Our bodies and brains are now immersed in neural dust. The electric current which is generated in our neural system every time we move a muscle can be read and examined by external means by neuro scientists while they work from an unknown remote source. This capability allows them to know what muscles you are moving at all times while you are in the privacy of your own home if they should wish to do so. This capability also allows them to reconfigure these electrical signals and then transmit them back to your neural system and force your muscles to move entirely against your will if they should wish to do so. This system also involved you being implanted with many and varied types of implants at a time unbeknownst to you which you may never be allowed to know about.
The neural dust which is now inside our brains and bodies can only allow us to be either mind controlled or body controlled in the presence of strong electromagnetic radiation which comes from microwave transmitters as well as from our digital devices. We also need to be in the presence of an electric field.
We must switch off all microwave transmitters, electric grids and telephone transmissions for a period of at least three weeks in order to allow our leaders to think clearly again because they are certainly not able to do so at this time of technological enslavement of themselves and their people.
We must place dyes in our food supply which would indicate which foods contain neural dust and which foods do not so that we can choose to eat only safe foods and drink safe water.
We must cease to register all births, marriages and deaths because by registering the birth of a child you are signing that child into enslavement to the control and now enslavement system. Nothing can be done to your child without your consent if you refuse to register them.
We must provide all police officers with non-linear junction detectors and spectrum analysers so that individuals who confirm that they are experiencing forced muscle movement will have their claims confirmed and further to that the non linear junction detector will enable police detectives to determine what direction the forced muscle movement signals are coming from in order to determine who is carrying out the bio-robotization experimentations.
We must ensure that police officers are no longer forced to carry weaponized communication devices close to their person because I believe that these weaponized communication devices are being used to help mind control the police.
We must banish all dictators to an offshore island collectively where they will be treated with kindness and given homes, educational reading material and the ability to generate their own food. Under natural law which is the only fixed and immutable law known to humanity and which ultimately governs us all we are not allowed to cage or murder our fellow human beings. Banishment to an offshore island which is surrounded by an impenetrable electric fence is a moral way of dealing with those who wish to enslave, torture and genocide us by technological means. This is easily achievable in spite of whatever initial ridicule is directed at it and it costs the tax payer nothing in food or security services.
Many individuals including myself are reporting that our muscles are being made to move against our wills. The online youtube channel known as ‘ Ramola D Reports’ features an interviewer called Ramola Darmaraj from Boston, Massachusetts, USA who interviews many individuals who have experienced their muscles being made to move against their wills to the extent of having their own fist hitting their own face against their wills. This type of information is being buried by the main stream media because it is now 95% privatelty owned by dark occultists and it no longer serves the public interest. Please listen to her interviews of Christopher Burton, Galina Kurdina and Philip Walker in particular.
Electronic wireless external physical control of human beings and farm animals from implants in their bodies and brains is under development throughout Ireland. Many non-consenting and extremely unwilling Republic of Ireland victims as well as overseas victims of this procedure are being used for product development. If a victim becomes fully in agreement with this procedure it means that they have become fully externally wirelessly physically remote controlled to say whatever the team of individuals who are remote controlling them are programming them to say on an ongoing basis.
I am a non-consenting victim of wireless electronic remote experimentation from what I believe are implants in my brain and body and I have been so for more than sixteen years. My face and neck can now be wirelessly externally physically controlled. My vocal cords can also be wirelessly externally physically controlled at a moments notice. For further information about my long term experiences of being a non-consenting victim of wirelessly enabled experimentation please read my website which is called
All government staff are now under wireless mental constraint whether they know it or now due to mass wireless post hypnotic suggestions which come to them via transmitters.
We must immediately disassemble and ban microwave transmitters. Please share this information because you and your loved ones may already have implants inside your bodies and brains from nano implantation via food and water supply or implants could have been introduced into your body via surgery or through being secretly imbedded in vaccination needles unknown to general practitioners.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland
Posted on September 4, 2019 by gretta fahey
Every time you think a thought your brain produces a unique electromagnetic frequency which can be measured, translated into a thought or a feeling, then collated and downloaded to your own smart phone or smart television. If you keep your smart phone on your person all day or even a short distance from you and even if it has been switch off it is still reading and uploading your thoughts to the smart grid which has been building an extensive map of your brain. This brain map can now be used to kill or torture you wireless by remote means and it can be done without any human intervention based on the personality profile which has been collected in this way. There is a plan underway by smart technologists to use all of the above information to hurt most of the human race if we continue to use smart phones. As soon as an extensive brain map has been built of you and your family you can then be exposed to all kinds of information coming from smart grids such as fifth generation wireless transmitters. You can be forced to see information that you do not wish to see such as pornography or frightening images. You can be forced to hear voices which appear to be inside your head. You can be forced to experience forced muscle movements such as being forced to hit yourself with your own fist or even worse.
