The unknown perps who are forcing my muscles to move against my will by wireless remote means by transmitting modulated electromagnetic frequencies to my central nervous system have said that they would prefer to be imprisoned rather than to have to continue to attempt to bio-robotize a real live human being. However, they can not turn themselves in to the police without arousing suspicion in the individuals who control the computers that they themselves have become willingly tethered to without realising what they were letting themselves in for. They now regret everything that they have done to myself Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. The perps themselves have informed me via voice to skull classified military direct voice transmission technology which inserts voices directly into my cranium that they are currently visiting Great Britian but they are originally from the United States.
of (396)
Apesar do descrédito dos ataques sofridos por milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo, eles são reais para as vítimas e suas famílias.
Alguns cidadãos estão inconscientes e percebem, apesar de suas mudanças e movimentos faciais, que são TIs.
Essa conexão psico-crônica / psíquica pode ser estabelecida de duas maneiras:
- vítima corpo a corpo a peça humana na qual eles produzem efeitos físicos da tortura, cujas dores refletem nas vítimas;
- ondas cerebrais e controle neurocerebral apreendidos em CPDs de monitoramento ininterrupto com mudanças de equipe e em que todo o conteúdo da vítima é arquivado e se torna produtos comercializáveis, gerando renda para a manutenção do sistema de tortura e crime organizado.
Este vídeo é de uma vítima em tempo real.
Naly de Araújo Leite
canais para mais informações:
https: // ...
Apesar do descrédito aos ataques sofridos por milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo, são reais para vítimas e seus familiares.
Alguns cidadãos são inconscientes, e percebem, apesar das mudanças e movimentos faciais das TIs.
Essa ligação psicotronica / psíquica pode ser usada de duas formas:
- vítima corporal ou corporal pode ter peças humanas produzidas efeitos físicos de torturas, aquelas dores refletidas nas dores;
- como ondas cerebrais e controle neurocerebral apreendidas em CPDs de monitoramento interrompidos com trocas de equipes e nos quais todos os conteúdos de vítimas ficam arquivados e se tornam produtos comercializáveis que trazem ganhos para a manutenção do sistema de torturas e crime organizado.
Esse vídeo é de uma vítima em tempo real.
Naly de Araújo Leite
canais para maiores informações:
Несмотря на дискредитацию нападений, которым подвергаются тысячи людей во всем мире, они реальны для жертв и их семей.
Некоторые граждане находятся без сознания и осознают, несмотря на изменения и движения лица ТИ.
Эту психотронную / психическую связь можно использовать двумя способами:
- телесные или телесные жертвы могут иметь физические последствия пыток от воздействия человеческих частей, эти боли отражаются на боли;
- такие как мозговые волны и нейроцеребральный контроль, используемые при мониторинге CPD, прерванных изменениями в команде и в которых весь контент жертвы архивируется и становится товарной продукцией, приносящей выгоды для поддержания системы пыток и организованной преступности.
Это видео жертвы в реальном времени.
Нали де Араужо Лейте
каналы для получения дополнительной информации:
Malgré le discrédit des attaques subies par des milliers de personnes dans le monde, elles sont réelles pour les victimes et leurs familles.
Certains citoyens sont inconscients et se rendent compte, malgré les changements et les mouvements faciaux des TI.
Cette connexion psychotronique / psychique peut être utilisée de deux manières:
- un caporal ou une victime corporelle peut faire produire aux parties humaines des effets physiques des tortures, ces douleurs se reflétant dans les douleurs;
- tels que les ondes cérébrales et le contrôle neurocérébral saisis dans le suivi des DPC interrompus par des changements d'équipe et dans lesquels tout le contenu des victimes est archivé et devient des produits commercialisables qui apportent des gains pour le maintien du système de torture et de criminalité organisée.
Cette vidéo représente une victime en temps réel.
Naly de Araújo Leite
canaux pour plus d'informations:
A pesar del descrédito de los ataques sufridos por miles de personas en todo el mundo, son reales para las víctimas y sus familias.
Algunos ciudadanos están inconscientes y se dan cuenta, a pesar de los cambios y los movimientos faciales de los TI.
Esta conexión psicotrónica / psíquica se puede usar de dos maneras:
- Las víctimas corporales o corporales pueden hacer que las partes humanas produzcan efectos físicos de torturas, esos dolores reflejados en los dolores
- como las ondas cerebrales y el control neurocerebral incautados en el monitoreo de CPDs interrumpidos por cambios de equipo y en los que todo el contenido de las víctimas se archiva y se convierte en productos comercializables que aportan ganancias para el mantenimiento del sistema de tortura y crimen organizado.
Este video es de una víctima en tiempo real.
Naly de Araújo Leite
canales para más información:
2 - BRASIL TI ...
Esse vídeo é longo. EU ENTRO NO TEMPO 54M48S AOS 54 MINUTOS E 48 SEGUNDOS
Mas, quero que vocês ouçam, traduzam para entender os momentos que antecederam o tempo que a mim foi concedido pela Câmara dos Vereadores da cidade de Sorocaba.
Se você tiver condições de traduzir, pegue papel e caneta e anote todas as pautas que foram apresentadas antes da minha fala.
Prestem atenção aos assuntos que representantes políticos discutem concede tempo, enquanto que, aos Direitos Humanos, crimes psicotronicos, apresentação da vítima, me foram concedidos 10 minutos.
Solicitei ampliação do tempo, mas inutilmente, nem mais um minuto me foi concedido, apesar do assunto ser gravíssimo.
Antes da minha fala, houve discussões a direitos dos animais, inclusive, assunto em pauta ao qual dedicam total atenção e interesse.
É o menoscabo com nossa causa e vítimas de crimes de torturas psicotronicas que tentam fazer de conta que "não existem e são fantasias das vítimas a descrição das dores, humilhações e perseguições que sofrem, além dos estupros eletrônicos".
Se tiverem pessoa confiável que traduza minha fala, peçam para traduzir, mas se "for tradutor confiável", e a transcrição não é confiável, sempre tem erros de concordância e sentidos muito graves.
