It has been found that all seven billion human beings who currently inhabit the earth could easily live and both feed and shelter themselves in the Island of Ireland which covers a relatively small area of 32,000 square miles.

Currently the capability exists to manufacture glass which is strong enough to support enormous weights. This type of extra strong glass in combination with a metal girder structure can be used to build a one hundred story green house in order to p...roduce extra food. As well as that, industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource. It can generate sixty thousand different products including bio-degradeable plastic. It has disappeared from the market place because the powers that be do not wish it to be there. They wish to deliberately engineer a state of scarcity as a psychological operation to further their enslavement agenda which is currently well on its way.

We have been informed that there is a shortage of ores on earth. However, whenever there is a volcanic eruption, new and extremely valuable ores are distributed in a widespread manner in the area surrounding the volcanic eruption. Primary water is available to everyone and it can be obtained by boring underfoot. Primary water is uncontaminated.

Technology is in widespread existence which has not ever been released to the public such as remote neural monitoring and manipulation technology, which is currently being used to create human neural slaves which nobody ever hears about because if they attempted to inform anybody their whole body would be shut down instantly.

Free energy devices are everywhere but they are banned from the market place. We are being fed an alternative lifestyle of deliberately engineered shortage. We were born into a world of abundance. Beware of the current powers that be. They wish to enslave you in any and every way, by new and deranged man-made laws, through a pseudo-scientific psychiatric dictatorship,  and a scientific dictatorship based on scientism rather than true science and  by deliberately engineered debt and through electronic mind control of the masses to name a few.

They feed you misinformation via think tanks and social engineers to the extent that they have fooled humanity into believing that the earth is a globe when in fact railways which go on for a thousand miles or more have absolutely no built in curvature. Space travel has never occurred. It is impossible.

Please urgently disable, disassemble, ban and outlaw microwave technology and related paraphernalia in order to give your children a chance to live happy lives.

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A social credit score system in combination with a universal remote neural monitoring system is being rolled out throughout the world for most of the human race.     First of all humans  would be wirelessly linked to a computer network from what has been described as either neural dust or implants  inside our brains, spinal cords and various parts of our bodies.   This is being called "Remote Neural Monitoring" .    All electrical activity generated by the brain and body of each human is then sent by a wirelessly enabled  two way stream of energy to the computer network which would both store it indefinitely and analyse it for categorization into dozens of categories such as quantity and type of food eaten based on particulates in common processed foods, amount of hours slept, amount and times of  sexual intercourse, bathroom visits, amount and intensity  of daily exercise and a myriad of other actions.  Other aspects of the life of each human would also be blended into the social credit score system such as work activities, taxes paid, academic credentials, religious observance, dissident behaviour  and online comments.   I, myself, have been an unwilling subject of Remote Neural Monitoring for more than fifteen years and I have been informed via voice communication technology which I hear coming from inside my head that I am being studied on a second by second basis in order to set up a social credit score system for me based on my activities for every minute of every day which can already be discerned from said "Remote Neural Monitoring".  The neuro staff who are studying me via the electrical activity readouts of my brain and body which are automatically translated into my activities on their computer screens are using giant algorithms to help set up this absolute enslavement system for most of the human race for and on behalf of dark occultists who I am led to believe no longer classify themselves as humans.    The dark occultists are already beginning to create a hoaxed story line suggesting to their fellow human beings that the artificial intelligence network which would control the giant algorithms which would run the social credit score system for humans is in danger of going out of control and taking on a life of its own in order to cover up their extremely cruel and torturous future enslavement  plans for the rest of us so that all blame is deflected away from them.   Many other hoaxes have already been created to cover up both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation of hundreds of thousands of individuals who are now calling themselves "targeted individuals" for all walks of life, throughout most of the world.   We can instantly stop this enslavement process in its tracks by disabling, disassembling, banning and outlawing all wireless enabling capabilities throughout the whole world.  Please consider doing this.

