HUMAN (197)

Misery loves company

I really don't know for certain if this video above is a true story or not even though it seems true but one thing is certain for having dealt with very evil people in my life, (not of my fault I must immediately add), I know for a fact that the fallen angels hate human beings so much!

God is not the one sending you in hell and hell was created for satan and his angels.  You are the one making the choice of either going to God's presence or going where the fallen angels want to bring you.Misery loves company, go to the real Christ and read the bible!

I am not an ''evangelist'' more than I am going to church.  Just between you and God only.  A religion did not die for you, the real Christ did!

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The real Jesus Christ did not start any ''Christian religion'' and was NOT White either.  Now that does not mean that I am implying here that there is something wrong about being White, I am only stating the fact that Christ could not have hide among the Egyptians if he was a little white boy. 

Louis Riel finally broke from the yoke of religion and found Christ, who does not belong to any religion.

With all my love to the whole human race

We are ALL coming from Adam and Eve. Christ died ONLY ONCE for ALL the "so called" races because in fact, WE ARE ONLY ONE RACE, WHICH IS THE HUMAN RACE.

Nous venons TOUS d'Adam et d'Eve. Christ est mort SEULEMENT UNE FOIS pour TOUS les « supposées races » parce qu'en réalité, NOUS SOMMES SEULEMENT UNE RACE, LA RACE HUMAINE.

Nós TODO vimos de Adão e Véspera. Cristo morreu SÓ UMA VEZ para TODO o "então chamou" corridas porque aliás, NÓS SOMOS SÓ UMA CORRIDAS, QUE É A CORRIDA HUMANA.

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Exocortex, Mind Uploading, Mind Control, The fatal consequences related to research


An exocortex is a theoretical artificial external information processing system that would augment a brain’s biological high-level cognitive processes.

An individual’s exocortex would be composed of external memory modules, processors, IO devices and software systems that would interact with, and augment, a person’s biological brain. Typically this interaction is described as being conducted through a direct brain-computer interface, making these extensions functionally part of the individual’s mind.

Individuals with significant exocortices could be classified as cyborgs or transhumans.

Living Digital provided one description of the concept:

While [the traditional concept of] a cyborg has included artificial mechanical limbs, embedded chips and devices, another interesting concept is the exocortex, which is a brain-computer interface. In theory, the exocortex would be a computer-like processing system that would co-exist with and enhance the power of the human brain. Neuromancer is a book that has talked about such a scenario.[1]

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The Fatal Consequences Related To Research

Online-connected brains and neural networks.

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“ICT” = Information and Communication Technologies

BMI” = Brain Machine Interface,  brain-computer interconnection

“FET” = Future and Emerging Technologies

“S.T.” = Synthetic Telepathy

“A.I.” = Artificial Intelligence.

FET and ICT research and development (of the new “computer – brain language”) allows computers to  read and learn human thought patterns by using injectable brain – machine – interface.

About the  same brain-machine interface has has been used to cure Parkinson’s disease , Alzheimer’s and depression can also be used  for accessing the brain’s memory.


Link to document

The new software for the brain-machine interface in nano electronics combined with “Europe’s new information technology” provides the researchers with the possibillities for reading and taking “software images” of the brain’s neuron network.

A method that provides high-resolution copies of the brains cognitive behavior and human perception.

Tomorrow’s high-speed computers and related research has evolved into a sophisticated “computer game” with “mind reading” on real people….

These research methods are unknown to our society’s legal system!

So how can research on the brain by “serious” (criminal) organizations in ICT-FET  be  stopped?

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SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY for medicine or mind reading is a direct communication with nanoelectronics between computer and human brain.

Synthetic telepathy is a communication system based on thought, not speech.

It can be used to control for example a prosthesis and cure diseases such as Parkinson’s disease but can also decode the patterns used to study cognitive behavior such as memory, learning and emotion. With nano technology, the digital information can be recorded using the new quantum-inspired computers.

Simulation of behavior can be identified and provide diagnostic data for identifying the precursors to diseases such as dementia, stroke and myocardial infarction

This letter is intended to demonstrate a paradox in the Swedish so-called “protection of human rights” and thus the entire Swedish justice system. Synthetic telepathy could, as practiced in Sweden, lie behind an unknown number of violent crimes and suicides due to research deliberately kept hidden from regulators.

Doctors and psychiatrics diagnose people with “voices in his head” following their “manuals”. DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) published by the American Psychiatric Association and the ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Disorders and Related Health Problems).

This is an old-fashioned black and white and diagnose when the EU priority FET ICT research and develop new information technologies adapted to nano-electronics.


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Ulf Gorman writes in the book that with nano technology, we open the doors to an unknown area where we do not know how to apply ethics. What should be and what should not be allowed when you implant a chip that can both read and influence the brain? He takes the example of studying learning and memory.

Micro Implants can provide unprecedented opportunities to understand how we learn and remember things, and hence why we forget and find it difficult to learn. And it can be understood as a form of abuse to look like that into our most private mental world.

Lund University writes about the development of nano-electrodes that can both listen and communicate with neuronal synapses and their cell membranes.

EU priority ICT and FET research are talking about a “A whole new communication technology in Europe”  “It will help us understand and exploit the ways in which social and biological systems, organization and evolution, will pave the way for the development of new opportunities for next-generation software and network technologies “. To understand how the human brain works not only leads to innovations in medicine but also provides new models for energy, fault-tolerant and adaptive computing technologies “. An initiative of the Virtual Human Physiology that are individually tailored and  virtual simulations of the human body where you would expect enormous progress in disease prevention and health care. The pioneering work carried out also on new ideas such as artificial living cells, synthetic biology, chemical communication, collective intelligence and two-way interface between brain and machine

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Other sources, e.g The UCI (University of California Irvin. Department of Cognitive Science) describes the development of Synthetic Telepathy:

Collaboration between cognitive science, neuro-science, specialists in speech recognition and brain imaging will develop a brain-machine interface. This device could help paralyzed and soldiers would be able to send messages directly from the brain to a computer.

Researcher Michael D’Zmura, President of the UCI  describes that the system begins with the little voice in your head“.

How can a medical diagnosis unequivocally describe people’s perception of  voices in their head and that no alternative can exist except mental disease.

Why? -because it is a prerequisite to be able to “hear” voices for the use of new information technology?

This is why these researchers must be forced to go public and announce this new scientific communication technology.

This paradox must be investigated immediately.With the exclusion of the development of a Swedish and European military force with superior  two-way “radio” communication with the brain.

A number of past court cases are more or less directly caused by S.T. This “voice to skull”  technology must immediately be taken into consideration as an alternative for triggering a number of previously committed violent crimes and suicides.

During the development of BMI, software and network technologies are also computerized and long distance imaging of peoples cognitive behavior and perception. Material that is recorded in the computer that runs the real time simulation and creation of artificial intelligence (for initializing A.I. and computerized decision making.)

The image of the brain’s “machine-code” is probably the most comprehensive and advanced ever made. Cognitive behavior depicted and simulated, language and meaning of the words for the subjects are identified. Human perception and mapping how the brain handles information, the image of mathematics reached its perfection.

neuron wave A new research scandal and the fatal consequences for the wider community.

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Around the clock the computerized study goes on using collective, artificial intelligence and self-learning systems. The victims testimonies tells us that you can sadly conclude unequivocally that the studies will not be completed until the victim in one way or another has been broken down and / or otherwise inactivated.

This provides power to simulate decomposition for the digital copy thus the fact that the criminal research will not end and is never disclosed.

Descriptions to the vulnerable people who eat psychotropic drugs due to their experiences the experiments and testing goes on, various medicines can affect  the “test objects” (or guinea pigs) everything is recorded and compared with previous values (from the multi-annual copy of their real-time neural network and thus the registration of their behavior.)

Obviously this is a disgusting and illegal way to meet the advanced development of tomorrow’s medicine.

The “studies” have resulted in enormous damage to many subjects.The number of unrecorded victims/subjects is probably very high.Families are fragmented, the children of these families are suffering tremendously. One of the subjects have recently been hospitalized with a cracked skull,  caused by disconnecting the balance system remotely. The accident occurred in public settings.

A new research scandal and the fatal consequences for the wider community.

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To influence the balance system is another typical example of how technology is used against the victim to incapacitate them for society. Direct assassination attempts on several previous occasions orchestrated by the brain control deliberately strikes out the human balance system,  Why this happens is likely as an alternative to the mentally ill to be treated (as “possessed”) or having a neurological disease.

Brain – copying with BMI and broadband access is definitely no longer a marginal research.Employers have over the years lost millions of dollars and cut-downs is to be expected due to excluded employees. Broken families, children who, years later can not study or work is now forced to seek psychiatric care.

