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The Swedish Prime-Minister Palme gave the National Swedish Police Board the right in 1973, to insert brain transmitters into the heads of human beings covertly!

A transceiver is a combination of a transmitter and receiver which is being inserted through the nose of a human being while they are rendered unconscious.    When the human victim wakes up from unconsciousness they are not aware that they have a miniature transceiver implanted inside their head.   Many weeks or months later they begin to hear voices coming from inside their head.  The human victim is then placed under rigorous interrogation on an almost continual basis both day and night.   The human victim can be kept awake for days by unwanted voices coming from the implanted transceiver inside their heads.

Many victims find that  very small magnets stick to the side of their noses because of the implanted transceiver.    The implantation of human beings with a wide variety of implants has become common place throughout my country, the Republic of Ireland as well as the rest of the world.   Anyone who complains of hearing inner voices are incarcerated inside psychiatric hospitals and are mandated to take substances posing as psychiatric medication which often have such extreme side effects that they lose the will to live.

Many individuals throughout Ireland know about this extreme psychological torture practice that their fellow Irish human beings are being put through  and they do nothing to stop the practice out of cowardice.    I believe babies will be implanted at birth with transceivers so that they can be controlled throughout their lives.   Many small children speak of having an imaginary friend  who speaks to them constantly.  Their imaginary friend could be due to the fact that they have been already implanted with a transceiver through their nose surreptitiously.  

Many individuals are being implanted in this manner not because of reasons of criminality but because a cabal of organised criminals wish to take over and enslave the whole human race so they are secretly interrogating many individuals in order to gain insights into the local customs and traditions and language of the country they wish to ultimately own and control.   My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook,  Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of  Ireland.   My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website where I outline in detail what the voices coming through my transceiver have said to me over more than sixteen years is

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Executive Summary of the Executive Summary
“Government” wasn’t designed to protect life, liberty and property. It is a system, a technique used by intergenerational organized crime to rob and control society. The only reason anyone believes it is legitimate, desirable, or necessary is because they have been indoctrinated into the belief system from birth through mandatory government schools, control of private school curriculum through accreditation, scouting, military/police “training” and a propaganda system of six monopoly media companies running hundreds of subsidiaries to give the illusion of choice and diversity of opinion. Google/Facebook/Twitter/Reddit/ Meet-Up/Disqus further control perception on the DARPA Internet by creating a “propaganda matrix” that the system is legitimate while hiding and concealing the news outlets, websites, documentaries, and videos that are exposing the criminality of the system. The Good News You aren’t an “American” or a “Russian” or an “Israeli” just because you were born in one geographical area or another. You are a free and sentient human being who doesn’t owe your income or allegiance to any organized crime system using classicial, textbook unethically manipulative cult-indoctrination techniques on an unsuspecting public. Everything the “government” does could be provided by the free market and real charity or likely shouldn’t be done at all. Voluntaryism I.E. real freedom, has been the biggest secret that has been kept from society because it is the only political system that is fair for all. No one gets the “ring of power”.. No one gets to use violence or extortion on anyone else… Not even “government”. After you free your own mind from what was force fed you in your youth then free just 5 other people and then we

Techniques for controlling populations have been developed and honed by monarchies, despots, tyrants, and “democratic governments” for centuries. The U.S. government today does not remotely resemble or respect the ideals of the original republic, which the government school system still celebrates and pretends exists. It now parallels the same system that was used to control the tax slaves/ actual slaves in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and East Germany. In addition to sharing mechanisms of control and indoctrination, these governments are all illegitimate because it is impossible to delegate rights you don’t have personally to “representatives.” For example, If you don’t have the moral right to coerce money from your neighbor and redistribute it to others, then you can’t delegate that “right” to a “representative” — even if the majority agrees. Voting can’t change morality, and just because the mob wants to lynch black folks or rob Peter to pay Paul, it doesn’t mean those actions are legitimate by ‘virtue’ of the majority outnumbering its victims. Unfortunately, using violence to control society is organized crime, and the control system known as “government” has always been used to fleece the population. Those in power have tended to use the same techniques through history. They control educational institutions to perpetuate propaganda and indoctrinate the pseudo-religion of Statism into children. Statism is the propagandized belief in the necessity, desirability, and legitimacy of government. It is a mind control technique and pseudo-religion because there is no such thing as “government.” Introduction
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You can’t go to Washington D.C./ “Mecca” and touch “government!” You can touch buildings and people, but “government” is just an idea. It is a “supernatural entity” that promises to make the world a better place: to feed the poor, to protect the weak, and to provide for your retirement. It can even raise wages and lower prices at the same time! Is there nothing the State can’t do? Pursuant to government power, free children are brought up in mandatory schools believing that because they were born on this side or that side of an imaginary line (a border), they are “American” or “Canadian,” for example, and — by virtue of where they were born — now owe half their income in overt/covert taxes and inflation to organized crime using well-recognized “cult indoctrination” techniques and propaganda on them. Some cult members are so mind-controlled they even shave their heads and murder whomever the cult leaders tell them to or lock peaceful people in for-profit
prisons for victimless crimes. The idea that Americans are “free” when they are forced to pay as much as half their income in overt taxes, covert taxes, and inflation while putting up with the government’s myriad rules, regulations, monopolies and licensing schemes borders on ludicrous. “Americans” are victims of a multitrillion dollar con-game through which they have been indoctrinated and secretly propagandized into an artificial belief system that teaches them to be “tax-payers” and some to be “orderfollowers” to kill and enforce on their fellow tax slaves. It is a system based on lies, brainwashing, propaganda, and the immoral, poisonous idea that some people can be “delegated” the “authority” to rule others. The acceptance of the legitimacy of “authority” is the acceptance that you are a slave and must obey a master. The difference between a free man and a slave is that slaves can’t say: No.
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Real Freedom! - The alternative that is often paid lip service but rarely offered in government schools: It amounts to no masters, no slaves! One of the biggest secrets kept from public (government) school children is that the world is a self-organizing system that produces spontaneous order and that all the “services” provided by government — from protection to roads to charity — can be better provided by voluntary interaction, the free market, and real charity. Freedom doesn’t guarantee utopia, but it is the most moral alternative that unleashes the creativity and capital creation mechanisms of the market. Voluntaryism/anarchism are social movements that reject the artificially indoctrinated belief system of Statism in favor of true freedom and voluntary interactions between free people. It is the most moral of all the political systems in that it recognizes natural law and honors the NonAggression Principle (NAP), which posits that no individual or group of
individuals has the right to initiate violence and coercion against other human beings who are not aggressing against them — in other words, live and let live, unless someone is threatening your life or property. All other political philosophies (socialism, communism, monarchy, democracy, constitutional republicanism, etc.) allow a ruling class to engage in violence and coercion against the majority. Though these systems may even allow elections where the winning party is allowed to rob everyone in society to enact its stated political goals, elections amount to ritualistic theater (especially when they only represent a minority of the eligible voters and the winner was outnumbered by citizens who didn’t vote at all). In addition to the travesty that occurs when majority rule tramples the rights of the minority, elections are also easily rigged and controlled by moneyed interests to offer the illusion of control to the tax slaves who are ignorant/willfully ignorant of the ‘big con’.
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Nazi Germany US Government Current Soviet Union/Russia East Germany1933-1945 1776-Present 1922-1991 1949-1990Flag: Artificial Indoctrinated Holy Symbol - Flags evolved from war banners that war parties carried in battle. Symbolically, they are the same as the “colors” of crips, bloods, and other gangs. Today flags are used by organized crime governments to indoctrinate populations into the local flavor of Statism as a pseudo-religious artificial holy symbol. In the U.S., children are forced to pledge their allegiance with their hands over their hearts starting in kindergarten in mandatory schools. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, military academies, and police/military training further reinforce this artificial reverence with artificial solemn rituals: how the holy flag should be folded, carried, saluted, buried, and ultimately revered. Organized crime’s media system reinforces this religiosity by product-placing the flag into hundreds of movies and television shows that becomes painfully obvious in this short video showing 469 “product placements” in just 12 Michael Bay movies. Hollywood propagandists frequently use a technique called “Anchoring” where they create a moment of high positive emotion (Matt Damon escaping Mars in the Martian) and then “Anchor” that exhilaration to the flag by immediately cutting to people on earth waving American flags
The above are some excerpts from a free ebook available online called "Understanding our Slavery" by Etienne de la Boetie.

