Be (75)


1. Switch off the electricity to your home every night.

2. Switch off all electrical appliances inside your home during each day when not in use because they generate electromagnetic energy while they remain switched on and that electromagnetic energy can and is being used to render us incapable in various ways

3. Make sure both your home and your car use non-electric energy.

4. Do not use a smart phone ever. Disassemble it and render it unoperable before you throw it away.

5 Do not use a television because it is now being used as a type of spying tool wherever it is to be found such as in schools and universities and in private institutions for the reason that measurements can be taken from television screen analysis and from all smart screen analysis which allow neuro operatives to discern how many individuals are in a room and what they are saying to each other as well as other measurements.

6. If and when it becomes necessary, disassemble all electric cables throughout your home because they can be used against you and your family because when you have switched off all electricity to those cables they can be re-electrified wirelessly and then used against you at a time when you are unaware it is occurring for example while you sleep.

7. Bluetooth is now being used to collect data from all of your digitalized electrical appliances about you such as your smart phone, your printer, your computer, your smart television and your digital radio. This data is then being used to compile a profile of you and that profile can then be used to build a map of your brain and following on from that, your brain map could essentially be used to bio-robotize you and then to wirelessly control you on a physical basis by external means. The capability to bio-robotize and then externall control human beings by wireless means is now in use throughout the world leading to extreme danger for humanity in general. The optimum situation is to use no digitalized electrical appliances. If you must use one such a computer keep it in a garden shed at all times if possible and do not bring it into your home ever.

Targeted individuals of electronic harassment and torture are not ever going to be helped by church or state so as to protect us from further electronic harassment and torture so it is in our own interests to protect ourselves from those signals. Most government staff and most senior politicians are now under the control of a mystery system which has rendered them unable to think independent throughts.

Many human beings are being wirelessly harassed and tortured while they are inside their own homes. They first become wirelessly linked to a network of closed-circuit computers from implants and electrodes which have come to be inside their brains and bodies without their knowledge or consent. Unknown neuro operatives who are enabled to work from a remote location because of the wireless capabilities which they now use harass and torture the victim in a multitude of ways until they eventually die many years later. If the victim complains they risk psychiatric incarceration as well as forced medication with substances which bear no resemblance to actual medicine and which have such extreme side effects that the patient experiences these side effects as being tortured from the inside out.
Minimal sized electrodes can now be put in a network within a human brain which allows neuro operatives to read and write into the brain function of that human being in real time while working from a remote location. The aforementioned minimal sized electrodes could be sprayed close to a human being and they would then adhere to the mucus membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears of that human being and they would then navigate the human vasoculture, cross the blood brain barrier and precisely auto-position themselves among or even within brain cells. They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a super computer network for real time brain state monitoring and data extraction. The minimal sized network of electrodes provides direct real time monitoring and control of signals to and from the brain cells, leading to the capability to bio-robotize a human being and remote control that human being in real time. Please watch the following youtube video which is being presented by Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University, United States for information on current capabilities in brain science and technology.
Many individuals have been non-consensually wirelessly linked by a bi-directional link to a network of super computers where all of the electrical activity being generated by their brains and bodies are downloaded to super computers and where all of that electrical activity is automatically translated in real time to everything that individual thinks, says and does and this happens on a continual basis. Unknown neuro operatives who work from unknown remote locations use the bi-directional link to upload sounds, voices, images, sensations, pain, feelings and forced muscle movements to those non-consenting individuals.
A pre-ordained path has been mapped out by which all targeted individuals of the above non-consensual wirelessly enabled remote experimentation must follow if they wish to officially complain about their experiences. No matter how well we voice our complaints and no matter who we complain to, whether it be the police, psychiatrists or general practitioners, that pre-ordained path which has been mapped out for all of our complaints more than likely leads to involuntary incarceration inside a psychiatric hospital, and because of this pre-ordained path that we must follow when we officially complain of being wirelessly tortured, our complaints never get heard from an official perspective. More often than not, we are wrongly regarded as insane.

Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called My facebook page is

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I am wirelessly linked from technology inside my brain and body to what I believe are a network of computers and super computers who are staffed by neuro scientists and many other neuro operatives. These neuro operatives send and receive material to and from my brain and body via the various wireless links which fuse me to their equipment. I hear their voices coming from inside my head which we now know to be which is also known as voice to skull or microwave hearing and not mental illness as previously thought. Wireless enabled harassment and torture have been occurring for more than a hundred years without the knowledge of the general public and everything was successfully covered up by the use of the false science known as psychiatry.
I have never met any of the aforementioned neuro operatives or their financial backers and I as yet do not know who they are. I can not prove when or how the technology came to be inside my brain and body but it occurred without my knowledge or consent. These neuro operatives who interact with me regularly send signals to my brain which have the capability of interacting with both the visual centre and the hearing centre of my brain as well as forcing my muscles to move against my will as well as sending me pain signals when ever they see fit. I have been locked inside what is known as a virtual reality hold where I was forced to see moving images while my eyes were closed. I have also been forced to see images of a variety of entities and even television cartoon figures which were moving around my home while my eyes were open which is another one of the many and varied capabilities of neuro science at this present time.
The worse of these neuro science enabled experiences which I am experiencing right now is the experience of having the neuro operatives send information into the muscles of my face and body in order to allow them to eventually gain total control of the muscle structure of my body so that they could possibly externally control me by wireless means and from a remote location. I am frightened by this capability more than any other.
Yesterday, I was sent several short term pain signals to my right knee which made me scream and complain to the neuro operatives who are constantly engaged with me via this internal technology. A male voice which was coming from inside my head was heard by me to say the following “Will you stop hurting her right knee.” I female voice responded as follows “I can’t. I am in the middle of a routine.” Through prompting from me she continued as follows “I have an anomaly with your right knee. It is not information which I can insert as expected. Every time I insert information in your knee I need updates on what is gone before and I am not getting them. The technology inside your knee is still there as expected but it probably has moved out of alignment so I am not getting feedback from what I already inserted. I wish to make your knee available for remote control because I get paid for it and I am in debt so therefore I am forced to conduct immoral work.” I myself then asked this female voice if she was sorry that she ever undertook the evil work of bio-robotizing me. She replied as follows “No because I am a psychopath and I have no such qualms.”
All targeted individuals including myself should be supplied with jammers to jam the digital signals which are being sent to our brains and bodies on a continual basis at this time. Please make that happen.

Last night something unusual was made to happen to me by these unknown neuro operatives. I felt a strong energy forceably come into my body and pulsate through my heart for about five or ten minutes. I then heard one of the neuro operatives say the following ” She will have senergy cascading through her.” I do not know the precise meaning of the word “senergy” when used in this context but I post absolutely everything I experience online in case it is helpful to people who are fighting against this control and enslavement system. This morning I heard another internal voice say the following ” Your blood is now streaming inside the areas we have worked on over the years and you are soon to be almost totally bio-robotized.” Many of my facebook friends and others are also reporting the same experiences of having their own muscles forceably moved against their wills as I am. We are all experiencing unusual experiences because many of us now have unwanted technology inside our brains and bodies which has been put there against our wills and without our permission. The individuals who do not have any dust sized technology inside their brains and bodies are dark occultists who live in a country which this dust sized technology is not being placed in the food or water supply and is not being sprayed from the skies over their heads. One mathematician who charted all of the airline flights throughout the world stated that said country is Madagascar

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I have become non-consensually wirelessly linked to the smart grid from a programmable bio-chip implant.   The operatives who monitor and control me force me to listen to their dictates every day whenever they wish.   I heard one of them say the following today via the wireless link as follows  "This is a cost effective way of monitoring people while they are inside their own homes.  If they have nothing to hide they wont mind."   I mind very much.  My website where I outline in extreme detail some of my experiences of being non-consensually wirelessly linked to said smart grid is called  

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Gretta Fahey
Fri 30/08/2019 17:43

Dear Minister Zappone,

I am deeply disappointed that you are attempting to introduce home inspections of private homes by stealth. You are first of all targeting people who need jobs as child minders and who can not refuse to have their private home inspected by government officials if they wish to attain employment in that area. When governments wish to take away more and more of the legal rights of the general public they always cite concern for children or other social groups.