Siblings, grandparents and their closest friends are suffering tremendously. Advanced Medical and hospital care due to study design is a mockery of health-care and doctors who are not familiar with this research. Insurance in the multi-million figures was raised through direct damage caused by brain control. Property for millions of dollars are lost.

Injuries and privacy intrusion of thousands of people is done through “volunteers” that serve as multimedia machines i.e node for the recording of all contacts they have, such as politicians, scientists, lawyers, friends, acquaintances, relatives, international business relations, etc..

Security codes, access codes, etc. is with the new technology no longer private.How can we know that people are not equipped with the new brain-machine interface which makes the person a multimedia application with a function as a live missile is already deployed as nodes in the political and financial world of illegal recording of their conversations with the world?

A sinister JOY seems to embrace the researchers and perpetrators over this superior and powerful tool for mind control and copying brainwave patterns. The tool is, without a doubt, a weapon of offense and stealth.

Implant technology in these forms should immediately be classified as a lethal weapon! It communicates directly with the brain’s neurons and can bring the entire neural nervous system to a halt.(Exclusion of balance can be immediately implied on a  victim.)

The technology is now used for purposes of breaking down the persons psyche, with serious accusations, threats, mock execution, incitement to suicide, physical violence, e.g, decrease and increase heart rate, pain in and around the heart, severe chest pains, sudden and painful headaches,  difficulty to breathe, tampering with rectum, prostate and muscles to name a few.

The macabre in the use of this technology is that subjects are exposed to these atrocities while the society is not legally able to influence the situation. Sweden is in this matter a lawless country where the researchers grossly exploit the situation.

face mind

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This ultimate humiliation has reached a whole new level. The researchers tries with the enforced communication and slow decomposition enslave people with exhortations to try to see the individual results of the brain control. One can calculate due to the nature and perennial perspective that there are naturally a unrecorded number of people who have been driven to madness and death with this technology.

There is nowhere the victims can hide or escape the access signals to their thoughts. Scientists simulate with computers, 24/7 365 days a year to break down the subjects  and stop them from trying to understand what’s happening to them…

A series of grotesque roles played in order to manipulate the brain, threats and statements that are mixed with modern technology. It is also in the researchers’ strategy to make the picture unclear for the subjects if they attempt to get an overall picture of who the perpetrator is and the real goals of the research, a military strategy conducted by veterans and experts in the matters.

The disrespectful research performed and visualized in a 3D virtual game world in the researchers’ computers, with no ethical boundaries and human rights but with real living human beings as “avatars”. It is quite similar to the popular interactive game “The Sims‘, But this game delivers human reality-based measurement data for research.

Cover-up of brain monitoring technologies means that the crime is waterproof, human rights laws and manipulated by a hidden militant regime researcher with expertise in information technology. In addition, the researchers say they in the dialogue to be the police power which in itself is an extremely serious offense.

For the victims- former high-performance hard-working people with families, children, an orderly life and social contacts. People who all his life been performing taxpayers. Because of a work-related mental fatigue and time on medical therapy sessions with the scientists the opportunity to take advantage of the situation of persons for investigation and contemporary development of the new BMI and brain monitoring technologies.

As these technologies and opportunities are not announced, but several instances re-written, must be able to use knowledge and skills which are available. Sweden is a small country and the people engaged in this activity may not be so difficult to identify and stop.

The researchers in these studies have assumed the right that during the permanent reproduction of human neurotransmitters in the long term also destroy them and their life’s work. The issue is called for; How affected society to know that the violent crime and suicide has been performed in the Stockholm area and Europe in recent years and clearly diagnosed as being caused by mental illness with the voices in heads is an expression of pure brain research!

By:  Magnus Olsson

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CNN: Your Behavior Will Be Controlled by a Brain Chip

“Smart phone will be implanted”

Paul Joseph Watson October 9, 2012

A new CNN article predicts that within 25 years people will have embedded microchips within their brain that will allow their behavior to be controlled by a third party.

The story, entitled Smartphone of the future will be in your brain, offers a semi-satirical look at transhumanism and the idea of humans becoming part cyborg by having communications devices implanted in their body.

Predicting first the widespread popularity of wearable smartphones, already in production by Google, the article goes on to forecast how humans will communicate by the end of the century.

“Technology takes a huge leap in 25 years. Microchip can be installed directly in the user’s brain. Apple, along with a handful of companies, makes these chips. Thoughts connect instantly when people dial to “call” each other. But there’s one downside: “Advertisements” can occasionally control the user’s behavior because of an impossible-to-resolve glitch. If a user encounters this glitch — a 1 in a billion probability — every piece of data that his brain delivers is uploaded to companies’ servers so that they may “serve customers better.”

The tone of the CNN piece is somewhat sophomoric, but the notion that humans will eventually merge with machines as the realization of the technological singularity arrives is one shared by virtually all top futurists.

Indeed, people like inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil don’t think we’ll have to wait 25 years to see smartphones implanted in the brain. He sees this coming to pass within just 20 years.

In his 1999 book The Age of Spiritual Machines, Kurzweil successfully predicted the arrival of the iPad, Kindle, iTunes, You Tube and on demand services like Netflix.

By 2019, Kurzweil forecasts that wearable smartphones will be all the rage and that by 2029, computers and cellphones will now be implanted in people’s eyes and ears, creating a “human underclass” that is viewed as backwards and unproductive because it refuses to acquiesce to the singularity.

Although the CNN piece doesn’t even foresee implantable brain chips until the end of the century, Kurzweil’s predictions are far beyond this. According to him, by 2099, the entire planet is run by artificially intelligent computer systems which are smarter than the entire human race combined – similar to the Skynet system fictionalized in the Terminator franchise.

Humans who have resisted altering themselves by becoming part-cyborg will be ostracized from society.

“Even among those human intelligences still using carbon-based neurons, there is ubiquitous use of neural implant technology, which provides enormous augmentation of human perceptual and cognitive abilities. Humans who do not utilize such implants are unable to meaningfully participate in dialogues with those who do,” writes Kurzweil.

Kurzweil’s forecasts are echoed by Sun Microsystems’ Bill Joy, who in a 2000 Wired Magazine article entitled Why The Future Doesn’t Need Us, predicted that technological advancements in robotics would render most humans obsolete.

As a result the elite, “may simply decide to exterminate the mass of humanity,” wrote Joy.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

Read Nano Brain Implants:

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Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life

Guardian Angels for a Smarter Life


Project status:Completed


Administrative contactAddress
URL:Organization Type:


Objective: Guardian Angels (GA) are future zero-power, intelligent, autonomous systems-of-systems featuring sensing, computation, and communication beyond human aptitudes. GA will assist humans from their infancy to old age in complex life situations and environments. Zero-power reflects system-of-systems ability to scavenge energy in dynamic environments by disruptive harvesting techniques. The project prepares zero-power technologies based on future energy-efficient technologies, heterogeneous design, and disruptive energy scavengers.

Three zero-power generations of GAs are foreseen:

- Physical Guardian Angels are zero-power, on-body networks or implantable devices that monitor vital health signals and take appropriate actions to preserve human health. - Environmental Guardian Angels extend monitoring to dynamic environments, using disruptive scavengers, personalized data communication, and first “thinking” algorithms. They are personal assistants that protect their wearers from environment dangers. - Emotional Guardian Angels are intelligent personal companions with disruptive zero-power, manmachine interfaces deployed at large scale. They sense and communicate using non-verbal languages playing an important role in health, education, and security worldwide.

This project addresses the following scientific challenges for energy-efficient visionary Guardian Angel autonomous systems: (i) energy-efficient computing (down to E=10-100kT), (ii) and communication (approaching the limit of 1pJ/bit), (iii) low-power sensing, (iv) disruptive scavenging (bio-inspired, thermoelectric, etc, targeting energy densities of tens of mW/cm2), and (v) zero-power man-machine interfaces. A selection of emerging technologies based on energy efficiency is proposed. We will also develop design tools that integrate electrical, mechanical, optical, thermal, and chemical simulation tools over length and time scales currently achievable.


Mind Computers:

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Product Details

The Invisible Crime: Illegal Microchip Implants and Microwave Technology and Their Use Against Humanity by Michael F. Bell (Jun 21, 2012)

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RODOLFO +5804145850044 VALLEJOS
Capriles POLICY +5804144279308
POLICE criminologists +5802415859748
NCTV +5804142204371
What Is Verichip?

