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“We can put minimal sized electrodes in a network within a brain, through only minimal intervention, in order to be able to read and write into the brain function in real time, remotely. ” This is a quote by Dr James Giordano which can be found at the youtube link here below.

I personally have been implanted with brain technology and now unknown strangers are able to read and write into my brain function in real time, remotely. For many decades the CIA and other intelligence agencies have been implanting unaware members of the public with a large variety of implants in order to wirelessly conduct a large variety of experiments on them at a later date. The normal mode of operations of the CIA is to break into the home of the selected targeted individual and render them unconscious using frequency tools before they implant them. The targeted individual has no memory of the implantation procedure when they wake up the following morning. However, at a later date they realize that they have become targeted with extreme technology when they begin to experience strange and unexplainable phenomena happening to them on a continual basis.

When a targeted individual becomes implanted with black budget, classified brain technology they are then wirelessly connected by a two way low frequency, electromagnetic stream of energy which then allows criminal neuro staff to read and write into their brain function. The targeted individual is effectively online on a continual basis for the remainder of their life. The criminal neuro staff can force the targeted individual to listen to them speak by wireless means, whenever they wish. The criminal neuro staff can send moving images by wireless means to the targeted individual which the targeted individual would then perceive as a mental image inside their head. These mental images which the targeted individual receives are often images as well as a large variety of other types of disgusting images. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly send electric shocks and pain signals and other bodily sensations to the targeted individual. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly write false information into the brain of the targeted individual in order to render the targeted individual unwell at any time, or even paralyse or kill the targeted individual if they so wish.
I have been a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled remote experimentation for sixteen years. I keep a frequent online blog where I outline some of what the criminal neuro operatives say to me when they reproduce their voices inside my head using their extremely advanced and classified wireless technology. Here below is a small sample of what they said to me in the past two days and my response to some of it :-
“You will do what I say because I am your better.”
My response to that statement is that all human beings are equal under natural law and all are of infinite value. Anybody who believes otherwise is living in a false reality construct where they believe they should grovel to some of their own equals and look down on others of their own equals.
“Tidy up your image.”
“I am bitterly opposed to this technology being used in Ireland.”
“We are not interested in propriety. We are only interested in enslaving the human race.”
“I will take the wheels off your bicycle when you are in town.”
“We are forced to detail the life of a woman who doesn't do anything.”
“She is informed, and we know she is informed, and now we are going ahead and paralysing her from head to toe.”
“Implore her to get a housemate or they will kick her out of that house.” My response to that statement is – I was born in the house that I now live in fifty nine years ago. It was built by my grandfather without any financial help from a bank. It is my family home and they do not have a right to kick me out ever.
“Don't be naughty.” My response to that statement is – When human beings become slaves the slave masters treat them as children in the sense that when African American men were enslaved they were called boys instead of men in order to belittle them. By telling me not to be naughty they are treating me like a child instead of an adult woman in order to psychologically bring me down to the level of a child.
“She better get up. They don't tolerate her being in bed during the day.”
“Go and get a life” My response to that statement is as follows – I have a life. You are the one who is interfering in my life, obviously because no one will listen to you in your own life. That is why you and your colleagues force me to listen to you on a continual basis, each and every day for the past sixteen years.
“I’ll lock you up if you don't shut up.”
“You’re a lightweight.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901. I do not accept payment for my online blogs which can be found throughout many social media sites, where I outline my experiences of being a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons for sixteen years. I have attempted to inform government staff of the fact that I am being targeted with directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology in the distant past but I have not been taken seriously by them. I made two serious attempts to take my own life when I first became a targeted individual and this can be verified by my local hospital. I now no longer trust church or state. I believe that church and state are the two arms of the enslavement system. I believe that church and state were set up thousands of years ago for the sole purpose of eventually enslaving the human race. I also believe that anybody who works for church and state are mostly unknowingly being used to further the enslavement agenda of the dark new world order self-proclaimed elite. I write my online blog in order to wake the public up to the extreme danger of technological enslavement they are in. I believe that they are under electronic mind control.
Our first task is to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia so that the general public can awake from their electronic mind control spell and begin to think more clearly. After that it is a simple matter to tear down all of the infrastructure which allows unknown neuro operatives to enslave me and hundreds of thousands of others by wireless means and from a remote location. If this is not done soon, this program could be fully automated and everyone other than the would-be enslavers could be hearing computerized voices coming from inside their heads issuing them orders and delivering pain signals to them if they did not obey immediately. Those who are awake and aware are now mostly of the belief that the existence of satellites is a hoax, and all of the technology which is being used to technologically enslave us is ground based or air based. Therefore we can easily reach all of the technology being used against us in order to disempower and destroy it

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I have become non-consensually wirelessly connected to a network of computer systems and I can not break free. The classified system which I am connected to is commonly known as Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation. Both my brain and body are connected to this system and I am being continually monitored and I am having my body manipulated on a continual basis for many years. All of the electrical signals being generated by both my brain and body are being sent by wireless means to a base computer where my data is then analysed and collated by a team of criminal research scientists and other neuro staff members. The neuro staff send unwanted signals to my brain and body in the form of voice commands, moving images, bodily sensations, odours, feelings, thoughts, forced muscle movements and others. These unknown criminal neuro staff members wish me to behave according to their dictates and they have threatened to send me pain signals if I refuse to obey them.

This cruel control system is akin to being mentally enslaved. I have no mental privacy. All of my thoughts are being read in real time and they are sometimes commented on by the neuro staff who monitor me and I hear their voices coming from inside my head. Any mental image which I generate inside my head is being translated into a digital image on the digital media screens of the criminal neuro staff.

Governments are complicit in this cruel enslavement process which I have become linked to, to the extent that they ignore all complaints by targeted individuals of this Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation, largely because we have not yet been able to prove to them that we are being targeted by directed energy weapons. We could easily prove this if we were given the right equipment such as spectrum analysers and radiography equipment.

