If you should ever complain about false authority figures such as rogue intelligence agents or rogue government staff then they have an understood policy of using whatever leverage they can find against you in order to make your life difficult.
If you are in financial debt, or are addicted to any substance they will use your addiction or debt to manipulate you further.
If you have children they may attempt to take them from you often citing that you are an unfit parent and supplying a bogus reason for claiming it.
If you have a spouse they can easily manipulate wireless electronic mind control weapons to turn your spouse against you.
If you are in rented accommodation they can manipulate your landlord or landlady to evict you.
If you drive a vehicle they might stop you on your travels often in order to examine said vehicle.
Even if you normally drink tea or coffee they could then call you in for bogus questioning and deliberately keep you waiting for hours without tea or coffee. Tea and coffee are nervous stimulents and they are also a type of drug so if you are a habitual drinker of these drinks and you can not access them while at the police station you will begin to feel very tired without a regular intake. When you reach a peak of tiredness you will then be interviewed while you are physically at your worst.
I am in a very strong position because I dont own a vehicle and I dont drink tea, coffee or alcohol and I dont smoke cigarettes. . I also am single and alone without children. I live in my family home where I was born and I am not in any debt. I have never committed a crime in my life. The police or military have no leverage against me. However, now with advances in technology we can have our physical bodies externally controlled through central nervous system control which is described in United States patent number US 6965816. A computer to brain interface can be used to write information into our brains and central nervous systems under the above patent using transcranial magnetic stimulation or by a number of other means. Some of the electrical pulses which are generated when information is written into your brain can cause your muscles to move against your will and this can all be achieved by unknown criminal operatives while they work from an unknown remote location. There are thousands of books in circulation about this capability. I am under wireless brain to brain interface against my will and without my consent on a constant basis and many of my muscles can now be forceably made to move against my will. Many other targeted individuals throughout the world are reporting the same or similar experiences to me.
Rogue authority personnel can use this capability against somebody they wish to compromise and they often do.
Dangers (19)
Whenever someone is shocked or frightened they are unable to think critically or rationally.
While they are in that state of shock or fear the required programming is inserted into their minds and they accept it without critically analysing it.
President John F Kennedy could have been murdered in a way that would make his murder look like an accident. However, he was murdered in a very public manner while television cameras were focused on him so as to deliberately traumatise the American people so that they could immediately be programmed with false information while they were still in a state of shock. The same scenario applies to 9/11.
At present we can be programmed by the use of traumatic imaging combined with traumatic story lines while watching the main stream media news on television. The news readers are all now required to read the news in a panic stricken voice so as to entrain the brains of the listeners into a state of panic. I deliberately avoid listening to all main stream media news because of this type of trickery. The fast picture change rate and the flicker rate on the television screen are other means which are currently being used to program the listener into believing the falsehoods which they hear on the television news. The aforementioned flicker rate can be used as a carrier to carry subliminal information into the human brain without the knowledge of the television viewer.
I no longer own a television and I have not owned one for many years.
I acquired my first smart phone a few months ago and I don't use it often and I keep it inside a faraday bag when not in use. Before I purchased my smart phone I used a Doro phone which may sometimes be being presented as a smart phone but it has different frequencies than a standard smart phone. I use a land line home phone for all my phone use. I only purchased this smart phone because I could not access an account without verifying that account by downloading an app on to a smart phone and verifying the account through that system.
I use my smart phone an average of one time per week. I have now noticed that after each time I use it I become more trusting and apathetic towards the worldwide control system than I usually am. This feeling of false trust and false apathy lasts for about one hour. Using my computer does not have the same impact on me at all.
I am now reading a book called "Artificial Intelligence, Dangers to Humanity" by Cyrus A Parsa. He claims on page 225 of this book that AI can enter people via smart phones more easily that other digital media devices because the smart phone has already created a bio-digital flow-cycle with the human being who owns it.