The VeriChip (TM) is the world's first implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) microchip for human use.
The VeriChip is about the size of a grain of rice and Each VeriChip contains a unique verification number, Which Can Be Used To access a subscriber-supplied database over the Internet Providing the implanted person's information, Regardless of Where They are or what they're doing.
And unlike typical forms of identification, the VeriChip ™ can not be lost, stolen, misplaced or counterfeited.
Once implanted just under the skin, via what The Verichip Corporation calls a "quick, painless outpatient procedure (much like getting a shot)", the VeriChip can be scanned when to necesario With A proprietary VeriChip scanner.
The brief outpatient "chipping" procedure lasts CHIP Just a few minutes and only local anesthetic Involves Followed by quick, painless insertion of the VeriChip.
A small amount of Radio Frequency Energy passes from the scanner energizing the dormant VeriChip, Which Then emits radio frequency signal to an individual's unique Transmitting the verification (VerichipID) number.
Each person That will have The Have a unique VeriChip Subscriber Number, Which Provides instant access to something Called the "Global VeriChip Subscriber (GVS) Registry."

What Will The Verichip Cost?

Applied Digital Gave away scanners to a FEW hundred and veterinary clinics subjets in when it first Entered the pet market 15 years ago.
To kick-start the chip's use in people, Applied Digital will Provide Price: $ 650.

Who Is Using The Verichip Now?

The chip Has Been Used for club-hoppers in Barcelona, Spain.

They now use the microchip to enter a VIP area and,-through links to a different database, speed payment much like a smartcard.
The implantable microchip stories seem to be coming fast and furious these days.
First, There Was the News that you can go bar hopping in Spain and Have your tab via a microchip implanted Settled in your upper arm.

