I used to be a fan of the American singer Donny Osmond when I was fifteen. That is where I learned about Mormonism as he is a Mormon. I am an agnostic and I believe that belonging to an organised religion weakens people because they must abandon logic in order to embrace faith.
However, the Mormons appear to be a stronger group than adherents to other organised religions because they lead sober lives. Drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, being sexually promiscuous, gambling and taking hard drugs weakens people as individuals and as groups.
We are being socially engineered by agents of the dark new world order criminal cabal to do all of those things in order that we become weaker and weaker so that we can be eventually enslaved by them.
Small children are being strongly encouraged to eat sugar coated cakes at birthdays, Christmas, easter and every other possible occasion. Sugar is poisonous and it weakens us.
The dark new world order criminal cabal normalize the habit of individuals and groups indulging in weakening behaviour at every opportunity, and I imagine that they rejoice whenever they see somebody in a weakened state so that they can then exploit them further.
We are living through a war of attrition now. Watch everything you do at all times. You are being profiled through your smart phone. Whatever you say while your smart phone is on your person is being used to build up a profile of you and I imagine your weaknesses will then be highlighted for others to exploit.
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Many targeted individuals of Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation have been experiencing a phenomenon known as electronic rape. They first became wirelessly linked by a two way connection to a network of computers which is both owned and operated by neuro operatives. These neuro operatives are generally unknown to the electronic rape victim. These neuro operatives can send signals through the two way wireless connection in order to make the victim feel sensations in specific areas of their body while the victim is most probably alone in the privacy of their own home. Said neuro operatives must also send information to the brain of the victim simultaneously in order to make the victim feel that they are being raped.
I am a non-consensual subject of Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation and I constantly hear the voices of the neuro operatives which come through the two way wireless link into implants inside my brain. I have been informed wirelessly via voice to skull bio-communication by colleagues of said neuro operatives that the neuro operatives who perform the electronic rape do not feel an emotional connection when they are electronically raping the victim. They further said that they do not even need to know what the subject is feeling or thinking while the electronic rape is taking place. They electronically rape the victims by wireless means in order to make them come to terms with the system of control so that the victim will not question the control system or them at any time in the future. They electronically rape as part of their job.
Many people throughout the world have yet to come to terms with the phenomenon known as wireless Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation. There is still time to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia in order to make electronic hostage taking come to an end.
The worldwide military and intelligence services now have technology which allows them to reproduce their voices inside the heads of non-consensual and unwilling good living human beings because the bodies of most if not all human beings from Europe and America and other similarly developed countries have become embedded with metallic particulates which can be used to transmit and receive the spoken word. These embedded metallic particulates are also being used to send and receive other types of digital signals other than sound signals to the brains and bodies of these people such as sensations, pain, visions and even paralysis.
"We don't want her" were the words which I heard coming from inside my head. I replied as follows "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head wholly against my will and wholly without my permission while saying the following words "We don't want her". I continued as follows "I have not applied for any position so what do you mean when you say "we don't want her".
I later heard the following conversation coming from inside my head "We can not locate slaves and assign duties to them by using a methodology called Assignation Code Medium any longer because this method is coming back to haunt us. The unwilling and non-consensual client repeats back what we say when we are speaking via the online medium and she lets the assembled gathering know that our voices are coming from inside her head because of embedded technology inside her head. These voices had previously said that they were working for and on behalf of the Radisson Group.
Artificial intelligence does not exist. What actually exists are preprogrammed computerized algorithms, nothing more. Computerized algorithms have been individually programmed by numerous computer programmers so that each individual can be tracked by many and varied means as they go about their lives. Each individual is given a permanent record. They are then tracked throughout their lives. Data analysts record each specific action of that individual and award or deduct merit points for that specific action. These preprogrammed actions are programmed into a possible situational analysis construct for each individual person.