I know that almost all individuals who are now using smart phones are heavily programmed into dangerous states of happy apathy. We are in the greatest danger of being enslaved through our smart phones and yet they are dumbing down all of the people who hold smart phones close to their brains to an extreme degree. They don't realise that they have been dumbed down. They actually believe that they can think clearly. They have been programmed to resist all information about the dumbing down capabilities of smart phones. They have been programmed to believe every lie that the behind the scenes controllers of the main stream media generate and distribute. Smart phone users who are senior politicians are even rushing in the erection of 5g millimetre wave transmitters which when installed and activated would then be used to send us voice commands as well as pain signals if we refused to be obedient to the dictates of the individuals who transmit the voice commands. I believe that those politicians are not evil . They have simply been programmed to be in alignment with programming which is coming through their smart phones and in a less powerful way their other digital media devices.
Your smart phone is a powerful transmitter and mind control programming device. Keep it away from your head and keep it in a faraday bag when not in use.
Through geo-engineering the skies have been sprayed with chemicals, biologicals, nano technology and conductive pieces of metal to the extent that the atmosphere has now become electrified. There are many reasons for this including enabling wireless capabilities throughout the entire earth for the purposes of plasma studies, weather engineering, and full spectrum dominance through interfacing our brains and central nervous systems with compurters, thereby enslaving us through central nervous control which has been explained in patent number US6965816.
If we put a stop to this aforementioned geo-engineering we can escape the total enslavement fate that dark occultists have planned for us.
I have been a non-consensual victim of wirelessly enabled experimentation for nearly seventeen years and I have informed my general practitioner, psychiatrists and the police of this but they all failed to believe me because they have already been programmed to disbelieve anything that is contrary to the ongoing programming they are receiving through their digital media devices. We need to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and HAARP phased arrays throughout the world as well as all related paraphernalia.
There are heavy metals included in the geo-engineering chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads which we inhale and ingest. One of these heavy metals in particular is causing enormous problems for human health. That is aluminium. Alzheimers patients, autistic children, patients with Lou Gerigs disease and patients with parkinsons disease have all been found to have high levels of aluminium in their brains. Aluminium is also being used as an adjuvant is most vaccines and this is totally unnecessary and dangerous. Many children either develop autism or they die shortly after receiving their childhood vaccines.
Elana Freeland has published a book called "Under an Ionized Sky" which I plan to read in the future and which will support my claims.
Smart phones connect to our energy fields. They connect to our bio-metric systems which the Chinese call our meridian channels. They send and receive information to and from our neural network system. Our neurological pathways have inputs and outputs to the extent that what you see and hear from your smart phone goes through the neurological pathways of your brain and body which are also known as meridian channels. This information changes our bio-chemistry and our biology (I assume he means that it changes our bio-chemistry and our biology if we have already inhaled and ingested nano technology and some of the other ingredients which are being sprayed on us from the sky and which are being placed in vaccines.
The information which you obtain from looking at your smart phone during the day is flowing into your brain when you are sleeping and it starts cycling inside your brain and it connects with your nerual networks to create a cyborg system inside you which then would allow others to externally control your physical body through gaining control of your central nervous system. Both your own body and your own mind can then be over ridden.
You can be programmed to accept all kinds of Satanic values. You can be programmed to be cruel and that programming would come from your smart phone.
He goes on to say that the thought processes of most of the smart phone users are uniform now. I myself believe that they all think alike. They all believe what the new world order cabal with them to believe. They all have the same opinions about almost everything. They all share one personality rather than each of them having unique individual personalities.
.Your Smart Phone Can Program you to be Cruel and Healtless And To Hate A Small Selection of Individuals.
Just as your computer can get a virus, the human body can also be given a virus.
I am connected to the wireless internet of things which some are calling the brain net and I have been non-consensually connected it for many years. As the years go by I am finding out more and more of the current extreme capabilities of smart phones and other smart devices. One of the reasons that I may have been connected to it was because I was and still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. Half of my disability allowance is paid for by Irish tax payers and the other half is paid by tax payers from the rest of Europe. Those European tax payers have no way of knowing if those in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome are genuinely entitled to it or if they are claiming for it dishonestly so somebody or some group had me connected to the wireless internet of things against my will and without my permission.
