A Voice to Skull voice which I heard coming from inside my head in the past twenty minutes was heard by me to say the following " I command you " . I replied " What are you going around commanding your own equals for like a plonker"? The reason he attempted to command me was because I was refusing to remove my computer from the room I am currently in and extraneous information is coming through from my computer into my brain and body to the extent that the neuro operatives can not work on inputting unwanted digital signals into my brain and body. I am refusing to remove my computer from the room that I am in on the grounds that I have nothing to lose because these neuro operatives have intimated that they are going to destroy my personhood by remote means regardless of what I do or say. They implied that there are dark times ahead for my country if I will not co operate. However, they often imply that there are dark times ahead for my country no matter what anyone does or says, so I will not co operate with them no matter what they command me to do.
I am currently hearing intelligent sounding voices of my fellow human beings coming from inside my head. You will shortly begin to hear voices coming from inside your head which will be sent to you by digital signals. These inner voices are currently being generated inside the heads of millions of human beings throughout the world. There are at least four different types to technological means available to the intelligence services which they and many other groups use widely for the purposes of direct voice communication. This technology and the work the intelligence services do is covered under various secrecy clauses. However, it is an open secret that such technology exists and is in widespread use.
This morning, an unknown wirelessly transmitted voice of a real human being asked me a question. I refused to answer on the grounds that the questioner was forcing his voice inside my head against my will and without my permission in an act of extreme evil. I then heard the voice report to a colleague that he was being met with resistence. His colleague feigned surprise that I was refusing to speak to him. That colleague said that they regularly spoke to the staff during conference calls on a regular basis. That colleague was then told that I was not a member of staff because I had refused all offers of bribes which were made to me over many years via voice to skull direct communication. The colleague then went on to announce that I was a criminal and as such they had a duty to speak to me by the use of inner voice forcing technology whether I was amenable to it or not. The colleague was again informed that I was not a criminal. The colleague then replied that I was the subject of investigation and as such they had a duty to speak to me by the use of said voice forcing technology.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. My landline home telephone number is 0949360901. I am a real and verified human being. The voices which I hear coming from inside my head have informed me that my long term receipt of disability allowance is uninvestigatible by the normal means because I am claiming disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and bladder problems. Neither of these conditions can be investigated for eligibility under normal conditions so I was placed on a program called remote neural monitoring more than fifteen years ago. nother reason that I was placed on remote neural monitoring was because I officially informed a disability assessment doctor that I had been neglected by main stream medicine for my irritable bowel syndrome condition and I had been denied a request for disability allownace which I made to Dr John Connolly, Pontoon, Castebar, Co. Mayo in the past. I have written my whole story on my website which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ; Most of the story can easily be listened to on several youtube videos which are linked to that website. If or when 5G , fifth generation technology becomes operational then millions of human beings can be placed on remote neural monitoring at the same time, against their wills and without their permission. They will by linked via telephone lines close to their homes to hostile and insulting voices which they will hear day and night every waking moment. They wont be allowed to sleep. They will sometimes receive electric shocks and other sensations. This brain wave technology is enslavement technology. Please organise to have all telephone masts urgently banned in order to save yourself and your children from imminent enslavement.
IrishTargeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation no longer inform the Irish Gardaí or psychiatrists of their torturous experiences of being remote neural monitored and remote neural manipulated because we are disbelieved by all concerned. This is more than likely due to the fact that electronic mind control has become universal throughout Ireland and we can no longer get through to them verbally, and we no longer trust man-made laws which have become so out of alignment with natural law and ethics that they should no longer be honoured.
I have been a non-consensual and extremely unwilling neuro weapons research subject for more than fifteen years. During that time I have appealed to various state sponsored employees for help in combating unwarranted wireless manipulation of my brain and body through the operation of both internal and external nano technology throughout both my brain and body.
I am continually being communicated with via voice to skull internal communication, where I hear the technologically induced voices of neuro researchers coming from inside my head. This very day I heard a technologically induced voice which was coming from inside my head say the following " The program has been a total success in the sense that we now have this woman primed for paralysis, and furthermore this process can be carried out on any human being throughout the world provided that we have the necessary capabilities. All governments are willingly participating in providing us with the capabilities that we need in order to wirelessly enslave the human race. The government staff that we deal with suffer from disordered thinking due to the continued use of smart phones and other technology, and they now do not know how to pull back from the brink of annihilation.