Até hoje, 2020. não consegui Audiência Pública solicitada em 2016.
Isso é um menoscabo muito grande e desinteresse, provando alienação hipnótica e indução em massa no Brasil.
Naly de Araújo Leite - Sorocaba City - São Paulo State - Brasil
This video is long. I ENTER IN TIME 54H48M - 54 MINUTS AND 48 SECONDS
But, I want you to listen, translate to understand the moments that preceded the time that was granted to me by the City Council of Sorocaba.
If you are able to translate, take paper and pen and write down all the guidelines that were presented before my speech.
Pay attention to the subjects that political representatives discuss grants time, while, for Human Rights, psychotronic crimes, presentation of the victim, I was granted 10 minutes.
I requested an extension of time, but to no avail, I was not granted another minute, despite the fact that the subject was very serious.
Before my speech, there were discussions on animal rights, including a subject on the agenda to which they dedicate full attention and interest.
It is the least thing with our cause and victims of crimes of psychotronic torture that try to pretend that "the victims do not exist and are fantasies describing the pains, humiliations and persecutions they suffer, in addition to electronic rapes".
If you have a reliable person who translates my speech, ask to translate, but if "you are a reliable translator", and the transcription is not reliable, there are always errors of agreement and very serious meanings.
Until today, 2020. I did not get a Public Hearing requested in 2016.
This is a very big minuscule and disinterest, proving hypnotic alienation and mass induction in Brazil.
Naly de Araújo Leite - Sorocaba City - São Paulo State - Brazil
Cette vidéo est longue. J'ENTRE DANS LE TEMPS 54M48S 54 MINUTES ET 48 SECONDES
Mais, je veux que vous écoutiez, traduisez pour comprendre les moments qui ont précédé le temps qui m'a été accordé par la Mairie de Sorocaba.
Si vous êtes capable de traduire, prenez du papier et un stylo et notez toutes les directives qui ont été présentées avant mon discours.
Faites attention aux sujets que les représentants politiques discutent accordent du temps, tandis que, pour les droits de l'homme, les délits psychotroniques, la présentation de la victime, j'ai eu 10 minutes.
J'ai demandé une prorogation de délai, mais en vain, on ne m'a pas accordé une autre minute, malgré le fait que le sujet était très sérieux.
Avant mon discours, il y a eu des discussions sur les droits des animaux, y compris un sujet à l'ordre du jour auquel ils accordent toute leur attention et leur intérêt.
C'est la moindre chose avec notre cause et les victimes de crimes de torture psychotronique qui essaient de prétendre que "les victimes n'existent pas et sont des fantasmes décrivant les douleurs, les humiliations et les persécutions qu'elles subissent, en plus des viols électroniques".
Si vous avez une personne fiable qui traduit mon discours, demandez à traduire, mais si "vous êtes un traducteur fiable" et que la transcription n'est pas fiable, il y a toujours des erreurs d'accord et des significations très graves.
Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, 2020. Je n'ai pas obtenu d'audience publique demandée en 2016.
C'est un très gros minuscule et un désintérêt, prouvant l'aliénation hypnotique et l'induction de masse au Brésil.
Naly de Araújo Leite - Ville de Sorocaba - État de São Paulo - Brésil
Outros canais nos quais fui publicada em tempo real de minha exposição.
Autres chaînes dans lesquelles j'ai été publié en temps réel pour mon exposition.
Other channels in which I was published in real time for my exhibition.
Unknown scientists have mapped out the relationship between different points in my brain and all kinds of activities such as moving my foot, opening and closing my mouth, moving my arm as well as speaking certain words and phrases against my will. These unknown scientists can now force me to physically perform a number of physical body functions against my will by remote means. They can drive me into a frenzy of laughter by electrically stimulating points in my brain from a remote location.
They have managed to implant electrodes at the point in my brain where my thoughts originate as well as also implanting electrodes at the point in the brain of an unknown interrogator where his thoughts originate and they have wirelessly connected my brain to his brain on a permanent basis.
Because remote controlled electronic brain stimulation is classified it is being used widely without taking public opinion into consideration. Hundreds of thousands of private good will and good living individuals are now publicly complaining of having their nervous system manipulated by remote technical means. They are being falsely classified as being mentally ill largely because psychiatists are being misled in medical colleges into believing that individuals who present while complaining of remote nervous system manipulation are mentally ill.
J.F. Schapitz has been quoted as saying that the spoken word of a hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious part of the human brain without the person who is being exposed to this form of remote hypnosis having a chance to consciously control the information input . By this method senior management in large corporations can be made to act against the best interests of the people of the world.
You aught to read an excellent document called "International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Technical Means" by Mojmir Babacek while it is still to be found widely available online because this technology could be used to enslave you or your loved ones in the future unless we succeed in jamming the signals which allow unknown scientists to treat us in this way.
A Voice to skull human speaker has informed me this morning that I will have my bowel forceably removed by theml because of a bowel malfunction which I suffer from due to extreme stress which mainly comes from them and their direct interference into the workings of my brain and central nervous system and into all aspects of my personal life while I am in the privacy of my own privately own home and they inflict this extreme and constant stress on me by continually forcing me to listen to their voices which I non-consensually hear coming from inside my own head and by forceably moving my own muscles against my will which they are enabled to do not by use of the scientific capabilities which are outlined in patent number US 6965816. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland and my landline home phone number is 0949360901.
Most of the militaries as well as some of the police forces of the world now use voice to skull technology on a continual day to day basis in their everyday work. Voice to skull is sometimes known as microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy and it is a method of communicating voices inside the heads of members of the military and police forces of the world to ensure that no member of the public has access to the messages transmitted and for other reasons including black project research. There are now numerous methods of direct communication including but not limited to direct brain to brain communication. Secret methods of direct communication has been in use under the guise of secrecy for more than seventy years.
Because secret methods of direct communication which I will call voice to skull for the purposes of this article are now so widespread they are being used on a non-consensual basis on many members of the general public as a form of electronic harassment and they are being used in combination with many other types of wireless electronic weapons as well as directed energy weapons.
