OF (396)

On Jan. 02, 2018, a British Crown-controlled company named Serco Inc. was awarded a $610 million contract to manage FEMA Region 9 that covers Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. On Jul. 16, 2013, Obama awarded Serco a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website. Serco also manages the air traffic control towers in 63 U.S. airports, and has been paid more than $95 million to run the U.S. Patent and Trademark examination processes. See substantiating evidence below.

Who is Serco?

Why have we not heard of them? More to the point, why are we outsourcing critical American infrastructure, ingenuity and private medical information on every U.S. citizen to sworn agents of the British Crown?!

Serco’s most recent 2016 annual report published at Companies House in London provides critical clues about Serco’s unstated mission. In looking at Serco’s bizarre collection of subsidiaries, one is left with the evident conclusion that something nefarious is afoot.

Fig. 2—SES and Serco plan to control the world. https://youtu.be/-SEmtgjCk3U ;
Video: American Intelligence Media (AIM).
On the surface, Serco is the weirdest assortment of companies on the planet

Serco builds nuclear weapons, provides housing for migrants, reviews U.S. patents, runs the Obamacare website, operates obvious money-laundering shell companies in the Middle East, is teamed with Lockheed Martin, builds ships, manages massive IT infrastructure, manufactures space vehicles, runs job placement agencies, provides air traffic control to cities, runs rail services, manages parking meters, oversees FEMA Region 9, manages courts and prisons, and runs sports and recreation centers. Huh? This is the weirdest list of companies one can imagine, until one overlays Richard C. Walker's "wet-ware" patents on top, then it makes sense.

This Serco list of 73 subsidiaries revealed a shocking correlation among; (1) Serco’s business interests, (2) the activities of the Senior Executive Service (SES), and (3) the monstrous “Internet of Things” patents filed by Richard C. Walker, Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies.

Eureka! Serco is tasked by the SES to manage the global execution of The "wet-ware" internet of things 5G satellite system for the Deep State

In the Walker patents, human beings or people are labeled as mere “wet-ware.” “Wet works” is a spy euphemism for assassination. Tellingly, Obama’s chief of staff, John D. Podesta, used the term just days before Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in Texas, after which Obama immediately began promoting SES gloabalist Merrick B. Garland to replace him at the Supreme Court.

The association of the spy tradecraft “wet” words is apparent. Walker does not even hide it, he states that his patents are intended to track and control everything and ever body in this world, even ino low orbit—The Internet of Things. It is apparent that neither Walker nor his SES handlers ever expected deplorables to read his work. We have.

Bookmark: #ted-turner-depopulation-goal | https://tinyurl.com/yd6zehjc
FCC Chair Wheeler said 5G is intended to dramatically alter life on this earth with no plan to test the known harmful and potentially deadly effects of 5G on mind and body

The widely-promoted 5G wireless plan is very clearly designed to make Walker’s one-world government population control plan a reality. Elon Musk (SpaceX), Eric Schmidt (Google), OneWeb (Qualcomm, Amazon) have been working with the SES-controlled The Aerospace Corporation to put up a hundred satellites so far, with a planned 24,000 more in the 5G plan. 5G will enable the SES to eliminate people without harming plants and animals, so they think.

They're wrong. Why do you think honey bee populations are collapsing? ANSWER: Electromagnetic smog. Something like eight billion different radio frequencies surround us at all times. Can you mitigate these harmful frequencies? Yes, but we digress.

Obama's Net Neutrality pitchman FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler (2013-2017) told the National Press Club on Jun. 20, 2016 that the health effects of 5G will not be tested before roll out. Here are culture commentator David Icke's observations on Wheeler's 5G industry bullying.

Globalist eugenicist Ted Turner, CNN founder (now known as the C.I.A. News Network) was caught here on video calling for a 75% reduction in the world population ("I think 2 billion is about right right."). According to the U.N. Agenda 21, the goal is to reduce populations in high tech rare earth mineral rich poor countries (many in Africa), and to reduce populations in the consuming nations to make more room for the genetically superior elites who will remain. (And we thought the world turned its back on such evil thinking after Adolf Hitler and WWII. No, we secretly imported those depraved Nazi eugenicists into the C.I.A. and IBM during operation Paperclip.)

It is no longer a secret that New World Order globalists are proponents of eugenics and world depopulation, as was Woodrow Wilson, Adolf Hitler and as are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Planned Parenthood. Indeed, government data aggregator Deagel.com, Agenda 21 and Ted Turner's Georgia Guidestones predict higher than 70% population reduction by 2025-30. It appears that Serco is being paid billions of dollars a year to get ready and make it happen.

As you can see, in the video below, eugenics has been promoted by self-styled "elites" for a very long time.
A modern history of the eugenics depopulation agenda.
Fig. 3—"U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World must be Extermination" - Henry Kissinger, 1974 pt 1 https://youtu.be/Gye6JDph4Ro ;

Edwin Black. (Feb. 05, 2004). Hitler's debt to America. The Guardian. ("The Nazis' extermination programme was carried out in the name of eugenics - but they were by no means the only advocates of racial purification."). See Edwin Black video: IBM sold Nazis Holocaust infrastructure, supplies & staff - even at the death camps.
Video: Ethereal3000.

More evidence that Serco is an entity fabricated by self-styled elitists for no good purpose.
Fig. 4—Serco's Muckety Map of Interrelationships. https://youtu.be/iwyw7HyfUz4 ;
Video: Chrissy Sumer.

Eugenicists want to dramatically reduce the world’s population—by stealth if necessary. Wars have always been good for population reduction. Bankers get a two-fer when they fund war. They make money and they depopulate. In Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's world, 500,000 dead Iraq children was acceptable collateral damage. Poisons, toxins and altered genetics work too. For example, billionaire eugenics promoter Bill Gates recently suggested that medical treatment be withheld from the elderly and the savings given to education. With Gates its all in the family. In 2003, he told interviewer Bill Moyers that his father was the former head of Planned Parenthood. Gate's mother also worked at IBM—another eugenics promoter who supported Hitler's eugenics campaign of murder throughout WWII.

Serco companies are evidently working with the SES Deep State shadow government to implement 5G, and then manage the societal effects of their coming mass murder program. That’s why Serco runs FEMA camps, owns pathology companies, houses migrants, owns laundries, operates prisons, provides transport and rail, run hospitals and leisure centers, builds ships and space technology—to zap the populace with 5G like a mosquito zapper, then handle the clean up.
Serco is directed by the SES

Ever since Americans for Innovation (AFI) and American Intelligence Media (AIM) unearthed the Senior Executive Service (SES), the revelations of their nefarious activities have been pouring in.

See Obama hired them. Trump cannot fire them. So they say (over 500,000 views). See also The shadow government uses SES, Serco and OPIC as portals into horrific corruption.
Suddenly, the amorphous “Deep State” blob has SES names, faces and titles. See SES Plum Books. For example, almost all of the current players in Robert S. Mueller's witch hunt are SES.
Serco history
Among these SES corruptocrats is perhaps the largest British company in America that you have never heard of—Serco Group Plc. (“Serco”).

Serco began life in 1929 in the United Kingdom (UK) as RCA Photophone Limited. In 1956, they changed their name to RCA Great Britain Limited. In 1969, they changed names again to RCA Limited. In 1987 their name changed again to Serco Limited.