We have been warned to throw out our smart phones and most especially our smart televisions which enable the technology to see the whole brain and body and we must refuse to allow 5G to be erected anywhere in the world. We must disassemble and ban microwave transmitters now.
I receive this information by wireless direct communication from unknown operatives.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 0949360901.
We have metallic particulates inside us which we inhaled and ingested because of chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. We can now be burned by microwaves which come from the microwave transmitters which have been installed in all areas throughout most of the world. The dark Luciferians see us as useless eaters who are using up the resources of this earth which they wish to keep for themselves.
It is my belief that the dark Luciferians plan to silently assassinate more than six billion of us by wireless means at random times and then falsely attribute our deaths to a viruses or something similar. I also believe that they plan to enslave the remaining five hundred million and they plan to contain them inside smart city prisons where they would torture any of them who refuse to obey, by wireless means by the use of microwaves or millimetre waves. We must disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and millimetre wave transmitters as a matter of urgency. We do not live in a naïve world where the dark Luciferians love us and would never hurt us. That naïve world does not exist and never has. You have been complacent and naïve while your freedom has been taken away
A system of control is being set up throughout the whole world behind the scenes of our lives, which has been engineered by dark occultists to be a severe and unrelenting control system. I am under direct contact with this cruel control system because I was selected by individuals who work within the control system to be placed on continual monitoring and manipulation via a two way wireless link from my brain and body to one of their computer networks. Because they employ directed energy weapons and some other energy systems to monitor and manipulate me this dark occultist owned and managed control system leaves very little trace of evidence of its existence or of its power.
I have been informed that there is a policy of demeaning the staff who work within the control system if they show signs of disobedience to the code of behaviour created by the dark occultists for their staff. The male staff are forced to remove their lower clothing and display their posterior to their employers as an act of unquestioning and submissive obedience to the code. The female staff and indeed all women throughout the world will no longer be allowed to work outside the home at all if the dark occultists ever succeed in taking over control of the whole world. They plan to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command where dark occultists would own and run the whole world by wireless means. We would not even be allowed to know who they are because we would all be connected by two way wireless means to the computerized control system where our daily lives would be micro-managed possibly by computer generated voice commands via a voice induction process which is commonly known as voice to skull. These voices would give us orders throughout each moment of each day and if we failed to obey said orders we would possibly receive a pain signal or be paralysed for a few hours or even a few days at a time. I know this situation is on the agenda for everybody because I and many others throughout my country, the Republic of Ireland and indeed most other countries have been subjected to parts of this system for many years. We are all continually warning the world of our plight in the hope that they can over ride the electronic mind control they are under long enough to believe us. There are easy ways to circumvent this system if we all act urgently to tear down all microwave transmitters, millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia now.
Inculcation methods as well as electronic mind control is in widespread use against politicians, senior civil servants, university staff, the police, the military, psychiatry and students and many other individuals throughout the world. Many of us are aware that there are many ways to circumvent this control and eventual enslavement system which is currently moving towards you and your family. I offer a few suggestions here below.
Supply the lower level police forces with technology which can easily detect anomalies in the human energy field of all individuals who come to the attention of the police. You can no longer trust some members of the higher level police because I believe that all police forces throughout the world have been infiltrated and manipulated by the afore-mentioned dark occultist would-be controllers and enslavers. I firmly believe that the United States patent office is currently under the control of the afore-mentioned dark occultists and I believe that they have been stealing patents for many decades because a differential in knowledge eventually leads to a differential in power. We must take back control of and make public all available patents. We must stop registering babies at birth because by doing so you are legally handing over your baby to enslavement by the state. We must refuse to recognise and legitimise psychiatry because it is a pseudo science which is backed by the violence of the state and it has provided false cover for criminals who are targeting individuals with directed energy weapons for many decades. Please spread this warning to others to let them know that they will be enslaved if they do not act urgently. My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividuals
A diet high in carbohydrates and sugar causes an increase in the levels of insulin in the human body. High levels of insulin causes the intestines to become inflamed which is just one of many possible reasons to experience chronic irritable bowel syndrome.
A diet high in carbohydrates is recommended by nutritionists who developed the food pyramid. It is not the optimum diet for human health. When the levels of insulin in the human body become far too high due to eating a diet high in carbohydrates this invariably leads to the that human being experiencing false hunger. This false hunger then leads to constant eating of still more carbohydrate food which allows the chronic hunger to increase which often leads to irritable bowel syndrome, type two diabetes and obesity among many other chronic illnesses.
The real reason we have been wrongly encouraged to eat a diet high in carbohydrates instead of the optimum diet for human beings which is a diet very low in carbohydrates is because slaves are more easily controlled when they are chronically hungary and the individuals who created the food pyramid belong to the new world order cabal whose ultimate aim is to enslave the rest of the human race by any and all means possible.