The medical community are not being appropriately educated. General practitioners and psychiatrists don't appear to know anything about Remote Neural Monitoring in spite of the fact that the online Remote Neural Monitoring and Directed Energy Weapons internet databases are vast.

Governments could easily stop our technological torture and enslavement through disassembling and banning microwave transmitters because the criminal neuro operators need microwave radiation to make their directed energy weapons work effectively.

Secret groups intent on world domination have access to all classified technology which they are now using against the rest of humanity in secret for the purpose of eventual full spectrum dominance of the human race if they are not urgently stopped from going ahead with their plans. Our entire world is now designed towards protecting their interests. They appear to be using microwave mind control against us which has lulled the minds of the masses into a state of incredulity and indifference when we tell them that we have become technological enslaved by wireless means. The existence of microwave mind control is another strong reason why governments should disassemble and ban microwave transmitters as a matter of urgency. Please read the following information called Microwave Mind Control by Tim Rifat.

My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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My brain and body have been directly connected to a computer network by wireless means without my permission.    I have been implanted with either one or more RFID chips.  The unknown criminal operatives who control the network of computers which I have become wirelessly linked to could end up controlling me.  The technology which is being used to wirelessly and non-consensually link me to said computer network is classified and the neuro operatives who monitor me take readings of all of my bodily functions on a continual basis.  Because they have the ability to monitor my inner dialogue and assess my memories they now know everything about me.   I am not allowed to have any mental or physical privacy at all.  These neuro operatives speak to me via a two way link on an almost constant basis.  I keep a daily blog on several social media sites about some of what they say to me throughout each day.    They oppress me to an extreme degree by what they say to me.   Here is some of what they said to me in the past twenty four hours.

"I am on board with this system.  If this woman Gretta Fahey needs a problem solved we will solve it for her.  Nobody else will solve her problems for her from now on."

"Is Gretta Fahey wearing clothes?"   The response was "Yes".   This was further  followed on by the following enquiry  "How come I can not see her wearing any clothes?"    This was further followed on by the following reply  "Because we have built up a picture of her based on her internal structure and not her clothes you can not see her wearing clothes.  We see all targeted individuals who we have built up an internal picture of as naked.  It can't be helped."

"What stage are we at with Fahey?"    "We could now give her enough pain to force her to commit suicide any time we wish.  However, we wont do that right now.  She is harmless enough."

"Will the bodies of the people who have been targeted in Ireland be examined by the state after they die."   "Yes".      "They will find evidence like no other evidence they ever found before to prove these people have been targeted with energy weapons."

"This woman was woken up in the middle of the night when she was sleeping by the neuro staff on several occasions during the night."   The response that came through was as follows   "Nobody here cares."

"I got a suicide ideation out of that woman, Fahey."   "You seem glad that you got a suicide ideation out of a woman by the comment you made to her."

"Make a cannibal out of Gretta Fahey.   Put human meat in her food."   This was followed on by the following response.  "I wont because she is a vegetarian."

The neuro operatives read my inner dialogue on a constant basis and I sometimes think aloud because the neuro operatives have manipulated my brain to speak my thoughts aloud.   I said the following "The people in my village don't get up early on a Sunday morning because they go out on a Saturday night. "   The response I received from the neuro operatives was as follows  "What the people of your village do of a Saturday night is of no interest to me but if they stay in bed of a Sunday morning they will be penalised."

"She keeps inside her budget.  She purchased two food choppers and a radio."  This was followed on by another voice which was heard by me to say the following  "Don't tell me what she is entitled to purchase.  I decide that."


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"Regiment these people so that they are obedient to us". I heard those words coming from inside my head because I have been non-consensually implanted with two way voice technology. The military and the intelligence services have been non-consensually implanting their fellow human beings with many and varied types of technology over the past few decades for the purposes of controlling them. This fact is still not widely known for reasons of national security which is in reality national suicide. Further to that I heard another unknown person speaking to me through the same medium who informed me that the speaker who wishes us all to be regimented into a state of complete obedience to this criminal syndicate is called Andrew Partagenet. I don't know anybody called Andrew Partagenet and I dislike posting names on my posts but in order to raise awareness of the slow and insidious enslavement policies of the dark new world order criminal syndicate I am beginning to post the names that I am being given by these inner voices. We must disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities urgently in order to stop this in-home wireless harassment and torture that many are currently experiencing because of advanced wireless torture capabilities.

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Former U.S.  President Jimmy Carter recently wrote in the New York Times, “The United States is abandoning its role as the global champion of human rights.” In his article, Carter points out that top US officials are now openly targeting US citizens for political assassination, “disappearance,” unlimited surveillance, and other forms of gross human rights abuse. Are people prepared to call a former U.S. President a conspiracy
theorist? Or has the U.S. strayed far from its roots as a democracy where rule of law and human rights are uniformly respected?   I have taken this excerpt from the here  below linked document by Dr Daniel Lebowitz.

I am one of those individuals who have been placed on non-consensual wirelessly enabled  unlimited surveillance and electronic harassment and psychological torture  by who I believe are agents of the United States government.    My name is Gretta Fahey, from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.   I was born in and have lived all my life in Ireland, Europe and I have never visited the United States.  I have never committed an illegal act in my life.   Many of my fellow Irish men and women are also being targeted in a similar manner to me.  We have nearly all reported the matter to the Gardaí over the years but we have not been taken seriously.   We have been selected for non-consensual remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation for many and varied reasons and this system which I  and others have been non-consensually placed under is a precursor to enslavement of most of the human race by the dark new world evil cabal.   The neuro operatives who are directly responsible for my electronic harassment and psychological torture are able to place their voices inside my head by the use of directed energy weapons which are now common place throughout the world but are not been  mentioned in what is now a privately owned main stream media.   Knowledge of this wirelessly enabled electronic harassment combined with psychological torture is widespread throughout the internet.   I often list some of what the neuro operatives say to me whenever they reproduce their voices inside my head.   I do not and never have and never would accept payment for any of my writings.   My aim is to expose corruption in the world.  Here is some of what these internal voices have said to me and about me in the past few days.