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How and why military basic training brainwashes recruits By wise sloth

Note 1: I served in the U.S. Air Force from 2000-2007. My AFSC was 3C0X1 (Communications computer systems operator). My highest rank was E-5 (Staff Sergeant), and I received an honorable discharge.
Note 2: The following essay is based on my experiences going through the United States Air Force’s enlisted troops’ basic training program in the year 2000, which might have changed slightly since then, but probably not by much. The details here will also differ slightly from other branch’s basic training programs, but from all the conversations I’ve had with people who went through those, I can say that they’re much worse.
Note 3: I try to keep my essays short, but this one is pretty long, and it takes a few detours in order to cover every aspect of the sweeping nature of the topic. However, if you don’t have the time or interest to read the entire thing I made a relatively short comic strip that summarizes it:
• Basic Training Explained
You can also watch this short video on cults and think about how many aspects are directly incorporated into the military way of life:
• Mind Control Cults
The premise of my argument is that the United States military’s rules, customs, “courtesies,” and overall culture did not evolve organically. They were consciously and systematically designed using modern psychological research on mind control and are based on professional knowledge of how cults indoctrinate and control their followers’ minds. I can’t prove this argument by sourcing internal documents or training manuals, but if you compare how the United States military operates to how cults operate you’ll see that the similarities aren’t vague or coincidental; the United States military is the perfection of the cult model. If you want to start a cult you’ll have the best chance of success by copying the United States military’s rules, customs, courtesies and overall culture as closely as possible.
It all starts with the recruiting process. All cults use deceptive recruiting methods. When they approach you on the street or draw you into their recruiting stations they promise you everything glorious in life and death you could ever want while dodging and skimming over the negative aspects of what your life will be like in their organization. They never explain in detail all the rules you’ll be subjected to or how they’ll manipulate you into basing your identity on your role in their organization. The United States military is no different. If you go into any recruiter station they’ll promise you money, benefits, travel and glory, but they’ll never mention the U.C.M.J, and if you point out any negative aspects of the military they’ll make any excuse they can think of to dismiss your concern or glaze over it.
You’ll never get a military recruiter to admit that the United States military is a cult, because they probably don’t realize it is. Cults don’t advertise themselves as cults. They don’t tell their recruits they’re joining a cult. They indoctrinate their recruits to believe that they’re joining the most noble organization in the world. Then they send their brainwashed followers out to recruit more recruits. So even if all the original, malicious leaders at the top of the cult’s pyramid shaped authority structure die and there’s no one left alive who knows that the organization was systematically designed around manipulation techniques, the cult will still continue to function. Its brainwashed followers will run on autopilot brainwashing new recruits like a virus. There may still be leaders at the top level of the United States military who understand that their rules, customs, courtesies and overall culture are precisely cultish, but there doesn’t need to be. It is a cult, and it will continue to operate on autopilot in the absence of wilful manipulation.
As a result military recruiters willingly volunteer to act like used car salesmen and wrangle poor people into joining by promising them that all their dreams will come true if they just sign a legally binding contract (something every other cult must wish they could do). What those recruiters won’t tell you is that they have a quota that they have to meet, and they get rewards for exceeding it, which is another reason the cult is able to continue to run on auto pilot. Its recruiters must bring in new recruits whether they want to or not, because if they don’t they’ll get in trouble, but if they do they’ll be rewarded with treasures of this world regardless of whether or not they’re true believers.
Once the military convinces the recruit to sign all their civil liberties away the recruit is taken to a hotel where they’ll be watched and kept from running away the day before they begin their indoctrination process. The recruits will be told that on the next day they’ll be taken to a training facility where they’ll learn how to be an adult and an efficient worker. But in reality they won’t learn anything about being an adult, and they’ll learn very little about their job, because that’s not the point of basic training. The point of basic training is to break down the recruits’ sense of identity and indoctrinate them to base their identity on their membership within the cult.
If the United States military has done its job right then any prior service or active duty military member reading this will be screaming, “That’s not what basic training is about! It prepares you to follow orders because when the shit hits the fan on the battle field you have to act without thinking in order to keep yourself and your fellow soldiers alive!”
That’s what the military tells its recruits to believe, and that argument sounds good on paper, but if you scratch the surface you’ll find flaws in that argument. Firstly, the majority of the humans who go through the military’s indoctrination process will never see the battle field. Millions of them will never even leave the continental United States. But they go through the same indoctrination process because the purpose of basic training isn’t to prepare you for the battlefield. Its purpose is to ensure that every recruit will always blindly serve the interests of their leaders, and the leadership hierarchy stacks up like this: Enlisted troops take orders from officers. Officers take orders from politicians, and politicians take orders from the individuals and special interest groups who fund their campaigns, give them bribes and employ them after they leave public service. Thus, military members are unwitting mercenaries for (and blind supporters of) the ultra-rich. The United States military serves the interests of the wealthy. Every major military campaign the United States military has been involved in has made the rich richer and the poor poorer. And the gears of war and profit will keep turning as long as nobody in the military ever dissents or asks questions. That’s why it’s imperative that every recruit be systematically brainwashed to associate their identity primarily with their membership in the military.
The process of reprogramming civilians begins the second they step off the bus and set foot on their basic training base. The moment they leave the bus they’re descended upon by multiple drill sergeants or training instructors. Different branches call their basic instructors by different names. Each branch also has different names for their ranks, career fields and facilities. The reason for this is because it causes members of each branch to base their identity on their respective branch. This makes it less likely for military personnel to form a coup against their corrupt political leaders.
Differentiating the branches from each other serves another purpose as well. It’s standard procedure for cults to indoctrinate their members to believe that anyone who isn’t a member of the cult is inferior. Every military member is taught that civilians are untried, unproven and take their livelihood for granted while the glorious military sacrifices everything and is better than everyone else (regardless of the fact that many military members will spend their career sitting at a desk
stateside for 20 years living rent-free, receiving free medical care and driving a Ford Mustang that they paid for with their reenlistment bonus). Pitting military members against civilians is a powerful mind control technique that the military reuses by pitting military members against each other.
Airmen (aka “Zoomies”) are taught they’re smarter than Marines (aka “Jar Heads”). Marines are taught they’re tougher than soldiers (aka “Grunts”). And everyone thinks the Navy is gay. Pitting each branch against each other doesn’t cause them to go to war with each other though. It causes each branch to be even more loyal to its own chain of command, and since the entire military falls under the command of the Department of Defense, whoever controls the D.O.D benefits from this manufactured infighting.
But I digress. When recruits get off the bus their first day of basic training they’re immediately set upon by a flock of “training instructors” who throw hell at them. The instructors yell at them, insult them, tear them down, threaten them and tell them they don’t deserve to be there. The purpose of this initial assault is to shock and awe the new recruits. It makes them doubt themselves as well as accept the authority of anyone wearing the cult’s symbols of rank on their shoulders. All of this primes them to be receptive to the message they’ll be inundated with over the next few weeks.
Every year billions of people around the world enter employment in jobs that are just as dangerous if not more dangerous than what the average American military recruit signs up for, but they aren’t subjected to the mental abuse American troops are subjected to on their first day, yet they still follow orders and go above and beyond the call of duty often putting themselves at unnecessary personal risk. You don’t need to assault a human’s mind to convince them to do what’s necessary. But you do need to assault their mind if you want to reprogram their identity.
The next form of mental assault that the American government submits its military recruits to is less obvious but just as important to the indoctrination process. The recruits are filed into dormitories or barracks where they’ll live in communal spaces with up to 60 other people. They’ll have absolutely no privacy or control over their environment. Everything they own will be identical to everyone else there. Everyone will dress the same and looks the same. Everyone will sleep in identical beds and keep what few possessions they’re allowed to have in identical lockers. They’ll even have to shower naked in communal showers with dozens of other recruits. All of these factors dehumanize the new recruits and help break down their sense of identity and self-worth.
The lack of privacy breaks down the recruit’s defenses. You can’t hold up your guard when you’re naked in a shower with 15 other people and sleeping in a room with 30 other people. Under those circumstances you’re like a vulnerable child who has no home, no identity, no safe haven, no escape, no choices and no power over your own destiny. You’re nobody. And the only source of validation you can possibly experience comes from the cult, which makes the cult your mother, your father, your boss and your god.
If this doesn’t seem sinister yet, consider that the new recruits will be held captive within the confines of their dormitory. A sentinel will stand guard at the entrance preventing anyone from leaving, and if an escapee can manage to get out of the building they’ll still be trapped on base behind tall fences lined with razor wire as well as gate guards armed with semi-automatic assault rifles. The military holds a gun to its recruits’ heads and forces them to endure the indoctrination process, which is so mentally brutal that many recruits will attempt suicide.
