THEIR (22)

Eu realmente acredito que TIs podem estar em risco iminente e têm que se preservar e ter cuidado com suas ações, escritos e conteúdos solicitados em meu país e ao redor do mundo. No Brasil você ouve falar disso e há publicações temendo mudanças drásticas em torno da pandemia, vírus e suas mutações:

1 - Nova Constituição Federal;

2 - Estado de defesa;

3 - Estado de sítio.

Pela legislação, os estados seriam promulgados em tempos de guerra, portanto, a hermenêutica interpretativa do avanço viral no Brasil é considerada o “estado de guerra” que justificaria mudanças radicais no comportamento governamental e militarista no contexto atual. Mas, não existem certezas, provas. Gostaria que você prestasse atenção na "linguagem figurativa" das ações em torno do vírus corona, covid 19, existem outras interpretações que estão dando origem a ações que eu acredito, risco para a causa dos TIs e daqueles que sofrem com os direitos humanos violações. Preocupo-me com a origem do covid em ter ocorrido na China, pois os alvos individuais têm grande liderança na Ásia e na China. Descobri em pesquisas que soldados chineses estão invadindo edifícios e com os infectados, tirando pessoas que são contra as ações do governo, essa realidade é descrita em um vídeo, e eu tive que transcrever o vídeo do chinês para o português para entender o que estava acontecendo no vídeo, eu mesma compartilhei e publiquei uma transcrição em português no Brasil. Se eles estão se aproveitando de cobiça para se livrar de "pessoas inconvenientes" politicamente, acredite, eles podem aproveitar a pandemia para se livrar dos alvos individuais que incomodam ou se livram de um problema, porque somos a prova viva de humanos violações de direitos em todo o mundo. Serei mais claro com vocês, colegas, exemplificando. No Brasil existem vários estados. Ilustrarei com dois estados, o 1º Rio de Janeiro e o 2º estado do Amazonas, um forte CONTRASTE em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e possibilidades de infecção-contaminação.


Veja como os TIs podem incorrer em riscos e impedimentos na aplicação do Estado de Defesa e do Estado de Sítio se entrar em vigor, mesmo sendo pessoas honestas e decentes, muitos TIs fazem publicações denotando descontentamento com as políticas governamentais,
Se vier o Estado de Defesa em vigor em nome da guerra gerada pela pandemia, recusa da população em vão, movimentos políticos contrários ao Governo, ou confrontos entre Governo e Senado, ou motivados por qualquer motivo e se o Estado de Defesa não for eficiente , resultados State of Siege.
Tanto o Estado de Defesa como o Site são violadores motivadores e justificáveis ​​da Constituição Federal de forma “legalizada” e todos os Direitos Fundamentais do cidadão como idas e vindas, liberdade de imprensa, expressão, liberdade de reunião estarão comprometidos.
Mesmo na hora de publicar publicações nos Canyons, grupos e redes sociais podem fazer com que cidadãos sejam apreendidos, TIs ou não, mesmo que estejam agindo de boa fé, pois nesses contextos as interpretações dos militares podem acontecer em outro nível.
Sou um patriota e gosto do nosso atual Presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, sempre mantive contatos nas redes sociais com as Forças Armadas, sou um profundo admirador e seguidor, mas eles têm um Código Militar que, se comprovado, é uma situação de guerra ou equivalente devido a características diferentes no pedido pode mudar.
Art. 139. Durante o estado de sítio decretado com base no art. 137, I, apenas as seguintes medidas podem ser tomadas contra pessoas:

I - obrigação de permanência em local determinado;
II - detenção em prédio não destinado aos acusados ​​ou condenados por crimes comuns;
III - restrições à inviolabilidade da correspondência, ao sigilo das comunicações, à prestação de informações e à liberdade de imprensa, radiodifusão e televisão, nos termos da lei;
IV - suspensão da liberdade de reunião;
V - busca e apreensão em domicílio;
VI - intervenção em empresas de serviço público;
VII - requisição de bens.

Parágrafo único. Não se enquadra nas restrições do inciso III a divulgação de declarações de parlamentares proferidas em suas Casas Legislativas, desde que divulgadas pela respectiva Mesa.
Arte. 141. Cessado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, cessarão também os seus efeitos, sem prejuízo da responsabilidade pelos atos ilícitos cometidos pelos seus executores ou agentes.

Parágrafo único. Tão logo cesse o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, as medidas aplicadas serão comunicadas pelo Presidente da República, em mensagem ao Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificativa das medidas adotadas, com lista nominal das pessoas afetadas e uma indicação das restrições aplicadas. ”.
As consequências serão essencialmente políticas, podendo ou não abranger crimes de responsabilidade, já aqui tratados, e “impeachment”, para além das penas.

EM PORTUGUÊS: Eu realmente acredito que TIs pode estar em risco eminente e ter que se preservar e ter cuidado com seus ações, escritos e conteúdos peticionados em meu país e em todo o mundo. No Brasil ouve-se falar e existem publicações temendo mudanças severas em torno da pandemia, vírus e suas mutações:

1 - Nova Constituição Federal;

2 - Estado de Defesa;

3 - Estado de Sítio.

Por legislações são estados decretados em tempo de guerra, portanto, uma interpretativa hermenêutica do avanço virótico no Brasil é considerado o "estado de guerra" que justificaria muda radicais no comportamento governamental e militarista no contexto atual. Mas, não existem certezas, comprovações. Gostaria de que atentassem para uma "linguagem figurada" das ações em torno do vírus corona, covid 19, existem outras interpretações que estão originando ações que acredito, risco para a causa dos TIs e dos que protegidas violações dos Direitos Humanos. Me preocupo com a origem do covid in ter ocorrido na China, porque "obrigada a alvos" tem grandes lideranças na Ásia e na China. Verifici em pesquisas que soldados chineses estão invadindo prédios e junto aos infectados, removendo pessoas contrárias às atuações do governo, esta realidade está correta em vídeo, e que transcrever o vídeo do chinês para português para entender o que estava ocorrendo no vídeo, eu o compartilhei e publicamente transcrição em português no Brasil. Se estão aproveitando o covid para se livrar de "pessoas incovenientes" politicamente, creiam, podem se aproveitar da pandemia para se livrarem dos indivíduos que incomodam ou se livrarem de um problema, porque somos provas vivas de violações dos Direitos Humanos em todo o mundo. Vou ser mais clara com vocês, colegas, exemplificando. Nenhum Brasil existem vários estados. Vou ilustrar com dois estados, o 1º Rio de Janeiro, e o 2º estado do Amazonas, CONTRASTE gritante em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e possibilidades de infecto-contaminação. Vou postar,


