BAN (60)

Trojan horse technology has been introduced into most countries of the world and it has damaged the brains of its users to the extent that they are no longer able to retain information about the fact that they are in extreme danger of being enslaved very shortly by wireless means if they dont act. Military technology known as the active denial system sends a beam of energy towards an individual which causes them unbearable pain without actually killing them. They must instantly run away but many who are paralysed or wheelchair bound or elderly or have learning difficulties do not know how to get out of the beam. Still others can be locked into the beam because it can be wirelessly locked on to their own unique energy signature so that they can not escape it and they are then forced to commit suicide instantly. The active denial system uses 5g millimeter wave technology to transmit signals to a targeted individual. If 5G millimeter wave transmitters are erected and activated throughout the world somebody who lives four thousand miles away from you can then torture you to death by wireless means and there will not be any legal repercussions for their actions whatsoever.

Please contact your political representative and ask them to have all wireless enabling capabilities disassembled and banned now so that we can enjoy living under our own free will in the near future.

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Software inside your smart phone or a variety of other digital media devices can be externally programmed from a remote location to transmit frequencies which would change your mood from suspicious to apathetic, or to gullable or even to naïve, and this can all occur without you having any conscious awareness of it ever occurring. We are now being slowly enslaved and our Irish politicians and both senior Gardaí and senior civil servants continue to use smart phones which is very worrying for the rest of the Irish race.
The senior politicians of the Republic of Ireland have signed over some of the resources of our country, the Republic of Ireland in the past to foreign prospectors. Were said senior Irish politicians using smart phones or other digital media devices during the time when they signed the relevant documents which entitled foreign interests to own and control resources which previously belonged to the Irish people and if they were using digital media devices when signing any and all legal documents in the past were they aware that externally programmed frequencies could have been transmitted from their digital media devices at that time to negatively affect their ability to think clearly?
Can we ban all digital media devices from all government work places and if so when can it be done?

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Electronic wireless external physical control of human beings and farm animals from implants in their bodies and brains is under development throughout Ireland. Many non-consenting and extremely unwilling Republic of Ireland victims as well as overseas victims of this procedure are being used for product development. If a victim becomes fully in agreement with this procedure it means that they have become fully externally wirelessly physically remote controlled to say whatever the team of individuals who are remote controlling them are programming them to say on an ongoing basis.
I am a non-consenting victim of wireless electronic remote experimentation from what I believe are implants in my brain and body and I have been so for more than sixteen years. My face and neck can now be wirelessly externally physically controlled. My vocal cords can also be wirelessly externally physically controlled at a moments notice. For further information about my long term experiences of being a non-consenting victim of wirelessly enabled experimentation please read my website which is called
All government staff are now under wireless mental constraint whether they know it or now due to mass wireless post hypnotic suggestions which come to them via transmitters.
We must immediately disassemble and ban microwave transmitters. Please share this information because you and your loved ones may already have implants inside your bodies and brains from nano implantation via food and water supply or implants could have been introduced into your body via surgery or through being secretly imbedded in vaccination needles unknown to general practitioners.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland

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According to renowned neuro science and neuro technology expert, Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University medical center, United States, minimal sized electrodes can now be placed in a network inside a human brain which would allow neuro operatives to read and write into the brain function of that human being in real time. These aforementioned electrodes have already become lodged inside the brains and bodies of most human beings in both the United States and Europe and in fact most of the world through both inhalation and ingestion in most cases. These electrodes wirelessly transmit and receive encoded information to and from a super computer network for real time brain state monitoring and data extraction.
Because most of us now have the aforementioned electrodes lodged inside our brains and bodies without our consent we can now be murdered wirelessly without anybody becoming aware of it. We can also be experimented on in a wide variety of ways by wireless means without us ever knowing who is wirelessly experimeing on us. Because of this wirelessly enabled capability, random human beings have been selected for non-consensual experimention where all of the electrical activity being generated by their brains and bodies are being uploaded via a bi-directional wireless link to a super computer network where it is being automatically translated in real time into everything that human being thinks, says and does and this happens on a continual basis throughout each moment of their lives. The unknown criminal black budget neuro scientists and other neuro operatives, while working by wireless means from remote locations use the bi-directional link to upload images, mirages, voices, other sounds, odors, sensations, pain, forced muscle movement and other experiences to the brains and bodies of the aforementioned non-consensual experimentation victims. The forced muscle movement capability can be used to force a human being to hit themselves with their own fists or even to jump off a cliff against their will or even to drive their vehicle into a group of people.
Because of the fact that electrodes have become lodged inside the brains of psychiatrists, general practitioners, the police and many other government staff they are now receiving encoded information into their brains which makes them predisposed to believe only information which comes down from the top of a false heirarchical based chain of command where it is believed that individuals who mostly practice a dark form of Luciferianism reside at the top. Because of this situation, many individuals who are fully aware of the ongoing abuses of neuro science and neuro technology are afraid to speak openly because of a real fear of psychiatric intervention.
Many individuals throughout the world are being forced into experiencing virtual reality experiences for short spaces of time which has led to further confusion about what is happening behind the scenes in the world today. In order to cover up the existence and widespread abuse of neuro science and neuro technology combined with directed energy weapons, many cover stories have been invented to misdirect the public so that they would not be able to realize what is really occurring behind the scenes of their lvies. Some of the false cover stories which have been invented to cover the vast capabilities of neuro science and neuro technology are as follows :- the religious apparation hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the extra-terresterial visitation hoax, the channelling hoax, the psychic ability hoax, the moving statue hoax, the poltergiest hoax, and many other hoaxes. Objective reality is real but it is being allowed to be confused with virtual reality and this situation is being supported by both governments and the press. The dark luciferians wish us to believe in all types of supernatural falsehoods and other types of deception so that they can more easily control us. A differential in knowledge leads to a differential in power and they have been lying to us for multi generations both through the school system and through the main stream media and they continue to do so to this day.
Professor James Giordano can be found online presenting many youtube videos outlining the current vast capabilities of neuro science and neuro technology. We must urgently disassemble all wireless enabling capabilities and have them banned before fifth generation millimeter wave technology is fully operational because if we wait until 5G is fully operational you may then be forced to hear voice commands being transmitted inside your head as well as applied pain if and when you fail to carry out the commands issued by those voices, some of which may be generated by artificial intelligence. 5G which is also known as fifth generation millimeter wave technology has the well known capability to carry pain signals and it is currently being erected throughout my country Ireland and most other countries throughout the world in order to technologically enslave us. Further to this, preprogrammable microchips exist which can induce pain in the microchip implant victim if they should attempt to cross pre-set boundaries such as the boundaries of their own town or city. The non-consensually inserted microchip could be programmed to send signals to the electrodes which have already become imbedded inside the brains and bodies of most individuals causing the electrodes to induce pain in the individual. A microchip actually picks up and amplifies ambient electrical energy. If you have a micro chip inserted in you either non-consensually or consensually and you then get in the range of a powerful electromagnetic field the microchip can actually be used to burn you!
If we act urgently we can save ourselves from technological enslavement to the dark luciferian would-be slave masters. Please share.

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Posted on September 4, 2019 by gretta fahey

