon for this hour of the night."
"Is there a man in her life." "No." " She will get more than she bargained for."
"How about you lose some weight."
"The view from the scene of the crime."
"Initiate a bowel and bladder problem right now." (They wish to place restrictions on anyone who is claiming disability allowance for Irritable Bowel Syndrome which I am claiming and I have been claiming for many years.)
We all have smart dust inside us which allows military and private contractors to conduct medical experiments on us and it also allows them to speak to us, to hurt us and to enslave, torture and genocide us from unknown remote locations without us ever knowing who they are. However, there is an easy solution. In order to clear the smart dust from your brain and body so that you can then no longer be tortured by remote means you aught to drink ozonated water because ozone is the greatest detoxifying agent known to man. It deactivates every known negative compound that exists in the world. You will find one hundred reasons to use ozone at the following website www.in5d.com. I am currently drinking several glasses of ozonated water daily and I hope that in this way I will be able to deactivate the smart dust inside my brain and body and thereby stop the wireless torture which I endure constantly.

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I am neurally linked by wireless means to a computerized control network against my will and without my consent and this computerized control network is run by men and women who have feelings of inadequacy about themselves to the extent that they feel they must wirelessly torture their fellow men and women in order to build up their egos. If they felt adequate and confident they would live their own lives independently and autonomously without feeling the need to wirelessly control, enslave and torture their own equals.
The men and women which I am neurally linked to have the ability to control the sensations which I feel on my skin using haptic technology which is also known as haptic feedback.
The wikepedia definition of haptic technology is as follows:-
Haptic technology, also known as kinaesthetic communication or 3D touch, refers to any technology that can create an experience of touch by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user. These technologies can be used to create virtual objects in a computer simulation, to control virtual objects, and to enhance remote control of machines and devices.
Haptic feedback is the use of touch to communicate with users. Most people are familiar with the vibration in a mobile phone or the rumble in a game controller – but haptic feedback is much more than that. Robert Blenkinsopp, VP Engineering at Ultraleap, explains why.
Human beings have five senses, but electronic devices communicate with us using predominantly just two: sight and hearing.
Haptic feedback (often shortened to just haptics) changes this by simulating the sense of touch. Not only can you touch a computer or other device, but the computer can touch you back.
Because I am neurally linked to a computerized control network without my consent, now often when I sit on my own toilet while I am alone in the privacy of my own home, the team of staff who run the computerized control network which I am neurally linked to force me to feel a hand being placed on my genitals while I am attempting to urinate. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. Please do not allow yourself or your children to ever become neurally linked by wireless means to a computerized control and torture system which as I am neurally linked to without my consent and against my will because it is hell on earth . My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland (dot) net. The police do not believe those who inform them that they have become non-consensually neurally linked to a computerized control network because our ongoing inslavement and torture is invisible and also because most police forces throughout the world are being subjected to electronic mind control. There are already millions of us connected to a computerized control network throughout the world and nothing is being done to stop you from being connected to it in the future.

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Satanists and dark Luciferians are promoting their own people to positions of power within both church and state organisations throughout the world in order to further their own agenda which is worldwide enslavement and genocide. It has now been adequately proven that the covid-19 pandemic was hoaxed by the use of pseudoscience and by mis-attributing other deaths to covid-19. The Satanists and dark Luciferians have been using mass electronic mind control programming to make the world population believe in that hoax and in a myriad of other hoaxes before that one.

The aforementioned Satanists as well as dark Luciferians are installing large towers in public areas throughout the world most of which are there to produce behavioural alternations in the civilian population via mass mind control. Most if not all windmills throughout the world have a dual purpose. They have not just been installed to produce wind energy. They can also be used to broadcast transmissions which both entrain the brains of people for miles around them and which also enable subconscious hypnosis of any and all of the surrounding population.

At this point in time Acoustic Psycho Correction technology exists which transmits audible messages into the human head via bone conduction which means that ear plugs will not restrict the messages. Acoustic Psycho Correction devices are now manufactured as hand held devices in some instances and can be used to mentally torture and torment any non-consenting individual or selection of non-consenting individuals by others who have access to such devices. The victims of the aforementioned audible message transmissions are then wrongly labelled as being mentally ill if they dare to complain of hearing voices coming from inside their heads. The reason that they are labelled as being mentally ill without further investigation as to the origin and contents of the aforementioned audible messages is because the police and psychiatrists are now under heavy mind control programming themselves and they resist all information which does not come to them from official sources. Sadly, official sources can no longer be trusted.

