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Industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and it is capable of generating sixty thousand different products and yet it has been banned from the market place by individuals who wish to empoverish us for some of the following reasons:-
The first step to taking over a country and its people is to first of all find ways to empoverish the people of that country. That has already been achieved by banning industrial hemp and by thereby banning all of its products from the market place. We could build, furnish and carpet and power our homes by using industrial hemp as the main raw material to achieve this. We could feed our animals with industrial hemp. It takes only ninety days for industrial hemp to grow to full maturity from seed. It has been banned from the world market place by individuals who wish to take over our countries and to enslave us.
A second step to taking over a country and its people is to destroy the health of the people of the country which has been designated for takeover and enslavement. In medical school, students are being deliverately misinformed about all aspects of human health. This has now become apparent because medical practitioners are coming to the fore online and relating stories of how they given misinformation at medical school and since then through their own private endeavours have found much better ways of treating and curing illnesses, information which was denied to them during their medical training. Further to that, Iatrogenic events in medical practice is the third leading cause of death in the United States at this time.
A fourth step needed in taking over a country and its people is to intellectually dumb them down so that they are unable to think logically and rationally. Magical thinking is encouraged in all areas. Government education is mainly about subjugation, brain washing, mass control and conformity. Children are not been taught how to think critically. A future dictatorship does not wish to be challenged by individuals who are truely educated and independend minded. They would like the population they control to think collectively because they hate individuality because they can not and never could mind control individual thinkers. School has become a process of non-educational programming. Schooling is also being used to make children aware of time constraints so that they could be controlled by this means in the future. Public schooling is now being used to indoctrinate students into the political principal of collectivism which means central control of people.
A fifth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take total control over the main stream media which has already been achieved throughout the world. The dark occultists and others who aim to enslave us have purchased most newspapers, magazines, television stations,publishing houses and film studios. They push the same propaganda from all avenues so that it then becomes more believable when people begin to hear the same message from several different sources. All avenues of information have now been centralized into fewer and fewer hands and those fewer hands are attempting to manufacture a false reality where we would be given fewer basic human rights that those within the dictatorship.
A sixth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take control of the police of that country. At present, masts over police stations affect the beta rhythm of their brains which is responsible for sound judgement in emergency situations. Police are being forced to enforce unjust laws. Police are being denied access to information about directed energy weapons and their true capabilities. They are being wrongly guided to send complainers of directed energy weapons attacks for mandatory psychiatric evaluation, thereby mistakingly covering up in-home wireless torture and in-home attempts at wireless enslavement of good living people through attempts at controlling them through their central nervous systems. An attempt to turn human beings into cyborgs through control of their nervous systems has been partially achieved. With the use of invisible and silent weapons, peoples biological and electrical systems and their minds can be controlled via telephone masts.
A seventh step needed to take over a country and its people is to use brain entrainment and subliminal programming of the populace through television, smart phones and wifi whenever the would be enslavers wish to introduce unjust government ligitation such as privatising property which is owned by the people of that country and thereby allowing it to be purchased by unknown investors who are acting for the dictatorship. Such brain entrainment and subliminal programming and other mind control techniques are being used on you without your knowledge and consent during elections, political meetings, conferences, demonstrations, large consumer purchases such as when purchasing private homes or holiday homes, as well as during court cases. Brain entrainment and subliminal programming has become so advanced now that it can be used to cover whole countries or whole continents at the same time.
An eight step needed to take over a country and its people is to keep them working continually while often performing pointless tasks so that they will not have time to figure out what is really occurring behind the scenes in their lives. It has been widely discovered that at least eighty percent of all work being performed across the world only benefits the would-be enslavers of the human race. In order to provide ourselves with everything we need and in order to lead lives of absolute abundance each man and woman in this world would really only need to work one day per week. Further to that, it is advantageous to the would-be dictatorship to keep both students and workers permanently tired and stressed because conditioning which is installed when somebody is in a state of stress or fatigue goes deeper that conditioning which is installed at other times.
A nineth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people a platform of complaint whenever they are being subject to unjust treatment or when they are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes. The main stream media refuse to print our stories and politicians refuse to act on our requests for assistance and they refuse to provide technology which would enable us to prove that we are under wireless attack. Universities refuse to reply to our requests for help.
A tenth step needed to take over a country and its people is to encourage everyone to belong to groups or teams. Anyone who lives alone or who acts alone or who is an individual thinker is to be portrayed with suspicion by agents within the main stream media. Group members try to minimize conflict in order to reach a consensus often without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints. If you belong to a group you are often isolated from outside influences.
An eleventh step to taking over a country and its people is to manipulate the young people into becoming addicted to substances and to sexually depraving themselves by offering them misleading advice when they are too young to be able to assess it critically. If we live lives of loyalty and fidelity to one partner throughout our lives and if sexual behaviour is moderate rather than extreme then we will have peace of mind throughout our lives. The nuclear family is destroyed when people become sexually promiscious thereby paving the way for greater intervention into our lives and manipulation of our lives by a would-be dictatorship.