Valencia, 04.02.2001.
State of Carabobo.
These include efforts provided by eminent personalities like Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Luukanen-Kilde and the very famous author, Gloria Naylor. So far, everything has been ignored by the media News owned and controlled by crime.
Some already are accused by U.S. law firms and accuse them of having brought about personality disorders. These technologies using microwaves have the ability to cause rupture of aneurysm (aneurysm rupture is 120,000 per year in France, it would be interesting to know how many tears were caused by psicotechnologias ...), stroke (Investigations and experiments of Dr. Allen Frey ), loss of memory.
With NANOTECNOLOGA vision in the injured optic nerve, the nerve is cauterized with photovoltaic nano downloads. With these electrical discharges flip back and eyes in other directions. To produce changes in behavior and personality change subjects are not allowed to sleep. The information that the brain produces is transmitted to some satellites with some agencies and organizations to study the human race "read" thoughts. Such studies of the Human Race is a continuous and ongoing program in which organizations capture, encourage people who are not in the studio, so that OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CASINO GAMBLING, believe that the person who cauterization made with nanotechnology, made ACTIVITIES IN ORDER OF SOFTWARE.
72. Elpida Gouliova matter of 70 years: rich proprietary half of a building.
She was admitted illegally in 1992 by two psychiatrists, following the request of his daughters, who wanted to avoid becoming disinherited. Out of the Psychiatric Clinic, the opinion of the doctors who treated her was senility. Two years later, the woman in question, at the time of writing his will at the request of the notary, was examined in public psychiatric hospital in Thessaloniki, and had found healthy-minded and capable of managing her fortune. Sentenced to 2 psychiatrists to 18 months imprisonment for illegal confinement and false medical certificates. Acquitted on appeal. The Civil Court declared that Ms Elpida Gouliova was sick. one of the psychiatrists was appointed director of all peripheral hospitals in Thessaloniki with the new Karamanlis government in 2004.
73. Anaïs Fitsiori case, ill 84-year Alzheimer's:
The director of a branch of a private bank, where he had deposited the sum of one million euros, and the lessee of a warehouse which owned stole the sum previously mentioned 4 stores, of which it owned, making sign receipts as the withdrawal of the amounts on their own, while the money she made was to remove their own accounts. By exploiting their legal incapacity, sent a notary to store the tenant and there, she signed deeds of sale of the 4 stores, on behalf of the Director and the lessee, without obviously charge a penny. Moreover, when a person has deposits of around one million euros, it has no need, at the age of 84 years, selling its stores for more money. Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, who had examined her in September 1999, had found his legal incapacity at the time he had signed all the aforementioned acts. The Chairman of the Board of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, person appointed by the Government, a surgeon by profession, had forbidden the delivery time of a certificate. In 2000 he was appointed by the Socialist government deputy director Peripheral every hospital in Thessaloniki, but laid off in February 2002 after the report of the psychiatrist Anastassios Kanistras against him.
redaccion.noticierodigital @,,,,,,,, wclingan @,,,,,,,, jlancaster @ moc. edu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, mhisler @,,,,,,,, jkirby @ moc. edu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, secreuc @ uc.,,,,,, actualidad105produccion @ gmail. com,,,, monika.stoces @,,,, dcr618 @ msn. com,
The Journalist OPENHAIMER has different cases that can see the call.
The complaint that you can get in the prosecution of Valencia, Venezuela was sent to international courts and tribunals in The Hague and some international police, and Interpol, this claim can be considered from a legal standpoint as a complaint that is argument based on non-existent, was explained in the media and no institution has done any research.
This type of complaints when they are answered by any legal institution from the legal standpoint check for those crimes.
The Interpol international police response is not achieved by this communication you can do exactly the same and see that no police or organization.
Conduct any legal process ........
Electronic Harassment Complaint Electronic Harassment and Mental Torture Voice to Skull.
In this first communication would explain a little about the intention of presenting this case. To introduce these types of lawyers in human rights violations, Al collect information about how some organizations to study the human race harassment engage in criminal activity, damage genetic manipulations and biological damage.
As part of the information presented for examination must archives, books of agencies, organizations study of the human race, recordings, television programs, legal precedents, research methodologies for the determination of technologies, Discovery Channel and History Chanel.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of electronic harassment and cases of voice in to sckull, some subjects had feelings of cauterization in areas of the brain, accompanied feelings of loss of memory, feelings associated with stimuli that produce some involuntary movement, almost imperceptible in the extremities, the subjects discussed in some cases they perceive voices, but the content of the voice follows the same patterns from the statistical point of view the content. In cases of Voice in to Skull, subjects with this type of nano voltaic stimulation in auditory processing centers have discussed the perception of voices, many voices have alphanumeric content, which from the standpoint of criminal psychology can be used to understand the characteristics of each organization, but also features not only the purposes calculated to achieve different objectives.
All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
Some of the purposes set out to determine include the purposes of achieving economic, information extraction, state security, torture, genetic research, trades and theft of biological material.
For legal assessment of such cases in which laws are designed in the state, the definition of crimes of this type has not been included as the biological damage produced by the action of these technologies, are diverse and international consideration are punished.
In court in The Hague, which have been conducted trials in which cases of genocide and crimes apartheid set the penalties for crimes that have a comparison with crimes set forth in state law that occur crimes can be solved, so that international JUSTICE laws designed generally in countries that are submitted, met for the guarantee of crimes that may be considered for large population systems.
The inclusion testable drug or food technologies, allows the possibility of cell stimulation, DNA damage, metabolic changes and biological damage.
In the conception of biological damage can establish that this impairment is performed by the use of electro magnetic fields, these fields emitted into the cells may alter the structure of DNA, but having information on the existence of nanotechnology, it may be able to capture the signals coming from emanadores, one of the most important considerations about these technologies is the ability in terms (hardware) to convert these transmissions in voltaic and nano downloads also produce high frequency fields which directly affect the structure and atomic affinity I DNA molecule and other chemical molecules, causing vibrations in the structure of the molecule which change the configuration of the same, when we have a molecule in which atoms are joined and these are subjected to vibrations which affect the structure, some atoms that compose it, by friction between the fields and the attraction of the atoms can change the configuration of the molecule, but when talking about DNA molecule which has elongated structures may change in the configuration causing some atoms out of adjustment, change or mute the code. Some genetic variations produced by structural changes in the DNA molecule. In terms of the DNA molecule the appearance of genetic disease or mutation of the gene activation code, can be accelerated even off as the possibility that nanoparticles whose size has the potential to enter the nucleus to decrypt information by the theories described at the end, the ability to emit electromagnetic fields at these scales opens the possibility of friction can be decrypted information fields of a DNA molecule.
Using these technologies we believe that nanotechnology might be able to contain internal processors nano as the measure is a measure to be observed, requires resolution electronic technology that can only be obtained by atomic force microscopes or laser microscopes . To observe in processors that carry electrical impulses to make and generate internal frequencies that allow the nano particle capture information and send it from the body to cell antennas would require devices with the ability to manipulate these structures gauge scales, the measure is 1/1.000.000 explanation millimeters.
Only atomic force microscopes and laser microscopes allow observation of these technologies in samples that could be made on food and medicine, for it suggests some laboratories are in the country, the Central University of Venezuela and IVIC, the realization of these observations may only be made with simple methods used in criminology, the process is not complex, but the samples are large, a story in the possibility of finding food and drugs containing these nano structures.
For the assessment of cases where people have different types of symptoms, the medical or psychiatric knowledge could be interpreted as diseases or conditions, we have some people who have symptoms in the case need to study for determining alterations and biological damage. The evaluations can be performed by different types of methodologies since in almost all cases these people have the same symptoms.
The presenting symptoms and sometimes doctors and professionals could diagnose as diseases or conditions should be observed with methods different from the methods used by traditional medicine and psychiatry. The psychiatric disorders set as the psyche may have different types of events according to different precepciones, neural stimulation, and neuronal damage. In cases of harassment electronic impulses that generate this type of technology may exhibit different types of symptoms that a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist, as a professional could identify such pathologies, but in the case studies in different parts of the world as these subjects exhibits symptoms tartan with psychologists and psychiatrists e these, with additional knowledge diagnose symptoms that are part of psychiatry.
From the medical point of view, there is the possibility that the conclusion about the symptoms presented by patients who are treated by the possible identification of disease occurs due to the use of procedures, methodologies and knowledge, without using the information that could complete the diagnosis on a person suffering from crimes.
From the psychiatric point of view, the identification of diseases that are traditionally done through the interview, may not be adequate because the symptoms can include cases from neurological symptoms that can be interpreted as activators of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia , psychosis, bipolar disorder, split personality, motor problems, neurosis, psychopathy and other psychiatric disorders.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of cases of harassment and Voice Mail in to Sckull, the subjects report that they perceive voices, but the content of the voices follow the same patterns from the viewpoint of mathematical statistics and the creation of algorithms for performing various purposes such as events, internal migration and the ability to manipulate subjects for non- legal. All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
In the explanation of some cases people who suffer from stimulation, the most noticeable aspects are perceived voices, but these voices are being recorded content and then be studied, there appears to be a content based on normal communication Custom Language The study leads to the conclusion that these voices are created from the standpoint of alpha numeric codes, these codes are being transmitted and in cases can be identified, as some organizations perform different types of activities.
How are you commenting activities are conducted, the data can affect the movement and operation of systems normally consider states, the system involvement by technological influences, creates manipulations, stimulation and changes in perceptions of travel including changes unique to ends, purposes are theorized to the needs of the states.
Needs to achieve effects on population groups, including national security, political views, economic interests and purposes that usually do not know since in such systems include having the potential needs and fulfill them by the possibility of better conditions.
From the point of view of criminology, the possibility of finding or verdict about cases of people who have committed crimes in the conception of the Code of Criminal Procedure, could have different interpretations as the possibility of producing photovoltaic nano downloads, allows the possibility of cellular manipulations, even change their functioning and that the cell contents, metabolism is based on complex processes, but when considering the functioning of the cell from a chemical standpoint in nerve cells, photovoltaic nano downloads can alter brain function, such as short term memory and long-term visual processing centers, drive centers, sensations and perceptions.
Jeus Doc Cordova
We send this information in psychiatric cases that are happening in some parts of the world.
From the psychiatric point of view, the conclusion of cases that may present some psychiatric disorders like symptoms, might have, different views about studies that may prove as subjects might suffer psychiatric illness. In case the statistics presented in these files is found that in the world there are cases that really are psychiatric illnesses that could be tested through the analysis, neuro psychiatric point of view of classical psychoanalysis and psychology.
We send this information to broaden their training in the use of psychiatric treatment, which should be treated with drugs that your dosage is indicated for such purposes.
In cases of recent searches for psychiatric treatment, drugs used, refer to block receptors for the neuro eliminate imbalances in the metabolism of nerve cells. The consequence of these treatments should produce a decrease in synaptic processes erratic. The use of substances to anesthesia and propofol effects and other substances that are not normally recommended, side effects of using these drugs, ranging from memory loss, serious metabolic problems or death.
As part of an education campaign on the knowledge we are sending this information to the psychiatric knowledge, be expanded as current treatments including the use of propofol could be considered from the legal standpoint, as crimes against humanity.
On the other hand the treatment of patients with different categorization must be permisado, which includes a different point in the legal conception of procedures, methods, etc..
We invite you to read the following information.
Crimes against humanity - Torture in Venezuela
We tried to talk with President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias about these crimes happening in some parts of the world
Satellite 1.Radiación.
2.Deterioró genetic (DNA) for Nanotechnology in Drug.
Some cases asias
WIKIPEDIA accepted knowledge
• Directed-energy weapon
• Electromagnetic shielding
• Electroshock weapon
• Microwave auditory effect
• Non-lethal weapon">• Laws that protect American citizens ^
• Laws that protect American citizens ^">• Laws that protect American citizens ^">• ^
We'd love to put themselves in touch as there are some lawyers and prosecutors.
Professor at the University of Carabobo.
David Vega
In reference to damage the hypothalamus.
CONNECTIONS afferent hypothalamus and the limbic system olfactory, somatic functions that reach the hypothalamus as collateral lemniscales systems, memory cortical afferents that reach the hypothalamus directly from the frontal cortex, afferents from the hippocampus via fornix-mammillary nuclei,
Anatomophysiological aspects.
The thalamus occupies approximately 80% of the medial diencephalic region. The term 'thalamus' derives from the Greek word thalamos, which means 'inner chamber' or 'marriage bed'. Galen (130-200 AD.) Gave this name to the 'chambers' located at the base of the brain. Embryologically, derived from the diencephalic vesicle, from turn of the prosencephalic vesicle: the two telencéfalos after training involves defining a central area which will create the future diencephalon. The thalamus has an oval shape, is a pair structure age or younger and more symmetrical with respect to the midline. In humans, each thalamus is about 3 cm long (anteroposterior) and 1.5 cm wide at its widest point [1]. Is crossed by a band of myelinated fibers, inner core sheet, which runs along the rostrocaudal extension thereof, adopts a special distribution in the anterior pole Y-shaped and divides the thalamus into large blocks anatomic. This sheet contains intratalámicas fibers that connect the different thalamic nuclei together. Another band medullated, the external medullary lamina, form the lateral boundary of the thalamus, medial to the internal capsule. In the thalamus there are two types of neurons from a functional point of view:
- Principal or projection neurons (transmit information outside the thalamus), representing about 75% of the total neuronal population.
- Local interneurons or local circuit, which can receive information from the same sources as the principal neurons, but only come into contact with thalamic cells involved in the same stage of processing.
Constitute around 25%. The principal neurons send their axons to the cerebral cortex, where they release an excitatory neurotransmitter (glutamate, usually) to activate cortical neurons. Glutamate and aspartate are excitatory neurotransmitters and are present in corticothalamic terminations and cerebellar and thalamocortical projection neurons. An exception is constituted afferents subcortical gray cores of the base, which are GABAergic, inhibitory. The local circuits of neurons release acid (GABA) in projection cells inhibit them. This inhibitory neurotransmitter is located at the ends that come from the globus pallidus neurons in local circuits and projection in the reticular nucleus and lateral geniculate body. GABAergic projections are major segment pallidal projections to the ventral anterior medial (parvocellular) and the lateral ventral (pars oralis) and projections of the reticular part of substantia nigra to the ventral anterior nucleus (magnocellular) and dorsomedial (paralaminar). These afferents play a key role in motor function [2]. GABAergic neurons have been identified in all laminae of the lateral geniculate body and are most abundant in laminae 1 and 2 (magnocellular). Afferents from subcortical regions and the cerebral cortex that are directed to the thalamic nuclei excited (depolarized) to projection neurons and local interneurons in these nuclei. In turn, neurons in local circuits inhibit (hyperpolarize) a projection neurons and the neurotransmitter GABA is used. Thus, afferents to the thalamus influence the projection neurons (thalamocortical) via two pathways: a direct excitatory and inhibitory indirect, through the local circuit neurons. The neurons in local circuits modulate the activity of projection neurons, which send their axons to targets extratalámicos. In addition, cells projection sent to a side branch reticular thalamic nucleus neurons, which contain the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA neurons and act as local circuits. The cells of the thalamic reticular nucleus send axon branches to projection neurons and local circuits, so that both are inhibited.
The cerebral cortex, which received afferent projections excitatory cells thalamic axons projecting excitatory sent back to all cell types thalamic, so activate both cortical afferents to projection neurons as the inhibitory local circuits and reticular nucleus. Thus, the thalamus is not just a simple relay afferent information between centers and the cortex, but is in charge of information processing, and therefore influence on cortical function.
Thalamic nuclear groups.

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RODOLFO +5804145850044 VALLEJOS
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What Is Verichip?