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Coincidental waves such as those from cell phones and radio stations penetrate our bodies. Our bio-systems such as our heart beat intermodulates these signals. These co-incidental waves can then be retrieved from around the human body and the information therein can be used to read your heartbeat, your body temperature, your brain waves etc, and can be used to decipher what you are thinking.

Each human being generates alot of data so high speed computers are needed to target even one individual for real time thought and human body data analysis and for human body manipulation and modification. GPS signals need to be synchronised in order to achieve constant contact with the targeted subject. Cell phone towers are essential for GPS signal synchronisation. Brain damage or death can be caused on purpose in order to declare war on the human race.

This system leaves almost no connection to the culprits. It shorts the justice system and it goes around the constitution. The justice system does not understand advances in technology. For further information please check out the following link to a youtube video where the electronics engineer Dave Case is being interviewed by award winning online journalist Ramola D.


Neuro operatives are using data analysis of the electrical activity sourced from the brain stem of implanted victims of remote neural monitoring to decipher what the victim has said and done, even down to what the victim has eaten and how long they have slept on any given day. Wireless Body Area Networks known as WBANs are being implanted throughout the brains and bodies of unknowing individuals. Data is then being stolen from these illegally implanted individuals and it is being used for wide area data analysis of humanity for the purposes of using that data for the widespread control and enslavement of human kind in the future. This illegal surveillance via secretly implanting humans with WBANs is being conducted by a small sector of our fellow human beings who own and control extremely advanced technology which gives them a considerable advantage in the human technological enslavement process which is now occurring behind the scenes in our lives in what is known as a stealth war of attrition.  Demand the banning of wireless enabling capabilities urgently if you wish to live in freedom.

 The hoax of demonic possession as well as other hoaxes such as the hoax of an extra-terresterial presence and the hoax of near death experiences are all being generated by experiences which were actually created neuro weapons operatives. Stories of these hoaxes are being driven by criminals who wish to cover up the existence and vast capabilities of neuro weapons as well as the vast capabilities of other directed energy weapons.

 All worldwide date is currently being transmitted via undersea fibre optic cables. Most have concluded that the existence of satellites is a hoax. 

I myself am a victim of both in-home surveillance and psychological torture and remote neural manipulation for more than fifteen years.  I know many other Irish victims of this ongoing extreme form of wireless psychological  torture.  These individuals are from all over Ireland, including Cartron Estate, Sligo City, Blackrock, Co. Louth, Aghamore, Ballyhaunis, Leitrim Lower, Co. Leitrim, Six Mile Bridge, Co. Clare, Sallynoggin, Co. Dublin, Columbanus Place, Milltown, Dublin 14, and many others whose email addresses I am in possession of but I will not be any more specific about their identities.  We no longer look for help from the psychiatric community because they refuse to confront the reality of wirelessly enabled in-home surveillance and psychological torture which is being conducted via voice transmissions that are carried along  a two way continuous stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy from the brain of the non-consenting neuro weapons research subject to the computers of the criminals who are involved in this neuro research.   

For further information on recent developments in brain science please click on the following link to the work of Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University, Washington D.C.,

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This morning a voice which I heard coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission via military technological capabilities was heard to say by me and about me the following "  Label Gretta Fahey an informant".    Following this a second voice was then heard to say by me "  Gretta Fahey has never met any of the people who knowingly induce voices inside her head and she has rejected all offers of payments which were offered to her through voice induction via ear canal voice channels."  The first voice then followed on by saying "Relabel her quarry, that being the case."

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I have been in poor health for many years due to irritable bowel syndrome and bladder problems.  I attended many general medical practitioners and specialists to no avail.  I read many diet books and tried many diets which did not improve my general health.   I ate only raw food for several months but my general health did not improve because of that practice.   I once fasted on distilled water for a full twenty three days straight in order to improve my health.  My health  slightly improved for a while after  that.   However,  I now know I have found the ultimate cure all by following the late great Dr Sebi whose work is to be found online, in many youtube videos and websites.  For still  further information check you the youtube videos of Taylor Budd.