Veja como TIs podem incorrer em riscos e impedimentos na aplicação de Estado de Defesa e Estado de Sítio se entrar em vigor, mesmo sendo pessoas honestas e decentes, muitos TIs fazem publicações denotando descontentamento com políticas governamentais,
Se entrar em vigor Estado de Defesa em nome da guerra gerada pela pandemia, população recusando vaicinação, movimentos políticos contrário ao governo, ou confrontos entre Governo e Senado, ou motivado seja por qual motivo para, e se o Estado de Defesa não for eficiente, resulta Estado de Sítio.
Ambos, Estado de Defesa e de Sítio são motivadores e justificáveis ​​violadores da Constituição Federal de maneira "legalizada" e todos os Direitos Fundamentais do cidadão como o de ir e vir, liberdade de imprensa, expressão, liberdade para reuniões serão comprometidos.
Até mesmo nas realizações de publicações nas canias, grupos e redes sociais podem fazer com que os cidadãos possam ser apreendidos, TIs ou não, mesmo que agindo de boa fé, porque dentro destes contextos, como interpretações pelos militares podem acontecer num outro nível.
Sou patriota e gosto do nosso atual Presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, sempre mantive contatos em redes sociais com Forças Armadas, sou profunda admiradora e seguidora, mas eles tem um Código Militar que se, provado para, situação de guerra ou equivalente por características diversas a ordem nacional pode mudar.
Arte. 139. Na vigência do estado de sítio decretado com fundamento no art. 137, I, só será nomeado contra as pessoas as seguintes medidas:

I - obrigação de permanência em localidade fornecida;
II - detenção em edifício não destinado a acusados ​​ou condenados por crimes comuns;
III - restrições relativas à inviolabilidade da correspondência, ao sigilo das comunicações, à prestação de informações e à liberdade de imprensa, radiodifusão e televisão, na forma da lei;
IV - suspensão da liberdade de reunião;
V - busca e apreensão em domicílio;
VI - intervenção nas empresas de serviços públicos;
VII - requisição de bens.

Parágrafo único. Não se inclui nas restrições do inciso III a difusão de pronunciamentos de parlamentares efetuados em suas Casas Legislativas, desde que liberada pela processamento Mesa.
Arte. 141. Cessado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sítio, cessarão também seus efeitos, sem prejuízo da responsabilidade pelos ilícitos cometidos por seus executores ou agentes.

Parágrafo único. Logo que cesse o estado de defesa ou estado de sítio, as medidas aplicadas em sua vigência serão relatadas pelo Presidente da República, em mensagem ao Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificação das providências adotadas, em relação aos afetados nominais e indicação das restrições aplicadas ”.
As consequências serão essencialmente políticas e abertas ou não crimes de responsabilidade, aqui já tratada e “impeachment”, além das penais.

ESPANHO L: Realmente creo que los TI pueden estar en riesgo inminente y deben preservarse y ser cuidadosos con sus acciones, escritos y contenido solicitados en mi país y en todo el mundo. No Brasil, uno se entera y hay publicaciones que temen cambios drásticos en torno a la pandemia, los virus y sus mutaciones:

1 - Nueva Constitución Federal;

2 - Estado de defesa;

3 - Estado de sitio.

Por legislación, los estados serían promulgados en tiempos de guerra, por lo que la hermenéutica interpretativa del avance viral en Brasil es considerada o "estado de guerra" que justifica cambios radicais en el comportamiento gubernamental y militarista en el contexto real. Pero no hay certezas, pruebas. Me gustaría que prestaran atención al "lenguaje figurativo" de las acciones en torno al virus corona, covid 19, hay otras interpretaciones que están dando lugar a acciones que creo, ponen en riesgo la causa de las TI e los que sufren los derechos humanos violaciones . Estou preocupado com a origem do covid haya ocurrido na China, porque os objetivos individuais são un gran liderazgo na Ásia e na China. Encontré nas encuestas que os soldados chinos estão invadindo edifícios e com os infectados, sacando a las personas que están contra as acciones del gobierno, esta realidad está comprada em video, y tuve que transcribir el video del chino al portugués para entender lo que estaba pasando en el video. Yo mismo lo compartí y publiqué una transcripción en portugués en Brazil. Si se está aprovando del covid para deshacerse de las "personas inconvenientes" políticamente, créanme, pueden aprovechar la pandemia para deshacerse de los objetivos individuais que molestan ou se deshacen de un problem, porque somos una prueba viviente de la existencia humana. violaciones de derechos en todo el mundo. Seré más claro con ustedes, colegas, ejemplificando. Feno no Brasil em vários estados. Ilustraré con dos estados, el 1º de Río de Janeiro e el 2º de Amazonas, un marcado CONTRASTE em torno da realidade e versões sobre a pandemia e as possibilidades de infecção-contaminação. Ahora publicar dos vídeos, um de cada estado, apresentando a realidade de que cada um de ellos está viviendo na pandemia, a pesar de todas as restrições e a atenção publicada.

EXPLICACIÓN: Vea cómo los TI pueden incurrir en riesgos e impedimentos en la aplicación del Estado de Defensa y del Estado de Sitio si éste entra en vigencia, aunque son personas honestas y decentes, muchos TI hacen publicaciones que denotan descontento con las políticas gubernamentais,
Si entra en vigencia el Estado de Defesa en nombre de la guerra gerada por la pandemia, la población se niega a movimientos políticos vanos, contrarios al Gobierno, o enfrentamientos entre Gobierno y Senado, o motivados por cualquier motivo, y si el estado de defesa não es eficiente, da como resultado do estado de sitio.
Tanto o Estado de Defesa como o Sitio son violadores motivadores e justificáveis ​​de la Constitución Federal de manera "legalizada" y se verán comprometidos todos los Derechos Fundamentales del ciudadano como ir y venir, libertad de prensa, expresión, libertad de reunión.
Incluso al publicar publicaciones em Los Cañones, los grupos e las redes sociales pueden provocar la aprehensión de ciudadanos, TI o no, aunque actúen de buena fe, porque de estos contextos, las interpretaciones por parte de los militares pueden suceder a otro nivel.
Soy patriota y me gusta nuestro atual presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro, siempre he mantenido contactos en las redes sociaises con las Fuerzas Armadas, soy un deep admirador y seguidor, pero ellos tienen un Código Militar que, si se prueba, es una situación de guerra. o equivalente debido a diferentes características en el pedido puede cambiar.
Arte. 139. Durante o estado de sítio decretado com base no art. 137, I, solo se podrán tomar las siguientes medidas contra las personas:

I - obrigação de permanecer em um lugar específico;
II - detención en un edificio no destinado a acusados ​​de condenados por delitos comunes;
III - restrições en cuanto à inviolabilidad de la correspondencia, la confidencialidad de las comunicaciones, el suministro de información y la libertad de prensa, radiodifusión y televisión, según dispone la ley;
IV - suspensión de la libertad de reunión;
V - registro e incautación en el hogar;
VI - intervenção em empresas de serviços públicos;
VII - requisición de bienes.