A twelfth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people adequate living space because by living in over crowded spaces we are being subjected to undue stress which would make us move maleable to being controlled by false authority figures . If there were a stable six billion individuals on earth and each apartment building was only six floors high we could then give every man, woman and child on earth their own large fifty square metre apartment for the duration of their whole life and it would take approximately twelve million acres of space to build those six floor apartment buildings on and considering that there are thirty six thousand, seven hundred and ninety four million acres of land on earth, after we subtracted the twelve million acres of land needed for the spacious apartment blocks, we would then have thirty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty two million acres of land left for food and for wild animals.
36,794,000,000 Acres of land on earth.
- 12,000,000 Acres needed to give every one their one fifty square metre apartment for life
provided each apartment building was six floors high and the population of earth
remained at a stable six billion.
36,782,000,000 Acres left over for farm land and wild land.
We should enact laws where we are all entitled to own personal property such as our own fifty square metre large home which could be built by industrial hemp building blocks and furnished by industrial hemp furniture and carpeted by industrial hemp carpets. Nobody could then accuse us of wasting the resources of the planet because it only takes ninety days to grow industrial hemp from seed to full maturity so therfure we would not be burdening the planet in any way whatsoever. We would no longer allow laws which would entitle us to own private property such as land, roads, lakes, seas, apartment blocks, banks, museums and government buildings because these publicly owned resources are now being privatized all over the world and are being purchased by the same group of would-be dictators of the world who if allowed to continue would eventually own all of the resources of the planet and legally enslave the rest of us so that we would not be able to live if we ever dared to challenge their future dictatorship. Please raise awareness of this.

Whenever those who run governments from behind the scenes commit crimes they apply the word "classified" to each crime and by this means secrecy allows evil to flourish. Senior politicians and other government staff should refuse to sign secrecy clauses and they should disclose whatever they know about government criminality because full disclosure allows good to flourish. Honesty and truth holds society together.
We must become self-sufficient within each country. We must refuse to finance the intelligence services. We must switch back from digital to analogue communications. We must own and control our own central banks. We must use common law courts whose laws would be enforced by a peoples militia. We must take down HAARP phased arrays. We must not allow children to become unquestioningly obedient order followers because by becoming unquestioningly obedient they could in later life easily be persuaded to commit acts of extreme evil by the would-be dictatorship.

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The U.S.A. was making excellent financial and technological progress back in the 1960. America was a place of abundance, truth, peace of mind and well informed citizenry. The dark Luciferians and Satanists wished to establish world rule under their own command and they were frightened that the financial and technological progress the people of the United States of America were making would eventually lead to a republican hegemoney if it were not slowed down. To that end, dark occultists who own and run British Military Intelligence and the C.I.A. organised a counter culture for the purposes of slowing down American technological and financial progress. They went on to organise a music festival called Woodstock which was attended by half a million young Americans who went on to be drugged and brainwashed on a farm for three days.
"The victims were isolated, immersed in filth, pumped with psychadelic drugs and kept awake continuously for three straight days and all with the full complicity of the FBI and government officials." From a Book called 'Tavistock Institute' by Daniel Estulin
Food, water and sanatary facilities were in short supply and worst of all there was no way for anybody who wanted to, to leave. After the weekend was over many went on to become fully fledged drug addicts who embraced a counter culture of hedonism. Whenever sexual promiscuity is tolerated in a society that society collapses after four generations because the family unit is then weakened which allows for excessive and often abusive government intervention into such families. Strong family connections are the back bone of any stable society.

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If there were a stable six billion individuals on earth and each apartment building was only six floors high we could then give every man, woman and child on earth their own large fifty square metre apartment for the duration of their whole life and it would take approximately twelve million acres of space to build those six floor apartment buildings on and considering that there are thirty six thousand, seven hundred and ninety four million acres of land on earth, after we subtracted the twelve million acres of land needed for the spacious apartment blocks, we would then have thirty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty two million acres of land left for food and for wild animals.
36,794,000,000 Acres of land on earth.
- 12,000,000 Acres needed to give every one their one fifty square metre apartment for life
provided each apartment building was six floors high and the population of earth
remained at a stable six billion.
36,782,000,000 Acres left over for farm land and wild land.
Industrial Hemp is the worlds number one resource. It is capable of providing us with 60,000 different products including, clothing, carpets, animal feeds, building materials and many others. We have been denied the right to bring industrial hemp to the market place thereby denying us our rightful abundance.
Free energy devices have already been developed but that has also been banned for the market place. The individuals who wish to enslave us have given us a mind set of making work our God where the more we work the higher our self esteem is allowed to become. However, at least eighty percent of the work currently being performed throughout the world is negative, evil, damaging, dangerous and some even pointless work, namely military, intelligence, alcohol, tobacco, most pharmaceuticals, poisonous vaccines, organised religions, governments, schools, and others too numerous to mention.
Human beings are self regulating. Church and state are the two arms of the enslavement system. We should organise ourselves under common law while using common law courts whose laws would be enforced using a peoples militia. Judges and Juries would only ever be allowed to preside in court on one occasion during their lives and they would be selected by the peoples assembly for that occasion.
If we didnt have to spend our whole lives worrying about how to provide a home for ourselves and how to feed ourselves we could then instead spend our whole lives thinking of ways to improve the world for future generations. The happiness levels of the men, women and children of the world would then take a quantum leap into lifes of pure joy. Can we make this happen at this time and how can we make it happen?

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I am reading a book called "Artificial Intelligence, Dangers to Humanity" where the author Cyrus A. Parsa claims that smart phones can more easily program the mind of the user than any other digital media device because smart phones create a bio-digital flow-cycle with the human beings who owns them allowing information to move at rapid speeds to and from the person and the smart phone. I myself believe that people are being heavily programmed to resist all knowledge of the capabilities of modern scientific and technological capabilities to enslave them and I believe that they will sincerely regret it if they refuse to acknowledge this situation as well as to put the situation to rights now.