Natural plants found in nature contain the right balance of nutrients to keep us in abundant health.  When plants are combined together to create a new plant, it is called a hybrid plant and it contains starch which is highly addictive and nutritionally off balance.  In the past, starch based plants where considered suitable food for slaves because they kept the slaves in a state of constant hunger due to mineral imbalances, to such an extent that they were easy to control by the feeding them starch based non- foods.    Starch based substances posing as real food are so addictive that they are now being seen as a gate way drug to stronger starch based drugs such as alcohol and cocaine.    The solution if you suffer from any illness whatsoever is to stay away from all starch containing hybridized plants such as potatoes, carrots, garlic, cranberries, wheat, most forms of rice and many others.   To ensure good health  keep to a vegan diet of non-hybrid plants such as mushrooms, onions, romaine lettuce, cherry and plum tomatoes, avocados, spelt, quinoa, kamut, and a wide variety of fruit except most bananas which are mostly hybridized.

"By changing the genetic order the new plant is high in starch which is corrosive to human tissues. There are many people who are allergic to wheat and are not aware of these facts. Changing the genetic order of wild life forms and creates genetic mineral and chemical imbalances and mutations in the new species and all that eats it."

Non hybrid true natural food is in short supply throughout the world.   The whole human race must return to growing all of their own food in multi shelf greenhouses in suburban back yards.  If the dark occultists who have more and more world money and power in their hands control the food supply they could eventually enslave the rest of the human race by total control of the food supply.  Purchase only  heirloom seeds for your garden and your greenhouse.  When we are eating only pure non-hybridized food we only need to eat once per day.

I am a targeted individual of non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation.  I am wirelessly tethered by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves to a network of computers from implants which were placed inside my head and body at a time when I was unaware that I was being implanted.  This allows me to hear the  wirelessly enabled  voices of unknown  neuro operatives coming from inside my head.  These neuro operatives  monitor me on a continual basis, both day and night, and they  have done so for more than fifteen years.  They constantly taunt me about the fact that I am in poor health to the extent that  I no longer work.  When I eventually  found the answer to my poor health through eating a vegan diet of non-hybrid true natural food, which is free of starch for the most part, the neuro operatives decided that they must suppress knowledge of this health giving diet plan among the public.  Therefore, their intentions in all of their work is never  about improving the health and well-being  of the general public.  It is always about controlling and enslaving the general public in any and all possible ways, especially financially, mentally, legally, wirelessly and through addictive starch-based non food.




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Millions of good living human beings throughout the western world are currently being subjected to a system called Remote Neural Monitoring, which involves being non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly linked to a super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves from nano implants inside their brains and bodies. If general medical practitioners and the police are informed by the subjects themselves of being subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring, both the general medical practitioners and police would lose their jobs if they failed to send the complainants for psychiatric evaluation. When psychiatrists are then informed by the subjects themselves that they are being Remote Neural Monitored they are detained inside a psychiatric facility for an indefinite period of time, where they are legally obliged to take highly toxic substances which slowly and incrementally damage their brains and bodies. This is the reason why Remote Neural Monitoring is so widespread that it could collapse the whole fabric of society at this point in time and yet nobody knows about it except the millions of torture victims that it leaves in its wake. Ban microwave transmitters for true human freedom.

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I am a non-consensual and extremely unwilling wirelessly enabled neuro research subject which has also come to be known as being a subject of remote neural monitoring and I have been so for more than fifteen years.

Whenever I use my computer my energy imprint can be seen and investigated by the unknown criminal neuro operatives who remote neural monitor me by wireless means and from a remote location. In fact, they dont just see my energy imprint but they can also download stored details of how my energy imprint looked each time I used my computer any time in the past. They can tell alot about me from monitoring me in this way such as a stored history of what I have been eating in the past twenty four hours as well as what I have been drinking and if I have taken any illegal or prescription drugs among a multitude of other minor details.

