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I am  non-consensually wirelessly linked by a bi-directional link  to a computer network from my brain and body using classified technology.     I am forced to hear the voices of the computer network operatives coming from inside my head.   The computer network operatives send information through the bi-directional link in a way that makes my muscles malfunction and which ultimately could give these criminal computer network operatives total control over my muscles to the extent that they then could possibly control my whole body by wireless remote control.  If these criminal computer network operatives do eventually gain total control over my body and if during a time when I am being trialled by remote control  in a public arena, then if the Irish police came across me and found evidence that I was being wirelessly remote controlled they would then  be informed by the team who would be wirelessly remote controlling me that I was a systems analysis platform cogent.  I do not know what that means but I was informed via the bi-directional link which I am connected by that this would be how the situation would be handled if it ever occurred.

As this wireless connection from computer networks  to a selection of individuals is invisible, these individuals  who are non-consensually  wirelessly connected in this manner currently have no means of proving to the Gardaí that they are wirelessly connected to computer networks run by organized criminal gangs.   However, if the targeted individuals were given access to spectrum analysers and other state owned equipment they might then be able to prove that they are non-consensually wirelessly linked in this manner.

As the situation stands, we, the non-consensually wirelessly connected targeted individuals of the Republic of Ireland have no access to the protection of the law because we can not prove that we are wirelessly linked to computer networks being run by organised criminal gangs.  The Gardaí tend to believe that we are imagining it so they feel it is necessary to first send us for psychiatric evaluation in order to ascertain that we are not mentally ill.   Unfortunately, psychiatrists are wrongly trained to believe that we are mentally ill when we present with claims that we are wirelessly connected to said computer networks and they incarcerate us inside mental hospitals where we are obliged to ingest harmful substances which hinder our ability to further illucidate our experiences.  

According to the billionaire industrialist Elon Musk, the whole human race will shortly be wirelessly linked to computer networks.   I am horrified by this situation because I know that this wireless linking system is an enslavement system.   The unknown computer network operatives who I interact with on a continual basis often move my facial muscles against my will.  They also have made my head nod vigorously and shake vigorously against my will on one occasion each.   They wake me up whenever they wish.  They can make me feel extremely cold or extremely hot whenever they wish.   They make personal comments about me when I am alone while sitting on my toilet in the privacy of my own home.  They read my inner dialogue which are my private thoughts on a constant basis and they sometimes reply to them in real time.   If I create a mental image of anything inside my head that mental image is translated into an image on their digital media screen.   They can even send me their own disturbing mental images and force me to see them with my minds eye against my will and without my permission. 

The governments of Europe and the United States of America have donated billions of Euros and Dollars towards brain research.  This brain research is now being used to enslave the whole population of the world by the dark occultists who run the world behind the scenes.   Most of humanity appear to know nothing about the possibility that they could soon be non-consensually wirelessly connected to computer networks and then enslaved by this process.   All targeted individuals of this process are constantly raising awareness of this technological enslavement system but many of the rest of the human race appear to be under microwave mind control.    We must urgently disassemble and ban both microwave and millimetre wave transmitters in order to halt this human enslavement process.  We now know that the existence of satellites is a hoax.   Stationary drones and balloons which carry microwave transmitters have been falsely presented to us as satellites.  NASA is the only single official source of information about satellites and we now know that NASA staff are mainly controlled by dark occultists who wish to wirelessly enslave the human race.  

  Why are the senior politicians of Ireland so anxious to have all millimetre wave transmitters installed throughout the Republic of Ireland by 2020.   Are they under microwave mind control or are they compromised in some way.  Are they wirelessly tethered themselves.   They must urgently make a public announcement  to the main stream media in order to inform the people of Ireland of their intentions.

My name is Gretta Fahey.  I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Ireland.  My Eircode is F12 Y560.   My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.   My facebook page is www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98,   My landline home phone number is 0949360901.  

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Hundreds of thousands of human beings throughout most parts of the world have become attached to the wireless internet of things. Most of those currently attached to the wireless internet of things have become attached to it non-consensually and at a time when they were not made aware that they were being attached to it. The long term consequences of becoming attached to the wireless internet of things whether consensually or non-consensually always results in huge distortions occurring in the human energy field of the individual who has become attached to said wireless internet of things. The human energy field is also known as the human aura. It is now understood by a large majority of individuals in the Irish government at a senior level that all targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation have already become attached to the wireless internet of things. Therefore their energy fields are more than likely heavily distorted by now. Because of this truth, human energy field cameras similar to the type invented and promoted by the British inventor Harry Oldfield should be made available to all citizenry at a local level rather than at a senior government level in case certain members of the Irish government have already become wireless slaves which is what all individuals who become non-consensually attached to the internet of things eventually become. All individuals who are currently complaining of being remote neural monitored as well as remote neural manipulated should have their auras photographed as a matter of urgency. Anybody who disputes this fact is likely under the wireless external control of the wireless internet of things.