If home inspections of private homes are being introduced into some sectors of society it is only a matter of time before they will be introduced into all areas under the guise of public safety or under some other guise.

I believe that all members of the Irish government are under mass mind control to the extent that they appear to be constantly acting against the wishes of the people of Ireland where they enact new laws on a constant basis which disempower the people of Ireland and hand that power that the Irish people once enjoyed over to government staff whose job it is to enforce those new laws.

I do not blame the Irish government for this state of affairs because I believe that mind control technology has been deployed close to Leinster House and close to other government buildings which is similar to what has been deployed throughout the United Kingdom and which has lessened my confidence in the capabilities of the Irish government. In order to explain what I believe has occurred I enclose a transcript from Channel 4 News, dated 5th February, 2001 which outlines what has occurred with regard to the erection of mind control technology in the United Kingdom as follows:-

Begin quote:
The new Home Office microwave system called TETRA is to be the mainstay of British police force communications and will be placed in every major population centre. The British Government is spending 2 1/2 billion pounds on a 400 MHz pulse modulated microwave transmitter network which broadcasts 17.6 Hz into the brains of all Britain's police and anyone living near the planned 30,000 transmitters.
The first place these transmitters will be deployed is Glastonbury. The effects of these transmitters, which entirely duplicate CIA research in optimal mind-control technology, are
1. Destruction of short and long-term memory by disrupting calcium reflux from synapses, due to the effect of the 17.6 Hz ELF.
2. Disruption of synaptic neural networks, leading to behavioural and character changes.
3. manic behaviour, followed by nervous exhaustion after use, or exposure.
4. Disruption of higher brain function, leading to the so called 'zombification'.
5. Enhanced suggestibility.
6. The development of pre-cancerous cells, which can lead to long-term tumour growth.
7. Effects on the Limbic System, leading to emotional and behavioural modification.
8. ELF frequency in the TETRA system strongly affects calcium ions, causing them to efflux out of brain cells due to psychotron resonance.
Since these ions are the chief factor in long and short term potentiation of synapses, the braincell junctions, and are crucial to memory and cognition, use of the TETRA system on such a scale could cause irreversible brain damage by disturbing not only calcium ions but sodium and potassium ions, all vital to nerve and brain function.
The TETRA system will also flood the New York and London Underground, so commuters will regularly be exposed to behavioural modification during Rush Hour.
End quote

I am also worried about the unknown capabilities of fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters which are capable of sending separate transmissions of different strengths to each individual if deemed necessary. They are also capable of carrying pain signals to a human being. It is being widely claimed online that fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters are weapons capable of killing or enslaving each and every one of us. Please do your best to stop the current ongoing erection of fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters.

Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901

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If a subject of remote wireless experimentation drinks ozonated water or does anything to generate extra oxygen inside the human body such as cycling a bicycle, their energy field becomes more visible to the wireless experimentation personnel. They can then see from their advanced equipment what micro technology is inside the human body and where it is located. It makes it very easy for any wireless experimentation personnel who has access to these images to further the control mechanism that they are attempting to establish inside each and every one of us.
Do not drink ozonated water or oxygenate yourself by doing vigorous exercise before sitting in front of a digital media screen because you become more visible to them and thereby you endanger yourself.   However, oxygen has been said to deplete the levels of technology which are to be found inside the human body.

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The undetectable crime of placing random individuals under wireless neural control by linking these random individuals to computer networks from electrodes which have become embedded inside their brains and spines  is not yet common place but is spreading rapidly throughout most of the world.   Because the individuals who are informing the general public of this crime are outside the general sphere of influence of people in power nothing gets done to stop its continuance.  It is my belief that government staff who are generally mandated to use smart phones are under electronic mind control to the extent that they do not accept information which does not conform  to government group think.   In fact, it is widely believed that inculcation methods as well as electronic mind control is now being used against individuals who are in charge of government departments, as well as judges, lawyers, university staff and journalists.   They believe that collectivism is the way forward.   We are now being led to believe that the whole world is being prepared to be governed as one large communist state in the future.   I know this because I have been placed under wireless neural control for many years and standard inculcation methods are being used on me every day by the use of voice to skull direct communication.

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Many people who have already been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of things from two way links to their brains and bodies have openly stated that they would prefer to be dead and many of them have committed suicide or attempted suicide multiple times. Many other people are already connected to the wireless internet of things and may be receiving subliminal information from it but they are completely unaware of it. However, their mode of thinking is profoundly affected by its influence to the extent that they appear unwilling to accept its existence. The only ones who benefit from the existence of the wireless internet of things are the would-be enslavers of the human race who promote the new world order agenda and the erection of fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters throughout the world. The main reason that many people have already been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of things without the rest of the human race being allowed to know about it is because the police throughout the world wrongly psychiatrically evaluate anybody who complains of wireless interference into their brains and bodies as being mentally ill and by doing so they refuse to take a statement from us when we complain to them that we hear voices of unknown individuals coming from inside our heads. Then then send us for mandatory psychiatric evaluation without allowing us to go home so nothing ever comes of our legal complaint.
We first become wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of things without our knowledge or consent. However, the connection from our brains and bodies to said wireless internet of things remains dormant until the connection is found to be secure. When it is first activated we being to hear the voice commands and other conversations of the staff who manage the computer network which regulates the wireless internet of things coming from inside our heads. All of our inner dialogue is read and prepared for commissioning to the highest bidder. Many buyers line up to purchase all inner resources of the human being who has at this stage become a neural controlled slave which is more commonly known as a wireless slave. I am a wireless slave. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control and where I outline my experiences of being a neural controlled slave in extreme detail is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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I recently watched two youtube videos which gave detailed information of how slave handlers are using extremely advanced technology to control their slaves of which I am one.