Millions of good living human beings throughout the western world are currently being subjected to a system called Remote Neural Monitoring, which involves being non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly linked to a super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves from nano implants inside their brains and bodies. If general medical practitioners and the police are informed by the subjects themselves of being subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring, both the general medical practitioners and police would lose their jobs if they failed to send the complainants for psychiatric evaluation. When psychiatrists are then informed by the subjects themselves that they are being Remote Neural Monitored they are detained inside a psychiatric facility for an indefinite period of time, where they are legally obliged to take highly toxic substances which slowly and incrementally damage their brains and bodies. This is the reason why Remote Neural Monitoring is so widespread that it could collapse the whole fabric of society at this point in time and yet nobody knows about it except the millions of torture victims that it leaves in its wake. Ban microwave transmitters for true human freedom.
Victims of a new human enslavement methodology called Remote Neural Monitoring are wirelessly tied to a super-computer for life by way of a continuous two way stream of electromagnetic low frequency waves via illegal implants. These implants have been illegally introduced into the brains and bodies of all populations throughout the western world through illegal chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads with nano particulates which we then inhale and ingest. These and other implants may also be introduced into our bodies by a variety of other means. A cabal of criminal super-rich individuals aspire to eventually be able to remotely monitor and measure all of the electromagnetic activity in both the brains and bodies of all human beings and all other living things on a continuous basis throughout each day.
A selection of good will, good living human beings have been selected for total brain readout analysis and brain and body manipulation via super-computer over the past few decades. These human beings are currently known as targeted individuals. According to well known cybernetic warfare researcher Bryan Tew, their unique digital brainwave imprint is secretly obtained by criminals and it is uploaded to a super-computer. The illegal nano-particulates which they have inhaled and ingested digitalise the brain of the targeted individual and turns it into a digital receiver. In combination with the super-computer, criminal neuro personnel then manipulate the visual cortex, the auditory cortex, the motor cortex and the sensory cortex in order to inject sound, vision, memory manipulation, muscle movement and even pain signals to that targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring.
Targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring have nothing to gain and everything to lose from being illegally and immorally remote neural monitored. They go about their lives seemingly as normal. Nobody around them can tell that they are hearing voices and feeling unusual sensations throughout their body on a continual basis. Main stream medicine, psychiatry and the law are refusing to confront the by now widespread existence and extreme abuse of Remote Neural Monitoring. Victims of Remote Neural Monitoring are being wrongly evaluated as being mentally ill. As soon as any targeted individual claims they are being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring they are deemed to be mentally unwell by a strongly conditioned false belief which was deliberately inserted into the minds of society in the distant past through constant repetition and fear manipulation.
When non-consensual and extremely unwilling targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring hear the voices of criminal neuro operatives coming from inside their heads they react with hostility towards the speakers of those voices. They refuse to be civil to criminals who insist on placing their voices inside the targeted individuals heads. On the other side of the equasion, the criminal neuro operatives themselves feign surprise that the targeted individual continually refuses to have a pleasant conversation with them via this new illegal methodology. The targeted individual sometimes wonders if all of the illegal speakers who force their voices inside the head of the targeted individual are even fully aware of the illegal methodology that is being used to hold the conversation. Some of the illegal speakers may be being misinformed as to the methodology that is being used to speak to the targeted individual.
The cabal of criminal super-rich individuals who own the rights to the Remote Neural Monitoring signalling process plan to place the whole human race other than themselves on this system of Remote Neural Monitoring, which has also come to be known as bio-metrics control, from birth until death. Every human being other than themselves would be allocated a universal bio-metrics identity card which would contain a permanent indelible record of their whole life.
If a universal, hierarchical based chain of command combined with universal remote neural monitoring for the whole human race ever becomes a reality, any one member of the deep state if they so wished, could command a super-computer to send extreme pain signals into the nervous system of all of their fellow human beings, other than the individuals at the top of the control hierarchy who are outside the current system of control and technological enslavement.