I am informed that if you own a personal smart phone and you carry it around with you on a constant basis, the smart phone will record everything you think, say and do while you have it close to you, at least within five feet of you. Every time you think a thought you generate a unique electromagnetic frequency which is downloaded to the smart phone and it is then wirelessly transmitted to a central location where it is automatically translated into that unique thought. . All of your other thoughts, words and actions which also generate their own unique electromagnetic frequencies are stored at that central location as well. That central control centre stores unique details about you such as how long you sleep each night, how often you eat, what your moods are like and many other personal details.
I don’t carry a smart phone with me and I don’t have any digital media devices on my bicycle which is my mode of transport. I live out in a rural area and I don’t often encounter any digital media devices other than my personal computer. Because of a lack of digital media devices in my environment, the engineers who monitor me via smart engineered technology can not obtain as much detail about my daily habits as they would like and this is causing consternation among the team of bio-engineers who keep me on file with regard to my claim for irritable bowel syndrome.
Not alone are all of the electromagnetic frequencies which are generated by the brains and bodies of individuals who are wirelessly and non-consensually connected to the smart grid automatically stored at a central location and also automatically translated into everything we think, say and do but as well as that, a frequency modulator is used to send us back other electromagnetic frequencies which are made to over ride our own electromagnetic frequencies to the extent that now our arms and legs can be forced to move against our wills among many other unwanted experiences. Information is being wirelessly sent to my brain and central nervous system over many years to the point that now I can be grounded at the will of the unknown bio-engineers who illegally remote neural monitor and remote neural manipulate me. At this stage, my right leg can be disabled for a short space of time by wireless means at their will. When I am cycling my bicycle I can be made to come off it in a state of pain and I am unable to complete my journey until I recover, a process which can take between five and twenty minutes. This has happened to me on many occasions while said bio-engineers speak to me by live link directly to the hearing centre of my brain.
These unknown bio-engineers who I regard as criminals sometimes tell me what I should eat, what time I should get up in the morning at, what I should spend my money on, and even when I should visit the bathroom. Wireless technological capabilities now exist that can enslave human beings while it appear to their own families that they are free will human beings. Are NASA staff wirelessly enslaved because they continually lie to us about everything they inform us of?
Posted on September 4, 2019 by gretta fahey
Every time you think a thought your brain produces a unique electromagnetic frequency which can be measured, translated into a thought or a feeling, then collated and downloaded to your own smart phone or smart television. If you keep your smart phone on your person all day or even a short distance from you and even if it has been switch off it is still reading and uploading your thoughts to the smart grid which has been building an extensive map of your brain. This brain map can now be used to kill or torture you wireless by remote means and it can be done without any human intervention based on the personality profile which has been collected in this way. There is a plan underway by smart technologists to use all of the above information to hurt most of the human race if we continue to use smart phones. As soon as an extensive brain map has been built of you and your family you can then be exposed to all kinds of information coming from smart grids such as fifth generation wireless transmitters. You can be forced to see information that you do not wish to see such as pornography or frightening images. You can be forced to hear voices which appear to be inside your head. You can be forced to experience forced muscle movements such as being forced to hit yourself with your own fist or even worse.
We have been warned to throw out our smart phones and most especially our smart televisions which enable the technology to see the whole brain and body and we must refuse to allow 5G to be erected anywhere in the world. We must disassemble and ban microwave transmitters now.
I receive this information by wireless direct communication from unknown operatives.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 0949360901.
A diet high in carbohydrates and sugar causes an increase in the levels of insulin in the human body. High levels of insulin causes the intestines to become inflamed which is just one of many possible reasons to experience chronic irritable bowel syndrome.