Hearing Voices? Audio Implants
The Illuminati and Intelligence Agencies began conducting secret research into audio implants in the 20th century and they began implanting victims with audio implants in the 1960s for reasons of experimentation.
In the Vietnam war, the military used audio implant devices to aid communicating to their men who were sent into tunnels and who had to travel through forests.
The Illuminati, the Intelligence and Military Consortium kept the experimentation secret.
By the 1970s the intelligence agencies were willing to start using hundreds of people to experiment on opporationally with the implants. The controllers were very heavy handed with the people they implanted, and they used the full force of the Illuminati Intelligence agencies power to keep these people under their control at all times.
These innocent victims have had their lives totally destroyed. Some tried to fight back in order to get out from under the incessent audio messages that the implants sent but the system was too big and too powerful to fight.
Police, congress men, psychologists and others turned their backs on these victims. Some victims committed suicide and others continued to fight.
In 1925, sounds were created in people by radio engineers, by placing electrodes near the ear with a modulated alternating current.
By 1937, - by passing an alternating electrical current in the audible frequency range from an electrode to the skin, Stephen Jones found that he could make people hear sounds.
The military uses audio implants operationally to be able to talk to soldiers in situations where external noise would compromise the location of the soldiers.
In the 1970s the Illuminati and intelligence services began to secretly implant people, without their permission and at a time when they did not know they were being implanted.
In the 1990s, audio implants alone with other implants began to be used more agressively by the mind control programmers. Many intelligence operations are carried out with the aid of audio implants. Thousands of individuals have received audio implants without their permission by agents of the new world order. These implants contain a receiver, a processor, a transmitter plus electrodes or an electrical stimulating device.
When sound waves arrive to the human ear, sound causes biological reactions all along the auditory pathway from the cochlia to the auditory nerve, the brain stem and the primary cortical projection areas.
For secret implants, the electrical impulse that is generated to stimulate the victim to hear voices is totally unnoticed by everyone but the victim. Psychologists are being used to shut victims up by falsely declaring that the victim is crazy, delusional and insane and they claim audio implants dont exist. Most people who are slaves to audio implant techniques and technologies are being falsely informed that they are have paranoid schizophrenia.
Handlers communicate voice commands and death threats on an almost continual basis. The audio implants are often being used with other mind control implants. The new world order have a full cadre of trained operatives, both men and women who staff their secret basis, from which they monitor and broadcast signals to their slaves. The implants can also produce beta waves.
Certain implants are designed to suppress a certain type of thinking. The body of the victim may even be sent into paralysis or be given various response stimuli in order to suppress a certain thought pattern. If the slave begins to have certain thought patterns that threaten the programming structure, these implants then kick in to divert a persons mental activity to something else.
Engages Neuro Science and Technology as "a means of contending against another" to
1. assess, predict and control particular cognitions, emotions and behaviours.
2 mitigate aggression and foster cognitions, emotions and/or behaviours of affiliation or passivity.
3 incur burdens of morbity, disability or suffering and in this way "neutralize" potential opponents,
4 induce mortality.
They have weapons which are called neuro sensory immobilizing agents. Some of them which are known as high out put sensory stimulators that use high electromagnetic pulse energy that disrupt neurological sensory function and they are already being used.
Another weapon called intra cranial pulse stimulators use direct electromagnetic pulses to disrupt neural network aggrigation. They essentially disrupt the network properties of the brain and create confusion. They are both individual and group disruptors.
Neural networks operate by key controller and influencing nodes that interact with other networks within the brain.
If we can utilize trans cranial mechanisms to be able to disrupt this essentially we can create disrupted neural network aggrigation and literally disrupt peoples sense of time, space and place.
Neuro-modified cyborg systems. They can cybernetic interactive systems to remotely control brain systems.
At nineteen minutes and fifteen seconds into the linked youtube video Professor James Giardino falsely claimed that they are not dropping electrodes into peoples heads and that this is not a large scale program to infiltrate the population with in-dwelling electrodes.
Will this be widely seen as a mechanism of individual and crowd control? He falsely claims that it will not, at least in the immediate future.
The use of neural interfacing and physiological interfacing through the idea of remote controlled small scale systems to be able to modify the behaviour of non-human animals and insects. The pioneering work was done by Darpa for example the darpa beetle and the darpa fly, and more recently a non-darpa funded commercial interprize who calls itself "Dragon Fly" has been able to utilize a combined set of techniques, both direct neural stimulation through the use of macro technology and octogenetic control of key neuron firing patterns to be able to direct the wing beats and pulses and as a consequence, directionality of a dragon fly. They use high level nano or low level micro electrodes which can record and deliver certain types of pay loads.
We can access and effect neural systems to effect, altar, change, direct brains. We can use these systems for interrogation.


My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.  My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website where you will find details of my technological enslavement is  .Unknown operatives issue me voice commands on a  onstant basis.   These unknown neuro operatives also move my facial muscles against my will and without my permission whenever they wish.   Please read my linked website to know more.

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How and why military basic training brainwashes recruits By wise sloth