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I am a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation where I am non-consensually, wirelessly linked to a computerized control system where I have been constantly monitored and manipulated over many years. When the neuro operatives who operate this computerized control system wish me to get up in the morning they send me pain through the wireless link which connects me to their computerized control system. When I scream out in pain some of the neuro staff ask if my neighbours can hear me scream. The co-ordinating staff then inform them that I live in the country side and I don’t have any near neighbours who could possibly hear me scream. If I then refuse to get up out of my bed the level of the pain which is sent to me from the computerized control system is then increased. If I then get out of bed because of the intensification of the pain I am effectively a slave. Why is there a policy to enslave me?
Whenever targeted individuals attend their local police station to file a complaint of remote wirelessly enabled torture the duty officer considers it his or her duty to send the filer of the complaint for further psychiatric evaluation and from then on it is considered no longer an area of concern to the police. The psychiatrist almost always confines the complainant inside a psychiatric hospital where they lose their legal rights. Even though there is thought to be a legal system in place known as an advocacy system which has been set up to protect the legal rights of psychiatric patients this advocacy system has no real power and is sometimes thought of as a system which was set up to falsely make the general public believe that psychiatric patients has legal representation. Through concealment of the lack of legal power of targeted individuals of remote electronic torture, many of them go on to commit suicide from their ongoing wirelessly enabled torture or they go on to experience further enslavement into this system which is now being set up throughout the United Kingdom as well as the Republic of Ireland to include one and all.
Violating the secrecy act carries a heavy fine or even in some instances a prison sentence for police officers who should wish to expose the installation of a human computerized control and enslavement system which is now being set up throughout Great Britain or throughout the Republic of Ireland.

Where is the outrage that should be rightfully felt during this time?  Why is it not apparent?   You must allow for the fact that you are under electronic mind control which gives us another legitimate reason to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters which have been admitted by the dark side that they are being used as part of the human enslavement program a number of years ago in the British parliament.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. I never have and I am not now and I never would at any time in the future accept payment for all that I write about wireless harassment and torture now or in the past. I am simply attempting to raise awareness of the fact that I am a partial neuro slave and you could be next unless we disassemble and ban all of the technological infrastructure which enables further technological enslavement of the whole human race.

