I am a non-consenting victim of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation which is being conducted by unknown criminals who work from unknown remote locations and this situation has been happening to me continuously for more than seventeen years. By now I have endured so much remote neural manipulation that the unknown operatives who both remote neural monitor and remote neural manipulate my brain and central nervous system can cause most of the muscles of my body to move against my will. The aforementioned unknown criminals have informed me via brain to brain interfacing that they have now enabled a situation where they could get me to perform acts against my will by manipulating both my brain and central nervous system from an unknown remote location while I am in any public arena. They have also informed me via the same communication method that they will influence me to give one of their operatives the keys to my home on an occasion where they would influence me to meet one of their agents in public. If that occurred and I publicly handed over the keys to my home to one of their agents while under remote influencing capability they would then acknowledge to the world that I had given them the keys to my home of my own free will. They have informed me that others in their group have pulled that exact scam on a vulnerable individual while that vulnerable induvidual was being remotely influenced by brain to brain interacing capabilities and by several other means.
I now plan to leave the keys of my home in the care of someone I trust whenever I leave home in future. If you are a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation please be aware of this type of manipulation and act to protect yourself from it. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. My name is Gretta Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
If a subject of remote wireless experimentation drinks ozonated water or does anything to generate extra oxygen inside the human body such as cycling a bicycle, their energy field becomes more visible to the wireless experimentation personnel. They can then see from their advanced equipment what micro technology is inside the human body and where it is located. It makes it very easy for any wireless experimentation personnel who has access to these images to further the control mechanism that they are attempting to establish inside each and every one of us.
Do not drink ozonated water or oxygenate yourself by doing vigorous exercise before sitting in front of a digital media screen because you become more visible to them and thereby you endanger yourself. However, oxygen has been said to deplete the levels of technology which are to be found inside the human body.
I have already become linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things. My experiences are so extreme that most uninformed individuals can not believe that neuro science and neuro technology has advanced to this extent and they prefer to disbelieve me when I recount my experiences. First of all, back in the spring of 2003 my brain and body were linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a network of computers, and those computers may well be also linked to a super computer. This link enables the neuro staff who operated these computers to force me to listen to their voices coming from inside my head at all times of the day or night. They wake me up from sleep whenever they wish by speaking to me or by sending me a pain signal.
Over time the neuro operatives built up a brain map which then enabled them to take control over my facial muscles and some of my neck muscles as well as my vocal cords on some occasions. When I move my facial muscles of my own accord the exact sequences of events that happens in my brain is then tabulated and repeated so that the criminal neuro operatives can later move my facial muscles against my will. Now, whenever the neuro operatives take external control of my vocal cords while speaking through me they also take external control of my facial muscles at the same time. If the neuro operative who is speaking through me is angry I now can tell that that is the case because my own eyes blaze up in anger and my face grimaces in anger when I am being spoken through. These experiences mostly occur when I am alone, but they could easily be made to occur when I am out in public. I have many friends and acquaintances who are also experiencing similar experiences. We are all attempting to raise awareness of this horrific situation but one of the main reasons we sometimes fail to be believed is because everyone else may already be linked to the internet-of-things besides us and it appears that they have become locked into a state of subliminal hypnosis where they are unable to believe us and this state of subliminal hypnosis may also be combined with wirelessly enabled brain entrainment because their responses are not normal. It is as if the general public have been rendered unable to think past a certain point. The only way we can return to normal as a human race is by disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia in my opinion.
My name is Gretta Fahey and my website is www.targetedindividualsireland.net. I write about my experiences of being wirelessly and non-consensually linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things simply in order to raise awareness of the extreme danger humanity is now it. I never have, and I never will accept payment for what I write and send to the public and for what I post online.
I am wirelessly and non-consensually linked to neuro operatives who force me to listen to their voices throughout each and every day entirely against my will and without my permission. A selection of neuro operatives, who I have been informed are core volunteers in playing a part in my electronic harassment and psychological torture, wake me up and place my in a hyper alert state in the middle of the night, many nights, in order to speak to me and insult me and threaten me and keep me awake for hours at a time when I should be sleeping. When I complained via the two way bio-communication link which allows them to communicate with me against my will and without my permission they said that they could not get a time slot during the day to perform their electronic harassment duties and that is why they harass me during many nights.