The VeriChip (TM) is the world's first implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) microchip for human use.
The VeriChip is about the size of a grain of rice and Each VeriChip contains a unique verification number, Which Can Be Used To access a subscriber-supplied database over the Internet Providing the implanted person's information, Regardless of Where They are or what they're doing.
And unlike typical forms of identification, the VeriChip ™ can not be lost, stolen, misplaced or counterfeited.
Once implanted just under the skin, via what The Verichip Corporation calls a "quick, painless outpatient procedure (much like getting a shot)", the VeriChip can be scanned when to necesario With A proprietary VeriChip scanner.
The brief outpatient "chipping" procedure lasts CHIP Just a few minutes and only local anesthetic Involves Followed by quick, painless insertion of the VeriChip.
A small amount of Radio Frequency Energy passes from the scanner energizing the dormant VeriChip, Which Then emits radio frequency signal to an individual's unique Transmitting the verification (VerichipID) number.
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What Will The Verichip Cost?

Applied Digital Gave away scanners to a FEW hundred and veterinary clinics subjets in when it first Entered the pet market 15 years ago.
To kick-start the chip's use in people, Applied Digital will Provide Price: $ 650.

Who Is Using The Verichip Now?

The chip Has Been Used for club-hoppers in Barcelona, Spain.

They now use the microchip to enter a VIP area and,-through links to a different database, speed payment much like a smartcard.
The implantable microchip stories seem to be coming fast and furious these days.
First, There Was the News that you can go bar hopping in Spain and Have your tab via a microchip implanted Settled in your upper arm.