The military goes through such dire lengths to keep its recruits locked away from the outside world because it’s much harder to break down and reprogram someone’s identity when they have access to their old support structures and/or the freedom to live life by their own accord. So you have to isolate them from everything they’ve ever known and inundate them completely with the rules, customs and culture of cult. When the cult is all they know… then the cult is all they know. Once the recruits spend a few weeks eating, sleeping and breathing nothing but the cult’s way of life they’ll accept that that’s how life is. And why wouldn’t they? The reality of their day to day life is whatever the cult makes it. So they go about their day to day life experiencing reality according to how the cult defines it, and in no time at all they take the cult’s way of life for granted.
Isolating new recruits from the outside world also insulates them from dissent and freedom of thought. If the recruits go out on the town every night or even worse, go home, they might tell someone about all the new things they’ve been learning. Then someone with a free mind might point out how crazy they sound and convince them to leave the cult.
Another reason cult members are forced to live in communal quarters is because humans take cues from other people’s behaviour and mimic it. You’d have a very hard time taking a lone individual to an empty camp and convincing them to change their behaviour. However, if you take 60 people and force them to all behave the same way they’ll assume that since everyone else is going along with it then it must be okay. Plus, once you break the minds of the weakest members they’ll take it upon themselves to enforce the rules of the group.
With the stage set the instructors can begin actively reprogramming the minds of their recruits. The daily indoctrination process begins as soon as the recruits wake up each morning. Loud speakers in the ceilings of the dormitories blast a trumpet tune called reveille often times accompanied by training instructors banging trash can lids and shouting at the recruits telling them to get up and quit being lazy. The recruits will have a few minutes to get dressed, make up their bed and line up in formation outside.
The brain-rattling trumpet, combined with the frantic morning chores and the instructor’s insults throws the recruits off centre from the moment they wake ensuring that they won’t have the mental focus to resist the indoctrination process. The chores and routines also ensures that the recruits are following orders from the moment they wake up even if the instructor isn’t even present to tell them to get dressed, make up their beds and file outside for formation. Thus the military controls every aspect of their lives and leaves no room for individual freedom of thought or action. The more the
recruits accept that as the norm the less likely they are to question it and the more likely they are to embrace it.
There are very specific rules for falling into formation. Following those rules first thing in the morning continues to reinforce blind obedience to the group without questioning the purpose of orders. Standing in the group formation where everyone looks and acts identically also helps minimize the individuality of the group members. In case the recruits don’t pick up on this idea on their own the training instructors will tell them bluntly that they’re no longer an individual. They’re a member of the group, and their own identity and desires are worth less than the identity and desires of the group. Training instructors will tell the recruits to be proud of this fact and to look down on civilians who value their individuality and selfishly desire to fulfil their own destiny.
Any active duty or prior service members reading this will likely be screaming, “But you should value being a member of the group! That creates a stronger team and keeps the group together when the shit hits the fan! Anyway, we’re proud to put our own egos aside to help protect the freedom of civilians!”
Those criticisms aren’t wrong, but there’s more going on than just that. First, there’s the fact that the military isn’t upfront about the invasive methods of mind control it submits its troops to, and that’s unethical. Also, reprogramming recruits sense of identity eliminates their freedom to determine their own destiny. It makes mental slaves out of recruits who are so zealous that they’ll defend their own manipulation. This reprogramming controls all aspects of the brainwashed victim’s life, not just how they perform their job. Plus, reprogramming individuals essentially kills the person they once were and creates a new person. Once the old person is dead they can never come back to life as the person they once were. Doing that to another human being is no small matter, and no human has the authority and right to kidnap another person’s soul. Finally, it’s worth noting that everyone in the world will participate as a functional member of a team on an almost daily basis without being brainwashed. Sports teams are high functioning teams that coordinate plays selflessly without going through a brutal indoctrination process. Even civilian contractors in the military play by the rules and make sacrifices in war zones without going through basic training.
Once the recruits are lined up in their morning formation they sing their branch’s official song and chant an oath of allegiance to the military and the United States. This is cut and dry, unambiguous brainwashing 101.
After having sworn their daily oath of allegiance the troops eat breakfast, and even then they don’t get a moment to themselves. They have to file through the cafeteria silently standing heel to toe, staring straight ahead while instructors hover over them to punish anyone who breaks these arbitrary rules. When the recruits finally get their food they’ll be given as little time as possible to eat to ensure they can’t relax and mentally collect themselves.
After the meal they’ll take part in physical exercises and marching drills. They’ll perform their exercises and marching drills as a group, everyone acting in unison further conditioning them to base their identity on the group. Every member of the group will be punished whenever any individual fails to follow the arbitrary rules perfectly. This encourages the recruits to police each other. The more the recruits enforce the military’s rules on each other the more they take the military’s rules and authority for granted.
The military doesn’t leave this powerful mind control technique to chance. The instructors will assign recruits as element leaders. The element leaders will receive an arbitrary symbol of authority (a colored rope that attaches to the lapel of their uniform), and they’ll be tasked with policing their group. When the military leadership bestows authority on individuals it teaches every member of the group that the military has the authority to bestow authority on individuals and raise their value as a human being. Once the recruits take this for granted they will always respect higher ranking military members as if God Himself touched their leaders with His grace. Finally, it dangles a carrot in front of the recruits. They’re taught in basic training that their life is worthless outside of the military hierarchy and that elevation within the cult is the true path to elevation as a person. The use of “ropes” or element leaders sets this precedent from day one.
This is also why recruits are called “trainees” instead of Airmen, soldiers, seamen or Marines. They have to prove themselves worthy first before being granted a title in the illustrious group. Every cult in the world does this. The military just hides this brainwashing technique in plain sight.
At some point during the day, between eating, exercising and marching the recruits will be taken to classrooms where they’ll receive hundreds of hours of lectures on military history, rules and customs. The point of teaching military history is to train the recruits to accept the military’s history as their own history. Once they come to base their identity on hundreds of years of history they’ve just learned they’ll always view themselves as a member of that distinct group.
If any troop ever complains about life in the military they’ll be told, “You knew what you were getting into before you signed up.” But the hundreds of hours of class time they’ll spend in basic training betray this lie. You won’t learn all the details of what you signed up for until you take these classes.
Those classes teach all the unique symbols, language, rules, customs and beliefs that make up the overall military culture. On the surface most of them are innocuous, but it’s standard operating procedure for cults to manufacture their own internal culture based on shared symbols, terminology, rules and customs, because you need to give the recruits a culture to latch onto and derive their new identity from. The whole point of giving recruits a new culture and a new identity is to tie it all into the group’s pyramid shaped leadership hierarchy. All the other details are red herrings, but once you accept them you’ll accept your place in the leadership hierarchy that comes along with it. From then on you’ll always respect and obey any human being who wears the arbitrary symbols that represent authority within the cult.
After class (and maybe a few more marching drills) the recruits are filed back into their dormitories where they’ll spend the rest of their night cleaning their rooms, organizing their lockers, folding their cloths and arranging their belongings to precise requirements. The purpose of these chores is to simply get the recruits used to obeying arbitrary rules. If you can get them to perform mundane tasks without question you can get them to perform any task without question.
It also gives the instructors more reasons to berate the recruits and tear down their sense of selfworth (and just as importantly) to reward the recruits for demonstrating obedience. In a stressful, totalitarian environment a simple bar of candy or a phone call home is worth a million dollars. Recruits will love their captors when given these small token rewards.
Throughout the whole indoctrination process the instructors will find any reason in the world to make the recruits doubt their worth as a person and as a member of the group. As they tear down the recruits they’ll slowly build them back up with praise and rewards. Then, just as the recruits are beginning to feel good about themselves the instructor will find any excuse to tear them back down again. If the recruits are doing everything right the instructor will simply lie and tell them they’re all failing at their duties. This emotional roller coaster keeps the recruits doubting their worth, makes them yearn to win the approval of their captors and makes them feel more proud when they receive any sign of affection or validation. It’s a way to systematically induce Stockholm Syndrome.
By the end of basic training the effects of the reprogramming techniques will have taken root in the trainee’s minds. They’ll sing their branch song with pride, gush when they see an officer and perform every task asked of them with gusto. In the end they’ll take part in a lavish ceremony where they’ll receive the mark of the in-group and will be congratulated on their elevation to true worth as a member of the group cementing the effects of the indoctrination process.
After reading all this you may still hold firm that military basic training teaches discipline and trains recruits to act without hesitation as a member of a goal-oriented team. As true as that may be, and as useful as that may be, it’s still not the whole truth. The fact of the matter remains that the training methods used in basic training are the exact same methods used by cults, and they have the exact same results. They rob recruits of their identity and replace it with a willing mental slave drunk on loyalty to the in-group. The training methods used on military recruits are considered unethical and even illegal to do anyone else, and they’re so invasive and brutal that they cause the recruits extreme mental anguish in the process to the point that many even attempt to commit suicide.
I have never seen evidence to support the claim that is absolutely necessary to submit human beings to this form of unethical treatment in order to create a smoothly functioning organization. Even if it were, we still have to ask ourselves if the cost is worth it, especially since it contradicts the entire reason the military supposedly exists: to protect the freedom and dignity of the citizens of the United States.
For the rest of the story please visit: www.