When human beings avoid carbohydrate and sugar rich foods their insulin levels then stabilize. After several weeks of eating a low carbohydrate diet of mostly above ground vegetables, freshly ground flax seeds, chia seeds and a large variety of other seeds as well as any and all animal products the cells of their bodies then become adaptive to burning fat as their body fuel instead of glucose as their body fuel. Fat is a much cleaner fuel to sustain the human body than glucose. Once the human being who adheres strictly to a low carbohydrate diet becomes effecient at burning fat as their fuel they lose all of their false hunger, the can easily skip a meal without becoming weak, they lose excess weight, the recover from type two diabetes and they cure their irritable bowel syndrome over time.
I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome for many years and I received disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome during that time. I still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. As there is no legal medical model to assess if somebody who is in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome is entitled to it I was secretly placed on a new type of a constant monitoring and control system by wireless means from what I believe are either illegal implants inside my body or micro technology inside my body or else my unique brain signature or unique DNA signature or my energy field or all of the above. This new type of constant monitoring and control system is now known as the cerebral internet-of-things and it is a human enslavement and psychological torture system which I have written about in extreme detail in my website which is called
I now eat only a low carbohydrate diet which is composed of mostly above ground vegetables, a large variety of freshly ground seeds and any animal products I wish. My irritable bowel syndrome is almost completely cured but it will probably be a few more months before it is entirely cured. The individuals who have illegally wirelessly tethered me to the human control and enslavement system which is called the cerebral internet-of-things have informed me that they wish to introduce legislation to control all applicants of disability allowance under the cerebral internet of things so that they become enslaved by the system. However, I believe that it would be much preferable if they promoted the optimum diet for human health instead. However, I belive that they do not wish to do this because their ultimate aim is to enslave the whole human race and they know that they can not enslave a vibrantly healthy and intelligence race of human beings. Therefore it is in their interests that we remain unaware of the optimum low carbohydrate diet and continue to live lives of chronic ill health.
I have been illegally wirelessly tethered to the cerebral internet-of-things for sixteen years. I am wirelessly tethered to it by what I am led to believe is a two stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy which allows unknown neuro operatives to send me voices, images, sensations, feelings, forced muscle movements and a wide variety of other experiences. These unknown neuro operatives collect data from my body and brain and they translate this data into what is occurring throughout my brain and body throughout the course of every day as I go about my life, while I myself am totally aware that I am being monitored to a level bordering on the forensic. These neuro operatives speak to me constantly and I am forced to hear their voices coming from inside my head. They interfere with my minds eye to the extent that they often send me unwanted and upsetting mental images whenever they wish. They can and have sent me visions of various kinds. They force some of my facial muscles to move whenver they wish. They have once nodded my head vigorously against my will and on another occasion they have shaken my head against my will. They have moved my eye balls around in many directions against my will. At this advanced stage of brain scientific and technological research anybody who has access to specific brain scientific and technological equipment can enslave a human being by wireless means and from a remote location, while leaving no trace of their crime.
I have so far been unable to prove that this has happened to me and that I am now a neuro slave. However, I write about it constantly in the hope that somebody, somewhere will believe I am telling the truth and will come to my aid and free me from wireless enslavement. I know of many others throughout the Republic of Ireland who are currently undergoing the same fate as myself and I know of one young lady who committed suicide because of being targeted by this technology.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland.
Brain science is being developed for military and warfare applications. Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, U.S.A., who works in this particular area had this to say in the below linked youtube video “The human brain can be assessed in real time by utilizing convergent forms of neuro imaging when coupled to a host of neuro electric physiological techniques. This has created an opportunity to be able to affect the way humans think, feel and behave on a variety of levels, both individually and in groups.” Professor Giordano went on to say that this has allowed brain scientists to conduct intellectual assessment, knowledge acquisition, and CONTROL on an individual level, a group level and a global level. “This also allows brain scientists to physically affect the brain using these techniques and tools in ways that are important to, and highly leverageable within national security, intelligence and the defence agenda. They can foster thoughts and feelings of affiliation and passivity in whole populations. “
Hundreds of thousands of targeted individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world combined are being targeted and both psychologically and physically tortured by directed energy weapons while going about their everyday lives. We have failed to get agents of the state to take us seriously because the state have been rendered passive by the brain weapons that Professor Giordano refers to in the afore mentioned youtube video which I have linked here below. The human race are about to be totally and utterly disempowered and enslaved if they fail to overcome this technologically induced state of passivity. Frequencies are currently being broadcast from telephone towers and other paraphernalia throughout most of the world which carry information and perceptions which align with the natural frequencies of the human brain, which allows the human brain to accept that false information as true. We need to urgently disassemble and ban said telephone towers because otherwise a terrible fate awaits each of us. We would no longer be allowed to own anything or make even the smallest decision regarding our own lives. I have been wirelessly linked to the worldwide computerized human control system from nano implants inside my brain and body for many years and I am fully aware of the extreme cruelty of this computerized human control system which lies in your future if you fail to act.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called My main email address is
Posted on April 27, 2019
“The dirtiest death I have ever seen. A biologically controlled human being, being taken out is not a pretty sight. Bound from head to toe and no way of moving. We can do what we like with her. We will have our vengeance.”