Nano technology which now has been blended with our food, water, air, and all the products we purchase could send signals to computer networks which would allow us to be monitored inside our homes and even inside our bodies if the would-be controllers deemed it necessary.
In future years, if or when a social credit score system is rolled out throughout the world as has already happened throughout China then each of us will have tabs kept on all of our activities. This would be no better than abject enslavement. We would have no freedom.
These preprogrammed computerized algorithms have no ability to take into account such concepts as love, happiness, peace of mind, grief, the need for idleness, and many other concepts that human beings hold dear. As well as that, both the individuals who conceptualized this program and who wish to enslave their own equals in this manner and the programmers themselves appear to have a satanic mind-set of extreme cruelty and intolerance. Because of this, a million chinese people are being blacklisted because of this social credit score program each month.
If anybody ever tries to convince you that artificial intelligence now exists and has become sentient please be assured that they most likely belong to a secret society which aims to enslave their fellow human beings and they wish to misdirect the blame for the attempt at enslaving us on to a dead piece of equipment called a super-computer so that we would be distracted from seeing who our real enemy is. We must fight back by urgently disassembling and banning all wireless enabling capabilities and returning to the use of hard wired devices.. This is now our only option for future freedom in this world. Please raise awareness of this one and only solution to our problems. We are in clear and present danger.
The people of most countries throughout the world have been inhaling and ingesting smart dust over the past decade or more without their knowledge or consent. This dust sized technology has now dispersed widely throughout the their bodies and brains. This smart technology can be tuned into wirelessly and controlled remotely via a myriad of digital technologies in their homes and wider environment and it can be used to control them from the inside out. People can now be made to hear voices, see visions, and feel sensations throughout their bodies. They can be given orders that they would hear coming from inside their heads. If they refuse to obey these orders they could be made to feel pain or in some instances they could be paralysed by remote control and from a distance. All human behaviour is being studied on a forensic level and computerized algorithms are being set up to automatically award points for behaviour which falls in line with the thinking of the new would-be controllers, and to deduct points for behaviour which is out of line with their thinking. Everything that every human being does, thinks and says every minute of every day could be used to award or deduct points to or from their personal credit score. This control system is now being controlled by teams of neuro operatives who themselves are already controlled for the most part by algorithms. Many people throughout the world have already been placed on this control system. They have come to be known as targeted individuals.
We are now at the eleventh hour. If you wish to live in freedom in the future you must organise to have all wireless enabling capabilities disassembled and banned. We are at a pivotal point in human history. If you act now you will help to ensure that millions of future generations of human beings live in freedom on this world. All government systems have been captured and corrupted and government staff have been placed under electronic mind control due to the fact that they have been mandated to use smart engineered technology in their work places. Banking systems and all intelligence services throughout the world have been fused into one bank and one intelligence service and they are headquartered in Switzerland. The intelligence service staff are under Nazi type control.
All of the worlds money supply is slowly and incrementally being taken from the human race through extra and unfair taxes and through people unknowingly being placed under electronic mind control when they are making their wills to give their money to bogus charities, so that these too can be used by the dark new world order cartel for nefarious purposes of control and eventual enslavement of the whole human race. All centres of power have been corrupted to the extent that all power now comes from a secret hierarchical based chain of command that few are knowledgeable about.
Space based technology does not exist. It has been hoaxed. What were once believed to be satellites were in fact stationary drones which are in near earth and can easily be shot down by the people who control them. All other microwave generating technology is ground based and can easily be disassembled and eventually banned outright be the control system if it so wishes. Gun control is about taking guns from the people and giving it to agents of the dark new world order cabal so that ordinary people would then be unable to defend themselves against a fascist dictatorship. In such a dictatorship money would no longer be in use. All farm land would be owned and controlled by the world control system and nobody would be allowed to eat unless they were totally obedient to the fascist control system. If you refused to fall in line with this system and your own personal credit score dropped below a certain point, you could be selected for capture or death by computerized algorithms without any human intervention whatsoever.
