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Hello Everybody,

In the European Petion 

We also want 100 or more signatures

Council of the European Union

President of Europe Council Donald Tusk

Rue de la Loi/ Wetstraat 155

B-1048 Bruxelles/ Brussels


Dear Mr. Tusk,

We want to be heard, by we I mean Targeted Individuals. Many of us are being mistreated, some are slaughtered and murdered in hidding. It's close to genocide. We are experimented on like Lab Rats.

Targeted justice inc. ("Targeted Justice"), a non profit organization, hereby submits to as Council of Europe this petition and exhibits thereto, to report , and provide factual information regarding certain federal crimes that have been committed within Europe. These Petioners respectfully requests that you submit this information to the Council of Ministers that entangled or will next be empanaled. The President of the Council of Europe has a duty to present to the Council of ministers report or give information regarding federal crimes. The under signed request that you submit this Petition, the information therein to the Council of ministers.

The mission of Targeted Justice is to expose and permanently end, the serious crimes occurring against Targeted Individuals worldwide.

Please list the country and city where you have experienced directed energy weapons, V2K, or gangstalking.

By typing my name here, I consent to the use of my name and electronic signature for Petition to the President of the European Council.

[Electronical signatures]

Type your name below, if you want to sign this petition.

Please don't hesitate to react.

Well Bye bye for now, 

Angeline Klas

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Remote neural monitoring technology (and other psychotronic technology) is technology which allows a person to listen to a person's inner dialogue and see a person's thoughts (as well as injecting thoughts, moving body parts, etc). (The tech works by decoding the electromagnetic field emitted from human beings) Currently, this technology is classified and is being used for psychological experimentation on human subjects which can be described as harassment to torturous and cruel and unusual (people use this technology for gangstalking).

I am a long term victim of non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.  I am wirelessly connected by a two way link to a computer network which is being controlled and operated by neuro operatives.  These neuro operatives are able to force me to listen to their voices whenever they wish against my will because I hear their voices coming from inside my head.   This has become part of the normal process  for people who are being non-consensually Remote Neural Monitored and Remote Neural Manipulated.    I post online what I hear the neuro operatives  saying to me and about me on many social media sites on an almost daily basis.   Here below is a small sample of what the voices of the neuro operatives said which I heard coming from inside my head in the past few days.

"Undesirable information is coming through about our activities on to the social media blog on a daily basis.   I need to put information online that makes her look bad."

"We don't want this information going through at all.  It is far too incendiary."

"Church and state propaganda are essential to govern citizens.   This woman Gretta Fahey has essentially eliminated all state propaganda from her life due to the fact that she has no television and she no longer reads newspapers and she refuses to attend church.  She is a curious case." 

"You have been warned.   If you allow this woman to post any more incendiary information online you will be court marshalled."

"She has a whole house to herself.  That will not be tolerated in the future."

"She isn't going to get away with random intake of food."

"She is non compliant because she dared to speak to me in an uncivil manner."  (I refused to pronounce a word the way it is pronounce in the United States.  I am Irish.)

Other targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring throughout Ireland as well as myself  have complained to the state about their extremely cruel treatment which would be classified as soft torture in a court of law.  However, agents of the state  including judges, lawyers and the police may not yet have heard about Remote Neural Monitoring because it is still classified.   They do not take us seriously and they continue to wrongly send us for psychiatric evaluation.  We are now afraid to approach agents of the state  because we do not wish to be wrongly incarcerated in psychiatric hospitals.   In fact we would be forced to invoke the right to remain silent if they asked us outright about our experiences of being targeted with wirelessly enabled electronic weapons lest we compromise ourselves with psychiatry by speaking freely.    The only legal safe way for us to communicate our dilemma to the public is to post digital messages online.  How long more are good living individuals going to be subjected to this cruel and unjust psychological torture  before it is stopped.  

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A worldwide network of criminal scientists have selected good living and good will people from all countries throughout the world for the purposes of human experimentation.   They often implant non-consensual human beings with a wide variety of different types of implants from which they wirelessly link them to computer networks.   They do this in order to collect data from the human brain and body and they also do it in order to send information back to the human brain and body so that they might gain slow and incremental control over that human being and to eventually turn that human being into a digital slave.   If they succeed in turning one non-consenting human being into a digital slave they might then fully automate the  human digital enslavement process in order to more easily turn most other human beings throughout the world into their digital slaves.  As this is all being done without the expressed permission of almost all of the human race we should disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities urgently in order to stop this human digital enslavement process going any further and in order to stop these transhumanist criminals such as Ray Kurzweil in their tracks.  