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Brain science is being developed for military and warfare applications. Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, U.S.A., who works in this particular area had this to say in the below linked youtube video “The human brain can be assessed in real time by utilizing convergent forms of neuro imaging when coupled to a host of neuro electric physiological techniques. This has created an opportunity to be able to affect the way humans think, feel and behave on a variety of levels, both individually and in groups.” Professor Giordano went on to say that this has allowed brain scientists to conduct intellectual assessment, knowledge acquisition, and CONTROL on an individual level, a group level and a global level. “This also allows brain scientists to physically affect the brain using these techniques and tools in ways that are important to, and highly leverageable within national security, intelligence and the defence agenda. They can foster thoughts and feelings of affiliation and passivity in whole populations. “
Hundreds of thousands of targeted individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world combined are being targeted and both psychologically and physically tortured by directed energy weapons while going about their everyday lives. We have failed to get agents of the state to take us seriously because the state have been rendered passive by the brain weapons that Professor Giordano refers to in the afore mentioned youtube video which I have linked here below. The human race are about to be totally and utterly disempowered and enslaved if they fail to overcome this technologically induced state of passivity. Frequencies are currently being broadcast from telephone towers and other paraphernalia throughout most of the world which carry information and perceptions which align with the natural frequencies of the human brain, which allows the human brain to accept that false information as true. We need to urgently disassemble and ban said telephone towers because otherwise a terrible fate awaits each of us. We would no longer be allowed to own anything or make even the smallest decision regarding our own lives. I have been wirelessly linked to the worldwide computerized human control system from nano implants inside my brain and body for many years and I am fully aware of the extreme cruelty of this computerized human control system which lies in your future if you fail to act.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called My main email address is

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If we ever become locked inside a killer grid electric fence which would some day surround all smart city reservations we would then no longer be able to demolish the electrical infrastructure which is slowly and incrementally enabling our technological enslavement. Act now to ensure the freedom of your children.

Many individuals have already become secretly tethered by wireless means to a computerized control and enslavement network by technology which has become embedded deeply inside their brains and spines. We now know for definite that this human computerized control and enslavement system is run by dark occultists. We are at a critical stage in this secret worldwide war of attrition. You must help by spreading awareness of the current dangerous situation which is happening in secret throughout most of the world. I have already become wirelessly connected to this human computerized control and enslavement system by a two way stream of energy, where all of the electrical activity being generated by my brain and body is being automatically translated into what I think, say and do by the computer network. Teams of operatives issue commands to me as well as death threats on an almost continual basis. This system could eventually be automated so that commands and punishments would be fully automated. This system could eventually be automated to automatically connect everybody who already has embedded technology deep inside their bodies and brains which I believe is everyone.

Many individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world  have already become wirelessly connected to the afore mentioned computerized control and enslavement network.  Whenever we inform the police or any other government control agents we are deliberately not taken seriously and we are then sent for forced psychiatric evaluation which may or may not lead to incarceration inside a long stay psychiatric institution.   That is why anybody who has already become wirelessly connected to said computerized control and enslavement system now stays away from all involvement with church and state and would invoke the right to remain silent if questioned about this situation.

Cover stories are being used to provide a reason from secret advances in technology especially in the area of brain weapon research.   Some of these false cover stories include the extra-terrestrial hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the existence of satellites hoax,   the moon landing hoax and many other hoaxes.    It is being claimed that all of the astronauts were high level freemasons who are obliged to lie in public when ordered to do so by their control system.