However, I recently began to use my computer on battery mode only and never on full power. I also recently began to switch off the electricity to my computer room whenever I went in there. There is an electricity switch board in the front hall of my home. I am not sure if this is the case in more modern homes.

The criminal neuro operatives who speak to me via implants which have been both unknowingly and non-consensually  imbedded in my middle ears and who hear my reply by electronically translating the subvocalizations of my thoughts via implants which have been unknowingly and non-consensually  imbedded in my mouth, jaws and throat areas have now informed me that they can no longer investigate my energy imprint while my computer is being used in battery mode and while the electricity supply is switched off to my computer room.  Other bio-medical implants have also  been unknowingly and non-consensually imbedded in various sites around my body at a time when I was unaware that this was occurring.

I have never committed a crime and I am not under criminal investigation.  I am claiming disability allowance for the hidden disability of irritable bowel syndrome among other problems and I believe that the super-rich who wish to control everybody and everything on this planet are attempting to find a way to legally investigate individuals who are claiming disability allowance for uninvestigateable disabilities.  My website which contains further details of my traumatic fifteen years experience of being remote neural monitored on a continual basis (except for approximately thirty minutes once or twice when I unexpectidely went for a walk on an undocumented track at a location where I was unable to be monitored because of undocumented terrain because there is no technology embedded in said ground) is called  ; My facebook page is called


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When the human race succeeds in destroying and outlawing all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters as well as all telephone masts,  GWEN towers and phased arrays we will then be free from wireless enslavement via both body control and mind control forever.  This ongoing wireless enslavement of human beings is called Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation.   We will return to a state of absolute freedom, forever free from the attempted enslavement of the human race by dark occultists who currently own and control all worldwide banks, many corporations, the crown corporation, the United Nations, the Vatican, Washington DC, the London Financial District, the Pentagon, the British Commonwealth and much more  The existence of satellites is an easily proven hoax.  All worldwide data travels via undersea fibre optic cables.  Many senior politicians and news editors and police chiefs may already be controlled by Remote Neural Monitoring.  Please raise awareness of the urgent need to have microwave transmitters disabled and banned forever.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to the audio cortex of a human brain thereby forcing that human being to hear voices of military/intelligence personnel totally against the will of said human being.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to the visual cortex of a human brain thereby forcing that human being to see visions put their by artificial means.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to the motor cortex of a human brain thereby forcing that human being to move their muscles against their will.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to detect the subvocalizations of a human being thereby enabling military/industrial personnel to read the private thoughts of said human being totally against their will and to reply to them in real time via signals being returned to the audio cortex.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to send digital signals to sub-dermal implants  of a human being which may be translated into pain signals at the point of impact.

Remote Neural Monitoring is being used to surveil all five senses of a human being.

Remote Neural Monitoring can effectively be carried out without any physical contact with the targeted human being.

The stringent laws of psychiatry are being used to cover the existence and extreme dangers of Remote Neural Monitoring.   Mind Control is  being used against psychiatrists and others in order to suppress all knowledge of Remote Neural Monitoring.

I personally know of many individuals throughout the island of Ireland who are wirelessly tethered to a supercomputer for the purposes of facilitating Remote Neural Monitoring of them. They no longer complain to the Gardai because they are continually being disbelieved as well as being considered insane. They can not prove that they are being Remote Neural Monitored because wirelessly enabled directed energy is invisible. Combined with this anybody who claims that they hear voices and their thoughts are being read are being ridiculed by sections of the main stream media. The overwhelming power of ridicule is impossible to fight against.

Please organise to your senior politicians to have all microwave transmitters urgently disabled and banned in your area.

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I am being remote neural monitored and I hear the technologically induced voices of the remote neural monitoring staff coming from inside my head on a constant basis. These remote neural monitoring staff appear to be able to wirelessly analyse everybody I speak to in some way that I do not yet understand.