Every time you think a thought your brain produces a unique electromagnetic frequency which can be measured, translated into a thought or a feeling, then collated and downloaded to your own smart phone or smart television. If you keep your smart phone on your person all day or even a short distance from you and even if it has been switch off it is still reading and uploading your thoughts to the smart grid which has been building an extensive map of your brain. This brain map can now be used to kill or torture you wireless by remote means and it can be done without any human intervention based on the personality profile which has been collected in this way. There is a plan underway by smart technologists to use all of the above information to hurt most of the human race if we continue to use smart phones. As soon as an extensive brain map has been built of you and your family you can then be exposed to all kinds of information coming from smart grids such as fifth generation wireless transmitters. You can be forced to see information that you do not wish to see such as pornography or frightening images. You can be forced to hear voices which appear to be inside your head. You can be forced to experience forced muscle movements such as being forced to hit yourself with your own fist or even worse.
We have been warned to throw out our smart phones and most especially our smart televisions which enable the technology to see the whole brain and body and we must refuse to allow 5G to be erected anywhere in the world. We must disassemble and ban microwave transmitters now.
I receive this information by wireless direct communication from unknown operatives.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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A diet high in carbohydrates and sugar causes an increase in the levels of insulin in the human body. High levels of insulin causes the intestines to become inflamed which is just one of many possible reasons to experience chronic irritable bowel syndrome.
A diet high in carbohydrates is recommended by nutritionists who developed the food pyramid. It is not the optimum diet for human health. When the levels of insulin in the human body become far too high due to eating a diet high in carbohydrates this invariably leads to the that human being experiencing false hunger. This false hunger then leads to constant eating of still more carbohydrate food which allows the chronic hunger to increase which often leads to irritable bowel syndrome, type two diabetes and obesity among many other chronic illnesses.
The real reason we have been wrongly encouraged to eat a diet high in carbohydrates instead of the optimum diet for human beings which is a diet very low in carbohydrates is because slaves are more easily controlled when they are chronically hungary and the individuals who created the food pyramid belong to the new world order cabal whose ultimate aim is to enslave the rest of the human race by any and all means possible.
When human beings avoid carbohydrate and sugar rich foods their insulin levels then stabilize. After several weeks of eating a low carbohydrate diet of mostly above ground vegetables, freshly ground flax seeds, chia seeds and a large variety of other seeds as well as any and all animal products the cells of their bodies then become adaptive to burning fat as their body fuel instead of glucose as their body fuel. Fat is a much cleaner fuel to sustain the human body than glucose. Once the human being who adheres strictly to a low carbohydrate diet becomes effecient at burning fat as their fuel they lose all of their false hunger, the can easily skip a meal without becoming weak, they lose excess weight, the recover from type two diabetes and they cure their irritable bowel syndrome over time.
I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome for many years and I received disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome during that time. I still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. As there is no legal medical model to assess if somebody who is in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome is entitled to it I was secretly placed on a new type of a constant monitoring and control system by wireless means from what I believe are either illegal implants inside my body or micro technology inside my body or else my unique brain signature or unique DNA signature or my energy field or all of the above. This new type of constant monitoring and control system is now known as the cerebral internet-of-things and it is a human enslavement and psychological torture system which I have written about in extreme detail in my website which is called
I now eat only a low carbohydrate diet which is composed of mostly above ground vegetables, a large variety of freshly ground seeds and any animal products I wish. My irritable bowel syndrome is almost completely cured but it will probably be a few more months before it is entirely cured. The individuals who have illegally wirelessly tethered me to the human control and enslavement system which is called the cerebral internet-of-things have informed me that they wish to introduce legislation to control all applicants of disability allowance under the cerebral internet of things so that they become enslaved by the system. However, I believe that it would be much preferable if they promoted the optimum diet for human health instead. However, I belive that they do not wish to do this because their ultimate aim is to enslave the whole human race and they know that they can not enslave a vibrantly healthy and intelligence race of human beings. Therefore it is in their interests that we remain unaware of the optimum low carbohydrate diet and continue to live lives of chronic ill health.
I have been illegally wirelessly tethered to the cerebral internet-of-things for sixteen years. I am wirelessly tethered to it by what I am led to believe is a two stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy which allows unknown neuro operatives to send me voices, images, sensations, feelings, forced muscle movements and a wide variety of other experiences. These unknown neuro operatives collect data from my body and brain and they translate this data into what is occurring throughout my brain and body throughout the course of every day as I go about my life, while I myself am totally aware that I am being monitored to a level bordering on the forensic. These neuro operatives speak to me constantly and I am forced to hear their voices coming from inside my head. They interfere with my minds eye to the extent that they often send me unwanted and upsetting mental images whenever they wish. They can and have sent me visions of various kinds. They force some of my facial muscles to move whenver they wish. They have once nodded my head vigorously against my will and on another occasion they have shaken my head against my will. They have moved my eye balls around in many directions against my will. At this advanced stage of brain scientific and technological research anybody who has access to specific brain scientific and technological equipment can enslave a human being by wireless means and from a remote location, while leaving no trace of their crime.
I have so far been unable to prove that this has happened to me and that I am now a neuro slave. However, I write about it constantly in the hope that somebody, somewhere will believe I am telling the truth and will come to my aid and free me from wireless enslavement. I know of many others throughout the Republic of Ireland who are currently undergoing the same fate as myself and I know of one young lady who committed suicide because of being targeted by this technology.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland.

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Brain science is being developed for military and warfare applications. Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University Medical Center, U.S.A., who works in this particular area had this to say in the below linked youtube video “The human brain can be assessed in real time by utilizing convergent forms of neuro imaging when coupled to a host of neuro electric physiological techniques. This has created an opportunity to be able to affect the way humans think, feel and behave on a variety of levels, both individually and in groups.” Professor Giordano went on to say that this has allowed brain scientists to conduct intellectual assessment, knowledge acquisition, and CONTROL on an individual level, a group level and a global level. “This also allows brain scientists to physically affect the brain using these techniques and tools in ways that are important to, and highly leverageable within national security, intelligence and the defence agenda. They can foster thoughts and feelings of affiliation and passivity in whole populations. “
Hundreds of thousands of targeted individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world combined are being targeted and both psychologically and physically tortured by directed energy weapons while going about their everyday lives. We have failed to get agents of the state to take us seriously because the state have been rendered passive by the brain weapons that Professor Giordano refers to in the afore mentioned youtube video which I have linked here below. The human race are about to be totally and utterly disempowered and enslaved if they fail to overcome this technologically induced state of passivity. Frequencies are currently being broadcast from telephone towers and other paraphernalia throughout most of the world which carry information and perceptions which align with the natural frequencies of the human brain, which allows the human brain to accept that false information as true. We need to urgently disassemble and ban said telephone towers because otherwise a terrible fate awaits each of us. We would no longer be allowed to own anything or make even the smallest decision regarding our own lives. I have been wirelessly linked to the worldwide computerized human control system from nano implants inside my brain and body for many years and I am fully aware of the extreme cruelty of this computerized human control system which lies in your future if you fail to act.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called My main email address is