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We all have inhaled and ingested nano technology from processed food, public water supply and chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. This nano technology and other heavy metals can then pass through the blood brain barrier and become embedded inside the human brain because the blood brain barrier becomes more porus when in the presence of certain types of electromagnetic radiation fields.
When our bodies are embedded with heavy metals scientists can easily measure the speed and direction of the flow of electricity through our bodies by wireless remote means if and when the technology inside our bodies has proliferated around our bodies in sufficient quantities to be of use to them and others.
A potential wireless slave is usually secretly embedded with further technology to further the process of their enslavement at a time when they are unaware that it is occurring. Computer coding is wirelessly transmitted to the technology inside the human body so that the muscles of that human being can then be wirelessly controlled by unknown criminals while they work from an unknown remote location. If they gain enough wireless control over the physical body of the potential wireless slave they can wirelessly close the eyes of the wireless slave and never allow the wireless slave to open them again, thereby rendering the wireless slave blind for life despite having excellent eye sight. They can close the mouth of the wireless slave for ever thereby allowing the wireless slave to starve to death despite having good health. They can cause the wireless slave to be come disoriented or immobilized while taking a bath at a time when the hot tap is turned on thereby causing the wireless slave to be scalded to death. They can force the wireless slave to place their hand on top of a hot stove thereby burning the hand of the wireless slave whenever they might wish to do so.
Senior politicians who are widely believed to be under bio-digital programming from a flow-cycle of information which is being transmitted to them at high speeds whenever they use their smart phone have not yet considered supplying the police forces of the world with easily available technology which can be used to detect digital signals coming from the heads of wireless slaves so as to provide reasonable proof to the courts that these individuals are in fact wireless slaves. At the moment whenever wireless slaves attempt to bring up the subject of their wireless enslavement they are being scorned by bio-digitally programmed individuals who insist on believing that they are mentally ill instead of believing the truth which is that they have become and remain wirelessly enslaved. Please bring this matter to the police. For further information on the whole matter of abuses of technology please read the work of Professor Eric Karlstrom which is to be found at his website which is called www.gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com.
If you are a wirelessly controlled slave or if you are currently being coded with information in order to eventually provided unknown criminals with external control of all of the muscles in your body please research a youtube channel called HerbsPlusBeadWorks by a Canadian Engineer called Tony Pantalleresco who has devised many and varied anti-nano devices which should be released into the market place urgently. However, secret societies who now control the market place will probably ban them if they are not curtailed.
My website which I alone own and control and which gives details of how I have been wirelessly tortured for seventeen years and how I have been disbelieved by society is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. I know many other individuals throughout the Republic of Ireland and further afield who are being wirelessly tortured. It has been estimated that one and a half million United States citizens are now being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes. There is a covert war against the civilian population by a small cabal of the super-rich. The aforementioned Professor Eric Karlstrom gives a list of who he believes they are in his website which is called www.gangstalkingmindcontrolcults.com.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey,

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If you are a Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operative and you happen to be one of the operatives who remote neural monitor me while I am quietly going about my private life inside my own family  home and if you should choose to submit a negative report about me I am now at a stage where I can be immobilized to the extent that I would not be able to move a muscle in the forefront of my body.  My hands and legs could also be rendered immobile at some time in the future.   Be careful before deciding to join the ranks of the Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operatives because you will eventually be required to torture the good people who you monitor.  This Remote Neural Monitoring System is being set up with most of the men, women and children of the world in mind.  It is an as yet invisible enslavement system for most of the worlds people.  If you are in a position to prove  that this is happening in secret please report the matter to the police immediately.   Thank you.  Gretta Fahey.


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You are being programmed through your smart phone to accept a socialist platform for worldwide control where one human being would own and control every living being throughout the earth and that same human being would be a worldwide slavemaster and we as his slaves would be wirelessly attached by our central nervous systems to his central super computer control system. If we dared to challenge his false authority he could wirelessly torture or eliminate us and he could achieve this from his desk top computer.
At the moment, if you walk through an airport terminal the security cameras there can identify you by facial recognition or by recognition of your unique energy imprint or by several other means. They can then generate a number of details about you from their data banks. If you have ever done anything to challenge the false authority of central controllers you would be then apprehended and detained at the will of unknown false authority figures. If you are unaware of these advances in technological capabilities it is because individuals such as yourself and most of the rest of the men, women and children of the world who have been pinpointed as future slaves are not likely to be warned in advance of that.
Now, however, a new solution has been found to hold back the incremental slide into worldwide enslavement. If each visitor to an airport terminal were to carry rolls of repelling magnets in their pockets the forcefield being generated by each roll of repelling magnets would render the ability of the facial recognition technology or the unique energy imprint technology unable to identify you. You would return to enjoying your right to privacy and anonymity while out in public. We must all carry rolls of repelling magnets in our pockets from now on in order to halt our slide into technological enslavement which has been planned for us for multi generations. The late United States President John F Kennedy warned us that there was a plot to enslave all of us approximately ten days before he was assisinated.
If you are uninformed about the topic of our impending technological enslavement please read a very valuable book called "Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity" by Cyrus A. Parsa. However, I disagree with Cyrus A Parsa in his belief that it is artificial intelligence who are attempting to technologically enslave us because I strongly believe that all technology is actually being programmed in advance by agents of dark occultists who would remain outside the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command. It has been claimed that they have purchased large tracts of land in Madagascar as well as the claim that Madagascar has never been sprayed with biologicals, chemicals and nano technology unlike almost every other country throughout the world.
We should disassemble and ban HAARP phased arrays as well as GWEN towers, microwave antennas and 5G millimeter wave antennas as soon as we have finished raising awareness of the widespread but covert crime of in-home remotely administered wireless torture.