My name is Gretta Fahey.  I reside at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.   My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website is called   My facebook page is

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This video shows experiments designed to prove the theory of Learned Helplessness, a now outdated theory on which CIA psychologists Jessen and Mitchell based their torture program. The idea was that repeated and inescapable pain attacks lead to helpless feelings and depression. The original experiments were done on dogs.

The survivors of the CIA torture received a settlement. Jessen and Mitchell were not taken to court because they said they did not know the program was being used in that case.

I am against all animal experiments. Learned helplessness does not explain depression in humans. The CIA just used it as an excuse to torture.

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I have become wirelessly tethered from technology inside my body to a network of computers which are controlled by criminal gangs. The wireless link between me and this computer network allows two way traffic. The criminal gangs who control the wireless tethering equipment steal information from by body and brain on an ongoing basis. They also send information into my brain and body against my will and without my permission by the two way link. They can reproduce their voices inside my head. They can send moving images both to my minds eye and also to the room I am in, which usually appear in the form of moving holograms of people. They can force me to feel sensations or pain on any part of my body. They can give me a severe limp which they can then remove within minutes to allow me to walk perfectly fine again. They can move my facial muscles against my will. They have forced my neck to nod vigorously against my will on only one occasion without my permission and against my will.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that if they ever crack the code which would allow them into certain information centres inside my brain and body they will eventually be able to immobilize me at will. They have informed me that they would at some future time be able to immobilize me so rigidly that they could then mail me in a box and nobody would know that there was a real live human being inside the box because I would be immobilized so rigidly that I would not be able to move even slightly. They have also informed me that if I ever thought about attempting to commit suicide they would immobilize me immediately so that I could never succeed in even attempting suicide.
This cruel system of being wirelessly tethered to computer systems from technology inside the human body is meant for all other than the would-be enslavers of the human race. If the process could be fully automated that scenario is a possibility because senior politicians throughout the western world are either under a process of mind control or else they have already become wirelessly tethered to the control system themselves or else they have become compromised and thereby controllable by trickery or by other means.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that they are gaining more and more control over my brain and body through a process known as coding which is currently being taught to university students. Are university students involved in my electronic harassment and torture and are they being informed that they are coding information inside a real live human being or a laboratory animal? If you know, please answer.
If we fail to disassemble and ban all infrastructure which allows wirelessly enabled harassment and torture, soon we will reach a situation where babies will be implanted on the day they are born and shortly thereafter they will be wirelessly linked for life to a computer tethering system which I believe is being run behind the scenes of our lives by both Satanists and Luciferians who pose as honest business men. If that ever happens the human race would then be enslaved for all eternity. You have a duty to raise awareness and you have a duty to canvass to have all infrastructure which enables wireless enslavement disassembled and banned throughout the world immediately.
The reason you have not heard the above information from your government is because anytime targeted individuals of wireless harassment and torture inform the police of their experiences they are immediately send for psychiatric evaluation, which is followed by a stay in a psychiatric hospital which causes them to lose all of their credibility from that day forward. They are publicly classified as mentally unstable. This scenario is happening all over the world. You and your family are in grave danger of being wirelessly enslaved. It is extremely cruel.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called

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Can the wearing of organic copper ear rings or indeed the wearing of any organic copper jewellery serve to inhibit digital signals from being sent into the brain stem by remote wireless means,  in order to turn a human being into a biological robot over time? Do you know of any other measure which might provide a firewall for a human brain against remote digital attacks against the human brain and body?

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I have become attached to a computer network run by criminal gangs by wireless means.   They conduct experiments on me on a continual basis.   Due to dust sized technology inside my body they can now move my facial muscles against my will whenever they wish.    They send two way voice signals into my head and they have threatened to immobilize my mouth if I do not speak to them respectfully.   I am Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.  My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   Our government needs to act urgently in order to disassemble and ban wireless enabling capabilities so as to stop criminals from using wireless weapons to hurt good living individuals while these good living individuals are attempting to go about their lives.   Our government should arm the Gardaí with oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and radio frequency readers in order to determine which of their country men and women are being wirelessly attacked and experimented on.  Our government needs to advise each householder to install radio frequency readers in their property in order to be able to raise the alarm if any of their family becomes targeted by directed energy weapons or other advanced weaponry that is invisible to the naked eye but easily proven if given the correct equipment.   This is a widespread problem.    I have many friends throughout my country, Ireland who are also being attacked by directed energy weapons and other similar weapons.  The main stream media has already been placed under the control of powers who wish to place the Irish people under rigid control.

If a government wishes to gain more and more control over their people they deliberately cause problems inside their own country in order to broaden their control base.   The United Nations and its ally, the Vatican have deliberately instigated problems throughout Europe over many decades or even centuries in order to broaden their control base with a view to eventual enslavement of the people of Europe.  The following are a list of some of the contrivances they have used in order to cause problems to the human race:-

medication and vaccinations have been deliberately blended with toxins by the worldwide control cabal in order to slowly sicken the human race because a vibrantly healthy and well informed human race are not easy to enslave,

a dumbing down agent called fluoride has been added to the public water supply for bogus reasons, 

everything that is now being taught in our universities is wrong, particularly in science, politics and history.  

Most of what NASA has told us about over many decades has been falsified including the moon landing hoax, the existence of satellites hoax and other hoaxes,

The Vatican which is believed to be controlled by dark Luciferins has also created hoaxes to cover advances in science and technology.   These hoaxes  such as religious apparition hoaxes, demonic possession hoaxes and  poltergeist hoaxes,  are falsely claimed to be supernatural events when in fact they all can easily be explained away by advances in science and technology.   The Vatican have their own private intelligence service throughout every country in the world.  They have known about the existence of directed energy weapons for many decades and they have also known about the extreme dangers we are in from enslavement by these same weapons and yet they have failed to warn their loyal followers. 

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Looking managers for peacepink

Attention valued members, has already reached more than 4000 members and our community is growing.
I am very grateful to you for your tremendous efforts.

Peacepink is fortunate and very appreciative to have Some wonderful contributing managers.
Volunteer Manager of Advertisement and Member Services:  Annie Svensson and AtlantiTeo 
Volunteer Manager of Community Blogs: Nicholas Torres and Jay Sinn

Volunteer Manager of Groups and Postings: Karen Dawe and  Talis Bedritis

Volunteer Manager of Forum: Heather Bee and Sarah Verb King and  C.K. Cheung 
Volunteer Manager of photos: Rajab R. Sanze Jr. 

We are looking for more volunteers (any language speaking) to be contributing managers of this network.  The following positions are available:

Blogs Manager, Groups Manager, Forum Manager, Video Manager, Photo Manager, Advertisement and Member Services manager

(1) Blog Management Requirements:
-- Read all the blogs posts. (daily or at least 4 times a week).
-- Have proficient English reading and writing skills.
-- Delete spam or violating posts.
-- Encourage members to post more valuable blogs and engage in group discussions.

(2) Forum Manager Requirements:
-- Read all the posts. (daily or at least 4 times a week).
-- Have proficient English reading and writing skills.
-- Delete spam or violating posts.
-- Encourage members to post more valuable articles and participate in group discussions.

(3) Group Manager Requirements :
-- Read all the posts. (daily or at least 4 times a week).
-- Have proficient English reading and writing skills.
-- Delete spam or violating posts.
-- Encourage members to post more valuable articles.

(4) Video Manager Requirements:
-- View and manage the videos. (daily or at least 4 times a week).
-- Have proficient English reading and writing skills.
-- Delete spam or violating videos.
-- Encourage members to post more valuable videos.