Párrafo unico. Não se inclui nas restrições do ponto III a difusão das declarações dos parlamentares realizados em suas Câmaras Legislativas, sempre que o mar difundido pela Mesa cobrada.
Arte. 141. Uma vez cesado o estado de defesa ou o estado de sitio cesarán también sus efeitos, sen perjuicio de la responsabilidad por los ilícitos cometidos por sus ejecutores ou agentes.

Párrafo unico. Tan pronto como cese o estado de defesa ou o estado de local, as medidas aplicadas en vigor serão informadas pelo Presidente da República, em uma mensagem no Congresso Nacional, com especificação e justificativa das medidas retornadas, com uma relação nominal de los afectados e uma indicação de restrições aplicadas. ”.
Las consecuencias serãon esencialmente políticas y podrán abarcar ou nenhum delitos de responsabilidad, que ya se han tratado aquí y el “juicio político”, además de las penas.



                                una semana atrás - uma semana atrás

                                                                 Este vídeo foi gravado por um turista,
Rami Travel, que está viajando como Américas, e está no Brasil, o vídeo tem uma semana.   

Este vídeo fue agarrado por um turista,
Rami Travel, quien está viajando por América, y está no Brasil, el vídeo tiene una semana.

Este vídeo foi gravado pela turista,
Rami Travel, que está viajando pelas Américas, e está no Brasil, o vídeo tem uma semana.


                                          CIDADE DE VÍDEO MANAUS - ESTADO DE AMAZONAS - COUTRY BRASIL


                                                                                   una semana atrás - uma semana atrás

Pessoas desesperadas atrás de cilindros de oxigênio e do gás oxigênio, este vídeo foi gravado por pessoa do Brasil, canal confiável de comunicação, UOL.

Pessoas desesperadas em busca de cilindros de oxigênio e gás oxigênio, este vídeo foi gravado por um brasileiro, um canal de comunicação confiável, o UOL.

Personas desesperadas that buscan cilindros de oxígeno y gas oxígeno, this video fue grabado by una persona de Brazil, un canal de comunicación confiable, UOL.

TÍTULO DO VÍDEO: Estamos em uma operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um jornalista e político brasileiro filiado ao Partido Social Cristão. É o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.

TÍTULO DO VÍDEO: Estamos em operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um jornalista e político brasileiro filiado ao Partido Social Cristão. Ele é o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.

TÍTULO DEL VIDEO: Estamos em uma operação de guerra - Wilson Miranda Lima, é um periodista e político brasileño afiliado ao Partido Social Cristiano. É o atual governador do estado do Amazonas.

É um contraste muito grande, enquanto no Rio de Janeiro, as pessoas saem para a vida noturna e durante o dia estão nas praias, em Manaus ou desespero é geral e a população que correr atrás do gás oxigênio que está em falta e grande número de óbitos .

Es un contraste muy grande, mientras que en Rio de Janeiro la gente venda a vida noturna y durante o dia está em las playas, en Manaus la desesperación es generalizada y la población tiene que correr tras el gás oxígeno que falta y registrar una gran número de muertes.

É um contraste muito grande, enquanto no Rio de Janeiro as pessoas saem para a noite e de dia nas praias, em Manaus o desespero é geral e a população tem que correr atrás do gás oxigênio que falta e registrar uma grande número de mortes.

Não somente no Brasil, mas em outros países das Américas anunciados com muitos mortos pelo covid, a realidade é como se "nada acontecesse".
Vejam em Medellin, na Colômbia, vídeo gravado há 04 semanas atrás, vida noturna.

Não só no Brasil, mas em outros países das Américas anunciados com milhares de mortes pela cobiça, a realidade é como se "nada estivesse acontecendo".
Veja Medellín, Colômbia, vídeo gravado há 4 semanas, vida noturna.

No solo en Brasil, sino en otros países de América anunciados con miles de muertes por el covid, la realidad es como si "no pasara nada".
Vea Medellín, Colômbia, vídeo grabado hace 4 semanas, vida nocturna.

Ficamos confusos com as estatísticas e pensamos que são mantidas para justificar os que morrem "por covid 19 ou por outros motivos, mas que sejam justificados pelo covid 19".
Atestados de óbitos não denúncia devida averiguação, esta é a verdade.
Orientam tratamento preventivo, depois retiram tal orientação e publicam que as pessoas morreram porque fizeram tal tratamento.
Cada dia apresenta medicações "eficaz", posteriormente, voltam atrás e anunciam mortes por tais medicações.
Apresentam vacinas, depois, mortes por tais vacinas, e suspensão de algumas e continuidade com outras.
Não faz sentido.
É um processo de experimentação e torturas.
Mais grave é alegarem que uma pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psíquicos e pessoas podem se matar pelo isolamento social.
O mesmo tipo de isolamento, não tão pior como às quais lançam todas as mortes de TIs.
E aqui, no Brasil, buscar saúde mental pública e solicitar ajuda para provar a existência do SISTEMA MARGINAL DE TORTURAS junto a classe médica, e contar o que praticam com atingido é RISCO em ser internado em estabelecimento psiquiátrico sem dados para sair e sob ação de medicamentos fortíssimos e com graduação crescente.
Classe médica tem a coragem e audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que "nada disto existe ou acontece", e que NUNCA ouviram falar em torturas psicotronicas, telepatia sintética e de imediato se juntam para internar a vítima ea comprometer em todos os sentidos o resto de suas vidas.
Aqui, há duas vítimas interditadas, uma delas foi defendida pela mãe, e o Poder Judiciário não voltou atrás sequer com a defesa e depoimento da mãe da vítima.
Comecei publicações e campanha para que busca não buscassem Psiquiatras e se mantivessem longe das tarjas pretas, porque ficariam incapazes de se defender psíquica e fisicamente, e não estou mentindo.
Com este envolvimento negacionista da classe médica, fico muito preocupada com a estratégia que o SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pode montar em torno de incapacitar as vítimas como feitas loucas, dementes ou esquizofrênicas para que seus depoimentos eram impedidos, invalidados, e foram tutelados pelo Estado para que engavetar e impedir todas as petições e demais atos em defesa da vida e dos Direitos Humanos das vítimas denunciantes.