A diet high in carbohydrates is recommended by nutritionists who developed the food pyramid. It is not the optimum diet for human health. When the levels of insulin in the human body become far too high due to eating a diet high in carbohydrates this invariably leads to the that human being experiencing false hunger. This false hunger then leads to constant eating of still more carbohydrate food which allows the chronic hunger to increase which often leads to irritable bowel syndrome, type two diabetes and obesity among many other chronic illnesses.
The real reason we have been wrongly encouraged to eat a diet high in carbohydrates instead of the optimum diet for human beings which is a diet very low in carbohydrates is because slaves are more easily controlled when they are chronically hungary and the individuals who created the food pyramid belong to the new world order cabal whose ultimate aim is to enslave the rest of the human race by any and all means possible.
When human beings avoid carbohydrate and sugar rich foods their insulin levels then stabilize. After several weeks of eating a low carbohydrate diet of mostly above ground vegetables, freshly ground flax seeds, chia seeds and a large variety of other seeds as well as any and all animal products the cells of their bodies then become adaptive to burning fat as their body fuel instead of glucose as their body fuel. Fat is a much cleaner fuel to sustain the human body than glucose. Once the human being who adheres strictly to a low carbohydrate diet becomes effecient at burning fat as their fuel they lose all of their false hunger, the can easily skip a meal without becoming weak, they lose excess weight, the recover from type two diabetes and they cure their irritable bowel syndrome over time.
I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome for many years and I received disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome during that time. I still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. As there is no legal medical model to assess if somebody who is in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome is entitled to it I was secretly placed on a new type of a constant monitoring and control system by wireless means from what I believe are either illegal implants inside my body or micro technology inside my body or else my unique brain signature or unique DNA signature or my energy field or all of the above. This new type of constant monitoring and control system is now known as the cerebral internet-of-things and it is a human enslavement and psychological torture system which I have written about in extreme detail in my website which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.
I now eat only a low carbohydrate diet which is composed of mostly above ground vegetables, a large variety of freshly ground seeds and any animal products I wish. My irritable bowel syndrome is almost completely cured but it will probably be a few more months before it is entirely cured. The individuals who have illegally wirelessly tethered me to the human control and enslavement system which is called the cerebral internet-of-things have informed me that they wish to introduce legislation to control all applicants of disability allowance under the cerebral internet of things so that they become enslaved by the system. However, I believe that it would be much preferable if they promoted the optimum diet for human health instead. However, I belive that they do not wish to do this because their ultimate aim is to enslave the whole human race and they know that they can not enslave a vibrantly healthy and intelligence race of human beings. Therefore it is in their interests that we remain unaware of the optimum low carbohydrate diet and continue to live lives of chronic ill health.
I have been illegally wirelessly tethered to the cerebral internet-of-things for sixteen years. I am wirelessly tethered to it by what I am led to believe is a two stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy which allows unknown neuro operatives to send me voices, images, sensations, feelings, forced muscle movements and a wide variety of other experiences. These unknown neuro operatives collect data from my body and brain and they translate this data into what is occurring throughout my brain and body throughout the course of every day as I go about my life, while I myself am totally aware that I am being monitored to a level bordering on the forensic. These neuro operatives speak to me constantly and I am forced to hear their voices coming from inside my head. They interfere with my minds eye to the extent that they often send me unwanted and upsetting mental images whenever they wish. They can and have sent me visions of various kinds. They force some of my facial muscles to move whenver they wish. They have once nodded my head vigorously against my will and on another occasion they have shaken my head against my will. They have moved my eye balls around in many directions against my will. At this advanced stage of brain scientific and technological research anybody who has access to specific brain scientific and technological equipment can enslave a human being by wireless means and from a remote location, while leaving no trace of their crime.
I have so far been unable to prove that this has happened to me and that I am now a neuro slave. However, I write about it constantly in the hope that somebody, somewhere will believe I am telling the truth and will come to my aid and free me from wireless enslavement. I know of many others throughout the Republic of Ireland who are currently undergoing the same fate as myself and I know of one young lady who committed suicide because of being targeted by this technology.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland.