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Classification of advanced technology leads to the individuals who have access to the classified advanced technology having unlimited power over those who do not have access to said classified advanced technology.
We must canvas to have the ability of some unknown groups to classify advanced technology taken away from them on a worldwide basis, as a matter of urgency.

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"An academic paper written for the Air Force in the mid-1990s mentions the idea of a weapon that would use sound waves to send words into a person's head. "The signal can be a 'message from God' that can warn the enemy of impending doom, or encourage the enemy to surrender." In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone's head. The patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects."
~~ Washington Post article on electronic harassment and voices in the head, 1/14/07 The
Our thoughts, inner visions and memories are possibly being read through reading our brain waves and then putting them through the EEG reader. Groups of potentials are detected and then used to map speech, inner vision and memories. Solaris Blue Raven.

If a terror technician obtains your DNA sample and your unique brain signature they can then communicate directly into your brain. This process is being carried out by operatives who ultimately work for intelligence agencies. These intelligence agencies are now fused into one group and centrally controlled in a world head office. My unique brain signature has been obtained and many terror technitians force me to listen to their voices every day on a constant basis for the past sixteen years. When they are communicating to my brain they also send other signals which force me to see moving images, smell odors, experience false sensations of being touched, experience forced muscle movement , experience mood changes and a variety of other experiences which they use to electronically harass and psychologically torture me with throughout each and every day of my life. While this technology remains classified, governments and police forces can not protect the human race from in-home  wirelessly enabled psychological torture and enslavement via these wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons. I keep an online blog of what these terror operatives say to me and about me to their colleagues by using inner voice technology, in order to warn the rest of the human race what to expect if they ever are targeted in this manner in the future.
"Electronic loading is going on all the time while you are in front of your computer. This electronic loading will be used against you after you go to sleep even if your computer is not placed anywhere in your bedroom when you sleep. If you use earthing equipment in order to earth yourself while you sleep the earlier effects of the electronic loading on your brain and body will then be negated."
"We have markers put into all food, even non-processed food, through trade agreements. We can detect wide varieties of food as it travels through the alimentary canal. We detect our own markers whenever the subject for non-consensual experimentation is sitting on the toilet, evacuating their bowels or bladder. We conduct all of our wireless experimentation from a remote location and by the use of directed energy weapons and we remain unknown to the non-consensual human subject at all times."
"What kind of pocket money has she.?"
"Incomplete analysis of the bowel. We dont know what is going to happen in the future but this is not going to get us any awards."

"We have to sit here and listen to much of what we say repeated back to us and it is proving most disconcerting." I myself believe that was said by one of the neuro operatives because I constantly repeat loudly much of what they say to me so that all of their colleagues can hear what each of them says to me privately.
I received a notification from my electricity company informing me that my electricity would be cut off for one day next week due to essential maintenance work. A voice of a neuro staff member was then heard by me to say the following - "We wont be able to work that day because a legal interruption to the electricity supply does not allow us to transmit our own electricity to the household which is without electricity and a supply of electricity is mostly essential for our type of work."
I was listening to a program on internet radio about gender confusion which lead to a discussion about a celebrity who was born as a girl and now is living as a man. The voice of a neuro staff member which I heard coming from inside my head was then heard by me to say the following "Subliminal information is broadcast to her repeatedly via information warfare telepathy to make her believe she is a man."
"The tap water has been saturated with poisonous chemicals in order to subdue the masses and in order to shorten their lives."
"We have fifteen or twenty safe-links installed in the system pertaining to Gretta Fahey."
"This woman, Gretta Fahey rarely ever leaves her home in the West of Ireland countryside and yet she knows the name of system managers such as Keith Arganine and Andrew Partagenet who are both based out of London, England and who know each other. System managers are responsible for knowing the whole event. Andrew Partagenet oversees Keith Arganine. The rest of us who work out of London are technical assistants to the control system."
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website is called My Landine Home Phone Number is 0949360901. I am a genuine targeted individual and I have never received payment for my online posts and I never would accept payment. I have never met any of the individuals who target me with directed energy weapons and inner voice transmitting technologies and I dont know who they are. Because the technology now being used against me and many others throughout the Republic of Ireland remains classified, the Irish Gardai can not assist us when we complain to them about our experiences and neither can the Irish government. The act of classifying technology leads to granting unlimited power to the individuals who have access to said classified technology, which has down through the years created an enormous differential in power between the viewers of the classified material and those who do not have access to it. This situation must be recified as a matter of urgency. We must canvas to have all classified material across the board rendered unclassified because those in the know are using this unlimited power against the rest of the human race for the purposes of slowly and incrementally technologically enslaving each and every one of us.