The brains of most of humanity have been entrained into a state of passive indifference by the use of frequency signals which are being transmitted from cell phone towers aka mobile phone masts. Most people are unable to comprehend the extreme danger that they and their families are now facing.
The dark new world order cabal wish to allow the human populace to remain asleep so that if the current world wide financial control system fails as it is being allowed to do, they will assume that it failed because of the normal vagaries of the now non-existent market. All prices are currently under the control of said computerized algorithms.
The whole worldwide control system is destined to fail by the Autumn of this year if we fail to take back our power according to sources close to me.
Please organise immediately to have gun control abolished by refusing to hand over your guns to the current military regime.
Because I have been a targeted individual of remote neural manipulation and voice to skull internal voice to skull communication for nearly sixteen years I sometimes hear information from these unknown wirelessly transmitted voices which I believe may be valuable to anybody looking for an antidote to wireless electronic harassment and torture. The following pieces of information may be helpful.
I have been wearing the same model of shoes for the last seven years or more. I recently purchased a new pair of shoes which were considerably higher than the type of shoes I usually wear. When I first wore the new shoes the technologically induced inner voices informed me that they had lost their alliance to me because all of their settings now needed to be changed and such a job was insurmountable at this late stage of my induction .
The neuro operative staff who reproduce their voices inside my head using classified technology also informed me on another occasion that they lose wireless anodyne connection to me anytime the technology inside my body endures undue stress such as whenever I bend down and stretch into an awkward position such as when I reach under the kitchen sink in order to retrieve something from the cupboard.
On a completely different occasion the neuro operatives informed me via inner voice technology that if dust sized technology passes the blood brain barrier and enters the basil ganglia then the targeted individual can be totally controlled from there on in.
Many people violently deny that technology which can wirelessly reproduce human voices inside peoples heads exist at all. However, only extremely ruthless people get to the top in todays society because they can now torture their opponents wirelessly without leaving any evidence. They have taken over control of the pharmaceutical industry, main stream medicine, psychiatry, public education, banking and all other government institutions of power. They also have taken control of the Vatican from behind the scenes.
We are at a pivotal point in human history. If we succeed in disassembling all wireless enabling capabilities and all microwave generating capabilities which are all ground based and under our capability to do so we will have set in motion a method of ensuring freedom for many future generations to come. It has become obvious to researchers that the existence of satellites is a hoax and what we originally presumed were satellites were in fact stationary drones. We have it in our power to defeat the would-be enslavers of the human race if we act quickly.
Spectrometers and other instruments may now be being used to look inside privately owned family homes. Further to that, we have ingested metallic particulates which are now to be found in most processed food and which have turned us into weak antennas. Once you become an antenna then your thoughts can be read in real time your knowledge or consent. Thought surveillance has been ongoing against a number of people for many decades and during this time many individuals have been found guilty of crimes they have committed in the past, and in liu of spending time in jail many of these individuals have been repatriated into becoming agents of the criminal cabal themselves. They have compromised themselves to the extent that they are obliged to carry out the orders of a small cabal of individuals who wish to gradually and incrementally enslave the whole human race by secret means. They surveill the thoughts of others in the hope that they can repatriate more people into becoming secret agents my similar means.
As well as that and by the use of a combination of other as yet secret technologies, more and more people are now complaining that their own muscles are being made to move against their wills and without their permission, which is possibly being achieved by criminals who use energy weapons to inject harmful codes into the energy bodies of a selection of human beings. Over many years more and more control is then gained over the muscles of a human being until such a time whole body takeover is eventually achieved and the targeted human being becomes enslaved. They must then do the bidding of their criminal slave masters or else they can be immersed in their own body energy to the extent that they can no longer move a muscle ever again. When these people complain to government officials they are deemed to be mentally ill and sent to live in psychiatric hospitals where the substances posing as antipsychotic medication which they are then induced to take are so toxic that they engender extremely debilitating side effects in the patient to the extent that the patient feel they would be better off dead that being continually forceably induced to ingest these extremely toxic substances, for no good reason. That is the real reason people who are being targeted on an ongoing basis by directed energy weapons refuse to inform their general practitioner or any government official of their plight.