"Digging the dirt on this system is now the way forward.   We need to present this system in a positive light."

"I will bludgeon you to death some day."

"Unveilling a system this extreme is not in our favour.  We will send the troops around  to Gretta Fahey's house if she doesn't shut up. "

I send an email to my aunt who lives in the United States and I mentioned Directed Energy Weapons in the email.  I then heard a  voice coming from inside my head which was heard by me to say the following  " This information will not be allowed to go to her aunt in the United States of America.  This information will be confiscated.  Does she understand that."

"That is not good enough.  You will have to try harder to exasperate her."

 "She is nothing but an old fool."

"She has an excellent train of thought."

"Increase the suffering".

 "Did she poop yet."

 "There is no television in her home which would allow us to spy on her through the digital media screen.   I don't know how I am going to explain my information."

  I was planning to go to my local town and I was thinking about it when I heard an inner voice say the following "Where is Fahey planning to go. "    "Nowhere"    This was followed by the following response  "Well, why is this stream of consciousness here."

"We would have to make Gretta be a paragon of perfection in order to justify our activities, in view of the fact that the public know so much of what we have been doing to her because of her daily writing."    A second voice was heard by me to respond as follows "We would have to bio-robotize her for that to happen."

In response to a question I put to the voices which I hear coming from inside my head I was told the following  "We can see an energy imprint of people through their flat screen televisions and through all other digital media screens.  We can not see an accurate image of them through their digital media screens.  Energy imprints of people are far more revealing that clear images of the same people.  Energy imprint visualization can inform the viewer of what the energy imprinted individual has ingested and inhaled along with what type of mood the individual is currently in."    In response to a further question by me the voice which I heard coming from inside my head was further heard by me to say as follows  "We can manipulate the human energy field of an individual by manipulating the energy which forms around the digital media screen which we are viewing in order to cause anomalies in the energy field of that individual, which then translate into physical body anomalies, such as pain or cramps or such as a myriad of other symptoms." I continued to prompt the unknown voice which I heard coming from inside my head for further information about the capabilities which they could achieve through human energy field manipulation through manipulation of human energy fields via digital media screens and the voice then went on to inform me the following "Over many years of dedicated energy manipulations, whole body paralysis can be achieved."

I continued to question the voice which I heard coming from inside my head and he revealed the following information to me "We could not see a physical picture of you at the beginning of your targeting.  However, we have now built up enough information about you to be able to see you in 3D whenever we wish.  We can now look in on you whenever we wish.  You have no mental privacy and now you have no physical privacy either.  You are heavily despised by our team due to your lack of ingenuity in attempting to stop us from invading both your mind and body."

"How come we have no mental hold on her?"   The response which I heard coming from another voice was as follows "She is a free thinker and she is very well informed."

"She is not one of our paid informants.   The response which I heard coming from another voice was as follows "  No.  She is not.  She has never received money from us and she never would accept money off us.  She styles herself as being uncorruptable which she is."

"They key component of this worldwide monitoring system is control, control, control."

"Wireless ensnarement is meant for everyone accept us and our group."

"We need this lady in our own system here so that we can examine her properly.  Why isn't this happening?"  

"Because Gretta has legal right of residence in her own family home until she dies, this is the end of the line for us."

"Nothing is being done that is illegal."    I responded to this inner voice myself as follows  " It is illegal to psychologically torture someone under both man made law and natural law.   Natural law is the only law that is fixed and immutable.  Man made laws are illusory.   We must return to the use of natural law only."

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The third world war will be the easiest war ever fought and it will be won on behalf of the majority of the human race who will easily defeat the dark new world order crime cartel and send them packing for good. Nobody will even have to die. Our soldiers will simply destroy every telephone mast in sight as well as every microwave transmitter, every millimetre wave transmitter, every HAARP phased array, every GWEN tower and all other paraphernalia which enables us to be tortured in our own homes by wireless means by agents of the dark new world order who work by remote means and leave no evidence in their wake.

All of the technology that enabled wireless warfare is either ground based or is being propelled by drones which are low enough to be shot down. Space based weapons are simply an elaborate hoax for the simple reason that outer space does not exist. The second law of thermodynamics proves that air and space can not co-exist side by side. If outer space existed the vacuum of space would suck all of the air from the surface of the earth and we would be unable to breathe. Air and space can not be made to co-exist side by side in a laboratory setting.

We have been lied to about the existence of outer space satellites. Stationary drones have been wrongly identified as satellites. False video footage has been created by agents of the dark new world order crime cartel who falsely portrayed themselves as living and working in the international space station which is an easily proveable hoax. The people who are obliged to falsely portray themselves as working in the non-existent international space station are more than likely neuro slaves, which means they have become wirelessly tethered via internal body and brain implants to computer networks where they can be hurt by remote wireless means if they refuse to obey the orders of the dark new world order crime cabal and their agents.
We live in a world of indoctrination, a false reality construct where we are being asked to believe something because a group of dark occultists tell us it is so without providing a shred evidence to back up their claims. For every non-existent satellite they claim to launch they get five hundred million dollars of tax payers money. We must wake the world up and organise the militia to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling technology before another human being is forced to commit suicide due to being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes while being unbelieved by the unsuspecting population, many of who are under electronic mind control due to living in locations where electronic mind control frequencies are reaching them, which are claimed to be large urban populations.

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I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to neuro operatives who speak to me whenever they wish totally against my will and without my permission.    A female voice which I heard coming from inside my head asked me in the last ten minutes if children were working in my area.   I responded with the following question  "What do you mean?   What would they work at?   I then further heard another voice coming from inside my head telling me that some of his colleagues were attempting to set me up in some way.    I constantly post online much of what the voices which I hear coming from inside my head say to me on my social media site.   Voice to skull bio-communication was used in the first Iraq war in 1991 in order to convince Iraqi soldiers that Allah was speaking to them.   It is being widely abused throughout most of the world now but because it is remains classified not many people are prepared to believe the recepients of it.  Psychiatrists remain in denial of its existence.