Hundreds of thousands of human beings throughout most parts of the world have become attached to the wireless internet of things. Most of those currently attached to the wireless internet of things have become attached to it non-consensually and at a time when they were not made aware that they were being attached to it. The long term consequences of becoming attached to the wireless internet of things whether consensually or non-consensually always results in huge distortions occurring in the human energy field of the individual who has become attached to said wireless internet of things. The human energy field is also known as the human aura. It is now understood by a large majority of individuals in the Irish government at a senior level that all targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation have already become attached to the wireless internet of things. Therefore their energy fields are more than likely heavily distorted by now. Because of this truth, human energy field cameras similar to the type invented and promoted by the British inventor Harry Oldfield should be made available to all citizenry at a local level rather than at a senior police officer level, due to the fact that senior police officers both in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland have been known to contaminate evidence when that evidence has been given to them or when it has been left at their disposal. All individuals who are currently complaining of being remote neural monitored as well as remote neural manipulated should have their auras photographed as a matter of urgency. Anybody who disputes this fact is likely under the wireless external control of the wireless internet of things.
Conversion technology combined with spectral imaging allows anyone who has wireless weapons to see any and all human beings naked and up close. This is being done by agents of the dark new world order crime cartel who work from unknown remote locations. We must urgently ban all wireless enabling infrastructure and return to using only wired technology.
Classified technology is being used to turn real live human beings into remote controlled human robots to the extent that their bodies can be moved against their wills and without their permission by criminals who use directed energy weapons and work from a remote location by wireless means. This crime of non-consensual human robotization is happening throughout the world and it is being allowed to continue unabated because any government officials who have been made aware of these occurrences are locked into secrecy clauses which blocks them from revealing this ongoing crime to the general public. Many targeted individuals have openly confessed to being slowly bio-robotized by wireless remote means and they are being falsely alluded to as being mentally ill in order to maintain stability in society. It is believed by many that they have inhaled and ingested bio-technology which has then dispersed widely throughout their bodies and this bio-technology is then linked to a network of computers in order to enable this remote manipulation.
If this epic crime of human robotization is not publicly acknowledged urgently then human beings could be remote controlled to carry out acts of evil against the rest of the human race. If we succeed in ending the use of microwave transmitters which are being used in this evil process then we will have succeeded in solving one of the cruelest crimes that have ever been committed against human beings at any time in the history of the world.
I currently hear voices coming from inside my head. The general public must now confront the fact that technology has existed that can transmit voices inside the heads of random members of the public by wireless capabilities for many decades and the science is easily explainable.
The general public must also confront the fact that they have been in denial about this because to acknowledge the truth would lead to a public crisis like no other.
I have been lead to believe that the following method is the one that is being used to wirelessly transmit the voices which I hear coming from inside my head. We all have ingested neural dust in our food and water. This neural dust has lodged inside our brains and bodies, some of which has coagulated into larger units over time. These larger units of neural dust which I will call nodes are being used to draw energy into a computer network from my brain circuits in order to provide information to the neuro operatives about the condition of the nodes. If said nodes are sufficiently large enough they can then be used to create an electronic circuit board inside the human brain. Each coagulated neural dust node can be connected to another coagulated neural dust node by way of streaming digital signals from one node to another node through the computer network that they have been wirelessly linked to. This electronic circuit board can then be used by the criminal neuro operatives to upload voices, images, short videos, odours, sensations and tastes into the brain and mind of the targeted individual. Furthermore, this electronic circuit board inside my brain is now being used on an almost daily basis to move the muscles of my face and neck against my will and without my permission.
The cover stories that are being most commonly used to cover up advances in neuro science are the cover story that the subject who is experiencing strange phenomena is mentally unwell or is having supernatural experiences. Neither is true.