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Classification of advanced technology leads to the individuals who have access to the classified advanced technology having unlimited power over those who do not have access to said classified advanced technology.
We must canvas to have the ability of some unknown groups to classify advanced technology taken away from them on a worldwide basis, as a matter of urgency.

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Posted on April 27, 2019
“The dirtiest death I have ever seen. A biologically controlled human being, being taken out is not a pretty sight. Bound from head to toe and no way of moving. We can do what we like with her. We will have our vengeance.”
I am wirelessly linked by a two way link from my brain and body to a computer network which is controlled by criminals. These criminals speak to me whenever they wish throughout each day and throughout each night. I hear their voices coming from inside my head. They send information to my brain and body which makes my muscles malfunction at a moments notice and they make them recover again about twenty minutes later. They have informed me that they will one day paralyse me but they will leave me with the ability to feel pain . This situation has been going on for more than sixteen years. Initially, I was so frightened of them that my teeth would chatter with fear. Now I am so used to their death threats and their torture threats that I would be likely to doze off in the middle of a death threat. It is possible to get used to anything.
Even though I have complained in the past to both psychiatrists and the police there is no longer any point in complaining to agents of the government. That day is gone. If I were to complain to my general medical practitioner, he may decide to send me for mandatory psychiatric evaluation. The chosen psychiatrist would then, under medical law, be obliged to detain me in a psychiatric institution against my will and without my permission. If I complained to the local police they would also be mandated to send me for psychiatric evaluation resulting in the same situation of psychiatric detainment.
I know of many other men and women throughout my country, Ireland, who are also wirelessly linked to a computer network and are being either physically or psychologically tortured by wireless means, by the use of directed energy weapons. The news is not getting out to the rest of the Irish people because the main stream media personnel are two afraid to publicize it which is a pity because there is an easy solution. We must urgently disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia. Microwave radiation is an essential tool in the slow and incremental ongoing secret wireless enslavement of the human race.
My name is Gretta Fahey. My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co.Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website is called

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“We can put minimal sized electrodes in a network within a brain, through only minimal intervention, in order to be able to read and write into the brain function in real time, remotely. ” This is a quote by Dr James Giordano which can be found at the youtube link here below.

I personally have been implanted with brain technology and now unknown strangers are able to read and write into my brain function in real time, remotely. For many decades the CIA and other intelligence agencies have been implanting unaware members of the public with a large variety of implants in order to wirelessly conduct a large variety of experiments on them at a later date. The normal mode of operations of the CIA is to break into the home of the selected targeted individual and render them unconscious using frequency tools before they implant them. The targeted individual has no memory of the implantation procedure when they wake up the following morning. However, at a later date they realize that they have become targeted with extreme technology when they begin to experience strange and unexplainable phenomena happening to them on a continual basis.