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I am a non-consensual human research subject of brain wave science which is currently classified for reasons which come under the heading of national security but what is in fact national suicide. Similar non-consensual brain and body research is currently happening to a number of other people throughout Ireland, many of whom I personally know. All of this non-consensual human research is being carried out wirelessly from implants in our bodies and brains which are connected by two way streams of low frequency electromagnetic energy to computer networks which are controlled by neuro operatives. These neuro operatives are unknown to us but they are able to conduct conversations with us through the two way streams of energy, some of which are connected to the hearing centres of our brains. We are being forced to listen to their voices coming from inside our heads every waking moment against our wills and without our permission. Strong radio frequency signals come from my ears and from the back of my head at random times throughout each day, when ever I check from them. Some other targeted individuals are also reporting this fact.
Last night, while I was in my home alone I heard myself saying the following phrase "wheelbarrow load" while I was thinking of something else entirely which was totally unrelated to that phrase. It was as if two parts of my brain were entirely disconnected from each other. I spoke about this to the neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head via a brain link. The neuro operatives replied as follows "Your brain has not been compartmentalized. It has been subdivided into sections in accordance with instructions from our superiors. I mention this incidence in case it is helpful to other non-consensual targeted individuals of brain link and neuro weapon research of which there appear to be hundreds of thousands if not millions of us throughout the world.
Non-consensual targeted individuals of brain wave science research have no recourse to the law. We have all made representations to the police. I myself have made two unsuccessful representations to the Irish Gardai, which is what the police in Ireland are called. Both representations ended in instructions to attend for psychiatric evaluation. This is the normal course of events whenever non-consensual neuro weapon research subjects complain to the police that a crime is being committed against them.

I will never again complain to the Gardai or a G.P. again about my horrific experiences of being a long term non-consensual brain science research subject because I can not risk being sent to a psychiatric hospital where I would be expected to ingest harmful substances posing as anti-psychotic medication and where I would be incarcerated and I would not be given a release date. These substances posing as medication are extremely poisonous. When I have taken them in the past, I experienced constant extreme tremors all over my body. I also experienced a strong and constant urge to pace constantly with no ability to relax. I also experienced very dulled thinking as if I could not connect fully with my own brain. Along with that I experienced extreme tiredness and lack of motivation and I was unable to go for long walks which I previously used to do. Substances posing as anti-psychotic medication are in fact punishments. The American military have admitted that they were planning to weaponize medicine by blending together medicines with the most extreme side effects and forcing people who do not fall in line with their growing dictatorship to take them under the guise of being mentally ill.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head against my will and without my permission have informed me that they have been instructed to find a way to cover me which they explained means to find a way to control me, either by framing me for an illegal event or for a false psychotic event. They claim that they will not do this as they are doing their best to work in an ethical way while under extreme legal constraints themselves. Some of them are doing their best to behave in an ethical way but I would never agree that all of them are ethical because some of them have been extremely cruel to me over the years with constant death threats and insults which I hear coming from inside my own head up to dozens of times per day on some occasions.

If you have a large number of digital devices in your home I would advise you to keep them inside closed metal boxes when they are not in use. These digital devices send signals to each other thereby creating an electrical grid which can be used to create holograms inside your home which you may wrongly assume to be demons or extra-terresterials if you believe in the supernatural, which I personally dont. The demonic possession hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the moving statue hoax, the existence of space based weapons hoax are all falsehoods which you would realise if you were a long term brain wave science test subject and knew how things are being made to occur scientifically.
Certain people who have senior positions in Governments throughout the world are colluding with criminals by refusing to warn the general public about the extreme threat of worldwide enslavement from wireless directed energy weapons. They are doing so for many reasons but the foremost reason is the fact that they feel unable to disclose to the public that senior judiciary can be wirelessly interfered with by remote control while they are making a court judgement. If that fact alone was disclosed to the public all government systems would collapse overnight. We are being slowly and incrementally enslaved by wireless means. There is an easy solution. We aught to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities in our countries immediately such as microwave transmitters, millimeter wave transmitters and all modern street lighting which can and is being used to entrain the brains of people who live in urban areas into a false sense of happy apathy and indifference to a brutul enslavement plan that is about to come to fruition if nothing is done. Please act now. The existence of satellites are a laughable hoax. The enemy always exaggerates their powers. It is a well known tactic of war.

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Brain to computer interface systems are now live in pockets of society throughout most of the world.  We are being systematically implanted with a wide variety of implants by agents of the C.I.A. and F.B.I.   The CIA is a rogue agency.   In my opinion, the CIA is responsible for most acts of terrorism throughout the world and they take their orders to carry out acts of terrorism from individual members of the Council on Foreign Relations.   In my opinion, the Council on Foreign Relations are actively working towards slowing down the world wide economy by any and every means possible.  They work for the greater evil of the human race.  The the people of the United States should immediately have laws implemented to defund the abolish the CIA combined with the rest of the intelligence services of the United States.

I have been non-consensually  targeted by directed energy weapons and bio-communication methods  for many years.   I hear the voices of agents of what is commonly being called Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation coming from inside my head on a constant basis.   I regularly post online some of what these internal voices say to me on many social media sites in order to inform the general public about what it is like to experience being subjected to a brain to computer interface system.   Here below is what some of what these unknown neuro operatives have said to me and about me in the past two days:-

"It is while she is in her bathroom that we obtain most of the information which is most pertinent to our research.  We analyse the contents of her bowel and bladder while she is in there."

"She will not be in her own home for much longer."

"She can get out of bed the same as everybody else."

"Why have you allowed this woman to languish for so long."   

"You don't understand the aim of the game.   The aim of the game is to terrify them."

"I will quell her some day. 