I am wirelessly linked by a two way link from my brain and body to a computer network which is controlled by criminals. These criminals speak to me whenever they wish throughout each day and throughout each night. I hear their voices coming from inside my head. They send information to my brain and body which makes my muscles malfunction at a moments notice and they make them recover again about twenty minutes later. They have informed me that they will one day paralyse me but they will leave me with the ability to feel pain . This situation has been going on for more than sixteen years. Initially, I was so frightened of them that my teeth would chatter with fear. Now I am so used to their death threats and their torture threats that I would be likely to doze off in the middle of a death threat. It is possible to get used to anything.
Even though I have complained in the past to both psychiatrists and the police there is no longer any point in complaining to agents of the government. That day is gone. If I were to complain to my general medical practitioner, he may decide to send me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation. The chosen psychiatrist would then, under medical law, be obliged to detain me in a psychiatric institution against my will and without my permission. If I complained to the local police they would also be mandated to send me for psychiatric evaluation resulting in the same situation of psychiatric detainment.
I know of many other men and women throughout my country, Ireland, who are also wirelessly linked to a computer network and are being either physically or psychologically tortured by wireless means, by the use of directed energy weapons. The news is not getting out to the rest of the Irish people because the main stream media personnel are two afraid to publicize it which is a pity because there is an easy solution. We must urgently disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia. Microwave radiation is an essential tool in the slow and incremental ongoing secret wireless enslavement of the human race.
My name is Gretta Fahey. My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co.Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website is called
I have become non-consensually wirelessly connected to a network of computer systems and I can not break free. The classified system which I am connected to is commonly known as Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation. Both my brain and body are connected to this system and I am being continually monitored and I am having my body manipulated on a continual basis for many years. All of the electrical signals being generated by both my brain and body are being sent by wireless means to a base computer where my data is then analysed and collated by a team of criminal research scientists and other neuro staff members. The neuro staff send unwanted signals to my brain and body in the form of voice commands, moving images, bodily sensations, odours, feelings, thoughts, forced muscle movements and others. These unknown criminal neuro staff members wish me to behave according to their dictates and they have threatened to send me pain signals if I refuse to obey them.
This cruel control system is akin to being mentally enslaved. I have no mental privacy. All of my thoughts are being read in real time and they are sometimes commented on by the neuro staff who monitor me and I hear their voices coming from inside my head. Any mental image which I generate inside my head is being translated into a digital image on the digital media screens of the criminal neuro staff.
Governments are complicit in this cruel enslavement process which I have become linked to, to the extent that they ignore all complaints by targeted individuals of this Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation, largely because we have not yet been able to prove to them that we are being targeted by directed energy weapons. We could easily prove this if we were given the right equipment such as spectrum analysers and radiography equipment.
The medical community are not being appropriately educated. General practitioners and psychiatrists don't appear to know anything about Remote Neural Monitoring in spite of the fact that the online Remote Neural Monitoring and Directed Energy Weapons internet databases are vast.
Governments could easily stop our technological torture and enslavement through disassembling and banning microwave transmitters because the criminal neuro operators need microwave radiation to make their directed energy weapons work effectively.
Secret groups intent on world domination have access to all classified technology which they are now using against the rest of humanity in secret for the purpose of eventual full spectrum dominance of the human race if they are not urgently stopped from going ahead with their plans. Our entire world is now designed towards protecting their interests. They appear to be using microwave mind control against us which has lulled the minds of the masses into a state of incredulity and indifference when we tell them that we have become technological enslaved by wireless means. The existence of microwave mind control is another strong reason why governments should disassemble and ban microwave transmitters as a matter of urgency. Please read the following information called Microwave Mind Control by Tim Rifat.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901.
Mind control frequencies were used against the African Hutus by the American Military in order to drive them into a rage so that they eventually were mind controlled to butcher their neighbouring tribe the Tutsis to death. This was known by the American military as Operation Crimson Mist according to well known researcher and activist Deborah Traveras. Mind control frequencies are now being used against many people throughout the world so that they do not question the activities of their governments at a time when we are on the very edge of enslavement and culling. You must be strong enough to rise about the mind control frequencies being continually directed at you long enough to organise the people to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia in order to return as a human race to thinking clearly and logically.
"She is exposing us as criminals in front of our peers." I recently heard this sentence coming from inside my head by means of military communication technology due to the fact that nano particulates have become imbedded inside my brain which allows unwanted communications. Whenever the brain researchers speak to me I reply in a way that lets other people who might be in their background know that the voices of said brain researchers are coming from inside my head unwillingly and without my permission. Whenever said brain researchers force their voices inside my head using this method I respond by saying the following "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head against my will and wholly without my permission while saying they following ( here you repeat what the unwanted voice has just said)."