Note 1: I served in the U.S. Air Force from 2000-2007. My AFSC was 3C0X1 (Communications computer systems operator). My highest rank was E-5 (Staff Sergeant), and I received an honorable discharge.
Note 2: The following essay is based on my experiences going through the United States Air Force’s enlisted troops’ basic training program in the year 2000, which might have changed slightly since then, but probably not by much. The details here will also differ slightly from other branch’s basic training programs, but from all the conversations I’ve had with people who went through those, I can say that they’re much worse.
Note 3: I try to keep my essays short, but this one is pretty long, and it takes a few detours in order to cover every aspect of the sweeping nature of the topic. However, if you don’t have the time or interest to read the entire thing I made a relatively short comic strip that summarizes it:
• Basic Training Explained
You can also watch this short video on cults and think about how many aspects are directly incorporated into the military way of life:
• Mind Control Cults
The premise of my argument is that the United States military’s rules, customs, “courtesies,” and overall culture did not evolve organically. They were consciously and systematically designed using modern psychological research on mind control and are based on professional knowledge of how cults indoctrinate and control their followers’ minds. I can’t prove this argument by sourcing internal documents or training manuals, but if you compare how the United States military operates to how cults operate you’ll see that the similarities aren’t vague or coincidental; the United States military is the perfection of the cult model. If you want to start a cult you’ll have the best chance of success by copying the United States military’s rules, customs, courtesies and overall culture as closely as possible.
It all starts with the recruiting process. All cults use deceptive recruiting methods. When they approach you on the street or draw you into their recruiting stations they promise you everything glorious in life and death you could ever want while dodging and skimming over the negative aspects of what your life will be like in their organization. They never explain in detail all the rules you’ll be subjected to or how they’ll manipulate you into basing your identity on your role in their organization. The United States military is no different. If you go into any recruiter station they’ll promise you money, benefits, travel and glory, but they’ll never mention the U.C.M.J, and if you point out any negative aspects of the military they’ll make any excuse they can think of to dismiss your concern or glaze over it.
You’ll never get a military recruiter to admit that the United States military is a cult, because they probably don’t realize it is. Cults don’t advertise themselves as cults. They don’t tell their recruits they’re joining a cult. They indoctrinate their recruits to believe that they’re joining the most noble organization in the world. Then they send their brainwashed followers out to recruit more recruits. So even if all the original, malicious leaders at the top of the cult’s pyramid shaped authority structure die and there’s no one left alive who knows that the organization was systematically designed around manipulation techniques, the cult will still continue to function. Its brainwashed followers will run on autopilot brainwashing new recruits like a virus. There may still be leaders at the top level of the United States military who understand that their rules, customs, courtesies and overall culture are precisely cultish, but there doesn’t need to be. It is a cult, and it will continue to operate on autopilot in the absence of wilful manipulation.
As a result military recruiters willingly volunteer to act like used car salesmen and wrangle poor people into joining by promising them that all their dreams will come true if they just sign a legally binding contract (something every other cult must wish they could do). What those recruiters won’t tell you is that they have a quota that they have to meet, and they get rewards for exceeding it, which is another reason the cult is able to continue to run on auto pilot. Its recruiters must bring in new recruits whether they want to or not, because if they don’t they’ll get in trouble, but if they do they’ll be rewarded with treasures of this world regardless of whether or not they’re true believers.
Once the military convinces the recruit to sign all their civil liberties away the recruit is taken to a hotel where they’ll be watched and kept from running away the day before they begin their indoctrination process. The recruits will be told that on the next day they’ll be taken to a training facility where they’ll learn how to be an adult and an efficient worker. But in reality they won’t learn anything about being an adult, and they’ll learn very little about their job, because that’s not the point of basic training. The point of basic training is to break down the recruits’ sense of identity and indoctrinate them to base their identity on their membership within the cult.
If the United States military has done its job right then any prior service or active duty military member reading this will be screaming, “That’s not what basic training is about! It prepares you to follow orders because when the shit hits the fan on the battle field you have to act without thinking in order to keep yourself and your fellow soldiers alive!”
That’s what the military tells its recruits to believe, and that argument sounds good on paper, but if you scratch the surface you’ll find flaws in that argument. Firstly, the majority of the humans who go through the military’s indoctrination process will never see the battle field. Millions of them will never even leave the continental United States. But they go through the same indoctrination process because the purpose of basic training isn’t to prepare you for the battlefield. Its purpose is to ensure that every recruit will always blindly serve the interests of their leaders, and the leadership hierarchy stacks up like this: Enlisted troops take orders from officers. Officers take orders from politicians, and politicians take orders from the individuals and special interest groups who fund their campaigns, give them bribes and employ them after they leave public service. Thus, military members are unwitting mercenaries for (and blind supporters of) the ultra-rich. The United States military serves the interests of the wealthy. Every major military campaign the United States military has been involved in has made the rich richer and the poor poorer. And the gears of war and profit will keep turning as long as nobody in the military ever dissents or asks questions. That’s why it’s imperative that every recruit be systematically brainwashed to associate their identity primarily with their membership in the military.
The process of reprogramming civilians begins the second they step off the bus and set foot on their basic training base. The moment they leave the bus they’re descended upon by multiple drill sergeants or training instructors. Different branches call their basic instructors by different names. Each branch also has different names for their ranks, career fields and facilities. The reason for this is because it causes members of each branch to base their identity on their respective branch. This makes it less likely for military personnel to form a coup against their corrupt political leaders.
Differentiating the branches from each other serves another purpose as well. It’s standard procedure for cults to indoctrinate their members to believe that anyone who isn’t a member of the cult is inferior. Every military member is taught that civilians are untried, unproven and take their livelihood for granted while the glorious military sacrifices everything and is better than everyone else (regardless of the fact that many military members will spend their career sitting at a desk
stateside for 20 years living rent-free, receiving free medical care and driving a Ford Mustang that they paid for with their reenlistment bonus). Pitting military members against civilians is a powerful mind control technique that the military reuses by pitting military members against each other.
Airmen (aka “Zoomies”) are taught they’re smarter than Marines (aka “Jar Heads”). Marines are taught they’re tougher than soldiers (aka “Grunts”). And everyone thinks the Navy is gay. Pitting each branch against each other doesn’t cause them to go to war with each other though. It causes each branch to be even more loyal to its own chain of command, and since the entire military falls under the command of the Department of Defense, whoever controls the D.O.D benefits from this manufactured infighting.
But I digress. When recruits get off the bus their first day of basic training they’re immediately set upon by a flock of “training instructors” who throw hell at them. The instructors yell at them, insult them, tear them down, threaten them and tell them they don’t deserve to be there. The purpose of this initial assault is to shock and awe the new recruits. It makes them doubt themselves as well as accept the authority of anyone wearing the cult’s symbols of rank on their shoulders. All of this primes them to be receptive to the message they’ll be inundated with over the next few weeks.
Every year billions of people around the world enter employment in jobs that are just as dangerous if not more dangerous than what the average American military recruit signs up for, but they aren’t subjected to the mental abuse American troops are subjected to on their first day, yet they still follow orders and go above and beyond the call of duty often putting themselves at unnecessary personal risk. You don’t need to assault a human’s mind to convince them to do what’s necessary. But you do need to assault their mind if you want to reprogram their identity.
The next form of mental assault that the American government submits its military recruits to is less obvious but just as important to the indoctrination process. The recruits are filed into dormitories or barracks where they’ll live in communal spaces with up to 60 other people. They’ll have absolutely no privacy or control over their environment. Everything they own will be identical to everyone else there. Everyone will dress the same and looks the same. Everyone will sleep in identical beds and keep what few possessions they’re allowed to have in identical lockers. They’ll even have to shower naked in communal showers with dozens of other recruits. All of these factors dehumanize the new recruits and help break down their sense of identity and self-worth.
The lack of privacy breaks down the recruit’s defenses. You can’t hold up your guard when you’re naked in a shower with 15 other people and sleeping in a room with 30 other people. Under those circumstances you’re like a vulnerable child who has no home, no identity, no safe haven, no escape, no choices and no power over your own destiny. You’re nobody. And the only source of validation you can possibly experience comes from the cult, which makes the cult your mother, your father, your boss and your god.
If this doesn’t seem sinister yet, consider that the new recruits will be held captive within the confines of their dormitory. A sentinel will stand guard at the entrance preventing anyone from leaving, and if an escapee can manage to get out of the building they’ll still be trapped on base behind tall fences lined with razor wire as well as gate guards armed with semi-automatic assault rifles. The military holds a gun to its recruits’ heads and forces them to endure the indoctrination process, which is so mentally brutal that many recruits will attempt suicide.
The military goes through such dire lengths to keep its recruits locked away from the outside world because it’s much harder to break down and reprogram someone’s identity when they have access to their old support structures and/or the freedom to live life by their own accord. So you have to isolate them from everything they’ve ever known and inundate them completely with the rules, customs and culture of cult. When the cult is all they know… then the cult is all they know. Once the recruits spend a few weeks eating, sleeping and breathing nothing but the cult’s way of life they’ll accept that that’s how life is. And why wouldn’t they? The reality of their day to day life is whatever the cult makes it. So they go about their day to day life experiencing reality according to how the cult defines it, and in no time at all they take the cult’s way of life for granted.
Isolating new recruits from the outside world also insulates them from dissent and freedom of thought. If the recruits go out on the town every night or even worse, go home, they might tell someone about all the new things they’ve been learning. Then someone with a free mind might point out how crazy they sound and convince them to leave the cult.
Another reason cult members are forced to live in communal quarters is because humans take cues from other people’s behaviour and mimic it. You’d have a very hard time taking a lone individual to an empty camp and convincing them to change their behaviour. However, if you take 60 people and force them to all behave the same way they’ll assume that since everyone else is going along with it then it must be okay. Plus, once you break the minds of the weakest members they’ll take it upon themselves to enforce the rules of the group.
With the stage set the instructors can begin actively reprogramming the minds of their recruits. The daily indoctrination process begins as soon as the recruits wake up each morning. Loud speakers in the ceilings of the dormitories blast a trumpet tune called reveille often times accompanied by training instructors banging trash can lids and shouting at the recruits telling them to get up and quit being lazy. The recruits will have a few minutes to get dressed, make up their bed and line up in formation outside.
The brain-rattling trumpet, combined with the frantic morning chores and the instructor’s insults throws the recruits off centre from the moment they wake ensuring that they won’t have the mental focus to resist the indoctrination process. The chores and routines also ensures that the recruits are following orders from the moment they wake up even if the instructor isn’t even present to tell them to get dressed, make up their beds and file outside for formation. Thus the military controls every aspect of their lives and leaves no room for individual freedom of thought or action. The more the
recruits accept that as the norm the less likely they are to question it and the more likely they are to embrace it.
There are very specific rules for falling into formation. Following those rules first thing in the morning continues to reinforce blind obedience to the group without questioning the purpose of orders. Standing in the group formation where everyone looks and acts identically also helps minimize the individuality of the group members. In case the recruits don’t pick up on this idea on their own the training instructors will tell them bluntly that they’re no longer an individual. They’re a member of the group, and their own identity and desires are worth less than the identity and desires of the group. Training instructors will tell the recruits to be proud of this fact and to look down on civilians who value their individuality and selfishly desire to fulfil their own destiny.
Any active duty or prior service members reading this will likely be screaming, “But you should value being a member of the group! That creates a stronger team and keeps the group together when the shit hits the fan! Anyway, we’re proud to put our own egos aside to help protect the freedom of civilians!”
Those criticisms aren’t wrong, but there’s more going on than just that. First, there’s the fact that the military isn’t upfront about the invasive methods of mind control it submits its troops to, and that’s unethical. Also, reprogramming recruits sense of identity eliminates their freedom to determine their own destiny. It makes mental slaves out of recruits who are so zealous that they’ll defend their own manipulation. This reprogramming controls all aspects of the brainwashed victim’s life, not just how they perform their job. Plus, reprogramming individuals essentially kills the person they once were and creates a new person. Once the old person is dead they can never come back to life as the person they once were. Doing that to another human being is no small matter, and no human has the authority and right to kidnap another person’s soul. Finally, it’s worth noting that everyone in the world will participate as a functional member of a team on an almost daily basis without being brainwashed. Sports teams are high functioning teams that coordinate plays selflessly without going through a brutal indoctrination process. Even civilian contractors in the military play by the rules and make sacrifices in war zones without going through basic training.
Once the recruits are lined up in their morning formation they sing their branch’s official song and chant an oath of allegiance to the military and the United States. This is cut and dry, unambiguous brainwashing 101.
After having sworn their daily oath of allegiance the troops eat breakfast, and even then they don’t get a moment to themselves. They have to file through the cafeteria silently standing heel to toe, staring straight ahead while instructors hover over them to punish anyone who breaks these arbitrary rules. When the recruits finally get their food they’ll be given as little time as possible to eat to ensure they can’t relax and mentally collect themselves.
After the meal they’ll take part in physical exercises and marching drills. They’ll perform their exercises and marching drills as a group, everyone acting in unison further conditioning them to base their identity on the group. Every member of the group will be punished whenever any individual fails to follow the arbitrary rules perfectly. This encourages the recruits to police each other. The more the recruits enforce the military’s rules on each other the more they take the military’s rules and authority for granted.
The military doesn’t leave this powerful mind control technique to chance. The instructors will assign recruits as element leaders. The element leaders will receive an arbitrary symbol of authority (a colored rope that attaches to the lapel of their uniform), and they’ll be tasked with policing their group. When the military leadership bestows authority on individuals it teaches every member of the group that the military has the authority to bestow authority on individuals and raise their value as a human being. Once the recruits take this for granted they will always respect higher ranking military members as if God Himself touched their leaders with His grace. Finally, it dangles a carrot in front of the recruits. They’re taught in basic training that their life is worthless outside of the military hierarchy and that elevation within the cult is the true path to elevation as a person. The use of “ropes” or element leaders sets this precedent from day one.
This is also why recruits are called “trainees” instead of Airmen, soldiers, seamen or Marines. They have to prove themselves worthy first before being granted a title in the illustrious group. Every cult in the world does this. The military just hides this brainwashing technique in plain sight.
At some point during the day, between eating, exercising and marching the recruits will be taken to classrooms where they’ll receive hundreds of hours of lectures on military history, rules and customs. The point of teaching military history is to train the recruits to accept the military’s history as their own history. Once they come to base their identity on hundreds of years of history they’ve just learned they’ll always view themselves as a member of that distinct group.
If any troop ever complains about life in the military they’ll be told, “You knew what you were getting into before you signed up.” But the hundreds of hours of class time they’ll spend in basic training betray this lie. You won’t learn all the details of what you signed up for until you take these classes.
Those classes teach all the unique symbols, language, rules, customs and beliefs that make up the overall military culture. On the surface most of them are innocuous, but it’s standard operating procedure for cults to manufacture their own internal culture based on shared symbols, terminology, rules and customs, because you need to give the recruits a culture to latch onto and derive their new identity from. The whole point of giving recruits a new culture and a new identity is to tie it all into the group’s pyramid shaped leadership hierarchy. All the other details are red herrings, but once you accept them you’ll accept your place in the leadership hierarchy that comes along with it. From then on you’ll always respect and obey any human being who wears the arbitrary symbols that represent authority within the cult.
After class (and maybe a few more marching drills) the recruits are filed back into their dormitories where they’ll spend the rest of their night cleaning their rooms, organizing their lockers, folding their cloths and arranging their belongings to precise requirements. The purpose of these chores is to simply get the recruits used to obeying arbitrary rules. If you can get them to perform mundane tasks without question you can get them to perform any task without question.
It also gives the instructors more reasons to berate the recruits and tear down their sense of selfworth (and just as importantly) to reward the recruits for demonstrating obedience. In a stressful, totalitarian environment a simple bar of candy or a phone call home is worth a million dollars. Recruits will love their captors when given these small token rewards.
Throughout the whole indoctrination process the instructors will find any reason in the world to make the recruits doubt their worth as a person and as a member of the group. As they tear down the recruits they’ll slowly build them back up with praise and rewards. Then, just as the recruits are beginning to feel good about themselves the instructor will find any excuse to tear them back down again. If the recruits are doing everything right the instructor will simply lie and tell them they’re all failing at their duties. This emotional roller coaster keeps the recruits doubting their worth, makes them yearn to win the approval of their captors and makes them feel more proud when they receive any sign of affection or validation. It’s a way to systematically induce Stockholm Syndrome.
By the end of basic training the effects of the reprogramming techniques will have taken root in the trainee’s minds. They’ll sing their branch song with pride, gush when they see an officer and perform every task asked of them with gusto. In the end they’ll take part in a lavish ceremony where they’ll receive the mark of the in-group and will be congratulated on their elevation to true worth as a member of the group cementing the effects of the indoctrination process.
After reading all this you may still hold firm that military basic training teaches discipline and trains recruits to act without hesitation as a member of a goal-oriented team. As true as that may be, and as useful as that may be, it’s still not the whole truth. The fact of the matter remains that the training methods used in basic training are the exact same methods used by cults, and they have the exact same results. They rob recruits of their identity and replace it with a willing mental slave drunk on loyalty to the in-group. The training methods used on military recruits are considered unethical and even illegal to do anyone else, and they’re so invasive and brutal that they cause the recruits extreme mental anguish in the process to the point that many even attempt to commit suicide.
I have never seen evidence to support the claim that is absolutely necessary to submit human beings to this form of unethical treatment in order to create a smoothly functioning organization. Even if it were, we still have to ask ourselves if the cost is worth it, especially since it contradicts the entire reason the military supposedly exists: to protect the freedom and dignity of the citizens of the United States.
For the rest of the story please visit: www.