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I have become wirelessly tethered from technology inside my body to a network of computers which are controlled by criminal gangs. The wireless link between me and this computer network allows two way traffic. The criminal gangs who control the wireless tethering equipment steal information from by body and brain on an ongoing basis. They also send information into my brain and body against my will and without my permission by the two way link. They can reproduce their voices inside my head. They can send moving images both to my minds eye and also to the room I am in, which usually appear in the form of moving holograms of people. They can force me to feel sensations or pain on any part of my body. They can give me a severe limp which they can then remove within minutes to allow me to walk perfectly fine again. They can move my facial muscles against my will. They have forced my neck to nod vigorously against my will on only one occasion without my permission and against my will.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that if they ever crack the code which would allow them into certain information centres inside my brain and body they will eventually be able to immobilize me at will. They have informed me that they would at some future time be able to immobilize me so rigidly that they could then mail me in a box and nobody would know that there was a real live human being inside the box because I would be immobilized so rigidly that I would not be able to move even slightly. They have also informed me that if I ever thought about attempting to commit suicide they would immobilize me immediately so that I could never succeed in even attempting suicide.
This cruel system of being wirelessly tethered to computer systems from technology inside the human body is meant for all other than the would-be enslavers of the human race. If the process could be fully automated that scenario is a possibility because senior politicians throughout the western world are either under a process of mind control or else they have already become wirelessly tethered to the control system themselves or else they have become compromised and thereby controllable by trickery or by other means.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that they are gaining more and more control over my brain and body through a process known as coding which is currently being taught to university students. Are university students involved in my electronic harassment and torture and are they being informed that they are coding information inside a real live human being or a laboratory animal? If you know, please answer.
If we fail to disassemble and ban all infrastructure which allows wirelessly enabled harassment and torture, soon we will reach a situation where babies will be implanted on the day they are born and shortly thereafter they will be wirelessly linked for life to a computer tethering system which I believe is being run behind the scenes of our lives by both Satanists and Luciferians who pose as honest business men. If that ever happens the human race would then be enslaved for all eternity. You have a duty to raise awareness and you have a duty to canvass to have all infrastructure which enables wireless enslavement disassembled and banned throughout the world immediately.
The reason you have not heard the above information from your government is because anytime targeted individuals of wireless harassment and torture inform the police of their experiences they are immediately send for psychiatric evaluation, which is followed by a stay in a psychiatric hospital which causes them to lose all of their credibility from that day forward. They are publicly classified as mentally unstable. This scenario is happening all over the world. You and your family are in grave danger of being wirelessly enslaved. It is extremely cruel.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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There is a silent war being waged against the majority of the human race with invisible weapons.   This is commonly known as a war of attrition.   Wireless weapons are being used to torture and murder individuals while they appear to be safely inside their own homes.   Wireless weapons are being used to burn down homes and this is being achieved from a remote location.  Wireless technology is being used to electronically mind control most of humanity into a state of confusion and apathy.   I myself have been implanted with technology which has become wirelessly linked to a network of computers by a two way link.   Teams of researchers who work in total secrecy in front of computer screens in large office buildings throughout the world have the ability to upload  information into my brain and body and to download information from my brain and body.   Their aim is to  some day be able to wirelessly remote control me like a puppet.   They are already half way there.   These teams of researchers speak to me via the two way wireless link.  I hear their voices coming from inside my head.   I keep a daily blog which I upload to several social media sites outlining what these neuro operatives say to me.   Here is some of what they said to me as well as about me in the past twenty four hours:-

"She was bursting at the seams with food but she still ate some more."

"Only a lunatic would repeat back the awful stuff we say about her for all to hear."

  I was asked the following by  one of the neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head,  as follows  "Where did your cooking skills come from?"   I replied as follows  "I just picked them up from watching my mother cook when I was a child."   The reply I received from the inner voice of the neuro operative was as follows  "We wish to have hegemony on exactly how all things are carried out across the whole planet earth.  We dislike people picking things up for themselves.  We demand you do a course in anything you wish to pursue in the future including how to cook your dinner."    My response to that is the dark new world order would-be enslavers wish to micro manage our lives to such an extent that they would squeeze all of the joy out of all of our actions. 

"Every time we say something about her she swings it back to is in her blog the following day."

"House control has been activated on this lady.  We are not letting anything else she writes out to the public."

"She is coarse when speaking to us.  She has to express her displeasure in some way.  However, she is never coarse when she is speaking to her friends and neighbours.  She is friendly and upbeat."

"Did she ever have group sex."   "No.  We have nothing on her there."

"The whole human family will go up in smoke if this is allowed to continue."

"There is a disaster unfolding behind the scenes that only us and the individuals we target know about."

"What is wrong with you.  What do you want to eat food for already.   It is no length of time since your dinner."

"She is bounding around her home without a bra.  I got the distinct impression that she was not wearing a bra when I was brain to brain linked with her earlier."

"Princess Eugenie or her family, the British Royal Family to not belong to our organization.   The fact that Princess Eugenie was allowed to have surgery for scoliosis means that she could not belong to our organization because we forbid all surgery among our organization.  We have further advanced our health capabilities to the extent that we no longer use surgery or medication."  (I was watching an online video about Princess Eugenie of Great Britain and I was surmising about her when the inner voice gave me this information.  

"You are stuffing your mouth with food".   My response to that was as follows   "How would you like it if somebody else counted every bite of food you put into your mouth."   I then heard a further inner voice reply as follows  "No, but it is my job to monitor your every word and action."   I then replied as follows " No, it is not your job to do so.  It is nobody's job to do so.  Who decided it was anybody's job to monitor every word and action of a good living woman by wireless remote means while she is in the privacy of her own home?  

"We are not here to make you feel comfortable.  We are here to terrify you beyond words."

"We are at an impasse here in Ireland.   Nobody does anything we ask of them.  They all realize now that we are attempting to lock them down in a state of enslavement."