If we allow ourselves to eventually become totally enslaved by wireless weapons we will no longer be allowed to use cash. All money will be digital and your bank account will be deleted if you refuse to be respectful and unquestioningly obedient to the enslavers. We must urgently disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities throughout the world now. We must tear down telephone masts, microwave transmitters, HAARP phased arrays, millimetre wave transmitters, GWEN towers and whatever else us being used to enable wireless capabilities. Drones are low enough to easily be shot down. Satellites are a laughable hoax and so is the International Space Station. They are some of the myriad of hoaxes that were created to exaggerate the power of the would-be enslavers. Wireless weapons and in-home surveillance and torture is not a hoax. As well as being a targeted individual of directed energy weapons myself, I know many other Irish people who are being in-home surveilled and tortured. I known of one young lady from Ireland who committed suicide because of being wirelessly harassed and tortured by wireless weapons. Nobody believed her
I am being subjected to remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation where I am wirelessly linked by a two way stream of energy to a supercomputer which is being used by neuro operatives to interfere with my body and brain.
Today, I felt strong surging energy circulating around my nether regions while at the same time hearing a voice coming from inside my head inquiring of a colleague if I had washed myself today. I responded by saying to the aforementioned neuro operative the following " Why are you pulsating surges of energy around my nether regions, you disgusting sexual pervert". The response from the neuro operative which I heard coming from inside my head due to imbedded implants was as follows. "I am not a disgusting sexual pervert. I am pulsating surges of energy around your nether regions in order to establish if you have cleaned yourself already today.
I live alone and while this conversation was taking place I was alone in my home. All the non-consensual experimentation which I am experiencing is being conducted by wireless remote means and the neuro operatives who electronically harass and psychologically torture me are all unknown to me.
The reason I am writing about this incident and indeed many other incidents of what being subjected to both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulating entail is because I wish to people of the world to wake up to the fact that we are now on the verge of technological enslavement by agents of the dark new world order and we need to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia at the earliest opportunity. We have all been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past many years which has been able to penetrate the blood brain barrier. It has now dispersed throughout our bodies and brains. This neural dust can function like an MRI inside the brain and ultra sound is used to activate the system for full monitoring. For further information please see my website which is called
The remote neural monitoring staff who I am non-consensually wirelessly tethered to have begun to delete important documents from my computer screen entirely against my will and without me even touching my keyboard. Yesterday I sent the following document to all of the local newspapers in the Republic of Ireland as well as some national newspapers such as and the national television station also in the republic of Ireland called as well as one or two overseas newspapers. I sent the below information in one single email to all email addresses as a group email. This morning I checked my sent items folder at my email address and while I was re-reading the aforementioned email it disappeared off my screen and the retrieve button became greyed out. Luckily I happened to have a copy of the email in another file. The whole population of the western world may become non-consensually linked to remote neural monitoring soon and it could be run entirely by computerized algorithns and without any staff. How can we wake up a population many of who live near telephone towers and by doing so are under heavy electronic mind control? My website is called, My facebook page is called
When a human being is being non-consensually subjected to both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation they are wirelessly connected by a two way stream of energy which comes from technology inside their brains and bodies and is linked to a supercomputer. All of the electrical activity generated by their brain and body in real time is downloaded to that supercomputer where it is translated into everything they have thought, said, and done throughout each day. Further to that, sounds, voices, moving images, sensations, odours, pain signals and forced muscle movements are uploaded to the brain and body of the victim at random times by neuro operatives who transmit this data through the two way stream of energy which is wirelessly connected to the brain and body of the victim. The victim can be forced to experience a virtual reality experience without the need to wear a virtual reality headset. Remote neural murder is also possible in this way. Many people throughout the western world are currently being remote neural monitored and remote neural manipulated. When ever they report the matter to the authorities they are being disbelieved. The reason that they are being disbelieved is because all government officials and all others who work or live close to microwave transmitter towers are under electronic mind control. Microwave transmitters beam (ELF) mind control signals which mimic natural brain waves into the brains of anyone who lives or works close to microwave transmitter towers. Brain researchers have identified the specific brain rhythm which induces docile, submissive, zombie like behaviour. This specific brain rhythm is then recorded and is used as the template for the ELF signal now being beamed from microwave transmitters. We are at a stage in scientific understanding when we are all about to be enslaved by being non-consensually wirelessly tethered to supercomputers but most of the population is under such strong electronic mind control that they dont care. Brain researchers have identified a vast catalogue of brain rhythms which can be used to control the feelings of whole populations which entrain their brains into a state of misplaced trust in European commission authorities who do not have their best interests at heart. The politicians of all national governments within the European Union could well be under similar mind control constraints. Otherwise they would not have advised all government staff to carry smart phones, which can be used to entrain the brains of said government staff into docile, obedient, trusting and unquestioning order followers. Many people from all countries in Europe are being psychologicallty harassed and tortured inside their own homes by wireless means and whenever they report the matter to the police they are being disbelieved and they may wrongly end up in psychiatric facilities because wireless weapons are highly deniable and these attacks are not easily proveable. When are we going to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and return to using hard wired telephones? Yours Sincerely, Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Landline Home Phone No 0949360901, Mobile Phone No 0870692278,
Neuro weapons experts are now reproducing their own voices inside the heads of a selection of extremely unwilling people throughout the world with the aid of classified energy weapons. Some people have had two way voice technology imbedded in their ear canals, but even without the aid of this imbedded technology the voices of the neuro operatives can nevertheless be reproduced inside the head of an unwilling human being if that human being has an accumulation of technological dust particles inside their head via inhalation or ingesting throughout the food, water or air supply.