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Posted on April 30, 2019 by gretta
I am a targeted individual of non-consensual research and this afore mentioned research is being conducted on me by unknown criminal operatives who work from a remote location and use advanced technology to monitor and survey my brain and body on a continual basis and they have been doing so for the past sixteen years. I have been disbelieved by both the local Gardaí, my general medical practitioner and many psychiatrists whenever I have informed them of these unusual and terrifying experiences. I no longer complain to them about my predicament because it would probably lead to me being detained in a psychiatric hospital where I would more than likely be mandated to ingest toxic substances for no reason whatsoever.
I am connected to the afore mentioned unknown criminal operatives by a two way energy link. They force me to listen to their voices on a continual basis. I hear their voices coming from inside my head against my will and wholly without my permission. Earlier today I heard one of the afore mentioned inner voices say the following “We were told you were a mock up of a human being rather than a real live human being.” Another inner voice was then heard by me to say the following “There are no mock ups of human beings. All who are being surveyed are real live human beings and none of them have given us permission to monitor and survey them at any time ever.”

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"An academic paper written for the Air Force in the mid-1990s mentions the idea of a weapon that would use sound waves to send words into a person's head. "The signal can be a 'message from God' that can warn the enemy of impending doom, or encourage the enemy to surrender." In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone's head. The patent was based on human experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into the heads of human subjects."
~~ Washington Post article on electronic harassment and voices in the head, 1/14/07 The
Our thoughts, inner visions and memories are possibly being read through reading our brain waves and then putting them through the EEG reader. Groups of potentials are detected and then used to map speech, inner vision and memories. Solaris Blue Raven.