I am being permanently monitored, perhaps in preparation for digital slavery.   I have been a non-consensual human experimentee victim for sixteen years.   I am wirelessly and non-consensually linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a computer network for all of that time and I am being  unwillingly forced to hear the voices of the neuro operatives who speak to me constantly as I go about my everyday life.  I often write down what the voices say to me and I post it online the following day so as to enlighten any readers of my blog as to what a total loss of mental privacy feels like.   Here below is a small sample of some of what the inner voices said to me in the past while.

"If the public find out about this system before it is rendered viable they will block it."

"A lady of no fixed abode would be easier to terrorise than Gretta."

"For God's sake Gretta, I am not a sadist.  I am simply experimenting on you."

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I am a targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.   I am non-consensually linked by wireless means to a supercomputer which is operated by unknown neuro operatives who work from an unknown remote location.   Because of the fact that I am non-consensually linked to the super-computer  I hear the voices of neuro operatives coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission on a constant basis throughout each and every day.

Today I attempted to book the purchase of an internet radio online so that I  could collected it  at a local store tomorrow.  I was unable to place my order for reasons which were unknown to me at the time.   I then heard the voice of one of the neuro operatives coming from inside my head informing me of a new policy within Ireland pertaining to targeted individuals of neuro weapon research.  Here is what the unknown inner voice was heard by me to say   "If the potential customer is deemed not worthy of the goods the staff of all corporate owned stores are not allowed to give it to them.  This instruction is given across the board in all corporate merchandisers.  All privately owned stores will cease to exist within ten years. This might be our new credit score system in operation in Ireland now."

A few minutes after I heard this message coming from inside my head I then received another similar message which said.  "You are jumping the gun a bit.  You may be given an internet radio if you ask for one.  We are not sure if this system is up and running in Ireland yet."

I myself strongly believe that by simply disassembling and banning all transmitters which enable frequency weapons and which enable wireless tethering of human beings from implants to supercomputers and which also enable wireless murder and wireless burning down of homes and wireless electronic mind control we can regain our freedom in short order.  Many people are not yet aware that some of their fellow country men and women are being psychologically and physically harassed and even tortured inside their own homes throughout most of the world.  The unaware section of society may be being subjected to wirelessly delivered brain frequencies which lull them into a false since of security and apathy.

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Many good living and good will individuals throughout  the world have been targeted by an illegal rogue criminal enterprise for the purposes of non-consensual human experimentation.    This system is sometimes known as Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.   The individuals who are selected for this control system are commonly known as targeted individuals and they are electronically harassed and psychologically tortured on a constant basis, every waking moment by a myriad of mostly classified wireless technologies.   Whenever they complain to the police they are routinely being sent for psychiatric evaluation because they can not prove their claims due to the fact that the technologies being used against them are wireless and invisible.

I am a non-consensual targeted individual  of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation and I have been so since 2003.  I am wirelessly connected to a super-computer which is operated by unknown neuro operatives who work from a remote location and  who speak to me by wireless means throughout each day.  I believe that I was selected for this program of unlimited surveillance and human experimentation because  I was at the time and still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome which they wish to research.   They have informed me that legal constraints will be placed on individuals who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome to the degree that they are no longer in the workplace, or even everybody who complains  to their general medical practitioner of suffering from irritable bowel syndrome to any degree.   I hear their voices coming from a location inside my head.   I record some of what they say to me and I post it online on an almost daily basis so that others may know the severity of my situation.   Here below is a  small sample of what these  unknown neuro operatives have said to me in the past day or two.

"Produce a recipe for simpering ass Fahey to see us in court."

"Do yourself a favour and stop writing this."

"Any photo shame."    Response   "No. nothing."

"Power outages do not benefit us.  Is there any way we can force her to leave the electricity on in her house each night."

"What the heck are you lying down for, Gretta."

"Remote Neural Monitoring is not only a system of analysis.  It is also a system of correspondence with the client.   Our correspondence is coming back to us."

"We have to deal with this ongoing system of control.  It is encroaching on all of us."

"You think you are the only one writing our comments online.  We hobbled those people straight away just as we are hobbling you."

"I will burn your house by wireless means."

"I don't really like her writing style.  She mentions too much of what we say, on her online social media posts."

"Has she washed yet today."

"Get out to work like the rest of us."

"Put a hole in her shit box so we can get access to her."

"I am taking a reading of the area outside of your anal canal to see if I could detect any leakages."

"This information is going to be posted online tomorrow by Gretta herself.  We will have to contain the information.  We can not allow it to get out."

"A dog wouldn't be treated with this level of disrespect."

"She is lifting the lid on everything.  I didn't see this coming."

"She has no respect for herself if she is going to write this."