Today, Serco employs 47,000 people around the world with 8,000 in the United States alone. In 2005, Serco bought commercial, government and defense contractor Resource Consultants Inc. (RCI). Then in 2008, they bought SI International, Inc., an almost carbon copy of RCI. SI International, founded by Lockheed Martin and CACI, Inc. insiders, became wholly-owned US subsidiaries of Serco Inc. These acquisitions gave Serco a significant foothold in major U.S. and government services, including IT, engineering, strategy consulting, HR, business process management, professional services, military and intelligence.

Serco has become, in some cases, the single source provider of critical American infrastructure via 5,000 contracts totaling $6.2 billion (not including secret offshore accounts) including 477 contracts worth $41.3 million at the Senior Executive Services' Office of Personnel Management (OPM), four contracts worth $172 million at the Department of State (DOS), and 4,644 contracts worth $4.22 billion at the Department of Defense (DoD).

Three astonishing Serco contracts are: (1) a $95 million contract to run the U.S. Patent Office’s processing of new patent applications, (2) a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website, and (3) $610 million to run FEMA Region 92: Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Here's the actual Serco FEMA contract Solicitation No. HSFE80-R-004-DHS.

In addition, already mentioned, but bears repeating, Serco manages air traffic control at 63 U.S. airports! You cannot make this up. Outrageous? Most certainly.
The SES Deep State shadow government is silently using Serco for the takedown of our Republic

Obvious questions are: “What is going on? (a) Why isn’t Serco a household name in America? (b) Why are we outsourcing critical American infrastructure and ingenuity to the British Crown? (c) Why are our three branches of government and the media silent about this evident coup d' etat of American sovereignty?

Bookmark: #inns-of-court | https://tinyurl.com/y9pl6wfn
This British hegemony extends to the American judiciary and government.

British Crown Agents operate in America and have numerous U.S. government contracts too. Here is one example, a $23.7 million USAID contract with Serco. These are the very same Crown Agents whose taxes on tea sparked the Boston Tea Party.  See Crown Agents Act of 1995. Why are we giving any money and contracts at all to the British Crown?

In addition, both British and American attorneys are given the title of “Esquire” despite the fact that Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits the federal government from granting titles of nobility due to the corrupting foreign influences.

The fact is, American lawyers, judges, law professors and students are organized into an elaborate British-styled union called The American Inns of Court with over 30,000 members. It is directly modeled on the British Inns of Court comprised of four “Temples” in and around the City of London and Westminster.

Tellingly, our American Inns of Court nowhere mention the U.S. Constitution in their charter documents, including their Vision Statement and Professional Creed. To whom do they pledge? To “the movement” and a generic "Rule of Law."

When one considers that The City of London UK banking center is adjacent to the British Inns of Court temples, one begins to get the picture. The British Army may have withdrawn in 1776, but Britain’s bankers and lawyers dug in, and have never left. Now, a British company name Serco is being tapped by the SES to finish the job of bringing the American colonies to heel.
Bookmark: #serco-group-plc
Conclusion: Britain is still, in effect, running America
Serco Group UK Plc’s most recent annual report (2016) appears to be a very odd assortment of companies ranging from outer space, military, air traffic control and satellites to nuclear weapons, parking, pathology, laundry and immigration housing.
The following slides summarize our findings and conclusion that Serco was selected by Deep State shadow government globalists to manage the implementation of the SES soft kill of our population.
I got this information at the following link https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2018/05/ses-serco-wet-ware-soft-kill-plan-is_16.html

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Brain science is being developed for military and warfare applications. Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, U.S.A., who works in this particular area had this to say in the below linked youtube video “The human brain can be assessed in real time by utilizing convergent forms of neuro imaging when coupled to a host of neuro electric physiological techniques. This has created an opportunity to be able to affect the way humans think, feel and behave on a variety of levels, both individually and in groups.” Professor Giordano went on to say that this has allowed brain scientists to conduct intellectual assessment, knowledge acquisition, and CONTROL on an individual level, a group level and a global level. “This also allows brain scientists to physically affect the brain using these techniques and tools in ways that are important to, and highly leverageable within national security, intelligence and the defence agenda. They can foster thoughts and feelings of affiliation and passivity in whole populations. “
Hundreds of thousands of targeted individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world combined are being targeted and both psychologically and physically tortured by directed energy weapons while going about their everyday lives. We have failed to get agents of the state to take us seriously because the state have been rendered passive by the brain weapons that Professor Giordano refers to in the afore mentioned youtube video which I have linked here below. The human race are about to be totally and utterly disempowered and enslaved if they fail to overcome this technologically induced state of passivity. Frequencies are currently being broadcast from telephone towers and other paraphernalia throughout most of the world which carry information and perceptions which align with the natural frequencies of the human brain, which allows the human brain to accept that false information as true. We need to urgently disassemble and ban said telephone towers because otherwise a terrible fate awaits each of us. We would no longer be allowed to own anything or make even the smallest decision regarding our own lives. I have been wirelessly linked to the worldwide computerized human control system from nano implants inside my brain and body for many years and I am fully aware of the extreme cruelty of this computerized human control system which lies in your future if you fail to act.

My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. My main email address is gretta2011@hotmail.com

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A worldwide invisible technological takeover of most of humanity is occurring behind the scenes in your lives. Many human beings are already non-consensually connected to a two way computerized control system where they are being told what to do by unknown operatives. If they refuse to obey the voice commands which they receive via a process known as voice to skull bio-communication, this can lead to them suffering in some way at a later date.
Because energy weapons are being used to enable this process, the victims can not yet prove to their colleagues that they are being governed by this process known as Remote Neural Monitoring. It is not known how many individuals have already been captured by this control system but it is suspected that NASA staff were among the first to have been captured, to the extent that we now believe that the existence of satellites was their first hoax and this was then followed by the moon landing hoax among many other hoaxes.
We will now need to make major changes in our lifestyles in order to protect ourselves from neural control which is also known as Remote Neural Monitoring. We may need to dispense with the use of electricity in our homes because electricity is the first essential ingredient in this human control system. We may need to power our homes using gas cookers and solid fuel stoves. If you can think of any way in which we can combat this technological control of human beings please reply.
For further information on this secret and invisible takeover of human beings please watch the following short youtube video called 



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Executive Summary of the Executive Summary
“Government” wasn’t designed to protect life, liberty and property. It is a system, a technique used by intergenerational organized crime to rob and control society. The only reason anyone believes it is legitimate, desirable, or necessary is because they have been indoctrinated into the belief system from birth through mandatory government schools, control of private school curriculum through accreditation, scouting, military/police “training” and a propaganda system of six monopoly media companies running hundreds of subsidiaries to give the illusion of choice and diversity of opinion. Google/Facebook/Twitter/Reddit/ Meet-Up/Disqus further control perception on the DARPA Internet by creating a “propaganda matrix” that the system is legitimate while hiding and concealing the news outlets, websites, documentaries, and videos that are exposing the criminality of the system. The Good News You aren’t an “American” or a “Russian” or an “Israeli” just because you were born in one geographical area or another. You are a free and sentient human being who doesn’t owe your income or allegiance to any organized crime system using classicial, textbook unethically manipulative cult-indoctrination techniques on an unsuspecting public. Everything the “government” does could be provided by the free market and real charity or likely shouldn’t be done at all. Voluntaryism I.E. real freedom, has been the biggest secret that has been kept from society because it is the only political system that is fair for all. No one gets the “ring of power”.. No one gets to use violence or extortion on anyone else… Not even “government”. After you free your own mind from what was force fed you in your youth then free just 5 other people and then we