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The new world order have created a deliberate universal policy of adding mostly toxic and wholly unnecessary substances to the public food, water, medication, vaccination, tooth filling and toothpaste supply as well as having created another policy of spraying the air with equally dangerous substances. Because of these policies a large percentage of the general public then go on to develop irritable bowel syndrome and a host of other ailments. Further to this, if one claims disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome one could then be placed on a covert program of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation, indirectly because of the dangerous policies of said new world order.

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I was being spoken to via brain to brain interface yesterday when one of the unknown cyber space personnel was heard by me to say the following to one of their own colleagues "you assumed a stance of arrogance in my presence". Even though we are all equals on this earth these cyber space personnel appear to be playing a game of heirarchies which is a game which involves creating a false reality construct where some of our own equals falsely attempt to equates money and power with superiority. If these individuals wish to live inside a false reality construct of delusions please do not attempt to drag the rest of us into it.

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I have already become linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things. My experiences are so extreme that most uninformed individuals can not believe that neuro science and neuro technology has advanced to this extent and they prefer to disbelieve me when I recount my experiences. First of all, back in the spring of 2003 my brain and body were linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a network of computers, and those computers may well be also linked to a super computer. This link enables the neuro staff who operated these computers to force me to listen to their voices coming from inside my head at all times of the day or night. They wake me up from sleep whenever they wish by speaking to me or by sending me a pain signal.
Over time the neuro operatives built up a brain map which then enabled them to take control over my facial muscles and some of my neck muscles as well as my vocal cords on some occasions. When I move my facial muscles of my own accord the exact sequences of events that happens in my brain is then tabulated and repeated so that the criminal neuro operatives can later move my facial muscles against my will. Now, whenever the neuro operatives take external control of my vocal cords while speaking through me they also take external control of my facial muscles at the same time. If the neuro operative who is speaking through me is angry I now can tell that that is the case because my own eyes blaze up in anger and my face grimaces in anger when I am being spoken through. These experiences mostly occur when I am alone, but they could easily be made to occur when I am out in public. I have many friends and acquaintances who are also experiencing similar experiences. We are all attempting to raise awareness of this horrific situation but one of the main reasons we sometimes fail to be believed is because everyone else may already be linked to the internet-of-things besides us and it appears that they have become locked into a state of subliminal hypnosis where they are unable to believe us and this state of subliminal hypnosis may also be combined with wirelessly enabled brain entrainment because their responses are not normal. It is as if the general public have been rendered unable to think past a certain point. The only way we can return to normal as a human race is by disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia in my opinion.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my website is www.targetedindividualsireland.net. I write about my experiences of being wirelessly and non-consensually linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things simply in order to raise awareness of the extreme danger humanity is now it. I never have, and I never will accept payment for what I write and send to the public and for what I post online.

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I am being secretly subjected to wirelessly enabled non-consensual black budget experimentation by the use of classified technology which is being carried out on me by unknown neuro staff who work from a remote location.
My brain and parts of my body have become wirelessly linked to a computer network from technology which is inside my brain and body. This wireless communication link has been further enabled by the neuro staff having access to both my unique brain imprint and my own unique DNA. The communication link which tethers me to the computer network has two way capabilities.
The neuro staff who operate the computer network receive information from my brain and parts of my body on a constant basis through this two way communication link. They then data analyse and collate the information gained for further use by the members of the deep state. The neuro staff also send false information to my brain and body in order to force me to see moving images, feel sensations on my skin, hear their voices aw well as other sounds, feel emotions that do not originate independently from my own brain, and experience forced muscle movement and even forced speech.
The deep state plan to gain a unique understanding of the human body and brain in order to use this secret knowledge for the greater evil of the human race at some time in the future. The neuro staff who reproduce their voices inside my head by the use of this two way communication link known as voice to skull have confessed to me that they work at Fort Meade, Maryland, U.S.A.
Over many years, I have been non-consensually communicating with said unknown neuro operatives and I have gleaned much information in this manner. I keep an online blog in several social media sites including facebook where I outline a small amount of what these neuro operatives have informed me of over many years. My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net and my facebook page is called www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98.
I sometimes have angry interactions with the neuro staff whose voices I hear coming from inside my head against my will and entirely without my permission. These neuro staff have often replied by telling me the following "We are not used to been spoken to in such a disrespectful manner as you have used." I often wondered to myself why they were unused to other subjects of non-consensual experimentation speaking to them in a disrespectful way. It did not make any sense to me at the time but I have now figured out what has been occurring as follows :-
When somebody is first non-consensually selected for neuro experimentation and when they first begin to hear the voices of unknown neuro staff being transmitted into their brains they are asked hundreds of questions. Even if they refuse to answer said questions, each question generates a mental image inside their brain. Evoked potentials are read and automatically translated by the equipment being used by the neuro staff into actual pictures of whatever the targeted individual generates  inside their minds. In this way and in many other ways including automatically included lie detection which is also built into the equipment that the neuro staff use, the neuro staff find out if the targeted individual has ever committed a crime which has gone undetected. If that is found to be the case the targeted individual is then blackmailed into becoming a neuro operative themselves in order to further the enslavement agenda of the human race by exponential means. Some are also blackmailed into working against their own governments while actually working in an official capacity inside government offices. I have never committed a crime in my life to the extent that the neuro staff have constantly complained that they can not get any leverage on me. This is one of many reasons why I am enabled to tell the public what is going on behind the scenes of their world, which is about to come crashing down if they refuse to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities which enable this human control and enslavement system. We must act urgently.