"You have nothing on her.  Have you?"

"She watches her Ps and Qs to an extreme degree.  There is no way that we could persuade her to do anything unforeseen."

"Twelve pounds of shit in the colon right now."

"Be careful with this system.  You are being far too incautious." 

"You are being incautious with our words."

"You will be punished suitably."

"We are going to cut back on your income."

This cruel control system is being expanded around the world by agents of the dark new world order evil cabal.   Unlimited money is being spent on this system in order for it to be used to eventually enslave most of the human race by wireless and other means.  The system of paralysing a human being by wireless means could possibly be fully automated in the future for the purposes of human enslavement.   We aught to urgently disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and other transmitters throughout the world as I believe that they are the linchpin that holds this human enslavement system together.  The existence of satellites are now believed to be an elaborate hoax.  NASA are the one and only source of satellite information in the world and they may all be wirelessly controlled or compromised in some other way.  

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Former U.S.  President Jimmy Carter recently wrote in the New York Times, “The United States is abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights.” In his article, Carter points out that top US officials are now openly targeting US citizens for political assassination, “disappearance,” unlimited surveillance, and other forms of gross human rights abuse. Are people prepared to call a former U.S. President a conspiracy
theorist? Or has the U.S. strayed far from its roots as a democracy where rule of law and human rights are uniformly respected?   I have taken this excerpt from the here  below linked document by Dr Daniel Lebowitz.

I am one of those individuals who have been placed on non-consensual wirelessly enabled  unlimited surveillance and electronic harassment and psychological torture  by who I believe are agents of the United States government.    My name is Gretta Fahey, from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.   I was born in and have lived all my life in Ireland, Europe and I have never visited the United States.  I have never committed an illegal act in my life.   Many of my fellow Irish men and women are also being targeted in a similar manner to me.  We have nearly all reported the matter to the Gardaí over the years but we have not been taken seriously.   We have been selected for non-consensual remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation for many and varied reasons and this system which I  and others have been non-consensually placed under is a precursor to enslavement of most of the human race by the dark new world evil cabal.   The neuro operatives who are directly responsible for my electronic harassment and psychological torture are able to place their voices inside my head by the use of directed energy weapons which are now common place throughout the world but are not been  mentioned in what is now a privately owned main stream media.   Knowledge of this wirelessly enabled electronic harassment combined with psychological torture is widespread throughout the internet.   I often list some of what the neuro operatives say to me whenever they reproduce their voices inside my head.   I do not and never have and never would accept payment for any of my writings.   My aim is to expose corruption in the world.  Here is some of what these internal voices have said to me and about me in the past few days.

"Digging the dirt on this system is now the way forward.   We need to present this system in a positive light."

"I will bludgeon you to death some day."

"Unveilling a system this extreme is not in our favour.  We will send the troops around  to Gretta Fahey's house if she doesn't shut up. "

I send an email to my aunt who lives in the United States and I mentioned Directed Energy Weapons in the email.  I then heard a  voice coming from inside my head which was heard by me to say the following  " This information will not be allowed to go to her aunt in the United States of America.  This information will be confiscated.  Does she understand that."

"That is not good enough.  You will have to try harder to exasperate her."

 "She is nothing but an old fool."

"She has an excellent train of thought."

"Increase the suffering".

 "Did she poop yet."

 "There is no television in her home which would allow us to spy on her through the digital media screen.   I don't know how I am going to explain my information."

  I was planning to go to my local town and I was thinking about it when I heard an inner voice say the following "Where is Fahey planning to go. "    "Nowhere"    This was followed by the following response  "Well, why is this stream of consciousness here."

"We would have to make Gretta be a paragon of perfection in order to justify our activities, in view of the fact that the public know so much of what we have been doing to her because of her daily writing."    A second voice was heard by me to respond as follows "We would have to bio-robotize her for that to happen."

In response to a question I put to the voices which I hear coming from inside my head I was told the following  "We can see an energy imprint of people through their flat screen televisions and through all other digital media screens.  We can not see an accurate image of them through their digital media screens.  Energy imprints of people are far more revealing that clear images of the same people.  Energy imprint visualization can inform the viewer of what the energy imprinted individual has ingested and inhaled along with what type of mood the individual is currently in."    In response to a further question by me the voice which I heard coming from inside my head was further heard by me to say as follows  "We can manipulate the human energy field of an individual by manipulating the energy which forms around the digital media screen which we are viewing in order to cause anomalies in the energy field of that individual, which then translate into physical body anomalies, such as pain or cramps or such as a myriad of other symptoms." I continued to prompt the unknown voice which I heard coming from inside my head for further information about the capabilities which they could achieve through human energy field manipulation through manipulation of human energy fields via digital media screens and the voice then went on to inform me the following "Over many years of dedicated energy manipulations, whole body paralysis can be achieved."