I am a victim of the brutal hacking of brains and bodies of human beings which is now widespread and growing throughout Western European Countries and further afield. The main stream media are keeping the populace in the dark about this psychological torture mechanism which is getting ever closer to their own doors. They are more than likely under strong microwave mind control. Further to that, authoritarian psychiatry use fraudulent mental health labelling on anybody who attempts to whistle blow about the existence and abuse of wireless weapon electronic harassment and torture. Neuro weapons have been in field-testing for at least sixteen years in the Republic of Ireland and possibly for many decades before I became a victim of it. This is an ongoing crime against humanity. The only way forward is to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities together with all microwave mind control capabilities, so that people can begin to think clearly again. Currently many appear to be programmed to only believe what they hear from the mouths of the main stream media announcers. However, the main stream media is now privately owned and controlled by the dark new world order evil cabal and they use said main stream media as their mouthpiece in order to misdirect the rest of the humanity and to lead them into a false sense of security
The dark new world order crime cartel wish to take away the confidence of the rest of the human race in order to destroy our individuality and our self belief so that they can inculcate us into a collective. This is a vital part of the inculcation process which happens inside all cults. I have been implanted with bio-technology to the extent that voices of criminal neuro operatives can force their voices inside my mind anytime they wish. These neuro operatives constantly insult me in order to attempt to take away my rock solid self belief so that they might inculcate me into a worldwide collectivism, which is another word for slavery. In order to inculcate somebody into a collectivism, the target is made to feel guilt and fear. They are informed that the group does their thinking for them and they are kept so busy that they have no time to question anything.
The voice to skull inner voices have told me just now that they would all prefer to be criminalized rather than continue to help the dark new world order crime cartel to enslave the human race as is planned.
The science within this post is from the work of Bryan Tew who I do not know and who is a former United States department of defence contractor.
Remote Controlled Human Beings are currently being created all over the world by wireless means. These human beings are fully aware that they are slowly and incrementally being turned into bio-robots and they can not do anything to stop the bio-robotization process. They are frightened beyond words. After they become fully bio-robotized they may be used to kill other human beings. Please read here below how this human bio-robotization work is being achieved.
Many human beings throughout most of the world are now wirelessly tied to super-computers via nano technology which has been imbedded inside their brains and bodies, which they have both inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. The Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer monitors and manipulates all electrical activity in their brains on a constant basis throughout each day. It uses physical and psychological trauma to map out and reverse engineer the sensory and neural pathways of the brain and central nervous system of the victim of gradual bio-robotization in order to then build a cognotive model of that brain.
We all have nano technology inside our bodies and brains which we have inhaled and ingested from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. Particulates of this nano technology inside the body of the human being who has been selected for bio-robotization are wirelessly linked by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a large network of computers combined with a super computer. This process has come to be known as Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation. The nano technology speaks to and decodes the neuro transmitters of the human brain in a process called transcranial brain stimulation enabling the mind of the targeted individual to be read and replied to in real time . A team of data analysts download and catalogue all of the data from the brain and body of the targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring.
Another completely separate team of hidden operatives who are known as gang stalkers do everything in their power to discredit the targeted individual so that the targeted individual will not be believed. They use slander campaigns and false psychiatry to discredit these victims of gradual bio-robotization. In some situations these gang stalkers create a hostile environment everywhere the victim goes in order to isolate the victim so that there is no external interference which might dampen down the desired neuro programming.
A third team of individuals who are in essence neuro operatives are sometimes known as the hive mind team. They can introduce sound, voices, aromas, sensations, images, thoughts, and emotions into the brain of the targeted individual or on some occasions targeted group. The victim becomes a walking digital receiver. The hive mind team attempt to restrict the victim at will using remotely induced trauma and pain. They use bio-communication to project their voices inside the brain of the victim. They eventually are able to manipulate the visual cortex of the victim to introduce images into the victims field of vision. They introduce signals into the audio cortex of the victim to introduce sounds and voices. They manipulate the sensory cortex of the victim to introduce sensations or pain. They manipulate the motor cortex of the victim in order to cause movement to the muscles of the victim anywhere throughout the victims face or body. By modulation of the phase, frequency and amplitude of the stream of energy they can target any area of the human anatomy.
Over many years of laborious work, the neuro operatives who work by wireless means and from a remote location connect every sub group of muscles inside the body of the targeted individual who is destined for human bio-robotization from nano particulates which have been inhaled into the subjects body to a network of computers and a super computer. Each of these sub group of muscles is individually linked to the super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy until the day comes when all of the sub groups of muscles throughout the body of the victim is eventually linked to the super-computer. The super-computer co-ordinates all sub groups of muscles within the body of the victim to work in tandem with each other. The victim can then be wirelessly remote controlled by sadistic criminals to place one of their hands on a hot stove totally against their will or even to kill another human being against their will. The continuous two way streams of low frequency electromagnetic energy which link the victim to the super-computer is so strong that it can enable the victim to fight off ten strong men if necessary. The victim does not even need to be alive to achieve this. The victims body is totally remote controlled by a neuro operative or neuro operatives who may even be working by wireless means from thousands of miles away. The slow and incremental process of human bio-robotization is being co-ordinated as an act of war against the human race. It is part of an ongoing war of attrition that is being waged against us for dozens of years.