The practice of forcing unwilling people to hear the voices of criminals who work within the intelligence services or who are loosely affiliated with the intelligence services has now become widespread. The police and psychiatrists are refusing to confront this situation either through fear or because they have been already compromised by this technology or because they are under electronic mind control from the use of smart engineered technology in their environment. Targeted individuals of this practice of being forced to hear inner voices which is known as voice to skull direct communication or microwave hearing or synthetic telepathy for the most part no longer inform the police or psychiatrists of their predicament because they do not wish to be erroneously incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital. Many targeted individuals have purchased radio frequency tracers only to find that strong radio frequencies sometimes come out out of their ears or from the back or top of their heads.
A criminal syndicate of neuro operatives have been reproducing their voices inside my head wholly against my will and without my permission for nearly sixteen years. They frequently threaten to torture me at some time in the future. They have graphically threatened to kill me using a variety of gruesome methods. They insult me regularly. Because of the accumulation of technological dust particles inside my body and brain, these members of the criminal syndicate can now move my facial muscles against my will and can also force my head to nod and shake against my will. My whole body has started to come alive against my will.
Targeted individuals and indeed any member of the public who has an accumulation of technological neuro dust dispersed throughout their body and brain can now be made to have a virtual reality experience without the need to wear a virtual reality headset. The virtual reality experience could be made to involve all five of their senses and it could be positive or negative. False cover stories such as the demonic possession hoax, the near death experience hoax, the extra-terrestrial hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and many other hoaxes have been invented to cover up these classified scientific capabilities. Stationary drones have been mistaken for satellites by the scientific community.
One of the voices which I hear coming from inside my head has informed me today that they hope to be able to gain total control of my brain and body in as little as six months time. If that situation comes about I would then be a remote controlled neuro slave. I would not be able to over-ride the wireless digital signals which they can both send and receive to and from the accumulations of technological neuro dust inside my body.
I am not the only one in this predicament. In fact there are so many other targeted individuals who are claiming to experience forced muscle movement and internal voices that if we all eventually become human robots the fabric of society will collapse in due course.
We have no choice to be disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia immediately. However, the general public appear to be under electronic mind control which is non-detectable and impossible to override. They appear to have been electronically mind controlled to believe that anybody who hears the voices of other human beings coming from inside their heads is mentally ill, which is not the case. If we organised to have the microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia disassembled and outright banned electronic mind control would also be a thing of the past. Microwave transmitters can also be used and is being used to burn down houses be remote wireless means. Hence, another reason to urgently ban all microwave transmitters now. These are silent weapons and this is a secret war. Time is short. The worldwide economy may soon shut down because of the secret use of these wireless weapons in high places.
We can not afford to be naïve in a twenty first century of advanced technology where almost anything is possible. We have gone too far. Cadavers can now be made to get up and dance because of inner neuro dust combined with strategically placed implants. Real life human beings such as you and I can also be bio-robotized if given enough time to complete the process. There is no future for the children of his generation or for a million generations of children to come while the microwave transmitters remain standing.
Private individuals can now be psychologically and physically tortured by wireless means while they are inside their own homes.
Violent denial of the existence and abuse of directed energy weapons and internal voice generating technology will not make them go away.
The dark new world order crime cartel are using neuro weapons and/or other directed energy weapons to subliminally hypnotise teenage body to carry out school shootings in order to bring about gun control which would then cause the ownership of said guns to be transferred from responsible private hands into the hands of criminal agents of the dark new world order crime cartel so that they could then enslave us more easily.
We have all been inhaling and ingesting metallic particulates. When metal is placed inside a microwave oven it burns brightly. Microwave transmitters are now being used to burn good living individuals while these good living individuals are inside their own homes. This process has been enabled because we all have minute particles of metal inside our brains and bodies. These victims are wrongly being sent for mental assessment.