"We can take Gretta Fahey out of the country.  There is not one single person in this country who cares whether we take her or not.   Who would know?   She lives alone."

"Bring her to justice please.  This can not continue."   ( I don't know what that means as I have never broken a law in my life.)

I complained to the inner voices about the fact that they were continually waking me up to ask me questions during some nights and here is the conversation we had as follows:-

   I said as follows "If you wake me up too early or if you persistently wake me up during the night it is counter productive because I then need to go back to bed to rest later on during the day."    I heard the voice of one of the unknown neuro operatives coming from inside my head as follows -  "We have had this conversation before and it doesn't work for us to leave you asleep."

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According to a former police whistleblower being interviewed by Brian Gerrish for the UK Column online channel, masonry has a big stronghold in the British police and when an officer becomes a detective it then intensifies.  This former police officer also states that the Hillsborough enquiry was deliberately frustrated by the free masons.   To listen to this information please click on the following linked youtube video.

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Further to my earlier post of today detailing my experience of being monitored and manipulated around the clock on a constant basis via the Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation system of human control, I now wish to post some more of what the neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head by wireless implant means have been saying to me and about me.

"Systematically abuse her some more then until we break her entirely."

"She is way to heavy for our liking."

"I can't provoke her."

"When did she become such an excellent adversary?"

"None of them are excellent adversaries.  They are pathetic whinging bigots."

"Natasha Kneavsy went home with tears in her eyes."   (This was said in response to me calling her a soft torturer because she had wakened me up from some badly needed sleep.)

"Fahey heard the name of a staff member"

"It is all going to come out soon. We first have to see what can be said to sustain our side of the system".

P.S.  I have reason to believe that Natasha Kneavsy is the real name of one of the unknown neuro operative and I believe she works somewhere in the United Kingdom.  

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Aerosolized dust particles have become embedded in our bodies and brains. These embedded particles are now being used to wirelessly connect non-consenting people to computer networks for the purpose of brain to brain interface and brain to computer interface. Both brain to brain interface and brain to computer interface control systems provide a certain level of limitation and constraint over the everyday behaviour of anybody who becomes wirelessly linked to the system. These brain to brain and brain to computer system have been developed and programmed in order to control and manage the behaviour of most of the human race. This control system enables real time monitoring of all of the electrical activity being generated by both the human brain and human body. You can have no secrets or mental privacy if and when you become connected to this control system. This virtual enslavement system enables both mind control and body control both of which are already happening throughout most of the world. Mind control is occurring on a large scale throughout the world. Body control is only being experienced by a small selection of individuals but it is being developed as a control and enslavement tool for eventual use in curbing the behaviour of most of the human race.

It appears that the individuals who enabled this cruel control system to be developed and administered throughout most of the world wish to remain outside the control system themselves. They wish to be slave masters of the human race. Because of being unknowingly mind controlled most people are totally unaware of this plan for remote neural monitoring for the masses of humanity. This is wireless warfare. If we wish to remain free from enslavement all we need to do is to demolish all telephone towers and related paraphernalia. It is widely believed that the existence of satellites has been hoaxed by NASA who appear to be under some kind of constraint.

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We have been given a conscience in order to use it to discern what is objectively right or wrong before we say or do anything. Under natural law, which is a known and respected science we are not allowed to abandon use of our conscience for any reason whatsoever. However, when nuns profess total obedience to the Pope they are abandoning use of their conscience from that day forward without knowing the true agenda of the Pope and the papacy which he serves. I believe that at the time that novices profess to become nuns they are under a state of brainwashing. They have effectively been manipulated to enslave themselves to an institution which I believe do not have the good of the human race as their agenda. When a religious ceremony is performed in which novices officially become nuns nothing of a supernatural nature actually takes place. This religious ceremony is simply an act of mesmerism. During the brainwashing that subtly takes place in order to get these novices to profess obedience to the Pope for the rest of their lives, a shift happens inside their brains moving them from a central and balanced position on the left brain/right brain continuum to a position of extreme right brain dominance. The characteristics of left brain dominance are cruelty, authoritariansim, intolerance, sadism, vindictiveness, selfishness and greed. The characteristics of left brain dominance are subservience, naivety, obedience, submissiveness and total compliance.

I do not wish to insult nuns. I wish to urge women to reconsider before professing obedience to the Papacy whom I do not trust. The Vatican are considered to be the wealthiest corporation on the planet. A corporation is a business. A business has money and power at the top of its agenda. Please reconsider before you become a nun.  Supreme obedience to the papal authority is always wrong under moral law.

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By their use of data which was obtained by a classified  psychological torture program universally known as remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation, senior Irish Gardaí are either knowingly or unknowingly supporting this wirelessly enabled non-consensual psychological torture system.   It is my opinion that  senior Irish gardai obtain usable data from the worldwide intelligence services.  The worldwide intelligence services themselves obtain a large portion of the data at their disposal by way of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation as standard procedure.  The victims of this classified system known as remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation can not prove that they are wirelessly linked to said system because this is an invisible system which uses energy weapons to collect data from mostly good living human beings.  

  This system is being carried out by the following method  -   intelligent dust particles are being dispersed throughout our bodies and brains through inhalation and ingestion.  These intelligent dust particles are then connected by a two way link of electromagnetic energy to a computer network which is currently manned by unknown neuro staff who work outside the control system.   These largely unknown neuro staff  never come in contact with the police because there appear to be wireless limitations placed on their freedom.

  All of the electrical activity which is generated by  brains and bodies of the wirelessly linked individuals are downloaded to said computer network for data analysis.  These wirelessly lined individuals have no further mental privacy from that day forward.   The brains and bodies of almost everybody in the western world now contain vast quantities of intelligent dust particles which are being used to mind control many of them into a state of unconcern and incredulity whenever the subject of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation is raised.