Many government employees and others are under a form of electronic mind control, the basis of which is that they are being programmed to filter out all information which comes to them which does not comply with the new world order view of the world. This electronic mind control appears to eminate from microwave transmitters because it has been noticed by some that any government staff who work close to microwave transmitters strongly defend the new world order view of the world despite overwhelming contrary evidence being presented to them. Is the electronic mind control apparatus being programmed on a worldwide basis or is it being programmed on a separate basis inside each country and who is programming it and where are they located whenever they are physically programming it? It is not the work of artificial intelligence because a lump of metal can not make independent decisions so the notion of the existence of artificial intelligence is rejected by all logical thinking individuals . It is my belief that thousands of staff work behind the scenes to continually program what some erroneously believe is artificial intelligence. Thousands of other staff also work behind the scenes to program elaborately costumed robots so that the hoax of an extra terresterial presence can be presented to the public in order to dupe them.
If you become a non-consensual recepient of voice to skull direct communication which is likely to happen unless we shortly put a stop to the goals of the new world order cabal you will hear a variety of voice commands throughout the course of each and every day. You will be commanded to carry out household chores and your personal financial habits will be commented on and you could possibly be repremanded if you make personal financial spending choices which are not in keeping with the wishes of the new world order cabal. Everything you do throughout each day and night will be observed on a screen. This is possible to achieve because each and every time you move a muscle in your body you generate a unique pattern of electromagnetic frequencies which can then be automatically translated onto a screen on the other side of the world by wireless electronic means so that criminal neuro staff who are unknown to you can see a likeness of you on their screens moving around a likeness of your home. This program is now commonly known as being Remote Neural Monitored and whenever someone is placed on this or similar programs their eyes are automatically being implanted while they are in a state of unawareness while under frequency control so that the aforementioned criminal neuro staff can see what ever you see on their screens if they should wish to do so.
If babies become placed on voice to skull direct communication through direct implantation after hospital births they could then while growing up be misinformed about all aspects of life while they are being simultaneously programmed to become obedient slaves to the new world order cabal who lurk inside large organisations such as the United Nations as well as the Council for Foreign Relations and the International Banking and Private Corporate shareholder groups. These implanted children would then grow up under constant voice to skull direct communication with unknown neuro operatives whose own agenda remains unknown. Are the neuro operatives themselves who work as teams throughout Ireland and live lives completely undetectable to the Irish police enslaved or are they willing participants in the technological enslavement of their fellow men and women of the world? In order to continue living their lives in a state of total anonynimity they use frequency devices which mesmerize the minds of the most senior Gardai whenever they are approached by said Gardai. They also hire chauffeur driven vehicles on occasions in order to avoid detection. They never register their births, marriages and deaths. I know this because I am being both electronically harassed and psychologically tortured by them now and for the past number of years. Does any one know of any methodology to track down these criminal neuro staff and bring them to justice as soon as is humanly possible? If so let me know .
The ring roads of the Republic of Ireland are now due to be imbedded with micro dust so that each individual motor vehicle including each individual electric bicycle can be identified and tracked and stopped if the driver or passengers dare to challenge any of the dictates of the would-be enslavers of the human race who are thought to be individuals who lurk inside the Vatican hierarchy as well as the United Nations as well as both the International banking and Corporate Control groups. The impending imbedding of the ring roads of the Republic of Ireland is due to go ahead without the prior knowledge and consent of the people who reside within the Republic of Ireland and who are most likely to use those roads. This process is also due to go ahead without even the prior knowledge and consent of the duely elected politicians of the Republic of Ireland who are now being entirely left out of the decision making processes of what is being made to happen to both the people who live within the Republic of Ireland and to the country itself.
Please write to your local County Councillor and ask him or her to have the process of implanting the ring roads of the Republic of Ireland with micro dust stopped now. When are we going to take back our power from the individuals who wish to scientifically and technologically enslave us and who are our own equals under common law which is based on natural law. Natural law is the only fixed and immutable law in this world. Civil law is neither fixed or immutable and therefore it is illegal. Because there are no binding laws forbidding us from reclaiming our own power there is now nothing stopping us from going to Dublin and demanding the resignation of the President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, because he has done nothing to stop this situation from occurring.
There are now at least half a million targeted individuals in the world. Targeted individuals are individuals who have been wirelessly connected to a network of computers from remote data analysis material which is both on their skin and inside their bodies.
Many targeted individuals including myself are long term and non-consenting victims of wirelessly conducted remote analysis and remote manipulation of our brains and bodies. We were neither asked for our permission or informed about being wirelessly connected to this remote wireless systems analysis system before we became connected to it. We were also not informed or asked for our permission before we began to be wirelessly physically manipulated via the aforementioned wireless remote system. We only found out about it after it was up and running inside our brains and bodies. We found out that we were now connected to a computerized control system complete with systems analysis capabilities by unknown voices which we heard coming from inside our heads because they are being transmitted to the hearing centres of our brains by wireless electronic means.
Because I am wirelessly connected to a network of computers or a supercomputer from particulates which are inside our brains and bodies most if not all of the electrical activity which by brain and body generates each moment is wirelessly transmitted to the aforementioned computer system where it can be data analysed and partially translated into everything I think, say and do throughout my life. I have been lead to believe by the voices which I hear coming from inside my head that I have no mental or physical privacy.
Criminals who are unknown to me can know every thought I think and every word I say and every movement I make. They can know how many times I inhale and exhale each and every day. They can know how many times I sit on the toilet each and every day. They can data analyse my clothing to check if it is clean. They can data analyse my home in order to check if it is clean. They can data analyse my stomach to check if I have recently eaten a meal and also to check what I have eaten and if I have ingested the correct medication in the case of any medication being prescribed to me. They can data analyse the contents of my large bowel which they do because of the fact that on one single occasion I complained in private to a disability allowance assessment medical doctor in Claremorris town in the West of Ireland that I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome and that I was erroneously denied a request for disability allownace by a another doctor on a previous occasion.
The aforementioned criminals who speak to me on a continual basis via direct inner communication which is sometimes known as voice to skull or synthetic telepathy have informed me that I was placed under wireless control simply because of what I said in private to the aforementioned disability allowance assessment medical doctor in Claremorris on that one single occasion in the distant past.