I continued to question the voice which I heard coming from inside my head and he revealed the following information to me "We could not see a physical picture of you at the beginning of your targeting.  However, we have now built up enough information about you to be able to see you in 3D whenever we wish.  We can now look in on you whenever we wish.  You have no mental privacy and now you have no physical privacy either.  You are heavily despised by our team due to your lack of ingenuity in attempting to stop us from invading both your mind and body."

"How come we have no mental hold on her?"   The response which I heard coming from another voice was as follows "She is a free thinker and she is very well informed."

"She is not one of our paid informants.   The response which I heard coming from another voice was as follows "  No.  She is not.  She has never received money from us and she never would accept money off us.  She styles herself as being uncorruptable which she is."

"They key component of this worldwide monitoring system is control, control, control."

"Wireless ensnarement is meant for everyone accept us and our group."

"We need this lady in our own system here so that we can examine her properly.  Why isn't this happening?"  

"Because Gretta has legal right of residence in her own family home until she dies, this is the end of the line for us."

"Nothing is being done that is illegal."    I responded to this inner voice myself as follows  " It is illegal to psychologically torture someone under both man made law and natural law.   Natural law is the only law that is fixed and immutable.  Man made laws are illusory.   We must return to the use of natural law only."

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Brain to computer interface systems are now live in pockets of society throughout most of the world.  We are being systematically implanted with a wide variety of implants by agents of the C.I.A. and F.B.I.   The CIA is a rogue agency.   In my opinion, the CIA is responsible for most acts of terrorism throughout the world and they take their orders to carry out acts of terrorism from individual members of the Council on Foreign Relations.   In my opinion, the Council on Foreign Relations are actively working towards slowing down the world wide economy by any and every means possible.  They work for the greater evil of the human race.  The the people of the United States should immediately have laws implemented to defund the abolish the CIA combined with the rest of the intelligence services of the United States.

I have been non-consensually  targeted by directed energy weapons and bio-communication methods  for many years.   I hear the voices of agents of what is commonly being called Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation coming from inside my head on a constant basis.   I regularly post online some of what these internal voices say to me on many social media sites in order to inform the general public about what it is like to experience being subjected to a brain to computer interface system.   Here below is what some of what these unknown neuro operatives have said to me and about me in the past two days:-

"It is while she is in her bathroom that we obtain most of the information which is most pertinent to our research.  We analyse the contents of her bowel and bladder while she is in there."

"She will not be in her own home for much longer."

"She can get out of bed the same as everybody else."

"Why have you allowed this woman to languish for so long."   

"You don't understand the aim of the game.   The aim of the game is to terrify them."

"I will quell her some day. 

"We can take Gretta Fahey out of the country.  There is not one single person in this country who cares whether we take her or not.   Who would know?   She lives alone."

"Bring her to justice please.  This can not continue."   ( I don't know what that means as I have never broken a law in my life.)

I complained to the inner voices about the fact that they were continually waking me up to ask me questions during some nights and here is the conversation we had as follows:-

   I said as follows "If you wake me up too early or if you persistently wake me up during the night it is counter productive because I then need to go back to bed to rest later on during the day."    I heard the voice of one of the unknown neuro operatives coming from inside my head as follows -  "We have had this conversation before and it doesn't work for us to leave you asleep."

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The United States government is now openly  targeting  a selected number of citizens of the United States as well as overseas individuals for wirelessly enabled  unlimited remote  neural monitoring  and human experimentation. These selected targeted citizens  are known to the United States police as non-investigative subjects or silent hits.  I have been and still am such a targeted individual and I reside in Ireland.  Voice to skull bio-communication is being used to force me to constantly  listen to the voices of the operatives who run the Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation system.   Recently I have begun to write down and post online  a small selection of what these operatives say to me by means of reproducing their voices inside my head against my will and without my permission.   Here below is a small selection of what these neuro operatives have been communicating to me by wireless means over the past two days.   

"Watch this space.   We will tie her up in knots so that she wont be able to move a muscle."

"There is somebody here who writes what we say."     The response of a different operative was as follows   "We have had those people before.  We just kill them off."

"This is directly affecting the whole system because now we all know what happens when we speak to her."

"You will wind up as meat on my table.   My people will kill this woman and clean her out and prepare her as a dish to be served in front of me."


I myself said to the neuro operatives whose voices I hear coming from inside my head the following  "Why are you hurting both my knees?"   The response I heard back was as follows  "I am conducting experiments on you".   I then asked the following question  "Are you conducting experiments on me for money?  The response I heard back was as follows  "Yes".  