Valencia, 04.02.2001.
State of Carabobo.
These include efforts provided by eminent personalities like Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Luukanen-Kilde and the very famous author, Gloria Naylor. So far, everything has been ignored by the media News owned and controlled by crime.
Some already are accused by U.S. law firms and accuse them of having brought about personality disorders. These technologies using microwaves have the ability to cause rupture of aneurysm (aneurysm rupture is 120,000 per year in France, it would be interesting to know how many tears were caused by psicotechnologias ...), stroke (Investigations and experiments of Dr. Allen Frey ), loss of memory.
With NANOTECNOLOGA vision in the injured optic nerve, the nerve is cauterized with photovoltaic nano downloads. With these electrical discharges flip back and eyes in other directions. To produce changes in behavior and personality change subjects are not allowed to sleep. The information that the brain produces is transmitted to some satellites with some agencies and organizations to study the human race "read" thoughts. Such studies of the Human Race is a continuous and ongoing program in which organizations capture, encourage people who are not in the studio, so that OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CASINO GAMBLING, believe that the person who cauterization made with nanotechnology, made ACTIVITIES IN ORDER OF SOFTWARE.
72. Elpida Gouliova matter of 70 years: rich proprietary half of a building.
She was admitted illegally in 1992 by two psychiatrists, following the request of his daughters, who wanted to avoid becoming disinherited. Out of the Psychiatric Clinic, the opinion of the doctors who treated her was senility. Two years later, the woman in question, at the time of writing his will at the request of the notary, was examined in public psychiatric hospital in Thessaloniki, and had found healthy-minded and capable of managing her fortune. Sentenced to 2 psychiatrists to 18 months imprisonment for illegal confinement and false medical certificates. Acquitted on appeal. The Civil Court declared that Ms Elpida Gouliova was sick. one of the psychiatrists was appointed director of all peripheral hospitals in Thessaloniki with the new Karamanlis government in 2004.
73. Anaïs Fitsiori case, ill 84-year Alzheimer's:
The director of a branch of a private bank, where he had deposited the sum of one million euros, and the lessee of a warehouse which owned stole the sum previously mentioned 4 stores, of which it owned, making sign receipts as the withdrawal of the amounts on their own, while the money she made was to remove their own accounts. By exploiting their legal incapacity, sent a notary to store the tenant and there, she signed deeds of sale of the 4 stores, on behalf of the Director and the lessee, without obviously charge a penny. Moreover, when a person has deposits of around one million euros, it has no need, at the age of 84 years, selling its stores for more money. Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, who had examined her in September 1999, had found his legal incapacity at the time he had signed all the aforementioned acts. The Chairman of the Board of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, person appointed by the Government, a surgeon by profession, had forbidden the delivery time of a certificate. In 2000 he was appointed by the Socialist government deputy director Peripheral every hospital in Thessaloniki, but laid off in February 2002 after the report of the psychiatrist Anastassios Kanistras against him.
redaccion.noticierodigital @,,,,,,,, wclingan @,,,,,,,, jlancaster @ moc. edu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, mhisler @,,,,,,,, jkirby @ moc. edu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, secreuc @ uc.,,,,,, actualidad105produccion @ gmail. com,,,, monika.stoces @,,,, dcr618 @ msn. com,
The Journalist OPENHAIMER has different cases that can see the call.
The complaint that you can get in the prosecution of Valencia, Venezuela was sent to international courts and tribunals in The Hague and some international police, and Interpol, this claim can be considered from a legal standpoint as a complaint that is argument based on non-existent, was explained in the media and no institution has done any research.
This type of complaints when they are answered by any legal institution from the legal standpoint check for those crimes.
The Interpol international police response is not achieved by this communication you can do exactly the same and see that no police or organization.
Conduct any legal process ........
Electronic Harassment Complaint Electronic Harassment and Mental Torture Voice to Skull.
In this first communication would explain a little about the intention of presenting this case. To introduce these types of lawyers in human rights violations, Al collect information about how some organizations to study the human race harassment engage in criminal activity, damage genetic manipulations and biological damage.
As part of the information presented for examination must archives, books of agencies, organizations study of the human race, recordings, television programs, legal precedents, research methodologies for the determination of technologies, Discovery Channel and History Chanel.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of electronic harassment and cases of voice in to sckull, some subjects had feelings of cauterization in areas of the brain, accompanied feelings of loss of memory, feelings associated with stimuli that produce some involuntary movement, almost imperceptible in the extremities, the subjects discussed in some cases they perceive voices, but the content of the voice follows the same patterns from the statistical point of view the content. In cases of Voice in to Skull, subjects with this type of nano voltaic stimulation in auditory processing centers have discussed the perception of voices, many voices have alphanumeric content, which from the standpoint of criminal psychology can be used to understand the characteristics of each organization, but also features not only the purposes calculated to achieve different objectives.
All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
Some of the purposes set out to determine include the purposes of achieving economic, information extraction, state security, torture, genetic research, trades and theft of biological material.
For legal assessment of such cases in which laws are designed in the state, the definition of crimes of this type has not been included as the biological damage produced by the action of these technologies, are diverse and international consideration are punished.
In court in The Hague, which have been conducted trials in which cases of genocide and crimes apartheid set the penalties for crimes that have a comparison with crimes set forth in state law that occur crimes can be solved, so that international JUSTICE laws designed generally in countries that are submitted, met for the guarantee of crimes that may be considered for large population systems.
The inclusion testable drug or food technologies, allows the possibility of cell stimulation, DNA damage, metabolic changes and biological damage.
In the conception of biological damage can establish that this impairment is performed by the use of electro magnetic fields, these fields emitted into the cells may alter the structure of DNA, but having information on the existence of nanotechnology, it may be able to capture the signals coming from emanadores, one of the most important considerations about these technologies is the ability in terms (hardware) to convert these transmissions in voltaic and nano downloads also produce high frequency fields which directly affect the structure and atomic affinity I DNA molecule and other chemical molecules, causing vibrations in the structure of the molecule which change the configuration of the same, when we have a molecule in which atoms are joined and these are subjected to vibrations which affect the structure, some atoms that compose it, by friction between the fields and the attraction of the atoms can change the configuration of the molecule, but when talking about DNA molecule which has elongated structures may change in the configuration causing some atoms out of adjustment, change or mute the code. Some genetic variations produced by structural changes in the DNA molecule. In terms of the DNA molecule the appearance of genetic disease or mutation of the gene activation code, can be accelerated even off as the possibility that nanoparticles whose size has the potential to enter the nucleus to decrypt information by the theories described at the end, the ability to emit electromagnetic fields at these scales opens the possibility of friction can be decrypted information fields of a DNA molecule.
Using these technologies we believe that nanotechnology might be able to contain internal processors nano as the measure is a measure to be observed, requires resolution electronic technology that can only be obtained by atomic force microscopes or laser microscopes . To observe in processors that carry electrical impulses to make and generate internal frequencies that allow the nano particle capture information and send it from the body to cell antennas would require devices with the ability to manipulate these structures gauge scales, the measure is 1/1.000.000 explanation millimeters.
Only atomic force microscopes and laser microscopes allow observation of these technologies in samples that could be made on food and medicine, for it suggests some laboratories are in the country, the Central University of Venezuela and IVIC, the realization of these observations may only be made with simple methods used in criminology, the process is not complex, but the samples are large, a story in the possibility of finding food and drugs containing these nano structures.
For the assessment of cases where people have different types of symptoms, the medical or psychiatric knowledge could be interpreted as diseases or conditions, we have some people who have symptoms in the case need to study for determining alterations and biological damage. The evaluations can be performed by different types of methodologies since in almost all cases these people have the same symptoms.
The presenting symptoms and sometimes doctors and professionals could diagnose as diseases or conditions should be observed with methods different from the methods used by traditional medicine and psychiatry. The psychiatric disorders set as the psyche may have different types of events according to different precepciones, neural stimulation, and neuronal damage. In cases of harassment electronic impulses that generate this type of technology may exhibit different types of symptoms that a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist, as a professional could identify such pathologies, but in the case studies in different parts of the world as these subjects exhibits symptoms tartan with psychologists and psychiatrists e these, with additional knowledge diagnose symptoms that are part of psychiatry.
From the medical point of view, there is the possibility that the conclusion about the symptoms presented by patients who are treated by the possible identification of disease occurs due to the use of procedures, methodologies and knowledge, without using the information that could complete the diagnosis on a person suffering from crimes.
From the psychiatric point of view, the identification of diseases that are traditionally done through the interview, may not be adequate because the symptoms can include cases from neurological symptoms that can be interpreted as activators of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia , psychosis, bipolar disorder, split personality, motor problems, neurosis, psychopathy and other psychiatric disorders.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of cases of harassment and Voice Mail in to Sckull, the subjects report that they perceive voices, but the content of the voices follow the same patterns from the viewpoint of mathematical statistics and the creation of algorithms for performing various purposes such as events, internal migration and the ability to manipulate subjects for non- legal. All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
In the explanation of some cases people who suffer from stimulation, the most noticeable aspects are perceived voices, but these voices are being recorded content and then be studied, there appears to be a content based on normal communication Custom Language The study leads to the conclusion that these voices are created from the standpoint of alpha numeric codes, these codes are being transmitted and in cases can be identified, as some organizations perform different types of activities.
How are you commenting activities are conducted, the data can affect the movement and operation of systems normally consider states, the system involvement by technological influences, creates manipulations, stimulation and changes in perceptions of travel including changes unique to ends, purposes are theorized to the needs of the states.
Needs to achieve effects on population groups, including national security, political views, economic interests and purposes that usually do not know since in such systems include having the potential needs and fulfill them by the possibility of better conditions.
From the point of view of criminology, the possibility of finding or verdict about cases of people who have committed crimes in the conception of the Code of Criminal Procedure, could have different interpretations as the possibility of producing photovoltaic nano downloads, allows the possibility of cellular manipulations, even change their functioning and that the cell contents, metabolism is based on complex processes, but when considering the functioning of the cell from a chemical standpoint in nerve cells, photovoltaic nano downloads can alter brain function, such as short term memory and long-term visual processing centers, drive centers, sensations and perceptions.
Jeus Doc Cordova
We send this information in psychiatric cases that are happening in some parts of the world.
From the psychiatric point of view, the conclusion of cases that may present some psychiatric disorders like symptoms, might have, different views about studies that may prove as subjects might suffer psychiatric illness. In case the statistics presented in these files is found that in the world there are cases that really are psychiatric illnesses that could be tested through the analysis, neuro psychiatric point of view of classical psychoanalysis and psychology.
We send this information to broaden their training in the use of psychiatric treatment, which should be treated with drugs that your dosage is indicated for such purposes.
In cases of recent searches for psychiatric treatment, drugs used, refer to block receptors for the neuro eliminate imbalances in the metabolism of nerve cells. The consequence of these treatments should produce a decrease in synaptic processes erratic. The use of substances to anesthesia and propofol effects and other substances that are not normally recommended, side effects of using these drugs, ranging from memory loss, serious metabolic problems or death.
