are (88)

I am a targeted individual of non-consensual long term experimentation. Like most other individuals throughout the western world I have been told that nano particle microwave resonant material also known as neural dust has infiltrated my blood brain barrier and has adhered to the neuro transmitters in my brain. This material can then decode the neuro transmitters in a process called transcranial brain stimulation. I am being subjected to many experiments such as being forced to experience virtual reality settings for a short space of time. In order to avoid having to view these virtual reality scenes I attempt to hold my eyes open because whenever I close them the unwanted virtual reality scene is made to reappear in my internal field of vision.
Further to that, unknown neuro science operatives force some of my facial and neck muscles to move against my will. They can also partially move some other muscles throughout my body. If they could eventually gain more control over more of my central nervous system they could then place me on what is known as a neurological hold. I have heard of other targeted individuals who were forced by this means to hit themselves with their own fists and to hurt themselves in a myriad of other ways.
If it is possible to find the carrier frequency of the electronic attacks by the use of a spectrum analyser, then it is possible to jam the signal by sending low level non modulated signals or white noise signals modulated to the same frequency, according to my sources. Politicians appear to be under electronic mind control which is partially facilitated by the nano particle microwave resonant material which has adhered to the neuro transmitters in their brains and partially facilitated by the fact that they are using smart phones close to their heads. We must ask our politicians to stop using smart phones and to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters which are used to mind control the population

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Posted on September 16, 2019 by gretta fahey
I am a non-consensual targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation. The electromagnetic frequencies which are being generated by my brain and body are being collected wirelessly and translated into everything I think, do, say, feel, how often I eat, how often I visit the toilet, and how much exercise I take on a constant basis among other things. Electromagnetic frequencies are also being sent to my brain and body in order to force me to hear voice commands, feel electric shocks, feel pain signals, see visions, see pictures, be deprived of sleep, be artificially made to feel extremely cold, be artificially made to feel extremely hot, and have my own muscles move against my will among a number of other things. I have been placed on this program because I am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and the so called world management team wish to create a policy where individuals who are in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome can have their lives controlled by government agents and government laws. I hear the voices of the criminals who terrorise me all day long every day of my life. They threaten my life, they insult me and demean me on a constant basis. I often post online some of what they say to me in order to prepare other targeted individuals of these programs for what they might experience in the future themselves if these programs are not stopped by banning all transmitters and wireless enabling capabilities. Here is some of what the perpetrators of this technological enslavement program have said to me today as follows:-
“Showing your arse to the men.” (I was alone in my yard and I bent down in order to free out a water channel that had become blocked.)
“We will take you down with that action, you stupid cunt.” ( I was alone in my yard and I held my hand behind my back in order to stop the perpetrators from place swirling energy around my nether regions which they often do because they wish to establish if I have any bladder or bowel problems which I am claiming disability allowance for.)
“My staff need to get readings of bowel anomalies so that we can verify that you have irritable bowel syndrome.”
“Put a marker on this system.”
“She shouldn’t be living alone for one thing. Should she?”
“Put an end to her life. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Well done. We have now got a system in place where we can now monitor her from inside for the rest of her life.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called

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There are two centralizations of power in the world now and one controls the other but who controls who? One centralization of power is the three privately owned states within states acting as one unit which are the London Financial District, The Vatican and Washington DC which the so called ruling elite work out of. All world banking is being centralized in the privately owned London Financial District while the privately owned Washington DC is considered to be the control centre for the military wing of the new world order and the Vatican is now considered the mind controlling and inculcation centre of the new world order. The individuals who own and run these three privately owned states within publicly owned countries work beyond the reach of governments because they work through world banking, giant corporations, the main stream media and the intelligence services which they are purported to own and run themselves. Many publicly run bodies feed into their central control system which is considered to be the British Crown.

The other possible centralization of power may be a rogue branch of the intelligence service which has armed themselves with wireless weapons and which is outwardly taking orders from agents of the British Crown such as Arvinder Sambei but who may have used wireless weapons to secretly enslave Arvinder Sambei and other agents of the British Crown by possibly gaining wireless control of their central nervous systems and immobilising them if they refuse to obey all orders. One can now partially wirelessly control the physicality of some human beings through controlling their central nervous systems to the extent that those human beings can be physically remote controlled to commit acts which are not in their own best interest. There are patents and informants to support this. Agents of the British Crown who appear to be controlling the whole world could possibly either be under microwave mind control or physical body control. However, the individuals who control the British Crown have endeavoured to rigidly control all wireless weapons and to heavily compartmentalize the work of the intelligence services to the extent that it might be impossible for a rogue branch of the intelligence services to ever break away and attempt to gain control of the top of the heirarchical based chain of command wirelessly while working from a remote location which is how these weapons are being used. It is being claimed that the only ones who have any freedom left in the world today are the unsuspecting individuals at the bottom of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command and we are the individuals who must act to free the others from both mind control and physical body control weapons. Which group control the world?. Is it the British Crown and their allies or is it a rogue branch of the worldwide intelligence services?

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Posted on September 14, 2019 by gretta fahey
A human control and enslavement system is being set up throughout the world which would render you paralysed from head to toe if you failed to obey the slave masters. We are believed to have inhaled and ingested nano particulates which can penetrate the blood brain barrier and which adhere to the neuro transmitters of our brains and also to our central nervous system. These nano particulates in combination with implants and also in combination with samples of our DNA may be needed to complete the process of physical control of the body of a human being. This human body control system is being developed behind the scenes throughout the world. Many individuals have become non-consensual victims of experimentation where their own limbs are being moved against their wills and where their vocal cords are being controlled against their wills on occasions. Ramola Dharmaraj who is a renowned online journalist from Boston, United States has interviewed many individuals who have publicly confessed to being partially under electronic wireless physical control. Her interviews can be found at her youtube channel which is called Ramola D Reports and also at her website which is called
We do not as yet know who the slave masters are but a group of individuals who have a youtube channel called American Intelligence Media believe that all roads lead to London, England and to the crown corporation. We do not know yet who are the slave masters and who are the slaves among the British Privy Council and among the Pilgrim Society but that is where their research is leading. The American Intelligence Media believe that the Pilgrim Society is the head and body of the slave system with lots of other feeder groups coming from across the world.
I myself am under wireless electronic control from my central nervous system where a selection of my facial and neck muscles as well as my eye muscles and vocal cords are being remote controlled against my will on a random basis. I no longer involve agents of the government in my affairs because when I informed them about this situation in the past they refused to believe me and they wrongly accused me of being mentally unwell. I believe them to be under strong remote influencing due to the presence of advanced technology in their environment which they have no real understanding of and which they need to disassemble and ban right now. Subliminal messaging comes through such technology. Who is responsible for deciding what subliminal messages are sent through this remote subliminal messaging system and where is said subliminal messaging central control system located in Ireland and where is it located in the United Kingdom ?. Where is said subliminal messaging central control system located in the United States and who runs it there?
The slave masters are currently beyond the reach of governments because they work through the banking system and through giant corporations. They have no conscience and they are willing to torture and kill millions of their fellow human beings whenever they wish. Some of their staff may be under central nervous system wireless external control and may be partially immobilized if they are not subservient to the slave masters. Others of their staff may be under a form a post hypnotic control. Because of this unique situation we have no way of knowing who among them are the slave masters and who among them are the enslaved so therefore we can not know exactly who among them are intent on wirelessly enslaving us via gaining wireless control of our central nervous systems. We must disempower them now by disassembling and banning microwave transmitters, smart street lighting and CCTV cameras which have also been fitted with smart technology. We must pull back from the brink of enslavement now. Don’t allow your children to be vaccinated and don’t register your children at birth. You are legally enslaving them when you register their births according to man made law which is now totally out of harmony with moral law. Act now while you can or else your children will be rigidly enslaved and you could also be rigidly enslaved