Nos confunden las estadísticas y pensamos que se guardan para justificar a los que mueren "por el covid 19 ou por outros motivos, pero que están justificados por el covid 19".
Los certificados de defunción no se investigan adecuadamente, esta es la verdad.
Aconsejan un tratamiento preventivo, luego retiran esa orientación y publican que las personas murieron porque recibieron ese tratamiento.
Cada día presentan medicamentos "efectivos", luego regresan y anuncian muertes por dichos medicamentos.
Presentan vacunas, luego muertes por dichas vacunas, suspensión de algunas y continuidad con otras.
No tiene sentido.
Es un proceso de experimentación y tortura.
Más grave, afirman que la pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psicológicos e las personas pueden suicidarse por aislamiento social.
El mismo tipo de aislamiento, no tan malo como el que sufren todas as víctimas de las tecnologías de la información.
Y aquí, en Brasil, buscar salud mental pública y solicitar ayuda para acreditar na existência do SISTEMA DE TORTURA MARGINAL con la profesión médica, y contar lo que pratica con las víctimas es RIESGO de ser ingresado en un estabelecimento psiquiátrico sin fecha de salida. y bajo la acción de medicamentos muy fuertes con graduación creciente.
Classe médica tem a coragem e audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que "nada disto existe ou acontece", e que NUNCA ouviram falar em torturas psicotronicas, telepatia sintética e de imediato se juntam para internar a vítima e o comprometedor em todos os sentidos o resto de sus vidas.
Aquí tenemos a dos víctimas proibidas, una de ellas fue defendida por la madre, y el Poder Judicial não retrocedió ni siquiera con la defensa y testemunho de la madre de la víctima.
Inicié publicaciones y una campaña para evitar que las víctimas busquen psiquiatras y se alejen de las rayas negras, porque não podrían defenderse física y psíquicamente, y não miento.
Con esta implicación negacionista de la profesión médica, me preocupan mucho las estrategias that el SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pueda construir en torno a incapacitar a las víctimas como locas, dementes o esquizofrénicas para que sus testemunhos sean prevenidos, invalidados y perdidos por el Estado para que archivar y prevenir todas as peticiones y demás atos em defesa da vida y los derechos humanos de las víctimas denunciantes.

Ficamos confusos com as estatísticas e pensamos que elas são guardadas para justificar aqueles que morrem "por cobiça 19 ou por outras razões, mas que são justificadas por cobiça 19".
Certificados de óbito não são devidamente investigados, esta é a verdade.
Eles aconselham o tratamento preventivo, aí retiram essa orientação e publicam que pessoas morreram por terem feito esse tratamento.
A cada dia eles apresentam medicamentos "eficazes", depois voltam e anunciam as mortes por tais medicamentos.
Apresentam vacinas, depois mortes por tais vacinas e suspensão de algumas e continuidade de outras.
Não faz sentido.
É um processo de experimentação e tortura.
Mais sério, eles afirmam que a pandemia produz problemas psicológicos, mentais, psicológicos e as pessoas podem se matar pelo isolamento social.
O mesmo tipo de isolamento, não tão ruim quanto aquele em que todas as vítimas de TI são lançadas.
E aqui, no Brasil, buscar saúde mental pública e pedir ajuda para comprovar a existência do SISTEMA DE TORTURA MARGINAL com a classe médica, e contar o que ela pratica com as vítimas é RISCO de ser internada em estabelecimento psiquiátrico sem data para sair e sob a ação de medicamentos muito potentes com graduação crescente.
A classe médica tem a coragem e a audácia de afirmar e reafirmar que “nada disso existe ou acontece”, e que NUNCA ouviu falar de torturas psicotrônicas, telepatia sintética e imediatamente se reúnem para internar a vítima e comprometer em todos os sentidos o resto de suas vidas.
Aqui temos duas vítimas interditadas, uma delas foi defendida pela mãe, e o Judiciário não recuou nem mesmo com a defesa e depoimento da mãe da vítima.
Iniciei publicações e uma campanha para evitar que as vítimas procurassem psiquiatras e ficassem longe das listras pretas, porque não teriam como se defender psíquica e fisicamente, e não estou mentindo.
Com esse envolvimento negador da profissão médica, estou muito preocupado com as estratégias que o SISTEMA DE TORTURAS pode construir em torno de incapacitar as vítimas enquanto elas eram loucas, dementes ou esquizofrênicas para que seus depoimentos fossem prevenidos, invalidados e tutelados pelo Estado para que elas pode arquivar e prevenir todas as petições e outros atos em defesa da vida e dos direitos humanos das vítimas denunciantes.


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I am being wirelessly and invisibly and slowly enslaved from an unknown remote location by unknown criminals who use nano technology which has permeated my brain and body to conduct wireless experiments on me to the extent that they may one day be able to immobilize me if I refuse to obey them.
These criminals speak to me by wireless means using a brain to brain interface system or other bio-communication systems. They have informed me that their brains have been programmed in a way that is similar to computer programming to the extent that they can not break their programming and they must carry out their work on me despite serious misgivings.
Who programmed them to commit the aforementioned illegal acts? Who ordered the aforementioned programming to be carried out? Who paid for the aforementioned programming as it was being carried out? Whoever ordered, paid for or programmed them to commit the aforementioned illegal acts should be placed under arrest immediately.
I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland and my youtube channel is called gretta fahey.

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I am neurally linked by wireless means to a computerized control network against my will and without my consent and this computerized control network is run by men and women who have feelings of inadequacy about themselves to the extent that they feel they must wirelessly torture their fellow men and women in order to build up their egos. If they felt adequate and confident they would live their own lives independently and autonomously without feeling the need to wirelessly control, enslave and torture their own equals.
The men and women which I am neurally linked to have the ability to control the sensations which I feel on my skin using haptic technology which is also known as haptic feedback.
The wikepedia definition of haptic technology is as follows:-
Haptic technology, also known as kinaesthetic communication or 3D touch, refers to any technology that can create an experience of touch by applying forces, vibrations, or motions to the user. These technologies can be used to create virtual objects in a computer simulation, to control virtual objects, and to enhance remote control of machines and devices.
Haptic feedback is the use of touch to communicate with users. Most people are familiar with the vibration in a mobile phone or the rumble in a game controller – but haptic feedback is much more than that. Robert Blenkinsopp, VP Engineering at Ultraleap, explains why.
Human beings have five senses, but electronic devices communicate with us using predominantly just two: sight and hearing.
Haptic feedback (often shortened to just haptics) changes this by simulating the sense of touch. Not only can you touch a computer or other device, but the computer can touch you back.
Because I am neurally linked to a computerized control network without my consent, now often when I sit on my own toilet while I am alone in the privacy of my own home, the team of staff who run the computerized control network which I am neurally linked to force me to feel a hand being placed on my genitals while I am attempting to urinate. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. Please do not allow yourself or your children to ever become neurally linked by wireless means to a computerized control and torture system which as I am neurally linked to without my consent and against my will because it is hell on earth . My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland (dot) net. The police do not believe those who inform them that they have become non-consensually neurally linked to a computerized control network because our ongoing inslavement and torture is invisible and also because most police forces throughout the world are being subjected to electronic mind control. There are already millions of us connected to a computerized control network throughout the world and nothing is being done to stop you from being connected to it in the future.