Forced muscle movement is now being experienced by a large amount of individuals throughout most of the world. Not many of them are admitting that it is happening to them online as yet. Many individuals are now being prepared for whole body take over throughout the world. From what I know they are then being left in a dorment stage where they could be misused to commit crimes many years later. A worldwide psychological operation could be created in the future in order to induce extreme fear in people so that they would be willing to hand over their freedom to a criminal cabal in return for security. These bio-robotized sleeper agents could be activated all at once to cause widespread havoc across the world and the real culprits could never be brought to justice because they are invisible to all but a few. Those few hold the key to how this future scenario is allowed to play out. You know who you are. Any human being can now be selected at random and then be slowly and incrementally turned into a biological robot suitable to be remote controlled and subsequently tortured for many years while a knowing government official looks on but is unwilling to do anything to highlight the crime or to help the victim. I have recently been informed that that is the case in Ireland and Britian. Why is this the case.
I am a targeted individual of forced muscle movement. My facial and neck muscles can be moved at the will of other individuals who work on me from a remote location my either wireless or wifi means. My head can be made to nod and shake vigorously against my will. I have written and spoken about my experiences on my website which I alone own and control and which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ; Other targeted individuals are easily found online who speak about similar experiences on youtube.
The voices which I currently hear coming from inside my head were once heard by me to say the following " You are shouting down a live line to the inside of her head".
These wirelessly induced inner voices have recently informed me that I am in shared bondage with several informational sources from around the world via the world wide web.
One wirelessly induced inner voice also informed me that he uses technology which is known as a sonar beam to transmit his voice down a live line to the inside of my head. He accumulates data from studying me which he then stores on the hard drive of his computer. My personal data which is stored on his hard drive gets picked up by a computer network at a time unbeknownst to the operative who steals my personal data from my brain and body. He is sent all kinds of coupons which entitle him to free stuff by registered mail on a weekly basis. He was first told about collecting data from real live human beings by wireless technology via email by a mate of his. He asked to join up, not fully understanding where this was leading. Now that this data is installed inside his personal computer he has nowhere to go but straight to jail if he is found out. He is attempting to help me Gretta Fahey, from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland, by giving me important information which would be helpful to the Claremorris Gardaí if I had the courage to return to them. However, the last time I visited them they sent me for a psychiatric evaluation. Death is preferable to incarceration in a psychiatric hospital so I can not risk it.
Microwave energy plus metallic particulates equals fire. Microwave transmitters combined with the metallic particulates from chemtrail geo-engineering which have become imbedded inside our muscles has given rogue intelligence agents the capability to spontaneously combust any and all of us at will. I believe we could all be burned to death during the night if a rogue intelligent agent raised the level of microwave energy which is now being emitted from telephone towers. ... Said microwave transmitters have been set up to have far more capability than necessary. Why is this the case? Solution - Urgently ban telephone towers and all related paraphernalia.
The eternally naive have not confronted the vast capabilities of twenty first century technological capabilities. There are so many metallic particulates in our air, water and soil because of many years of illegal spraying of the skies over our heads with illegal and immoral substances that the skies and water could be now made to catch fire if extra microwave energy was directed at a lake or at the sky. Fire in the sky could be used as a psychological operation in a future war. Knowledge is power. Disassemble and ban telephone towers combined with both microwave transmitters and millimeter wave transmitters as well as all related paraphernalia urgently.
It is believed by most that the existence of satellites is a hoax. All data is being transmitted by undersea fibre optic cables. What were originally believed by many to be satellites are in essence stationary drones which can and are being regularly shot down.