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My brain is wirelessly fused to either a supercomputer or a computer network and I may or may not have become connected to the cerebral internet which is an enslavement and torture system and which I believe is meant for us all. I am a long term victim of non-consensual human experimentation and I am being sent voice commands through the wireless control system as well as pain, visual images, sensations and a wide variety of other unwanted experiences the worse of which is forced muscle movement.
Unfortunately my brain is now decoded to the extent that now it can be wirelessly linked into by many security personnel who work in the intelligence services who are further employed either directly or indirectly for dark Luciferian occultists. I believe that these dark occultists wish to enslave and torture the whole human race by wireless means by the use of wirelessly enabled brain weapons.
It is being claimed that computer to brain interface technology does not rely on the non-consensual human experimentation subject being implanted with a microchip but instead it is being claimed that the unique EMF brainwave print of the subject is connected to the computer to brain interface technology by a bi-directional stream of energy without the need for there being any technology inside the human subjects brain other than various inorganic compounds which may come through the food and water supply and which are deemed to be necessary for successful brain weapon testing. I am questioning parts of that narrative. Non-consensual implantation of human subjects with a wide variety of implants have been taking place illegally for the past one hundred years or more throughout many parts of the world in order to conduct wireless experimentation on them. The individuals who conduct the wirelessly enabled experimentation on the non consensual human subject do not wish us to examine the fact that they are breaking all known laws by the act of non-consensual implantation of human subjects so they may wrongly wish us to believe that no implants are necessary.
I am also questioning a second narrative. If satellites exist the signals which they would send from space would need to travel sixty five thousand miles through extreme conditions in order to relay digital signals to satellite dishes and telephone towers. No science exists that supports this situation. I know that nearly all signals are transmitted throughout the world via undersea fibre optic cables. I also know that many if not all of the voices of neuro scientists and other neuro operatives which I hear coming from inside my head due to the fact that I am non-consensually linked to a human control and enslavement network have American accents and use American terminology and they often mistakenly believe that I myself am an American citizen. However, I was born and reared in the Republic of Ireland and I have always lived in the Republic of Ireland and I have never visited the United States in my entire life. I long for the day when the Irish government directs the Irish military to sever all under sea fibre optic cables coming in to the Republic of Ireland in order that this act of severing may block unwanted digital signals containing voice commands and pain which come by wireless means into my brain and body.
Further to the above, law enforcement are now enforcing evil laws. Evil laws are being enacted on an almost daily basis. Law enforcers have been inculcated into the cult of false law enforcement to the extent that they are now unquestioningly obedient to a false hierarchical based chain of command which demands that they continue to enforce evil laws unquestioningly. Some examples of these laws are grossly unfair tax laws, laws which allow government staff to take children away from loving parents if or when said parents question their government about anything whatsoever, laws which allow murderers to remain uninvestigated under the false guise of protecting national security interests, laws which force psychiatrists to administer highly poisonous substances to in-patients in psychiatric hospitals which said patients are legally obliged to ingest and which makes them suffer with extreme side effects in almost all cases, laws which give rights to corporations as if they had the same rights as human beings, laws which leave legal guardians of children unprotected from criminal government agents, as well as any number of other equally evil laws.

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Currently, the capability exists to spray minimal sized electrodes close to individuals so that they adhere to the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, ears and eyes of those individuals and these devices would then navigate the human vasoculture, cross the blood brain barrier and precisely auto-position themselves among or even within brain cells. They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud based super-computer network for real time brain state monitoring and data extraction. The minimal sized electrodes provide real time monitoring and control of signals to and from brain cells. Please watch any youtube videos presented by Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University, U.S. for this and further information.

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Every time you think a thought, feel an emotion, move a body part, speak or act, then the neurons in your brain fire up and they generate an electromagnetic frequency which would then show up as a unique pattern on an electroencephalogram machine which is more commonly known as an EEG machine.
Each of these electromagnetic frequencies which you are generating all day long have totally unique patterns similar to words in a book. These unique patterns have all been identified and categorised and placed in a type of computerized dictionary. Software has been created that uses that computerized dictionary to translate all of the electromagnetic frequencies that a human brain and body generates at the same speed which the brain generates the frequencies into the thoughts, words, feelings, actions and movements of that human being on a continual basis.
Therefore if you were continually attached to an EEG machine as you went about your daily life and if some body else had access to the software that automatically translates the unique electromagnetic frequencies that your brain and body were generating they could know from looking at their computer screen every word that you say each day in combination with every emotion that you feel, every thought that you think, every time you move a body part, how long you sleep for and how often you eat, among other deeply personal details of your life that you thought were private.
In the past few decades people have been illegally and non-consensually implanted with either nano technology or micro technology or both to the extent that these illegal brain and body implantations allow unknown criminals to wirelessly steal and store all of the electromagentic frequencies which the brain and body of the victim generate and this is being done against the will and without the permission of the victim.
These unknown criminals can now know everything that you think, do, say and feel as well as how long you sleep for and how often you eat, among other things. They can analyse the data which your brain and body generates and they often sell it to foreign powers so that other unknown criminals can also know your most private thoughts, words and actions.
The story is much worse than simply losing all of your privacy.
These unknown criminals can also broadcast electromagnetic frequencies back into your brain and body without your permission if they have illegally obtained your unique brain signature. They can broadcast electromagnetic frequencies which contain words, images, pictures, pain, forced muscle movement as well as emotions and feelings. They can broadcast pornographic images into the mind of a child. They can broadcast voice commands to you and if you disobey them they can then broadcast a pain signal into your brain and body. They can broadcast frequencies into you that cause your brain or body to malfunction and you might never know who they are or why they are doing it. They can broadcast frequencies to any organ of your body which cause it to malfunction. In more advanced cases of human body takeover they can control your vocal cords and they can cause you to speak against your will, even in a voice that does not sound like your own. They can now wirelessly kill you. They can do all of this from a remote location without you ever knowing who is doing it to you.
If senior politicians from any country wished to reveal the existence and abuse of this technology to the police or to the military of their country they would not be able to do so without whoever is monitoring the data being generated by their brains and bodies finding out that they attempted to reveal this information and their country would then receive no more foreign funding.
We need to urgently disassemble and ban whatever technology is enabling the wireless capabilities which allows human beings to be tortured on a continual basis while inside their own homes.
There could be devices on the electricity poles adjacent to peoples homes which is allowing them to be wirelessly tortured on a continuous basis for years at a time. What do we need to have disassembled and banned in order to free ourselves from being constantly tortured by this evil technology? We can not depend on senior politicians or senior police officers any longer because they may have already been wirelessly tethered to the human control system and can not speak about anything without being externally monitored. They could possibly be under mass electronic mind control too and in order to free humanity from mass mind control we should take down and ban all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia.
When targeted individuals of these wireless brain weapons report their experiences to the police, the police then wrongly recommend that in all instances they undergo psychiatric evaluation. Psychiatrists are misled to believe that people who report being targeted by thought reading technology and other wireless weapons are mentally unwell and said psychiatrists are also instructed to legally force the victim to ingest harmful substances which have extremely distressing side effects. Because of this, targeted individuals are now afraid to inform government officials of their ongoing experiences of being wirelessly tortured which allows this extreme crime to remain hidden from the public.
The individuals who wish to enslave us may have been traced to agents of the British Crown. Many hundreds of individual researchers have examined legal documents and have followed a worldwide financial trail which leads to the London Financial District, the Vatican and Washington DC which are three privately owned countries within other public countries and the individuals who work inside them do so without any public oversight.
They have gone to enormous lenghts to mislead the public by attempting to misdirect the blame for the attempt at world control on to non-existent fictional enemies such as sentient artificial intelligence, the supernatural and extraterresterial visitors, none of which exist in reality.
Many individuals throughout Ireland are already wirelessly connected to this control system where all of the electrical activity being generated by their brains and bodies is being uploaded to a super computer. I am one such individual and I have the contact details of sixteen other Irish people. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called I also wish to recommend the website of a Dublin based targeted individual which is called