We must urgently disassemble, destroy and ban microwave transmitters before we all become enslaved.
An all pervasive social credit system is being implemented for everyone throughout the world except for a chosen few. Each individual would be given a social credit score based on all discernable facets of their behaviour such as their academic achievements, work records, interpersonal relationships, shopping habits, health maintenance, amount of time spent playing video games, including many other actions. Their social credit score would be calculated by using algorithms. If their social credit score fell too low they might then be restricted from visiting many venues or they might be denied the right to purchase a train or airplane ticket. This social credit system can only be implemented if wireless capabilities are available in each country. There may be a central off-switch within each country which could be used to disable all wireless capabilities within that country which would in turn disable all electronic mind control as well as the social credit system . Switching off wireless capabilities within a country by the simple act of switching off microwave transmitters would also disable all wirelessly enabled electronic harassment and torture of human beings which is now widespread throughout the whole western world. We should reconsider the value or not of wireless capabilities.
The social credit system is a digital dictatorship which runs by itself based on algorhythms. Nothing can be questioned. Once a person has a social credit number all of their credit behaviour in life is recorded and can be evaluated using algorhythms. Their every action is tracked and judged. This social credit system has been up and running in China for many years on an optional basis. It is due to become operational on a mandatory basis for all Chinese citizens in 2020 The Chinese people are wrongly being led to believe that they are being recorded by the cameras which have been erected at every street corner. However, many of them are being recorded by a system called remote neural monitoring which is a system where each human being is wirelessly attached to a two way stream of electromagnetic energy from their unique brain signature. All of the electrical activity of their brains and bodies is being read on a constant basis by wireless means and then stored in computer centres for later analysis by data scientists who now work in secrecy . Their personal remote neural monitoring data is also being analysed and then used to either credit or debit their social credit record without their knowledge or consent. When you are being subjected to remote neural monitoring your thoughts are being surveilled.
What you do, say and even think is being credited or debited to your social credit score if you live in Western China. Thought surveillance is a capability that I myself have experienced on a constant basis for more than fifteen years while living in Ireland, Europe. Thought surveillance is a reality now. Your thoughts are then replied to in real time mostly by neuro staff who work in secrecy but a system of using pre-programmed voice bots is being set up to attempt to reply to human thoughts in a similar manner in the future but such a system is for the most part not up and running yet.
If your social credit score falls too low you will be blacklisted and banned from buying train or airplane tickets. You may be restricted from visiting golf courses, civic amenity centres or other venues. Fifteen million chinese people have already been banned from travelling because of social misdeeds. You may be banned from renting a house.
Your social credit score is debited if you jump a queue, if you buy too many video games, if you make a mistake while driving a vehicle or if you post what is deemed to be fake news online or if you jay walk, or if you smoke cigarettes while on trains, among scores of other actions. Criminal, academic and medical records all blend into your score. Your shopping habits also blend into your score. Your score can change in real time depending on what you place in your shopping trolley. If you place alcohol in your shopping trolley your score would immediately be reduced. If your social credit score drops significantly your internet speed can be lowered significantly and this can be achieved by algorhythms without much significant intervention of human beings if it becomes mainstream in the future .
There is an app on smart phones which records your steps as you walk. If you take regular exercise you will be awarded extra points.
If you marry somebody with a lower social credit score than your own social credit score you will lose points on your own social credit score.
Your are deprived of your passport on occasions.
Ten million chinese people have seen the dark side of the social credit system and they are activating against it. The job of the Chinese main stream media is to be a propaganda machine for the people who are setting up the social credit digital enslavement system. The main duty of the chinese main stream media is to indoctrinate the people and to stop them knowing the facts. If you try and expose high level corruption you will be blacklisted as dishonest or for some other reason.
If you would wish to know your social credit score at any instant it would be freely available for viewing on your smart phone. All social credit scores for everybody would be public for everyone to monitor if they wish.
Facial recognition is being used in China. The chinese government has a data base containing the facial details of everyone over eighteen years old. While you are being scanned into the facial recognition data base you are required to produce a range of facial expression
Blood samples, voice samples and fingerprint samples are being taken from people throughout most of the world. Technology is at the centre of a brutal repressive crackdown on personal freedom.
If your social credit score drops too low you are sent to an education and training centre which in reality is a concentration camp where you are obliged to study political propaganda twelve hours per day. Some people die while in the concentration camps because of poor living conditions. The social credit score system is a form of political extremism. We need to limit world political power immediately. The think tank personnel who have developed this social credit system in order to eventually enslave their fellow human beings have become dangerous extremists. They have a dark satanic and luciferian mind set.