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The following linked youtube video which is called "A SOLUTION THEY DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW" has been posted online by Dana Ashlie from California and it informs us that there is a computer simulation of the world being created now and there are virtual versions of each of us placed inside that computer simulation. It also states that nanobots which are inside our brains and bodies are being used to collect all kinds of biological data from us and that HAARP phased arrays are providing the carrier waves which transmit data from our bodies to the virtual versions of us inside the real world computer simulation. We are also being informed that the connections between our real selves and our virtual selves which are inside the computer simulation are bi-directional.
I am a non-consenting targeted individual of wirelessly enabled extreme research for many years and because of my extreme experiences I believe that what is being told to us in the aforementioned video is true in many respects and I also believe that this real world computer simulation of the men, women and children of the world is ultimately an illegal virtual human enslavement system and it should be abolished immediately. When will the HAARP phased arrays which are being erected and activated throughout the world be disassembled and banned in order to stop this aforementioned illegal enslavement system. When will the microwave transmitters which I believe are being used both to mind control the people of the world as well as to dampen down the intellectual capabilities of most of the people of the world in order to eventually enslave them or genocide them disassembled and banned. My third question is as follows :- Is the ingestion of a quarter teaspoon of boron in the form of borax in a glass of water three times per day the best way of inhibiting the replication capabilities of the nano filiments which are inside us. Here below is the link to the aforementioned video by Dana Ashlie.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9V1U_hnxEjo&t=204s

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The Richard C. Walker patent number US6965816 describes the ability to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle or the central nervous system of a human being. I Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland an a non-consensual victim of neuro experimentation where over many years more and more of my central nervous system is being externally, wirelessly controlled by unknown operatives who speak to me by wireless means as they work of my central nervous system. Here below is a short synopsis of some of what these individuals who transmit their voices to me via military technology and which I hear coming from inside my head have informed me of in the past few weeks.
"It is not a binary system. It is a digital system andit has taken over several aspects of the womans body and brain."
"If she continues to expose this system we will hurt her."
"The roads will be privately owned some time in the future and then no one will be allowed to use them without the permission of the slave masters."
"My name is Anastasia Lochlin."
"We dont hear anything from the staff that are monitoring her and we dont know why."
"We are attempting to preprogram your jaws to obey our commands as well as to over ride your superior commands."
"By relinguishing all rights to your home and family and then by coming with us is now the only way you would be given any freedom. Otherwise you would not be able to move a muscle by the time we are finished encoding your central nervous system."
"Can we feel the toes?" "Not yet." "I can feel all of your facial muscles." "When this process of totally submerging you in our consciousness is completed we will then be able to walk and talk through you."
"This information is not available to anyone else as yet because it is black budget military technology and we have been warned not to speak about it"
"Overt control of this woman Gretta Fahey has now become feasable."
The voice to skull military technology enabled voices once informed me via voice to skull that they informed their neuro operatives that I am a systems design rather than a real living non-consensual and extremely unwilling human being so that the neuro operatives would continue their work of encoding me for bio-robotization. They have already taken partial control of my facial, neck, eye and several other muscles.
The voice to skull inner voices once gave me the following name and address as follows:-
Eamon Clohessy, 14 Willow Lane, Clondalkin, Co. Dublin. They then told me that he is the Director of Public Information Systems for the Republic of Ireland as part of the criminal syndicate which they are all involved in.
The voice to skull inner voices have also given me the following names during the past few months or years as follows:-
Emma Byron - dealer. Maurice Chambers - passed away. He was murdered. He was once head of the secret police in the Republic of Ireland. Keith Summerville - one of the neuro staff. Peter Hoagland - with the C.I.A. and directly involved with my electronic harassment and non-consensual neuro evaluation. Jack Henderson, Allan Lucas, Max Stafford. Other names I have heard the voice to skull inner voices mention often over the past number of years are Jessica, Martha, Madeline and John Henry who was a previous neuro staff member and who was claimed by them to have been murdered.

I have informed the Gardai in my home town of Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland of my ongoing experiences of wireless remote controlled psychological torture. They refused to accept a statement from me on the grounds that I was mentally ill. They did not allow me to finish telling them of my ongoing experiences and instead they brought me to see a police psychiatrist Dr John O Toole for mandatory psychiatric evaluation. I was cool and composed when I first went in to the Garda Station in Claremorris to make that statement. I was then remotely made to feel far too warm by wireless remote means in order that I would be discredited in front of the Gardai who I spoke to on that day. I believed that I would be wrongly evaluated as mentally ill if I continued to pursue the topic with the police psychiatrist Dr John O Toole so I sidelined the conversation in order to protect myself from wrongly being incarcerated inside a psychiatric hospital and forceably made to ingest toxic substances which are so harmful that ingesting them is akin to being tortured from the inside out to the extent that I would prefer to be dead that to ever have to go through the experience of spending time inside a psychiatric hospital ever again.
I know sixteen other targeted individuals from the Republic of Ireland whose private contact details I have obtained and who are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes, some of them are being wirelessly physically burned and at least one other is experiencing external wireless control of his central nervous system where his arms and legs are being forceably moved against his will.

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I  acquired my first smart  phone a few months ago and I don't use it often and I keep it inside a faraday bag when not in use.  Before I purchased my smart phone I used a Doro phone which may sometimes be being presented as a smart phone but it has different frequencies than a standard smart phone.  I  use a land line home phone for all my phone use. I only purchased this smart phone because I could not access an account without verifying that account by downloading an app on to a smart phone and verifying the account through that system.  