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I have become non-consensually wirelessly linked to the smart grid from a programmable bio-chip implant.   The operatives who monitor and control me force me to listen to their dictates every day whenever they wish.   I heard one of them say the following today via the wireless link as follows  "This is a cost effective way of monitoring people while they are inside their own homes.  If they have nothing to hide they wont mind."   I mind very much.  My website where I outline in extreme detail some of my experiences of being non-consensually wirelessly linked to said smart grid is called  

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The majority of organized religions and all governments throughout the world are being run behind the scenes by multi-generational organized criminal gangs who use said organized religions, public schools, the main stream media, military and police training schools, and universities among other ways to inculcate students into the cults of church and state. The human race are now being deprogrammed by the truth which they find both by listening to internet radio or listening to truthful youtube videos or by reading recommended books which are based on the truth. The human race are also waking up to the fact that at least hundreds of thousands of their fellow human beings are continually being harassed and tortured by wirelessly enabled neuro weapons while they are inside their own homes and even though both church and state as well as the main stream media have been informed of this fact nobody has done anything to help the victims of said neuro weapons. This situationwill shortly cause the downfall of social order leading to worldwide wireless technological enslavement, torture and genocide. We could avert this by simply disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia. If you continue to refuse to believe in the existence and abuse of wirelessly enabled neuro weapons and their vast capabilities of being able to technologically enslave the whole human race other than the organised crime syndicate who are attempting to technologically enslave us you will shortly either become enslaved or extinct. The choice is yours to remain passive or to take action.

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My brain is wirelessly fused to either a supercomputer or a computer network and I may or may not have become connected to the cerebral internet which is an enslavement and torture system and which I believe is meant for us all. I am a long term victim of non-consensual human experimentation and I am being sent voice commands through the wireless control system as well as pain, visual images, sensations and a wide variety of other unwanted experiences the worse of which is forced muscle movement.
Unfortunately my brain is now decoded to the extent that now it can be wirelessly linked into by many security personnel who work in the intelligence services who are further employed either directly or indirectly for dark Luciferian occultists. I believe that these dark occultists wish to enslave and torture the whole human race by wireless means by the use of wirelessly enabled brain weapons.
It is being claimed that computer to brain interface technology does not rely on the non-consensual human experimentation subject being implanted with a microchip but instead it is being claimed that the unique EMF brainwave print of the subject is connected to the computer to brain interface technology by a bi-directional stream of energy without the need for there being any technology inside the human subjects brain other than various inorganic compounds which may come through the food and water supply and which are deemed to be necessary for successful brain weapon testing. I am questioning parts of that narrative. Non-consensual implantation of human subjects with a wide variety of implants have been taking place illegally for the past one hundred years or more throughout many parts of the world in order to conduct wireless experimentation on them. The individuals who conduct the wirelessly enabled experimentation on the non consensual human subject do not wish us to examine the fact that they are breaking all known laws by the act of non-consensual implantation of human subjects so they may wrongly wish us to believe that no implants are necessary.
I am also questioning a second narrative. If satellites exist the signals which they would send from space would need to travel sixty five thousand miles through extreme conditions in order to relay digital signals to satellite dishes and telephone towers. No science exists that supports this situation. I know that nearly all signals are transmitted throughout the world via undersea fibre optic cables. I also know that many if not all of the voices of neuro scientists and other neuro operatives which I hear coming from inside my head due to the fact that I am non-consensually linked to a human control and enslavement network have American accents and use American terminology and they often mistakenly believe that I myself am an American citizen. However, I was born and reared in the Republic of Ireland and I have always lived in the Republic of Ireland and I have never visited the United States in my entire life. I long for the day when the Irish government directs the Irish military to sever all under sea fibre optic cables coming in to the Republic of Ireland in order that this act of severing may block unwanted digital signals containing voice commands and pain which come by wireless means into my brain and body.
Further to the above, law enforcement are now enforcing evil laws. Evil laws are being enacted on an almost daily basis. Law enforcers have been inculcated into the cult of false law enforcement to the extent that they are now unquestioningly obedient to a false hierarchical based chain of command which demands that they continue to enforce evil laws unquestioningly. Some examples of these laws are grossly unfair tax laws, laws which allow government staff to take children away from loving parents if or when said parents question their government about anything whatsoever, laws which allow murderers to remain uninvestigated under the false guise of protecting national security interests, laws which force psychiatrists to administer highly poisonous substances to in-patients in psychiatric hospitals which said patients are legally obliged to ingest and which makes them suffer with extreme side effects in almost all cases, laws which give rights to corporations as if they had the same rights as human beings, laws which leave legal guardians of children unprotected from criminal government agents, as well as any number of other equally evil laws.

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I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to a computerized control network where the network supervisors regularly issue me with voice commands. These network supervisors are now pushing a racist agenda against an ethnic group commonly known as Irish travellers.    My name is Gretta Fahey.  My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland.   My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My facebook page is   My website which I alone own and control is called

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The undetectable crime of placing random individuals under wireless neural control by linking these random individuals to computer networks from electrodes which have become embedded inside their brains and spines  is not yet common place but is spreading rapidly throughout most of the world.   Because the individuals who are informing the general public of this crime are outside the general sphere of influence of people in power nothing gets done to stop its continuance.  It is my belief that government staff who are generally mandated to use smart phones are under electronic mind control to the extent that they do not accept information which does not conform  to government group think.   In fact, it is widely believed that inculcation methods as well as electronic mind control is now being used against individuals who are in charge of government departments, as well as judges, lawyers, university staff and journalists.   They believe that collectivism is the way forward.   We are now being led to believe that the whole world is being prepared to be governed as one large communist state in the future.   I know this because I have been placed under wireless neural control for many years and standard inculcation methods are being used on me every day by the use of voice to skull direct communication.