Further to that, because of the particulates which are inside my brain and body I have been Remote Neural Manipulated over many years as well as being Remote Neural Monitored. Unwanted and damaging information has been wirelessly sent to my brain and central nervous system over many years in order that the aforementioned criminals can gain external wireless control over my muscles and my central nervous system in order that they can some day fully bio-robotize me for the purposes of eventually being able to remote control me like a robot. They now have gained the ability to remote control my facial and neck muscles and they also have the ability to move my left knee by remote wireless means and they move all of the aforementioned muscles whenever they wish against my will and without my permission. They can also partially immobilize me by remote wireless means anytime they wish. They use an unexplained method to force my mouth and jaws to move in alignment with their words sometimes when they speak to me to the extent that they can effectively speak through me using a combination of my own voice and the voice of the criminal operative. One more than one occasion what sounded like a mans voice was generated to come from my mouth as if I was the one who was doing the speaking even though I was being spoken through by a member of the aforementioned unknown criminal neuro operative team. The science behind the aforementioned capability of gaining remote control of a human being is scientifically explained under patent number US 6965816.
No targeted individual can inform the Gardai of their experiences of being wirelessly electronically harassed and psychologically tortured by this technology because the Gardai themselves have not yet been informed that this technology even exists so said Gardai consistently refuse to believe us or to accept statements off us when ever we report this.
I am friends with many other targeted individuals of this technology throughout the Republic of Ireland where I live and where I have lived all of my life. We are worried that if fifth generation wireless technology is allowed to be erected throughout the Republic of Ireland then the band width necessary to wirelessly enslave all of the people of Ireland will be available to the criminal intelligence services and others who carry out these crimes against me and my fellow Irish targeted individuals many of whose names and addresses I have in my possession.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called
A spokesman from computerized systems control has now informed me that the reasons for our lives is to serve the Dark Luciferians and Satanists who run our lives from behind the scenes. I disagree with that because I strongly believe that the reason for our lives here on earth is to learn and grow and evolve in love and harmony with the rest of the human race. However, government representatives who have been elected by us in order that they would take care of our best interests have allowed themselves to become microwave mind controlled by their smart phones and other technology to the extent that they now have been given a mind set of abject slaves to the self-proclaimed elite who are the aforementioned dark Luciferians and Satanists who wish to physically enslave all of us by wireless electronic means. If all government representatives immediately disassemble and ban HAARP phased arrays which are an essential piece of the technological enslavement jigsaw that alone would hold back our technological enslavement long enough for us to break free of all of the other pieces of the jigsaw of technological enslavement.
If I constantly criticize the catholic church I have been informed via voice to skull direct wireless communication that it means certain death for me. I plan to continually criticize the Vatican and all organised religions from now on because death is preferable to being continually and wirelessly remotely psychologically tortured while being slowly physically bio-robotized by unknown individuals who use frequency modulation to take more and more control over the muscles of my body.
Our bodies and brains are now immersed in neural dust. The electric current which is generated in our neural system every time we move a muscle can be read and examined by external means by neuro scientists while they work from an unknown remote source. This capability allows them to know what muscles you are moving at all times while you are in the privacy of your own home if they should wish to do so. This capability also allows them to reconfigure these electrical signals and then transmit them back to your neural system and force your muscles to move entirely against your will if they should wish to do so. This system also involved you being implanted with many and varied types of implants at a time unbeknownst to you which you may never be allowed to know about.
The neural dust which is now inside our brains and bodies can only allow us to be either mind controlled or body controlled in the presence of strong electromagnetic radiation which comes from microwave transmitters as well as from our digital devices. We also need to be in the presence of an electric field.
We must switch off all microwave transmitters, electric grids and telephone transmissions for a period of at least three weeks in order to allow our leaders to think clearly again because they are certainly not able to do so at this time of technological enslavement of themselves and their people.
We must place dyes in our food supply which would indicate which foods contain neural dust and which foods do not so that we can choose to eat only safe foods and drink safe water.
We must cease to register all births, marriages and deaths because by registering the birth of a child you are signing that child into enslavement to the control and now enslavement system. Nothing can be done to your child without your consent if you refuse to register them.
We must provide all police officers with non-linear junction detectors and spectrum analysers so that individuals who confirm that they are experiencing forced muscle movement will have their claims confirmed and further to that the non linear junction detector will enable police detectives to determine what direction the forced muscle movement signals are coming from in order to determine who is carrying out the bio-robotization experimentations.
We must ensure that police officers are no longer forced to carry weaponized communication devices close to their person because I believe that these weaponized communication devices are being used to help mind control the police.
We must banish all dictators to an offshore island collectively where they will be treated with kindness and given homes, educational reading material and the ability to generate their own food. Under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law known to humanity and which ultimately governs us all we are not allowed to cage or murder our fellow human beings. Banishment to an offshore island which is surrounded by an impenetrable electric fence is a moral way of dealing with those who wish to enslave, torture and genocide us by technological means. This is easily achievable in spite of whatever initial ridicule is directed at it and it costs the tax payer nothing in food or security services.
Many individuals including myself are reporting that our muscles are being made to move against our wills. The online youtube channel known as ‘ Ramola D Reports’ features an interviewer called Ramola Darmaraj from Boston, Massachusetts, USA who interviews many individuals who have experienced their muscles being made to move against their wills to the extent of having their own fist hitting their own face against their wills. This type of information is being buried by the main stream media because it is now 95% privatelty owned by dark occultists and it no longer serves the public interest. Please listen to her interviews of Christopher Burton, Galina Kurdina and Philip Walker in particular.
Opulent surroundings combined with elaborate posturing , titles, expensive possessions and ornate uniforms have been used throughout human history in order to help persuade the human race to erroneously believe that some human beings have a higher status than others. This form of trickery is widely used within all organised religions in order to make some individuals erroneously believe that religious leaders have become empowered with mystical capabilities owing to having had rituals performed on them earlier in their lives.