(5) Photo Manager Requirements:
-- View and manage photos. (daily or at least 4 times a week).
-- Have proficient English Have proficient English reading and writing skills.
-- Delete spam or violating photos.
-- Encourage members to post more valuable photos.

In our international network, there are some members that do not write English well as it is not their first language. Managers are also encouraged to volunteer their assistance when needed as a welcoming gesture of unity. It is not necessary to do so but always appreciated. Peacepink is a community of diversity and is open to receive new members from all cultural backgrounds.

Please leave a comment if you are interested in one of the volunteer positions or have a question about the requirements. Thank you for taking an interest in our community.

Thank you and Best Regards!


(My native language is not English, it would be much appreciated that if you could edit all my posts)


We also have wonderful contributing Peacepink volunteers in your area willing to help for support and networking.

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If you are mandated by your fascist government to have your child vaccinated, give the child a large dose of activated charcoal twenty minutes before being vaccinated and again directly afterwards. The activated charcoal will absorb the toxic substances in the vaccination and this will protect your child from becoming autistic which would happen if the child received too many vaccinations at the same time.

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Hi Everyone,

After consulting this website for a number of years, I finally decided to sign up a few months ago. Thanks to all who welcomed me! It's a good community. Unfortunately however, I made several foolish "observations;" ill-considered sentiments that were and are very regrettable. I’d now like to apologize for those statements, wishing everyone the best.

Thanks for your time.

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Dubai is a beautiful city, vivacious and mesmerizing in its own ways making it one of the top most visited cities in the world. With a multitude of places to go to and enviably fun-filled activities to engage in, the city is a hub for all things nice and rich. Every time you visit Dubai there is one thing that takes our breath away, it is the fleet of cars that can be seen on the road. From pizza deliveries to the city police, every individual seems to be holding the steering of a high-end car. The streets and roads of Dubai is filled with cars of every kind, both menial and luxurious.

Now, if you were to be visiting the enigmatic city, you would rather sit behind the wheel than sitting on the passenger seats. Fortunately, enough, there are a number of legible car rental services where people can go and get their desired wheels. Shift Car Rental Dubai is the place that will make your dreams come true.

Nowadays, car rentals have become the most desired options when travelling to foreign cities. With Dubai being so gorgeous, it is the best option to rent a car than travel by other means. This way you can go around without worrying about time, money and fewer options. With Shift rent a car Dubai there is much more to the eye. For, you will enjoy maximised benefits and have a great time. Hence, let us dig a little deep and explore the world of rentals with Shift Car Rental Dubai.

Types of services:

We all have the basic idea of renting an amenity, however, with car rentals, there is needed a certain amount of legal documentation in order to access the vehicle. In Shift Car Rental Dubai, they provide two types of services. One is of car rental and the other is for leasing a car. Hence, if you know the duration of your stay ad the purpose behind it, you shall easily be able to figure out if you should rent a car or lease it.

The difference between renting a car and leasing a car from Shift Car Rental Dubai:

  1. If you lease a car, then you agree to all the legal requirements and lease or use the vehicle for a fixed period of time and make prior payment as per the said agreement. Once the lease period is over, you will have to return the vehicle. Hence, if the duration of your stay is lengthy, it would be beneficial to lease a car.
  2. Now, if you choose Shift rent a car Dubai services, then the legal requirements are less, for you can directly rent a car for a week or so (short duration) and make the payment as per the agreement. The car should be returned as per the stipulated time. Shift Car Rental Dubai offers daily, weekly and monthly rental services.

Types of cars or motor vehicle:

Shift Car Rental is known to be amongst the best rental services in Dubai for its core values that they practice and believe in. Their services are known to add value to a customer’s experience as they commit to them and respect the relationship with their customers. With a fleet of the most amazing cars, they sure are ahead of all and know how to satisfy every type of consumers. The cars available in Shift Car RentalDubai is sectioned as Small Car, Medium Car, Large Car, Luxury Car, SUV Small, SUV Large, Commercial Vehicles and Electric Cars.

  1. Small Cars- You can avail the Nissan MICRA 1.5L and the Nissan SUNNY 1.5L, both of which are 5 seaters.
  2. Medium Cars- You can avail the Nissan SENTRA 1.6L, which is a 5-seater.
  3. Large Cars- You can choose from Nissan ALTIMA Basic (With Cruise Control) 2.5 L, Nissan ALTIMA (With Rear Camera& Parking Sensor) 2.5L and Nissan MAXIMA 3.5 L, all of which are 5 seaters.
  4. Luxury Cars- For a luxurious experience, you can avail the INFINITI Q70 3.7 L, which is a 5-seater.
  5. SUV Small- The SUV collection of Shift Car Rental is fantastic. You can avail the Renault CAPTUR, the Renault DUSTER 2.0 L, the Nissan JUKE 1.6L, the Nissan Kicks and the Nissan X-Trail SUV 2.5L. all of these are 5-seater cars.
  6. SUV Large- If you like a car with a bigger room, then you can avail the Nissan X-TERRA SUV 4.0L which is beautiful and seats 5.
  7. Commercial Motor Vehicles- For commercial use, you can rent the Nissan PICKUP (JN) D/C DX, which has child lock and 3 rear bench seats.
  8. Electric Cars- If you prefer electric cars over oil driven, then avail the RENAULT ZOE ELECTRIC CAR for the best experience.

Well, the list contains all the motor vehicles that Shift rent a car Dubai has to offer. You can choose your pick from their wide range of motor vehicles. However, you still must be wondering, is there any benefit to renting a car? Well, there is, and we shall tell you why and how Shift Car Rentals should be your best pick for the rental services.

Know the advantage you have over renting a car than depending on public transport:

  1. Move Freely- Well, of course, if you rent a car then you needn’t worry about cab prices or schedules for you can move with the rented vehicle at your own wish.
  2. Affordable- There are many uncertainties, with Shift Car Rental you can save money with great deals and also choose your destination instead of others.
  3. Quality- The quality of service you will enjoy with Shift Rent a Car Dubai is remarkable. With the choice of your car, you can increase the quality of your travel.
  4. Comfort- The joy of driving around the beautiful city of Dubai will be heightened if you moved at your own pace and own space.

Well, the advantages of choosing to rent a car from Shift Car Rental is evident. Choose the best and experience exciting offers, deals, and a blissful stay when in Dubai. Make your travel affordable, quality-driven and better with the best services.

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I am being non-consensually subjected to a process commonly known as remote neural monitoring in combination with a similar process known as remote neural manipulation.   Nano sized electrodes have become trapped in the brains of many individuals due to ingestion of certain types of foods which have been made to contain said electrodes, mostly food containing grains..   These nano sized electrodes have formed networks inside the brains of a selection of individuals over many years of ingestion of said grain containing foods.  The industrialist Elon Musk has named such a networks of brain  electrodes " neural lace."

Because I personally have a network of electrodes inside my brain I have become wirelessly tethered to a computer system where I am being monitored and surveilled on a continual basis for more than sixteen years.  Neuro operatives who operate that computer system are able to force me to listen to their voices against my will whenever they wish both night and day over many years.  They are also enabled by this cruel system to force me to see internal images,  feel sensations all over my body, smell odours, and experience my muscles moving against my will.  

Whenever one of the aforementioned neuro operatives places a neural connected helmet on their heads which I am informed is on a continual basis, that neuro operative is then able to feel what I feel, hear what I hear and  smell what I smell and see what I see.  Today, I was suffering from acid reflux and just afterwards the voice of an unknown neuro operative was heard by me to say the following "the brain to brain technology which I am using is so advanced that just when the control subject was suffering from acid reflux  I could feel the acid reflux coming up my own neck through the energy link which tethers her to my computer system.