  I use my smart phone an average of one time per week.  I have now noticed that after each time I use it I become more trusting and apathetic towards the worldwide control system than I usually am.  This feeling of false trust and false apathy lasts for about one hour.  Using my computer does not have the same impact on me at all. 

I am now reading a book called "Artificial Intelligence, Dangers to Humanity" by Cyrus A Parsa.  He claims on page 225 of this book that AI can enter people via smart phones more easily that other digital media devices because the smart phone has already created a bio-digital flow-cycle with the human being who owns it.   

I know that almost all individuals who are now using smart phones are heavily programmed into dangerous states of happy apathy.  We are in the greatest danger of being enslaved through our smart phones and yet they are dumbing down all of the people who hold smart phones close to their brains to an extreme degree.  They don't realise that they have been dumbed down.  They actually believe that they can think clearly.   They have been programmed to resist all information about the dumbing down capabilities of smart phones.  They have been programmed to believe every lie that the behind the scenes controllers of the main stream media generate and distribute.   Smart phone users who are senior politicians are even rushing in the erection of 5g millimetre wave transmitters which when installed and activated would then be used to send us voice commands as well as pain signals if we refused to be obedient to the dictates of the individuals who transmit the voice commands.  I believe that those politicians are not evil .  They have simply been programmed to be in alignment with programming which is coming through their smart phones and in a less powerful way their other digital media devices.

Your smart phone is a powerful transmitter and mind control programming device.  Keep it away from your head and keep it in a faraday bag when not in use.    

Through geo-engineering the skies have been sprayed with chemicals, biologicals, nano technology and conductive pieces of metal  to the extent that the atmosphere has now become electrified.  There are many reasons for this including enabling wireless capabilities throughout the entire earth for the purposes of plasma studies, weather engineering, and full spectrum dominance through interfacing our brains and central nervous systems  with compurters, thereby enslaving us through central nervous control which has been explained in patent number US6965816.  

If we put a stop to this aforementioned geo-engineering we can escape the  total enslavement fate that dark occultists have planned for us.

I have been a non-consensual victim of  wirelessly enabled experimentation for nearly seventeen years  and I have informed my general practitioner, psychiatrists and the police of this but they all failed to believe me because they have already been programmed to disbelieve anything that is contrary to the ongoing programming they are receiving through their digital media devices.  We need to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and HAARP phased arrays throughout the world as well as all related paraphernalia.

There are heavy metals included in the geo-engineering chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads which we inhale and ingest.  One of these heavy metals in particular is causing enormous problems for human health.  That is aluminium.  Alzheimers patients, autistic children, patients with Lou Gerigs disease and patients with parkinsons disease have all been found to have high levels of aluminium in their brains.  Aluminium is also being used as an adjuvant is most  vaccines and this is totally unnecessary and dangerous. Many children either develop autism or they die shortly after receiving their childhood vaccines.

Elana Freeland has published a book called "Under an Ionized Sky" which I plan to read in the future and which will support my claims. 

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A breakaway society who have spent centuries planning world takeover have deliberately created a hoax that the earth is a spinning ball. The breakaway society use constant repetition of this by including the word globe in newspaper headings every day in order to endorse that enormous lie. They wish us to believe that all will be wirelessly tethered to the computerized enslavement system that millions of us have already become wirelessly tethered to. It is being arranged that areas throughout the world will be left without any aerial supervision which is easy to arrange in a flat fixed earth.
Government staff and others throughout the world are being bio-digitally programmed by their own smart phones and by the smart phones of those around them to believe whatever the breakaway society program them to believe. For the most part I have stayed away from all crowded areas such as concerts, football stadiums, churches, factories and any other place where hundreds of people gather with smart phones in their pockets. The power of hundreds of smart phones in your environment can program those at the gathering to an extreme extent and they would then be willing to unquestioningly believe the smart phone programming and they would then heavily resist listening to or reading any opinion that contradicts their programming. They will talk over you if you attempt to reveal the truth of what is occurring. They are unwilling to admit that they have been programmed. What should we all do about this in order to make them stop using their smart phones and in order that they may return to correct thinking.

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Brain computer interfacing is being illegally used to acquire brain signals from unaware human subjects and to then transfer them to an external device where translation algorithms are then used to translate the acquired brain signals into most if not all of what the unaware human is doing, saying, thinking and feeling.
Because brain computer interface technology is bi-directional subliminal information is then being sent to the unaware human subject to bio-digitally program him or her without their knowledge or consent. The human subject or subjects can be programmed to hate a member of their own family or their own community or even a senior politician and this is being done by the use of engineered artificial intelligent algorithms.
The frequencies which are eminating from your smart phone are being used to entrain your brain so please keep your smart devices in faraday bags when they are not in use.
There are many methods of stealing your brain signals and one of these involves placing a device inside one of your ears while you are unaware that it is occuring in order to collect your brain signals using the science of EEG.
Brain computer interfacing is being used to send voice commands, images, pain, electric shock, artificial feelings and forced muscle movement to men and women who are known as targeted individuals. This is all being covered up by false psychiatry or deliberately created hoaxes such as the demonic possession hoax or the hoax of an extra-terresterial presence. Bio-robotizing a real human being is also being planned so that the all of the free will of a human being can be taken away completely and they would never be able to move a single muscle again while all of their muscle movements would be controlled externally by wireless means. The individuals behind brain computer interface crime are extremely cruel. Some of the staff who work for them may be being externally controlled themselves.