During the sacrament of holy orders elaborately dressed arch bishops perform grandiose displays in an atmosphere of candle light and incense and background organ music in order to create a mesmerising show which is inclined to hold an audience spell bound long enough to make them believe that something of a supernatural nature has just taken place. The young men who have just become ordained are in most normal cases willing to believe that they have now become imbued with supernatural powers which they previously did not have.
After the supposed sacrament of holy orders has taken place the young man who has become supposedly ordained is never again seen out and about while wearing jeans and short sleeved tee shirts because the individuals who run the organised religion are aware of the extreme importance that uniforms play in the minds of the human race. If the Pope, Cardinals or Arch Bishops appeared out in public while wearing track suits we would not be held spell bound in their presence. If fact we might even treat them with distain.
If organised religions were harmless I would not bother to write this article drawing attention to their methods of mesmerism. They have become extremely dangerous. The Vatican have known for many decades that a plot exists to enslave every man woman and child on this earth by wireless technological means and they have not warned us in spite of the fact that they have their own private army of intelligence agents located throughout every country of the world. Many individuals throughout the Republic of Ireland and throughout most of the rest of the world are being slowly and incrementally wirelessly bio-robotized inside their own homes and organised religions have not lifted a finger to make it stop.
You have a moral duty to withdraw all financial support for the Vatican in every way possible as a matter of urgency. Do not contribute any more funds. The individuals who own and run the Vatican are profoundly evil in my opinion. It is time they were officially investigated. Set about making this occur.
Because of the power to mesmerise us through uniforms there appear now to be plans to colour code our clothing in future years if the predatory new world order cabal who appear to have strong alignments with the Vatican get their way. Colours are being slowly and incrementally reduced in the clothing supply which is being made available to the human race. Many clothing stores now sell mostly, black, while and about fifty shades of grey. Vehicles are now being manufactured in shades of mostly black, white and grey. New Apartments are to be found online with their interior decoration in shades of black, white and grey for the most part. Ikea now seems to sell mostly black, white and grey furniture. Why is this? In ancient Rome, slaves were only allowed to wear one or two colours while slave owners wore as many colours as they wished. This situation appears to be on the return but many human beings are under microwave mind control via close proximity of their brains to their smart phones or some other reason and they are still asleep to the dangers we are in form wireless technological enslavement.
The closer we align with the truth in this world the more harmonious life will be for the human race as a whole. Please use logic rather than faith to govern your life.
Telephone towers and a large variety of other towers are being used to transmit different types of electromagnetic radiation throughout the earth and this electromagnetic radiation is severely damaging to the human race in the following ways:-
Unknown individuals have the knowledge and capability to project their sight and hearing onto a hologram of their choice and then project that hologram of themselves or of another human being or of an apparation into the homes of others while their own bodies remain in the broadcast building where they work. They use this method to both monitor and manipulate their victim which is usually an unwilling and non-consenting man or woman. Their plan is, over time, to gain the ability to totally immerse the electromagnetic field of the hologram which they are using and place it inside the electromagnetic field of the unwilling victim and by doing so they then take over and use the body of the unwilling victim in criminal ways such as using the body of the unwilling victim to commit murder or to commit suicide.
The unwilling victim has already unknowingly given the perpetrator the information they need to carry out this criminal act simply by sitting in front of a computer screen which they have registered using their own name or by keeping any smart engineered technology which is also registered under their own name close to their person. Whenever they sit near a digital communication device their personal human body electromagnetic field (which is sometimes called the human aura and which eminates at least five feet from our bodies in all directions) overlaps with the electromagnetic field of whatever digital communication device they are using or keeping close to their person. Our personal human body electromagnetic field eminates through our human skull and through our human eyes. The electromagnetic field which eminates through our eyes is far stronger than the one which eminates through our skulls because it is not being blocked by the bone structure of our skulls and it is known as the human eyebeam and it can be photographed by a specialized energy field camera, some of which may have been deliberately taken off the market in the past few years. Our human electromagnetic field which surrounds our bodies contains extreme details of all our past memories and all of our past actions and these past memories and past actions can now be uploaded to our computers or smart phones and then transmitted by wireless or other means to a centralized data base where they can automatically be translated by the unknown perpetrators into our past deeds as well as our past memories and as well as all of our current thoughts words, feelings and actions. This data is then translated into the type of aura which we hold and which can be wirelessly manipulated to be prepared to have and electromagnet field of a pre-prepared hologram emmersed into it at some unknown date in the future.
I am an unwilling participant of this process of unconcealed immersion but until now I did not know the full implications of what was happening to me and therefore I did not know how to stop it occurring. I now know that all digital communication devices will have to be banned throughout the world in order to stop our electromagnetic fields being invaded and in order to stop the process of whole body takeover or human bio-robotization or human cyborgization which are some of the names that this process is sometimes called. My facial muscles and neck muscles can already be moved entirely against my will and without my permission. Many targeted individuals throughout the world some of who are on my own facebook page are also reporting that they experienced their own fist punching themselves in their own face or their legs being made to walk against their wills or other similar phenomena.
A slightly different process which also uses the human electromagnetic field is being used to mind control the police and psychiatrists among others into resisting all information which comes to them from any source other than what comes to them from officialdum.
For the past few generations the human electromagnetic field has been deliberately banned as a field of study along with another similarly important field of study known as magnetobiology. Why was this allowed to occur?
I dont know how to protect myself from this occurrence but I do know that a stone found in Russia and avialable to purchase at a reasonable price online called Shungite has been found to be very helpful in protecting the human electromagnetic field from attack. There are many other helpful suggestions to be found online.
There are now in existence hundreds of patents where the human body and brain can be both manipulated, influenced and controlled wirelessly and remotely by directed energy weapons and mind control/neuro weapons. This is now occurring to both senior politicians, the police, members of the military, news editors and psychiatrists among others. Classified militarty weapons are now being used to degrade different parts of their brains and to accentuate other parts, which reduces them to cyborg-slave status. Moreover, the super computers of the United States department of defence have the ability to directly access to the brains and bodies of many senior politicians throughout the world and to externally mind control them without their knowledge or consent.