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t takes at least four generations of eating a healthy diet and living in a health giving way before you can correct the faulty genetics which you inherited from your ancestors. If your ancestors of four generations ago were gluttons and ate too much junk food you are definitely more degenerate than some of your fellow human beings now because of their practices.
If you eat junk food your descendants will be degenerates directly because of your behaviour. Some of them will undoubtedly be psychopaths, sadists, or serial killers. They will have crooked teeth and crooked bones. They will suffer from irritable bowel syndrome and other chronic illnesses. We are all degenerates now because the food pyramid is wrong. Please read my post from yesterday which I have enclosed here below.


If you breast feed your baby and align with nature and natural law then four generations later your descendents will not have developed crooked teeth or crooked bones, and they wont have become psychopathic or homosexual and they wont have developed irritable bowel syndrome and your female descendants will not ever menstruate. We have been falsely let to assume that having crooked teeth and needing to wear braces is natural when it is not. We have been falsely let to believe that outward manifestations of menstruation is natural but in fact the lining of the uterus is naturally absorbed back into the body in women who have not degenerated. We are not being told the full truth about how far we have degenerated over the past few hundred years or more. For further information please read a book called “Pottingers Cats” by Francis M Pottenger which is widely available at online book stores.
Leslie and Susannah Kenton, in their book, Raw Energy went a long way towards proving that menstruation is a consequence of diet and not a natural phenomenon. I found some of the following information at this youtube link where the speaker claims that bleeding during menstruation is unnatural. Monkeys, apes, gorillas and even some rodents and bats have monthly menstrual cycles but they do not bleed because their endometrium is being reabsorbed back into their bodies. The structure of the bodies of monkeys, apes and gorillas are close to the structure of human beings. The reason the bodies of women who eat a western diet shed their endometriums is because our bodies have become toxic due to eating too much protein as well as due to eating processed foods and even some non-food items which are being dressed up as food and included in the public food supply. Ancient African women did not bleed during menstruation. If fact ancient women of all races did not bleed during menstruation. Female bleeding during menstruation in western society has become so common place that it is considered normal but it is not natural. We have degenerated in a myriad of ways since we begin eating the western diet. The food pyramid needs adjusting.

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I recently watched two youtube videos which gave detailed information of how slave handlers are using extremely advanced technology to control their slaves of which I am one.

Hearing Voices? Audio Implants
The Illuminati and Intelligence Agencies began conducting secret research into audio implants in the 20th century and they began implanting victims with audio implants in the 1960s for reasons of experimentation.
In the Vietnam war, the military used audio implant devices to aid communicating to their men who were sent into tunnels and who had to travel through forests.
The Illuminati, the Intelligence and Military Consortium kept the experimentation secret.
By the 1970s the intelligence agencies were willing to start using hundreds of people to experiment on opporationally with the implants. The controllers were very heavy handed with the people they implanted, and they used the full force of the Illuminati Intelligence agencies power to keep these people under their control at all times.
These innocent victims have had their lives totally destroyed. Some tried to fight back in order to get out from under the incessent audio messages that the implants sent but the system was too big and too powerful to fight.
Police, congress men, psychologists and others turned their backs on these victims. Some victims committed suicide and others continued to fight.
In 1925, sounds were created in people by radio engineers, by placing electrodes near the ear with a modulated alternating current.
By 1937, - by passing an alternating electrical current in the audible frequency range from an electrode to the skin, Stephen Jones found that he could make people hear sounds.
The military uses audio implants operationally to be able to talk to soldiers in situations where external noise would compromise the location of the soldiers.
In the 1970s the Illuminati and intelligence services began to secretly implant people, without their permission and at a time when they did not know they were being implanted.
In the 1990s, audio implants alone with other implants began to be used more agressively by the mind control programmers. Many intelligence operations are carried out with the aid of audio implants. Thousands of individuals have received audio implants without their permission by agents of the new world order. These implants contain a receiver, a processor, a transmitter plus electrodes or an electrical stimulating device.
When sound waves arrive to the human ear, sound causes biological reactions all along the auditory pathway from the cochlia to the auditory nerve, the brain stem and the primary cortical projection areas.
For secret implants, the electrical impulse that is generated to stimulate the victim to hear voices is totally unnoticed by everyone but the victim. Psychologists are being used to shut victims up by falsely declaring that the victim is crazy, delusional and insane and they claim audio implants dont exist. Most people who are slaves to audio implant techniques and technologies are being falsely informed that they are have paranoid schizophrenia.
Handlers communicate voice commands and death threats on an almost continual basis. The audio implants are often being used with other mind control implants. The new world order have a full cadre of trained operatives, both men and women who staff their secret basis, from which they monitor and broadcast signals to their slaves. The implants can also produce beta waves.
Certain implants are designed to suppress a certain type of thinking. The body of the victim may even be sent into paralysis or be given various response stimuli in order to suppress a certain thought pattern. If the slave begins to have certain thought patterns that threaten the programming structure, these implants then kick in to divert a persons mental activity to something else.
Engages Neuro Science and Technology as "a means of contending against another" to
1. assess, predict and control particular cognitions, emotions and behaviours.
2 mitigate aggression and foster cognitions, emotions and/or behaviours of affiliation or passivity.
3 incur burdens of morbity, disability or suffering and in this way "neutralize" potential opponents,
4 induce mortality.
They have weapons which are called neuro sensory immobilizing agents. Some of them which are known as high out put sensory stimulators that use high electromagnetic pulse energy that disrupt neurological sensory function and they are already being used.
Another weapon called intra cranial pulse stimulators use direct electromagnetic pulses to disrupt neural network aggrigation. They essentially disrupt the network properties of the brain and create confusion. They are both individual and group disruptors.
Neural networks operate by key controller and influencing nodes that interact with other networks within the brain.
If we can utilize trans cranial mechanisms to be able to disrupt this essentially we can create disrupted neural network aggrigation and literally disrupt peoples sense of time, space and place.
Neuro-modified cyborg systems. They can cybernetic interactive systems to remotely control brain systems.
At nineteen minutes and fifteen seconds into the linked youtube video Professor James Giardino falsely claimed that they are not dropping electrodes into peoples heads and that this is not a large scale program to infiltrate the population with in-dwelling electrodes.
Will this be widely seen as a mechanism of individual and crowd control? He falsely claims that it will not, at least in the immediate future.
The use of neural interfacing and physiological interfacing through the idea of remote controlled small scale systems to be able to modify the behaviour of non-human animals and insects. The pioneering work was done by Darpa for example the darpa beetle and the darpa fly, and more recently a non-darpa funded commercial interprize who calls itself "Dragon Fly" has been able to utilize a combined set of techniques, both direct neural stimulation through the use of macro technology and octogenetic control of key neuron firing patterns to be able to direct the wing beats and pulses and as a consequence, directionality of a dragon fly. They use high level nano or low level micro electrodes which can record and deliver certain types of pay loads.
We can access and effect neural systems to effect, altar, change, direct brains. We can use these systems for interrogation.


My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.  My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website where you will find details of my technological enslavement is  .Unknown operatives issue me voice commands on a  onstant basis.   These unknown neuro operatives also move my facial muscles against my will and without my permission whenever they wish.   Please read my linked website to know more.

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The Swedish Prime-Minister Palme gave the National Swedish Police Board the right in 1973, to insert brain transmitters into the heads of human beings covertly!