 The Gardaí at senior level are possibly well aware of the existence and abuse of wireless directed energy weapons within the Republic of Ireland but they have not warned the Irish people about them at this point because they can not yet prove the existence of said wireless directed energy weapons. Honest people who claim they are targeted individuals of said weapons have found that strong radio frequency signals come from their heads at random times of the day. Spectrum analysers could possibly be used by the Gardaí on targeted individuals in order to prove that they are indeed being attacked by said weapons.  

Many targeted individuals throughout Ireland have reported being attacked by wireless weapons which includes having the voices of the neuro staff uploaded into their hearing channels.  However, front line Gardaí have not been informed about the existence and abuse of these wireless directed energy weapons and they currently have no option other than to force the targeted individual to attend for unnecessary psychiatric evaluation.  The  targeted individual can be transferred from there to  a psychiatric hospital where they lose all of their credibility from then on.  This and many other reasons are why the existence and abuse of this technology is being kept hidden from the public.

We must urgently have all wirelessly enabling capabilities demolished and we must return to the use of hard wired devices only.   The existence of satellites is now a well known hoax because it is firmly believed that NASA staff have been under wireless constraint for many decades and has been forced to lie to the public about both the existence of satellites as well as being forced to hoax space travel over the years.  

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Our minds should remain balanced at the centre of a bell curve. 
If we become left brain dominant we become cruel, intolerant, selfish, greedy, sadistic, unmerciful, intolerant, domineering, controlling, tyrannical, inhumane, vindictive and authoritarian.

If we become right brain dominant we become subservient, docile, trusting, obedient, servile, submissive, naive, timid and humble. We become religious extremists and unquestioning order followers.

We all veer from left brain dominant to right brain dominant throughout our lives especially when under stress. However, we strive to remain centred.

I believe that nuns are right brain dominant. They have been manipulated to enslave themselves to the Papacy. We do not know what the true agenda of the papacy actually is. The Vatican is the wealthiest corporation on the planet so we can be sure its agenda is not generosity. The Pope and the Cardinals appear to be left brain dominant.

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The United States government is now openly  targeting  a selected number of citizens of the United States as well as overseas individuals for wirelessly enabled  unlimited remote  neural monitoring  and human experimentation. These selected targeted citizens  are known to the United States police as non-investigative subjects or silent hits.  I have been and still am such a targeted individual and I reside in Ireland.  Voice to skull bio-communication is being used to force me to constantly  listen to the voices of the operatives who run the Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation system.   Recently I have begun to write down and post online  a small selection of what these operatives say to me by means of reproducing their voices inside my head against my will and without my permission.   Here below is a small selection of what these neuro operatives have been communicating to me by wireless means over the past two days.   

"Watch this space.   We will tie her up in knots so that she wont be able to move a muscle."

"There is somebody here who writes what we say."     The response of a different operative was as follows   "We have had those people before.  We just kill them off."

"This is directly affecting the whole system because now we all know what happens when we speak to her."

"You will wind up as meat on my table.   My people will kill this woman and clean her out and prepare her as a dish to be served in front of me."


I myself said to the neuro operatives whose voices I hear coming from inside my head the following  "Why are you hurting both my knees?"   The response I heard back was as follows  "I am conducting experiments on you".   I then asked the following question  "Are you conducting experiments on me for money?  The response I heard back was as follows  "Yes".  

"It is not a nice thing to do to her but we are getting the system into focus in the world".

"Too many people in the know.  We can't go ahead."

"Puffed up information coming through again."

"Which do you use with Gretta Fahey, the carrot or the stick?"

"Put manners on that woman.  She has destabilized the process."

"Try and destroy the system and see who will win."    My response to that statement was as follows  "We will easily win.  There are seven billion of us.  There are only a small number of you.   The phone towers are the linchpin of your wireless weapons.  We will disassemble and ban all phone towers and your weapons will then be powerless."

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We are all aware that a social credit score system has been set up in China and is due to become mandatory in 2020. Data is being collected by electronic means on every citizen in China. Computerized algorithms award or deduct points based on every piece of data which has been collected. These include amount of hours worked each week, the amount of taxes paid to date, credentials, financial debts, financial credits, motoring penalty points, grocery purchasing history, clothing purchasing history, legal involvement, history of raising children, as well as many other pieces of data. A profile is being built on each human being who uses a smart phone, based on everything they say while in the proximity of their smart phone, and also everything they do while in the proximity of their smart phone based on electronic signals which come from their bodies and are being read by said smart phone. The smart phone also collects data on wherever they travel to and how long they remain at each location.
If the amount of points awarded to a Chinese citizen is low they are penalized in many and varied ways. They could possibly be denied access to public transport or be denied access to public buildings such as libraries or art galleries. Their credit card could cease to work if they attempted to purchase luxury items and would only work if they attempted to purchase groceries or other basic needs.
In order to set up a social credit score system which works by computerized algorithms in Ireland, this social credit score system but be first set up manually. Individuals, including myself have been selected for around the clock monitoring so that all of our words and actions can be studied in great detail in preparation for setting up a social credit score system at any time in the future. We are also being monitored in order to conduct many and varied types of research on us. I feel that I have already been partially if not fully incorporated into a manually run social credit score system already. My debit card ceases to work at inopportune moments. The individuals who speak to me via classified wireless voice to skull bio-communication methods have informed me that they deliberately wirelessly disabled my debit card so that it would not work because I have not answered them respectfully. Many other negative occurrences in my life have also been instigated by these same individuals. A social credit score system is an enslavement system. We must stop it ever being set up in Ireland. In order to stop we need to disable the technological infrastructure that supports it.
A social credit score system could possible be installed in Ireland above the heads of our senior politicians because a remote neural monitoring system combined with a remote neural manipulation system has already been instigated throughout the whole island of Ireland and our senior politicians claim to know nothing about it. Has the Irish nation lost its sovereignty?
For information about my unique experiences of being a targeted individual of directed energy weapons in Ireland, Europe please read my website which is called www.