As we can not easily disassemble and ban all large towers which are being used to house technology which is itself then being used to manipulate our brains and bodies from remote locations we must instead develop firewalls for our homes which would block digital transmissions from coming into our homes and into our brains and central nervous systems. Is any work being done now anywhere throughout the world to develop such firewalls? Have they already been developed and if so are they affordable and when can where can they be purchased by members of the public?
My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.
I obtained the technological information inside the above post from the following online link

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Is there are reason why anyone would bring children into the world now that any and all children  children can  be wirelessly tortured from unknown remote locations by unknown individuals who use advanced technology and their parents have no known way of protecting them from said torture?

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I am linked up by brain to brain interface to an enslavement system which is being run by criminal sadists and others.  I have attempted to inform the Gardai of this situation but because I can not prove that this is the case they would not accept a statement from me.   Today, Sunday 30th August, 2020 at 1.45pm Irish time I heard  via the brain to brain interface the following conversation between two of the staff who work at the other end of the brain to brain interface system as follows:-

"Is Gretta Fahey for the front line system? "     "No. She is not for the front line system".   "What is she doing here then."

Just before that coversation occurred I was looking at clothing for sale online and I said aloud that those clothes were too expensive for my own budget which alerted one of the aforementioned staff members to the fact that I was not who she was informed that I was because if I was being prepared for the front line (whatever that is) then I imagine that I would have already been fully enslaved by them and they would have been supplying me with expensive clothing in order to prepare me for a front line position.   Further to that scenario, during the past number of years on numerous occasions attempts have been made via brain to brain interface by unknown neuro staff members  to manipulate me to accept bribes off them.   I have always replied that I would never ever accept bribes off anyone and that I would prefer to starve to death that ever to accept bribes.  What does it mean to be part of a front line system in a slave colony where all of the slaves involved are wirelessly tethered to a computerized network via brain to brain interface?

I am a slave within a slave colony of wirelessly tethered slaves and the reason our politicians, our police officers and our main stream media have not been made aware of this by officialdum is because they are about to be enslaved themselves.  Nobody warns slaves in advance that they are about to be enslaved.

You might ask how billions can be enslaved by a small number of slave masters.  The answer is that they use computerized algorithms,  robot police officers and robot dogs combined with a social credit score system to run the aforementioned slave colony.

The Gardai and senior politicians are under  mind control as well as thought stream filtering.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my address in Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland.

My website is called targetedindividualsireland   dot net

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If you should ever complain about false authority figures such as rogue intelligence agents or rogue government staff then they have an understood policy of using whatever leverage they can find against you in order to make your life difficult.
If you are in financial debt, or are addicted to any substance they will use your addiction or debt to manipulate you further.
If you have children they may attempt to take them from you often citing that you are an unfit parent and supplying a bogus reason for claiming it.
If you have a spouse they can easily manipulate wireless electronic mind control weapons to turn your spouse against you.
If you are in rented accommodation they can manipulate your landlord or landlady to evict you.
If you drive a vehicle they might stop you on your travels often in order to examine said vehicle.
Even if you normally drink tea or coffee they could then call you in for bogus questioning and deliberately keep you waiting for hours without tea or coffee. Tea and coffee are nervous stimulents and they are also a type of drug so if you are a habitual drinker of these drinks and you can not access them while at the police station you will begin to feel very tired without a regular intake. When you reach a peak of tiredness you will then be interviewed while you are physically at your worst.
I am in a very strong position because I dont own a vehicle and I dont drink tea, coffee or alcohol and I dont smoke cigarettes. . I also am single and alone without children. I live in my family home where I was born and I am not in any debt. I have never committed a crime in my life. The police or military have no leverage against me. However, now with advances in technology we can have our physical bodies externally controlled through central nervous system control which is described in United States patent number US 6965816. A computer to brain interface can be used to write information into our brains and central nervous systems under the above patent using transcranial magnetic stimulation or by a number of other means. Some of the electrical pulses which are generated when information is written into your brain can cause your muscles to move against your will and this can all be achieved by unknown criminal operatives while they work from an unknown remote location. There are thousands of books in circulation about this capability. I am under wireless brain to brain interface against my will and without my consent on a constant basis and many of my muscles can now be forceably made to move against my will. Many other targeted individuals throughout the world are reporting the same or similar experiences to me.
Rogue authority personnel can use this capability against somebody they wish to compromise and they often do.