The nodes of neural dust which have coagulated inside my brain and body over many years are not in my favour. They are being used to slowly enslave me. I could find myself in a situation at some time in the future where criminal neuro operatives could close my mouth or eyes against my will and refuse to allow me to open them again unless I do their bidding. I could also be paralysed by wireless means and from a remote location in the future if I do not find a way to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body. Some fellow targeted individuals of remote neural manipulation have suggested I drink ozonated water or Epsom salts in order to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body. I am currently drinking both of these drinks. I have not noticed any change in the level of invasion into my mind and body by these remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation staff. Please urgently disassemble and ban microwave transmitters if you wish that you and your children to live in freedom from wireless tethering to computer networks. Otherwise neural enslavement of many individuals is now imminent.
Whenever a smart meter is installed inside a home that home can then be burned down by wireless remote means by the use of directed energy weapons. I believe that the forced installation of smart meters is part of the plan of the dark new world order crime cartel to cull the human race as explained by Dr Rima Labow in her youtube video which can be found at the following link. https://youtu.be/GeP_TlBYqus. Said dark new world order crime cabal have stated publicly that we are useless eaters and we are using up the limited supply of natural resources on earth and they have also stated that they plan to cull us.
We all have been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past dozen years or more from chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads. That neural dust has now lodged in our brains, spinal cords and muscles. We can be made to have virtual reality experiences against our wills without ever wearing virtual reality head-sets. False cover stories are being used to cover up these virtual reality experiences such as the experiencer is being accused of being mentally unwell or they are falsely informed that their experience was super-natural in origin when in fact it was scientific and technological in origin. The neural dust which is lodged in our brains, spinal cords and throughout our bodies is being used to electronically mind control a large percentage of the western world and it is being used to electronically body control a smaller percentage of the western world.
When the section of society who are under electronic body control attempt to raise awareness of their plight to the much larger electronically mind controlled sector of the human race, the electronically mind control sector of society react inappropriately to the news. Because of their electronic mind controlled state they go into denial and accuse the messenger of being mentally unwell after which they return to a state of unconcern. We are in extreme danger from advances in technology. We need to disassemble telephone towers, microwave transmitters, millimetre wave transmittters and related paraphernalia. We need to ban all aerial traffic from our skies including drones. Which group do you belong to, the electronically mind controlled sector or the electronically body controlled sector? Either way, you are in big trouble.
It is being claimed that Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation can only be used against targeted individuals provided those targeted use digital media screens on a weekly basis. It is being claimed that digital media screens are needed to insert digital messages into the dna of the targeted individual through their eyes.
There is a way for anybody who is subject to Remote Neural Monitoring to safely use their computer. Please wear pinhole glasses whenever you are using your digital media screen. You will not be able to see the screen aswell as normal but it is a small price to pay for protection from remote neural manipulation and eventual neuro enslavement. I have begun to wear pinhole glasses whenever I am using my computer and I can type easily while wearing these pinhole glasses. Please hang glass prisms from the ceiling of your bedroom and wear glass prism jewellery while in bed. This will help to distort the signals of the neuro weapons operatives somewhat.
Cross Grid References have been laid down in the ground of the surroundings, , meaning the roads, pathways and fields used by targeted individuals of non-consensual neuro weapons research throughout Ireland and elsewhere throughout the world. This Cross Grid Reference work is being laid down to ensure that targeted individuals of this non-consensual neuro research will never be able to escape from the constant scrutiny which they are placed under when they first become wirelessly linked by a two way stream of energy from illegally placed implants inside their brains and bodies to a network of both super-computers and personal computers throughout the world. If you work in the Cross Grid Reference business you are creating an electronic prison for yourself and your family aswell as for the whole human race for the foreseeable future. Please block all progress to Cross Grid Referencing in any way you see fit.