A transceiver is a combination of a transmitter and receiver which is being inserted through the nose of a human being while they are rendered unconscious.    When the human victim wakes up from unconsciousness they are not aware that they have a miniature transceiver implanted inside their head.   Many weeks or months later they begin to hear voices coming from inside their head.  The human victim is then placed under rigorous interrogation on an almost continual basis both day and night.   The human victim can be kept awake for days by unwanted voices coming from the implanted transceiver inside their heads.

Many victims find that  very small magnets stick to the side of their noses because of the implanted transceiver.    The implantation of human beings with a wide variety of implants has become common place throughout my country, the Republic of Ireland as well as the rest of the world.   Anyone who complains of hearing inner voices are incarcerated inside psychiatric hospitals and are mandated to take substances posing as psychiatric medication which often have such extreme side effects that they lose the will to live.

Many individuals throughout Ireland know about this extreme psychological torture practice that their fellow Irish human beings are being put through  and they do nothing to stop the practice out of cowardice.    I believe babies will be implanted at birth with transceivers so that they can be controlled throughout their lives.   Many small children speak of having an imaginary friend  who speaks to them constantly.  Their imaginary friend could be due to the fact that they have been already implanted with a transceiver through their nose surreptitiously.  

Many individuals are being implanted in this manner not because of reasons of criminality but because a cabal of organised criminals wish to take over and enslave the whole human race so they are secretly interrogating many individuals in order to gain insights into the local customs and traditions and language of the country they wish to ultimately own and control.   My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook,  Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of  Ireland.   My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website where I outline in detail what the voices coming through my transceiver have said to me over more than sixteen years is

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How and why military basic training brainwashes recruits By wise sloth