Techniques for controlling populations have been developed and honed by monarchies, despots, tyrants, and “democratic governments” for centuries. The U.S. government today does not remotely resemble or respect the ideals of the original republic, which the government school system still celebrates and pretends exists. It now parallels the same system that was used to control the tax slaves/ actual slaves in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union and East Germany. In addition to sharing mechanisms of control and indoctrination, these governments are all illegitimate because it is impossible to delegate rights you don’t have personally to “representatives.” For example, If you don’t have the moral right to coerce money from your neighbor and redistribute it to others, then you can’t delegate that “right” to a “representative” — even if the majority agrees. Voting can’t change morality, and just because the mob wants to lynch black folks or rob Peter to pay Paul, it doesn’t mean those actions are legitimate by ‘virtue’ of the majority outnumbering its victims. Unfortunately, using violence to control society is organized crime, and the control system known as “government” has always been used to fleece the population. Those in power have tended to use the same techniques through history. They control educational institutions to perpetuate propaganda and indoctrinate the pseudo-religion of Statism into children. Statism is the propagandized belief in the necessity, desirability, and legitimacy of government. It is a mind control technique and pseudo-religion because there is no such thing as “government.” Introduction
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You can’t go to Washington D.C./ “Mecca” and touch “government!” You can touch buildings and people, but “government” is just an idea. It is a “supernatural entity” that promises to make the world a better place: to feed the poor, to protect the weak, and to provide for your retirement. It can even raise wages and lower prices at the same time! Is there nothing the State can’t do? Pursuant to government power, free children are brought up in mandatory schools believing that because they were born on this side or that side of an imaginary line (a border), they are “American” or “Canadian,” for example, and — by virtue of where they were born — now owe half their income in overt/covert taxes and inflation to organized crime using well-recognized “cult indoctrination” techniques and propaganda on them. Some cult members are so mind-controlled they even shave their heads and murder whomever the cult leaders tell them to or lock peaceful people in for-profit
prisons for victimless crimes. The idea that Americans are “free” when they are forced to pay as much as half their income in overt taxes, covert taxes, and inflation while putting up with the government’s myriad rules, regulations, monopolies and licensing schemes borders on ludicrous. “Americans” are victims of a multitrillion dollar con-game through which they have been indoctrinated and secretly propagandized into an artificial belief system that teaches them to be “tax-payers” and some to be “orderfollowers” to kill and enforce on their fellow tax slaves. It is a system based on lies, brainwashing, propaganda, and the immoral, poisonous idea that some people can be “delegated” the “authority” to rule others. The acceptance of the legitimacy of “authority” is the acceptance that you are a slave and must obey a master. The difference between a free man and a slave is that slaves can’t say: No.
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Real Freedom! - The alternative that is often paid lip service but rarely offered in government schools: It amounts to no masters, no slaves! One of the biggest secrets kept from public (government) school children is that the world is a self-organizing system that produces spontaneous order and that all the “services” provided by government — from protection to roads to charity — can be better provided by voluntary interaction, the free market, and real charity. Freedom doesn’t guarantee utopia, but it is the most moral alternative that unleashes the creativity and capital creation mechanisms of the market. Voluntaryism/anarchism are social movements that reject the artificially indoctrinated belief system of Statism in favor of true freedom and voluntary interactions between free people. It is the most moral of all the political systems in that it recognizes natural law and honors the NonAggression Principle (NAP), which posits that no individual or group of
individuals has the right to initiate violence and coercion against other human beings who are not aggressing against them — in other words, live and let live, unless someone is threatening your life or property. All other political philosophies (socialism, communism, monarchy, democracy, constitutional republicanism, etc.) allow a ruling class to engage in violence and coercion against the majority. Though these systems may even allow elections where the winning party is allowed to rob everyone in society to enact its stated political goals, elections amount to ritualistic theater (especially when they only represent a minority of the eligible voters and the winner was outnumbered by citizens who didn’t vote at all). In addition to the travesty that occurs when majority rule tramples the rights of the minority, elections are also easily rigged and controlled by moneyed interests to offer the illusion of control to the tax slaves who are ignorant/willfully ignorant of the ‘big con’.
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Nazi Germany US Government Current Soviet Union/Russia East Germany1933-1945 1776-Present 1922-1991 1949-1990Flag: Artificial Indoctrinated Holy Symbol - Flags evolved from war banners that war parties carried in battle. Symbolically, they are the same as the “colors” of crips, bloods, and other gangs. Today flags are used by organized crime governments to indoctrinate populations into the local flavor of Statism as a pseudo-religious artificial holy symbol. In the U.S., children are forced to pledge their allegiance with their hands over their hearts starting in kindergarten in mandatory schools. Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, military academies, and police/military training further reinforce this artificial reverence with artificial solemn rituals: how the holy flag should be folded, carried, saluted, buried, and ultimately revered. Organized crime’s media system reinforces this religiosity by product-placing the flag into hundreds of movies and television shows that becomes painfully obvious in this short video showing 469 “product placements” in just 12 Michael Bay movies. Hollywood propagandists frequently use a technique called “Anchoring” where they create a moment of high positive emotion (Matt Damon escaping Mars in the Martian) and then “Anchor” that exhilaration to the flag by immediately cutting to people on earth waving American flags
The above are some excerpts from a free ebook available online called "Understanding our Slavery" by Etienne de la Boetie. www.understandingourslavery.com

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I have been subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation for slightly more than sixteen years. During all of that time I have been monitored twenty four hours per day for the entire sixteen years. This type of continual monitoring is achieved wirelessly because I am non-consensually linked by a two way stream of energy to a network of computers and other equipment from implants in both my brain and body. In this way all electrical activity being generated by both my brain and most parts of my body are available for scrutiny as well as data analysis and collation by teams of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation staff.

These criminal staff use the two way stream of energy linking me to their equipment to speak to me on a continual basis and I hear their voices coming from inside my head. Earlier today I heard them say the following “We have not ascertained any social problems with the human subject of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation so therefore we can not code the system yet.” My own response to that was as follows “What does the phrase “code the system” mean in the context of my own situation of being continually monitored?” The response which I heard from that particular voice which I heard coming from inside my head was as follows – “We can not code the system until we gain substantial evidence against you. Whenever some body causes a problem in the social world we then ascertain that they may cause a similar problem at some time in the future so we frequently make that problem occur ourselves by outside manipulation of either or both the human brain and/or human body of the human subject that we have earlier placed on both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation.