On one occasion two members of the same family came to my home to make a delivery. However, I myself did not meet them as another member of my own family took the delive...ry. The voices of the remote neural monitoring staff which I am hearing from inside my head informed me at that time that they were unable to wirelessly analyze the two delivery men because these delivery men did not have the required uptake of something needed to make a wireless analysis.

I wondered at that time if the two delivery men did not have the required number of vaccinations in their bodies or the required amount of time in front of a digital media screen in order to make them vulnerable to this covert wireless remote analysis. They were both men who lived in a rural countryside location.

I am  aware that clothing can be wirelessly analysed for their level of cleanliness because of nano particulates in laundry detergent. I am also aware that targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring can have the food in their stomachs wirelessly analysed by remote means because of nano particulates in all processed foods.

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Subvocalisation is a process whereby when we think to ourselves we silently verbalise our thoughts allowing our brain to sends neuro signals to our mouth, jaw and throat. If the mouth, jaws and throat of a human being have been implanted with a series of electrodes or other bio-sensors or nano-sensors then said neuro signals can be gathered and sent to a processor where they are translated into words.    In many non-consensual and unwilling victims of implantation these words are then being read and replied to in real time and the sound signals from the reply are being sent to a series of sensors which are implanted in the hearing centres of the human brain.  This methodology is currently in widespread use throughout the western world where it is being used by criminal gangs to create undetectable neuro slaves.   Said criminal gangs force their voices inside the heads of unwilling victims of illegal brain and body implantation and they then read the thoughts of the victim in reply.  The criminal gangs use this illegally obtained data for many reasons, some of which are insider trading, stealing of intellectual property rights and the creation of neuro slaves.

It is being claimed that human beings throughout the western world have been inhaling and ingesting nano particulates from processed food, water and chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads for the past number of years.   It is being further claimed that these  nano particles are then being implanted from the bloodstream into the brain and body of a selection of non-consensual and unwilling human beings by wireless means and from a distance, through a process known as neuro processing.  Neuro processing is being achieved by the use of energy  by a coterie of criminal neuro staff who are unknown to the victim of nano implantation.   When the brain and body of a target of neuro processing is fully implanted with nano particles, criminal gangs then have access to a myriad of implants throughout the human brain and body.  They sometimes use these implants to transmit voice commands and possible pain signals to human beings who at that stage could be considered as partial neuro slaves.   This neuro enslavement system is in widespread use throughout the whole western world and it could be used to enslave most of the human race by a small cartel of dark occultists if we neglect to outlaw microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia.  The existence of satellites is an easily proven hoax.  World wide data is being transmitted using undersea fibre optic cables.

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Wirelessly enabled Remote neural monitoring is the long term monitoring of neural activity inside the human body combined with the insertion of electronic signals into neural networks. This is often combined with microwave hearing where the remote neural monitoring staff force their voices inside the heads of those who are being remote neural monitored.
Those who are being remote neural monitored have microchips at the base of their brains which allow unknown operatives to i...nterface with the central nervous system of the remote neural monitoring subject by wireless means. After many years of laborous work these criminal neuro operatives can physically remote control a real live human being totally against their will.

I have been a non-consensual and extremely unwilling subject of remote neural monitoring for more than fifteen years on a constant basis. I have committed no crime. My name is Gretta Fahey. My landline phone number is Ireland 0949360901, which I am posting to verify that I am genuine.
Wirelessly enabled Remote Neural Monitoring is meant for everyone other than the would be enslavers of the human race. There is an easy solution. Ask governments to destroy all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia. Satellites are an elaborate hoax.

If governments fail to act, remote controlled live human beings could become a detriment of the fabric of society.