Note 1: I served in the U.S. Air Force from 2000-2007. My AFSC was 3C0X1 (Communications computer systems operator). My highest rank was E-5 (Staff Sergeant), and I received an honorable discharge.
Note 2: The following essay is based on my experiences going through the United States Air Force’s enlisted troops’ basic training program in the year 2000, which might have changed slightly since then, but probably not by much. The details here will also differ slightly from other branch’s basic training programs, but from all the conversations I’ve had with people who went through those, I can say that they’re much worse.
Note 3: I try to keep my essays short, but this one is pretty long, and it takes a few detours in order to cover every aspect of the sweeping nature of the topic. However, if you don’t have the time or interest to read the entire thing I made a relatively short comic strip that summarizes it:
• Basic Training Explained
You can also watch this short video on cults and think about how many aspects are directly incorporated into the military way of life:
• Mind Control Cults
The premise of my argument is that the United States military’s rules, customs, “courtesies,” and overall culture did not evolve organically. They were consciously and systematically designed using modern psychological research on mind control and are based on professional knowledge of how cults indoctrinate and control their followers’ minds. I can’t prove this argument by sourcing internal documents or training manuals, but if you compare how the United States military operates to how cults operate you’ll see that the similarities aren’t vague or coincidental; the United States military is the perfection of the cult model. If you want to start a cult you’ll have the best chance of success by copying the United States military’s rules, customs, courtesies and overall culture as closely as possible.
It all starts with the recruiting process. All cults use deceptive recruiting methods. When they approach you on the street or draw you into their recruiting stations they promise you everything glorious in life and death you could ever want while dodging and skimming over the negative aspects of what your life will be like in their organization. They never explain in detail all the rules you’ll be subjected to or how they’ll manipulate you into basing your identity on your role in their organization. The United States military is no different. If you go into any recruiter station they’ll promise you money, benefits, travel and glory, but they’ll never mention the U.C.M.J, and if you point out any negative aspects of the military they’ll make any excuse they can think of to dismiss your concern or glaze over it.
You’ll never get a military recruiter to admit that the United States military is a cult, because they probably don’t realize it is. Cults don’t advertise themselves as cults. They don’t tell their recruits they’re joining a cult. They indoctrinate their recruits to believe that they’re joining the most noble organization in the world. Then they send their brainwashed followers out to recruit more recruits. So even if all the original, malicious leaders at the top of the cult’s pyramid shaped authority structure die and there’s no one left alive who knows that the organization was systematically designed around manipulation techniques, the cult will still continue to function. Its brainwashed followers will run on autopilot brainwashing new recruits like a virus. There may still be leaders at the top level of the United States military who understand that their rules, customs, courtesies and overall culture are precisely cultish, but there doesn’t need to be. It is a cult, and it will continue to operate on autopilot in the absence of wilful manipulation.
As a result military recruiters willingly volunteer to act like used car salesmen and wrangle poor people into joining by promising them that all their dreams will come true if they just sign a legally binding contract (something every other cult must wish they could do). What those recruiters won’t tell you is that they have a quota that they have to meet, and they get rewards for exceeding it, which is another reason the cult is able to continue to run on auto pilot. Its recruiters must bring in new recruits whether they want to or not, because if they don’t they’ll get in trouble, but if they do they’ll be rewarded with treasures of this world regardless of whether or not they’re true believers.
Once the military convinces the recruit to sign all their civil liberties away the recruit is taken to a hotel where they’ll be watched and kept from running away the day before they begin their indoctrination process. The recruits will be told that on the next day they’ll be taken to a training facility where they’ll learn how to be an adult and an efficient worker. But in reality they won’t learn anything about being an adult, and they’ll learn very little about their job, because that’s not the point of basic training. The point of basic training is to break down the recruits’ sense of identity and indoctrinate them to base their identity on their membership within the cult.
If the United States military has done its job right then any prior service or active duty military member reading this will be screaming, “That’s not what basic training is about! It prepares you to follow orders because when the shit hits the fan on the battle field you have to act without thinking in order to keep yourself and your fellow soldiers alive!”
That’s what the military tells its recruits to believe, and that argument sounds good on paper, but if you scratch the surface you’ll find flaws in that argument. Firstly, the majority of the humans who go through the military’s indoctrination process will never see the battle field. Millions of them will never even leave the continental United States. But they go through the same indoctrination process because the purpose of basic training isn’t to prepare you for the battlefield. Its purpose is to ensure that every recruit will always blindly serve the interests of their leaders, and the leadership hierarchy stacks up like this: Enlisted troops take orders from officers. Officers take orders from politicians, and politicians take orders from the individuals and special interest groups who fund their campaigns, give them bribes and employ them after they leave public service. Thus, military members are unwitting mercenaries for (and blind supporters of) the ultra-rich. The United States military serves the interests of the wealthy. Every major military campaign the United States military has been involved in has made the rich richer and the poor poorer. And the gears of war and profit will keep turning as long as nobody in the military ever dissents or asks questions. That’s why it’s imperative that every recruit be systematically brainwashed to associate their identity primarily with their membership in the military.
The process of reprogramming civilians begins the second they step off the bus and set foot on their basic training base. The moment they leave the bus they’re descended upon by multiple drill sergeants or training instructors. Different branches call their basic instructors by different names. Each branch also has different names for their ranks, career fields and facilities. The reason for this is because it causes members of each branch to base their identity on their respective branch. This makes it less likely for military personnel to form a coup against their corrupt political leaders.
Differentiating the branches from each other serves another purpose as well. It’s standard procedure for cults to indoctrinate their members to believe that anyone who isn’t a member of the cult is inferior. Every military member is taught that civilians are untried, unproven and take their livelihood for granted while the glorious military sacrifices everything and is better than everyone else (regardless of the fact that many military members will spend their career sitting at a desk
stateside for 20 years living rent-free, receiving free medical care and driving a Ford Mustang that they paid for with their reenlistment bonus). Pitting military members against civilians is a powerful mind control technique that the military reuses by pitting military members against each other.
Airmen (aka “Zoomies”) are taught they’re smarter than Marines (aka “Jar Heads”). Marines are taught they’re tougher than soldiers (aka “Grunts”). And everyone thinks the Navy is gay. Pitting each branch against each other doesn’t cause them to go to war with each other though. It causes each branch to be even more loyal to its own chain of command, and since the entire military falls under the command of the Department of Defense, whoever controls the D.O.D benefits from this manufactured infighting.
But I digress. When recruits get off the bus their first day of basic training they’re immediately set upon by a flock of “training instructors” who throw hell at them. The instructors yell at them, insult them, tear them down, threaten them and tell them they don’t deserve to be there. The purpose of this initial assault is to shock and awe the new recruits. It makes them doubt themselves as well as accept the authority of anyone wearing the cult’s symbols of rank on their shoulders. All of this primes them to be receptive to the message they’ll be inundated with over the next few weeks.
Every year billions of people around the world enter employment in jobs that are just as dangerous if not more dangerous than what the average American military recruit signs up for, but they aren’t subjected to the mental abuse American troops are subjected to on their first day, yet they still follow orders and go above and beyond the call of duty often putting themselves at unnecessary personal risk. You don’t need to assault a human’s mind to convince them to do what’s necessary. But you do need to assault their mind if you want to reprogram their identity.
The next form of mental assault that the American government submits its military recruits to is less obvious but just as important to the indoctrination process. The recruits are filed into dormitories or barracks where they’ll live in communal spaces with up to 60 other people. They’ll have absolutely no privacy or control over their environment. Everything they own will be identical to everyone else there. Everyone will dress the same and looks the same. Everyone will sleep in identical beds and keep what few possessions they’re allowed to have in identical lockers. They’ll even have to shower naked in communal showers with dozens of other recruits. All of these factors dehumanize the new recruits and help break down their sense of identity and self-worth.
The lack of privacy breaks down the recruit’s defenses. You can’t hold up your guard when you’re naked in a shower with 15 other people and sleeping in a room with 30 other people. Under those circumstances you’re like a vulnerable child who has no home, no identity, no safe haven, no escape, no choices and no power over your own destiny. You’re nobody. And the only source of validation you can possibly experience comes from the cult, which makes the cult your mother, your father, your boss and your god.
If this doesn’t seem sinister yet, consider that the new recruits will be held captive within the confines of their dormitory. A sentinel will stand guard at the entrance preventing anyone from leaving, and if an escapee can manage to get out of the building they’ll still be trapped on base behind tall fences lined with razor wire as well as gate guards armed with semi-automatic assault rifles. The military holds a gun to its recruits’ heads and forces them to endure the indoctrination process, which is so mentally brutal that many recruits will attempt suicide.
The military goes through such dire lengths to keep its recruits locked away from the outside world because it’s much harder to break down and reprogram someone’s identity when they have access to their old support structures and/or the freedom to live life by their own accord. So you have to isolate them from everything they’ve ever known and inundate them completely with the rules, customs and culture of cult. When the cult is all they know… then the cult is all they know. Once the recruits spend a few weeks eating, sleeping and breathing nothing but the cult’s way of life they’ll accept that that’s how life is. And why wouldn’t they? The reality of their day to day life is whatever the cult makes it. So they go about their day to day life experiencing reality according to how the cult defines it, and in no time at all they take the cult’s way of life for granted.
Isolating new recruits from the outside world also insulates them from dissent and freedom of thought. If the recruits go out on the town every night or even worse, go home, they might tell someone about all the new things they’ve been learning. Then someone with a free mind might point out how crazy they sound and convince them to leave the cult.
Another reason cult members are forced to live in communal quarters is because humans take cues from other people’s behaviour and mimic it. You’d have a very hard time taking a lone individual to an empty camp and convincing them to change their behaviour. However, if you take 60 people and force them to all behave the same way they’ll assume that since everyone else is going along with it then it must be okay. Plus, once you break the minds of the weakest members they’ll take it upon themselves to enforce the rules of the group.
With the stage set the instructors can begin actively reprogramming the minds of their recruits. The daily indoctrination process begins as soon as the recruits wake up each morning. Loud speakers in the ceilings of the dormitories blast a trumpet tune called reveille often times accompanied by training instructors banging trash can lids and shouting at the recruits telling them to get up and quit being lazy. The recruits will have a few minutes to get dressed, make up their bed and line up in formation outside.
The brain-rattling trumpet, combined with the frantic morning chores and the instructor’s insults throws the recruits off centre from the moment they wake ensuring that they won’t have the mental focus to resist the indoctrination process. The chores and routines also ensures that the recruits are following orders from the moment they wake up even if the instructor isn’t even present to tell them to get dressed, make up their beds and file outside for formation. Thus the military controls every aspect of their lives and leaves no room for individual freedom of thought or action. The more the
recruits accept that as the norm the less likely they are to question it and the more likely they are to embrace it.
There are very specific rules for falling into formation. Following those rules first thing in the morning continues to reinforce blind obedience to the group without questioning the purpose of orders. Standing in the group formation where everyone looks and acts identically also helps minimize the individuality of the group members. In case the recruits don’t pick up on this idea on their own the training instructors will tell them bluntly that they’re no longer an individual. They’re a member of the group, and their own identity and desires are worth less than the identity and desires of the group. Training instructors will tell the recruits to be proud of this fact and to look down on civilians who value their individuality and selfishly desire to fulfil their own destiny.
Any active duty or prior service members reading this will likely be screaming, “But you should value being a member of the group! That creates a stronger team and keeps the group together when the shit hits the fan! Anyway, we’re proud to put our own egos aside to help protect the freedom of civilians!”
Those criticisms aren’t wrong, but there’s more going on than just that. First, there’s the fact that the military isn’t upfront about the invasive methods of mind control it submits its troops to, and that’s unethical. Also, reprogramming recruits sense of identity eliminates their freedom to determine their own destiny. It makes mental slaves out of recruits who are so zealous that they’ll defend their own manipulation. This reprogramming controls all aspects of the brainwashed victim’s life, not just how they perform their job. Plus, reprogramming individuals essentially kills the person they once were and creates a new person. Once the old person is dead they can never come back to life as the person they once were. Doing that to another human being is no small matter, and no human has the authority and right to kidnap another person’s soul. Finally, it’s worth noting that everyone in the world will participate as a functional member of a team on an almost daily basis without being brainwashed. Sports teams are high functioning teams that coordinate plays selflessly without going through a brutal indoctrination process. Even civilian contractors in the military play by the rules and make sacrifices in war zones without going through basic training.
Once the recruits are lined up in their morning formation they sing their branch’s official song and chant an oath of allegiance to the military and the United States. This is cut and dry, unambiguous brainwashing 101.
After having sworn their daily oath of allegiance the troops eat breakfast, and even then they don’t get a moment to themselves. They have to file through the cafeteria silently standing heel to toe, staring straight ahead while instructors hover over them to punish anyone who breaks these arbitrary rules. When the recruits finally get their food they’ll be given as little time as possible to eat to ensure they can’t relax and mentally collect themselves.
After the meal they’ll take part in physical exercises and marching drills. They’ll perform their exercises and marching drills as a group, everyone acting in unison further conditioning them to base their identity on the group. Every member of the group will be punished whenever any individual fails to follow the arbitrary rules perfectly. This encourages the recruits to police each other. The more the recruits enforce the military’s rules on each other the more they take the military’s rules and authority for granted.
The military doesn’t leave this powerful mind control technique to chance. The instructors will assign recruits as element leaders. The element leaders will receive an arbitrary symbol of authority (a colored rope that attaches to the lapel of their uniform), and they’ll be tasked with policing their group. When the military leadership bestows authority on individuals it teaches every member of the group that the military has the authority to bestow authority on individuals and raise their value as a human being. Once the recruits take this for granted they will always respect higher ranking military members as if God Himself touched their leaders with His grace. Finally, it dangles a carrot in front of the recruits. They’re taught in basic training that their life is worthless outside of the military hierarchy and that elevation within the cult is the true path to elevation as a person. The use of “ropes” or element leaders sets this precedent from day one.
This is also why recruits are called “trainees” instead of Airmen, soldiers, seamen or Marines. They have to prove themselves worthy first before being granted a title in the illustrious group. Every cult in the world does this. The military just hides this brainwashing technique in plain sight.
At some point during the day, between eating, exercising and marching the recruits will be taken to classrooms where they’ll receive hundreds of hours of lectures on military history, rules and customs. The point of teaching military history is to train the recruits to accept the military’s history as their own history. Once they come to base their identity on hundreds of years of history they’ve just learned they’ll always view themselves as a member of that distinct group.
If any troop ever complains about life in the military they’ll be told, “You knew what you were getting into before you signed up.” But the hundreds of hours of class time they’ll spend in basic training betray this lie. You won’t learn all the details of what you signed up for until you take these classes.
Those classes teach all the unique symbols, language, rules, customs and beliefs that make up the overall military culture. On the surface most of them are innocuous, but it’s standard operating procedure for cults to manufacture their own internal culture based on shared symbols, terminology, rules and customs, because you need to give the recruits a culture to latch onto and derive their new identity from. The whole point of giving recruits a new culture and a new identity is to tie it all into the group’s pyramid shaped leadership hierarchy. All the other details are red herrings, but once you accept them you’ll accept your place in the leadership hierarchy that comes along with it. From then on you’ll always respect and obey any human being who wears the arbitrary symbols that represent authority within the cult.
After class (and maybe a few more marching drills) the recruits are filed back into their dormitories where they’ll spend the rest of their night cleaning their rooms, organizing their lockers, folding their cloths and arranging their belongings to precise requirements. The purpose of these chores is to simply get the recruits used to obeying arbitrary rules. If you can get them to perform mundane tasks without question you can get them to perform any task without question.
It also gives the instructors more reasons to berate the recruits and tear down their sense of selfworth (and just as importantly) to reward the recruits for demonstrating obedience. In a stressful, totalitarian environment a simple bar of candy or a phone call home is worth a million dollars. Recruits will love their captors when given these small token rewards.
Throughout the whole indoctrination process the instructors will find any reason in the world to make the recruits doubt their worth as a person and as a member of the group. As they tear down the recruits they’ll slowly build them back up with praise and rewards. Then, just as the recruits are beginning to feel good about themselves the instructor will find any excuse to tear them back down again. If the recruits are doing everything right the instructor will simply lie and tell them they’re all failing at their duties. This emotional roller coaster keeps the recruits doubting their worth, makes them yearn to win the approval of their captors and makes them feel more proud when they receive any sign of affection or validation. It’s a way to systematically induce Stockholm Syndrome.
By the end of basic training the effects of the reprogramming techniques will have taken root in the trainee’s minds. They’ll sing their branch song with pride, gush when they see an officer and perform every task asked of them with gusto. In the end they’ll take part in a lavish ceremony where they’ll receive the mark of the in-group and will be congratulated on their elevation to true worth as a member of the group cementing the effects of the indoctrination process.
After reading all this you may still hold firm that military basic training teaches discipline and trains recruits to act without hesitation as a member of a goal-oriented team. As true as that may be, and as useful as that may be, it’s still not the whole truth. The fact of the matter remains that the training methods used in basic training are the exact same methods used by cults, and they have the exact same results. They rob recruits of their identity and replace it with a willing mental slave drunk on loyalty to the in-group. The training methods used on military recruits are considered unethical and even illegal to do anyone else, and they’re so invasive and brutal that they cause the recruits extreme mental anguish in the process to the point that many even attempt to commit suicide.
I have never seen evidence to support the claim that is absolutely necessary to submit human beings to this form of unethical treatment in order to create a smoothly functioning organization. Even if it were, we still have to ask ourselves if the cost is worth it, especially since it contradicts the entire reason the military supposedly exists: to protect the freedom and dignity of the citizens of the United States.
For the rest of the story please visit: www.