I have not been working since 1992. I was suffering from irritable bowel syndrome on and off for a large part of my life and I had been attending general medical practitioners and specialists in an effort to get help for it. I was refused disability allowance by Dr John Connolly of Pontoon Lodge, Pontoon, Castlebar for irritable bowel syndrome even though I had attended him on and off between five and seven occasions about my problems. He informed me at the time that people in receipt of disability allowance lead aimless lives and eventually commit suicide so he denied me my request for disability allowance. I was so worn down and impoverished by that time that I did not have any further energy to beg any other medical practitioners for help. Many years later I am now in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and I don’t go out very often but when I do go out I am monitored by wireless remote means by teams of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation staff who have informed me that they have total wireless control over my bowel and they have also informed me that they plan to make me have a bowel malfunction in a public place in order to use the opportunity to then create laws which would disempower all individuals who continue to receive disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome so that they can bring them under strict government control

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Hundreds of thousands of human beings throughout most parts of the world have become attached to the wireless internet of things. Most of those currently attached to the wireless internet of things have become attached to it non-consensually and at a time when they were not made aware that they were being attached to it. The long term consequences of becoming attached to the wireless internet of things whether consensually or non-consensually always results in huge distortions occurring in the human energy field of the individual who has become attached to said wireless internet of things. The human energy field is also known as the human aura. It is now understood by a large majority of individuals in the Irish government at a senior level that all targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation have already become attached to the wireless internet of things. Therefore their energy fields are more than likely heavily distorted by now. Because of this truth, human energy field cameras similar to the type invented and promoted by the British inventor Harry Oldfield should be made available to all citizenry at a local level rather than at a senior police officer level, due to the fact that senior police officers both in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland have been known to contaminate evidence when that evidence has been given to them or when it has been left at their disposal. All individuals who are currently complaining of being remote neural monitored as well as remote neural manipulated should have their auras photographed as a matter of urgency. Anybody who disputes this fact is likely under the wireless external control of the wireless internet of things.

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Human energy field cameras are now needed in order to tell the difference between a human and a remote controlled  robot.   Remote controllable robots are being manufactured in all shapes and all sizes which are so expertly controllable from behind the scenes by unknown operatives who work from a remote location that many humans have been and continue to be fooled into believing that they are sentient.    Humans now wrongly believe that they have encountered extra-terresterials when in fact they were speaking to remote controlled robots of every shape and size.   This is one of the main ways that the extra-terrestrial hoax has been perpetrated.    Another way in which the extra-terrestrial hoax has been perpetrated is by the fact that the sky has now been altered to an extreme degree by the use of chemtrail spraying which is sometimes known as geo-engineering.    Parts of the sky can now be turned into a cinema screen for a short space of time and various images are being reflected onto it from the ground that have the appearance of extra-terrestrial craft while flying at enormous speeds while appearing and disappearing at random times. 

If some individuals continue to wrongly believe in the existence of extra-terresterials, the dark new world order will use that false belief system to lay the blame for their own acts of extreme evil on non-existent extra-terresterials.  If you continue to wrongly promote the existence of extra-terresterials you are actively helping to further their evil agenda.    They are using reverse psychology on the human race by secretly using military psychological operations to both create and further a false belief in an extra-terrestrial presence on earth while simultaneously appearing to be distainful of anybody who buys into that false belief.

Whenever the psychological operations of presenting remote controlled robots to human beings as if they were sentient extra-terresterials, the human beings who are at the scene are simultaneously having their brains entrained into a state of believing in the false belief that the remote controlled robots are sentient extra-terresteials and perhaps they are also being subliminally hypnotized in a way that would further their belief in this hoax.   This has been played out on numerous occasions throughout the world so as to distract and terrify the masses of humanity because when human beings are in a state of fear and when they falsely believe that the source of their fear is supernatural and they feel helpless to deal with it they are easier to manipulate and disempower.   The extra-terrestrial hoax has been perpetrated by the dark new world order cabal in the false belief that we are infinitely gullible.  Please further the truth urgently.

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The dark new world order evil cabal are seeking absolute control over the human race via wireless brain-weapon technology and many other means. In order the achieve their aims they have been wirelessly experimenting on a large selection of non-consenting human beings throughout most parts of the world. These human beings are commonly known as targeted individuals and I have been one for sixteen years.
I am wirelessly linked from my brain and body via a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a computer network. All of the electrical signals generated by my brain and body are uploaded on a constant basis to the computers of the neuro operatives where is is data analysed and collated for later use. The unknown neuro operatives can read my inner dialogue and reply to it in real time. The neuro operatives send me voice signals, moving images, mild pain signals, bodily sensations, emotions, feelings and odours through the neuro link which has permanently attached me to their computer network for the past sixteen years. These neuro operatives have built a three dimensional image of my body by targeting me with energy in order to see where the energy met resistance and by doing so were enabled to build this three dimensional body image. Because of this I now have no physical privacy and no mental privacy whatsoever. I keep an almost daily online blog detailing some of what the neuro operatives say to me. I hear their voices coming from inside my head. Here is some of what they have said to me in the past few days, just to give you an example of some of what I experience :-
“We don’t send pain signals at the moment but we hurt financially. It is standard procedure.” ( I disagree with that statement because they sometimes send me mild pain signals).
“Medical surveillance and psychiatric surveillance are purported to come on stream in the future.”
“We are planning at some time in the future to time all targeted individuals while you are having your showers and cleaning your clothes, so that we can curtail the amount of hot water you are allowed to use on a daily basis. My name is Keith Arganine and I am a London based Directed Energy Weapons specialist.”
“She is a bit of a cow.”
“It is not a system that we would care to continue using in this world.”
“Fifty dollars per week is all she should be granted to live.” (I live in Ireland, Europe and some of the voices I hear come from London and others come from the United States. Some of the United States neuro staff wrongly assume that I am an American citizen and they use American terms when the refer to me. This has been occurring continually for sixteen years.
“Kid gloves until now, but of course we are going to kick it up a bit.”
“Are we planning to wirelessly enslave Gretta Fahey.” ” Why else do you think we are doing all this. Of course we are planning to wirelessly enslave her.”
“Agnosticism exists only if I say it exists and I don’t have a category for it so it does not exist.”
“Don’t register your child at birth and then you don’t need to ever worry about forced vaccinations. No one will ever bother your child throughout his life if he is not registered at birth.” (I am not expecting a child as I am too old. This was just general advice given to me by the unknown neuro operatives.)
“This is a system which allows us to look inside people’s bodies and see what is in there.”
“Stop smothering your bread with stodge.”
“Has she a licence to write this”

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Psychiatrists throughout the world are extremely abusive towards their patients in the sense that they force their patients to ingest or have injected into their bodies extremely toxic psychotropic substances which in many instances cause said patients to feel as if they are being tortured from the inside out as a direct result of being forced to ingest or have injected into them said toxic psychotripic substances. The decisions of psychiatrists to force their patients to ingest or have injected into their bodies extremely toxic psychotropic substances is backed by the violence of whatever state the patient resides in. If the patient should fail to take these extremely toxic substances, they are then mandated by psychiatric law to have a nurse come to their abode and inject them on a fortnightly basis with a long acting injection of the toxic substances, which has been mandated by law to be injected inside their bodies, mostly against their wills and without their permission. If the patient should refuse to allow their nurse to inject them with the prescriped toxic psychotropic substance they are then escorted by their local police back inside the psychiatric institution where they will remain until they become compliant. On some occasions if the patient continues to refuse to ingest or to have injected into them the mandated toxic psychotripic substance they are then placed in solitary confinement until they decide to become complaint. This policy of placing non-compliant psychiatric patients in solitary confinement in order to get them to comply with the mandated policies of psychiatry is now coming onstream throughout the European Union.
If a psychiatric patient should experience severe side effects from their mandated psychotropic poisons and if they then complain to their psychiatrist about that the psychiatrist will not allow them to stop taking said psychotropic poison and instead they will mandate them to take an extra substance which the psychiatrist will claim will alleviate some of the side effects of their mandated psychotropic substance. This extra substance will also go on to affect side effects in the brain and body of the patient. These poisons from both mandated substances will build up over time in the brain and body of the psychiatric patient and have been known to eventually cause brain injury.
To prove my point, I enclose herebelow a list of possible side effects a patient may experience as a result of of ingestion or having injected aripiprazole which is more commonly known as Abilify into their brain and body. Other psychotropic drugs have similar side effects in similar measures for the most part.