"It is not a nice thing to do to her but we are getting the system into focus in the world".

"Too many people in the know.  We can't go ahead."

"Puffed up information coming through again."

"Which do you use with Gretta Fahey, the carrot or the stick?"

"Put manners on that woman.  She has destabilized the process."

"Try and destroy the system and see who will win."    My response to that statement was as follows  "We will easily win.  There are seven billion of us.  There are only a small number of you.   The phone towers are the linchpin of your wireless weapons.  We will disassemble and ban all phone towers and your weapons will then be powerless."

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Petition to the U.S. Attorney's office

Dear All,
Mr. Richard Lighthouse launchs a real petition to the U.S. Attorney's office.  It is called a Mandamus Action - to force a govt attorney to do their job.  If you sign, there is no requirement to appear in court.  We are requesting that a grand jury is formed to investigate the claims of Targeted Individuals.  If he fails to do so, we have grounds to sue him.
He need your signature and a list of the U.S. cities where you have experienced targeting.
Please forward to other TI's.
We want 100 or more signatures for the petition.
You share copy below letter to a word document, type your name and sign your name, also you can attach your brief case summary then send to the email address:
Below is the letter which needs you to sign
April X, 2019

Honorable Ryan K. Patrick
United States Attorney 
Southern District of Texas 
United States Attorney's Office 
1000 Louisiana, Ste 2300
Houston, TX  77002

Telephone: (713) 567-9000 
Re: Petition to Report Federal Crimes to Special Grand Jury, Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3332(a) 

United States Attorney Patrick: 
Targeted Justice Inc., (“Targeted Justice”), a non-profit organization, hereby submits to you, as United States Attorney for the Southern District of Texas, this Petition, and exhibits thereto, to report, and to provide factual information regarding, certain federal crimes that have been committed within your District. These petitioners respectfully requests that you submit this information to a special grand jury that is empaneled or will next be empaneled. The United States Attorney has a duty pursuant to statute, 18 U.S.C. § 3332(a), to present to a special grand jury citizen reports of information regarding federal crimes.  
The undersigned request that you submit this Petition, its attachments, and the information therein to an empaneled special grand jury pursuant to: a) 18 U.S.C. § 3332, b) the First Amendment to the United States Constitution (right to petition the government for redress), and c) the constitutional right to report crimes to a grand jury.  Targeted Justice also hereby requests, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3332, that you inform any empaneled special grand jury, and any subsequently empaneled special grand jury, that Targeted Justice is the source that reported this information. 
The mission of Targeted Justice is to expose and permanently end, the serious crimes occurring against Targeted Individuals, worldwide. 
[electronic signatures]
Please list the large cities where you have experienced directed energy weapons, V2K, or gangstalking:    _______________________

By typing my name here, I consent to the use of my name and electronic signature for petitions to the U. S. Attorney's offices.

(type your name below, if you want to sign this petition)

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I am a targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation from the West of Ireland. I am a fifty nine year old woman of rural background and I still live in the house where I was born fifty nine years ago. I am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. I may have been implanted with a wide range of technologies because now I find myself wirelessly linked to a computer network which is operated by neuro operatives who run the program which I am wirelessly and non-consensually linked to. These unknown neuro operatives force me to listen to their voices all day, every day without a break. They also collect data of my body functions which they analyse and collate for the purposes of sending this information out to the scientific community throughout the world which they get paid hansomely for. I do not and would not and have never accepted any money, gifts, bribes or favours from these unknown neuro operatives which I hope never to meet. Almost everyday recently I transcripe some of what they say to me on to my social media site so that others may know some of what it is like to be placed on a non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation program. Here are some of what these unknown neuro operatives have been saying to me recently -
"She will have to be moved to a psychiatric hospital. She will need to be in a secure location so that I can examine her bowel movements wirelessly."
"No one was supposed to know about this. This was supposed to be a private concern. Why is it now public."
"When they transmit voices inside people's heads they do so with impunity because they dont realise that people have started to believe the voice hearers."
"There must be something wrong with the system if it is bringing up this type of verbiage."
"The system does not yet operate automatically. We operate the system by transmitting our voices into the brain of each targeted individual."
"I need you to place some restrictions on this woman."
"I dont need to force speech you, Gretta. All I need to do is to send you pain signals."
"We have a system here that is beyond repair."
"We dont like her transparency. That never serves us well."
"We have a logistics nightmare."
"The democratic process is eclipsing the control system."
"Inner voice assessment terminal believe you will be ok tonight."
"If Remote Neural Monitoring is discovered before it is fully established it will easily be abolished."