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Mass electronic mind control which is coming through our own devices from antennae which are being positioned on tall buildings and high towers is producing behaviour alterations in the civilian population, and most especially employees of most if not all state controlled government institutions.
Government employees have been electronically mind controlled to enslave themselves and their fellow country men, women and children and they are busy doing that now.
Telecom employees are installing 5G against the wills of their own people. 5G will provide the band width to wirelessly enslave, torture and genocide any and all of us. I became a wireless slave in 2003 and even though I have reported the matter to all, nothing has been done to free me.
Electricity workers are installing smart meters against the wills of their own people so that each electrical device which we use can be monitored, controlled or banned from our use by wireless remote means. Smart meters would enable the slave masters to control the temperature and the time spent in our showers each day and they could also remote control how much heating we are allowed in our homes and what temperature our thermostats is set at. This could all be achieved by wireless means from an unknown remote control centre.
University scientists whose salaries are paid by the tax payers use their time to research and develop new technological means of controlling the public. By this means they would eventually enslave themselves.
The police and military use violence to intimidate and control their own people at the behest of Satanists and dark Luciferians who have infiltrated and captured the control of most police forces throughout the world. Police are now enforcing unconstutional laws. They enforced the hoaxed covid-19 lockdown and denied their own people the right to travel on the roads which are owned by the people themselves. The police carried out these activities at the behest of the World Health Organisation which is known to be owned and controlled by dark occultists.

State controlled teachers are now indoctrinating the children into being uncritical thinkers who group think rather than think individual thoughts. The children are being trained to be unquestioningly obedient and to never ever think for themselves but to always ask the permission of a false authority figure such as their teacher if they wish to do anything whatsoever. Children are being taught to be docile and they are never allowed to express anger even when they are being treated unfairly. Teachers are participating in evil and they are actively harming children at the behest of the Satanists and dark luciferians who control the educational system throughout most if not all of the world.
Government politicians have been continually enacting more and more nonsensical laws under the guise of security which are eroding our human rights one at a time.
At this stage, dark occultists such as Satanists and Luciferians own and control most of the worlds financial resources as well as most other resources. They control many judges through various methods such as electronic mind control, electronic wirelessly enabled central nervous system control, blackmail, fear as well as through some judges already being members of their satanic or luciferian organisation.
Some readers might believe that I am exaggerating. I am being entirely truthful. I and many of my country men and women are being wirelessly harassed, tortured and curteilled and this situation has been ongoing by covert means for many decades but for seventeen years in my own case. Nobody does anything to help us free ourselves from this situation. We have reported the matter to the police who refuse to validate our statements on the grounds that wireless enslavement technology does not exist and therefore we must be mentally unwell and should attend for psychiatric evaluation. When under the care of psychiatry, psychiatrists mandate that we ingest substances that have been found to be poisonous and which have such extreme side effects that in some instances it is akin to being tortured from the inside out. Psychiatrists, whose salaries are being paid by the tax payers, are working to enslave their own people because they are now under electronic mind control to the point of stupidity. Their decisions are being backed up by the violence of that state which is another name for the police.
It is preferable for all wireless slaves to inform the public of their plight in an online forum. If you inform the police or a psychiatrist of your plight in private the secrecy which is allowed in such a situation would then allow evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland and my website which I alone own and control is called

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The police forces of the United States are both trained and programmed to enslave the American people on behalf of the corporate super rich millionnaires who now run the United States and other parts of the world from behind the scenes. On one occasion, a United States rancher was being forceably moved off his privately owned ranch by the American police because he was in debt to the corporate super rich millionaire bankers. Hundreds of fellow ranchers and other Americans came on horseback to the ranch and ran the police off his land.
The American people are now taking back their power from the super rich and further to that most of the American police have now taken the side of their fellow American men and women against said super rich. The super rich and their bankers initially attempted through means of mind control programming and police training programs to cause division in the United States by turning the police and the people against each other so that the super rich and their colleague bankers would remain unnoticed in the back ground. However, all of the American people are now uniting against their common enemy who are the super rich corporate owners and their banking colleagues whose ultimate wish is to wirelessly enslave the American people through forced microchipping and the microchips would possibly be hidden inside vaccines. Once the microchips would be inside the bodies of the American people they would then be connected wirelessly to a central computerized control system where each and every American would receive intense levels of pain if they ever dated to question the dictates of the super-rich and their bankers. If fifth generation wireless capabilities are activated then the bandwidth would be available for enslavement of all Americans. Please ask your legislators of disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities throughout the United States combined with the rest of the world.

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Bitchute will not release my latest video to the public. It is called " In a planet earth that is fixed and flat (not a spinning ball) it is possible to arrange that large areas would not be surveilled from space. What will I do to ensure the public have access to it. I also put a link to the same video here while giving it a somewhat similar title but I am not sure if it being ring fenced by the individuals who have wirelessly enslaved me. Even though it is on my own page it might not be released into the main timeline. What sometimes happens is my work can be ring fenced by the wireless enslavers and they would leave a few derogratory comments under it so as to make me believe that it was available to the public.
I managed to upload said video to bitchute after several attempts because someone keep deleting the file as it was uploading. Now it is categorized as being in the processing stage but that has been the case for the past twenty four hours.
Is there a sound way to test the electromagnetic radiation which is coming from space so that we may determine if some countries or large areas are not being surveilled from space as could easily be arranged on a flat and fixed earth. The spinning ball earth is strongly believed to be a hoax and the seas are kept in place by the Antarctic ice wall. Humanity can not travel beyond the Antarctic ice wall because the further out one travels the colder and darker it becomes and this provides a natural boundary which no one can traverse. Railway lines have been built which are a thousand miles in length and both ends of them are almost level with each other which proves that there is no curvature in the earth. Airplane windows are curved so as to make the earth appear curved when viewed from the air. Civil engineers and airline piolets absolutely never take into consideration a supposed curvature of the earth in the course of their work. The spinning ball earth is a hoax and we must take down the infrastructure which is being used to wirelessly tether us to a centralized computerized enslavement system of which I am already tethered to by wireless means.