Luckily, there is a simple solution to the technological enslavement of the human race. The human race will disassemble and destroy all microwave transmitters, 5G millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia. The existence of satellites and space based weapons is an elaborate and easily proveable hoax along with a multitude of other hoaxes.
The existence of satellites lie was invented in order to make NASA appear invincible.
If satellites really existed all of our satellite dishes would be pointing straight up to the sky in order to receive and transmit signals. However, our satellite dishes are pointing sideways in order to receive signals from microwave transmitters and these signals that said microwave transmitters are transmitting are being relayed from undersea fibre optic cables.
Further to that, so -called satellite navigation data is being obtained from triangulation of signals which are being transmitted from cell phone towers which are also known as phone masts.
Under sea fibre optic cables are responsible for transmitting all internet and other data across the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft and Apple are all building and laying their own under sea fibre optic cables in order to transmit their own computer data across the world as per the enclosed video link.
Air and space can not co-exist side by side. The vacuum of space would suck the air from the atmosphere leaving us with no air to breathe. We can easily save ourselves from being permanently wirelessly tethered to a super-computer which is what happens to victims of Remote Neural Monitoring simply by outlawing all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and returning to life without cell phones.
As well as the creation of the satellite hoax, many other hoaxes have been created to instill fear and confusion in the human race down through the centuries by the cabal of criminal super-rich who are sometimes know by a number of other names including the self-proclaimed elite.
These hoaxes were created by the self-proclaimed elite by the use of science and technology and many forms of trickery for example, the expedient use of magic lanterns, hollywood makeup, film sets, holograms and brain weapons combined with constant repitition in the media in order to engrain these hoaxes in the minds of humanity. In some instances they back date their hoaxes to make it appear that these occurrences were happening in the distant past. The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills.
Some of the other hoaxes that have been created by the would-be enslavers of the human race are as follows:-
The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.
Please raise awareness of the urgent need to dismantle microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia all over the world now.
Subvocalisation is a process whereby when we think to ourselves we silently verbalise our thoughts allowing our brain to sends neuro signals to our mouth, jaw and throat. If the mouth, jaws and throat of a human being have been implanted with a series of electrodes or other bio-sensors or nano-sensors then said neuro signals can be gathered and sent to a processor where they are translated into words. In many non-consensual and unwilling victims of implantation these words are then being read and replied to in real time and the sound signals from the reply are being sent to a series of sensors which are implanted in the hearing centres of the human brain. This methodology is currently in widespread use throughout the western world where it is being used by criminal gangs to create undetectable neuro slaves. Said criminal gangs force their voices inside the heads of unwilling victims of illegal brain and body implantation and they then read the thoughts of the victim in reply. The criminal gangs use this illegally obtained data for many reasons, some of which are insider trading, stealing of intellectual property rights and the creation of neuro slaves.
It is being claimed that human beings throughout the western world have been inhaling and ingesting nano particulates from processed food, water and chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads for the past number of years. It is being further claimed that these nano particles are then being implanted from the bloodstream into the brain and body of a selection of non-consensual and unwilling human beings by wireless means and from a distance, through a process known as neuro processing. Neuro processing is being achieved by the use of energy by a coterie of criminal neuro staff who are unknown to the victim of nano implantation. When the brain and body of a target of neuro processing is fully implanted with nano particles, criminal gangs then have access to a myriad of implants throughout the human brain and body. They sometimes use these implants to transmit voice commands and possible pain signals to human beings who at that stage could be considered as partial neuro slaves. This neuro enslavement system is in widespread use throughout the whole western world and it could be used to enslave most of the human race by a small cartel of dark occultists if we neglect to outlaw microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia. The existence of satellites is an easily proven hoax. World wide data is being transmitted using undersea fibre optic cables.