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If you are mandated by your fascist government to have your child vaccinated, give the child a large dose of activated charcoal twenty minutes before being vaccinated and again directly afterwards. The activated charcoal will absorb the toxic substances in the vaccination and this will protect your child from becoming autistic which would happen if the child received too many vaccinations at the same time.

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Many individuals are now wirelessly leashed to computer networks by two way links, from implants in their brains and spines. Neuro staff who wirelessly send and receive digital signals through the two way links to the targeted individual are helping to enslave themselves, because this process can be fully automated and used against them. One day they may hear an artificial voice giving them a direct order by wireless means , and if they disobey that order they may automatically receive a pain signal or have money deducted from their digital bank account. We must urgently disassemble and ban wireless enabling capabilities. I have been wirelessly leashed to this evil system for sixteen years. Read my website www.targetedindividualsireland.net

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Are journalistic scholars who work throughout the main stream media placing any of their resources in researching, investigating and writing about extreme and continuous advances in neuro science and neuro technology, and how they are being used in secret against all of us?
I am being psychologically tortured and physically manipulated by the use of extreme advances in neuro science and neuro technology by wireless technological means. Both because my adversaries are and remain unknown to me and because the methods that are being used against me leave no physical trace I am being disbelieved by some agents of the government that this is happening to me.
Also, because extreme advances in wireless weapons can and are being used to entrain the brains of the populace into states of happy apathy as well as inertia, despite repeated warnings, people are remaining unconcerned about the capabilities and abuses of such weapons when they should be in a state of extreme outrage.
We can do much to help ourselves in order to restore our clear thinking capabilities. We must consider how the technological infrastructure that is being erected all around us is effecting our ability to think and act. We must also consider that this technological infrastructure is being used as a weapons against us.
Many are claiming online that they have already been wirelessly connected to a computerized human control system from a variety of brain and body implants, which enables outside control of their limbs as well as also enabling outside manipulation to their brain capabilities, such as hearing voices, seeing visions, interference with what they conjour up in their minds eye and a variety of other outside manipulations. According to major science literature, all human beings as well as all other sentient beings are due to be connected up to this system which is being called the cerebral internet of things. This system is already up and running and many individuals who keep online blogs are claiming that they have already been connected to it and that they are experiencing outside control of their muscles, their alimentary canals, their limbs and their vocal cords among many other parts of their bodies and brains. Why have their not been any public discussions held on this extremely urgent matter?
My name is Gretta Fahey from Claremorris, Republic of Ireland. My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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Wireless directed energy crime is now being used on a large scale against the public and yet the police and military have failed to warn the public about it. They have failed us yet again. The military have become obedient and submissive order followers to their army generals through inculcation methods being used against them and also through wireless brain entrainment being used against them and also through the fact that they are being misled about all aspects of their work. Their brains have become injured but it is not irreversible. They will recover their abilities to think clearly as soon as they tear down microwave transmitters.

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Classification of advanced technology leads to the individuals who have access to the classified advanced technology having unlimited power over those who do not have access to said classified advanced technology.
We must canvas to have the ability of some unknown groups to classify advanced technology taken away from them on a worldwide basis, as a matter of urgency.

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I was being spoken to via brain to brain interface yesterday when one of the unknown cyber space personnel was heard by me to say the following to one of their own colleagues "you assumed a stance of arrogance in my presence". Even though we are all equals on this earth these cyber space personnel appear to be playing a game of heirarchies which is a game which involves creating a false reality construct where some of our own equals falsely attempt to equates money and power with superiority. If these individuals wish to live inside a false reality construct of delusions please do not attempt to drag the rest of us into it.