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I have become non-consensually wirelessly linked to the smart grid from a programmable bio-chip implant.   The operatives who monitor and control me force me to listen to their dictates every day whenever they wish.   I heard one of them say the following today via the wireless link as follows  "This is a cost effective way of monitoring people while they are inside their own homes.  If they have nothing to hide they wont mind."   I mind very much.  My website where I outline in extreme detail some of my experiences of being non-consensually wirelessly linked to said smart grid is called  

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I am a victim of secret, non-consensual neuro experimentation and research, which is being carried out by fusion centres in the United States and parallel centres throughout the U.K. . American military and intelligence agents and sub agents combined with other similar agents throughout the world, who have been tasked with gaining absolute control over the human race carry out this unlawful work. I am wirelessly linked by a two-way link to a network of computers which are controlled by sub agents of these military and intelligence agencies and I keep a daily blog on a number of social media sites where I outline what these agents communicate to me via bio-communication on an ongoing basis. I hear their voices coming from inside my head via brain to brain communication and synthetic telepathy and a number of other methods and I am engaged with their voices on an almost constant basis.

These secret agents collect and collate all electrical activity being generated by my brain and body on a constant basis via the two way link which links me to their computer network. They also use the aforementioned two way link to send information to my brain and body in the form of voices, moving images, bodily sensations, pain signals, odours, forced muscle movement, feelings and thoughts. Not alone can they send information into my body to force the muscles of my face and neck to move against my will whenever they wish, but they can and are sending information signals into my body in order to make my intestines act against my will.
These same sub agents of the intelligence service can and do evoke memories from my past by asking me questions. This allows them to bring up images from my past memories in living colour on their computer screens, for exploration. They further prepare the information they glean for data analysis where it is sent to Fort Meade, Maryland to be further analysed for scientific use. Fort Meada, Maryland is heavily involved in tabulating all data which is being collected from me and from many other targeted individuals throughout the world in preparation for a police state in Ireland and all other courtires throughout the world. As part of the work of the sub agents who target me and others, they are obliged to tabulate the number of sexual penetrations which women have had during the course of their lifetimes to date. They will not allow us to have any privacy whatsoever.  They claim that they only work on individuals whose identity they do not know and have no way of ever knowing but there is no truth in that claim because the staff who work on me all know who I am and where I live combined with everything about my life that one could possibly wish to know.  

Here below is some of what these unknown operatives have been saying to me via inner voices technology during the past few days:-

“Is there a civil case against this lady.” “No” “That is regretable to us.”
“You will be safely encased inside your body within months and unable to move a muscle.”
“Distain her in every possible way.”
“Only evidence based is acceptable.” “She has nothing on us.”
“We have nothing on her. We need to have some leverage on her in order to control all situations when dealing with her.”
“We can not allow this woman to continue posting an online daily blog, quoting what we say to her in private.”
“At the moment we are doing our utmost to conceal the information.”
“This system has all the hallmarks of a monarch program being set up throughout the world by wireless means and from a remote location.”
“If we succeeded in bio-robotizating you we would encourage our clients to use you in any way they could.”
“Is she on medicaid?” “No. This lady is a European lady.” (Medicaid is a form of health care only in use in the United States.) ( I believe the individuals who reproduce their voices inside my head using advanced technology are mostly American because they constantly make references to American terms. I live in Ireland, Europe and I have never been to the United States.)
“I am quite unused to this level of information going out about our exploits. Gretta Fahey is agrieveing me.”
“The material is not nice.” “The staff here are saying these things to Gretta. Gretta is not generating it herself.” This was responded to by another inner voice which was heard by me to say the following “She shouldnt repeat it.”
I personally believe there is an easy way to stop this slow enslavement process of the human race. We should and must destroy all infrastructure which enables it. The existence of satellites has been found to be a hoax. What was initially believed to be satellites were in fact large stationary drones. Telephone masts are the linchpin which holds the whole control and enslavement system together. The dark new world order self-proclaimed elite do not own the infrastructure as previously thought because they obtained it by the use of electronically mind controlling the individuals who sold them the infrastructure , which makes their ownership of it illigitimate. Therefore the human race ownes all technological infrastructure which has been installed throughout the world and it is our right to disassemble it and have it banned and outlawed urgently. Please canvas in your area to have this done as a matter of urgency.

My name is Gretta Fahey, from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.   My website which I alone own and control is called   

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Posted on April 30, 2019 by gretta
I am a targeted individual of non-consensual research and this afore mentioned research is being conducted on me by unknown criminal operatives who work from a remote location and use advanced technology to monitor and survey my brain and body on a continual basis and they have been doing so for the past sixteen years. I have been disbelieved by both the local Gardaí, my general medical practitioner and many psychiatrists whenever I have informed them of these unusual and terrifying experiences. I no longer complain to them about my predicament because it would probably lead to me being detained in a psychiatric hospital where I would more than likely be mandated to ingest toxic substances for no reason whatsoever.
I am connected to the afore mentioned unknown criminal operatives by a two way energy link. They force me to listen to their voices on a continual basis. I hear their voices coming from inside my head against my will and wholly without my permission. Earlier today I heard one of the afore mentioned inner voices say the following “We were told you were a mock up of a human being rather than a real live human being.” Another inner voice was then heard by me to say the following “There are no mock ups of human beings. All who are being surveyed are real live human beings and none of them have given us permission to monitor and survey them at any time ever.”

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Wireless directed energy crime is now being used on a large scale against the public and yet the police and military have failed to warn the public about it. They have failed us yet again. The military have become obedient and submissive order followers to their army generals through inculcation methods being used against them and also through wireless brain entrainment being used against them and also through the fact that they are being misled about all aspects of their work. Their brains have become injured but it is not irreversible. They will recover their abilities to think clearly as soon as they tear down microwave transmitters.

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I am being subjected to classified  mind invasive invisible weapons.  United States diplomats have complained of being targeted with invisible weapons while working in China and Cuba.   How do you report being targeted by invisible weapons to your community in order to warn them of this ?   How do you prove to your community  that you are being targeted by invisible weapons?   If you know the answer please let me know.  

I am non-consensually  wirelessly linked from implants in my brain and body to a computer network by a two way link.  This two way link allows the computer and neuro operatives to speak to me against my will and without my permission.   I am being forced to listen to them throughout each day as I go about my everyday life.   I hear their voices coming from inside my head due implantation with a neuro communication device.   I have heard that a neuro communication device known as a brain radio exists and is being used against some targeted individuals.   However, I don't know what type of chip I have been implanted with.    I keep a daily blog of  where I write what these unknown neuro operatives say to me on an ongoing basis.  Here are some of what the neuro operatives have said in the past twenty four hours,  all of which I have heard coming from inside my head.