This process of human bio-robotization has already been achieved. I believe the following linked youtube video which is called MADNESS IN THE FAST LANE, SWEDISH SISTERS FULL VERSION is an example of two human beings who have been bio-robotized. There is no other explanation for their extreme strength and unusual capabilities even after one of them was seriously injured by a truck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1B9T6hRK3k.
When the neuro operatives plan to take over the body of a human being they inform the human being in advance of the take over. When the psychopaths who currently run this planet have some plan for the human race they always inform the human race in advance through predictive programming in movies. Movies have been full of information about this human bio-robotization process for many decades.
Human beings who believe that they are being slowly and incrementally bio-robotized can easily be saved from whole body takeover simply by receiving a strong pulse of magnetic energy to their bodies which will destroy the nano technology inside them and set them free from their fate. However, they need electronically mind controlled government officials such as the police and psychiatrists to believe them, because magnetic pulse technology is beyond the reach of most targeted individuals. Police stations are being located directly under telephone towers in order to facilitate the electronic mind control process. We aught to ban microwave transmitters from all countries throughout the world immediately.
I have been in poor health for many years due to irritable bowel syndrome and bladder problems. I attended many general medical practitioners and specialists to no avail. I read many diet books and tried many diets which did not improve my general health. I ate only raw food for several months but my general health did not improve because of that practice. I once fasted on distilled water for a full twenty three days straight in order to improve my health. My health slightly improved for a while after that. However, I now know I have found the ultimate cure all by following the late great Dr Sebi whose work is to be found online, in many youtube videos and websites. For still further information check you the youtube videos of Taylor Budd.
Natural plants found in nature contain the right balance of nutrients to keep us in abundant health. When plants are combined together to create a new plant, it is called a hybrid plant and it contains starch which is highly addictive and nutritionally off balance. In the past, starch based plants where considered suitable food for slaves because they kept the slaves in a state of constant hunger due to mineral imbalances, to such an extent that they were easy to control by the feeding them starch based non- foods. Starch based substances posing as real food are so addictive that they are now being seen as a gate way drug to stronger starch based drugs such as alcohol and cocaine. The solution if you suffer from any illness whatsoever is to stay away from all starch containing hybridized plants such as potatoes, carrots, garlic, cranberries, wheat, most forms of rice and many others. To ensure good health keep to a vegan diet of non-hybrid plants such as mushrooms, onions, romaine lettuce, cherry and plum tomatoes, avocados, spelt, quinoa, kamut, and a wide variety of fruit except most bananas which are mostly hybridized.
"By changing the genetic order the new plant is high in starch which is corrosive to human tissues. There are many people who are allergic to wheat and are not aware of these facts. Changing the genetic order of wild life forms and creates genetic mineral and chemical imbalances and mutations in the new species and all that eats it."
Non hybrid true natural food is in short supply throughout the world. The whole human race must return to growing all of their own food in multi shelf greenhouses in suburban back yards. If the dark occultists who have more and more world money and power in their hands control the food supply they could eventually enslave the rest of the human race by total control of the food supply. Purchase only heirloom seeds for your garden and your greenhouse. When we are eating only pure non-hybridized food we only need to eat once per day.
I am a targeted individual of non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation. I am wirelessly tethered by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves to a network of computers from implants which were placed inside my head and body at a time when I was unaware that I was being implanted. This allows me to hear the wirelessly enabled voices of unknown neuro operatives coming from inside my head. These neuro operatives monitor me on a continual basis, both day and night, and they have done so for more than fifteen years. They constantly taunt me about the fact that I am in poor health to the extent that I no longer work. When I eventually found the answer to my poor health through eating a vegan diet of non-hybrid true natural food, which is free of starch for the most part, the neuro operatives decided that they must suppress knowledge of this health giving diet plan among the public. Therefore, their intentions in all of their work is never about improving the health and well-being of the general public. It is always about controlling and enslaving the general public in any and all possible ways, especially financially, mentally, legally, wirelessly and through addictive starch-based non food.
Criminal law courts throughout the world have become for the most part staging centres for neuro slaves. The human beings who appear before the law courts throughout the world have gone through a process called neuro development in the previous years, where they have become wirelessly body controlled to the extent that all of the muscles that they would normally use to speak are being wirelessly controlled by puppet master neuro operatives who are at that time in the vicinity of said criminal law court. Said puppet master neuro operatives, force the neuro slave to speak words that they are being wirelessly programmed to speak. The words being spoken by said neuro slave in the criminal law court are words that have been rehearsed in previous years when the neuro slave was slowly and incrementally becoming a neuro slave through a process where their brain and muscles were being taken over by wireless means, by unknown criminal neuro operatives who work from a location which remains unknown to the would-be neuro slave who is seen to be a targeted individual of non-consensual neuro weapons research at that early stage of said criminal process.
These targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro weapons research can not get the word out to the world of their serious plight while they still can operate their own muscles of their own free will because this criminal protocol is being backed by world authorities as being a legitimate way to catch criminals without due process. I am a good will, good living human being and I have been caught up in this criminal process, where my muscles have and are being manipulated by behind the scenes so-called agents of law and order for more than fifteen years at considerable cost to the tax-payers. My ability to control my own muscles is slowly and incrementally being wirelessly taken over by neuro operatives who are unknown to me and who work on my brain and body from an unknown remote location. My ability to control some of my own muscles can be partially disabled and re-enabled at a moments notice by wireless means in a way that others would notice that anything unusual was taken place. I am being interrogated through a bio-communication process known as voice to skull by unknown neuro operatives who place their voices inside my head and constantly ask me questions about my whole live in general.
If a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation stops using a computer, television, ipad and mobile cell phone, this is known by the criminal neuro operatives as " the subject having gone dark". When this occurs the criminal neuro operatives no longer have regular access to the targeted individual and they no longer have any reason to continue their specific type of experimentation on that particular now dark targeted individual. They fall away in d...roves. The hive mind team who are the front line co-ordinators who organise visitation rights of the criminal neuro scientists and the criminal behavioural scientists among others to the mind and body of the targeted individual can then no longer continue in their quest to lock down the targeted individual through controlled manipulation of the neo cortex to the point of paralysis or human bio-robotization, as was initially their intention and also the intention of their pay masters, the would-be enslavers of the human race.. The hive mind team have informed me just now that they are hindered to an extreme degree by the fact that I will no longer be using my computer or mobile cell phone from this moment on. Without permanent access to me through a digital media screen or a high definition media screen they will no longer be able to work on me at all.
I have heard alot of recommendations advising targeted individuals to wear a neodymium magnet with the north side of the magnet placed close to the skin. When the blood flow passes through the veins and the arteries directly under the magnet the nano technology in the blood stream is affected in some way in order to make it less effective for the purposes of Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation. After weeks and months of wearing a neodymium magnet with the north side ...facing your skin, some targeted individuals are claiming that the voice to skull bio-communication technologically induced voices slow down and eventually stop altogether. They are also claiming that all electronic harassment and remote neural manipulation has stopped for them.
I have purchased some large circular neodymium magnets with holes in the middle. They appear to the best type to purchase because I can place cords through the holes in the magnets in order to hold them close to my skin with the north side facing towards my skin.
Do not wear a magnet while using a computer because your computer will immediately malfunction and break. If you must use a computer or phone only wear the magnet in bed at night and dont keep any technology in your bedroom. If you accidently stand near your computer while wearing a strong neodymium magnet your computer will be damaged. You must wear the magnet for several months before you will notice an improvement. I have not worn it long enough to notice a difference in my own experiences of electronic harassment and Remote Neural Manipulation yet. This extremely advanced technology is recent and we must try everything we can in order to block it. The freedom of the children of humanity is at stake.
Initially, when a targeted individual first begins to be brain mapped, they can not be seen inside their own homes by the neuro weapons operatives who are doing the brain mapping. The targeted individual can only be heard by these neuro weapons operatives.
However, when the targeted individual is partially brain mapped they can then finally be seen by the neuro weapons operatives. Their clothing can not be seen. The targeted individual can only be seen in a totally nake...d state.
The outside contractors who wish to eventually invest money in order to use the neuro enslaved targeted individual for slave labour when said targeted individual is eventually fully neuro enslaved, is not always made aware of this fact by the main team of brain mapping staff.
The outside contractors look at the partially brain mapped targeted individual inside their own homes on their monitors and they speak to them via electronic brain link capability and they demand to know why said targeted individual is walking around naked inside their own home.
The outside contractors have complained to the main team of brain mappers that when they hone in on prisoners while in their prison cells they can see them fully clothed. They do not understand the anomoly of only being able to see partially brain mapped targeted individuals inside their own homes in a naked state.
This neuro enslavement of ordinarly good will human beings inside their own homes is being carried out wirelessly be means of directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology. We can stop it happening simply by demolishing all microwave transmitters and having them banned from our countries. We must also refuse to allow 5G millimeter wave technology to be erected throughout the world because it will mean worldwide enslavement of the whole human race if it is allowed to be installed.