Like all medicines, Aripiprazole also known as Abilify can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Common side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):
diabetes mellitus,
difficulty sleeping,
feeling anxious,
feeling restless and unable to keep still, difficulty sitting still,
uncontrollable twitching, jerking or writhing movements, restless legs,
shaking and blurred vision,
decreased number of or difficulty making bowel movements,
feeling sick,
more saliva in mouth than normal,
feeling tired.
Uncommon side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):
increased blood levels of the hormone prolactin,
too much sugar in the blood,
altered or increased sexual interest,
uncontrollable movements of mouth, tongue and limbs (tardive dyskinesia),
muscle disorder causing twisting movements (dystonia),
double vision,
fast heartbeat,
a fall in blood pressure on standing up which causes dizziness, light-headedness or fainting,
The following side effects have been reported since the marketing of oral aripiprazole but the frequency for them to occur is not known:
low levels of white blood cells,
low levels of blood platelets,
allergic reaction (e.g. swelling in the mouth, tongue, face and throat, itching, hives),
onset or worsening of diabetes, ketoacidosis (ketones in the blood and urine) or coma,
high blood sugar,
not enough sodium in the blood,
loss of appetite (anorexia),
weight loss,
weight gain,
thoughts of suicide, suicide attempt and suicide,
feeling aggressive,
combination of fever, muscle stiffness, faster breathing, sweating, reduced consciousness and sudden changes in blood pressure and heart rate, fainting (neuroleptic malignant syndrome),
serotonin syndrome (a reaction which may cause feelings of great happiness, drowsiness, clumsiness, restlessness, feeling of being drunk, fever, sweating or rigid muscles),
speech disorder,
fixation of the eyeballs in one position,
sudden unexplained death,
life-threatening irregular heartbeat,
heart attack,
slower heartbeat,
blood clots in the veins especially in the legs (symptoms include swelling, pain and redness in the leg), which may travel through blood vessels to the lungs causing chest pain and difficulty in breathing (if you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical advice immediately),
high blood pressure,
accidental inhalation of food with risk of pneumonia (lung infection),
spasm of the muscles around the voice box,
inflammation of the pancreas,
difficulty swallowing,
abdominal discomfort,
stomach discomfort,
liver failure,
inflammation of the liver,
yellowing of the skin and white part of eyes,
reports of abnormal liver tests values,
skin rash,
sensitivity to light,
excessive sweating,
abnormal muscle breakdown which can lead to kidney problems,
muscle pain,
involuntary loss of urine (incontinence),
difficulty in passing urine,
withdrawal symptoms in newborn babies in case of exposure during pregnancy,
prolonged and/or painful erection,
difficulty controlling core body temperature or overheating,
chest pain,
swelling of hands, ankles or feet,
in blood tests: increased or fluctuating blood sugar, increased glycosylated haemoglobin.
Inability to resist the impulse, drive or temptation to perform an action that could be harmful to you or others, which may include:
strong impulse to gamble excessively despite serious personal or family consequences
altered or increased sexual interest and behaviour of significant concern to you or to others, for example, an increased sexual drive
uncontrollable excessive shopping
binge eating (eating large amounts of food in a short time period) or compulsive eating (eating more food than normal and more than is needed to satisfy your hunger)
a tendency to wander away.
Tell your doctor if you experience any of these behaviours; he/she will discuss ways of managing or reducing the symptoms.
In elderly patients with dementia, more fatal cases have been reported while taking aripiprazole. In addition, cases of stroke or "mini" stroke have been reported.
Additional side effects in children and adolescents
Adolescents aged 13 years and older experienced side effects that were similar in frequency and type to those in adults except that sleepiness, uncontrollable twitching or jerking movements, restlessness, and tiredness were very common (greater than 1 in 10 patients) and upper abdominal pain, dry mouth, increased heart rate, weight gain, increased appetite, muscle twitching, uncontrolled movements of the limbs, and feeling dizzy, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position, were common (greater than 1 in 100 patients).
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme, Website: www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. I became a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation back in the spring of 2003. I was gang-stalked initially. My home was broken into and my belongings were interfered with in minor ways, just enough to emotionally destabilize me. I then began to hear voices coming from inside my head which I now know were transmitted into my head by the use of military communication technology by a direct wireless link which I had earlier unknowingly become linked to military technology by. The voices continually threatened me in a miriad of ways. Among other things that were said to me by the voices was the fact that the voices threatened to paralyse me from head to toe but they said they would leave me with the ability to feel pain and after I was paralysed they would send me endless pain signals for the rest of my life and I would not be able to inform anyone that I was being tortured. I attempted suicide on more than two occasions. I have been informed that I nearly died on two of those occasions. I was so frightened by the silent psychological torture that I was undergoing that I asked psychiatrists in the adult mental health section of Castlebar hospital if I could stay inside the psychiatric hospital for a short period of time in order to regain my equilibrium. I thought that the psychiatrists would believe me when I informed them of what was happening to me with regard to being silently tortured by the voices of military neuro operatives which I could hear coming from inside my head. However, the psychiatrists not only did not believe me, they falsely believed that I was mentally unwell and they wrongly mandated that I take a variety of different psychotropic medications including the above mentioned aripiprazole, all of which gave me such extreme side effects that I suffered greatly from said side effects. I am now no longer taking any type of psychotropic medication and I feel much healthier that I did when I was taking them. They are extremely poisonous and should never be given to anybody whatsoever. Psychiatrists have more than likely never taken any of the psychotropic medications they prescribe to their patients. If they did they would reconsider offering them as a solution to any type of mental health problem.
Psychiatrists now appear to be wrongly identifying any type of short term emotional crisis as a serious mental health problem where they can engineer the tax payer to pay for psychotropic medications from that particular patient for the whole of their lives as well as wrongly categorising that patient as being chronically mentally ill rather than suffering from a short term emotional crisis which is often the case.
I have become so frightened of the bogus psychiatric system that I can not now inform my own general practitioner that I continue to hear voices and I continue to be psychologically tortured by neuro operatives who use psychotronic weapons against me in case he wrongly decided to send me for further psychiatric treatment. In this way, and in many other ways, the people of Ireland and the wider world are hindered from communicating effectively with agents of their own government, thereby helping to take down the Irish government bit by bit through no fault of their own.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901

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Over compliance with the wishes of others,

to live in ways which are expected of us by others,

to live in ways in order to please others,

or to live in ways designed not to offend others,

or to live a false life on reactions to external stimuli,

leads to an individual living an inauthentic life.