As part of an education campaign on the knowledge we are sending this information to the psychiatric knowledge, be expanded as current treatments including the use of propofol could be considered from the legal standpoint, as crimes against humanity.
On the other hand the treatment of patients with different categorization must be permisado, which includes a different point in the legal conception of procedures, methods, etc..
We invite you to read the following information.
Crimes against humanity - Torture in Venezuela
We tried to talk with President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias about these crimes happening in some parts of the world
Satellite 1.Radiación.
2.Deterioró genetic (DNA) for Nanotechnology in Drug.
Some cases asias
WIKIPEDIA accepted knowledge
• Directed-energy weapon
• Electromagnetic shielding
• Electroshock weapon
• Microwave auditory effect
• Non-lethal weapon">• Laws that protect American citizens ^
• Laws that protect American citizens ^">• Laws that protect American citizens ^">• ^
We'd love to put themselves in touch as there are some lawyers and prosecutors.
Professor at the University of Carabobo.
David Vega
In reference to damage the hypothalamus.
CONNECTIONS afferent hypothalamus and the limbic system olfactory, somatic functions that reach the hypothalamus as collateral lemniscales systems, memory cortical afferents that reach the hypothalamus directly from the frontal cortex, afferents from the hippocampus via fornix-mammillary nuclei,
Anatomophysiological aspects.
The thalamus occupies approximately 80% of the medial diencephalic region. The term 'thalamus' derives from the Greek word thalamos, which means 'inner chamber' or 'marriage bed'. Galen (130-200 AD.) Gave this name to the 'chambers' located at the base of the brain. Embryologically, derived from the diencephalic vesicle, from turn of the prosencephalic vesicle: the two telencéfalos after training involves defining a central area which will create the future diencephalon. The thalamus has an oval shape, is a pair structure age or younger and more symmetrical with respect to the midline. In humans, each thalamus is about 3 cm long (anteroposterior) and 1.5 cm wide at its widest point [1]. Is crossed by a band of myelinated fibers, inner core sheet, which runs along the rostrocaudal extension thereof, adopts a special distribution in the anterior pole Y-shaped and divides the thalamus into large blocks anatomic. This sheet contains intratalámicas fibers that connect the different thalamic nuclei together. Another band medullated, the external medullary lamina, form the lateral boundary of the thalamus, medial to the internal capsule. In the thalamus there are two types of neurons from a functional point of view:
- Principal or projection neurons (transmit information outside the thalamus), representing about 75% of the total neuronal population.
- Local interneurons or local circuit, which can receive information from the same sources as the principal neurons, but only come into contact with thalamic cells involved in the same stage of processing.
Constitute around 25%. The principal neurons send their axons to the cerebral cortex, where they release an excitatory neurotransmitter (glutamate, usually) to activate cortical neurons. Glutamate and aspartate are excitatory neurotransmitters and are present in corticothalamic terminations and cerebellar and thalamocortical projection neurons. An exception is constituted afferents subcortical gray cores of the base, which are GABAergic, inhibitory. The local circuits of neurons release acid (GABA) in projection cells inhibit them. This inhibitory neurotransmitter is located at the ends that come from the globus pallidus neurons in local circuits and projection in the reticular nucleus and lateral geniculate body. GABAergic projections are major segment pallidal projections to the ventral anterior medial (parvocellular) and the lateral ventral (pars oralis) and projections of the reticular part of substantia nigra to the ventral anterior nucleus (magnocellular) and dorsomedial (paralaminar). These afferents play a key role in motor function [2]. GABAergic neurons have been identified in all laminae of the lateral geniculate body and are most abundant in laminae 1 and 2 (magnocellular). Afferents from subcortical regions and the cerebral cortex that are directed to the thalamic nuclei excited (depolarized) to projection neurons and local interneurons in these nuclei. In turn, neurons in local circuits inhibit (hyperpolarize) a projection neurons and the neurotransmitter GABA is used. Thus, afferents to the thalamus influence the projection neurons (thalamocortical) via two pathways: a direct excitatory and inhibitory indirect, through the local circuit neurons. The neurons in local circuits modulate the activity of projection neurons, which send their axons to targets extratalámicos. In addition, cells projection sent to a side branch reticular thalamic nucleus neurons, which contain the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA neurons and act as local circuits. The cells of the thalamic reticular nucleus send axon branches to projection neurons and local circuits, so that both are inhibited.
The cerebral cortex, which received afferent projections excitatory cells thalamic axons projecting excitatory sent back to all cell types thalamic, so activate both cortical afferents to projection neurons as the inhibitory local circuits and reticular nucleus. Thus, the thalamus is not just a simple relay afferent information between centers and the cortex, but is in charge of information processing, and therefore influence on cortical function.
Thalamic nuclear groups.
The thalamus contains a very rich nuclear organization. Have been identified as 50 thalamic nuclei [4], several of which are microscopic subdivisions. The nomenclature of the thalamic nuclei is very complex, and in some cases are unaware of their connections and the functional significance of the smaller [2]. They have proposed various classifications of the different nuclei comprising the thalamus based on an evolutionary perspective [5], shared characteristics and fiber connectivity functions [6], citoarquitectónicos criteria [7,8] and anatomic criteria of the different thalamic nuclei ( Table).
Thalamocortical and corticothalamic connections.
The organization within the cerebral cortex of thalamocortical and corticothalamic projections and neurophysiological properties of the fibers that ascend or descend to or from the cerebral cortex are the basis of the complex relationships between different thalamic nuclei and cerebral cortex [9 ].
It was Lorente de No [10] who described the thalamocortical afferents and thalamocortical fibers and fiber specific thalamocortical nonspecific. The former have their origin in specific nuclei of the thalamus, forming synapses in layer IV of the cortex and are carriers of information of general and special sensation (except olfactory). The latter are ascending fibers with collateral primarily to layers I, II and VI. These pathways are nonspecific thalamocortical pathways related to diffuse from the nuclei of the midline and intralaminar into the cerebral cortex [11,12] and related to the mechanisms of arousal (vigilance). We also note that there are reciprocal projections of all relay nuclei and some nuclei of association ranging from the thalamus to the cortex and from cortex to the thalamus through the internal capsule, called 'thalamic radiation'.
Although this radiation make connections to virtually all parts of the cortex, the richness of the connections varies between different cortical areas. The most abundant are directed toward the precentral gyrus and postcentral giri, the calcarine area of Heschl convolution, the posterior parietal region and adjacent parts of the temporal lobe [2]. To conclude this section on anatomophysiological aspects of the thalamus, we note that this brain structure is irrigated mainly by fine branches of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA), along with branches of the internal carotid artery and posterior communicating artery . Talamoperforantes arteries (arteries posteromedial or paramedian), which originate in the medial parts of the ACP and the terminal part of the basilar artery, supplying the medial thalamus (medial thalamic territory), particularly the intralaminar nuclei (centromedian nucleus and parafascicular), dorsomedial (dorsal), ventral lateral, ventral anterior, and ventroposteromedial ventroposterolateral [13,14]. Talamogeniculadas branch (posterolateral artery) of the ACP supplying the caudal half of the thalamus (posterolateral thalamic territory), including the following centers: ventroposterolateral, ventroposteromedial, geniculate bodies (lateral and medial) pulvinar, dorsomedial, lateral and reticular. The posterior communicating artery supplies the anterolateral thalamic territory through the branch tuberotalámica (polar optical): ventral anterior, ventral lateral, dorsomedial and anteroventral. The internal carotid artery supplies the lateral thalamic territory through its anterior choroidal artery: the lateral geniculate body, ventroposterolateral, pulvinar and reticular. The posterior thalamic territory is supplied by the posterior choroidal artery, provides nourishment to the lateral geniculate body, pulvinar, dorsolateral, dorsomedial and anteroventral. The cerebral venous drainage depends on two systems, the superficial and deep. The first drains the cerebral cortex and subcortical white matter, and the second drain the choroid plexus, periventricular regions, the diencephalon and the num-Table. Classification of thalamic nuclei. Main Classification criteria thalamic nuclei. Arquitálamo perspective: the midline nuclei, evolutionary [5] intralaminar and reticular.
Paleotálamo: bodies geniculate nuclei, ventral posterior and anterior cerebellar relay Neotálamo: medial nuclei, laterodorsal, lateral and ventral anterior connections [6] specific mode: nuclei ventroposterolateral, ventroposteromedial, geniculate bodies, ventral lateral, ventral anterior, anterior and dorsolateral multimodal associative: dorsomedial nucleus and pulvinar-lateral posterior complex and reticular Nonspecific: intralaminar nuclei of the midline and reticular Function Engines: ventral anterior and ventral nuclei play [6] side) Sensitive: ventroposterolateral nuclei and geniculate bodies ventroposteromedial and Associative: core dorsal medial-lateral and posterior pulvinar complex and reticular Nonspecific: intralaminar nuclei of the midline and reticular cytoarchitecture [7.8] lateral nuclear group: ventroposterior complex, ventral lateral nucleus, ventral anterior and medial ventral medial nuclear group: intralaminar nuclei and dorsomedial nucleus.
Posterior nuclear group: complex posterior, posterior lateral nuclei, pulvinar and geniculate anterior nuclear group: anteroventral nuclei.
Anteromedial, anterodorsal and dorsal lateral reticular nuclei.
Anatomic anterior nuclear group: anteroventral nucleus, dorsomedial nucleus anterodorsal and anteromedial lateral nuclear group: dorsolateral nucleus, lateral posterior, ventral anterior, ventral lateral nuclear group ventroposteromedial ventroposterolateral and later: pulvinar, geniculate bodies of the midline nuclei: paratenial, paraventricular, reuniens, rhomboid intralaminar nuclei: centromedian, parafascicular, paracentral, central medial and central lateral reticular nuclei.
CINI II: SPECIFIC neuropsychological syndromes
Rev Neurol 2004; 38 (7): 687-693 689
The core serves ventroposteromedial sensitivotalámico relay center of the head and face. The efferents of this nucleus are directed through the internal capsule to the primary somesthetic cortex of the parietal lobe.
Through this area thalamic projections to frontal areas (areas 4, 8, 6, 44 and 45), the thalamus is involved in sensory perception of movements.
The thalamus is also involved in pain mechanisms. The main target nuclei axons ascendentesn for pain and temperature are in the ventral posterior nucleus. The ventroposterolateral ventroposteromedial and receive most of these afferents. The ventroposteromedial receives nociceptive information from the face, and ventroposterolateral, the rest of the body. The similar arrangement of mechanosensitive and harmful stimuli is responsible for discriminating mechanisms of pain [15]. The intralaminar thalamic nuclei, in terms of pain is concerned, involved in evoking the response triggered by a noxious stimulus through projections from these nuclei reach the reticular formation. Some sensory modalities are perceived in the thalamus, a fact that becomes apparent when lesions or ablations.
of the cerebral cortex. In these cases, after the lesion is lost all sensitivity contralateral to the lesion, and recovered the pain, temperature and sensitivity epicritic (gross). The clinic is well described this painting, known as thalamic syndrome. In these cases, the threshold of stimulation that produce these feelings are high and the sensory modalities are exaggerated and unpleasant, moreover, are usually accompanied by a strong emotional response, usually attributable to the indemnity of the dorsomedial nucleus (common in vascular lesions). Vascular lesions affecting the posterolateral thalamic territory (cores ventroposterolateral, ventroposteromedial, medial geniculate body, pulvinar and centromedian) can result in contralateral sensory loss, paresthesias, and thalamic pain. It has been well described Dejerine and Roussy syndrome, characterized by severe pain, persistent and paroxysmal, often intolerable, usually present at the time of injury or after a period of transient hemiparesis, sensory loss hemiataxia and hemibody. The involvement of the thalamus in motor control is reflected by the afferents from the base gray nuclei, cerebellum and motor cortex that come to him and that he depart efferents to the motor and premotor cortex. In the motor system involved primarily the following nuclei: ventral anterior and lateral, intralaminar and reticular, we are two main systems: pallidal and cerebellar. The separation between the two circuits is that afferents are distinct and their efferent toward the cortical areas that project. Alterations in the ventral lateral projections can lead to movement disorders (dyskinesias). Lesions in this nucleus decreases the abnormal movements and cerebellar gray nuclei of the base [6].
Lesions in the ventral intermediate nucleus (Vim), the ventral caudal nuclei, the centromedian, and pulvinar sensory nuclei can cause a wide variety of movement disorders including dystonia, tremor, tribalism and Korea [16-18].
Vascular lesions affecting the ventral nuclei above, lateral, dorsomedial and anterior nuclei can cause contralateral hemiparesis and visual field disorders. gray cores of the base. The deep cerebral veins of interest are the internal cerebral vein, basal vein (of Rosenthal) and the great cerebral vein of Galen. The internal cerebral veins are the superior choroidal veins (lateral drainage of the choroid plexus), the roof of the lateral ventricle (deep white matter of the frontal lobes anterior and posterior parietal), the dorsal horn of the lateral ventricle (white matter of the lobes occipital and temporal posterior fornix) and the thalamus.
They drain into the internal cerebral vein through small veins talamoestriadas, which are responsible for drainage of the thalamus.