Subvocalisation is a process whereby when we think to ourselves we silently verbalise our thoughts allowing our brain to sends neuro signals to our mouth, jaw and throat. If the mouth, jaws and throat of a human being have been implanted with a series of electrodes or other bio-sensors or nano-sensors then said neuro signals can be gathered and sent to a processor where they are translated into words. In many non-consensual and unwilling victims of implantation these words are then being read and replied to in real time and the sound signals from the reply are being sent to a series of sensors which are implanted in the hearing centres of the human brain. This methodology is currently in widespread use throughout the western world where it is being used by criminal gangs to create undetectable neuro slaves. Said criminal gangs force their voices inside the heads of unwilling victims of illegal brain and body implantation and they then read the thoughts of the victim in reply. The criminal gangs use this illegally obtained data for many reasons, some of which are insider trading, stealing of intellectual property rights and the creation of neuro slaves.
It is being claimed that human beings throughout the western world have been inhaling and ingesting nano particulates from processed food, water and chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads for the past number of years. It is being further claimed that these nano particles are then being implanted from the bloodstream into the brain and body of a selection of non-consensual and unwilling human beings by wireless means and from a distance, through a process known as neuro processing. Neuro processing is being achieved by the use of energy by a coterie of criminal neuro staff who are unknown to the victim of nano implantation. When the brain and body of a target of neuro processing is fully implanted with nano particles, criminal gangs then have access to a myriad of implants throughout the human brain and body. They sometimes use these implants to transmit voice commands and possible pain signals to human beings who at that stage could be considered as partial neuro slaves. This neuro enslavement system is in widespread use throughout the whole western world and it could be used to enslave most of the human race by a small cartel of dark occultists if we neglect to outlaw microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia. The existence of satellites is an easily proven hoax. World wide data is being transmitted using undersea fibre optic cables.
Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation is a tool for wireless enslavement of human beings at the hands of dark occultists who run a secret network of human neural enslaving centres in any country that has widespread wireless capability. A human being is selected for wireless neural enslaving based on many and varied factors, possibly to do with the amount of technology they keep in their bedroom, combined with whether or not they switch off the electricity supply to their home each night and whether or not they bolt the doors of their home and their bedroom each night. Most standard door locks can be overridden by universal door keys and the householders can be entrained by neuro weapons to feel so tired that they would not be able to wake up and check for an intruder.
The selected targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation and perhaps eventual neural enslavement is implanted with a large number of implants which emit unusual electromagnetic radiation, to the extent that their neural enslavement can be proven at a later date if measured under controlled conditions such as a faraday cage. The selected targeted individual is now wirelessly linked to a super computer for life, where they are then made to hear human voices, see disturbing neural visions, feel pain, endure forced muscle movement, be made to limp at a moments notice, and even have a virtual reality experience involving all five of their senses. If the neural enslavement team sees fit, the targeted individual of remote neural manipulation can be forced to commit suicide using many different methodologies. The targeted individual can be made to hear many different strands of continuous voices at the same time on a constant basis. They can be made to see disturbing neural images on a constant basis of traumatic torture or even sexual imagery involving religious icons to the extent that they become deeply emotionally traumatised. They can be made to feel sexual sensations on an unceasing basis so that they are unable to live their lives in a reasonable manner. Their muscles can be made to move against their wills to the extent that they can no longer drive a vehicle less they be made to drive it into a crowd of their fellow human beings totally against their will and moral judgement.
If you have young people in your family, please advise them to stay away from alcohol, because they are more vulnerable to remotely induced sexual attacks from strangers using wirelessly enabled devices when these inexperienced young people are not fully in control of their minds after a small amount of alcohol consumption. The strangers who travel in groups could sexually compromise a young lady and video record the sexual act for future blackmail. Please advise young people not to travel overseas because Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation technology is ubiquituous, and people are far more vulnerable when they are far from home.
Some evil individuals are promoting the use of Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation techniques within their own circles. These evil individuals wish to slowly and incrementally enslave their fellow human beings by degrees. In order to stop this process in its tracks we must urgently disassemble, destroy and outlaw all wireless enabling capabilities throughout the world.
If there are criminal law investigations into the current abuse of military grade voice to skull voice harassment technology in the future you must now sabotage the lives of each and every criminal who by the aid of wireless technology and military grade implants, forces their voice inside your head on a minute by minute basis each and every day of your life, while threatening to torture you at some time in the future. Here is how you sabotage the lives of these criminals.