That individual creates a false self which is not based upon their own true feelings and instinctive needs.

In this situation life becomes pointless and futile.

Further to this, unquestioning obedience to the orders of  false authority figures leads to an individual feeling that they are unable to  assess whether some act is objectively right or wrong before carrying out that order, which often leads to that individual going on to commit acts of extreme evil because they are afraid to disobey a direct order from an army general or some other false authority figure.

I am currently reading a book called "Solitude" by Anthony Storr and that is where I am obtaining the information about the  extreme dangers of over compliance.  

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I am a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation where I am non-consensually, wirelessly linked to a computerized control network where I have been constantly monitored and manipulated over many years. When the neuro operatives who operate this computerized control system wish me to get up in the morning they send me pain through the wireless link which connects me to their computerized control system. When I scream out in pain some of the neuro staff ask if my neighbours can hear me scream. The co-ordinating staff then inform them that I live in the country side and I don't have any near neighbours who could possibly hear me scream. If I then refuse to get up out of my bed the level of the pain which is sent to me from the computerized control system is then increased. If I then get out of bed because of the intensification of the pain I am effectively a slave. Why is there a policy to enslave me in the Republic of Ireland?

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Dear Sir/Madam,
We are under attack. We are about to lose everything we own and all of our freedom if you fail to act now.
When they are installed next year, fifth generation wireless transmitters will be used to transmit millimeter waves. These millimeter waves are a human surveillance medium and a health destroying medium and a human enslavement medium.
A millimeter wave transmitter can detect and record movement inside a private home. It can also generate 3D imagery of the inside of the home, both day and night.
Millimeter wave emissions penetrate human skin and effects our nervous system in various ways. These millimeter wave emissions can be used to immobilize a human being from a remote location. Millimeter wave emissions are being used to carry pain signals which make the recepient feel as if their skin is burning. Millimeter wave emissions can also be used to force individuals to hear the voices of unknown energy weapon operatives. Millimeter wave emissions can be used to enable said unknown energy weapon operatives to read the inner dialogue of any human being who is immersed in millimeter waves and to reply to those inner thoughts in real time. These millimeter wave emissions can also be used by these energy weapons operatives to give somebody a heart attack or a stroke or extreme pain, sent from a remote location while the energy weapons operatives themselves remain unknown to the victim. These millimeter wave frequencies can be used to x ray any human being from a remote location. They can be used to activate viruses which were injected into a human body at a much earlier time. 5G is similar to having a continuous mild MRI scan because the energy weapons operatives can use the 5G millimeter waves to inspect the inside of the body of every human being on earth if they so wish as soon as 5G becomes installed throughout the world.
The wireless communication systems and communication towers which transmit millimeter waves all have back doors which allow the military or others to access and control how this dangerous technology is used and who it is being used against.
The millimeter wave matrix is a kill grid.
The skies over our heads are now being sprayed with chemtrails which contain metallic compounds such as barium, aluminium and others. Microwaves, in the current frequencies that we are immersed in, open the blood brain barrier and allow metallic compounds to get through to the human brain. Those metals are then microwaved while they are inside the human brain and body which causes the human being concerned to have voltage discharges take place throughout the human body. Your smart phone interacts with all of the electro chemical processes taking place in your brain due to the presence of these aforementioned metals which have become trapped inside our brains.
Beam forming is another piece of the technological enslavement protocol. Beam forming technology hunts down a device and locks on to that device and it then channels and funnels microwave or millimeter wave energy or both to that device.

I have watched the enclosed linked youtube video about 5G by Joe Imbriano whose website is called www.thefullertoninformer.com about the extreme dangers of 5G. Joe Imbriano from Fullerton, California has a batcherlors degree in chemistry as well as a batchelors degree in biological science. He has also studied magnetobiology which is a subject that has been sensored on a worldwide scale by the would-be enslavers of the human race. I respect his work and I have taken some of the above information from his large body of work.
Do not use store bought hygiene products because they contain nano materials. When these nano materials adhere to our skin they can be manipulated by remote control by unknown operatives using wireless radiation activation frequencies.
Do not allow yourself or your family to be vaccinated. I believe that the ultimate goal of a vaccination is to get nano technology in to your blood stream where it could then be used to immobilise you or cause you to have a stroke or a heart attack by remote means.
Wear jewellery which has magentic properties. You will not be able to use a computer or other digital media device if you decide to wear magnetic jewellery because the magnets will permanently disable whatever digital media device it comes in contact with. However, I believe that magnetic jewellery has protective properties.
Get rid of all digital media screens and wirelessly enabled transmission devices from your home.
Inform others that we are now under attack and will be soon technologically enslaved if we fail to act.
Nano compounds are likely to be highly concentrated in processed foods such a cereals and baked goods. Eat plain, unprocessed foods.
Chemtrail spraying of the air over our heads with nano compounds is not successful because those particular nano compounds degrade before they reach our bloodstream in most occasions.
Millimeter waves do not travel very far. In fact they only travel about 500 feet. Screen your windows with aluminium blinds. Sow trees and shrubs outside your windows. The enslavers hate trees and I believe that they are currently using electronic mind control in order to make us believe that we should engage in a tree cutting program for reasons of road safety.
Do not drink from the public water supply. Fluoride and other compounds have been added to it in order to dumb us down and sicken us. A vibrantly healthty and intelligent population can not be enslaved.
People who are being informed in large group settings can be manipulated and swayed by strong characters who have been deliberately placed inside the group. Think and research independently. Do not rely on government propaganda.
Take carbyonal iron and foods containing vitamin D because modern technology interferes with vitamin D production.
Use crystals and orgone ornaments because they distort frequencies which then hinder the work of surveillance operatives who are now able to monitor and survey a selection of targeted individuals from an unknown remote location by the use of 5G millimeter waves or other energy waves.
Wi-gig will shortly be introduced into homes and will connect to all of your wireless devices at 2.4 gigahertz which is the oxygen molecule absorbtion frequency. That will mean that the oxygen will still be present in the environment but the absorbability rate into our bodies will drop. Oxygen knocks down millimeter wave frequency emissions. If people fail to replace the oxygen in their blood stream by drinking ozonated water or ingesting hydrogen peroxide droplets in water they will develop diseases of electromagnetic exposure. However, general medical practitioners may be wrongly informed by governments that these diseases are of pathogenic origin, and this falsehood could then be given as a reason for mandating the vaccination of the human race.
Dont register your children at birth. If they are not registered they can not be mandated to accept poisonous vaccinations and they can not be mandated to attend schools which are now being used to inculcate children into a slave mindset where they are never allowed to question what they are being taught.