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Hello, my name is Sugey, I am a Colombian IT, I woke up at 4 o'clock in the morning of today operator and their voices, apart from their entourage of collaborators, before yesterday, March 21, 2019, I was talking to a person who lives in the town that I live in, Girón, Santander, the lady answers me about her niece, she, married, with three children, is in one mediated by a man who says that I have a question and leave a family. The family does not know how your time was. So far, in a room, in a room and I try to cut the neck and wrists, the relatives, the closed door and the blood coal, after the hospitalization. The tracking function of the Neuronal Monitoring gang is carried out in the future, you can not talk to the woman to know details, she knows The face of the guy, it seems that his name is CARLOS and apparently this happened three years ago. You must know what we have in common. Analyzing the situation, she was not a public person, but could be a person very similar to me in the way of being. I have to talk to her. There is also the fact of connecting the person from the neighborhood who sat next to my room with the boys from these blocks in order to follow up, I do not know if it was LUIS ANTONIO BUENAHORA MEZA or was another person, now this person knew the situation, I knew that I could read the thought through your phone

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Hola, mi nombre es Sugey, soy una colombiana TI, me han despertado a las 4 de la mañana de hoy el operador y sus voces, aparte de su séquito de colaboradores, antes de ayer, 21 de marzo de 2019, estuve hablando con una persona que vive en el pueblo que yo vivo, Girón, Santander, la señora me habló sobre su sobrina, ella, casada, con tres hijos, estuvo siendo asediada por un hombre quien le decía que lo tenía que querer y dejar a su familia, la familia no sabe cómo pero ella era asediada hasta que un día se encerró en un cuarto e intentó cortarse el cuello y las muñecas, los familiares encontraron la puerta cerrada y un charco de sangre, después de la hospitalización le preguntaron por qué había hecho esto, ella contesta que no sabe, los familiares creen que fue a través de brujería, pero ahora se que fue a través de RNM (Monitoreo Neuronal Remoto) realizando GANGSTALLKING sobre ella, desafortunadamente no he podido hablar con la mujer para saber detalles, ella conoce la cara del tipo, parece que se llama CARLOS y aparentemente esto pasó hace tres años. Debo saber qué tenemos en común ella y yo, para que él le hiciera eso a ella y ahora intente hacerlo conmigo, 

Analizando la situación, ella no era persona pública, pero podría ser una persona muy parecida a mí en la forma de ser. Debo hablar con ella.

También está el hecho de conectar la persona del barrio que se sentaba al lado de mi cuarto con los muchachos de estas cuadras a hacerme seguimiento, no sé si era LUIS ANTONIO BUENAHORA MEZA o era otra persona, ahora bien, esta persona conocía la situación, sabía que me podía leer el pensamiento a través de su equipo.  

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Macronique (Macroscrew)

Macron (sorry, I cannot say mister to that sad individual who puts his fellow citizens eye out) calls on the army against the yellow vests he accuses of causing trouble, disorders that he himself caused and which had already been programmed before his election, for example, the 2016 interview of Jacques Attali on France24 which says at 0:42: "..., there will be a yellow revolution and it will be very brutal. »

And as another example, the cover of the Rothschilds magazine of 2017, The Economist, presented in 2016 (see the card "THE HERMIT" on the cover).

Macron, when you were elected to 66.06%, my first thought was "It's the Macronique! The « nique », the screw on the macro scale. But I was far from suspecting that it was going to go so fast.In less than two years you have succeeded in hurting the French morally and physically, and in spreading disorder and chaos in the country.You insulted France and the French: "There is no French culture", "A station is a place where we meet successful people and people who are nothing. »,« And I will not yield anything, neither to idlers, neither to the cinics, nor to the extremes, ... »,« The French hate the reforms, ... »,« I will not give in to the sad reflex of the French jealousy because this jealousy paralyzes the country. ".You have put 20 people’s eye out, torn off the hands of 5 others.Dirty job that is your mandate and mission, Macron, sad CRIF’s doll.