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Natural Laws

THE INHERENT LAWS OF CREATION. Notes taken from the work of Mark Passio of www.whatonearthishappening.com
There are governing dynamics that determine the level of freedom enjoyed by any society.
Freedom and morality are directly proportional.
We are free to choose our behaviours but we are not free to escape the consequences of those behaviours. Our behaviours are governed by natural consequences which are built into the fabric of the laws of creation.
Moral actions are actions which are in harmony with natural law because they do not result in harm to other sentient beings.
Natural law is a force which is known to exist through its observeable effects but difficult or impossible to see with the eye.
Natural law is unversal, eternal and immutable.
The combined amount of truth and morality present in the lives of the people of any given society is directly proportional to the amount of freedom and order in that society and inversely proportional to the presence of chaos, tyranny and slavery in that society.
Our freedom is now decreasing which means that our morality has been on the wane for many decades.

A working knowledge of the occult is mandatory for every true Anarchist and this working knowledge of the occult is essential to bring about a true spiritual awakening on a mass scale.
Moral Relativism is the ideology that objective morality does not exist inherently to nature and that Right and Wrong are subjective constructs that human beings invent which are changeable according to time, location, circumstance or preference. A society that believes that there is no objective difference between right and wrong and that they may arbitrarily create or decide what right and wrong are for themselves is a society which can never harmonize with natural law. Since the governing dynamics of human freedom are predicated upon the combined morality of a society true freedom can never exist in a society that embraces moral relativeism.
Consciousness is not simply a result of electrical impulses in the brain. A belief in government is a religion.
Natural law behavioural consequences are in place for our maximum evolutionary progress. We understand natural law by how it generates an effect when we take action.
All men are created equal under natural law and they are endowed by their creator with unalienable rights. No man has special rights to violate other peoples rights.
Rigid scepticism, scientism, atheism, moral relativeism, social darwinism, eugenics and authoritarianism.
naivete, blind belief, religious extremism, solipsism, unworthiness, self-loathing, order follower, willing slave.
My own views based on my understanding of natural law.
Government does not prevent chaos. If the actions of any society are in harmony with natural law that and only that prevents chaos. Therefore governments, police and military and civil law are counterproductive, useless and worthless.
Some school systems by their deliberately slanted techniques are deliberately engineered to generate chronic right brain dominance in their students so that the students would then go on to be unquestioningly obedient and subservient order followers for the rest of their lives. Most Irish children in the 1960 and 1970, myself included, were schooled by the use of this technique. I was terrified of all authority figures for several decades after I received my schooling because chronic right brain dominance was instilled into me. I was deliberately molded to be an unquestioningly obedient order follower. I have now managed to unschool and deprogram myself from most of what I was taught back then.
The children of very wealthy parents are often deliberately schooled to be chronic left brain dominant in later life. They often are deliberately molded to be rigidly authoritarian. Left brain dominant people and right brain dominant people are being pitted against each other throughout the world by those who control the school systems of the world while they themselves take care to remain in the shadows while observing us closely in order to figure out ways to remove our freedoms little by little so that we dont notice them being removed unless we are awake and aware.
We must endeavour to educate children to have the correct balance between right brain and left brain activity so that they will always know that we are all equal to each other and all have equal rights and that authority is the concept of a diseased mind. We must endeavour to educate children in the belief that organised religions are not essential because a strong knowledge of natural law and its behavioural consequences is all that is required to live a moral life. Indeed, what is the point of organised religions when a knowledge of natural law and its behavioural consequences is sufficient in itself? There are twenty thousand organised religions in use in the world today and they all contradict each other and they all require the believer to believe in unsupported unscientific story lines . Organised religions were mainly installed throughout the world by a breakaway cabal in order to hinder our understanding of logic and instead  to cast us into a world of superstition.   It is my firm opinion that both church and state are two arms of the same worldwide control system and both of them are being used against most of the people of the world by a small cabal of the super-rich.

We aught to organise our localities by a system of anarchy which is a system of rules without rulers which is a linear based self-regulating system.  We are self-regulating by our very nature and the only time we make mistakes is when we follow the dictates of others who do not understand or care about our requirements.  Common law republics are also being run on natural law principles so they are aligned with moral law.  Civil law is now out of harmony with natural law and therefore many of its laws are now found to be unjust.  Do not support civil law.   Use common law to solve problems.    Please see an earlier post  of mine which is called 'Nine reasons why we should abandon hierarchies.'  which is widely available online.

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Smart phones connect to our energy fields. They connect to our bio-metric systems which the Chinese call our meridian channels. They send and receive information to and from our neural network system. Our neurological pathways have inputs and outputs to the extent that what you see and hear from your smart phone goes through the neurological pathways of your brain and body which are also known as meridian channels. This information changes our bio-chemistry and our biology (I assume he means that it changes our bio-chemistry and our biology if we have already inhaled and ingested nano technology and some of the other ingredients which are being sprayed on us from the sky and which are being placed in vaccines.
The information which you obtain from looking at your smart phone during the day is flowing into your brain when you are sleeping and it starts cycling inside your brain and it connects with your nerual networks to create a cyborg system inside you which then would allow others to externally control your physical body through gaining control of your central nervous system. Both your own body and your own mind can then be over ridden.