If a terror technician obtains your DNA sample and your unique brain signature they can then communicate directly into your brain. This process is being carried out by operatives who ultimately work for intelligence agencies. These intelligence agencies are now fused into one group and centrally controlled in a world head office. My unique brain signature has been obtained and many terror technitians force me to listen to their voices every day on a constant basis for the past sixteen years. When they are communicating to my brain they also send other signals which force me to see moving images, smell odors, experience false sensations of being touched, experience forced muscle movement , experience mood changes and a variety of other experiences which they use to electronically harass and psychologically torture me with throughout each and every day of my life. While this technology remains classified, governments and police forces can not protect the human race from in-home  wirelessly enabled psychological torture and enslavement via these wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons. I keep an online blog of what these terror operatives say to me and about me to their colleagues by using inner voice technology, in order to warn the rest of the human race what to expect if they ever are targeted in this manner in the future.
"Electronic loading is going on all the time while you are in front of your computer. This electronic loading will be used against you after you go to sleep even if your computer is not placed anywhere in your bedroom when you sleep. If you use earthing equipment in order to earth yourself while you sleep the earlier effects of the electronic loading on your brain and body will then be negated."
"We have markers put into all food, even non-processed food, through trade agreements. We can detect wide varieties of food as it travels through the alimentary canal. We detect our own markers whenever the subject for non-consensual experimentation is sitting on the toilet, evacuating their bowels or bladder. We conduct all of our wireless experimentation from a remote location and by the use of directed energy weapons and we remain unknown to the non-consensual human subject at all times."
"What kind of pocket money has she.?"
"Incomplete analysis of the bowel. We dont know what is going to happen in the future but this is not going to get us any awards."

"We have to sit here and listen to much of what we say repeated back to us and it is proving most disconcerting." I myself believe that was said by one of the neuro operatives because I constantly repeat loudly much of what they say to me so that all of their colleagues can hear what each of them says to me privately.
I received a notification from my electricity company informing me that my electricity would be cut off for one day next week due to essential maintenance work. A voice of a neuro staff member was then heard by me to say the following - "We wont be able to work that day because a legal interruption to the electricity supply does not allow us to transmit our own electricity to the household which is without electricity and a supply of electricity is mostly essential for our type of work."
I was listening to a program on internet radio about gender confusion which lead to a discussion about a celebrity who was born as a girl and now is living as a man. The voice of a neuro staff member which I heard coming from inside my head was then heard by me to say the following "Subliminal information is broadcast to her repeatedly via information warfare telepathy to make her believe she is a man."
"The tap water has been saturated with poisonous chemicals in order to subdue the masses and in order to shorten their lives."
"We have fifteen or twenty safe-links installed in the system pertaining to Gretta Fahey."
"This woman, Gretta Fahey rarely ever leaves her home in the West of Ireland countryside and yet she knows the name of system managers such as Keith Arganine and Andrew Partagenet who are both based out of London, England and who know each other. System managers are responsible for knowing the whole event. Andrew Partagenet oversees Keith Arganine. The rest of us who work out of London are technical assistants to the control system."
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website is called My Landine Home Phone Number is 0949360901. I am a genuine targeted individual and I have never received payment for my online posts and I never would accept payment. I have never met any of the individuals who target me with directed energy weapons and inner voice transmitting technologies and I dont know who they are. Because the technology now being used against me and many others throughout the Republic of Ireland remains classified, the Irish Gardai can not assist us when we complain to them about our experiences and neither can the Irish government. The act of classifying technology leads to granting unlimited power to the individuals who have access to said classified technology, which has down through the years created an enormous differential in power between the viewers of the classified material and those who do not have access to it. This situation must be recified as a matter of urgency. We must canvas to have all classified material across the board rendered unclassified because those in the know are using this unlimited power against the rest of the human race for the purposes of slowly and incrementally technologically enslaving each and every one of us.

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Hundreds of thousands of human beings throughout most parts of the world have become attached to the wireless internet of things. Most of those currently attached to the wireless internet of things have become attached to it non-consensually and at a time when they were not made aware that they were being attached to it. The long term consequences of becoming attached to the wireless internet of things whether consensually or non-consensually always results in huge distortions occurring in the human energy field of the individual who has become attached to said wireless internet of things. The human energy field is also known as the human aura. It is now understood by a large majority of individuals in the Irish government at a senior level that all targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation have already become attached to the wireless internet of things. Therefore their energy fields are more than likely heavily distorted by now. Because of this truth, human energy field cameras similar to the type invented and promoted by the British inventor Harry Oldfield should be made available to all citizenry at a local level rather than at a senior government level in case certain members of the Irish government have already become wireless slaves which is what all individuals who become non-consensually attached to the internet of things eventually become. All individuals who are currently complaining of being remote neural monitored as well as remote neural manipulated should have their auras photographed as a matter of urgency. Anybody who disputes this fact is likely under the wireless external control of the wireless internet of things.

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The neuroscientist Dr James Giordano informs us in the following linked interview that there are well over two hundred universities and college level programs solely devoted to brain science. Brain science is now a world wide endeavour. Neuroscientists are studying what makes individuals think and feel the way they do.

Neuro scientists can access human brains on an individual or mass scale and they can indirectly affect human behaviour. Unknown agents have accessed my brain and body by implanting me with technologies which allow them to wirelessly affect my brain and body in a myriad of different ways. This has been achieved non-consensually and in secret and by the use of classified technologies and by using criminal science. These criminal scientists use a two way wireless link to collect and collate data from my body and brain. They also use the aforementioned two way link to send inner voice messages into my brain which allows them to conduct conversations with me against my will whenever they wish. They also send me moving images, sensations, pain signals, odours, feelings, and forced muscle movement whenever they wish. They monitor all of my thoughts. They can see me at all times because they have built up a 3D image of my body. I have no mental or physical privacy. This has been going on for sixteen years. I have suffered at their hands to an extreme degree.
These neuro operatives speak to me on an almost constant basis and I post a daily blog online of what they have been saying to me. Some of it is very upsetting. Here below is a small sample of what they have been saying to me in the past few days:-

“Her long term health is in jeopardy if this program continues.”

“We have no way of loosening the bonds with Gretta. Once the bonds are tightened they can never be loosened again till death. The same applies to the rest of you so don’t come crying to us after you all have been wirelessly linked to this computer control system. It is for life.”

“You conniving bitch. This is not what we are doing to you.” This was followed by another voice which was heard by me to say the following “It is what we are doing to her. She is writing the truth in her blog.”
I heard one of the inner voices of the neuro operatives say the following to one of their colleagues as follows ” If you don’t wish to conceal what we are doing then leave. We will conceal what we are doing. Are there any others of you who wish to leave. ” This was followed on by my hearing another voice which was heard by me to say the following “No.”
“If there is any type of digital media screen in the family home we can clearly see and clearly hear what the individuals who live in that home or visit that home are doing or saying. Scientists read the images which have been procured from digital media screens by the use of a USB signal. “
“She is hamming up her daily blog”. This was followed by another inner voice of a neuro operative who was heard by me to say the following ” Her daily blog is accurate. She does not ham it up.”
I informed the neuro operatives by wireless means that I am a positive agnostic. I heard an inner voice of a neuro operative say the following to me ” We don’t allow the word agnostic to enter our lexicon. We wish everyone to have a belief system so that we can overlay that belief system with mind control.”
“We prefer her to purchase kindle e-books. We will block all orders of solid books. ” My reply to that statement was as follows ” Kindle e-books can all be deleted by the use of pulse weaponry. Solid books can last many life-times.”
“This system is off limits to the public for the moment. We do not wish them to know anything about it.”
“Put your hands on your knees please.”
“We have a bowel movement in motion as we speak.”
“We own you.”