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Remote Neural Monitoring is a mind and body invasive security system which has been developed to deal with terrorism.  It involves implanting a suspected terrorist with brain and body implants and then wirelessly connecting those implants to a supercomputer.  This implantation occurs without the suspected terrorist knowing that they have been implanted.   From that time on all of the electrical activity being generated within the body and brain of the suspected terrorist is transmitted by a two way link to a supercomputer which is operated by criminal neuro operatives.    The data collected from the suspected terrorists body is data analysed and collated into various categories.   The neuro operatives can tell from reading this collated data what the suspected terrorist said and did each and every day and night.   The suspected terrorist no longer has any mental privacy whatsoever.    The two way link from the supercomputer and other computer networks allows unknown criminal neuro operatives to send their voices by wireless means to the brain of the suspected terrorist.    These aforementioned  unknown criminal neuro operatives also use the two way wireless link to send moving images, odours, forced muscle movement signals, false emotions and feelings, sensations and even pain signals to the brain and body of the suspected terrorist.    These unknown criminal neuro operatives can cause the victim to suffer from sleep deprivation.   They also send false digital signals into the spine of the body of the victim in order to cause neurological damage.  They can even cause total paralysis if they persist in sending false signals to the spine of the victim over a long period of time.   This Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation system may also be a method of electronically mind controlling large portions of each population so that they are unable to react appropriately to the extreme level of danger that the human race is now in from this and other technology.  

The United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Germany and France are among some of the countries that use Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation on their own people.   The definition of suspected terrorist has now expanded to include almost everyone in the world.   The dark new world order evil cabal now wishes to wirelessly tether all  of the human race except themselves to this Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation extremely invasive control system.   It is a system of full spectrum dominance of the human being.  It is a method of enslaveing the whole human race and making them become grovelingly obedient to the dark new world order evil cabal. 

I have been a non-consensual and extremely unwilling  subject of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation for approximately sixteen years.  I have experienced all aspects of it.  I have studied the matter for sixteen years.   I have written about my experiences in debth on my website which is called and on my facebook page which is called  

The reason I believe that I have been placed on Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation approximately sixteen years ago is because I applied for disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and I also complained to the disability assessment doctor that I had been treated inappropriately for irritable bowel syndrome in the past my many general practitioners and specialists and I had also been denied disability allowance for it.   I became a targeted individual of both Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation soon after my complaint.  

I hear the voices of the neuro operatives and their agents coming from inside my head on a continual basis.  I often post what the voices are saying to me and about me online so that others may know what it is like to experience constant voice hearing.   Herebelow is an example of what some of these neuro operatives have been reproducing inside my head in recent days.--

"You don't get to make any decisions any more, not even the smallest kind."

"When the client has no sleep she is far more prone to suicide attempts"   followed by another inner voice which replied to the first inner voice as follows  "We have no policy on the matter,   Get on with your work."

"We have an old bitch writing down what we say.  She posts it online then the following day."

"Slowing down our economy deliberately in order to eventually attempt to take over the whole economic system in Ireland."

"I can see from my computer screen that you evacuate your bowels regularly."

"Extreme anomalies in her bowel.  She hasn't a system of cogency at all."

"Get an imprint of her energy field while she is writing her signature.  Then control her to sign her signature when she is in a state of distraction.   Then take her for every penny she has.  It has been done to targeted individuals all over the world."

" We will wreck her gut.  We will wreck it."

"We don't wish to be seen while inspecting the goods."

"It is my job to monitor the activities of the client on a constant basis."

"There is somebody assessing the system.   They will locate us easily due to the signals coming out of our location."

"There is mutiny in the ranks."

"Did she drop her drawers for anyone recently."

"Predicated on the fact that this woman is involved in something nefarious."

"No.  She is not involved in anything nefarious."

"We don't care if they are Christian or not.   We have to take a broad spectrum."

"What the heck have we done to deserve being discussed in ways that are unbecoming."

"A lynch mob will come and kill her."

"We are fitting her up."

"We haven't been minding our affairs. There are agents of ours in cahoots with events that are not in our favour."

"There is an amusing situation going on here.  We have to tally a woman's bowel outages."   This was responded to by another internal voice which was heard to say by me "Who is paying you to tally bowel outages".  A further internal voice was also  heard to say by me "I am."     A still further internal voice was then heard to say by me "What is your name."   A further internal voice was then heard to say by me   "My name is Anison Anderson".  A further internal voice was then heard to say by me "Is it happening when in public".   A still further internal voice was then heard to say by me "We only tally bowel outages when she is in her own private ground".  

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Essay Example: Elections in USA


Elections - this is one of the most important topics. Moreover, it does not matter what kind of country. Citizens of all countries want to live well and in peace, I am sure of it.

I work in writing service, I write essays and other papers on various topics. Today I would like, with your help, to deal with the topic of elections and at the same time show how to write college paper examples, because it will be useful to many people.

Essay Topic:

The problem of the identification of the true motives of the American people attending elections.

Essay Questions:

What are the real reason American citizens attend elections? How does attending elections influence the country’s world politics? How has it been historically proved that the appearance of the third party causes political splits?

Thesis Statement:

Americans vote because they want their country to have a decent leader, a man that will do everything possible to promote their country position in the world’s politics in the first place.