Whenever you hear human voices speaking to you coming from inside your head due to wirelessly enabled implants, reply as follows " Military grade implants have been placed inside my head without my permission at a time when I was unaware it was happening, allowing you to now place your voice inside my head against my will and without my permission. Why are you committing this crime against me?
By replying in this way, the criminal who is wirelessly forcing their voice inside your head by the use of these military grade implants will not be able to deny that he or she did not know that they were speaking to you via implants inside your head against your will and without your permission during the court case.
A moment ago, a technologically induced, microwave hearing voice which I heard coming from inside my head informed me of the following "You will only have privileges while you are generating money for me." The internal voice then went on to inform me that I am a slave.
Microwave hearing which is the science of projecting human voices inside the heads of extremely unwilling and non-consensual human beings is now widespread throughout Ireland and the wider world. It was used in the first Iraq war and it was then known as "Voice of God Weapons". It can only manifest inside the heads of human beings who are first sprayed with nano technology from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. We inhale and ingest the nano technology which penetrates the blood brain barrier and we eventually become receivers and transmitters of sounds, visions and other sensations.
Since the advent of this technology some individuals have misinterpreted their experiences as supernatural and extra-terresterial. This is not the case. All supernatural and extra-terresterial experiences are simply advanced brain weapons combined with holograms and military psychological operations.
Privileges are the domain of slaves. My rights are my birth-rights. No legislation can ever change my rights. The law has nothing to do with my rights. My rights can not be added to or subtracted from by another human being ever. Some individuals falsely imply that they have man-made authority over other human beings. They are wrong. Our rights are actions we take that dont harm anyone. We all have the same rights by virtue of being human beings.
Microwave hearing and technological enslavement of human beings can only exist while microwave transmitters and 5G millimeter wave transmitters are in place throughout our countries. All technology being used to slowly and incrementally enslave the human race is ground based. The existence of satellites is a hoax. At least eighty percent of human beings are unknowingly working to enslave the human race. They are mostly lawyers, politicians, government administrators, telecom engineers, main-stream media, etc.
Please organize to have microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia dismantled urgently.
It is now common knowledge that human voices can be placed inside the heads of sane and sensible human beings wirelessly by technological means. We know this because many respected scientists have informed us of this fact on many and varied internet forums. We also know this because literally millions of sane and sensible human beings from many countries throughout the world are currently hearing what appear to be intelligent human voices coming from deep inside their he...ads. As yet nobody from the controlled main stream media has come forward to inform us of the pertinent fact that voices can indeed be placed inside the heads of anybody who may be selected for this experience.
I wish to know how you treat the voices which you hear coming from inside your head. One well known targeted individual claims he treats them with respect because he recognises that the human beings who generate the voices are real and fallable.
However, I myself treat the voices with distain. I am uncivil to them most of the time. Some of these individuals who speak to me directly inside my head by electronic means take offence when I am rude to them. They appear to be amazed and somewhat surprised that I do not speak to them with a civil tone. I reply that I am an unwilling recipient of their voices. They are the aggressors. I am going about my life quitely, not bothering anyone. They do not have a moral or legal right to place their voices inside my head by wireless electronic means. I strongly feel that I will never be civil to them no matter how long they continue to be in my life.
Is there any point in creating a man-made law making voice induction in unwilling participants an illegal act? The reason I ask is because many man-made laws are no longer in harmony with moral law to the extent that I no longer have any respect for man-made law and I myself would never employ it for any reason whatsoever.
Please let me know what tone you use when you answer the technologically induced voices that you hear coming from inside your head?
At thirteen minutes into this video Dr Robert Duncan states that there are currently four techniques and technologies that can be used to place voices inside peoples heads.
At approximately seven minutes into the following linked video Dr Barrie Trower clearly states that the military can now put voices into peoples heads. He goes on to explain clearly how this feat is achieved.
A call to update mental health diagnosing: The DSM unreality!
- October 7, 2012
- By: Suzanne LeBoeuf
Related topics
In the continuing saga of reporting energy-based technologies used as weapons to harm certain targeted persons, the cross-over sharing of information between a variety of disciplines is needed more than ever before.