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I have become wirelessly tethered from technology inside my body to a network of computers which are controlled by criminal gangs. The wireless link between me and this computer network allows two way traffic. The criminal gangs who control the wireless tethering equipment steal information from by body and brain on an ongoing basis. They also send information into my brain and body against my will and without my permission by the two way link. They can reproduce their voices inside my head. They can send moving images both to my minds eye and also to the room I am in, which usually appear in the form of moving holograms of people. They can force me to feel sensations or pain on any part of my body. They can give me a severe limp which they can then remove within minutes to allow me to walk perfectly fine again. They can move my facial muscles against my will. They have forced my neck to nod vigorously against my will on only one occasion without my permission and against my will.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that if they ever crack the code which would allow them into certain information centres inside my brain and body they will eventually be able to immobilize me at will. They have informed me that they would at some future time be able to immobilize me so rigidly that they could then mail me in a box and nobody would know that there was a real live human being inside the box because I would be immobilized so rigidly that I would not be able to move even slightly. They have also informed me that if I ever thought about attempting to commit suicide they would immobilize me immediately so that I could never succeed in even attempting suicide.
This cruel system of being wirelessly tethered to computer systems from technology inside the human body is meant for all other than the would-be enslavers of the human race. If the process could be fully automated that scenario is a possibility because senior politicians throughout the western world are either under a process of mind control or else they have already become wirelessly tethered to the control system themselves or else they have become compromised and thereby controllable by trickery or by other means.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head have informed me that they are gaining more and more control over my brain and body through a process known as coding which is currently being taught to university students. Are university students involved in my electronic harassment and torture and are they being informed that they are coding information inside a real live human being or a laboratory animal? If you know, please answer.
If we fail to disassemble and ban all infrastructure which allows wirelessly enabled harassment and torture, soon we will reach a situation where babies will be implanted on the day they are born and shortly thereafter they will be wirelessly linked for life to a computer tethering system which I believe is being run behind the scenes of our lives by both Satanists and Luciferians who pose as honest business men. If that ever happens the human race would then be enslaved for all eternity. You have a duty to raise awareness and you have a duty to canvass to have all infrastructure which enables wireless enslavement disassembled and banned throughout the world immediately.
The reason you have not heard the above information from your government is because anytime targeted individuals of wireless harassment and torture inform the police of their experiences they are immediately send for psychiatric evaluation, which is followed by a stay in a psychiatric hospital which causes them to lose all of their credibility from that day forward. They are publicly classified as mentally unstable. This scenario is happening all over the world. You and your family are in grave danger of being wirelessly enslaved. It is extremely cruel.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called

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I am being secretly subjected to wirelessly enabled non-consensual black budget experimentation by the use of classified technology which is being carried out on me by unknown neuro staff who work from a remote location.
My brain and parts of my body have become wirelessly linked to a computer network from technology which is inside my brain and body. This wireless communication link has been further enabled by the neuro staff having access to both my unique brain imprint and my own unique DNA. The communication link which tethers me to the computer network has two way capabilities.
The neuro staff who operate the computer network receive information from my brain and parts of my body on a constant basis through this two way communication link. They then data analyse and collate the information gained for further use by the members of the deep state. The neuro staff also send false information to my brain and body in order to force me to see moving images, feel sensations on my skin, hear their voices aw well as other sounds, feel emotions that do not originate independently from my own brain, and experience forced muscle movement and even forced speech.
The deep state plan to gain a unique understanding of the human body and brain in order to use this secret knowledge for the greater evil of the human race at some time in the future. The neuro staff who reproduce their voices inside my head by the use of this two way communication link known as voice to skull have confessed to me that they work at Fort Meade, Maryland, U.S.A.
Over many years, I have been non-consensually communicating with said unknown neuro operatives and I have gleaned much information in this manner. I keep an online blog in several social media sites including facebook where I outline a small amount of what these neuro operatives have informed me of over many years. My website is called and my facebook page is called
I sometimes have angry interactions with the neuro staff whose voices I hear coming from inside my head against my will and entirely without my permission. These neuro staff have often replied by telling me the following "We are not used to been spoken to in such a disrespectful manner as you have used." I often wondered to myself why they were unused to other subjects of non-consensual experimentation speaking to them in a disrespectful way. It did not make any sense to me at the time but I have now figured out what has been occurring as follows :-
When somebody is first non-consensually selected for neuro experimentation and when they first begin to hear the voices of unknown neuro staff being transmitted into their brains they are asked hundreds of questions. Even if they refuse to answer said questions, each question generates a mental image inside their brain. Evoked potentials are read and automatically translated by the equipment being used by the neuro staff into actual pictures of whatever the targeted individual generates  inside their minds. In this way and in many other ways including automatically included lie detection which is also built into the equipment that the neuro staff use, the neuro staff find out if the targeted individual has ever committed a crime which has gone undetected. If that is found to be the case the targeted individual is then blackmailed into becoming a neuro operative themselves in order to further the enslavement agenda of the human race by exponential means. Some are also blackmailed into working against their own governments while actually working in an official capacity inside government offices. I have never committed a crime in my life to the extent that the neuro staff have constantly complained that they can not get any leverage on me. This is one of many reasons why I am enabled to tell the public what is going on behind the scenes of their world, which is about to come crashing down if they refuse to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities which enable this human control and enslavement system. We must act urgently.

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Advanced technology now exists that can make you commit an act of extreme evil against your will. Many individuals throughout the world are being selected at random and are being forced to commit acts of extreme evil against their wills because their brains and central nervous systems can be hijacked for a short time in order to make this occur.
Technology has penetrated our brains without warning which allows any and all of us to be connected to the cerebral internet. The cerebral internet is very similar to the physical internet in the sense that instead of having your computer connected to a terminal, your brain is instead wirelessly connected to a similar terminal where input and output can be controlled externally.
Many are attempting to gain access to their governments in order to raise awareness of this situation. However, governments have been set up against their own people due to interference from outside interests. Whenever this serious topic of being non-consensually wirelessly connected to the cerebral internet is raised in public, the individual who raises it is deemed to be mentally unstable and they are escorted by uninformed police to also uninformed psychiatrists where they are administered poisonous pills which go on to damage their brains if they are ingested on a continuous basis over many years. I am now attempting to circumvent normal government structures in order to access the inner core of my own government in the Republic of Ireland where I reside. If you know of any senior politician in Ireland or overseas, please make him or her aware of this information.
This cerebral internet technology is so advanced that when your brain technology becomes activated by wireless means you can then be made to hear the voices of the neuro operatives who control the system from behind the scenes in our lives. You can be made to see visions and you can be even forced to move your muscles against your will in some instances if a lot of technology has lodged inside your spinal cord in order to enable this occurrence.
This advanced cerebral internet technology has been covered up for many years because anybody who was given unusual experiences by the use of said cerebral internet were wrongly said to have experienced a supernatural event. Their experiences of being sent voices, visions and other unusual experiences via a wireless link to their brains from the cerebral internet was covered up by the use of false cover stories such as religious apparition hoaxes, demonic possession hoaxes, extra-terrestrial visitation hoaxes, and a multitude of other hoaxes. All super-natural events can be easily explained away by the use of the cerebral internet. Further to this, unwary and unsuspicious individuals do not realize that advances in science and technology have created robots to such advancement that they could be passed off as extra-terrestrial visitors when combined with the administration of frequencies of trustfulness to the brains of all interested parties.
The cerebral internet is also being used as a spying tool. If or when your brain technology becomes connected to the cerebral internet and activated by the neuro operatives, all of the electrical activity being generated by your brain and body will be sent to the cerebral internet control terminal in real time and some of what you see will be translated into images by the equipment being used by the neuro operatives, if and when they feel it is necessary. If you look at a human face or a page of writing, that very human face or page of writing will then be available to the neuro staff and their owners to use in any way they wish. This form of intelligence has been in use for several decades if not longer on a much smaller scale than is available to the neuro operatives and their owners at this time.
Many individuals have already been unknowingly connected to the cerebral internet where their brains have been entrained into a state of apathy. Mind control data is being sent to them by wireless means through the cerebral internet in order to make them only and ever believe information which comes to them from a controlled government source. Please attempt to ride above said mind control and brain entrainment while you are attempting to decipher this information herein.
We aught to urgently disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities across the broad as soon as possible so as to free ourselves from this form of slavery now. I believe that nanobots which are networked throughout the human brain is what is linking myself and millions of other individuals to the cerebral internet. I also believe that the human energy field which is sometimes known as the human aura is also being used in a myriad of ways to assist said nanobots to connected the human race to the cerebral internet.
I have been wirelessly connected to the cerebral internet since the spring of 2003. Ever since then I have received voice commands from neuro operatives which are sent via the cerebral internet where said neuro operatives threaten to damage my property and sometimes do so if I refuse to obey them. They also hurt me physically by sending information to my brain and body throughout the wireless two way link which permanently tethers me to the cerebral internet. These neuro operatives also block information which I post online on an almost daily basis to the extent that I do not know if this post will be made available online at this time or indeed ever.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website is