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                                     "FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM AND LIBERTY" 




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#1058 AFP prints 2nd article for Bioethics public Comment

   The DC news paper the American free press prints a second article about the public comments made at the President's Bioethics Commission. You can call the AFP at:   202-544-5977 to order a copy for $3.00 shipped. A 6 months subscription can also be ordered. Support the news source that has supported us.
    the AFP is also sponsoring the Freedom Palooza concert July 2-3 in eastern PA. Go to for details. We are going to see if we can get a booth of speak at this event.
    GE is the major stock holder of CNN while Rupert Murdock owns 50% of MSNBC. then there is Ted turner own owns Fox news. These news agencies have an allegiance greater than telling the truth about us. 

                                                              Peter Rosenholm

More Victims of Experiments Go to Bioethics Panel

Keith Johnson is an independent journalist and the editor of “Revolt of the

Plebs,” an alternative news website that can be found at


By Frank Whalen


On May 18-19 in New York City, the President’s

Commission on Bioethics convened

once again. Hundreds of people registered to

speak about their firsthand experiences as

unwilling test subjects of ongoing government experiments.

However, only 20 were selected to speak; they

were each given a paltry 90 seconds to summarize stories

that covered a lifetime of abuse.


AFP previously reported on targeted individuals

speaking before the Bioethics Commission at its

Washington, D.C. meeting in March, and this latest

forum resulted in more obstructionism.


This reporter spoke with several individuals present

in NYE. They mentioned supposed emails sent to people

granting them time to speak, only to discover they

had never been sent. Others weren’t permitted to speak,

only to learn later that they could have spoken. One eyewitness

described the disorganization as “a deliberate

effort to confuse the participants in an attempt to quash

this information.”


Aside from AFP, media outlets consider this stuff

untouchable. Participants recounted how, at the most

recent NYE hearing, “The room was dismissed for a

break and then we were called back to speak. With the

exception of two [reporters], the rest did not return.”


Many details were given from those who have been

repeatedly victimized. Some people spoke about gang

stalking where strangers speak to individuals about personal

matters that they should not know about. Such

occurrences could be coincidental, but as they happen

several times a day, even while traveling across state

lines, it suggests that surveillance is being used.


When AFP asked about the purpose of this harassment,

it was suggested that the perpetrators want to

breed paranoia and fear in their victims. Others mentioned

a connection to InfraGuard.


According to its website, InfraGuard is “an association

of businesses, academic institutions, state and local

law enforcement agencies and other participants dedicated

to sharing information and intelligence to prevent

hostile acts against the United States.” Utilizing citizen

spies and corporate partners in the private sector would

certainly lead to comprehensive scrutiny on anyone.

It’s clear that allowing a subject to know how thoroughly

they were being watched would make them suspicious

of anyone with whom they came into contact.


This tactic seems useful, since the targeted individual can

then be easily dismissed asmentally unsound, preventing

them from obtaining legal protection or subjecting them

to incarceration and forced medical procedures.

It’s easy to see how these psychological operations

are useful to the elite. As technologies are tested and

results gathered, the stealthy evolution of governmentsanctioned

mind control programs like MK-ULTRA

could be used, amazing though this may sound, to create

thousands of “Manchurian candidate” automatons that

become the domestic terrorists officials are always

warning us about.


During AFP’s conference call, one woman identified

as Leslie claims she discovered devices implanted in her

body with no recollection of the surgery. She mentioned

presenting visual proof to the commission.


The President’s Commission on Bioethics acknowledges,

and even seems remorseful about, experiments

perpetrated against American citizens.


Unfortunately, the media and elected representatives

are unwilling to admit that these supposedly dissolved

programs evidently still exist, and that they’re still harming

innocent victims.
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#1092 YouTube Videos TIs at Bioethics Commision meeting

1pat21 contacted me when the Billboard first went up asking permission to make a YouTube video. Of course it was agreed to and we Emailed her to tell her OK and Thank You.
1pat21 is at it again doing what she does best for us blowing out YouTube videos of the TIs who spoke for all of us.

Thanks to Marc for sending me what is below.  Peter

Really enjoyed the meeting, got to see the familiar faces that I hear alot doing activism. We really let them have it. Lonnie Ali-wife of Muhammed Ali was down there.

And here is the link to the commissions video:

Bio-ethics commission where many TI's spoke. It will be easiest to see the majority speak at the end of the second day. The last 1/2 hour.   Peter
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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 2112011

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #

This Week: Free Forum - What ever is on your mind.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams’
Senior Moderator

Nigel Nicholson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Amy Anderson
Thursday Nights Moderator

Liam Anderson
Assistant Moderator


Yahoo Groups:


GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone

Other Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 #
NIGEL: 724-444-7444 code: 81062 # pin: 1 #

Skype For International Callers

1) creating an skype account and 2) connecting to the username “QOLSPONY”. Once you have connected to this account, you must contact me before 9PM EST. This will give me time to setup the connection between you and the conference call. If you have questions about this setup, please respond to this message. And thanks for you participation.


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#1072a Bill Clinton and Radiation Experiments

#1072a Bill Clinton and Radiation Experiments

    You never know, when Bill Clinton tried to put through a law to stop Non-Consensual Human Experimentation if that caused himself to have heightened sexual stress as well as Monika Lewinsky via, "Mind Control" or, "Brain Entrainment". Thus this scandal and possible attack on our President may have derailed Bill's attempt to stop the programs that are attacking us then and now, remember JFK"
    At the same time it was the admission of the radiation experiments on American test subjects that caused Bill to start an "Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments" (ACHRE) to review Washington's past actions in the hopes of preventing them from taking place
   That is why an attempt to stop this, "Non-Consensual Human Experimentation" could end our suffering. I wonder if Bill even new about Mind control and Brain Entrainment back then? It was certainly in use and there was a big push at the end of his term around 1998-1999.

                                                                                 Peter Rosenholm
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Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.

Chris J. Brunson

Pastor Anthony Carstarphen
Spiritual Leader


Yahoo Groups:


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WASHINGTON--(ENEWSPF)--January 17 - Haiti should arrest and prosecute former dictator Jean‑Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier for grave violations of human rights, Human Rights Watch said today.

Duvalier returned to Haiti yesterday from France where he has lived in exile since 1986.

"Duvalier's return to Haiti should be for one purpose only: to face justice," said José Miguel Vivanco, Americas Director of Human Rights Watch. "Under the presidency of Duvalier and his Tonton Macoutes, thousands were killed and tortured, and hundreds of thousands of Haitians fled into exile. His time to be held accountable is long overdue."

Jean‑Claude Duvalier was Haiti's "president for life" from 1971 to 1986, succeeding his father  François "Papa Doc" Duvalier.  The Duvaliers are estimated to have ordered the deaths of between twenty and thirty thousand Haitian civilians. The brutality of their government created the modern Haitian diaspora, driving hundreds of thousands of Haitians into exile in Canada, France, the United States, the Dominican Republic, and elsewhere.

Official torture and murder were commonplace under both father and son, Human Rights Watch said. The Duvaliers stunted civil society with harsh repression of any signs of independence among political parties, trade unions, and the press.

The Duvaliers created multiple military and paramilitary institutions to impose their will on the civilian population and to avoid creating a single center of power outside the presidency, Human Rights Watch said. These included several units of the army: the Presidential Guard, the Casernes Dessalines, the "Léopards," and the military police. As a counterweight to the army, "Baby Doc" Duvalier created the paramilitary Volunteers for National Security, the so-called Tontons Macoutes, whose membership and power ultimately dwarfed that of the army.  At the local level, section chiefs exercised control and presided in often corrupt and violent fashion over each of Haiti's 565 rural sections.  Jean‑Claude Duvalier relied on the Tonton Macoutes and the other paramilitary institutions to enforce his will until he and his family fled Haiti on February 7, 1986, boarding a U.S. military plane on the first leg of their trip to comfortable exile in France.

Duvalier has never faced prosecution abroad. In September 1999, four Haitian torture victims filed complaints with a French prosecutor charging crimes against humanity. The prosecutor rejected the complaints, because France's 1994 law on crimes against humanity was not retroactive.

"Haiti has enough troubles without Duvalier," said Vivanco. "Duvalier's presence - unless he is immediately arrested- is a slap in the face to a people who have already suffered so much."


Human Rights Watch is one of the world's leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights. By focusing international attention where human rights are violated, we give voice to the oppressed and hold oppressors accountable for their crimes. Our rigorous, objective investigations and strategic, targeted advocacy build intense pressure for action and raise the cost of human rights abuse. For 30 years, Human Rights Watch has worked tenaciously to lay the legal and moral groundwork for deep-rooted change and has fought to bring greater justice and security to people around the world.


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Please join us in spiritual prayer with Pastor Anthony Carstarphen from New Hope Evangelistic Ministries Church Of God In Christ. The call will feature Prayer, Bible Study, and Testimonies From Participants. If you will like to attend, please call us at (724) 444-7444, id 83319 # pin 1 #. The call is hosted on under the name: Government Sponsored Stalking.

Chris J. Brunson

Pastor Anthony Carstarphen
Spiritual Leader


Yahoo Groups:


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