When a targeted individual becomes implanted with black budget, classified brain technology they are then wirelessly connected by a two way low frequency, electromagnetic stream of energy which then allows criminal neuro staff to read and write into their brain function. The targeted individual is effectively online on a continual basis for the remainder of their life. The criminal neuro staff can force the targeted individual to listen to them speak by wireless means, whenever they wish. The criminal neuro staff can send moving images by wireless means to the targeted individual which the targeted individual would then perceive as a mental image inside their head. These mental images which the targeted individual receives are often images as well as a large variety of other types of disgusting images. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly send electric shocks and pain signals and other bodily sensations to the targeted individual. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly write false information into the brain of the targeted individual in order to render the targeted individual unwell at any time, or even paralyse or kill the targeted individual if they so wish.
I have been a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled remote experimentation for sixteen years. I keep a frequent online blog where I outline some of what the criminal neuro operatives say to me when they reproduce their voices inside my head using their extremely advanced and classified wireless technology. Here below is a small sample of what they said to me in the past two days and my response to some of it :-
“You will do what I say because I am your better.”
My response to that statement is that all human beings are equal under natural law and all are of infinite value. Anybody who believes otherwise is living in a false reality construct where they believe they should grovel to some of their own equals and look down on others of their own equals.
“Tidy up your image.”
“I am bitterly opposed to this technology being used in Ireland.”
“We are not interested in propriety. We are only interested in enslaving the human race.”
“I will take the wheels off your bicycle when you are in town.”
“We are forced to detail the life of a woman who doesn't do anything.”
“She is informed, and we know she is informed, and now we are going ahead and paralysing her from head to toe.”
“Implore her to get a housemate or they will kick her out of that house.” My response to that statement is – I was born in the house that I now live in fifty nine years ago. It was built by my grandfather without any financial help from a bank. It is my family home and they do not have a right to kick me out ever.
“Don't be naughty.” My response to that statement is – When human beings become slaves the slave masters treat them as children in the sense that when African American men were enslaved they were called boys instead of men in order to belittle them. By telling me not to be naughty they are treating me like a child instead of an adult woman in order to psychologically bring me down to the level of a child.
“She better get up. They don't tolerate her being in bed during the day.”
“Go and get a life” My response to that statement is as follows – I have a life. You are the one who is interfering in my life, obviously because no one will listen to you in your own life. That is why you and your colleagues force me to listen to you on a continual basis, each and every day for the past sixteen years.
“I’ll lock you up if you don't shut up.”
“You’re a lightweight.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901. I do not accept payment for my online blogs which can be found throughout many social media sites, where I outline my experiences of being a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons for sixteen years. I have attempted to inform government staff of the fact that I am being targeted with directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology in the distant past but I have not been taken seriously by them. I made two serious attempts to take my own life when I first became a targeted individual and this can be verified by my local hospital. I now no longer trust church or state. I believe that church and state are the two arms of the enslavement system. I believe that church and state were set up thousands of years ago for the sole purpose of eventually enslaving the human race. I also believe that anybody who works for church and state are mostly unknowingly being used to further the enslavement agenda of the dark new world order self-proclaimed elite. I write my online blog in order to wake the public up to the extreme danger of technological enslavement they are in. I believe that they are under electronic mind control.
Our first task is to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia so that the general public can awake from their electronic mind control spell and begin to think more clearly. After that it is a simple matter to tear down all of the infrastructure which allows unknown neuro operatives to enslave me and hundreds of thousands of others by wireless means and from a remote location. If this is not done soon, this program could be fully automated and everyone other than the would-be enslavers could be hearing computerized voices coming from inside their heads issuing them orders and delivering pain signals to them if they did not obey immediately. Those who are awake and aware are now mostly of the belief that the existence of satellites is a hoax, and all of the technology which is being used to technologically enslave us is ground based or air based. Therefore we can easily reach all of the technology being used against us in order to disempower and destroy it

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I have become non-consensually wirelessly connected to a network of computer systems and I can not break free. The classified system which I am connected to is commonly known as Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation. Both my brain and body are connected to this system and I am being continually monitored and I am having my body manipulated on a continual basis for many years. All of the electrical signals being generated by both my brain and body are being sent by wireless means to a base computer where my data is then analysed and collated by a team of criminal research scientists and other neuro staff members. The neuro staff send unwanted signals to my brain and body in the form of voice commands, moving images, bodily sensations, odours, feelings, thoughts, forced muscle movements and others. These unknown criminal neuro staff members wish me to behave according to their dictates and they have threatened to send me pain signals if I refuse to obey them.

This cruel control system is akin to being mentally enslaved. I have no mental privacy. All of my thoughts are being read in real time and they are sometimes commented on by the neuro staff who monitor me and I hear their voices coming from inside my head. Any mental image which I generate inside my head is being translated into a digital image on the digital media screens of the criminal neuro staff.

Governments are complicit in this cruel enslavement process which I have become linked to, to the extent that they ignore all complaints by targeted individuals of this Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation, largely because we have not yet been able to prove to them that we are being targeted by directed energy weapons. We could easily prove this if we were given the right equipment such as spectrum analysers and radiography equipment.

The medical community are not being appropriately educated. General practitioners and psychiatrists don't appear to know anything about Remote Neural Monitoring in spite of the fact that the online Remote Neural Monitoring and Directed Energy Weapons internet databases are vast.