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Whenever someone is shocked or frightened they are unable to think critically or rationally.
While they are in that state of shock or fear the required programming is inserted into their minds and they accept it without critically analysing it.
President John F Kennedy could have been murdered in a way that would make his murder look like an accident. However, he was murdered in a very public manner while television cameras were focused on him so as to deliberately traumatise the American people so that they could immediately be programmed with false information while they were still in a state of shock. The same scenario applies to 9/11.
At present we can be programmed by the use of traumatic imaging combined with traumatic story lines while watching the main stream media news on television. The news readers are all now required to read the news in a panic stricken voice so as to entrain the brains of the listeners into a state of panic. I deliberately avoid listening to all main stream media news because of this type of trickery. The fast picture change rate and the flicker rate on the television screen are other means which are currently being used to program the listener into believing the falsehoods which they hear on the television news. The aforementioned flicker rate can be used as a carrier to carry subliminal information into the human brain without the knowledge of the television viewer.
I no longer own a television and I have not owned one for many years.

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The only individuals with the financial capability and the social control capability to enslave their fellow men and women by wirelessly tethering them to computerized control systems are the United States Federal Reserve Private Bankers. These Federal Reserve Private Bankers who I call the slave masters now own and control the main stream media, the pharmaceutical industry, the oil industry, major retail outlets and many manufacturing multi-national companies throughout the world. They control microwave mind control capabilities which use TETRA communication devices to microwave mind control police and military personnel throughout most of the world. They are so hugely wealthy that they can manipulate governments throughout the world from behind the scenes. They all belong to either the British or American Pilgrim Society.
The slave masters identified a selection of individuals who they were unable to mind control via the standard microwave mind control methods and they subjected them to wirelessly enabled human experimentation programs against their wills and without their permission. By wireless means the slave masters were able to gather data on those non-consenting human experimentation subjects while working from an unknown remote location and while remaining unknown to those subjects. By wireless means the slave masters where also able to gather data on the social dynamics of the location where each non-consenting human subject lived by studying their interactions with the friends and neighbours of each human subject.
The slave masters can now physically externally control each non-consenting human subject by their central nervous system to the extent that the slave masters can force the muscles of each human subject to move against their will by wirelessly sending electrical signals or pre-programmed algorithms of electrical signals into their brains and central nervous systems from an unknown remote location. The slave masters can now externally control the electrical devices inside the homes of the non-consenting human subjects by remote means. The slave masters can now externally control the computers of the non-consenting human subjects by remote means. The slave masters can now decide how the non-consenting human subject spends their own privately owned digital currency through externally controlling all digital media devices inside the home of the non-consenting human research subject. The slave masters can now externally control how much warm water one can use in their electric shower each day. The slave masters can now externally control all heating appliances inside the privately own home to the extent that they can short the electricity to your heating apparatus if they deem that you are using too much electricity. In extreme cases the slave masters can paralyse a non-consenting human subject by wireless remote means if they refuse to obey the dictates of the slave masters which have been issued to them via bio-communication.
Government staff have been rendered incompetent because they are under such extreme microwave mind control that they are unable to recognise the extreme dangers we are all in from a small group of Federal Reserve private bankers and their allies.
There are easy cures for all illnesses but these cures are being censored because the slave masters find it easy to enslave us if we are chronically ill and uninformed. I have been a wirelessly controlled slave for many years and I am aware of many other wirelessly controlled slaves throughout the country where I live. We no longer attempt to inform the police or government staff because they have become too microwave mind controlled to be able to think independently and clearly. Their thoughts are being generated via technology. Please raise awareness of this situation.
There is a possibility that wirelessly controlled slaves could be easily identified by the use of energy field cameras such as the one which was invented by the British Scientist Dr Harry Oldfield. My budget does not allow me to purchase one. They cost about two thousand Euros.
Covid-19 is a hoax but because the Federal Reserve private bankers own the main stream media no one is allowed to state that truthful fact in any main stream media outlet.
Bio-communication is the ability to transmit and receive information directly to the human brain by many different means, all of which have been scientifically patented. They include brain to brain interfacing, voice to skull, microwave auditory effect and synthetic telepathy.