We need our senior politicians and others to wear protective helmets at all times and to find other ways to protect themselves from these military weapons, some of which are still classified. Have senior politicians throughout the world been doing anything to protect their brains and bodies from body and mind invasive technology? If so, what have they being doing in this regard?.
We are all now susceptible to wireless external control of both our physical bodies and our thoughts and emotions by the use of a scientific system known as EEG heterodyning. Human brains and bodies have become saturated with heavy metals and various types of nano particulates to the extent that we have become electrically conductive. Our brains have become antennas which when encoded are being used to pick up sound, voices, images, visions, pain, electric shock, externally generated thoughts and emotions and forced muscle movement among other unwanted effects.
The words hetero (meaning opposite) and dyne (meaning powerful as in the word dynasty) when used in the scientific phrase EEG heterodyning effectively means to mix powerful opposite brain signals of somebody else in to the brain of the externally physically and emotionally controlled victim. When the brain waves of another entirely separate human being are heterodyned into the motor cortex of the externally physically controlled victim that victims body can then be taken over and forced to move and speak and act against their own wills. Such victims are regularly being remote controlled to carry out terrorist activities throughout the world.
Our perceptions of reality are being broadcast as a frequency. Those frequencies are then interacting with a cosmic version of wifi and we are picking out of the cosmic field of endless possibilities and probabilities that which synchronises with the frequencies which we are putting out. In that way our perceptions of reality eventually become manifested and experienced reality. The world that we are now perceiving is the one which our collective perceptions have created. It is a feedback loop.
You must begin to self-identify with "I am infinite. " You then interact with that cosmic wifi field of endless possibilities and probabilities in a much more expanded frequency of possibilities, so that the range of possibilities which you can then manifest as an experience vastly increases.
This world is simply a manifestation of collective human perception and that is why the control system constantly targets human perception. That is why it wants to control all information.
Change your self identity to " I am infinite " and you will manifest a different reality. That is the doorway to break out of this enslavement.
Here is the link to the youtube video called "David Icke on Alchemy Radio" where he states the above
Julian Assange, who is currently dying in Belmarsh prison has been quoted as saying the following words:-
“We have a few blissful years left until enforced telepathic readings”
Most of the human race are being unknowingly prepared to have their brains non-consensually connected to something that is being called the brain net, and which is also known as the cerebral internet or the internet of things within the next few years. This process is being achieved by using the capabilities outlined in Patent number US 6965816 which was filed on October 1st, 2002 by Agilent Technologies Engineer, Richard C Walker and said patent is titled PFN/TRAC system FAA.
I and numerous other human beings have already been non-consensually connected to the above mentioned internet of things by a bi-directional stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy and I personally believe that it is a fate worse that death.
This internet of things system allows my thoughts to be read as well as have them replied to in real time, among many other unwanted experiences.
I take notes whenever I experience the forced voice transmissions of the unknown staff who wirelessly monitor me from an unknown remote location, on a continual basis, both day and night while I attempt to go about my everyday life in my own home.
The following is what occurred in my life just now
I was relaxing and I felt the inside of my right foot being stung. I asked the unknown neuro staff who remote neural manipulate my body what they were doing to my foot. A member of the remote neural monitoring team replied as follows:-
“I am actuating your foot in order to enlarge your instep in order that you might stand more solidly if or when you are bio-robotized.”
Here below are a small sample of other utterances which I heard these unknown neuro operatives say to me via voice to skull transmissions as follows:-
“We sell information gleaned from the brain and body of Gretta Fahey in order to continue our endeavours.”
“Rapid deployment of some means of shutting this woman up is necessary now. ”
“This is building up into a horror show. It is looking like that from my point of view.”
“We can see her in technicolour whenever she is outside her home.”
As well as all of the other unwanted experiences I am being forced to experience I have now discovered that recently I am not being allowed to access parts of my own understanding owing to the fact that I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and I hear conversations coming from inside my head that I am not allowed to understand
Mr Peter Hynes
Mayo County Manager,
Mayo County Council,
The Mall,
Co. Mayo,
Dear Mr Hynes,
I and many other individuals throughout the Republic of Ireland are planning to take a legal case against Mayo County Councillors as well as psychiatrists, the Gardaí and all politicians in general because we believe that they have attempted to pervert the course of justice.
Many individuals throughout the Republic of Ireland including myself are being electronically harassed and tortured by remote means by the use of directed energy weapons or some other remote means and when we complain officially we are wrongly deemed to be mentally ill.
Neuro weapons experts have come online in large numbers explaining that neuro science and technology is now so advanced that some weapons which are based on advanced technology are capable of hurting individual human beings both physically and psychologically from a distance and that this is now being carried out by unknown neuro weapons experts while they work from an unknown remote location.
The people of the Republic of Ireland will shortly be technologically enslaved by these weapons if action is not taken urgently to disband the 5G network and to disable all other related paraphernalia. The capabilities which are outlined in patent number 6965816 are being used to silently and secretly connect the brains and central nervous systems of more and more Irish individuals on an almost daily basis to the internet of things which is sometimes known as the brain net.
On October 1st 2002 Agilent Technologies Engineer Richard C Walker filed a patent application number 10 260 525 which was later called US patent number 6965816 and titled PFN/TRAC system FAA and this patent would subsume all other similar patents in order to control everybody and everything on planet earth and this patent is euphemistically known as “the internet of things” patent. However, it is now believed that Richard C Walker is a front man and that the patent is in reality owned and controlled by a member or members of the British Privy Council and of members of the Pilgrim Society which is a group who are believed to control both said British Privy Council and the Senior Executive Service of the United States as well as exercising a controlling force in banking and large corporations.
I sent a letter to many of the individuals throughout the Republic of Ireland whose contact details I have and who like myself claim to be silently and secretly attacked by electronic weapons while they are attempting to live peaceful lives inside their own homes and elsewhere. If they all should decide not to put their names to the legal case which will be taken against you, I will go ahead with it myself anyway strictly in order to raise awareness among the general public of this attempt to technologically enslave the Irish people and not for any personal financial gain.