For example, the psychiatric manual to diagnose patients has undergone more changes and the DSM-5 will soon be published but may not be more accurate, but may be becoming more archaic, instead. Already, people complaining about torturous “voices” jamming their brains against their wills have been written off as being “psychotic” and schizophrenic. Let’s look at how these components are looked at from a psychiatrist’s point of view.
When a person is seen by a psychiatrist or psychologist who reports “hearing voices” that someone is putting into their minds somehow, this person is not taken seriously that this may truly be happening. The doctor may describe their patient as having “thought insertions” or “thought alienation”. Patients may believe that broadcasts from a radio or TV are being put into their heads in “thought broadcasting”. Ideas described as being stolen from the mind is labeled “thought depreivation” and these people are usually diagnosed as being schizophrenic, and often further catagorized as being of certain types, such as the paranoid type.
However, if there were a sharing of information among different disciplines such as psychology also learning about neurotechnology and specifically about frequency-wave technologies and how these effect the body, a whole new world of diagnostics of the human mind would emerge. A more accurate world based on more accurate reality, rather than one that potentially benefits criminal uses of technology.
A resistance to change, of anything that might challenge the towers of power in the mental health profession may contribute to the lack of transparency of some of the real causes of “symptoms” that may be mimicing the effects of horrific electromagnetic energies that are as heinous as any Nazi torture of the past.
It may simply be true that the world of mental health has not been given the exposure to wireless technologies that may be used to harm someone via remote control.
Having the ability and strength to go against the grain of the establishment can also be daunting. It is hard to be taken seriously when saying the exact same things their patients are saying and calling this “directed energy technology” can make a clinician look foolish. However in the face of such devastation of human lives this has to be done.
Of course there is a potential falsehood of reasoning for the need to protect electromagnetic energy weapons for the sake of “national security“. National security seems to hold the highest hand on protecting secrets of the U.S. We spend billions of dollars on the “security” and secret departments of our nation since 9/11′s events that destroyed New York’s Twin Towers. Homeland Security has sprung out of “terrorism” developing “security” technologies that potentially can be used to harm society, instead. The military has held an ongoing special interest in mind-manipulating technologies.
Technology that utilizes human brain waves can potentially be of help to society. Neuroengineering is a field that learns how the brain functions and how to “rewire” the brain and at the same time fears of “remote neural monitoring” have sprung up in articles by citizen journalists like this one. Secrets of technology that can wipe out the human brain or body can alternatively wipe out certain groups of people or potentially hold our government hostage when allowed to propagate and go unscrutinized or unmonitored by officials.
A cross-over sharing of technology among public officials, independent journalists as well as the field of mental health would produce better public policy that works to aid society, not harm it. Investigating neurotechnologies as well as weapons utilizing the electromagnetic spectrum would certainly add a whole new dimension to the current health care debate.
In many people’s opinions, health care and public safety are lifesaving issues that should be investigated and reevaluated. Paying for health care when there is some potential that energy-based technologies can potentially harm the health of U.S. citizens seems self-defeating, and a waste of taxpayer time and money.
Petitions against using human beings as guinea pigs for electromagnetic experimentation and targeting like this one can be found when the public knows what to search for. Human rights activists have much to do in the face of all the people from around the world being ignored for providing citizen reports that they are being harmed through electromagnetic energy weapons.
The field of mental health is only a beginning in the need to get to the truth and to change the health of society, as well as to protect citizens.
—– More information can be found here.
Original: http://www.examiner.com/article/a-call-to-update-mental-health-diagnosing-the-dsm-unreality
read moore on: http://mindcomputers.wordpress.com/
The mind and how it works
Certain sounds can cause certain triggers of images to be produced in the mind.
The human mind can be explored in many ways, it just depends on the person and how they want to explore it. Certain sounds can trigger certain thoughts in the mind. Take for
instance the sound of a bell ringing. If one hears a bell ringing,
then the mind produces an image of a bell. The same goes with smells.
Certain smells can cause a trigger in the mind. The mind produces an
image of the smell or tries to produce an image of what the smell is.
If you smell a rose, then your mind will produce a picture of a rose.
When you say don't t think of this or that, then you end up thinking
about it in your mind, but when you say do think of it, you don't
think of it, at least that's how my mind works.