Governments could easily stop our technological torture and enslavement through disassembling and banning microwave transmitters because the criminal neuro operators need microwave radiation to make their directed energy weapons work effectively.

Secret groups intent on world domination have access to all classified technology which they are now using against the rest of humanity in secret for the purpose of eventual full spectrum dominance of the human race if they are not urgently stopped from going ahead with their plans. Our entire world is now designed towards protecting their interests. They appear to be using microwave mind control against us which has lulled the minds of the masses into a state of incredulity and indifference when we tell them that we have become technological enslaved by wireless means. The existence of microwave mind control is another strong reason why governments should disassemble and ban microwave transmitters as a matter of urgency. Please read the following information called Microwave Mind Control by Tim Rifat.

My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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My brain and body have been directly connected to a computer network by wireless means without my permission.    I have been implanted with either one or more RFID chips.  The unknown criminal operatives who control the network of computers which I have become wirelessly linked to could end up controlling me.  The technology which is being used to wirelessly and non-consensually link me to said computer network is classified and the neuro operatives who monitor me take readings of all of my bodily functions on a continual basis.  Because they have the ability to monitor my inner dialogue and assess my memories they now know everything about me.   I am not allowed to have any mental or physical privacy at all.  These neuro operatives speak to me via a two way link on an almost constant basis.  I keep a daily blog on several social media sites about some of what they say to me throughout each day.    They oppress me to an extreme degree by what they say to me.   Here is some of what they said to me in the past twenty four hours.

"I am on board with this system.  If this woman Gretta Fahey needs a problem solved we will solve it for her.  Nobody else will solve her problems for her from now on."

"Is Gretta Fahey wearing clothes?"   The response was "Yes".   This was further  followed on by the following enquiry  "How come I can not see her wearing any clothes?"    This was further followed on by the following reply  "Because we have built up a picture of her based on her internal structure and not her clothes you can not see her wearing clothes.  We see all targeted individuals who we have built up an internal picture of as naked.  It can't be helped."

"What stage are we at with Fahey?"    "We could now give her enough pain to force her to commit suicide any time we wish.  However, we wont do that right now.  She is harmless enough."

"Will the bodies of the people who have been targeted in Ireland be examined by the state after they die."   "Yes".      "They will find evidence like no other evidence they ever found before to prove these people have been targeted with energy weapons."

"This woman was woken up in the middle of the night when she was sleeping by the neuro staff on several occasions during the night."   The response that came through was as follows   "Nobody here cares."

"I got a suicide ideation out of that woman, Fahey."   "You seem glad that you got a suicide ideation out of a woman by the comment you made to her."

"Make a cannibal out of Gretta Fahey.   Put human meat in her food."   This was followed on by the following response.  "I wont because she is a vegetarian."

The neuro operatives read my inner dialogue on a constant basis and I sometimes think aloud because the neuro operatives have manipulated my brain to speak my thoughts aloud.   I said the following "The people in my village don't get up early on a Sunday morning because they go out on a Saturday night. "   The response I received from the neuro operatives was as follows  "What the people of your village do of a Saturday night is of no interest to me but if they stay in bed of a Sunday morning they will be penalised."

"She keeps inside her budget.  She purchased two food choppers and a radio."  This was followed on by another voice which was heard by me to say the following  "Don't tell me what she is entitled to purchase.  I decide that."


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"Regiment these people so that they are obedient to us". I heard those words coming from inside my head because I have been non-consensually implanted with two way voice technology. The military and the intelligence services have been non-consensually implanting their fellow human beings with many and varied types of technology over the past few decades for the purposes of controlling them. This fact is still not widely known for reasons of national security which is in reality national suicide. Further to that I heard another unknown person speaking to me through the same medium who informed me that the speaker who wishes us all to be regimented into a state of complete obedience to this criminal syndicate is called Andrew Partagenet. I don't know anybody called Andrew Partagenet and I dislike posting names on my posts but in order to raise awareness of the slow and insidious enslavement policies of the dark new world order criminal syndicate I am beginning to post the names that I am being given by these inner voices. We must disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities urgently in order to stop this in-home wireless harassment and torture that many are currently experiencing because of advanced wireless torture capabilities.

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Mind control frequencies were used against the African Hutus by the American Military in order to drive them into a rage so that they eventually were mind controlled to butcher their neighbouring tribe the Tutsis to death. This was known by the American military as Operation Crimson Mist according to well known researcher and activist Deborah Traveras. Mind control frequencies are now being used against many people throughout the world so that they do not question the activities of their governments at a time when we are on the very edge of enslavement and culling. You must be strong enough to rise about the mind control frequencies being continually directed at you long enough to organise the people to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia in order to return as a human race to thinking clearly and logically.