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All Church and state employees throughout the world are now under such strong satanic mind control they they work constantly to enslave their fellow men and women. Here are many examples of how they are achieving our enslavement:-The telecom industry employees are busy installing fifth generation wireless technology throughout the world which will provide the satanist would-be slave masters with the band width to wirelessly monitor, mind control, body control, enslave, torture and genocide all of us as they as they wish. With the wireless band width that the telecom industry are now installing the satanists can send any of us extreme pain if we fail to obey the voice commands which you will soon begin to hear coming from inside your own head.The electricity supply employees are now busy installing mandatory smart metres on peoples houses so that the satanists can instantly know what device you are using, how long you are using it for and who you are communicating with. They can even know if you cooked a dinner based on your computerized cooker use.Employees of the pharmaceutical industry are unknowingly blending their products with small amounts of slow acting poison because the satanists who now own and run the pharmaceutical industry know that they can not enslave a vibrantly health and well informed world population.Psychiatrists are being mind controlled to force their patients to ingest poisonous substances to the extent that their patients are made to suffer internally from extreme side effects and they are not allowed to stop taking those substances while they are under the control of psychiatry, and they are normally never released from the supervision of psychiatry for the rest of their lives if they ever report having an emotional crisis.The police are enforcing dictates which they have no legal right to enforce because what they are inforcing is not constitutional law and because they are doing this they are committing criminal offences and therefore they are criminals. They are now helping to enslave their fellow country men and women by this means.Priests deny people the right to choose their own belief system because they inculcate them into christianity when they are still infants with no knowledge of the world. Because of this, those children are never allowed to think logically for the rest of their lives while they remain in the grip of this inculcation because they are then regularly further inculcated due to mandatory attendance at church at least once per week. Priests encourage their followers to pray in a crisis. If a community based crisis were to occur christians would be encouraged to sit at home talking to themselves while the satanic controllers would manage the crisis to further their own agenda. There were at least sixteen other crucified saviours before the fictional Jesus Christ who led lives which were similar to the live of the fctional Jesus Christ such as they all had twelve deciples and they died for three days and then rose from the dead. The Vatican know of the other sixteen crucified saviours and yet they deny all knowledge of them to their faithful followers. The Vatican is controlled by satanists and luciferians and it rules it followers by using a centralized control system.My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.
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We have reached a point in human history when we can no longer tell the difference between a human being and a robot which has been entirely manufactured from synthetic material because the capability exists and is in common use where by both the physical workings of robots and the software of robots can be wirelessly and invisibly interfaced to a human being who is remotely located from the robot and who can operate the robot as easily as he or she can govern their own brain and body.
If the robot is being viewed through a digital media screen and if their faces have face make up applied to them and if they have eye glasses over their eyes absolutely nobody could then tell the difference between the real human being and a robot. Therefore high profile men and women can now be murdered and then replaced by a robot for the benefit of public performances in order to fool the general public into following their dictates.
What should the general public do in order to stop those in positions of responsibility in the world from fooling the aforementioned general public by this and many other technological means? Please leave a comment.
This trickery may have already been attempted by using a robot made in the image of Prince Charles who is also known as the Prince of Wales because there exists youtube vidoes purporting to be him which look unlike him.
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Certain unknown individuals have now assumed false authority over their fellow men, women and children of this earth due to covertly using advances in technology and a wide variety of other methods against us over many decades while working unobtrusively in the back ground of our lives. Why has this been allowed to happen and now that it has happened the following is some of what we must do to reverse it and take back our power and autonomy. Also, why does centralization of all power on earth allow certain men to assume that said centralized power is theirs and theirs alone for the long term? Who decided this?
Firstly, we must remove all infrastructure which allows many of us to become wirelessly tethered slaves to the aforementioned centralized enslavement system.
Secondly, we must decentralize all power privately inside our own towns and villages.
Thirdly we must eliminate local and national governments across the world because they are of no use to us.

We would draw up a charter where we would all own the worlds land space and resources equally while we are alive on earth. However, we would all own our own homes, vehicles and personal property. However, common land, lakes, rivers, seas, public buildings, roads, public transport etc can never be regarded as personal property.
We would re-introduce the previously banned industrial hemp back into the market place. Industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and is capable of generating sixty thousand products and we would then use said industrial hemp to build our homes, furnish our homes, fuel our vehicles, feed our cattle and provide us with material to manufacture our clothing and soft furnishings among a multitude of other uses.