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Advanced technology now exists that can make you commit an act of extreme evil against your will. Many individuals throughout the world are being selected at random and are being forced to commit acts of extreme evil against their wills because their brains and central nervous systems can be hijacked for a short time in order to make this occur.
Technology has penetrated our brains without warning which allows any and all of us to be connected to the cerebral internet. The cerebral internet is very similar to the physical internet in the sense that instead of having your computer connected to a terminal, your brain is instead wirelessly connected to a similar terminal where input and output can be controlled externally.
Many are attempting to gain access to their governments in order to raise awareness of this situation. However, governments have been set up against their own people due to interference from outside interests. Whenever this serious topic of being non-consensually wirelessly connected to the cerebral internet is raised in public, the individual who raises it is deemed to be mentally unstable and they are escorted by uninformed police to also uninformed psychiatrists where they are administered poisonous pills which go on to damage their brains if they are ingested on a continuous basis over many years. I am now attempting to circumvent normal government structures in order to access the inner core of my own government in the Republic of Ireland where I reside. If you know of any senior politician in Ireland or overseas, please make him or her aware of this information.
This cerebral internet technology is so advanced that when your brain technology becomes activated by wireless means you can then be made to hear the voices of the neuro operatives who control the system from behind the scenes in our lives. You can be made to see visions and you can be even forced to move your muscles against your will in some instances if a lot of technology has lodged inside your spinal cord in order to enable this occurrence.
This advanced cerebral internet technology has been covered up for many years because anybody who was given unusual experiences by the use of said cerebral internet were wrongly said to have experienced a supernatural event. Their experiences of being sent voices, visions and other unusual experiences via a wireless link to their brains from the cerebral internet was covered up by the use of false cover stories such as religious apparition hoaxes, demonic possession hoaxes, extra-terrestrial visitation hoaxes, and a multitude of other hoaxes. All super-natural events can be easily explained away by the use of the cerebral internet. Further to this, unwary and unsuspicious individuals do not realize that advances in science and technology have created robots to such advancement that they could be passed off as extra-terrestrial visitors when combined with the administration of frequencies of trustfulness to the brains of all interested parties.
The cerebral internet is also being used as a spying tool. If or when your brain technology becomes connected to the cerebral internet and activated by the neuro operatives, all of the electrical activity being generated by your brain and body will be sent to the cerebral internet control terminal in real time and some of what you see will be translated into images by the equipment being used by the neuro operatives, if and when they feel it is necessary. If you look at a human face or a page of writing, that very human face or page of writing will then be available to the neuro staff and their owners to use in any way they wish. This form of intelligence has been in use for several decades if not longer on a much smaller scale than is available to the neuro operatives and their owners at this time.
Many individuals have already been unknowingly connected to the cerebral internet where their brains have been entrained into a state of apathy. Mind control data is being sent to them by wireless means through the cerebral internet in order to make them only and ever believe information which comes to them from a controlled government source. Please attempt to ride above said mind control and brain entrainment while you are attempting to decipher this information herein.
We aught to urgently disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities across the broad as soon as possible so as to free ourselves from this form of slavery now. I believe that nanobots which are networked throughout the human brain is what is linking myself and millions of other individuals to the cerebral internet. I also believe that the human energy field which is sometimes known as the human aura is also being used in a myriad of ways to assist said nanobots to connected the human race to the cerebral internet.
I have been wirelessly connected to the cerebral internet since the spring of 2003. Ever since then I have received voice commands from neuro operatives which are sent via the cerebral internet where said neuro operatives threaten to damage my property and sometimes do so if I refuse to obey them. They also hurt me physically by sending information to my brain and body throughout the wireless two way link which permanently tethers me to the cerebral internet. These neuro operatives also block information which I post online on an almost daily basis to the extent that I do not know if this post will be made available online at this time or indeed ever.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website is www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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I am being subjected to classified  mind invasive invisible weapons.  United States diplomats have complained of being targeted with invisible weapons while working in China and Cuba.   How do you report being targeted by invisible weapons to your community in order to warn them of this ?   How do you prove to your community  that you are being targeted by invisible weapons?   If you know the answer please let me know.  