There are currently no devices on the market which test for millimeter wave frequency emissions. We dont have technology which can determine whether we are being bombarded with these frequencies. However, Joe Imbriano of www.thefullertoninformern mentioned that the use of an oscilloscope may help.
I have been a non-consensual victim of remote controlled experimentation for more than sixteen years. I am linked by a bi-directional energy stream to a computer system which is run by criminal operatives who force me to listen to their voices which I hear coming from inside my head on a continual basis. I believe that millimeter waves are being used to allow these criminal operatives to force me to listen to their voices but I have found no way of proving this so far. It is common knowledge that millimeter waves were used in the first Iraq war in 1991 to make the opponents hear voices coming from inside their heads and to feel burns on their skin which was also enabled by millimeter waves. The criminal operatives who I am in continual contact with can also force me to see moving images whenever they wish. They can make me feel too warm or too cold whenever they wish. They wake me up in the middle of the night if they so wish. They can send me pain signals. They can send false information to my bodily organs to make them malfunction. I can be made to limp for a short time and return to full abilities a short time later. They have also forced a selection of my muscles to move against my will and I have no way of stopping them acting against me at the moment. I am in contact with many other individuals from the Republic of Ireland and overseas who are also experiencing the same experiences as I am experiencing. We are not being believed by the government officials to the extent that we no longer report our experiences to them so as to protect ourselves from an unnecessary and non-consensual mandatory stay in a psychiatric hospital.
If you dont make a public announcement about the dangers of 5G millimeter wave technology shortly I will believe you to be under microwave mind control. In order to know what that is please read the following article "Microwave Mind Control" by Tim Rifat which is to be found at the following link whale.to/b/rifat.html
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo,
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901
My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. My facebook page is called www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98.

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I am non-consensually wirelessly connected to a network of computers for the purposes of illegal and immoral experimentation on my brain and body which has been ongoing for more than sixteen years. The connection from the network of computers to my brain and body is a two way link which allows these unknown criminal neuro scientists as well as neuro operatives to force me to listen to their voice commands against my will and without my permission. It also allows them to non-consensually move some of the muscles of my body and to externally control my vocal cords and my facial muscles against my will and without my permission. Just now at approximately 19.25 hours on 21st June, 2019 I began to rub the back of my neck and immediately the voice of one of the unknown neuro scientists who experiment on me was heard by me to complain to his colleagues that I had just destroyed about two years of his work. He then asked for legal advice from one of his advisors. His advisor was heard by me to inform him that he was considered a criminal and he had no right to be there.
If you are a targeted individual of non-consensual wirelessly enabled experimentation which has come to be known by those in the know as remote wireless torture, try rubbing the back of your neck often because said back of your neck is a key area that illegal research scientists often focus on during their wirelessly enabled research which is being conducted from a remote location while leaving no visible trace for the police to investigate.

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I am a victim of secret, non-consensual neuro experimentation and research, which is being carried out by fusion centres in the United States and parallel centres throughout the U.K. . American military and intelligence agents and sub agents combined with other similar agents throughout the world, who have been tasked with gaining absolute control over the human race carry out this unlawful work. I am wirelessly linked by a two-way link to a network of computers which are controlled by sub agents of these military and intelligence agencies and I keep a daily blog on a number of social media sites where I outline what these agents communicate to me via bio-communication on an ongoing basis. I hear their voices coming from inside my head via brain to brain communication and synthetic telepathy and a number of other methods and I am engaged with their voices on an almost constant basis.

These secret agents collect and collate all electrical activity being generated by my brain and body on a constant basis via the two way link which links me to their computer network. They also use the aforementioned two way link to send information to my brain and body in the form of voices, moving images, bodily sensations, pain signals, odours, forced muscle movement, feelings and thoughts. Not alone can they send information into my body to force the muscles of my face and neck to move against my will whenever they wish, but they can and are sending information signals into my body in order to make my intestines act against my will.
These same sub agents of the intelligence service can and do evoke memories from my past by asking me questions. This allows them to bring up images from my past memories in living colour on their computer screens, for exploration. They further prepare the information they glean for data analysis where it is sent to Fort Meade, Maryland to be further analysed for scientific use. Fort Meada, Maryland is heavily involved in tabulating all data which is being collected from me and from many other targeted individuals throughout the world in preparation for a police state in Ireland and all other courtires throughout the world. As part of the work of the sub agents who target me and others, they are obliged to tabulate the number of sexual penetrations which women have had during the course of their lifetimes to date. They will not allow us to have any privacy whatsoever.  They claim that they only work on individuals whose identity they do not know and have no way of ever knowing but there is no truth in that claim because the staff who work on me all know who I am and where I live combined with everything about my life that one could possibly wish to know.  

Here below is some of what these unknown operatives have been saying to me via inner voices technology during the past few days:-

“Is there a civil case against this lady.” “No” “That is regretable to us.”
“You will be safely encased inside your body within months and unable to move a muscle.”
“Distain her in every possible way.”
“Only evidence based is acceptable.” “She has nothing on us.”
“We have nothing on her. We need to have some leverage on her in order to control all situations when dealing with her.”
“We can not allow this woman to continue posting an online daily blog, quoting what we say to her in private.”
“At the moment we are doing our utmost to conceal the information.”
“This system has all the hallmarks of a monarch program being set up throughout the world by wireless means and from a remote location.”
“If we succeeded in bio-robotizating you we would encourage our clients to use you in any way they could.”
“Is she on medicaid?” “No. This lady is a European lady.” (Medicaid is a form of health care only in use in the United States.) ( I believe the individuals who reproduce their voices inside my head using advanced technology are mostly American because they constantly make references to American terms. I live in Ireland, Europe and I have never been to the United States.)
“I am quite unused to this level of information going out about our exploits. Gretta Fahey is agrieveing me.”
“The material is not nice.” “The staff here are saying these things to Gretta. Gretta is not generating it herself.” This was responded to by another inner voice which was heard by me to say the following “She shouldnt repeat it.”
I personally believe there is an easy way to stop this slow enslavement process of the human race. We should and must destroy all infrastructure which enables it. The existence of satellites has been found to be a hoax. What was initially believed to be satellites were in fact large stationary drones. Telephone masts are the linchpin which holds the whole control and enslavement system together. The dark new world order self-proclaimed elite do not own the infrastructure as previously thought because they obtained it by the use of electronically mind controlling the individuals who sold them the infrastructure , which makes their ownership of it illigitimate. Therefore the human race ownes all technological infrastructure which has been installed throughout the world and it is our right to disassemble it and have it banned and outlawed urgently. Please canvas in your area to have this done as a matter of urgency.

My name is Gretta Fahey, from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.   My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.   

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Classification of advanced technology leads to the individuals who have access to the classified advanced technology having unlimited power over those who do not have access to said classified advanced technology.
We must canvas to have the ability of some unknown groups to classify advanced technology taken away from them on a worldwide basis, as a matter of urgency.

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I am non-consensually and unwillingly connected by a two way wireless system to a control and command centre where the operatives continually monitor an supervise me as well as issuing me voice commands on a regular basis. In the past five minutes I heard the voice of one of the supervisors say the following to me and to an unknown listening audience "There is a large staff here at the Peace Centre in Sheffield, United Kingdom, who monitor and supervise the Irish targeted individual known as Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo on a continual basis. They never leave her unsupervised.