We must also eliminate all organised religions because they deprive us of the right to think clearly and they achieve this by inculcating us into their mind control systems when we are babies before we are able to protect ourselves from them.
We must set up our own peoples court in each community which would be presided over by a different judge and jury selected from the local community on the occasion of each court case and the decision of the court would be enforced by a peoples militia which would comprise of all of the people in said community.
We would live in linear based communities where there would be rules but no rulers, which is the only system of running our lives which is in alignment with moral law which is known as natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law on earth and which is a proven science.
We would return to a very low or no carbohydrate diet because carbohydrates are not strictly necessary or even desireable in the diet of human beings. In that way, we would eliminate all chronic illnesses and thereby we would eliminate any need for main stream medicine , the pharmaceutical industry, dentistry, and false psychiatry, all of which are covertly being turned into mandatory fascist control systems.
We would very definitely eliminate all militaries, all intelligence services and all police bar none.
Anarchy does not mean chaos. It means without rulers. Because those who would be our slave masters do not wish us tohave a knowledge of anarchy they have changed the meaning of the word anarchy to mean chaos. The writer, Larken Rose has published many books on the subject of anarchy but because many of the book publishers are now owned by the would-be slave masters, they have raised the price of his books through manipulation to approximately seven thousand euros each in some cases. Not many can afford to purchase his books now.

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The dark new world order cabal attained ownership of a large amount of the worlds money and resources by using electronic mind control on those that they have been doing business with which effectively means that they have come by their finances and property by both illegal and immoral means and because of that situation we can take it off them again and distribute it among the rightful owners throughout the world. Who will volunteer to take them to a common law court and thereby rightfully gain back what they attained by illegal and immoral means?
By gaining control over what the dark new world order cabal now own and control we would also gain the right to disassemble and ban all HAARP phased arrays along with all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and all other paraphernalia which is now being used to gain wireless control of our central nervous systems under patent number US6965816. The aforementioned patent outlines the capability of unknown criminal neural control operatives to take over, control and manage a human being through their central nervous system as well as to take over, control and manage other systems such as vehicles and airplanes. In my opinion, the dark new world order cabal wish to be able to control their fellow men, women and children of the world in hundreds of different ways including immobilising any of us who dared to ever question their ever growing false authority. By using your smart phone you can be programmed to accept values such as cruelty and intolerance as well as unquestioning belief in all information which comes through certain predesignated channels regardless of whether that information is true or false.
By wirelessly gaining access to the central nervous system of a human being or a selection of human beings unknown neuro scientists as well as neuro operatives can extract electrical impulses from the brain and central nervous system of the targeted human being and have them automatically translated into what that human being is thinking, saying, doing, feeling as well as intimate details about their bodily functions. This can be done to the targeted human being while said targeted human being is fully aware that they are being subjected to constant monitoring of their neural systems and while said targeted human being is actively complaining to anyone who will listen that this is occurring to them continually without end.

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My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling victim of ongoing neuro research which is being conducted wirelessly by unknown criminal neuro operatives while they work from an unknown remote location. I have been embedded with either nano or micro technology or even some even larger technology throughout my brain and body. which allows those unknown criminals to speak to me whenever they wish using voice to skull technology or some similar means of direct brain communication. The electricity that travels through my brain and body which allows me to move my muscles and to think my thoughts is being usurped to allow unknown others to externally control some of my muscles, some of my brain patterns and some of my internal bodily functions.
Some thing has occurred recently which has highly alarmed me so I wish to expose it widely in order to stop it from ever happening. The criminals who use computerized technology to manipulate my central nervous system have threatened me that they would send around men to my house late at night. They informed me that they would possibly first of all dull my thinking and then they would possibly clone a recording of my sisters voice which they would use to convince me to open my front door believing that it was her who was outside. The voices of the neuro operatives then led me to believe that if the men then gained access to my home they would rape me. I heard via voice to skull the following conversation between two of the neuro staff as follows:-
"You can not orientate her because of her age." (I am sixty and far too old to be interested in romance or intimacy.)
This was then followed by another voice to skull operative who was heard by me to say the following "We dont care if she is orientated or not. We will camoflage the fact that she is not orientated by forcing her to generate signals of being sexually orientated."
Another voice to skull operative was then heard by me to say the following "She will lock her door and bolt it with a twelve bolt system. You wont be able to attack her in any way if you can not get the agent to be allowed inside her privately owned family home.
I am very frightened by the possibility that my thinking could be dulled by wireless external means in order to get me to open my door to strangers.
My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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