When you are in front of your computer screen or tablet or smart phone neuro scientists can interact with your computer in such a way that it is possible for them to see and inspect if there is any nano technology inside your eyes or facial muscles or lips, jaws or tongue. If there is a substantial amount of nano technology therein you are then selected for human bio-robotization. Each nano strand inside your eyes or facial muscles is individually connected to a computer network where said nano strands are then co-ordinated by the use of a super-computer so that your eyes and other completed sets of muscles can be co-ordinated with the thought streams of the bio-robotization personnel to the extent that whenever the bio-robotization personnel are speaking your whole facial muscles will be co-ordinated to move in tandem with their words. We must discontinue all use of screen time in front of computers and smart phones combined with all other digital screens. Some of our fellow human beings have already been totally bio-robotized by this method to the extent that they are total and utter slaves without the ability to move a muscle without permission. The solution is to disassemble and destroy all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters combined with all other transmitters throughout the world urgently. I am in a unique position to know that this bio-robotization process is real because many of the muscles throughout my face and body can already be remote controlled against my will.
If a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation stops using a computer, television, ipad and mobile cell phone, this is known by the criminal neuro operatives as " the subject having gone dark". When this occurs the criminal neuro operatives no longer have regular access to the targeted individual and they no longer have any reason to continue their specific type of experimentation on that particular now dark targeted individual. They fall away in d...roves. The hive mind team who are the front line co-ordinators who organise visitation rights of the criminal neuro scientists and the criminal behavioural scientists among others to the mind and body of the targeted individual can then no longer continue in their quest to lock down the targeted individual through controlled manipulation of the neo cortex to the point of paralysis or human bio-robotization, as was initially their intention and also the intention of their pay masters, the would-be enslavers of the human race.. The hive mind team have informed me just now that they are hindered to an extreme degree by the fact that I will no longer be using my computer or mobile cell phone from this moment on. Without permanent access to me through a digital media screen or a high definition media screen they will no longer be able to work on me at all.
I have heard alot of recommendations advising targeted individuals to wear a neodymium magnet with the north side of the magnet placed close to the skin. When the blood flow passes through the veins and the arteries directly under the magnet the nano technology in the blood stream is affected in some way in order to make it less effective for the purposes of Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation. After weeks and months of wearing a neodymium magnet with the north side ...facing your skin, some targeted individuals are claiming that the voice to skull bio-communication technologically induced voices slow down and eventually stop altogether. They are also claiming that all electronic harassment and remote neural manipulation has stopped for them.
I have purchased some large circular neodymium magnets with holes in the middle. They appear to the best type to purchase because I can place cords through the holes in the magnets in order to hold them close to my skin with the north side facing towards my skin.
Do not wear a magnet while using a computer because your computer will immediately malfunction and break. If you must use a computer or phone only wear the magnet in bed at night and dont keep any technology in your bedroom. If you accidently stand near your computer while wearing a strong neodymium magnet your computer will be damaged. You must wear the magnet for several months before you will notice an improvement. I have not worn it long enough to notice a difference in my own experiences of electronic harassment and Remote Neural Manipulation yet. This extremely advanced technology is recent and we must try everything we can in order to block it. The freedom of the children of humanity is at stake.
Human beings who live in rural environments where there are not as many wireless and long range wifi signals floating around in the spectrum which might place false ideas inside their heads can think more clearly than human beings who live in towns and cities where the electricity spectrum is crowded with thought signals.
The more digital technology that is in your direct environment the more uninvited thought signals that are placed inside your head.
The majority of the human race are currently being herded into a situation where they would be technologically enslaved or genocided.
Our one and only solution is to urgently demand that our political representatives have all microwave transmitters eradicated from our environments and that they refuse to allow 5G millimeter wave transmitters to be installed anywhere on the earth.
Many human beings throughout the western world are already being illegally held hostage to wirele...ssly enabled directed energy weapons where their brains and bodies are being illegally interfered with by wireless means to the point of physical and emotional torture. When they complain they are erroniously deemed to be mentally ill.
The existence of satellites is genuinely considered to be a hoax by those in the know. The first casuality of war is the truth. We are currently in a world war of attrition.