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Anybody or any group with a certain type of directed energy equipment can send energy signals to an unaware individual and by that means they can build up a three dimensional image of the naked body of the unaware and fully dressed  member of the public because the energy coming from the directed energy equipment meets resistance when it encounters the skin surface.

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I am being subjected to classified  mind invasive invisible weapons.  United States diplomats have complained of being targeted with invisible weapons while working in China and Cuba.   How do you report being targeted by invisible weapons to your community in order to warn them of this ?   How do you prove to your community  that you are being targeted by invisible weapons?   If you know the answer please let me know.  

I am non-consensually  wirelessly linked from implants in my brain and body to a computer network by a two way link.  This two way link allows the computer and neuro operatives to speak to me against my will and without my permission.   I am being forced to listen to them throughout each day as I go about my everyday life.   I hear their voices coming from inside my head due implantation with a neuro communication device.   I have heard that a neuro communication device known as a brain radio exists and is being used against some targeted individuals.   However, I don't know what type of chip I have been implanted with.    I keep a daily blog of  where I write what these unknown neuro operatives say to me on an ongoing basis.  Here are some of what the neuro operatives have said in the past twenty four hours,  all of which I have heard coming from inside my head.

"No one was expecting this level of extreme interference in this woman's life."     This was followed by   "If you quote my name I will be endangered."    (I did not know the name of the speaker.)

"If I had my way I would fuckin shoot her."

"Langly Air Force Base have almost total involvement with the processing of the data pertaining to Gretta Fahey.  Norbrook have almost no involvement.   (My name is Gretta Fahey.)

"There is a secondary system in place that has done something extremely evil to the woman, Gretta Fahey.  Her whole face is under our control."

"The program softened her cough for her a bit I suppose."

"You are doing your own loading and unloading.  This is not allowed.  We require a trained expert to carry out all processes which have been deemed to be a danger to human health and safety."   (I was using a wheel barrow at the time I heard this verbiage coming from inside my head.)

" We are now aware that the Irish secret police know what has been happening to you over sixteen years and they have done nothing to alleviate your suffering through fear of their lives and that of their families.   Leo Varadkar knows nothing of this."

"Putting a stop to this woman's harassment is not achievable.  She is locked into the system as tightly as anyone could be locked in. "

"We have developed a way of stopping the majority of human beings of thinking for themselves and of manipulating them to only think in prescribed ways."

"Pull out all the stops.   I need to qualify this woman Gretta Fahey as being insane."

"We wont block the letter.  We will suitably delay it.   (This was in response to the fact that I posted a letter to friend  by ordinary mail, informing her that I have been non-consensually  inplanted and I am wirelessly linked to a computer network from the   implant. )

"We can and we are monitoring the inner dialogue of Irish senior politicians."

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Advanced technology now exists that can make you commit an act of extreme evil against your will. Many individuals throughout the world are being selected at random and are being forced to commit acts of extreme evil against their wills because their brains and spinal cords can be hijacked for a short time in order to make this occur.
Technology has penetrated our brains without warning which allows any and all of us to be connected to the cerebral internet. The cerebral internet is very similar to the physical internet in the sense that instead of having your computer connected to a terminal, your brain is instead wirelessly connected to a similar terminal where input and output can be controlled externally.
Many are attempting to gain access to their governments in order to raise awareness of this situation. However, governments have been set up against their own people due to interference from outside interests. Whenever this serious topic of being non-consensually wirelessly connected to the cerebral internet is raised in public, the individual who raises it is deemed to be mentally unstable and they are escorted by uninformed police to also uninformed psychiatrists where they are administered poisonous pills which go on to damage their brains if they are ingested on a continuous basis over many years. I am now attempting to circumvent normal government structures in order to access the inner core of my own government in the Republic of Ireland where I reside. If you know of any senior politician in Ireland or overseas, please make him or her aware of this information.
This cerebral internet technology is so advanced that when your brain technology becomes activated by wireless means you can then be made to hear the voices of the neuro operatives who control the system from behind the scenes in our lives. You can be made to see visions and you can be even forced to move your muscles against your will in some instances if a lot of technology has lodged inside your spinal cord in order to enable this occurrence.
This advanced cerebral internet technology has been covered up for many years because anybody who was given unusual experiences by the use of said cerebral internet were wrongly said to have experienced a supernatural event. Their experiences of being sent voices, visions and other unusual experiences via a wireless link to their brains from the cerebral internet was covered up by the use of false cover stories such as religious apparition hoaxes, demonic possession hoaxes, extra-terrestrial visitation hoaxes, and a multitude of other hoaxes. All super-natural events can be easily explained away by the use of the cerebral internet.
The cerebral internet is also being used as a spying tool. If or when your brain technology becomes connected to the cerebral internet and activated by the neuro operatives, all of the electrical activity being generated by your brain and body will be sent to the cerebral internet control terminal in real time and some of what you see will be translated into images by the equipment being used by the neuro operatives, if and when they feel it is necessary. If you look at a human face or a page of writing, that very human face or page of writing will then be available to the neuro staff and their owners to use in any way they wish. This form of intelligence has been in use for several decades if not longer on a much smaller scale than is available to the neuro operatives and their owners at this time.
Many individuals have already been unknowingly connected to the cerebral internet where their brains have been entrained into a state of apathy. Mind control data is being sent to them by wireless means through the cerebral internet in order to make them only and ever believe information which comes to them from a controlled government source. Please attempt to ride above said mind control and brain entrainment while you are attempting to decipher this information herein.
We aught to urgently disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities across the broad as soon as possible so as to free ourselves from this form of slavery now.
I have been wirelessly connected to the cerebral internet since the spring of 2003. Ever since then I have received voice commands from neuro operatives who send me these voice commands via the cerebral internet where they threaten to damage my property and sometimes do so if I refuse to obey them. They also hurt me physically by sending information to my brain and body throughout the wireless two way link which permanently tethers me to the cerebral internet. These neuro operatives also block information which I post online on an almost daily basis to the extent that I do not know if this post will be made available online at this time or indeed ever.  I do not, I never have in the past and I never would in the future accept money for my work in exposing this crime.  I am in receipt of disability allowance from the Irish and European tax payers.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website is

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A British owned corporation called Serco is working through all governments throughout the world including Ireland with the aim of enslaving the human race.   I have been electronically harassed and psychologically tortured for more than sixteen years by the use of directed energy weapons and I now wish to know who in Ireland is directly involved in both my electronic harassment and psychological torture.  I want answers?

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