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There is a cruel and all encompassing  wirelessly enabled human control system being set up behind the scenes in Ireland and throughout the wider world.   It is commonly known as Remote Neural Monitoring and Remote Neural Manipulation.   Many individuals throughout each country in Europe and the United States have already been non-consensually, wirelessly tethered to this Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation system.   We all have inhaled and ingested nano technology which is now in our blood stream.   In combination with the nano technology, a large number of individuals have also been non-consensually implanted with a variety of different types of implants.   They are then eternally wirelessly tethered by a two way system  to a super computer where all of the electrical activity being generated by their bodies and brains is being analysed and collated on a constant basis.  This data is then used to build an elaborate profile of each individual where they are further categorised into a personality type for still further analysis.  This is all being carried out in secret by a select few without the permission of the rest of the human race.

Most of the  individuals who have already been wirelessly and non-consensually connected to the super computer network are being forced to hear the voices of the Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation staff members, coming from inside their heads on a constant basis.    The Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation staff members also input a large variety of other data into the brain and body of the targeted individual.   They input sound, moving images, still images, odours, sensations, pain signals, feelings such as extreme fear for no apparent reason, false beliefs, programming to unquestioningly believe what the main-stream media say, and even forced muscle movement.  

I have been a targeted individual of this Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation system for approximately sixteen years.   I have never committed a crime in my life but I believe I came to the attention of the system police because I was claiming disability allowance and presumably they wished to know why.   I am non-consensually, wirelessly linked to the system and I am constantly engaged with the neuro operatives who force me to listen to them on a constant basis.   I have been keeping a blog of  some of what they say to me on a day to day basis and my other experiences of Remote Neural Monitoring and Manipulation.  My website is called and my facebook page is called ; Herebelow is a small sample of what the neuro operatives have informed me of in the past few hours -

"Can you stop this woman from revealing any more information about the system."

"Can you tell me why you don't receive mass on Sunday."

"I am not prepared to be spoken to by this woman at all."

"She ridicules us every time we speak to her."

One of the staff member asked the following question to somebody  "Are ye all under Remote Neural Monitoring in the British police force?"    The response I heard following that question was as follows   "No, only the senior staff."

"The Remote Neural Monitoring System is guiding us out of control"    ---  I was then informed that the word 'us' meant the British police.  

"These are highly dangerous prisoners.  They have to be harassed on a constant basis".    (I am not a prisoner and I have never been a prisoner and I don't know what was meant by the use of the word prisoner.)

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The Jesuit order was founded in 1534. The Jesuits are primarily a military organization with reaches throughout the world. Members of the Jesuit organization are expected to be unquestioningly obedient to their leader. They are even expected to die for the cause of papal supremacy if they are asked to do so and many of them willingly give their lives for that aim. The aim of the Jesuit order is absolute power throughout the world under the dominion of the pope of Rome. They are currently attempting to bring about this absolute power throughout the world in secret by the use of any and all means at their disposal. We have good reason to be afraid of them.
Because the Jesuits were conducting such evil atrocities throughout the world in order to achieve their aim of domination they were banished from many countries. Alexander I of Russia evicted the Jesuits in 1820 and he had all of their masonic lodges shut down. He was poisoned shortly after doing this. Because the Jesuits have sought to take over and control every country in which they reside they have been systematically thrown out of eighty three countries over the past five hundred years.
A Jesuit professor named Adam Weishaupt formed the Illuminati in 1776 in order to provide a front for the Jesuit organization. The Illuminati are primarily a Jesuit organization. Other organizations such as the free masons, the council for foreign relations, the International bankers, the Club of Rome, Opus Dei, Bilderbergers, and the Knights of Malta are buffers behind which the Jesuits operate. They insinuated themselves into the masonic lodges in secret down through the years. In fact they own and control most of the operations of the masons , unknown to many low level free masons. They are almost never mentioned in masonic lodges.
The Jewish Rothschild bankers who are high level masonic Jews formed an alliance with the Jesuits. The Rothschilds are simply papal banking pawns. They are Knights of Malta and keepers of the Vatican treasure. The Jesuits are the real power behind the throne of the Papacy.
Around the beginning of the eighteen hundreds, free governments were being established throughout the world. These free governments were governments of the people, for the people and by the people. These were known as governments of the many. The Jesuits, the Pope of Rome, Pope Pius VII, and the Kings of Europe were very worried about this situation because they knew that if they did not destroy these free popular governments, the principles in use by these governments would eventually destroy them. They convened a meeting in Vienna in 1814. It was voted that they would pursue the destruction of free popular governments throughout the world in a secret war, which still to this day remains secret and ongoing.
The United States government which was a free and popular government of the people was seen to be the biggest thorn in the side of this alliance of the Jesuits, the Kings of Europe and the papacy. The alliance of the Jesuits, the Kings of Europe and the Papacy sent thousands and thousands of priests to the United States of America. Combined with that, many of the American free masons were unknowingly following the orders of the Jesuits because the Jesuits controlled freemasonry at the top level. All United States freemasons are obliged to follow the orders of their free masonic lodge leader rather the be obedient to the United States constitution.
When many Jesuit fathers had infiltrated the United States, they wished to take set up a privately owned central bank there. However, there were many American millionnaires who were opposed such a venture and the Jesuits needed to have them killed. These millionnaires were invited to travel on the Titanic on its maiden voyage. Fifty other first class passengers including J.P. Morgan cancelled their reservations to travel at the last minute. Jesuit co-agitors were all under orders to die for the papacy if deemed necessary. The captain of the Titanic who was a veteran sea captain and who was presumed to be a Jesuit was given orders to take the ship through an eighty square mile ice field at full speed on a moonless night. He was warned eight times to slow down. He refused to do so. He successfully carried out his mission to have these American millionnaires killed, thereby paving the was to set up a central bank in the U.S.A.
The privately owned and controlled Federal Reserve central bank was then set up. It is owned by the Vatican and is controlled through the Knights of Malta affiliated Rothschilds and through the Knights Templar. In October, 1929, the Jesuits crashed the American stock market. They used Joseph P Kennedy to achieve this. The Vatican then invested millions of dollars in all of the Corporations and businesses that had gone bankrupt through the stock market crash. When Wall Street came back into power, the Archbishop of New York completely controlled all of the major corporations in the U.S.A. The Jesuits also created a dictatorship out of the office of the President of the United States in the following way. In 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into law a state of emergency and the constitution of the United States was set aside. The state of emergency has never been cancelled since. The U.S. is currently in a state of dictatorship. President Roosevelt was a freemason. An oath to freemasonry supersedes an oath to the United States constitution.
The privately owned federal reserve bank was used to finance world wars one and two and the Iraq wars and all other recent wars. There would be no wars without the federal reserve bank which uses fiat money to finance them.
Marxism was based on the Jesuit owned slave plantations in South America. Roman Catholic institutions promulgate communist principles. Communism is the brain child of the Jesuits but it has been made to look Jewish through implementing it through Karl Marx and his Communist Manifesto.
The Jesuits now own and control Washington DC and the Pentagon. The courts are controlled by the Jesuit owned Georgetown university. Five out of nine of the supreme court judges are catholic. The Bush family have been under the control of the Jesuits for decades. George W. Bush belongs to Skull and Bones, a Jesuit controlled Illuminati secret society. Fidel Castro was a Jesuit.
Many good living Americans now wish to secceed from Washington DC. They wish to decentralize power throughout America. They wish to re-establish separate governments for each state. They wish to attend spiritual centres that have no affiliations to any government or organised religion. They wish to shine a light on evil. Currently, wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons are being used throughout the world to generate moving images in order to frighten people into belonging to state controlled organised religions. Further to that nano technology now exists which can be dispersed throughout peoples brains and bodies so as to control them and make them appear to be demonically possessed in order to frighten people into belonging to organised religions. Electronic mind control is being used to entrain the brains of individuals into false states when they are inside some churches. Please be wary of this if and when you are in church. Consider having all wireless enabling capabilities banned in your region.    I obtained all of the above information from a youtube videocalled Vatican Secret Societies Jesuits and the New World order to be found  at the following link