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"She is exposing us as criminals in front of our peers." I recently heard this sentence coming from inside my head by means of military communication technology due to the fact that nano particulates have become imbedded inside my brain which allows unwanted communications. Whenever the brain researchers speak to me I reply in a way that lets other people who might be in their background know that the voices of said brain researchers are coming from inside my head unwillingly and without my permission. Whenever said brain researchers force their voices inside my head using this method I respond by saying the following "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head against my will and wholly without my permission while saying they following ( here you repeat what the unwanted voice has just said)."
If we allow ourselves to eventually become totally enslaved by wireless weapons we will no longer be allowed to use cash. All money will be digital and your bank account will be deleted if you refuse to be respectful and unquestioningly obedient to the enslavers. We must urgently disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities throughout the world now. We must tear down telephone masts, microwave transmitters, HAARP phased arrays, millimetre wave transmitters, GWEN towers and whatever else us being used to enable wireless capabilities. Drones are low enough to easily be shot down. Satellites are a laughable hoax and so is the International Space Station. They are some of the myriad of hoaxes that were created to exaggerate the power of the would-be enslavers. Wireless weapons and in-home surveillance and torture is not a hoax. As well as being a targeted individual of directed energy weapons myself, I know many other Irish people who are being in-home surveilled and tortured. I known of one young lady from Ireland who committed suicide because of being wirelessly harassed and tortured by wireless weapons. Nobody believed her

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I am wirelessly and non-consensually linked to neuro operatives who force me to listen to their voices throughout each and every day entirely against my will and without my permission. A selection of neuro operatives, who I have been informed are core volunteers in playing a part in my electronic harassment and psychological torture, wake me up and place my in a hyper alert state in the middle of the night, many nights, in order to speak to me and insult me and threaten me and keep me awake for hours at a time when I should be sleeping. When I complained via the two way bio-communication link which allows them to communicate with me against my will and without my permission they said that they could not get a time slot during the day to perform their electronic harassment duties and that is why they harass me during many nights.

I am a victim of the brutal hacking of brains and bodies of human beings which is now widespread and growing throughout Western European Countries and further afield. The main stream media are keeping the populace in the dark about this psychological torture mechanism which is getting ever closer to their own doors. They are more than likely under strong microwave mind control. Further to that, authoritarian psychiatry use fraudulent mental health labelling on anybody who attempts to whistle blow about the existence and abuse of wireless weapon electronic harassment and torture. Neuro weapons have been in field-testing for at least sixteen years in the Republic of Ireland and possibly for many decades before I became a victim of it. This is an ongoing crime against humanity. The only way forward is to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities together with all microwave mind control capabilities, so that people can begin to think clearly again. Currently many appear to be programmed to only believe what they hear from the mouths of the main stream media announcers. However, the main stream media is now privately owned and controlled by the dark new world order evil cabal and they use said main stream media as their mouthpiece in order to misdirect the rest of the humanity and to lead them into a false sense of security

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I am being subjected to remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation where I am wirelessly linked by a two way stream of energy to a supercomputer which is being used by neuro operatives to interfere with my body and brain.
Today, I felt strong surging energy circulating around my nether regions while at the same time hearing a voice coming from inside my head inquiring of a colleague if I had washed myself today. I responded by saying to the aforementioned neuro operative the following " Why are you pulsating surges of energy around my nether regions, you disgusting sexual pervert". The response from the neuro operative which I heard coming from inside my head due to imbedded implants was as follows. "I am not a disgusting sexual pervert. I am pulsating surges of energy around your nether regions in order to establish if you have cleaned yourself already today.
I live alone and while this conversation was taking place I was alone in my home. All the non-consensual experimentation which I am experiencing is being conducted by wireless remote means and the neuro operatives who electronically harass and psychologically torture me are all unknown to me.
The reason I am writing about this incident and indeed many other incidents of what being subjected to both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulating entail is because I wish to people of the world to wake up to the fact that we are now on the verge of technological enslavement by agents of the dark new world order and we need to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia at the earliest opportunity. We have all been inhaling and ingesting neural dust for the past many years which has been able to penetrate the blood brain barrier. It has now dispersed throughout our bodies and brains. This neural dust can function like an MRI inside the brain and ultra sound is used to activate the system for full monitoring. For further information please see my website which is called

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