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The dark new world order evil cabal are seeking absolute control over the human race via wireless brain-weapon technology and many other means. In order the achieve their aims they have been wirelessly experimenting on a large selection of non-consenting human beings throughout most parts of the world. These human beings are commonly known as targeted individuals and I have been one for sixteen years.
I am wirelessly linked from my brain and body via a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a computer network. All of the electrical signals generated by my brain and body are uploaded on a constant basis to the computers of the neuro operatives where is is data analysed and collated for later use. The unknown neuro operatives can read my inner dialogue and reply to it in real time. The neuro operatives send me voice signals, moving images, mild pain signals, bodily sensations, emotions, feelings and odours through the neuro link which has permanently attached me to their computer network for the past sixteen years. These neuro operatives have built a three dimensional image of my body by targeting me with energy in order to see where the energy met resistance and by doing so were enabled to build this three dimensional body image. Because of this I now have no physical privacy and no mental privacy whatsoever. I keep an almost daily online blog detailing some of what the neuro operatives say to me. I hear their voices coming from inside my head. Here is some of what they have said to me in the past few days, just to give you an example of some of what I experience :-
“We don’t send pain signals at the moment but we hurt financially. It is standard procedure.” ( I disagree with that statement because they sometimes send me mild pain signals).
“Medical surveillance and psychiatric surveillance are purported to come on stream in the future.”
“We are planning at some time in the future to time all targeted individuals while you are having your showers and cleaning your clothes, so that we can curtail the amount of hot water you are allowed to use on a daily basis. My name is Keith Arganine and I am a London based Directed Energy Weapons specialist.”
“She is a bit of a cow.”
“It is not a system that we would care to continue using in this world.”
“Fifty dollars per week is all she should be granted to live.” (I live in Ireland, Europe and some of the voices I hear come from London and others come from the United States. Some of the United States neuro staff wrongly assume that I am an American citizen and they use American terms when the refer to me. This has been occurring continually for sixteen years.
“Kid gloves until now, but of course we are going to kick it up a bit.”
“Are we planning to wirelessly enslave Gretta Fahey.” ” Why else do you think we are doing all this. Of course we are planning to wirelessly enslave her.”
“Agnosticism exists only if I say it exists and I don’t have a category for it so it does not exist.”
“Don’t register your child at birth and then you don’t need to ever worry about forced vaccinations. No one will ever bother your child throughout his life if he is not registered at birth.” (I am not expecting a child as I am too old. This was just general advice given to me by the unknown neuro operatives.)
“This is a system which allows us to look inside people’s bodies and see what is in there.”
“Stop smothering your bread with stodge.”
“Has she a licence to write this”

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If we ever become locked inside a killer grid electric fence which would some day surround all smart city reservations we would then no longer be able to demolish the electrical infrastructure which is slowly and incrementally enabling our technological enslavement. Act now to ensure the freedom of your children.