"No one was expecting this level of extreme interference in this woman's life."     This was followed by   "If you quote my name I will be endangered."    (I did not know the name of the speaker.)

"If I had my way I would fuckin shoot her."

"Langly Air Force Base have almost total involvement with the processing of the data pertaining to Gretta Fahey.  Norbrook have almost no involvement.   (My name is Gretta Fahey.)

"There is a secondary system in place that has done something extremely evil to the woman, Gretta Fahey.  Her whole face is under our control."

"The program softened her cough for her a bit I suppose."

"You are doing your own loading and unloading.  This is not allowed.  We require a trained expert to carry out all processes which have been deemed to be a danger to human health and safety."   (I was using a wheel barrow at the time I heard this verbiage coming from inside my head.)

" We are now aware that the Irish secret police know what has been happening to you over sixteen years and they have done nothing to alleviate your suffering through fear of their lives and that of their families.   Leo Varadkar knows nothing of this."

"Putting a stop to this woman's harassment is not achievable.  She is locked into the system as tightly as anyone could be locked in. "

"We have developed a way of stopping the majority of human beings of thinking for themselves and of manipulating them to only think in prescribed ways."

"Pull out all the stops.   I need to qualify this woman Gretta Fahey as being insane."

"We wont block the letter.  We will suitably delay it.   (This was in response to the fact that I posted a letter to friend  by ordinary mail, informing her that I have been non-consensually  inplanted and I am wirelessly linked to a computer network from the   implant. )

"We can and we are monitoring the inner dialogue of Irish senior politicians."

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I have become non-consensually wirelessly linked to the cerebral internet-of-things where technology inside my body has become wirelessly linked to a human enslavement system and I can not break free. My slave handlers speak to me through a two way wireless link on a continual basis. Last night, during the night I heard one of the voices of my slave handlers coming from inside my head saying the following about me as follows "How can you field test a system that has already been exposed". I have already explained in some of my other posts that the reason I was wirelessly tethered to this human enslavement system is because I am suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and the human control and enslavement system still has no way of legally assessing if someone is justly entitled to disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome so they wished to further investigate my state of health and they also wished to draw up legislation to control the area of disability allowance claims for irritable bowel syndrome and also to assess if they could conceive of a way to take some of the legal rights away from the irritable bowel syndrome claimant under the guise of offering them support for their health problems.
What I believe these would-be enslavers of the human race wish to do is to ban anybody from the public arena who state that they are not well enough to work because of the fact that they suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, under the false guise that they might create a public health problem if they spend any time in a public place such as a retail store or a community centre.
To that end, the military technologists who force me to listen to their voices on a constant basis have informed me via the internal voice process sometimes known as synthetic telepathy that they plan to do a systems analysis of me on some occasion my wireless remote means when I am out in public and at that same time while doing that they also plan to place my bowel in a permanent state of distalysis in order to make me have bowel problems in public so that they can then enact laws against anybody who claims disability allowance for the reason that they are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, in future. I have already posted information on my own website which is called and on some social media sites stating that technology now exists which can by used by military technologists and others to control the limbs of human beings by external means as well as to control the vocal cords, the body organs, the bowel, the muscles and indeed the whole body of a human being by external means . I myself and many other targeted individuals have stated publicly that some of our body parts have been moved and manipulated by external means against our wills on many occasions. Therefore the plan to manipulate my bowel against my will while I am out in public for the purpose of giving the Irish government a reason to enact new laws against the rights of all claimants of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome to go move around freely in public spaces is now an easy capability.

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Microwave Mind control frequencies have been identified for each unique emotion. The unique frequency of trust has been identified and tabulated. Frequencies are being transmitted to the general population of each country from telephone towers as well as from mobile phones. Whenever senior politicians are asked to sign over valuable resources belonging to the people of their country they may first be bombarded with electronic mind control frequencies of trust in the new world order. A good example of this phenomenon may be the discovery of natural gas approximately 80km of the west coast of County Mayo, Ireland, which was sold cheaply to foreign interests. Because of this concerning the abuses of electronic mind control, I now believe that the legal ownership of any and all property which is now purported to be owned by vast conglomerates of private groups is under question. I also believe that the people of each country remain the sole owners of telephone towers which are now being used to electronically mind control us. Therefore, being the sole owners, we have the legal right to demolish all said telephone towers in a bid to wipe out electronic mind control from our own countries and take back ownership of the workings of our own minds and bodies. Please ask your politicial representative to have all telephone masts also known as telephone towers disassembled and banned from your all countries across the world now.

For further information concerning the adverse effects of electronic mind control in our lives please click on the following link.  

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I am wirelessly and non-consensually linked to neuro operatives who force me to listen to their voices throughout each and every day entirely against my will and without my permission. A selection of neuro operatives, who I have been informed are core volunteers in playing a part in my electronic harassment and psychological torture, wake me up and place my in a hyper alert state in the middle of the night, many nights, in order to speak to me and insult me and threaten me and keep me awake for hours at a time when I should be sleeping. When I complained via the two way bio-communication link which allows them to communicate with me against my will and without my permission they said that they could not get a time slot during the day to perform their electronic harassment duties and that is why they harass me during many nights.

I am a victim of the brutal hacking of brains and bodies of human beings which is now widespread and growing throughout Western European Countries and further afield. The main stream media are keeping the populace in the dark about this psychological torture mechanism which is getting ever closer to their own doors. They are more than likely under strong microwave mind control. Further to that, authoritarian psychiatry use fraudulent mental health labelling on anybody who attempts to whistle blow about the existence and abuse of wireless weapon electronic harassment and torture. Neuro weapons have been in field-testing for at least sixteen years in the Republic of Ireland and possibly for many decades before I became a victim of it. This is an ongoing crime against humanity. The only way forward is to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities together with all microwave mind control capabilities, so that people can begin to think clearly again. Currently many appear to be programmed to only believe what they hear from the mouths of the main stream media announcers. However, the main stream media is now privately owned and controlled by the dark new world order evil cabal and they use said main stream media as their mouthpiece in order to misdirect the rest of the humanity and to lead them into a false sense of security