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“The experience of synthetic telepathy or artificial telepathy is as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head. Indeed, most of the technology involved is exactly identical to that of cell phone technology. A computer multiplexer routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The receiver is located and tracked with pin-point accuracy to within a few feet of actual location. The receiver is a human brain. The human skull has no firewalls and therefore can not shut the voice out.
The sender can hear all of the targeted individuals thoughts exactly as if the targeted individuals verbal thoughts have been spoken or broadcast. This is sometimes described as artificial telepathy. Artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling and raping the mind of any person on earth. There are international intelligence agency agreements to keep this technology secret.”


My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. I have been psychologically harassed and tortured with artificial telepathy for sixteen years. I write a daily blog which I post on many social media sites outlining some of what the neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head on a constant basis actually say to me. If you wish to negate this evil system, you too must inform the public exactly what the voices which you hear coming from inside your head are saying to you and about you. I have been doing this with success. Here below is some of what these neuro operatives have said to me in the past few days:-
“Break into her control system please. Let her feel some pain.”
“Manipulation techniques which have been developed at MK Ultra are being used in universities throughout the whole world in order to bring the students in line with so-called globalist thinking.”
“I will have to pirate your blogs if they get too bad.”
“This woman is writing poison pen letters about us.” This remark was closely followed by another voice which was heard by me to say the following “Her online blogs are an accurate depiction of what we say to her and what we do to her.”
“Eradicate this woman.” This remark was followed by another voice which was heard by me to say the following “I would kill her right now if I could.”
“I do not accept that you own the body you occupy. My technology is inside your brain and body. Therefore the body you walk around in is technically under my ownership.”
“We don’t like people sleeping in their basements. It is not concurrent to our program. They are nye impossible to access.”
“If Gretta Fahey had gone to “Coast to Coast AM” like we advised, we would now have reason to legally claim ownership of the information which she puts out to the public on her daily blog. Alas, she refused to contact them as we requested.”

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Posted on April 30, 2019 by gretta
I am a targeted individual of non-consensual research and this afore mentioned research is being conducted on me by unknown criminal operatives who work from a remote location and use advanced technology to monitor and survey my brain and body on a continual basis and they have been doing so for the past sixteen years. I have been disbelieved by both the local Gardaí, my general medical practitioner and many psychiatrists whenever I have informed them of these unusual and terrifying experiences. I no longer complain to them about my predicament because it would probably lead to me being detained in a psychiatric hospital where I would more than likely be mandated to ingest toxic substances for no reason whatsoever.
I am connected to the afore mentioned unknown criminal operatives by a two way energy link. They force me to listen to their voices on a continual basis. I hear their voices coming from inside my head against my will and wholly without my permission. Earlier today I heard one of the afore mentioned inner voices say the following “We were told you were a mock up of a human being rather than a real live human being.” Another inner voice was then heard by me to say the following “There are no mock ups of human beings. All who are being surveyed are real live human beings and none of them have given us permission to monitor and survey them at any time ever.”

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"An academic paper written for the Air Force in the mid-1990s mentions the idea of a weapon that would use sound waves to send words into a person's head. "The signal can be a 'message from God' that can warn the enemy of impending doom, or encourage the enemy to surrender." In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone's head. The patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects."
~~ Washington Post article on electronic harassment and voices in the head, 1/14/07 The
Our thoughts, inner visions and memories are possibly being read through reading our brain waves and then putting them through the EEG reader. Groups of potentials are detected and then used to map speech, inner vision and memories. Solaris Blue Raven.

If a terror technician obtains your DNA sample and your unique brain signature they can then communicate directly into your brain. This process is being carried out by operatives who ultimately work for intelligence agencies. These intelligence agencies are now fused into one group and centrally controlled in a world head office. My unique brain signature has been obtained and many terror technitians force me to listen to their voices every day on a constant basis for the past sixteen years. When they are communicating to my brain they also send other signals which force me to see moving images, smell odors, experience false sensations of being touched, experience forced muscle movement , experience mood changes and a variety of other experiences which they use to electronically harass and psychologically torture me with throughout each and every day of my life. While this technology remains classified, governments and police forces can not protect the human race from in-home  wirelessly enabled psychological torture and enslavement via these wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons. I keep an online blog of what these terror operatives say to me and about me to their colleagues by using inner voice technology, in order to warn the rest of the human race what to expect if they ever are targeted in this manner in the future.
"Electronic loading is going on all the time while you are in front of your computer. This electronic loading will be used against you after you go to sleep even if your computer is not placed anywhere in your bedroom when you sleep. If you use earthing equipment in order to earth yourself while you sleep the earlier effects of the electronic loading on your brain and body will then be negated."
"We have markers put into all food, even non-processed food, through trade agreements. We can detect wide varieties of food as it travels through the alimentary canal. We detect our own markers whenever the subject for non-consensual experimentation is sitting on the toilet, evacuating their bowels or bladder. We conduct all of our wireless experimentation from a remote location and by the use of directed energy weapons and we remain unknown to the non-consensual human subject at all times."
"What kind of pocket money has she.?"
"Incomplete analysis of the bowel. We dont know what is going to happen in the future but this is not going to get us any awards."

"We have to sit here and listen to much of what we say repeated back to us and it is proving most disconcerting." I myself believe that was said by one of the neuro operatives because I constantly repeat loudly much of what they say to me so that all of their colleagues can hear what each of them says to me privately.
I received a notification from my electricity company informing me that my electricity would be cut off for one day next week due to essential maintenance work. A voice of a neuro staff member was then heard by me to say the following - "We wont be able to work that day because a legal interruption to the electricity supply does not allow us to transmit our own electricity to the household which is without electricity and a supply of electricity is mostly essential for our type of work."
I was listening to a program on internet radio about gender confusion which lead to a discussion about a celebrity who was born as a girl and now is living as a man. The voice of a neuro staff member which I heard coming from inside my head was then heard by me to say the following "Subliminal information is broadcast to her repeatedly via information warfare telepathy to make her believe she is a man."
"The tap water has been saturated with poisonous chemicals in order to subdue the masses and in order to shorten their lives."
"We have fifteen or twenty safe-links installed in the system pertaining to Gretta Fahey."
"This woman, Gretta Fahey rarely ever leaves her home in the West of Ireland countryside and yet she knows the name of system managers such as Keith Arganine and Andrew Partagenet who are both based out of London, England and who know each other. System managers are responsible for knowing the whole event. Andrew Partagenet oversees Keith Arganine. The rest of us who work out of London are technical assistants to the control system."
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. My Landine Home Phone Number is 0949360901. I am a genuine targeted individual and I have never received payment for my online posts and I never would accept payment. I have never met any of the individuals who target me with directed energy weapons and inner voice transmitting technologies and I dont know who they are. Because the technology now being used against me and many others throughout the Republic of Ireland remains classified, the Irish Gardai can not assist us when we complain to them about our experiences and neither can the Irish government. The act of classifying technology leads to granting unlimited power to the individuals who have access to said classified technology, which has down through the years created an enormous differential in power between the viewers of the classified material and those who do not have access to it. This situation must be recified as a matter of urgency. We must canvas to have all classified material across the board rendered unclassified because those in the know are using this unlimited power against the rest of the human race for the purposes of slowly and incrementally technologically enslaving each and every one of us.

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