You can be programmed to accept all kinds of Satanic values. You can be programmed to be cruel and that programming would come from your smart phone.
He goes on to say that the thought processes of most of the smart phone users are uniform now.   I myself believe that they all think alike. They all believe what the new world order cabal with them to believe. They all have the same opinions about almost everything. They all share one personality rather than each of them having unique individual personalities.

.Your Smart Phone Can Program you to be Cruel and Healtless And To Hate A Small Selection of Individuals.

Just as your computer can get a virus, the human body can also be given a virus.

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We have all become embedded with nano technology to the extent that any of us can at any time be activiated as a sender and receiver of direct digital communication both to and from the human brain and central nervous system. Those of us who have already become activated to receive unwanted messages directly into our brains are fully aware that this system is a digital enslavement system which has already been activated inside us. I have sent a message to all of the County Councillors who act for County Mayo in the Republic of Ireland asking them to attend a meeting where I would arrange for them to meet approximately twenty Irish men and women who are willing to substantiate my true statement that we have already been non-consensually activated to receive voice messages and other information which is being sent almost continually to our brains from unknown neuro operatives who I now believe have become partially enslaved by this system which is sometimes known as a cybernetic control system or a neural control system or it is also known as remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation.

The main policy of dark occultists when challenged in any way is to induce negative attention on the individual who challenges them and to attempt to ignore the challenging message almost entirely.

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I am a targeted individual of wireless remote control and I have been so for seventeen years. Over the years the criminals who wirelessly control me have gained more and more control over the muscles of my body by bio-digitally coding my central nervous system. Last night they violently and vigorously forced my lower legs to move repeatedly against my will and without my permission by wireless remote means. They also forced my waist to move against my will. This morning they forced me into a virtual reality hold where I was forced into a virtual reality setting where I was in my own shower room with a small boy. I don’t know what would have happened in that virtual reality setting because I screamed and screamed in order to get out of it. I live alone in the country side and I can scream as loudly as I wish without disturbing anybody whatsoever.
The men and women criminals who have wirelessly tethered me to their computerized enslavement, torture and genocide system speak amongst themselves often and I am forced to hear what they say to each other via the bi-directional wireless interface which permanently tethers me to them. This morning I heard them say the following via that system “Have we occupancy of her body?” “No. We don’t have full occupancy of her body yet.”
These criminals informed me yesterday that as soon as they gained full occupancy of my body not alone would they be able to bio-robotize me but they would be able to paralyse me whenever they wished. They would then paralyse me from head to toe whenever they wished and I would not be able to move a single muscle without their permission. They sometimes call that process ‘FULL METAL JACKET’. They said that they would then force me to commit lewd acts against my will and if I did not commit them they would then re-paralyse me and they would also send me extreme pain during the time that I would be forced to remain paralysed. I would much prefer to be dead than to have that happen to me.
We all have technology inside our brains and bodies now due to chemtrail spraying of the air and due to adding nano technology to vaccines which has been scientifically proved by independent scientists who have used an electron microscope to do so. I will put the link to that relevant video here later today.
I am attempting to raise awareness of another piece of the worldwide computerized enslavement system which is in store for everyone other than the slave masters but I am being blocked from doing so. That other piece of the system is the fact that the earth is flat and fixed but the hoax that the earth is a spinning ball is sustained in order to make people believe that surveillance from space would include everybody being under surveillance and no part of the earth could possibly be shielded from surveillance. However the truth is that the earth is fixed and flat and certain territories are being totally shielded from surveillance from space. The Antarctic ice wall keeps in the seas and through intense cold and darkness it provides a natural barrier to stop us from exploring beyond a certain point at the edge of said Antarctic ice wall. Thousand mile railway lines have been laid down by civil engineers without them being allowed to take into account a possible curvature of the earth.
Over the past seventeen years I have informed psychiatrists, the police, the main stream media and others that I am a wireless slave but all have refused to believe me due to the fact that they are being exposed to bio-digital programming from their smart phones and also to many other types of programming from television watching and the department of education. I no longer communicate with them because most of them are now brain damaged due to holding smart phones close to their brains and from ingesting poisons such as fluoride, glyphosate and especially from aluminium which is to be found in most vaccines and in chemtrails.
There are now an estimated three million wirelessly controlled slaves throughout the world. I personally have the contact details of about sixteen wireless slaves in the Republic of Ireland where I live. It has been estimated that there are one and a half million wireless slaves in the United States of America but as soon as they report the matter to their military and police they are immediately send for psychiatric evaluation where they are deemed to be mentally ill under the protocol which has been laid down for psychiatrists to follow rigorously. This protocol has been created decades in advance by the slave masters who are known to belong to a break away society and who are believed to be dark occultists.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901. My website which alone create and run is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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Shungite is a black carbon based stone found in Northern Russia  in a location near Finland. It provides protection against the effects of electromagnetic radiation. There are several books written about the unique properties of shungite.

If you wear  thin layers of elite shungite measuring at least one tenth of an inch in thickness inserted into  eye masks while sleeping you will   protect yourself from interference from directed energy weapons which can come from many sources.  Information concerning your brain and body functions can be accessed through your eyes by those in the know who use classified weaponry to do so.  This is a  heavily classified technique which is now in covert and widespread use.  If you purchase two flat shungite pendents these would be imminently suitable for insertion into your eye masks which are also known as eye shades.  Wear them throughout the night while you are sleeping. 

 Wearing pendents or ear rings made from shungite also provides protection. It takes three shungite nuggets of any size to create a coherent field, meaning the field of each nugget unites with the other two energy fields to produce a whole new field of greater 'cohesion'. Therefore it is advisable to wear three pieces of shungite jewellery  during each day in order to protect yourself from electromagnetic.