Introduction: Every election is always different from another, but there is a thing that is the same for every election – it is the reason American people vote. Americans vote because they want their country to have a decent leader, a man that will do everything possible to promote theirs country position in the world’s politics in the first place. They cannot stay out of that, because every vote counts and they know it. There is also another reason American people vote, it especially concerns those, who are not good at observing what is going on in the Senate now. Such people usually vote by tradition without really getting into the essence of the deal.

It is more than just knowing the political party candidate when it comes to participating in the elections. Even in America, where the two party system exists it is still a problem to make people know whom they are voting for. This system has been used in the United States for a long time. Its roots lead to the very moment of the first ratification of the Constitution. At that moment two political parties were defined - the Federalist Party and the Anti-Federalist Party. Soon it became a tradition and it happened because this system was pretty good in use. It was easier for people to have only two options. So since 1895 the Republican and the Democratic parties became the major dominants in American politics. This system gives the opportunity to choose from only two candidates for President of the United States. This actually shows that this system in not probably the best when it comes to elections, but it is traditionally fixed. What it really does – it simplifies the process of voting. You either vote for the Republicans who are conservative, or for Democrats who are liberal. It has been historically proved that the appearance of the third party causes political splits like it happened when Theodore Roosevelt decided to form the Progressive party in 1912 but most of the time due to the in difference of the voters to them the other parties get no support. Talking about elections it is very important to point out the Electoral College.

Conclusion: The reason of its foundation was the difference in electing the president by popular vote and by Congress. Such things caused and still cause a lot of troubles during the elections. The Electoral College was called as a compromise between these two. Its structure is obviously well built. It consists of 538 electors. Each one goes for each of the 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 Senators plus three for the District of Columbia. The number of electors is equal to of House members to which it is entitled. The electors are originally chosen by the political parties. During the elections each state gives the Governor prepares seven original Certificates of Ascertainment. A Certificate of Ascertainment is a list of these electors for the candidate that got the majority of the votes. Then the copies are sent to House of Congress. It is necessary to have 270 electoral votes to elect the President or Vice President. And the electors are not obligated to vote the same way as the majority of their state did. So the Electoral College runs in order to make the elections more objective.

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Remote Neural Monitoring  which is now in use throughout most of the world is wrongly purported to be a security system to help in dealing with terrorism.  Remote Neural Monitoring works remotely by monitoring and controlling the brains of non-consensual human beings while said  human beings are going about their everyday lives, not harming anyone.  Most individuals who are being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring have never committed a crime in their lives but they may have complained about this oppressive control system or they may have complained about an unelected official or they may be subjected to this for any number of other reasons. 

The Remote Neural Monitoring process allows supercomputers to be used to send signals through an implanted persons nervous system in order to influence that person in many different ways.   I am being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation and I wish to testify to the fact that it is an extremely invasive and extremely stressful control system to the extent that anyone who is being subjected to it would prefer to be dead.  I have read that many prisoners in the United States prison system are currently being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring and they are suffering to such an extreme degree because of this that many of them are choosing to starve themselves to death rather than go on suffering.

Remote Neural Monitoring investigates electrical activity in humans from a distance.  All electrical activity being generated by my brain and body on a continual basis is data analysed and collated by a supercomputer.   The neuro staff who operate the supercomputer speak to me via brain to brain link or by some other means.   I am constantly engaged with their voices, which I hear coming from inside my head via a two way link .  I am forced to listen to them against my will and without my permission.  They frequently threaten my life and insult me.   They send digital signals to my body to make it act against my will such as forcing my facial muscles to move against my will occasionally.   As well as transmitting their voices inside my head they also send me moving images, odours, bodily sensations and occasional pain.    They have informed me that they gain more and more power over my body as the years of non-consensual experimentation go by.  I believe Remote Neural Monitoring is also being used to mind control whole populations because some people appear to be totally indifferent to the growing threat of bodily enslavement which can be achieved via Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation.  

I often write down what the unknown Remote Neural Monitoring control staff say to me by speaking to me by wireless means.  Here below is some of what they said to me  and about me to their colleagues in the past twenty four hours  -

"She has managed to upset everyone here".

"I am seriously unnerved by your preoccupation with writing down what we say to you and about you."

"Go to mass more often".    I answered that I am not a Christian.   The internal voice then replied as follows   "Going to mass is now compulsory."    I then asked the following question    "How are you going to force people to go to mass?"    The internal voice once again replied as follows    Once they go to mass one time they will wish to go back again and again because there will be mind control there to uplift their spirits".

"These people need a firm hand".

"Is there any way we can stop her from writing".

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