I am non-consensually  wirelessly linked from implants in my brain and body to a computer network by a two way link.  This two way link allows the computer and neuro operatives to speak to me against my will and without my permission.   I am being forced to listen to them throughout each day as I go about my everyday life.   I hear their voices coming from inside my head due implantation with a neuro communication device.   I have heard that a neuro communication device known as a brain radio exists and is being used against some targeted individuals.   However, I don't know what type of chip I have been implanted with.    I keep a daily blog of  where I write what these unknown neuro operatives say to me on an ongoing basis.  Here are some of what the neuro operatives have said in the past twenty four hours,  all of which I have heard coming from inside my head.

"No one was expecting this level of extreme interference in this woman's life."     This was followed by   "If you quote my name I will be endangered."    (I did not know the name of the speaker.)

"If I had my way I would fuckin shoot her."

"Langly Air Force Base have almost total involvement with the processing of the data pertaining to Gretta Fahey.  Norbrook have almost no involvement.   (My name is Gretta Fahey.)

"There is a secondary system in place that has done something extremely evil to the woman, Gretta Fahey.  Her whole face is under our control."

"The program softened her cough for her a bit I suppose."

"You are doing your own loading and unloading.  This is not allowed.  We require a trained expert to carry out all processes which have been deemed to be a danger to human health and safety."   (I was using a wheel barrow at the time I heard this verbiage coming from inside my head.)

" We are now aware that the Irish secret police know what has been happening to you over sixteen years and they have done nothing to alleviate your suffering through fear of their lives and that of their families.   Leo Varadkar knows nothing of this."

"Putting a stop to this woman's harassment is not achievable.  She is locked into the system as tightly as anyone could be locked in. "

"We have developed a way of stopping the majority of human beings of thinking for themselves and of manipulating them to only think in prescribed ways."

"Pull out all the stops.   I need to qualify this woman Gretta Fahey as being insane."

"We wont block the letter.  We will suitably delay it.   (This was in response to the fact that I posted a letter to friend  by ordinary mail, informing her that I have been non-consensually  inplanted and I am wirelessly linked to a computer network from the   implant. )

"We can and we are monitoring the inner dialogue of Irish senior politicians."

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I have become non-consensually wirelessly linked to the cerebral internet-of-things where technology inside my body has become wirelessly linked to a human enslavement system and I can not break free. My slave handlers speak to me through a two way wireless link on a continual basis. Last night, during the night I heard one of the voices of my slave handlers coming from inside my head saying the following about me as follows "How can you field test a system that has already been exposed". I have already explained in some of my other posts that the reason I was wirelessly tethered to this human enslavement system is because I am suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and the human control and enslavement system still has no way of legally assessing if someone is justly entitled to disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome so they wished to further investigate my state of health and they also wished to draw up legislation to control the area of disability allowance claims for irritable bowel syndrome and also to assess if they could conceive of a way to take some of the legal rights away from the irritable bowel syndrome claimant under the guise of offering them support for their health problems.
What I believe these would-be enslavers of the human race wish to do is to ban anybody from the public arena who state that they are not well enough to work because of the fact that they suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, under the false guise that they might create a public health problem if they spend any time in a public place such as a retail store or a community centre.
To that end, the military technologists who force me to listen to their voices on a constant basis have informed me via the internal voice process sometimes known as synthetic telepathy that they plan to do a systems analysis of me on some occasion my wireless remote means when I am out in public and at that same time while doing that they also plan to place my bowel in a permanent state of distalysis in order to make me have bowel problems in public so that they can then enact laws against anybody who claims disability allowance for the reason that they are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, in future. I have already posted information on my own website which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net and on some social media sites stating that technology now exists which can by used by military technologists and others to control the limbs of human beings by external means as well as to control the vocal cords, the body organs, the bowel, the muscles and indeed the whole body of a human being by external means . I myself and many other targeted individuals have stated publicly that some of our body parts have been moved and manipulated by external means against our wills on many occasions. Therefore the plan to manipulate my bowel against my will while I am out in public for the purpose of giving the Irish government a reason to enact new laws against the rights of all claimants of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome to go move around freely in public spaces is now an easy capability.

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A British owned corporation called Serco is working through all governments throughout the world including Ireland with the aim of enslaving the human race.   I have been electronically harassed and psychologically tortured for more than sixteen years by the use of directed energy weapons and I now wish to know who in Ireland is directly involved in both my electronic harassment and psychological torture.  I want answers?

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