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If you are a non-consensual subject of a top secret and very cruel process known as Remote Neural Monitoring, when you hear a voice speaking to you , and that voice is coming from inside your head, you must always answer that voice in a way as to inform the speaker that you are a non-consensual and extremely unwilling subject of Remote Neural Monitoring and that you are now forced to hear their voice coming from illegally placed implants inside your head. If you always reply in this manner, the user of the Remote Neural Monitoring process who is illegally forcing their voice inside your head using what has come to be known as voice to skull technology, will never be able to deny to a criminal court at some future time that they were unaware that they were forcing their voice inside your head against your will. If a court case ever materialises out of this widely practiced criminal procedure of Remote Neural Monitoring which is always combined with another process known as Remote Neural Manipulation the voice to skull speaker could instead attempt to persuade the court to believe that they erroneously thought they were speaking to you via a loudspeaker.

My name is Gretta Fahey, from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland and I am a non-consensual subject of Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation and I have been thus for more than fifteen years. I believe that I have been non-consensually implanted with what could be bio implants and nano implants. I have been led to believe that either bio or nano technology has become lodged within the muscular structure of my body and also within my brain and spine and that a portion of these implants are two way receivers and transmitters of digital signals which are being used by criminals to force their voices inside my head and to force my muscles to move against my will by sending false digital signals to my motor cortex as well as my muscles, in a way as to attempt to permanently disable me, among other things.

I have recently been led to believe that there are at least two types of voice to skull speakers who regularly force their voices inside my head against my will and without my permission. The first group are duty staff voice to skull speakers who monitor all of my thoughts, words and actions around the clock continually and have been doing so for at least fifteen years. The second group are non duty staff voice to skull speakers who pay the salaries of the duty staff speakers and who themselves wirelessly harass the targeted individual of Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation whenever they wish. They are able to access all records that the duty staff keep on the targeted individual. These records are extremely extensive and have been compiled in extreme detail over more than years by a great many Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operatives who work at all university graduate levels, and none, who work in secret, and who would be imprisoned by the by now extremely immoral man-made law system if they ever revealed any details of their work to the wider world.

If one of the neuro operatives attempts to force their unwanted voice inside my head I sometimes reply by saying the following " Why have you forced your voice inside my head against my will and without my permission, due to the fact that you have been enabled to do so because nano and bio implants have been placed inside my head and body against my will and without my permission at a time when I was unaware it was happening." ? When I reply to the voice to skull speaker in this manner, a completely different voice to skull speaker who claimed to be a member of the Remote Neural Monitoring duty staff who I do not know and have never met, and who only knows the other voice to skull speaker by their unique energy signature , once informed me on a completely separate occasion, also via this illegal process of internal voice transmission , that the various voice to skull speakers other than the duty staff speakers recoil in anger due to the content of my reply because it exposes him or her as somebody who knows how they are speaking to the unwilling and non-consenting subject of Remote Neural Monitoring. This non-duty staff voice to skull speaker is being listened to by the duty staff who maintain permanent records of all of the non duty staff voice to skull speakers who force their voices inside the heads of targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring, simply be keeping a record of the energy signature of the non duty staff voice to skull speaker on file for life. These non duty staff voice to skull speakers deem themselves as very important individuals and they would be disheartened to one day be found guilty of the cruel crime of using the cruel and secret Remote Neural Monitoring process to electronically harass and torture their fellow human beings in secret.












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I am being Remote Neural Monitored and Remote Neural Manipulated.  I am wirelessly linked to a two way continuous stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves via wireless implants which have been placed inside both my brain and body.  My unique digital brainwave imprint was secretly obtained by criminal neuro tech scientists  which enabled them to link me to the supercomputer.    The technologically induced voices which I constantly hear coming from inside my head have informed me that they will wirelessly paralyse me via my wireless implants  if I do not do their bidding.  I will never do their bidding.  I am not a slave and I never will be.

Psychiatrists continue to erroneously diagnose subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation as being mentally unwell.

The clergy continue to erroneously diagnose subjects of Remote Neural Manipulation as being possessed by demons. 