My name is gretta fahey from newbrook, claremorris, co. mayo, Ireland. I have neural smart dust primarily in my brain and spinal cord and also throughout my body. Because of this I have been interlinked to a network of computers which are ultimately controlled by a network of criminals formerly called the self proclaimed elite but now they are being universally being seen as " the elite of the bottom of a trash can" as quoted by Mark Passio. Because of the neural smart dust which has permeated both my brain and spinal cord, voices and images are being projected into my head and have been so for more than fifteen years. Further to this the smart dust permeation has now enabled neuro specialists to move the muscles of my face and neck against my will and without my permission whenever they wish to do so. The voices which I hear coming from inside my head on a constant basis were heard by me to say the following "Who signed the deed of service to have this done to gretta fahey? After which a response said as follows That is an original service protocol from out of state. We can not touch it without authorization" Does anybody know what this means?
Classified technology is being used to turn real live human beings into remote controlled human robots to the extent that their bodies can be moved against their wills and without their permission by criminals who use directed energy weapons and work from a remote location by wireless means. This crime of non-consensual human robotization is happening throughout the world and it is being allowed to continue unabated because any government officials who have been made aware of these occurrences are locked into secrecy clauses which blocks them from revealing this ongoing crime to the general public. Many targeted individuals have openly confessed to being slowly bio-robotized by wireless remote means and they are being falsely alluded to as being mentally ill in order to maintain stability in society. It is believed by many that they have inhaled and ingested bio-technology which has then dispersed widely throughout their bodies and this bio-technology is then linked to a network of computers in order to enable this remote manipulation.
If this epic crime of human robotization is not publicly acknowledged urgently then human beings could be remote controlled to carry out acts of evil against the rest of the human race. If we succeed in ending the use of microwave transmitters which are being used in this evil process then we will have succeeded in solving one of the cruelest crimes that have ever been committed against human beings at any time in the history of the world.
Naivety combined with gullability have no place in 21st century politics. Get to grips with solving in-home wireless electronic harassment and torture now.
Many individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world are being illegally implanted both on their skin and inside their bodies by illegal spraying of the air with metallic chips in a process which is being called geo-engineering. These targeted individuals are then being wirelessly linked to networks of computers from their brains and bodies via other illegal implants which are being induced to make contact with these metallic chips by wireless enabled technology. I am one of these Irish targeted individuals. I have informed the world of my experiences on my website which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ; All experimentations which are continually being conducted on Irish and other targeted individuals are being covered up by the mental health act. All individuals throughout Ireland who are being illegally and immorally experimented on by wireless means via illegal implants are being dismissed as schizophrenic. Censorship of their online blogs is currently in the works. Electronic mind control is being encouraged to be used against all of the Irish people who are not already aware of the process of wireless enslavement of human beings which is a future possibility for them and their children.
I currently hear voices coming from inside my head. The general public must now confront the fact that technology has existed that can transmit voices inside the heads of random members of the public by wireless capabilities for many decades and the science is easily explainable.
The general public must also confront the fact that they have been in denial about this because to acknowledge the truth would lead to a public crisis like no other.
I have been lead to believe that the following method is the one that is being used to wirelessly transmit the voices which I hear coming from inside my head. We all have ingested neural dust in our food and water. This neural dust has lodged inside our brains and bodies, some of which has coagulated into larger units over time. These larger units of neural dust which I will call nodes are being used to draw energy into a computer network from my brain circuits in order to provide information to the neuro operatives about the condition of the nodes. If said nodes are sufficiently large enough they can then be used to create an electronic circuit board inside the human brain. Each coagulated neural dust node can be connected to another coagulated neural dust node by way of streaming digital signals from one node to another node through the computer network that they have been wirelessly linked to. This electronic circuit board can then be used by the criminal neuro operatives to upload voices, images, short videos, odours, sensations and tastes into the brain and mind of the targeted individual. Furthermore, this electronic circuit board inside my brain is now being used on an almost daily basis to move the muscles of my face and neck against my will and without my permission.