My name is Gretta Fahey.  My place of residence is at Newbrook, Claremorris, Ireland.   My landline home phone number is 0949360901, My website which I alone own and control is called, ;

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 Many scientists  are  working in the development of brain to brain interfaces in order to gain control and even total enslavement over their fellow human beings
By putting minimal sized electrodes in a network within the brain of a real live human being, some neuro scientists are then able to read and write into the brain function of a real live human being in real time while working from a remote location, while the human being is fully conscious and going about their life. The targeted human being has no way of shielding his/herself from receiving the digital signals which affect their motor control because the human brain and body have no firewall, as yet. By this means and others the neuro scientist would then be able to immobilize any human being at any time into a state of absolute paralysis on either a temporary or permanent basis.​ This also allows neuro scientists to remote control a real live human being into committing acts of extreme evil by remote means. Many crimes have been committed throughout the world by this method while the remote controlled human being goes on to be blamed for committing whatever act of evil was committed and the real culprits of the evil who are the neuro operatives remain free of all blame forever after.
The process by which all of this is being allowed to occur is as follows – First, a random anonymous individual is selected for targeting in this manner. They first of all are wirelessly linked from a network of electrodes inside their brain to the computer network which is controlled by the cabal of would-be neuro enslavers. The would-be neuro enslaver read and write into the brain function of the targeted individual over many years. Over time, the neuro enslaver can gain control of all of the muscles of the human body of the targeted individual. When sitting at the computer which is linked to the targeted individual, and while wearing a helmet which is further linked to the brain and body of the targeted individual, the neuro enslaver can read the thoughts of the targeted individual in real time and can reply to them in real time. The neuro enslaver can also force the targeted individual to speak whatever words the neuro enslaver speaks. The neuro enslaver can select any one of a large amount of disturbing images from files on his/her computer and download them to the mental imaging centre of the targeted individual. The neuro enslaver can select from any one of a selection of odours from files on his/her computer and then download them to the nasel cage of the targeted individual. The neuro enslaver can select from any one of a large selection of emotions or feelings and then have them downloaded to the emotional centre of the targeted individual. The neuro enslaver can move the facial muscles or indeed any muscles of the targeted individual at will by this process.
At a later stage when more control has been gained over the brain and body of the targeted individual, the targeted individual reaches a stage when they lose all of their free will and can then be totally controlled by virtual reality and can be made to commit acts of extreme evil by the controllers. I have been informed by the voices of neuro operatives which I hear coming from inside my head that many individuals, especially school shooters have been used in this way on many occasions in the past. This situation of using remote controlled human beings to commit acts of evil is about to get infinitely worse if we don’t immediately use all of the resources of the state in order to stop the roll out of 5G and in order to disassemble the infrastructure which allows neuro enslavement to continue. The police need to have access to spectrum analysers and millimetre wave readers among other equipment in order to establish if complainers of electronic torture are indeed showing signs of having abnormal electronic energy coming from their bodies. Further to that, all members of the public aught to carry on their persons both microwave energy readers and millimetre wave energy readers and should notify the police immediately they notice any unusual energy readings around them.

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I live close to Claremorris town in the West of the Republic of Ireland. I am being targeted by directed energy weapons for neuro research. I have been connected to advanced computerized technology via an energy link. My computer screen is being controlled by remote means by unknown neuro workers. When I check my weather forecast on a website called, I find that my location is wrongly presumed to be in the Eastern side of the Republic of Ireland and the location I am presumed to be at changes from location to location frequently. I copied the relevant data from and I am now posting that copy here below.

Latest Rainfall Radar showing live precipitation and the last 90 minutes precipitation over Ireland, updated every 5 minutes. Precipitation can be rain, hail or snow. Accumulations can refer to rainfall only. Lightning strikes, when they occur, are displayed as a cross. Initially they are red but change to orange and then yellow after a period, then disappear.
Weather Maps
Rainfall Radar
Forecast Overview
Rainfall Forecast (7 day)
⦁ Present Location
⦁ Wicklow
⦁ Recent Locations
⦁ Howth
⦁ North Dock
⦁ Pembroke West
Wicklow - Forecast


My name is Gretta Fahey.  My place of residence is at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.  My Eircode is F12 Y560.   My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website which I alone own and control is called

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A British owned corporation called Serco is working through all governments throughout the world including Ireland with the aim of enslaving the human race.   I have been electronically harassed and psychologically tortured for more than sixteen years by the use of directed energy weapons and I now wish to know who in Ireland is directly involved in both my electronic harassment and psychological torture.  I want answers?

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On Jan. 02, 2018, a British Crown-controlled company named Serco Inc. was awarded a $610 million contract to manage FEMA Region 9 that covers Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. On Jul. 16, 2013, Obama awarded Serco a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website. Serco also manages the air traffic control towers in 63 U.S. airports, and has been paid more than $95 million to run the U.S. Patent and Trademark examination processes. See substantiating evidence below.

Who is Serco?

Why have we not heard of them? More to the point, why are we outsourcing critical American infrastructure, ingenuity and private medical information on every U.S. citizen to sworn agents of the British Crown?!

Serco’s most recent 2016 annual report published at Companies House in London provides critical clues about Serco’s unstated mission. In looking at Serco’s bizarre collection of subsidiaries, one is left with the evident conclusion that something nefarious is afoot.

Fig. 2—SES and Serco plan to control the world. ;
Video: American Intelligence Media (AIM).
On the surface, Serco is the weirdest assortment of companies on the planet

Serco builds nuclear weapons, provides housing for migrants, reviews U.S. patents, runs the Obamacare website, operates obvious money-laundering shell companies in the Middle East, is teamed with Lockheed Martin, builds ships, manages massive IT infrastructure, manufactures space vehicles, runs job placement agencies, provides air traffic control to cities, runs rail services, manages parking meters, oversees FEMA Region 9, manages courts and prisons, and runs sports and recreation centers. Huh? This is the weirdest list of companies one can imagine, until one overlays Richard C. Walker's "wet-ware" patents on top, then it makes sense.

This Serco list of 73 subsidiaries revealed a shocking correlation among; (1) Serco’s business interests, (2) the activities of the Senior Executive Service (SES), and (3) the monstrous “Internet of Things” patents filed by Richard C. Walker, Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies.

Eureka! Serco is tasked by the SES to manage the global execution of The "wet-ware" internet of things 5G satellite system for the Deep State

In the Walker patents, human beings or people are labeled as mere “wet-ware.” “Wet works” is a spy euphemism for assassination. Tellingly, Obama’s chief of staff, John D. Podesta, used the term just days before Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in Texas, after which Obama immediately began promoting SES gloabalist Merrick B. Garland to replace him at the Supreme Court.

The association of the spy tradecraft “wet” words is apparent. Walker does not even hide it, he states that his patents are intended to track and control everything and ever body in this world, even ino low orbit—The Internet of Things. It is apparent that neither Walker nor his SES handlers ever expected deplorables to read his work. We have.

Bookmark: #ted-turner-depopulation-goal |
FCC Chair Wheeler said 5G is intended to dramatically alter life on this earth with no plan to test the known harmful and potentially deadly effects of 5G on mind and body

The widely-promoted 5G wireless plan is very clearly designed to make Walker’s one-world government population control plan a reality. Elon Musk (SpaceX), Eric Schmidt (Google), OneWeb (Qualcomm, Amazon) have been working with the SES-controlled The Aerospace Corporation to put up a hundred satellites so far, with a planned 24,000 more in the 5G plan. 5G will enable the SES to eliminate people without harming plants and animals, so they think.