The CIA, by the use of brain warfare, are now using personal data profiles to create individualized religious experiences which they can download into the brain of an illegally implanted human being by wireless means. In addition to this, because human beings have been unknowingly inhaling and ingesting nano technology for many decades, the dark occultists can now use this nano technology which is inside our bodies and brains to make our muscles move and contort against our wills.

A selection of the hoaxes which have been created  to provide cover stories for neuro warfare and to manipulate and misguide most of the human race by their fellow humans the dark occultists are as follows:-

The near death experience hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the past life regression hoax, the channelling hoax, the sixth sense hoax, the end times hoax, the saviour hoax, the rapture hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the space travel hoax, the existence of inter-dimensional beings hoax, the artificial intelligence has now become sentient hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, and the existence of space based weapons hoax, the earth is ball shaped hoax.

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It has been widely claimed that for the past decade the skies over our heads are being illegally sprayed with chemtrails which contain nano technology, which we inhale and ingest, after which we can then be experimented on wirelessly and non-consensually by unknown criminal operatives for the purposes of neuro weapons research. This process has come to be known as human engineering and it is widespread.

If the nano technology inside our bodies is piezo electric, and it is powered by the radiant energy that comes from all digital media screens, and if we wished to continue using digital media screens, is there any other way that we might safely discharge the piezo electric energy from the nano technology inside our bodies in order to maintain total control over our own muscles?

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My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. My landline home phone no is 0949360901. I am not and have been a subject of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with non-consensual neuro manipulation for more than fifteen years. I am being monitored from a remote location by a systems analyst at all times due to the fact that I am being wirelessly linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy from implants which were placed inside... my brain and body without my knowledge or consent to a network of super-computers as well as a wide range of personal computers. My personal brain and body readouts can be accessed by a wide and growing range of human beings from all parts of the world. To that end, said systems analysts who study the continuous flow of data that comes from my brain and body at all times are keeping me under extreme scrutiny. I am being monitored to such an extreme degree that I could not possibly have managed to get the level of data to public awareness which I have now done without the assistance of said data analysts. These data analysts are obliged by law to inform their own parents and all concerned that they work in insurance even though their work involves all aspects of both Remote Neural Monitoring and data analysis. Remote Neural Manipulation is being done from another location which is unknown to said data analysts who work primarily from a large office block in central London which is famous for blockading the press.

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Court cases are often predetermined in todays world.
A team of experts will first of all analyse the situation involved in the court case. They will then rehearse both the questions given and the answers received during the court case for some weeks prior to said court case.
This team will then analyse the human being who will act as witness in order to access if said human is assessable for bio-energy delivery. The human would need to have access to a digital media screen... on a daily basis for a number of years in order to make them suitable for human bio-robotization.
It takes up to twenty years and a large team of junior staff who work in shifts to fully bio-robotize a real live human being.
That fully bio-robitized human being is then brought into court where they are remote controlled to say exactly what the judge wishes them to say in order to bring about a certain legal precidence.
The subject may be killed or used to hone the torturing skills of the bio-robotizing team after the court case is over.

The wirelessly enabled technologically induced voices which I constantly hear coming from inside my head recently gave me this information. I believe it to be true because I myself have been a target of human bio-robotization for fifteen years and my facial muscles and my eye movements can be remote controlled by wireless means by these operatives who I have never met and who work from a remote unknown location.

Now that we know about some of what is happening to us we will be able to raise awareness of it. I will not be using my computer again.