Over the past number of years I have sent many letters to members of Mayo County Council asking them to investigate the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons throughout Ireland as well as to put a stop to them. They have not done so. We continue to be electronically harassed and tortured inside our own homes. I know of one lady who has committed suicide because of this ongoing invisible and secret torture and I can provide evidence for this. I plan to use the law to raise awareness of an extreme threat to the freedom of the people of Ireland and to that end I plan to sue you and others in order to force all of you to carry out an act of officially and publicly accepting the existence of, and also of officially and publicly raising awareness of the existence and abuse of invisible directed energy weapons rather than for an amount of money which is not at issue at all to me or to others who are being similarly wirelessly attacked with these weapons. I plan to use the law to force the Irish government to publicly admit the existence and abuse of microwave mind control against the Irish people. Most government staff as well as most senior Gardai now have to work directly under microwave transmitters which are. known to transmit digital transmissions which are being used for nefarious purposes and there is currently no known defence against said microwave mind control. When one is under the influence of microwave mind control one is generally unaware of how powerfully and dangerously it effects their thinking.
We do not have any evidence to support the fact that we are being illegally harassed and tortured with directed energy weapons. We can not as yet gather evidence because we do not have access to a spectrum analyser or to a non-lineor junction detector which would give us undisputed proof that this is happening to us by external wireless technological means. I asked a County Councillor, Cllr Martin Finn when he called to my home while canvasing for the local election in early summer of this year to organise for Garda Stations to be provided with spectrum analyzers so that we could prove scientifically that we are being wirelessly electronically harassed and tortured so therefore it is safe to assume that it is only a matter of time until this equipment is provided.
We have evidence that the Gardai are not accepting statements from us for no good reason and that is one of the reasons why I and others are taking this court case. When we complain to them of our harassment and psychological torture they refuse to accept statements from us and then we are immediately mandated to attend for psychiatric evaluation. When we then speak to the attending police psychiatrist we are obliged to withdraw half of the story that we informed the attending Garda of in order to save ourselves from wrongly being immeditaley incarcerated inside a psychiatric hospital if we should persist with telling the truth.
We have evidence to support the fact that psychiatrists are also perverting the course of justice by falsely declaring us as mentally ill without any reason whatsoever other than that we inform them that we are hearing voices and feeling sensation and experiencing a variety of other unwanted experiences, all of which can be engendered by the capabilities which are outlined in the Richard C Walker wireless internet of things patent number 6965816 and that is another reason why I and others are taking this court case. When we are wrongly incarcerated inside psychiatric hospitals for telling the truth to psychiatrists about being targeted with wireless directed energy weapons or other unknown electronic weapons we have to later withdraw our true story and falsely claim that we were mentally ill when we experienced being attacked by said directed energy weapons or other military weapons from a distance, in order to eventually gain release from psychiatric hospitals. This scenario is being played out all over Ireland and the rest of the world by psychiatric attendees who all are aware that psychiatry is a scam which has been developed to control the flow of information regarding a large variety of weapons which are being used to harass, torture and physically harm both human beings and other sentient beings from a distance.
We have supporting evidence that senior politicians as well as Mayo County Councillors are ignoring all attempts to help us gain evidence of our ongoing electronic harassment and psychological torture and that is another reason why we are taking this court case.
We are now afraid to return to Garda stations for the purposes of reiterating our claims of electronic harassment and psychological torture as well as many other unwanted harassment experiences because we believe that the only option open to junior Gardai at this stage is to again send us for both unnecessary and unwanted psychiatric evaluation. This would more than likely end up in us being committed to psychiatric hospitals where we would be mandated in ingest toxic substances which cause extremely distressing side effects in all occasions from my own experiences, and which are so extremely distressing that they are akin to being tortured from the inside out as far as I am concerned.
I believe that some of your colleagues in the political and legal world will look for ways to delay the advancement of this legal case until such a time as the aforementioned weapons capabilities are introduced as useful tool in fighting crime and until they are legally recognised as a lawful way of fighting crime. If you successfully disallow their delaying tactics the human race will then be enabled to bring in a paradigm of true freedom, abundance, honesty and free energy into our reality and we will then enable ourselves to enjoy fewer working hours for the rest of their lives which is easy to accomplish because most work being carried out currently is being done for reasons which are not in the best interests of the majority of humanity.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901, Mobile Phone Number 0870692278
I am non-consensually wirelessly connected to the internet of things which is also known as the brain net and this fate is meant for all of you except for about two thousand individuals who sit at the top of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command. Being wirelessly connected to the internet of things is a fate worse than death. Unknown very controlling individuals speak to me continually throughout each day and they send me voice commands as well as disparaging comments and death threats among other unwanted communications. They send information to my organs and limbs in order to gain more control over my physical body until such a time as they can completely immobilize and paralyse me if I don’t obey them. At this point of time after they have spent more than sixteen years wirelessly experimenting on me, they can ground me for several minutes whenever they feel like doing so, by sending information to some of my muscles which temporarily cause me pain.
I post online on my website some of what these inner voices say to me often. Here is some of what the aforementioned voices have said to me and to their work colleagues about me in the past few days:-
“Why isn’t she eating salad.” “Why aren’t you eating salad?” ( I had just finished eating almost a full punnit of grapes when they asked me that.)
“I want her to switch off her computer.”
“Inappropriate conduct in the workplace herself. ” This was followed shortly after by the following “I withdraw it.”
“Apprehend her.”
“Why is wifi not operational.” “Sorry, That was my fault.”
“I have a problem with her. She is overweight.”
“This is an innocuous system.” “No it isn’t. It is a system of destroying a human being and rendering them immobile so that they cant move a muscle unless we give them permission.”
“Sending all kinds of rubbish to the national press. We will have to stop her I’m afraid.”
“Get this woman off my screen.”
“Make a quick decision to have this lady sent to a psychiatric hospital. We don’t want to see any more of this material sent out to the public.”
“Take away your hand. I want to analyse your bowel.”
“We are not allowing Gretta Fahey to sleep adequately most nights and we are causing her extreme distress as well, both of which inhibit good digestion.”