They're wrong. Why do you think honey bee populations are collapsing? ANSWER: Electromagnetic smog. Something like eight billion different radio frequencies surround us at all times. Can you mitigate these harmful frequencies? Yes, but we digress.

Obama's Net Neutrality pitchman FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler (2013-2017) told the National Press Club on Jun. 20, 2016 that the health effects of 5G will not be tested before roll out. Here are culture commentator David Icke's observations on Wheeler's 5G industry bullying.

Globalist eugenicist Ted Turner, CNN founder (now known as the C.I.A. News Network) was caught here on video calling for a 75% reduction in the world population ("I think 2 billion is about right right."). According to the U.N. Agenda 21, the goal is to reduce populations in high tech rare earth mineral rich poor countries (many in Africa), and to reduce populations in the consuming nations to make more room for the genetically superior elites who will remain. (And we thought the world turned its back on such evil thinking after Adolf Hitler and WWII. No, we secretly imported those depraved Nazi eugenicists into the C.I.A. and IBM during operation Paperclip.)

It is no longer a secret that New World Order globalists are proponents of eugenics and world depopulation, as was Woodrow Wilson, Adolf Hitler and as are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Planned Parenthood. Indeed, government data aggregator, Agenda 21 and Ted Turner's Georgia Guidestones predict higher than 70% population reduction by 2025-30. It appears that Serco is being paid billions of dollars a year to get ready and make it happen.

As you can see, in the video below, eugenics has been promoted by self-styled "elites" for a very long time.
A modern history of the eugenics depopulation agenda.
Fig. 3—"U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World must be Extermination" - Henry Kissinger, 1974 pt 1 ;

Edwin Black. (Feb. 05, 2004). Hitler's debt to America. The Guardian. ("The Nazis' extermination programme was carried out in the name of eugenics - but they were by no means the only advocates of racial purification."). See Edwin Black video: IBM sold Nazis Holocaust infrastructure, supplies & staff - even at the death camps.
Video: Ethereal3000.

More evidence that Serco is an entity fabricated by self-styled elitists for no good purpose.
Fig. 4—Serco's Muckety Map of Interrelationships. ;
Video: Chrissy Sumer.

Eugenicists want to dramatically reduce the world’s population—by stealth if necessary. Wars have always been good for population reduction. Bankers get a two-fer when they fund war. They make money and they depopulate. In Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's world, 500,000 dead Iraq children was acceptable collateral damage. Poisons, toxins and altered genetics work too. For example, billionaire eugenics promoter Bill Gates recently suggested that medical treatment be withheld from the elderly and the savings given to education. With Gates its all in the family. In 2003, he told interviewer Bill Moyers that his father was the former head of Planned Parenthood. Gate's mother also worked at IBM—another eugenics promoter who supported Hitler's eugenics campaign of murder throughout WWII.

Serco companies are evidently working with the SES Deep State shadow government to implement 5G, and then manage the societal effects of their coming mass murder program. That’s why Serco runs FEMA camps, owns pathology companies, houses migrants, owns laundries, operates prisons, provides transport and rail, run hospitals and leisure centers, builds ships and space technology—to zap the populace with 5G like a mosquito zapper, then handle the clean up.
Serco is directed by the SES

Ever since Americans for Innovation (AFI) and American Intelligence Media (AIM) unearthed the Senior Executive Service (SES), the revelations of their nefarious activities have been pouring in.

See Obama hired them. Trump cannot fire them. So they say (over 500,000 views). See also The shadow government uses SES, Serco and OPIC as portals into horrific corruption.
Suddenly, the amorphous “Deep State” blob has SES names, faces and titles. See SES Plum Books. For example, almost all of the current players in Robert S. Mueller's witch hunt are SES.
Serco history
Among these SES corruptocrats is perhaps the largest British company in America that you have never heard of—Serco Group Plc. (“Serco”).

Serco began life in 1929 in the United Kingdom (UK) as RCA Photophone Limited. In 1956, they changed their name to RCA Great Britain Limited. In 1969, they changed names again to RCA Limited. In 1987 their name changed again to Serco Limited.

Today, Serco employs 47,000 people around the world with 8,000 in the United States alone. In 2005, Serco bought commercial, government and defense contractor Resource Consultants Inc. (RCI). Then in 2008, they bought SI International, Inc., an almost carbon copy of RCI. SI International, founded by Lockheed Martin and CACI, Inc. insiders, became wholly-owned US subsidiaries of Serco Inc. These acquisitions gave Serco a significant foothold in major U.S. and government services, including IT, engineering, strategy consulting, HR, business process management, professional services, military and intelligence.

Serco has become, in some cases, the single source provider of critical American infrastructure via 5,000 contracts totaling $6.2 billion (not including secret offshore accounts) including 477 contracts worth $41.3 million at the Senior Executive Services' Office of Personnel Management (OPM), four contracts worth $172 million at the Department of State (DOS), and 4,644 contracts worth $4.22 billion at the Department of Defense (DoD).

Three astonishing Serco contracts are: (1) a $95 million contract to run the U.S. Patent Office’s processing of new patent applications, (2) a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website, and (3) $610 million to run FEMA Region 92: Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Here's the actual Serco FEMA contract Solicitation No. HSFE80-R-004-DHS.

In addition, already mentioned, but bears repeating, Serco manages air traffic control at 63 U.S. airports! You cannot make this up. Outrageous? Most certainly.
The SES Deep State shadow government is silently using Serco for the takedown of our Republic

Obvious questions are: “What is going on? (a) Why isn’t Serco a household name in America? (b) Why are we outsourcing critical American infrastructure and ingenuity to the British Crown? (c) Why are our three branches of government and the media silent about this evident coup d' etat of American sovereignty?

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This British hegemony extends to the American judiciary and government.

British Crown Agents operate in America and have numerous U.S. government contracts too. Here is one example, a $23.7 million USAID contract with Serco. These are the very same Crown Agents whose taxes on tea sparked the Boston Tea Party.  See Crown Agents Act of 1995. Why are we giving any money and contracts at all to the British Crown?

In addition, both British and American attorneys are given the title of “Esquire” despite the fact that Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits the federal government from granting titles of nobility due to the corrupting foreign influences.

The fact is, American lawyers, judges, law professors and students are organized into an elaborate British-styled union called The American Inns of Court with over 30,000 members. It is directly modeled on the British Inns of Court comprised of four “Temples” in and around the City of London and Westminster.

Tellingly, our American Inns of Court nowhere mention the U.S. Constitution in their charter documents, including their Vision Statement and Professional Creed. To whom do they pledge? To “the movement” and a generic "Rule of Law."

When one considers that The City of London UK banking center is adjacent to the British Inns of Court temples, one begins to get the picture. The British Army may have withdrawn in 1776, but Britain’s bankers and lawyers dug in, and have never left. Now, a British company name Serco is being tapped by the SES to finish the job of bringing the American colonies to heel.
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Conclusion: Britain is still, in effect, running America
Serco Group UK Plc’s most recent annual report (2016) appears to be a very odd assortment of companies ranging from outer space, military, air traffic control and satellites to nuclear weapons, parking, pathology, laundry and immigration housing.
The following slides summarize our findings and conclusion that Serco was selected by Deep State shadow government globalists to manage the implementation of the SES soft kill of our population.
I got this information at the following link

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