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I am being subjected to remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation where I am wirelessly linked by a two way stream of energy to a supercomputer which is being used by neuro operatives to interfere with my body and brain.
Today, I felt strong surging energy circulating around my nether regions while at the same time hearing a voice coming from inside my head inquiring of a colleague if I had washed myself today. I responded by saying to the aforementioned neuro operative the following " Why are you pulsating surges of energy around my nether regions, you disgusting sexual pervert". The response from the neuro operative which I heard coming from inside my head due to imbedded implants was as follows. "I am not a disgusting sexual pervert. I am pulsating surges of energy around your nether regions in order to establish if you have cleaned yourself already today.
I live alone and while this conversation was taking place I was alone in my home. All the non-consensual experimentation which I am experiencing is being conducted by wireless remote means and the neuro operatives who electronically harass and psychologically torture me are all unknown to me.
The reason I am writing about this incident and indeed many other incidents of what being subjected to both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulating entail is because I wish to people of the world to wake up to the fact that we are now on the verge of technological enslavement by agents of the dark new world order and we need to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia at the earliest opportunity. We have all been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past many years which has been able to penetrate the blood brain barrier. It has now dispersed throughout our bodies and brains. This neural dust can function like an MRI inside the brain and ultra sound is used to activate the system for full monitoring. For further information please see my website which is called

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The remote neural monitoring staff who I am non-consensually wirelessly tethered to have begun to delete important documents from my computer screen entirely against my will and without me even touching my keyboard. Yesterday I sent the following document to all of the local newspapers in the Republic of Ireland as well as some national newspapers such as and the national television station also in the republic of Ireland called as well as one or two overseas newspapers. I sent the below information in one single email to all email addresses as a group email. This morning I checked my sent items folder at my email address and while I was re-reading the aforementioned email it disappeared off my screen and the retrieve button became greyed out. Luckily I happened to have a copy of the email in another file. The whole population of the western world may become non-consensually linked to remote neural monitoring soon and it could be run entirely by computerized algorithns and without any staff. How can we wake up a population many of who live near telephone towers and by doing so are under heavy electronic mind control? My website is called, My facebook page is called


When a human being is being non-consensually subjected to both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation they are wirelessly connected by a two way stream of energy which comes from technology inside their brains and bodies and is linked to a supercomputer. All of the electrical activity generated by their brain and body in real time is downloaded to that supercomputer where it is translated into everything they have thought, said, and done throughout each day. Further to that, sounds, voices, moving images, sensations, odours, pain signals and forced muscle movements are uploaded to the brain and body of the victim at random times by neuro operatives who transmit this data through the two way stream of energy which is wirelessly connected to the brain and body of the victim. The victim can be forced to experience a virtual reality experience without the need to wear a virtual reality headset. Remote neural murder is also possible in this way. ​ Many people throughout the western world are currently being remote neural monitored and remote neural manipulated. When ever they report the matter to the authorities they are being disbelieved. The reason that they are being disbelieved is because all government officials and all others who work or live close to microwave transmitter towers are under electronic mind control. Microwave transmitters beam (ELF) mind control signals which mimic natural brain waves into the brains of anyone who lives or works close to microwave transmitter towers. Brain researchers have identified the specific brain rhythm which induces docile, submissive, zombie like behaviour. This specific brain rhythm is then recorded and is used as the template for the ELF signal now being beamed from microwave transmitters. ​ We are at a stage in scientific understanding when we are all about to be enslaved by being non-consensually wirelessly tethered to supercomputers but most of the population is under such strong electronic mind control that they dont care. Brain researchers have identified a vast catalogue of brain rhythms which can be used to control the feelings of whole populations which entrain their brains into a state of misplaced trust in European commission authorities who do not have their best interests at heart. The politicians of all national governments within the European Union could well be under similar mind control constraints. Otherwise they would not have advised all government staff to carry smart phones, which can be used to entrain the brains of said government staff into docile, obedient, trusting and unquestioning order followers. Many people from all countries in Europe are being psychologicallty harassed and tortured inside their own homes by wireless means and whenever they report the matter to the police they are being disbelieved and they may wrongly end up in psychiatric facilities because wireless weapons are highly deniable and these attacks are not easily proveable. ​ When are we going to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and return to using hard wired telephones? Yours Sincerely, Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Landline Home Phone No 0949360901, Mobile Phone No 0870692278,

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To my fellow targeted individuals.   I have become interlinked to a network of computers from neural dust in my brain, spinal cord and muscles.  My facial muscles are being moved against my will on a daily basis.   My latest update is as follows.   I am repeatedly being made to imagine going to my front door and taking off the security chain.   This repeated imagining of me unlocking my front door is  being made to happen  by the neuro operatives who control the network of computers which I am interlinked to in order to program me to open my front door against my will at a later date.    My advice to you all is to both lock and bolt your outer doors at night.  You must then remove the key from the lock and hide it in a different part of your home each night.  If you do this nobody can program you to unknowingly let them in at night.

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Today is Saturday, 24th November, 2018.  In the past ten minutes a voice to skull induced voice which I heard coming from inside my head  was heard by me to say "Everything that I have said to Gretta Fahey in the past via voice to skull military induced inner voices is now being used against me.   Somebody commendeered our words and they are using them against us now. "

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There may be a way of deciphering exactly who our real enemies are.  Worldwide social engineers such as MK Ultra or Tavistock strive to create small realities for us through their control over public education, the main stream media, organised religions, book clubs and think tanks among other areas of new idea generation.    According to most archaeologists strong evidence exists which proves that humans have walked the earth for at least five hundred million years.  Some archaeologists have provided evidence that humans have walked the earth for more than four thousand, five hundred million years.   When we think about organised religions and their origins we are strongly encouraged to think in time frames of two thousand years, which does not make sense to the average thinker.   There must have been belief systems in  existence for hundreds of millions of years.  What happened to those belief systems and why did they suddenly end?     According to the late Dr Paul Marko of the online youtube channel Pine Cone Eutopia,  dark Luciferians have strongly influenced human life from behind the scenes for nine thousand years.  He has claimed that up to six thousand years ago said dark Luciferians created many of our organised religions so that they could funnel us all into various belief systems so that they could then overlay those belief systems with mind control which they have been doing successfully since then.
I believe that these dark Luciferians kept their reproductive lives among themselves and they still do.  They do not inter marry with the rest of the human race.  They do not spread their knowledge or wealth to the rest of the human race.  They have come to regard the rest of the human race as inferior to them.   I believe that they have infiltrated all of our power institutions but they never put themselves forward for public elections.   They stay in the background of our lives where they remain in control of the money and weapon supply of the world regardless of what political party gets into office.  They have become so exclusive and power hungry that the inner circle of the dark Luciferians do not even like the outer circle but they tolerate them in order to get political work done.  They live modest unassuming lives so that their vast power and influence over the human race never comes to light.  However, they have a weak point.   In order to save ourselves from enslavement be these dark dark individuals we aught to take many and varied DNA samples until we find a pure strand of DNA which has not been contaminated by other more common DNA for thousands of years.  We will have found them then .  We need to know our enemies.
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