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I am a non-consensual  victim of an unknown crime syndicate who use formerly classified voice to skull direct human communication to  to  speak to me by wireless means and from a remote location  against my will and without my permission.   I have been brain to computer linked for more than fifteen years.  These criminals are able to decode much of the electrical activity generated by my brain and body throughout each day via a two way stream of electromagnetic energy which is wirelessly linked to embedded material inside  my brain and body.   I sometimes write down what these individuals who reproduce their voices inside my head say to me and post it online in many and varied social media sites and on my own website which is called ; Here is some of what these voices which I hear coming from inside my head have been saying to me over the past few days.

"Sidney house corporation has asked why is this woman being allowed to send secret information around the world".

"It is highly inappropriate to throw out that many carrots".

"How dare you write down what we say.  It was never in the bargain. Certain people are extremely distraught."

"I have become an accomplice in this so I may as well destroy the woman".

"If we fail to get her married off we will instead deem her to have borderline paranoid schizophrenia."

"They will kill us or they will kill her if that goes out".

"She is neither elegant nor astute."

"She is not one of us.  Why the heck didnt we know that before we came here?    This was replied to by another unknown voice as follows  "We did know it because none of them are with us.  They are all non-consensual.  It server us better to pretend we believe that they have consented to being neuro research subjects.  

"The Antifada are here at the lookout post.  The lair of the neuro research group is underground in London.  It can be accessed through a chamber inside the house of Lords."

"How many chances does this woman need.  Speak to me or else".

"There is no income stream coming from this woman.  This was responded to by another unknown voice as follows  "An income stream will be now set up to come from this womans estate.   Further to that I heard the following information also coming from inside my head   "This is against all known laws of the circuit courts".   The response I heard then was as follows  "Signalling each other is not the way forward.  I have killed your information source".    While this was being said I got a strong feeling that the individual who I was brain to brain linked at that exact time had been killed because I can feel their emotions and I felt something very strange and unexplanable coming from the brain to brain link into my own head.

"We will decommission the system if this much information is out there".

"This pig of a woman has no right to exist".

"We will have to abandon ship.  We are in danger".  

I had been kept awake at night because of hearing constant voice to skull direct human communication voices coming from inside my head.  I had complained about this during the day via the voice to skull direct human communication system.  I had been unable to carry out my own business due to extreme tiredness.  They then informed me that they had deprived the night staff who had been keeping me awake of work for four weeks as a punishment.  However, other night staff had then later on  begun to keep me awake.  I complained to these individuals that they were keeping me awake by their continual talking during the night.  I then heard the following voices coming from inside my head while speaking to each other "Do you want a four week vacation?.  This was followed by "Yes."   This was followed by "Well keep her awake then."  This was followed by still another inner voice which said "You are going to have to leave this employ.  You are turning against the welfare of this woman."

"If this woman had had a hysterectomy we would have had her by now.  We would have got to the bowel and scared it a bit in order to cause her problems in the future".  

"You have gone out of your way to make me cross".

"Keep your head above the radar and I will slowly inform you that we will kill you".  

"We can pretty much do what we like here.  We have no consideration for you.  Obviously we care enough to keep you alive.  It would be counter productive otherwise."

I would like to strongly advice other recepients of voice to skull unwanted voices to reply to the voices in the following manner as a matter of course.  "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head entirely without my permission while saying the following   (then you repeat whatever you heard them say).  This may lead to exposure in the future for the following reason,   A permanent electronic record of anybody who uses wirelessly enabled  technology  in order to speak to unknown targeted individuals remotely and without their permission might be kept for security reasons.  If and when the courts obtain those electronic records the perpetrators will not be able to claim that they did not know that they were projecting their voices inside the heads on non-consensual and extremely unwilling human beings if you inform them each time they speak to you that you are hearing their voices coming from inside your head and it is non-consensual.  .

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