Now take electromagnetic radiation, a silent weapon, and use it on someone's mind. Pointing the weapon directly at their brain and you get horrible results. If one is
happy, energetic, up going, fun, and wanting to take on the whole
world, these weapons can turn that around. You have a weapon that can
affect someone's mind so bad with this radiation, that it turns that
person into a fearful, non energetic, paranoid, depressed, unhappy
person. This silent kind of weapon being used on people can make one
look as if she/he has a mental disease and is in need of treatment.
The hearing of voices, how can one explain that? Truly, is it my own
mind doing this? Is my mind so messed up that I want to speak out of
terms in my own mind and not be able to control it? The research is
that there's an imbalance in the brain cortex and that's why the
hearing of the voices occur, same with bi-polar disease and chronic
depression. Medication and Psychiatry treatment are suppose to help
this area, but does this really work with one's who claim to be
Targeted Individuals? If they seek professional help and nothing is
changing, then what? Are they still considered mentally ill and
crazy? What about the facts they lay out? Why not take that into
consideration? Technology is so advanced, why wouldn't silent
electronic harassment weapons be possible in today's society? What
makes it impossible to exist? Why the use of silent weapons and why
is it being used unwillingly on people in the United States? Test
subjects. To see how they will react to the “attacks” as I call
it. It's an experiment. When you create something, you want to try it
out. So you experiment on objects and things to see how it works. If
it fails or doesn't do exactly as you would expect it to, then you go
back to the drawing board. You tweek it and start over again. If it
works as planned, you eventually upgrade it and keep the
experimentation going to see how the objects react to it til you get
to the point where you are confident you can use it on a wide range
of objects without error. Same with this technology. The people or
shall I say Military and Government body who funds it, are
experimenting with it right now (a guess, but a pretty good guess).
And that's why you have Targeted Individuals. They are seeing how the
people chosen are reacting to it and if they fight back or not or
commit suicide, give up, do as they are told (voices in the
head/orders), etc. No wonder people killed others because they were ordered to do so by the voices in their heads. I have done a lot of research in the past and a
lot of thinking every day to come up with this theory. What's your
opinion on this?
Quite a nice little article with links and quotes. I was surfing and stumbled across this little gem.
this is illegal and could be how people ubducted children and girls. trying to make it look a certian way like there familey and try to get them picked up it's how they tryed to cut me off from talking to people for years and tryed to setup my wife and myself see they been useing a technologie to conect to people and hide there real voices and try t act like there a computer program.
this is why some of you think there are others you know and they are not they cut up words and use voices then they try to pretend your someone. this guy thought it was his familey doing stuff o him and it could have been another. people been useing this in the USA for a long time it's what the rapist do to pretend there someone else. see they want you to think they are someone they are not and change what you say.
they try to pretend there other people and i have not hears more then 20 voices in 5 or 6 years and there are so many storys about Anubis. there are places i have never been ans people that have never talked to me and this is how people say there others
see some people are rapist and stuff and drug smuglers this is one teqniuqe they used to try to get into position to compermise one. they lie and say there other people they been useing this for years to try to setup people.
this is why it's hard to find people becouse radios are used with chips to turn them on and off and some have edited computers and chips with Mods
some chips also use hacks for illousions of seeing people it's a holutionation.
so they are alive and they need a antivirus to empty the chips
look up a Nurale chip 2020. this is a police correctional officers chip
and check out DNA Chips it's an injection. this is why they claim there are robots and dead there useing Mods.
i figured i would release this im a hacker and am trying to destroy the software. there are rapist useing names and this tequnique to hide themsef they try to use holutionatoins with a DNA chip
to connect to it and use a chip image to lie about who they are. i started to hack in 2005 and people stole software. all the chips are no good and they need to be destroyed. they need to be removed and DNA chis have a DNA chip Removal Kit your Governement should have one. they drug addicts and rapist do not want people to know about it and they need to be found show this to your government.
they also have a Coccine buy with a chip attached in the Coccien and there are also Verichips. there are also radioes connected to computers and and DEW weapons invoved chips are easy to hack but i can proove 50 or more people wanted to stay connected to me and my wife and lie all day and will not disconect. and lieing about how they are and have been useing this for years and do not want to get cought. look into the Verichip hack. they need to be banned.