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Millions of good living human beings throughout the western world are currently being subjected to a system called Remote Neural Monitoring, which involves being non-consensually and unwillingly wirelessly linked to a super-computer by a continuous two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic waves from nano implants inside their brains and bodies. If general medical practitioners and the police are informed by the subjects themselves of being subjects of Remote Neural Monitoring, both the general medical practitioners and police would lose their jobs if they failed to send the complainants for psychiatric evaluation. When psychiatrists are then informed by the subjects themselves that they are being Remote Neural Monitored they are detained inside a psychiatric facility for an indefinite period of time, where they are legally obliged to take highly toxic substances which slowly and incrementally damage their brains and bodies. This is the reason why Remote Neural Monitoring is so widespread that it could collapse the whole fabric of society at this point in time and yet nobody knows about it except the millions of torture victims that it leaves in its wake. Ban microwave transmitters for true human freedom.

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I have been wirelessly tethered to a network of computers combined with a super computer on a constant basis for fifteen years. During that time I have been hearing the voices of an independent security company combined with the voices of military intelligence personnel twenty four hours per day. These voices are being carried wirelessly to a location inside my head. I have no mental privacy.

I am very concerned that senior politicians both in Ireland and throughout the wi...der world are similarly being wirelessly tethered to an artificial intelligence run super computer, which I believe is owned and controlled by dark luciferians. The thoughts of these senior politicians may be being monitored and also may be being stored in a cloud storage facility. That may be the reason why they failed to warn the human race about the grave danger which humanity faces as this point in time. A large selection of our fellow human beings are being wirelessly harassed and both psychologically tortured and sometimes even physically tortured by wireless means while they are inside their own homes and while they are going about their everyday lives.

All laws that have been enacted by politicians over the past several decades can now be considered null and void because the senior politicians both inside Irish shores and throughout the wider world are under remote influencing technology or under technological duress or both.

Please allow us, your fellow human beings to demolish all microwave and milliwave transmitters inside Irish shores and also allow us to sever all undersea fibre optic cables in order to stop this slow wireless enslavement of the Irish race in its tracks. Please also allow our fellow human beings across the world to follow suit.

I have done fifteen years of dedicated research ever since I became a targeted individual of non-consensual neuro weapons research, which is also known as remote neural monitoring. I have come to strongly believe that the existence of satellites is a hoax and that there is no supernatural presence. It is all an elaborate hoax. There exists extremely advanced technology combined with dark occultists who mean us great harm. They can easily be stopped.

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Subvocalisation is a process whereby when we think to ourselves we silently verbalise our thoughts allowing our brain to sends neuro signals to our mouth, jaw and throat. If the mouth, jaws and throat of a human being have been implanted with a series of electrodes or other bio-sensors or nano-sensors then said neuro signals can be gathered and sent to a processor where they are translated into words.    In many non-consensual and unwilling victims of implantation these words are then being read and replied to in real time and the sound signals from the reply are being sent to a series of sensors which are implanted in the hearing centres of the human brain.  This methodology is currently in widespread use throughout the western world where it is being used by criminal gangs to create undetectable neuro slaves.   Said criminal gangs force their voices inside the heads of unwilling victims of illegal brain and body implantation and they then read the thoughts of the victim in reply.  The criminal gangs use this illegally obtained data for many reasons, some of which are insider trading, stealing of intellectual property rights and the creation of neuro slaves.

It is being claimed that human beings throughout the western world have been inhaling and ingesting nano particulates from processed food, water and chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads for the past number of years.   It is being further claimed that these  nano particles are then being implanted from the bloodstream into the brain and body of a selection of non-consensual and unwilling human beings by wireless means and from a distance, through a process known as neuro processing.  Neuro processing is being achieved by the use of energy  by a coterie of criminal neuro staff who are unknown to the victim of nano implantation.   When the brain and body of a target of neuro processing is fully implanted with nano particles, criminal gangs then have access to a myriad of implants throughout the human brain and body.  They sometimes use these implants to transmit voice commands and possible pain signals to human beings who at that stage could be considered as partial neuro slaves.   This neuro enslavement system is in widespread use throughout the whole western world and it could be used to enslave most of the human race by a small cartel of dark occultists if we neglect to outlaw microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia.  The existence of satellites is an easily proven hoax.  World wide data is being transmitted using undersea fibre optic cables.

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