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Bitchute will not release my latest video to the public. It is called " In a planet earth that is fixed and flat (not a spinning ball) it is possible to arrange that large areas would not be surveilled from space. What will I do to ensure the public have access to it. I also put a link to the same video here while giving it a somewhat similar title but I am not sure if it being ring fenced by the individuals who have wirelessly enslaved me. Even though it is on my own page it might not be released into the main timeline. What sometimes happens is my work can be ring fenced by the wireless enslavers and they would leave a few derogratory comments under it so as to make me believe that it was available to the public.
I managed to upload said video to bitchute after several attempts because someone keep deleting the file as it was uploading. Now it is categorized as being in the processing stage but that has been the case for the past twenty four hours.
Is there a sound way to test the electromagnetic radiation which is coming from space so that we may determine if some countries or large areas are not being surveilled from space as could easily be arranged on a flat and fixed earth. The spinning ball earth is strongly believed to be a hoax and the seas are kept in place by the Antarctic ice wall. Humanity can not travel beyond the Antarctic ice wall because the further out one travels the colder and darker it becomes and this provides a natural boundary which no one can traverse. Railway lines have been built which are a thousand miles in length and both ends of them are almost level with each other which proves that there is no curvature in the earth. Airplane windows are curved so as to make the earth appear curved when viewed from the air. Civil engineers and airline piolets absolutely never take into consideration a supposed curvature of the earth in the course of their work. The spinning ball earth is a hoax and we must take down the infrastructure which is being used to wirelessly tether us to a centralized computerized enslavement system of which I am already tethered to by wireless means.

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I am  connected to the illegal worldwide human control system  by wireless means from implants which I illegally received without my consent.  I  recently received the instruction from the voice command centre by wireless means to join a slimming assistance group called Unislim and I was informed that if I did not join Unislim I would have fifty points deducted from my social credit score.  I am aware that if too many points are deducted from my social credit score I would then be blacklisted to the extent that I might no longer be allowed to have a pass port or use public transport or use a public library or I might be given a variety of other punishments.  

Why is Unislim which is  a privately owned business allowed to profit financially from a worldwide social credit score scheme.  That would in fact be illegal.  The social credit score system is illegal because it was installed in my life without my consent.  The fact that I am wirelessly connected from my brain and central nervous system to a human control centre is also illegal.   Anyone who supports this system is supporting a worldwide criminal network and therefore they are deemed to be a criminal.  I have been wirelessly and non-consensually connected to this illegal system for many years and I know of what appears to be hundreds of thousands of other individuals who are also connected to it.   The whole story is being covered up by the main stream media which is now mostly privately owned by the same criminals who own and run the worldwide human control system and who govern what type of information is given to psychiatrists while they are students.

Those at the top of the worldwide hierarchy of power are unelected corrupt individuals who are using their false power to abuse those underneath them in the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command in many ways, especially through financial irregularities. What can we do to change all of these situation?

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A well known group of super-rich cabal members who are known as the Committee of Three Hundred now control some if not all of the policies of all governments throughout the world.
The people of the Republic of Ireland are expected to be unquestioningly and subserviently obedient to the false authority of the Committee of Three Hundred and to be unquestioningly and subserviently obedient to any policy which they urge the Irish government to enforce throughout the Republic of Ireland. However, the people of the Republic of Ireland are governed by the consent of the governed and we do not and never have given our consent to be governed by said new world order cabal so we are indifferent to all orders which are coming to us from a false hierarchical based chain of command which comes all the way from them.
The committee of Three Hundred and their new world order cabal colleagues need our compliance and they will never get it. The people of the Republic of Ireland have decided in mass to end the lockdown, to go outside, to re-open their businesses, to hold a street party and to invite the senior Gardai to it and they will most likely attend if invited.
The people of the Republic of Ireland are now well aware that the corona virus hoax is indeed just that and further to that the test for covid-19 is flawed in the sense that nobody is testing for covid-19 but they are testing for some different material entirely. The people of the Republic of Ireland are also well aware that all cases of covid-19 are fictitious because covid-19 does not exist because it has never even been identified. The people of the Republic of Ireland are now also aware that viruses are inert and therefore are incapable of travelling outside the human body and therefore they are not and could never be transmitted from one human being to another through close contact.
The real reason that the coronavirus hoax was created was so that a cabal of super-rich megalomaniacs who enjoy playing God with our lives due to the fact that they have access to directed energy weapons and we dont have access to them have decided that they wish to own and control everybody and everything on earth. To that end they have been introducing nano technology into our food, water and air supply for the last number of years. Our bodies and brains are now saturated with that technology to the point that the super-rich cabal can now use directed energy weapons to either kill us by remote control while doing so from an unidentified remote location or else mind control us by sending digital signals to our brains from either microwave or millimeter wave transmitters or they can even send us pain or paralysis or forced muscle movement or a variety of other punishments by wireless means and they do so while remaining unidentified because they work from unidentified remote locations.
We must urgently order our militaries to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters, millimeter wave transmitters, HAARP phased arrays, chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads and all military use of drones. Those in the know now believe that satellites are a hoax because digital signals can not and never could travel sixty five thousand miles from space and still be effective here on earth. Furthe to that, photographs of earth have never been produced by the aforementioned so-called satellites because all depictions of a spinning ball earth that have ever been seen by anybody ever have been depicted through drawings or computer composites and we now know that such depictions are not real but simply come from the imagination of the artist.

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