The cover stories that are being most commonly used to cover up advances in neuro science are the cover story that the subject who is experiencing strange phenomena is mentally unwell or is having supernatural experiences. Neither is true.
The nodes of neural dust which have coagulated inside my brain and body over many years are not in my favour. They are being used to slowly enslave me. I could find myself in a situation at some time in the future where criminal neuro operatives could close my mouth or eyes against my will and refuse to allow me to open them again unless I do their bidding. I could also be paralysed by wireless means and from a remote location in the future if I do not find a way to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body. Some fellow targeted individuals of remote neural manipulation have suggested I drink ozonated water or Epsom salts in order to dissolve the coagulated nodes of neural dust inside my brain and body. I am currently drinking both of these drinks. I have not noticed any change in the level of invasion into my mind and body by these remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation staff. Please urgently disassemble and ban microwave transmitters if you wish that you and your children to live in freedom from wireless tethering to computer networks. Otherwise neural enslavement of many individuals is now imminent.
I have never committed an illegal act in my entire life. Yet, I am being subjected to remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. The voice to skull directed energy enabled voices which I hear coming from inside my head are behaving like a lynch mob. I am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and I also have bladder problems. The individuals who illegally force their voices inside my head via voice to skull technology insult me on a constant basis. Even though one hundred and twenty five million human beings from both Europe and the United States confess to suffer from irritable bowel syndrome largely because of chemicals in the food and water supply as well as experiencing trauma based mind control in public schools and have poisonous fillings placed in their teeth as well as the deliberate miseducation of general practitioners and specialists in the area of irritable bowel syndrome, I am being made a scapegoat for the whole world by this unknown mob. Some of the individuals who verbally abuse me via voice to skull technology do so in a frenzy of hatred and vitriol while speaking to me via advanced technology which I hear coming from inside my head. Bullying can now be done in total secret. Bullys are in their seventh heaven with delight.
It has been found that all seven billion human beings who currently inhabit the earth could easily live and both feed and shelter themselves in the Island of Ireland which covers a relatively small area of 32,000 square miles.
Currently the capability exists to manufacture glass which is strong enough to support enormous weights. This type of extra strong glass in combination with a metal girder structure can be used to build a one hundred story green house in order to p...roduce extra food. As well as that, industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource. It can generate sixty thousand different products including bio-degradeable plastic. It has disappeared from the market place because the powers that be do not wish it to be there. They wish to deliberately engineer a state of scarcity as a psychological operation to further their enslavement agenda which is currently well on its way.
We have been informed that there is a shortage of ores on earth. However, whenever there is a volcanic eruption, new and extremely valuable ores are distributed in a widespread manner in the area surrounding the volcanic eruption. Primary water is available to everyone and it can be obtained by boring underfoot. Primary water is uncontaminated.
Technology is in widespread existence which has not ever been released to the public such as remote neural monitoring and manipulation technology, which is currently being used to create human neural slaves which nobody ever hears about because if they attempted to inform anybody their whole body would be shut down instantly.
Free energy devices are everywhere but they are banned from the market place. We are being fed an alternative lifestyle of deliberately engineered shortage. We were born into a world of abundance. Beware of the current powers that be. They wish to enslave you in any and every way, by new and deranged man-made laws, through a pseudo-scientific psychiatric dictatorship, and a scientific dictatorship based on scientism rather than true science and by deliberately engineered debt and through electronic mind control of the masses to name a few.
They feed you misinformation via think tanks and social engineers to the extent that they have fooled humanity into believing that the earth is a globe when in fact railways which go on for a thousand miles or more have absolutely no built in curvature. Space travel has never occurred. It is impossible.
Please urgently disable, disassemble, ban and outlaw microwave technology and related paraphernalia in order to give your children a chance to live happy lives.
There are no demonic possessions. There are no near death experiences. There are no extra-terrestrial visitations. Said experiences are all being driven by wireless neuro weapons.