Many individuals have already become secretly tethered by wireless means to a computerized control and enslavement network by technology which has become embedded deeply inside their brains and spines. We now know for definite that this human computerized control and enslavement system is run by dark occultists. We are at a critical stage in this secret worldwide war of attrition. You must help by spreading awareness of the current dangerous situation which is happening in secret throughout most of the world. I have already become wirelessly connected to this human computerized control and enslavement system by a two way stream of energy, where all of the electrical activity being generated by my brain and body is being automatically translated into what I think, say and do by the computer network. Teams of operatives issue commands to me as well as death threats on an almost continual basis. This system could eventually be automated so that commands and punishments would be fully automated. This system could eventually be automated to automatically connect everybody who already has embedded technology deep inside their bodies and brains which I believe is everyone.

Many individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world  have already become wirelessly connected to the afore mentioned computerized control and enslavement network.  Whenever we inform the police or any other government control agents we are deliberately not taken seriously and we are then sent for forced psychiatric evaluation which may or may not lead to incarceration inside a long stay psychiatric institution.   That is why anybody who has already become wirelessly connected to said computerized control and enslavement system now stays away from all involvement with church and state and would invoke the right to remain silent if questioned about this situation.

Cover stories are being used to provide a reason from secret advances in technology especially in the area of brain weapon research.   Some of these false cover stories include the extra-terrestrial hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the existence of satellites hoax,   the moon landing hoax and many other hoaxes.    It is being claimed that all of the astronauts were high level freemasons who are obliged to lie in public when ordered to do so by their control system.

My name is Gretta Fahey.  I reside at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.   My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website is called   My facebook page is

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I am a victim of secret, non-consensual neuro experimentation and research, which is being carried out by fusion centres in the United States and parallel centres throughout the U.K. . American military and intelligence agents and sub agents combined with other similar agents throughout the world, who have been tasked with gaining absolute control over the human race carry out this unlawful work. I am wirelessly linked by a two-way link to a network of computers which are controlled by sub agents of these military and intelligence agencies and I keep a daily blog on a number of social media sites where I outline what these agents communicate to me via bio-communication on an ongoing basis. I hear their voices coming from inside my head via brain to brain communication and synthetic telepathy and a number of other methods and I am engaged with their voices on an almost constant basis.

These secret agents collect and collate all electrical activity being generated by my brain and body on a constant basis via the two way link which links me to their computer network. They also use the aforementioned two way link to send information to my brain and body in the form of voices, moving images, bodily sensations, pain signals, odours, forced muscle movement, feelings and thoughts. Not alone can they send information into my body to force the muscles of my face and neck to move against my will whenever they wish, but they can and are sending information signals into my body in order to make my intestines act against my will.
These same sub agents of the intelligence service can and do evoke memories from my past by asking me questions. This allows them to bring up images from my past memories in living colour on their computer screens, for exploration. They further prepare the information they glean for data analysis where it is sent to Fort Meade, Maryland to be further analysed for scientific use. Fort Meada, Maryland is heavily involved in tabulating all data which is being collected from me and from many other targeted individuals throughout the world in preparation for a police state in Ireland and all other courtires throughout the world. As part of the work of the sub agents who target me and others, they are obliged to tabulate the number of sexual penetrations which women have had during the course of their lifetimes to date. They will not allow us to have any privacy whatsoever.  They claim that they only work on individuals whose identity they do not know and have no way of ever knowing but there is no truth in that claim because the staff who work on me all know who I am and where I live combined with everything about my life that one could possibly wish to know.  

Here below is some of what these unknown operatives have been saying to me via inner voices technology during the past few days:-

“Is there a civil case against this lady.” “No” “That is regretable to us.”
“You will be safely encased inside your body within months and unable to move a muscle.”
“Distain her in every possible way.”
“Only evidence based is acceptable.” “She has nothing on us.”
“We have nothing on her. We need to have some leverage on her in order to control all situations when dealing with her.”
“We can not allow this woman to continue posting an online daily blog, quoting what we say to her in private.”
“At the moment we are doing our utmost to conceal the information.”
“This system has all the hallmarks of a monarch program being set up throughout the world by wireless means and from a remote location.”
“If we succeeded in bio-robotizating you we would encourage our clients to use you in any way they could.”
“Is she on medicaid?” “No. This lady is a European lady.” (Medicaid is a form of health care only in use in the United States.) ( I believe the individuals who reproduce their voices inside my head using advanced technology are mostly American because they constantly make references to American terms. I live in Ireland, Europe and I have never been to the United States.)
“I am quite unused to this level of information going out about our exploits. Gretta Fahey is agrieveing me.”
“The material is not nice.” “The staff here are saying these things to Gretta. Gretta is not generating it herself.” This was responded to by another inner voice which was heard by me to say the following “She shouldnt repeat it.”
I personally believe there is an easy way to stop this slow enslavement process of the human race. We should and must destroy all infrastructure which enables it. The existence of satellites has been found to be a hoax. What was initially believed to be satellites were in fact large stationary drones. Telephone masts are the linchpin which holds the whole control and enslavement system together. The dark new world order self-proclaimed elite do not own the infrastructure as previously thought because they obtained it by the use of electronically mind controlling the individuals who sold them the infrastructure , which makes their ownership of it illigitimate. Therefore the human race ownes all technological infrastructure which has been installed throughout the world and it is our right to disassemble it and have it banned and outlawed urgently. Please canvas in your area to have this done as a matter of urgency.

My name is Gretta Fahey, from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.   My website which I alone own and control is called   

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Posted on April 30, 2019 by gretta
I am a targeted individual of non-consensual research and this afore mentioned research is being conducted on me by unknown criminal operatives who work from a remote location and use advanced technology to monitor and survey my brain and body on a continual basis and they have been doing so for the past sixteen years. I have been disbelieved by both the local Gardaí, my general medical practitioner and many psychiatrists whenever I have informed them of these unusual and terrifying experiences. I no longer complain to them about my predicament because it would probably lead to me being detained in a psychiatric hospital where I would more than likely be mandated to ingest toxic substances for no reason whatsoever.
I am connected to the afore mentioned unknown criminal operatives by a two way energy link. They force me to listen to their voices on a continual basis. I hear their voices coming from inside my head against my will and wholly without my permission. Earlier today I heard one of the afore mentioned inner voices say the following “We were told you were a mock up of a human being rather than a real live human being.” Another inner voice was then heard by me to say the following “There are no mock ups of human beings. All who are being surveyed are real live human beings and none of them have given us permission to monitor and survey them at any time ever.”

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