I myself am being subjected to remote neural monitoring for more than fifteen years where my brain and spinal cord are now intertwined with a network of computers so that all electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and body is being stored in data banks and then later is presented as readouts to teams of data analysts who go on to award points to my social credit score based on my daily and weekly and month long activities. Individuals who are totally unknown to me force their voices inside my head by wireless means throughout each day and even wake me up during the night to rate me as a human being. They have placed me under thought surveillance on a continual basis. They can also decipher everything I do and say all day long by reading the electrical activity coming from my brain and body which tells them how long I sleep, how often I eat, when I visit the bathroom, when I shower, what mood I am in, how long I spend using my computer , how I spend my money, how quickly I pay my bills, and a multitude of other pieces of private information about me.
They give me a number which can go up if they approve of my activities and it can go down if they disapprove of my activities.
Your number would be publicly ranked against the entire population in the future.
Some believe that under this social credit system people will be afraid to step outside the prescribed opinion set because they will be afraid to lose points in their social credit rating . If your social credit points drop you would lose the right to use public transport or to have a passport or many other birth rights. However, I have found the opposite to be true in my own case. Being subjected to remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation is so enslaving and so intrusive into my life that I have become more and more outspoken over the years because under this program life is not worth living and I dont care if somebody kills me for being outspoken or not and I dont care if I lose all my social credit points and eventually starve to death. That is how evil this system is. I am suffering constant extreme torment because of this system so I do whatever I like and I pay no heed to how I am rated. The dark luciferians who may have designed this system would not be part of the social credit system. It is a slave system for the rest of the human race other than said dark luciferians.
While details concerning the Chinese social credit system is online I believe that people of the western world are covertly having all of their online activities, shopping loyalty card history, academic credentials, medical records, illegal activity records, charity donations, work records and all other available records vacuumed up in order to have algorhythms give them a social credit score. The following five basic headings are being used in China to have each Chinese citizen assessed for a social credit score.
1. Credit History - Pay Bills on time.
2. A persons ability to fullfil personal obligations.
3. Personal Characteristics.
4. Behaviour and preference. - shopping habits, time spent online,
5. Interpersonal relationships. How many social credit points do your friends have which is public information.
Praise the slave masters online if you wish to earn extra social credit points.
Mentally stable individuals do not wish to control or to be controlled. They strive for self-mastery. Damaged individuals become keen to control others or to be controlled. They need to reflect off their fellow human beings and are unable to stand alone emotionally.. Authoritarians are very damaged human beings and they ruin the lives of their fellow human beings in the process. Authoritarians everywhere - learn to stand alone and like your own company without needing to give your fragile ego a boost by attempting to control and enslave your fellow human beings. Whenever you try and control one of your own equals you are revealing a great deal about yourself. You are revealing that you are insecure and you need to reflect off another to give your own ego a boost.
If someone wishes to stop corruption from being revealed then they are corrupt also under natural law which is the only law that is fixed and immutable on this planet. It is the only law that is based on observable reality. Man made laws are being built on a false reality construct. Some of them are so deranged that a human being would also have to be deranged to support them. If you are required to sign a secrecy clause never ever do so on the grounds the secrecy allows evil to flourish. Check out the background of anybody who ever asks you to keep secrets for the state or otherwise. We are currently being enslaved with the backing of state legislature.
There is a very easy solution to stop this soon to be world wide social credit rating system in its tracks. We simply aught to have all microwave transmitters disabled, disassembled, banned and outlawed. Thereafter no wirelessly enabling capabilities will exist to support this system. The existence of satellites are a well known hoax among those who have already become aware of the fact that we have been lied to on an unimaginable scale for many decades.
For further information about my unique experiences of being placed on remote neural monitoring please listen to the following youtube video where I was interviewed by award winning international online journalist and poet, Ramola D.
We have all inhaled and ingested neural dust which has coagulated into larger units inside our brains, which in turn leads the way for neuro operatives to create a circuit board inside the brain of a selection of targeted individuals. This creation which is now being known as a brain circuit board allows unknown criminal neuro operatives to upload and download digital signals into your brain at their will. They can create holograms in front of your eyes. They can force you to hear and see and taste and smell and feel things that are not there at all except as an illusion to you.
After many years of working on your brain circuit board by wireless means with a large staff of neuro operatives these criminals can eventually force you to move your muscles against your will and without your consent. They can also force you to speak, and then to say things that you would not be normally willing to say and that you have never said before that time.
These criminals can now paralyse you if you refuse to be an obedient slave. They can close your mouth by remote wireless means and refuse to open it again forever if they wish. You could never override their digital signals.
Please have microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia banned and outlawed urgently if you wish your children to live in freedom. This matter is urgent.
Microwave energy plus metallic particulates equals fire. Microwave transmitters combined with the metallic particulates from chemtrail geo-engineering which have become imbedded inside our muscles has given rogue intelligence agents the capability to spontaneously combust any and all of us at will. I believe we could all be burned to death during the night if a rogue intelligent agent raised the level of microwave energy which is now being emitted from telephone towers. Solution - Urgently ban telephone towers and all related paraphernalia.