“We need you to classify this woman as a deviant.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website is called My email address is
I am being subjected to non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation which is now also known as gaining wireless cybernetic control of my central nervous system for the purposes of overt domination of me and of all other human beings who come under similar categories to mine which is all human beings who are in receipt of disability allowance for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and similar problems such as bladder problems. My unique brain signature was entrained into a frequency of terror for at least a full year around 2008 and 2009 as a punishment for attempting suicide on two occasions. On several occasions during that time I used to wake up suddenly late at night and I would instintly sit rigidly bolt upright in bed immediately upon waking and I would be in a state of extreme terror. This symptom of my extreme distress is widely regarded as a symptom of someone who has been tortured, either psychologically or physically.
Anybody who experiences non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation is automatically and falsely classified as being mentally ill by both state psychiatrists and the police in order to destroy all credible information sources relating to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.
I hear the voices of the Remote Neural Monitoring operatives coming from inside my own head because I may have been illegally implanted with a hearing device which I hope to prove in the future in a natural law court. Man made law which is the law we are governed by is no longer in harmony with moral law to the extent that some of its laws are deemed to be seriously deranged. Man made law is not fixed and is not immutable and it is therefore illegal under natural law which is the only law that we aught to be governed by. It has become illegal to write those last few sentences because it is now deemed illegal under deranged man made laws to tell the truth in all cases. That is why, when I eventually take a law case against my aggressors I will do so under fixed and immutable worldwide natural laws.
I have erroneously asked for psychiatric assistance in past times because of being frightened of my experiences of being under Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation. In all occasions the psychiatric medication which I then became obligated to take had extremely distressing side effects and if one were to complain to the mandating psychiatrist about those extremely distressing side effects then the psychiatrist would invariably insist that I would keep taking the distressing psychiatric medication and would ask me to take extra medication which they would claim would dampen down the distressing side effects. I feel that I would then be obliged to take two different toxic formulas which would accumulate in my bloodstream and which would give me further devastating side effects. When the psychiatric patient returns home and should he or she complain about the extreme side effects of the medication at a later date then the psychiatrist would mandate that the patient then return for a stay inside the psychiatric hospital so that the medication could be changed while under observation in case the new medication would cause a severe reaction. While inside the psychiatric hospital the psychiatrist could then extend the stay or make the in-patient status a permanent arrangement at his or her own free will with any political oversight whatsoever. That is why patients don’t generally complain at all. This situation occurs across the board to all psychiatric patients. The reason I bring it up is because I and other former psychiatric patients have such an extreme fear of this situation ever occurring in the future that we would never knowingly speak to a psychiatrist again ever, and if we were ever forced to do so we would have to falsify all statements to them for fear of ever being mandated to take such toxic formulas again. Because of this extreme fear of psychiatric medication and the fear of communicating clearly and precisely with psychiatrists that it engenders and for many other reasons previously mentioned on this website, I now firmly believe that psychiatry is a sham designed to cover up all knowledge of electronic harassment and torture by individuals wielding directed energy weapons and other advanced weaponry. Many psychiatrists themselves may be under mind control.
One of the voices which I continually hear coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission was this morning heard by me to say the following “I often endeavour to get top management to accept vicious likes about Gretta Fahey in order to get paid enough money to live on. Otherwise I would probably starve.” This and other comments lead me to believe that the Remote Neural Monitoring staff have been constantly lying about me down through the years.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called
I am connected to the wireless internet of things which some are calling the brain net and I have been non-consensually connected it for many years. As the years go by I am finding out more and more of the current extreme capabilities of smart phones and other smart devices. One of the reasons that I may have been connected to it was because I was and still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. Half of my disability allowance is paid for by Irish tax payers and the other half is paid by tax payers from the rest of Europe. Those European tax payers have no way of knowing if those in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome are genuinely entitled to it or if they are claiming for it dishonestly so somebody or some group had me connected to the wireless internet of things against my will and without my permission.
I am informed that if you own a personal smart phone and you carry it around with you on a constant basis, the smart phone will record everything you think, say and do while you have it close to you, at least within five feet of you. Every time you think a thought you generate a unique electromagnetic frequency which is downloaded to the smart phone and it is then wirelessly transmitted to a central location where it is automatically translated into that unique thought. . All of your other thoughts, words and actions which also generate their own unique electromagnetic frequencies are stored at that central location as well. That central control centre stores unique details about you such as how long you sleep each night, how often you eat, what your moods are like and many other personal details.
I don’t carry a smart phone with me and I don’t have any digital media devices on my bicycle which is my mode of transport. I live out in a rural area and I don’t often encounter any digital media devices other than my personal computer. Because of a lack of digital media devices in my environment, the engineers who monitor me via smart engineered technology can not obtain as much detail about my daily habits as they would like and this is causing consternation among the team of bio-engineers who keep me on file with regard to my claim for irritable bowel syndrome.
Not alone are all of the electromagnetic frequencies which are generated by the brains and bodies of individuals who are wirelessly and non-consensually connected to the smart grid automatically stored at a central location and also automatically translated into everything we think, say and do but as well as that, a frequency modulator is used to send us back other electromagnetic frequencies which are made to over ride our own electromagnetic frequencies to the extent that now our arms and legs can be forced to move against our wills among many other unwanted experiences. Information is being wirelessly sent to my brain and central nervous system over many years to the point that now I can be grounded at the will of the unknown bio-engineers who illegally remote neural monitor and remote neural manipulate me. At this stage, my right leg can be disabled for a short space of time by wireless means at their will. When I am cycling my bicycle I can be made to come off it in a state of pain and I am unable to complete my journey until I recover, a process which can take between five and twenty minutes. This has happened to me on many occasions while said bio-engineers speak to me by live link directly to the hearing centre of my brain.
These unknown bio-engineers who I regard as criminals sometimes tell me what I should eat, what time I should get up in the morning at, what I should spend my money on, and even when I should visit the bathroom. Wireless technological capabilities now exist that can enslave human beings while it appear to their own families that they are free will human beings. Are NASA staff wirelessly enslaved because they continually lie to us about everything they inform us of?